第一篇:第十一届世界华商大会 李显龙总理开幕致辞
第十一届世界华商大会 李显龙总理开幕致辞(全文)
自1991年以来,世界经济形势发生了根本的变化。科技的突破对经济活动和商业模式产生深远的影响;亚洲经济也翻了几番,使世界经济重心逐渐从西方移向东方。对个别的企业而言,这是个适者生存的世界。美国《财富》杂志每年发布世界500强(Fortune Global 500)名单,20年前排行榜上的许多企业,今天已经走向没落,甚至消失了。取而代之的,是不少新型的、前所未见的企业。在这全新的形势下,今年的华商大会着重讨论“新格局”和“新动力”,是十分合贴切和有意义的。
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The Chinese Entrepreneur Diaspora
Although the WCEC is only 20 years old, it honours a centuries-old phenomenon.Way back in the 2nd century B.C., during the Han dynasty, Chinese envoys explored the Western Regions – the Central Asian lands far west of China, and traders opened the Silk Road to trade with Rome.Later, from the Song dynasty a thousand years ago, overseas Chinese communities sprung up all over Southeast Asia.In the last two centuries, Chinese emigrated to every continent in the world, often to work as labourers in plantations, railroads, or mines.Wherever they went, Chinese communities thrived.They shared a culture of hard work and thrift, and focused on preserving family ties and educating their children.Many worked their way up from poor beginnings to become successful businessmen.They may not have had good family backgrounds, or much education, but they had native ability and drive, keen business instincts and the resilience to overcome setbacks.Often, prominent businessmen became community leaders and philanthropists, helping to organise the local community and contributing to society in many ways.This was especially true in Southeast Asia, where Chinese communities got together to support one another in areas where colonial governments were unable to assist.For instance, in Singapore, successful businessmen like Tan Kah Kee, Lee Kong Chian and Tan Tock Seng set up schools, hospitals and other public institutions which remain till this day.The same happened in many other countries.Although Chinese settled down around the world, their identities, family ties and loyalties often remained with China.They not only supported families back home, but also political causes in China.For instance, overseas Chinese played an important part in the 1911 Chinese Revolution.In the last years of the Qing dynasty, Chinese communities and businesses all around the Pacific Rim, as far away as Hawaii and San Francisco, supported Sun Yat Sen and the Tong Meng Hui.They set up offices around the world and donated funds to the uprisings.Some overseas Chinese returned to China to fight the hated Manchus and were martyred.These included Chinese from Singapore, whose contributions and those of the Singaporean Chinese community will be displayed in the Sun Yat Sen Villa when it re-opens on Saturday.In the Sino-Japan war too, overseas Chinese communities raised funds and rallied to support the motherland, which for them was China.Over time, the sense of identity of overseas Chinese communities has changed.The international context has altered.In an age of nation states, overseas Chinese are citizens of the countries they belong to, and see themselves as such;their national loyalties take precedence over ethnic identities.Thus Singaporean Chinese, after decades of nation-building and living in a multi-cultural society, see themselves as Singaporeans first, and ethnic Chinese second.Singaporean Chinese have become quite different from Chinese from China or other countries.As a result, new immigrants or foreign workers who are ethnic Chinese but who are new to Singapore take a while to adjust to our norms.But one thing remains unchanged – many ethnic Chinese are still successful entrepreneurs, and we are happy to welcome many of you here to this convention.New Global Environment, New Chinese Enterprise, New Impetus
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The global environment is continuing to evolve.China’s rapid growth and transformation will continue for many more years.In the three decades since Deng Xiaoping launched his policy of reform and liberalisation in 1978, China has lifted more than 600 million of its people out of poverty, and become the second-largest economy in the world with a GDP of US$5 trillion.China’s role in the world will continue to grow.As China’s economy develops, new Chinese enterprises are emerging.More are becoming large established companies with significant international operations.For instance, the number of Chinese companies in the Fortune Global 500 list has increased from 12 to 61 in the last 10 years.Other Chinese companies may not be as international, but they dominate their domestic markets, such as baidu.com in China.Many other small Chinese companies are starting up, hoping to one day join the ranks of successful MNCs.Chinese entrepreneurs have played an important role in China’s modernisation and development.Ethnic Chinese capital from around the world provided initial investments for new industries.Overseas Chinese linked up international Chinese businesses with contacts in China, perhaps in their ancestral provinces or cities.In the process, they both drew upon and built up guanxi with their fellow Chinese around the world.Outside China, the global economy is going through a difficult period.The US faces major fiscal difficulties and bitter political gridlock.The EU’s debt crisis reflects deep structural problems regarding the future of the Eurozone.Japan’s economic weakness and political problems continue to hamper its development.The large international trade and fiscal imbalances that contributed to the global economic crisis have not gone away.But not everything is doom and gloom.Notwithstanding their present difficulties, the US, EU and Japan are powerful economies, with sophisticated technology, advanced R&D and large markets.It will take China many years to catch up with them, and they will remain major players on the global economy for a long time to come.In Southeast Asia, ASEAN member countries are enjoying steady growth.They are conscious of the competition posed by China and India, and are enhancing their competitiveness through regional integration among ASEAN countries, as well as Free Trade Agreements with their main trading partners.With a combined population of 500 million people and a growing middle-class, ASEAN countries offer many opportunities for businesses.In addition, new technologies are creating new opportunities.They are fundamentally altering the business landscape and restructuring jobs and entire industries.They have increased connectivity, shrunk global supply chains and opened new markets.It is a dynamic environment, which favours nimble and creative companies.Entrepreneurship will be at a premium.All entrepreneurs know that the best opportunities are found in the most difficult situations.Thus, it is all the more important for entrepreneurs to stay optimistic, discern hidden possibilities and pursue their business ideas passionately.Your success will not only benefit yourselves, but will help to rejuvenate economies and create a brighter future for everyone.Within this new environment, Singapore will continue to seek to stand out as a key node in the global marketplace.Entrepreneurs and companies can take advantage of our cultural diversity, world-class business
