
时间:2019-05-15 04:33:25下载本文作者:会员上传



1.双重领导制度 system of dual leadership 2.大生产运动 large scale production campaign 3.革命军人委员会 revolutionary armymen s committee

4.新式整军运动 new type of ideological education movement in the Liberation Army 5.官兵一致 unity between officers and men 6.军民一致 unity between army and people 7.瓦解敌军 disintegration of the enemy forces

8.拥政爱民公约 pledge of supporting government and cherishing people 9.党务委员会 Party affairs committee

10.军政委员会 military and polotical committee 11.连队党支部 Party branch of company

12.前敌委员会 Party s committee in front of enemy 13.政治指导员 political instructor 14.军事法院 military court

15.军事检察院 military procuratorate

16.中国人民解放军出版社 Chinese People's Liberation Army Publishing House 18.干部下连当兵代职制度 system of officers serving as soldiers in company and functioning in an acting capacity 19.战场纪律 battlefield discipline

20.《中国人民解放军保密条例》 Security Regulations of the CPLA

21.《中华人民共和国惩治军人违反职责罪暂行条例》 Provisional Regulations Regarding the Punishment Upon Armymen Committing Crimes of Neglecting Their Duties,the People's Republic of China

22.八一体育工作队 August First Physical Culture and Sports Team 23.解放军艺术学院 Art Collgge of the Chinese People s LiberationArmy 24.军队文艺创作 literary and artistic creation in the Army 25.军乐团 Band of the Chinese People's Liberation Army 26.连队俱乐部 company club

27.全军体育运动大会 army wide sports meet

28.全军文艺会演大会 theatrical festival of the whole army 29.文艺工作团 art and culturla troupe

30.《中国人民解放军战时立功条例(草案)》 CPLA Regulations Relating to Rendering Meritorious Services During Wartime〔draft〕

31.中华人民共和国勋章奖章(decoration and medal awarded by the People's Republic of China

32.中国人民解放军的奖章 medal of the Chinese People's Liberation Army 33.革命残废军人 revolutionary disabled armymen

34.革命残废军人学校 schools of revolutionsry disabled armymen 35.革命烈士 revolutionary martyrs

36.革命烈士陵园 cemetery of revolutionary martyrs

37.战场宣传鼓动 conducting propaganda and agitation in battlefield

38.飞夺泸定桥二十二勇士 22 Warriors Who Dashed Through the Luding Bridge 39.十七勇士 Seventeen Warriors

40.八女投江 Eight Heroines who Drowned Themselves in a River 41.狼牙山五壮士 Langya Shan Five Heroic Men 42.刘老庄连 Liulaozhuang Company

43.群众工作模范团 Model Regiment in Doing Mass Work 44.大练岛连 Dalian Island Company 45.钢铁营 Steel Battalion

46.济南第一团 First Regiment in Liberating Jinan 47.临汾旅 Linfen Brigade 48.洛阳营 Luoyang Battalion

49.塔山英雄团 Tashan Heroic Regiment

50.爱国爱岛天涯哨兵 Sentries in the Remotest Corner of the Earth Who Love Their Country and Island

51.洞头先锋女子民兵连 Vanguard Militiawoman Company of Dongtou 52.法卡山英雄营 Faka Shan Heroic Battalion 53.海上先锋艇 Vanguard Sea Vessel 54.航空兵英雄中队 Heroic Aviation Squadron 55.红旗民兵团 Red Flag Militia Regiment 56.红旗民兵营 Red Flag Militia Battalion 57.红色前哨连 Red Outpost Company

58.护林灭火英雄班 Heroic Squad in Protecting Forests and Putting out Extensive Fire

59.坚守英雄连 Heroic Company in Holding Fast to Its Position

60.进藏英雄先遣连 〔Heroic Advance Company in Marching into Xizang(Tibet

61.抗洪救灾爱民模范营 Model Battalion in Fighting Flood and Providing Disaster Relief

62.南京路上好八连 Good Eighth Company on Nanjing Road

63.劈山开路先锋连 Vanguard Company Cutting Its Way through the Mountains 64.唐山抗震救灾模范连 Model Company in Earthquake Relief Work in Tangshan 65.硬骨头六连 Hard boned Sixth Company

