
时间:2019-05-13 15:41:49下载本文作者:会员上传


哈尔滨医科大学“Show your life”英语风采大赛



女:Honorable guests,ladies and gentlemen, goodevening!Welcome to “Show your life” English talent competition.Here is the final contest!男:首先请允许我介绍莅临本场比赛的嘉宾有:

让我们以最热烈的掌声对他们的到来表示欢迎和感谢!女:Let’s welcome all the guests and judges with a big round of applause!男:在这憧憬与梦想汇成的季节,我们展开理想的翅膀

女:On the passionateandyouthful stage, we show our life heartily!男:今晚,让我们燃烧激情,品味英语的魅力与文化

女:Tonight,let’s use our wisdom ,speak English and make dreams come true!男:下面我宣布“Show your life”英语风采大赛现在正式开始!女:Let’s look forward to all the teams ’wisdom, confidence and brilliant performances!Wish them good luck!男:经典的轮回,语言的交汇,比拼东西方名著与经典,云集古往今来的理想与现实

女:There are classical stories both from the eastern and western world, full of dreams and realities of both past and present 男:英语演绎的经典必将会给我们带来别样的精彩,下面进入本场比赛的第一环节:演绎经典Review 第一环节

男:经典的爱情总是为人们带来一次次刻骨铭心的感动,亘古不变,首先有请来自临床七年制的Tinker Bell为大家带来《孔雀东南飞》女:Now let us welcome the first team—Tinker Bell, and enjoy< The Peacock Flies to Southeast> 男:感谢Tinker Bell的精彩表演,有请---老师对队伍进行提问 女:Now please welcome------to ask a question to the team.男:谢谢评委老师的提问和选手的回答,请评委打分

女:Thank----'s question and the team’s answer, nowplease welcome judges to give scores to Tinker Bell 男:下面有请来自公共卫生学院的同学们为我们演绎《麦琪的礼物》 女:Now please enjoy 男:感谢Tinker Bell的精彩表演,有请---老师对队伍进行提问 女:Now please welcome------to ask a question to the team.男:谢谢评委老师的提问和选手的回答,请评委打分

女:Thank----'s question and the team’s answer, nowplease welcome judges to give scores to their performance.男:巧妙的回答,深厚的友谊,接下来来自影像口腔专业的Light in the road将用他们精彩的表演为我们重现《威尼斯商人》那场经典的法庭对峙,有请他们 女:Now please enjoy 男:感谢Light in the road的精彩表演,有请---老师对队伍进行提问 女:Now please welcome------to ask a question to the team.男:谢谢评委老师的提问和选手的回答,请评委打分

女:Thank----'s question and the team’s answer, nowplease welcome judges to give scores to Light in the road 男:接下来来自11基础的Girls aloud将会为我们展现一个普通女孩成为公主的历程,有请《公主日记》

女:Now please enjoy 男:感谢Girls aloud 的精彩表演,有请---老师对队伍进行提问 女:Now please welcome------to ask a question to the team.男:谢谢评委老师的提问和选手的回答,请评委打分

女:Thank----'s question and the team’s answer, nowplease welcome judges to give scores to Girls aloud 男:接下来有请来自第三临床医学院的lottery girls为我们演绎经典的《傲慢与偏见》

女:Now please enjoy

男:谢谢lottery girls的表演,有请---老师对队伍进行提问 女:Now please welcome------to ask a question to the team.男:谢谢评委老师的提问和选手的回答,请评委打分

女:Thank----'s question and the team’s answer, nowplease welcome judges to give scores to lottery girls 男:下面有请来自12基础的crazy17为我们带来美丽的经典童话《白雪公主与七个小矮人》

女:Now please enjoy< Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs> 男:谢谢crazy17的表演,有请---老师对队伍进行提问 女:Now please welcome------to ask a question to the team.男:谢谢评委老师的提问和选手的回答,请评委打分

女:Thank----'s question and the team’s answer, now please welcome judges to give scores to crazy17 第二环节


