既是形容词也是副词的 英语单词

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第一篇:既是形容词也是副词的 英语单词

(一)late/lately late 意为“迟,晚”,置于句末或动词后。He goes to bed late and gets up late.lately 意为“近来,最近”,相当于 recently,可置于句首也可置于句末。Lately I've collected a lot of foreign stamps.(二)pretty/prettily pretty 与 rather,very 相近,意为“相当,十分”。It's pretty cold outdoors today.prettily 意为“漂亮地,有礼貌地”。She was prettily dressed at the party.(三)hard/hardly hard 意为“努力地,猛烈地”。It is raining hard.hardly 意为“几乎不,简直不”,常置于行为动词前或情态动词、助动词、系动词之后。I was so tired that I could hardly walk.(四)new/newly new 作副词一般用在某些合成词中,常与过去分词构成合成形容词,两个词之间有连字符。a new-born babya new-laid eggnewly 意为“新近地”,一般用于修饰过去分词,中间无连字符。They are a newly married couple.Don't sit on the newly painted chair.(五)easy/easily easy 作副词意义和 easily 相同,但它仅用于某些惯用语中。如: Take it easy.别着急。Easy come,easy go.来得容易,去得快。Easier said than done.说来容易做来难。Stand easy!稍息!Easily 意为“容易地,轻松地,随便地”。He lots his temper easily.他很容易发火。

(六)firm/firmly firm 与 firmly 意义相同,它仅用于与某些动词的习惯搭配中。如: hole firm,stand firm.Whatever they may say,I'll stand firm by you.无论他们说什么,我都会坚定地站在你身边。firmly 意为“牢牢地,坚定地”,可放在动词前,也可放在动词后。I firmly believe in his leadership.我坚信他的领导。“We won't give in,” he said firmly.“我们决不投降。”他坚定地说。

(七)deep/deeply deep 意为“深深地”时主要表示具体可感的深度,一般不放在实义动词前。He went deep into the water.They dug deep for the treasure.deeply “深深地,深入地”常用于表示抽象的概念,用于引申义,动词之后或过去分词之前。He was deeply moved by their story.(八)direct/directly direct 意为“直接地,一直地”,它多用来表示时间或路程,不能置于动词前。He flew direct to New York.他直接飞往纽约。directly 可表示“直接地,直率地,直截了当地,马上”等意。He drove directly to school.He answered me directly.他直率地回答了我的问题。

(九)loud/loudly loud 作副词意为“大声地”,常与 talk,speak,sing,laugh 等词连用,它不能置于动词前。They laughed loud and long.他们大声笑了很久。Facts speak louder than words.事实胜于雄辩。loudly 表示“杂、乱、大”的声音。The bomb exploded loudly.She cried loudly.(十)most/mostly most 作副词,意为“最,非常”,修饰动词时,不能置于动词和宾语之间。I like swimming most.mostly 意为“绝大多数,大部分地,主要地”。如:The students are mostly from the countryside.(=Most of the students are from the countryside.)The medicine is mostly sugar and water.这种药的主要成分是糖和水。

(十一)first/firstly first 意为“首先,起初,开始时,第一次”。First,I'd like to make a self-introduction.首先,我想做一下自我介绍。When did you first meet?你们最初什么时候见的面?firstly 意为“第一,首先”,用于例举事物或理由。Firstly,she didn't graduate.Secondly,she meant to live with her parents.(十二)high/highly high 用来表示具体高度、上升的幅度。This kind of bird flies high.另外,它与某些词搭配也可表示抽象意义。如: aim high(目标高),live high(过富裕生活)。highly 含有比喻义,意为“高度地,非常地”可修饰动词、过去分词、形容词。This method is highly effective.这种方法非常有效。The little boy was highly praised for what he had done.这小孩儿因其所作所为受到人们的高度赞扬。

(十三)close/closely close 意为“接近,靠近,挨近”,多用于描述两物体之间距离上的变化。He was told to stand close to the wall.有人告诉他靠墙站着。He went closer to her.他向她挨得更近了一些。closely 常用于比喻意,表示“仔细地,紧密地,严密地”。They were closely united around the Partly.他们紧紧地团结在党的周围。The baby was closely looked after by her mother.这个婴儿被她母亲紧紧地看护着。

(十四)wide/widely wide 意为“广大地,广阔地,全部地”,主要指具体范围,只能放在所修饰的动词的后面。The doctor told her to open her mouth wide.He travels far and wide.他去过很多地方。wide 有时也可用于表示程度,相当于“ completely ”。如: He was wide awake.= He was completely awake.他睡意全无。widely 意为“广泛地,大大地”,用于引申义。As a writer he is widely known.作为一名作家,他远近闻名。They differ widely on this point.在这一点上他们的意见迥异。

