
时间:2019-05-15 00:50:13下载本文作者:会员上传


www.xiexiebang.com 口语外教:老外聊天时经常用的25个英语习语

1.step up your game 有更好的表现

If you want to win this competition, you’ll have to step up your game.如果你想赢得这场比赛,你必须得有更好的表现。

2.you rock 你真棒

Thanks for the tickets, Rob.You rock!


3.cut sb some slack 给(某人)方便;对(某人)网开一面

his wife's just had a baby.-对他就网开一面吧——他妻子刚生小孩。

4.come out swinging 开始相互攻击

After a day off, Hillary and Trump this morning again launched another hard week of campaigning, and they both came out swinging.休息了一天后,希拉里和特朗普今早又开始了为期一周的艰苦竞

www.xiexiebang.com 选旅程,两人又开始互掐。

5.go up in flames 毁于一旦,受到重创

His career went up in flames when he was jailed for theft.他因为偷盗坐牢后事业受到了重创。

6.pull yourself together 恢复镇定;控制自己

I understand you’ve had a bad day, but pull yourself together and get on with your job, will you?


7.crunch time 关键时刻

I’m not getting enough sleep these days.It’s crunch time at work.我最近睡眠不够。正赶上工作的关键时期。

8.once in a blue moon 少有地

My sister lives in Alaska, so I only see her once in a blue moon.我姐姐住在阿拉斯加,所以我很少去看她。


9.tar sb with the same brush 认为……是一丘之貉

Because they worked so closely in the same department, John was tarred with the same brush as Tim.由于在同一个部门工作,关系又非常密切,约翰被认为跟蒂姆是一路人。

10.hang in there 坚持住;挺住

Work can get tough in the middle of a term but hang in there and it'll be OK.到了学期中间功课会变得很难,但坚持下去就会好的。

11.shoot from the hip 鲁莽行动(或讲话)

Miss Lee, I have to apologize for shooting from the hip and yelling at you for losing the papers.I was in a big hurry and forgot I left them right here in my drawer.李小姐,我必须向你道歉。我由于找不到文件而对你发火太鲁莽了。当时我实在着急,忘了是我自己把文件放在这儿抽屉里的。

12.be a catch 值得追求的人,宜婚对象

John is taking me out tonight.He’s such a catch, I hope he’ll propose.约翰今晚带我出去了。他是个靠谱的结婚对象,我希望他能向我 www.xiexiebang.com 求婚。

13.running on fumes 非常疲惫,就快熬不住了

I’m sorry, but I’ve got to go home now.I haven’t slept for twenty hours and I’m running on fumes.抱歉,我现在得回家。我已经有20个小时没睡了,快熬不住了。

14.sell(sb)out 背叛;出卖

French farmers feel they've been sold out by their government in the negotiations.法国农场主感到在谈判中他们被政府出卖了。

15.sell sb(on sth)说服某人(做某事)

OK, you’ve sold me.I’ll go with you.好吧,你说服我了。我跟你一起去。

16.blow sb away 使(某人)大为惊讶;令(某人)非常高兴

The ending will blow you away.结局会让你无比惊喜。

17.blow smoke 蒙人,骗人,放烟雾弹

I’m not blowing smoke.I have honestly read War and Peace

www.xiexiebang.com by Tolstoy.我没骗你,我真的读过托尔斯泰的《战争与和平》。

18.couldn't care less(表示强调)一点也不在乎

I think I've caught a cold.我觉得有点不舒服——可能是感冒了。

22.a stone's throw 很短的距离,掷石之遥

The cottage is just a stone's throw from the sea.小屋离海只有一箭之遥。


23.hear(sth)on/through the grapevine


I heard on the grapevine that he was leavingyou have decide whose side you're on.你不能再骑墙观望了——你必须决定支持谁。

25.take sth with a pinch of salt 对……半信半疑,对……有所怀疑

You have to take everything she says with a pinch of salt, she does tend to exaggerate.你不能完全相信她的话,她总是喜欢夸大其词。




首先,电影、餐厅、公众事件、假期和电视节目(films, restaurants, public events, vacations and TV shows)这几个都是西方人乐于聊的东西,用它们作为聊天话题绝对没错,不用担心触到雷区~~此外,传说中外国人很喜欢谈论的天气也是可以拿来当话题的,不过有些人会觉得有点无聊就是了。


Do you know if anything good is playing at the cinema right now?

