
时间:2019-05-14 23:38:15下载本文作者:会员上传



1: Good morning, ladies and gentlemen.早上好女士们,先生们。

2: Good morning, we honored teachers.早上好我们敬爱的老师 1: Good morning, boys and girls.早上好同学们 2: Good morning, my dear parents.1:Today we are very happy and excited, because we are here, holding the First Shiyan Primary School English speaking contest.今天我们相聚在这里,快乐又激动。因为今天我们在这里举行实验小学首届英语口语大赛。

2: English is such a beautiful language.We can use it to travel around the world.英语是一门美丽的语言,用英语我们可以周游世界

1: By learning English we can know the people in the other side of the world.What are they like? What are they talking? What are they thinking? 有了英语,我们可以认识全世界不同的国家,地球那端的人,他们是怎么样的,他们在想什么,讨论什么?

2:This is our exciting day and happily day!这是一个振奋的日子,更是一个属于我们的日子。1It means we can speak English ,bravely ,easily.意味着我们实验小学的孩子们大胆流畅的说英语了。2:In today's show, there are 20 studends.今天的比赛总共有20名同学。1They come from different classes.他们来自不同的班级.2:But they have the same aim, that is to practice English 但是大家都有一个共同的目标,那就是学好英语。

1:So we say thanks a louder for our English teachers!在这里,我们要大声对我们的英语老师说声谢谢!2:They have a high regard to our English learning.感谢他们对我们英语学习的高度重视。1:And wish this contest enjoy success!祝本次比赛圆满成功!

2:The judges are Miss____,Miss______,Miss______and Mr_____ 我们的评委老师______老师________老师________老师_________老师和________老师。and 2: Now the contest begins.现在比赛正式开始。


尊敬的各位新东方老师、各位家长朋友们,亲爱的小同学们: 大家下午好!欢迎来到第四届泡泡全国少儿英语风采大赛,长春赛区颁典礼的现场。首先请允许我向大家介绍一下今天到场的各位领导和来宾,他们是:







马上我们要进行的就是F组一等奖选手的PK赛,他们是刘明晖和田易安。一个赴京决赛的机会将会属于他们两人中的一位,首先有请 刘明晖(省二实验)。

感谢刘明晖,有请 田易安(108小)

好,请 刘明晖 也回到我们的台上来,接受评委的现场提问。好的,请两位选手先去休息一下,等待最终的结果。


同学们的出色表现离不开老师的辛勤教导,下面要颁发的是“优秀指导教师奖”,获奖的有:赵海霞 贾林 宿亮 丛楠 金天红 田惠兰 刘娜 李月 郝铭明 梁霞张勇 杜雪峰



刚刚F组选手的表演非常的精彩,接下来我们要进行的是A组赴京选手的PK,由于A组有8名选手角逐赴京机会,我们将他们分成两队,第一队有:何嘉莉 温日鉴 徐赫阳 李明轩。第二队由王一涵于夕涵 杨智皓 曹萌组成。将有3名赴京参加决赛的选手从他们之中产生。我们先来进行第一队的PK,有请何嘉莉。





















Host: Good evening.Welcome to today's finals of the English Talent Competition.Many agree that young people are the most energetic and active minds.They have plenty of time of life to think, to learn and to try.Yes.They have a lot of questions and ideas in their minds.Some of the questions they are mostly likely to ask themselves are what do I need most? Do I need wealth, romance, or power, or something else? And which is more important? Capability or opportunity? How to deal with cooperation and competition? As to today's the finalists of the competition, one of the most concerned questions might be can I go through the competition and stand out as number one? Yes.So let's find out the answer.And the six finalists will answer all these questions.And to start with, let’s introduce today's honorable leader and guests.They are...Welcome!

now, let me introduce today's honorable judges.They are...Welcome!