66.丈量世界屋脊的英雄测绘大队 Heroic Mapping Unit Which Surveyed the Roof of the World

67.支前模范连 Model Company in Supporting the Front

68.支前模范民兵连 Model Militia Company in Supporting the Front














1.双重领导制度 system of dual leadership

2.大生产运动 large scale production campaign

3.革命军人委员会 revolutionary armymen s committee

4.新式整军运动 new type of ideological education movement in the Liberation Army

5.官兵一致 unity between officers and men

6.军民一致 unity between army and people

7.瓦解敌军 disintegration of the enemy forces

8.拥政爱民公约 pledge of supporting government and cherishing people

9.党务委员会 Party affairs committee

10.军政委员会 military and polotical committee

11.连队党支部 Party branch of company

12.前敌委员会 Party s committee in front of enemy

13.政治指导员 political instructor

14.军事法院 military court

15.军事检察院 military procuratorate

16.中国人民解放军出版社 Chinese People's Liberation Army Publishing House

18.干部下连当兵代职制度 system of officers serving as soldiers in company and functioning in an acting capacity

19.战场纪律 battlefield discipline

20.《中国人民解放军保密条例》 Security Regulations of the CPLA



1,线架:BOBBIN2,磁芯:CORE3, 胶带:TAPE4,挡墙胶带:MARGIN TAPE5,保险丝:FUSE6,套管:TUBE7,标签:LABEL8,环氧树脂:EPOXY9,铁夹:CLIP10,底座:BASE11,盖子:CASE12铜箔:COPPER FOIL13,凡立水:VARNISH14铜线:COPPER wire15,黑片:ANNEALED16,引线:LEAD WIRE






20,圈数:TURN21,气隙: GAP22,剪除:CUT OFF23,品质因素:QUALITY FACTOR 24,浸泡:DIP25,初级:PRIMARY26,次级:SECONDARY27,频率:FREQUENCY 28,输出功率:OUTPUT POWER29,磁通密度:FLUX DENSITY30,型号:TYPE31,尺寸:SIZE









the 30th Session of the Standing Committee of the National People’s Congress 商标注册 trademark registration 商标注册的审查和核准 examination and approval of trademark registration 注册商标的续展、转让和使用许可 renewal, assignment and licensing of registered trademarks 注册商标争议的裁定 the determination of disputes concerning registered trademarks 商标使用的管理 the administration of the use of the trademarks 注册商标专用权的保护 the protection of the Right to Exclusive Use of a registered trademark 总则 general provisions 附则 supplementary provisions 10.生产、经营者 the producers and operators 11.社会主义市场经济 the Socialist market economy 12.国务院工商行政管理部门商标局 the Trademark Office of the administrative department for industry and commerce under the State Council 13.商标评审委员会 the Trademark Review and Adjudication Board 14.商品商标 the commodity trademark 服务商标 the service trademark 集体商标 the collective trademark

证明商标 the certification trademark 15.商标注册人享有商标专用权,受法律保护 the trademark registrants shall be entitled to the right to exclusive use of their trademarks and protected by law.16.(重复前面提到的)该组织

the said organization 17.监督能力 the supervising power 18.限期提出答辩 to reply within the specified period 19.该组织以外的单位或者个人 the units and individuals apart from the said organizations 20.自然人、法人或者其他组织对其生产、制造、加工、拣选或者经销的商品,需要取得商标专用权的,应当向商标局申请商品商标注册。Any natural person, legal person and other organization that needs to acquire the right to exclusive use of the trademark for the commodities it produces, manufactures, processes, selects or markets shall file an application for commodity trademark registration with the Trademark Office.21.适用于…,对….有适用性

be applicable to 22.共同享有和行使该商标专用权 to enjoy and exercise the right to exclusive use of their trademark jointly 23.关于、至于 with respect to / in respect of 24.国家规定必须使用注册商标的商品 the commodities that the State has designated as requiring the use of a registered trademark

