
时间:2019-05-15 08:49:09下载本文作者:会员上传




Good morning, ladies and gentlemen, friends of the press.Under very tough circumstances, we have covered an eventful cause in the past two years.人民是用坚实的步伐走过了不平坦 的道路,这将会在历史上留下印迹。

The Chinese people have gone through an extraordinary journey with solid steps, it will leave an imprint in the annals of history.今后几年,道路依然不平坦,甚至充满荆棘,但是我们应该记住这样一条古训:行百里者半九十。不可有 任何松懈、麻痹和动摇。

The road ahead is not a smooth one.It may be full of twists and turns.But we should always remember this important thing, that is half of the people who have embarked on the 100 mile journey may fall by the wayside, this means we must not slacken our efforts in the slightest, and we must not waiver in our resolve.但同时我们要坚定信心,华山再 高,顶有过路。解决困难唯一的办法、出路和希望在于我们自己的努力。

We must reinforce our confidence, no matter how high the mountain is, one can always ascend to its top.In the face of the various difficulties, our only answer, only solution and only hope lie in the efforts of ourselves.我深深爱着我的国 家,没有一片土地让我这样深情和激动,没有一条河流让我这样沉思和起伏。亦余心之所向兮,虽九死其尤未悔。我将以此明志,做好今后三年的工作。

I have deep love for this country, I love every inch of its land, I love every river that flows on this piece of earth with deep passion and deep affection.For the ideal that I hold dear to my heart, I will not regret a thousand deaths to die.With this strong commitment, I will continue to devote myself to my work in the next three years.现在我 愿意回答大家的问题。

Now I'm ready to answer your questions.英国《金融时 报》记者: 您好。我想问一个有关中国货币政策的问题。现在中国经济发展速度很快,中国经济迅速实现企稳回升,中国的通货膨胀也在上涨,几乎已经达到了您在政府工作报 告中定下的今年通胀保持在3%左右的水平目标。不管外界给中国什么样的压力或者对中国的货币政策作出什么评论,我想问,让人民币升值难道不是符合中国自身 利益的一件事吗?

Good morning, Premier Wen, I'm Jeff Dial from the Financial Times.I'd like to ask a question about Chinese currency policy.The economy is now growing very strongly in China, you recover very quickly, and inflation is now arising almost close to the 3% target you set for the year.So regardless of pressure and comments from other countries, isn't it now in China's interest/ to begin appreciating your currency? Thank you.温家宝: 第一,我认为人民币的币值没有低估。让我们看一组数据,去年我们统计了37个国家对中国的出口情况,其中有16个国家对中国的出口是增长的。就是先生所在 的欧盟地区,出口总体下降20.3%,但是对中国的出口只下降15.3%。如果我举一个德国的例子,那就是去年德国对中国的出口多达760亿欧元,创历史 最高。美国去年出口下降17%,但是对中国的出口仅下降2.2%。中国已经成为周边国家包括日本、韩国的出口市场,也成为欧美的出口市场。

First, I don't think the RMB has depreciated.Let's take a look at a set of figures here.We did a survey of exports of 37 countries in the world towards China last year, 16 out of the 37 countries exports more goods to China.Talking about the European area, where this journalist comes from, on the whole, exports of European countries have decreased by 20.3%, yet its exports to China only fell by 15.3%.Last year, Germany's exports to China reached 76 billion Euros, reaching a historical high.And last year, exports of the United States dropped by 17%, but its exports to China only declined by 2.2%.From this we can see that China has become an important export market for its neighboring countries including Japan and ROK.It is also a major export market for European countries and the United States.第二,在国际金融危机爆发和蔓延期间,人民币汇率保持基本稳定对世界 经济复苏作出了重要贡献。人民币汇率机制改革是从2005年7月份开始的,到现在人民币的币值对美元升值21%,实际有效汇率升值16%。我这里特别强调 指出,2008年7月到2009年2月,也就是世界经济极为困难的时期,人民币并没有贬值,而实际有效汇率升值14.5%。在这个期间,2009年,我们 的外贸出口下降了16%,但是进口只降低了11%,顺差减少了1020亿美元。人民币汇率在国际金融危机蔓延中基本稳定,对世界经济复苏起了促进作用。

Second, since the outbreak of the international financial crisis, we have made strong efforts to keep RMB exchange rate at a stable level.This has played an important role in facilitating the recovery in the global economy.We have started to reform the RMB exchange rate regime from July 2005 and since then RMB has appreciated by 21% against the US dollar.The real effective exchange rate of RMB rose by 16%.Here I would like to point out that between July 2008 and February 2009, in the midst of raging international economic crisis, the RMB did not devalue, actually the real effective exchange rate of RMB rose by 14.5%.In 2009, our exports dropped by 16%, but our imports only declined by 11%.And China's trade surplus declined by 102 billion US dollars.The stable RMB exchange rate level in the midst of the international financial crisis has played an important role in promoting a recovery in the global economy.第三,一国的汇率是由一国的经济决定的,汇率的变动也是由经济的综合情况来决定的。我们主张自由贸易,因 为自由贸易不仅使经济像活水一样流动,而且给人们带来和谐与和平。

Third, the exchange rate policy of a country is decided by this country's economic conditions.Any change in the exchange rate policy is responsive to the overall situation of the economy of that country.We call for a free trade because we are of the view that free trade will help keep the economy going and will also bring peace and harmony to the people.我们反对各国 之间相互指责,甚至用强制的办法来迫使一国的汇率升值,因为这样做反而不利于人民币汇率的改革。

We are opposed to the practice of engaging in mutual finger pointing among countries, or taking strong measures to force other countries to appreciate their currencies, because this kind of practice is not in the interest of the reform of RMB exchange rate regime.在贸易问题上,我们主张协商,通过平等协商总会找到互赢或者多 赢的渠道。

On trade issues, we have always maintained that trade disputes should be resolved through consultations, and we believe that equal consultations will always lead to win-win or all win solution.第 四,人民币将继续坚持以市场供求为目的(基础)、有管理的浮动汇率制度,我们将进一步推进人民币汇率形成机制的改革,保持人民币汇率在合理均衡水平上的基 本稳定。

Fourth, we will continue to implement a managed market-based and floating RMB exchange rate regime, we will continue to reform the RBM exchange regime and keep RMB exchange rate basically stable at an appropriate and balanced level.谢谢你。

Thank you.新华社 记者: 总理您好。国际货币基金组织不久前对今明两年世界经济和中国经济的发展都作出了比较乐观的预测,但是不少经济学家却认为世界经济和中国经济的发展都存在二 次探底的风险,甚至认为这种风险不可避免。您在刚刚通过的政府工作报告中也用“极为复杂”四个字形容今年我们面对的形势,请问总理,您怎么看舆论的这种担 心?中国经济将如何避免出现二次探底的情况?经济的形势极为复杂,复杂在哪里?谢谢。

With XINHUA news agency, the International Monetary Fund has made quite optimistic forecasts of the world economy and China's economy this year and the next year.However some economists believe that both the world economy and China's economy face the risk of a double-dip.And they even hold the view that a double-dip is not avoidable.You said in your report on the work of the government that this year will be very complicated for the Chinese economy.I would like to get your perspective on the worries from the public.What will the Chinese government do to avert the risk of a double-dip and why is this year going to be the most complicated year for China?