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infrastructure and connections as a Global-Asia hub to grow and prosper.We aim to make Singapore a useful partner to Chinese entrepreneurs all around the world and succeed together with all of you.Looking ahead, what role can Chinese entrepreneurs play in this new environment? I offer three suggestions – enhancing links, modernising companies, and strengthening communities.Firstly, Chinese entrepreneurs can continue enhancing their links with one another.Chinese entrepreneurs are located all over the world, from US and Australia to Africa and Latin America, and have adapted to their respective local contexts.At the same time, they maintain ties with other Chinese entrepreneurs around the world by their common cultures and values.This global network is a strategic resource for Chinese entrepreneurs everywhere, as it is for other diasporas which have been successful in business, such as the Jews and Sindhis.However, Chinese entrepreneurs cannot rely on guanxi alone for success.In China itself, guanxi has been particularly important.But as China opens up more to the world, and as more Chinese travel and operate overseas, they will have a wider choice of partners and networks to work with, be it for funding, business collaborations or access to new markets.This is already happening.Hence, Chinese entrepreneurs have to upgrade themselves and raise their game to remain useful and to keep their market positions.Secondly, Chinese entrepreneurs should strive to build modern and professional businesses.Many Chinese companies start out as family-owned enterprises, but such a basis for a business has its limits.Relying on family members makes it difficult to scale the business, for example to manage subsidiaries or overseas offices.Succession is often an issue, beyond the founding generation.It also makes it hard to compete against global businesses that hire and promote the best talent from all over the world, regardless of family ties.Beyond a certain point as companies grow and expand, the family structure no longer works.These businesses have to adopt a more systematic and professional structure, including hiring talent from around the world, appointing them to key positions and establishing a more institutionalised HR system.Sometimes the founders are reluctant to do so as they fear “losing control” over their business, but this is a necessary step for the company to compete internationally and be truly world-class.One company which has made this leap is Huawei Technologies.Founded in 1988, Huawei’s founders realised that to succeed, Huawei would have to benchmark its processes and systems to world-class companies.It hired IBM Consulting to revamp its HR, IT, Finance and R&D systems when it began to internationalise, and learnt Western management systems to enhance its competitiveness.Today, Huawei is a Fortune Global 500 company.That is the way to go.Finally, Chinese entrepreneurs should strengthen links with their local communities.They should go beyond merely growing the business, to share their success with the communities they belong to, and contribute to the societies that enabled them to succeed.In today’s globalised world, when the gap between winners and losers is wider, having a social conscience is particularly important, both for individuals and for firms.Successful entrepreneurs and businesses which help others through philanthropy or community work will enhance their standing with the local community, and help gain them goodwill that is crucial for the long term.4 / 5
Conventions like the WCEC are very useful to exploring these issues.I am glad that several of these topics will be discussed at the Convention’s plenaries and learning journeys.Beyond these sessions, I also hope that participants will make use of every opportunity to interact informally, strengthen their networks and pursue new business opportunities with one another.I wish all participants a fruitful Convention, and I now declare the 11th World Chinese Entrepreneurs Convention open.5 / 5
The Chinese Entrepreneur Diaspora
Although the WCEC is only 20 years old, it honours a centuries-old phenomenon.Way back in the 2nd century B.C., during the Han dynasty,Chinese envoys explored the Western Regions – the Central Asian lands far west of China, and traders opened the Silk Road to trade with Rome.Later, from the Song dynasty a thousand years ago, overseas Chinese communities sprung up all over Southeast Asia.In the last two centuries, Chinese emigrated to every continent in the world, often to work as labourers in plantations, railroads, or mines.Wherever they went, Chinese communities thrived.They shared a culture of hard work and thrift, and focused on preserving family ties and educating their children.Many worked their way up from poor beginnings to become successful businessmen.They may not have had good family backgrounds, or much education, but they had native ability and drive, keen business instincts and the resilience to overcome setbacks.Often, prominent businessmen became community leaders and philanthropists, helping to organise the local community and contributing to society in many ways.This was especially true in Southeast Asia, where Chinese communities got together to support one another in areas where colonial governments were unable to assist.For instance, in Singapore, successful businessmen like Tan Kah Kee, Lee Kong Chian and Tan Tock Seng set up schools, hospitals and other public institutions which remain till this day.The same happened in many other countries.Although Chinese settled down around the world, their identities, family ties and loyalties often remained with China.They not only supported families back home, but also political causes in China.For instance, overseas Chinese played an important part in the 1911 Chinese Revolution.In the last years of the Qing dynasty, Chinese communities and businesses all around the Pacific Rim, as far away as Hawaii and San Francisco, supported Sun Yat Sen and the Tong Meng Hui.They set up offices around the world and donated funds to the uprisings.Some overseas Chinese returned to China to fight the hated Manchus and were martyred.These included Chinese from Singapore, whose contributions and those of the Singaporean Chinese community will be displayed in the Sun Yat Sen Villa when it re-opens on Saturday.In the Sino-Japan war too, overseas
Chinese communities raised funds and rallied to support the motherland, which for them was China.Over time, the sense of identity of overseas Chinese communities has changed.The international context has altered.In an age of nation states, overseas Chinese are citizens of the countries they belong to, and see
themselves as such;their national loyalties take precedence over ethnic identities.Thus Singaporean Chinese, after decades of nation-building and living in a multi-cultural society, see themselves as Singaporeans first, and ethnic Chinese second.Singaporean Chinese have become quite different from Chinese from China or other countries.As a result, new immigrants or foreign workers who are ethnic Chinese but who are new to Singapore take a while to adjust to our norms.But one thing remains unchanged – many ethnic Chinese are still successful entrepreneurs, and we are happy to welcome many of you here to this convention.New Global Environment, New Chinese Enterprise, New Impetus
