Simple Happiness of Dwelling in the Back Streets
A secluded life has traditionally been deemed, as it seems, the supreme state of happiness, although such aloofness and retirement breed loneliness as well.Few people in fact end up as genuine recluses, whose contentment does not suffice to construe what happiness is for all.有道是小隐隐于野,大隐隐于市。真正的幸福并不隐逸,可以在街市而不是丛林中去寻找。As a common saying goes, while the “lesser hermit” lives in seclusion in the country, the “greater hermit” does so in the city.Not necessarily in solitude does reside true happiness which can be found in busy streets rather than in the woods.晨光,透过古色古香的雕花窗棂,给庭院里精致的盆景慢慢地化上一抹金黄的淡妆。那煎鸡蛋的“刺啦”声袅袅升起,空气中开始充斥着稚嫩的童音、汽车启动的节奏、夫妻间甜蜜的道别,还有邻居们简单朴素的问好。巷陌中的这一切,忙碌却不混乱,活泼却不嘈杂,平淡却不厌烦。
Here in the city lanes the early morning sunshine filters through the carved old-style latticed windows on the walls and faintly gilds the exquisite potted plants in courtyards.As eggs sizzle in frying pans, the morning begins to fill with rising sounds: the soft voices of children, the chugging rhythm of car engines, the sweet exchange of goodbyes between husbands and wives, as well as the brief greetings among neighbors.Such back streets are busy but not chaotic, lively but not clamorous, plain but not wearisome.巷尾的绿地虽然没有山野的苍翠欲滴,但是空气中弥漫着荒野中所没有的生机。微黄的路灯下,每一张长椅都写着不同的心情,甜蜜与快乐、悲伤与喜悦,交织在一起,在静谧中缓缓发酵。谁也不会知道在下一个转角中会是怎样的惊喜,会是一家风格独特食客不断的小吃店?是一家放着爵士乐的酒吧?还是一家摆着高脚木凳、连空气都闲散的小小咖啡馆?坐在户外撑着遮阳伞的木椅上,和新认识的朋友一边喝茶,一边谈着自己小小的生活,或许也是一种惬意。
Although the green patches at the end of the back streets are not so lushly verdant as those on the mountains, the urban air is permeated with a vitality lacking in the wilderness.Under pale yellow street lamps, each bench embodies diversified feelings—sweetness and happiness, joys and sorrows—all interwoven to slowly ferment in tranquility.No one knows what kind of pleasant surprise may be in store for him around the corner: a uniquely styled and busy cafe? Or a bar emitting jazz music? Or a coffee shop with tall stools and a relaxed atmosphere? Perhaps it is also satisfying just to sit outdoors on a wooden chair under a sunshade, chatting over a cup of tea about daily trifles with new friends.一切,被时间打磨,被时间沉淀,终于形成了一种习惯,一种默契,一种文化。All these elements, tempered and deposited by time, settled finally into a custom, a tacit understanding and a culture.和来家中做客的邻居朋友用同一种腔调巧妙地笑谑着身边的琐事,大家眯起的眼睛都默契地闪着同一种狡黠;和家人一起围在饭桌前,衔满食物的嘴还发着含糊的声音,有些聒噪,但没人厌烦。
When neighbors and friends come, they share witty jokes about personal trivialities, implicitly understanding each other's eye movements of like astuteness.Family members sit around the dining table, chattering through mouthfuls of food, and no one is bothered by the noise.小巷虽然狭窄,却拉不住快乐蔓延的速度„„
Those lanes, narrow as they may be, cannot hold back the pervading happiness...随着城市里那些密集而冰冷的高楼大厦拔地而起,在拥堵的车流中,在污浊的空气里,人们的幸福正在一点点地破碎,飘零。大家住得越来越宽敞,越来越私密。自我,也被划进一个单独的空间里,小心地不去触碰别人的心灵,也不容许他人轻易介入。可是,一个人安静下来时会觉得,曾经厌烦的那些嘈杂回想起来很温情很怀念。
But as dense, cold high-rises shoot up in the city, woefully accompanied by traffic congestion and air pollution, people‟s happiness is little by little being eroded and lost.With more dwelling space and privacy, one has his “self” encircled in a solitary world, careful not to infringe on the souls of others, while also seeking not to be infringed upon.However, when one quiets down, the once tiresome hubbub now may evoke warm feelings and nostalgia.比起高楼耸立的曼哈顿,人们更加喜欢佛罗伦萨红色穹顶下被阳光淹没的古老巷道;比起在夜晚光辉璀璨的陆家嘴,人们会更喜欢充满孩子们打闹嬉笑的万航渡路。就算已苍然老去,支撑起梦境的应该是老房子暗灰的安详,吴侬软语的叫卖声,那一方氤氲过温馨和回忆的小弄堂。
To Manhattan with soaring skyscrapers, people prefer Florence with sun-bathed ancient alleys by the towering red dome(1);to Lujiazui with dazzling night lights, people prefer Wanhangdu Road with narrow lanes full of rollicking children.Even as one grows old, it is likely that his dreams would be embellished by the serenity of the grey old houses, the calls of vendors in a soft-toned local dialect, and the small lanes filled with soothing memories.如果用一双细腻的眼眸去观照,其实每一片青苔和爬山虎占据的墙角,都是墨绿色的诗篇,不会飘逸,不会豪放,只是那种平淡的幸福,简简单单。If observed with a perceptive eye, every inch of the walls and corners adorned with moss and ivy becomes a verdurous poem, which, neither elegant nor powerful, represents plain and simple happiness.幸福是什么模样,或许并不难回答。幸福就是一本摊开的诗篇,关于在城市的天空下,那些寻常巷陌的诗。
Perhaps it is not so difficult to define happiness after all.Happiness is an unfurled scroll of poems, describing ordinary alleys under the city skies.夜幕笼罩,那散落一地的万家灯火中,有多少寻常的幸福正蜗居在巷陌„„ No one knows how much simple happiness is seeping through those back streets lit up by the scattered lamps as the night falls...注释
(1)即佛罗伦萨的Cathedral of Santa Maria del Fiore(圣母百花大教堂)。据说该教堂是世界排名第三的大教堂,坐落在佛罗伦萨的中心地带.是佛罗伦萨最为著名的地标之一。圣母百花大教堂最为著名的是教堂圆顶.八角圆顶为红色,顶高31米,最大直径为43米,建成时是当时最大的圆顶,圆顶的正中为尖顶塔亭。
本届“韩素音青年翻译奖”汉译英竞赛原文,选自《新民晚报》2009年11月19日B14版刊登的一篇散文,作者是上海市巿西中学高二学生卢嘉西。原文的笔触优雅清淡,立意新颖,犹如一幅随意浸染的写意画,旨在唤起人们在物质财富日趋丰富、人际关系渐趋淡漠的现代社会对简单却又充满人情味的岁月的美好回忆。美国戏剧家、散文家罗纳德'邓肯(Ronald Duncan)曾经说过:“It would seem that happiness is something to do with simplicity, and that it is the ability to extract pleasure from the simplest things.”(转弓I自$|、致4L,2003 :154)作者也正是从人们再熟悉不过的一些街头小景、居家常景中去感'捂寻常百姓的寻常幸福。竞赛原文的标题为“蜗居在巷陌的寻常幸福”,语言简练,音意皆美,寥寥数字就点出了文章的主旨。
例1 :蜗居在巷陌的寻常幸福
翻译方法 标题翻译实例
(1)The Ordinary Happiness of Living like Snail in a Small and Humble Alley Abode(2)The usual happiness snail-like living in an alley(3)The Ordinary Happiness of a Shell Dwelling in the Alley 拟人拟物
(4)Ordinary Happiness Dwelling in the Narrow Lanes(5)Ordinary Happiness Nestling in Streets and Alleys(6)Plain happiness lurking in alleys(7)The Ordinary Happiness Cramped in the Alleyways(8)Homely Happiness that Resides in Cramped Abodes in Lanes(9)Plain Happiness Snails in Small Alleys 引申
(10)Ordinary Happiness of Dwelling Humbly at Alley Abodes(11)The Common Happiness of Dwelling in Alleys(12)Happiness enjoyed by the common people dwelling in a nutshell 重心调整
(13)Alleys, the Humble Nestle of Ordinary Happiness(14)A City Alleyway Snuggling Amongst Happy Homes 结构重组
(15)Simple Happiness of an Alley Life(16)The Ordinary Happiness of Lane Dwellers(17)Dwelling in the Alleys, a Plain Happiness(18)The Homely Happiness of Being an Alley Hermit(19)Ordinary Mortals' Contentment(20)Limited Alley Dwelling, Unlimited Happy Living(21)Flowers of Common Happiness Blossom among the Lanes 说明:作者为了说明相关问题对表格中的实例进行了有针2t'hi的归类,这些分类相互交叉或不够严密,并非非此即彼。其中有些译文使用了多种方法,但是为了清晰简洁,作者并未将其分别归类。
7、句8中的cramped,会有损于译文的意义和给读者的感受。重心调整的译文形式新颖,体现了参赛者的灵活思维,但是此处所列举的两例(句13和句14)在意义上与原文有出人。结构重组法是参赛者使用较多的一种方法,有些结构简洁灵活,反映了参赛者对原文较为深入的理解以及对原文结构的大胆超脱,其中有可资借鉴的实例(句15和句16),也有因调整带来偏差的译文(句19)。这里还要特别提一下句21。该译文可以说音形意皆美的“佳作”,译者的思维非常活跃,完全摆脱了原文结构的束缚,然而经过评审组激烈的讨论,还是未予认可,认为该译文与原文相差较大,巳经不是翻译,而是译者本人的创作了,因此不能称为“佳译”。引申法是本次大赛中参赛者使用最为广泛的一种手法,也符合原作者的本意。纵观原文,作者所言的“寻常幸福”其实是从简单朴实的生活中获得的快乐和满足,贯穿语篇的是生活在小巷的人们在寻常生活中的幸福感受。基于上文的分析,我们认为,“寻常幸福”译为simple happiness更为贝占切些,Backstreet(或back street)的意思是 “a small quiet street that is away from the main part of a town”(参见Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English, Pearson Education Limited, 2005),更切合原文的“巷陌”之意。因此参考译文为“Simple Happiness of Dwelling in the Back Streets”。2.逻辑的贯通与梗滞 理解原文包括理解原文的字词、字词的明示和隐含意义、句子之间的逻辑关联、遣词造句的特点及其与意义之间的相关性以及上述诸多因素所形成的原文风格。汉语是语义型语言,“在几千年的重意、重神、重风骨、重凌虚的哲学和美学的传统影响下,形成了一种注重内在关系、隐含关系、模糊关系的语言结构素质。”(潘文国,2004: 335)这些特点渗透在中国人的思维方式之中,表现在汉语言作品中,形成了汉语重意合的语言特点,上下文内容之间的关联和内容的层次需要读者意会和领悟,与英语注重形式中的逻辑性并通过显性的方式进行关联的特点差别较大。译者会无意之中将这种思维方式和语言表达方式迁移到翻译作品中,对汉英翻译产生负面影响。
参赛译文1 : Comparing to Manhattan with high-rise skyscrapers, people prefer the ancient lanes below the red domes in the sunshine in Florence.Comparing with Lujiazui bright in Shanghai in the evening and at night, people prefer Wanhangdulu Street full of children' s noise and laughing in high jinks.(085)②