(十五)slow/slowly slow 作副词仅和 go,drive,pass 等动词连用,且只能用在动词后面。Tell the driver to go slower.How slow time passes!slowly 和 slow 意思相同,前者可用于引申义,且比 slow 用得更广泛,置于谓语动词前后均可。He slowly realized his mistake.Slowly the water in the tube turned green.(十六)near/nearly near 意为“在附近,临近,接近”,仅置于动词后。Easter draws near.复活节快要到了。另外它也可用在下面一些短语中,如:as near as = nearlynear at hand = within easy reachcome near to = almostfar and near = everywherenearly 意为“几乎,差不多”。The job was nearly finished before he came.工作快要做完的时候他才来。


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形容词用来修饰名词或代词,表示人或事物的性质、状态和特征。副词是一种用来修饰动词、形容词、全句的词,说明时间、地点、程度、方式等概念的词。副词是一种半虚半实的词。副词可分为: 地点副词、方式副词、程度副词、疑问副词和连接副词。

一、形容词和副词的基本用法 【翻译句子】


It's a beautiful park.(2)这个动物园既生动又有趣。The zoo is both moving and interesting.(3)谁把窗开着的?

Who left the window open? 【结论1】形容词在句中一般作定语(修饰名词)、表语、补语。【完成例句】


You are completely right.(5)他昨晚很晚才睡觉。

He went to bed late last night.(6)幸运的是,我没有被撞倒。

Luckily, I was not knocked down.精心收集




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He finally came back, safe and sound.【疑难剖析】形容词若作状语,表示主语所处的状态。

二、形容词的位置 【完成例句】

(7)今天的报纸没有什么新的东西。There is nothing new in today's newspaper.(8)人民,只有人民,才是创造历史的动力。

The people, and the people alone, are the motive force in the making of world history.(9)你还知道别的什么? What else do you know?(10)你认识那个肩上扛一袋米的人吗?

Do you know the man carrying a bag full of rice on his back? 【结论】单个形容词作前置定语,但在下列情况作后置定语:

形容词修饰不定代词时;当表语形容词alone, awake, alive, asleep, alike等作定语时;else常用作疑问代词和不定代词的后置定语;形容词构成短语时作后置定语。3.多个形容词排序: 【完成例句】





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There is a big round conference table in the hall.(12)她丢了一只小的闪亮的黑色皮包。

She lost a small shiny black leather handbag.(13)我想买一辆蓝色德国赛车。

I wanted a blue German sports car.【结论】常见形容词顺序归纳为口诀如下:限定描绘大长高,形状年龄与新老,颜色国籍出材料,作用类别往后靠。即:限定词(冠词、代词、数词等)+ 描绘性形容词(beautiful、interesting…)+大小、长短、高低形容词+形状、年龄、新旧形容词+颜色、国籍、出处、材料形容词+用途、类别形容词+ 中心名词。可以简单地记为:“县官行令宴国才。”

三、副词的用法 1.副词的种类

时间副词 now, today, recently, late, soon, yet等。频率副词 often, always, usually, seldom, frequently等。

地点、方向副词 away, abroad, anywhere, downstairs, home, here, there等。

方式副词 clearly, carefully, alone, high, quickly等。

程度副词 almost, a little, much, very, rather, quite, fairly, deeply等。疑问连接副词 when, where, why, how等。

否定副词 not, hardly, scarcely, rarely, never等。





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其他副词 even, also, only, too, perhaps等。2.副词的位置 【完成例句】

(14)这本书是很有趣的。This book is quite interesting.(15)这男孩已够大,可以上学了。

【结论1】 The boy is old enough to go to school.副词修饰形容词和副词时,应放在被修饰的词之前,但enough, nearby必须置于其后。【完成例句】


He is always ready to help others.(17)我永远也忘不了那天。

I will never forget that day.【结论2】频率副词(always, often, usually, never, seldom, hardly, sometimes等)要放在实义动词之前,be动词、助动词、情态动词之后。【完成例句】


Fortunately, he was not drowned and was saved by the PLA men.(19)对她来说,她的继母对她很慈善。

Happily for her, her stepmother was kind to her.【结论3】修饰全句的副词多置于句首,作评注性状语。





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分清常用同义与近义形容词、副词在表达中的语义差别。He planted this tree three years ago.Have you seen the movie before?

He is good at singing, but doesn't feel well today.【疑难剖析1】 ago、before: ago表示以现在为起点的“以前”;before指以过去或将来的某时刻为起点的“以前”。泛指“以前”用before而不用 ago。


real、true:形容词,表“真的”。real强调真实存在的而不是幻想的,在句中常作定语;true指与事实标准和实际情况相符合,在句中作表语或定语。【疑难2】词性辨析 He was very friendly.He jumped high in the game and we all thought highly of him.The thunder was very frightening, so the little girl was very frightened.【疑难剖析2】


(2)表原义(无“-ly”)和引申义(有“-ly”)的副词:close近,closely 仔细地; late晚,lately最近;deep深,表示空间深度,deeply





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时常表示感情上的深度,深深地;wide表示空间宽度,widely广泛地;free免费,freely 无限制地。

有无“-ly”意义大不相同的副词:dead完全,绝对;be dead asleep;deadly非常;be deadly tired。

pretty相当,be pretty certain that…,pretty good;prettily漂亮地,be prettily dressed;most 最,mostly主要地;绝大多数。


