大学英语基础教程(北大修订版)教案第二册Unit Five

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第一篇:大学英语基础教程(北大修订版)教案第二册Unit Five

Unit Five Teaching Objectives: By the end of this unit, students will be better able to 1: talk about peoples in UK and their characters;2: use about 15 new words and 8 new phrases and expressions in brief conservations and translation;3: use past participles;4: read material on a similar topic and with a similar degree of difficulty.Teaching Methods: Lecture, group discussion Unit Duration: 8 class hours(45minutes each)Teaching procedures: I Preparatory 1.Words and phrases learned in display frequently(ad.): many times or very often.frequent(adj.)frequency(n.)appetite: 1: a desire for food:

*I have lost my appetite lately.* Don’t eat that cake now, it will ruin your appetite.2: a desire or liking for a particular activity:

*She has an amazing appetite for knowledge.hospitable:(~ to/ towards sb)pleased to welcome or entertain guests:

*She is always hospitable to guests.classify(v.): arrange sth systematically in classes or groups.*Books in the library are classified by/according to subject.*Should we classify this song as pop music or classical music? circumstance: condition connected with a certain event or action.(in…circumstances;under…circumstances;under/in no circumstances).*Circumstances force us to change our plans.*I can’t imagine a circumstance in which he will cry.variation: a difference between similar things, or a change from the usual form of sth.*Prices haven’t shown much variation this year.*Currency exchange rates are always subject to variation roughly: 1: about, not exactly.*There are roughly 200 people here.*Roughly speaking, I need $500.2: not gently.*He grabbed her roughly.represent: stand for, or be a symbol.*The rose represents England.contain: include.gradual: happen over a long period, not sudden.*Things have been improved gradually.2.Expressions learned in display

divide into:

*Generally speaking, China is divided into two parts.die out: extinct

* Dinosaurs died out because of many factors.be apt to: be inclined to

*She was apt to go abroad to study.be distinct from: different in kind, separate

*The living habits of cat and dog are quite distinct from each other.to an extent: to the degree specified

*I agree with him to an extent.Part II: Language in Context

1.Information related to the text We, as foreigners, often consider people in Britain as a whole nation with the same character, however, it is not the case.British contains English, Welsh, Scottish, and Irish.They have quite different living habits and characters, through this text we can get some information about these four kinds of people, and we can make an easy compare among them.Questions: 1: Summarize British characters in your opinion.2: Do you know different parts of UK?

3: List some English universities and writers.2 Introductory remarks

The Peoples of Britain Structure:

1st paragraph is the introductory part which makes clear the topic to be discussed in the text.2nd to the last paragraph is about the detailed information on different British people.Chief division: southern England and northern England.Difference in characters: Northern: hard-working, more thorough, open-hearted, hospitable and easy to make friends.The Scots: serious, cautious, thrifty, inventive, and mystical.The Welsh: emotional, reticent and difficult to get to know easily.The Irish: famous for being charming and lively, and for beauty of the girls.Difference in regional speech: Southern English is more popular than northern English.Northern English is broader than that of southern England.Gaelic is still used in Scotland.Irish is the official language of the republic of Ireland and English is the second language.3 Language points: This part is almost the same to the words, phrases and expressions in the earlier part.Grammar: past participles concept: v.+-ed/-d usage: passive, or finished state;modifier;Immediate practice III: Towards productive language

1.This part is mainly for learners’ independent reading.Language points:

celebrate: mark with festivals: ~ birthday, festival, or wedding anniversary.original: 1: existing from the beginning;first or earliest.* I prefer your original plan to this one.2: newly created, fresh.* His design is highly original.3: creative.*an original mind

yield: n.the amount produced.*a good yield of wheat

v.1: produce or provide:

*trees that no longer yield fruits

2: ~ to sb/sth: be overcome by pressure, cease opposition.* The government hasn’t yielded to public opinion.3: be forced out of the usual shape.*Despite all our attempts to break it open, the lock would not yield.expectation: n.firm belief/hope that sth will happen.*The children waited patiently in expectation of the magician.*He has little expectation of winning a prize.share: have or use sth with others.*Will you share your pen with me? accommodate: provide room for.*This hotel can accommodate up to 500 guests.gratitude: thankful.*She felt gratitude to him for saving her life.in accordance with: in agreement with.* act in accordance with the law.2 Comprehension questions: Multiple choices, cloze and filling in the blanks Practical English writing: How to write a business letter of complaint: pay attention to the purpose, the basic structure, and the contents of the letter.IV: Homework:

Write the letter in exercise2 on page103.