The global environment is continuing to evolve.China’s rapid growth and transformation will continue for many more years.In the three decades since Deng Xiaoping launched his policy of reform and liberalisation in 1978, China has lifted more than 600 million of its people out of poverty, and become the second-largest economy in the world with a GDP of US$5 trillion.China’s role in the world will continue to grow.As China’s economy develops, new Chinese enterprises are emerging.More are becoming large established companies with significant international operations.For instance, the number of Chinese companies in the Fortune Global 500 list has increased from 12 to 61 in the last 10 years.Other Chinese
companies may not be as international, but they dominate their domestic markets, such as baidu.com in China.Many other small Chinese companies are starting up, hoping to one day join the ranks of successful MNCs.Chinese entrepreneurs have played an important role in China’s modernisation and development.Ethnic Chinese capital from around the world provided initial investments for new industries.Overseas Chinese linked up international Chinese businesses with contacts in China, perhaps in their ancestral provinces or cities.In the process, they both drew upon and built up guanxi with their fellow Chinese around the world.US faces major fiscal difficulties and bitter political gridlock.The EU’s debt crisis reflects deep structural problems regarding the future of the Eurozone.Japan’s economic weakness and political problems continue to hamper its development.The large international trade and fiscal imbalances that contributed to the global economic crisis have not gone away.But not everything is doom and gloom.Notwithstanding their present difficulties, the US, EU and Japan are powerful economies, with sophisticated technology, advanced R&D and large markets.It will take China many years to catch up with them, and they will remain major players on the global economy for a long time to come.In Southeast Asia, ASEAN member countries are enjoying steady growth.They are conscious of the competition posed by China and India, and are enhancing their competitiveness through regional integration among ASEAN countries, as well as Free Trade Agreements with their main trading partners.With a combined population of 500 million people and a growing middle-class, ASEAN countries offer many opportunities for businesses.In addition, new technologies are creating new opportunities.They are fundamentally altering the business landscape and restructuring jobs and entire industries.They have increased connectivity, shrunk global supply chains and opened new markets.It is a dynamic environment, which favours nimble and creative companies.Entrepreneurship will be at a premium.All entrepreneurs know that the best opportunities are found in the most difficult situations.Thus, it is all the more important for entrepreneurs to stay optimistic, discern hidden possibilities and pursue their business ideas passionately.Your success will not only benefit yourselves, but will help to rejuvenate economies and create a brighter future for everyone.Within this new environment, Singapore will continue to seek to stand out as a key node in the global marketplace.Entrepreneurs and companies can take advantage of our cultural diversity, world-class business infrastructure and connections as a Global-Asia hub to grow and prosper.We aim to make Singapore a useful partner to Chinese entrepreneurs all around the world and succeed together with all of you.environment? I offer three suggestions – enhancing links, modernising companies, and strengthening communities.Firstly, Chinese entrepreneurs can continue enhancing their links with one another.Chinese entrepreneurs are located all over the world, from US and Australia to Africa and Latin America, and have adapted to their respective local contexts.At the same time, they maintain ties with other Chinese entrepreneurs around the world by their common cultures and values.This global network is a strategic resource for Chinese entrepreneurs everywhere, as it is for other
diasporas which have been successful in business, such as the Jews and Sindhis.However, Chinese entrepreneurs cannot rely on guanxi alone for success.In China itself, guanxi has been particularly important.But as China opens up more to the world, and as more Chinese travel and operate overseas, they will have a wider choice of partners and networks to work with, be it for funding, business collaborations or access to new markets.This is already happening.Hence, Chinese entrepreneurs have to upgrade themselves and raise their game to remain useful and to keep their market positions.Secondly, Chinese entrepreneurs should strive to build modern and professional businesses.Many Chinese companies start out as family-owned enterprises, but such a basis for a business has its limits.Relying on family members makes it difficult to scale the business, for example to manage subsidiaries or overseas offices.Succession is often an issue, beyond the founding generation.It also makes it hard to compete against global businesses that hire and promote the best talent from all over the world, regardless of family ties.Beyond a certain point as companies grow and expand, the family structure no longer works.These businesses have to adopt a more systematic and professional structure, including hiring talent from around the world, appointing them to key positions and establishing a more institutionalised HR system.Sometimes the founders are reluctant to do so as they fear “losing control” over their business, but this is a necessary step for the company to compete internationally and be truly world-class.One company which has made this leap is Huawei Technologies.Founded in 1988, Huawei’s founders realised that to succeed, Huawei would have to
benchmark its processes and systems to world-class companies.It hired IBM Consulting to revamp its HR, IT, Finance and R&D systems when it began to internationalise, and learnt Western management systems to enhance its competitiveness.Today, Huawei is a Fortune Global 500 company.That is the way to go.Finally, Chinese entrepreneurs should strengthen links with their local communities.They should go beyond merely growing the business, to share their success with the communities they belong to, and contribute to the societies that enabled them to succeed.In today’s globalised world, when the gap between winners and losers is wider, having a social conscience is particularly important, both for individuals and for firms.Successful entrepreneurs and businesses which help others through philanthropy or community work will enhance their standing with the local community, and help gain them goodwill that is crucial for the long term.Conclusion
Conventions like the WCEC are very useful to exploring these issues.I am glad that several of these topics will be discussed at the Convention’s plenaries and learning journeys.Beyond these sessions, I also hope that participants will make use of every opportunity to interact informally, strengthen their networks and pursue new business opportunities with one another.I wish all participants a fruitful Convention, and I now declare the 11th World Chinese Entrepreneurs Convention open.