温家宝: 经济复杂,复杂在不确定因素多。我认为,虽然世界经济出现整体复苏的形势,但世界经济的主要矛盾和问题并没有完全消除。

This year is going to be the most complicated year for the Chinese economy because we still face a lot of uncertainties.I believe in spite of the overall recovery in the world economy, the major challenges and problems in the global economy have yet to be fully addressed.一些主要经济体失业率 居高不下,一些国家主权债务危机还在暴露,金融和财政还存在风险,大宗商品和主要货币的汇率不稳定,由于通胀的预期而使一些国家在政策的选择上产生困难,这些都有可能使经济复苏的形势出现反复,甚至二次探底。

The unemployment rates in some major economies have been hovering at a high level.Some countries have witnessed the outbreak of sovereign debt crisis.There are still risks in the financial sector and public finance.Prices of bulk commodities on international markets and exchange rate of major currencies are not yet stable.As a result of inflation expectations, some countries are facing difficulties in making the right policy decisions.All these may cause setbacks in the cause of promoting a recovery in the global economy and may even lead to a double-dip.中国的经济离不开世界,我们虽然出现了经济的企 稳回升,但是我们许多企业的经营状况还没有根本好转,它们主要靠政策的支撑。

It is impossible for China to develop its economy out of the context of the broader international economy.It is true that the Chinese economy has stabilized and it's turning for the better.But I should also point out that there has not been a fundamental improvement in the operations of many Chinese businesses and a lot of Chinese businesses are still reliant on the stimulus measures to stay afloat.国际金融危机对中国经济的冲击在一定程度上讲,是对我们经济结构和 发展方式的冲击,而调整结构和转变发展方式不是一个短期的过程,要作艰苦的努力。我们必须坚持把转变发展方式、调整结构放在重要位置,改变中国经济发展的 不平衡、不协调和不可持续的问题。

Impact of the international financial crisis on the Chinese economy is in a sense an impact on our economy structure and pattern of economic development.It is impossible for us to complete the arduous task of economic restructuring and changing the growth pattern in a short span of time.It calls for long standing and hard efforts.Therefore we must continue to give priority to transforming the growth pattern and economic restructuring in all our efforts.And to do that, we must...we will be able to address those structure problems that have caused unsteady, uncoordinated and unsustainable development in the Chinese economy.中国经济今年必须处理好保持经济平稳较快发展、调整结构和管理好通胀预期三者的关系。而 在这三者之间,我们必须走出一条光明的路子。只有这样,才可能避免二次探底。

This year, we must skillfully handle the relationship between maintaining fast yet steady economy development, restructuring our economic structure, and managing inflation expectations.We must accomplish the three tasks or at the same time in order to ensure a bright future for the Chinese economy.And only in this way, may we avert the risk of a double-dip.谢谢你。

Thank you.Thank you, Mr.Premier.Eh, my name is Melinda Liu.I'm with Newsweek magazine.According to media reports, some American officials and analysts say that the Chinese delegation, the representatives at Copenhagen, the Climate Change Summit in December were perceived as arrogant and that you, Mr.Premier, your decision not to attend a key meeting there, even though other heads of state including President Barack Obama were in attendance at the meeting, was a reason for disappointment and surprised by some of the other participants.Eh, Mr.Premier, what's your response to this and how did the proceedings in Copenhagen look from your perspective? Thank you very much.美国《新闻 周刊》记者: 您好。有美国官员、分析家以及媒体认为,在去年12月举行的哥本哈根气候大会上,中国代表团表现傲慢,温家宝总理您本人甚至拒绝参加一个包括美国总统奥巴 马在内的若干国家元首或首脑参加的重要会议,这令与会各方感到失望和吃惊。您对此作何回应?您如何看待哥本哈根进程?

温家宝: 中国有一句古语,人或加讪,心无疵兮。但毕竟你还给了我一个澄清真相的机会,因此,我首先应该感谢你。去年12月17号,也就是在哥本哈根领导人大会前一 天晚上,丹麦女王为各国领导人举行宴会,就在那次宴会上,我从一位欧洲领导人那里知道那天晚上有一个少数国家参加的会议,他给我拿出了一个单子,上面赫然 有中国的名字。但我感到震惊,我没有接到任何通知。

On the evening of the 17th of December last year, that was the evening before the high level segment of Copenhagen Conference opened, Danish Queen hosted a banquet for the participating leaders of the Copenhagen Conference.At the banquet, I learned from the leader of an European country that there would be a small group leaders meeting after the banquet that night.I was shown a list of the invited countries and the list has the name of China on it.I felt shocked because I had received no notification of China being invited to this meeting.就在这时,一位新兴大国的领导人主动约见我,说有紧急的事情要和我谈。他告诉我,他从 一位欧洲领导人那里得到通知,说今天晚上有一个会议。我对他讲,我没有得到通知。

It was at this moment that the leader of a big emerging country sent his staff to me, telling me that this leader wanted to talk with me for an urgent matter.The leader told me that he just received the notice of this small group leaders meeting after the banquet from the leader of a European country.And I told him that I had not received any notification.回到驻地,我紧急召集中方人员 进行查询,确实我们代表团没有接到通知。在这种情况下,我决定:第一,向大会秘书处咨询。第二,请杨外长给美国国务卿克林顿打电话告诉真相。第三,即使没 有接到通知,我们也仍然派外交部副部长何亚非与会。

Upon returning to my hotel, I immediately called the Chinese delegation attending the conference to a meeting to check what had really happened.I learned that, indeed, the Chinese delegation had not received any notification of this small group leaders meeting.Under such circumstances, I decided, first, we would first inquire the secretariat of the conference for about, for the accurate information.Second, I asked Foreign Minister Yang Jiechi to call the US Secretary of State Hillary Clinton to explain the situation to her.And, third, I decided that although the Chinese delegation had not received any notification of the meeting, I would send Vice Foreign Minister He Yafei to attend the meeting no matter what.我想在这里说明,那 时奥巴马总统还没有抵达哥本哈根。何亚非副部长到达会议,首先代表中国政府代表团表示抗议,并且说“我是不请而来的”。

I would like to inform you that President Obama had not arrived at Copenhagen by that time.Upon arriving at the meeting, Vice Foreign Minister He Yafei expressed a protest on behalf of the Chinese delegation and he said I had arrived to attend the meeting uninvited.为什么不通知中国?至今没有人向我们做任何 解释,至今在我的脑子里还是一个谜团。

Why was China not notified of this meeting? So far, no one has given us any explanation about this and it still is a mystery to me.你知道,在哥本哈根60个小时,我几乎没有休息。我会见了德、英、日等国的领导人,会见了印度、巴西等国的 领导人,会见了77国集团、非盟以及小岛国的代表。我两次会见奥巴马总统,而且进行了长时间的会谈。我还会见了联合国秘书长和东道主丹麦首相。中国政府代 表团所做的大量工作是有目共睹的。

In the 60 hours that I spent in Copenhagen, I had little time for rest.As you may know, I held meetings with the leaders of Germany, the UK and Japan.I met with leaders of India and Brazil.I also held meetings with representatives of the Group of 77 and the African Union and leaders of some small island countries.I met US President Obama twice and we had long conversations.I also had meetings with the UN Secretary General and prime minister of Denmark.The Chinese delegation put in a large amount of efforts at the Copenhagen Conference and our efforts were widely recognized.在哥本哈根会议遇到困难,许多 国家领导人准备打道回府的时候,我坚持同各方斡旋,与各国共同努力,最终达成了哥本哈根协议。这个成果是来之不易的,也是在涉及各国重大利益问题上可能取 得的最好成果。

I did not give up the efforts and continued with my consultations with leaders from other countries when the Copenhagen Conference ran into serious difficulty and leaders of some delegations were even being getting prepared to leave Copenhagen.China works with other countries attending the Copenhagen Conference and with joint efforts we have made the Copenhagen Accord possible.This result has not come easily.And it is also the best outcome that could have been achieved on an issue that concerns the major interests of all countries.哥 本哈根会议结束以后,1月份我就致函联合国秘书长和丹麦首相,坚定地表示,中国高度评价和支持哥本哈根会议决议的立场。就在最近,我们又致函联合国,表示 我们全面支持哥本哈根会议决议的立场,并且申明中国列入支持《哥本哈根协议》的名单国。