第二篇:大学英语基础教程(北大版)教案第一册Unit Six

Unit 6 Teaching Objectives:

By the end of this unit, the students will be expected to be able to 1.get to know the factors that influence the skin color of human beings and the attitudes to suntan in different times;learn the relationships between suntan and society;2.use skillfully the 10 key words and 6 expressions learned in text A in conversations and writings;3.consolidate the basic grammar on the past perfect tense 4.get to know how to write Invitation Cards and Letters of Invitation Teaching Methods: Lecture, Discussion Unit Duration: 8 class hours(45 minutes each)Teaching procedures: I.Preparatory 1.Words And Phrases Learned In Display Opposite:entirely different, contrary相反的

Invention:the act of inventing, something invented发明,创造 Bleach:cause to become white or whiter漂白,褪色

Inherit:receive property or qualities of mind or body from one’s parents or grandparents 继承,由遗传获得

Leisure:spare time, time free from work空闲 Afford:be able to buy or do提供

Desirable:worth having, doing or desiring值得要的

Exposure:the state of being uncovered to the light.usu.without protection暴露 Artificially:made by the art of man人造的

Indoor: belonging to, situated, inside a building 室内的 2.Expressions Learned In Display 1.tell … from…

2.brought about

3.To…extent 4.not at all

5.leads to

6.on the other hand II.Language In Context 1.Information Related To The Text In western Europe and north America pale is no longer desirable.Instead of bleaching themselves white with lemon juice, many people spend their time to get their suntan.Proper quantity of suntan is good for health, but excessive suntan may be harmful.The best known acute effect of excessive UV exposure is erythema, the familiar skin reddening termed suntan.Susceptibility to skin damage depends on skin type;individuals with fairer skin will be more prone to suntan or erythema, than people with darker skin.Similarly, the ability to adapt to UV exposure(able to tan)also depends on skin type.2.Introductory Remarks This article tells about the skin color we have got in different ways.It focuses on the relation between suntan and society.People in different periods share the different ideas about suntan.It reveals the fact that man himself is not only influenced by heredity, but also by social environment, and so are men’s ideas.As environment changes, men’s ideas change, too, and all these changes in men’s ideas are closely related to the wealth and social status.3.Language Points 1.But our weight depends mainly on how much we eat and how much esercise we get.Depend on/ upon 1)vary according to what else happens or whether something else changes 取决于……, 视…而定

The length of the treatment depends on the severity of the illness.治疗时间的长短取决于疾病的严重程度。2)need the help or support 依靠,依赖

I haven’t got a car, so I have to depend on the buses.我没有汽车,所以我得乘公共汽车。

3)be sure that something will happen 信赖,确信,相信 You can necer depend on her coming on time.绝不可指望她能准时到达。

2.In the same way, our skin color depends to a large extent on how much sunshine we get to a large extent in a higher degree 在很大程度上 I agree with what you say to a large extent.在很大程度上我同意你的话。

We can trust him to a large extent.我们可以完全信赖他。

3.A group of light-colored people will all seem to be the seme color in these months.Light-coloured adj pale and not dark 浅颜色的 “形容词(数词)+名词+ed”构成复合形容词,如 Dark-coloured 深颜色的

A white-haired girl白毛女 A three-legged animal三脚兽

4.But when summer arrives and they goto the beaches, some will tan darkly, some will tan lightly and a feew will not tan at all.(not / no)at all used in questions or negative statements to emphasize what you are saying 无论如何(都不)(用于疑问句或否定句,表示强调)She is not looking at all well.(=she looks ill)她看起来气色很糟糕。

They searched the mountain over but didi not fined any hints at all.他们搜遍了整座山,但什么线索也没找到。Do you know anything about it at all? 这件事你一点都不知道吗? Does he get no pension at all? 他一点养老金都没拿到吗?