这类词常见的有: exciting令人激动的 excited感到激动的 delighting令人高兴的 delighted感到高兴的 disappointing令人失望的 disappointed感到失望的 encouraging令人鼓舞的 encouraged感到鼓舞的 pleasing令人愉快的 pleased感到愉快的 puzzling令人费解的 puzzled感到费解的 satisfying令人满意的





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satisfied感到满意的 surprising令人惊异的 surprised感到惊异的 worrying令人担心的 worried感到担心的


1.原级句型:A与B 相同 / 不同:as…as…,the same as, such…as…,not as(so)…as… 【翻译句子】


I am almost as old as you.【结论1】as…as 之间一定要用形容词或副词原形。“as…as”可用almost, quite, just, about, nearly, twice, by no means(根本)修饰,置于“as…as”之前。【翻译句子】

(21)约翰不像杰克那样聪明。John is not as / so clever as Jack.【结论2】so用以替代第一个as时,只能用于否定句。【完成例句】

(22)鲍伯和玛丽读了一样多的书。Bob has read as many books as Mary.(23)这瓶子里的水和那瓶子里的水一样多。





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There is as much water in this bottle as in that bottle.【结论3】as much+不可数名词+as,而as many+可数名词复数+as。


(24)德语和英语一样也是一门难的语言。German is as difficult a language as English.(25)面包是和米饭一样重要的食物。Bread is as important food as rice.【结论4】as+adj.+不定冠词+可数名词单数+as;as+adj.+不可数名词+as。

2.比较级+than的句型 【完成例句】


She sings far / much better than the others.【结论1】比较级前可用much, far, a lot, a little, a bit, rather, even, still, a great deal等表示程度,但比较级前不能再用more。【完成例句】


He studies harder than any other student in his class.【结论2】表示不同程度比较时,句子主语不能包括在比较对象的范围之内。他本身也是学生,不能用any students来表示比较对象的范围。





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Tom's bike is more expensive than Jim's(=Jim's bike).(29)北京的天气比上海冷。(that指代天气)The weather of Beijing is colder than that of Shanghai.【结论3】比较的对象要一致,一般说来同等的两个事物才能比较。【翻译句子】(30)两人中他高一点。Heis the taller of the two.【结论4】比较级范围是由of 引出两者之间的比较,比较级前要用定冠词。【完成例句】


There is no greater love than that given by parents in the world.【结论5】比较级用于否定句中表示最高级的意思。3.最高级句型(只用于三者或以上的比较)【完成例句】


They're the biggest animals in the world.【结论1】形容词最高级要加the。【完成例句】

(33)He is a brightest student.精心收集




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【结论2】如不表示比较,也没有表示比较范围的状语,最高级前用a 时,作“十分”、“非常”解。【翻译句子】

(34)他是班里第二高的男生。He is the second tallest boy in our class.【结论3】最高级可用by far, easily, nearly, by no means,序数词等修饰,置于最高级之前。

4.倍数表达法的句式 【例句观察】


Our new house was three times as large as the old one.=Our new house was twice larger than the old one.=Our new house was three times the size of the old one.(2)2005年的汽车产量是2002年的产量的6倍。The output of cars in 2005 is 6 times that of 2002.=The output of cars in 2005 is 6 times what it was in 2002.【结论4】倍数表达法主要有以下5种:(1)…倍数+as+原级+as…(2)…倍数+比较级+than…

(3)…倍数+the size / length / weight / height of…(4)…倍数+that of…





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【句型1】 “the+比较级…,the+比较级…”结构,意为“越……,越……”。

The higher the temperature(is),the greater is the pressure(=the greater the pressure is).


【句型2】 “比较级+and+比较级”结构,意为“越来越……”,表示程度逐渐增长。

Our life is getting better and better.我们的生活越来越好。【句型3】常见的比喻结构有:

as free as a bird, as hungry as a wolf, as strong as a horse, as clever as a fox, as busy as a bee…

【句型4】 as long as 只要,有……之久; as far as 到……地点,就……而言;as high as 高达……程度; as well as 既……又; as good as 几乎


A is to B what C is to D.A和B 的关系就像C和D的关系。Air is to man what water is to fish.精心收集




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That little girl is more tired than hungry.那个小女孩是累了而不是饿了(与其说那小女孩饿了,还不如说她累了)。【疑难剖析】

1)more…than…是……而不是……,与其说是……不如说是…… 2)no more than = only 只不过(言其少)not more than= at most不多于,至少(指事实)no more…than…和……一样不…… not more…than…不比……更……

no less than = as much as和……一样多…… no fewer than = as many as和……一样多


You can never be careful enough.= You can never be too careful.【疑难剖析2】can't be too+adj.= can't be +adj.+ enough 无论……都不为过








1.--I put my purse on the table just now, have you seen it?

——No.I haven’t.You should never put __________ on the desk anyway.A.anything important

B.important anything

C.something important

D.important something

2.——How was your final exam?