At the end of last January after the Copenhagen Conference, I wrote letters to UN Secretary General and Danish Prime Minister respectively, expressing in clear-cut terms that China highly comments and supports the Copenhagen Accord.Not long ago, China once again wrote to the United Nations, expressing that China fully supports the Copenhagen Accord and confirming that China can be included into the list of countries supporting the Copenhagen Accord.为什么总拿中国做文章?我至今不明白。气候变化问题关系到人类的生存,也关系各国的利益,关系世界 的公平和正义。我们坚持“共同但有区别的责任”原则是完全正确的,我们将继续同世界各国一道推进应对气候变化的进程。

It still baffles me why some people keep trying to make an issue about China.The issue of climate change concerns human survival, the interests of all countries and equity and justice in our international community.We are fully justified to stick to the principle of common but differentiated responsibilities and China will continue to work with other countries to advance the international efforts in tackling climate change.谢谢 你。

Thank you.台湾《联合报》记者: 总理你好。想请教您有关商签两岸经济合作框架协议的问题,您两会之前和网民交流的时候提到说在商签两岸经济合作框架协议的时候,考虑到两岸经济规模的差 异,还有台湾中小企业以及农民的利益,大陆这边可以让利,那能不能请您向我们透露一下大陆让利的实质内涵是什么?您认为今年6月两岸可以签署ECFA吗? 去年您在这里有一段温馨的谈话,您说想到台湾去看一看,如果两岸签了ECFA后对您到台湾走走看看会不会创造更好的条件?

I'm with Lianhebao of Taiwan.My question is about the negotiation and signing of Economic Cooperation Framework Agreement between the two sides of the Taiwan Straits.You said when you had an online chat with internet users before the two sessions this year that the mainland would be prepared to let people in Taiwan benefit more from ECFA given the different size of economy of the two sides.You also said that the mainland will take into account the interests of small and medium-sized businesses in Taiwan and farmers in Taiwan.I wonder if you can elaborate on what you mean about letting Taiwan benefit more from ECFA.Do you think ECFA can be signed in June this year? Last year at the press conference, you said that you wanted very much to visit Taiwan one day.I wonder the signing of ECFA, I wonder if the signing of ECFA will help foster more favorable conditions for you to make a trip to Taiwan.温 家宝: 两岸正在商签的经济合作框架协议是一个综合性的、具有两岸特色的协议。商签这个协议应该把握好三个原则:第一,平等协商;第二,互利双赢;第三,彼此照顾 对方的关切。

The Economic Cooperation Framework Agreement between the two sides of the Taiwan Straits is a comprehensive document that reflects the characteristics of both sides of the Straits.In negotiating such an agreement, it is important to abide by the following three principles.First, equal consultations.Second, mutual benefit and win-win progress and third, accommodation of each others' concerns.我 确实讲过,在商签协议时要充分考虑两岸经济规模和市场条件的不同,关心台湾中小企业和广大基层民众的利益,特别要照顾台湾农民的利益。

I did say that in negotiating such an agreement, full consideration/ will be given to the different sizes of economy and market conditions of the two sides of the Straits.We will care for the interests of small and medium-sized businesses and ordinary people in Taiwan.In particular, we will accommodate the interests of farmers in Taiwan.我也确实讲过,要让利给 台湾。这种让利,比如通过减免关税,通过早期收获实现。另外,也要做出让台湾农民放心的事情。但是,我看到台湾的报纸,很大的篇幅报道温总理关于让利的论 述。可是我在在线访谈时讲了两句话,后面还有一句话“因为我们是兄弟”,这句话就鲜有报道。

I did say that we will let the people in Taiwan benefit more from ECFA.The benefit can be achieved through tariff concessions and early harvest.Relevant arrangements will also be made to help reassure the farmers in Taiwan in negotiating ECFA.I have seen much coverage about my remark of letting Taiwan benefit more from ECFA in the news media of Taiwan.But I saw little coverage of the remark that followed this previous remark I made in my online discussion with the internet users.That is because we are brothers.我知道商签协议是一个复杂的过程,但是正因为我们是兄弟,兄弟虽有小忿,不废懿亲,问题总会可以解决的。

I understand the negotiation may be a complex process.But differences between brothers can not sever their blood ties.And I believe that problems will eventually be solved.我去台湾的愿望依旧是那么强烈,因为我认为中华民族5000年 的文化,具有强大的震撼力和凝聚力,不要因为50年的政治而丢掉5000年的文化。I still cherish a very strong wish to visit Taiwan one day because in my view, the 5,000 year history of the Chinese nation has a strong appeal and our 5,000 year culture has strong cohesiveness.I don't think one should abandon the 5,000 year Chinese culture just because of the political developments in the past 50 years.我讲一个故事你可以告诉台湾同胞。在元朝有一位画家叫黄公望,他画了一幅著名的《富春山居 图》,79岁完成,完成之后不久就去世了。几百年来,这幅画辗转流失,但现在我知道,一半放在杭州博物馆,一半放在台北故宫博物院,我希望两幅画什么时候 能合成一幅画。画是如此,人何以堪。

Let me tell a story here and I hope that you will bring the story to the people in Taiwan too.There was a painter by the name of Huang Gongwang in Yuan dynasty in China and he had a famous painting of the Scenery by the River of Fuchun.He completed the painting of this piece of work at the age of 79.And he passed away shortly after he completed painting this picture.For hundreds of years this painting changed the hands a lot of times, but I know that now half of this painting is kept in the museum in Hangzhou and the other half is in the museum of, the museum in Taiwan.I hope that one day soon the two pieces of the painting can be whole again and I cherish the same wish not only for the painting, but also for people on both sides of the Straits.谢谢你,向台湾同胞问好。

Thank you.Please convey my greetings to the people in Taiwan.《人民日报》记者: 总理您好。我的问题是,刚才总理在回答问题时提到了,国家与国家之间应实行自由贸易,我们也知道当前中国已经成为世界第一出口大国。我们也留意到,近期一 段时间以来,针对中国的贸易保护主义措施明显增多,尤其是中国和美国之间的贸易摩擦日渐增多起来。有评论指出,贸易保护主义对当前的世界经济复苏产生了较 大影响。请问总理,中国政府如何看待这一问题?谢谢。

I'm with People's Daily and its associated website.Just now you said China stands for free trade.We know that China has become the biggest exporter in the world.However, in the past weeks and months, there have been rising protectionist measures against China and we have also seen increasing trade frictions between China and the United States.Some say that trade protectionism has affected in a serious way recovery in the global economy.I wonder what is the view of the Chinese government on this issue.Thank you.温 家宝: 我是自由贸易的坚定支持者。我方才已经讲了,自由贸易不仅会促进世界经济的发展,而且会促进世界的和谐,还能改变和提高人们的生活。

I am a staunch supporter of free trade.As I said, I believe a free trade can not only promote the growth of the world economy, it will also promote harmony in the world.At the same time, it can also change and improve people's life.我对有些国家要提高出口的比重予以理解,但是我所不解的是,为了提高本国的出口而贬低本国 的币值,反过来又企图用施压的办法来强迫别国的货币升值。我以为这种做法是一种贸易保护主义的做法。随着国际金融危机的蔓延和加深,贸易保护主义不是减轻 了,而是加重了。这应该引起全世界各国的警觉。我们将采取措施,扩大进口,去年在最困难的时候,我们向欧美派出多批采购团。我们还要努力实现国际收支基本平衡。我相信,自由贸易会给应对危机、经济复苏带来有力的推动力量。当前,最重要的是要推进多哈回合的谈判,使多哈回合能够在公正、平衡的前提下建立一个 合理的贸易秩序。

