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2010年10月4日,中国国务院总理温家宝在布鲁塞尔出席第八届亚欧首脑会议开幕式并致辞。全文如下: 推动亚欧合作进程深入向前发展共同推动世界经济增长。应加强宏观经济政策协调,审慎把握经济刺激政策退出的时机和节奏,保持主要国际储备货币汇率相对稳定,巩固和扩大业已取得的成果,促进世界经济稳定复苏。同时,要着眼长远,推动经济结构性改革,逐步消除系统性、结构性风险,提高财政可持续性,增强经济内生增长动力。

First, we must work together to promote world economic growth.We should intensify macroeconomic policy coordination, manage with caution the timing and pace of an exit strategy from economic stimulus, and keep the exchange rates of major reserve currencies relatively stable.We should build on our achievements to ensure steady recovery of the world economy.At the same time, it is important to think for the long run.We need to promote economic restructuring, gradually remove the systemic and structural risks, enhance fiscal sustainability, and build internal drivers of economic growth.共同应对重大全球性挑战。要坚持“共同但有区别的责任”原则,携手应对气候变化挑战。统筹兼顾经济发展和环境保护,积极开展清洁能源和节能环保领域合作,推动发展绿色经济。要树立和落实互利合作、多元发展、协同保障的新能源安全观,稳定能源价格,防止过度投机,保障各国特别是发展中国家的能源需求。要携手打击恐怖主义和海盗袭击活动,维护亚欧海上运输安全和正常贸易往来。要加强防灾减灾领域合作,相互学习借鉴,降低自然灾害对人民生命财产的威胁。

Third, we must work together to address major global challenges.We must make concerted efforts to meet the climate challenge under the principle of common but differentiated responsibilities.We should pay equal attention to economic development and environmental protection, actively engage in cooperation in clean energy, energy conservation and environmental protection, and develop a green economy.We should foster and follow a new energy security concept that calls for win-win cooperation, diverse forms of development and common energy security through coordinated supply.It is important to stabilize energy prices, curb excessive speculation and ensure energy supply to all countries, developing countries in particular.We must jointly fight terrorism and piracy to maintain maritime transport safety and normal trade between Asia and Europe.We need to strengthen

cooperation and learn from each other in disaster preparedness and reduction so as to minimize the threat of natural disasters to the lives and property of our people.共同维护亚欧地区和平与稳定。欧亚大陆历史上饱受战火蹂躏,我们比任何人都深知和平的可贵。亚欧会议成员奉行多边主义,是维护世界和平与稳定的重要力量。我们应恪守联合国宪章宗旨和原则,密切政治交往和战略协作,增进相互理解和信任。应大力倡导以和为贵的理念,坚持以和平方式解决地区热点问题,平息动荡,消弭战乱,为实现长期繁荣奠定基础。

Fifth, we must work together to uphold peace and stability in Asia and Europe.The people of Asia and Europe value peace most, because our continent was repeatedly ravaged by wars in the past.ASEM partners believe in multilateralism and are important forces for the maintenance of world peace and stability.We should adhere to the purposes and principles of the Charter of the United Nations, intensify political interactions and strategic coordination, and enhance mutual understanding and trust.We should vigorously advocate a philosophy that values peace above everything else, seek peaceful solutions to regional hot-spot issues, put an end to turmoil and warfare, and lay the foundation for long-term prosperity.中国是亚欧合作的坚定倡导者和推动者。亚欧会议成立以来,中国以最坚定的态度推动各方开展政治对话、经贸合作、文化交流,促进求同存异,凝聚共识。中国深入参与并推动亚欧各领域务实合作,主办了近40项亚欧会议活动,倡议亚欧开启科技、中小企业、环境、海关、司法、反恐等合作新领域,拓展了亚欧合作空间。为进一步推动亚欧务实合作,我愿代表中国政府在此提出四项新倡议:一是建立“亚欧水资源研究和利用中心”,通过科技合作共同提高水资源管理能力,促进亚欧国家可持续发展。二是举办第二届亚欧交通部长会议,深化亚欧交通运输领域合作,便利双方人员及货物往来;三是举办亚欧森林可持续管理应对气候变化高级研讨会,推动亚欧林业务实合作。四是举办亚欧职业技术教育研讨会,加强亚欧在提高劳动者素质方面的交流与合作。今后,中国将继续为巩固和深化亚欧新型伙伴关系贡献力量。

