
时间:2019-05-15 08:35:04下载本文作者:会员上传


鲍勃.迪伦的歌词《答案在风中飘荡》赏析 黄运炎 一个男人要走过多少条路 才能被称为一个男人

一只白鸽子要越过多少海水 才能在沙滩上长眠

炮弹在天上要飞多少次 才能被永远禁止

答案,我的朋友,在风中飘荡 答案在风中飘荡

是啊一座山要存在多少年 才能被冲向大海

是啊一些人要生存多少年 才能够获得自由

是啊一个人能转头多少次 假装他只是没看见

答案,我的朋友,在风中飘荡 答案在风中飘荡

是啊一个人要抬头多少次 才能够看见天空

是啊一个人要有多少耳朵 才能听见人们哭泣

是啊到底要花费多少生命 他才能知道太多人死亡

答案,我的朋友,在风中飘荡 答案在风中飘荡







“ 是啊一些人要生存多少年,才能够获得自由”,“不自由,毋宁死”,人总是不自由,但每个人都在孜孜追求着自由;而人类历史中专制与残暴的政权总是被人民被历史一次次的洗礼后,从中孕育出新生的力量。







一个男人要走过多少条路 才能被称为一个男人

一只白鸽子要越过多少海水 才能在沙滩上长眠 炮弹在天上要飞多少次 才能被永远禁止

答案,我的朋友,在风中飘荡 答案在风中飘荡

是啊一座山要存在多少年 才能被冲向大海

是啊一些人要生存多少年 才能够获得自由

是啊一个人能转头多少次 假装他只是没看见

答案,我的朋友,在风中飘荡 答案在风中飘荡

是啊一个人要抬头多少次 才能够看见天空

是啊一个人要有多少耳朵 才能听见人们哭泣

是啊到底要花费多少生命 他才能知道太多人死亡

答案,我的朋友,在风中飘荡 答案在风中飘荡




“一个人要抬头多少次,才能看见天空”,不是每一次抬头你都会看见巍峨的峰巅; 不是每一次的抬头,你都会和她相遇;不是每一次抬头,你都会有视野的开阔与游目骋怀。


人类前行的历史正如煤的形成,多少万年才是这么的一小块。一点一滴的知识的积累 , 使人拥有渊博的学识。试想,如果没有那一步步的积累 , 怎会有千里之行?如果没有那一条条小溪的积累 怎会有海的波谰壮阔? 如过没有那一本本书里知识的积累又怎会有渊博的学识呢? 积累是垒起通向成功之门的阶梯的砖石!

所以“人生的路这么多,为什么要老斤斤计较着一个可能性? 生命是一种长期而持续的累积过程,绝不会因为单一的事件而毁了一个 人的一生,也不会因为单一的事件而救了一个人的一生。属于我们该得的,迟早会得到;属于我们不该得的,即使侥幸巧取也不可能长久 保有。如果我们看清这个事实,许多所谓“人生的重大抉择”就可以 淡然处之,根本无需焦虑。

而所谓“人生的困境”,也往往会变得无 足挂齿。


“炮弹在天上要飞多少次,才能被永远禁止”;“一个人要有多 少耳朵,才能听见人们的哭泣”;“是啊到底要花费多少生命,他才能知道太多人死亡”。苍凉而痛苦的追问哟,是因为作者还有人类的正义与良知,人类的善良与博爱。人性的真善美与假丑恶,一半是海水,一半是火焰;人类总是在一次次的战争与毁灭,凶残与罪恶中艰难地获得喘息的机会,反思出一点的善良人性、和平安康的不易。


“ 是啊一些人要生存多少年,才能够获得自由”,“不自由,毋宁死”,人总是不自由,但每个人都在孜孜追求着自由;而人类历史中专制与残暴的政权总是被人民被历史一次次的洗礼后,从中孕育出新生的力量。


因为和平的、正义的、公平的声音如同微风,它随着人类的历史长河一直 存在着,却因为太微弱而被我们忽视或者遗忘,就像吹散在风中一样。








敲,敲,敲,敲着天堂的门 妈妈,请替我把枪放在地上,我不能再射向他们。






你去了哪里,蓝眼睛的小孩 你去了哪里,我亲爱的小孩 我穿过了十二座高山,浓雾笼罩着那里 还有六条高速公路,人们在那里拥挤 我走进灰暗森林的深处 面对连绵的死亡的海洋 我还曾走进一片坟墓

那坟墓仿佛有千万公里长 我感到

那大雨,那大雨 那大雨就要落下来

你看到了什么,蓝眼睛的小孩 你看到了什么,我亲爱的小孩

我看见初生的婴儿,被恶狼团团围住 还有空无一人的,钻石修成的路

我看见黑色的树枝,鲜血从上面滴落 我看见挤满了人的屋子里,人们手里的铁锤在流血

我看见白色的梯子,水覆盖在上面 我看见无数人在怒吼,却听不见他们的声音

我看见钢枪和利剑,握在少年的手里 我感到 那大雨,那大雨 那大雨就要落下来

你听见了什么,蓝眼睛的小孩 你听见了什么,我亲爱的小孩

我听见雷声在吼叫,那一定是一个警告 我听见海浪在吼叫,仿佛整个世界都要被它吞掉







那大雨,那大雨 那大雨就要落下来 你遇见了谁,蓝眼睛的小孩 你遇见了谁,我亲爱的小孩

我遇见一个小孩,站在死去的马身边 我遇见一个白人,踏着一条黑色的狗 我遇见一个年轻的女人,她的婴儿正在燃烧

我遇见一个小女孩,她给了我一道彩虹 我遇见一个男人,爱情把他伤害 我遇见另一个男人,仇恨把他伤害 我感到

那大雨,那大雨 那大雨就要落下来

你现在要做什么,蓝眼睛的小孩 你现在要做什么,我亲爱的小孩 我要回去,赶在这大雨来临之前 我要走进那最黑暗的森林深处 那里的人们两手空空 那里流淌着有毒的河流

山谷里的家园仿佛潮湿肮脏的监狱 屠夫的脸在人群中隐匿

到处是饥饿,灵魂已经被遗忘 黑色是那里唯一的颜色 我要讲述,要思考 我要呼吸,要歌唱

我要让所有的灵魂都能看到 那里的景象

然后,我要站在那大海上 直到我开始沉没 我会听懂我的歌声 在我即将沉没 我感到

那大雨,那大雨 那大雨就要落下来 《答案在风中飘荡》 一个男人要走过多少条路 才能被称为一个男人 一只白鸽子要越过多少海水 才能在沙滩上长眠 炮弹在天上要飞多少次 才能被永远禁止

答案,我的朋友,在风中飘荡 答案在风中飘荡

是啊一座山要存在多少年 才能被冲向大海

是啊一些人要生存多少年 才能够获得自由

是啊一个人能转头多少次 假装他只是没看见

答案,我的朋友,在风中飘荡 答案在风中飘荡

是啊一个人要抬头多少次 才能够看见天空

是啊一个人要有多少耳朵 才能听见人们哭泣 是啊到底要花费多少生命 他才能知道太多人死亡 答案,我的朋友,在风中飘荡 答案在风中飘荡 《像一块滚动的石头》 那时你衣着漂亮,青春得意,你扔给流浪汉一枚硬币,是不是?


你以为他们是拿你寻开心 过去你常常嘲笑 那些在外面闲逛的人 现在你说话不再那么大声 好像也不那么自大聪明

现在你不得不搜寻你三餐的下一顿 那感觉怎么样?那感觉怎么样? 你孤身一人,无家可归

像一个无名小卒,像一块滚动的石头 你进了最好的学校,没问题孤独小姐 但是你知道过去你只是在里面喝醉 没人教过你如何在大街上度日 现在你得去适应这种生活 你说对神秘的流浪汉

你从来都不买帐,但现在你知道 他没卖什么关子

当你看透他眼睛里茫然的空虚 然后说要不要来一笔交易?

哦,你从来没转过身去看见人们皱眉 对那些跳跃者和小丑,当他们为你表演把戏

你从来不懂得那并不是很糟 你不该让别人挨你的踢,都因为你 那时你常跨着你的铬黄马,和你的外交家

他扛着一只暹罗猫在他肩上 你看见时就没觉得那别扭? 他的确不在那,只有那只猫 他从你那儿拿走所有能偷的东西 公主在尖塔上和所有漂亮的人们 他们都喝着酒,打着如意算盘 交换着所有珍贵的礼物 你最好摘下你的钻石戒指,把这宝贝当出去



而今他召唤你去见他,你不能拒绝 当你一无所有,你也没东西可失去 现在没人认得你,你也没什么秘密隐藏

那感觉怎么样?那感觉怎么样? 你孤身一人,没有回家的方向 像一个无名小卒,像一块滚动的石头


Like a rolling stone 像一块滚石

Once upon a time you dressed so fine

有那么个时候,你衣着光鲜,Threw the bums a dime in your prime, didn't you ?


People'd call, say, “Beware doll, you're bound to fall”

人家都说,“嘿,小妞,你早晚要栽跟头”,You thought they were all kiddin' you


You used to laugh about


Everybody that was hangin' out

那些无所事事的人,Now you don't talk so loud

现在呢,不敢那么大声了吧,Now you don't seem so proud

不敢那么高傲了吧,About having to be scrounging your next meal.因为你下一顿饭都还没有着落呢。

How does it feel

这滋味如何,How does it feel

这滋味如何,To be without a home

无家可归,Like a complete unknown

无人问津,Like a rolling stone ?


You've gone to the finest school all right, Miss Lonely

没错儿,寂寞小姐,你上的是最好的学校,But you know you only used to get juiced in it

但你不过成天花天酒地罢了,And nobody has ever taught you how to live on the street

没人教你如何在街上讨生活,And now you're gonna have to get used to it


You said you'd never compromise


With the mystery tramp, but now you realize

和那神秘的流浪汉打交道,现在你知道了,He's not selling any alibis 他根本不会买你的帐,As you stare into the vacuum of his eyes 当你盯着他淡漠的双眼,And say do you want to make a deal?


How does it feel

这滋味如何,How does it feel

这滋味如何,To be on your own

孤身一人,With no direction home

归乡无路,A complete unknown

无人问津,Like a rolling stone ?


Oh,you never turned around to see the frowns on the jugglers and the clowns

你从不回头看看小丑脸上的不快,When they all did tricks for you

当他们耍把戏取悦你的时候,You never understood that it ain't no good

你从没想想这样有什么不好,You shouldn't let other people get your kicks for you


You used to ride on the chrome horse with your diplomat

你曾经跨在铮亮的哈雷上面,和你的情圣一起,Who carried on his shoulder a Siamese cat

那家伙呢,肩上还卧着一只暹罗猫,Ain't it hard when you discover that


He really wasn't where it's at

他根本不是那么回事儿,After he took from you everything he could steal.在把你吃干抹净之后。

How does it feel

这滋味如何,How does it feel

这滋味如何,To be on your own

孤身一人,With no direction home

归乡无路,Like a complete unknown

无人问津,Like a rolling stone ? 像一块滚石?

Princess on the steeple and all the pretty people

塔顶上的公主,还有漂亮的人儿,They're drinkin', thinkin' that they got it made

他们觥筹交错,志得意满,Exchanging all precious gifts

彼此交换着稀物,But you'd better take your diamond ring, you'd better pawn it babe


You used to be so amused


At Napoleon in rags and the language that he used

衣衫褴褛的拿破仑,和他的蹩脚口音,Go to him now, he calls you, you can't refuse

现在呢,去找他吧,在叫你呢,别拒绝哦,When you got nothing, you got nothing to lose

你已经一无所有,自然就一无所失,You're invisible now, you got no secrets to conceal.如今没人在意了,无需遮掩了。

How does it feel

这滋味如何,How does it feel

这滋味如何,To be on your own

孤身一人,With no direction home

归乡无路,Like a complete unknown

无人问津,Like a rolling stone?