I understand that some countries want to increase their exports.But what I don't understand is the practice of depreciating one's own currency and attempting to press other countries to appreciate their own currencies just for the sole purpose of increasing one's own exports.Cause in my view, this practice is a protectionist practice.When the financial crisis was spreading far and wide, trade protectionism did not dissipate rather it has got worse.All countries should be fully alarmed by such a development.We will continue to take measures to increase our imports.Last year when the circumstances were very difficult, we sent several procurement missions to European countries and the United States.We will continue to make every effort to promote basic equilibrium in our balance of international payments.I believe that free trade will give a strong impetus to the international response to the financial crisis and to the recovery in the global economy.What's the most important now is to advance the Doha Round negotiation process and we must make joint efforts for the establishment of a fair international trading order by giving a reasonable and balanced conclusion to the Doha Round negotiations.我真诚希望美欧承认中国的市 场经济地位,并且放开高科技产品对中国的出口,这有利于贸易的平衡。

I sincerely hope that Europe and the United States will recognize China's market economy status and lift restrictions on the exports of high technology commodities to China because that will help promote trade balance in the world.在这里我愿意 给记者们介绍一个你们不甚熟悉的情况,那就是中国的贸易总量虽然很大,但50%是加工贸易,60%是外企或与外企合作企业的出口贸易。如果说对中国采取限 制措施,也无异于打击了你们本国的企业。

Here let me tell you one thing about which you may not be very familiar.It is true that China has a very big size of trade, but 50%of the trade is processing trade and 60% of China's exports are made by foreign-funded businesses or made through cooperation between Chinese companies and the foreign businesses.Therefore, to restrict trade with China is tantamount to causing difficulty for the businesses of your own countries.谢谢你。

Thank you.温总理你好,我是德新社的记者。I'm with DPA German Press Agency.With great power comes with great responsibility, and so with China's rise, the world is increasingly looking for leadership from China to solve global challenges or economic and security or political problems, so I know there is a lot of debate in your government about this.Is China capable and also willing to play a greater role on the world stage? Thank you.德 新社记者: 温总理你好。大国也应该承担更多的责任,中国现在正在崛起,国际社会期待中国在应对全球挑战以及政治、安全、经济等领域的问题上发挥领导作用。我们了解,在中国政府内部也在就该问题进行着积极的讨论。我想了解,中国是否有这个能力以及意愿在国际舞台发挥更大的作用?

温家宝: 你的问题问得还是比较平和的。实际上现在在舆论上,已经出现了“中国傲慢论”、“中国强硬论”、“中国必胜论”的观点。

I see that you have put your question in a quite mild way.But I know that there have been a lot of debate about this issue.Some say that China has got more arrogant and tough and some have put forward a so-called theory of China triumphantism.你给我一个机会阐述一下我们是如何对待自己的。

And you have given me an opportunity to explain to the audience how China sees itself.第一,中国这些年经济虽然发展很快,但是由于城乡不平衡、地区不平衡,再加上人口多、底子薄,我们确实还处于发 展的初级阶段。

First, it is true that China has made remarkable progress in its economic development in recent years.But China is still a country with a big population, weak economic foundation and an uneven regional and urban-rural development.China is still at the primary stage of development.前不久,就是为了征求群众对政府工作报告的意见,我到离北京只有150公里的滦平县。我看到 那里的群众虽然这些年来生产生活条件有所改变,但依然与北京有很大的差距。这个村子我已经去了三次了,分别是2000年、2005年和2010年。

Not so long ago, in order to solicit public opinions on the Report on the Work of the Government, I paid a visit to the County of Luanping, which is located 150 kilometers away from Beijing Municipality.In spite of some improvement in the working and living conditions of people there, I still see a big gap between the living standards of people in that county and in Beijing.I have visited the Luanping County three times, in 2000, 2005 and 2010.温家宝: 我经常劝记者多到中国的农村和中西部地区看看,你到那里看就知道上海和北京的发展不能代表整个中国。我们要实现小康目标还需要做出艰苦的努力;要建成一个 中等发达的国家,至少要到本世纪中期;要真正实现现代化,还要上百年的时间以至更长。

I have often encouraged journalists to visit China's vast rural areas and China's central and western regions because I believe if you visit those places, you will understand for yourself that the development in Shanghai and Beijing can in no way represent the entire situation in China.We still need to make strenuous efforts if we are to build a moderately prosperous society in all respects and we will have to work very hard by the middle of this century if we are to develop China into a developed country at the medium level.And it will still take almost 100 years and even longer for us to make China into a modernized country.第二,中国坚持走和平发展的道路。中国的发展不会影响任何国家,中国不发达的时候不称霸,中国即使发达了,也不称霸,永远不称霸!

Second, China is firmly committed to peaceful development.China's development will not affect any country.China has not sought hegemonism when it is not a developed country and China will not seek hegemony even when it becomes a developed country.In a word, China will never seek hegemony.第 三,在涉及中国主权和领土完整的重大问题上,即使是中国很穷的时候,我们也是铮铮铁骨。

Third, China has been steadfast in upholding its sovereignty and territorial integrity even when it was a very poor country.第四,中国是个负责任的国家,中国主张并积极参与国际合作,解决当前 国际经济和政治的重大问题。中国对不发达国家实行的援助是不附加任何条件的。

Fourth, China is a responsible country.China has called for and taken an active part in international cooperation in addressing the major economic and political issues in our world.We have provided assistance with no strings attached to the underdeveloped countries.这四点就是我们中国对外政策的基本立场。

These four points together consist the basic position of China in conducting foreign policy.谢谢你。

Thank you.香港《星岛日报》记者: 总理您好。香港经济现在正在从国际金融危机的低谷中走出来。您去年曾说过要更好地解决一些香港的深层次问题。您可否详细跟我们说一下这些矛盾是什么?对我 们解决这些矛盾有什么建议?国家正在编订第十二个五年规划,能否谈谈香港在这个规划中将扮演怎样的角色?另外,总理这几年非常忙碌,很多人都很关心您的身 体健康,能说说您是如何一直保持旺盛的工作精力吗?谢谢。

I'm with Sing Tao Daily of Hong Kong.The economy in Hong Kong is gradually recovering from the international financial crisis.You once remarked that greater efforts should be made to address the underlying problems in the economic development in Hong Kong.I wonder what are those underlying problems and what advice can you offer in addressing these problems and challenges.Secondly, the central government is formulating the 12th Five-year Plan for China's economic and social development, I wonder what role will Hong Kong play in the 12th Five-year Plan.Last question, you have been very busy over the years and many people have expressed concern for your health.I wonder how do you keep strong vigor and vitality in your work.我以 为香港在经济上面临的深层次矛盾:第一,如何发挥已有的优势,继续保持和发展香港的金融中心、航运中心和贸易中心的地位。

Talking about the underlying challenges and problems in Hong Kong's economic development I believe: First, it is important to give further play to Hong Kong's advantages and strengths and maintain and further developed the status of Hong Kong as an international financial, shipping and trading center.第二,如何结合香港的特点发展优势产业,特别是服务业。

Second, it is important to develop industries with Hong Kong's comparative advantage and particular, the service sector in keeping with Hong Kong's characteristics.第三,要利用香港毗邻内地的优势,进一步加强香港与珠三角的联系。内地的广阔市场、内地经济的迅速发展 是香港今后发展的潜力所在。

Third, I believe it is important to make the most of the geographical advantage of Hong Kong, of being located close to the mainland.It is important to further strengthen the ties between Hong Kong and the Pearl River Delta on the mainland.And I believe the vast market and the rapid economic development on China's mainland will be a strong source of potential for Hong Kong's future development.第 四,香港人民要包容共济、凝聚共识、团结一致,保持香港的繁荣稳定。香港今后不仅会在经济上还有很大的发展,而且还会按照基本法的规定循序渐进地发展民主 政治。

