
时间:2019-05-15 06:24:45下载本文作者:会员上传




8月19日的托福考试刚刚结束,此次考试是一套拼盘。阅读:20110708NA 听力:20101022NA 口语1:20110708NA 口语2:20110311NA 口语3:20110708NA 口语4:20110311NA 口语5:20101022NA 口语6:20101022NA 综合写作:20110311NA。外语频道为您整理8月19日托福听力真题解析。

1.一个男生去找教授,教授告诉他在一个field study的waiting list的第一个,男生说他以为去不了所以选了independent study,教授说你可以同时搞,男生很犹豫(这里是重听题)。接下来教授说有一个教授spring会开一门跟study相关的课他可以去听。然后问他认不认识另一个男生,他也在waiting list。男生说只知道他们住一栋楼,教授说他的study跟你很相近blablabla(这里有题在topic是什么,还有一个题就是问他们俩有什么共同点)

2.男生刚从field trip 回来,觉得很值,发现人们对环境不总是破坏,很多时候是很好地利用(有题,讲人们harvest branch of trees),所以他决定以这个写论文。之后就在谈论论文的内容,然后教授问了一句话“你准备整篇论文都写这个么?”这里是重听题,教授接下来说这个assignment的要求是什么什么然后说这个题目很多人研究过。最后男生确定写native Americans对环境的利用。

3.女生去找staff check 她预定的练舞房,然后staff说活动中心在翻修所有的预定都取消了,6个礼拜后才能好。女生抱怨了一通废话,然后说他们很急等不了。然后男的就问你们是parents week的活动么?女生说是的,我们跳的舞脚步声很重要,必须要听到,但是别的房间都有地毯(有题)。然后男的说我可以给你试试student theatre但是那里通常都满了(有题)。女生说好啊好啊,另外你能给我们订校外的排列场么?男的说我只管校内的(这句是重听)

4.讲古埃及一种艺术形式对古希腊和罗马的影响,因为埃及后来成为了罗马的一个省所以他的绘画风格影响了罗马,例子是一副埃及风格的罗马人画像和木乃伊上的面具。大家注意听里面的时间我只记得有个4 B.C.有题。

5.地球分层,地核,地幔,地壳。地核还分内核跟外核,里面是液体外面是固体。先讲了这种分层是如何形成的,开始是一个rocky ball,后来在引力作用下吸收别的物质内部不断升温升压就成了现在的样子(有题)。还讲到了如何探测地内结构,有一种好像是声波,在开头提到的,另一种是用drill。两处都有题


资料来源:教育优选 http://www.xiexiebang.com/


后面提到这个garden不是用来种花种菜的而是amuse people,所以里面有很多trick和各种迷宫,maze,显示主人的地位。这几个地方都有题

7.鸟和蝙蝠不同的飞行方式。从前的飞机都模仿鸟设计,但是蝙蝠有很多优点。接下来就是比较,主要是两者翅膀结构的不同,然后引起飞行是air current 不一样,这里记不太清了。题目里有一道细节搭配题问到这个比较。还有就是教授最后说以后的飞机设计会借鉴蝙蝠的飞行方式,有一道题就是问教授的态度。


资料来源:教育优选 http://www.xiexiebang.com/




阅读部分 Reading 1.动物灭绝


2.Economic Decline in Europe during the Fourteenth Century


3.Olmec culture

在Mesopotamia area 发现了重要的ceremonial sites.东部high lands 有一些sacred precinct。里面重要的art and architecture.Kunze axe的发现帮助确立了这是Olmec culture.一开始发现的时候,研究者就十分确定这属于Mesopotamia地区,但是因为既不属于埃及文明也不属于希腊文明,使得研究者困惑了很长时间其起源。后来结合一系列其它文物的发现证明属于Olmec 文化。而且我们今天所认为的Maya calendar 其实是Olmec人发明的。Olmec culture存在一套表示文化的consistent code,例如Kunze axe 里面也运用的howling baby’s face 就一直沿用至今天,而期间没有发生太大的变化。

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对)然后说总的fungi的数量减少了平均每公里(大概是)的密度和种类也少了(此处有题)还讲了fungi灭绝对forest有不好的影响 fungi比tree在吸收mineral方面更好,所以可以帮助tree(此处有题)。还比较了fungi和其他aerial plants区别,fungi没有covering所以更容易灭亡好像是(恶劣环境下)fungi还可检测周围环境是否是toxic(好像是)大概是如果有fuel leak它们会死。还举了一个动物or植物B什么也能察觉泄漏。最后一段说了在美国,食用mushroom和fungi之类的并不多,所以对于fungi的减少并没有太多记录,但是这并不能代表在美国fungi就没有减少。related 头the lichen,lichen在decline,由此推出fungi也在减少。

6.The First Eyes

讲eyes是什么时候形成的,主要看怎么定义eyes,如果认为eyes是器官,那就是要在细胞分裂以后,但很多protists很早就可以通过光线调整日常活动,比如新陈代谢等(有题,问protist的描述不包括,选生存在水环境中)。然后举了个典型例子,且由于这些现代的protists跟记载的ancient的极其相似,所以估计很早就有eyes了。(有题,问相似说明什么,选exist for long)。给了个eyes的定义,然后指出这个定义解释了eyes的基本功能,但是存在漏洞,没有涉及到一些其他因素,比如眼部运动,图像等等。但eyes一开始的功能也就这样了,且有些动物一开始就是有眼睛的。(有题,问early eyes的描述,选开始进化时就可以detect)。Precambrian时期,动物稀少,证据不多,但5千万年后的Cambrian时期,就有好多动物了。(有题,问 Cambrian时期特征,选 abundant animals)第四段:接着一个 Cambian时期后的 deposit(叫Burges Shale)为origin of eyes提供了 direct evidence,指的是这个 deposit 里面发现的软体动物化石(有题,问关于Burges Shales哪个描述不正确,选有Precambrian和Cambrian的化石)第五段:在 Burges 化石的动物中,部分是有eyes的,跟现代生物的眼睛长蛮像,然后解释有些shrimp和crab的眼睛长在stalk上面,这样视野更广,有的眼睛是长身体表面的,比如有个Opa的动物,课窝教育 ∙ 版权所有




