Key Words from Government Work Report and NPC & CPPCC, 2007(For Interpretation)By William Jun Liu
人大:NPC(National People’s Congress)
政协:CPPCC(Chinese People’s Political Consultative Conference)十届人大五次会议:the fifth session of the 10th National People’s Congress 政府工作报告:government work report 第十一个五年计划时期:the 11th five-year plan period(2006-10 period)经济增长8%:economy to grow by 8% 国内生产总值:GDP(Gross Domestic Product)实践“绿色GDP”:the practice of “Green GDP” 健康、快速发展:to drive ahead sound and fast 结构调整:structural adjustment 减少能耗:to reduce consumption of energy 通过新的项目:to approve new projects 高效能技术:energy-efficient technology 设立……的目标:to set the goal of… 国家财政政策:the country’s fiscal policy 从中央预算中分配……给农村地区:Allocate … from the central budget for rural areas.国家外汇储备:State foreign exchange reserves 贸易顺差:trade surplus 全民分享改革和发展的成果:All the people share in the fruits of reform and development.低收入者:low-income earners 收入差距:income gap 改善收入分配:to improve income distribution 社会公平、公正:social fairness and justice 社会和谐、稳定:social harmony and stability 生活、工作条件:the working and living conditions 覆盖城乡的社会保障制度:social security system covering the rural and the urban areas 政府救济金:government dole 基本生活费:basic cost of living 社会救济:social aid 社会保险:social insurance 社会福利:social welfare 医疗保险体系:medical insurance system 失业保障:unemployment security 养老金方案:pension scheme 保证农民最低生活标准:to guarantee a minimum standard of living for farmers 农村医疗合作制:the rural cooperative medical care system 食品安全:food safety 外来务工者:migrant workers 九年义务制教育:nine-year compulsory education system 国家奖学、助学金制度:national scholarship and tuition assistance system 帮助贫困学生完成学业:to help poor students complete their schooling 反腐败:to fight against corruption 最严格的土地管理制度:the strictest possible land management system 改进政府形象:to improve the government image 转变政府职能:to adjust the government functions 加快行政管理改革:to speed up administrative management reform 廉洁政府:a clean government 垄断企业:monopoly firms 发展不平衡:uneven development 国家发改委:the National Development & Reform Commission 爱好和平的人们:peace-loving people 坚决反对各种形式的分裂活动:in firm opposition to all forms of secessionist activities on the land
人大:NPC(National People’s Congress)
政协:CPPCC(Chinese People’s Political Consultative Conference)
十届人大五次会议:the fifth session of the 10th National People’s Congress
政府工作报告:government work report
第十一个五年计划时期:the 11th five-year plan period(2006-10 period)
经济增长8%:economy to grow by 8%
国内生产总值:GDP(Gross Domestic Product)
实践“绿色GDP”:the practice of “Green GDP”
健康、快速发展:to drive ahead sound and fast
结构调整:structural adjustment
减少能耗:to reduce consumption of energy
通过新的项目:to approve new projects
高效能技术:energy-efficient technology
设立„„的目标:to set the goal of„
国家财政政策:the country’s fiscal policy
从中央预算中分配„„给农村地区:Allocate „ from the central budget for rural areas.国家外汇储备:State foreign exchange reserves
贸易顺差:trade surplus
从紧货币政策 tight monetary policy
稳健财政政策 prudent fiscal policy
宏观经济调控 macroeconomic regulation
政府临时调控 government interim intervention
经济增长模式 mode of economic development
固定资产投资反弹 a resurgence in fixed asset investment
货币信贷投放仍然偏多 continued excessive supplies of money and credit流动性过剩 excessive liquidity
转型过程 transformation process
行政手段 administrative measures
螺旋式通胀 spiraling inflation
通胀压力 inflationary pressure
抑制通胀to hold down inflation
次贷危机 subprime mortgage crisis
经济剧烈波动 drastic fluctuations in the economy
经济过热 economic overheating