Fourth, I believe people in Hong Kong should be inclusive, stick together in tackling different challenges and it is import for Hong Kong compatriots to build consensus and stay united in a joint effort to maintain prosperity and stability in Hong Kong.I believe Hong Kong will not only enjoy much development on the economic front in the future.It will also make gradual progress in promoting democracy in Hong Kong in accordance with the Basic Law.第五,还有两点不要忽视,一是注重改善民生; 二是发展教育。至于中国的“十二五”规划主要是编制全国的规划,当然我们在编制规划过程中会考虑香港与内地的紧密经济联系,特别是与珠三角地区的联系。我 们编制规划会充分征求香港各界的意见。

Fifth, we must not overlook the following two things: First we should make every effort to improve people's livelihood.And second, we should further develop education.Talking about the 12th Five-year Plan it is a plan that is about the whole nation's economic and social development.We will certainly take into full account the close economic ties between Hong Kong and the mainland, particularly between Hong Kong and the Pearl River Delta River Region.And the people from all sectors of society in Hong Kong will be fully consulted in the process of formulating the 12th Five-year Plan.至 于我的身体,大家会看到,我还是有着充沛精力的。

As regards my health condition I am sure you will see that I still have full energy.虽然我是一个基本没有节假日的人,但我还是喜 欢锻炼的,无论是散步还是游泳,都使自己的身心能够放松,以保持旺盛的精力来对付繁重的工作。

I am not a person who has luxury of many holidays or weekends, but I still like taking a stroll or swimming sometimes to relax myself in the midst of a busy schedule everyday and to keep myself always full of energy and vitality.温 家宝: 谢谢你,向香港同胞问好

Thank you.Please convey my greetings to Hong Kong compatriots.美国《华尔街日报》记者: 温总理你好。我的问题是这样的,最近有一些外国企业抱怨说目前中国的外商投资环境不如以前这么友好,最近谷歌表示要退出中国市场,去年中国逮捕力拓公司4 名员工也引起了担忧。总理,您对这两个事件有什么看法呢?将来中国会采取什么样的措施让外国企业放心?谢谢。

I'm with Wall Street Journal.We have heard some complaints from foreign businesses operating in China that the foreign investment environment in China is not as good as it was before.Recently Google has threatened to pull out of the Chinese market.And last year four employees of Rio Tinto were arrested.That has been a source of concern for foreign businesses.I wonder what is the perspective of the Chinese government on these issues and what steps will the Chinese government take to make the foreign businesses feel reassured about doing business in China.温 家宝: 其实你说的情况和每年大量的外资进入中国并不完全符合。但是,我还是愿意回答你的问题。中国将坚定不移地实行对外开放的方针,欢迎外国企业到中国依法经 营。我们不仅要大力引进外资,还要特别重视引进外国的技术、管理方法。我希望外国的研发机构更多地能建立在中国,这样可以提高外资使用的效益和质量。

I don't think the situation that you just described in your question accords with the fact that there has been a large inflow of foreign capital into China every year.But I am still ready to answer your question.China will unswervingly pursue the policy of opening up to the outside world.Foreign businesses are welcome to come to China to establish businesses according to the law.We will vigorously bring in foreign capital and at the same time we will give high priority to bringing in advanced foreign technologies and managerial expertise.We hope that foreign companies will build more R&D centers in China so that we will be able to raise the quality and efficiency in using foreign capital.我们要从法律上为外国企业在中国的经营创造一个公平的环境,而且使外国的企业能够享受同中国企业一样的 公民待遇。比如,在应对金融危机当中,我们实行了许多刺激经济的政策:家电下乡、汽车以旧换新,我们都采取公开招标的办法。参加招标的既有国内企业,也有 国外企业,也有台商和港商。

We will put in place institutional arrangements to level the playing ground for foreign businesses doing operations in China.And we will also ensure that foreign businesses operating in China will enjoy national treatment as the local businesses.For example, we have introduced a series of stimulus measures to tackle the financial crisis.These measures include the program of subsidizing the sales of home appliances in China's rural areas and the trading of second-hand automobiles with new ones in China's rural areas.And in implementing these programs, we have conducted public tendering.And this public tendering has been participated by both companies from the mainland and from Hong Kong and Taiwan as well as foreign businesses.如 果说有什么缺点的话,那就是我同外商的接触还不够紧密。今后在我这三年的工作当中,力求能多增加一些同外商接触的机会,使你们更好地了解中国的政策,同时 我也愿意听取你们对中国吸引外资的意见。

If there is anything that we are still falling short of, I would like to say that I still I am not in very close touch with foreign businessmen doing business in China.So in the next three years in my work, I will create more opportunities for me to have more interaction with the foreign businessmen in China so that I can help you better understand the policies of the Chinese government.And I will also have the opportunity to listen to your views about how we can make the most of foreign investment in China.谢谢你。

Thank you.中 央电视台记者: 请问总理关于宏观经济政策走向的问题。根据官方的数字,去年新增的贷款投放量是9.6万亿,全社会的固定资产投资增量是30%,部分大城市的房价是居高不 下。因此有人担心出现经济泡沫。请问总理,您有这个担心吗?在考虑通胀预期的前提下,我们应对国际金融危机采取的一系列经济刺激政策有退出或者部分退出的 可能性吗?

I'm with CCTV and its associated website.My questions are related to China's macro economic policy.According to the official statistics, loan increased by 9.6 trillion Yuan last year, investment in fixed assets rose by 30% and housing prices in some big cities of China have been hovering at very high level.Some are concerned that all these will mean bubble in the Chinese economy.I wonder if you have that kind of concern for the Chinese economy and in response to the inflation expectations, I wonder whether it is possible for the Chinese government to contemplate exiting or exiting in part the stimulus measures.温家宝: 你提到一个让我非常感到担心的问题。我曾经讲过,如果发生通货膨胀,再加上收入分配不公,以及贪污腐败,足以影响社会的稳定,甚至政权的巩固。

You have asked a question that is indeed a cause of concern for me too.I once said if there is inflation plus unfair income distribution and corruption, they will be strong enough to affect our social stability and even affect the stability of state power.处理好经济发展、调整结构和管好通胀预期 这三者的关系,是一件非常困难的事情。方才我说我们可以走出一条光明的路,但是这是很难实现的,而且必须实现。

It will be an extremely difficult task for us to promote steady and fast economic growth, adjust our economic structure and manage inflation expectations all at the same time.But as I said before it is imperative for us to accomplish the three tasks and ensure a bright future.But I should say that it will be very difficult to accomplish the task, but it is a must-do task for us.我们必须注意三点:第一,货币政策。货币政策就是要保持货币流动性的合理充裕,要保持利率的合 理水平,同时要管好通胀预期,处理好这三个问题是货币政策的精髓。

It is important that we give full consideration to the following three things.First, with regard to the monetary policy, it is important for us to maintain appropriate and sufficient money supply, keep our interest rate at a reasonable level and manage inflation expectations.If we can do these three tasks well, we will be able to have a good grasp of the essence of the monetary policy.第二,高度重视农业,千方百计使今年农业有一个好收成。农业不仅是整个经济的命脉,而且就今年来讲,关系今年经济的平稳较 快发展,关系是否能够管好通胀预期。

Second, we must give high priority to agricultural development.We should do everything in our power to ensure another bumper harvest in our agriculture this year.Agriculture is the lifeline of the entire economy and good agriculture development is essential in whether we will be able to succeed in maintaining fast yet steady economic growth and managing inflation expectations this year.从 这个意义上讲,农业的好坏起着决定性作用。

In this sense, agriculture is a decisive factor.第三,我们必须保持政策的连续性和稳定性,也就是说要继续实行积极的财政政策和适度宽松的货币政策,以巩固来之不易的经济 企稳回升的大好形势。如果经济再出现反复的话,那么带来的损失就太大了。但同时,我们要根据形势的变化增强政策的针对性和灵活性,把握好政策的方向、力度 和效果。