由于气温升高,湿度降低,土壤的变化对很多的物种 的生存和栖息地的破坏和影响,其中有一种植物Vine能在此种环境下特殊生 存,由于雨林遭到了破坏,风在此过程中加剧了对于栖息地的侵袭,(雨林具 有降低风速的能力),但现在风能无所顾及的进入雨林,导致土壤更加干燥,甚至直接吧树木吹倒。枯死的树木,人类的焚烧,以及气温的升高,也加剧了 大火的潜在发生。


不是自然气候变化,而人类是主要原因,文章通过例举一系列动物数字的灭绝,同时例举了毛利人以及欧洲人在捕杀动物的一些事实,充分论证人类是物种灭绝最主要的原因。同时最后提到过度捕鱼现象,需要引起更多人的重视。开头介绍了当地的土壤和环境不适合大量作物,但随着温度上升等原因,土壤的质置提升,可以种植大量的燕麦。接着提到Natufian人群,有更强的种植和收割植物的能力,同时也学会了在农作物储存在有利位置,随着作物的充足,人口也大置激增,人口进行扩张,在此过程中也出现了阶级概念,然而有遇到 了干旱问题,他们由原来的hill zone去了 high altitude地区,因为对cereal 非常熟悉,所以也能保证农作物生长。

11.The Global Industrial Revolution



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6.学生找教授借recorded video,然后目的在后半段才说




10.图书馆装修,学生来问情况,想要去二楼座位。图书管理员表示该地区是给Graduate student开放的,让他去另一个地方,可那个地方太吵闹,所以学生去找教授要申请。


1.哲学家关于道德标准的观点(ethic principle),惯例首题:该讲座在讨论什么?先大概说了一下看一个人是不是ethic就看他做的事情是good还是bad,第一个人认为道德标准是blabla...第二个人(M)认为道德就是做对最多人都好的事,能惠及到的人越多越好,但对于标准的判定很难有一个答案。例子是一个要上场打仗的士兵家 里有一个老母亲,老母亲的生活需要他,如果他留下就可以惠及一个人,也就是老母亲。但如果去打仗的话他可以惠及很多人或者0个人(如果他死了就帮不到任何人)所以就没有确切的答案,还是要看自己的课窝教育 ∙ 版权所有


5.来自geology class,这篇主要讲的是seafloor topography,教授说sea surface的研究有很多但seafloor的却很少,然后开始讲人们进行seafloor研究的 历程,主要讲了两种技术,第一个技术是声呐技术,它的问题在于调查范围比较 小,需要很多船才能探测到entire seafloor,这会费力费钱,所以另一种新技术发明了这种新技术虽然可以进行很大范围的探测但是它探测 的数据缺少details。最后教授说现在的探测要把这两种技术结合起来,而且目前没有一种技术能包含这两种技术的优点。

6.The United States government class,这篇主要讲了一种环保技术,这种环保技术早就在美国被发明,发明的原因是有段时间美国遭到了 energy shortage,人们害怕传统的能源马 上就要枯竭,于是有一个task就专门研究新能源。这种新能源各方面都很好但有一个问题就是贵,一般人用不起,于是有人提出让政府大量投资,以至于让这种能源能便宜下来,还举了一个例子,意思就是曾经这个东西非常贵然后政府大量的买这些东西使价格下 降,所以那时候的人也想这么干,让政府投资很多钱,政府不愿意,于是美国总统连一点钱都没给这个技术,于是这个技术就垮掉了,至今也没有用的起来。

7.来自astronomy class,这篇主要讲了一种star,它们在死的时候(一般会死很长时间)会放出很强的光,教授就讨论了为什么它们会放出这么耀眼的光。首先教授指出一般这种luminous star非常大存在于较小的galaxy中而且这些 galaxy很年轻,那些不亮的star存在于较大 较old的galaxy中。然后professor问学生为什么会这样勒?然后开始回顾star是怎么死的,女生说是因为自身hydrogen和ice water不断累加什么的,professor说不是,是因为solar wind,它们会将star的hydrogen和ice慢慢消磨,吹向galaxy 中,所以那些老的galaxy就回比较大,年轻的galaxy就会比较小,luminous star就很大而且很亮。

最后教授还说了一个彩蛋,就是这些luminous star太大了,以至于把

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for campusenvironment/waste and rubbish in cafeteria and even library now/feel morecomfortable in an improved environment-A+C

Makeour school more visually-attractive but probably take a long time/picking uptrash can achieve the same goal immediately Task2

Do you think business meetings should be conducted in person or online with thehelp of modern technology?-online

-Time-saving/improve efficiency/be occupied with tasks at hand/not have toarrive early and wait for a long time/not have to travel to different placesjust for attending meeting

-regardless of geographical limitation/especially necessary for multinationalcompanies whose employees work in subsidiaries of different areas Task3

class auditing。


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Integrated Writing



第一点:cool the deers by breezes(风一吹就凉了),散热,角露外面风吹可降温

第二点:protect from the predators,防御,角有尖还硬

第三点:show the dominance




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My little sister Catherine isnow studying in an international school which has adopted various methods provento be quite effective.The school has set some computer lessons in whichstudents can play games and complete certain tasks.Students are engrossed inthe game and the knowledge embedded in the game is thus easily understood andutilized during finishing the different tasks.My sister, after such way ofteaching, has shown excellent performance in absorbing and applying theknowledge learnt in school.课窝教育 ∙ 版权所有


三立教育www.xiexiebang.com 2018年5月6日托福考试真题解析!