The Chinese Entrepreneur Diaspora
Although the WCEC is only 20 years old, it honours a centuries-old phenomenon.Way back in the 2nd century B.C., during the Han dynasty, Chinese envoys explored the Western Regions – the Central Asian lands far west of China, and traders opened the Silk Road to trade with Rome.Later, from the Song dynasty a thousand years ago, overseas Chinese communities sprung up all over Southeast Asia.In the last two centuries, Chinese emigrated to every continent in the world, often to work as labourers in plantations, railroads, or mines.Wherever they went, Chinese communities thrived.They shared a culture of hard work and thrift, and focused on preserving family ties and educating their children.Many worked their way up from poor beginnings to become successful businessmen.They may not have had good family backgrounds, or much education, but they had native ability and drive, keen business instincts and the resilience to overcome setbacks.Often, prominent businessmen became community leaders and philanthropists, helping to organise the local community and contributing to society in many ways.This was especially true in Southeast Asia, where Chinese communities got together to support one another in areas where colonial governments were unable to assist.For instance, in Singapore, successful businessmen like Tan Kah Kee, Lee Kong Chian and Tan Tock Seng set up schools, hospitals and other public institutions which remain till this day.The same happened in many other countries.Although Chinese settled down around the world, their identities, family ties and loyalties often remained with China.They not only supported families back home, but also political causes in China.For instance, overseas Chinese played an important part in the 1911 Chinese Revolution.In the last years of the Qing dynasty, Chinese communities and businesses all around the Pacific Rim, as far away as Hawaii and San Francisco, supported Sun Yat Sen and the Tong Meng Hui.They set up offices around the world and donated funds to the uprisings.Some overseas Chinese returned to China to fight the hated Manchus and were martyred.These included Chinese from Singapore, whose contributions and those of the Singaporean Chinese community will be displayed in the Sun Yat Sen Villa when it re-opens on Saturday.In the Sino-Japan war too, overseas
Chinese communities raised funds and rallied to support the motherland, which for them was China.Over time, the sense of identity of overseas Chinese communities has changed.The international context has altered.In an age of nation states, overseas Chinese are citizens of the countries they belong to, and see themselves as such;their national loyalties take precedence over ethnic identities.Thus Singaporean Chinese, after decades of nation-building and living in a multi-cultural society, see themselves as Singaporeans first, and ethnic Chinese second.Singaporean Chinese have become quite different from Chinese from China or other countries.As a result, new immigrants or foreign workers who are ethnic Chinese but who are new to Singapore take a while to adjust to our norms.But one thing remains unchanged – many ethnic Chinese are still successful entrepreneurs, and we are happy to welcome many of you here to this convention.New Global Environment, New Chinese Enterprise, New Impetus
The global environment is continuing to evolve.China’s rapid growth and transformation will continue for many more years.In the three decades since Deng Xiaoping launched his policy of reform and liberalisation in 1978, China has lifted more than 600 million of its people out of poverty, and become the second-largest economy in the world with a GDP of US$5 trillion.China’s role in the world will continue to grow.As China’s economy develops, new Chinese enterprises are emerging.More are becoming large established companies with significant international operations.For instance, the number of Chinese companies in the Fortune Global 500 list has increased from 12 to 61 in the last 10 years.Other Chinese companies may not be as international, but they dominate their domestic markets, such as baidu.com in China.Many other small Chinese companies are starting up, hoping to one day join the ranks of successful MNCs.Chinese entrepreneurs have played an important role in China’s modernisation and development.Ethnic Chinese capital from around the world provided initial investments for new industries.Overseas Chinese linked up international Chinese businesses with contacts in China, perhaps in their ancestral provinces or cities.In the process, they both drew upon and built up guanxi with their fellow Chinese around the world.Outside China, the global economy is going through a difficult period.The US faces major fiscal difficulties and bitter political gridlock.The EU’s debt crisis reflects deep structural problems regarding the future of the Eurozone.Japan’s economic weakness and political problems continue to hamper its development.The large international trade and fiscal imbalances that contributed to the global economic crisis have not gone away.But not everything is doom and gloom.Notwithstanding their present difficulties, the US, EU and Japan are powerful economies, with sophisticated technology, advanced R&D and large markets.It will take China many years to catch up with them, and they will remain major players on the global