“Do you mind if I open the window?” “Not at all!”(=certainly not, please do)” “你是否介意我开窗户?”“当然不会介意!” 5.Each one has inherited a different ability to tan…

Inherit v.receive property or qualities of mind or body from one’s parents or grand parents 继承,由遗传获得

She inherited a large amount of money from her father.她从父亲那继承了一大笔钱。A son inherits from his father.儿子是父亲的继承人。

6.Sometimes they decide the opposite.Opposite 1)n.something or someone as different as possible from another 相反 Black and white are opposites.黑白相反。

2)adj.Entirely different, contrary 相反的 His political position is opposite to ours.他的政治立场和我们的相反。

7.Noblemen, on the other hand, did not have to work.On the other hand(通常为on the one hand… on the other hand…)used when comparing different or opposite facts or ideas 一方面……., 另一方面……

On the one hand you treated her kindly;on the other hand you are rude to the whole family.一方面你对她温和,而另一方面却粗暴地对待她的家人。

8.You could always tell a nobleman from a peasant because the peasant had a tan.Tell… from… recognize , know 区别,分辨,认出 Can you tell one from the other? III.Toward Productive Language 1.Language Points 1.Scientists working on a problem do not know and sometimes can’t even guess what the final result will be.Work on spend time making or fixing something 致力于 I worked all night on that article.我通宵在写那篇文章。

Work on sb to do sth try continuously to influence someone or persuade them to do something 努力影响(说服)(某人做某事)Guess v.form an opinion without knowing猜想,推测 I guess her age as 18.我想她芳龄18.2….he was doing an experiment in his laboratoroy when her noticed something extraordinary.Experiment n.trial made in order to learn something or prove the truth of an idea 试验 The theory shall be proved by experiment.理论要经实践检验。

Extraordinay adj.more than what is ordinary, strange 非常的,特别的 His memory is quite extraordinary.他的记忆力非同寻常。

3….and when he switched on the current he saw little dancing lights on his table.Switch on turn on by means of a switch 打开,接通 Please, switch on the TV.请打开电视机。

Current n.the flow of electricity, a continuously moving mass of liquid or gas 电流,水流,气流

The current is strongest in the middle of the river.河中间水流最强。

4.Now the bulb was completely covered;how then could any ray penetrate? Penetrate v.enter, cut or force a way into or through穿过,渗透 The bullet penetrated the wall.子弹穿过了墙壁。

5.Professor Rontgen took a piece of this paper and held it at a distance from the lamp.At a distance the amount of separation in space or time在远处 The picture looks better at a distance.离远点看,这幅画更好看。

One can see the ancient ruins at a distance of 20 miles.20英里外都能看到那些古代废墟。

6.Between it and the lamp he placed a variety of objects, a book…

A variety of a group or collection containing different sorts of the same thing or people 各种各样的

This shop has a variety of toys.这家商店里有各式各样的玩具。7.this mysterious ray could shine through everything except the metal.Mysterious adj.not easily understood, secret, suggesting mystery 神秘的,难解的 He died of a mysterious illness.他死于一种未知的疾病。

8.she was veryt surprised by this request, but she obediently held up her hand for a quarter of an hour.Request v.damand politely请求,要求 May I request your attention?请大家注意了。Hold up raise, keep up举起,托起 Please hold up your right hand , if you agree.同意的,请举右手。

9.At first the doctors did not understand how powerful the rays were and many of them were injured, losing a finger…

Injure v.hurt, offend 伤害,损害 She was injured badly in the accident.她在事故中严重受伤。

10.the most obvious use for this discovery to enable doctors and surgeons to see exactly how a bone was fractured, Obvious adj.easy to understand, clear明白的,显然的 Her displeasure was obvious.她明显不快。2.Comprehension Questions 1.)Why were the doctors easy to be injured by the X-ray?

At first the doctor did not understand how powerful the rays were and many of them were injured, losing a finger or an arm through exposure to X-rays when they were using the machines.2.)Why did Professor Roentgen not die an honored man?