Like a rolling stone


Once upon a time you dressed so fine You threw the bums a dime in your prime, didn't you? 曾经你衣着华丽,光耀一时,随意施舍乞丐,对吧?

People'd call, say, “Beware doll, you're bound to fall”


"You thought they were all kiddin' you


You used to laugh about Everybody that was hangin' out


Now you don't talk so loud Now you don't seem so proud About having to be scrounging for your next meal.而现在你被迫风餐露宿,你不再高谈阔论,不再趾高气扬 How does it feel How does it feel To be without a home Like a complete unknown Like a rolling stone?

这滋味儿如何? 无家可归,无人知晓,如碎石般滚落 这滋味儿如何?

You've gone to the finest school all right, Miss Lonely 曾经你步入名校,孤傲一时

But you know you only used to get juiced in it


And nobody has ever taught you how to live on the street


And now you find out you're gonna have to get used to it You said you'd never compromise 你恍然醒悟,立志绝不妥协

With the mystery tramp, but now you realize He's not selling any alibis As you stare into the vacuum of his eyes And ask him do you want to make a deal?

可当你面对着那位陌生的流浪者 透过他空虚的双眼 你终于明白,他毫无半点矫饰,而你只能放下身段与他交易

How does it feel How does it feel To be on your own With no direction home Like a complete unknown Like a rolling stone?

这滋味儿如何? 孑然一身,无家可归,无人知晓,如碎石般滚落 这滋味儿如何? You never turned around to see the frowns on the jugglers and the clowns


When they all come down and did tricks for you 而他们卑躬屈膝却只是想取悦你罢了

You never understood that it ain't no good You shouldn't let other people get your kicks for you 你从未意识到,把自己的不幸转嫁给别人是多么地卑劣

You used to ride on the chrome horse with your diplomat 你过去常常骑着镀铬马,有使者相伴左右

Who carried on his shoulder a Siamese cat


Ain't it hard when you discover that He really wasn't where it's at After he took from you everything he could steal.可当他从你那窃走他可以窃取的一切时 你才发现他并非真心相伴于你左右

How does it feel How does it feel To be on your own With no direction home Like a complete unknown Like a rolling stone?

这滋味儿如何? 孑然一身,无家可归,无人知晓,如碎石般滚落 这滋味儿如何?

Princess on the steeple and all the pretty people They're drinkin', thinkin' that they got it made Exchanging all kinds of precious gifts and things

那些居于尖塔的公主和名贵之士 整日饮酒作乐,互换珍宝 自以为已功成名就

But you'd better lift your diamond ring, you'd better pawn it babe 而你最好将钻戒典当以备后患

You used to be so amused At Napoleon in rags and the language that he used


Go to him now, he calls you, you can't refuse


When you got nothing, you got nothing to lose 你已一无所有,也一无所失

You're invisible now, you got no secrets to conceal.现在你已无所修饰,也无所遮掩

How does it feel How does it feel To be on your own With no direction home Like a complete unknown Like a rolling stone?

这滋味儿如何? 孑然一身,无家可归,无人知晓,如碎石般滚落 这滋味儿如何?

My back pages 我的昨日

Crimson flames tied through my ears 深红的火舌舔舐耳朵

Rollin’ high and mighty traps 重重陷阱我侧身滚过

Pounced with fire on flaming roads 燃烧的路上,攫住被一条火蛇

Using ideas as my maps


“We’ll meet on edges, soon,” said I 我们就要达彼岸,我说

Proud ’neath heated brow 眉宇间意气风发

Ah, but I was so much older then 噢,我那时这样苍老

I’m younger than that now 而今才风华正茂

Half-wracked prejudice leaped forth 残留的偏见跳跃着向前

“Rip down all hate,” I screamed 撕碎所有仇恨,我大声呐喊

Lies that life is black and white Spoke from my skull.I dreamed 我曾梦呓般坚定地说出 人生非黑即白的谎言

Romantic facts of musketeers 火枪手们的罪行

Foundationed deep, somehow 不知为何,曾是深植我心的浪漫

Ah, but I was so much older then 噢,我那时这样苍老

I’m younger than that now 而今才风华正茂

Girls’ faces formed the forward path 女孩们的脸铺成前行的小径

From phony jealousy


To memorizing politics Of ancient history 遥想到古老的政治

Flung down by corpse evangelists 都有布道者尸骸枕籍

Unthought of, though, somehow 可我竟从未想过,不知为何

Ah, but I was so much older then 噢,我那时这样苍老 I’m younger than that now 而今才风华正茂

A self-ordained professor’s tongue 拿着一副自封教授的腔调

Too serious to fool 故作严肃却将别人欺骗不了

Spouted out that liberty 大声宣称的所谓自由

Is just equality in school 不过仅仅存在于学校

“Equality,” I spoke the word “平等,”我吐出这词

As if a wedding vow


Ah, but I was so much older then 噢,我那时这样苍老

I’m younger than that now 而今才风华正茂

In a soldier’s stance, I aimed my hand 以士兵的姿势,我用手瞄准

At the mongrel dogs who teach 教书的杂种狗

Fearing not that I’d become my enemy 哪怕成为自己的敌人

In the instant that I preach 我也将即刻布道

My pathway led by confusion boats 我的人生被混乱的航船引路

Mutiny from stern to bow


Ah, but I was so much older then 噢,我那时这样苍老

I’m younger than that now 而今才风华正茂

Yes, my guard stood hard when abstract threats 是的,假想的威胁让我斗志昂扬

Too noble to neglect 道德上强烈的优越

Deceived me into thinking 将我欺骗

I had something to protect 误想着自己有捍卫什么的责任

Good and bad, I define these terms 不知为何,我将善、恶这些术语 Quite clear, no doubt, somehow 定义得泾渭分明

Ah, but I was so much older then 噢,我那时这样苍老

I’m younger than that now 而今才风华正茂




核心金句“I was so much older then,I‘m younger than that now”


这首歌最早收录于鲍勃迪伦1964年发行的专辑《鲍勃迪伦的另一面(Another Side of Bob Dylan)》,这是他继1962年的同名专辑《鲍勃迪伦(Bob Dylan)》、1963年的《自由自在的鲍勃迪伦(The Freewheelin'Bob Dylan)》和1964年的《世事变迁(The Time They Are A-Changin’)》三张之后,发行的第4张个人专辑。从专辑名就可以看出,它似乎包含着迪伦对自己的一种解读。这首歌,我想你初听到的感觉和我一样,承认吧,它并不好听,迪伦的嗓音慵懒随性,几乎没有编曲,每个单词的尾音都被拉得很长。这首歌的中文译名有很多种,马世芳将它译为《昨日书》,并将其用作自己的书名;《来自民间的叛逆》作者,“土摩托”袁越将它译为《我最后想说的话》;也有译者译为《我的左页》或者《我的封底新闻》。

这首歌的结构很工整,共有六段歌词,每段都似乎包含着隐晦的比喻,而中心句,无疑是每段的最后两句,这两句写道“Oh but I was so much older then,I’m younger than that now”那时候我曾如此老气横秋,如今,终于朝气蓬勃。迪伦为什么要这样说?“那时候”是何时?为什么说自己老气横秋?而“如今”,又为什么朝气蓬勃呢?这还要从当时迪伦的状态说起。

当时的24岁的迪伦,虽然才出道两年,却已经成为了民谣界炙手可热的领头羊,他以伍迪-格思里为导师,又为皮特-西格这样的前辈钟爱,他的抗议和反战歌曲《Blowing in the Wind》、《Master of War》等,都已经符号化地深深印刻在了众多年轻人的脑海中,“抗议歌手”、“左翼青年代言人”这样的光环,像标签一样贴满了迪伦全身。就连唱片封套的设计,也从《自由自在的鲍勃迪伦》这样与女友相挎,笑容洋溢走在街上的照片,变成了《世事变迁》的黑白迪伦大头肖像这样的典型抗议歌手的样子,照片中他眉头紧皱,嘴角紧闭,消瘦的脸颊上,仿佛每一个毛孔都喷放着怒火。殊不知,24岁的迪伦心里,却已经对这样的形象产生了厌倦。

先把迪伦放下,这里先提一下这首歌的一个翻唱版本,来自飞鸟(the Byrds)乐队。看过《阿甘正传》的朋友应该会对其中的的插曲《Turn!Turn!Turn!》印象深刻。这首歌就来自飞鸟乐队。飞鸟乐队翻唱过鲍勃迪伦的许多作品,当中许多对于编曲和旋律的改编及创作都极为出色,他们让迪伦的许多作品在可听性上都产生了巨大飞跃。大家有时间可以再去对比他们翻唱迪伦作品的代表作《铃鼓先生(Mr.Tambourine Man)》。他们甚至出版过专门翻唱迪伦作品的专辑《The Byrds Play Dylan》。

在那个时候,一首歌,特别是民谣,被其他乐队翻唱是一件普遍的事情,甚至那首《Blowing in the Wind》,最先唱红它的,也是另一只三人民谣演唱组合:彼得、保罗和玛丽。插一句,另一个出版过迪伦翻唱专辑的歌手,是琼-贝兹(Joan Baez),她与迪伦长达数十年的恩恩怨怨,以及那首著名的歌曲《钻石与铁锈(Diamonds and Rust)》,则是另一个故事了。在纪录片《The History of Rock’n’Roll》中,飞鸟乐队的主唱兼吉他手吉姆-麦吉恩(Jim McGuinn)在访谈中表示,他们早年的翻唱和对编曲、solo、和弦的再创作,为他们赢得了很高的人气,而他们的改编,也进一步推广了迪伦的知名度。

说回24岁的鲍勃迪伦,依照袁越在《来自民间的叛逆》一书中的描述,1964年6月9日,正在准备《世事变迁》之后的专辑的迪伦,也是正埋没在公众对下一张抗议专辑的期待中的迪伦,在录音棚里对制作人威尔逊和记者亨托夫微笑着说:“今晚可没有一首抗议歌曲。我以前虽然录过一些这类歌曲,可能一部分是为了出名,一部分是因为当时我没有见谁在这么写歌,可现在人人都在抗议,人人谁都在告诉别人谁对谁错。我已经不想这么干了。我不会再为别人写歌了,不会再去当什么‘时代代言人’了。从今天开始,我要写我的内心世界,就像我在十岁是写东西那样。一切发自内心。写个应该向走路吃饭一样自然。” 鲍勃迪伦,就这样开始了对自己的过去告别。而接下来的专辑《鲍勃迪伦的另一面》,果然没有一首抗议歌曲,但是这仍然是一张民谣专辑。专辑里,迪伦用的依然是他那充满隐喻的讽刺和大段的现代诗一样的歌词,却在向听众自说自话,解释自己。从此,迪伦抛弃了抗议歌手的头衔,甚至抛弃了“民谣歌手”的身份。“民谣歌手”在当时的文艺青年心中,是神圣的,是和“哄小孩子的”摇滚乐完全不同的,所以当公众看到自己的偶像在民谣音乐节里突然拿起了电吉他,把自己的歌变成了“庸俗不堪”的摇滚乐,才发生了后来皮特-西格在后台居然举起斧头要砍断音箱线的一幕,被惊得哑口无言的听众,从一开始还出于礼节鼓掌,到后来逐渐变为满谷嘘声,乃至后来在台下向迪伦高呼“犹大”。对于迪伦的改编,旁人的赞叹是有的,只是面对众多的观众和民谣圈的前辈,这些赞赏的声音只犹如蚊子的低语。而迪伦,连像在《Another Side of Bob Dylan》中那样的“解释自己”都放弃了。从再下一张专辑《席卷而归(Bring it all Back Home)》开始,你听到了电音的迪伦,而历史证明,再往后的《重访61号公路(Highway 61 Revisited)》、《美女如云(Blonde on Blonde)》等专辑,无一不称为经典中的经典。迪伦对于“自己”的背叛,却真正使他成为了传奇,而这一路的坎坷,在当时看来,对迪伦本人情绪的影响是颇为巨大的。