男:奇思妙想蕴含独特深意,出口成章方显绝世才华,接下来进入到比赛的第二环节:出口成章Describe.女;Now let’s begin the second part of our competition.In this part, each team will elect one contestant to stand for their team and give us an improvisedspeech.Before the speech,every competitor will choose a picture to watch.Then make a speech about thepicture.Every contestant has 10 seconds to prepare and deliver his or her speech.Each speech lasts 3 minutes.男:在本部分中,每个团队将选出一个选手作为他们的代表给我们一次即兴演讲。在演讲之前,每一位选手将选择一个序号,序号后面对应着一组图片。选手看过图片后需做一个关于图片的演讲。每个选手有10秒准备然后开始他们的演讲。演讲时长为3分钟,现在开始比赛。有请各队伍的代表上场。

女:Now, please welcome contestant No1,who is from Tinker Bell 女:Choose a picture,please/Which picture do you like/Make your choice/A picture please Ok Now 10 seconds to prepare and give your speech/10s to think and show,please/Now time to prepare and deliver your speech/do your preparation and show your idea 女: Thank you.It now turns to contestant No2, who is from-----which picture would you choose? 女:go off the stage and wait for your marks.艺术团表演

女:Ok, thanks for all the competitors.男:惟妙的英文演绎,让我们置身经典的海洋;精彩的英文演讲,让我们称叹选手们的奇思与妙答。接下来请放松您的耳朵,一起来欣赏由校艺术团的康欣悦 史丽琼为我们带来的start of something new-女:Please enjoyby康欣悦 史丽琼from Art troupe.welcome.点评环节


女:Please welcome-----to comment our competition 男:谢谢----的点评,接下来有请----点评

女:Thanks for------’comment, and next let’s welcome-----to make comments on our competition 男:谢谢-----的点评

女:Thanks for-----’s affirmation and encourage 颁奖环节

男:激烈的比拼闪耀出青春的光彩,机智的问答碰撞出智慧的火花,欣赏完同学们的精彩表演后,接下来到了激动人心的颁奖环节,女:OK, now,Ladies and gentlemen, the exciting moment is coming.we are going to announce the winners.男:下面我宣布,获得“Show your life”英语风采大赛三等奖的队伍是--------女:The team who get the third prize of“Show your life” English talent competition is--------Congratulations 男:有请-----为他们颁奖

女:Now please welcome---------to award them 男:下面我宣布,获得“Show your life”英语风采大赛二等奖的队伍是--------女:The team who get the second prize of“Show your life” English talent competition is--------Congratulations 男:有请-----为他们颁奖

女:Now please welcome---------to award them 男:下面我宣布,获得“Show your life”英语风采大赛一等奖的队伍是--------女:The team who get the first prize of“Show your life” English talent competition is--------Congratulations 男:有请-----为他们颁奖

女:Now please welcome---------to award them


男:心有多大,舞台就有多大。梦想有多远,你就能走多远。女:The stage extends as far as the heart goes.The further the dream,the farther we can go.We hope more students could dare to display themselves through this competition.And our college could be full of confidence.男:我宣布“Show your life”英语风采大赛到此结束,朋友们,再会!女:Thanks for all your coming!See you later!

男:请嘉宾和评委上台与获奖选手合影留念。请观众有序退场。女:Welcome guests and judges to take photos with winning teams on the stage.Audience orderly exits, please.


English talent show A: ladies and gentlemen, boys and girls.Good evening.B: Welcome to English talent show.A:It’s a great pleasure that we are going to hold the 11th English Talent Show of our school!ALL: We are honored today to host this show.B: With the development of society, as a popular language, English is already not only a communication tool, but also a cultural symbol.A: Tonight Our English Talent Show is a stage for us to display our talents and also a chance for the teachers to enjoy the result of all of their hard work.B: Firstly, let's introduce today's honorable leaders and judges.(介绍评委)B:Once again let's welcome all the leaders and judges.A: The vivid story about English can make our life vivid.B: Singing beautiful English songs can also make us enjoy our life.A: An exciting speech can encourage all of us.B:Tonight,let’s use our wisdom ,speak English and make dreams come true!A: I think everybody here cannot wait to see now, so let’s begin.B: Let’s look forward to all the teams wisdom, confidence and brilliant performances!A: Wish them good luck!