听力还是不负众望的难出新高度 快来看看都考了什么逆天的题目吧......阅读部分 Reading 1.动物灭绝


2.Economic Decline in Europe during the Fourteenth Century 14世纪欧洲经济的衰退。首先因为气温变低,虽然就低了那么几度,但是稍微一点温度的变化都会对农业产生很大的影响,由于气温低了影响了农业,农作物产量就会下降,农民的生活就变得很惨,于是就拿不出钱,农业不好,资本又少了。然后因为东亚一个M帝国的崛起,M重视信仰轻视商业,因此欧洲向亚洲的贸易之路就逐渐衰退了,他们开始向大西洋和非洲发展。3.Olmec culture 在Mesopotamia area 发现了重要的ceremonial sites.东部high lands 有一些sacred precinct。里面重要的art and architecture.Kunze axe的发现帮助确立了这是Olmec culture.一开始发现的时候,研究者就十分确定这属于Mesopotamia地区,但是因为既不属于埃及文明也不属于希腊文明,使得研究者困惑了很长时间其起源。后来结合一系列其它文物的发现证明属于Olmec 文化。而且我们今天所认为的Maya calendar 其实是Olmec人发明的。Olmec culture存在一套表示文化的consistent code,例如Kunze axe 里面也运用的howling baby’s face 就一直沿用至今天,而期间没有发生太大的变化。4.Ocean Acidification 讲述海洋酸化的原因,是化石燃料的燃烧产生更多的CO2,CO2和海水作用生成碳酸,如今海水的酸化程度比工业革命之前高出了30%。进入结果影响部分,表明海水酸化对海洋生物造成影响,以白垩纪恐龙的灭绝事件来做类比。恐龙灭绝时海洋生物也受到影响,但奇怪的是,一些海洋浮游生物(plankton)灭绝了,另一些活下来了,浅水的贝壳类(shellfish)灭绝了,但深水的贝壳类活下来了,并且珊瑚几乎消失了。因为小行星撞击地球带来很多硫酸盐(sulfate),这些硫酸盐和大气中的氧气作用生成硫酸(sulfuric acid),这些硫酸以降雨的方式落到海洋,将海水酸化,由此溶解了海洋生物的碳酸钙壳,造成含有碳酸钙壳的浮游生物灭绝,而不含有碳酸钙壳的浮游生物就不受影响;并且海洋的浅水部分酸化,导致浅水贝壳灭绝,而深水部分尚没有酸化,所以深水贝壳不受影响。碳酸对海洋生物的碳酸钙壳的影响类似于硫酸。海洋生物的碳酸钙壳分为两种形式:霰石(aragonite)和方解石(calcite),霰石是方解石溶解速度的2倍,所以由霰石组成的生物壳更容易受到海水酸化的影响,例如珊瑚就是这样。又提到一个例子,牡蛎(oyster),成年牡蛎的碳酸钙壳虽然是方解石结构,但是幼年牡蛎(oyster larvae)的碳酸钙壳却是霰三立教育www.xiexiebang.com 石结构,因此很多牡蛎幼体无法忍受酸化海水而被溶解(dissolve),尤其是遇上深层海水上扬(upwell),带来大量冷水,在冷水低温下碳酸钙壳的溶解速度更快。人类渔业的影响,很多牡蛎养殖受到重创,同时其他商业鱼类也由于没有了浮游生物提供食物、没有了珊瑚提供栖息地而数量下降,还有小丑鱼等鱼类由于海水酸化而丧失气味辨别能力,本来可以利用气味躲避捕猎者,结果这些小丑鱼丧失该能力、死亡率大大增加。5.Disappearing Fungi 目前已经发现很多fungi但是很多没有发现都没有记录就灭绝了。(此处有题有的选项是什么compare已知的新的灭绝更多?反正各种比较好像都不太对)然后说总的fungi的数量减少了平均每公里(大概是)的密度和种类也少了(此处有题)还讲了fungi灭绝对forest有不好的影响 fungi比tree在吸收mineral方面更好,所以可以帮助tree(此处有题)。还比较了fungi和其他aerial plants区别,fungi没有covering所以更容易灭亡好像是(恶劣环境下)fungi还可检测周围环境是否是toxic(好像是)大概是如果有fuel leak它们会死。还举了一个动物or植物B什么也能察觉泄漏。最后一段说了在美国,食用mushroom和fungi之类的并不多,所以对于fungi的减少并没有太多记录,但是这并不能代表在美国fungi就没有减少。related 头the lichen,lichen在decline,由此推出fungi也在减少。6.The First Eyes 讲eyes是什么时候形成的,主要看怎么定义eyes,如果认为eyes是器官,那就是要在细胞分裂以后,但很多protists很早就可以通过光线调整日常活动,比如新陈代谢等(有题,问protist的描述不包括,选生存在水环境中)。然后举了个典型例子,且由于这些现代的protists跟记载的ancient的极其相似,所以估计很早就有eyes了。(有题,问相似说明什么,选exist for long)。给了个eyes的定义,然后指出这个定义解释了eyes的基本功能,但是存在漏洞,没有涉及到一些其他因素,比如眼部运动,图像等等。但eyes一开始的功能也就这样了,且有些动物一开始就是有眼睛的。(有题,问early eyes的描述,选开始进化时就可以detect)。Precambrian时期,动物稀少,证据不多,但5千万年后的Cambrian时期,就有好多动物了。(有题,问 Cambrian时期特征,选 abundant animals)第四段:接着一个 Cambian时期后的 deposit(叫Burges Shale)为origin of eyes提供了 direct evidence,指的是这个 deposit 里面发现的软体动物化石(有题,问关于Burges Shales哪个描述不正确,选有Precambrian和Cambrian的化石)第五段:在 Burges 化石的动物中,部分是有eyes的,跟现代生物的眼睛长蛮像,然后解释有些shrimp和crab的眼睛长在stalk上面,这样视野更广,有的眼睛是长身体表面的,比如有个Opa的动物,还举了一些眼睛比较特殊的动物的例子。(有题,问为什么要提stalk上长眼睛,选跟现代生物像)。虽然上述化石表明眼睛存在很久,但这里发现的眼睛应该不是最原始的,所以就定位eyes的origin大概是在Cambian和Burges之间。(有题,问first eyes的信息,选出现在Burges 之前)

7.Industry during the Rome Empire 马帝国的工业,开始说是农业是主要的,然后讲了陶器的生产,然后是raw material,说是工业在罗马帝国时代不太发达,主要是upper上层阶级不支持,说是一直用animal和人力,不用更新后提供energy的设备。社交型昆虫的分工