你知道影院里现在有上映什么好电影吗?(“电影院”英国人说cinema,美国人则说movie theater)

I really want to find a good Italian restaurant;any suggestions? 我很想找到一家好的意大利餐馆,你有什么推荐吗?

I saw an advertisement on TV last night for that new show, Prison Break.Have you seen it?



比如你问,“Do you know any good Italian restaurants?”(你知道什么吃意大利菜的好地方吗?)对方却回答,“No, sorry—I don't really like Italian food.”(对不起我不知道,其实我不太喜欢吃意大利菜……)那你可以接着问,“Oh, ok.What kind of food do you usually go out for then?”(哦~~那你一般出去吃哪种菜呢?)这样就能比较顺利地把话题继续下去哦!












Steve: Mary, how was your date with john? Mary: it's ok.It seems we have a lot in common.S: oh, really.That is great news.What does he look like? M: he is tall and slim, fair-haired.S: sounds like he is pretty cute.What do you think of him? M: he is a nice guy and very considerate.I was impressed with how smart he was and he has a great sense of humor.S: oh, it's love at first sight.When will you see each other again? M: he didn't say, but he said he would call me.S: maybe he is busy with his work.Just wait and try not to think about it too much!M: oh, steve.Stop it!I am a bit nervous!What if he doesn't call? S: come on, Mary, you're a total catch.I bet he will call you.Don't worry.M: thank you, Steve.You're always so encouraging.S: that's what friends are for.参考翻译:

玛丽,你和约翰的约会怎么样? 还可以.我们好像很投缘.真的吗?太好了.他长的怎么样? 他身材高挑,金黄色的头发.听起来长的很帅,那你对她印象怎么样啊? 人不错,非常体贴,知识渊博,又很幽默.啊,看来你是一见钟情了,下次什么时候见面? 他没说,不过他说会给我打电话.也许他现在工作比较忙,等等吧,别太想人家啊!哎,苏珊,人家本来就很紧张了.如果他不大电话怎么办呢? 别担心,玛丽,你这么讨人喜欢,我保证他会打电话的,别担心.谢谢你,史蒂夫,你总是不断鼓励我.别说这些,我们是朋友嘛.日积月累:

I love meeting interesting new people when I travel.我喜欢在旅途中结识有趣的人。Richard is very easy-going.理查德很随和。

Susan is in her late sixties, but she is aging well.苏珊快70岁了,但她保养的很好。You look yourger than your age.你看上去比实际年龄小。

He is young, handsome and successful.他英俊潇洒,年轻有为。She's a total fox.她真性感。


S: you know, Mary, I feel we meet somewhere before.Where were you born? M: I was born in Beijing, but I spent most of my childhood in London.S: what was your childhood like? M: I had a pretty strict upbringing, and my parents taught at an university so they have extremely high expectations for me.S: where did you go to university? M: my parents wanted me to stay in Beijing, but I decided to go back to England.I graduated from University of Newcastle upon Tyne with a degree in Cross Culture Communication.S: what is your current occupation? M: I am a journalist.I write for China Daily.S: did you know that you wanted to be a journalist right after your graduation? M: no, I didn’t.I started working at a university in London but as time went by, I found I did not really like my job.I decided to explore other fields.Journalism is great fit for me as well as a challenge.S: do you like your current job? M: yes, I came to Beijing two years ago looking for new opportunities.I was lucky because my friend introduced me to my current company.参考译文:

玛丽,你知道吗,我觉得好像在哪儿见过你,你是在哪里出生的? 我在北京出生,后来去了伦敦。你的童年生活怎么样?

