
时间:2019-05-15 01:48:31下载本文作者:会员上传



2.慢性肾盂肾炎的感染菌 :大肠杆菌。
























































62.类风湿自身免疫产生抗体:IgM.63.SLE 苏木紫小体。














77.病毒性脑膜炎的感染菌 :(答案不确定)。



破伤风诊断 伤口肌群间有气体 烧伤面积=体重X面积X1.5+2000 中重度补液 晶体:胶体=2:1 特重度1:1

颅高压三联征 头痛:血管神经牵拉;呕吐:迷走N受刺激;视乳头水肿:眼底V回流受阻

形成脑疝的根本条件 颅内各分腔压力不均衡 通过鼻腔耳道等与外界相通的脑损伤属于 开放性 头皮裂伤 没有 伤及帽状腱膜出血较伤及的 多

慢性硬脑膜下血肿特点 中老年 不是很明显的外伤史 慢性颅高压 精神症状

偏瘫 尿失禁治疗 钻孔引流



口服复方碘化钾 开始剂量 3-5滴./次 3/日,81.脑出血多见于高血压动脉硬化。
















有机磷中毒最首要措施 洗胃;最主要合并症 呼吸衰竭 急性胆碱能然象,中间综合征,迟发性N病变 迟发性脑病 清醒

休克:微循环收缩期、扩张期、衰竭期 肾衰竭多尿期死亡原因 多是 低K 感染

结肠术前肠道准备 3天全流食 口服缓泻剂 肠道抗生素 前一晚灌肠

术前高血压控制 比正常略高,高血糖糖尿病 5.6-11.2 急性蜂窝织炎 乙型溶血性链球菌 痈的致病菌 金葡菌 唇痈治疗方法 不可手术

破伤风典型症状 苦笑面容 角弓反张 咀嚼肌僵 彻底清创始预防破伤风的关键 诊断x线伤口肌群间可见气体



肋骨损伤最容易伤及 4-7肋,伤及此之外要警惕脏器损伤

胸部挤压后 两眼结膜充血 颈静脉怒张 前胸皮肤瘀斑 张力性气胸引流位置 缩股中线2肋粗针头排气减压 隔肿瘤常见位置 后纵隔脊柱旁 神经元性;前纵膈 畸胎瘤 ;前上纵膈 胸腺瘤

胃大弯 胃网膜左右动脉,胃小弯胃左右动脉 阑尾动脉是结肠动脉的分支,阑尾炎主要病因 梗阻 贲门周围血管离断术包括:冠状 胃短 胃后 左膈下

上尿路结石 草酸钙,下尿路结石 磷酸盐



髋关节脱位 首选提拉法A,牵引回旋是B(可能是骨折)乙脑最主要的传染源是猪



中毒性痢疾的分型 休克 脑型 混合型 霍乱弧菌的分期:腹泻、吐泻、恢复期

流脑的分型分期:前驱期,败血症期,脑膜炎期,恢复期 排卵未受孕9-10天

新生儿WBC相等:4-6天 4-6岁

小儿硬膜下积液常见于肺炎链球菌流血嗜血杆菌 特出检查颅骨透光试验阳性 确诊以后穿刺放液


隐球菌脑炎发热颅高压明显视力障碍多见 脑脊液蛋白分离(格里也有)

房间隔缺损 小于3厘米3月内愈合 大于8厘米的不能愈合,分流较大的要在3-5岁手术

临产胎膜早破超过12小时,给予抗生素预防感染 受孕后7-9天血HCG 停经5周可以看到妊娠囊 8周2倍12周3被

本科1大专2中专5年考执业 犯法不足2年不注册

考试不合格,暂停3-6个月,培训,仁不合格2年,吊销执业证书,尸解48h,可以冷冻可以延长7天 抢救急诊,导致不良后果,不属于医疗事故

医疗事故,误工费,当地人均工资3备,残疾人不足平均30年,60岁15年,70岁不超过5年 婚前检查:麻风哎梅林

怀疑:医学鉴定 产前保健:母婴 孕妇 胎儿 新生儿 甲类传染病2h,乙类丙类24h 2.监测机构、医疗卫生机构、有关单位,对上述事件应在【2小时之内】报所在地县级卫生局; 卫生局应在【2小时内】报告当地政府,同时报告上一级卫生局和国家卫生业匹配的人容易获得成功。




18、心理应激:指个体在觉察需求与满足的能力不平衡时,倾向于通过整体心理和生理反应表现出的多因素作用的适部; 3.县级政府接到报告,应在【2小时内】报市(地)应过程。

政府,市(地)政府应在【2小时内】报告 省政府到卫生部1h内

药品回扣,处罚款1-20w 给于相关人员回扣处于最低1万,最高20万

医院吧不符合的血用了:县级以上,责令改正,陪:最高10万 心理学:





5、行为主义理论:华生; 人本主义理论:马斯洛; 精神分析理论:佛罗尹德


























1, 1型呼衰高浓度氧疗无效因为:肺动静脉分流' D6 J“ 最常见的继发慢性肾功不全:糖尿病肾病: # X# e4 o.V7 }!26不宁腿多见于慢性肾功不全

27尿毒症发生纤维性骨炎最主要的原因:甲旁亢' T8 Z(A$ O+

Q3 ?: i% 肺脓肿的手术指征:

急性肺脓肿治疗:6-8周8 P)q(?8 P& Z!j 肺弥散功能障碍最常出现:氧分压降,二氧分压正常或降低 支原体肺炎易休克,X线卷发征,轨道征

5肺心病引起肺动脉高压的原因 肺血管动脉收缩,小动脉痉挛

6支气管静脉曲张破裂引起咯血最常见于 二尖瓣狭窄 7支扩肯定有固定湿罗音/ m$ H)n8 X)f(S(I5 F 8结核性胸水:ADA 恶性LDH

苏单3红染=乳糜?0 L!w8 t5 k 9 VB6可预防周围神经原” 4 ], @5 c5 Z;Y“ f

10主动脉置瓣术:跨瓣压》503 W8 j.^$ ~# p7 o e9 s M 11风湿热:发热不是必要条件4 z;~0 ?5 L: |# ] 12冠心病的等位症是糖尿病0 W” S6 n3 o/ B;b 13心梗24小时内死亡原因:心律失常

陈旧性心梗频发室早:用B阻2 ^+ E9 E& L* A' f& M$ T7 t

急性心梗室早:用利多卡因 急性心梗+窦速+室早:用B阻

14最有助于排除 心衰的是血桨心钠肽* h/ U7 m6 P!`+ g$ L3

15无器质性心脏病:观察,不需药, k M: A!A/ X“ a' I 16高血压+糖尿病BP130/80 老年人高血压收缩压140-150 18扩张型心肌病:心脏扩大,室壁运动减弱% t.H: M8 e' M2 G/


21急性心梗后Q波持续存在或ST持续抬高:心室壁瘤 22心梗后综合征:如发热,心肌炎等

慢性类风湿性关节炎合并粒细胞减少及脾肿三大主征的疾患称为Flety综合征6 q4 s# y$ K3 g Q.e z(I8 q([(” W& ~6 |0 v)

23预激+房颤首选治疗:射频消融 e d: ' K0 e: l.J3 u)z

药物:胺碘、普罗帕酮2 Z% r& H1 V# s 24出血坏死性胰腺炎最有诊断价值并且和严重程度相关的是:Ca4 ]+ Q, X0 V& ]-x# u(J

水肿型与坏死性的区别+ w7 p* T+ P4 Y& b.q 慢性胰腺炎最突出的特征:腹痛


肾衰时不用 :ACEI * P.h& C1 U* ^.V 肾衰时不用的抗生素:氨基糖苷类(阿米卡星)

