
时间:2019-05-15 08:33:20下载本文作者:会员上传


OK.Thanks my fellow debater.Good afternoon ladies and gentlemen.We are glad that the definition we made about corpse donation is similar with fellow debaters’.However, I can’t agree with debaters’ opinion.We insist that upon death, each person’s body should not be given to the State for scientific use, or for organ transplant.According to this topic, what is“should be given”? Is it a forced obligation? Donation has the firstly basic principle is voluntary.And what is the voluntary principle? It refers to the dead and his family donate the corpse with voluntary.If lack of voluntary,it is not the “donation” but robbery.The followings are the reasons for our opposition.First of all, we approval that corpse donation can really meet the needs of scientific use or organ transplant.Especially for part people who require organ to transplant to save their lives, but how much is this part? In China,the current medical system is not perfect, and cost of the transplant operation is so high even more than 30,000.Besides,after operation, medicine also spent a amount of overhead.All of cost goes beyond the ability to pay for a general family.Secondly, both people and the State do not have right to violate the value with another one.Forced corpse donation on the surface is to defend the patient's right to survival, but meanwhile it destroys the right the dead and his families to choose freely.In addition,the deceased's body belongs to himself, although he died ,the right to process the corpse should be given to the deceased’s successor.That is a performance of inherited relationship.However enforced donation undoubtedly breaks the inherited system.The reason why the donation is forced is that the organ is rare and so many patients need it.Similarly,money is also need urgently,should people donate their heritage to the State? Obviously say NO!They are all voluntary donations.Without will of the parties,the donation would become robbery.If we can not control our body,where are the human rights?If we can not dominate our money freely, what is the necessity of wills? Is it a wastepaper? The State makes the law to give us rights to protect ourselves from infringement.But he prevents us to use our rights?Where is the equity? Why we can’t freely make our decisions?Who can give you the rights to robber our body without our consent?

Finally, please debaters explain to us how can the State deal with these people who don’t want to donate their bodies? Directly forced occupying without any comments? Are there not any other more moderate ways get the same effect? What is “should be given”?That is to say,people’s corpse must be given to the State after his death,no matter whether he is willing or not.Then,where are our rights?So we insist that upon death ,each person’s body should not be given to the State for scientific use or organ donation.Thank you.Yes!The value of others lives is quite precious, but personal belief does not have signification? Chinese traditional belief is that "your body is something you receive from your parents”.Even death, leaving the whole body is not just only a formality,but it represents our respect for human rights, and respect for the deceased.


OK.Thanks my fellow debater.Good afternoon ladies and gentlemen.We are glad that the definition we made about corpse donation is similar with fellow debaters’.However, I can’t agree with debaters’ opinion.We insist that upon death, each person’s body should not be given to the State for scientific use, or for organ transplant.According to this topic, what is“should be given”? Is it a forced obligation? Donation has the firstly basic principle is voluntary.And what is the voluntary principle? It refers to the dead and his family donate the corpse with voluntary.If lack of voluntary,it is not the “donation” but robbery.The followings are the reasons for our opposition.First of all, we approval that corpse donation can really meet the needs of scientific use or organ transplant.Especially for part people who require organ to transplant to save their lives, but how much is this part? In China,the current medical system is not perfect, and cost of the transplant operation is so high even more than 30,000.Besides,after operation, medicine also spent a amount of overhead.All of cost goes beyond the ability to pay for a general family.Secondly, both people and the State do not have right to violate the value with another one.Forced corpse donation on the surface is to defend the patient's right to survival, but meanwhile it destroys the right the dead and his families to choose freely.In addition,the deceased's body belongs to himself, although he died ,the right to process the corpse should be given to the deceased’s successor.That is a performance of inherited relationship.However enforced donation undoubtedly breaks the inherited system.The reason why the donation is forced is that the organ is rare and so many patients need it.Similarly,money is also need

urgently,should people donate their heritage to the State? Obviously say NO!They are all voluntary donations.Without will of the parties,the donation would become robbery.If we can not control our body,where are the human rights?If we can not dominate our money freely, what is the necessity of wills? Is it a wastepaper? The State makes the law to give us rights to protect ourselves from

infringement.But he prevents us to use our rights?Where is the equity? Why we can’t freely make our decisions?Who can give you the rights to robber our body without our consent?

Finally, please debaters explain to us how can the State deal with these people who don’t want to donate their bodies? Directly forced occupying without any comments? Are there not any other more moderate ways get the same effect? What is “should be given”?That is to say,people’s corpse must be given to the State after his death,no matter whether he is willing or not.Then,where are our rights?So we insist that upon death ,each person’s body should not be given to the State for scientific use or organ donation.Thank you.Yes!The value of others lives is quite precious, but personal belief does not have signification? Chinese traditional belief is that "your body is something you receive from your parents”.Even death, leaving the whole body is not just only a formality,but it represents our respect for human rights, and respect for the deceased.


谢谢主席,大家好。我是正方一辩。来自----我方的观点是在创业的过程中人脉比技术更加的重要!创业就是创业者对自己拥有的资源或通过努力能够拥有的资源进行优化整合,从而创造出更大经济或社会价值的过程。在社会学中人际关系被定义为人们在生产或生活活动过程中所建立的一种社会关系。心理学将人际关系定义为人与人在交往中建立的直接的心理上的联系。中文常指人与人交往关系的总称,也被称为“人际交往”。从上述的定义不难看出人际关系本身便是建立在生产和生活活动,而我们的创业本身便是一种便是一种生产生活活动。我方认为在创业过程中是人脉重要还是技术重要我们完全可以以在创业所用的时间、创业过程所经历的难题、创业最终成功与否来决定。我方认为创业人脉比技术更为重要,其理由有; 第一点:在创业初期我们便要面对着比如资金、项目、市场等困难。而这些条件都是需要我们与外界交流,不是我们单纯靠能力便能解决的,因为市场瞬息万变等你在天时,地利,人和等方面认为准备充分的时候市场又有了很大的变化。在现在21世纪我们的信息传递方式已经十分的便捷了,但便捷的同时并不代表这我们能够随时取到我们有用的信息着。而当我们有了足够的人脉后这些信息便能够随时的关注到。这些可不是只靠工作能力强就能办到的!第二点; 相信大家在平时做小组作业的时候都有一种感觉,就是自己闭门做车不管是怎么的努力到最后却依然是失败。而这个时候便需要一个组长,他也许并不能做多少事情,但是当有了他以后事情便有了合理的分工。这样不需要每个人都能作很多,只要你会一部分,在组长的统一协作下我们就有了一个完整的作品。而这个和我们创业的过程是想通的,我们并不需要有多么大的能力,但是我们必定需要有足够的人脉能够协调统一,集合大家的能力。第三点; 就是我们的一些长辈他们的成功创业,无不都经营着完善丰富的人脉也正是这些人脉成就了他们的成功。曾任美国某大铁路公司总裁的史密斯说:“铁路的95%是人,5%是铁。”美国钢铁大王及成功学大师卡耐基经过长期研究得出结论说:“专业知识在一个人成功中的作用只占15%,而其余的85%则取决于人际关系。”所以说,无论你从事什么职业,学会处理人际关系,掌握并拥有丰厚的人脉资源,你就在成功路上走了85%的路程,在个人幸福的路上走了99%的路程了。无怪乎美国石油大王洛克菲勒说:“我愿意付出比天底下得到其他本领更大的代价来获取与人相处的本领。” 综上所述,我方认为,奥运商业化利大于弊。谢谢各位!


















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