我小时候家教特别严,我父母以前是大学老师,对我期望特别高。你在哪里上的大学? 我父母想让我留在北京,可是我决定回英国。后来我从纽卡斯尔大学毕业并且拿到了跨文化交流专业的学位。






She is well-endowed.她长得很丰满。

I like girls with long hair.我喜欢长发飘飘的女孩。

She has an out-going personality.她性格很外向。

She is a tall, slim woman with lovely smile.她个子高挑,笑起来很甜。

She is somewhere between 25 and 30 years old.她快30岁了。She is a total doll.她长的真美。

She has a lovely character.她很可爱。


I: I wonder what he looks like.Oh, I can't wait to see him!His email said he'd be wearing a white hat.(looking around for him)oh, there he is.L: hey, Isabelle…

I: Logan!Why on earth are you hiding here? White hat!Come on!Don't tell me you're the guy!It can't be true.L: yes, I am the guy.I: what a bummer!You set me up? L: let me explain.I didn't mean to hurt you… I: how dare you!(starts to walk off)L: hang on a second.Hear me out, just this once, Isabella!I: why did you lie to me in the email? L: I didn't lie.You just didn't ask me my real name.I: I should have known it was you.No wonder all the 20 questions were answered correctly.I thought I might have found the one for me.L: I'm sorry.It was cruel of me.But I promise it will never happen again? Look, there's a nice restaurant.Let me take you to dinner and we can talk thigns over.参考译文:







He is my prince charming.他是我的白马王子。

Jack has fallen head over heels in love with Jane.杰克迷上了简。

He is always on my mind.他总在我的脑海中盘旋。

She's so lovesick she can't even eat.她饱受相思之苦,茶饭不思。

和老外聊天的地道口语第4期:我可以请你跳舞吗? L: The band is pretty good.How do you like the music? I: it's very nice.I haven't heard live music in a while.This is fun.L: well, then, may I invite you for the next dance? I: of course.But I'm afraid I'm not much of a dancer… L: don't worry.I'm not much of a dancer myself.I: you're dancing so well.L: you dance beautifully too.I: when did you learn to dance? L: in college.But I don't dance very often.What's your favourite dance? I: it's hard to say.It depends.But I love the waltz.L: how about tango? I: oh, I like it.It's such a beautiful dance, but I can't do it well.What about you? L: Tango is my favorite.Anything but hip-hop or the foxtort.(the music has stopped)I: thank you for the dance.L: my pleasure.Let's go and have a drink.I: ok.参考译文:


挺喜欢的。我很久没在现场听过音乐了,感觉很不错。好吧,那我可以请你跳下一支舞吗? 当然,但是我不怎么会跳舞。别担心。我也不怎么会跳。你跳的真好。你跳的也不错。


大学时候学的。不过我很久没跳了。顺便问一下,你最喜欢什么舞? 很难说,看情况吧。不过我比较喜欢华尔兹舞。那探戈呢?



不客气。我们喝一杯怎么样? 好的。


I'm crazy about her.我疯狂地爱上她了。Jack really turns me on.杰克很让我着迷.Andrew has a crush on me.But jane likes john.安德鲁爱上了简,可是简却迷上了约翰.My girlfriend dumpped me.I am so sad because she is a total babe!我的女朋友把我甩了.我太难过了,因为她是个大美人.There are plenty of fish in the sea.天涯何处无芳草.band 乐队 fun 有趣的事 college大学

favorite 最喜欢的 waltz 华尔兹舞 tango 探戈舞 hip-hop 街舞 foxtrot 狐步舞

live music 现场音乐 in a while 一段时间 not much of a 不太好的 it depends 那得看情况


L: you are dressed to kill.You look gorgeous, Alexander.A: thanks.This is my power suit.I have a dinner date tonight.L: how did you meet each other? A: she's a friend of Amy.We met at Amy's birthday party.L: is this your first date? A: yes.I hope it pans out.Cross your fingers, Lily.L: sure it will.Oh, no, it's seven fifteen already.I'm going to be late for my date.A: oh…so you buried the hatchet with Steven?