——The English and Maths papers weren’t __________ for me.I hope I haven’t failed.A.easy enoughB.difficult enough

C.enough easyD.enough difficult

3.--Could you tell me something about the museum?

—— Yes, It was built in 1979, 230 __________ and 220 ____________.A.long meters;wide meters

B.meters long;wide meters

C.long meters;meters wide

D.meters long;meters wide

4.——What’s your present for Kangkang’s birthday?

--He likes painting, so I’m going to buy him a __________ paintings.A.fine little brown French

B.little brown fine French

C.little fine brown French

D.French little brown fine

5.The rich __________ necessarily happy.A.isn’tB.aren’tC.wasn’tD.weren’t

6.Keeping the balance of nature is so ________.A.easierB.more difficult


7.The film is not as ________ as you told me.A.interestedB.more interested

C.more interestingD.interesting

8.This building is ________ that one over there.A.as tall as twiceB as twice as tall

C.so tall as twiceD.twice as tall as

9.We live ________ now because we have changed the way we live.A.longB.longerC.the longestD.short

10.Art is much ________ than life, but what a poor life without it!

A.less importantB.more important

C.the most importantD.important

11.--Which shirt is ________, the blue one or the pink one?

--Oh, they are both nice, so it’s hard to choose.A.niceB.nicerC.the nicestD.good

12.The harder you work, the ________ progress you will make.A.greatB.greaterC.greatestD.little

13.If you keep playing sports every day you are getting ________.A.good and goodB.better and better

C.best and bestD.better and best

14.——Which is Tom?

--He is ________ of the two boys.A.tallB.tallerC.the tallerD.the tallest

15.We should go on learning English although it is getting a little ________.A.easyB.easier

C.difficultD.more difficult

16.——Mum, could you buy me a dress like this?

——Of course.We can buy ________ one than this, but __________ it.A.a better;better than

B.a popular;as good as

C.a more popular;not as good as

D.a cheaper;as good as

17.These days, the Internet is becoming __________ useful as a search tool.A.more and moreB.most and most

C.much and moreD.much and much

18.Tom is __________ experienced among the doctors here.A.lessB.leastC.the lessD.the least

19.Which is __________, the computer, the Internet or the robot?

A.usefulB.more useful

C.the more usefulD.the most useful

20.Beihai is one of __________ beautiful parks in Beijing.A.theB.the moreC.the mostD.the less

21.Jane is __________ girl in our school.A.the second tallerB.second taller

C.the second tallestD.second tallest

22.China has the __________ population in the world.A.largestB.smallestC.biggestD.most

23.Lucy has few friends in the city, so she feels very _______.A.aloneB.lonelyC.pleasedD.happy

24.Her __________ opening speech set the tone for the whole conference.A.livelyB.lovelyC.friendlyD.lonely

25.Peter was a friend of Mary’s ________ brother, Johnny.A.eight-year-oldB.eight-year old

C.eight-years oldD.eight years old

26.——As you know, Chinese’ tea is the ________ one in the world.--Yes, It’s popular all over the world.A.bestB.lastC.firstD.only

27.--Would you like to go to the cinema with me?

——Sorry, I have to stay at home to look after my ________ brother.A.illB.sickC.illnessD.disease

28.He got up ________ to catch the early bus.A.early enoughB.enough early

C.earlier enoughD.enough earlier

29.The girls cares ________ for a new dress than anything else.A.moreB.muchC.manyD.most

30.——What do you think of the movie?

——Great!I have never seen ________ interesting movie.A.suchB.such anC.soD.so a

31.——Why are you looking at me ________?

--What a strange suit you’re wearing!Your jacket doesn’t match your trousers.A.here and thereB.more or less

C.now and thenD.up and down

32.——Have you ever visited the Summer Palace?

--No, I have ________ visited it.A.neverB.alreadyC.everD.still

33.Super chicken sandwich is my ________ food.A.the most favoriteB.favorite

C.more favoriteD.most favorite

34.The price of the computer is so ________ that I can’t afford it.A.expensiveB.cheapC.highD.low

35.--________ are your feeling today?

——Much __________.A.When;goodB.What;better


36.Which skirt do you like __________, the red one, the blue one or the pink one?

A.betterB.bestC.wellD.very much

37.--How __________ will your father come back?

——In a week.A.longB.farC.oftenD.soon

38.If your want to learn English well you must speak English as __________ as you can.A.manyB.muchC.soonD.more

39.I can __________ catch up with you.Can you walk slowly?


40.--Is the coat John’s?

--It can’t be John’s.It’s __________ small for him.A.too muchB.too many

C.much tooD.many too

41.It’s __________ to say something than doing it.A.easyB.easierC.easiestD.easily

42.——Can you communicate __________ in English?

——Sorry, I can’t.I know __________ English.A.well;a littleB good;little

C.good;a littleD.well;little

43.As long as you drive __________, you will be very safe.A.carefulB.careless

C.carefullyD.more carefully

44.——How about sitting ________ and talking?