参赛译文2 : People prefer the ancient lanes under the red domes of Florence to Manhattan full of high-rises, or Wanhangdu Road bustled with playing children to the twinkling lights of Lujiazui financial center at night.(056)参赛译文3 : Compared to Manhattan with high-rise towers, people prefer the ancient lanes bathing in the sunshine under the red dome in Florence;compared to the brilliantly illuminated Lujiazui at night, people favor the Wanhangdu Road where children are frolicking and laughing everywhere.(405)例2反映了汉语隐性逻辑的典型特征,从文字上看,作者是对曼哈顿和古老巷道两个不同概念进行比较,三个参赛译文均直接按照原文的文字进行翻译,造成了译文比较结构失衡。参赛译文3忽略了英文的逻辑性要求和逻辑主语必须与主句主语一致的原则,使用了两个compared的分词结构,其逻辑主语与主句的主语发生矛盾,从而造成语法错误。此处的“红色穹顶”指佛罗伦萨的圣母百花大教堂(Cathedral of Santa Maria del Fiore),该教堂的红色八角圆顶是佛罗伦萨的标志之一,参考译文采用了单数形式,译为“the red dome”。因此,在翻译时要对原文中隐约可见的意义脉络进行梳理,要对其内在逻辑关系进行调整。3.缺位、错位与越位
例3 : Narrow as the alley is, it can not restrain the speed of the spread of happiness.(464)例4 : The sizzling noise of making fried eggs begins to roll up.(459)例5 : The first morning light through the antique window lattices gradually falls on the delicate miniascape with light golden-sunshine make-up.(463)例6 : With those dense and lifeless high-rise buildings put up in the city, people' s feeling of happiness is tattered in the stream of traffic jam or in the foul air, whirling and scattering around.(464)例3中的speed与汉语中的“速度”一词^f应,但是在英语中却带来了“过实”的问题。在例4中,参赛者分别选用了 make, sizzle和noise三个单词分别对应汉语原文中的“煎”、“刺啦”和“声”。Sizzle是象声词,其释义为“to make the sound of food frying in hot oil”,只才应的汉语译文为“发出(油煎食物的)噬噬声”④。Noise—词似乎也已经把原文中的声音定性为“unpleasant”,与原意不符,make也显得多余。例5中的light golden-sunshine make-up与原文中的“金黄色的淡妆”对应得严丝合缝,殊不知英语中的gild的意思即是“to make something look bright, as if covered with gold”。例6 中的happiness是抽象名词,含义丰富,表示幸福的心境、状态、感觉等,feeling实属画蛇添足。上述实例均有“公式化”⑤的倾向,这样的译文往往会形成中式英语,给外国读者带来理解上的困难,不利于翻译最终目的的实现。
当然译者的“缺位”还有另外一种情况,即将翻译的文本信息简化或浅化处理。孙艺风认为,“就翻译而言,简化则意味着源语文本在丰富性和暗示性方面的削弱,将会导致更多的异质,甚至有可能是源语信息的误传,尽管实际情形是有时候必须如此或无法避免。无疑,意义的多元性的本质使得传达相对完整的意义正是任何严肃的译者的职责所在”(2004: 77)。简化一方面可能是因为译者对潜在读者能力的判断,认为读者可能无法理解原文中丰富多彩的信息内容;另一方面也是因为译者无法在译入语中灵活巧妙准确地再现原文的信息。我们在审阅参赛译文时发现,第二种情况是本次竞赛中译文简化的主要原因。原文语言优美,信息蕴含丰富,参赛者在自己的词汇库中无法找到原文的对应语,于是将原文的丰富信息简化处理,只保留其最实质性的部分。
参赛译文1 : As a saying goes, the better wisdom is in the wild and the best one is in the chaos places but none knows.Real happiness can be found in streets but not from the wild, it does not hide, either.(047)参赛译文2 : The proverb puts “the real hermit lives in city instead of wildness”,it implies that real happiness does not withdraw from society and live in solitude, and can be found in city instead of woods.(017)参赛译文1的信息安排较为凌乱,动词简单且表现力不足,语法错误较多,关联词but not,either 用法不当,致使译文语言表达不够到位,信息内容无法完美再现。在参赛译文2中,参赛者将原文中的对称式谤语简化处理,将“live in city”这样的词汇组合与“隐于市”这个内隐信息丰富的词组对应,下文中的society在此处也显得苍白无力,只是对“并不隐逸”的解释,无法赋予译文相似的内涵和联想,造成了信息再现失当,而且语言表达中也存在着语法错误,如it implies与上文的The proverb puts的并列之间没有关联词,in city没有冠词等。
例8 :和家人一起围在饭桌前,衔满食物的嘴还发着含糊的声音,有些聒噪,但没人厌烦。
参赛译文1 ;...encircling the dinning table with their family, people make slurred voice from their food-crammed mouths, which, to some degree, is boisterous, with no boredom.(464)参赛译文2 : Surrounding the table with families, they make a vague voice with mouthfuls of food, which seems a little noisy, but not boring.(462)参赛译文3 :...while sitting at the dinner table with the family, their mouths, full of food, make the blurred and sometimes noisy voice, but no one is sick of it.(459)参考译文:Family members sit around the dining table, chattering through mouthfuls of food, and no one is bothered by the noise.分上述三个参赛译文均把“发着含糊的声音”作为谓语动词,突出了 “吃饭时发出声音”这一不甚雅观的场景,同时也把“衔满食物的嘴”一览无余地暴露在读者的视线之中。其实,原文作者在描述这一场景时意在突出家人围坐在一起随意聊天的惬意,并无冒犯英语读者之意,因此,参考译文以“sit around”作谓语,把chattering作为伴随动作,再现了作者试图在字里行间流露出的融融乐趣,也淡化了 “衔满食物的嘴”可能带来令人不悦的听觉和视觉冲击。
在翻译中存在着另外一种倾向,有些译者认为翻译就是在理解原文基础上用译入语的自由创作,于是便将原作者的意义领悟于心,任由自己施展才华,结果就会出现翻译中的“越位”。上文列举的标题翻译中的“Flowers of Common Happiness Blossom among the Lanes”虽然体现了中国学习者汉英翻译时极其难得的思维灵活性,但是毕竟与原文有不小的距离。同样的越位现象在上文例7中谚语“有道是小隐隐于野,大隐隐于巿”的翻译中也非常突出。
参赛译文1 ; Hence arises the saying, “for solitude, you'll flee to the waste land;with solitude, you' re hidden within the earthly mankind.”(101)参赛译文2 : As the old saying goes, for seclusion, you will flee into the wild, while in reclusion, you are free even in the crowd.(160)参赛译文3 : As the saying goes, 'For solitude, you'll flee to the wild;in solitude, you're free in towns.,(171)参赛译文4 : As the saying goes, for solitude, you' 11 flee;with solitude, you decree.(412)上述四个译文都有其独到之处,如果不对照原文的话,译者精心安排的结构、节奏、韵脚稍加润饰都不失为好的句子,会让读者耳目一新。但是翻译毕竟是翻译,必须“带着脚镣手铐跳舞”,优美的舞姿方能得到赞许;挣脱了脚镣手铐,生花的妙笔也只能是“不忠实的美人”。4.风格传译中的得与失
散文翻译,必然会涉及到风格的再现,“风格翻译可以说是对翻译者的最高要求”。(吴刚,2006 : 82)我们认为,本次竞赛原文的难点之一就在于风格的把握与再现。高健从自己大量的散文翻译实践经验中总结认为,“认识到风格的可译性会促使我们更加密切地注意内容所赖以表达、赖以存在的风格形式——语句的衔接、停顿的间隔、节奏的变换、形象的使用,乃至标点符号的繁简,等等”(高健,1994: 118-119)。他认为风格“来源、游离于内容与形式之间,时而偏向前者一些,时而偏向后者一些,时而是前是后难分,位置并不十分固定,它实际上是内容和形式的共同产物,但一般说却似乎更加偏近于形式一些”(高健,1985 : 9)。这些探讨揭示了风格的构成要素,它不单是形式的,也不单是内容的,而是形式与内容的结合所形成的一种超乎形式和内容的东西,同时也强调了语言形式对风格形成的重要作用。有些参赛者对形式关注不够或者对译语的感悟不够到位,造成了风格再现中的损失。
例10 :小巷虽然狭窄,却拉不住快乐蔓延的速度„„
参赛译文1 : The narrow lane can not slow down the spreading speed of happiness.(017)参赛译文2 : Despite the narrow alley, the expanding of happiness can not be controlled...(054)参赛译文3 : Narrow as they are, alleys don't slow down the spread of happiness...(217)本例是全篇一个承上启下的过渡句,作者在前半部分着重描述了巷陌寻常生活中的寻常幸福,把人们带人了对简单生活的美好回味之中,平淡的生活、平淡的画面在狭窄的小巷中、微黄的路灯下——展开。至此,作者从平淡而美好的往昔跳回到高楼林立、车流拥堵、空气污浊的现实之中,为作者在文末阐述自己的观点做好了铺垫。而且这句话意在突出幸福感的传播并不会因小巷的狭窄而受到阻塞,其语言表达形式蕴含着丰富意味。因此,翻译时应该把握其形式上的特点及其蕴含的信息。参赛译文1直接把蕴含的信息变成了平铺直叙的直白表述,失去了原文的婉转含蓄。参赛译文2改变了原文的信息重心,显得突兀。参赛译文3虽然重心把握到位,但是一个“don't”把作者对小巷的情感化为乌有。
参考译文:Those lanes, narrow as they may be, cannot hold back the pervading happiness...风格是贯穿整个语篇的精神风貌,是通篇在遣词造句上协调一致的特点,风格的形成离不开词句单独的特点,但决不是单独词句特点的简单累加,也不是美词大词的堆砌。其实,翻译应该注重“the right word in the right place at the right time”,还有for the right purpose,这样的文章方可形成风格。5.细微之处见功力 翻译是一种自上而下的过程,应从大处着眼,小处着手,细微之处往往对整体有着至关重要的影响。细节的成功有助于整体的完美再现。
本届竞赛原文中有几处地名,如曼哈顿、佛罗伦萨、陆家嘴、万航渡路等,前两个有现成的英文,此处自不必言。后两者需要根据现行的翻译规则进行处理。从参赛译文中可以看到各种各样的处理方法,主要有以下四种:①按单字翻译,如Lu Jia Zui, Wan Hang Du Road ,②按照人名的翻译方法处理,将姓和名分开,如Lu Jiazui ,③按照整体处理,如Lujiazui, Wanhangdu Road ;④为了方便读者理解,增加解释性说明,如Lujiazui Mouth, Wanhang ferry ,⑤沿用已有译名,如Jessfield Road®。连益认为,“用汉语拼音字母拼写中国地名,不仅是中国的统一标准,而且是国际标准”。他认为“以人名命名的地名英译,人名的姓和名迕''-;,人名必须前置,通名后置,不加定冠词。这种译法多用于自然地理实体地名”,但“如果以人名命名的非自然地理实体地名,姓和名分写,人名前置或后置按习'K用法”,々口 Sun Yat-sen' s Mausoleum(中山陵),Huang Jiguang Memorial(黄继光纪念馆)等。(连益,1999)据此,我们建议,将两个地名分别译为Lujiazui和Wanhangdu Road。
竞赛原文中拟声词“刺啦”被很多参赛者音译成CILA, Ci La, Cila, zi-la等等。音译除了用于翻译地名人名之外,在行文中应尽量避免。莱昂斯认为“甚至拟声词的词汇形式也存在着某种程度的任意性或约定俗成,它们必须是适应于特定语言的语音系统而不是直接地模仿它们所代表的那个声音。”(转引自李国南,2001 : 9)因此,如果模仿其在汉语中的发音,可能会成为译文中的“异物”,让读者产生排异反应。建议参赛者努力增加词汇储备。同属这类问题的还有“吴侬软语”一词,不少参赛者采用音意结合的方法,将其翻译为soft-toned local dialect Wunong, the typical soft dialect of Suzhou, soft Shanghai dialect, Suzhou dialect, soft dialect of Suzhou, the soft Wu dialect, gentle dialects of Shanghai and Su Zhou,s sellers, soft dialect of Wu district, Wu dialect, Wunong soft dialect, Shanghai-Suzhou dialect,等等。评审组认为,此处的“乂侬软语”旨在突出的是“方言”,是不是苏州方言并不重要,因此,参考译文保留了该方言最本质的特征“软”,将其泛化处理为a soft-toned local dialect0 在此,我们也想顺便提一下,不少参赛译文中出现了一些本不应出现的错误,如原文理解错误、词汇用法错误、时态错误、缺乏衔接、主谓语不一致、人称不一致、标点符号错误(如把英语省略号写成“„一”)等。限于篇幅,本文不再——列举。
① 弓I自http://baike.baidu.com/view/647503.htm。
② 翻译实例后括号内的数字表示参赛译文的编号,下同。
③ 见余光中《翻译与创作》。原文如下:“直译,甚至硬译,死译,充其量只能成为剥制的标本:一根羽毛也不少,可惜是一只死鸟.徒有形貌,没有飞翔。”
④ 引自商务印书馆和牛津大学出版社2004年8月联合出版的牛津高阶英汉双解词典第六版(Oxford Advanced Learner's English-Chinese Dictionary, the 6th Edition)的词条释义。
⑦ http://.[6] 李国南.辞格与词汇[M].上海:上海外语教育出版社,2001.[7] 连益.中国地名英译的几点注意事项[J].中国翻译,1999(3).[8] 马德.活出简单[J].党政论坛,2008(2): 23.[9] 潘文国.汉英语对比纲要[M].北京:北京语言大学出版社,2004.10]孙艺风.视角阐释文化——文学翻译与翻译理论[J〗.北京:清华大学出版社,2004.Ill]孙致礼.新编英汉翻译教程[M].上海:上海外语教育出版社,2003.[12]吴刚(执笔).译出境界来——第十八届“韩素音青年翻译奖”英译汉参赛译文评析[J】.中国翻译,2006(6): 80-83.[13]余光中.翻译与创作[A].余光中.余光中谈翻译[C].北京:中国对外翻译出版公司,2002:3043.(集体讨论,温建平执笔)
翻译评析:第二十二届韩素音青年翻译奖竟赛英译汉译文和译文评析 Hidden Within Technology’s Empire, a Republic of Letters