而也许就在1964年版的《My Back Pages》这首歌里,迪伦就已经做出了决定。他要告别曾经老气横秋的自己,去获得新生。

迪伦的这段历史,在马世芳的文章《拥舞的诗神与厉鬼》和袁越所著的《来自民间的叛逆》一书,以及迪伦的传记电影《归乡无路(No Direction Home)》和纪录片《The History of Rock’n’Roll》的第4集《插电音乐》中都有非常详细的讲述,在后者片中这一集的结尾访谈里,U2主唱Bono说:“当迪伦插上电那一刻起,所有的一切,都不一样了”。

嘿!铃鼓先生,为我奏一曲 我还不想睡,而且无处可归 嘿!铃鼓先生,为我奏一曲 在这铿锵的晨早,让我与你同去……

(Hey!Mr.Tambourine Man, play a song for me I’m not sleepy and there is no place I’m going to Hey!Mr.Tambourine Man, play a song for me In the jingle jangle morning I’ll come followin’ you...)尽管你也许听见笑声,旋转着、疯狂地摆荡,越过



况且蓝天之上,并无栅栏阻挡 若你还听见模糊的印迹,韵脚跳跃旋转 与你的铃鼓唱和,那只是跟在身后,一个衣衫褴褛 的小丑



然后带我消失罢,穿过意识底层的烟圈 沉入时光深处雾蒙蒙的废墟,远远越过冻僵的寒叶

穿出阴森悚栗的树林,来到多风的沙滩 与狂乱伤悲的扭曲界域,遥遥隔开


侧影反衬着海水,四周是圆场的黄沙 带着一切记忆与命运,潜入波涛之下 明天到来之前,且让我把今日忘怀…

(Though you might hear laughin’, spinnin’, swingin’madly across the sun It’s not aimed at anyone, it’s just escapin’on the run And but for the sky there are no fences facin’ And if you hear vague traces of skippin’reels of rhyme To your tambourine in time, it’s just a ragged clown behind I wouldn’t pay it any mind, it’s just a shadow you’re

Seein’that he’s chasing...Then take me disappearin’through the smoke rings of my mind Down the foggy ruins of time, far past the frozen leaves The haunted, frightened trees, out to the windy beach Far from the twisted reach of crazy sorrow Yes, to dance beneath the diamond sky with one hand waving free Silhouetted by the sea, circled by the circus sands With all memory and fate driven deep beneath the waves Let me forget about today until tomorrow


Blowing In The Wind 歌词翻译

How many roads must a man walk down 一个男人要走多远的路

Before they call him a man 才能被称为男人

How many seas must a white dove sail 一只白鸽必须飞过多少海洋

Before she sleeps in the sand 才能在沙滩上安睡

How many times must the cannon balls fly 加农炮弹还得飞行多少次

Before they're forever banned 才会被永远禁止

The answer, my friend, is blowing in the wind 答案,我的朋友,在风里飘着呢

The answer is blowing in the wind 答案就在风里飘着呢

How many years can a mountain exist 一座山要存在多久

Before it is washed to the sea 才会被冲进大海

How many years can some people exist 人要活多少年

Before they're allowed to be free 才能获得自由

How many times can a man turn his head 一个人可以扭头多少次

And pretend that he just doesn't see 假装他什么都没看见

The answer, my friend, is blowing in the wind 答案,我的朋友,在风里飘着呢

The answer is blowing in the wind 答案就在风里飘着呢

How many times must a man look up 一个人得遥望多少次

Before he can see the sky 才能望的见天空

How many ears must one man have 一个人得有多少耳朵

Before he can hear people cry 才能听见人们的哭泣

How many deaths will it take 还要有多少人死 'Till he knows that too many people have died 他才知道已有太多人死去

The answer, my friend, is blowing in the wind 答案,我的朋友,在风里飘着呢

The answer is blowing in the wind 答案就在风里飘着呢

Don't Think Twice, It's All Right 别多想了,这没什么

Bob Dylan

It ain't no use to sit and wonder why, babe 亲爱的,坐下来再多想是没有用的Even you don't know by now 即使你到现在都还不明白

And it ain't no use to sit and wonder why, babe 亲爱的,坐下来再多想是没有用的It'll never do somehow.这从来都不会有任何用

When your rooster crows at the break of dawn 当天色破晓,公鸡开始啼叫

Look out your window and I'll be gone 你看向窗外,而我已经远走

You're the reason I'm traveling on 亲爱的你就是我旅行的意义

Don't think twice, it's all right 不过别多想了,这没什么。

It ain't no use in turning on your light, babe 亲爱的,打开你的灯是没有用的That light I never knowed 我从来不曾看见过它的光芒

And it ain't no use in turning on your light, babe 亲爱的,打开你的灯是没有用的I'm on the dark side of the road 我走在道路黑暗的这一边

but I wish there was something you would do or say 可其实我还是希望有一些事情你会做或说

To try and make me change my mind and stay 来让我改变主意,留下来

We never did too much talking anyway 而我们交谈寥寥。。

So don't think twice, it's all right 不过别多想了,这没什么。

It ain't no use in calling out my name, gal 亲爱的,喊出我的名字是没有用的Like you never done before 就像你从来不曾做过的那样

It ain't no use in callin' out my name, gal 亲爱的,喊出我的名字是没有用的I can't hear you any more 我再也听不到了

I'm a-thinkin' and a-wond'rin' walkin’ down the road 一路上,我沉思着徘徊着

I once loved a woman, a child I'm told

我曾经爱过一个女人 有人告诉我她是个孩子

I give her my heart but she wanted my soul


But don't think twice, it's all right 不过别多想了,这没什么。

So long, Honey Babe 亲爱的,再见了

Where I'm bound, I can't tell


But Goodbye's too good a word, babe 拜拜太过甜美 无法表达我的心境

So I'll just say fare thee well 所以我还是说“别了”吧

I ain't sayin' you treated me unkind 我并不是说你对我哪里好

You could have done better but I don't mind 其实你本可以做得更好,可我已经不介意了

You just kinda wasted my precious time 你只是有点儿浪费我宝贵的间

But don't think twice, it's all right 不过别多想了,这没什么。

翻译:Girl From the North Country

Well, if you're travelin' in the north country fair, 假如你在北方的城市旅行,Where the winds hit heavy on the borderline, 凛冽的风吹过边疆。

Remember me to one who lives there.代我向那里的一个姑娘问好啊,She once was a true love of mine.她曾经是我的真爱。

Well, if you go when the snowflakes storm, 假如那里已经下起了大雪,When the rivers freeze and summer ends, 寒冬已至,河流也盖上了坚冰。

Please see if she's wearing a coat so warm, 请看一看她身上有没有温暖的大衣,To keep her from the howlin' winds.帮她抵御那怒吼的寒风。

Please see for me if her hair hangs long, 请看一看她是否还留着长发,If it rolls and flows all down her breast.它们在她的胸前飘舞.Please see for me if her hair hangs long, 请看一看她是否还留着长发,That's the way I remember her best.那是我最沉醉的记忆.I'm a-wonderin' if she remembers me at all.但愿她还能记得我啊,Many times I've often prayed 我总是祈祷,In the darkness of my night, 在我的黑夜,In the brightness of my day.在我的白天.Well, if you're travelin' in the north country fair, 假如你在北方的城市旅行,Where the winds hit heavy on the borderline, 凛冽的风吹过边疆。

Remember me to one who lives there.代我向那里的一个姑娘问好啊,She once was a true love of mine.她曾经是我的真爱。

The times they are a-changing 时代正在变迁

Come gather round people wherever you roam And admit that the waters around you have grown And accept it that soon you'll be drenched to the bone If your time to you is worth saving Then you'd better start swimming or you'll sink like a stone For the times, they are a changing 来聚在一起吧 不管你在何处漫游 承认吧周围的水域正在增长 接受吧不久你将被浸湿到骨头 如果你觉得你的时间值得珍惜

你最好开始游泳 不然你将会像一块儿石头一样沉没 因为时代 正在变迁

Come writers and critics who prophesize with your pens And keep your eyes open, the chance won't come again And don't speak too soon, the wheel's still in spin And there's no telling who that it's naming Oh the loser will be later to win For the times, they are a changing 那些拿着笔预知未来的作家 评论家们 睁大你们的眼睛 这种机会不会再来 不要说为时尚早 车轮还在不停的转动 还没有什么已被说明 失败者将最终获胜 因为时代 正在变迁

Come senators, congressmen, please head the call Don't stand in the doorway, don't block up the hall For he that gets hurt will be her that has stalled The battle outside ragging will soon shake your windows And rattle your hall For the times, they are a changing 来吧 参议院 国会议员 首长们请呼吁 不要站在门口 不要堵住大厅 因为 停滞不前将使她受到伤害

那些街头衣衫褴褛的战斗很快就会摇动你的窗子 颤动你的大厅

因为时代 他们正在变迁

Come mothers and fathers all over this land And don't criticize what you can't understand Your sons and your daughter are beyond your command Your old role is rapidly aging Please get out of the new one if you can't lend a hand For the times they are a changing 来吧所有这片土地上的爸爸和妈妈 不要指责那些你们无法理解的东西

你们的儿子和女儿已经超越了你们的控制 你们的作用在迅速衰老

请让出这个新的世界 如果你们不能伸出援手 因为时代 他正在变迁

The line, it is drawn, the curse, it is cast The slow one will later be fast And the present now will soon be the past The order is rapidly fading The first one now will later be last For the times, they are a changing 路线 已被画出 咒骂 已被掷出 缓慢的稍后将会加速 现有的很快将会成为过去 秩序将迅速衰落

现在首要的事情稍后将会成为刚过去的 因为时代 正在变迁

IT AIN'T ME, BABE 你需要的人不是我,宝贝

Go away from my window, 别站在我窗外

Leave at your own chosen speed.快点走或慢慢离开都由你

I'm not the one you want, babe, 我不是你想要的人,宝贝

I'm not the one you need.我不是你需要的人

You say you're looking for someone 你说你在寻找一个人

who's never weak but always strong, 从不懦弱永远坚强

To protect you and defend you 会保护你守卫你

Whether you are right or wrong, 不在乎你的对错

Someone to open each and every door, 这人会打开你每一扇心门

But it ain't me, babe,但是,你需要的人不是我,宝贝

No, no, no, it ain't me, babe, 不是,不是,真的不是我

It ain't me you're lookin' for, babe.我不是你正在寻找的人,宝贝

Go lightly from the ledge, babe, 轻轻地离开窗台,宝贝 Go lightly on the ground.轻轻地回到地面

I'm not the one you want, babe, 我不是你需要的人,宝贝

I will only let you down.我只会让你失望

You say you're looking for someone 你说你在寻找一个人

Who will promise never to part, 他会许诺永不分离

Someone to close his eyes for you, 他会为你紧闭双眼

Someone to close his heart, 他会封锁心门

Someone who will die for you and more, 他只为你献出一切甚至生命

But it ain't me, babe,但是,你需要的人不是我,宝贝

No, no, no, it ain't me, babe, 不是,不是,真的不是我

It ain't me you're looking for, babe.我不是你正在寻找的人,宝贝

Go melt back into the night, babe, 回去吧 消失在夜色中吧,宝贝

Everything inside of me is made of stone.我心硬如石

There's nothing in here moving 我不会被你打动

And anyway I'm not alone.而且我不孤独

You say you're looking for someone 你说你在寻找一个人

Who'll pick you up each time you fall, 你每次跌倒他都会扶起你

To gather flowers constantly 经常给你送花

And to come each time you call, 招之即来

A lover for your life and nothing more, 终生做你的爱人

But it ain't me, babe,但是,你需要的人不是我,宝贝

No, no, no, it ain't me, babe, 不是,不是,真的不是我

It ain't me you're lookin' for, babe.我不是你正在寻找的人,宝贝

My Back Pages Bob Dylan

Crimson flames tied through my ears 深红色的火舌舔舐我的双耳 Rollin’ high and mighty traps 纵有重重陷阱我仍翻滚前行

