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菲律宾总统今起访华 将“向中国伸出友谊之手”

2016-10-18 09:50:46 来源: 中国新闻网(北京)举报

(原标题:菲律宾总统今起访华 “向中国伸出友谊之手”)

中新网北京10月18日电 菲律宾总统杜特尔特今日起将对中国展开为期4天的国事访问。此次访华,是杜特尔特就任总统以来首次访问非东盟国家。他表示,将通过此访“向中国伸出友谊之手”,展现对中国政府和中国人民的敬意,并与中方就诸多议题交换意见。

<=“" p=”“ style=”vertical-align: top;border: 0px;max-width: 580px;line-height: 26px;text-align: center;“> 10月13日,菲律宾总统罗德里戈·杜特尔特在位于马尼拉的总统府接受中国新闻社记者专访。中新社记者 侯宇 摄







<=”“ p=”“ style=”vertical-align: top;border: 0px;max-width: 580px;letter-spacing: normal;text-align: center;“> 10月13日,菲律宾总统罗德里戈·杜特尔特在位于马尼拉的总统府接受中国新闻社记者专访。中新社记者 侯宇 摄



不是为了吵架而来 会“柔和地”谈论南海问题




<=”“ p=”“ style=”vertical-align: top;border: 0px;max-width: 580px;letter-spacing: normal;text-align: center;"> 10月13日,菲律宾总统罗德里戈·杜特尔特在位于马尼拉的总统府接受中国新闻社记者专访。中新社记者 侯宇 摄






















第四篇:里根总统访华欢迎宴会上的演讲 英文版(范文)

Speech at Welcoming banquet

Ronald Reagan

April 27, 1984

Since we arrived the graciousness with which we have been received has been truly heartwarming.A Chinese proverb best describes my feeling: when the visitor arrives, it is as if returning home.Having already known Premier Zhao, one of the purposes of my visit was to make new friends.But I find that instead of making friends, I am among friends.Mr.Premier, your memorable visit to the United States permitted you to judge for yourself the intentions of the American people.I hope the good will you experienced, just as I have enjoyed from your people, confirmed to you that our citizens want our countries to work in harmony.The American and Chinese Government have responded to that wish in a series of formal communiqués which set forth the fundamental principles of our relationship: the 1972 Shanghai communiqués;the January 1, 1979 communiqué establishing diplomatic relations;and, the August 17, 1982 communiqué negotiated by my administration.Mr.Premier, by any accounting, the cooperation between China and the United States already has been a boon to our people.We have both gained.In the last few years, two-way trade has taken off.There has been a veritable explosion of student, science, business, and tourist exchanges between our peoples.Joint business ventures, which profit all concerned, are multiplying.We would be less than candid if we minimized the significance of the benefits we each receive from our good relations.Standing together, we expand the trade and commercial ties that increase the quality of life in both countries.Standing together, we can further peace and security.Great nations, if adversaries, cannot draw from each others’ strengths.The commitment to stand as friends has been made.The promise is solid.The challenges that remain, however, will take both patience and mutual understanding.I have suggested, and with your permission, say again this evening: let us use as our guide the principle of mutual respect, mutual benefit.This principle has within it both dignity and fairness.Another source from which to draw is our knowledge of each other, a well of familiarity which increases in depth with every passing day.We are each working hard to learn more about the delicate and detailed workings of the other’s system— ours with its complex legal procedures based on the separation of powers, and yours with its own intricate patterns.Insights into why and how decisions are made can help both us appreciate our agreements and accept in good faith our disagreements.For what we see, Premier Zhao, my countrymen are enthused by what is happening in China.Your modernization program, an ambitious undertaking, makes our future relationship even more promising.You are striving to quadruple your production by the year 2 000.The eyes of the world are watching as you progress on this peaceful and productive course.The American people wish you success and offer you our cooperation in this great endeavor.Americans, more than others, admire those who set great goals and strive to improve their lot.When that first American merchant ship set sail for China 200 years ago, our forefathers were citizens of a weak republic living in an unexplored and undeveloped land.We Americans are proud of our accomplishments in these last 200 years, just as you are rightfully proud of the