L: absolutely not!He's a cheater.I will never talk to him again.I'm over with him.He's history!A: then who will you meet tonight? L: a guy I met on the internet three month ago.A: really? Are you sure this is a good idea? L: please don't be so fussy!I didn't just meet him yesterday.A: I know, but remember to meet in a public place and don't give out your personal information.参考译文:










I sign on to the internet everyday.我们天都挂在网上.I need to change my password.我需要修改我的密码.When I don't feel like talking to certain people online I pretend that I'm offline.如果我不想和某些人聊天,我就会假装离线.Dial-up is too slow so I use wireless broadband.拨号上网太慢,我用无线宽带上网.和老外聊天的地道口语第6期:网恋究竟可不可靠 A: hey, Lily, what are you doing? L: waiting for someone.A: you mean the boy you met on MSN? L: you're right.He is so funny and I think I'm in love with him.A: you must be joking.You can't fall in love with someone you've never met!L: I know,but I keep thinking of him every day.And I get really depressed when he's not online.A: I think it's just a crush.You can't be serious.L: well, this might be silly.But I just can't get him off my mind.And I can't help missing him.A: did you tell him? L: yes.He said I'm his dream girl.A: you shouldn't take it too seriously.It might be a lie.L: I know.I can't tell whether he's serious or not so I need your advice.A: I think you should enlarge your circle of real life friends, and then the right person will come along.嗨,莉莉,你在干什么呢? 等某人现身呢。

你是说你在msn上认识的那个人吗? 对,他很有趣,我想我已经爱上他了。


我知道,但是我每天不停地像他。他不在网上时,我就很沮丧。我想你这只是一时迷恋。你不会是认真的吧? 也许这有点傻,但是我满脑子都是他。我不停想他。那你告诉他了吗?


我知道。我就是不知道他是不是认真的,所以才需要你的意见。我觉得你应该扩大现实生活中的朋友圈,那合适的人一定会出现的。Depressed 沮丧的 Online 在线的 Crush 迷恋 Enlarge 扩大

Fall in love with sb.爱上某人 Think of 想起

Can't help doing sth 情不自禁 Dream girlfriend 理想的女朋友 Take sth seriously 认真对待某事 Circle of friends 朋友圈 Come along 出现 It's just a crush.这只是一时迷恋.You can't fall in love with someone you've never met!你从来没见过他,怎么会爱上他呢?

Remember to meet in a public place and don't give out your personal information.记得在公共场合见面,别把个人信息给他。

I have a webcam on my computer so I can see my friends on the internet while chatting with them.我的电脑上装了摄像头,这样我就可以和朋友视频聊天了。和老外聊天的地道口语第7期:职场恋歌

C: What's the problem, Nada? You look down in the dumps.N: I don't know.My life is a big mess.Everything is so compliceted.C: come on, nothin can be that bad.N: but promise me, you'll keep it a secret.C: ok, I promise.So what's troubling you so much? N: I've fallen in love with my boss.C: really? Is he married? N: no, of course not.He is still single.C: then what's your problem? N: I try to keep it to myself.But there is a lot of gossip about us.C: oh, I see.Office romance tends to be the subject of gossip.N: worse still, he is trying to avoid me these days.C: office romance is very tricky.N: it gives me a lot of pressure and I feel depressed.C: cheer up, Nada.You'll be fine.娜达,怎么了?你看上去怎么闷闷不乐的? 我也不知道。我的生活一团糟。怎么这么复杂? 到底怎么了?没什么大不了的。但你要发誓,替我保守秘密。

好吧,我发誓。那到底什么让你这么烦心呢? 我喜欢上我们老板了。是吗?那他结婚了?



娜达,别这样,高兴点。一切都会过去的。Mess 杂乱

Complicated 复杂的 Promise 像某人承诺 Trouble 使某人痛苦 Single 单身的 Subject 主题 Gossip 闲言碎语 Avoid 躲避 Smell 察觉 Pressure 压力

Down in the dumps 抑郁的 Keep it a secret 保守秘密 Tend to 趋于 Worse still 更坏地 Tricky 难处理 Cheer up 高兴点

Relationships with co-workers can especially tempting because, more and more, people have no time to socialize.因为越来越多的人没有时间参加社交活动,所以和同事谈恋爱日益受到青睐.It it not surprising that romance springs up at the office.办公室恋情不足为奇.The office romance turned out to be a disaster.这段办公室恋情只是一时冲动,带来了严重的后果。

和老外聊天的地道口语第8期:我很想追她!C: how's it going? N: I'm in a good mood today, actually.How about you? C: to be honest, I'm a bit fed up.N: what's wrong? C: there's a girl in my company that I really like but I always get shy when she is around.N: I see!Do you want to ask her out?