Pounced with fire on flaming roads 奋不顾身扑向燃烧着的前路 Using ideas as my maps 只因有信念将我指引

“We’ll meet on edges, soon,” said I “我们很快就会到达胜利的彼岸。”我这样说着 Proud ’neath heated brow 眉宇间意气风发

Ah, but I was so much older then 哦,昔日我曾苍老

I’m younger than that now 如今才风华正茂

Half-wracked prejudice leaped forth 那些残留的偏见总在脑中闪现 “Rip down all hate,” I screamed “把所有憎恨的东西都撕碎!”我咆哮着 Lies that life is black and white 宣称“人生非黑即白”的谎言 Spoke from my skull.I dreamed 不过是一时脑热脱口而出的呓语 Romantic facts of musketeers “三个火枪手”般的浪漫故事 Foundationed deep, somehow 不知为何,总是深入人心

Ah, but I was so much older then 哦,昔日我曾苍老

I’m younger than that now 如今才风华正茂

Girls’ faces formed the forward path 前路上只见女孩们的面容 From phony jealousy 出于那虚伪的忌妒之心 To memorizing politics 应记取那些久远的 Of ancient history 政治斗争的历史中

Flung down by corpse evangelists 布道者尸骸枕籍

Unthought of, though, somehow 但不知为何,我竟视而不见 Ah, but I was so much older then 哦,昔日我曾苍老

I’m younger than that now 如今才风华正茂

A self-ordained professor’s tongue 端着一副自以为是的教授似的腔调 Too serious to fool 故作严肃其实愚不可及 Spouted out that liberty 信誓旦旦说着的所谓自由啊 Is just equality in school 不过只存在教科书里

“Equality,” I spoke the word 我口口声声念叨着“平等”

As if a wedding vow 就像念叨善变的婚誓

Ah, but I was so much older then 哦,昔日我曾苍老

I’m younger than that now 如今才风华正茂

In a soldier’s stance, I aimed my hand 像个斗士一般,我将矛头指向 At the mongrel dogs who teach 那些高高在上的鼠辈杂碎

Fearing not that I’d become my enemy 在夸夸其谈地说教的时候 In the instant that I preach 哪怕推翻自己也毫无所畏

My pathway led by confusion boats 我的人生像一条迷途的航船 Mutiny from stern to bow 开始桀骜不驯,终究还是弯下身躯 Ah, but I was so much older then 哦,昔日我曾苍老

I’m younger than that now 如今才风华正茂

Yes, my guard stood hard when abstract threats 是的,感受着那些虚无的威胁,我总是斗志昂扬 Too noble to neglect 道德上的优越让我忘乎所以 Deceived me into thinking 让我误以为

I had something to protect 我有着保护什么的责任

Good and bad, I define these terms 不知为何,善与恶,我将它们区分得 Quite clear, no doubt, somehow 明白无误,泾渭分明

Ah, but I was so much older then 哦,昔日我曾苍老

I’m younger than that now 如今才风华正茂

A Hard Rain's A-Gonna Fall 大雨将至

Oh, where have you been, my blue-eyed son? 你去了哪里,蓝眼睛的小孩?

Oh, where have you been, my darling young one? 你去了哪里,我亲爱的小孩?

I've stumbled on the side of twelve misty mountains, 我穿过了十二座高山,浓雾笼罩着那里

I've walked and I've crawled on six crooked highways, 还有六条高速公路,人们在那里拥挤

I've stepped in the middle of seven sad forests, 我走进灰暗森林的深处

I've been out in front of a dozen dead oceans, 面对连绵的死亡的海洋

I've been ten thousand miles in the mouth of a graveyard, 我还曾走进一片坟墓,那坟墓仿佛有千万公里长

And it's a hard, and it's a hard, it's a hard, and it's a hard, 我感到,那大雨,那大雨

And it's a hard rain's a-gonna fall.那大雨就要落下来

Oh, what did you see, my blue-eyed son? 你看见了什么,蓝眼睛的小孩?

Oh, what did you see, my darling young one? 你看见了什么,我亲爱的小孩?

I saw a newborn baby with wild wolves all around it 我看见初生的婴儿,被恶狼团团围住

I saw a highway of diamonds with nobody on it, 还有空无一人的,钻石修成的路

I saw a black branch with blood that kept drippin', 我看见黑色的树枝,鲜血从上面滴落

I saw a room full of men with their hammers a-bleedin', 我看见挤满了人的屋子里,人们手里的铁锤在流血

I saw a white ladder all covered with water, 我看见白色的梯子,水覆盖在上面

I saw ten thousand talkers whose tongues were all broken, 我看见无数人在怒吼,却听不见他们的声音

I saw guns and sharp swords in the hands of young children, 我看见钢枪和利剑,握在少年的手里

And it's a hard, and it's a hard, it's a hard, it's a hard, 我感到,那大雨,那大雨

And it's a hard rain's a-gonna fall.那大雨就要落下来

And what did you hear, my blue-eyed son? 你听见了什么,蓝眼睛的小孩

And what did you hear, my darling young one? 你听见了什么,我亲爱的小孩

I heard the sound of a thunder, it roared out a warnin', 我听见雷声在吼叫,那一定是一个警告

Heard the roar of a wave that could drown the whole world, 我听见海浪在吼叫,仿佛整个世界都要被它吞掉

Heard one hundred drummers whose hands were a-blazin', 我听见很多人在敲鼓,他们的手仿佛都在燃烧

Heard ten thousand whisperin' and nobody listenin',我听见无数人在低语,他们在着说什么,却没有人知道

Heard one person starve, I heard many people laughin', 我听见一个饥饿的人在哀号,还有很多人在冷笑

Heard the song of a poet who died in the gutter, 我听见一个诗人的歌声,他在贫民窟里死去

Heard the sound of a clown who cried in the alley, 我听见一个农夫的声音,他在山谷里哭泣

And it's a hard, and it's a hard, it's a hard, it's a hard, 我感到,那大雨,那大雨

And it's a hard rain's a-gonna fall.那大雨就要落下来

Oh, who did you meet, my blue-eyed son? 你遇见了谁,蓝眼睛的小孩

Who did you meet, my darling young one? 你遇见了谁,我亲爱的小孩

I met a young child beside a dead pony, 我遇见一个小孩,站在死去的马身边

I met a white man who walked a black dog, 我遇见一个白人,踏着一条黑色的狗

I met a young woman whose body was burning, 我遇见一个年轻的女人,她的婴儿正在燃烧

I met a young girl, she gave me a rainbow, 我遇见一个小女孩,她给了我一道彩虹

I met one man who was wounded in love, 我遇见一个男人,爱情把他伤害

I met another man who was wounded with hatred, 我遇见另一个男人,仇恨把他伤害

And it's a hard, it's a hard, it's a hard, it's a hard, 我感到,那大雨,那大雨

It's a hard rain's a-gonna fall.那大雨就要落下来

Oh, what'll you do now, my blue-eyed son? 你现在要做什么,蓝眼睛的小孩

Oh, what'll you do now, my darling young one? 你现在要做什么,我亲爱的小孩

I'm a-goin' back out 'fore the rain starts a-fallin', 我要回去,赶在这大雨来临之前

I'll walk to the depths of the deepest black forest, 我要走进那最黑暗的森林深处

Where the people are many and their hands are all empty, 那里的人们两手空空

Where the pellets of poison are flooding their waters, 那里流淌着有毒的河流

Where the home in the valley meets the damp dirty prison, 山谷里的家园仿佛潮湿肮脏的监狱

Where the executioner's face is always well hidden, 屠夫的脸在人群中隐匿

Where hunger is ugly, where souls are forgotten, 到处是饥饿,灵魂已经被遗忘

Where black is the color, where none is the number, 黑色是那里唯一的颜色

And I'll tell it and think it and speak it and breathe it, 我要讲述,要思考;我要呼吸,要歌唱 And reflect it from the mountain so all souls can see it, 我要让所有的灵魂都能看到那里的景象

Then I'll stand on the ocean until I start sinkin', 然后,我要站在那大海上,直到我开始沉没

But I'll know my song well before I start singin', 我会听懂我的歌声,在我即将沉没

And it's a hard, it's a hard, it's a hard, it's a hard, 我感到,那大雨,那大雨

It's a hard rain's a-gonna fall...那大雨就要落下来

翻译:Love Minus Zero/No Limit 2010-09-16 22:34:58 来自: 背着牛奶去POGO(我爱冊冊)My love she speaks like silence, 我的爱人话语绵绵,Without ideals or violence, 不会胡闹不会空谈,She doesn't have to say she's faithful, 她不会故作忠诚,Yet she's true, like ice, like fire.但像冰火一般纯真。

People carry roses, 人们不忘捎上玫瑰,Make promises by the hours, 海誓山盟如痴如醉,My love she laughs like the flowers, 我的爱人笑起来好似朵花,Valentines can't buy her.情圣也倾倒不了她。

In the dime stores and bus stations, 汽车站和便利商店,People talk of situations, 人们聊着当下现状,Read books, repeat quotations, 阅览图书,引经据典,Draw conclusions on the wall.感叹着教训和经验。

Some speak of the future, 一些人在讨论未来,My love she speaks softly, 我的爱人话语轻柔,She knows there's no success like failure 她知道 虽说失败是成功之母,And that failure's no success at all.可败了就是败了 失败不等于成功。

The cloak and dagger dangles, 大衣和短剑挂进衣橱,Madams light the candles.女士们点亮了蜡烛。

In ceremonies of the horsemen, 遵循着骑师的礼节,Even the pawn must hold a grudge.无名小卒不得不心存胆怯。

Statues made of match sticks, 那些火柴棒所制的人像,Crumble into one another, 拆开重来变成无数形象,My love winks, she does not bother, 我的爱人闪着眼睛,却不作声,She knows too much to argue or to judge.她懂得争吵带不来公正和结论。

The bridge at midnight trembles, 午夜的大桥颤抖轻晃,The country doctor rambles, 乡下的大夫在外闲逛,Bankers' nieces seek perfection, 银行家的侄女们追寻完美幸福,Expecting all the gifts that wise men bring.期盼着明眼的男人们送上礼物。

The wind howls like a hammer, 窗外的风咆哮着铿锵作响,The night blows cold and rainy, 这个寒夜的天空风雨交加,My love she's like some raven 我的爱人像只折翼的渡鸦,At my window with a broken wing.安然地停留在我的窗檐下