28肾病综合征最主要血栓在肾静脉 29终末性肾衰的主要原因:心血管并发症

30缺铁性贫血最常见的原因慢性失血(@& h2 [6 D% h

缺铁性贫血组织缺铁的表现:异食辟9 F3 c-z$ @' N: H 31免疫因素可引起中性减少的是:Felty,中立减少和脾大, C!V/

系统性红斑狼疮 类风湿关节炎 Felty综合征5 f' O, _/ f, T)v 32诱发DIC最常见的原因:G-感染

33肝素过量的时用鱼精蛋白' }(d.@# b* V& t 34过敏性紫殿的分型:单纯型,腹型,关节型,肾型 35检查纤溶异常:FDP,D-二聚体


37嗜铬细胞瘤特点:血和尿中的儿茶酚胺增多-O9 D-r: ^, ~ 38 a糖苷抑制剂最常见的不良反应腹胀,腹泻0 r5 l“ `2 {+ y' v,39甲亢中I131诊断:2小时》25,24小时》50 40最易引起严重的低血糖:磺脲类4 X2 u' }# ?& N 41双胍类最常见的不良反应:胃肠道 反应

42甲亢监测复发:甲状腺刺激免疫球蛋白 监测是否复发” r: k%

43急性痛风关节炎治疗:秋水仙碱)Z$ F0 F-D)a7 ?* U1 Y5 r

慢性期:抑制尿酸生成用别嘌呤醇,排尿酸的是丙磺舒8 l2 J+

44风湿病中抗中性粒细胞胞桨抗体:用于血管炎的诊断,分为胞桨型C/ANCAN,见于韦格纳肉牙肿;核周型T/ANCA,见于结节性动脉炎,SLE4 N% L, x0 t8 G X6 z, m* v 45血清阴性的风湿性疾病:强直性脊柱炎 瑞特综合症 银屑性关节炎 肠道性关节炎“ [: W(l6 H8 |8 S& G5 u7 g 46 SLE中最常见的抗体是:抗核抗体

与活动有关的是:抗 双链DNA抗体!D” u$ {(t$ `“ g

特异性最高的是:抗Sm抗休)N& v8 K5 Y3 W 47在中毒中瞳孔缩小:见于有机磷(洗胃最主要,最主要的合并症呼衰;特殊合并症急性胆碱能危像,中间综合征2-3天、出现肌肉麻痹或无力,迟发神经病变),吗啡,氯丙嗪 48 CO的特殊合并症:迟发性脑病(清醒后2-60天假愈期,后出现精神 或神经异常)49 血液中最主要的缓冲对:碳酸盐

细胞外液的阳:Na$ |4 U8 ]# n0 D0 x 细胞内的:K,Mg 50外科中最常见的是代酸

大量输库存血:出现高K 和凝血异常



20-30,输浓缩红细胞》30,输浓缩红细胞和全血各一半8 53 休克微循环收缩期、扩张期、衰竭期

54休克病人 血压低首先扩容,才可使用血管活性药物 如多巴胺,一般不是用血管收缩剂6 }7 c7 M-f& g1 w;v 55 急性肾衰多尿期的主要死亡原因:低K和感染 术前一晚灌肠' q” @+ t0 f% }7 f(g

高血压病人160/100,糖尿病5.6-11.2,尿糖(+---++)5 Y# k, t4 L

急性蜂窝织炎: 乙型溶血链球8 T, C% Z/ D;n5 |9 V& w4 w

痈的: 金萄菌 ,辰痈禁止手术“ E4 o+ g: F(* L(O)c9 除*

胫骨骨折上1、3骨折会造成远端出血& D-h9

中1、3骨筋膜室 综合征


髋关节后脱位:提拉法A首选,牵引回旋法B 可能造成股骨骨折,9 A0 w& v* F& X6 d

流行性出血热的病原体是:汉坦病毒,易寄生在3 1 {4 Q+ 56 结肠手术,术前准备:术前3天全流食,口服抗生素,p(P+

X& h

破伤风的典型症状: 角反张,苦笑

撤底清创是预防关键, 清创过程中在伤口肌群中可见气体: e



60形成脑疝的原因: 颅内各腔压力不均衡

61通过鼻腔耳道等与外界相通的脑损伤属于 开放性((a8 i)`6





治疗:钻孔引流3 t% r3 C4 ?;o!j 64 甲状腺手术上近下远

口服复方碘化钾 开始剂量 3-5滴./次 3/日,每日每次增加1滴,达到15滴2 h8 w0 j8 `/ Z$ E, o 65 乳腺的普查: 钼靶X线


胸部挤压后的创伤性窒息:易两眼结膜充血 颈静脉怒张 前胸皮肤瘀斑: H4 t.W P)Q+ G


肺CA所致的阻塞性肺炎:无发热、低热血,白细胞不增高,抗生素治疗可以反复出现血块$ t5 T;^(E% K9 P: |/ @5 o

纵膈脊柱旁最常见的肿瘤:神经源性$ h# m& x' x i

前纵膈:畸胎瘤1 G(]+ l, o9 W2 l0 [


胃大弯弓是胃网膜左右动脉' F(D/ s1 k+ q4 `4 E/ l

胃小弯是胃左右动脉/ X0 X+ |8 q2 E


阑尾炎的主要病因是:梗阻)a$ v3 m: z# G-i$ e4 a

贲门周围血管离断术:冠 状,胃短,胃后,左膈下离断

上尿路结石:草酸钙多见,下尿路结石 :磷酸盐

不显影:尿酸7 d)q# R& 3 X6 ^5 n+ k1 J!

梭形细胞为主的肾癌症状最重?0 z2 { D6 D# J' S5



菌莉:在结肠,82 霍乱分期:腹泻期,吐泻期,恢复期血清抗体四倍以上升高


椎基底动脉 TIA:脑干网状结构缺血所致

跌倒发作很快站起 85 脑梗死



下分支: 失语,无对侧偏瘫2 L6 L, g$ j w-R!?1 } 脑干梗死最常见部位:小脑后下动脉或延髓背外侧闭塞:眩晕,呕吐,眼球震颤,交叉性感觉障碍

神经梅毒:神经系统退行性病变9 F” H4 x1 f# w W-j 87 妄想最常见的:关系,被害8 P/ E;r0 d3 L# Y



癔症的暗示治疗2 _% e' L+ A+ B3 h.R 91 宫颈癌分期

卵子排除受孕,黄体开始萎缩是在9-10天 93 妊娠合并糖尿病OGTT:5610386670

小儿腹泻出现酸中毒,低渗NA《130,$ `+ C(Q3 l;o+ v7 Z




特殊试验: 颅骨透光试验阳性



隐球菌脑炎:发热,颅高压显著,视力障碍多见,脑积液蛋白分离!`6 g* {' k(`, M/ F(O6 y

新生儿房缺《3mm可在3月内愈合,》8mm不能愈合,分流大的3-5岁手术;]2 ?+ N: u1 e, Y;p

胎膜早破超过12小时用抗生素防感染& U6 B% w7 b-102 受孕后7-9天可查血HCG,停经5周可见妊娠囊

停经8周是正常2倍-j“ a-K5 H!A2 t” f 停经12周是平时3倍& f(i0 ]& B2 Y ? 103 胎儿成熟度:BDP》8.5,肺:卵磷脂、鞘磷脂2.0


有机磷中毒特殊合并症 急性胆碱能危相 中间综合症 迟发神经病变

CO中毒 特殊合并症,迟发性脑病

迟发性脑病 清醒后2-60天 假愈期后出现精神或神经异常

细胞外液阳离子na 细胞内液k Mg 在外科系统最常见酸碱失衡 代酸 大量输入库存血 高K 凝血异常 休克:微循环收缩期、扩张期、衰竭期

休克的微循环变化过程 微循环收缩期 微循环扩张期 微循环衰竭期

瞳孔缩小 有机磷 吗啡 氯丙嗪

迟发性脑病 清醒后2-60天 假愈期后出现精神或神经异常(21:10:42)肾衰竭多尿期死亡原因 多是 低K 感染

结肠术前肠道准备 3天全流食 口服缓泻剂 肠道抗生素 前一晚灌肠

术前高血压控制 比正常略高,高血糖糖尿病 5.6-11.2(21:16:32)急性蜂窝织炎 乙型溶血性链球菌 痈的致病菌 金葡菌 唇痈治疗方法 不可手术 破伤风诊断 伤口肌群间有气体 中重度补液 晶体:胶体=2:1 特重度1:1 颅高压三联征 头痛:血管神经牵拉;呕吐:迷走N受刺激;视乳头水肿:眼底V回流受阻 形成脑疝的根本条件 颅内各分腔压力不均