This Competition is cosponsored by the Youth League

Committee of the Vocationl Technical College of CAUC and undertaken by the Debate Team.There are all together 12 contestants to compete in today’s English Speaking Competition.Ladies and gentlemen let’s give a big welcome to them.Contestant No.1from

Contestant No.2from

Contestant No.3 from

Contestant No.4 from

Contestant No.5from

Contestant No.6from.Host : Now please welcome contestant NO.1.from,his speech is.Now you haveto complete your speech.Let's start.After his speaking which is full of passion, let’s enjoy his show time.Host: Now let's welcome the next contestant, contestant No.2,from.Welcome back.the topicNow you can start yourspeech.Host: Thank you!Let's continue the competition.The next one is contestant No.3,from.Welcome.topic.It's time for you to give us the speech.Host: The first three contestants finished their speeches.And now

Host: And now it's turn for contestant No.4.Welcome back!All right,Host: Thank you.Really a short period of time to demonstrate her own points on this issue.Anyway, she has done a good job.And now the judges will be working on her scores.Host:Thank you.Ok, so now let's give the floor to the next speaker, contestant No5 from.Welcome back.Now is your turn

The last one in this round come with the topic are? contestant No.6 Cheng Lin.WelcomePlease give us your speech.Host: Thank you.Ok, let's listen to the judges' comments on these contestants' speeches.So Mr.Host: Just now the six contestants have finished the first

part speech.And now

hanks again for their wonderful performance, now please wait a moment, the result is coming.Next our judges will make some comments on the six contestant performanceAfter our judges’ discussion, the most exciting moment is coming.Let me announce the contestants who are promoted, they are....the ultimate winner is of this year's star of outlook English Talent Competition is.Host: Thanks to everybody.And we owe our thanks to the other contestants who give us the amazing show.Once again, Congratulations to you all.Thank you for your wonderful performance.Till now, our competition has come to an end.Once again thank you for your coming.hope you can benefit from today’s competition, hope you can have your life in English everyday.Thank you very much for coming!That's the end of our contest today.See you in next years' competition.See you.Bye-bye.






此外,本次活动中间为活跃会场气氛,还精心准备了三个节目,包括来自我部合唱团的合唱《forever friends》,我部话剧团为此次英语活动月特地准备的节目《麦克白》,我部学生自行排练的舞蹈《honey》。






主持词 男:boys and girls 女:ladies and gentlemen!合:good afternoon/evening!女:it's glad to meet you here!this is the 9th english short drama competition of our institute,and thank you for your coming today!and first of all,let's have a look at the purpose of this terrific event.男:今天很高兴和大家相聚在这里!这里是医学院第9届英语短剧大比拼的比赛的现场,我们衷心感谢你的到来!首先,不妨让我们这次活动的宗旨的吧!

女:in order to enrich students' cultural life after class.our student union takes over this novel form to improve the level of spoken english and to boost the consciousness of teamwork as well as collective.男:为了丰富学生的课余文化生活,我们学生会举办了这项活动,旨在提高同学们的口语水平,同时提高团队合作和集体意识。

女男:and we are honored to have our judges and guests here with us!they are。。Deputy secretary of the youth league committe,)


President of the student union 孙亚飞

Vice President of the student union

study monitor of......Let's welcome their arrival!女:now,let's have a look at the rules of this contest.男:现在,让我们看看比赛规则

女:firstly,about the content of the performance.It has 30 grades.The content should be healthy,creative,meaningful, and vivid.男:首先,比赛内容。此项共30分,内容健康,创新,深刻,流畅。

女:secondly,about the pronunciation.Also 30 grades,the performers should pronounce correctly,fluently and authentically.男:第二,发音。此项共30分,发音正确,流畅,地道。

女:thirdly, about the skill of the performance.It has 20 grades.the performance should be natural and contagious.Performers should be cooperated.男:第三,表演技巧。此项共20分,表演自然,有感染力,演员饱含合作精神。

女:fourthly,about properties.it has 20 grades.The properties should be perfect match to the drama.男:第四。。。。

女:lastly,no chinese shall be included except for the name of character,location or background music

or 0.5 score will be taken for each every time.one more thing,the performance should be finished within 15 minutes,otherwise,one score shall be deducted.男:最后,除了人物名字,地点或者背景音乐,短剧中不准出现中文,否则将每次每处扣除0.5分。另外,表演时间控制在15分钟内,否则,扣除1分。

女:ok ladies and gentlemen!boys and girls!A fantastic drama competition is waiting for you!wish u a wonderful day here!And now ,the short drama competition begins!

男:Here we go!第一幕

女:hey, what do you think of water to us ,human-being? 男:water?It is without doubt that water is very important!女:yeah!That's true!and in the following,let's appreciate the show.“water,water”from class 1,grade 2 第二幕:

Attention please!1.Performer should speak louder.2.please keep quiet when others are performing!Thank you for your awesome performance 男:have ever heard of the beautiful chinese folk story:liangshanbo yu zhuyingtai? 女:uh,of course!What's wrong?