economy for a long time to come.In Southeast Asia, ASEAN member countries are enjoying steady growth.They are conscious of the competition posed by China and India, and are enhancing their competitiveness through regional integration among ASEAN countries, as well as Free Trade Agreements with their main trading partners.With a combined population of 500 million people and a growing middle-class, ASEAN countries offer many opportunities for businesses.In addition, new technologies are creating new opportunities.They are fundamentally altering the business landscape and restructuring jobs and entire industries.They have increased connectivity, shrunk global supply chains and opened new markets.It is a dynamic environment, which favours nimble and creative companies.Entrepreneurship will be at a premium.All entrepreneurs know that the best opportunities are found in the most difficult situations.Thus, it is all the more important for entrepreneurs to stay optimistic, discern hidden possibilities and pursue their business ideas passionately.Your success will not only benefit yourselves, but will help to rejuvenate economies and create a brighter future for everyone.Within this new environment, Singapore will continue to seek to stand out as a key node in the global marketplace.Entrepreneurs and companies can take advantage of our cultural diversity, world-class business infrastructure and connections as a Global-Asia hub to grow and prosper.We aim to make Singapore a useful partner to Chinese entrepreneurs all around the world and succeed together with all of you.Looking ahead, what role can Chinese entrepreneurs play in this new environment? I offer three suggestions – enhancing links, modernising companies, and strengthening communities.Firstly, Chinese entrepreneurs can continue enhancing their links with one another.Chinese entrepreneurs are located all over the world, from US and Australia to Africa and Latin America, and have adapted to their respective local contexts.At the same time, they maintain ties with other Chinese entrepreneurs around the world by their common cultures and values.This global network is a strategic resource for Chinese entrepreneurs everywhere, as it is for other diasporas which have been successful in business, such as the Jews and Sindhis.However, Chinese entrepreneurs cannot rely on guanxi alone for success.In China itself, guanxi has been particularly important.But as China opens up more to the world, and as more Chinese travel and operate overseas, they will have a wider choice of partners and networks to work with, be it for funding, business collaborations or access to new markets.This is already happening.Hence, Chinese entrepreneurs have to upgrade themselves and raise their game to remain useful and to keep their market positions.Secondly, Chinese entrepreneurs should strive to build modern and professional businesses.Many Chinese companies start out as family-owned enterprises, but such a basis for a business has its limits.Relying on family members makes it difficult to scale the business, for example to manage subsidiaries or overseas offices.Succession is often an issue, beyond the founding generation.It also makes it hard to compete against global businesses that hire and promote the best talent from all over the world, regardless of family ties.Beyond a certain point as companies grow and expand, the family structure no longer works.These businesses have to adopt a more systematic and professional structure, including hiring talent from around the world, appointing them to key positions and establishing a more institutionalised HR system.Sometimes the founders are reluctant to do so as they fear “losing control” over their business, but this is a necessary step for the company to compete internationally and be truly world-class.One company which has made this leap is Huawei Technologies.Founded in 1988, Huawei’s founders realised that to succeed, Huawei would have to
benchmark its processes and systems to world-class companies.It hired IBM Consulting to revamp its HR, IT, Finance and R&D systems when it began to internationalise, and learnt Western management systems to enhance its competitiveness.Today, Huawei is a Fortune Global 500 company.That is the way to go.Finally, Chinese entrepreneurs should strengthen links with their local communities.They should go beyond merely growing the business, to share their success with the communities they belong to, and contribute to the societies that enabled them to succeed.In today’s globalised world, when the gap between winners and losers is wider, having a social conscience is particularly important, both for individuals and for firms.Successful entrepreneurs and businesses which help others through philanthropy or community work will enhance their standing with the local community, and help gain them goodwill that is crucial for the long term.Conclusion
Conventions like the WCEC are very useful to exploring these issues.I am glad that several of these topics will be discussed at the Convention’s plenaries and learning journeys.Beyond these sessions, I also hope that participants will make use of every opportunity to interact informally, strengthen their networks and pursue new business opportunities with one another.I wish all participants a fruitful Convention, and I now declare the 11th World Chinese Entrepreneurs Convention open.