第一段还是第二段介绍了一种蜂,依据体型分类,不过一般的蜂除了女王特别大别的蜂体型都差不多,没有显差异,很多昆虫是靠年龄来分工的。第三段先说了黄蜂,它们是按年龄分的,不过他们在同一年三立教育www.xiexiebang.com 龄阶段的工作比较随意,就是同样年龄的蜂既可能负责这项工作也可能负责那项工作。然后说了蜜蜂,有比较明确的不同年龄层的分工,年轻蜜蜂专门负责养小蜜蜂,大点的蜜蜂负责外出什么的。第四还是第五段说科学家想知道他们的分工会不会改变,所以他们改变了一种蜂的年龄层结构,然后发现年纪更大的老蜜蜂把巢内的工作让给年轻蜜蜂,然后马上转去巢外的工作了,所以说明他们的分工是可变的。8.明治维新时期日本经济的发展



不是自然气候变化,而人类是主要原因,文章通过例举一系列动物数字的灭绝,同时例举了毛利人以及欧洲人在捕杀动物的一些事实,充分论证人类是物种灭绝最主要的原因。同时最后提到过度捕鱼现象,需要引起更多人的重视。开头介绍了当地的土壤和环境不适合大量作物,但随着温度上升等原因,土壤的质置提升,可以种植大量的燕麦。接着提到Natufian人群,有更强的种植和收割植物的能力,同时也学会了在农作物储存在有利位置,随着作物的充足,人口也大置激增,人口进行扩张,在此过程中也出现了阶级概念,然而有遇到了干旱问题,他们由原来的hill zone去了 high altitude地区,因为对cereal 非常熟悉,所以也能保证农作物生长。11.The Global Industrial Revolution 古埃及商业的发展 12.地中海的一张图 听力部分 Listening Conversation

1.一个学生想去日本参加夏季intern,因为觉得那对以后的工作都会有帮助,而且她在日本住过一段时间(这个点后面才提到,这两点出题双选)一开始对方建议该学生去参加一个一月的五天的活动学生表示有点intense;后来男的表示你去参加那个夏季intern就没有学分哦你怎么办?(该处有题)女生陷入思考...2.女生想要玩音乐希望教授能帮她推荐一下,因为教授是music department的(这里出题)。而且她有上教授的一门乐理课(有题,问女生是怎么认识教授的)她学了很久的钢琴,很喜欢音乐,之所以选择学术是因为觉得对未来比较好(有题:为什么学术?)但发现自己还是比较向往音乐,毕竟理论和实三立教育www.xiexiebang.com 际玩音乐还是不太一样。教授说那我当然可以帮你推荐一下,我自己也有一个 jazz band下周好像要招人来着,女生很开心(这里有重听题),不过我们不需要弹钢琴的人,不如你去webpage上看看吧,有很多local乐队(此处有题)女生说好

3.学生先感谢了教授对他的作业的好评,之前写了个关于戏剧《waiting Tudor》的文章,老师说写的很好,注意到了成双成对的东西的运用。今天学生来,是想问问老师关于他下一^业topic的意见。学生看过一个评论,说《waiting Tudor》只是在repeat, nothing happens•学生很有感悟,这次想写《waiting Tudor》的 structure, 但是老师说,你要慎用其他人的评论,而且不建议继续写这个话题,毕竟这个是survey course, 希望学生写 poem 或 short story。

4.关于课上一个问题的讨论,学生对课上提到的关于brain的experiment有问题 5.找室友,有个室友走了询问老师新室友分配的policy,问室友能否指定 6.学生找教授借recorded video,然后目的在后半段才说

7.教授答应了学生给推荐信,但是学生没收到,就去找教授,结果教授不在然后跟助手对话 8.学生的paper缺资料,老师借她自己的收藏 9.一个学生要写一个画家的论文,讨论那个画家的特点

10.图书馆装修,学生来问情况,想要去二楼座位。图书管理员表示该地区是给Graduate student开放的,让他去另一个地方,可那个地方太吵闹,所以学生去找教授要申请。Lecture

1.哲学家关于道德标准的观点(ethic principle),惯例首题:该讲座在讨论什么?先大概说了一下看一个人是不是ethic就看他做的事情是good还是bad,第一个人认为道德标准是blabla...第二个人(M)认为道德就是做对最多人都好的事,能惠及到的人越多越好,但对于标准的判定很难有一个答案。例子是一个要上场打仗的士兵家里有一个老母亲,老母亲的生活需要他,如果他留下就可以惠及一个人,也就是老母亲。但如果去打仗的话他可以惠及很多人或者0个人(如果他死了就帮不到任何人)所以就没有确切的答案,还是要看自己的选择。但是M的key conception是:一个人要对自己做出的选择负责 2.在讨论海獭sea otter的数量减少是为什么?一开始猜是因为海獭的生育率越来越低了,但是研究发现没有;又猜测可能move 到别的地方去了,但是也没有那为什么变少了?


第二个原因:人类活动。overfish什么的,提到三个生物的关系,相互影响增增减减...此处有题。3.一般人们考古找到artifact都想研究什么?男生回答:从哪里来的、用什么做的。老师表示,没错!然后讲一种 shell被发现在x地方,但是怀疑不是那里的原产物,那种shell很漂亮被用来做装饰。然后说在中国最早发现这种shell是被用来做货币的,因为很轻小,便于携带(portable)接着讲到一个游牧民族骑马…好像跟古希腊人有交易

4.来自biology class,讲关于bacteria的好处,我们通常认为细菌就是germ or disease, but there are many good bacteria ,第一它们可以补充人体内的维生素(VB和VK),第二他们可以帮助体内的酶发挥作用促进消化,第三还可以和bad bacteria竞争 resource从而清除它们,然后professor说有一三立教育www.xiexiebang.com 些抗坏细菌的方法同样会对好细菌造成伤害,洗手液在清除坏细菌的同时也会破坏好细菌;接着教授还提到益生菌,在酸奶里有对人体有很多好处,但是现在一些商家夸大了一些好处,目前科学还没有证实。

5.来自geology class,这篇主要讲的是seafloor topography,教授说sea surface的研究有很多但seafloor的却很少,然后开始讲人们进行seafloor研究的历程,主要讲了两种技术,第一个技术是声呐技术,它的问题在于调查范围比较小,需要很多船才能探测到entire seafloor,这会费力费钱,所以另一种新技术发明了这种新技术虽然可以进行很大范围的探测但是它探测的数据缺少details。最后教授说现在的探测要把这两种技术结合起来,而且目前没有一种技术能包含这两种技术的优点。