男:and guess what is the drama of next group? 女:maybe,i guess,liangshanbo and juliet or something!男:no no no,it is :liangshanbo and mawencai

from class2 ,grade 2 女:enjoy it!


Good job,you guys!Thank you 女:wow!Another classic character ,princess wencheng!男:and she is remembered by her devotion to the dynasty tang,and there are so many beautiful stories about her!女:you got it!but the students from class 3 is going to tell you a completely different story about princess wencheng.hope you will enjoy it!第四幕(10级6班)

女:as medicine-major student ,have you ever thought of the situation of a doctor?you know,nowadays,the relationship between doctors and patients is not that harmonious.男:yeah,i am kind of worried about such a case.女:ok,now let's something about this,welcome the“。。。” from class 6,grade 2.男:welcome!第五幕。。。

男:Then,the drama from class 8 tells us about a classic story from “the journey to the west”in other words,xi you ji。That is “three times' beating monster” 女:let's just see how the four get through all the hardships~ 男:and now,it's show time,baby!


女:here comes another maybe funny story,because it is adapted from the once popular costume piece:huan zhu ge ge

男:i think so!and now let's see the return of pearl from class 4.女:and enjoy the show among xiaoyanzi or ziwei,etc.第七幕

男:hey!You know ,love is the theme of the world forever!What do you think of the most selfless love? 女:i guess,it's mother's love.Here by the way ,i wanna show my gratitude for all the mothers' devotion to their daughters and sons!男:yeah!that's right!and then ,welcome the performance from class 7, the selflessness of the motherhood!


Thank you for inspiring us with such a good story!It's so instructive,isn't it!女:now i will tell you a chinese fable briefly,and guess what is the name,it's very simple!Listen!A farmer lies by the tree all the time to catch the rabbit!Got it? 男:it is obvious in chinese:shou zhu dai tu 女:well done!and then ,welcome the performers from class 5.结尾:

女:The fabulous scenes come back clearly to my eyes,still wander in my mind, and taste in my heart!it is said that good things come to an end with excitement.The curtain of english short drama competition is going to drop!男:thanks our team for their brilliant performance!thank all the judges guests,and audience present!It's amazing,marvelous and splendid!and the 9th english short drama competition has finally comes to an end!合:thank you for your participation!thank you!分数正在统计中,请大家耐心等待!


女:look!we have an original drama from class 3,wow,that's cool!男:of course!and it is made up of several different kinds of stories,which is setting in our modern society!女:and in the following,let's appreciate the show.第二幕:

Attention please!1.Performer should speak louder.2.please keep quiet when others are performing!Thank you for your awesome performance 女:here comes another maybe sidesplitting story,because it is adapted from the once popular costume piece:huan zhu ge ge ,do you get hooked? 男:of course i do!and now let's see the return of pearl princess from class 4.女:and enjoy the show among xiaoyanzi or ziwei,etc.第三幕

女:hey,just guess what class 6 is gonna show us,and of course i will give you some suggestion:listen!it's a classic romantic love story,kind of like romeo and juliet!come on!男:uh,uh it is,in chinese,liang shanbo yu zhu yingtai.,isn't it!女:bingo!Let's see how they illustrate such a story.第四幕

男:wow,have found that adaptation of costume pieces are very popular in our short drama competition!女:yeah!That's true.This one is how one of the most famous four wits_tangbohu finds his soulmate_qiuxiang!this is gonna catch your eye balls!男:enjoy “tang bohu dian qiuxiang”from class 9.第五幕

女:hey,do you know,almost every girl wish to be a princess in their childhood.for like,snow white,cinderalla,the sleeping beauty,blah blah blah 男:i guess it's true because i wanted to be a prince that time.女:and now ,let's appreciate“snow white”from class 1 男:enjoy it!


女:hey,could i ask you something personal? 男:go ahead!女:do you have a relationship in campus ?i know it's kind of private!男:yeah,i've got a girl friend!aaaa!i know why you ask such a strange question at such an occassion!because our last drama is “be a good lover” 女:yeah,you got it!It's awesome to have a relationship with someone,but how to love him or her becomes a more critical issue.i guess,this drama would be inspiring to us,whether you are single or not,isn't it? 男:i can't agree with you anymore!let's enjoy the show!



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