A: It is a big world while we are so small, isn’t it? B: I don’t think so.Because a famous song says, ”I’m a big big girl in the big big world ”.A: Really?

B: Yes, let’s enjoy the song by Hu Xiaoyang from class 1 and class 2 get ready ,please.A: welcome.(1 SONG: Big big world)B: Maybe all of you have been attracted by Chinese speech.Can you imagine what kind of feelings you will get if you appreciate some English speeches? Next, the performers from class 3 Senior One will show you something important about success!Please listen to the speech “what is success” by Wu Hui and Shi Wenxuan.Welcome!class 4 get ready, please.(2 Speech: What is success?)A:Now I would like to announce the score of class 1 is ________.Congratulations!B: Don’t you feel excited? A: Yes, I’m in the speech and I don’t want to come back yet.B: Please, come back!We should go on host the show.A: OK…

B: All of us are proud of the two students, aren’t we? A: Of course, thanks for your speech.Look, someone even wants to sing a song for you.B: Please enjoy semichorus

from class 4 and class 5 get ready ,please.(3 semichorus

)A: It’s amazing.The voice is like from angels.B: It’s true.But the score of class 3 is also important.Ok, the score of class 3 is ____, congratulations!

A: well, we enjoyed a perfect song, and then, we will watch an interesting drama by students from class 5.B: Let’s warmly welcome___________!(4)A: How wonderful our English Talent Show.B: Yes, it is so colorful.And I would like to announce the score of class 4 is____.Congratulations!A:Which kind of show do you like most? B: To be honest, I like songs, all kinds of songs.A: who is your favorite singer? B: Zhang Xueyou.A: so you must know his famous song 吻别.B: certainly.(唱)A: OK, do you know a foreign singer sings it in English? B: Yeah, the English name of it is .A: Tonight a group of students from class 6 will sing this famous song.B: Really? Welcome.(5 semichorus )A: Thanks for your beautiful voice.Now I would like to announce the score of class 5 is____.B: Congratulations!A: Do you know Romantic of Three Kingdoms? B:三国演义?Of course.It’s rather famous in China!A: So you must know how many times the three brothers Liu Bei, Guan Yu and Zhang Fei visited Zhuge Liang.B: Three.I’m good at Chinese.A: OK.Let’s enjoy a short drama < Three visits to the cottage>.Maybe you will watch a different one.A: welcome the actors from Class 7 and class 9 get ready, please.(6 drama : Three visits to the cottage)A: I hope they can succeed soon.B: Me too.A: OK, I would like to announce the score of class 6 is____.B: it’s show time for class 9.A: They also sing the song and class 10 get ready ,please.(7 song: Big big world)

A: Good job.B: Yes.Let’s go on.I would like to announce the score of class 7 is ________.Congratulations!A: Now another song will be shown by class 10 and class 11 get ready ,please.B: Welcome!(8 song: Here with you)

A: Thank you.I would like to announce the score of class 9 is ________.Congratulations!B: Do you like smiling? A: Just so so!B: I think you should smile as much as possible.Please enjoy the speech by Wang Zhanze from class 11.class 12 get ready ,please.(9 speech: smile for life)B: What do you think about it? A: I must smile every minute.B: Yes, everybody must smile from now on.A:Now I would like to announce the score of class 10 is ________.Congratulations!B: Next, let’s listen some soft music, a solo from a handsome boy, guo yucong. and class 13 get ready, please.(10 song: because of you)A: wonderful.Thank you.B: and I would like to announce the score of class 11 is ________.Congratulations!A: I know every girl wants to have a pair of glass shoes just like she want to meet a prince and fall in love with him.B: Why not? Girls love romance.It’s normal.A: OK.So the short drama suits every girl.and class 14 get ready ,please.B: welcome!(11 drama )A: It’s so romantic.I love it.I would like to announce the score of class 12 is ________.Congratulations!What is the next? B: It’s a song, someone like you.A: Like me? I can’t wait to it.B: Ok, Welcome Wang Ning from class 14.Class 15.Get ready, please.(12 Song: Someone like you)A: A beautiful song and a beautiful voice.Let me announce the score of class 13 is ________.B: Did you tell a lie to others? A: Maybe sometimes.What about you? B: eh,...Someone told lies to me, although I think I am clever.A: Sure.Even the emperor who can control a big country was cheated, B: Is it? Ok, Let’s have a look.A drama is performed by Class 15 and class 16 get ready ,please.(13 drama: The emperor's new suit)A: I like this drama.B: So do I.A: Let’s go on, I would like to announce the score of class 14 is ________.Congratulations!B: Do you think whether god is a male or a female? A: Of course a male, a strong and powerful man.B: You are wrong.Listen, someone says God is a girl.warmly welcome Xu Juanjuan from Class 16 and class 17 get ready ,please.(14 song: God is a girl)A: Thank you for your performance.B: Let me announce the score of class 15 is ________.A: Congratulations!B: Have you heard of the story about Jing Ke? A: Yes, it’s a really famous story.But have you seen a funny edition of it? If not, please rub your eyes and wait!