翻译 it's alright ma i'm only bleeding Darkness at the break of noon 午间也有黑暗

Shadows even the silver spoon 银勺也有阴影

The handmade blade, the child’s balloon 手制兵刃与孩童气球

Eclipses both the sun and moon 日食月食同时进行 To understand you know too soon 你明白的太早了

There is no sense in trying 尝试了无意义

Pointed threats they bluff with scorn 他们虚张声势与轻蔑地威胁

Suicide remarks are torn 自杀言论被撕碎

From the fool’s gold mouthpiece the hollow horn 傻瓜的黄金喉舌是空号角

Plays wasted words proves to warn 说着无用的言论以证明价值

That he not busy being born is busy dying 不是忙于生存的人-你们这是自寻死路

Temptation page flies out the door 诱惑之页飞出门

You follow, find yourself at war 你跟随其后 却发觉自己身处战场

Watch waterfalls of pity roar 静观瀑布的轰鸣声

You feel to moan but unlike before 你想哀嚎却与以往不同

You discover that you just be one more 你发现你仅是又一个哭泣者

Person crying

So dont you fear if you hear 听到了不要怕

A foreign sound to your ear 外界声音入耳

It’s alright, Ma I’m only sighing 妈 没事 我只是在叹气

As some warn victory, some downfall 有人胜利有人落败

Private reasons great or small 源于自私的理由,或大或小

Can be seen in the eyes of those that call 这些都被呼唤的人们看在眼里

To make all that should be killed to crawl 为了使所有罪已致死的人落入法网

While others say don’t hate nothing at all 他人说不恨任何事

Except hatred 除了仇恨本身

Disillusioned words like bullets bark 幻灭的话像子弹轰鸣

As human gods aim for their mark 人神瞄准了印记

Make everything from toy guns that spark 制造万物 从火花玩具枪

To flesh-colored Christs that glow in the dark 到肉色的暗中发光基督像

It’s easy to see without looking too far 无须眺望就可知

That not much is really sacred 没什么神圣不可侵犯

While preachers preach of evil fates 牧师讲邪恶的命运

Teachers teach that knowledge weights 教师讲知识之力

Can lead to hundred-dollar plates 可以引至百元之盘

Goodness hides behind its gates 女神藏于其门后

But even the president of the United States 就算美国总统

Sometimes must have to stand naked 有时也会一丝不挂

Although the rules of the road have been lodged 路上规则已被设置

It’s only people’s games that you got to dodge 但这仅是人们的游戏 别理他

And it’s alright, Ma I can make it 妈 没事 我只是做不到

Advertising signs they con 广告天地

You into thinking you’re the one 你认为你已进入其中

That can do what’s never been done 做前人未做之事

That can win what’s never been won 赢前人未赢之名

Meantime life outside goes on 此时在你周身

All around you 生命继续

You lose yourself, you reappear 你迷途又返

You suddenly find you got nothing to fear 你无所畏惧

Alone you stand with nobody near 你孑然独立 身无旁人

When a trembling distant voice, unclear 远处颤抖不明的声音传来

Startles your sleeping ears to hear 从睡眠中惊醒 你侧耳倾听

That somebody thinks they really found you 有人认为他们真的找到了你

A question in your nerves is lit 你神经中问题已点燃

Yet you know there is no answer fit 你尚不知有合适答案

To satisfy, insure you not to quit 答案使你满足不退却

To keep it in your mind and not forget 答案使你牢记不忘却

That it is not he or she or them or it 你不属于任何

That you belong to 他她它TA

Although the masters make the rules 尽管大师为聪明人与傻瓜

For the wise men and the fools 制定了规则

I got nothing, Ma, to live up to 妈 我却无以为生

For them that must obey authority 对他们来说,必须遵从权威

That they do not respect in any degree 他们却不尊重任何阶层

Who despise their jobs, their destinies 无论职业与生涯

Speak jealously of them that are free 满怀妒意地说我们有自由

Cultivate their flowers to be 培育其鲜花萌芽

Nothing more than something they invest in 没什么比其更有潜力

While some on principles baptized 有人被规则洗礼

To strict party platform ties 被严格党纲束缚

Social clubs in drag disguise 在社会俱乐部中被牵制

Outsiders they can freely criticize 出来了 他们可以随便批评

Tell nothing except who to idolize 但他们谁也不指责 除了拜偶像者

And then say God bless him 也只是说 上帝保佑

While one who sings with his tongue on fire 有人喉咙着火似地唱歌

Gargles in the rat race choir 像老鼠喝了漱口水的合唱班

Bent out of shape from society’s pliers 社会之钳将人扭曲

Cares not to come up any higher 关爱也无济于事 But rather get you down in the hole 先是你死

That he’s in 也比他亡好

But I mean no harm nor put fault 我不是将中伤或指责

On anyone that lives in a vault 施放在套中人身上

But it’s alright, Ma, if I can’t please him 没事 妈 我只是取悦不了他们

Old lady judges watch people in pairs 老太太观情侣

Limited in sex, they dare “性别有别 他们不敢”

To push fake morals, insult and stare 推动假道德,侮辱和凝视

While money doesn’t talk, it swears 钱从不说话 仅是诅咒

Obscenity, who really cares 淫秽 谁在乎

Propaganda, all is phony 宣传 是假的While them that defend what they cannot see 他们捍卫着看不见的东西

With a killer’s pride security 为了杀手的荣耀与安全

It blows the minds most bitterly 这强烈地震撼着他们的头脑

For them that think death’s honesty 因为他们认为仅有死亡是真实的Won't fall upon them naturally 这自然降临不到他们头上

Life sometimes must get lonely 生命有时终将孤独

My eyes collide head-on with stuffed 头部碰撞与-填充我的眼睛

Graveyards, false gods, I scuff 我被墓地与假神挫伤

At pettiness which plays so rough 事情虽小 却如此粗糙

Walk upside-down inside handcuffs 我倒立而行 却带着镣铐

Kick my legs to crash it off 将我腿踢到

Say okay I have had enough, what else can you show me? 我叫道 受够了 还有什么招使出来吧

And if my thought-dreams could be seen 若我的梦想 人人可见

They’d probably put my head in a guillotine 我一定被送上断头台

But it’s alright, Ma, it’s life, and life only 但是没事 妈 这就是生活

翻译:Mr.Tambourine Man

Hey!Mr.Tambourine Man, play a song for me, 嘿!铃鼓先生,为我奏一曲

I'm not sleepy and there is no place I'm going to.我尚未入眠,且无处可归

Hey!Mr.Tambourine Man, play a song for me, 嘿!铃鼓先生,为我奏一曲

In the jingle jangle morning I'll come followin' you.在这铿锵作响的早晨让我与你同去

Though I know that evenin's empire has returned into sand, 尽管我知道,黄昏的帝国早已归於尘土

Vanished from my hand, 自我的掌心消逝

Left me blindly here to stand but still not sleeping.留下我盲然在此伫立,却了无困意

My weariness amazes me, I'm branded on my feet, 我惊奇於自己的倦乏,我的双足俱已烙印

I have no one to meet 此地无人可遇

And the ancient empty street's too dead for dreaming.古远旷废的街道又过份死寂,不宜梦想

Hey!Mr.Tambourine Man, play a song for me, 嘿!铃鼓先生,为我奏一曲

I'm not sleepy and there is no place I'm going to.我尚未入眠,且无处可归

Hey!Mr.Tambourine Man, play a song for me, 嘿!铃鼓先生,为我奏一曲

In the jingle jangle morning I'll come followin' you.在这铿锵作响的早晨让我与你同去

Take me on a trip upon your magic swirlin' ship, 带我登上你魔样涡漩的帆船开始旅程吧

My senses have been stripped, my hands can't feel to grip, 我的知觉已被剥去,我的双手无法握紧

My toes too numb to step, wait only for my boot heels 足趾麻木难以起步,仅仅等待我的靴跟

To be wanderin'.游荡徘徊

I'm ready to go anywhere, I'm ready for to fade 无论如何我已准备离去,我已经打算消失

Into my own parade, cast your dancing spell my way, 匿身自己的行伍,对我施下你的舞咒蛊惑我的道路

I promise to go under it.我一定屈从它的魔力

Hey!Mr.Tambourine Man, play a song for me, 嘿!铃鼓先生,为我奏一曲

I'm not sleepy and there is no place I'm going to.我尚未入眠,且无处可归

Hey!Mr.Tambourine Man, play a song for me, 嘿!铃鼓先生,为我奏一曲

In the jingle jangle morning I'll come followin' you.在这铿锵作响的早晨让我与你同去

Though you might hear laughin', spinnin', swingin' madly 尽管你也许听见笑声,旋转著、疯狂地摆荡,across the sun, 越过烈阳

It's not aimed at anyone, it's just escapin' on the run 那并不针对任何人,只是漫长路途逸出的声响

And but for the sky there are no fences facin'.若非为了蓝天,也不会有围墙阻挡

And if you hear vague traces of skippin' reels of rhyme 要是你还听见模糊的印迹,韵脚跳跃旋转

To your tambourine in time, it's just a ragged clown behind, 与你的铃鼓唱和,那只是跟在身后,一个衣衫褴褛的小丑

I wouldn't pay it any mind, it's just a shadow you're 我并不在意,他捕捉的,只是

Seein' that he's chasing.你眼中的一抹影子

Hey!Mr.Tambourine Man, play a song for me, 嘿!铃鼓先生,为我奏一曲

I'm not sleepy and there is no place I'm going to.我尚未入眠,且无处可归

Hey!Mr.Tambourine Man, play a song for me, 嘿!铃鼓先生,为我奏一曲

In the jingle jangle morning I'll come followin' you.在这铿锵作响的早晨让我与你同去

Then take me disappearin' through the smoke rings of my mind, 然后带我消失罢,穿过我意识中的烟圈

Down the foggy ruins of time, far past the frozen leaves, 沈入时光深处雾气氤氲的废墟,远远越过冻僵的寒叶

The haunted, frightened trees, out to the windy beach, 穿出阴森悚栗的林木,来到多风的沙滩

Far from the twisted reach of crazy sorrow.与狂乱伤悲的扭曲界域,遥遥隔开

Yes, to dance beneath the diamond sky with one hand waving free 是的,在钻石的天空下起舞,一只手自在地挥呀挥

Silhouetted by the sea, circled by the circus sands, 侧影反衬著海水,四周是圆场的黄沙

With all memory and fate driven deep beneath the waves, 带著一切记忆与命运,一齐潜入翻涌的波涛之下

Let me forget about today until tomorrow.且让我忘记今日直到明天来临

Hey!Mr.Tambourine Man, play a song for me, 嘿!铃鼓先生,为我奏一曲

I'm not sleepy and there is no place I'm going to.我尚未入眠,且无处可归

Hey!Mr.Tambourine Man, play a song for me, 嘿!铃鼓先生,为我奏一曲 In the jingle jangle morning I'll come followin' you.在这铿锵作响的早晨让我与你同去

翻译:it's all over now, Baby Blue.by Bob Dylan

You must leave now, take what you need, you think will last.你现在必须离开,取走你觉得还能剩下的东西

But whatever you wish to keep, you better grab it fast.但是你想保存的东西你最好拼命抓住

Yonder stands your orphan with his gun, 在那边,你的孤儿持枪而立

Crying like a fire in the sun.象烈日中的火焰一样哭泣

Look out the saints are comin' through 留心,圣人已经来到

And it's all over now, Baby Blue.一切都结束了 忧郁宝贝

The highway is for gamblers, better use your sense.高速公路是为赌徒准备的 最好用好你的直觉

Take what you have gathered from coincidence.看好你从偶然中收集到的所得

The empty-handed painter from your streets 你街区中空手的画匠

Is drawing crazy patterns on your sheets.正在你的单上绘制疯狂的图案

This sky, too, is folding under you 天空也好似压迫在你的头上

And it's all over now, Baby Blue.一切都结束了 忧郁宝贝

All your seasick sailors, they are rolling home.你所有的晕船水手均已归家

All your empty-handed armies, are all going home.你所有的空手士兵也已归家

The lover who just walked out your door 你的爱人步出了你的门

Has taken all his blankets from the floor.也带走了她的所有

The carpet, too, is moving under you 地毯也好似离你而去

And it's all over now, Baby Blue.一切都结束了 忧郁宝贝

Leave your stepping stones behind, something calls for you.抛下你的踏脚石,有人在召唤你来

Forget the dead you've left, they will not follow you.忘却你的留下的遗骸,他们不会跟随你来

The vagabond who's rapping at your door 吟游者在你的门口说唱

Is standing in the clothes that you once wore.他们穿着你曾经的衣裳

Strike another match, go start a new 开始新的征程吧 从头再来

And it's all over now, Baby Blue.一切都结束了 忧郁宝贝



Once upon a time you dressed so fine 有那么个时候,你曾经衣着光鲜

You threw the bums a dime in your prime, didn't you? 你扔了个钢嘣儿给那些要饭的玩儿,带着优越感,有那么回事儿吧?

