Funeral Cultural Differences between East and West
With the rapidly challenging world, people through the world have found it increasingly necessary to minimize the rate of misunderstanding due miscommunication in their contacts with another.Everything is relative, cultural difference being no exception.Culture, as the total pattern of human behavior and its products, oversteps geographical limits and historical conditions in many ways, and it is characterized by its strong penetrativeness and fusibility.The advancement of the globalized economy and the rapidity and ease of modern communication, transportation, and mass media have resulted in an ever increasing exchange between cultures, unprecedented
speed.Consequently, an increase in universality and a reduction in difference between cultures is an inevitable trend.It is no surprise to see phenomena characteristic of one culture existing in another.As a result, some people even fear that the world will become a dull place when all the different nationalities behave exactly alike.Nevertheless, the “cultural sediment” formed through long-range accumulation is not to be easily removed, and the cultural tradition handed down from generation to generation shows great consistency and continuity.The cultures of different regions and nations still have their own distinctive peculiarities, and therefore significance still needs to be attached to the study of the individualities of different cultures against the background of their universality.I will talk about the funeral cultural difference between Chinese and western.If life is a trip, funeral is the end of the long journey.Death for people who believe in reincarnation does not mean the end of life, but the conversion of life.In other world.Funeral is to put the soul of the deceased to the underworld.The funeral ceremony refers to the etiquette of living deal with the deceased, and it is considered the last step of one’s whole life.When original human-being was in the world, they had a problem how to deal with the bodies.This is the beginning of funeral.Archeologists proved that the earliest original funeral appeared in China about 20,000 years ago.We can say the funeral is the oldest ceremony in human history.People‘s life is limited.Funeral ceremony symbolizes the end of human’s life journey in the world.The activities we carry out around the deceased show many aspects of the real world.These activities have a lot of very close connections with people’s religion believes, ethical notions, national consciousness, customs, even the scheme of society scheme directly or indirectly.Different cultural backgrounds and religions cause the different funeral customs.China and the English speaking countries all have log stories.It’s very difficult to show their funeral customs comprehensively and exactly.In this thesis, the author will introduce the different funeral ceremonies customs, and then search the root of these differences by comparing their different customs.To Chinese people, death means the emancipation from earthliness.If people die in the house peacefully, when he/she is extremely old, we call his/her funeral ‘white occasion’.As a very admirable way of death that one’s life ends at home without pain and disease is people’s long-cherished wish of lifetime and it’s also the glory of the family.Funeral preparation is ready shroud, coffin and for the dead.In China it’s very important and formal.There is a lot of custom taboos in this step.T he shroud is generally made from cotton.Nobody will like his/her shroud made by fur or silk, because Chinese believe that furs can make people into animals in the other life.Silk is not used to make shroud for it’s Chinese pronunciation ‘duan’ which means bad for the death’s children.The coffin is divided into different grades according to the hardness of the timber, the harder the better.A prerequisite for the implementation of the funeral, obviously, we must determine the person is dead.In China, people will cotton on the person’s nostrils to test whether or not people die.I t is named a fine cotton in The Book of Rites.A fine cotton is much accurate than directly testing by hand and show respect for the deceased.If relatives were sure the person had been dead, everyone started crying.Crying means starting the funeral ceremony.In some place of China, especially in rural, people always open the roof tiles to wish the death go heaven.At the central plains region, it is bathed in his deathbed.Then put shroud on for him before he death.Medium civil funeral have “停灵”customs ,continued for three days, five days or seven days, it shows relatives look forward to the resurrection of the deceased, set aside enough time to the escape soul can return to when there is physical dependence.Western funeral rituals and customs are essentially religious funeral