Third, we will maintain the continuity and stability of our policies.We will continue to pursue a proactive fiscal policy and moderately easy monetary policy so as to consolidate the hard-won good momentum in the stabilization and turnaround of the Chinese economy.Should we encounter setback in our efforts towards this end, much is at stake and the cost will be too high.As the circumstances change, we will make every effort to make our policies more flexible and better targeted.At the same time, we will also maintain appropriate focus, intensity and pace of our macro control measures.我们必须密切关注今年国内外经济 形势的走向,因时而动,就是说时进则进,时退则退,动静不失其时。

We must watch very closely the developments and trends in our domestic economy and in the global economy this year.Timing is essential in deciding when one should act and when one should stay put.这需要十分谨慎和灵活。

We must practice utmost prudence and also exercise flexibility in our efforts.我相 信明年的记者招待会我还是满面笑容的来对待你。

I have the confidence that there'll still be a smile on my face when I face you at the press conference next year.谢 谢你。

Thank you.路透社记者: 一年前您在这里说过,有点担心中国在美国的资产安全,请问您今天是一样的担心?更担心?比较放心?还是有信心?另外,您刚刚讲过中国内部的一些担心,如果 允许我问新的事情的话,那就是国际上您最担心的事情是什么?

I'm with the Reuters.A year ago at the press conference you said you were a bit worried about China's assets in the United States.A year has passed, I wonder are you more or less worried about China's assets in the United States? Or have you become confident in the Chinese assets in the US? Secondly, I would like to ask your view about the biggest source of concern and worry for China on the external front.温家宝: 大家都知道,我们有巨额的外汇储备,我们一定要把这笔巨大的金融资产用好和保护好。因此,我们对外汇储备的要求首先是安全,其次是流动,第三是保值增值。

As it is known to all that China has a massive foreign exchange reserves, we must protect and make the best of this large amount of assets.In running foreign exchange reserves, we follow the principle of ensuring the safety, liquidity and good value and value increase of our foreign exchange reserves.我们在国际上之所以购买一些国家的债券,都是为了通过多元化的经营达到我所说的目的。

We have been buying the treasury bonds of some countries on international markets.The purpose of doing so is to introduce an appropriate level of diversity into our foreign exchange holdings to serve the purpose that I just mentioned.美国作为国际货币的主要发行国,币值的不稳定引起我们很大的忧虑。我去年说过我担心,今年我还要说我担 心。

The United States is an issuing country of a major reserve currency.Any fluctuation in the value of the US currency is a big cause for concern for us.If I said that I was a bit concerned about Chinese assets in the US at the press conference last year, I still want to make the same remark at the press conference this year.因为国家的金融资产不容得有 一点的闪失。在这里,我还要强调另外一面,美国国债是以美国国家信誉做担保的,我希望美国以实际行动让投资者放心。

We cannot afford any mistake how slight it is when it comes to running our financial assets.Here I would like to stress that the US treasury bonds are guaranteed by the national credibility of the United States.I hope that the United States will take concrete steps to reassure the investors.这不仅对投资方有利,对美国也有利。

It is not only in the interests of the investors, but also the United States itself.你还 有一个问题,就是对国外形势的担心。对国外的担心,最主要还是在安全和稳定上。我们正在集中精力进行建设,需要一个良好的外部条件,需要一个和平和安全的 环境。

You also asked a question about what is the biggest source for concern for China as far as the environment beyond China's borders is concerned.I would like to say that it is about whether there will be stability and security in the external environment.As you know that China is concentrating on promoting development at home and in this process it is important for us to have a sound external environment, a peaceful and security international environment.世界经济的不确定性,也会对中国经 济带来影响,这些我已经讲过了。总之,我们愿与世界各国一道,为建立一个公正合理的政治和经济新秩序而努力。

As I've already mentioned, uncertainties in the global economy will also affect the Chinese economy.In a word, China is ready to work with other countries in the world in building a fair and equitable new international, political and economic order.Thank you, Mr.Premier.I'm with AFP and my question also relates to the relationship with the United States.Your foreign minister said a couple of weeks ago that US says it'll take credible steps in order to get the relationship back on track.I'm wondering.Can you tell us what those steps are specifically? Are you still waiting for them or are you willing to move ahead past this recent er, rough patch, you know, in the interests of the overall relationship?

法新社记者: 您好。我想问一个有关中美关系的问题。大概一周以前,中国外长表示美方应切实行动,使中美关系回到正常发展的轨道。我想问的是,中方认为美方应采取什么具 体的措施才能使中美关系重新回到正常发展轨道?中方现在还在等待美方采取这些具体步骤吗?还是中方愿意以中美关系的大局为重,不再纠缠和计较现在中美关系 中出现的问题?

温家宝: 中美关系是我们最重要的外交关系,它不仅关系两国和两国人民的根本利益,在一定意义上也超过两国的范围。

For China, its relations with the United States are the most bilateral relationship.This relationship not only concerns the fundamental interests of the two countries and the two peoples.In a sense, China-US relationship has already gone beyond a bilateral scope.不畏浮云遮望眼,只因身在最高层。我们应该从这样的高度来把握两国关系。奥巴马总统入主白宫以后,中美关系有个良好的开端。

As a Chinese poem reads, we have no fear of the clouds that may block our sight as we are already at the top of the height.It is from such a perspective that we should manage China-US relationship.但是最近一段时期,美方在**喇嘛访美和对 台军售等问题上触犯了中国的主权和领土完整,使中美关系受到严重的干扰,这个责任不在中国,而在美方。

China-US relationship got off to a good start after President Obama took office.However, in the past weeks and months, the United States allowed the Dalai Lama to visit the US and sold arms to Taiwan.These moves have violated China's sovereignty and territorial integrity and caused serious disturbances to China-US relationship.The responsibility does not lie with the Chinese side, but the United States.中美三个联合公报是中美 关系的基础,我们希望美方能够正视问题,以实际行动回到三个公报的基础上来,使中美关系得以恢复和改善。

The three joint communiqués between China and the United States form the foundation of this bilateral relationship.We hope the United States will face the issues squarely and take concrete steps to come back to the foundation of the three joint communiqués between China and the United States so as to restore and improve China-US relations.我曾经讲过,中美建交30年的历史告诉我们,和则两利、斗则俱伤,互信则进、猜忌则退。对话比对抗好,合作比遏制好,伙伴比对手好,我们应该从这样的角度来努力促进中美关系的发展。

I once remarked that what has happened in the past 30 years since China and the United States established diplomatic relations has shown that a peaceful China-US relationship makes both countries winners while a confrontational one both losers.With mutual trust, the two countries can both forge ahead.Yet with suspicions, we will both fall behind.It is always better to have dialogue than confrontation, cooperation than containment and a partner than a rival.This is the right approach that we should adopt in pushing forward China-US relations.李肇星: 各位朋友,时间过得太快,再过两分钟就12点整了,经征得总理同意,再提最后两个问题。

We are running out of time.But I have sought the consent from the Premier to allow two more questions.中央人民广播电台记者: 总理您好。国际社会十分关注全球经济失衡的问题,要求德国、日本和中国这些主要出口国家减少对出口的依赖,来实现世界经济的再平衡。请问您对此有什么看 法?谢谢。

I am with China National Radio and its associated website.There has been a keen international interest in addressing the imbalances in the global economy and there has been a strong call for major exporting countries such as Germany, Japan and China to reduce their dependence on exports in order to rebalance the global economy.I would like to get your perspective on this issue.温家宝: 我认为世界经济的失衡,不能把眼睛只盯在中国的贸易上。世界经济失衡,主要是反映在一些主要经济体消费与储蓄的失衡,一些金融机构只顾自身利益,过度扩张 而造成金融的不稳定。如果从深层次讲,世界上最大的失衡是发展的不平衡。在这次金融危机当中,受害最大的是发展中国家。