Professor Roentgen died, poor and neglected 1923.even through his discovery did so much for medical science, unfortunately he did not die an honored man, because malicious people spread the story that he had stolen his discovery from a laboratory assistant who worked for him.IV.Homework: 1.Dictation of the new words

第三篇:大学英语基础教程(修订版)第四册教案Unit Three

Unit 3 Teaching Objectives By the end of this unit, students will be better able to 1.talk about some body languages and their meanings and functions;2.use about 30 new words and 8 new phrases and expressions in brief conversations and translation;3.review grammar on Noun Clause I;4.read material on a similar topic and with a similar degree of difficulty.Teaching Methods:

Lecture, Discussion, Translation Unit Duration: 8 class hours(45 minutes each)Teaching procedures: I.Preparatory 1.Words and Phrases Learned in Display disguise: v.maintain: maintenance(n.);maintainer(n.);syn.continue;preserve;retain confidence: assurance reliable : rely(v.);dependable cross(v.): fold shiver(n.& v.): quiver;shake;tremble;quake;quaver enthusiasm: enthusiastic(adj.);great excitement alert(adj.): watchful;quick;brisk;lively establish: establishment(n.);set up;found resist: resistance(n.)withstand;oppose 2.Expressions Learned in Display 1.deal with

2.is going through your head 3.all but

4.as well 5.hold back

6.occurs to me

7.was of importance

8.are aware of

II.Language in Context

Information Related to the Text Body language is an important part of nonverbal communication and it is connected with culture.In order to make successful exchange in cross-cultural communication, we should know the body language from different cultures.And we should realize that body language, like verbal communication and culture, also has many similarities all over the world.However, body language from different cultures has many differences because of different regions, races and cultural customs.And it is restricted by its culture and has different cultural connotations.That is to say, the same body language has different meanings in different cultures and has different social functions.Language Points 1.occur to sb.: come to one’s mind e.g.---It occurred to me that we should hire another secretary.---It occurred to me that we had better go and have a picnic outside.2.constantly adv.不断地;经常地

常与always, continually, for ever, all the time等频度状语一样用在现在进行时中,对现阶段经常发生的动作表示某种感情色彩。

e.g.---Tom is constantly complaining that she is not properly paid.3.be based on : form or provide a base for.e.g.---Theory must be based on practice.---The stories of Robin Hood are based mainly on traditions.4.be of(no)importance: be(not)important e.g.---Reform is of vital importance to us.---This matter is of no importance to him.5.all but:(of actions or states)slightly short of or not quite accomplished;nearly 几乎; 差一点 e.g.---The room was all but empty.---They have all but finished the task.6.hold back: restrain;suppress;keep;keep back保密;阻止;压抑 e.g.---She was unable to hold back her excitement.---The police had to use force to hold back the crowd.7.come across as: look as

e.g.---He comes across as someone who keep on his words.---He came across as sympathetic/a sympathetic person.8.shut out: prevent from entering e.g.---The late comers were all shut out of the stadium.---The building shut out our view of the water.9.as well: too e.g.---I’m coming to London and my sister’s coming as well.---We will have maths exam as well as English test at the end of this section 10.go through one’s head: something that one’s thinking about e.g.---Will you please tell me what’s going through your head?

---I can imagine what’s going through your head.11.be aware of: having knowledge or cognizance;realize e.g.---I was not aware of the slight changes.---We were aware of the problem beforehand.III.Toward Productive Language Language Points 1.to…extent: to…degree e.g.---I agree with you to a certain degree.2.a variety of: various;all kinds of

e.g.---His lecture ranged over a variety of topics.3.conscious of: know;aware of

e.g.---They were conscious of being watched.4.Broadly speaking: generally speaking e.g.---Broadly speaking, I agree with you.5.in any case: anyway;at any rate e.g.---In any case, you’ll need to be at the station by nine.---In any case, he will not give it up.6.substitute for: take the place of another for代替 e.g.---He substituted for the worker who was ill.---Can you substitute for me at the meeting.7.account for: provide an explanation or justification e.g.---The suspect couldn’t account for his time that night.---You must account for the missing money in the bank.IV.Homework: 1.Dictation of the new words 2.Chinese-English Translation.