新加坡总理 李显龙
My fellow Singaporeans:
I am speaking to you from the new SAFRA clubhouse in Toa Payoh.This is where SAFRA built its very first clubhouse in 1975.We have just rebuilt it with better facilities for NSmen and your families.It is a small gesture to thank you for your many contributions and sacrifices.It is also an example of how we are upgrading our amenities and environment as Singapore develops, year by year.我是在战备军人协会崭新的大巴窑俱乐部和大家讲话。1975年,战备军协的第一个俱乐部就设在这里。不久前,大巴窑俱乐部经过重建后重新开放,为战备军人和家属提供更好的设施,这是感谢大家为国家做出贡献和牺牲的一点心意。随着国家的发展,我们也一步步改善我们的环境和设施,翻新战备军协俱乐部是其中一个例子。
We have made steady progress this past year.We have cleared the queue for HDB flats, stabilised BTO prices and tightened up on property speculation and excessive borrowing.We have added more buses and increased the number of bus routes.We are trying out free early morning MRT rides into the city.We will add more trains to the existing lines.Phase One of the Downtown Line will open in December, and more MRT lines after that.We also celebrated several successes in the arts and sports, including our LionsXII team winning the Malaysian Super League.过去一年,我们的努力取得了成绩。在房屋方面,我们缩短了申购新组屋的等候时间,首次申请者不再需要等候多年才买得到新组屋。我们也稳住预购组屋价格,并采取措施抑制房地产投机活动和过度借贷的问题。在交通方面,我们扩大巴士车队和增加新巴士路线。为了舒缓早上繁忙时段的人潮,我们试验推行(在限定时间)免费乘搭地铁进市区的计划。接下来,我们还会为现有地铁线添置更多列车。地铁市区线的第一阶段路线将在今年12月通车。之
We are tackling longer term issues too, especially marriage and parenthood, as well as population.The White Paper on Population in January provoked strong reactions, but the debate helped us to understand the issues better.We face difficult choices: We need foreign workers to serve our economy and Singaporeans’ needs, and immigrants to make up for our shortfall of babies.But we also worry about crowding and congestion, and maintaining our Singaporean identity.So we are feeling our way forward carefully, conscious both of our needs and our limits, and seeking the best outcome for Singaporeans.我们也正在着手处理一些长期课题,尤其是国人结婚生子和国家人口的课题。今年一月发布的人口白皮书引起了激烈的反应,不过这些讨论确实让我们更加了解有关课题。我们面对困难的抉择:一方面,我们需要引进外国劳工从事经济活动和应付国人的需要,也需要外来移民填补低生育率造成的人口不足;可是另一方面,我们又担心移民涌入造成拥挤问题,以及如何维系新加坡人对国家的认同感和归属感。所以,我们很小心地探索前方的路,我们知道我们的需要和我们面对的挑战,并希望为新加坡人寻求最好的结果。
Our economy is holding steady amidst global uncertainties.We are attracting more quality investments.Unemployment remains low.We grew by 2.0% in the first half of 2013, and expect to grow by 2.5-3.5% this year, higher than previously expected.Even as we tighten up on foreign workers and immigration, we must maintain investor confidence and keep Singapore open for business.在全球经济不明朗的情况下,我国经济保持稳定。我们吸引到更多优质的投资项目,失业率也保持在低水平。今年上半年,我国经济增长百分之2,全年很可能达到百分之2.5到3.5的增长。在紧缩外劳和移民政策的同时,我们必须让投资者对我们保有信心,确保新加坡仍然是具有吸引力的经商之地。
The world is changing rapidly and unpredictably.Technology is transforming our lives.Societies everywhere feel under pressure: Jobs have become less secure, wages are rising more slowly or even stagnating, families are working harder, and parents worry whether their children will do better than themselves.世界变得很快,也难以预测。科技给我们的生活带来巨大变化。在很多国家,社会压力正在加剧,工作少了保障, 工资增长缓慢甚至停滞下来,人们更卖力工作、为人父母者担心下一代的前景不如自己这一代。
Singapore is changing too.The economy is maturing and our population is ageing.Different groups in society now have more diverse and even conflicting interests.Older Singaporeans worry about healthcare and costs of living.Younger ones aspire to wider education opportunities and more affordable homes.新加坡也在改变中。我国经济已趋向成熟,人口日渐老化,而社会各群体的诉求也更加多样化,甚至会互相抵触。年长国人担心医药保健和生活费的问题,年轻国人则渴望有更多更广的升学途径,以及价格更大众化的房子。
Our road ahead will be different from the road we have travelled.So we must reassess our position, review our direction, and refresh our strategies to thrive in this new world.前方的路跟我们走过的路将会是不同的。因此,我们必须重新思考我们的定位、检讨我们的方向、和更新我们的策略,改善我们在这个新世界里的生活。
In my Message last year, I said that Singapore should always be our best Home, with Heart and Hope.We launched Our Singapore Conversation to define our shared future together.Many have participated actively and passionately.We heard many valuable suggestions.Thank you for taking part in this effort.我在去年的国庆献词中曾说,新加坡是我们共有的家园,我们必须努力把她建设成一个富有爱心、充满希望,永远最美好的家。为此,我们开展了“我们的新加坡全国对话”,一起勾画我们共同的未来。许多国人积极热烈地参与讨论,我们听到了很多宝贵的意见。非常感谢你们的参与。