颅高压三联征 头痛:血管神经牵拉;呕吐:迷走N受刺激;视乳头水肿:眼底V回流受阻(21:22:58)头皮裂伤 没有 伤及帽状腱膜出血较伤及的 多

慢性硬脑膜下血肿特点 中老年 不是很明显的外伤史 慢性颅高压 精神症状(慢性硬脑膜下血肿特点 中老年 不是很明显的外伤史 慢性颅高压 精神症状 偏瘫 尿失禁等 治疗 钻孔引流

甲状腺手术 上近下远

服复方碘化钾 开始剂量 3-5滴./次 3/日,每日每次增加1滴,达到15滴 乳腺的普查用钼靶

肋骨损伤最容易伤及 4-7肋,伤及此之外要警惕脏器损伤 胸部挤压后 两眼结膜充血 颈静脉怒张 前胸皮肤瘀斑(21:28:18)张力性气胸引流位置 缩股中线2肋粗针头排气减压(21:28:54)肺癌导致阻塞性肺炎无发热低热血白细胞不增高抗生素治疗可以反复出现血块

阻塞性肺炎 不发热或者低热 抗生素治疗吸收后 出现血块瘀斑 短期同一部位出现炎症

总隔肿瘤常见位置 后纵隔脊柱旁 神经元性;前纵膈 畸胎瘤 ;前上纵膈 胸腺瘤

胃大弯 胃网膜左右动脉,胃小弯胃左右动脉 阑尾动脉是结肠动脉的分支,阑尾炎主要病因 梗阻 贲门周围血管离断术包括:冠状 胃短 胃后 左膈下 上尿路结石 草酸钙,下尿路结石 磷酸盐(髋关节脱位 首选提拉法A,牵引回旋是B(可能是骨折)流行性出血热的并远离为汉坦病毒,如意在褐家鼠和黑线姬鼠中传播(伤寒:在发病的第三周坏死的组织脱落容易出现肠出血肠穿孔,血培养1-2阳性率最高,粪培养3-4周最高。药物奎洛酮。

中毒性痢疾的分型 休克 脑型 混合型


格林巴利有意义的诊断指标 蛋白细胞分离对称性迟缓性瘫 腱反射减弱或消失,之前有呼吸道感染史或疫苗接种史

由于脑干网状结构缺血导致 特征性症状跌倒发作很快站起椎基底动脉 TIA

鼠,造成休克出血急性肾衰,治疗 三早一救乙脑主要媒介 猪 三带喙库蚊

上分支:偏瘫 berka失语


死最常见的类型 眩晕呕吐眼球障碍 交叉感觉障碍(22:07:47)癔症 暗示治疗(宫颈癌治疗和分题

卵子排除未受孕 9-10天(22:11:21)低渗 2/3 等1/2 高 1/3(22:12:52)



隐球菌脑炎发热颅高压明显视力障碍多见 脑脊液蛋白分离(格里也有)

房间隔缺损 小于3厘米3月内愈合 大于8厘米的不能愈合,分流较大的要在3-5岁手术 受孕后7-9天血HCG 停经5周可以看到妊娠囊 破伤风典型症状 苦笑面容 角弓反张 咀嚼肌僵(21:18:42)小脑后下动脉闭塞综合症(延髓背外侧综合征)是脑干梗












15《安全生产法》对从业人员的义务有:(1)遵规守章,服从管理的义务(2)正确佩戴劳动保护用品的义务(3)接受教育和培训的义务(4)发现隐患及时报告的义务 16企业不得以任何形式职工订立类似“生死合同”的协议,以免除或减轻其因安全生产对职工所造成的伤害应承担的责任。17矽肺病是一种进行性疾病,患者离工作环境病情扔继续发展。











27三超为:超能力 超强度 超定员 28《煤矿安全规程》是根据《矿山安全法》、《煤炭法》、《煤矿安全检查条例》制定。29《煤矿安全规程》的特点: 强制性科学性 规范性 相对稳定性


31“四不放过”原则:事故原因查不清不放过 事故责任人没有严肃处理不放过广大群众没有受到教育不放过整改措施没落实不放过

32法律责任:行政责任 民事责任 刑事责任



1安全第一、预防为主 2管生产必须管安全3安全具有否决权 4专管群众全员管理 5管理装备培训三并重6四不放过 二、安全目标管理:煤矿安全企业将定期的安全工作任务转化为安全工作目标,现制定健全目标体系,并层层分解到各部门或个人,各部门和个人按照所制定的目标制定相应的对策措施。



五、本质安全指设备设施或技术内在从根本上防止事故发生的功能。六 „„













12、煤矿矿长怎样落实好《七条规定》 一是细化方案、落实责任,煤矿必须制定落实七条规定的细则,逐条分解,落实责任,建立长效机制。

二是自查自纠,全面整改,凡存在七条规定之一的一律限期整改,限期解决,使隐患消除在萌芽状态,切实保护矿工生命; 三是要依靠矿工齐抓共管,必须发动广大煤矿工人共同努力,共同落实;






















3.推动精细化管理的主要任务内容: 管理制度精细化、现场管理精细化、流程管理精细化、岗位管理精细化(五定:定岗、定人、定责、定制度、定考核)、装备管理精细化、标准管理精细化

4.实施精细化管理的保障措施:严格落实安全生产责任;抓住重点区域,分步组织实施;强化行政推动加强监督检查; 22.煤层顶板分为基本顶(老顶),直接顶(伪顶)























6.一炮三检指装药前、放炮前、放炮后检查瓦斯 40、机电运输



3.井下高压不超过1KV,低压不超过1140V 4.常见的过流现象:短路,断相,过负荷 矿井通风和灾害防治





















22、火风压:指的是,当井下发生火灾时,高温烟流经过有高差的井巷时产生的附加风压。23.定向爆破:利用炸药爆炸的作用,把某一地区的土石方抛掷到指定的地区,并大致堆积成所需形状的一种爆破技 煤矿必须坚持依法办矿,依法管矿,依法治理安全





  对 错


  对 错


  对 错


  对 错


  对 错

6.微课的方式就是不断地把教材中最本质、最有趣的东西展示给大家。(对)(判断,2分)  对 错


  对 错


  对 错


  对 错


  对 错


  对 错


 对  错


  对 错


  对 错


  对 错


  对 错


  对 错


  对 错 19.作为一个好的任课老师,一定是不受教材约束,深度介入高考,带领学生多做高考模拟题。(错)(判断,2分)

  对 错


  对 错


  对 错


  对 错


  对 错

24.学情分析的方式有个别访谈、摸底测验、问卷调查、课堂交流、录像分析、作业档案、向前任教师了解、家访等。(对)(判断,2分)  对 错


  对 错


  对 错


  对 错


  对 错


  对 错


 教学和管理的关系  教师和领导的关系  教和学的关系  考核和奖惩的关系


 资源利用的学习 自主发现的学习 课堂灌输的学习 实践创造的学习


 多媒体情景的创设  虚拟实验学习 宏观和微观的互相转化

 课堂、会议的高质量PPT文稿制作


 写作类  影视类  图片类  图像类


 生动  美感

(单  创新 合理


    节奏稀松 知识不连贯 教学失效 备课不充分


    目标预设准确 目标推进有力 目标检测科学 目标展示生动


    本次课前 课中 课后 下次课前


   肢体动作 眼神交流 语言信息  网络交流


    基本技能训练 储备知识

培养听说读写的能力 提高创新能力


    课标知识 生活常识 核心知识 课外知识


    教师要具有较高的学历

教师具有多年的教学经历和教学经验 在学生的原有学习基础和教材要求之间架桥 学生具有较强的学习主动性和学习能力


    对教材的钻研有独到见解 能从各个层次把握学科目标 能够教授各个学科的课程 能够教授不同学段的学生

43.以下哪一种学生的学习方式获得的是直接知识(4)(单选,3分)    书中学 玩中学 意外学 做中学



第一站 辨证论治

【考试内容】 K~v2XHLuU+&#kO&9mW9 N+m*v


【考试形式】 &~M^K&L!C#x4

辨证论治试题1道,为必答题。分值:具有规定学历者50分;师承和确有专长者45分;中西医结合者45分。考生随机抽取一个简要病例,要求在60分钟内在提供的答题卡上完成病历书写。病历书写的重点是中医辨证、立法、处方及西医诊断。3 d9%Gu9w+KO0wq14*E0QL4v