When I was a boy “discovering literature”, I used to think how wonderful it would be if every other person on the street were familiar with Proust and Joyce or T.E.Lawrence or Pasternak and Kafka.Later I learned how refractory to high culture the democratic masses were.Lincoln as a young frontiersman read Plutarch, Shakespeare and the Bible.But then he was Lincoln.我还是个“探索文学”的少年时,就经常在想:要是大街上人人都熟悉普鲁斯特和乔伊斯,熟悉T.E.劳伦斯,熟悉帕斯捷尔纳克和卡夫卡,该有多好啊!后来才知道,平民百姓对高雅文化有多排斥。虽说少年时代身居边陲的林肯就在阅读普鲁塔克,、莎士比亚和《圣经》,但他毕竟是林肯。
Later when I was traveling in the Midwest by car, bus and train, I regularly visited small-town libraries and found that readers in Keokuk, Iowa, or Benton Harbor, Mich., were checking out Proust and Joyce and even Svevo and Andrei Biely.D.H.Lawrence was also a favorite.And sometimes I remembered that God was willing to spare Sodom for the sake of 10 of the righteous.Not that Keokuk was anything like wicked Sodom, or that Proust‟s Charlus would have been tempted to settle in Benton Harbor, Mich.I seem to have had a persistent democratic desire to find evidences of high culture in the most unlikely places.后来,我坐小车、巴士和火车在中西部旅行,经常走访小镇图书馆;发现在衣阿华州基奥卡克市,或者密歇根州本顿港市,读者们借阅普鲁斯特和乔伊斯的作品,甚至还有斯维沃@和安德烈•别雷®的著作。D.H.劳伦斯的书也深受欢迎。有时我会想起上帝愿为十个义人而饶恕所多玛城的故事^并非基奧卡克市和邪恶的所多玛有何相似之处,也并非普鲁斯特笔下的夏吕斯®想移居密西根州的本顿港,只不过我似乎一直有一种开明的想法,希望在最难觅高雅文化的地方找到高雅文化的证据。For many decades now I have been a fiction writer, and from the first I was aware that mine was a questionable occupation.In the 1930‟s an elderly neighbor in Chicago told me that he wrote fiction for the pulps.“The people on the block wonder why I don‟t go to a job, and I‟m seen puttering around, trimming the bushes or painting a fence instead of working in a factory.But I‟m a writer.I sell to Argosy and Doc Savage,” he said with a certain gloom.“They wouldn‟t call that a trade.” Probably he noticed that I was a bookish boy, likely to sympathize with him, and perhaps he was trying to warn me to avoid being unlike others.But it was too late for that.至今,我已写了几十年小说,而且一开始就意识到,这是个颇有争议的职业。20世纪30年代,芝加哥一位年长的邻居告诉我,他给通俗杂志写小说。“街坊邻里都纳闷,为什么不去上班,却见我游来荡去,修剪修剪树木,粉刷粉刷篱笆,就是不去工厂干活儿。可我是作家啊,稿子卖给《大商船》和《萨维奇医生》⑦那些杂志,”他说话时神情有些抑郁。“他们不会把这当作正事儿。”他很可能已经觉察到,我是个喜欢读书的孩子,兴许会与他产生共鸣,或者他想提醒我,不要与众不同,但这为时已晚。
From the first, too, I had been warned that the novel was at the point of death, that like the walled city or the crossbow, it was a thing of the past.And no one likes to be at odds with history.Oswald Spengler, one of the most widely read authors of the early 30‟s, taught that our tired old civilization was very nearly finished.His advice to the young was to avoid literature and the arts and to embrace mechanization and become engineers.一开始也有人告诫我,小说正频临死亡,犹如城郭或弓弩,已属昨日之物。谁也不愿和历史作对。奥斯瓦尔德•斯宾格勒*——30年代初拥有最广泛读者的作者之--曾教导我们,陈腐、古老的文明已几近末路,建议年轻人避开文学和艺术,拥抱机械化,去当工程师。In refusing to be obsolete, you challenged and defied the evolutionist historians.I had great respect for Spengler in my youth, but even then I couldn‟t accept his conclusions, and(with respect and admiration)I mentally told him to get lost.你拒绝被淘汰,就是对进化论史学家的挑战和蔑视。年轻时我非常尊重斯宾格勒,但即使那个时候,也无法接受他的结论,而(怀着敬慕之情)在心里对他说:你走远点吧。Sixty years later, in a recent issue of The Wall Street Journal, I come upon the old Spenglerian argument in a contemporary form.Terry Teachout, unlike Spengler, does not dump paralyzing mountains of historical theory upon us, but there are signs that he has weighed, sifted and pondered the evidence.时隔60年,在最近一期《华尔街日报》上,偶见斯宾格勒式老调新弹。跟斯宾格勒不同,特里•蒂奇奥特并没有将一座座令人窒息的史论大山压在我们身上,但迹象表明,他权衡、筛选、思索过相关证据。
He speaks of our “atomized culture,” and his is a responsible, up-to-date and carefully considered opinion.He speaks of “art forms as technologies.” He tells us that movies will soon be “downloadable”—that is, transferable from one computer to the memory of another device—and predicts that films will soon be marketed like books.He predicts that the near-magical powers of technology are bringing us to the threshold of a new age and concludes, “Once this happens, my guess is that the independent movie will replace the novel as the principal vehicle for serious storytelling in the 21st century.”
他谈到了我们的“原子化文化”,观点新颖可靠,并经过深思熟虑,谈到了 “作为技术的艺术形式”,告诉我们,电影很快就“可以下载”,即从一台电脑转入另一存储设备。他还预测,电影不久会如书籍般销售。他预言近乎魔法的技术之力将把我们引入一个新时代,并得出结论:“一旦这成为现实,我猜想,独立电影会替代小说,成为21世纪严肃故事叙述的主要载体。” In support of this argument, Mr.Teachout cites the ominous drop in the volume of book sales and the great increase in movie attendance: “For Americans under the age of 30, film has replaced the novel as the dominant mode of artistic expression.” To this Mr.Teachout adds that popular novelists like Tom Clancy and Stephen King “top out at around a million copies per book,” and notes, “The final episode of NBC‟s „Cheers,‟ by contrast, was seen by 42 million people.” 为了支持这一观点,蒂奇奥特先生指出,图书销量不幸下降,而电影观众却大幅上升。“对30岁以下的美国人来说,电影已经取代小说,成为艺术表达的首要模式。”蒂奇奥特先生补充道,汤姆•克兰西和斯蒂芬•金@等畅销小说家“每本书最多也就卖到一百万册左右,”还说,“相比之下,全国广播公司的《欢乐酒店》*的最后一集,观众达4200万之多。” On majoritarian grounds, the movies win.“The power of novels to shape the national conversation has declined,” says Mr.Teachout.But I am not at all certain that in their day “Moby-Dick” or “The Scarlet Letter” had any considerable influence on “the national conversation.” In the mid-19th century it was “Uncle Tom‟s Cabin” that impressed the great public.“Moby-Dick” was a small-public novel.就数量多寡而言,电影赢了。“小说左右国民言谈的力量巳经削弱,”蒂奇奥特先生说。但我丝毫不敢肯定,当初《白鲸》或《红字》对“国民言谈”有过什么重大影响。19世纪中期,打动大众的是《汤姆叔叔的小屋》。《白鲸》是一部小众小说。
The literary masterpieces of the 20th century were for the most part the work of novelists who had no large public in mind.The novels of Proust and Joyce were written in a cultural twilight and were not intended to be read under the blaze and dazzle of popularity.20世纪的文学杰作大多出自没有大众意识的小说家之手。普鲁斯特和乔伊斯的小说,创作于暗淡的文化暮色之中,本来就无意让人在大众化的耀眼光焰下阅读。
Mr.Teachout‟s article in The Journal follows the path generally taken by observers whose aim is to discover a trend.“According to one recent study 55 percent of Americans spend less than 30 minutes reading anything at all….It may even be that movies have superseded novels not because Americans have grown dumber but because the novel is an obsolete artistic technology.” 蒂奇奧特先生在《华尔街日报》上的文章,沿用了观察家们旨在发现某种倾向的套路,指出“根据最近一项调査,55%的美国人阅读时间不超过30分钟„„甚至可以说,电影取代了小说,不是因为美国人变傻了,而是因为小说这种技艺已经过时。”“ “We are not accustomed to thinking of art forms as technologies,” he says, “but that is what they are, which means they have been rendered moribund by new technical developments.”
我们还不习惯把艺术形式看成技术,”他说,“但事实上艺术形式就是技术,也就是说,艺术形式已经因为新技术的发展而濒临死亡。” Together with this emphasis on technics that attracts the scientific-minded young, there are other preferences discernible: It is better to do as a majority of your contemporaries are doing, better to be one of millions viewing a film than one of mere thousands reading a book.Moreover, the reader reads in solitude, whereas the viewer belongs to a great majority;he has powers of numerosity as well as the powers of mechanization.Add to this the importance of avoiding technological obsolescence and the attraction of feeling that technics will decide questions for us more dependably than the thinking of an individual, no matter how distinctive he may be.文章除了强调崇尚科学的年轻人有吸引力的技术之外,还看得见其他一些取向。如大多数同时代人做什么,你最好就做什么,与其和区区数千人一样读一本书,不如和几百万人一样看一场电影。另外,读者只是独自阅读,而观众却是与许多人共赏,既借机械技术之力,又得人数众多之势。不妨还可以补充说,避免技术上落伍也很重要,而人们总觉得就解决问题而言,不管个人有多么出众,技术要比个人的思想更可靠。这种感觉也很有吸引力。John Cheever told me long ago that it was his readers who kept him going, people from every part of the country who had written to him.When he was at work, he was aware of these readers and correspondents in the woods beyond the lawn.“If I couldn‟t picture them, I‟d be sunk,” he said.And the novelist Wright Morris, urging me to get an electric typewriter, said that he seldom turned his machine off.“When I‟m not writing, I listen to the electricity,” he said.“It keeps me company.We have conversations.”
