第一篇:河南大学学位英语考试 英译汉
1.Not all the neighborhoods are empty, nor is every workplace a friendly playground.Most of us have had mixed experiences in these environments.Yet as one woman told me recently, she knows more about the people she passes on the way to her desk than on her way around the block.Our new sense of community hasn’t just moved from house to office building.The labels that we wear connect us with members from distant companies, cities, and states.We assume that have something “in common” with other teachers, nurses, city planners.不是所有的住宅区都是空的,也不是所有的工作单位都是友好的.多数人在这里都曾有过复杂的经历.然而,最近一位女性朋友告诉我她对工作单位里的人的了解程度要胜于对同一街区人的了解程度.我们不仅把社区的概念从住宅区迁移到办公楼,上班时身上佩戴的标志也把我们和异国他乡的人们和公司员工联系在一起.我们假设自己和其他的教师、护士、城市规划者有某些共同点。,It’s not unlike the experience of our immigrant grandparents.Many who came to this country still identified themselves as members of the Italian community, the Irish community, the Polish community.They sought out and assumed connections with people from the old country.Many of us have updated that experience.We have replaced ethnic identity with professional identity, the way we replaced neighborhoods with the workplace.This whole realignment of community is surely most obvious among the mobile.In an age of specialists, they may have to search harder to find people who speak the same language.这有点像最初移民来到美国我们的祖辈们的经历,许多人来到这里以后把自己原来的国籍还当成一个社区,所以有意大利人社区、爱尔兰人社区、波兰人社区等。他们不断寻找并设想自己与来自同一个国家的人们有着亲密的联系。我们把这种体验提升了一步。像工作单位取代居住地一样,我们的职业身份取代了种族身份。这种社区的完全重组在流动作业的行业中表现得最为明显,那些在不同城市变换工作的人似乎把自己的身份根植与他们的行业中。在这个充满专业人士的时代,他们不得不费劲周折去寻找有共同语言的人。
2.Onward and upward was the course she set.Small progress was no excuse for feeling satisfied with yourself.People who stopped to pat themselves on the back didn’t last long.Even if you got to the top, you’d better not take it easy.“The bigger they come, the harder they fall” was one of her favorite maxims.进取、进取、再进取,这是母亲给我设定的方向。小小的进步是不足以自我满足的。那些因成功而沾沾自喜停下来欣赏自己的人是不会持久的。即使你已经到达顶峰,你也最好不要放松。“爬得越高,摔得越痛”是母亲的至理名言。
It wasn’t the gin that was shouting.It was my mother.The gin only gave me the courage to announce to them that yes, by God, I had always believed in success, had always believed that without hard work and self-discipline you could never amount to anything, and didn’t deserve to.其实不是杜松子酒在吼,是我的母亲在吼。酒只是借给了我勇气向他们宣布那个想法。是的,上帝可以作证,我一直相信成功,一直相信如果没有辛勤的劳动和严格的自律,一个人不可能有任何成就,也不配有成就。
3.Defining who is great depends on how one measures success.对伟人的定义取决于人们如何衡量成功 “There’s a tendency to think that they are endowed with something
super-normal” he explained.“But what comes out of the research is that there are great people who have no amazing intellectual processes.” It’s a difference in degree.Greatness is built on tremendous amounts of study, practice and devotion.””人们往往认为他们具备一些超长非凡的东西,”他解释道。“但研究表明,有的伟人并没有惊人的智力。”伟人的伟大建立在大量的学习、实践及其献身精神的基础之上。
Thrust into office when his country’s morale was at the lowest, Churchill rose brilliantly to lead the British people.In a speech following the Allied evacuation at Dunkirk in 1940, he inspired the nation when he said, “We shall not flag or fail.We shall go on to the end...We shall never surrender.”丘吉尔在全国上下士气最为低落的时候被推上台,并出色地领导了英国人民。在1940年盟军敦刻尔克大撤退之后的一次讲演中,他的话激励了全国人民,“我们一定不会衰退、失败。我们将坚持到底…我们永远不会屈服。”
4.It’s easy to overlook the pleasure we get from loving and being loved, the company of friends, the freedom to live where we please, and even good health.我们可以从爱和被爱中感到快乐,从朋友的相伴中感到愉快,为能随意到处居留而感到喜悦,甚至会为了身体健康而高兴,可是这些快乐很容易被忽视。
We, on the other hand, with so many choices and such pressure to succeed in every area, have turned happiness into one more thing we “gotta have.” 另一方面,由于我们有许多选择并想在各个领域获得成功的压力,我们把幸福变成了我们“必须得到”的另外一种东西。
So we chase it and equate it with wealth and success, without noticing that people who have those things aren’t necessarily happier.所以我们追求幸福,将幸福与财富和成功等同起来,没有注意到拥有这一切的人不一定更幸福。
Happiness isn’t about what happens to us — it’s about how we perceive what happens to us.It’s the knack of finding a positive for every negative, and viewing a setback as a challenge.幸福不在于我们周围所发生的一切,而在于我们如何去看待我们周围所发生着的一切事情。这是一种从不利中找到有利,将挫折看作是激励的诀窍。
It’s not wishing for what we don’t have, but cherishing what we do possess.幸福并不是时时去盼望得到我们所没有的,而是要珍惜我们拥有的!