C: sure, but how? N: you can ask her out for drink after work.C: but for what reasons? She doesn't even know who I am.N: then you've got a lot of homework to do.You need to get her notice first.C: easier said than done.N: you can start by meeting her at the bus stop and saying hello to her.C: but I always get tongue-tied when I see her.N: that's something you need to overcome.Men should make the first move as most of girls perfer being chased.C: I see.I'll try.N: good luck!


事实上,我今天心情很好,你呢? 说实话,我有点烦。怎么了?

我很喜欢我们公司的一个女孩,但是我一看见她就不好意思。这样啊,你想约她出去吗? 当然啦,但是怎么约啊? 你可以约她下班后一起喝东西。但是找什么理由啊?她都不知道我是谁。那你要做的事情可就多了,你要先引起她的注意。说起来容易。

你可以先在公交车站偶遇她,然后和她搭讪。但是我一见到她,就不知道说什么。那你一定要克服这个毛病。男士要主动,女孩子喜欢被追啊。知道了。我试试吧。祝你好运。Shy 羞怯的

Homework 准备工作 Notice 注意 Overcome 克服 Chase 追求 Mood 心情

Be in a good mood 心情很好 To be honest 说实话 Be fed up 厌烦的

In one's presence 当着某人的面 Bus stop 公交站 Tongue-tied 张口结舌的 Make the first move 主动出击

Office romance, if handled well, can lead to a successful relationship.If not, it can end up ruining one's career.办公室恋情,如果处理得好,可能会发展为恋爱关系。处理不当,则可能会断送一个人的职业生涯。

They kept their relationship under wraps for a long time.他们秘密交往了好长一段时间。

We preferred to keep it a secret until we are ready to walk down the aisle.我们更希望保守这个秘密,直到两个人准备结婚再公开。Office romance is often the subject of gossip.办公室恋情常会引起闲言碎语。Rumors creat a lot of pressure.流言蜚语给人们造成很大压力.


(1)>>Look forward to ,---make out,----eat out----bring back--get away(2)>>Talk out come along – run down come apart

(5)>>Drop off – get away-

come down-

come out--hold on warm up

(6)>>Ask out – ring back – drop off – get through – clear off –put off--run down(7)>>Warm up – take off – come apart – bring backget on-show off--get away—come along--head off 1.Look forward to:

to feel pleased and excited about something that is going to happen.① I am looking forward to the weekend.② we are really looking forward to seeing you again.2.Make out:

① to be able to see or hear sth or sb ,usually with difficulity.I could hear voices but I could not make out what they were saying.② Understand sth ,especially sth has happened.I can not make out what he wants.③ Understand why sb behaves as they do

Jack is behaving very strangely at the moment.I just can not make him out 3.eat out:

to eat a meal in a restaurant, not at home.Do you feel like eating out tonight? 4.bring back:

① to make sb remember or think about sth from the past.The photographs brought back my happy memories.② To return with sth for sb

I brought a T-shirt back for Mark.5.get away:

① to succeed to leaving a place or a person.I will not be able to get away from the office at 7.② To go somewhere to have a holiday, especially because you need to rest

We are hoping to get away for a few days at Easter.(复活节)1.Talk out:

① to persuade sb not to do sth.My sister wants to leave college but my parents are trying to talk her out of it.② To discuss sth thoroughly in order to make a decision, solve a problem.You should always talk out your problems with someone you trust.2.put forward:

① to state an idea or opinion so that it can be considered or dissussed

They put forward some new ideas on the subject

② To change the date or time of an event so that it happens earlier than planned

We have put the meeting forward by one hour.3.get on:

① to continue doing sth, especially work.I am trying to get on with my work.② If two or more people get on, they like each other and are friendly to each other.Jim and Anne get on really well.4.show off:

① to try to make people admire your abilities or achievements in a way which other find annoying.He is just showing off because that girl he likes is here.② To make sb look attractive, by showing their best features

That dress could show off her figure.5.clear off:

① to leave a place quickly.He just cleared off without saying goodbye.② Remove from sight.He cleared off the dust from the chair and sat down in it.people

6.go on:

① to continue doing sth.He said nothing but just went on working.② To talk in an annoying way about sth for a long time.She does go on sometimes.她有时就是爱唠叨!