很久以前,约翰•契弗⑧对我说,让他坚持不懈地写作的是读者,那些从全国各地给他写信的人。写作时,他觉得那些读者和写信人就在草坪那边的小树林里。“脑子里要是没有他们,那我就完了,”他说。还有小说家赖特•莫里斯〜极力劝我去买一台电动打字机,说他自己的打字机都很少关掉。“不写作的时候,就倾听电流的声音,”他说,“它陪伴着我。我们可以交谈。” I wonder how Mr.Teachout might square such idiosyncrasies with his “art forms as technologies.” Perhaps he would argue that these two writers had somehow isolated themselves from “broad-based cultural influence.” Mr.Teachout has at least one laudable purpose: He thinks that he sees a way to bring together the Great Public of the movies with the Small Public of the highbrows.He is, however, interested in millions: millions of dollars, millions of readers, millions of viewers.不知道蒂奇奥特先生如何使这些个人习性与“作为技术的艺术形式”两者相容。也许他会说,这两位作家由于某种原因脱离了 “广泛的文化影响”。蒂奇奥特先生至少有一个值得称道的目的:他认为自己发现了一个方法,能使“电影大众”与“精英小众”协调起来。但是,他感兴趣的却是几百万这个数字:几百万美元,几百万读者,几百万观众。
The one thing “everybody” does is go to the movies, Mr.Teachout says.How right he is.蒂奇奥特先生说,“人人”都做的一件事情,就是去看电影。他说得对极了。
Back in the 20‟s children between the ages of 8 and 12 lined up on Saturdays to buy their nickel tickets to see the crisis of last Saturday resolved.The heroine was untied in a matter of seconds just before the locomotive would have crushed her.Then came a new episode;and after that the newsreel and “Our Gang.” Finally there was a western with Tom Mix, or a Janet Gaynor picture about a young bride and her husband blissful in the attic, or Gloria Swanson and Theda Bara or Wallace Beery or Adolphe Menjou or Marie Dressler.And of course there was Charlie Chaplin in “The Gold Rush,” and from “The Gold Rush” it was only one step to the stories of Jack London.回想20年代,每到周六,8到12岁的孩子们就会排队买张五美分的电影票,看看上个周六的危机是如何化解的。女主人公在火车就要辗过她之前几秒钟被松了绑。接着新的一集开始了,然后就是新闻短片和《小顽童》“。最后是一部汤姆•米克斯的西部片;或者是一部珍妮《盖诺的电影,讲述年轻的新娘和她丈夫在阁楼上的幸福生活,或是葛洛莉娅•斯旺森和蒂达•巴拉,或是华莱士 •比里,阿道夫•门吉欧,玛丽•杜丝勒等影星主演的影片。当然,还有査理《卓别林的《淘金记》,而《淘金记》离杰克•伦敦的故事只不过一步之遥。There was no rivalry then between the viewer and the reader.Nobody supervised our reading.We were on our own.We civilized ourselves.We found or made a mental and imaginative life.Because we could read, we learned also to write.It did not confuse me to see “Treasure Island” in the movies and then read the book.There was no competition for our attention.那时候观众和读者并不对立。没人去管我们的阅读。我们自己做主,自我教化。我们发现或者说创造了充满想象的精神生活。我们因为能够阅读,所以也学会了写作。先看电影《金银岛》,然后再去读这本书,并没有让我感到困惑。那时候,电影和书籍并没有为吸引我们的注意力而争先恐后。
One of the more attractive oddities of the United States is that our minorities are so numerous, so huge.A minority of millions is not at all unusual.But there are in fact millions of literate Americans in a state of separation from others of their kind.They are, if you like, the readers of Cheever, a crowd of them too large to be hidden in the woods.Departments of literature across the country have not succeeded in alienating them from books, works old and new.My friend Keith Botsford and I felt strongly that if the woods were filled with readers gone astray, among those readers there were probably writers as well.美国有一件更引人注目的奇事,那就是我们的少数群体数目众多,规模庞大。几百万人构成一个少数群体,根本算不得反常。但实际上,还有几百万能识文断字的美国人,相互之间处于隔离状态。可以说,阅读契弗作品的人,就是一个数量大得无法藏身于小树林的群体。全国各地的文学系没能让他们疏远书籍,无论是旧作还是新书。我和我的朋友基思•博茨福德都深深感到,如果小树林中挤满了迷路的读者,那么其中很可能也有作家。
To learn in detail of their existence you have only to publish a magazine like The Republic of Letters.Given encouragement, unknown writers, formerly without hope, materialize.One early reader wrote that our paper, “with its contents so fresh, person-to-person,” was “real, non-synthetic, undistracting.” Noting that there were no ads, she asked, “Is it possible, can it last?” and called it “an antidote to the shrinking of the human being in every one of us.” And toward the end of her letter our correspondent added, “It behooves the elder generation to come up with reminders of who we used to be and need to be.”
要详细了解他们的生存状态,你只需办一份像《文学界》这样的杂志。一旦得到鼓励,原先的无望之辈,就会显山露水。一位早期读者来信说,我们的刊物”内容非常新鲜、非常亲切“,”真实、不造作,阅读时不会让人分心。“她注意到上面没登广告,便问,”这行吗?能办得下去吗?“还将其称作”一味解毒剂,治疗我们每个人身上的人性萎缩症。“在书信末尾,我们这位笔友补充道,”老一代人有必要站出来提醒一下,我们过去是什么样的人,应该成为什么样的人。“ This is what Keith Botsford and I had hoped that our “tabloid for literates” would be.And for two years it has been just that.We are a pair of utopian codgers who feel we have a duty to literature.I hope we are not like those humane do-gooders who, when the horse was vanishing, still donated troughs in City Hall Square for thirsty nags.这正是当初我和基思•博茨福德期望中的”读书人小报“。两年来,刊物信守着这个理念。我们俩是一对乌托邦式的老怪物,总觉得对文学负有责任。我希望我们别像那些不现实的行善者,马匹都快绝迹了,居然还把料槽捐赠到市政广场,以备口渴的马儿饮水。We have no way of guessing how many independent, self-initiated connoisseurs and lovers of literature have survived in remote corners of the country.The little evidence we have suggests that they are glad to find us, they are grateful.They want more than they are getting.Ingenious technology has failed to give them what they so badly need.我们无从猜测,究竟有多少独立、自发的文学鉴赏者和爱好者在全国各个偏远的角落里生存了下来。手头的点滴证据表明,他们为能够找到我们而高兴,也很感激。他们期望的比眼下得到的要多,精巧的技术并没有满足他们的迫切需求。
1)本文作者索尔•贝娄(1915—2005)为美国作家、1976年诺贝尔文学奖得主.原文发表于1999年10月11曰《纽约时拫》,后收入《纽约时拫:作家谈写作选辑》。标题中”文学界“(the republic of letters)—词来自拉丁语Respublica literaria, 18世纪盛行于欧美,指的是一个由文人组成的、想象的”共和国“,不受地域和国别限制,这一概念对启蒙时代的学者影响很大。
11)约翰•契弗(1912—1982),美国小说家,著有《华普肖一家》、《大收音机》等。12)赖特•莫里斯(1910”—1998),美国小说家,著有《幻象之地》、《草原之歌》等。13)美国20世纪初一部流行的喜剧短片。(集体讨论,周小进执笔)英译汉参赛译文评析: “戴着镣铐跳舞” 第二十二届“韩素音青年翻译奖”英译汉原文是美国著名作家索尔•贝娄的文章,选自《纽约时报》(1999年10月11日)的“作家谈创作”栏目。
本届参赛译文中,有些误译是个别词语造成的。例如第一段中的“refractory”,意为“麻木、不感兴趣、排斥”,有误译为“(大众)难以拉拢”、“(高雅文化)晦湿难懂”、“免疫”等,皆似是而非。第三段中的“trade”应为“工作、行当”,并非“贸易'V'pulps” ■“通俗出版物”,俗称“纸浆文学”,此处为作家自述,故不宜译为“二流”、“末流”、“低级”、“劣质”等。第六段中的“dump”意为“堆、倒”,并非“倾销”。第十二段中的“moribund”意为“垂死、将死”,并非“已经死了”或“寿终正寝”。第十四段中作家契弗所说的“picture”,意为“大脑中想象”,误译为“(用笔)描写”或“描绘”,是没有看懂原文的意思,同样他说的“sunk”是“完了”的意思,并非“沉沦”。第二十段的“materialize”,意为“现身”、“出现”或“崭露头角”等,不可译为“有了物质保障”。有些误译则涉及短语的理解,例如第一段的“every other person”,根据上下文此处应指“除我之外的每一个人”,可直接译为“所有人”、“大家”等,有译为“隔三岔五(地碰上)”、“一半的人”,是选错了义项且没有充分理解原文。第五段的“get lost”是“走开、滚开、闪开”。
另有些误译,严格来说,乃是误“现”。译者应该理解了原文意思,但没能找到合适的中文表达。例如第四段中的“walled city”,都知道指的是“有围墙的城”,即“城郭”(“内之为城、外之为郭”;),有译为“城池”、“城市”、“城镇”、“古城”、“城堡”、“寨城”的,都是明白原文意思但没有充分表达出来。
误译也可能是语法所致。如第三段“For many decades now I have been a fiction writer...”,句中的现在完成时和“for”表示“当小说家已经几十年了”,若译为“几十年过去了,现在我也已经是一个小说作家了”,读者会以为他经过几十年的努力终于成了小说家。
【例一】But then he was Lincoln.(第一段)很多译者把“then”直接理解为“那时”、“当时”,乃是望文生义。“But then”除了等同于“but then again”之夕卜,还有个义项,OED解释为:“used before a statement that explains or gives a reason for what has just been said”,即用以引出对上文某话的解释或说明其原因。根据上下文,这句话可译为“可他(毕竟)是林肯啊”,是说林肯虽然年轻时就阅读高雅著作,但他是一代伟人,是特例,并不能说明大众都喜爱高雅作品。不少译者译为“可那时他是林肯”,也有少数人觉得这话费解,又补上“伟大总统”等修饰语,或译为“那时的林肯仍旧是林肯”、“无奈,并非人人都是林肯”等,都是为表面
【倒二】...and perhaps he was trying to warn me to avoid being unlike others.(第三段)译文:而且可能他那时正在试图警告我要避免和别人不一样。
【例三】From the first too, I had been warned that...(第四段)
【例四】In refusing to be obsolete, you challenged and defied the evolutionist historians.(第五段)译文:在46绝落入过时之列的努力中„„。
【例五】...his is a responsible, up-to-date and carefully considered opinion.(第七段)译文:他的观点是负责任的、最新的以及经过反复思考的。
文字的运用总是可以精益求精的。有的译文中有“劳伦斯的作品,也是他们喜爱的作品”、“我的职业是颇受争议的职业”等句子,则是文字功力的问题,并非欧化的影响。至于把“thirsty”译为“三十”、把“42 million”译成“4.2亿”,则不是“笔误”,而是“眼误”,那已经是语言造诣之外的事情了。
有些文化信息并不太常见,就需要译者去花功夫了,一方面査找信息来源,另一方面还要核査现有的中文译法。这些“考据”式的“水磨”功夫,其实正能分出高下来。如果不去查询,或者一目十行地看看一两个网页,往往会犯错误。例如,第一段的“T.E.Lawrence”乃是“阿拉伯的劳伦斯”,不是第二段的D.H.劳伦斯。第二段的“Proust's Charlus”是法国作家普鲁斯特笔下的人物,所以“Charlus”不宜译为“査勒斯”,而是“夏吕斯”;“Keokuk”和“Benton Harbor”都是城市名,不是“区”;“Iowa”作为州名一般译为“衣阿华”,“艾奥瓦”常常用来指原住该州的印第安人。文中提到的很多电影.电视剧和演员的名字,中文里都有现成的译
【例六】 And sometimes I remembered that God was willing to spare Sodom for the sake of 10 of the righteous.(第二段)句中引用的是《圣经*创世纪》第18-19章中关于所多玛城的故事。参赛译文中,“所多玛”都能译出来,一些译者还添加了注释,说明出处和故事梗概。但有些译文将“the righteous”译成“好人”、“正直的人士”、“君子”、“贤达”等,字面意义也都正确,但损失了原文的宗教指涉。文化信息如果涉及到传说、故事、典故等,则要详细阅读来源信息,只查字典可能不够。
对于原文这两个方面的社会语境,译者就算平时没有这方面的积累,只要下笔前能多做些了解,对译文也会有很大帮助。如“atomized culture”,“atomized”指个体处于相互游离的状态,相对于上层的集权而言,并无系统或体制的支撑,故在权力机制中处于弱势,这是大众社会(mass culture)的一个特征,詹明信和肯豪瑟均有论述,亦有“atomized society”等说。国内学者如陶东风等已有相对固定的译法,即“原子化文化”,可采用。再如第十段末句,译者除了照顾“twilight”和“blaze and dazzle”暗含的隐喻之外,如能对普鲁斯特、乔伊斯乃至现代主义有所了解,翻译起来就顺畅多了,也就不会将“twilight”译为“曙光”。
贝娄全文是以“文字的坚韧”对抗“电影的流行”,很多地方看似自嘲,却并无自贬之意,加上他风格简炼,文字暗含机锋,如果不理解语境,就很难把握。这一点在部分词句的处理上也能看出来。例如第七段首句,对蒂奇奧特的文章进行评价,其中“up-to-date” —词,不能处理为褒义的“与时俱进”,至少应译成中性或贬义的相应词汇,因为贝娄对于追求科技上的新颖流行恐怕并不认同。同样第十段首句说20世纪经典作家“had no largepublic in mind”,也不宜译为“目中无人”,这是个贬义词,而贝娄对于精英小众坚持写作是肯定的。末段的 “They want more than they are getting”,强调科技不能满足一切,这些独立的文学爱好者应该得到更多支持,若译为“他们期望很高,但已有所收获”,就把句子重点放在了 “收获”上,不符合作者观点。实际上,理解了文章和文中观点的社会语境,对于作者观点的准确表达和风格再现都非常重要,不仅仅是个别字句的表述。
【例七J When I was traveling in the Midwest I by car, bus and train, I regularly visited small-town libraries—(第二段)
译文:当我频繁换乘各种交通工具,穿梭于广袤的中西部时,我特意拜访了一些小镇上的图书馆。译文读起来很通顺,但与原文相去甚远,“穿梭”和“广袤”虽然多了 一点描述性,但与前文“频繁”联系起来,就损害了一个在各小镇图书馆悠哉游哉的看书人的形象;译者把——列举的旅行方式统一用“交通工具”覆盖,少了回忆的空间,多了旅行的仓促。全句读来,除了词句不严谨之外,风格已经大相径庭。
第一个趋向是模式化。有些词汇因为日常使用较为频繁,部分译者便顺手用在译文里,并没有仔细思考是否准确。我们略加总结,发现大概有两种情况。一是通俗用语。如第三段“a bookish boy”,这个短语在英文中算不得文雅,但并非俚俗,所以译成“喜欢读书的孩子”即可,但译为“爱看书的小屁孩”、“黄毛书虫”,就是风格不忠实了。其他如“public”译为“草根”、“gloom”译为“有P闷”、“readers”译为“粉丝”、“fiction writer”译为“小说写手”、“get lost”译为“让他蒸发”,都是类似问题。这种语言在网络和日常生活中很有表现力,但作为译者,却不能因“一时兴到语”而“以词害意”⑤。
【例八】...found that readers in Keokuk, Iowa, or Benton Harbor, Mich., were checking out Proust and Joyce—(第二段)
【例九】I hope we are not like those human do-gooders „
【例十】-..better to be one of millions viewing a film than one of mere thousands reading a book.(第十三段)
前两个译文——“张家庄、李家店”和“事后诸葛亮”——都有“归化”过度之嫌。第三个例子,与其说在翻译贝娄,不如说在翻译自己,结果译者形象鲜活,作者风格不显,恐不可取。在这方面也不乏好的例子,如将谈话中的“the people on the block”译为“左邻右舍”、“街坊邻里”,将口语语境下的“wonder”译为“不明白”、“纳闷”,都是用地道的中文忠实地传达了原文意义和风格。
模式化的第二种情况是公共生活用语。报刊、电视、网络等大众传媒中的一些表达方式,我们因为司空见惯,往往习焉不察,用在创作中可以,用在译文中则需仔细核对文字意义,不能轻率。例如“与时俱进”这个词,在本次竞赛译文中经常出现,“up-to-date”、“refusing to be obsolete”、“new technical developments”, “avoiding technological obsolescence”等,统统交给“与时俱进”去组织。前文所举的 “a responsible, up-to-date and carefully considered opinion”,有译为“以一种与时俱进、高度负责的态度„„”,就是传媒语言使用过于随意的结果,如果译完能逐字核对原文,就不会出现这种情况。又如第二十段的“reminders of who we used to be and need to be”,译为“牢记过去、正视未来”;-十九段的“in a state of separation from others of their kind”译为“举国上下”、“大江南北”等,都属于类似问题。
一些译文中的“雅”词,本为原文所无,乃是横生枝节。如将第一段的“every other person were familiar with...”译为“家家户户对„„都能口颊噙香、津津乐道”。有些译文细究起来,的确并未违背原文字面意义,但因一味求雅,偏离了原文风格。如将第一段的“familiar”译成“拜读”、“浸淫”,“Shakespeare”译成“莎翁的煌煌巨著”;第十六段的“how right he is”译为“宛若箴言”;第五段“(with respect and admiration)I mentally told him to get lost”译为“敬而远之”或“请他离开我的精神家园”,失去了原文前后风格的对比;末段的 “...failed to give them what they so badly need”译为“不足以为他们久旱的心灵送去甘霖”,则增加了修辞手段,原文使用修辞手段极为俭省(第十段末句的比喻表达上也很隐蔽),出于风格上的考虑,不宜在译文中增加新的比喻。
过于求雅,也可能影响译文本身的表达和流畅。【例i--】...that he has weighed, sifted and pondered the evidence.(第六段)译文:„„进行了认真的剖柝斟酌与推敲细思。
【例十二】...better to be one of millions viewing a film than one of mere thousands reading a book.(第十三段)
【例十三】...from the first I was aware that...(第四段)
关于“高雅化”,有两个“陷阱”需要特别提及。一是所谓“四字格”,用得好固然出彩,用不好只会出问题。在“walled city”前加上“高墙环卫、固若金汤”、在“Lincoln”前面加上“出身卑微、躬耕陇亩”,算不得高雅,只能箅“四字格强迫症”。第二个陷阱是文言文。用文言翻译培根,倒也贴切,但用来翻译现代英语,还需慎重。本次参赛译文中,有三份用文言翻译,文字功力都很好,但译文大多顾此失彼,难以忠实传达原文意思,风格就更不必说了,也有用文言翻译了几段后面改用白话的。按这三位译者的文字造诣,如果把功夫花在白话文上,译文肯定又是一番气象。其实白话文经过百余年的发展,已经成熟,如果使用得好,同样可以清晰流畅、简洁有力,甚至也可以达到优秀文言文的音乐美。译者既要娱己,更要娱人,读者接触的都是白话文,今天的译者如果用文言翻译一篇美国当代作品,是舍近而求远,并非上策。这两个趋向,一是舍“信”取“达”,一是舍“信”求“雅”®。惯用语读来琅琅上口,实际上未必准确,文学性的书面语言是否就是好的译文,终究还要对照原文加以检验,否则只能箅是“抢过作者的笔来”®独立创作。其实译文不必一味追求“达”“雅”,需看原文的风格而定,像贝娄这种亦雅亦俗的风格,译者也只好跟着“雅俗如之”,虽然不能尽善,但总要往这个方向努力。
【例十四】 Add to this the importance of avoiding technological obsolescence and the attraction of feeling that technics will decide questions for us more dependably than the thinking of an individual, no matter how distinctive he may be.(第十三段)这个句子首先必须从文字层面分析。作者讲了两个观点,前半部分是说避免技术上落伍很重要,后半部分的“feeling”后面,带了一个很长的从句,容易引起误解。同时,理解从句所表达的观点,对理解“attraction of feeling”也很重要。究其意义,不外乎是说,个人才华再大,终究只是个人,如今有了技术,大家的问题用技术来帮助解决,就可靠多了,所以大家感觉很好,去追求这种感觉(为之吸引),所以也就会支持技术。不少译文后面的从句翻译得很准确,但把“attraction of feeling”干脆省略了,有避重就轻之嫌。再看“Add to”,这个动词没有主语,让人生疑。联系上下文,该段前面是列举蒂奇奧特文中表现出来的一些倾向性,即追随大众和科技。很多译文也顺势而下,把“add”的主语想成是蒂奇奥特,段落也能通顺,但语法奇特的问题就忽略了。贝娄总结蒂奇奥特的观点并加以批判,往往用“Mr.Teachout's article”、“he says”, “Mr.Teachout cites”等标识,何以此处不用“he adds” ?这个问题又需要到大语境中去加以印证。蒂奇奥特的原文网上可查,译者不妨找来一读,甚至还可以参考蒂奇奥特本人的博客。该文不过一千多字,蒂奇奥特并没有提及贝娄“Add to”后面的两个观点。这样我们就可以确定,这是贝娄自己有意补上去,顺着对手的意思说下去,然后再加以驳斥。当然,贝娄这话讲得有点没好气,话里带着刺,全文的风格也是这样。所以综合考虑,“Addto”可译为“不妨再补充说”、“干脆再补两点好了”。