advocate “individual-based” and “individual-centered”, so people focus on resettlement of the deceased “soul” at the funeral.Father of repentance to him.This is also o hospice, so that the dying people will get correct view of the death of the deceased, and get out of the fear of death.At death, under the auspices of Father give the deceased corpse washing, dressing, religious meaning of his sins are washed away, clean see God after the priest want to pray.Chinese cemeteries are generally located on hillsides since this is thought to improve Fengshui(geomantic omen).The higher a grave is located, the better.At the graveside, when the coffin is taken down from the hearse and lowered into the ground, all present must turn away.Family members and other relatives throw a handful of earth into the grave before it is frilled.After the funeral, all of clothes worn by the mourners are burned to avoid had luck associated with death.After the coffin is buried, the keeper of the cemetery will also offer prayers to the deceased.Family members and relatives are presented with a red packed(A sign of gratitude from the deceased’s family, and the money in it must be spent).A white towel is also a sign of gratitude although it is also used by funeral guests to wipe away perspiration.The eldest son of the deceased will retrieve some earth from the grave to put into an incense holder, and the deceased will be worshipped by the family at home using an ancestral tablet.Western funeral is religious funeral.The customs of western countries’ are influenced by their religions.Western funerals mainly pray for the deceased, wish souls ascend to heaven as soon as possible.Christians thought people should give the deceased’ soul need to be quiet after death ,so western funeral customs are simple and enmity.Confucian established the Chinese traditional funeral rites.I n traditional Chinese culture, the soul is immortal;it’s attached the gods, worshiped in the Temple.Later, the introduction of Buddhism, bring the “six reincarnation, reincarnation Health care “and other concepts.At the same time, the Chinese local religion Taoism put forward the concept of Hell.Chinese people mixed these different believe together, and formed Chinese funeral customs-the Confucian tradition as the main body, the convergence of Buddhism and Taoism’s funeral rites.Today ,the globalization gives us much more chances to get in touch with foreigners than ever before.When people different areas communicate with each other, their different cultural backgrounds may cause misunderstanding.As two oldest cultures, Chinese and Western culture both have their own cultural characteristics.Though their boundaries have been not so clear after many years mingling, people need to know the others’ national characteristics still, especially when take part in foreigner’s funeral ceremony.As the last step of human’s life journey, funeral ceremony has its different status and meanings in each areas.We search these differences through searching the different customs of funeral ceremonies.By comparing these differences and their roots, people can understand the senses of worth and the cultural backgrounds of people in different countries.It will help us to avoid misunderstanding in crossing-cultural communication.
Funeral Cultural Differences between East and West
I will talk about the funeral cultural difference between Chinese and western.If life is a trip, funeral is the end of the long journey.Death for people who believe in reincarnation does not mean the end of life, but the conversion of life.In other world.Funeral is to put the soul of the deceased to the underworld.The funeral ceremony refers to the etiquette of living deal with the deceased, and it is considered the last step of one’s whole life.To Chinese people, death means the emancipation from earthliness.If people die in the house peacefully, when he/she is extremely old, we call his/her funeral ‘white occasion’.As a very admirable way of death that one’s life ends at home without pain and disease is people’s long-cherished wish of lifetime and it’s also the glory of the family.Funeral preparation is ready shroud, coffin and for the dead.In China it’s very important and formal.There is a lot of custom taboos in this step.T he shroud is generally made from cotton.Nobody