China is firmly committed to Asia-Europe cooperation.Since the inception of ASEM, China has shown strong resolve to encourage political dialogue, economic cooperation and cultural exchanges among the partners.Our aim is to seek common ground while reserving differences and build consensus.China is fully engaged in Asia-Europe practical cooperation across the board.We have held nearly 40 ASEM events, and we proposed cooperation between Asia and Europe in such areas as science and technology, small and medium-sized enterprises, the environment, customs, justice and counter-terrorism in order to open up new horizons for Asia-Europe cooperation.To further facilitateAsia-Europe practical cooperation, I wish to make the following four-point proposal on behalf of the Chinese government: First, establish the ASEM Water Resource Research and Development Center to enhance our water resources management capacity and promote sustainable

development through cooperation in related science and technology.Second, convene the Second ASEM Transport Ministers'Meeting and deepen Asia-Europe transport cooperation to facilitate the flow of people and goods.Third, hold the ASEM High-level Forum on Sustainable Forestry Management to Address Climate Change and push forward practical cooperation in forestry.And fourth, hold the ASEM Symposium on Technical and Vocational Education to strengthen our exchanges and cooperation in improving the knowledge and skills of workers.Going forward, China will continue to contribute its share to strengthening and deepening the new Asia-Europe partnership.各位同事: Dear Colleagues, 14年亚欧合作的经验证明,信任源于交流,合作带来共赢。面对国际金融危机的严重冲击,我们风雨同舟,患难与共。在世界经济复苏的道路上,我们要和衷共济,携手并进。让我们共同努力,开创亚欧繁荣和谐的美好未来!

The past 14 years of cooperation between Asia and Europe has demonstrated that trust comes from dialogue and cooperation leads to win-win outcomes.In the face of the severe international financial crisis, we pulled together and acted in unity.On the way toward global economic recovery, we must continue to help each other and move forward hand-in-hand.Let us work together to shape a prosperous and harmonious future for Asia and Europe.谢谢大家!Thank you.国庆阅兵主席讲话稿(中英文对照)


Fellow countrymen, comrades and friends,今天,我们隆重集会,庆祝中华人民共和国成立60周年。在这个喜庆而又庄严的时刻,全国各族人民都为伟大祖国的发展进步感到无比自豪,都对实现中华民族伟大复兴的光明前景充满信心。

Today, we hold a grand celebration to mark the 60th anniversary of the founding of the People's Republic of China.At this cheerful and solemn moment, people from all over the country's ethnic groups are extremely proud of our great nation's development and progress and are confident of the Chinese nation's bright prospect on the road to revival.在这里,我代表党中央、全国人大、国务院、全国政协和中央军委,向一切为


On behalf of the CPC Central Committee, the National People's Congress, the State Council, the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference and the Central Military Commission, I hereby pay tribute to all the revolutionary pioneers of older generations and martyrs who made great contributions to realizing national independence and liberation of the people, the country's prosperity and strength and happy life of the people.I send warm congratulations to people from all ethnic groups in the country and patriotic compatriots from home and abroad, and express heartfelt thanks to the friends from other countries who care about and support China's development.60年前的今天,中国人民经过近代以来100多年的浴血奋战终于夺取了中国革命的伟大胜利,毛泽东主席在这里向世界庄严宣告了中华人民共和国的成立。中国人民从此站起来了,具有5000多年文明历史的中华民族从此进入了发展进步的历史新纪元。