6.The United States government class,这篇主要讲了一种环保技术,这种环保技术早就在美国被发明,发明的原因是有段时间美国遭到了 energy shortage,人们害怕传统的能源马上就要枯竭,于是有一个task就专门研究新能源。这种新能源各方面都很好但有一个问题就是贵,一般人用不起,于是有人提出让政府大量投资,以至于让这种能源能便宜下来,还举了一个例子,意思就是曾经这个东西非常贵然后政府大量的买这些东西使价格下降,所以那时候的人也想这么干,让政府投资很多钱,政府不愿意,于是美国总统连一点钱都没给这个技术,于是这个技术就垮掉了,至今也没有用的起来。

7.来自astronomy class,这篇主要讲了一种star,它们在死的时候(一般会死很长时间)会放出很强的光,教授就讨论了为什么它们会放出这么耀眼的光。首先教授指出一般这种luminous star非常大存在于较小的galaxy中而且这些 galaxy很年轻,那些不亮的star存在于较大较old的galaxy中。然后professor问学生为什么会这样勒?然后开始回顾star是怎么死的,女生说是因为自身hydrogen和ice water不断累加什么的,professor说不是,是因为solar wind,它们会将star的hydrogen和ice慢慢消磨,吹向galaxy 中,所以那些老的galaxy就回比较大,年轻的galaxy就会比较小,luminous star就很大而且很亮。

最后教授还说了一个彩蛋,就是这些luminous star太大了,以至于把 galaxy都遮盖了,运用普通的天文望远镜看不到是否有小的galaxy,于是天文学家用紫外线进行探测。

8.来自environmental class 教授讲了个例子(基本都在讲这个例子),是关于一个地方原来没有大商场所以人们必须开车去downtown买但现在开了个大的shopping mall人们可以不用开车去downtown的小shop 了,减少了污染,但女生质疑,如果有些人离这个shopping mall比较远,肯定不会走路或者骑车,还是会造成污染。教授说是的,这个大商场的建造其实并没有很有效,而且它的 manufacture也会对环境造成破坏。口语部分 Speaking Task1

A.Planting flowers C.Painting-B-A+C 三立教育www.xiexiebang.com Do you think business meetings should be conducted in person or online with thehelp of modern technology?-online-regardless of geographical limitation/especially necessary for multinationalcompanies whose employees work in subsidiaries of different areas Task3


一个女生病了,但之前答应朋友去art show的opening night了。方法一:去半小时,好处可以回家休息,坏处半小时难以脱身病情可能恶化。方法二:打电话解释然后不去。好处一周之后可以去应援another night,坏处这个开幕很重要。Task6

1.旧产品就没人买了,大家都去买新的,旧产品的销售还会下降。e.g.卖dry sensitive skin product的公司推了新产品大家都买那个。Writing

第一点:cool the deers by breezes(风一吹就凉了),散热,角露外面风吹可降温 第三点:show the dominance 听力观点:

第二点:按理说母鹿需要照顾和保护小鹿,那它们应该更需要角才对,但是它们没有角。而且鹿有很多方法来保护自己,研究人员发现鹿的主要predator狼身上的伤主要是被鹿踢造成的(by kicking)本题也出现过,在2016年1月23日,Schools should set extra the course of video games for children at the age of five to eight years old.也属于非主流考题。对于一件事发表正反两方面的看法。反观点过于彻底负面,所以支持这个做法更为合适,那么设置类似游戏课到底有哪些好处呢?其实答案就在题目内。一个是effective,一个是interesting。两个理由再加上一个让步段回应反观点。即可构成一个完整的文章。下面,以其中一个理由为例演示主题段的写作: 上海三立托福雅思长宁校区暑期班在火热报名中~~




Section A

Directions: In this section, you will hear three news reports.At the end of each news report, you will hear two or three questions.Both the news report and the questions will be spoken only once.After you hear a question, you must choose the best answer from the four choices marked A), B), C)and D).Then mark the corresponding letter on Answer Sheet 1 with a single line through the centre.Questions 1 and 2 are based on the news report you have just heard.1.A)The return of a bottled message to its owner's daughter.B)A New Hampshire man's joke with friends on his wife.C)A father's message for his daughter.D)The history of a century-old motel.2.A)She wanted to show gratitude for his kindness.B)She wanted to honor her father's promise.C)She had been asked by her father to do so.D)She was excited to see her father's handwriting.Questions 3 and 4 are based on the news report you have just heard.3.A)People were concerned about the number of bees.B)Several cases of Zika disease had been identified.C)Two million bees were infected with disease.D)Zika virus had destroyed some bee farms.4.A)It apologized to its customers.B)It was forced to kill its bees.C)It lost a huge stock of bees.D)It lost 2.5 million dollars.Questions 5 to 7 are based on the news report you have just heard.5.A)It stayed in the air for about two hours.B)It took off and landed on a football field.C)It proved to be of high commercial value.D)It made a series of sharp turns in the sky.6.A)Engineering problems.B)The air pollution it produced.C)Inadequate funding.D)The opposition from the military.7.A)It uses the latest aviation technology.B)It flies faster than a commercial jet.C)It is a safer means of transportation.D)It is more environmentally friendly.Section B

