
时间:2019-05-15 07:54:12下载本文作者:会员上传




Kobe Bryant: Don’t want Jazz to take it easy at all in my final game

科比谈最后一战:望爵士打出水准 方能尽兴告别


The next time Lakers icon Kobe Bryant appears on the Staples Center court, it will be for the final game of his NBA career.当湖人队球员科比·布莱恩特再次站在斯台普斯中心球场的时候,那将是他NBA职业生涯的最后一场比赛。

Has Bryant looked forward to that final game, April 13 against the Utah Jazz, and imagined what it will be like?


“I try not to do it too much,” Bryant said Wednesday night, “and just make yourself emotional.”


He added: “Just showing up and playing.Showing up and playing and hoping my body feels pretty damn good and I can get up and down the floor and run freely and play this game at the highest level of competition one more time.”



His preparation for that final game, he said, will remain the same.科比表示对最后一战的准备与从前无异,终归是一如既往地投入比赛。

“I won’t allow it to be any different,” said Bryant, 37, who is retiring after 20 NBA seasons.“One more time and go through same routine.Same group of people.One more time.”


Could Bryant imagine a perfect sort of ending? For some Lakers fans, a fitting ending would be Bryant hitting a game-winning shot.He wouldn’t mind that outcome, but he wishes for a different send-off.科比设想过某种完美的结局吗?对于许多湖人球迷来说,最完美的结局莫过于科比命中绝杀一球。但科比没有那么设想过,但他也希望有一个别开生面的告别方式。

“Yeah, win a championship,” he said, “but that’s not happening, so there you go.That’s done.The dream’s done.Dream’s done.For me, it’s coming out and playing in front of the fans and competing hard and playing against Utah, and them not taking it easy at all.They beat us by like 40 the last few times we played them.So I expect them to come and try to do the same thing.“当然,若能赢得总冠军当然是再好不过的了,”科比说道,“但那已经不太可能发生了,那个梦已经结束了。对我来说,在所有球迷面前出场打球,努力与犹他对抗厮杀就是我应该做的。他们可没那么好对付。上一次我们交手输了40多分,这一次比赛我也希望他们能够一如既往,发挥应有的水平。”

”To me, that is the greatest form of competition.That’s best last game you can have--a very competitive one, a physical one.That’s the way basketball should be.In terms of the end, I don’t know, man.I really don’t think about that that much;I just like the game itself.“



He’s not sure what his emotions will be that night.其实,就连科比本人也不知道他在最后这场战役中会持有怎样的情绪。

”When the time comes, you never know,“ Bryant said.”I might be sitting here with tears flowing out of my eyes.I doubt it, but it could happen.I don’t know.We’ll see.“


Fans’ emotions were high during Wednesday’s penultimate home game, and Bryant could sense it.He checked out in the final minute of the 91-81 loss to the Los Angeles Clippers to a roaring standing ovation, with fans chanting his name as loudly and for as long as they have at any point this season.在周三倒数第二场主场比赛时,科比能感觉到球迷们颇为高涨的情绪,在与洛杉矶快船比赛的最后一分钟,球迷们纷纷起立鼓掌致意,他们尽量大声且长久地呼喊着他的名字,比这个赛季任何时候都要响亮悠长。

”This is the next-to-last game ever in this building.It’s pretty crazy,“ said Bryant, who scored a game-high 17 points on 6-of-19 shooting in nearly 28 minutes.”So I certainly can feel it.As soon as you run out at the start of the game, I could feel it.“


Added Bryant: ”I can feel it, and it feels pretty damn awesome.Going through the years of losing and not leaving the Lakers makes it all worthwhile standing here and taking the good with the bad and the fans embracing that and understanding that we ride together.That’s a love that you can’t break."




introduce of kobe good morning everybody!its my honor to speak here , and i am very glad to share my topic with you.then today id like to talk something about my idol----kobe bryant.when i was 12 years old , i begin love basketball.the power ,the skill and the against, left a deep impression on me.at that time kobe became my favourite player.although i am a girl ,i stil love the basketball ,still love kobe.now let me intrduce some story of kobe to you: 科比出生在1978年8月23日。他是效力于nba洛杉矶湖人队的一名明星后卫。在他十八岁的时候,被从高中直接nba,从此开始了他的职业生涯。进过十五年的努力,他已经成为这个联盟的最佳球员。作为迈克乔丹之后的最伟大的得分后卫,他曾经在2006年的一场比赛中单场拿到81分,在07年里连续四场得分超过50分。在08年获得了最有价值球员,并带领湖人队重回巅峰。it is known to all of us kobe couldn’t have seized this success if he hadn’t worked like crazy for years perfecting his skills.there are no short cuts to hard work.success is a by product of that。


kobe bryants story and experience tells us several reason : 1.believe in yourself when no one else does.当别人不相信自己的时候也要自己相信自己


3.your family will always be there for you, so be there for them.你的家人也将永远在那里守候着你,所以要为他们而奋斗。