Sixty years ago on this day, the Chinese people achieved great victory of the Chinese revolution after more than one hundred years of blooded struggle.It was here that Chairman Mao Zedong solemnly declared to the world the founding of the People's Republic of China.At that moment, the Chinese people stood up and the Chinese nation with over 5,000 years of civilization began a new page of development and progress in history.60年来,在以毛泽东同志、邓小平同志、*同志为核心的党的三代中央领导集体和党的十六大以来的党中央领导下,勤劳智慧的我国各族人民同心同德、艰苦奋斗,战胜各种艰难曲折和风险考验,取得了举世瞩目的伟大成就,谱写了自强不息的壮丽凯歌。今天,一个面向现代化、面向世界、面向未来的社会主义中国巍然屹立在世界东方。

In the past sixty years, with the three generations of Party leadership with Comrade Mao Zedong, Comrade Deng Xiaoping and Comrade Jiang Zemin as a core, and with the leadership of the Central Committee formed after the 16th National Congress of the CPC, with hard work and wisdom of all ethnic groups of the country, the Chinese people have joined hands to overcome the great hardship and made great contributions that have been recognized by the world, and proved our perseverance and endurance.Today, a socialist China is standing firm in the east as marching towards modernization, embracing the world and future.新中国60年的发展进步充分证明,只有社会主义才能救中国,只有改革开放才能发展中国、发展社会主义、发展马克思主义。中国人民有信心、有能力建设

The sixty year's of development of New China has proved that only socialism can save China, only reform and opening up can develop China, develop socialism and develop Marxism.The Chinese people are confident and are capable of building our own country and make due contributions to the world.我们将坚定不移坚持中国特色社会主义道路,全面贯彻执行党的基本理论、基本路线、基本纲领、基本经验,继续解放思想,坚持改革开放,推动科学发展,促进社会和谐,推进全面建设小康社会进程,不断开创中国特色社会主义事业新局面、谱写人民美好生活新篇章。

We will unswervingly follow our path on socialism with Chinese characteristics and comprehensively implement the ruling party's basic theory, basic line, basic program and basic experience.We will maintain our policies of emancipating our thoughts, of reform and opening-up, pushing forward scientific development and promote social harmony.We will push forward the process of comprehensively building a moderately well-off society, turning new pages in the endeavor of socialism with Chinese characteristics, and opening new chapters in making the people's life better.我们将坚定不移坚持“和平统一、一国两制”的方针,保持香港、澳门长期繁荣稳定,推动海峡两岸关系和平发展,继续为实现祖国完全统一这一中华民族的共同心愿而奋斗。

We will stick to the policy of “peaceful reunification” and “one country, two systems” to help Hong Kong and Macao remain prosperous and stable, to seek peaceful development of cross-strait relations, and to work for the complete reunification of the motherland, which is the common aspiration of the Chinese nation.我们将坚定不移坚持独立自主的和平外交政策,坚持和平发展道路,奉行互利共赢的开放战略,在和平共处五项原则基础上同所有国家发展友好合作,继续同世界各国人民一道推进人类和平与发展的崇高事业,推动建设持久和平、共同繁荣的和谐世界。

We will unswervingly maintain an independent foreign policy of peace.We will follow a path of peaceful development.We will seek a strategy of win-win cooperation based on the five cardinal Principles of Peaceful Co-existence.We will develop friendly relations and cooperation with all nations.We join hands with the people from all over the world in pushing forward the lofty cause of making the world more peaceful and progressive and building a harmonious world of long-lasting peace and prosperity.中国人民解放军和人民武装警察部队要发扬光荣传统,加强自身建设,切实履


The Chinese People's Liberation Army and People's Armed Police Force should uphold their glorious traditions, build up their own strength and fulfill their missions practically so as to make new contributions to safeguarding national sovereignty, security and territorial integrity, as well as world peace.历史启示我们,前进道路从来不是一帆风顺的,但掌握了自己命运、团结起来的人民必将战胜一切艰难险阻,不断创造历史伟业。