Directions: In this section, you will hear two long conversations.At the end of each conversation, you will hear four questions.Both the conversation and the questions will be spoken only once.After you hear a question, you must choose the best answer from the four choices marked A), B), C)and D).Then mark the corresponding letter on Answer Sheet 1 with a single line through the centre.Questions 8 to 11 are based on the conversation you have just heard.8.A)It seems a depressing topic.B)It sounds quite alarming.C)It has little impact on our daily life.D)It is getting more serious these days.9.A)The man doesn't understand Spanish.B)The woman doesn't really like dancing.C)They don't want something too noisy.D)They can't make it to the theatre in time.10.A)It would be more fun without Mr.Whitehead hosting.B)It has too many acts to hold the audience's attention.C)It is the most amusing show he has ever watched.D)It is a show inappropriate for a night of charity.11.A)Watch a comedy.B)Go and see the dance.C)Book the tickets online.D)See a film with the man.Questions 12 to 15 are based on the conversation you have just heard.12.A)Most of her schoolmates are younger than she is.B)She simply has no idea what school to transfer to.C)There are too many activities for her to cope with.D)She worries she won't fit in as a transfer student.13.A)Seek advice from senior students.B)Pick up some meaningful hobbies.C)Participate in after-school activities.D)Look into what the school offers.14.A)Give her help whenever she needs it.B)Accept her as a transfer student.C)Find her accommodation on campus.D)Introduce her to her roommates.15.A)She has interests similar to Mr.Lee's.B)She has become friends with Catherine.C)She has chosen the major Catherine has.D)She has just transferred to the college.Section C

Directions: In this section, you will hear three passages.At the end of each passage, you will hear three or four questions.Both the passage and the questions will be spoken only once.After you hear a question, you must choose the best answer from the four choices marked A), B), C)and D).Then mark the corresponding letter on Answer Sheet 1 with a single line through the centre.Questions 16 to 18 are based on the passage you have just heard.16.A)To investigate how being overweight impacts on health.B)To find out which physical drive is the most powerful.C)To discover what most mice like to eat.D)To determine what feelings mice have.17.A)When they are hungry.B)When they are thirsty.C)When they smell food.D)When they want company.18.A)They search for food in groups.B)They are overweight when food is plenty.C)They prefer to be with other mice.D)They enjoy the company of other animals.Questions 19 to 21 are based on the passage you have just heard.19.A)Its construction started before World War I.B)Its construction cost more than $ 40 billion.C)It is efficiently used for transport.D)It is one of the best in the world.20.A)To improve transportation in the countryside.B)To move troops quickly from place to place.C)To enable people to travel at a higher speed.D)To speed up the transportation of goods.21.A)In the 1970s.B)In the 1960s.C)In the 1950s.D)In the 1940s.Questions 22 to 25 are based on the passage you have just heard.22.A)Chatting while driving.B)Messaging while driving.C)Driving under age.D)Speeding on highways.23.A)A gadget to hold a phone on the steering wheel.B)A gadget to charge the phone in a car.C)A device to control the speed of a vehicle.D)A device to ensure people drive with both hands.24.A)The car keeps flashing its headlights.B)The car slows down gradually to a halt.C)They are alerted with a light and a sound.D)They get a warning on their smart phone.25.A)Installing a camera.B)Using a connected app.C)Checking their emails.D)Keeping a daily record.答案

1.A)The return of a bottled message to its owner's daughter.2.B)She wanted to honor her father's promise.3.B)Several cases of Zika disease had been identified.4.C)It lost a huge stock of bees.5.A)It stayed in the air for about two hours.6.C)Inadequate funding.7.D)It is more environmentally friendly.8.A)It seems a depressing topic.9.D)They can't make it to the theatre in time.10.C)It is the most amusing show he has ever watched.11.B)Go and see the dance.12.D)She worries she won't fit in as a transfer student.13.C)Participate in after-school activities.14.A)Give her help whenever she needs it.15.D)She has just transferred to the college.16.B)To find out which physical drive is the most powerful.17.A)When they are hungry.18.C)They prefer to be with other mice.19.D)It is one of the best in the world.20.B)To move troops quickly from place to place.21.A)In the 1970s.22.B)Messaging while driving.23.D)A device to ensure people drive with both hands.24.C)They are alerted with a light and a sound.25.B)Using a connected app.2019年6月英语四级听力真题

Section A News Report

Directions: In this section,you will hear three news reports。At the end of each news report,you will hear two or three questions。Both the news report and the questions will be spoken only once。After you hear a question,you must choose the best answer from the four choices marked A),B),C)and D)。Then mark the corresponding letter on Answer Sheet 1 with a single line through the centre。

Questions 1 and 2 are based on the news report you have just heard.1.A)He set a record by swimming to and from an island.B)He celebrated his ninth birthday on a small island.C)He visited a prison located on a faraway island.D)He swam around an island near San Francisco.2.A)He doubled the reward.B)He cheered him on all the way.C)He set him an example.D)He had the event covered on TV.Questions 3 and 4 are based on the news report you have just heard.3.A)To end the one-child policy.B)To encourage late marriage.C)To increase working efficiency.D)To give people more time to travel.4.A)They will not be welcomed by young people.B)They will help to popularize early marriage.C)They will boost China's economic growth.D)They will not come into immediate effect.Questions 5 to 7 are based on the news report you have just heard.5.A)Cleaning service in great demand all over the world.B)Two ladies giving up well-paid jobs to do cleaning.C)A new company to clean up the mess after parties.D)Cleaners gainfully employed at nights and weekends.6.A)It takes a lot of time to prepare.B)It leaves the house in a mess.C)It makes party goers exhausted.D)It creates noise and misconduct.7.A)Hire an Australian lawyer.B)Visit the U.S.and Canada.C)Settle a legal dispute.D)Expand their business.Section B Conversation

Directions: In this section,you will hear two long conversations。At the end of each conversations you will hear four questions。Both the conversations and the question-s will be spoken only once。After you hear a question。You must choose the best answer from the four choices marked A),B),C)and D)。Then mark the corresponding letter on Answer Sheet 1 with a single line through the centre.Questions 8 to 11 are based on the conversation you have just heard.8.A)He had a driving lesson.B)He got his driver's license.C)He took the driver's theory exam.D)He passed the driver's road test.9.A)He was not well prepared.B)He did not get to the exam in time.C)He was not used to the test format.D)He did not follow the test procedure.10.A)They are tough.B)They are costly.C)They are helpful.D)They are too short.11.A)Pass his road test the first time.B)Test-drive a few times on highways.C)Find an experienced driving instructor.D)Earn enough money for driving lessons.Questions 12 to 15 are based on the conversation you have just heard.12.A)Where the woman studies.B)The acceptance rate at Leeds.C)Leed's tuition for international students.D)How to apply for studies at a university.13.A)Apply to an American university.B)Do research on higher education.C)Perform in a famous musical.D)Pursue postgraduate studies.14.A)His favorable recommendations.B)His outstanding musical talent.C)His academic excellence.D)His unique experience.15.A)Do a master's degree.B)Settle down in England.C)Travel widely.D)Teach overseas.Section C Passage