Book 2 Unit 4 College sweethearts


1.To talk about romantic love 2.To learn and apply the words and phrases of the text 3.Master the key language points and grammatical structures in the text 教学难点:

1.apply the phrases and patterns 2.to listen and discuss the importance of humanities

3.To critically think what makes wonder in their crisis-ridden marriage 教学过程: Task 1 Lead-in(Ss work in groups to discuss the following questions)1.What are the modern dating practices? Tips: casual dating, formal dating, speed dating, online dating, double dating, group dating, blind date…

2.Do you think it’s a good idea to date someone at college? Why or why not? Tips: Yes, because:

• it’s an ideal place to find someone who has the same aspirations.•through years of studying together, students get to know each other well.• college has more choices than the workplace.• love starting on campus is romantic and pure.• No, because students need to concentrate on study, not to waste time dating.3.In your opinion, what are the important qualities an ideal date should possess? Tips: responsible, smart, honest, considerate, understanding, diligent, rich, good-looking, funny, having the same interest……

4.Which is more important when it comes to marriage, one’s appearance or character? Why?

Tips: Appearance, because I like to see someone who is good-looking.Character, because appearance will change as time goes by, while one’s character is essential to marriage.Task 2 Text study 1.Ss read the passage and discuss the following questions in groups

a.How do you understand the sentence “In a way, love just happens when you least expect it”? b.Why did the author think that Butch seemed a little weired although very cute? c.Why did fear come over the author whem she started to fall in love? 2.Language focus 1)New words: gaze, dynamic, proceed, coordinate, confess, commence, disapprove, tempt, deserve 2)Phrases

a.Sth.(a feeling)comes over sb.when sb.does sth.用于表达“某人在特定情境下突然受到某种情感的影响”。


A feeling of relief came over me when I learned that he returned to the base safe and sound b.True, …, but sb.does sth./the truth is…



True, life in big urban cities is convenient and enjoyable, but I always miss the childhood spent in the countryside where we could get in touch with nature and had more fun.c.Despite sth., at one’s core, sb./sth.is…



Despite her elegant and gentle manner, at her core, she is strong-willed and resolute.3.Structure of the text The passage can be roughly divided into three parts.Part I(Para.1): This part is the introduction which prepares for the topic of love.The narrator now has two daughters who are at the age of dating.They believe that their parents had a romantic story heading for marriage from the very beginning.However, It’s not completely true.She started dating Butch not for love but for fun because she wanted to get away from her boring college life.Part II(Para.2-10): This is the major part of the narrative.It is interspersed with flashbacks of the narrator’s dating experiences.The story records the long journey of love in a time sequence and describes in detail how she felt about Butch and how they together went through ups and downs for seven years before they finally got married.Part III(Para.11)This part echoes the beginning of the narration to reiterate that their love actually started with a casual attraction only but bloomed into a mature love for life.Having weathered the storm of love, their marriage now has turned out to be a long, romantic, sometimes crazy, love story, which sums up a 29-year long honeymoon.Task 3 Critical thinking(Activities performed in class)1)What are the messages conveyed in the article?

• Life after marriage is different from that during dating.• When dating, lovers show their best sides and conceal their weaknesses.• Dating is also characteristic of romance and fantasy.• After marriage, strengths and weaknesses of each other’s characters are revealed.• Couples may feel a little bit confused and disappointed.• It requires couples to adjust their attitudes and commit more effort to ensure a happy marriage.2)Would you accept a long distance relationship? And why? • Yes.•

True love can transcend everything.•

Distance makes the heart grow fonder.•

You will cherish each other more.Viewing, listening and speaking

Unit 5 Relax and explore 教学重点:

1.listening to the world: sharing ,listening

2.speaking for communication : Imitation role-play 3.further practice in listening


Role –play 教学过程: Opening-up 1.talk about the activities shown in the pictures 2.Work in pairs and compare your answers.Listening to the word 1.Ask Ss to watch a podcast to get its general idea and discuss their answers in groups.2.Ask Ss to watch a podcast and fill in the blanks.3.Ask Ss to discuss the following questions based on what they have heard.Questions: 1.Which do you prefer to visit, a big city or a small town? Why?? 2.Do you prefer to travel alone or with a group of friends? Why? 3.What kind of holidays do you like best? Why? Role-play Work in pairs and role-play one of the following situations by using skills of making and taking orders in a restaurant.Situation 1: Making orders based on Menu A Situation 2: Making orders based on Menu B Assignment: Work in groups.Choose a town/city in China you think foreign tourists would most like to visit..