防止经济过热to prevent the economy from overheating
转变经济发展方式 the transformation of the patten of economic development促进结构调整和协调发展 to promote structural adjustment and balanced development
减轻弱势群体负担 ease the burden on the disadvantaged group
增加对薄弱环节、改善民生、深化改革等方面的支出 to increase expenditures necessary “to shore up weak links, improve people's lives and deepen reform”
经济增长的资源环境约束强化 growing constraint in resource and environment hindering economic development
严厉打击非法用工 to severely punish illegal employment
加强劳动争议处理 to improve the handling of labor disputes
加强劳动保障监察 to improve oversight for worker protection measures就业促进法Employment Promotion Law
劳动合同法Labor Contract Law
城镇登记失业率 registered urban unemployment rate
鼓励创业 to encourage business startups
公共就业服务体系 public employment service system
完善再就业扶持政策 to improve the aid system for job seekers
“零就业”家庭 zero-employment families
就业机会 employment opportunities
非农产业 nonagricultural sectors
失业保险制度 unemployment insurance system
劳动力总量大增 a large increase in the total workforce
支持创办小型企业 to support citizens to establish small enterprises
鼓励自谋职业和自主创业to encourage people to find jobs on their own or start their own businesses
加强就业和创业培训 to strengthen vocational training and training in how to start a business
城乡劳动者平等就业制度an employment system that treats urban and rural workers equally
落实促进残疾人就业政策 to carry out policies to find more jobs for people with physical and mental disabilities
建立帮助零就业家庭解决就业困难长效机制 to create a permanent mechanism to help zero-employment families find jobs
通过加强就业和创业培训,鼓励自谋职业和自主创业,以及支持创办小型企业来扩大就业 to expand employment "by encouraging and training business start-ups, strengthening job training, encouraging people to find jobs on their own, and supporting the establishment of small enterprises
就业总量压力和结构性矛盾并存 the coexistence of overall pressure to expand employment and the structural shortage of qualified personnel in some industries
国有企业 state owned enterprises(SOEs)
主要产业 core business
税收贡献 tax contributions
民航 civil aviation
所有制结构 ownership structure
发展大型粮食基地 to develop large grain production bases
国有资产所有权转移 transferring ownership of state-owned assets
完善所有制结构 to improve ownership structure
实行政策性关闭破产 to carry out policy-mandated closures and bankruptcies建立国有资本经营预算制度 to set up a budget system for managing state capital
国有企业资产总额 the total value of assets of state owned enterprises(SOEs)国有资产管理体制改革 reform of the management system for state-owned assets国有经济布局与结构调整 adjustment of the distribution and structure of the state sector
建立和完善国有资产出资人制度 to set up and improved a system for investors of state assets
引入国有企业股份制 to institute a stockholding system in SOEs
邮政体制改革 reform of the postal service system
振兴老工业基地战略 strategy of rejuvenating the old industrial bases
国有企业改革改组改造 reforming, reorganizing and upgrading SOEs
深化国有企业股份制改革 to deepen the reform to convert SOEs into stockholding corporations
加强公司化管理 to improve corporate governance
实行政策引导关闭和破产 to carry out policy-mandated closures and bankruptcies加快资源枯竭型城市经济转型 to transform the economies of cities dependent on resource exploitation
扩大建立国有资产管理预算系统试点 to expand the experiment of setting up a budget system for managing state capital
引入竞争,加强政府管理和公共监督,深化垄断企业改革 to deepen the reform of monopoly industries by introducing competition and strengthening government regulation and public supervision
严格国有资产转化为股份制企业的标准程序 to strictly standardize procedures for transforming SOEs into stock companies