第二站 体格检查





一、体格检查 Z5dFL5+$F%GQKz+P5u*YHh9C9Lk83E2U3hU8


二、基本操作 g3Z#KOm43S9


第三站 临床答辩

" 6$v{c66+E$%q





一、病史采集 &h$6k8vL%hpp8P$h

0 Qk2B5^52s++ 1道试题,为必答题,根据提供的简要病史,现场回答应询问的现病史与相关病史。

二、临床答辩 $bFO9w


三、医德医风 Y$Q9oQb$^


第五篇:华师在线 网院 英语语言学复习资料(考试题库)

Which of the following forms a minimal pair? A.fear, pear B.tip, pit C.food, foot D.beat, bit 答案:D

The word “realization” consists of _____ syllables as against _____ morphemes.A.five/five B.five/four C.four/three D.four/four 答案:C

Which of the following best describes the relations between ―Alice is a vegetarian‖ and ―Alice prefers eating steak‖? A.The former is synonymous with the latter.B.The former is inconsistent with the latter.C.The former entails the latter.D.The former presupposes the latter.答案:B

Which of the following underlined parts is a free morpheme? A.understandable B.eastward C.otherwise D.without 答案:D

Which of the following is a directive? A.Your money or your life!B.You are fired!C.The earth is round.D.Thank you very much.答案:A

How many arguments are there in ―I‘m not feeling very well‖?A.no B.one C.three D.five 答案:B

The word ―boatel‖ is a(n)____.A.acronym B.blend C.clipped word D.coined word 答案:B

‘Parent‘ and ‗child‘ are ___.A.gradable antonyms B.ungradable opposites C.relational opposites D.complementary synonyms 答案:C

Which of the following is the head of the phrase ‗often read science fictions‘? A.often B.read C.science D.fictions 答案:B

‘That is a box‘ is a ___-place predication.A.no B.one C.two D.three 答案:B

The word ―DINK‖ is a(n)____.A.acronym B.blend

C.clipped word D.coined word 答案:A

Around the time of their second birthday, children begin to produce ____ utterances.A.one-word B.two-word C.three-word D.four-word 答案:B

Which of the following underlined parts is NOT an inflectional morpheme? A.teeth B.speaking C.taken D.chaos 答案:D

The design features of human language include the following features EXCEPT____.A.duality of structure B.genetic feature C.arbitrariness D.displacement 答案:B

‘Like‘ and ‗dislike‘ are ___.A.gradable antonyms B.ungradable opposites C.relational opposites

D.complementary synonyms 答案:A

Which of the following is an expressive? A.The earth is a globe.B.Your money or your life!

C.I‘m very grateful for your help.D.I fire you.答案:C

‘Slim‘ and ‗skinny‘ are ___.A.dialectal synonyms B.collocational synonyms C.stylistic synonyms

D.synonyms that differ in their emotive meaning 答案:D

Which of the following best explains the relationship between ―I like Beijing opera‖ and ―I dislike Beijing opera‖? A.inconsistency B.anomaly C.contradiction D.entailment 答案:A / 16

The chief exponent of the behaviorist view of language acquisition is ____.A.Bloomfield B.Chomsky C.Saussure D.Skinner 答案:D

Which of the following is the correct componential analysis of the word ―milk‖?


‘I like both Chinese and western food‘ is a ___-place predication.A.no B.one C.two D.three 答案:C

Which of the following words is NOT a coined word? A.dacron B.kodak C.xerox D.gym 答案:D

Which of the following is a front, close and unrounded vowel? A.[u:] B.[i:] C.[u] D.[a:] 答案:B

Which of the following underlined parts is a derivational morpheme? A.larger B.data C.trainee D.Kate‘s 答案:C

Which of the following underlined parts is the complement of the phrase? A.a book on biology B.play basketball C.a rainy day D.dance happily 答案:B

Which of the following is a commissive? A.I‘m really sorry to hear that.B.I will bring you the book tomorrow without fail.C.You‘d better go and see her.D.I now declare the meeting open.答案:B

The word unreliable consists of _____ syllables as against _____ morphemes.A.four/three B.five/two C.five/three D.three/five


Which of the following is a declaration? A.Open the door, please.B.I appoint you chairman of the committee.C.Would you like to go to the movie with us? D.I‘ve never seen her before.答案:B

The relation between ‗furniture‘ and ‗wardrobe‘ is ___.A.homophony B.homography C.hyponymy D.polysemy 答案:C

The word “realization” consists of _____ syllables as against _____ morphemes.A.five/five B.five/four C.four/three D.four/four 答案:C

‘Handsome‘ and ‗pretty‘ are ___.A.dialectal synonyms B.collocational synonyms C.stylistic synonyms

D.synonyms that differ in their emotive meaning 答案:B

The following underlined parts are termed specifier EXCEPT___? A.run quickly

B.always make mistakes C.very interesting D.the old man 答案:A

Which of the following best describes the relations between ―The police stopped the minors from drinking‖ and ―The minors were drinking‖?

A.The former is synonymous with the latter.B.The former is inconsistent with the latter.C.The former entails the latter.D.The former presupposes the latter.答案:D

The first consonants the child can make are made with the lips and they are ____.A.[p,b,n] B.[p,b,m] C.[t,d,n] D.[t,d,m] 答案:B

How many morphemes are there in the word ―disorderly‖? A.Two B.Three C.Four D.Five 答案:B

The nativist view of language acquisition is held by ____.A.Bloomfield B.Chomsky C.Saussure D.Skinner / 16


Which of the following is an aspirated consonant? A.[f] B.[s] C.[k] D.[r] 答案:C

Which of the following word does NOT belong to the open classes? A.hate B.able C.the D.rapidly 答案:C

“Why don‘t you ask Mary for help?‖ is an instance of ____.A.representatives B.expressives C.directives D.commissives 答案:C

Which of the following pairs of words are homographs? A.sew---sow B.tear(a drop of liquid that flows from the eye)---tear(to pull apart)C.tec---tech D.mouth(a speech organ)---mouth(an entrance to a cave)答案:B

Language acquisition refers to the child‘s acquisition of his ____.A.first language B.second language C.foreign language D.target language 答案:A

Which of the following word belongs to the open classes? A.since B.for C.she D.language 答案:D

‘Candy‘ and ‗sweets‘ are ___.A.dialectal synonyms B.collocational synonyms C.stylistic synonyms D.synonyms that differ in their emotive meaning 答案:A

How many morphemes can we find in the word ‗internationalize‘? A.Three B.Four C.Five D.Six 答案:B

Which of the following is a representative? A.You‘d better go to see a doctor.B.I promise to buy you something when I come back.C.I now declare the meeting close.D.I have never seen the man before.答案:D

Which of the following pairs of words are homophones? A.flour---flower

B.lead(to guide)---lead(a kind of metal)

C.mouth(a speech organ)---mouth(an entrance to a cave)D.animal---cow 答案:A

‘She sings very well‘ is a ___-place predication.A.no B.one C.two D.three 答案:B

Which is the feature of the sound [l]? A.palatal B.glottal C.glide D.liquid 答案:D

‘True‘ and ‗false‘ are ___.A.gradable antonyms B.ungradable opposites C.relational opposites

D.complementary synonyms 答案:B

The words ―longer‖ and ―shorter‖ are ______ opposites.A.gradable B.ungradable C.relational

D.complementary 答案:C

Which of the following best describes the relations between ―He is an orphan‖ and ―His parents have died‖? A.The former is synonymous with the latter.B.The former is inconsistent with the latter.C.The former entails the latter.D.The former presupposes the latter.答案:A

‘Mr.Brown teaches us linguistics.‘ is a ___-place predication.A.no B.one C.two D.three 答案:D