When one views imbalances in the international economy, I don't think it will be fair for one to fixate his eyes on China's exports.I would like to explain the major manifestations of imbalances in the global economy.They include the imbalance between consumption and saving on the part of some major economies, the fact that some financial institutions have been blindly pursuing their own profits which have caused the instability in the financial sector.If we take this issue to a deeper level, we would come to recognized that the biggest imbalance in our world economy is imbalance in development.And the developing countries have been hit the hardest in the international financial crisis.至 于贸易,我已经讲过了,我们将采取措施,进一步扩大进口。同时,我们也希望发达国家能够放开对中国高科技产品的出口。

As for trade, as I've already mentioned, we will take steps to import more.At the same time, we hope that the developed countries will ease their restrictions on exports of the hi-tech goods to China.解决世界经济失衡问 题,需要各国协调一致。特别是在宏观政策上,如何保持和稳定经济复苏的大好形势,同时,对金融进行进一步的改革。

To address imbalances in the global economy, it is important for all countries to act in a coordinated way.In particular, all countries should better coordinate their macro economic policies in order to preserve and stabilize the good momentum in the recovery of the world economy and at the same time further steps should be taken to reform the international financial system.谢谢你。

Thank you.新 加坡《联合早报》记者: 温总理,您好。第一个问题也是跟外交有关系,但是我们想从民意的角度来问,随着中国经济的发展,我们看到国内很多老百姓对于国家实力的自我感觉、社会氛围 可能出现了一些变化,就是有的时候在媒体上会看到一些民众说我们中国强大了,我们现在要在国际上扬眉吐气,有一些民众的反应可能也比较极端一些。请问这个 民意对于中国政府的对外政策有多大影响力?作为最后一个提问者,请允许我问一个今天早上一直没怎么谈到的问题,就是民生问题。政府工作报告里说要分好社会 财富这块“蛋糕”,促进社会公正和谐,让人民更幸福、更有尊严地活着。但是我看到社会上也有一些现象,还有很多这样那样的不公,比如收入分配不公,农民工 融入城市也存在很多困难。作为总理,您如何指导政府促进社会公平正义?保障中国人民过更幸福、更美好、更有尊严的生活?

I'm with Lianhezaobao of Singapore.My first question is related to China's foreign policy, but let me ask this question from the perspective of public opinion's role in China's foreign policy.With rapid economic development in recent years, we have also seen some changed perceptions on the part of the Chinese public about China's national strength.And in some media reports we have heard some Chinese people say that China has become much stronger now and we, the Chinese, should walk with our head held high on the world stage.And we have even heard some of quite extreme responses from the Chinese public.I wonder to what extent will public opinion affect China's foreign policy.My second question is related to the people's well being, a topic that has not been touched much in our press conference today.In your report on the work of the government, you said it is important for the government to distribute the cake of social wealth in a fair way and it is important for us to promote social equity and justice.The government will also make every effort to enable the Chinese people to live a happier life with more dignity.But at the same time, we have also heard complaints from the Chinese people, saying there are still much inequality in the Chinese society, such as unfair income distribution and the difficulty of rural migrant farmer workers implanting into the fabric of urban society.I would like to ask that as the premier of China, what measures will you take to promote social equity and justice and enable the Chinese people to live a happier life with more dignity.温家宝:近代以来,中国人民遭受的苦难太深重了。因此,他们对于国家的独立、主权和领土完整怀有强烈的感情。我们的外交政策基本出发点还是要维护国家的利益,最重 要的就是主权和领土完整。当然,我们的对外方针还要考虑国内和国际两个大局。中国又是一个重友谊、守信用、有尊严的民族,平等对待对我们友好的民族,也是 我们最重要的出发点。因此,世界的文化是多样的,国家的社会制度也是不同的,但是我们认为这都不妨碍不同的国家、不同的民族之间相互尊重、平等相待、互相 学习和借鉴。在这方面,我曾经在新加坡就讲过,开放包容,国家才能富强。如果说民意,那么这两个方面都是我们应该尊重的。

The Chinese people had suffered too much in modern times.That is why the Chinese people feel very strongly about China's independence, sovereignty and territorial integrity.In formulating and carrying out our foreign policy, our fundamental objective is to uphold China's national interests, China sovereignty and territorial integrity in particular.We also take into full account both the domestic and international situations in carrying out our foreign policy.The Chinese nation is a nation with dignity that values friendship and credibility.It is an important task of our foreign policy to treat other countries who are friendly towards China on the equal basis.There is much diversity in cultures in the world and countries also have different social systems.But we don't think these differences should impede efforts of countries and nations to embrace mutual respects, treat each other as equals and learn from each other.As I said in my speech in Singapore, I believe only a nation that is open and inclusive can prosper.These are our important aspects that we take into account as far as how the public opinion may affect China's foreign policy.我 们国家的发展不仅是要搞好经济建设,而且要推进社会的公平正义,促进人的全面和自由的发展,这三者不可偏废。集中精力发展生产,其根本目的是满足人们日益 增长的物质文化需求。而社会公平正义,是社会稳定的基础。我认为,公平正义比太阳还要有光辉。

In pursuing development, we should not only accomplish all our tasks set out in the economic sector.It is also important for us to promote social equity and justice and promote the all-round development for our people in a free environment.We should give equal importance to all these three above mentioned tasks.We concentrate our energy and efforts on economic development to serve the fundamental purpose of satisfying the increasing material and cultural needs of our people.At the same time, I believe social equity and justice form the basis of social stability.And social equity and justice can shine even brighter than the sun.勿 庸讳言,我们现在的社会还存在许多不公平的现象,收入分配不公、司法不公,这些都应该引起我们的重视。我曾经讲过,一个正确的经济学同高尚的伦理学是不可 分离的。也就是说,我们的经济工作和社会发展都要更多地关注穷人,关注弱势群体,因为他们在我们的社会中还占大多数。

There's no denying that we still face some unfair or unequal problems in our development including in the fields of income distribution and the judicial system.All these issues merit our close attention.I once said that the right theory of economics and high ethical standards are indivisible.In pursuing economic and social development, we should always give high priority and pay very close attention to the poor people and the disadvantaged groups in our society because those people still account for the majority of the population.我们要推进经济体制改革、政治体 制改革以及其他各方面的改革,其根本目的就是要促进生产力的发展,实现社会的公平正义。同时,能使每个人也有自由和全面发展的机遇。

We will press ahead with economic restructuring, political restructuring and the various reforms in other aspects.The fundamental purpose of all our reform endeavors is to promote our productivity and promote social equity and justice.And we should also work to ensure that all individuals will have the opportunity to achieve all-round development in a free environment.中国的现代化绝不仅仅指经济的发达,它还应该包括社会的公平、正义和道德的力量。

China's modernization drive is not only about achieving economic prosperity, more importantly, also includes our endeavors to promote social equity and justice and enhance our moral strength.在我在任的最后几年,我将为这件事情尽最大的 努力。我相信,我们以后的领导人也会更加关注这个问题。

In the remaining years of my term, I will exert utmost efforts to accomplish this task.And I have confidence that future Chinese leaders will pay also very close attention to this issue.谢谢大家

Thank you.





















































In my last year in office, I will not waiver and carry out my duties,and will remain true to my conviction,“ ”I will always be with the people,“ the premier said.入则恳恳以尽忠,出则谦谦以自悔。

Goes officials should serve as loyal as they can conscientiously when they are in office and engage in modest self-reflection when their terms end.知我罪我,其惟春秋。

”There are people who will appreciate what I have done but there are also people who will criticize me,“ he said.”Ultimately, history will have the final say.“ 苟利国家生死以,岂因祸福避趋之

In line with the conviction that I will do whatever it takes to serve my country even at the cost of my own life, regardless of fortune or misfortune to myself.2011年答记者问


Inflation is like a tiger;once it gets free, it is difficult to put it back in the cage 召远在修近,闭祸在除怨