History has shown us that the road ahead may not always be as smooth as what we expect.But the Chinese people who are united and are masters of the destiny will overcome all difficulties and obstacles and will continue to create great historic undertakings.展望未来,中国的发展前景无限美好。全党全军全国各族人民要更加紧密地团结起来,高举中国特色社会主义伟大旗帜,与时俱进,锐意进取,继续朝着建设富强民主文明和谐的社会主义现代化国家、实现中华民族伟大复兴的宏伟目标奋勇前进,继续以自己的辛勤劳动和不懈奋斗为人类作出新的更大的贡献!Look forward to the future, we envision bright prospect for China's development.The whole Party, the army and people of all ethnic groups will unite more closely, holding up the great banner of building a socialism with Chinese characteristics, and advance with the times and with enterprising spirit.Let's continue to build up socialist modern nation with prosperity, democracy and harmony, move forward to realize the great goal of rejuvenation of the Chinese nation and make new great contributions to the well being of humanity with our diligent work and unremitting efforts.伟大的中华人民共和国万岁!伟大的中国共产党万岁!伟大的中国人民万岁!

Long live the great People's Republic of China!Long live the great Communist Party of China!Long live the great Chinese people!



Mr.Herman Van Rompuy, President of the European Council, Mr.Yves Leterme, Prime Minister of Belgium, Dear Colleagues,很高兴与大家相聚在布鲁塞尔。感谢东道主比利时为本届会议所做的周到安排。借此机会,我还要对澳大利亚、新西兰、俄罗斯加入亚欧会议表示热烈欢迎。

It gives me great pleasure to meet you here in Brussels.I want to thank our host Belgium for the thoughtful arrangements.I also want to express a warm welcome to Australia, New Zealand and Russia, our new ASEM partners.2008年10月,正当国际金融危机全面爆发、迅速蔓延之际,我们在北京举行第七届亚欧首脑会议,发表关于国际金融形势的声明,向世界发出了坚定信心、共迎挑战的有力信号。两年来,亚欧国家与国际社会一道,同舟共济,共克时艰,积极应对国际金融危机,取得了明显成效。虽然各国经济复苏的进程有快有慢,复苏的动力有强有弱,但总的看,世界经济已经步入缓慢复苏的轨道。我们也清醒地看到,国际金融危机的深层次影响还没有完全消除,一些国家失业率居高不下,经济增长明显乏力,一些国家主权债务风险增加,世界经济复苏前景还存在较大的不确定性。值此关键时刻,亚欧会议成员国领导人相聚在一起,共同探讨促进世界经济强劲、可持续复苏的大计,具有十分重要的意义。

In October 2008, when a full-blown international financial crisis was breaking out and spreading fast, we held the Seventh ASEM Summit in Beijing and issued a statement on the international financial situation.It sent a strong message to the world that all of us would come together and rise to the challenge with great confidence.Over the past two years, countries in Asia and Europe and around the world have made concerted efforts to counter the financial crisis, and achieved notable results.Today, although the pace and momentum of recovery vary from country to country,the world economy as a whole is slowly recovering.We are soberly aware of the many uncertainties existing in this process.The underlying impacts of the international financial crisis are yet to be removed, and there are countries plagued by such problems as high unemployment,sluggish growth or rising sovereign debt risks.It is therefore highly significant for ASEM leaders to gather together at this critical juncture and explore ways to achieve a strong and sustainable recovery of the world economy.当前,亚欧合作站在了一个新的历史起点上,面临着新的发展机遇。亚洲人口众多,市场潜力巨大,是目前全球经济增长最快和最具活力的地区。欧盟是全球最大的经济体,科技先进,市场成熟,在很多方面引领世界潮流。随着澳大利亚、新西兰和俄罗斯的加入,亚欧会议成员国在地缘上东西贯通,真正成为一个紧密相联的利益共同体。48个成员人口和贸易额约占世界的60%,经济总量超过世界的50%,亚欧合作的份量和作用进一步提升,合作的空间和前景更加广阔。我们要把握机遇,顺应形势,从战略高度和长远角度不断扎实推进亚欧合作进程:

ASEM cooperation now stands at a new historical starting point and faces new development opportunities.Asia has a large population and huge market potential.It is the fastest-growing and most vibrant region in the global economy.The EU is the world’s largest economy with advanced science and technology and a well-developed market.It is a world trendsetter in many fields.With the joining of Australia, New Zealand and Russia,ASEM partners have formed a close-knit community of interests, covering the entire Eurasian continent from east to west.The 48 ASEM partners account for about 60% of the world’s population and trade and over 50% of the global economy.This has made Asia-Europe cooperation all the more important and its scope even broader.We must seize the opportunities, keep up with the times, and take solid steps to advance Asia-Europe cooperation from a strategic and long-term perspective.——共同推动世界经济增长。应加强宏观经济政策协调,审慎把握经济刺激政策退出的时机和节奏,保持主要国际储备货币汇率相对稳定,巩固和扩大业已取得的成果,促进世界经济稳定复苏。同时,要着眼长远,推动经济结构性改革,逐步消除系统性、结构性风险,提高财政可持续性,增强经济内生增长动力。

First, we must work together to promote world economic growth.We should intensify macroeconomic policy coordination, manage with caution the timing and pace of an exit strategy from economic stimulus, and keep the exchange rates of major reserve currencies relatively stable.We should build on our achievements to ensure steady recovery of the world economy.At the same time, it is important to think for the long run.We need to promote economic restructuring, gradually remove the systemic and structural risks, enhance fiscal sustainability, and build internal drivers of economic growth.——共同推动国际经济金融体系改革。推动国际经济治理改革,是正本清源的根本举措。应探索建立更为有效的世界经济治理机制,完善国际金融机构决策程序和机制,增加发展中国家的代表性和发言权,促进各方更加广泛参与,充分照顾各方的利益和关切。要加强国际金融监管合作。坚决倡导和支持自由贸易,旗帜鲜明地反对保护主义,推动多哈回合谈判以现有案文为基础,早日达成合理、平衡的结果。

Second, we must work together to reform the international economic and financial systems.Global economic governance reform is of fundamental importance in overcoming the financial crisis, and we must explore ways to establish a more effective global economic governance system.We need to improve the decision-making process and mechanism of the international financial institutions, increase the representation and voice of developing countries, encourage wider participation, and fully accommodate each other’s interests and concerns.We should step up cooperation on international financial supervision and regulation.We must be steadfast in advocating and supporting free trade, resolutely oppose protectionism, and work for early, equitable and balanced outcomes of the Doha Round negotiations on the basis of the existing text.——共同应对重大全球性挑战。要坚持“共同但有区别的责任”原则,携手应对气候变化挑战。统筹兼顾经济发展和环境保护,积极开展清洁能源和节能环保领域合作,推动发展绿色经济。要树立和落实互利合作、多元发展、协同保障的新能源安全观,稳定能源价格,防止过度投机,保障各国特别是发展中国家的能源需求。要携手打击恐怖主义和海盗袭击活动,维护亚欧海上运输安全和正常贸易往来。要加强防灾减灾领域合作,相互学习借鉴,降低自然灾害对人民生命财产的威胁。

Third, we must work together to address major global challenges.We must make concerted efforts to meet the climate challenge under the principle of common but differentiated responsibilities.We should pay equal attention to economic development and environmental protection, actively engage in cooperation in clean energy, energy conservation and environmental protection, and develop a green economy.We should foster and follow a new energy security concept that calls for win-win cooperation, diverse forms of development and common energy security through coordinated supply.It is important to stabilize energy prices, curb excessive speculation and ensure energy supply to all countries, developing countries in particular.We must jointly fight terrorism and piracy to maintain maritime transport safety and normal trade between Asia and Europe.We need to strengthen cooperation and learn from each other in disaster preparedness and reduction so as to minimize the threat of natural disasters to the lives and property of our people.——共同促进世界文明交流互鉴。文化交流与融合是人类社会发展进步的重要力量源泉。历史上亚欧两大文明相互学习和借鉴,东学西渐和西学东渐循环往复,促进了欧亚文明的共同繁荣进步。要充分尊重文明和宗教信仰的多样性和差异性,尊重各国不同发展模式和自主选择发展道路的权利,倡导兼容并蓄,取长补短,和谐共处。要继续加强对亚欧基金的支持,推动其在亚欧学术、文化、人员交流方面发挥更大作用。