【例十五】Hidden Within Technology' s Empire, a Republic of Letters(标题)译文一:科学围城下的文学王国
原文的标题也是需要通盘考虑的。首先,文字的句法比较独特,是个倒装结构,中间用逗号隔开,显然是要强调后面的“a Republic of Letters”。其次,需要从文化语境上考虑字面的意义,“Technology' s Empire”指现代世界技术盛行、影响范围广,所以可以直接译为“技术帝国”。译文一、六、七均补充了 “科学/科技”,贝娄在全文中用了 “technology”、“technics”, “mechanization”等词,但并没有提及禾斗学,译文中还是不加为妥。“Republic of Letters”的说法古已有之,但在欧洲启蒙时期最为盛行,指的是一个由文人组成的、想象的“共和国”,不受地域和国别限制。故上述译文中“文学界”、“文±云”、“文学之邦”、“文学理想国”都可以接受,这个词文化和历史含义丰富,中文完全对等似乎很难,但译为“城”、“王国”,或“文学净土”、“文学之都”,就不太妥当。接下来要根据全文权衡“Hidden”的译法。根据贝娄的观点,科技是个庞大的帝国,文人散落其间,缺乏联系的纽带和平台,虽是个群体,却不为人所知,故可译为“隐藏”。译文二译“湮没”,“没”过重,且“湮没”一般有个从显到隐的过程,似不合原文。译文三、五分别译为“藏身”、“蔽身”,主观的意味过强,文中所说的那些爱好者是缺乏平台才不为人所知,并非有意藏身。最后要回头考虑句法的问题了,这是个难点,上引译文一至六都未做处理,译文七意识到了原文的特殊句法并尝试用相应中文句法及符号处理,但似乎没有达到原文突出的效果。此例我们讨论多次,仍没有周全的译法,今后要向同行求教。
1)王力,《中国现代语法》,商务印书馆,1985, 88页。他在该书第六章第二节专门谈到了 “被动式的欧化”,说
出版公司,200, 178—192页。
③ See John Podhoretz , “Saul Bellow, a neocon' s tale”, in The Sunday Times, April 10,2005, online available at http:// www.xiexiebang.company, no stocks and no degree.My personality is open;My character is neither good nor bad.I'm not exactly an honest man, but I am without much courage since I was born.Even it is not illegal to kill, I wouldn't kill anyone.My conscience will be tortured by the guilt if I do anything cruel to others。I am meant not to be a villain, even if I try to be one.In general and basically, I'm still one of those who are beneficial and harmless to the mankind and our society.有意者电联,非诚勿扰
Contact me by phone, if you're the one.口译资料:2010年温家宝总理政府工作报告(中英对照)在第十一届全国人民代表大会第三次会议上的政府工作报告
--Delivered at the Third Session of the Eleventh National People's Congress
on March 5, 2010
Wen Jiabao
Premier of the State Council
各位代表,Fellow Deputies,现在,我代表国务院向大会作政府工作报告,请予审议,并请全国政协各位委员提出意见。
On behalf of the State Council, I now present to you my report on the work of the government for your deliberation and approval.I also invite the members of the National Committee of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference(CPPCC)to provide comments and suggestions.一、2009年工作回顾
I.Review of Work in 2009
The year 2009 was the most difficult year for our country's economic development since the beginning of the new century.This time last year the global financial crisis was still spreading, and the world economy was in a deep recession.Our economy was severely affected;our exports decreased significantly;a large number of enterprises had operating difficulties, and some even suspended production or closed down;the number of unemployed people increased significantly;many migrant workers had to return to their home villages;and the pace of our economic growth suddenly slowed down.In these unusually difficult circumstances, the people of all our ethnic groups fortified their confidence, tackled difficulties head on, worked tenaciously, and responded calmly to the impact of the global financial crisis under the firm leadership of the Communist Party of China(CPC).Our economy was the first in the world to have made a turnaround, and we made major new achievements in reform and opening up as well as socialist modernization.GDP reached 33.5 trillion yuan, an increase of 8.7% over the previous year(here and below).Fiscal revenue was 6.85 trillion yuan, up 11.7%.Grain production was 531 million tons, a new record and an increase for the sixth consecutive year.A total of 11.02 million urban jobs were created.The per capita disposable income of urban residents was 17,175 yuan, and the net per capita income of rural residents was 5,153 yuan, up 9.8% and 8.5% respectively in real terms.We took another steady step along the path of building a moderately prosperous society in all respects.Events again proved that no difficulties or obstacles can impede the course of the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation.过去的一年,极不平凡,令人振奋。我们隆重庆祝新中国成立60周年。抚今追昔,伟大祖国的辉煌成就极大地激发了全国人民的自信心和自豪感,极大地增强了中华民族的向心力和凝聚力,极大地提升了我国的国际地位和影响力,必将激励我们在中国特色社会主义道路上继续奋勇前进。
The past year was truly extraordinary and inspiring.We held a grand celebration of the 60th anniversary of the founding of New China.The outstanding achievements we made in that time have greatly boosted the confidence and pride of the people, strengthened the cohesiveness of the Chinese nation, and raised China's international standing and influence.All this definitely encourages us to continue to forge ahead on the path of socialism with Chinese characteristics.一年来,我们主要做了以下工作:
Over the last year, we mainly undertook the following work.(一)加强和改善宏观调控,促进经济平稳较快发展。我们实行积极的财政政策和适度宽松的货币政策,全面实施并不断完善应对国际金融危机的一揽子计划。大规模增加财政支出和实行结构性减税,保持货币信贷快速增长,提高货币政策的可持续性,扩大直接融资规模,满足经济社会发展的资金需求,有效扩大了内需,很快扭转了经济增速下滑趋势。
1.Strengthening and improving macro-control and promoting steady and rapid economic development.We carried out a proactive fiscal policy and a moderately easy monetary policy.We comprehensively implemented and constantly improved the package plan for addressing the global financial crisis.We significantly increased government spending, implemented structural tax reductions, rapidly increased supplies of money and credit, made our monetary policy more sustainable, and increased the amount of direct financing.We thus ensured funding for economic and social development, effectively boosted domestic demand, and quickly reversed the slowdown in economic growth.着力扩大居民消费。我们鼓励消费的政策领域之宽、力度之大、受惠面之广前所未有。中央财政投入资金450亿元,补贴家电汽车摩托车下乡、汽车家电以旧换新和农机具购置。减半征收小排量汽车购置税,减免住房交易相关税收,支持自住性住房消费。全年汽车销售1364万辆,增长46.2%;商品房销售9.37亿平方米,增长42.1%;社会消费品零售总额实际增长16.9%,消费对经济增长的拉动作用明显增强。
We vigorously expanded consumer spending.Our policies to encourage consumption covered more areas, were stronger and benefited more people than ever before.The central government provided 45 billion yuan in subsidies for rural residents to purchase home appliances and motor vehicles, including motorbikes.Part of the subsidies also supported trading-in old motor vehicles and home appliances for new ones and purchasing agricultural machinery and tools.We halved the purchase tax on small-displacement automobiles.We reduced or exempted taxes on buying and selling homes to support the purchase of homes to be used as their owners' residences.Throughout the year 13.64 million motor vehicles were sold, an increase of 46.2%;commodity housing sales amounted to 937 million square meters, up 42.1%;and total retail sales of consumer goods increased 16.9% in real terms: Consumption played a much bigger role in fueling economic growth.促进投资快速增长。我们发挥政府投资“四两拨千斤”的作用,引导带动社会投资。实施两年新增4万亿元的投资计划。2009年中央政府公共投资9243亿元,比上年预算增加5038亿元,其中,保障性住房、农村民生工程、社会事业投资占44%,自主创新、结构调整、节能减排和生态建设占16%,重大基础设施建设占23%,灾后恢复重建占14%。全社会固定资产投资增长30.1%,投资结构进一步优化。投资快速增长有效弥补了外需下降的缺口,加强了薄弱环节,为经济社会长远发展奠定了坚实的基础。
We promoted rapid growth in investment.We guided and stimulated non-government investment by means of well-leveraged government investment.We implemented a plan to invest an additional 4 trillion yuan over two years.In 2009, the central government's public investment was 924.3 billion yuan, 503.8 billion yuan more than in the previous year's budget.Of this, 44% was invested in.low-income housing, projects to improve the wellbeing of rural residents, and social programs;16% in independent innovation, restructuring, energy conservation, emissions reductions, and ecological improvement;23% in major infrastructure projects;and 14% in post-Wenchuan earthquake recovery and reconstruction.Fixed asset investment increased.30.1% nationwide.We further improved the investment structure.Rapid investment growth effectively compensated for the shortfall created by shrinking external demand, strengthened weak links, and laid a solid foundation for long-term economic and social development
We accelerated the post-Wenchuan earthquake recovery and reconstruction work.We have already invested 654.5 billion yuan, 65.5% of the total planned investment, in the worst hit areas.Thanks to the government's strong support, the selfless assistance of people throughout the country, and the hard work of residents of the earthquake area, the badly damaged areas have taken on a brand-new appearance, with new towns rising straight out of the ground, and villages brimming with vitality.All this fully reflects the boundless love of the Chinese nation and powerfully demonstrates the incomparable superiority of the socialist system.(二)大力调整经济结构,夯实长远发展基础。我们把保增长与调结构紧密结合起来,加快解决制约经济发展的结构性矛盾。
2.Vigorously carrying out economic restructuring, and shoring up the foundation for long-term development.We closely integrated sustaining economic growth with economic restructuring, and moved more quickly to resolve structural problems limiting economic development.“三农”工作进一步加强。中央财政用于“三农”的支出7253亿元,增长21.8%。大幅度提高粮食最低收购价。启动实施全国新增千亿斤粮食生产能力建设规划。继续改善农村生产生活条件,农村饮水安全工程使6069万农民受益,新增510万沼气用户,新建和改造农村公路38万公里、农村电网线路26.6万公里,又有80万户农村危房得到改造,9.2万户游牧民实现了定居。我们加大扶贫力度,贫困地区的生产生活条件得到明显改善。We further strengthened the work related to agriculture, rural areas, and farmers.The central government used 725.3 billion yuan to support agriculture, rural areas, and farmers, an increase of 21.8%.We raised the minimum grain purchase prices by a large margin.We began implementation of 'the plan to increase grain production capacity by 50 million tons nationwide.We continued to improve living and working conditions in rural areas.We implemented rural drinking water safety projects that benefited 60.69 million people, increased the number of methane gas users by 5.1.million, built and upgraded 380,000 kilometers of roads and 266,000 kilometers of electric power lines and renovated 800,000 dilapidated houses in the countryside, and helped build permanent housing for 92,000 nomadic families.We also intensified our efforts to fight poverty.As a result, working and living conditions notably improved in poverty-stricken areas.产业结构调整力度加大。制定并实施十大重点产业调整振兴规划。鼓励企业加快技术改造,安排200亿元技改专项资金支持4441个技改项目。重点行业兼并重组取得新进展。下大力气抑制部分行业产能过剩和重复建设,关停小火电机组2617万千瓦,淘汰落后的炼钢产能1691万吨、炼铁产能2113万吨、水泥产能7416万吨、焦炭产能1809万吨。加快实施国家科技重大专项,中央财政用于科技的支出1512亿元,增长30%。积极支持自主创新产品推广应用,清洁能源、第三代移动通信等一批新兴产业快速发展。大力加强基础设施建设,新建铁路投入运营5557公里,高速公路新建通车4719公里,城市轨道交通建设加快,新建、改扩建民用机场35个;新增发电装机8970万千瓦,西气东输二线西段工程实现供气,南水北调工程建设加快推进,6183座病险水库除险加固工程开工建设。
We intensified industrial restructuring.We formulated and implemented a plan for restructuring and invigorating ten key industries.We encouraged enterprises to accelerate technological upgrading, and provided 20 billion yuan to support 4,441 technological upgrading projects.Further progress was made in mergers and reorganization in key industries.We made great efforts to restrict excess production capacity and redundant development in some industries.We closed down 26.17 million kilowatts of small thermal power stations, and eliminated backward facilities with total production tons in the steelmaking industry, 21.13 million tons in the iron-smelting 74.16 million tons in the cement industry, and 18.09 million tons in the coke industry.We accelerated the implementation of major national science and technology projects,and spent 151.2 billion yuan of central government funds on science and technology, an increase of 30%.We vigorously supported the widespread use of domestically innovated products, and the development of emerging industries such as clean energy and third-generation mobile communications.We vigorously strengthened infrastructure development;put 5,557 kilometers of newly built railway lines into operation;opened 4,719 kilometers of new expressways to traffic, accelerated urban rail development;and built, renovated or expanded 35 civil airports.We increased the installed power-generating capacity by 89.7 million kilowatts, began supplying gas through the western section of the second line of the project for shipping natural gas from west to east, accelerated construction on the South-to-North Water Diversion Project, and began reinforcing 6,183 dangerous reservoirs.节能减排和环境保护扎实推进。安排预算内资金,支持重点节能工程、循环经济等项目2983个;实施节能产品惠民工程,推广节能空调500多万台、高效照明灯具1.5亿只。继续推进林业重点生态工程建设,完成造林8827万亩,森林覆盖率达到20.36%。综合治理水土流失面积4.8万平方公里。加强“三河三湖”等重点流域水污染防治和工业废水废气废渣治理。“十一五”前四年累计单位国内生产总值能耗下降14.38%,化学需氧量、二氧化硫排放量分别下降9.66%和13.14%。积极开展应对气候变化工作,明确提出2020年我国控制温室气体排放行动目标和政策措施。气象预报预警和地震监测工作得到加强,灾害防御能力不断提升。