B: welcome Class 17 , a man wants to kill the king and class 18 get ready ,please.(15 drama: a man wants to kill the king)A: It’s so funny.I would like to announce the score of class 16 is ________.B: Congratulations.The next show is a song, que sera sera, by Wang Hongxiao.Welcome class 18.class 19 get ready.(16 song: que sera sera)A: Thank you.Let me announce the score of class 17 is ________.B: Now Hu Xiaodan will have a solo, let it go.(17 song: let it go)A: perfect.now I would like to announce the score of class 18 is ________.B: Congratulations!A: Next is class 20.They have two songs sing.B: Han Zhao will sing, take me to your heart and Wang Jie will sing another song, you raise me up.Welcome.(18: take me to your heart/ you raise me up)A:ladies and gentlemen ,Now, the 11th English Talent Show is ending.I know we are all deeply impressed by the wonderful programs.B:Thank you for your hard work.Boys and girls,(转向听众)Let's give them a big round of applause.(为参赛者鼓掌)A:And I think our distinguished judges who make this contest possible deserve a big round of applause, too.(感谢裁判)B: last but not the least, boys and girls, I think you deserve a big round of applause, too for being such good audience.(感谢听众,自己给自己鼓掌)

A:下面我宣布进入本次英语风采大赛决赛的班级是--------B:The classes are--------Congratulations A:心有多大,舞台就有多大。梦想有多远,你就能走多远。

B:The stage extends as far as the heart goes.The further the dream,the farther we can go.We hope more students could dare to display themselves through this competition.And our college could be full of confidence.A:我宣布“Show your life”英语风采大赛到此结束,朋友们,再会!B:Thanks for all your coming!See you later!


Host: Good evening.Welcome to today's finals of the English Talent Competition.Many agree that young people are the most energetic and active minds.They have plenty of time of life to think, to learn and to try.Yes.They have a lot of questions and ideas in their minds.Some of the questions they are mostly likely to ask themselves are what do I need most? Do I need wealth, romance, or power, or something else? And which is more important? Capability or opportunity? How to deal with cooperation and competition? As to today's the finalists of the competition, one of the most concerned questions might be can I go through the competition and stand out as number one? Yes.So let's find out the answer.And the six finalists will answer all these questions.And to start with, let’s introduce today's honorable leader and guests.They are...Welcome!

now, let me introduce today's honorable judges.They are...Welcome!

This Competition is cosponsored by the Youth League

Committee of the Vocationl Technical College of CAUC and undertaken by the Debate Team.There are all together 12 contestants to compete in today’s English Speaking Competition.Ladies and gentlemen let’s give a big welcome to them.Contestant No.1from

Contestant No.2from

Contestant No.3 from

Contestant No.4 from

Contestant No.5from

Contestant No.6from.Host : Now please welcome contestant NO.1.from,his speech is.Now you haveto complete your speech.Let's start.After his speaking which is full of passion, let’s enjoy his show time.Host: Now let's welcome the next contestant, contestant No.2,from.Welcome back.the topicNow you can start yourspeech.Host: Thank you!Let's continue the competition.The next one is contestant No.3,from.Welcome.topic.It's time for you to give us the speech.Host: The first three contestants finished their speeches.And now