——That’s a good idea.A.anywhereB.somewhere


45.When the thief saw a policeman, he run away as ________ as possible.A.quickB.quicklyC.fastD.fastly


46.Please speak ________(slow)so that we can make full notes.47.They all come early, but she come ________(early)of all.48.He played the piano ________(success)than we has thought.49.Whoever is ________(quick)is going to have the better chance.50.This radio is even ________(expensive)than that one.51.This trip to China has ________(real)inspired me to relearn my Mandrain.52.John’s handwriting is the ________(bad)of the three.53.The most used letter in the English alphabet is “E”, and “Q” is the ________(little)used!

54.Those who eat most are not always ________(fat);those who read most, not always wisest.55.The mother is ________(worry)about her son’s safety.56.I’m going on a diet for I want to become ________(thin).57.In my grandfather’s time, computers were far ________(popular)than they are today.58.So ________(excite)was the game that I forgot all about the coming finals.59.Tom is ________(tall)of all his brothers.60.This is our ________(cheap)pen in our shop.【参考答案】

1—5 CADAB6—10 CDDBA11—15 BBBCD

16—20 DADDC21—25 CABCA26—30 ABAAB

31—35 DABCD36—40 BDBBC41—45 BDCBC

46.more slowly47.the earliest48.more successfully

49.quicker50.more expensive51.really


55.worried56.thinner57.less popular

58.exciting59.the tallest60.cheapest



一.形容词副词比较级和最高级的构成 单音节词加-er 和-estsmart-smarter-smartesthard-harder-hardest

 单音节以不发音e结尾的词加-r和-stnice-nicer-nicestwide-wider-widest  辅音字母y结尾 变y为i,再加-er/-esteasy-easier-easiest

 重读音节(辅音字母+元音字母+辅音字母)词要双写末尾辅音字母再加-er/-esthot-hotter-hottestbig-bigger-biggest

 部分双音节与多音节词前加more /most

beautiful-more beautiful-most beautiful

heavily-more heavily-most heavily

 不规则构成:good-better-bestmany/much-more-mostlittle-less-least 跟踪练习:

long_________ _________ fat __________ __________

heavy__________ ___________ delicious __________ ____________ brightly__________ __________ badly ___________ ___________

far _________ ____________well ________ __________ bad _______ ________



A=Bas +形容词或副词的原级+ as“…与…一样”

I am as tall as you.我和你一样高

Lucy sings as well as Lily.露西唱歌和莉莉一样好听

A≠Bnot so/as +形容词或副词的原级+ as“…不如..”

He is not as/so careful as his brother.他不如他哥哥细心

He doesn’t run as/so quickly as me.他不如我跑得快

A>B或A<B形容词或副词的比较级+ than

You are two years younger than me.你比我大两岁

He is a little stronger than his father.他比他的爸爸强壮了一点点 Nancy dances better than her classmates.南希跳舞比她同学跳得好 跟踪练习:

a.这本书跟那本书一样有趣。This book is _____ _____ _____ that one.b.你游泳不如你弟弟好。You can’t swim _____ _____ _____ your brother.c.他比我小两岁。He is _____ ______ ______ than I.d.这个故事没有那个有趣。This story is _____ ________ _________ than that one.e.你的问题是两个中比较难的那个Your question is _____ ______ _______ of two.f.这件连衣裙比那件贵两倍 This dress is _____ _____ ________ ______ that.(提示:twice, as…as…)

2,三者或三者以上进行比较,使用形容词或副词的最高级(常接in 或of 表比较范围)注意最高级要用定冠词the

Who is the tallest in Class Three?三班谁最高

Shanghai is the largest of all the cities.上海是所有城市中最大的城市 Tom runs the fastest in his class.汤姆在他班里跑步最快

China is one of the strongest countries in the world.(注意:one of + 最高级+ 名词的复数:…之一)中国是世界上最强大的国家之一

The Yellow River is the second longest river in the world.(the + 序数词+ 最高级+名词的单数)黄河是世界上第二长的河流。


a.John’s parents have four daughters, and she is __________(young)child.b.The _________(cheap)bags are the not usually the best ones.c.The short one is _________ expensive of the five.d.Dick sings _____(well), she sings ______(well)than John, but Mary sings ______(well)in her class.3,其他结构:


单音节词或部分双音节词:比较级+and +比较级 表示“越来越…” 部分双音节词或多音节词:more and more +形容词/副词 My brother is becoming stronger and stronger我的哥哥变得越来越强壮了Our hometown is more and more beautiful我们的家乡越来越美丽了 Tim sings better and better.Tim唱歌唱得越来越好了。

It rained more and more heavily yesterday.昨天雨越下越大。


“the +比较级,the +比较级”: 表示“越…, 越...”(倒装)

The busier she is, the happier she is.她越忙碌,她就越开心

The harder my brother works, the more he gets.我兄弟越努力工作,他就得到越多。跟踪练习:

a.她的身体状况一天天好起来。He is getting _____ ______ ______ every day.b.他对英语越来越感兴趣。He is becoming ______ _____ _____ _________ _____ English

c.他吃的越多,人越胖。______ _______he eats, ______ _______ he gets.4,注意以下几种情况:

形容词或副词的比较级前可用much, a little, a bit ,even, far等程度副词或词组表示不同程度,但是注意,very 不行



a.今天比昨天冷的多。It is _____ ______ today______ it was yesterday.b.我走路比你快一点点。I can walk _____ ______ _______ than you.c.这个包远远贵过那个。This purse is _____ _______ _________ than that one.