We made solid progress in conserving energy, reducing emissions and protecting the environment.We supported 2,983 key energy conservation and recycling projects through budgetary investment.We implemented a project to promote energy-efficient products for the benefit of the people, putting into use more than 5 million energy-saving air-conditioners and 150 million energy-efficient light bulbs.We continued to develop key ecological projects in the forestry industry, and completed the afforestation of 5.88 million hectares, thereby raising the percentage of land covered by forest to 20.36%.Through combined measures, we brought soil erosion on 48,000 square kilometers of land under control.We strengthened the prevention and treatment of water pollution in the key watersheds of the Huai, Hai, and Liao rivers and Tai, Chao, and Dianchi lakes, and improved the control of wastewater, gases and residues from industry.Over the first four years of the Eleventh Five-Year Plan period, energy consumption per unit of GDP fell 14.38%,and chemical oxygen demand and sulfur dioxide emissions decreased 9.66% and 13.14% respectively.We made vigorous efforts to respond to climate change, and set forth our country's targets, policies and measures for controlling greenhouse gas emissions by 2020.We improved our weather forecasting and early warning;as well as earthquake monitoring, and constantly improved our disaster prevention and protection capabilities.区域协调发展迈出新步伐。深入实施区域发展总体战略,制定若干区域发展重大规划和政策。中西部和东北地区加快开放开发,积极承接产业转移,发展基础不断夯实;东部地区加快结构和自主创新,经济发展活力增强。区域发展呈现布局改善、结构优化、协调性提高的良好态势。
We took new steps in balancing development between regions.We thoroughly implemented the overall strategy for regional development;and formulated several major regional development plans and policies.The central and western regions and northeast China accelerated opening up and development, welcomed industries relocated from other parts of the country, and continuously strengthened their foundation for development.The eastern region accelerated restructuring and independent innovation, and the vitality of its economic development increased.A favorable situation emerged in which regional development was better distributed, structured and coordinated.(三)坚持深化改革开放,不断完善有利于科学发展的体制机制。我们把深化改革开放作为应对国际金融危机的强大动力,努力消除体制障碍,不断提高对外开放水平。
3.Steadfastly deepening reform and opening up, and constantly improving institutions and mechanisms conducive to developing scientifically.We deepened reform and opening up to respond more powerfully to the global financial crisis, worked hard to remove institutional obstacles and continued to open wider to the outside world.重点领域和关键环节改革加快推进。增值税转型全面实施。成品油价格和税费改革顺利推进,新的成品油价格形成机制规范运行。国家开发银行商业化转型和农业银行股份制改革扎实推进,跨境贸易人民币结算试点启动实施。创业板正式推出,为自主创新及其他成长型创业企业开辟了新的融资渠道。地方政府机构改革有序开展,事业单位分类改革试点稳步进行。集体林权制度改革全面推开,15亿亩林地确权到户,占全国集体林地面积的60%,这是继土地家庭承包之后我国农村经营制度的又一重大变革。
We accelerated reform in key areas and links.We comprehensively carried out VAT reform.The reform of the prices of refined oil products and taxes and fees on them was implemented smoothly, and a new mechanism for pricing them worked well.We made solid progress in commercializing the China Development Bank and introducing the joint stock system in the Agricultural Bank of China, and launched a pilot project to use the renminbi as the settlement currency for cross-border trade.The ChiNext stock market was officially launched, which opened a new financing channel for enterprises based on independent innovation and other growth enterprises.We proceeded with the reform of local government departments in an orderly manner, and steadily carried out a trial of reforming institutions by type.We comprehensively launched the reform of tenure in collective forests.We devolved tenure in 100 million hectares of forest land to rural households, equaling 60% of the country's total area of collective forests.This is another major reform of China's rural operation system, and follows in the footsteps of the household land contract responsibility system.开放型经济水平不断提高。出台一系列稳定外需的政策措施,采取符合国际惯例的方式支持出口企业,完成短期出口信用保险承保900亿美元,安排421亿美元大型成套设备出口融资保险。鼓励增加进口。去年下半年开始进出口降幅明显收窄,国际市场份额得到巩固,全年进出口总额2.2万亿美元。扭转利用外资下降局面,全年实际利用外商直接投资900亿美元。企业“走出去”逆势上扬,非金融类对外直接投资和对外工程承包营业额分别达433亿美元和777亿美元。积极参与国际宏观经济政策对话协调和经贸金融合作,在共同应对国际金融危机中发挥了建设性作用。
We constantly raised the level of the open economy.We introduced policies and measures to stabilize foreign demand, adopted methods that conform to international practices to support export companies, completed the issuance of short-term export credit insurance worth US$ 90 billion, and arranged $42.1 billion of export financing insurance for complete sets of large equipment.We encouraged increases in imports: Since the second half of last year;falls in imports and exports have clearly eased, and we have consolidated our share of international markets.Last year imports and exports totaled $2.2 trillion.We reversed the
A.可为智者道,难为俗人言也 B.每念斯耻,汗未尝不发背沾衣也
C.上计轩辕,下至于兹 D.且负下未易居,下流多谤议
A.草创未就,会遭此祸 是以就极刑而无愠色
B.从俗浮沉,与时俯仰 向之所欣,俯仰之间,已为陈迹
C.则仆偿前辱之责 诏书切峻,责臣逋慢
D.虽累百世,垢弥甚耳 数州之犬皆苍黄吠噬狂走者累日
A.①藏之名山 ②背负青天而莫之夭阏者
B.①亦欲以究天人之际 ②是以就极刑而无愠色
C.①然此可为智者道,难为俗人言也 ②彼其于世未数数然也
D.①上计轩辕,下至于兹,为十表 ②何故深思高举,自令放为
Nature and Art
Nature contains the elements, in colour and form, of all pictures, as the keyboard contains the notes of all music.But the artist is born to pick, and choose, and group with science, these elements, that the result may be beautiful—as the musician gathers his notes, and forms his chords, until he brings forth from the chaos glorious harmony.To say to the painter, that Nature is to be taken as she is, is to say to the player, that he may sit on the piano„
The dignity of the snow-capped mountain is lost in distinctness, but the joy of the tourist is to recognize the traveller on the top.The desire to see, for the sake of seeing, is, with the mass, alone the one to be gratified, hence the delight in detail.And when the evening mist clothes the riverside with poetry, as with a veil, and the poor buildings lose themselves in the dim sky, and the tall chimneys become campanili, and the warehouses are palaces in the night, and the whole city hangs in the heavens, and fairy-land is before us—then the wayfarer hastens home;the working man and the cultured one, the wise man and the one of pleasure, cease to understand, as they have ceased to see, and Nature, who, for once, has sung in tune, sings her exquisite song to the artist alone, her son and her master—her son in that loves her, her master in that he knows her.To him her secrets are unfolded, to him her lessons have become gradually clear.He looks at her flower, not with the enlarging lens, that may gather facts for the botanist, but with the light of the one who sees in her choice selection of brilliant tones and delicate tints, suggestions of future harmonies.He does not confine himself to purposeless copying, without thought, each blade of grass, as commended by the inconsequent, but, in the long curve of the narrow leaf, corrected by the straight tall stem, he learns how grace is wedded to dignity.How strength enhances sweetness, that elegance shall be the result.In the citron wing of the pale butterfly, with its dainty spots of orange, he sees before him the stately halls of fair gold, with their slender saffron pillars, and is taught how the delicate drawing high upon the walls shall be traced in tender tones of orpiment, and repeated by the base in notes of graver hue.In all that is dainty and lovable he finds hints for his own combinations, and thus is Nature ever his resource and always at his service, and to him is naught refused.Through his brain, as through the last alembic, is distilled the refined essence of that thought which began with the Gods, and which they left him to carry out.Set apart by them to complete their works, he produces that wondrous thing called the masterpiece, which surpasses in perfection all that they have contrived in what is called Nature;and the Gods stand by and marvel, and perceive how far away more beautiful is the Venus of Melos than was their own Eve.自然与艺术
岁月悠悠。一晃也是如云如烟的往事了。1981年秋,天津作家协会刚刚恢复工作,曾任美国作家联盟主席的约翰·赫赛(John Hersey)到天津来了。他是自费来中国旅游,又是特地来重温故乡之梦的。
天津怎么是赫赛的故乡呢?原来他父亲是美国传教士,曾任天津基督教青年会(YMCA :Young Men's Christian Association)干事多年;他母亲应南开中学邀请到南开中学任英语教师。随他来的翻译多说了几句,说他母亲教出了一位世界知名的人物,那就是周恩来。说他曾经玩笑地说,他是在母亲的肚皮里就已经认识这位伟大的人物了。他1914年出生在天津,11岁离开天津,回到美国。但天津一直留在他的心头,1939年和1945年都来重温过故乡之梦,这次是第三次了。
An American Writer Who Was Born in Tianjin
It has been gone like smoke and clouds.How time flies!In the autumn of 1981 when Tianjin Writers’ Association has just resumed its normal function in the wake of the Cultural Revolution, Mr.John Hersey, Ex-Chairman of American Writers’ Federation, came to Tianjin.He had come to China as a tourist and made a point of coming to see his former home there.How come Tianjin had become Hersey’s hometown? What happened was that his father, a missionary from America, was in charge of Tianjin YMCA for many years and his mother, at the request of NankaiMiddle School, was there teaching English.His interpreter offered a few humorous remarks that at NankaiMiddle School his mother had taught a student that later became a world-known figure and this student was none other than Zhou Enlai.He added that Hersey had once said half jokingly that he had known this great figure when he was still in his mother’s womb.He was born in Tianjin in 1914, and left for America at the age of eleven.But Tianjin had always been to the fore of his mind.He had visited Tianjin twice earlier, the first one in 1939 and the second in 1946, and this was his third visit.Hersey was well prepared for his visit to Tianjin.His interpreter again offered some extra information that, while in Beijing, he had asked someone to translate and read to him in English some works by Tianjin writers and he had a high opinion of “The Lotus Lake” by Sun Li and “The Visitor” by Fang Ji, and that gave us a glimpse of his attitude toward life and how he looked at social realities.The next day I was invited to the hotel where he stayed and we had a long talk in his room.He put his pocket recorder on the tea table, saying he wanted to note down what I was going to say as it was being interpreted.He asked how Tianjin was affected by the Tangshan earthquake and then he said he would like to be furnished with some information about Tianjin writers, because, during his previous visits to Tianjin, it had never occurred to him that there was any writer in this city.When he learned that writers in China were paid regular salaries, apart from contribution fees for their writings, he was so amazed that he put it in his notebook as if he had discovered something unusual.Picking up the topic from where he left off I asked how he had managed to make a living by writing and he said he was currently employed as a journalist for a newspaper and a professor at a university.His employment in the two occupations not only provided him with materials for creative writing and widened the range of his learning.Some of his novels were developed on the reportage he had written as a journalist and others were conceived while he was teaching at university.