5.From my own experience, practical play exposes all sorts of weaknesses and strengths in my play that are hidden during preparation.根据我的经验,实际下棋的时候会暴露出我在准备过程中隐藏的各种弱点和长处。
On top of that, all his games were accessible to the Deep Blue team, while he was in the dark about Deep Blue.最要紧的是,深蓝队可以得到他的所有对局,但是他对深蓝队的情况却一无所知。
Humans, too, play weaker in unfamiliar situations and though they may find their way around better, machines can compensate for that with brute force.在陌生的环境下人类的表现也更差,而且即使人类可能摸索到更好的方法,机器也可以用物质的力量来弥补。
Unfortunately, as a result, we were never able to see the fabulous calculating abilities of Deep Blue.很不幸,结果是我们从来也不能看到深蓝奇妙的计算能力
IBM can hardly risk the reputation of its “blue-eyed” baby against some PC or mere mortal.So the rest of us(6,000,000,000 minus Kasparov)are left with more questions than answers.BM几乎不可能用它的“蓝眼”婴孩的声誉来挑战某台微机或是某位凡人。所以我们当中其余的人(除了卡斯帕洛夫以外的60亿人)看到的更多的是问题而不是答案。
6.To hold this opinion, however, is little short of treason in America.A boy or girl who leaves college is branded a failure—and the right to fail is one of the few freedoms that this country does not grant its citizens.The American dream of “getting ahead”, painted in strokes of gold wherever we look.Our advertisements and TV commercials are a hymn to material success, our magazine articles a toast to people who made it to the top.Smoke the right cigarette or drive the right cat---so the ads imply---and the girls will be swooning into your deodorized arms or caressing your expensive lapels.Happiness goes to the man who has the sweet smell of achievement.He is our national idol, and everybody else is our national fink.然而在美国,持有这种观点差不多就是背叛.中途离开学校的孩子们被丑化成失败者---失败的权利是美国政府没有赋予国民的少数几个自由之一.美国之梦是”成功”之梦,凡是我们放眼之处都是一片金光灿烂.宣传广告和电视广告歌颂物质方面的成功,杂志文章赞誉获得此类成功的人.广告暗示你:吸适合你身份的烟、开适合你身份的车,女孩们就会陶醉在你那没有异味的怀抱之中,抚摸你那昂贵的衣领。幸福只青睐那些散发出成功的甜蜜气味的人。他是全体国民的偶像,其他所有人则是国家的蛀虫。
8.Funny.This is how the U.S.was supposed to be.In a famous series of essays collected in his 1976 book,The Cultural Contradictions of Capitalism,Daniel Bell noted how the decline of the Protestant small-town ethic had unhinged American capitalism from its moral foundation in the intrinsic value of work..By the 1960s,Bell argued,”The cultural justification of capitalism become hedonism,the idea of pleasure as a way of life.” In a 1969 cover story titled “California: A State of Excitement”,Time reported that,as most Americans saw it,”the good,godless,gregarious pursuit of pleasure is what California is all about…”I have seen the future,”says the newly returned visitor to California,”and it plays.”
10.If the primary goal is simply to reduce cheating, then there are a variety of strategies to consider, including increased proctoring, encouraging faculty to use multiple versions of exams and not to recycle old tests and exams, aggressively faculty using plagiarism detection software, and employing stronger sanctions to
punish offenders.But while such strategies are likely to reduce cheating, I can’t imagine many people would want to learn in such an environment.As educators, we owe our students more than this, especially when cheating may reflect cynicism about what they perceive as eroding moral standards in the academy and in society.如果主要目的只是减少作弊,就可以考虑采取各种各样的措施:更严格的监考,鼓励教师采用多种版本的试题,不要循环使用旧考题,更积极地使用剽窃检测软件,以及对作弊者进行更严厉的惩罚。尽管这些措施很可能减少作弊,但很难想象人们会愿意在这样的环境中学习。作为教育者,我们为学生提供的东西应该比这些更多.Today’s students seem to be less concerned with what administrators and/or faculty consider appropriate behavior and much more concerned with the views and behavior of their peers.今天的学生不太在意学校或教师认为适宜的行为,他们更关心同伴的观点和行为.Regardless of the campus integrity policy, if students see others cheating, and faculty who fail to see it or choose to ignore it, they are likely to conclude that cheating is necessary to remain competitive.尽管学校有关学术诚信的政策,如果学生目睹别人作弊而未被教师发现,或教师干脆置之不理,他们可能会认为,为了维持竞争力,有必要采取欺骗行为.7.The great modern social myth is that the family is a “plastic” institution,capable of being molded to meet changing needs.现代社会的一大妄言是认为家庭是具有“可塑性”的制度,可以因适应不断变化的需求而改变。In fact,efforts to live in a world of pluralistic family forms result in mounting social disorder that governments can neither control nor reverse.实际上人们对于家庭形式多元化的尝试使社会秩序愈发混乱,而政府既不能控制也不可能扭转这种混乱局面。
Common sense,the lessons of history and the work of anthropologists actually point to the family as a universal and necessary institution.It is commonly defined as a man and a woman bonded together through a socially approved covenant of marriage to regulate sexuality;to provide mutual care and support;to create a home economy;to bear,raise and protect children;and to maintain continuity between the generations.我们的常识、历史教训以及人类学家的研究实际上都认为家庭是一种普遍而必要的制度。家庭通常的定义是:一男一女通过社会认可的婚姻契约连结在一起,以便规范性行为,相互关心,相互支持,建立家庭经济,生养并保护孩子,使家庭血脉代代相传。
Most human societies are either monogamous(one man married to one woman)or polygynous(one man with multiple wives).These alternatives appear to be rooted in human nature and represent the only enduring” choice ”a society really has.这种非此即彼的选择植根于人的天性,代表了社会唯一长久持续的选择。(7)Fatherlessness is approaching a rough parity with fatherhood as a defining feature of childhood.父爱缺失几科和父爱一样,正在成了童年生活的一大特征。
This astonishing fact is reflected in many statistics, but here are the two most important: Tonight, about 40 percent of U.S.children will go to sleep in likely to spend a significant portion of childhood living apart from their fathers.Never before in this country have so many children been voluntarily abandoned by their fathers.Never before have so many children grown up without knowing what it means to have a father.很多数据都反映出这一令人吃惊的现象,但最重要的两个数据是:今夜约有40%的美国孩子将在没有父亲的房里入睡。一半多的孩子可能在童年时期有相当一部分的时间是与父亲分