25.各级工商行政管理部门 the administrative departments for industry and commerce at all levels 26.欺骗消费者的行为 practices that deceives the customers 27.有显著特征,便于识别 have distinctive characteristics easy to identify 28.中央国家机关 the central government agencies 29.标志性建筑物 the symbol buildings 30.与…相同或相近的be identical with or similar to …

31.不易误导公众的商标 trademarks unlikely to mislead the public 32.带有民族歧视性的 trademarks having the nature of discrimination against any nationality

33.夸大宣传并带有欺骗性的商标 trademarks that constituting exaggerated advertising and are deceitful 34.有害于社会主义道德风尚或者有其他不良影响的商标 trademarks detrimental to socialist morality and 1 customs, or having other harmful influences 35.县级以上行政区划 the administrative districts at the level of county or above 36.驰名商标 the well-known trademark 37.委托人/被代理人

the principal 38.被代表人

the represented 39.提出异议 raise an opposition 40.已经善意取得注册的继续有效 trademarks that have been registered in good faith shall continue to be valid 41.人文因素 human cultural factors 42.对等原则 the principle of reciprocity 43.一国和中华人民共和国签订的协议或者共同参加的国际条约 any agreement concluded between a foreign country and PRC, or any international treaty to which both countries are parties 44.委托国家认可的具有商标代理资格的组织代理 to entrust an organization certified by the Chinese Government as having the qualification for trademark agency to act on its behalf 45.商品类别和商品名称 the class and the designation of the commodities 46.变更申请 an application to make the change 47.相互承认优先权的原则 the principle of mutual acknowledgement of the right of priority 48.书面声明 a written declaration 49.中国政府主办的或者承认的国际展览会 any international exhibition sponsored or acknowledged by the Chinese Government 50.符合…,与…一致

in conformity with

51.初步审定 make a preliminary examination and approval of sth.52.予以公告

publicly announce sth.53.向人民法院起诉 file an action to the people’s court / bring a suit before a people’s court/ to institute legal proceedings in people’s court 54.控告某人 to bring an action against sb.55.做出裁定 make a ruling 56.生效 to take effect 57.异议成立 the opposition is upheld [uphold 维持,批准 e.g.: The judge upheld the lower court's decision.] 58.公告期满 the period of public announcement expires 59.通知当事人 to notify the parties 60.注册商标的有效期为十年,自核准注册之日起计算 the period of validity of a registered trademark shall be 10 years, counted from the day the registration is approved.61.转让人 the assignors 受让人 the assignees 62.授权,批准 to authorize 许可人 the licensors 被许可人the licensees 63.商标使用许可合同应当报商标局备案 the trademark licensing contract shall be submitted to the Trademark Office for the archivist purpose.64.不正当手段 the illicit means 65.对恶意注册的,驰名商标所有人不受五年的时间限制 the owner of a well-known trademark shall not be subject to the limit of 5 years to request the revocation of bad-faith registration.66.限期提出答辩 to reply within the specified period 67.商标裁定程序 the trademark ruling proceedings 68.责令限期改正 to order rectification of the situation within a specified period 69.自行…的(未经允许的…)without authorization 2 70.连续三年 three consecutive years 71.粗制滥造,以次充好的商品 crudely manufactured commodities that are passed off as being of high quality 72.予以通报或者处以罚款 to circulate a notice on the matter or impose a fine 73.冒充注册商标 to falsely represent a trademark as being a registered one 74.遵守规定,履行决定

to comply with a decision 75.强制执行 a compulsory enforcement of(the decision)76.侵犯注册商标专用权 be an infringement upon the right to exclusive use / infringe upon the right to exclusive use 77.侵权行为成立 an infringement is constituted 78.没收、销毁侵权商品 to confiscate and destroy the infringing commodities 79.《中华人民共和国行政诉讼法》the Administrative Procedure Law of the PRC 80.《中华人民共和国民事诉讼法》the Civil Procedure Law of the PRC 81.就赔偿数额进行调解 to conduct mediation over the amount of compensation for sth.82.有权依法查处 to have the right to investigate into and punish the acts…