1Is e-mail a blessing or a curse? Last month, after a week’s vacation, I discovered 1,218 unread e-mail messages waiting in my IN box.I pretend to be dismayed, but secretly I was pleased.This is how we measure our wired worth in the late 1990s — if you aren’t overwhelmed by e-mail, you must be doing something wrong.E-mail is enabling radically new forms of worldwide human collaboration.Those 225 million people who can send and receive it represent a network of potentially cooperating individuals dwarfing anything that even the mightiest corporation or government.Mailing-list discussion groups and online conferencing allow us to gather together to work on a multitude of projects that are interesting or helpful to us — to pool our collective efforts in a fashion never before possible.The most obvious place to see this collaboration right now is in the world of software.For decades, programmers have used e-mail to collaborate on projects.With increasing frequency, this collaboration is occurring across company lines, and often without even the spur of commercial incentives.It’s happening largely because it can — it’s relatively easy for a thousand programmers to collectively contribute to a project using e-mail and the Internet.Perhaps each individual contribution is small, but the scale of the Internet multiplies all efforts dramatically.参考答案
电子邮件是福是祸?上个月,在一周休假之后,我在收件箱中发现了1,218封未读邮件。我假装气恼,却暗自窃喜。如果你没被电子邮件淹没,你一定是出了问题 —— 这就是20世纪90年代末我们衡量自身有线价值的方式。
2Well-being, not just wealth, should mark the progress of our societies.It is hard to escape the fact that in developed societies, despite progress, innovation and prosperity, there is something not quite right.In some cases, it is hard for people to put a finger on it: a feeling of emptiness and not belonging, a lack of defined relationships and solid social structures.In other respects, it is really quantifiable: rates of drug abuse, violent crime and depression and suicide are rocketing.Why are we so unhappy? It seems that the Enlightenment brought forth unparalleled liberty in economic, social and political life, but we are now undergoing a midlife crisis.The politics of happiness is nothing new.Aristotle said that eudemonia or happiness is the goal of life.But for me, the person who brings the great conundrum of personal happiness alive is Robert Kennedy.In a beautifully crafted speech, he said what “makes life worthwhile” is “the health of our children, the quality of their education, the joy of their play,” “the strength of our marriages „ our devotion to our country” and our “wit „ wisdom and courage.” And he pointed out that none of these could be measured by gross national product.参考答案
China’s diplomacy cannot be labeled simply as “soft” or “hard-line”.Some people in the world, especially in Western countries, accuse China of becoming more assertive in diplomacy not as easygoing as before.But some in China say that China’s diplomacy is too “soft” and should “show our sword” to teach certain countries a lesson.We can see that different perspectives can lead people to different conclusions.I don’t think only the use of force can make diplomacy strong, or dialogue and negotiation only make diplomacy “soft”.We Chinese believe in combining firmness and flexibility, which is to say that “firmness” and “flexibility” are two sides of a coin.A man may be gentle at one time but angry at another time.Sometimes an army needs to march forward bravely while at other times it needs to avoid a direct confrontation.Confrontation and compromise are not the goals of diplomacy, nor are they the yardstick for our diplomatic work.They are just means to achieve our diplomatic goals or options we can choose from.This means we just know when to fight, when to cooperate and when to avoid direct confrontation.Wisdom is way more important than fists.试题
I always believe that anything written with an irresistible inner urge to unbosom oneself must be full of genuine feelings.On the contrary, if one writes simply for the sake of writing—say, to humor one’s editor friends, or worse still, to earn more remuneration, one will most probably make his writings unnecessarily long until they become, despite what little feelings they may contain, inflated and wishy-washy.When true emotions aroused by a person, an event or a scene come upon you like a pin pricking your heart or an angry tide surging threateningly before you, all you can do is use the most vivid and succinct language to describe the severe pain in your heart or the momentary feelings of panic caused b
【试题】1.Is e-mail a blessing or a curse? Last month, after a week’s vacation, I discovered 1,218 unread e-mail messages waiting in my IN box.I pretend to be dismayed, but secretly I was pleased.This is how we measure our wired worth in the late 1990s — if you aren’t overwhelmed by e-mail, you must be doing something wrong.E-mail is enabling radically new forms of worldwide human collaboration.Those 225 million people who can send and receive it represent a network of potentially cooperating individuals dwarfing anything that even the mightiest corporation or government.Mailing-list discussion groups and online conferencing allow us to gather together to work on a multitude of projects that are interesting or helpful to us — to pool our collective efforts in a fashion never before possible.The most obvious place to see this collaboration right now is in the world of software.For decades, programmers have used e-mail to collaborate on projects.With increasing frequency, this collaboration is occurring across company lines, and often without even the spur of commercial incentives.It’s happening largely because it can — it’s relatively easy for a thousand programmers to collectively contribute to a project using e-mail and the Internet.Perhaps each individual contribution is small, but the scale of the Internet multiplies all efforts dramatically.【参考答案】
电子邮件是福是祸?上个月,在一周休假之后,我在收件箱中发现了1,218封未读邮件。我假装气恼,却暗自窃喜。如果你没被电子邮件淹没,你一定是出了问题 —— 这就是20世纪90年代末我们衡量自身有线价值的方式。
【试题】2.Well-being, not just wealth, should mark the progress of our societies.It is hard to escape the fact that in developed societies, despite progress, innovation and prosperity, there is something not quite right.In some cases, it is hard for people to put a finger on it: a feeling of emptiness and not belonging, a lack of defined relationships and solid social structures.In other respects, it is really quantifiable: rates of drug abuse, violent crime and depression and suicide are rocketing.Why are we so unhappy? It seems that the Enlightenment brought forth unparalleled liberty in economic, social and political life, but we are now undergoing a midlife crisis.The politics of happiness is nothing new.Aristotle said that eudemonia or happiness is the goal of life.But for me, the person who brings the great conundrum of personal happiness alive is Robert Kennedy.In a beautifully crafted speech, he said what “makes life worthwhile” is “the health of our children, the quality of their education, the joy of their play,” “the strength of our marriages „ our devotion to our country” and our “wit „ wisdom and courage.” And he pointed out that none of these could be measured by gross national product.【参考答案】
China's diplomacy cannot be labeled simply as “soft” or “hard-line”.Some people in the world, especially in Western countries, accuse China of becoming more assertive in diplomacy not as easygoing as before.But some in China say that China's diplomacy is too “soft” and should “show our sword” to teach certain countries a lesson.We can see that different perspectives can lead people to different conclusions.I don't think only the use of force can make diplomacy strong, or dialogue and negotiation only make diplomacy “soft”.We Chinese believe in combining firmness and flexibility, which is to say that “firmness” and “flexibility” are two sides of a coin.A man may be gentle at one time but angry at another time.Sometimes an army needs to march forward bravely while at other times it needs to avoid a direct confrontation.Confrontation and compromise are not the goals of diplomacy, nor are they the yardstick for our diplomatic work.They are just means to achieve our diplomatic goals or options we can choose from.This means we just know when to fight, when to cooperate and when to avoid direct confrontation.Wisdom is way more important than fists.【试题】2
I always believe that anything written with an irresistible inner urge to unbosom oneself must be full of genuine feelings.On the contrary, if one writes simply for the sake of writing----say, to humor one's editor friends, or worse still, to earn more remuneration, one will most probably make his writings unnecessarily long until they become, despite what little feelings they may contain, inflated and wishy-washy.When true emotions aroused by a person, an event or a scene come upon you like a pin pricking your heart or an angry tide surging threateningly before you, all you can do is use the most vivid and succinct language to describe the severe pain in your heart or the momentary feelings of panic caused by the angry tide.无锡市第五届翻译比赛决赛试题及参考答案(专科组)
【试题】 1.Andrew Carnegie
Andrew Carnegie, known as the King of Steel, built the steel industry in the United States, and, in the process, became one of the wealthiest men in America.His success resulted in part from his ability to sell the product and in part from his policy of expanding during periods of economic decline, when most of his competitors were reducing their investments.Carnegie believed that individuals should progress through hard work, but he also felt strongly that the wealthy should use their fortunes for the benefit of society.“He who dies rich, dies disgraced,” he often said.Among his contributions to society are those that bear his name, including the Carnegie Institute of Pittsburgh, which has a library, a museum of fine arts, and a museum of national history.He also founded a school of technology that is now part of Carnegie-Mellon University.Other philanthropic gifts are the Carnegie Endowment for International Peace to promote understanding between nations, the Carnegie Institute of Washington to fund scientific research, and Carnegie Hall to provide a center for the arts.Few Americans have been left untouched by Andrew Carnegie’s generosity.【参考答案】(安德鲁•卡内基)
【试题】2.Is e-mail a blessing or a curse? Last month, after a week’s vacation, I discovered 1,218 unread e-mail messages waiting in my IN box.I pretend to be dismayed, but secretly I was pleased.This is how we measure our wired worth in the late 1990s — if you aren’t overwhelmed by e-mail, you must be doing something wrong.E-mail is enabling radically new forms of worldwide human collaboration.Those 225 million people who can send and receive it represent a network of potentially cooperating individuals dwarfing anything that even the mightiest corporation or government.Mailing-list discussion groups and online conferencing allow us to gather together to work on a multitude of projects that are interesting or helpful to us — to pool our collective efforts in a fashion never before possible.The most obvious place to see this collaboration right now is in the world of software.For decades, programmers have used e-mail to collaborate on projects.With increasing frequency, this collaboration is occurring across company lines, and often without even the spur of commercial incentives.It’s happening largely because it can — it’s relatively easy for a thousand programmers to collectively contribute to a project using e-mail and the Internet.Perhaps each individual contribution is small, but the scale of the Internet multiplies all efforts dramatically.【参考答案】