资源型城市经济转型试点to transform the economies of cities dependent on resource exploitation
严格规范国有企业改制和国有产权转让,防止国有资产流失to strictly standardize procedures for transforming SOEs into stock companies and for transferring ownership of state-owned assets to prevent their erosion
主辅分离,辅业改制 to separate SOE's secondary businesses from their core businesses and covert the former into independent company
能源消耗 energy consumption
清洁、可再生能源 clean and renewable energy sources
化学需氧量 chemical oxygen demand
节能减排目标 targets for saving energy and reducing emissions
节能减排技术 energy conservation and emission reduction technologies
淘汰落后生产企业 to close down backward production facilities
加强先进生产能力建设 to develop advanced production facilities
城市污水处理能力 urban sewage treatment capacity
重点流域的污染防治 pollution control in major river valleys and regions
农村饮用水rural drinking water
安全饮用水 safe drinking water
污染物排放 emissions of pollutants
资源节约型、环境友好型社会 a resource-conserving and environmentally friendly society
抓好重点企业节能和重点工程建设to focus on energy conservation in key enterprises and construction of key projects
产品质量安全标准制定和修订the formulation or updating of national standards for the safety of food products, drugs and other consumer goods
落实电力、钢铁、水泥、煤炭、造纸等行业淘汰落后生产能力计划 implement the plan to close down backward production facilities in the electricity, steel, cement, coal and papermaking industries
纠正招商引资中违法违规的做法 to correct illegal practices for attracting foreign investment
限制和禁止高耗能、高排放和部分资源性外资项目 to limit or ban foreign investment in projects that are energy intensive or highly polluting, limit or ban foreign investment in some areas of resource exploitation
提高重点流域水污染物的国家排放标准。National standards would have stricter limits for discharge of pollutants in key river valleys.节约资源和环境保护要一代一代人持之以恒地进行下去,让我们的祖国山更绿,水更清,天更蓝。Resource conservation and environmental protection must continue from generation to generation to make our mountains greener, waters cleaner and skies bluer.使经济发展与资源环境相协调 make economic development coordinated with resource and environment
物价上涨压力加大 increasing upward pressure on prices
房价涨幅过高 exorbitant housing price increases
行政管理体制改革 reform of the administrative system
政府职能 government functions
政府机构 government agencies
依法行政 carry out administration in accordance with the law
法治政府 law-based government
服务性政府 service-oriented government
政务公开 make government affairs more open
行政问责 administrative accountability
开展反腐斗争 combat corruption
违法征地拆迁 illegal land expropriations and housing demolitions
以人为本 put people first
把保障和改善民生作为一切工作的出发点和落脚点 make ensuring and improving the people's well-being the starting point and goal of all our work
走共同富裕道路 work for prosperity for all
使发展成果惠及全体人民 ensure everyone share in the fruit of development 保障性住房建设 the development of low-income housing
最低生活保障制度subsistence allowance system
老有所养,病有所医,住有所居have access to old-age care,medical treatment and housing
三农 agriculture, rural areas and farmers
新型农村合作医疗制度 a new cooperative medical system in rural areas 农村信用社 rural credit cooperatives
农业基础仍然薄弱 the continued weakness in agriculture foundation
1.养老保险 pension insurance system 2.反腐倡廉 anti-corruption bid 3.依法拆迁 lawful housing demolition and relocation 4.调控房价 housing prices control 5.贫富差距 gap between the rich and the poor(wealth gap)6.就业问题 employment 7.医疗改革 medical reform下岗再就业 Re-employment after being laid off 登记失业率 registered unemployment rate 分组讨论 panel discussion 城乡差距 rural-urban divide 基本医疗保险 basic medical insurance 家电下乡Home appliances going to the countryside 教育公平Equal Access to Education 8.司法公正 judicial justice 民主监督 democratic supervision opening speech 开幕式致辞