Fatherlessness is the most harmful demographic trend of this generation.It is the leading cause of the decline in the well-being of children.It is also the engine driving our most urgent social problems, from crime to adolescent pregnancy to domestic violence.Yet, despite its scale and social consequences, fatherlessness is frequently ignored or denied.Especially within our elite discourse, it remains a problem with no name.关于这一代人的人口统计显示出的倾向中,父爱缺失是最糟的一项。它是儿童生活幸福度下降的罪魁祸首,也是产生犯罪、青少年怀孕、家庭暴力等严重社会问题目的根源。然而尽管父爱缺失这一问题普遍存在且后果严重,却经常被忽略被否认。尤其是在我们的精英话语中,父爱缺失仍是一个未被清楚地认识到的问题。
9.Historically, the most obvious example of sex bias has been paying women less than men for doing the same work.Although unlawful,the practice is pervasive,and even now,after years of strong feminist(and other)efforts to correct this inequity,women still earn only seventy cents for every dollar earned by men.This is wage inequality,not to be confused with the glass ceiling,which denies women the opportunity to advance up the corporate ladder(which also,of course,impinges on wage increase.)Let’s say you’re a woman working as a publicity director for a large corporation,and you earn $35,000;your male earning $50,000.You and he have almost identical curriculum vitae-in fact,you went to the same college,worked together at another company,and then each of you got your ”dream job.” 有史以来,性别歧视最明显的例子就是女性与男性同工不同酬。这种做法虽不合法,但却很普通。即使在今天,虽然女权主义者(及其他人士)多年来努力纠正这种不平等的状况,女性的工资仍然只有男性的百分之70.这就是“工资不平等”现象。不要将其与“玻璃天花板”(妇女在之物升迁上遇到的无形屏障)现象相混淆,“玻璃天花板”限制了女性晋升至公司高层的机会(当然,着同样影响了加薪)。比如说你是名女性,在一家大公司做宣传部经理。你的工资是35000美元。同为宣传部经理,在同一家公司另一部门任职的男同事却可以挣50000美元。他的资历与你相当——确切的说:你们同一所大学,同在另一家公司供过事,然后你们都找到了“理想的工作”。
(9)Although there have been laws against employment discrimination for more than a hundred years in the United States,they varied from state to state.Not until some thirty years ago did Title VII(in addition to prohibiting discrimination based on race,color,religion,and national origin)establish federal uniformity,making it unlawful to discriminate against females-or,for that matter,males-on the basis of their sex。On-the-job gender discrimination occurs when an employee is treated differently from a person of the opposite sex under similar circumstances for reasons based solely on the employee’s sex.在美国,尽管反对就业歧视的法律已经存在了一百多年,但各州法律却不尽相同。直到30年前的平权法案第七条(在禁止基于种族、肤色、宗教信仰和原籍歧视之外)才统一了关于性别歧视的联邦法律,规定对女性——或就此而言,对男性——基于性别上的歧视是非法的。在相同的环境下,仅仅由于性别的原因,雇员就被与其异性同事区别对待,这就是工作上的性别歧视。
Historically, the most obvious example of sex bias has been paying women less than men for doing the same work.Although unlawful,the practice is pervasive,and even
now,after years of strong feminist(and other)efforts to correct this inequity,women still earn only seventy cents for every dollar earned by men.This is wage inequality,not to be confused with the glass ceiling,which denies women the opportunity to advance up the corporate ladder(which also,of course,impinges on wage increase.)有史以来,性别歧视最明显的例子就是女性与男性同工不同酬。这种做法虽不合法,但却很普通。即使在今天,虽然女权主义者(及其他人士)多年来努力纠正这种不平等的状况,女性的工资仍然只有男性的百分之70.这就是“工资不平等”现象。不要将其与“玻璃天花板”(妇女在之物升迁上遇到的无形屏障)现象相混淆,“玻璃天花板”限制了女性晋升至公司高层的机会(当然,着同样影响了加薪)。
In these “uniformed” cases,the problem is not one of wage or promotion,but of limited opportunities to perform the task for which these women were hired or were qualified to perform.在这些“穿制服”的事例中,问题并不在于薪水或是升迁,而是在于那些女雇员或有能力的女性完成任务的机会受到了限制。The time-worn excuse of denying certain jobs to females in order to “protect” them from damage to their reproductive systems or possible harm to an unborn fetus has been held by the courts to constitute sex discrimination.Similarly,restricting the weight that females can be required to lift on a job or the number of hours they may work,in order to “protect” them,also constitutes sex discrimination.In the same way, height and weight standards adversely affect job possibilities for women and are illegal unless it can be demonstrated that they are a bona fide occupational requirement of the job, that is,necessary for performance.说什么为了保护女性的生殖系统不受到伤害或者保护未出生胎儿免受损害,用这些陈腐的理由来拒绝给女性提供工作,已被法律视为性别歧视。为保护女性(显然是限制其被雇佣的机会)而在工作中限制其所该提起的重量或其所能工作的时间,除非能证明它们是工作所必需的合法职业条件,即是开展工作的必要条件。
11.But the American future didn’t turn out as we expected.While Europeans cut the hours they spend at the office or factory-in France it is illegal to work more than 35hours a week-and lengthened their vacations,Americans were concluding that you could be happy only if you work hard and play hard.So they began to stay at their jobs longer than ever and then,in jam-packed weekends at places like the Hamptons on Long Island,invented the uniquely American concept of scheduled joy,filling a day off with one appointment after another,as if it were no different from one at the office.American conservatives,meanwhile,came to believe that Europeans’ desire to devote themselves to the pleasures of life and would,in any event,end in economic tears.但美国的未来并没有称谓我们所期待的那样。当欧洲人缩短在办公室或工厂工作的时间——在法国一周工作时间超过35个小时就是非法的——延长假期时,美国人却认为只有努力工作平明玩耍才是幸福的。因此美国人工作的时间开始变得比以往任何时候都长,然后将日程安排得慢慢的,去诸如位于长岛的汉普顿等地度周末,美国人创造了独特的美国式的概念,按计划娱乐,休息日排满了一个有一个的日程,好像节假日与工作日没什么区别似的。同时美国的保守者们认为:真是遗憾啊,欧洲人渴望全身心地去享受生活,一年6周的假期是欧洲人不负责任的表现,无论如何欧洲人最终会为经济的衰退而痛哭流涕。