电子邮件是福是祸?电子邮件是福是祸?上个月,在一周休假之后,我在收件箱中发现了1,218封未读邮件。我假装气恼,却暗自窃喜。如果你没被电子邮件淹没,你一定是出了问题 —— 这就是20世纪90年代末我们衡量自身有线价值的方式。
As a developing country with a large population, a relatively low level of economic development, a complex climate and a fragile eco-environment, China is vulnerable to the adverse effects of climate change, which has brought substantial threats to the natural ecosystems as well as the economic and social development of the country.These threats are particularly pressing in the fields of agriculture(farming), livestock breeding(husbandry), forestry, natural ecosystems and water resources, and in the coastal and eco-fragile zones.Therefore, China's priority task at present is to adapt itself to climate change.The multiple pressures of developing the economy, eliminating poverty and mitigating the emissions of greenhouse gases constitute difficulties for China in its efforts to cope with climate change, since the country is undergoing rapid economic development.【试题】2
China's diplomacy cannot be labeled simply as “soft” or “hard-line”.Some people in the world, especially in Western countries, accuse China of becoming more assertive in diplomacy not as easygoing as before.But some in China say that China's diplomacy is too “soft” and should “show our sword” to teach certain countries a lesson.We can see that different perspectives can lead people to different conclusions.I don't think only the use of force can make diplomacy strong, or dialogue and negotiation only make diplomacy “soft”.We Chinese believe in combining firmness and flexibility, which is to say that “firmness” and “flexibility” are two sides of a coin.A man may be gentle at one time but angry at another time.Sometimes an army needs to march forward bravely while at other times it needs to avoid a direct confrontation.Confrontation and compromise are not the goals of diplomacy, nor are they the yardstick for our diplomatic work.They are just means to achieve our diplomatic goals or options we can choose from.This means we just know when to fight, when to cooperate and when to avoid direct confrontation.Wisdom is way more important than fists.
Time limit: 150 Min 第一部分:英译汉(50分)
Street Haunting: A London Adventure(Excerpt)
Virginia Woolf
No one perhaps has ever felt passionately towards a lead pencil.But there are circumstances in which it can become supremely desirable to possess one;moments when we are set upon having an object, an excuse for walking half across London between tea and dinner.As the foxhunter hunts in order to preserve the breed of foxes, and the golfer plays in order that open spaces may be preserved from the builders, so when the desire comes upon us to go street rambling the pencil does for a pretext, and getting up we say: “Really I must buy a pencil,” as if under cover of this excuse we could indulge safely in the greatest pleasure of town life in winter — rambling the streets of London.How beautiful a London street is then, with its islands of light, and its long groves of darkness, and on one side of it perhaps some tree-sprinkled, grass-grown space where night is folding herself to sleep naturally and, as one passes the iron railing, one hears those little cracklings and stirrings of leaf and twig which seem to suppose the silence of fields all round them, an owl hooting, and far away the rattle of a train in the valley.But this is London, we are reminded;high among the bare trees are hung oblong frames of reddish yellow light — windows;there are points of brilliance burning steadily like low stars — lamps;this empty ground, which holds the country in it and its peace, is only a London square, set about by offices and houses where at this hour fierce lights burn over maps, over documents, over desks where clerks sit turning with wetted forefinger the files of endless correspondences;or more suffusedly the firelight wavers and the lamplight falls upon the privacy of some drawing-room, its easy chairs, its papers, its china, its inlaid table, and the figure of a woman, accurately measuring out the precise number of spoons of tea which —— She looks at the door as if she heard a ring downstairs and somebody asking, is she in?
一件小事(节选)鲁 迅
车夫毫不理会,——或者并没有听到,——却放下车子,扶那老女人慢慢起来,搀着臂膊立定,问伊说: “你怎么啦?” “我摔坏了。”
A Small Incident(Excerpt)
Lu Xun
Six years have slipped by since I came from the country to the capital.During that time the number of so-called affairs of state I have witnessed or heard about is far from small, but none of them made much impression.If asked to define their influence on me, I can only say they made my bad temper worse.Frankly speaking, they taught me to take a poorer view of people every day.One small incident, however, which struck me as significant and jolted me out of my irritability, remains fixed even now in my memory.It was the winter of 1917, a strong north wind was blustering, but the exigencies of earning my living forced me to be up and out early.I met scarcely a soul on the road, but eventually managed to hire a rickshaw to take me to S-Gate.Presently the wind dropped a little, having blown away the drifts of dust on the road to leave a clean broad highway, and the rickshaw man quickened his pace.We were just approaching S-Gate when we knocked into someone who slowly toppled over.It was a grey-haired woman in ragged clothes.She had stepped out abruptly from the roadside in front of us, and although the rickshaw man had swerved, her tattered padded waistcoat, unbuttoned and billowing in the wind, had caught on the shaft.Luckily the rickshaw man had slowed down, otherwise she would certainly have had a bad fall and it might have been a serious accident.She huddled there on the ground, and the rickshaw man stopped.As I did not believe the old woman was hurt and as no one else had seen us, I thought this halt of his uncalled for, liable to land him trouble and hold me up.“It’s all right,” I said.“Go on.”
He paid no attentionbut set down the shafts, took the old woman's arm and gently helped her up.“Are you all right?” he asked.“I hurt myself falling.”
I thought: I saw how slowly you fell, how could you be hurt?
Putting on an act like this is simply disgusting.The rickshaw man asked for trouble, and now he’s got it.He’ll have to find his own way out.But the rickshaw man did not hesitate for a minute after hearing the old woman's answer.Still holding her arm, he helped her slowly forward.Rather puzzled by his I looked ahead and saw a police-station.Because of the high wind, there was no one outside.It was there that the rickshaw man was taking the old woman.Suddenly I had the strange sensation that his dusty retreating figure had in that instant grown larger.Indeed, the further he walked the larger he loomed, until I had to look up to him.At the same time he seemed gradually to be exerting a pressure on me which threatened to overpower the small self hidden under my fur-lined gown.江西省第二届英语翻译大赛决赛特等奖(第一名)获奖作品选登
鲁 迅
“你怎么啦?” “我摔坏了。”
A Small Incident(Excerpt)Lu Xun It has been six years since I came to the capital from the country.The so-called affairs of state during that time which I had seen or heard about did amount to many, albeit with no visible trace left in my heart.Speaking of their influence on me, they only exacerbated my ill temper.To be honest, they made me more and more ignorant of others day by day.One small incident, however, which bore great significance to me, dragged me out of my ill temper and remains forever in my memory.It was a winter in the sixth year of the Republic of China, the north wind was blowing violently.For the sake of making a living, I had to go out early when there was barely a person in sight on the road.Finally I managed to hire a rickshaw and told him to go towards the door S.Soon the wind blew less fiercely, while dust on the road was swept clean, leaving a smooth road ahead.So the rickshaw man ran faster.As we were approaching the door S, all of a sudden, a person ran into our rickshaw and gradually fell down.It was a grey-haired woman, dressed in ragged clothes.She suddenly walked towards us from the roadside.Though the rickshaw man had gone out of her way, her ragged waistcoat was unbuttoned, which stretched out in the wind and caught on the handle bar.Fortunately, the rickshaw man had taken early action, otherwise the old lady would certainly fell down and get seriously hurt.She was lying there.The rickshaw man stopped.I was sure that she was not hurt and there was no witness then, so I complained of his being so “helpful”.If he had made a fuss, it would have wasted my time as well.So I said to him: “It’s no big deal.Let’s go.”
Totally regardless of my words,(or simply not having heard it,)he let go of the rickshaw, and helped the woman stand on her feet.Holding her arm, he asked: “Are you OK?”
“Not well.”
I watched her slowly falling down, how could she possibly get hurt? “She is pretending!” I thought to myself, “How contemptible it is!” The rickshaw man was being so “helpful” that he was troubling the trouble.I would leave him alone.Upon hearing the woman’s words, the rickshaw man made no hesitation.He was still holding her arm and they walked ahead step by step.Feeling a bit confused, I looked ahead.There was a patrolling police station, where nobody was outside in such a violent wind.The two were moving towards that place, surely.At that moment, a strange sensation seized me: his dusty figure suddenly became mighty.The further they walked, the mightier it seemed.In the end I had to look up to him.What he meant to me gradually became a pressure, a kind of pressure massive enough to overshadow “the little myself” beneath the garments.Street Haunting: A London Adventure(Excerpt)
Virginia Woolf
No one perhaps has ever felt passionately towards a lead pencil.But there are circumstances in which it can become supremely desirable to possess one;moments when we are set upon having an object, an excuse for walking half across London between tea and dinner.As the foxhunter hunts in order to preserve the breed of foxes, and the golfer plays in order that open spaces may be preserved from the builders, so when the desire comes upon us to go street rambling the pencil does for a pretext, and getting up we say: “Really I must buy a pencil,” as if under cover of this excuse we could indulge safely in the greatest pleasure of town life in winter — rambling the streets of London.How beautiful a London street is then, with its islands of light, and its long groves of darkness, and on one side of it perhaps some tree-sprinkled, grass-grown space where night is folding herself to sleep naturally and, as one passes the iron railing, one hears those little cracklings and stirrings of leaf and twig which seem to suppose the silence of fields all round them, an owl hooting, and far away the rattle of a train in the valley.But this is London, we are reminded;high among the bare trees are hung oblong frames of reddish yellow light — windows;there are points of brilliance burning steadily like low stars — lamps;this empty ground, which holds the country in it and its peace, is only a London square, set about by offices and houses where at this hour fierce lights burn over maps, over documents, over desks where clerks sit turning with wetted forefinger the files of endless correspondences;or more suffusedly the firelight wavers and the lamplight falls upon the privacy of some drawing-room, its easy chairs, its papers, its china, its inlaid table, and the figure of a woman, accurately measuring out the precise number of spoons of tea which —— She looks at the door as if she heard a ring downstairs and somebody asking, is she in?