83.涉嫌犯罪的行为,应当及时移送司法机关依法处理 if a crime is suspected to be constituted, the case shall be promptly transferred to the judicial departments for handling according to law.84.违法嫌疑证据或者举报 the evidence for suspicion of illegal acts or the report made by other people 85.行使下列职权

to exercise the following powers 86.调查有关情况 to investigate the information relating to …

87.查阅有关的合同、发票、账簿以及其他有关资料 to consult the contracts, vouchers, account books and other relevant materials 88.实施现场检查 to conduct on-spot examination 89.查封或者扣押 to seal up or seize the relevant articles 90.通过…所获得的利益 the proceeds obtained from … 91.由于…所受到的损失

the losses suffered by …

92.根据侵权行为的情节 according to the circumstances of the infringing acts 93.承担赔偿责任 to bear the liability for compensation 94.难以弥补的损害 irreparable damages 95.财产查封 attachment of property 96.责令停止有关行为和财产保全的措施 an order of the measures for stopping relevant acts and for attachment 97.保全证据 to preserve the evidence

98.裁定立即开始执行 the ruling shall be executed immediately 99.提供担保 to provide security 100.驳回申请 to reject the application 101.解除保全措施 discharge the measures for preservation 102.依法追究刑事责任 to investigate into for the criminal responsibilities according to law 103.国家机关工作人员必须秉公执法,廉洁自律,忠于职守,文明服务 the functionaries of state organs must handle the cases justly, be incorruptible and self-disciplined, be devoted to their duties and serve in a courteous and honest way 104.从事…活动 to undertake the activities of …

105.建立健全内部监督制度 to establish and improve the internal supervision system 106.玩忽职守 to neglect one’s duties 滥用职权 to abuse one’s powers 徇私舞弊 to practice favoritism / to engage in malpractice for personal gain 3 107.牟取不正当利益 to seek improper profits 108.给予行政处分 give sb.administrative punishment 109.生效,(法律、法规)施行 go into effect / enter into force 110.同时废止 to be repealed simultaneously 111.公布法律条例 to promulgate a law / regulation 112.《中华人民共和国商标法》the Trademark Law of the PRC

第五篇:俄罗斯军事词汇 俄语


武装力量 Вооруженные Силы

陆军 Сухопутные войска

俄军(不包括海军)Россиийская Армия

国土防空军 Войска противовоздушной обороны(ПВО)

国防部 Министерство обороны

空军 Военно-Воздушные Силы(ВВС)

国防部长 министр обороны

海军 Военно-Морской Флот(ВМФ)

总参谋部 Генеральный штаб(Генштаб)

边防军 пограничные войска

总参谋部长 Генерального штаба

内卫军 внутренние войска

陆海军总政治部 Главное политическое управление Российской Армии и Военно-Морского Флота

远东军区 Дальневосточный военный округ

总政治部主任 начальник Главного политического управления

后贝加尔军区 Забайкальский военный округ

总后勤部 Управление Тыла

西伯利亚军区 Сибирский военный округ

总干部部 Главное управление кадров

中亚军区 Среднеазнатский военный округ

总军械部 Главное управление вооружения

土耳其斯坦军区 Туркестанский военный округ

总财务部 Центральное финансовое управление

莫斯科军区 Московский военный округ

总监察长 Главный инспектор

基辅军区 Киевский военный округ

建筑和营房部 Строительное и квартирное управление

白俄罗斯军区 Белорусский военный округ

部长 начальник управления

列宁格勒军区 Ленинградский военный округ

战略火箭军 Ракетные войска стратегического назначения

波罗的海沿岸军区 Прибалтийский военный округ

外高加索军区 Закавказский военный округ

喀尔巴阡军区 Прикарпатский военный округ

伏尔加河沿岸军区 Приволжский военный округ

奥德萨军区 Одесский военный округ

乌拉尔军区 Уральский военный округ

北高加索军区 Северо-Кавказский военный округ



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