Host: And now it's turn for contestant No.4.Welcome back!All right,Host: Thank you.Really a short period of time to demonstrate her own points on this issue.Anyway, she has done a good job.And now the judges will be working on her scores.Host:Thank you.Ok, so now let's give the floor to the next speaker, contestant No5 from.Welcome back.Now is your turn

The last one in this round come with the topic are? contestant No.6 Cheng Lin.WelcomePlease give us your speech.Host: Thank you.Ok, let's listen to the judges' comments on these contestants' speeches.So Mr.Host: Just now the six contestants have finished the first

part speech.And now

hanks again for their wonderful performance, now please wait a moment, the result is coming.Next our judges will make some comments on the six contestant performanceAfter our judges’ discussion, the most exciting moment is coming.Let me announce the contestants who are promoted, they are....the ultimate winner is of this year's star of outlook English Talent Competition is.Host: Thanks to everybody.And we owe our thanks to the other contestants who give us the amazing show.Once again, Congratulations to you all.Thank you for your wonderful performance.Till now, our competition has come to an end.Once again thank you for your coming.hope you can benefit from today’s competition, hope you can have your life in English everyday.Thank you very much for coming!That's the end of our contest today.See you in next years' competition.See you.Bye-bye.



1: Good afternoon, ladies and gentlemen.Welcome to the “English Talent Show” of Nanzhan Primary School.Thank you for being here!2:尊敬的各位领导、亲爱的老师、同学们大家下午好!欢迎来到南站小学“英语达人秀”比赛现场!

1:It’s really my honor to be the hostess of today’s competition, my name is.2: 很荣幸担任本次大赛的主持人,我是

1: At first, I just want to express my sincere thanks to all of you, especially to all the leaders and the English teachers.2:首先,我想对大力支持本次活动的校领导和辛勤培育我们的英语老师们说声:“谢谢 ”。

1:Ok, now, let me introduce our judges today, they are our English teachers.This is Miss____.Let’s warmly welcome.2:接下来我向大家介绍今天的评委,也就是我们的英语老师-----1:Learning English is a happy and meaningful thing.So I hope we can make good use of this opportunity to practice and improve our oral English.2: 学习英语是一件快乐而又意义的事。因此,我希望我们能抓住这次机会练习和提高我们的英语口语能力。

1: Now, it’s time for our English Talent Show.First, let’s welcome contestant No.1and contestant No.2, get ready, please.2:现在比赛正式开始,欢迎1号选手上场,请2号选手做准备。

1: Let’s welcome contestant No.2 and contestant No.3, get ready, please.2: 欢迎2号选手上场,请3号选手做准备。。

1: OK, all contestants have finished their presentation.We wish you the best of luck.2:现在所有选手都完成了比赛,期待你们的好成绩。现在请大家耐心等待,成绩将马上揭晓。




First of all, let me introduce our distinguished leader guests tonight,Mr Yao, our headmaster.Mr Li, our vice-president.Mr He, our vice-president and Mr Wu, our vice-president and the secretary of the CPC committee of our school.(高中英语女主持)


Next, let me introduce all the judges today,。。。(初中英语男主持)下面为大家介绍一下今天的评委,担任清江外国语学校第四届英语风采大赛的评委有:。。。(初中中文女主持)

Now let me read the rules of the first spelling test competition in our school.We have 3 rounds in this competition.It is an elimination game.The winner of each round can keep on competing in the next round.Students in each grade will be separated to compete.We have more than 45 students in each grade.The teacher will read several words but one word per student,and the students should spell the words in 3 seconds.Students who can accomplish will go into next round,and the lost will be eliminated,and so forth.So the students who can go into the third round will get the first prize,and the ones go into the second round will get the second prize and the rest will get the third prize.(高中英语男主持)现在,我为大家宣读一下拼词比赛的规则。(高中中文女主持)Next,I declare,the 5th foreign languages gala of Qingjiang Foreign Language School begins!(初男)