People'd call, say, “Beware doll, you're bound to fall” 人家跟你说, “嘿, 小妞儿, 你早晚会栽跟头的

”You thought they were all kiddin' you 你以为他们都是在跟你开玩笑

You used to laugh about你总是笑着应对

Everybody that was hangin' out 那些在街上无所事事的人

Now you don't talk so loud 现在呢, 现在你说话不那么大声了吧? Now you don't seem so proud 现在你看起来也不比他们值得骄傲,About having to be scrounging for your next meal.那些沿街行乞, 为了下一顿饭挣扎的人。

How does it feel你觉得怎么样?

How does it feel 你觉得怎么样?

To be without a home没家的滋味

Like a complete unknown 像个彻底无人问津的人。

Like a rolling stone? 像一粒滚动的石子。

You've gone to the finest school all right, Miss Lonely 没错,寂寞小姐,你上的是最好的学校

But you know you only used to get juiced in it 但是你知道吗,那段时间你只是在享受

And nobody has ever taught you how to live on the street 却没人教你怎么在街上混

And now you find out you're gonna have to get used to it 可是你现在明白了,你得自己学着应付了

You said you'd never compromise 你曾经说过,你决不妥协

With the mystery tramp, but now you realize对那此陌生的流浪汉,但是现在,你意识到了吧?

He's not selling any alibis 那家伙用不着找任何借

As you stare into the vacuum of his eyes 当你盯着他空虚冷漠的眼睛

And ask him do you want to make a deal? 问他,要做个交易吗?

How does it feel你觉得怎么样? How does it feel你觉得怎么样?

To be on your own孤身一人的滋味

With no direction home 没了家的方向

Like a complete unknown 也无人问津

Like a rolling stone? 像一粒滚动的石子。

You never turned around to see the frowns on the jugglers and the clowns你从来没有注意到他们背后的苦恼和挣扎,When they all come down and did tricks for you当那些小丑来逗你玩儿来搞笑的时候

You never understood that it ain't no good你从没意识到,这背后有什么问题

You shouldn't let other people get your kicks for you你实在不该让他们来帮你承受

You used to ride on the chrome horse with your diplomat你曾跨在镀得锃亮的摩托上,和你的情圣一起

Who carried on his shoulder a Siamese cat那家伙,肩膀上还卧着一只暹罗猫

Ain't it hard when you discover that你还不明白吗

He really wasn't where it's at他已经心不在焉了

After he took from you everything he could steal.当他把你身上能偷的都偷光了的时候

How does it feel你觉得怎么样?

How does it feel你觉得怎么样?

To be on your own 孤身一人的滋味

With no direction home 没了家的方向

Like a complete unknown也无人问津

Like a rolling stone? 像一粒滚动的石子

Princess on the steeple and all the pretty people高傲的王子,和所有那些漂亮的人们

They're drinkin', thinkin' that they got it made他们都喝着酒,琢磨着

Exchanging all kinds of precious gifts and things怎么能淘换到更值钱的玩意儿

But you'd better lift your diamond ring, you'd better pawn it babe但是你呢,你得把你的钻戒举起来,把它当了

You used to be so amused 你不是曾经还挺开心吗?

At Napoleon in rags and the language that he used当看着戏里走背字儿的拿破仑和他说的倒霉的话时。

Go to him now, he calls you, you can't refuse现在轮到你了,拿破仑在招呼你了,你无路可退了

When you got nothing, you got nothing to lose当你一无所有的时候,你也没什么可失去了

You're invisible now, you got no secrets to conceal.现在你已经透明了,已经没啥可隐瞒的了

How does it feel你觉得怎么样?

How does it feel你觉得怎么样?

To be on your own 孤身一人的滋味

With no direction home没了家的方向

Like a complete unknown 也无问人津

Like a rolling stone? 像一粒滚动的石子。

Ballad Of A Thin Man 瘦人之歌 翻译

You walk into the room 你走进房间

With your pencil in your hand 手里拿着铅笔

You see somebody naked 你看见一个赤身裸体的人

And you say, “Who is that man?” 你说,“那人是谁?”

You try so hard, but you don’t understand 你百思不得其解的是,Just what you’ll say, when you get home 当你回到家里,该说些什么

Because something is happening here 因为这里有些事正在发生 But you don’t know what it is 但你不知道是什么 Do you, Mister Jones? 是这样吗,琼斯先生?

You raise up your head 你抬起头

And you ask, “Is this where it is?” 你问,“那是在哪儿这是?” [这段对话看不明白是正常的] And somebody points to you and says 有人指着你对你说,“It’s his” “是他的”

And you say, “What’s mine?” 你说,“什么是我的?”

And somebody else says, “Where what is?” 另外一个人说,“什么是在哪?” And you say, “Oh my God 你说,“我的上帝,Am I here all alone?” 这儿就我一人吗?”

Because something is happening here But you don’t know what it is Do you, Mister Jones? [同上]

You hand in your ticket 你递上门票

And you go watch the geek 去看滑稽表演

Who immediately walks up to you 是谁一听见你说话,When he hears you speak 就立刻走到你跟前

And says, “How does it feel 对你说,To be such a freak?”

“成为一个变态的感觉如何啊?” And you say, “Impossible” 你说,“不可能”

As he hands you a bone 在他递给你一根骨头的时候

Because something is happening here But you don’t know what it is Do you, Mister Jones? [同上]

You have many contacts Among the lumberjacks 你与伐木工人来往密切 To get you facts 为了认清你的现实

When someone attacks your imagination 当有人责难你的想象力 But nobody has any respect 但是没有丝毫尊重

Anyway they already expect you 不管怎样他们都期待你 To just give a check 捐赠一张支票

To tax-deductible charity organizations 给免税慈善组织

You’ve been with the professors 你曾跟教授们在一起

And they’ve all liked your looks 并且他们都喜欢你的外表 With great lawyers you have 你们和那些大律师

Discussed lepers and crooks 讨论那些受蔑视的人和骗子 You’ve been through all of 你已经看完了全部的 F.Scott Fitzgerald’s books 斯科特·菲兹杰拉德的书 You’re very well read 你饱读诗书 It’s well known 这一点众所周知

Because something is happening here But you don’t know what it is Do you, Mister Jones? [同上]

Well, the sword swallower, he comes up to you 喔,那个吞剑者,他向你走来 And then he kneels 然后他跪下

He crosses himself 把自己洞穿

And then he clicks his high heels 他的高跟鞋哒哒地响 And without further notice 没有另行通告

He asks you how it feels 他问你感觉怎样

And he says, “Here is your throat back 并且说道,“这是你的咽喉,Thanks for the loan” 感谢你的贷款”

Because something is happening here But you don’t know what it is Do you, Mister Jones? [同上]

Now you see this one-eyed midget 现在你看这个独眼侏儒 Shouting the word “NOW” 大叫着“现在”

And you say, “For what reason?” 你说,“为什么理由?” And he says, “How?” 他说,“怎样?”

And you say, “What does this mean?” 你又说,“这是什么意思?”

And he screams back, “You’re a cow 他尖叫着回答,“你是头母牛,Give me some milk 结我些牛奶或别的什么 Or else go home” 好让我回家”

Because something is happening here But you don’t know what it is Do you, Mister Jones? [同上]

Well, you walk into the room 那么,你走进那个房间

Like a camel and then you frown 像只骆驼,然后你皱起眉头 You put your eyes in your pocket 你把你的眼睛放进口袋 And your nose on the ground 把你的鼻子放在地上 There ought to be a law 这里应该有一条法律 Against you comin’ around 反对你的到来

You should be made 你应该被确保 To wear earphones 戴上耳机

Because something is happening here But you don’t know what it is Do you, Mister Jones? [同上]

Desolation Row 荒凉小街

by Bob Dylan

They're selling postcards of the hanging 他们把那张处私刑绞死的照片当作明信片来卖

They're painting the passports brown 他们把护照都刷成了咖啡色

The beauty parlor is filled with sailors 美容院里挤满了水手

The circus is in town 马戏团也已巡游至此

Here comes the blind commissioner 这边厢来了位瞎子参议院

They've got him in a trance


One hand is tied to the tight-rope walker 一只手和一个走钢丝的人一起绑着

The other is in his pants 另一只手插在裤子里

And the riot squad they're restless **的队伍已经焦躁不安

They need somewhere to go 他们需要去某个新的地方

As Lady and I look out tonight from Desolation Row 女士与我,正向外望着,从这条荒凉小街。

Cinderella, she seems so easy 灰姑娘,看上去如此随意

“It takes one to know one,” she smiles “彼此彼此啦”,她微笑着说

And puts her hands in her back pocket 然后把双手插入后面的口袋

Bette Davis style


Then in comes Romeo, he's moaning


“You Belong to Me I Believe” “你是属于我的,我相信!”

Then someone says,“ You're in the wrong place, my friend ”朋友,你来错地方咯“,另一些人赶紧说,You better leave”


And the only sound that's left,After the ambulances go 当救护车已经远去,最后唯一剩下的声响

Is Cinderella sweeping up On Desolation Row


Now the moon is almost hidden 现在,月亮几乎已经没影了

The stars are beginning to hide 星星也开始躲了起来

The fortunetelling lady 那个算命的占卜女巫

Has even taken all her things inside 也已把她的鬼把戏都收拾妥当

All except for Cain and Abel 除了该隐和亚伯

And the hunchback of Notre Dame 和钟楼怪人卡西莫多

Everybody is making love 每个人都正忙着做爱

Or else expecting rain 或期待老天能下场雨

And the Good Samaritan, he's dressing


He's getting ready for the show 正为一个派对做着准备

He's going to the carnival tonight On Desolation Row


Ophelia, she's 'neath the window 奥菲利娅,她靠在窗前

For her I feel so afraid 对她我感到很害怕

On her twenty-second birthday 在她22岁生日的那天

She already is an old maid 已然变成了一个大龄的女仆

To her, death is quite romantic 死亡对她来说是那么地罗曼蒂克

She wears an iron vest 她穿着一件铁制的背心

Her profession's her religion 宗教信仰是她的职业

Her sin is her lifelessness 枯燥乏味却是她犯下的罪孽

And though her eyes are fixed upon 虽然她的双眸紧紧地凝视

Noah's great rainbow 诺亚的那道伟大的彩虹

She spends her time peeking Into Desolation Row


Einstein, disguised as Robin Hood 爱因斯坦把自己假扮成罗宾汉

With his memories in a trunk


Passed this way an hour ago 一个小时前刚刚路过这儿

With his friend, a jealous monk 带着他的朋友,一个嫉妒的和尚

Now he looked so immaculately frightful 他看上去如此彻底地胆战心惊

As he bummed a cigarette 当他乞讨一根香烟的时候

Then he went off sniffing drainpipes


And reciting the alphabet 并背诵起英语字母表来

You would not think to look at him 你甚至都不愿去瞧他一眼

But he was famous long ago


For playing the electric violin On Desolation Row 凭着在这条荒凉小街上,表演拉电子提琴

Dr.Filth, he keeps his world 费斯博士,把自己的世界

Inside of a leather cup 放在一只皮质的杯子里

But all his sexless patients 而他所有的性冷淡病人们

They are trying to blow it up 却都试着要把它炸掉

Now his nurse, some local loser 他的护士,某个当地的失意者

She's in charge of the cyanide hole 她负责看管放氰化物的洞口

And she also keeps the cards that read 同时还会保存着那些卡片

“Have Mercy on His Soul”