Fourth, we must work together to facilitate exchanges and mutual learning among civilizations.Cultural exchanges play an important role in advancing human progress.There is a long tradition of mutual learning between the Asian and European civilizations.Both the Eastern learning spreading westward and the Western learning spreading eastward have contributed to the prosperity and progress of the two civilizations.There exist diverse civilizations and religious beliefs.We should embrace such diversity and respect their difference.We must also respect different development models and the right of all countries to independently choose their development paths.We should promote inclusiveness, draw on each other’s strength and live in harmony.It is necessary to give stronger support to the Asia-Europe Foundation and enable it to play an even bigger role in strengthening academic,cultural and people-to-people exchanges between Asia and Europe.——共同维护亚欧地区和平与稳定。欧亚大陆历史上饱受战火蹂躏,我们比任何人都深知和平的可贵。亚欧会议成员奉行多边主义,是维护世界和平与稳定的重要力量。我们应恪守联合国宪章宗旨和原则,密切政治交往和战略协作,增进相互理解和信任。应大力倡导以和为贵的理念,坚持以和平方式解决地区热点问题,平息动荡,消弭战乱,为实现长期繁荣奠定基础。

Fifth, we must work together to uphold peace and stability in Asia and Europe.The people of Asia and Europe value peace most, because our continent was repeatedly ravaged by wars in the past.ASEM partners believe in multilateralism and are important forces for the maintenance of world peace and stability.We should adhere to the purposes and principles of the Charter of the United Nations, intensify political interactions and strategic coordination, and enhance mutual understanding and trust.We should vigorously advocate a philosophy that values peace above everything else,seek peaceful solutions to regional hot-spot issues, put an end to turmoil and warfare, and lay the foundation for long-term prosperity.中国是亚欧合作的坚定倡导者和推动者。亚欧会议成立以来,中国以最坚定的态度推动各方开展政治对话、经贸合作、文化交流,促进求同存异,凝聚共识。中国深入参与并推动亚欧各领域务实合作,主办了近40项亚欧会议活动,倡议亚欧开启科技、中小企业、环境、海关、司法、反恐等合作新领域,拓展了亚欧合作空间。为进一步推动亚欧务实合作,我愿代表中国政府在此提出四项新倡议:一是建立“亚欧水资源研究和利用中心”,通过科技合作共同提高水资源管理能力,促进亚欧国家可持续发展。二是举办第二届亚欧交通部长会议,深化亚欧交通运输领域合作,便利双方人员及货物往来;三是举办亚欧森林可持续管理应对气候变化高级研讨会,推动亚欧林业务实合作。四是举办亚欧职业技术教育研讨会,加强亚欧在提高劳动者素质方面的交流与合作。今后,中国将继续为巩固和深化亚欧新型伙伴关系贡献力量。

China is firmly committed to Asia-Europe cooperation.Since the inception of ASEM, China has shown strong resolve to encourage political dialogue,economic cooperation and cultural exchanges among the partners.Our aim is to seek common ground while reserving differences and build consensus.China is fully engaged in Asia-Europe practical cooperation across the board.We have held nearly 40 ASEM events,and we proposed cooperation between Asia and Europe in such areas as science and technology, small and medium-sized enterprises,the environment, customs, justice and counter-terrorism in order to open up new horizons for Asia-Europe cooperation.To further facilitateAsia-Europe practical cooperation, I wish to make the following four-point proposal on behalf of the Chinese government: First, establish the ASEM Water Resource Research and Development Center to enhance our water resources management capacity and promote sustainable development through cooperation in related science and technology.Second, convene the Second ASEM Transport Ministers’Meeting and deepen Asia-Europe transport cooperation to facilitate the flow of people and goods.Third, hold the ASEM High-level Forum on Sustainable Forestry Management to Address Climate Change and push forward practical cooperation in forestry.And fourth, hold the ASEM Symposium on Technical and Vocational Education to strengthen our exchanges and cooperation in improving the knowledge and skills of workers.Going forward, China will continue to contribute its share to strengthening and deepening the new Asia-Europe partnership.各位同事:

Dear Colleagues,14年亚欧合作的经验证明,信任源于交流,合作带来共赢。面对国际金融危机的严重冲击,我们风雨同舟,患难与共。在世界经济复苏的道路上,我们要和衷共济,携手并进。让我们共同努力,开创亚欧繁荣和谐的美好未来!

The past 14 years of cooperation between Asia and Europe has demonstrated that trust comes from dialogue and cooperation leads to win-win outcomes.In the face of the severe international financial crisis, we pulled together and acted in unity.On the way toward global economic recovery, we must continue to help each other and move forward hand-in-hand.Let us work together to shape a prosperous and harmonious future for Asia and Europe.谢谢大家!

Thank you.原文链接:http://


中华人民共和国国务院总理 温家宝


















2010年10月4日,中国国务院总理温家宝在布鲁塞尔出席第八届亚欧首脑会议开幕式并致辞。全文如下: 推动亚欧合作进程深入向前发展共同推动世界经济增长。应加强宏观经济政策协调,审慎把握经济刺激政策退出的时机和节奏,保持主要国际储备货币汇率相对稳定,巩固和扩大业已取得的成果,促进世界经济稳定复苏。同时,要着眼长远,推动经济结构性改革,逐步消除系统性、结构性风险,提高财政可持续性,增强经济内生增长动力。

First, we must work together to promote world economic growth.We should intensify macroeconomic policy coordination, manage with caution the timing and pace of an exit strategy from economic stimulus, and keep the exchange rates of major reserve currencies relatively stable.We should build on our achievements to ensure steady recovery of the world economy.At the same time, it is important to think for the long run.We need to promote economic restructuring, gradually remove the systemic and structural risks, enhance fiscal sustainability, and build internal drivers of economic growth.共同应对重大全球性挑战。要坚持“共同但有区别的责任”原则,携手应对气候变化挑战。统筹兼顾经济发展和环境保护,积极开展清洁能源和节能环保领域合作,推动发展绿色经济。要树立和落实互利合作、多元发展、协同保障的新能源安全观,稳定能源价格,防止过度投机,保障各国特别是发展中国家的能源需求。要携手打击恐怖主义和海盗袭击活动,维护亚欧海上运输安全和正常贸易往来。要加强防灾减灾领域合作,相互学习借鉴,降低自然灾害对人民生命财产的威胁。

Third, we must work together to address major global challenges.We must make concerted efforts to meet the climate challenge under the principle of common but differentiated responsibilities.We should pay equal attention to economic development and environmental protection, actively engage in cooperation in clean energy, energy conservation and environmental protection, and develop a green economy.We should foster and follow a new energy security concept that calls for win-win cooperation, diverse forms of development and common energy security through coordinated supply.It is important to stabilize energy prices, curb excessive speculation and ensure energy supply to all countries, developing countries in particular.We must jointly fight terrorism and piracy to maintain maritime transport safety and normal trade between Asia and Europe.We need to strengthen cooperation and learn from each other in disaster preparedness and reduction so as to minimize the threat of natural disasters to the lives and property of our people.共同维护亚欧地区和平与稳定。欧亚大陆历史上饱受战火蹂躏,我们比任何人都深知和平的可贵。亚欧会议成员奉行多边主义,是维护世界和平与稳定的重要力量。我们应恪守联合国宪章宗旨和原则,密切政治交往和战略协作,增进相互理解和信任。应大力倡导以和为贵的理念,坚持以和平方式解决地区热点问题,平息动荡,消弭战乱,为实现长期繁荣奠定基础。