Why du Europeans and Americans differ so much in their attitude toward work and leisure? I can think of two reasons.First,the crowded confines of Western Europe and the expansive space of North America have led to varied consumer preferences.Broadly speaking,Americans value stuff-SUVs,7,000-sq.-ft.houses-more than
they value time,while for Europeans it’s the opposite.Second,as Bell predicted,America’s sense of itself as a religious nation has revived.At least in the puritanical version of Christianity that has always appealed to Americans,religion comes packaged with the stern message that hard work is good for the soul.Modern Europe has avoided so melancholy a lesson.为什么欧洲人和美国人对待工作和娱乐的态度有如此大的发差呢?我能想到两个原因。首先是西欧拥挤的环境和北美广阔的空间导致了不同的消费倾向。从广义上将,美国人对实实在在的东西例如运动型多功能车,7000平方英尺房子的重视甚于他们对时间的重视。对欧洲人来说,情况恰恰相反。其次,正如贝尔所预言的那样,美国宗教意识思想复苏,至少清教徒式的基督教历来迎合美国人的心意。严厉的教条规劝人们:努力工作对于灵魂升华是有益的。而现代的欧洲已没有了这种苦行课。
1.he thinks he can learn skills from good habbies 2.Stephen learns to be systematic from his hobby
3.Roy's real interest in fishing is sitting alone and doing nothing
4.The farmer has held on to his hobby even though he met with great difficulties 5.She thinks every addiction is as bad as the other
1.Husband and wife
2.A vacation is even more exhusting 3.The woman is packing for her bus tour 4.The bus was too worn out and uncomfortable 5.3 hours or so
1.He is at a job interview 2.He suggests the woman keep trying until she gets it right 3.To receive assistance from the teacher 4.He wants to keep learning all his life 5.The man's idea is not feasible at all
1.The woman is unhappy about too many advertiseements on Tv 2.He is interested in the history of cities shown in pictures 3.It is about personality evident in an individual's gestures 4.The man is a Brazilian 5.He wants to make his baby stronger
1.She didn't go to the party yesterday
2.The engine started as soon as they got on the plane 3.Jason can take the test on another day 4.Cheer up and you would be able to get a job soon 5.He was criticized by the woman's mother all the way.1.How to protect water and trees in nature 2.It is a good idea for people to make voluntary contributions 3.Louisiana tornado killed 50 people
4.He feels it necessaryto use animals in medical researches 5.The two speakers have different opinions about the biggest pollution problem
1.Michael jordan is both a person's name and a trademark 2.He is a successful businessman
3.He succeeded quickly by working hard
4.Yao ming's team should not have lost in the first round 5.A way to keep energetic in life
1.But today fewer of us do our living in that one place;more of us just use it for sleeping.Now we call our towns “bedroom suburbs,” and many of us, without small children as icebreakers, would have trouble naming all the people on our street.然而,如今的情况是居住和工作都在同一个地方的人极少,对更多的人来说家成了一个仅仅用来睡觉的地方。我们的居住地被叫做“近郊居住区”,由于没有了孩子像过去那样起到沟通邻里关系的作用,许多人感到要叫出跟我们同住一条街的所有人的名字来是件不容易的事。
It’s not that we are more isolated today.It’s that many of us have transferred a chunk of our friendships, a major portion of our everyday social lives, from home to office.As more of our neighbors work away from home, the workplace becomes our neighborhood.这不是说我们今天被分得更开了,而是好多人已经把部分的友谊和大部分的日常社交生活从家里转移到了办公室。随着越来越多的人走出家门去工作,工作的地方就变成了我们的街区。
If our offices are our new neighborhoods, if our professional titles are our new ethnic tags, then how do we separate ourselves from our jobs? Self-worth isn’t just something to measure in the marketplace, But in these new communities, it becomes harder to tell who we are without saying what we do.如果办公室真的彻底变成我们的社区,如果我们的所从事的行业真的彻底变成我们的种族印记,那我们怎样才能把自己和工作区分开来呢?自我价值并不是只有在市场环境中得到体现的。但是在这些新的社区中,如果不先说明我们是从事哪行哪业的,就越来越难以说清楚我们究竟是谁。
2.Recently the Washington Post printed an article explaining how the appliance manufacturers plan to drive consumer insane.最近《华盛顿邮报》刊登了一篇文章,解释家用电器制造商是如何谋划把消费者逼疯的。
Of course they don’t say they want to drive us insane.What they say they want to do is have us live in homes where “all appliances are on the Internet, sharing information” and appliances will be “smarter than most of their owners.” For example, the article states, you could have a home where the dishwasher “can be turned on from the office” and the refrigerator “knows when it’s out of milk” and the bathroom scale “transmits your weight to the gym.”
Be patient with Yourself.People often ask , “When will this terrible pain stop?” Experts resist being pinned down to time frames.“Roughly, it’s a minimum of six months before you even start to feel better,” says Aronoff.“And it can be as long as a year, possibly two.A lot depends on disposition, the support within your environment, and if you get help and work on it.”
So, be easy on yourself.Recognize that you’ll need time, and that your own pace of recovery may not fit with that of others.Congratulate yourself at each step through grief: I’m still here, I’ve made it this far!2.人生最大的成就通常是靠简单的方法和运用一般的才干获得的。普通的日常生活以及其中的忧虑、各种不可避免之事和种种职责提供了取得最好经验的充足机会;生活中走得最多的老路给诚实的工作者以充分努力的机会和自我改进的空间。人类幸福之路就是坚定不移地沿着做好事的大道前进;那些最坚毅而又是最诚挚地工作的人常常是最成功的人。
The greatest results in life are usually attained by simple means, and the exercise of ordinary qualities.The common life of every day, with its cares, necessities, and duties, affords ample opportunity for acquiring experience of the best kind;and its most beaten paths provide the true worker with abundant scope for effort and room for self-improvement.The road of human welfare lies along the old highway of steadfast well-doing;and they who are the most persistent, and work in the truest spirit, will usually be the most successful.