enormous contributions Chinese civilization has made to mankind.As China moves forward to modernize and develop its economy, the United States is eager to join in a cooperative effort to share the American capabilities that helped turn our country from a vast wilderness into an industrial giant.Those American capabilities flow from the creative enterprise our society encourages.Our progress is based on what we have found to work.If it did not work, the American people, who are pragmatic by nature, would likely have abandoned it long ago.China today, I understand, is taking its own practical approach.By increasing incentives and decentralizing decision making, you are promoting innovation, creativity, and a better ability to adapt to local conditions.The responsibility system in agriculture has spurred increases in food production throughout China.And the Special Economic Zones are providing dramatic examples of how incentives can raise productivity and offer bountiful opportunities for a better life.In your drive for modernization, you have our best wishes.If you ask our advice, we can only answer with truth as we see it.But let me assure you that we want you to succeed.Having one billion people—nearly a quarter of mankind healthy, well-fed, clothed and housed, educated and given the opportunity for a higher standard of living---is in the interest of good and decent people everywhere.It is certainly in the interest of the American people, who wish to trade and be friends with the Chinese people.Premier Zhao, as we are all aware, our cooperation is based on more than simply the desire to improve our economies.Today the peace of the world is threatened by a major power that is focusing its resources and energies not on economic progress but, instead, on military power.The shift in military might of the last decade has made trust and friendship between us ever more vital.I know it is your desire, and that of the United States as well, that peace be preserved.We seek to better the quality of life of our people and that can be done only in a peaceful environment.War is the great destroyer of all the hopes of mankind.To preserve the peace and protect our own sovereignty and independence, we stand together in opposing expansionism and hegemony.Both of us seek to promote peace and reconciliation through dialogue between South and North on the Korean peninsula.Both of us seek the early independence of Namibia and an end to outside interference in the affairs of southern Africa.Although our prescriptions for getting there are quite different, we share a common desire for a resolution of the turmoil in the Middle East and Central America.Both of us seek an end to the use of chemical weapons, and agree on the necessity of reducing nuclear arms.A strong China dedicated to peace, clearly, is in the best interest of international stability and in the best interest of the United States.A robust and enduring friendship will bolster the security of both of our countries without compromising the independence of either.It will be the trust between us that will keep us and the world at peace.In this, let us be of the same kind.And as a saying from The Book of Changes goes, “If two people are of the same kind, their sharpness can cut through metal.”

It is the hope and prayer of the American people that someday there will no longer be a need for our Nation to use any of its resources to produce weapons of any kind.The Chinese and American people are now showing the world, by our example, that there is a better way than hatred and violence.Many of us in this room have seen much history in our lifetimes.My own lifetime spans one third of the history of the American Republic.Over the many years that God has permitted me to

live, I have observed the changing nature of the relationship between our two countries.At times, our feelings toward each other were hostile and negative.Today we have the opportunity to keep our countries on a path of genuine good will that will reap rewards for generations to come.Let us not shy from the task.It will not be easy.Yet, let us move forward so that some day when the young people of our countries reach a ripe old age, they will look back and there will be no memory of a time when there was anything else but friendship and good feelings between the Chinese and American people.That is a gift we can give to them.


The Great Wall Is No Longer a Dividing Wall--Toast of President Nixon at a Banquet Honoring the Premier in Peking Great Hall of the People Feb.25, 1972


——美国总统尼克松在访华答谢宴会上的祝酒词 北京 人民大会堂 1972年2月25日

It is a great privilege that while we are guests in your country to be able to welcome you and the Chinese who are present here as our guests this evening.能有机会在贵国做客期间欢迎阁下和今晚在座的诸位中国客人,我们感到十分荣幸。

On behalf of Mrs.Nixon and all of the members of our official party, I want to express my deep appreciation for the boundless and gracious hospitality which you have extended to us.请允许我代表我的夫人以及同行的全体成员,对你们给予我们无限盛情的款待,表示衷心的感谢。