The Great Wall belongs to ____ culture.A.material B.spiritual C.folk

D.none of the above 答案:A

Instances of mother tongue interference can be found at the level of ____.A.pronunciation B.syntax C.vocabulary

D.all of the above 答案:D / 16

A linguist is interested in what is said, not what he thinks ought to be said, therefore a linguist would NOT prefer to be a(n)____.A.observer B.judge C.analyser of facts D.recorder of facts 答案:B

Which of the following underlined parts is an inflectional morpheme? A.books B.rename C.active D.sleepy 答案:A

Which side(s)of muscles of ours does our left brain control? A.both left and right B.left C.right D.sometimes left, sometimes right 答案:C

Which of the following is an example of overgeneralization? A.eyes B.ears C.sheep D.foots 答案:D

Which of the following is the hyponym of the word ―furniture‖? A.house B.kitchen C.article D.wardrobe 答案:D

‘Commence‘ and ‗begin‘ are ___.A.dialectal synonyms B.collocational synonyms C.stylistic synonyms D.synonyms that differ in their emotive meaning 答案:C

‘It is 8 o‘clock‘ is a ___-place predication.A.no B.one C.two D.three 答案:A

“It‘s cold.‖ is a _____-place predication.A.no B.one C.two D.three 答案:A

Which of the following best describes the relations between ―He paid a visit to Japan.‖ and ―He paid a visit to East Asia.‖? A.The former is synonymous with the latter.B.The former is inconsistent with the latter.C.The former entails the latter.D.The former presupposes the latter.4 / 16


The words ―subway‖ and ―underground‖ are ______ synonyms.A.near B.dialectal

C.collocationally-restricted D.stylistic 答案:B

Which of the following underlined parts is a bound morpheme? A.relationship B.bedroom C.milkman D.childlike 答案:A

The following sounds belong to the same natural class EXCEPT ___.A.[d] B.[s] C.[u] D.[i:] 答案:B

“Up you go, chaps!‖ belongs to ____ language.A.intimate B.frozen

C.consultative D.casual 答案:A

Which of the following best describes the relations between ―Alice‘s brother is in UK.‖ and ―Alice has a brother.‖? A.The former is synonymous with the latter.B.The former is inconsistent with the latter.C.The former entails the latter.D.The former presupposes the latter.答案:D

The linguist that distinguishes three social variables(Field, Mode, Tenor)that determine the register is ____.A.Chomsky B.Halliday C.Bloomfield D.Firth 答案:B

How many syllables are there in the word ―rhythmical‖? A.Three B.Four C.Five D.Ten 答案:A

Which of the following pairs of words are complete homonyms? A.flour---flower

B.lead(to guide)---lead(a kind of metal)C.heroin---horoine D.criket---criket 答案:D

The word ‗predigestion‘ is composed of two morphemes.答案:错误

The words ‗flat‘ and ‗apartment‘ are stylistic synonyms.答案:错误 If Smith said to you in a supermarket, ' I am thirsty now, but I have no money with me' , then his perlocutionary act is your buying him a coca-cola.答案:正确

B probably means that A should not laugh at him since they know each other, in the dialogue below: A: Are you a good student? B: Are you? 答案:正确

Semantics is the study of word meaning.答案:错误

Performance is the focus of Chomsky‘s linguistic study.答案:错误

F.de Saussure was a Swiss linguist.答案:正确

The narrowing of space between the hard palate and the front of the tongue results in the sound [j].答案:正确

A phone does not necessarily distinguish meaning.答案:正确

In ‗a book about ghosts‘, the complement is ‗ghosts‘.答案:错误

According to Austin, ' He is a boy.' is a constative.答案:正确

Sound changes tend to be systematic.答案:正确

Pragmatics is the study of meaning in context of language use.答案:正确

Displacement of language means language use in a far-away place.答案:错误

Linguistics is scientific because it is helpful to language use.答案:错误

If I said to you, ' It' s very stuffy here.' , then my illocutionary act may be asking you to switch on the air-conditioner.答案:正确

B' s reply violates the maxim of quality in the dialogue below: A: Where do you live? B: In South China Normal University.答案:错误

Morphology is the study of sentences.答案:错误

ISBN means International Standard Book Number.答案:正确

One of the most important features of bilingualism is the specialization of function of the two varieties.答案:错误

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Context refers to the relation between lines or paragraphs of a text.答案:错误

B probably means that he doesn' t want to make any comment on the lecture, in the dialogue below: A: What do you think of the lecture?(The speech maker is coming)B: Do we have classes this evening? 答案:正确

Linguistics is generally divided into general and specific linguistics.答案:错误

The word ' quake' is the result of back-formation.答案:错误

The word ' education' comes from Latin.答案:正确

Computer language is one of the sources that have influenced the English language.答案:正确

A prominent phonological feature of Black English is the deletion of the consonant at the end of a word, as in ' desk' [des].答案:正确

If a child calls every man ' Daddy' , then he is over-extending the meaning of the word ' Daddy'.答案:正确

The human brain is divided into two sections, the brain stem and the cerebrum.答案:正确

' Do not say what you believe to be false' is a maxim of relation.答案:错误

Linguistics deals with a particular language.答案:错误

Sociolinguistics deals with the relation between language and society.答案:正确

Writing is more basic than speech.答案:错误

The word ' silly' used to mean ' happy' in Old English.答案:正确

A typical example of a bilingual community is an ethnic ghetto where most of the inhabitants are either immigrants or children of immigrants.答案:正确

Language plays a major role in socializing the people and perpetuating culture, especially in print form.答案:正确

The sentence ' Himself saw John.' is acceptable in English.答案:错误

According to Chomsky, the internalization of a set of rules about his language enables a speaker to produce and understand an infinitely large number of sentences and recognize sentences that are ungrammatical and ambiguous.答案:正确

‘Teach-in‘ is a compound word.答案:正确

The –s in ‗works‘ of ‗He works hard.‘ is a bound morpheme.答案:正确

‘Mary is single.‘ is inconsistent with ‗Mary is married.‘


According to Austin, ' I bet you sixpence it will be fine this evening.' is a performative.答案:正确

Details of language system are genetically transmitted.答案:错误

Syntax is the study of the rules of words.答案:错误

By ' He wanted me to come' , a learner produced such an incorrect sentence as ' He hoped me to come'.This constitutes the situation of cross-association.答案:错误

The greatest source of modification of the air stream is found in the oral cavity.答案:正确

The word ' dinner' comes from French.答案:正确

People in the West End in London speak differently from the East Enders.答案:正确

In English, the word ' blue' is associated with unhappy feelings.答案:正确

Victor, a wild child, who was deprived of language contact for 12 years, was trained by Itard, but could only speak only two words in the end.答案:正确

According to Littlewood, the first language study has served as a backcloth for perceiving and understanding new facts about second language learning.答案:正确

In TG, determiner is often written as Det.答案:正确

A phoneme is a phonetic unit.答案:错误

The words ‗buy‘ and ‗purchase‘ are dialectal synonyms.6 / 16


Linguistics is the systematic study of language.答案:正确

Parole is a French word;it means the concrete language events.答案:正确

Duality of language means language is a two-level system.答案:正确

English is a tone language.答案:错误

In the sense set < freshman, sophomore, junior, senior> , ‗junior‘ and ‗senior‘ are co-hyponyms.答案:正确

' Make your contribution as informative as required(for the current purpose of the exchange).' belongs to the maxim of quality.答案:错误

About two thirds of languages in the world have not had written form.答案:正确

Diachronic linguistics is also called historical linguistics.答案:正确

The task of a linguist is to discover the nature and rules of the underlying language system 答案:正确

The word ' videophone' is an acronym.答案:错误

The word ' holiday' has gone through the widening of meaning.答案:正确

Accent is an important marker of sociolect.答案:正确

[ei] is a monophthong.答案:错误

‘His dumb boy spoke good English.‘ is a contradiction.答案:正确

' The room is air-conditioned.' is an expressive.答案:错误

Left-handers are generally less lateralized for language than right-handers.答案:正确