Directions: In this section,you will hear three passages。At the end of each passage,you will hear three or four questions。Both the passage and the questions will be spoken only once。After you hear a question,you must choose the best answer from the four choices marked A),B),C)and D)。Then mark the corresponding letter on Answer Sheet 1 with a single line through the centre.Questions 16 to 18 are based on the passage you have just heard.16.A)They help farmers keep diseases in check.B)Many species remain unknown to scientists.C)Only a few species cause trouble to humans.D)They live in incredibly well-organized colonies.17.A)They are larger than many other species.B)They can cause damage to people's homes.C)They can survive a long time without water.D)They like to form colonies in electrical units.18.A)Deny them access to any food.B)Keep doors and windows shut.C)Destroy their colonies close by.D)Refrain from eating sugary food.Questions 19 to 21 are based on the passage you have just heard.19.A)The function of the human immune system.B)The cause of various auto-immune diseases.C)The viruses that may infect the human immune system.D)The change in people's immune system as they get older.20.A)Report their illnesses.B)Offer blood samples.C)Act as research assistants.D)Help to interview patients.21.A)Strengthening people's immunity to infection.B)Better understanding patients' immune system.C)Helping improve old people's health conditions.D)Further reducing old patients' medical expenses.Questions 22 to 25 are based on the passage you have just heard.22.A)His students had trouble getting on with each other.B)A lot of kids stayed at school to do their homework.C)His students were struggling to follow his lessons.D)A group of kids were playing chess after school.23.A)Visit a chess team in Nashville.B)Join the school's chess team.C)Participate in a national chess competition.D)Receive training for a chess competition.24.A)Most of them come from low-income families.B)Many have become national chess champions.C)A couple of them have got involved in crimes.D)Many became chess coaches after graduation.25.A)Actions speak louder than words.B)Think twice before taking action.C)Translate their words into action.D)Take action before it gets too late.答案






























Section A

Directions: In this section, you will hear three news reports.At the end of each news report, you will hear two or three questions.Both the news report and the questions will be spoken only once.After you hear a question, you must choose the best answer from the four choices marked A, B, C and D.Then mark the corresponding letter on Answer Sheet 1 with a single line through the centre.Questions 1 and 2 are based on the news report you have just heard.1.A.It was dangerous to live in.B.It was going to be renovated.C.He could no longer pay the rent.D.He had sold it to the royal family.2.A.A strike.B.A storm.C.A forest fire.D.A terrorist attack.Questions 3 and 4 are based on the news report you have just heard.3.A.They lost contact with the emergency department.B.They were trapped in an underground elevator.C.They were injured by suddenly falling rocks.D.They sent calls for help via a portable radio.4.A.They tried hard to repair the elevator.B.They released the details of the accident.C.They sent supplies to keep the miners warm.D.They provided the miners with food and water.Questions 5 to 7 are based on the news report you have just heard.5.A.Raise postage rates.B.Improve its services.C.Redesign delivery routes.D.Close some of its post offices.6.A.Shortening business hours.B.Closing offices on holidays.C.Stopping mail delivery on Saturdays.D.Computerizing mall sorting processes.7.A.Many post office staff will lose their jobs.B.Many people will begin to complain.C.Taxpayers will be very pleased.D.A lot of controversy will arise.Section B

Directions: In this section, you will hear two long conversations.At the end of each conversation, you will hear four questions.Both the conversation and the questions will be spoken only once.After you hear a question, you must choose the best answer from the four choices marked A, B, C and D.Then mark the corresponding letter on Answer Sheet 1with a single line through the centre.Questions 8 to 11 are based on the conversation you have just heard.8.A.He will be kept from promotion.B.He will go through retraining.C.He will be given a warning.D.He will lose part of his pay.9.A.He is always on time.B.He is a trustworthy guy.C.He is an experienced press operator.D.He is on good terms with his workmates.10.A.She is a trade union representative.B.She is in charge of public relations.C.She is a senior manager of the shop.D.She is better at handling such matters.11.A.He is skilled and experienced.B.He is very close to the manager.C.He is always trying to stir up trouble.D.He is always complaining about low wages.Questions 12 to 15 are based on the conversation you have just heard.12.A.Open.B.Friendly.C.Selfish.D.Reserved.13.A.They stay quiet.B.They read a book.C.They talk about the weather.D.They chat with fellow passengers.14.A.She was always treated as a foreigner.B.She was eager to visit an English castle.C.She was never invited to a colleague's home.D.She was unwilling to make friends with workmates.15.A.Houses are much more quiet.B.Houses provide more privacy.C.They want to have more space.D.They want a garden of their own.Section C

Directions: In this section, you will hear three passages.At the end of each passage, you will hear three or four questions.Both the passage and the questions will be spoken only once.After you hear a question, you must choose the best answer from the four choices marked A, B, C and D.Then mark the corresponding letter on Answer Sheet 1 with a single line through the centre.Questions 16 to 18 are based on the passage you have just heard.16.A.They don't have much choice of jobs.B.They are likely to get much higher pay.C.They don't have to go through job interviews.D.They will automatically be given hiring priority.17.A.Ask their professors for help.B.Look at school bulletin boards.C.Visit the school careers service.D.Go through campus newspapers.18.A.Helping students find the books and journals they need.B.Supervising study spaces to ensure a quiet atmosphere.C.Helping students arrange appointments with librarians.D.Providing students with information about the library.Questions 19 to 21 are based on the passage you have just heard.19.A.It tastes better.B.It is easier to grow.C.It may be sold at a higher price.D.It can better survive extreme weathers.20.A.It is healthier than green tea.B.It can grow in drier soil.C.It will replace green tea one day.D.It is immune to various diseases.21.A.It has been well received by many tea drinkers.B.It does not bring the promised health benefits.C.It has made tea farmers' life easier.D.It does not have a stable market.Questions 22 to 25 are based on the passage you have just heard.22.A.They need decorations to show their status.B.They prefer unique objects of high quality.C.They decorate their homes themselves.D.They care more about environment.23.A.They were proud of their creations.B.They could only try to create at night.C.They made great contributions to society.D.They focused on the quality of their products.24.A.Make wise choices.B.Identify fake crafts.C.Design handicrafts themselves.D.Learn the importance of creation.25.A.To boost the local economy.B.To attract foreign investments.C.To arouse public interest in crafts.D.To preserve the traditional culture.听力答案