英 译 汉
★In 1870,horses and mules were the prime source of power on U.S.farms.在1870年,马和骡子是美国农场的主要劳动力来源。
★Those signs include the thousand and one ways in which we orient ourselves to the situation of daily life.那些信号包括许许多多我们适应日常生活环境的方式。
★Most Americans,however,see romantic love as essential for a successful marriage,and tend to look askance at anyone who marries for a more practical reason in which love plays no part.然而,大多数美国人把浪漫的爱看作是成功婚姻必不可少的组成部分,而且往往蔑视任何为了更实际的理由,而不是为了爱而结婚的人。
★If they can sense colour differences then perhaps we,too,are affected by colour unconsciously.如果他们能够觉察出颜色的差异,那么我们可能也不知不觉地受到颜色的影响。
★People exposed to bright red show an increase in heartbeat,and blood pressure;red is exciting.当人们处于鲜红颜色面前,心跳会加快,血压也会升高;这表明红色令人激动。
★In order to learn to be one’s true self,it is necessary to obtain a wide and extensive knowledge of what has been said and done in the world.要想了解真实的自我,必须深入、广泛的探索前人所说过的话,所做的事情。
★This element of the unknown has for centuries added greatly to the fear and horror surrounding earthquakes,but in recent times there have been indications that earthquake prediction may be possible.数百年来,地震的不可知性给地震蒙上了极大的恐惧和惊慌,然而近几次的地震发生之前已经显露一些迹象。
★The accuracy of scientific observations and calculations is always at the mercy of the scientist’s timekeeping methods.科学观察和计算的精确度常取决于科学家的计时方法。
★In Frederick,students’parents are buying classroom supplies and offering to pay for groceries and utilities to keep first-year teachers and principals in their jobs.在Frederick地区,学生家长们出资购买教室用品,并主动为学校第一年的教师和校长们支付所需的各类杂货及水电费,以此来留住他们继续工作下去。
★“Rumors about what’s happening to the district are moving at lighting speed.”said a student.“We wanted to know the truth,and spread that around instead.”一位学生说:“关于这个地区的流言正在以闪电般速度传播着,我们想知道真相,并且传播真相。”
★Yet the waves,no matter how big or how violent,affect only the surface of the sea.然而,不管水波多大、多猛烈,只对海面造成影响。
★In the U.S.,the figure is much higher than in Great Britian,and people there spend over 10 percent of their income on the installment plan.在美国,这个数字要比英国高得多,每个人将他们收入的百分之十花费在分期付款上。
★The idea of a fish being able to generate electricity strong enough to light lamp bulbs-or even to run a small electric motor-is almost unbelievable,but several kinds of fish are able to do this.鱼产生的电流能点亮电灯——或者甚至能带动小型电动马达——是多么不可思议,但是有些鱼确实可以。
★Engineering studengs are supposed to be examples
of practicality and rationality,but when it comes to my college education I am an idealist and a fool.工科的学生往往被看成是实际和理性的榜样,但是就我的大学教育而言,我是一个理想主义者和傻瓜。
★The reality that has blocked my path to become the typical successful student is that engineering and the liberal arts simply don’t mix as easily as I assumed in high school.摆在我面前阻碍我成为一名成功学生的现实就在于工科与文科并不像我在高中时所认为的那样,两者并不是简单地融合在一起。
★When the light reaches the other end,it is first changed into electrical signals,which are in turn converted into sound messages.光到达另一端后,首先转化成电流信号,随后再转化为声音信息。★In most cases these individuals are dreaming of wealth and fame,not the long hours alone at a typewriter.多数情况下,这些人正梦想着的是财富和名望,而不是在打字机前长时间的工作。★Because we live in a democratic nation,whose citizens make the policies for the nation,large numbers of us must be educated to understand,to support,and when necessary,to judge the work of experts.因为我们生活在一个民主的国家,由公民制定国家的政策,我们中的许多人必须接受教育,学会理解、支持,必要的时候还要判断专家的工作。
★There are many communities and populations which have lost precious recoards due to tragic events such as the fire in the Irish courts during Civil War in 1921 or American slaves for whom many records were never kept in the first place.在很多地区,相当多的人曾因为一些悲剧事件而失去他们珍贵的资料,如1921年内战期间爱尔兰法庭失火这样的悲剧,又如美国奴隶,对于他们来说就有很多珍贵资料未能够保留下来。
★Theoretically,any individual will someday be able to trace his or her family origins through this database.理论上,有一天任何人都能通过这个资料库查处他或她家族的起源。
★On the contrary,to avoid problems in aerial navigation,the wheelless vehicle probably will travel no more than three inches above road surface.相反,为了避免天线导航,没有轮子的汽车将在离地面不超过3英寸的距离行驶。
★I appeal to you to clarify this issue so that the poor elderly of our city many become aware of the housing benefits for which they qualify.我请求你阐明这个问题,这样我们这个城市里贫穷的老人就可以了解到他们有资格享有住房的津贴。★It was believed that a person was sick because he had been attacked by evil spirits.人们认为生病是遭受恶魔的攻击。
★We are concerned to develop the ability of all our pupils into the full,not just their academic ability.我们关系的是全面充分地发展我们每一位学生的能力,而不仅仅是他们的学习能力。
★We expect our pupils to do their best,not their least,and we give them every encouragement to attain this goal.我们期望学生能够不遗余力尽其所能,为达到此目标我们也将给予他们充分的鼓励。
★The wheel is the simplest yet perhaps the most remarkable of all inventions,because there are no wheels in nature---no living thing was ever created with wheels.轮子是最简单的发明,或许也是最伟大的发明,因为自然界原本没有轮子——没有任何生
★Girls exceed boys in language abilities,and this early linguistic bias often prevails throughout life.女孩在语言能力上胜过男孩,而且这种早期就暴露的语言方面的偏向常常影响终生。
★Grandma Moses painted a little as a child and made embroidery pictures as a hobby,but only switched to oils in old age because her hands had become too stiff to sew and she wanted to keep busy and pass the time.摩西奶奶小的时候画过些画,之后绘制刺绣图案成了她的爱好。老了以后,她的手指变得僵硬不能缝纫,而她还希望保持忙碌打发时间,就转向油画。★The project provided opportunities for researches from India and abroad to study tigers in the reserves and gather previously unavailable information about their habits.这个方案给印度和国外的研究者提供了机会,使他们可以在保护区内研究老虎,收集以前难以获得的有关老虎习性的资料。
★Land problem is becoming serious and many rural people feel bitter about the fact that some rich forests are reserved for tigers.土地问题变得越来越严重了,令许多农民痛心的是,一些肥沃的森林地区被圈起来,建成了老虎保护区。
