第一篇:小学六年级英语作文-我想成为校长(I want to be a headmaster)
小学六年级英语作文:我想成为校长(I want to be a headmaster)
I want to be a headmaster when I grow up.I think that s a good job.My school is in the forest.It s very beautiful.I go to work by Benz at eight o clock in the morning.The teachers in my school are kind and patient.The female teachers in my school are good looking and young.The male teachers are handsome and strong.They are all hardworking so they get good salary.The children in my school have three classes in the morning.In the afternoon, they play and pick up mushrooms or strawberries in the forest.They have no homework.They are very happy!At four o clock in the afternoon, I go home with kinds of mushrooms and fruits in my Benz.They are for my dinner.
我想成为校长(I want to be a headmaster)I want to be a headmaster when I grow up.I think that’s a good job.My school is in the forest.It’s very beautiful.I go to work by Benz at eight o’clock in the morning.The teachers in my school are kind and patient.The female teachers in my school are good looking and young.The male teachers are handsome and strong.They are all hardworking so they get good salary.The children in my school have three classes in the morning.In the afternoon, they play and pick up mushrooms or strawberries in the forest.They have no homework.They are very happy!At four o’clock in the afternoon, I go home with kinds of mushrooms and fruits in my Benz.They are for my dinner.
[我想成为„„作文] 我想成为一名教师,像谌老师一样,我想成为„„作文。在她知识的百宝箱里,总有掏不完的宝贝送给我们,我也要给我的学生传授很多本领,让他们佩服我、崇拜我,我的毫不保留使他们成为栋梁之材。我还可以在他们表现好的时候奖给“小白鸽”;在他们不听话的时候进行“整风”,如果有哪个学生的作文写得好,我会在全班宣读,让这个学生准备把下一篇文章写得更精彩;如果哪个学生成绩退步了,我会等其他学生和家长都走了,再跟她细细分析,告诉她要全面发展,她也许会流眼泪,但下学期她一定会进步。妈妈说每一个小孩子的心里都想当教师,她小时候也一样,可能长大了又会有其他想法,说不定她是对的,小学六年级作文《我想成为„„作文》。◆分享好文◆ 我想成为一名警察,像妈妈一样。我一直认为警察很威风,除暴安良,把坏人绳之以法,还人民以安宁,但妈妈虽然也穿着警服,却成天跟犯人打交道,我要当真正的警察,骑着蓝白相间的摩托车在马路上巡逻,最好是像大连的女骑警,骑上高头大马,感觉一下“路见不平,拔刀相助”。不过警察经常加班,妈妈就这样。我如果真成为了一名警察,我的孩子没有人陪,要去寄宿,这可不太好。我想成为一名建筑师,但不是真正的用沙子、砖头砌房子。我要制造出一种充气的屋子,这屋子可以随时带在身边,把它打开吹足气就可以住进去,里面有充气沙发、充气床铺、充气桌子,甚至充气马桶,“嘿、嘿”很好笑吧。我还要发明一种会飞的屋子,你想去泰山是吗?好,我们住进这个屋子里,把机关打开,屋子在高空快速移动,我们与白云、小鸟擦肩而过,很快就落到泰山顶上,东边的天空刚刚露出鱼肚白,我们静静的等待着太阳喷薄而出。我的好朋友王逸奕说这不叫建筑师,她也不知道叫什么,我就不好再跟别人说了。我还想成为作家,但我一定会经常不知道写什么;我还想成为医生,但我害怕医院的味道。所有这些,不学习好都实现不了,我从现在开始就发奋吧。我想成为„„作文700字
第四篇:小学英语作文:我想成为一名老师 I Want to Be A Teacher[最终版]
小学英语作文:我想成为一名老师 I Want to Be A Teacher
I want to be ateacher in the future, because I think teacher is a good job.My teachers arevery good.Some of them are gentle, but some of them are not.But I think theyall care for students very much.I want to be a good teacher like them.I thinkI will be strict to my students in the class.But after class, I want to betheir friend and help them in study and life.Besides, it can help me to keep ayoung heart to stay with young students.I must work hard for my dream.将来我想成为一名老师,因为我觉得老师是一份好工作。我的老师都很优秀,他们有的温柔,但有的不是这样。但是,我觉得他们都很关心学生。我想成为和他们一样的好老师。我认为在课堂上我会对学生严厉,但是课后我想成为他们的朋友,在生活和学习上帮助他们。除此之外,与年轻的学生呆在一起能够使我保持年轻的心态。我一定要努力实现我的梦想。