4.don’t overlook talent that might exist around you today on your team.要知道团队的重要性,不熬忽视队友的才能

5.people will love you for being an original, not trying to be someone else.努力做自己不要成为第二个别人,人们爱的是原版的自己 6.work your butt off.努力工作

these are several reasons wo can learn from him.ok , after kobe’s hard working, let’s talk about kobe’s family next.in november 1999, 21 year old bryant met 17 year old vanessa laine while she was working as a background dancer.bryant was in the building working on his debut musical album.at that time, laine was still a senior at marina high school.then the two began dating and were engaged in may 2000.due to the media, she finished high school through independent study.according to vanessas cousin laila laine, there was no prenuptial agreement.vanessa said kobe loved her too much for one.1999年11月,21岁的科比遇到了作为一个幕后舞者的瓦妮莎,当时她只有17岁。当时科比在工作室做他的音乐专辑。而当时瓦妮莎只是一个在2000年5月刚进加州亨廷顿海滩marina高中六个月的学生,然后他们开始了约会。但是由于媒体的压力,他最终通过自学完成了学业。据瓦妮莎的表姐laila laine说他们之间没有婚前协议。瓦妮莎却说:没有人会比科比更爱她。they married on april 18, 2001 in dana point, california.the bryants first child, a daughter named natalia diamante bryant, was born on january 19, 2003.in the fall of 2005 the bryants announced that they were expecting their second child.their second daughter, gianna maria-onore bryant, was born on may 1, 2006.interestingly, gianna was born 6 minutes ahead of former teammate shaquille oneals daughter mearah sanaa, who was born in florida.他们于2001年4月18日在加州丹纳岬举行了婚礼。科比的第一个孩子是个名叫 纳塔利亚·戴蒙特·布莱恩特,出生于2003年一月19号。在2005年底的时候,科比说他们即将迎来他们的第二个孩子。在2006年5月1号,他们的小女儿吉娜·布莱恩特 出生了。而有趣的是,吉娜比科比的前队友奥尼尔的女儿mearah sanaa,早出生6分钟。

kobe is a basketball player , also a hunsband and father.let’s let us bless his family and career will be more smooth and harmonious in the future.ok , thank you for listening , thats all.篇二:关于科比的英语演讲稿 good morning everybody!its my honor to speak here , and i am very glad to share my topic with you.then today id like to talk something about my idol----kobe bryant.when i was 10 years old , i begin love basketball.the power ,the skill and the against, left a deep impression on me.at that time kobe became my favourite player.now let me intrduce some story of kobe to you.it is known to all of us kobe couldn’t have seized this success if he hadn’t worked like crazy for years perfecting his skills.there are no short cuts to hard work.success is a by product of that。

kobe is a basketball player , also a spiritual belief.let’s bless his career will be more smooth and harmonious in the future.ok , thank you for listening , thats all.科比出生在1978年8月23日。他是效力于nba洛杉矶湖人队的一名明星后卫。在他十八岁的时候,被从高中直接nba,从此开始了他的职业生涯。进过十五年的努力,他已经成为这个联盟的最佳球员。作为迈克乔丹之后的最伟大的得分后卫,他曾经在2006年的一场比赛中单场拿到81分,在07年里连续四场得分超过50分。在08年获得了最有价值球员,并带领如果没有疯狂的训练,并且多年来完善自己的技能,科比不可能抓住这一成功。刻苦的训练时没有捷径的,成功只是努力得来的一个产物。











投资:《投资学》9ed 博迪,机械工业出版社。课后题是重中之重,真题难度不会超过课后题,9ed答案只有英文版,但估计金圣才版本的中文翻译答案今年会出,就算没有出的话看英文答案也有很多好处,可以学到很多专业术语及地道英文表达。











Introduce of KOBE

Good morning everybody!It's my honor to speak here , and I am very glad to share my topic with you.Then today I'd like to talk somethingaboutmyidol----Kobe Bryant.When I was 12 years old , I begin love basketball.The power ,the skill and the against, left a deep impression on me.At that time Kobe became my favourite player.Although I am a girl ,I stil love the basketball ,still love Kobe.Now let me intrduce some story of Kobe to you:

Kobe Bryant was born in August 23, 1978, he is an American All-Star shooting guard in the National Basketball Association(NBA)who plays for the Los Angeles Lakers.He began his career at the age of 18 when he became the youngest player in league history to be drafted out of high school.And in 15 years, he has become the best player of this league.As the most fabulous Shooting Guardafter Michael Jordan.He once scored 81 points at a single game in 2006.The next year, he got four 50+ games in straight.In 2008,He got the MVP award, and lead Lakers back to the top.科比出生在1978年8月23日。他是效力于NBA洛杉矶湖人队的一名明星后卫。在他十八岁的时候,被从高中直接NBA,从此开始了他的职业生涯。进过十五年的努力,他已经成为这个联盟的最佳球员。作为迈克乔丹之后的最伟大的得分后卫,他曾经在2006年的一场比赛中单场拿到81分,在07年里连续四场得分超过50分。在08年获得了最有价值球员,并带领湖人队重回巅峰。