Our Singapore Conversation has helped us crystallise what we aspire to: A Singapore which gives its citizens opportunities to succeed and live fulfilling lives.A nation which defines success in many ways, and offers multiple paths to many peaks.A society with safety nets that give people peace of mind.A community where the disadvantaged get help, and those who have done well in turn do more to help others.全国对话会让我们更加清楚和明白,大家向往的新加坡。我们希望它是一个能够为国民提供各种机会求取成功、充实人生的国家;一个对成功有广范定义、让人民能通过各种途径攀登不同高峰的国度;一个为国人提供安全网、让他们得以安身立命的社会;以及一个弱势群体能够获得帮助、成功者也愿意为他人付出的社区。
We will set goals and work out plans to realise these aspirations.We must match these aspirations against the world we live in – our competition, our opportunities, and our potential as a people.我们将制订目标和计划,实现这些理想。不过,我们的理想不能脱离现实,我们必须考虑到,我们所处的世界会带给我们什么样的竞争、我们能享有什么样的机会,以及全国齐心合力 所能发挥的潜在力量。
Today Singapore stands tall internationally.Many countries admire us.Developed countries and emerging economies want to pick up ideas from us.Every citizen gains from our strong Singapore brand – our workers enjoy a premium in wages, and our people studying and working abroad are welcomed and respected.今天的新加坡,在国际上享有崇高地位。许多国家羡慕我们,无论是发达国家或新兴经济体,都希望借鉴我们的经验。响亮的新加坡品牌已让所有公民受惠 ——我们的工友享有良好的工资,在外国念书或工作的新加坡人也受到礼遇。
At the same time, other countries are rapidly progressing and catching up.We must stay ahead of the competition, and maintain our standing in the world.然而,另一方面,其他国家正迅速发展并迎头赶上。我们必须在世界竞争中保持领先,才能持续立足于世界。
To succeed under changed circumstances, we must adapt our basic approach to nation building.We must strike a new balance between the roles of the individual, the community and the State.要在新形势下继续取得成功,就必须调整建设国家的根本方针和策略。我们必须在个人、社区和政府的角色之间,找到新的平衡。
We must strengthen our sense of community.We need to give greater mutual support to one another – helping the less fortunate in big ways and small;volunteering for causes that we care about;organising ourselves to work for the common good.我们必须加强社区精神,更好地发挥互助精神,例如:以各种方式帮助社会上较不幸的人、义务推动自己认同的社会公益活动、或自发组织起来进行有利大众的事。
We already do this, especially during crises.When dengue and the haze threatened us, we stood together and took care of one another.That is Singapore – not just separate individuals, but a community with a shared purpose and a sense of collective responsibility, taking the initiative to help one another in good times and bad.We need to strengthen this spirit of togetherness.事实上,我们已经在这么做了。当我们面对骨痛热症和烟霾的威胁时,我们并肩而立,守望相助。这就是新加坡,我们不是一群互不相干的个体,而是有着共同目标、体现集体责任精神、自动自发、愿意同甘共苦的社会。我们必须加强这个观念。
The Government will also play a bigger role to build a fair and just society.We will do more to enable every Singaporean to succeed, through education and lifelong learning.We will keep avenues to rise wide open to all.We will help those from families with less get off to a good start in life, beginning from pre-school.We will tackle the cost of living, for example healthcare costs, especially for the elderly.We will foster a more equal society, by helping every family afford their own HDB flat, and giving low income workers a better deal through Workfare.In Singapore, everyone will always have a stake in this country, and ample chances to make good in life.在建设公平公正的社会方面,政府也将扮演更大的角色。我们会在教育和提倡终身学习方面做得更多,好让每个新加坡人都有机会取得成功,并确保各种提升的渠道对所有人保持敞开。我们会从学前教育着手,帮助家境较不宽裕的孩子,确保他们在人生道路上有好的起跑点。同时,政府也将进一步帮助国人应付生活费,例如医药费、尤其是年长者的医药费。为了建设更为平等的社会,我们将帮助每户家庭实现“居者有其屋”,以及通过“就业奖励计划”让低薪工友享有更合理的待遇。在新加坡,每个新加坡人永远是国家要照顾的对象,人人也都会有充分机会成就自己。
But remember: Each one of us must still do our best, and be self-reliant and resourceful.Because Singapore can only succeed if each one of us contributes his part.不过,要记住:我们还必须各尽所能,发挥尽善尽美、自强不息的精神,因为唯有人人献出一份力,新加坡才能有所成就。
At the same time, all this is only possible if we are one united people, and not divided by race, social class, or political faction.We must always have able, honest and committed leaders, who can be trusted to serve Singaporeans.We need a good Government that thinks and plans ahead, and more importantly feels for our concerns and hopes.That is the way to build a better Singapore – together.要实现这一切,我们就必须万众一心,不被种族、社会阶级或政治派别所分化。我们需要能干、诚实和有献身精神的国家领袖,他们必须值得信赖和会竭尽所能为人民服务。同时,我们也需要一个好政府——有前瞻性,会未雨绸缪,更重要的是懂得体察民情和体恤民心,了解我们的担忧和期望。惟有社会、人民和政府一起努力,才能建设更美好的新加坡。
We have come a long way, but our best years are ahead of us.We have the power to shape our destiny and write a new chapter in the Singapore story.Let us stand together, and dedicate ourselves to building in Singapore a brighter future for all.一路走来,新加坡取得了长足的发展,但我们最好的年头还没有到来。新加坡的命运掌握在每个新加坡人手中,我们有能力塑造未来,为新加坡故事谱写新的篇章。让我们携手为建设更美好的新加坡共同努力。
Happy National Day!