will like his/her shroud made by fur or silk, because Chinese believe that furs can make people into animals in the other life.Silk is not used to make shroud for it’s Chinese pronunciation ‘duan’ which means bad for the death’s children.The coffin is divided into different grades according to the hardness of the timber, the harder the better.A prerequisite for the implementation of the funeral, obviously, we must determine the person is dead.In China, people will cotton on the person’s nostrils to test whether or not people die.I t is named a fine cotton in The Book of Rites.A fine cotton is much accurate than directly testing by hand and show respect for the deceased.If relatives were sure the person had been dead, everyone started crying.Crying means starting the funeral ceremony.In some place of China, especially in rural, people always open the roof tiles to wish the death go heaven.At the central plains region, it is bathed in his deathbed.Then put shroud on for him before he death.Medium civil funeral have “停灵”customs ,continued for three days, five days or seven days, it shows relatives look forward to the resurrection of the deceased, set aside enough time to the escape soul can return to when there is physical dependence.Western funeral rituals and customs are essentially religious funeral
advocate “individual-based” and “individual-centered”, so people focus on resettlement of the deceased “soul” at the funeral.Father of repentance to him.This is also o hospice, so that the dying people will get correct view of the death of the deceased, and get out of the fear of death.At death, under the auspices of Father give the deceased corpse washing, dressing, religious meaning of his sins are washed away, clean see God after the priest want to pray.Chinese cemeteries are generally located on hillsides since this is thought to improve Fengshui(geomantic omen).The higher a grave is located, the better.At the graveside, when the coffin is taken down from the hearse and lowered into the ground, all present must turn away.Family members and other relatives throw a handful of earth into the grave before it is frilled.After the funeral, all of clothes worn by the mourners are burned to avoid had luck associated with death.After the coffin is buried, the keeper of the cemetery will also offer prayers to the deceased.Family members and relatives are presented with a red packed(A sign of gratitude from the deceased’s family, and the money in it must be spent).A white towel is also a sign of gratitude although it is also used by funeral guests to wipe away perspiration.The eldest son of the deceased will retrieve some earth from the grave to put into an incense holder, and the deceased will be worshipped by the family at home using an ancestral tablet.Western funeral is religious funeral.The customs of western countries’ are influenced by their religions.Western funerals mainly pray for the deceased, wish souls ascend to heaven as soon as possible.Christians thought people should give the deceased’ soul need to be quiet after death ,so western funeral customs are simple and enmity.Confucian established the Chinese traditional funeral rites.I n traditional Chinese culture, the soul is immortal;it’s attached the gods, worshiped in the Temple.Later, the introduction of Buddhism, bring the “six reincarnation, reincarnation Health care “and other concepts.At the same time, the Chinese local religion Taoism put forward the concept of Hell.Chinese people mixed these different believe together, and formed Chinese funeral customs-the Confucian tradition as the main body, the convergence of Buddhism and Taoism’s funeral rites.
服饰艺术 内容非常博大精深,因此,就语言文字来说,汉语相对英语来讲具有相当的优势,真心佩服我们先祖无与伦比的聪明才智。
在造园艺术上,西方古典园林表现为一种人工的创造。园林中所有的景 物,无论是建筑物还是山水树木都有人工穿凿的明显印记, 其楼阁亭台排列整齐, 花木修剪成形, 水源理成喷泉,一切都很规整。比较有代表的是法国的凡尔赛宫园林。造园手法以几何直线为主,它与中国古典的皇家园林有着截然不同的风格。它完全是人工雕琢的,极其讲究对称和几何图形化。
中国古典园林风格是崇尚自然, 在造园的过程中”自然”一直是中国园林进 行艺术创作的最高原则和审美标准。中国古
典园林把建筑、山水、植物有机地融为一体, 在有限的空间范围内利用自然条件, 模拟大自然中的美景, 力求再现大自然中各种事物、景物的造型和气势。中国古典园林无论是北方御园还是江南私园都很强调顺应自然,巧妙设置的山水树木、亭台楼阁, 显现出浓郁的自然韵味。所以就造园手法来说,随让各有优点,我还是欣赏中国融自然与山水的造园手法
西方水果画 作为抒情的媒介表达着作者的而西方绘画则偏于写实性地再于构思,技法展示遮蔽了画家层物象才能体味画家深藏的内心世界。而且西画常以故事性或场景性代替精神性,在立意上存在缺失。
中国佛像 无主辅之别。只是到了后期,特别是宗教雕塑兴起后,人像才得以充分发展。若单独一人像来说的话,我认为西方的雕塑表达的人物思想更深刻一些,人物刻画的比较细腻,相对来首有较强的表现力。
(1)在对待人与自然的关系问题上。中国注重天人合一,西方文化强调征服和改造自然.肖尚军的《传统文化概要》(2006.12)中指出,中国文化重视人与自然的和谐统一,即“天人合一”,西方文化则强调人对自然的征服与改造,即征服自然。《东西文化及其哲学》(梁濑溟1999.7.1)中指出,在方法上,中国人注重抽象和虚的意味,“往往拿这抽象玄学的推理应用到属经验知识的具体问题”,所以中国传统不具有西方征服自然、科学方法、民主精神之异彩。《中西伦理文化差异的比较与启示》(刘宗碧 2006.2)中指出,西方持幸福论为主的维度,追求主体权益满足的自我确证;中国持功德论的维度,追求“顺天意”的功名。