small-and medium-sized enterprises 中小型企业 crops' minimum purchase prices粮食最低收购价 per-capita income人均收入
window guidance窗口指导(监管机构利用其在金融体系中特殊的地位和影响,引导金融机构主动采取措施防范风险,进而实现监管目标的监管行为。)propel/expand domestic demand扩大内需 proactive fiscal policy积极的财政政策
moderately easy monetary policy适度宽松的货币政策 government work report政府工作报告 dairy product standards乳制品标准
scattered production model分散生产模式(Such a scattered production model is the fundamental reason that there have been so many food safety incidents.这种分散生产模式是诸多食品安全问题的根源。)administrative transparency政务透明
bridging loan过渡性贷款(Bridging, or a bridging loan, is short-term financing made available pending arrangement of intermediate or long-term financing.过渡性贷款是一种在中期或长期融资安排确定前的短期融资)comfortable Housing Project安居工程 careers guidance就业指导
three Direct Links“大三通”(通邮、通航、通商)healthcare reform.package医改方案 basic medicine system基本医疗体制
golden September and silver October金九银十 rural left-behind population 农村留守人口
issues of agriculture, farmer and rural area三农问题
three insurances and one fund “三险一金”(养老保险、失业保险、医疗保险和住房公积金)administrative accountability行政问责制(是指一级政府对现任该级政府负责人、该级政府所属各工作部门和下级政府主要负责人在所管辖的部门和工作范围内由于故意或者过失,不履行或者正确履行法定职责,以致影响行政秩序和行政效率,贻误行政工作,或者损害行政管理相对人的合法权益,给行政机关造成不良影响和后果的行为,进行内部监督和责任追究的制度)。defense budget 国防预算
National People's Congress 全国人民代表大会
Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference 中国人民政治协商会
“两会”指全国人民代表大会(the National People's Congress)和中国人民政治协商会议(the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference)。两会是每年召开的会议,可在前面加上annual session of。
表示“会”的英文词汇很多。congress 一词常表示专门性代表大会,比较正式而隆重,出席会议的代表一般是选举产生的,会上通过的决议往往具有约束力,“中国共产党的全国代表大会”就是 national congress of the Chinese Communist Party, 美国的国会也称
Meeting是其中最普通的词,词义比较笼统。meeting 可以泛指各种有目的的集会,如 mass meeting(群众大会),farewell meeting(欢送会),class meeting(学生开的班会),由各国元首或政府首脑出席的“峰会”是summit meeting,现在meeting一词常省略。“座谈会”等学术性会议常用forum 和symposium。
汉语中有些“会”已不属于meeting的范畴,比如“展览会”是exhibition 或show;春节期间的“庙会”可译为festival temple fair,元宵节的“灯会”应该是lantern show。
National People's Congress 全国人民代表大会
Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference 中国人民政治协商会议
11th Five-year Development Program 十一五发展规划
Innovation-oriented Society 创新型社会
Scientific Concept of Development 科学发展观
Township Health Service 城乡医疗服务
Rural Compulsory Education 农村义务教育
Building New Socialist Countryside 建设社会主义新农村
Cross-straits peace and stability 两岸和平与稳定
Increase the flexibility of the RMB exchange rate 增加人民币汇率的灵活性
President of the People's Republic of China 中华人民共和国主席
Central Military Commission 中央军事委员会
Supreme People's Court 最高人民法院
Supreme People's Procuratorate 最高人民检察院
Presidium 主席团
Standing Committee 常务委员会
General Office 办公厅
Secretariat 秘书处
Committee for Internal and Judicial Affairs 内务司法委员会
Overseas Chinese Affairs Committee 华侨委员会
Commission of Legislative Affairs 法制工作委员会
Committee for Revision of the Constitution 宪法修改委员会
Credentials Committee 代表资格审查委员会
Motions Examination Committee 提案审查委员会
Ethnic Affairs Committee 民族委员会
Law Committee 法律委员会
Finance and Economy Committee 财政经济委员会
Foreign Affairs Committee 外事委员会
Commission of Inquiry into Specific Questions 特定问题调查委员会
Education, Science, Culture and Public Health Committee 教育、科学、文化和卫