Unit 5 Overcoming Obstacles Teaching Plan(6 periods)1.教学目标及基本要求:

Objectives: Students will be able to: 1)Grasp the main idea(dreaming and hard work helped Michael Stone on his way to success)and the structure of the text(narration with a flashback);2)Appreciate the narrative skills(using details to bring out a character;a surprising ending;use of puns);3)Master the key language points and grammatical structures in the text;4)Conduct a series of reading, listening and writing activities related to the theme of the unit.2.教学内容及学时分配:

Time allotment: 1st period: pre-reading;text organization 2nd period: while-reading 3rd period: post-reading activities 4th period: reading practice 5th period: speaking 6th period: writing 3.教学重点及难点:

Important language points in the text: Language Study(60 minutes)A.Words

1.sweat: vi/n.drops of a liquid similar to water that come through the skin when one is hot, ill, afraid.etc.出汗/汗水

E.g.She swept the sweat from her face.2.grace: n.quality of being smooth and elegant, esp.in movement or structure.优美,优雅 E.g.The trained dancer has an extraordinary grace of movement.3.mere: a.nothing more than 仅仅,只不过

E.g.It’s a mere 300 meters from my house to the college.4.fantasy: n.imagination, esp.when it has no connection at all with reality 幻想

E.g.I still have the fantasy that one day I will win the National lottery.5.numerous: a.very many 许多,无数的E.g.He has been late on numerous occasions.6.passion: n.strong feeling, esp.of live 热情

E.g.He is a man of violent passion.He argued his case with considerable passion.7.details: n.1)small, particular fact or item 细节,琐碎的事

E.g.No details of the negotiation between the two countries have been revealed.I can still recall every detail of my Graduation Day..2)sth.Which is unimportant and doesn’t affect the main issue

E.g.The salary is a detail;the main thing is to find a job.In detail: fully or thoroughly

E.g.She told them in detail what they were going to day at the meeting.8.recur: vi.come or happen again 再来,再发生

E.g.This theme recurs several times through the book.9.coincide: vi.1)happen at the dame time(followed by with)同时发生,一致

E.g.His arrival coincides with our departure.2)be in agreement(with)

E.g.Her story coincided exactly with her brother’s.10.core: n.the most important part 核心

E.g.The core of the problem is their objection to the policy.11.alternate: a.every other or second;happening by turns 交替的,轮流的 E.g.It has been a week of alternate rain and sunshine.12.relax: v.make or become less tense, worried or nervous 放松

E.g.When I get home from work I like to relax with a glass of wine.I will relax when I know you are safe.13.vain: a.too pleased with one’s own abilities or looks 虚荣的,自负的 E.g.Too much praise can make a person vain.She is too vain to wear glasses.14.emotion: n.a strong feeling of any kind 情感,感情

E.g.He lost control of his emotion.They expressed mixed emotions at the news.15.preparation: n.the act or process of preparing 准备

E.g.Preparation for the party started early.Careful preparation for the exam is essential..16.startle: vt.give a sudden shock or surprise to 使大吃一惊

E.g.I didn’t mean to startle you.The explosion startled the horse.17.intensity: n.the state of being intense 强烈,紧张

E.g.The storm resumed with even greater intensity.In order to finish the job, we have to work with greater intensity.18.anxiety: n.a feeling of worry or fear 忧虑,担心

E.g.Some patients experience high level of anxiety.You’d better share your anxieties with doctor.19.tension: n..worry or nervousness 紧张,不安

E.g.We laughed and that helps ease the tension.20.tense: feeling worried or nervous;making people worried or nervous 紧张的。令人紧张的E.g.Facing so many teachers, John got very tense and made several mistakes in his speech.He is a very tense man.21.breeze: a.微风