★In learning a foreign language,the best beginning is with the non-verbal linguistic elements of the language,its gestures,its body language.学习语言最好从语言的非语言方面、手势和身势语入门。
★Originally the White House was gray and was called the Presidential Palace.最初白宫是灰色的,并且被叫做总统府。
★This new activity involved all the original hunting sequences but the aim of the operation was no longer to avoid starvation.这种新的活动包括原先狩猎的一系列行为,而目的已不再是避免饥饿。
★Some scientists say that 16 of these mirrors,each about half a mile across,could aim their reflected light at one area on the earth that was about 200 miles by 300 miles.一些科学家认为可用16面直径为半英里的镜子将反射光照射到地球表面约为60000平方英里的区域。
★What no one knows yet is what effect this artificial daytime would have on plants,animals,and humans.目前,人们还不知道的是这种人造白天对植物、动物和人会有什么影响。
★Still,the fact remains that women are now free to enter any career that attracts them,the situation has improved,and the tide is not likely to turn back.然而,事实上女性如今可以自由选择所喜爱的职业;情况改善了,这一潮流不可能逆转。
★Ford realized he could use this assembly line method to build cars.福特意识到他可以用这种装配线的方法来生产他的汽车。
★At the early attempts,the cable failed and when it was taken out for repairs it was found to be covered in living growth,a fact which defied contemporary scientific opinion that there was no life in the deeper parts of the sea.在初始阶段海底电缆没能安装成功,当科研人员将电缆运出海面对其进行检修时发现电缆表面长满了瘤状物,这个事实表明海洋深处并不存在生命,这与现代科学见解相佐。
★Studies by the Council of Europe,of which 21 countries are members,have shown that 45 percent of reptile species and 24 percent of butterflies are in danger of dying out.由21个成员国组成的欧洲委员会的一项研究显示,百分之四十五的爬行物种及百分之二十四的蝴蝶濒临灭绝。
★Dr.Baum went on,“we could manage without most industrial products,but we could not manage without nature.Baum博士继续说道,“没有工业产品我们一样能够生活下去,但脱离了自然我们就无法生存。
★Some critics claim that no excuse is acceptable for not informing subjects about the nature of an experiment and giving them a chance to refuse to participate.一些批评家声称没有任何理由让实验对象在不了解实验性质,没有机会选择拒绝的情况下参与实验。
★He took a trip to southern,and there he found just the weather and scenery he needed to finish his movie.他去加州南部旅行,在那里他恰好发现了要完成他的电影所需的天气和风景。
★Primary and secondary education is financed almost entirely by the state out of central and local tax revenues.中小学几乎全额依靠中央和地方税收拨款。
★The current opinion seems to be that this should include a general knowledge of what computers are,plus a little of their history and something of how they operate.目前的看法似乎是这样的,这必须包括一种关于计算机本身定义的基本知识,还需具备一些计算机的发展历史及其操作知识。
★We effectively use all types of electrical equipment without being able to tell their history or to explain how they work..我们能够有效地使用各种电子设备,而不需要知道它们的历史或者它们是如何工作的。
★At times they even sleep in their van instead of a hotel,just to save money.有时他们甚至在自己的篷车里,而不是在旅馆里睡觉,只是为了省钱。★As a result,these areas send out less heat and light and thus appear from Earth to be almost dark irregular surface patches.这些区域释放的热量和光线较弱,因而从地球上看,表面几乎形成不规则的暗区。★Computer technology enabled the reserchers,to obtain precise measurements of the volume of the front and side sections of the brain,which relate to intellect and emotion,and determine the human character.电脑技术让研究者能准确地测量大脑前部和侧面的容量,它们与智力、情感有关,决定着人的性格。
★The interview is an important event in the job-hunting process,because the 20 or 30 minutes you spend with the interviewer may determine whether or not you get the particular job you want.面试是求职过程中一件重要的事情,因为你和面试人一起度过的二三十分钟可能决定你是否能得到你想要的那个工作。
★If possible,you should negotiate for salary after you have been offered a job and when you are ready to complete the paperwork.如果有可能的话,你应在得到一份工作,并且在你做好准备完成日常文书工作后再与雇佣方协商工资问题。
★He is,even today,a symbol of courage and adventure.他即使今天都是勇气和历险的象征。Henning studied how students who are learning English as a second language remember vocabulary.Henning研究了把英语作为外语学习的学生是如何记词汇的。
★In time,the migration became a habit,and now,although the glaciers have disappeared,the habit continues.迁徙成为一种习惯,现在尽管冰川已经消失,这种习惯仍然继续。
★Problems come when any particular section is too thick and not sticking to the section beneath.The snow of the past few weeks had been falling in rather higher temperatures than those of December and early January.当积雪的任何一部分太厚,并且与下面的部分不相粘结的话,问题就出现了。过去几星期下的雪在高于十二月到一月份上旬的温度下开始融化。
★The one comfort to recreational skiers,however,is that avalanche incidents on the marked ski slopes are quite rare.No ski resort wants the image of being a death trap.对于度假的滑雪者来说,令人欣慰的是,雪崩事故很少发生在有足迹的滑雪坡上。
★Losing weight is hard work,but most people want to find a fast and easy way to take off fat.减肥是件苦差事,大多数人都想找到一条又快又简单的减肥方法。
★The respect in which he was held was partly owing to the man himself,with his warm friendliness,his good sense,his urbanity,his gay spirits,his artistic integrity,and his love of both the Old World and the New.他受到尊重部分源自其自身,他友好、判断能力强、文雅、开朗、正直,新、旧世界他都热爱。★Kidneys can be conserved in this simple way for 24 to 48 hours with little deterioration,and during this time they can be moved for long distances.用这种简单的方法,肾脏可以保存24到48小时而不会变质,在此段时间里能被转移到很远的地方。
★A simple and common method used by many consumers is to complain directly to the store manager.很多顾客采用的一个简单又常用的方法是直接向商店经理投诉。
★She or he can threaten to take the seller to court or report the seller to a private or public organization responsible for protecting consumers’ rights.她或他(顾客)会将卖方告上法庭,或者他们会向保护消费者权益的私人或公共机构进行举报。
★In this way,better quality products at good values are continually being brought to the people of all income groups.这样,性价比高的商品可以不断地提供给不同收入层次的人们。