It is known to all of us

Kobe couldn’t have seized this success if he hadn’t worked like crazy for years perfecting his skills.There are no short cuts to hard work.Success is a by product of that。


Kobesaid“No matter what , just do not give up.Always believe that your dream can come true & just keep working for what you want to achieve.”(无论如何都不要放弃。总要相信你的梦想是可以实现,并且努力的为它奋斗。)

Kobe Bryant's story and experience tells us several reason :

1.Believe in yourself when no one else does.当别人不相信自己的时候也要自己相信自己

2.Seize the opportunity when it comes up..当机会来临的时候要把握住它

3.Your family will always be there for you, so be there for them.你的家人也将永远在那里守候着你,所以要为他们而奋斗。

4.Don’t overlook talent that might exist around you today on your team.要知道团队的重要性,不熬忽视队友的才能

5.People will love you for being an original, not trying to be someone else.努力做自己不要成为第二个别人,人们爱的是原版的自己

6.Work your butt off.努力工作

These are several reasons wo can learn from him.OK , after kobe’s hard working, let’s talk about kobe’s family next.In November 1999, 21 year old Bryant met 17 year old Vanessa Laine while she was working as a background dancer.Bryant was in the building working on his debut musical album.At that time, Laine was still a senior at Marina High School.Then the two began dating and were engagedin May 2000.Due to the media, she finished high school through independent study.According to Vanessa's cousin Laila Laine, there was no prenuptial agreement.Vanessa said Kobe “loved her too much for one”.1999年11月,21岁的科比遇到了作为一个幕后舞者的瓦妮莎,当时她只有17岁。当时科比在工作室做他的音乐专辑。而当时瓦妮莎只是一个在2000年5月刚进加州亨廷顿海滩marina高中六个月的学生,然后他们开始了约会。但是由于媒体的压力,他最终通过自学完成了学业。据瓦妮莎的表姐Laila Laine说他们之间没有婚前协议。瓦妮莎却说:没有人会比科比更爱她。

They married on April 18, 2001 in Dana Point, California.The Bryants' first child, a daughter named Natalia Diamante Bryant, was born on January 19, 2003.In the Fall of 2005 the Bryants announced that they were expecting their second child.Their second daughter, Gianna Maria-Onore Bryant, was born on May 1, 2006.Interestingly, Gianna was born 6 minutes ahead of former teammate Shaquille O'Neal's daughter Me'arah Sanaa, who was born in Florida.他们于2001年4月18日在加州丹纳岬举行了婚礼。科比的第一个孩子是个名叫 纳塔利亚·戴蒙特·布莱恩特,出生于2003年一月19号。在2005年底的时候,科比说他们即将迎来他们的第二个孩子。在2006年5月1号,他们的小女儿吉娜·布莱恩特 出生了。而有趣的是,吉娜比科比的前队友奥尼尔的女儿Me'arah Sanaa,早出生6分钟。

Kobe is a basketball player , also a hunsband and father.let’s Let us bless his family and career will be more smooth and harmonious in the future.OK , thankyouforlistening , that'sall.


Good morning everybody!It's my honor to speak here , and I am very glad to share my topic with you.Then today I'd like to talk something about my idol----Kobe Bryant.When I was 10 years old , I begin love basketball.The power ,the skill and the against, left a deep impression on me.At that time Kobe became my favourite player.Now let me intrduce some story of Kobe to you.Kobe Bryant was born in August 23, 1978, he is an American All-Star shooting guard in the National Basketball Association(NBA)who plays for the Los Angeles Lakers.He began his career at the age of 18 when he became the youngest player in league history to be drafted out of high school.And in 15 years, he has become the best player of this league.As the most fabulous Shooting Guard after Michael Jordan.He once scored 81 points at a single game in 2006.The next year, he got four 50+ games in straight.In 2008,He got the MVP award, and lead Lakers back to the top.It is known to all of us Kobe couldn’t have seized this success if he hadn’t worked like crazy for years perfecting his skills.There are no short cuts to hard work.Success is a by product of that。

Kobe said “No matter what , just do not give up.Always believe that your dream can come true & just keep working for what you want to achieve.”

Kobe is a basketball player , also a spiritual belief.let’s bless his career will be more smooth and harmonious in the future.OK , thank you for listening , that's all.科比出生在1978年8月23日。他是效力于NBA洛杉矶湖人队的一名明星后卫。在他十八岁的时候,被从高中直接NBA,从此开始了他的职业生涯。进过十五年的努力,他已经成为这个联盟的最佳球员。作为迈克乔丹之后的最伟大的得分后卫,他曾经在2006年的一场比赛中单场拿到81分,在07年里连续四场得分超过50分。在08年获得了最有价值球员,并带领如果没有疯狂的训练,并且多年来完善自己的技能,科比不可能抓住这一成功。刻苦的训练时没有捷径的,成功只是努力得来的一个产物。湖人队重回巅峰。



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