E.g.The flowers were gently swaying in the breeze.22.deaf: a.unable to hear at all or to hear well 耳聋的E.g.He was born deaf.B.Phrases

1.bear out: prove that(sth..)is true 证实

E.g.The other people will bear me out.2.coincide with:(of two or more events)to take place at the same time.与…同时发生

E.g.The strike was timed to coincide with the party conference.3.work out: go through a physical exercise session 体育锻炼,训练

E.g.I work out regularly to keep fit.4.dedicate sb to sth: to give a lot of your time and effort to a particular activity or purpose because you think it is important 把…奉献给

E.g.She dedicates herself to her work.5.on one/two/several occasion(s): 有一(两,几)次

E.g.On one occasion, she called me in the middle of the night.6.be ashamed of: feeling foolish or uncomfortable because of(sth)因…感到难为情

E.g.She was so ashamed of cheating in the test.She was ashamed of her behavior at the party.7.stretch out: hold a part of your body straight out in front of you.伸展

E.g.He stretched himself out on the bed and fell asleep.8.along with: together with 连同

E.g.She lost her job when the factory closed, along with hundreds of others.9.bring(sb.)back to earth: 使回到现实中

E.g.He id daydreaming and my voice brought him back to earth.10.in one’s mind’s eye: in one’s imagination;in one’s memory 在想象中

E.g.In my mind’s eye, he is still a little boy.4.教学内容的深化及拓宽:

Students conduct a series of reading, listening, speaking and writing practice to deepen their understanding of the points taught in class.1)Pre-reading tasks(30 minutes)1)T asks Ss the following questions on the song Coming out of Dark:(5minutes)

----Consider the title of the song, what does “Dark” refer to?(near death;loss of consciousness after the car accident;slow and painful recovery;despair)

-----How is the song related to the theme of the unit?(To get over despair after injury is also a form of overcoming obstacles.)

-----What happened to the singer?

-----what helped her pull through all the hardship she suffered? 2)T dictates the following proverbs to Ss:(15 minutes)1)Where there is a will, there is a way.(有志者事竟成)2)Rome wasn’t built in a day.(伟业非一日之功)3)God helps those who help themselves.(自助者天助之)4)Constant dripping wears away the stone.(锲而不舍,金石可镂)2)Cultural notes(1)Olympics: the Olympic Games are the most important international sports event in the world held every four years.The ancient Olympic Games were held in Olympia every four years from 776 B.C.to 392 A.D.the modern Game s were first held in 1896 in Greece and, with the exception of three games not held because of the two world wars, have been held in various cities of the world art regular 4 year intervals.Since 1924, a separate program of winter sports has been added to the Game.In 2008 Beijing will host the 29th Olympic Games.(2)The Olympic symbol------five interlocking red, blue, yellow, black, and green circles on a white field-----represents the continents of the world joined in friendship.(3)The Olympic motto is Citius-Altius-Fortius.These words mean “Swifter, Higher, Stronger”.Suggested words: strong-willed, persevering, intelligent, open-minded, resourceful, talented, gifted, smart, confident, humorous, far-sighted, self-esteem, stubborn, diligent, industrious, ambitious, committed, devoted, eloquent, aggressive, dominant, arrogant, charitable, generous, extravagant, frugal, stingy, kind-hearted, warm-hearted, modest, unpretentious, proud, humble, pretentious, self-important, conceited, worldly, sophisticated, tactful, considerate, selfish, easy-going, disagreeable, skeptical, moral integrity, individual attraction(appearance, dress, words and behavior)3)While-reading tasks(75 minutes)1)Text organization

i.Listen to the tape, then T guides Ss through the directions for Text Organization Exercise 1, so that they know the text consists of four parts.ii.Ss scan the first sentence of Paras1—6, and get ready to answer the following questions:-----Which first sentence switches from past tense to past perfect tense?(the first sentence of Para 3)(T may as well as tell Ss this: a story is usually narrated in the simple past tense.When a past event is recalled, the past perfect tense will be used as a signal.Afterwards the flashback is also narrated in the simple past tense.)