上面写着“愿上帝垂怜他的灵魂” They all play on the penny whistle 他们都会吹那种六孔小竖笛

You can hear them blow 你随时都可以听见他们的笛音

If you lean your head out far enough From Desolation Row 只要你伸出你的脑袋,足够远地,从那条荒凉小街。

Across the street they've nailed the curtains 过了大街,人们已经钉妥帘幕

They're getting ready for the feast 大家都在迎接一场盛宴

The Phantom of the Opera 那个歌剧院的幽灵

In a perfect image of a priest 打扮成一副完美的祭祀的模样

They are spoonfeeding Casanova 人们在一勺一勺地喂食卡萨诺瓦

To get him to feel more assured 让他感觉更加地明白

Then they'll kill him with self-confidence 然后他们会以自信的罪名杀害他

After poisoning him with words 而在那之前,先用语言来毒死他

Then the Phantom shouting to skinny girls 接着幽灵朝着皮包骨头的姑娘们咆哮:

“Get Outa Here If You Don't Know


Casanova is just being punished for going to Desolation Row”


At midnight all the agents And the superhuman crew 午夜,所有的特工们和超级人类联盟

Come out and round up everyone 四处围捕每一个

That knows more than they do 知道得比他们还多的人

Then they bring them to the factory 他们把他们带进工厂

Where the heart-attack machine 那里有台心脏撞击机

Is strapped across their shoulders 它被绑在捉来人们的肩膀上

And then the kerosene 然后是煤油

Is brought down from the castles 从城堡中流淌下来

By insurance men who go 某个保险推销员会去查看

Check to see that nobody is escaping,to Desolation Row 确定是否真的没人能够逃脱,去往那条荒凉小街

Praise be to Nero's Neptune 归功于尼禄的海神

The Titanic sails at dawn 泰坦尼克号在黎明时分启航

Everybody's shouting 每个人都在咋呼:

“Which Side Are You On?” “你到底是站在哪一边?” And Ezra Pound and T.S.Eliot 艾泽拉庞德与TS艾略特

Fighting in the captain's tower 在船长的暸望塔里掐起架来

While calypso singers laugh at them “加力骚”音乐的歌手们嘲笑着他们

And fishermen hold flowers 钓鱼者正手握着鲜花

Between the windows of the sea 在窗户之间的海洋上

Where lovely mermaids flow 可爱的美人鱼来回游弋

And nobody has to think too much about Desolation Row 没有人需要思考太多,关于那条荒凉小街

Yes, I received your letter yesterday 是的,我昨天收到了你的来信

About the time the door knob broke 门把手突然坏了

When you asked how I was doing 当你问到我最近如何的时候

Was that some kind of joke? 这算不算是一个笑话?

All these people that you mention 你提到的所有这些人们

Yes, I know them, they're quite lame 是的,我都认识,他们都瘸了 I had to rearrange their faces 我必须重新组合他们的面孔

And give them all another name 并各取一个新的名字

Right now I can't read too good 现在我并不怎么能阅读了

Don't send me no more letters no 请不要再给我寄信,不要再寄了

Not unless you mail them 除非,你是从

From Desolation Row


注释:(from 马世芳)

Cinderella: 灰姑娘,格林童话中的人物。

Bette Davis:(1908-1989)黑白片时期美国著名的女明星兼歌星,在媒体上素以直言不讳闻名。

Romeo: 莎士比亚《罗密欧与茱丽叶》爱情悲剧的男主角。

Cain and Abel: 该隐和亚伯,旧约圣经中亚当和夏娃的儿子,Cain杀死了弟弟Abel,成为人类史上第一桩弑亲血案,後来Cain便成为「杀兄弟者」的代名词。

The Hunchback of Notre Dame: 即法国作家雨果笔下的《钟楼怪人》故事主角。住在巴黎圣母院(即Notre Dame)钟楼上的一名驼背畸形人。

Good Samaritan: 新约圣经中,耶稣提到一位被强盗洗劫毒打的旅人,在奄奄一息之际无人愿意施以援手,最後是一位路过的撒玛利亚人救了他。

Ophelia: 莎士比亚《哈姆雷特》剧中王子的恋人,因为王子装疯,伤痛欲绝,遂投水自尽。

Noah's great rainbow: Noah即旧约圣经中,造方舟渡过大洪水的诺亚。水退之後,上帝以彩虹为封印,与诺亚立下圣约。

Einstein:(1879-1955)Albert Einstein,爱因斯坦,犹太裔德国物理学家,「相对论」的发现人,二十世纪影响人类最大的科学家之一。

Robin Hood: 罗宾汉,中世纪英国乡野传说中劫富济贫的绿林好汉。

penny whistle: 六孔小竖笛,通常为锡制,起源於英国,因价廉而得名。

Phantom of the Opera: 1925年电影《歌剧魅影》的主角,在1943年重新摄制,後来并改编为百老汇舞台剧,主角是一位被毁容的指挥家,藏身巴黎歌剧院的地下水道中筹划复仇。



Neptune: 希腊神话中的海神,在荷马史诗中,也掌管地震与海啸。

Titanic: 铁达尼号,人类史上最大的客轮,於1912年首航时沈没,1500人罹难。

Ezra Pound:(1885-1972)二十世纪影响最大的美国诗人之一,意象派(imagism)的创始者。T.S.Eliot在诗坛崭露头角时,他曾经帮过不少忙。

T.S.Eliot:(1888-1965)另一位对美国诗坛影响极大的诗人,有《荒原》、《四首四重奏》等名作。论者以为,Dylan的这首歌受到Eliot的名诗“The Love Song of J.Alfred Prufrock”颇多影响。Calypso: 荷马史诗中的海上女神。另一义为西印度群岛流行的「加力骚」歌曲,经常以时事为题材,风格诙谐逗趣。

Ezra Pound: 就是庞德吧,Neptune 纳普顿,Poseidon 波塞冬 在罗马神话里的名号。

Positively 4th Street 绝B就在第四街

Bob Dylan

You got a lotta nerve


To say you are my friend


When I was down


You just stood there grinning


You got a lotta nerve


To say you got a helping hand to lend


You just want to be on


The side that's winning


You say I let you down


You know it's not like that

但你明白不是那样的If you're so hurt


Why then don't you show it


You say you lost your faith


But that's not where it's at


You had no faith to lose


And you know it 你丫自己也知道

I know the reason 我知道是什么原因

That you talk behind my back 你老在背后说我

I used to be among the crowd 我原来混过的那帮人

You're in with 里面也有你在Do you take me for such a fool 别以为我那么傻

To think I'd make contact 想跟你们丫混

With the one who tries to hide 一个个把自己藏那么深

What he don't know to begin with 成天就知道装B

You see me on the street 你在街上碰到我

You always act surprised 总是装作很意外

You say, “How are you?“ “Good luck“


But you don't mean it 其实你根本不是那意思

When you know as well as me 当你知道你跟我一样

You'd rather see me paralyzed 宁愿看着对方完蛋

Why don't you just come out once 为什么你不马上跳出来

And scream it 冲我挑明了

No, I do not feel that good

不,我 一点也没觉得那种感觉有多好

When I see the heartbreaks you embrace 当我看着你伤心失意的时候

If I was a master thief


Perhaps I'd rob them


And now I know you're dissatisfied


With your position and your place


Don't you understand


It's not my problem


I wish that for just one time


You could stand inside my shoes


And just for that one moment


I could be you


Yes, I wish that for just one time


You could stand inside my shoes


You'd know what a drag it is


To see you


Rainy Day Women #12 & 35 歌手:Bob Dylan

Well, they'll stone you when you're trying to be so good 嗯,在你努力去变得更好的时候,他们会拿石头扔你

They'll stone you just like they said they would 他们会拿石头扔你,就像他们说会这样做

They'll stone you when you're tryna go home 当你想回家时,他们会拿石头扔你

Then they'll stone you when you're there all alone 当你一直孤独地在那里时,他们会拿石头扔你

But I would not feel so all alone 但我并不觉得自己是那么孤独

Everybody must get stoned 人人都会被石头扔

Well, they'll stone you when you're walkin' along the streets 嗯,当你走在街上时,他们会拿石头扔你

They'll stone you when you're tryna to keep your seat 当你想保住你的座位时,他们会拿石头扔你

They'll stone you when you're walkin' on the floor 当你走在地上时,他们会拿石头扔你

They'll stone you when you're walkin' to the door 当你走向门口时,他们会拿石头扔你

But I would not feel so all alone 但我并不觉得自己是那么孤独

Everybody must get stoned 人人都会被石头扔

They'll stone you when you're at the breakfast table 当你坐在早餐桌旁时,他们会拿石头扔你

They'll stone you when you are young and able 当你年轻有能力时,他们会拿石头扔你

They'll stone you when you're tryna to make a buck 当你想反抗时,他们会拿石头扔你

They'll stone you and then they'll say, “Good luck” 他们会拿石头扔你,然后说:“祝你好运~”

Tell ya what, I would not feel so all alone


Everybody must get stoned 人人都会被石头扔

Well, they'll stone you and say that it's the end 当你说“已经完了”时,他们会拿石头扔你

Then they'll stone you and then they'll come back again 之后他们会拿石头扔你,而且还会回来

They'll stone you when you're riding in your car 当你开着你的车子时,他们会拿石头扔你

They'll stone you when you're playing your guitar 当你弹着你的吉他时,他们会拿石头扔你

Yes, but I would not feel so all alone 是的,但我不觉得自己是那么孤独 Everybody must get stoned, alright 人人都会被石头扔,不是吗

Well, they'll stone you when you walk all alone 嗯,当你一个人走路时,他们会拿石头扔你

They'll stone you when you are walkin' home 当你走回家时,他们会拿石头扔你

They'll stone you and then say you are brave 他们会拿石头扔你,然后说你很勇敢

They'll stone you when you're set down in your grave 当你躺在坟墓里时,他们会拿石头扔你

But I would not feel so all alone 但我并不觉得自己是那么孤独

Everybody must get stoned 人人都会被石头扔

翻译:Just like a woman

Nobody feels any pain,Tonight as I stand inside the rain 今晚我站在雨中,没人感受到我的痛苦

Ev'rybody knows That Baby's got new clothes,But lately I see her ribbons and her bows Have fallen from her curls.别人都知道她买了新衣服,但她发际的丝带和蝴蝶结已经没了

She takes just like a woman, yes, she does 她像个女人一样打扮自己

She makes love just like a woman, yes, she does 她就像女人一样去恋爱

And she aches just like a woman 她就像女人一样去受伤

But she breaks just like a little girl.但她却像小女孩一样崩溃

Queen Mary, she's my friend 她就是我的朋友,Queen Mary Yes, I believe I'll go see her again 我会再去看望她

Nobody has to guess That Baby can't be blessed Till she sees finally that she's like all the rest 只有她发现自己没什么与众不同的,她才会得到自己的幸福

With her fog, her amphetamine and her pearls.她有过迷惑,她有过绝望,她也有过值得珍藏的东西

She takes just like a woman, yes, she does 她像个女人一样打扮自己 She makes love just like a woman, yes, she does 她就像女人一样去恋爱