”To win distant friends, one needs, first of all, to have good relations with his neighbors.To avoid adversity, one needs to ease animosity.“ 沉舟侧畔千帆过,病树前头万木春

A thousand sails pass by the wrecked ship;ten thousand saplings shoot up beyond the withered tree.水能载舟,亦能覆舟 ”while water can carry a boat, it can also overturn it." 今年花儿红,明年花更好

The red bauhinia is beautiful this year, and it will be even more beautiful next year 名为治平无事,而其实有不测之忧

A country that appears peaceful and stable may encounter unexpected crises 2010年答记者问


I cherish the same wish not only for the painting but also for people on both sides of the Strait.2.我们应该记住这样一条古训:行百里者半九十。(《战国策•秦策五》)Half of the people who have embarked on a one hundred mile journey may fall by the wayside.3.我深深爱着我的国家,没有一片土地让我这样深情和激动,没有一条河流让我这样沉思和起伏。亦余心之所善兮,虽九死其尤未悔。我将以此明志,做好今后三年的工作。(《离骚》)

For the ideal that I hold dear to my heart, I will not regret thousand depth to die.4.同时我们要坚定信心,华山再高,顶有过路。

No matter how high the mountain is, one can always ascend to its top.5.中国有一句古语:人或加讪,心无疵兮。(《子刘子自传》)

My conscience stays untainted in spite of rumors and slanders from the outside.6.我知道商签协议是一个复杂的过程,但是正因为我们是兄弟,兄弟虽有小忿,不废懿亲,问题总会可以解决的。(《左传》)I understand the negotiation may be a complex process, but differences between brothers cannot sever their blood ties, and I believe that problems will eventually be solved.2009年答记者问


两会翻译:Do not regret that spring is departing ,come next year as it will be twice as in chanting Don't be regret for the end of this Spring, the next Spring will be much more beautiful.——谈应对金融危机


We would better fetch a flint than beg for light; we would better dig a well ourselves than beg for water from others.——答人民日报记者关于如何应对金融危机的提问 “山重水复疑无路,柳暗花明又一村”

After encountering all kinds of difficulties and experiencing all kinds of hardships, at the end of the day we will see light at the end of tunnel.----中国经济的复苏 2008年答记者问

“天变不足畏,祖宗不足法,人言不足恤。”(《宋史•王安石列传》)One should not fear changes under the heaven and one should not blindly follow old conventions and one should not be deterred by complaints of others.——温家宝谈政治体制改革

“民之所忧,我之所思;民之所思,我之所行”。(《孟子•梁惠王下》)What people are concerned about preoccupies my mind, and what preoccupies people’s mind is what I need to address.——答人民日报记者关于网民提问总理的看法 “一心中国梦、万古下泉诗”,“度尽劫波兄弟在,相逢一笑泯恩仇”。(郑思肖《德祐二年岁旦》,鲁迅《题三义塔》)

We have always longed to see a reunified China, as this is reflected in the old ode Xiaquan shared by all our people in this country.We remain brothers after all the vicissitudes, let's forgo our old grudges when smiling we meet again.——答台湾工商时报记者关于两岸经贸合作


Although Zhou was an ancient state, it had a reform mission;only innovation could ensure the growth and vitality of a nation.——答新华社记者关于解放思想对于经济、社会发展有什么现实针对性问题 2007年温家宝总理答中外记者问

中日两国关系:“召远在修近,闭祸在除怨。”其中,“召远在修近,闭祸在除怨”出自《管子•版法》。To win distantfriends, one needs, first of all, to have good relations with hisneighbors.To avoid adversity, one needs to ease animosity.民生问题:“去问开化的大地,去问解冻的河流。”这句诗出自我国著名诗人艾青的诗作《窗外的争吵》。Go and ask thethawing land, go and ask the thawing river.海峡两岸关:“沉舟侧畔千帆过,病树前头万木春。”这句诗出自刘禹锡的《酬乐天扬州初逢席上见赠》。Athousand sails pass by the wrecked ship;ten thousand saplings shoot up beyond the withered tree.2006年温家宝总理答中外记者

当前形势:形势稍好,尤须兢慎。危则安,思所以乱则治,思所以亡则存。We need to be cautious and prudent, especially when things are improving.To think about where danger looms will ensure our security;to think about why chaos occurs will ensure our peace;and to think about why a country falls will ensure our survival.两岸关系:得道者多助,失道者寡助。A just cause enjoys abundant support, while an unjust one finds little support.2005年温家宝总理答中外记者

面前的路:形势稍好,尤需兢慎。居安思危,思则有备,有备无患。We must be mindful of potential problems and get fully prepared for the worst.We must be sober-mined, cautious, prudent especially when the situation is getting a little better.台湾问题:一尺布尚可缝,一斗粟尚可舂,同胞兄弟何不容?Even a foot of cloth can be stitched up;even a kilo of millet can be ground.How can two blood brothers not make up? 宏观调控:行百里者半九十。If a journey is 100 miles, travelling 90 is half of it.2004年温家宝总理答中外记者

今后工作:雄关漫道真如铁,而今迈步从头越;路漫漫其修远兮,吾将上下而求索。The strong pass of the enemy is like a wall of iron, yet with firm strides, we are conquering its summit.My way ahead is long;I see no ending;yet high and low I'll search with my will unbending.存在困难:安不忘危,治不忘乱。In security, we should never forget the dangers and in times of peace, we should always beware of the potential for chaos.其它温总理的语录汉译英:


As a leader,his eyes should be on the way ahead,his energy should be focused on the present and at the same time and he should be thinking of the future.天变不足畏,祖宗不足法,人言不足恤。

One should not fear changes under the heaven and one should not blindly follow old conventions and one should not be deterred by complaints of others.苟利国家生死以,岂因祸福避趋之。One should uphold his country’s interest with his life,he should not do things just to pursue his personal gains and he should not be evade responsibilities for fear of personal loss.假如我们的国家有比黄金还要珍贵的诚信、有比大海还要宽广的包容、有比爱自己还要宽广的博爱、有比高山还要崇高的道德,那么我们这个国家就是一个具有精神文明和道德力量的国家。

If China can have a level of credibility and integrity that is more precious than gold,if China can be more receptive and inclusive than the ocean,if China can have fraternity rather than love for oneself,and if China can have an ethical standard higher than the mountains,I believe this country will have the moral strength and also will become a country with advanced cultural development.民之所忧,我之所思;民之所思,我之所行。

What people are concerned about preoccupies my mind,and what preoccupies people’s mind is what I need to address.为了国家的富强,为了社会的公平正义,为了让人们幸福快乐地过得更好,为了让孩子们上好学,为了使我们的民族在世界赢得应有的尊严,我愿献出我的全部心血和精力。

To ensure this country to become stronger and more prosperous,to build a society of equity and justice,to ensure the people live a happy life,our children can go to school and our nation is duly respected in the international community,Is money to serve people’s needs


I have confidence that the smiles of 1.3 billion people in front of the world will be reciprocated by the smiles of the people from all over the world.














【原创】 记者会上,温总理最激励人心的2




















































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    温家宝:青年要善于独立思考 ——“五四”前夕同首都各界青年代表在中南海座谈 2011年5月3日温家宝“五四”前夕同首都各界青年代表在中南海座谈 5月3日,中共中央政治局常委、......


    学习温总理教师节讲话心得体会 爱心、忠诚、努力、榜样 从事老师这个职业的,首要的,就是要对学生施之于责任和爱,教会他们为人正直、善良,换句话就是要先学会做人,后学会做事,倡导......


    牛刀:温总理点到高房价的死穴 阅读(509645) 评论(2191) 发表时间:2009年03月02日 03:38 本文地址:http://qzone.qq.com/blog/348973589-1235936337本文标签: 官员 政府 牛刀 总......