★Bearing in mind the nature of the translator’s work,i.e.,the processing of the written word,it is,strictly speaking,unnecessary that he should be able to speak the languages he is dealing with.牢记翻译者工作的性质,即对书面语进行操作,严格地说,并不要求翻译者一定能够讲他正在翻译的语言。★It is also possible for a student to move between one university and another during his degree course,though this is not in fact done as a regular practice.学生也可能在学习期间在两所大学交叉学习,尽管这样做并不常见。
★Money laundering is the process by which money obtained by illegal means is given the appearance of legitimate income and returned into circulation.洗钱是将非法途径得来的金钱,在合法收入的掩盖下使之进入流通领域。
★The liberlization of markets around the world and deregulation of exchange controls are regarded as the chief causes of the rapid expansion of the money laundering over the past decade.市场的(过度)自由及对汇率控制的撤销成为过去十年来洗钱活动迅速发展的两大主要原因。
★Nobel preferred not to be remembered as the inventor of dynamite,so in 1895,just two weeks before his death,he created a found to be used for awarding prizes to people who had made worthwhile contrybutions to mankind.诺贝尔宁愿自己不是作为甘油炸药的发明者而被人们记住,因此,他在1895年去世前的两个星期,创立了一项基金,奖励对人类做出有价值贡献的人们。
★Memorization is an important learning method in Japanese school,yet many students say that after an exam,they forget much of the information that they have memorized.死记硬背是日本学习采用的一种重要的学习方法,然而很多学生反映,考试过后他们就忘记了背过的大部分内容。
★Teach him it is far more honorable to fail than to cheat.教导他失败比作弊要光荣得多。
★Clothes which have been worn only a few times have to be put aside because of the change of fashion.因为时尚的变化,衣裳仅仅穿了几次就要被丢到一边。
★Do the constantly changing fashions of women’s clothes,one wonders,reflect basic qualities of inconstancy and instability?有人会想,女性服饰时尚不断发生改变的事实是不是反映出其本身存在的一种变化无常、及不稳定的基本特性呢?
★The producers of instant coffee found their product strongly resisted in the market places despite their product’s obvious advantages.尽管产品本身具备显而易见的优势,速溶咖啡的生产者发现他们的产品在市场上严重受阻。
★Many of the centenarians emphasized the importance of being independent and free to do the things they enjoyed and wanted to do,and of maintaining a placid state of mind free from worry or emotional strain.许多百岁老人强调独立自由地做自己想做的事情,远离烦恼和情感压力,保持平静的心态很重要。
★Even if a job is not perfect for you,every interview can make you learn from it.即使某一份工作对你来说并不理想,每个面试都可以让你从中学到些东西。
★People who question or even look down on the study of the past and its works usually assume that the past is entirely different from the present,and that hence we can learn nothing worthwhile from the past.那些质疑甚至轻视对过去及先人作品研究的人们通常主观地认为过去与现在是完全不同的,从而得出人们无法从过去获取任何有价值的东西的结论。★We and the ancients share a common human nature and hence certain common human experiences and problems.我们和古人享有共同的人类的天性,因此也会有共同的经历和问题。
★Perhaps the reason is that asvertising saves the manufacturers from having to think about the customer.也许,原因是登广告能让生产者省心,不要去考虑消费者。
★“No mechanism in China requires the recall of cars as it dose in Japan,but Honda decided to replace the rubber connector in order to provide the same service to Chinese consumers”the spokeswoman said.女发言人说:“与在日本不同,中国的机构没有要求召回汽车,但是本田公司决定更换橡胶连接以向中国客户提供同等服务。”
★A survey conducted last year by Roper Starch Worldwide,Inc.,found that almost 70 percent of the respondents said they would be happier if their families had twice as much household income.去年由Roper Starch Worldwide公司所做的一项调查发现,几乎有百分之七十的接受调查者表示如果他们的家庭收入能够再增加一倍,他们会更幸福。
★The publisher was so doubtful,he wanted her to split the publishing costs with him,and all she hoped was that it would make enough money for her to buy a new silk dress.出版商不太确信书出版后一定能够赚钱,他想与作者(Harriet Beecher Stowe)分摊出版费用,而她只是希望能够赚够足够的钱为自己买一条新的丝绸连衣裙。
★Its vast influence strengthened the anti-slavery movement and angered defenders of the slave system.它巨大的影响激励了反对奴隶制的运动,也激怒了奴隶制的拥护者。
问题解决型(主要是说如何解决社会现象,学习生活问题)【写作模版1】 ①Because of __________, great changes have been taken place in______.② Particularly,_____________.③Besides,_____________.④As we know, there are several ways for ________ to_______choose.⑤ Above all, ____________.⑥Secondly,________________.⑦Furthermore,_____________.⑧And finally,_______________.⑨As far as I am concerned,___________.⑩ In the first place,______________.⑾ In the second place,______________.⑿Therefore,_________________.【模版要素】 ① 问题出现的背景② 提出问题③ 对问题进一步解释说明④ 提出解决问题的方法 ⑤ 方法一⑥ 方法二⑦ 方法三⑧ 方法四⑨ 我的做法 ⑩ 论点
一(11)论点二 总结全文
【模版例文】How I Overcame Difficulties in Learning English(学习英语的困难)Like many other English learners, I found a lot of difficulties in learning English.Firstly, I found it difficult to understand what I read because most English words have more than one meaning.Besides, I found it difficult to write idiomatic English or translate Chinese into idiomatic English.Finally, my oral English was weak because I had no opportunity to communicate with native English speakers.Although I often read aloud, this didn't prove to be an effective way to improve my spoken English.But I didn't lose heart in overcoming these obstacles.I tackled English vocabulary in two ways.First, I tried to understand and memorize the specific meaning of a word in its context.Second, I enlarge my vocabulary by breaking words up into roots and affixes and memorize them inconnection with the words of the same roots or affixes.To overcome Chinese English, I tried to think in English directly.Although I haven’t had any opportunity to communicate with native speakers, I have tried to improve my spoken English by listening to English broadcasts and writing English compositions.These experiences have turned out to be effective.I am feeling very confident in myself while sitting here for passing my degree English today.情景应用(书信类文章:感谢信,邀请函,求职信)【写作模版2】