Fifth, we must work together to uphold peace and stability in Asia and Europe.The people of Asia and Europe value peace most, because our continent was repeatedly ravaged by wars in the past.ASEM partners believe in multilateralism and are important forces for the maintenance of world peace and stability.We should adhere to the purposes and principles of the Charter of the United Nations, intensify political interactions and strategic coordination, and enhance mutual understanding and trust.We should vigorously advocate a philosophy that values peace above everything else, seek peaceful solutions to regional hot-spot issues, put an end to turmoil and warfare, and lay the foundation for long-term prosperity.中国是亚欧合作的坚定倡导者和推动者。亚欧会议成立以来,中国以最坚定的态度推动各方开展政治对话、经贸合作、文化交流,促进求同存异,凝聚共识。中国深入参与并推动亚欧各领域务实合作,主办了近40项亚欧会议活动,倡议亚欧开启科技、中小企业、环境、海关、司法、反恐等合作新领域,拓展了亚欧合作空间。为进一步推动亚欧务实合作,我愿代表中国政府在此提出四项新倡议:一是建立“亚欧水资源研究和利用中心”,通过科技合作共同提高水资源管理能力,促进亚欧国家可持续发展。二是举办第二届亚欧交通部长会议,深化亚欧交通运输领域合作,便利双方人员及货物往来;三是举办亚欧森林可持续管理应对气候变化高级研讨会,推动亚欧林业务实合作。四是举办亚欧职业技术教育研讨会,加强亚欧在提高劳动者素质方面的交流与合作。今后,中国将继续为巩固和深化亚欧新型伙伴关系贡献力量。

China is firmly committed to Asia-Europe cooperation.Since the inception of ASEM, China has shown strong resolve to encourage political dialogue, economic cooperation and cultural exchanges among the partners.Our aim is to seek common ground while reserving differences and build consensus.China is fully engaged in Asia-Europe practical cooperation across the board.We have held nearly 40 ASEM events, and we proposed cooperation between Asia and Europe in such areas as science and technology, small and medium-sized enterprises, the environment, customs, justice and counter-terrorism in order to open up new horizons for Asia-Europe cooperation.To further facilitateAsia-Europe practical cooperation, I wish to make the following four-point proposal on behalf of the Chinese government: First, establish the ASEM Water Resource Research and Development Center to enhance our water resources management capacity and promote sustainable development through cooperation in related science and technology.Second, convene the Second ASEM Transport Ministers'Meeting and deepen Asia-Europe transport cooperation to facilitate the flow of people and goods.Third, hold the ASEM High-level Forum on Sustainable Forestry Management to Address Climate Change and push forward practical cooperation in forestry.And fourth, hold the ASEM Symposium on Technical and Vocational Education to strengthen our exchanges and cooperation in improving the knowledge and skills of workers.Going forward, China will continue to contribute its share to strengthening and deepening the new Asia-Europe partnership.各位同事: Dear Colleagues, 14年亚欧合作的经验证明,信任源于交流,合作带来共赢。面对国际金融危机的严重冲击,我们风雨同舟,患难与共。在世界经济复苏的道路上,我们要和衷共济,携手并进。让我们共同努力,开创亚欧繁荣和谐的美好未来!

The past 14 years of cooperation between Asia and Europe has demonstrated that trust comes from dialogue and cooperation leads to win-win outcomes.In the face of the severe international financial crisis, we pulled together and acted in unity.On the way toward global economic recovery, we must continue to help each other and move forward hand-in-hand.Let us work together to shape a prosperous and harmonious future for Asia and Europe.谢谢大家!Thank you.


温家宝在第八届亚欧首脑会议开幕式上的致辞(全文)2010年10月05日01:35 来源:人民网



推动亚欧合作进程深入向前发展 ——在第八届亚欧首脑会议开幕式上的致辞

中华人民共和国国务院总理 温家宝(2010年10月4日,比利时布鲁塞尔)


















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