李显龙总理2016年新加坡国庆日视频致辞 My fellow Singaporeans.Half a century ago ,when we embarked on our national-building journey.We could not yet call ourselves “one people”.We found it hard to imagine how we would survive on our own let alone progress together.But despite the odds,we made it.Last year ,in SG50,we celebrated how far we had come.Singaporeans now own and live beautiful homes.Our incomes and our lives have improved year after year.Our children receive good education and have bright futures.Most importantly, our different races and religions live together in harmony.We share common spaces and celebrate one another’s festivals.In January ,I celebrated Pongal with my Indian friends.At Chinese New Year, I exchanged mandarin oranges with non-Chinese friends.During Ramadan, I joined many Iftars and enjoyed the bazaar at Geylang Serai Only in Singapore.But we did not not start out as “one people”.Never forget how rare and precious the harmony is how much courage and toil went into creating it and how much effort it takes to sustain this miracle.What we have here is remarkable especially considering the state of the world today.Our journey to become ever more united continues.While we have
第 1 页 made great strides new challenges lie ahead.Let me name three of them.One,we have a harmonious multi-racial society but extremist terrorism can tear our society apart.In recent months,terrorists inspired by ISIS perpetrated attacks in the US ,Europe,Turkey,Bangladesh and close to home ,in Malaysia and Indonesia.There will be more.We know Singapore is also being targeted.We have detained self-radicalised Singaporeans and foreign workers.If a terrorist attack were to occur here will we stand together or will we fall apart.Two, economic growth has benefited us all but our economy is at a turning point.Globalization and technological change are disrupting our work and our way of life.Entire industries are being forced to innovate or perish.Our workers worry about their jobs.They face competition not only from workers elsewhere but also from computers and robots.Can we continue to progress together, and share widely the fruits of growth.Will our children have a brighter future.Three , our political system has thus far delivered good government , stability and progress.But our society is changing,and our unity will come under new strains.How do we make Singapore continues to have clean and constructive
第 2 页 politics and effective and stable government.How do we avoid the pitfalls to populism pr political gridlock.Our countries,facing similar challenges, have run into trouble.In multi-religious societies, terrorism has caused distrust and tensions.In
is disproportionately benefiting a minority of the population.In cities across the world ,graduates struggle to find jobs and young couples can’t afford homes.As a result of all these challenges politics in many countries has become divisive and angry.Voters lose faith in moderate parties in the political center.Extreme views and parties gain support not by offering better solutions but by expressing voter’s anger at their leaders and frustration with the way things are.The Brexit referendum was a vivid example.Can Singapore resist these forces.Other countries have more resources and bigger hinterlands longer histories and stronger identities.And yet they have run into trouble.Can Singapore be different.I believe that we can.First ,with terrorism, we acknowledge the threat honestly.Muslim Singapore are not afraid to take a forthright stand to condemn terrorist attacks and the perverted ideology of the perpetrators.And non-Muslim Singaporeans distinguish clearly between their peaceful Muslim fellow citizens and
第 3 页 jihadist terrorists.Thus we stand together, and strength trust in our multi-religious society.Second, to enable us to prosper together.We are investing in every Singaporean.We are expanding and upgrading preschools to give every child a good start in life.Our schools cater to different talents so that every student can realise his potential and dreams.Skills-Future will help everyone to upgrade themselves and master valuable new skills.We support companies’ effort to transform themselves and to innovate through R&D, so that we can create new jobs in a changing economy.To help us cope with more uncertain conditions, we have strengthened our social safety nets.Hence the Pioneer Generation Package, Workfare MediShield Life and now ,Silver Support.We will ensure that our schemes are sustainable because our children must not be burdened with debt.Finally, to ensure good government ,we are keeping our politics constructive and updating our political system.Singaporean are coming together to solve problems and get things done from developing Pulau Ubin to charting our future economy.We are fine-tuning our electoral system to make GRCs and smaller and create more SMCs.The Constitutional
第 4 页 Commission is studying improvements to the elected Presidency to make it a more effective unifying institution and a stabiliser.However, the most fundamental factor in keeping Singapore exceptional is not good plans or adequate resources.It is whether we remain united.It is our shared resolve to tackle challenges together that determines whether we succeed and whether our children have a brighter future.I am confident that we will hold together and succeed.SG50 strengthened our sense.Our tripartite partners are working closely to upgrade our workers and economy.Our housing estates are integrated communities where people are not only live together but know their neighbours , celebrate each other’s festivals and keep an eye out for one another.Many Singaporeans spend time with elderly and the disadvantaged and help the disabled get around.This year ,many Singaporeans have participated in SGfuture and launched projects to make Singapore better to become a more caring community to encourage one another;to learn and share skills;to build a cleaner and smarter home.This project all reflect the spirit of service the willingness to commit time and energy to make a better home for all.This is what unity means.It’s more than a warm ,fuzzy feeling.It’s the iron resolve to hold together despite the challenges despite
第 5 页 the the sacrifices we have to make.It was forefather’s determination to be “one united people,regardless of race ,language or religion ” that drove them to transform Singapore over the last 50years.The sane resolve will carry thought the next 50.This National Day, I hope each of us will reflect on what this unity me4ans.Here,at SAFRA’s new Punggol clubhouse where I am speaking you can see the Singapore that we are building together.The HDB homes, the Punggol Waterway the NSmen and their families, the community all testify to how much we can achieve when we work as one.Let us renew our commitment to Singapore and to one another.This is where our families and friends live;This is where our future and hopes are;They are precious to us They are worth defending with our lives.Happy National Day!
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