所需课时:三课时 高考考点:

1.多个形容词修饰名词时的顺序; 2.比较级表达最高级含义的用法; 3.能用于修饰比较级的词或短语;

4.近义形容词、副词在具体语境中的运用; 5.形容词和副词的辨析 内容讲解:

形容词修饰名词,说明事物或人的性质或特征,形容词副词复习教案。通常,可将形容词分成性质形容词和叙述形容词两类,其位置不一定都放在名词前面; 副词主要用来修饰动词,形容词,副词或其他结构。1 多个形容词修饰名词的顺序


a small round table; a tall shirt; a famous german medical school; an expensive japanese sports car【典型例题】: boys.other little d.little other--性质--名词的公式可知数词,描绘词,性质依次顺序,只有c符合答案。


3比较级表达最高级含义的用法 1)比较级+ than + any other + 单数名词

any of the other + 复数名词

any of the others anyone else/ anything else all the other+ 复数名词 you are cleverer than all the other students in your class.2)比较级用在否定句中表最高级的含义;------go for a------___________ , i love getting close to nature.a.i couldn’t agree more.b.i am afraid not.c.i believe not d.i don’t think so 4.可修饰比较级的词

1)a bit, a little, rather, much, far, by far, many, a lot, lots, a great deal, any, still, even等


3)以上词(除by far)外,必须置于比较级形容词或副词的前面 5.a + 谓语 + 倍数 + as + 形容词副词原形+b

+ 比较级+than + b 6.形容词和副词的辨析.a.eventually b.unfortunately c.generously d.purposefuliy 7.兼有两种形式的副词 1).close与closely close意思是近; closely 意思是仔细地 he is sitting close to me.closely.2).late 与lately late意思是晚; lately 意思是最近

3).deep与deeply deep意思是深,表示空间深度;deeply时常表示感情上的深度,深深地 he pushed the stick deep into the mud.4).high与 highly high表示空间高度;highly表示程度,相当于much i think highly of your opinion.he opened the door 6).free与freely free的意思是免费;freely 的意思是无限制地 you can eat free in too 连用置于名词前的特殊排列顺序.。+ a/ an + 名词

he is not _______ as any of us, but he is brave enough..a.so a good player b.so good a player c.a player so good d.a so good player近三年形容词副词高考题

greeting him.(2008福建)a.friendly b.lively 2.ten years ago the(2008陕西卷)as large as as 3.----it shouldnt help.----thats right.____.(2008江苏卷)a.b.something is better than nothing c.the more the merrier d.the sooner begin, the sooner done 4.it is ___to spend money on preventing illnesses by promoting healthy living rather than spending on trying to make people ___ after they are ill.(2008江苏卷)a.good „ good better d.better „ good 5.my brother is(2008天津卷)a.open-minded b.self-confident d.6.i havent seen ann like.(2008四川卷)a.such b.very c.so d.too 7.although badly call.(2008四川卷 a.still b.even c.also d.ever 8.a cough is usually ___.(2008四川卷)a.or more b.instead c.at most d.only you to pick me up at four oclock and take me to the airport?(2008山东)a.free b.vacant c.handy d.convenient 10.the house still(全国卷ii)a.instead b.altogether c.at once d.at least ___cold that i didnt like to leave my room.(2008全国卷1)a.really b.such c.too d.so(2008全国卷1)a.b.c.13.youre driving too fast.can you drive___?(2008全国卷1)bit more c.a bit more 14.____hungry i am, i never seem to be able to finish off this loaf of bread.(2008辽宁卷)a.15.it looks like the(2008辽宁卷)a.the b.16.if a person has day.(2008江西卷)a.up c.in d.back 17.jack is late a.normal b.ordinary d.typical 18.last night mr.and stayed out until midnight.(2008湖南卷)b.c.instead d.yet 19.in those days, a.normal b.constant c.permanent d.primary remote area, he visits his parents only ___.(2008湖北卷)a.occasionally b.anxiously c.practically d.urgently 21.after the long a.hungry and tiredly b.hungry and tired c.hungrily and tiredly d.hungrily and tired