If you scratch your nose with your left hand, it is the right hemisphere that has controlled the actions.答案:正确

[h] is the glottal sound.答案:正确

‘I have been to Beijing.‘ entails ‗I have been to North China.‘ 答案:正确

' I fire you!' is a commissive.答案:错误

Phonology studies how a sound is produced.答案:错误

Synchronic linguistics deals with a series of language phenomena at the same time.答案:错误

The word ' videophone' is an acronym.答案:错误

The term ' diglossia' was first used by Ferguson in 1959.答案:正确

The pronunciation of ' this' as ' dis' is very likely to be caused by interlingual interference.答案:正确

The words ‗doctor‘ and ‗patient‘ are relational synonyms.答案:正确

Linguists are interested in all sounds.答案:错误

Phonetics studies human sound patterning and the meaning of sounds in communication.答案:错误

Langue means competence.答案:错误

Arbitrariness of language means language can be used freely.答案:错误

N.Chomsky is an American linguist.答案:正确

Different styles of the same language can be revealed through differences at syntactic, lexical and phonological levels.答案:正确

It is standard practice for an English native student to greet his teacher before a lecture by saying ' Good morning, teacher!'.答案:错误

Language acquisition is concerned with the acquisition of a foreign language.答案:错误

Some subtle grammatical distinctions may not be mastered much before the age of ten.答案:正确

There have been some 2,500 languages in the world.答案:错误

[k], [g] and [n] are velar sounds.7 / 16


Tsled‘ is a possible word in English.答案:错误

Chomsky regards competence as an act of doing things with a sentence.答案:错误

The expression ' It' s me' is Not acceptable in English.答案:错误

For the British people, the Chinese greeting ' Have you had dinner?' would turn into ' It' s fine today, isn' t it?'.答案:正确

Such sentences as ' there are more and more people want to be a postgraduate student' indicate the Chinese transfer errors.答案:正确

Phonology is of a general nature.答案:错误

The word ' mice' , which is pronounced as [mais], was pronounced as [mi:s] in Middle English.答案:正确

Psycholinguistics deals with the relation of language to psychology.答案:正确

The word ' meat' we use now has gone through the narrowing of meaning.答案:正确

Pidgins came from a blending of a few languages.答案:正确

Intercultural communication is also called cross-cultural communication.答案:正确

The expression ' mummy play ball' is typical of telegraphic speech.答案:正确

General linguistics does not study theories of language.答案:错误

The word ' beer' comes from German.答案:正确

Subjects take less time to make judgment on frequently used words than on less common words.This is called the frequency effect.答案:正确

' We have never met before.' is a representative.答案:正确

The use of the expressions ' to update' , ' to host' and ' to check up' indicates the influence of American English.答案:正确 The Chinese ' uncle' means the same as the British ' uncle'.答案:错误

It is acceptable to translate ' Every dog has his day.' into ' 每条狗都有自己的日子。'.答案:错误

A target language is always a foreign language.答案:错误

Most right-handers are left lateralized for language.答案:正确

Phonetics deals with speech sounds in all human languages.答案:正确

The word ‗unsad‘ is acceptable in English.答案:错误

The word ' meat' we use now has gone through the narrowing of meaning.答案:正确

The test where subjects are played two different words or sounds twice, one into each ear, is called dichotic listening.答案:正确

In XP, X refers to any such head as N, V, A or P.答案:正确

The words ‗shock‘ and ‗surprise‘ are semantically different synonyms.答案:正确

Course in General Linguistics was published in 1889.答案:错误

The limited range of sounds that are meaningful in human communication constitute the phonic medium of language.答案:正确

' I will return the book to you soon.' is an expressive.答案:错误

Received Pronunciation in British English is a dialect of London that is representative of standard English.答案:错误

Compounding is a very common and frequent process for enlarging the vocabulary of the English language.答案:正确

‘His friend is coming.‘ presupposes ‗He has a friend.‘ 答案:正确

The word ' fridge' is a loan word.答案:错误

The word ' tea' is a loan word from Chinese.答案:正确

Of ' reply' and ' answer' , the latter is more formal.8 / 16


If you were a Cantonese and talked to a person from Shanghai, then you were having intercultural communication.答案:错误

UNESCO is a blend.答案:错误

The word ' baby-sit' is a word from back-formation.答案:正确

You can never ask an English native the question of his name or age.答案:错误

Broca' s aphasics show that a patient who cannot pronounce the word spoon will also not be able to write it correctly.答案:正确

B probably means that it is impolite to ask about her age, in the dialogue below: A: How old are you? B: I am 80.答案:正确

The words ‗politician‘ and ‗statesman‘ are collocational synonyms.答案:错误

The English pronoun ' our' has experienced a process of simplification from Old English.答案:正确

General linguistics deals with the general aspects of language application.答案:错误

It is proper in English to say ' no, no' in response to such a praise as ' You' ve made good progress.' to show one' s modesty.答案:错误

N.Chomsky claims that men are biologically programmed for language.答案:正确

The word ‗unacceptability‘ has four morphemes.答案:正确

' Open the door!' is a directive.答案:正确

The use of such sentences as ' I ain' t afraid of no ghosts' to mean ' I' m not afraid of ghosts' is one of the syntactic features of Black English.答案:正确

[i] is a semi-close vowel.答案:错误

The sounds [z] and [∫] are among the consonants that are supposed to be acquired with most difficulty by a child.答案:正确 The innatists hold that children could not discover the rules of reflexive pronouns by trial and error.答案:正确

The deletion of the link verb ' be' as in ' You crazy' is typical of the syntax of Black English.答案:正确

The behaviourist view of LA was not prevalent until the 1960s.答案:错误

Phrases can consist of just one word, but more often they contain other elements as well.答案:正确

The word ' mike' is a clipped word.答案:正确

The word ' home' was written as ' hām' in Old English.答案:正确

The Eskimos have far more words for snow than the English natives in that ' snow' is more crucial to the life of the former.答案:正确

' The shooting of the man' is ambiguous.答案:正确

The words ‘lead’(领导)and ‘lead’(铅球)are homographs.答案:正确

Applied linguistics means the language application to specific areas.答案:错误

The word ' dog' often conjures up different images in the US and Hong Kong.答案:正确

The word ‗boy‘ is a free morpheme.答案:正确

The word ' question' is a word borrowed from French.答案:正确

One possible account of the increasing use of ' cheap' instead of ' cheaply' in ' He got it cheap.' is that of the ' theory of least effort'.答案:正确

Phonetic similarity, not phonetic identity, is the criterion with which we operate in the phonological analysis of languages.答案:正确

An RP accent often serves as a high status marker.答案:正确

The innatists hold that children could not discover the rules of reflexive pronouns by trial and error.答案:正确

' 鸭不吃了。' is NOT an ambiguous sentence.答案:错误

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Borrowing 答案:

Borrowing refers to the use of words in a language from another language of a different culture, e.g.in English, bonus—Latin;dinner—French.Productive morphological rules 答案:

Productive morphological rules refer to the morphological rules(such as the ‗un-+ Adj.=not +Adj.‘ rule)that can be used quite freely to form new words.Speech variety 答案:

Speech variety refers to any distinguishable form of speech used by a speaker or a group of speakers.It is also termed ‗language variety‘.Neurolinguistics 答案:

Neurolinguistics is the study of the relationship between brain and language.It includes research into how the structure of the brain influences language learning, how and in which parts of the brain language is stored, and how damage to the brain affects the ability to use language.Functional words 答案:

Functional words are grammatical words such as the article ‗the‘ in English, which do not express the content of objects in the world.Closed class words 答案:

Closed class words include grammatical or functional words, to whose classes new words are not usually added, as

conjunctions, prepositions, articles and pronouns in English.Intrinsic motivation 答案:

Intrinsic motivation refers to the drive that learners learn a second language for enjoyment or pleasure from learning.Performatives 答案:

Performatives are sentences that do not state a fact or describe a state, and are not verifiable(‗I name this ship Elizabeth‘).Predication 答案:

Predication refers to the abstraction of the meaning of a sentence;it consists of ‗argument(s)‘ and ‗predicate‘.An argument is a logical participant in a predication, largely identical with the nominal element(s)in a sentence.A

predicate is something said about an argument or it states the logical relation linking the arguments in a sentence.Sentence meaning 答案:

Sentence meaning is the abstract, intrinsic property of the sentence itself in terms of predication.Aphasia 答案:

Aphasia refers to the partial or total loss of language due to brain damage.Atypical development 答案: Atypical development refers to the abnormal language development in linguistics, which includes hearing impairment, mental retardation, autism, stuttering, aphasia, dyslexia, and dysgraphia.Error analysis 答案: Error analysis refers to the analysis of learners‘ errors, which involves first independently or objectively, describing the learners‘ interlanguage, then a comparison of their version of the target language and the target language itself is followed to locate mismatches.Contrastive analysis 答案: Contrastive analysis is a kind of analysis which compares features of the native language and target language(the forms and meanings)to spot the mismatches or differences so that people could predict learners‘ difficulty.Psycholinguistics 答案: Psycholinguistics is the study of language processing;it is concerned with the processes of language comprehension and production.synchronic linguistics 答案: Synchronic linguistics deals with the description of a language at some point of time in history.Modern linguistics is primarily synchronic linguistics.Head 答案: Head is the word around which a phrase is formed.Infl 答案: Infl is an abstract category inflection as the head of a sentence, which indicates the tense and agreement of the sentence.Cognitive strategies 答案: Cognitive strategies are strategies involved in analyzing, synthesis, and internalizing what has been learned.Metacognitive strategies 答案: Metacognitive strategies are the techniques in planning, monitoring and evaluating one‘s learning.Expressives 答案: Expressives are the speaker‘s attempts to express his feelings or attitude towards an existing state, e.g.‗I‘m sorry for being late.‘, ‗It‘s very kind of you to give me advice.‘

Commissives 答案: Commissives are the speaker‘s attempts to commit the speaker himself to some future course of action, e.g.‗I promise to come.‘, ‗I will call you tomorrow morning without fail.‘

Connotative meaning


Connotative meaning refers to the meaning triggered by a word through associations.Intralingual errors 答案:

Intralingual errors refer to errors mainly resulting from faulty or partial learning of the target language, independent of the native language, which include learning strategies-based errors, communication strategies-based errors, induced errors, and some compound and ambiguous errors.Regional dialect 答案:

Regional dialect is a linguistic variety used by people living in the same geographical region.Pidgin 答案:

A pidgin is a special language variety that mixes or blends languages and it is used by people who speak different languages for restricted purposes such as trading.Linguistic relativity 答案:

Linguistic relativity refers to the fact that different languages offer people different ways of expressing the world around, and they think and speak differently.Blending 答案:

Blending refers to the formation of a word by combining parts of other words, e.g.smog—smoke + fog;motel—motor + hotel.Double articulation 答案:

Double articulation refers to the duality of structure, the fact that language is a system, which consists of two sets of

structures, or two levels.At the lower or the basic level there is a structure of sounds, which are meaningless by themselves.But the sounds of language can be grouped and regrouped into a large number of units of meaning, which are found at the higher level of the system.Language aptitude 答案:

Language aptitude in second language acquisition refers to a natural ability for learning a second language.Idiolect 答案:

Idiolect is a personal dialect of an individual speaker that

combines elements regarding regional, social, gender, and age variations.Phoneme 答案:

A phoneme is a phonological unit of distinctive value.It is an abstract unit;it is not any particular sound, but rather it is represented or realized by a certain phone in a certain

phonetic context.For example, /p/ is a phoneme in the English sound system, which is realized as aspirated(as in ‗peak‘)or unaspirated(as in ‗speak‘)in different contexts.Assimilation rule 答案:

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The assimilation rule is a rule that assimilates one sound to another by ‗copying‘ a feature of a sequential phoneme, thus making the two phones similar(as in ‗impossible‘).Cultural transmission 答案: Cultural transmission refers to the fact that language is culturally transmitted.In other words, language is passed on from one generation to the next through teaching and learning, rather than by instinct.Matrix clause 答案: Matrix clause is a construction in which the complement phrase is embedded, as shown below: She reads books that are interesting.Utterance meaning 答案: Utterance meaning is the realization of the abstract meaning of a sentence in a real situation of communication, or in a context.Resultative motivation 答案: Resultative motivation refers to the drive that learners learn a second language for external purposes.Transformation 答案: Transformation is a special type of rule that can move an element of a sentence from one position to another.Interference 答案: Interference is the negative or distorting effect that new learning can have on previous learning or that previous learning can have on new learning.Interlingual errors 答案: Interlingual errors refer to errors mainly resulting from cross-linguistic interference at different levels such as phonological, lexical, grammatical or discoursal, etc.Top-down processing 答案: Top-down processing refers to the spontaneous and automatic interpretation of a sentence on the basis of whatever information is available before the analysis of all the phonemes in the sentence.Language acquisition 答案: Language acquisition refers to the child‘s acquisition of his mother tongue, i.e.how the child comes to understand and speak the language of his community.Mental retardation 答案: Mental retardation refers to the language impairment of mental ability that may cause a delayed language acquisition.Directives 答案: Directives are the speaker‘s attempts to get the hearer to do something, e.g.‗Turn on the light!‘, ‗You‘d better read the book.‘, ‗Your money or your life!‘

Bilingualism 答案:

Bilingualism refers to the case in which two languages are

used side by side with each having a different role to play, and language switching occurs when the situation changes.Material culture 答案:

Material culture is the concrete, substantial and observable aspect of the life of a people.Iconic meaning 答案:

Iconic meaning refers to the meaning when a word invokes images to people.Behaviorism 答案:

Behaviorism holds the view that the meaning of a language form is the ‗situation in which the speaker utters it and the response it calls forth in the hearer.‘

Functional shift 答案:

Functional shift refers to the phenomenon of words shifting from one part of speech to another without the addition of affixes, e.g.shoulder(n.)—shoulder(v.).Back-formation 答案:

Back-formation refers to the formation of a word by

‗subtracting‘ an affix thought to be part of the old word, e.g.edit—editor;beg—beggar.Fossilization 答案:

Fossilization refers to a process occurring from time to time in which incorrect linguistic features become a permanent part of the way a person speaks or writes a language.Selectional restrictions 答案:

Selectional restrictions refer to the constraints on what lexical items can go with what others.Universal Grammar 答案:

Universal Grammar refers to the innate endowment to discover language‘s structure by matching the innate knowledge of basic grammatical system to that particular language.Syntax 答案:

Syntax is a branch of linguistics that studies how words are combined to form sentences and the rules that govern the formation of sentences.Locutionary act 答案:

Locutionary act is the act of uttering words, phrases, clauses, the act of conveying literal meaning by means of syntax, lexicon and phonology.Productivity 答案:

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Productivity refers to the fact that language makes possible the construction and interpretation of new signals by its users, which is why they can produce and understand an infinitely large number of sentences, including sentences they have never heard before.This feature is unique to human language.Spiritual culture 答案: Spiritual culture is mostly the abstract, ambiguous, and hidden aspect of the life of a people, or the products of mind(such as ideologies, beliefs, values and concepts of time and space).Open class words 答案: Open class words are the content words of a language, to whose classes new words can regularly be added, as nouns, verbs, adjectives and adverbs in English

Linguistic repertoire 答案: Linguistic repertoire refers to the totality of linguistic varieties possessed by an individual.Dyslexia 答案: Dyslexia refers to the disorders in reading which may be acquired or developmental.Sociolect 答案: Sociolect refers to the linguistic variety characteristic of a particular social class.Denotative meaning 答案: Denotative meaning is the meaning that can be found in a dictionary.Representatives 答案: Representatives are the speaker‘s attempts to state or describe, say what the speaker believes to be true, e.g.‗I have never been to England before.‘, ‗The man is a rich man.‘