-----Which first sentence shows that the flashback is over and the narration returns to the National Junior Olympics(the first sentence of paras6)

------By now, do you know how to divide the text into four parts? Write down your answers in the blanks provided in Text Organization Exercise 1)2)T explains language points and gives Ss practice(see language study).when they comes to the end of a part, Ss will sum up its main idea in the blanks provided in Text Organization Exercise 1)

3)Ss answer these questions(see Text Analysis):-----Without the last sentence, would you still admire Michael Stone’s achievement?

-----Who would you admire better, a Michael Stone with a sound body or a blind Michael Stone?------Why does the author keep the secret about Michael’ blindness until the last sentence? 4)Finding out details

i.T introduces the activity by saying: A child usually inherits characteristics from both his/her mother and father.So does Michael Stone.Michael’s mother is romantic and passionate, while his father is a hard-core realist.Work with a partner;find out those details about Michael Stone that shows him to be his mother’s boy or his father’s son.ii.Some pairs report to the class their findings.iii.T asks Ss this question: Dreaming and hard work, which is more important to Michael’s success? Why? 5)Text analysis

Those who have read this story will probably agree that its most striking feature is the closing line.As we read on, our admiration for Michael is building up until we believe that, when Michael broke both national and international records, we have reached the climax.However, the real climax is in the last sentence.When we find that out, what a great impact it has on us.The text plays on words on more than one occasion.The text title, True Height, itself has more than one meaning.We may understand it as the new bar heights that Michael cleared one after another, or we may view it as the tremendous obstacles Michael had overcome in attaining his goal.As mentioned in the Suggested Teaching plan, the word “hot” in the first paragraph also plays on two different meanings, one literal, the other figurative.5.教学方式及在教学中应注意的问题:

A combination of traditional teaching methods with the communicative approach will be adopted.Special attention should be paid to classroom interaction.Give students time to adapt to the new teaching mode in the university that are quite different from the one they were used to in the middle school.More encouragement is needed and more guidance will be given to them in their extracurricular study.6.主要参考书目:

季佩英,吴晓真,姚燕瑾,2002,《全新版大学英语综合教程2-教师用书》。上海:上海外语教育出版社。7.思考题和习题: 1)《全新版大学英语综合教程2》第一单元Text A后的习题。(45 minutes)Vocabulary I.1(P.142-143)III.Word s with Multiple Meanings(P.145-146)

The verb “work”

1.do an activity which needs physical or mental effort

2.engage in physical exercise or training

3.have the desired effect

4.be calculated at

5.(cause to)more gradually or with difficulty into another position

6.(cause to)operate I.Cloze(P.146-147)II.Translation(P.148)(1)“it is...that…”(强调句型)Model: What brought him back to earth?

It was either the eruption of the people in the stands or the thump of his landing that brought him back to earth.1)What made it possible for a blind boy to set a world record in pole vault?


2)When did you begin to learn English?


3)Who has ever exerted the greatest influence on you?


Model: What he did not know was that his dad was hugging his wife and crying.1)Obviously _________(这位发言人想要强调的是)the impact of these findings rather than the process that led to these findings.2)It seems that he is never bothered about __________________(别人是土和看待他的行为的)2)Speaking and Writing Practice(60 minutes)(1)Writing strategy

How to write a personal description(2)

In Unit Four, Book One, we briefly discussed two aspects in the description of an individual: Focus on Characteristic Features and Supporting Facts.What will be dealt with today are: Writer’s Tone

To bring home the point the writer wants to convey to the reader, his /her tone----whether it is angry, sympathetic, amused, or admiring about the subject------plays an important role in a personal description, as in the two texts we’ve just studied the authors’ voices can be heard now and then, directly and indirectly.Opening/Closing Device

To arouse the reader’s interest or achieve better results, the writer usually designs the opening and closing paragraphs skillfully.As we can see, in Text A the writer keeps the most important fact about Michael Stone until the last word, and in Text B the author begins his essay with reference to a common saying.(2)Homework

Try to describe one of your friends or your teachers 1 His/Her physical condition;2 His/Her character traits.

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