1.Look down:

① to think that sb is less important than you, or to think that sth is not good enough for you to use.Never look down on yourself.② To see sth under your sight.Oh ,here it is, please look down.2.Set up:

① to start a company or organization.She took out a bank loan and set up on her own.② To arrange for sth to happen

I have set up a meeting for Friday.3.blow up:

① to fill sth with air

The boy is blowing up a balloon.② To suddenly become very angry.My mother blew up at me when I told her that news.4.ring back:

① to return a call they made to you.I will ask Tom to ring you back when he gets in.② To telephone sb again, for example they were not there when you called earlier.He is not here now----could you ring back later?


5.take off:

① to leave the ground and begin to fly.The plane took off one hour late.② To remove sth, especially sth you are wearing.Today is very hot, so I take off my coat.6.tear down:

to destroy a building or other structure because it is not being used or it is not wanted any more ① The old cinema was torn down and replaced by a restaurant.② Tear down your labels.撕下你身上的标签

1.Playing at:

① if you ask what sb is playing at, you ask what they are doing, in a way which shows that you are surprised and angry.I tried asking her what she was playing at but she just burst into tears.② To do sth without being serious about it or putting much effort into it.His parents are so rich that he can play at being a businessman 2.slip off:

① to leave a place quietly so that other people do not notice you going.Let us try and slip off before the meeting finishes and go for a drink.② To slide out of your hand The plates in her hands were slipped off to the ground.3.hit back:

to criticize or attack sb who criticized or attacked you.In a TV interview she hit back at her critics.4.come along:

① to arrive at a place

Many people bought tickets for the concert, but few came along.② To improve or develop in a way that you want.Your French has come along a lot recently.5.run down:

① to criticize sb or sth in an unkind way.He is always running her down in front of other people.② To make sth lose power or stop working.If you leave your headlights on you will soon run down the battery.6.Look after:

① to take care of sb or sth by doing what is needed to keep them well

Who is going to look after the dog?

② To make sure that things happen to sb’s advantage

He is good at looking after his own interests.7.come apart:

to break into pieces The book just came apart in my hands.1.Drop off:

① to become fewer or less.Interest in the book began to drop off.② To take sb to a place that they want to go to, deliver sth to a place, usually in a car often when you are going somewhere place.I dropped off the package at her house.2.come down:

① to break and fall to the ground

The ceiling came down with a terrific crash.② To get an illness that is not very serious.I think I am coming down with flu.3.Come out:

① to be removed from sth by washing or cleaning(of dirt or mark)These stains won’t come out of my dress.② To be known(of news or truth)The full story came out at the trial.4.hold on:

① to wait for a short time Hold on a minute while I get my breath back.② To survive in a difficult or dangerous situation.They managed to hold on until help arrived.5.talk into:

to persuade sb to do sth

① She tried to talk him into adopting her plan.② Please talk into the microphone.6.Warm up:

① to heat previously cooked food again for eating.Please warm up this milk over the stove.② To prepare for physical exercise or a performance by doing gentle exercise The players are warming up before the game.1.Ask out:

to invite sb to go out with you, especially as a way of starting a romantic relationship.① I want to ask her out, but it's easier said than done.② The officer asked out when he was 60.这名官员60岁时引退了 2.get through:

① to manage to talk to sb on the telephone

I tried to phone her but I couldn’t get through.② To succeed in making sb understand or believe sth I explained once again, but I still couldn't get through to him.3.put off:

① to decide or arrange to do sth at a later time.The meeting will be put off until Friday

② To cancle a meeting or an arrangement that you have made with sb We've invited friends to supper and it's too late to put them off now.4.head off:

① to start a journey or leave a place.We should head off at about six tomorrow.② To get in front of sb in order to make them turn back or change direction The running thief was headed off by the police.5.Lift off:

to leave the ground and rise into the air

① The spaceship will lift off from the launching pad at 7 am.② It's difficult to lift off the cover of the box.很难揭开这个箱子的盖子



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