As you know, it is the custom in our country that the members of the press have the right to speak for themselves and that no one in government can speak for them.But I am sure that all those from the American press who are here tonight will grant me the rare privilege of speaking for the press in extending their appreciation to you and your government for the many courtesies you have extended to them.大家知道,按照我国的习惯,我们的新闻界人士有权代表他们自己讲话,而政府官员是没有代表他们讲话的权利的。但我相信,今晚在座的全体美国新闻界人士都会授予我这一罕有的特权,代表他们感谢阁下和贵国政府给予他们的种种礼遇。

You have made it possible for the story of this historic visit to be read, seen, and heard by more people all over the world than on any previous occasion in history.你们已使全世界空前之多的人们得以读到、看到、听到这一历史性访问的情景。

Yesterday, along with hundreds of millions of viewers on television, we saw what is truly one of the wonders of the world, the Great Wall.As I walked along the Wall, I thought of the sacrifices that went into building it;I thought of what it showed about the determination of the Chinese people to retain their independence throughout their long history;I thought about the fact that the Wall tells us that China has a great history and that the people who built this wonder of the world also have a great future.昨天,我们同几亿电视观众一起参观了名副其实的世界奇迹之———中国长城。当我在城墙上漫步时,我感受到了在建筑这座城墙时所付出的巨大牺牲;我认为它显示了在悠久的人类历史上始终保持独立的中国人民的决心;我想到这样一个事实,那就是,长城告诉我们,中国有伟大的历史,建造这个世界奇迹的人民也会有伟大的未来。

The Great Wall is no longer a wall dividing China from the rest of the world, but it is a reminder of the fact that there are many walls still existing in the world which divide nations and peoples.长城已不再是一道把中国和世界其他地区隔开的城墙。但是,它使人们想起,世界上仍然存在许多把各个国家和人民隔开的城墙。

The Great Wall is also a reminder that for almost a generation there has been a wall between the People‟s Republic of China and the United States of America.长城还使人们想起,在几乎一代人的岁月里,中华人民共和国和美国之间存在着一道城墙。

In these past 4 days we have begun the long process of removing that wall between us.We began our talks recognizing that we have great differences, but we are determined that those differences not prevent us from living together in peace.四天以来,我们已经开始着手拆除横亘在我们之间的这座城墙。在开始会谈时我们就承认彼此之间存在着巨大的分歧,但是我们决心不让这些分歧阻碍我们和平相处。

You believe deeply in your system, and we believe just as deeply in our system.It is not our common beliefs that have brought us together here, but our common interests and our common hopes, the interest that each of us has to maintain our independence and the security of our peoples and the hope that each of us has to build a new world order in which nations and peoples with different systems and different values can live together in peace, respecting one another while disagreeing with one another, letting history rather than the battlefield be the judge of their different ideas.你们深信你们的制度,我们也同样深信我们的制度。我们在这里聚会,并不是由于我们有共同的信仰,而是由于我们有共同的利益和共同的希望,我们每一方都有这样的希望,就是建立一种新的世界秩序,具有不同制度和不同价值标准的国家和人民可以在其中和平相处,互有分歧但互相尊重,让历史而不是让战场对他们的不同思想做出判断。

Mr.Prime Minister, you have noted that the plane which brought us here, is named the Spirit of „76‟.Just this week, we have celebrated in America the birth of George Washington, the Father of our Country, who led America to independence in our Revolution and served as our first President.总理先生,你已注意到送我们到这里来的飞机名为“76年精神号”。就在这个星期,我们美国庆祝了国父乔治·华盛顿的诞辰,是他领导美国人民在革命中取得了独立,并担任了我们的第一届总统。

He bade farewell at the close of his term with these words to his countrymen: “Observe good faith and justice toward all nations.Cultivate peace and harmony with all.”


It is in that spirit, the spirit of „76‟, that I ask you to rise and join me in a toast to Chairman Mao, to Premier Chou, to the people of our two countries, and to the hope of our children that peace and harmony can be the legacy of our generation to theirs.就是本着这种精神——76精神,我请大家站起来同我一起举杯,为毛主席,为周总理,为两国人民,为我们子孙后代的希望,即我们这一代能给他们留下和平与和睦的遗产。干杯!



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