prize.(2008安徽卷)a.skillfully b.c.d.nervously 23.students are teacher.(2008安徽卷)often 24.some people ___behavior and crime in society(2008上海春招卷).a.childish b.artificial c.aggressive d.heroic ___ money than sense may sometimes act foolishly.(2008上海春招)a.much b.more c.most d.many 26.food safety is ___important, so the government spares no efforts to prevent food pollution.(2008上海春招)a.highly b.reasonably c.strongly d.naturally londons not as expensive in price as tokyo but tokyo is ___in traffic.(2008年上海卷)a.the most organized b.more organized c.so organized as d.as organized as glasses!09全国i23 a.good c.best d.better 29.the children loved their day trip, and they enjoyed the horse ride.09全国ii9 a.most b.more c.less d.little ks 30.i’m sure that a.continued b.immediate c.careful d.generals 31.it’s high time you had your hair cut;it’s getting.全国ii18 a.too much long b.much too long k c.long too much d.too long much 32.as there is less fuel.湖北27 a.primary b.alternative c.instant d.unique 33.the questionnaire takes ten to a.mainly b.punctually c.approximately d.precisely 34.i can be a teacher.i’m not a very patient person.湖南24 a.seldom b.ever c.never d.35.frank put the kids.江西32 a.accessible b.relative c.acceptable d.sensitive into ____car.江西23 a.girl’s;tom’s b.girls’;toms’

c.girls’;tom’s d.girl’s;toms’ up., a.moreover b.therefore c.38.mary and i see each other , a.sooner or later b.once in a c.in the end d.more or less 39.it seems that living green is easy and affordable.a small step masks a big difference.福建30 a.exactly b.fortunately c.surprisingly d.hardly 40.im amazed to hear from my school teacher again., it a.in a more c.that’s to say d.believe it or not house, but ___too small for a family of live.天津12 a.rarely b.fairly c.rather d.pretty 41.i’m not surprised 天津13 a.clear b.cautious c.funny d.vivid 42.usually john time, to my surprise, he arrived on time.辽宁25 a.little b.much c.ever d.even sister, jerry is even more to, and more easily troubled by, emotional and relationship problems.江苏27 a.sceptical b.addicted c.available d.sensitive 44.this special school accepts all disabled students, ___educational level and background.江苏30 a.according to b.regardless of c.in addition to d.in terms of 45.it took ___building supplies to construct these energy-saving houses.it took brains, too.浙江10 a.other than b.more than c.rather than d.less than 46., the pay isn’t attractive enough, though the job itself is quite interesting.浙江18 a.generally speaking b.on the contrary c.in particular d.to be honest 47.in the good care of the nurses, the boy is recovering from his heart operation.浙江 19 a.quietly b.actually c.practically d.gradually 48.john is very ——if he promises to do something he’ll do it.浙江15 a.independent b.confident c.reliable d.flexible 参考答案

1------5 a c a c b 6-----10 c a a d d 11----15 d a c d a 16----20 a d c d a 21---25 b a a c b 26----30 a b d a b 31---35 b b c c a 36---40 c c b c d 41---45 d b d b b 46---d d c


a.black leather small b.small leather black

c.black small leather d.small black leather 2.---i think the take the job.a.that is to say more c.in other d.in that case 3.—let me help you , tom!—thank you.i can do it.here’s to hold all these things.a.a big enough case b.an enough big case

c.a case enough big d.a case big enough your visit to disneyland? —i enjoyed it very

a.far more interested b.far more interesting c.so interesting d.even more interested 5.— yao ming has —yes, he couldn’t points in 20 minutes in the opening game.a.better b.good c.nice d.best person.—but in my opinion , he is a.cleverer b.braver c.more brave d.less brave here for the night? —sorry.i have ____ to hold you all.a.too small a room b.very small a room c.a too small room d.such small a room 8.the bicycles in

a.cheaper, not as good b.more cheap, not as better

c.cheaper, not as better d.more cheap, not as good 9.the finance a high level.a.famous b.c.popular d.favourable 10.time.a.likely

b.easily c.nearly d.lonely 11.—has the design of the city square been decided? —no, it’s still ______ to suggestions.a.open c.ready d.hopeful so driven.a.proper , madly b.thirsty , mad c.sad , madly d.curious , mad difficult being in a foreign country, _____ if you don’t speak the language.a.naturally b.basically c.unluckily d.especially his name and carefully at the top of the paper.a.anxiously b.attentively c.obviously d.clearly and then, but not ______.a.freely c.regularly d.presently i’ve not got a ticket for the football match.broadcast.a.live b.lively c.alive d.living speaking.then b.by and by c.step by step d.more or less 18.classical music.a.in a b.in general c.in particular d.in total 19.i thought the horse back.as you can imagine ,i haven’t been invited back.a.later b.since c.after d.ever that first aid is important and you can save lives if the right action is taken.a.terribly b.hardly c.scarcely d.rarely 21.he slipped and had his leg broken.three months.a.in any case b.after all c.as a result 22.—do you like nack ? —yes , nack is good , intelligent;, i can’t speak too highly of him.a.as a result b.in a c.by the d.on the contrary 23.this play, it.a.out of the question

c.in doubt

d.under no condition 24.-if i’m not anything? -not yet.he never forgets, _________.a.since b.therefore c.so d.though 25.he is ready to help others ,seldom, a.if never b.if ever c.if not d.if any