1.A.It was dangerous to live in.2.B.A storm.3.B.They were trapped in an underground elevator.4.C.They sent supplies to keep the miners warm.5.D.Close some of its post offices.6.C.Stopping mail delivery on Saturdays.7.A.Many post office staff will lose their jobs.8.D.He will lose part of his pay.9.B.He is a trustworthy guy.10.D.She is better at handling such matters.11.C.He is always trying to stir up trouble.12.D.Reserved.13.A.They stay quiet.14.C.She was never invited to a colleague's home.15.B.Houses provide more privacy.D.They will automatically be given hiring priority.C.Visit the school careers service.B.Supervising study spaces to ensure a quiet atmosphere.19.C.It may be sold at a higher price.20.A.It is healthier than green tea.21.D.It does not have a stable market.22.B.They prefer unique objects of high quality.23.B.They could only try to create at night.24.A.Make wise choices.25.A.To boost the local economy.2019年12月英语四级听力真题


Section A News Report

Directions: In this section, you will hear three news reports.At the end of each news report, you will hear two or three questions.Both the news report and the questions will be spoken only once.After you hear a question, you must choose the best answer from the four choices marked A), B), C)and D).Then mark the corresponding letter on Answer Sheet 1 with a single line through the centre.Questions 1 and 2 are based on the news report you have just heard.1.A)The number of male nurses has gone down.B)There is discrimination against male nurses.C)There is a growing shortage of medical personnel.D)The number of nurses has dropped to a record low.2.A)Working conditions.B)Educational system.C)Inadequate pay.D)Cultural bias.Questions 3 and 4 are based on the news report you have just heard.3.A)He fell out of a lifeboat.B)He was almost drowned.C)He lost his way on a beach.D)He enjoyed swimming in the sea.4.A)The lifeboats patrol the area round the clock.B)The beach is a good place to watch the tide.C)The emergency services are efficient.D)The beach is a popular tourist resort.Questions 5 to 7 are based on the news report you have just heard.5.A)It climbed 25 storeys at one go.B)It broke into an office room.C)It escaped from a local zoo.D)It became an online star.6.A)Release it into the wild.B)Return it to its owner.C)Send it back to the zoo.D)Give it a physical checkup.7.A)A racoon can perform acts no human can.B)A racoon can climb much higher than a cat.C)The racoon did something no politician could.D)The raccoon became as famous as some politicians.Section B Conversation

Directions: In this section, you will hear two long conversations.At the end of each conversations you will hear four questions.Both the conversations and the question-s will be spoken only once.After you hear a question.You must choose the best answer from the four choices marked A), B), C)and D).Then mark the corresponding letter on Answer Sheet 1 with a single line through the centre.Questions 8 to 11 are based on the conversation you have just heard.8.A)She received a bonus unexpectedly.B)She got a well-paying job in a bank.C She received her first monthly salary.D)She got a pay raise for her performance.9.A)Two decades ago.B)Several years ago.C)Just last month.D)Right after graduation.10.A)He sent a small check to his parents.B)He treated his parents to a nice meal.C)He took a few of his friends to a gym.D)He immediately deposited it in a bank.11.A)Join her colleagues for gym exercise.B)Visit her former university campus.C)Buy some professional clothes.D)Budget her salary carefully.Questions 12 to 15 are based on the conversation you have just heard.12.A)He has just too many things to attend to.B)He has been overworked recently.C)He has a difficult decision to make.D)He has just quarreled with his girlfriend.13.A)Turn to his girlfriend for assistance.B)Give priority to things more urgent.C)Think twice before making the decision.D)Seek advice from his family and advisor.14.A)His girlfriend does not support his decision.B)He is not particularly keen on the job offered.C)He lacks the money for his doctoral program.D)His parents and advisor have different opinions.15.A)They need time to make preparations.B)They haven't started their careers yet.C)They need to save enough money for it.D)They haven't won their parents' approval.Section C Passage

Directions: In this section, you will hear three passages.At the end of each passage, you will hear three or four questions.Both the passage and the questions will be spoken only once.After you hear a question, you must choose the best answer from the four choices marked A), B), C)and D).Then mark the corresponding letter on Answer Sheet 1 with a single line through the centre.Questions 16 to 18 are based on the passage you have just heard.16.A)Expressing ideas and opinions freely.B)Enriching social and intellectual lives.C)Acquiring information and professional knowledge.D)Using information to understand and solve problems.17.A)Traveling to different places in the world.B)Playing games that challenge one's mind.C)Improving mind-reading strategies.D)Reading classic scientific literature.18.A)Participate in debates or discussions.B)Expose themselves to different cultures.C)Discard personal biases and prejudices.D)Give others freedom to express themselves.Questions 19 to 21 are based on the passage you have just heard.19.A)Why dogs can be faithful friends of humans.B)The nature of relationships between dogs.C)The reason a great many people love dogs.D)How dogs feel about their bonds with humans.20.A)They behave like other animals in many ways.B)They have an unusual sense of responsibility.C)They can respond to humans' questions.D)They can fall in love just like humans.21.A)They stay with one partner for life.B)They have their own joys and sorrows.C)They experience true romantic love.D)They help humans in various ways.Questions 22 to 25 are based on the passage you have just heard.22.A)A rare animal.B)A historical site.C)A cow bone.D)A precious stone.23.A)Dating it.B)Preserving it.C)Measuring it.D)Identifying it.24.A)The channel needs to interview the boy.B)The boy should have called an expert.C)The boy's family had acted correctly.D)The site should have been protected.25.A)Conduct a more detailed search.B)Ask the university to reward Jude.C)Search for similar fossils elsewhere.D)Seek additional funds for the search.听力答案




























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