And she aches just like a woman 她就像女人一样去受伤

But she breaks just like a little girl.但她却像小女孩一样崩溃

It was raining from the first And I was dying there of thirst 第一次为了爱情而绝望地站在雨中

So I came in here And your long-time curse hurts 于是我来了 只为听你伤人的谩骂

But what's worse ,Is this pain in here ,I can't stay in here 更惨的是 此地弥漫着苦楚 我早已不愿停留

Ain't it clear that? I just can't fit 够清楚了吗?我真的无法承受

Yes, I believe it's time for us to quit 我想是时候分手了

When we meet again, Introduced as friends, Please don't let on that you knew me 当我们再次遇见彼此,像朋友一样被介绍的时候,请不要说出事实

when I was hungry and it was your world.当我需要你的时候,你在哪里

You fakes just like a woman, yes, she does 她像个女人一样打扮自己

You make love just like a woman, yes, she does 她就像女人一样去恋爱

And you ache just like a woman 她就像女人一样去受伤

But you break just like a little girl.但她却像小女孩一样崩溃

All along the watchtower 沿着瞭望塔

“There must be some way out of here,” said the joker to the thief, “There's too much confusion, I can't get no relief.Businessmen, they drink my wine, plowmen dig my earth, None of them along the line know what any of it is worth.” “这里一定有出路,”小丑对小偷说,“现在实在太乱,我可轻松不来。


“No reason to get excited,” the thief, he kindly spoke, “There are many here among us who feel that life is but a joke.But you and I, we've been through that, and this is not our fate, So let us not talk falsely now, the hour is getting late.” “没什么可兴奋的,”小偷,他侃侃而谈,“咱们之间好多人只觉得,生活是个玩笑。


All along the watchtower, princes kept the view

While all the women came and went, barefoot servants, too.Outside in the distance a wildcat did growl,Two riders were approaching, the wind began to howl.沿着瞭望塔方向,王子注视远方,女人们来来回回,仆人还打着赤脚。


shelter from the storm 风雨中的避难所

’Twas in another lifetime, one of toil and blood

When blackness was a virtue and the road was full of mud I came in from the wilderness, a creature void of form Come in,” she said, “I’ll give you shelter from the storm”





And if I pass this way again, you can rest assured I’ll always do my best for her, on that I give my word

In a world of steel-eyed death, and men who are fighting to be warm “Come in,” she said, “I’ll give you shelter from the storm”





Not a word was spoke between us, there was little risk involved Everything up to that point had been left unresolved Try imagining a place where it’s always safe and warm “Come in,” she said, “I’ll give you shelter from the storm”





I was burned out from exhaustion, buried in the hail Poisoned in the bushes an’ blown out on the trail Hunted like a crocodile, ravaged in the corn

“Come in,” she said, “I’ll give you shelter from the storm”





Suddenly I turned around and she was standin’ there

With silver bracelets on her wrists and flowers in her hair

She walked up to me so gracefully and took my crown of thorns “Come in,” she said, “I’ll give you shelter from the storm”





Now there’s a wall between us, somethin’ there’s been lost I took too much for granted, got my signals crossed Just to think that it all began on a long-forgotten morn

“Come in,” she said, “I’ll give you shelter from the storm”

如今藩篱高筑,感觉尽失 我事事想当然,脑筋错乱



Well, the deputy walks on hard nails and the preacher rides a mount But nothing really matters much, it’s doom alone that counts And the one-eyed undertaker, he blows a futile horn

“Come in,” she said, “I’ll give you shelter from the storm”


活着已没有意义,仿佛毁灭才算正道 还有那独眼的掘墓人,吹起徒劳的号角


I’ve heard newborn babies wailin’ like a mournin’ dove And old men with broken teeth stranded without love

Do I understand your question, man, is it hopeless and forlorn? “Come in,” she said, “I’ll give you shelter from the storm”





In a little hilltop village, they gambled for my clothes I bargained for salvation an’ they gave me a lethal dose I offered up my innocence and got repaid with scorn

“Come in,” she said, “I’ll give you shelter from the storm”





Well, I’m livin’ in a foreign country but I’m bound to cross the line Beauty walks a razor’s edge, someday I’ll make it mine If I could only turn back the clock to when God and her were born “Come in,” she said, “I’ll give you shelter from the storm”





Tangled up in blue 纠缠在忧郁当中

Early one mornin' the sun was shinin'

I was layin' in bed wond'rin' if she'd changed at all , if her hair was still red



Her folks they said our lives together Sure was gonna be rough



They never did like Mama's homemade dress Papa's bankbook wasn't big enough



And I was standin' on the side of the road Rain fallin' on my shoes



Heading out for the East Coast

Lord knows I've paid some dues gettin' through



Tangled up in blue 心乱如麻啊

She was married when we first met Soon to be divorced



I helped her out of a jam, I guess But I used a little too much force



We drove that car as far as we could Abandoned it out West



Split up on a dark sad night Both agreeing it was best



She turned around to look at me As I was walkin' away



I heard her say over my shoulder

“We'll meet again someday on the avenue.”



Tangled up in blue 心乱如麻啊

I had a job in the great north woods Working as a cook for a spell

我原本在大兴安岭打工挣钱 当个厨子有好一段时间

But I never did like it all that much And one day the ax just fell



So I drifted down to New Orleans Where I was lucky to be employed



Workin' for a while on a fishin' boat Right outside of Delacroix.在渔船上又干了一段


But all the while I was alone The past was close behind



I seen a lot of women

But she never escaped my mind, and I just grew



Tangled up in blue 心乱如麻啊

She was workin' in a topless place And I stopped in for a beer



I just kept lookin' at the side of her face In the spotlight so clear



And later on as the crowd thinned out I's just about to do the same



She was standing there in back of my chair Said to me, “Don't I know your name?”



I muttered somethin' underneath my breath She studied the lines on my face



I must admit I felt a little uneasy

When she bent down to tie the laces of my shoe



Tangled up in blue 心乱如麻啊

She lit a burner on the stove and offered me a pipe

“I thought you'd never say hello,” she said,“You look like the silent type.”



Then she opened up a book of poems And handed it to me


又递给了我 Written by an Italian poet from the thirteenth century And every one of them words rang true And glowed like burnin' coal




Pourin' off of every page

Like it was written in my soul from me to you



Tangled up in blue 心乱如麻啊

I lived with them on Montague Street In a basement down the stairs



There was music in the cafes at night And revolution in the air



Then he started into dealing with slaves And something inside of him died



She had to sell everything she owned And froze up inside



And when finally the bottom fell out I became withdrawn



The only thing I knew how to do

Was to keep on keepin' on like a bird that flew



Tangled up in blue 心乱如麻啊

So now I'm goin' back again I got to get to her somehow



All the people we used to know They're an illusion to me now



Some are mathematicians Some are carpenter's wives



Don't know how it all got started

I don't know what they're doin' with their lives


But me, I'm still on the road Headin' for another joint



We always did feel the same

We just saw it from a different point of view



Tangled up in blue 唉,心乱如麻啊

Knocking on Heaven's Door

written & first proformed by Bob Dylan 敲着天堂的门

Mama ,take this badge from me 妈妈,把我的警章拿掉

I can't use it anymore 我再也不能将它示人

It's getting dark too dark to see 天太黑什么都看不到

Feels like I'm knockin' on heaven's door 感觉我在敲着天堂的门

Knock-knock-knockin' on heaven's door 咚咚敲着天堂门

Knock-knock-knockin' on heaven's door 咚咚敲着天堂门

Knock-knock-knockin' on heaven's door 咚咚敲着天堂门

Knock-knock-knockin' on heaven's door 咚咚敲着天堂门

Mama,put my guns in the ground 妈妈,把我的枪埋到土里

I can't shoot them anymore我不能再干掉那些恶人

That cold black cloud is comin' down 那冰冷乌云就要落地

Feels like I'm knockin' on heaven's door 我感觉在敲着天堂的门

Knock-knock-knockin' on heaven's door 咚咚敲着天堂门

Knock-knock-knockin' on heaven's door 咚咚敲着天堂门

Knock-knock-knockin' on heaven's door 咚咚敲着天堂门

Knock-knock-knockin' on heaven's door 咚咚敲着天堂门

翻译:Forever Young

May God bless and keep you always 愿上帝保佑你,与你同在May your wishes all come true 愿你的梦想全都成真

May you always do for others 愿你为别人付出

And let others do for you 别人也能同样为你

May you build a ladder to the stars 愿你能建成通向繁星的天梯

And climb on every rung 沿着它向上一级一级

May you stay forever young 愿你永远年轻

Forever young, forever young 永远年轻,永远年轻

May you stay forever young 愿你永远年轻

May you grow up to be righteous 愿你成为正直的人

May you grow up to be true 能找到真实的自己

May you always know the truth 愿你一直感知到真理

And see the lights surrounding you 看到光芒围绕着你

May you always be courageous 愿你永远无所畏惧

Stand upright and be strong 永远勇敢和坚强

May you stay forever young 愿你永远年轻

Forever young, forever young 永远年轻,永远年轻

May you stay forever young 愿你永远年轻

May your hands always be busy 愿你的双手永远充实

May your feet always be swift 愿你脚步永远轻盈

May you have a strong foundation 愿你能牢牢站稳

When the winds of changes shift 在疾风袭来之时

May your heart always be joyful 愿你的心中永远充满快乐

May your song always be sung 愿你的歌曲能永远唱响

May you stay forever young 愿你永远年轻

Forever young, forever young 永远年轻,永远年轻

May you stay forever young 愿你永远年轻

Shooting Star 流星

Seen a shooting star tonight And I thought of you.You were trying to break into another world A world I never knew.I always kind of wondered If you ever made it through.Seen a shooting star tonight And I thought of you.今夜我见到一颗流星








Seen a shooting star tonight And I thought of me.If I was still the same

If I ever became what you wanted me to be Did I miss the mark or Over-step the line

That only you could see? Seen a shooting star tonight And I thought of me.今夜我见到一颗流星









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    鲍勃〃迪伦Bob Dylan 生日:1941年5月24日 星座:双子 原名:罗伯特〃艾伦〃齐默曼(Robert Allen Zimmerman) 身份:有重要影响力的美国唱作人,民谣歌手,音乐家,诗人。 代表:《答案......


    无国界妇产科医生“蒋励”,朗读鲍勃迪伦《答案在风中飘扬》 《朗读者》的用意在于重温文学作品并传递正能量,倡导良好的价值观。 很感人,但主要来源于文学作品所散发出的魅力,......


    答案在风中飘荡 诺贝尔文学奖今年颁布给鲍勃·迪伦,我对此毫无感觉。 我知道他很有名,也知道几首他出名的歌词,很棒。但让我凭借几句歌词对他的文学才华下一个评价,我没这个能力......


    答案在风中飘荡 反复吟诵着鲍勃迪伦的这首诗。 答案在风中飘荡,答案在风中飘荡„„还是这首诗,鲍勃迪伦在吟唱,他在苦苦追寻心中的答案,答案在风中飘荡。他是何等的困惑与无奈,几......




    答案在风中飘荡作文一 战争,自从人类开始在地球上生存,战争就随之而来。战争,其实人类的战争就是在毁灭自己。从古至今,世界上每一处都燃起过战争的销烟,为什么我们不能和和气气......




    鲍勃·迪伦:独立叛逆的游吟诗人 2016年10月13日下午一点,在瑞典斯德哥尔摩,瑞典文学院常任秘书萨拉・达尼乌斯宣布,将2016年诺贝尔文学奖授予美国音乐人兼作家鲍勃・迪伦。瑞......