1、d 此题考查名词前多个形容词的排列顺序,教案《形容词副词复习教案》。一般顺序为:size + general description + age + shape + color +material + origin + purpose(a practical english grammar), 故选d。

2、d 本题考查副词短语在具体语意环境下的应用。此题可先排除语义一致的a、c两项。b项表示递进,d项表示条件。该题语意为:假如那家公司给出的工资不高的话,我就不要那份工作。故选d项。

3、a 本题考查enough与形容词连用时的位置关系。当enough修饰形容词或副词时,enough应放在形容词、副词之后,故选a。

4、b 本题考查形容词及其比较等级的用法。interesting 一般用来修饰事物,interested 一般用来修饰人,可排除a、d。比较等级前可用much、a lot、any、a little、far等表示程度的副词来修饰。故选b。

5、a 本题形容词的比较等级表示最高级含义的用法。形容词的比较级用在否定句中可表示最高级含义,本句句意为:他不可能希望有比这更好的开端。故选a。

6、c more„than„与其说„,倒不如说„,多用来对某一事物内部不同性质的比较。与其说他聪明,倒不如说他勇敢。故选c。

7、a as, very small room;such a small room.故选a。

8、a 本题可采用增元法或补全法来解题。把句子补全为:the bicycles be _ as the ones in this shop.很明显,答案为a。

9、c 本题考查考生对近义形容词的辨析能力。因为财政部长把税收提高了那么高的水平,所以他不受欢迎。be popular 受欢迎。故选c。

10、a likely 形容词,意为“有可能的”,easily、nearly为副词, lonely 意思不适合,故选a。

11、a be open to: 向„开放,为固定短语。故选a。

12、b 孩子丢了,jane当然非常想知道孩子的消息,以至于几乎要发疯。be thirsty for 渴望。drive sb mad 使某人发疯。故选b。

13、d 在国外非常不容易,尤其是如果你不会说该国的语言。故选d。

14、d 非常仔细地签了名字,当然应该也非常清晰。故选d。

15、c 可知并不经常、有规律。故选c。

16、a live adj :活的,现场直播的,adv,以直播方式;lively精力充沛的;alive活着的;living 活着的,有生命的。根据句意,足球比赛将现场直播。故选a。

17、a and by 不久、马上,step by step 逐步地, more or less 几乎、差不多。本句句意为:我们即使在班空时,也不时地进行练习。故选a。

18、b 通常,大多数的少儿喜欢听摇滚音乐,而jonah 喜欢听古典音乐。in 总共。故选b。

19、b 自从我从马背上摔下来后,再也未参加骑马运动。since :adv 从„以后。故选b。20、a terribly : 很,非常,hardly 几乎不,scarcely 仅仅、几乎不,rarely 不常。由句意知,急救是非常重要的。故选a。

21、c 他滑了一跤,腿摔断了,结果是,他不得不休息两到三个月。as a result :结果是。故选c。

22、b 前面列举了nack的很多优良品质,最后总结道:我再怎么赞扬他也不过分。四个选项只有in 23.b out of the question : 决不。由“戏剧里有很多有趣的角色”可知“这部戏剧总的来说是好的”!故选b。

24、d though : adv ,虽然如此,可是。本句语义环境为:虽然他还未给我礼物,但他从未忘过。故选d。

25、b 由句意可知:他总是乐于助人,如果说他曾经拒绝过别人的话,那也是很不经常的。故选b。

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    高中英语形容词副词词汇 1. abrupt(言语或行)粗鲁的,莽撞的,唐突的,生硬的;突然的,意外的 2. absent-minded心不在焉的,健忘的 3. absorbed被-----吸引住,专心致志,全神贯注(in) 4. abs......


    中考复习四 形容词和副词 考试要求: 形容词和副词的中考要求是:形容词改为副词(根据句子的需要);形容词和副词的比较级和最高级;某些特殊变化的形容词和副词的比较级(little-less-le......


    副词 常用的: actually 实际上;真实地 [ Actually, it bores me stiff. ] totally 完全地 [ I totally agree. 我完全同意。] eventually最后 [ so that amazing progress eve......


    形容词变副词的规则: 1.一般情况下直接加“ly”,如quick---quickly 2.以“y”结尾的,先将“y”改成“i”,再加“ly”,如happy---happily 少数以e结尾的形容词,要去掉e再加-ly。......


    形容词变副词的规则: 一、 在形容词词尾直接加-ly。如:real-really; helpful-helpfully; careful-carefully; hopeful-hopefully; slow-slowly; quick-quickly; quiet-quietl......


    师爱是教师给与学生的爱,是世界上最纯洁的爱,最无私的爱。是教师爱岗敬业的表现。 同时师爱也是理性的,智慧的,需要老师具有责任感、奉献精神。看似教师一直在辛勤地付出,其实我......


    思想汇报(五) ——写给两个月后的我 敬爱的党组织: 50年前,有一个黑人,在林肯纪念堂前,面对着抗议的人群,发表了他后来享誉历史的《我有一个梦》演说。他说:“我梦想有一天,这个国家......