And I would also like to take this opportunity to wish everyone can enjoy your stay in our gala and all present to have a wonderful time tonight.(高中英语女主持)


Now,let’s welcome the students from Grade 8,they will give you a singing and dancing show:Together!(初中英语男主持)


That would be great,let’s enjoy it together.(高中英语男主持)

Wow,we enjoyed a perfect program,and then,we will watch a drama by the students in Grade 9,let’s welcome---three times’ beating monster.(初男)

开场的节目堪称完美,下面呢,我们再来欣赏一个话剧,大家想不想看?(想),好,有请9年级的同学带来《Three times’ beating monster》(初女)

Next,let’s begin our first time competition.Let’s welcome the compepitors from Grade 7.(高男)


How wonderful the competition is!Many thanks to all the competitiors.Now,let’s welcome our friends from Grade Nine.They will give us a special song medley .(初男)


Maybe all of you have been attracted by Chinese peoms.Can you imagine what kind of feelings you will get if you appreciate some english peoms? Next, the performers from Senior One will show you an unique world of english peoms!Welcome!(高女)


Don’t you feel romantic?(初男)

Yes,I’m in the peom and I don’t wanna come back yet.(初女)

Please,come back!We should go on host the gala.(初男)


Next,let’s welcome the students from Grade 8!(初男)


Thank you for your good job!Thank you all.In Qingjiang Foreign Language School,you can not only learn English,but also some other languages like Japanese,French and Russian.Next,let’s welcome the program from Japanese class!(高男)


Have you heard of the story about Jing Ke?

Yes,it’s a really famous story.But have you seen a funny edition of it?If not,please rub your eyes and wait!(初男)


Well done,everyone!As the old saying goes,’ The latercomers surpass the formers’,our junior high school students are really better than we were.Even though,we can’t lose our heart.We should meet the hardships ahead.So come on guys.Let’s get started!Next it’s time for the students from Grade 9 to compete in the spelling test.(高男)


Many thanks to all the brothers and sisters.Do you want to be a student in Senior 3?(初男)

Yes,I do.(初女)


Because I can go into the college after that.(初女)

And do you know the feelings of them?(初男)

I’m sorry I don’t have…(初女)

So let’s feel the way they feel!Zhu Qin,a speech!(初男)


Well done,Zhu Qin.I’m proud of you.(高女)


Next,let’s listen some soft music,a solo from a little boy,Zhang Han.(高女)下面让我们听听来自705班张翰学弟的天籁之音吧,有请!(高男)

So far,the students from junior department are all done and they did really really good.and I believe the following students from senior department will do better.(初男)

到目前为止,我们已经完成了初中部所有的赛事,而且他们每一个人都做的非常好。我相信,接下来高中部的同学们会为我们带来更精彩的比赛!(初女)So let’s get started.Welcome students from Senior 1!(初男)


Good job,everybody!(高男)

Do you like dance?(高男)

Yes,I do,but I can’t.(高女)

Then,I’ll show you some beautiful dances.(高男)


Thank you very much!

In addition to Japanese,there is another language that us also

attractive.So,let’s listen to the Russion songs.(初男)


…,I know you are from senior 2,right?(高女)


Do you feel nervous?(高女)

A little.Because next it’s the competition of senior 2.(高男)


You did a really good job!

Next, let’s welcome the singers from grade 7 and 8 to show us two songs.(初男)


Thank you!

Beautiful songs are always coming after another.Next,let’s enjoy a song medley given by Senior Two.Let clap for them!(高男)


We’ve left the last time competition.let’s welcome the competiters from senior 3!(初男)


After the tense competition,let’s have a little break for our eyes and ears.In general,we all have a preference for doing something as arranged.Now,let’s enjoy a humourous mistake made by following the arranged order.So,welcome the students from Class 5,Grade 8 to give us a drama,Napolen’s three questions.(高女)


Thanks to all the singers and dancers.I believe you’ve all played a

game,that is ‘beating a drum to pass a flower’.The flower will be passed from one class to another,when the noise stops,if the flower is in your hand,your class will sing an english song together.(初男)


Are you ready?(高女)






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