(Date:)________ Dear___________,① I am delighted to learn that ________.②You are welcome to_________.③I am sure___________.④As for____________ , I am thinking about______________.⑤On the one hand, ______________.⑥0n the other hand,____________________.⑦If____________.⑧As to the___________, I suggest______________________.⑨Of course,___________________.⑩By the way, __________.⑾In addition,____________.⑿I am looking forward to_____________.Yours Truly
【模版要素】① 写信原因② 表示欢迎③ 期待④ 主题词+建议⑤ 建议1⑥ 建议2⑦ 让步条件进一步论证⑧ 建议的具体内容⑨ 其他的建议⑩ 提醒
Require About How to Choose a Good Major in the University(询问读大学如何选个好专业)June 7th , 2006 Dear Susan,① I am delighted to learn that you are going to apply for admission to my university.②
You are welcome to be my schoolmate.②I am sure you will be successful.③As for the specific major you apply for, I am thinking about the international economics course.④On the one hand, this is one of the best specialized programs in the university.⑤On the other hand, in today’s society, students majoring in international economics are more likely to find a good job.⑥If you have more ideas, please let me know.⑦As to the basic requirements to be considered for admissions, I suggest you reach the minimum scare set for admission to key universities in the College Entrance Exams first.⑧Of course, you have to satisfy the special requirements in mathematics and be good at computer and English.⑨By the way, in order to prepare for the exams, I suggest you pay attention to all the high school subjects, and maintain a balance between them.⑩ In addition.I am also going to mail you some math's revision materials and a set of New Concept English which will be of great help, I bet.⑾I am looking forward to good news from you.Yours Truly
道理阐述(主要是说社会现象、事物的优缺点)【写作模版3】 ①It is well-accepted that(________).②For instance,(__ _).③Besides,().④Furthermore,().⑤Not to mention().⑥In spite of all these, _______________.⑦To begin with,_____________.⑧At the same time,____________.⑨Finally_________.⑩Thu_____________.⑾ In short,___________.⑿It pays to_________________.【模版要素】 ① 提出主题或现象② 举例1③ 举例2④ 举例3⑤ 举例4⑥ 主题词⑦ 论证1 ⑧ 论证2⑨ 论证3⑩ 小结上文(11)总结全文(12)深化主题,回应全文
【模版例文】 honesty 诚信
① It is well-accepted that nowadays dishonesty is a common phenomenon in society.② For instance, many good-hearted doctors would not tell dying patients about their real condition.③Besides, poor students tend to cheat on exams.④Furthermore, greedy advertisers, armed with misleading advertisements, may lure customers into buying fake commodities.⑤Not to mention such “decent” and famous figures as Liu Xiaoqing, used to be considered as China' s movie queen, have cheated the government on income taxes.⑥1n spite of all these, honesty is always regarded as an important part of the human character.⑦To begin with, if you treat others fairly, those associating with you will certainly profit from your sincerity.⑧At the same time, a sense of trust builds up in their hearts, which, in turn, will earn you more true friends.⑨Finally, that will benefit you in the long run.⑩ Thus it is essential for everyone to maintain an honest attitude towards the whole society.⑾In short, honesty wins trust, respect and honor.⑿It pays to be honest.
Good Study Habits Study habits play a decisive role in the effect of learning. It is,therefore,important that we should form a good habit when we study.
According to study advisers,there are some basic ways for learning well. Frequent revision,for example,is one of them. It is not a quick way of learning well,of course,however,it does prove effective in the long run. Also,to do enough preparations before class helps a lot.
Besides,there is another way of learning,that is,learning through communicating. Learning will be more efficient if you put what you have learned or are learning into practice. That s why in recent years “Communicative Method” has been strongly recommended in schools in China.
The Importance of Self-confidence Self-confidence is very important to our life.As a wise man once said,“If you have no confidence in yourself,you are twice defeated in the race of life.With confidence,you have won even before you have started.”
If you are full of self-confidence,your creativeness,your enthusiasm will all be aroused,and you will overcome difficulties.As a result,your dreams will come true.On the contrary,if you have no confidence in yourself,there is little possibility that you would ever achieve anything.Failure will be following you.But self-confidence comes only when you know yourself.You should know both your weaknesses and strengths.Only after this can you be well in doing great things.
Try something you’ve never done before.Just taking on a challenge,whether you succeed or not,can increase your confidence.In a word,self-confidence is greatly important to our success.
The Life on Internet 21st century is a century of Internet. With the development of science and techdology,moreand more people,old and young,begin to “surf the net” to look for information or to entertainthemselves with on-line games.
lnternet is a colorful world. Here you can look for whatever information you want; you canbrowse the latest news at home and abroad; you can chat with friends,do your shopping,watchmovies,play games,send e-mails and so on. You can do almost everything in this variable world.In the 21st century,people have been and will be more accustomed to Internet. Interact makesthe world smaller,and with it the whole world seems to be just a click away. It is part of our life.