Interlanguage 答案: According to Selinker, interlanguage refers to an abstract system of learner‘s target language system.It has now been widely used to refer to the linguistic expressions learners produce especially the wrong or not idiomatic ones.Ethnic dialect 答案: Ethnic dialect is a social dialect of a language that cuts across regional differences;it is mainly spoken by a less privileged population that has experienced some form of social isolation such as racial discrimination or segregation.Micro-sociolinguistics 答案: Micro-sociolinguistics refers to the study of society from the point of view of an individual member within it, or a worm‘s-eye view of language in use.Minimal pair 答案: A minimal pair is such a pair of different forms as identical in every way except for one sound segment which occurs in the same place in the strings(as ‗pill‘ and ‗till‘).Morphology 答案:

Morphology is the study of the internal structure of words and the rules for word formation.Intonation 答案:

Intonation is the collective expression of meaning when pitch, stress and sound length are tied to the sentence rather than the word in isolation.Contextualism 答案:

Contextualism holds the view that meaning should be studied in terms of situation, use, context– elements closely linked with language behaviour.Diglossia 答案:

Diglossia refers to a sociolinguistic situation where two varieties of a language exist side by side throughout the community, with each having a definite role to play.Dysgraphia 答案:

Dysgraphia refers to the disorders in writing which may be acquired or developmental.Grammaticality 答案:

Grammaticality refers to the grammatical meaning of a

linguistic unit(such as ‗a sentence‘), which is governed by the grammatical rules of the language.Perlocutionary act 答案:

Perlocutionary act is the act performed by or resulting from saying something, the consequence of, or the change brought about by the utterance;it is the act performed by saying something.Diachronic linguistics 答案:

Diachronic linguistics deals with the description of a language as it changes through time, or the study of its historical development over a period of time.Traditional grammar tended to favor diachronic linguistics.Deletion rule 答案:

The deletion rule is a phonological rule that tells us when a sound is to be deleted although it is orthographically

represented.For example, [g] deletion occurs before a final nasal consonant, as in ‗signature‘.Learning strategies 答案:

Learning strategies are learners‘ conscious goal-oriented and problem-solving based efforts to achieve learning efficiency.Bottom-up processing 答案:

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Bottom-up processing is such an inductive analysis as to perform phonetic analysis, when one hears a sentence, to isolate phonemes and word boundaries, and to relate these to representations in the mental lexicon.Constatives 答案: Constatives are statements that either state or describe, and thus verifiable(‗The dress is red‘).Acronym 答案: An acronym is a word derived from the initials of several words, e.g.IT—information technology;WTO—World Trade Organization.Instrumental motivation 答案: Instrumental motivation occurs when people learn a foreign language for external goals such as passing exams, financial rewards or furthering a career, etc.Naming theory 答案: The naming theory, proposed by the ancient Greek scholar Plato, is one of the oldest notions concerning meaning, according to which, the linguistic forms or symbols, in other words, the words used in a language are simply labels of the objects they stand for, and words are just names or labels for things.Category 答案: Category refers to a group of linguistic items which fulfill the same or similar functions in a particular language such as a sentence, a noun phrase or a verb.Conceptualism 答案: Conceptualism holds the view that relates words and things through the mediation of concepts of the mind.Macro-sociolinguistics 答案: Macro-sociolinguistics refers to the study of society as a whole, and of how language functions in it and how it reflects the social differentiations, i.e., a bird‘s-eye view of the languages used in society.Illocutionary act 答案: Illocutionary act is the act of expressing the speaker‘s intention, the act performed in saying something.Affect strategies 答案: Affect strategies are strategies that deal with the ways learners interact or communicate with other speakers, native or non-native.Declarations 答案: Declarations are the speaker‘s attempts to bring about immediate changes by saying(declaring)something, e.g.‗I now declare the meeting open.‘, ‗I fire you!‘



Displacement is the property that language can be used to refer to things which are present or not present, real or

imagined matters in the past, present, or future, or in far-away places.This feature provides speakers with an opportunity to talk about a wide range of things, free from barriers caused by separation in time and place.Speech community 答案:

Speech community refers to the social group that is singled out for any special study.For general linguistics, it is a group of people who form a community and share the same language or a particular variety of a language.What is standard dialect? 答案:

Standard dialect is a superimposed, socially prestigious dialect of a language.It is the language employed by the government and the judiciary system, used by the mass media, and taught in educational institutions.It is a particular variety of a language in that it is not related to any particular group of language users, but it is the variety which any member of a speech community can possibly use regardless of his social and geographical backgrounds, his gender and age.What is minimal attachment strategy? 答案:

Minimal attachment strategy is that we prefer attaching new items into the phrase marker being constructed using the fewest syntactic nodes consistent with the rules of the language, e.g.Ernie kissed Marcie and her sister … It could be either

Ernie kissed [Marcie and her sister]…(minimal attachment)or

[Ernie kissed Marcie] and [her sister …]

What is the distinction between competence and performance? 答案:

According to Chomsky, competence is the ideal user‘s

knowledge of the rules of his language, while performance is the actual realization of the ideal user‘s knowledge of the rules of his language in linguistic communication.What is widening of lexical meaning? 答案:

The meaning of a word may change through time.The widening of lexical meaning is one kind of change in the

meaning of a word.This refers to the case when the meaning of a word becomes broader, that word means everything it

used to mean, and then more.Take the word ‗tail‘ for instance.It once referred to ‗the tail of a horse‘.But now it is used to mean ‗the tail of any animal‘.What is a phrase structure rule? 答案:

A phrase structure rule is a special type of grammatical

mechanism that regulates the arrangement of elements that make up a phrase.For instance, NP →(Det)N(PP)… VP →(Qual)V(NP)… AP →(Deg)A(PP)… PP →(Deg)P(NP)…

What is D-structure?

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答案: D-structure is deep structure, a syntactic structure formed by the XP rule in accordance with the head‘s subcategorization properties.How does a sentence differ from an utterance? 答案: A sentence and an utterance differ in that a sentence is a grammatical and self-contained unit in isolation from context, whereas utterance is something a speaker utters in a certain situation with a certain purpose.What are the similarities and differences between phonetics and phonology? 答案: Phonology and phonetics both study human speech sounds, but they differ in their approach and focus.Phonology deals with how speech sounds in a language form patterns and how these sounds are used to convey meaning in linguistic communication.Phonetics, however, is interested in all human speech sounds and deals with how they are produced, how they differ from each other, what phonetic features they possess, how they can be classified, and so on.Hence, phonetics is general, whereas phonology tends to be more specific and related to the meaningful use of the sounds.What is a garden path sentence? 答案: A garden path sentence is an awkward sentence that misleads the syntactic parser and takes it down the garden path to the wrong analysis, e.g.―The horse raced past the barn fell.‖

What is reference? 答案: Reference means what a linguistic form refers to in the real, physical world;it deals with the relationship between the linguistic element and the non-linguistic world of experience.For instance, if we say ‗The dog is barking‘, we must be talking about a certain dog in the situation;here, ‗dog‘ refers to a dog known to both the speaker and the hearer.This is the reference of the word ‗dog‘ in this particular situation.What is the difference between traditional grammar and modern linguistics? 答案: The difference between traditional grammar and modern linguistics is that traditional grammar is prescriptive while modern linguistics is descriptive, that traditional grammar tended to emphasize the importance of writing while modern linguistics gives priority to speech, and that traditional grammar forced languages into a Latin-based framework while modern linguistics does not.What is narrowing of lexical meaning? 答案: This refers to the case that in the course of several generations, semantic change has narrowed the meaning of a word to what it is in Modern English.Take the word ‗girl‘ for instance.It once meant ‗young person of either sex‘ but now means ‗young people of female sex‘.What is culture? 答案: In a broad sense, culture means the total way of life of a people, including the patterns of belief, customs, objects, institutions, techniques, and language that characterizes the life of the human community.In a narrow sense, it may refer

to local or specific practice, beliefs or customs, which can be mostly found in folk culture, enterprise culture or food culture, etc.What are the possible different readings of the sentence ‗That‘s not the book he wants.‘? 答案:

The sentence ‗That‘s not the book he wants.‘ may have the following readings:

A.'That‘s 'not the 'book he ‗ wants.(falling tone: fact)

B.'That‘s 'not the 'book he ‚ wants.(rising tone: question)

C.‗ That‘s 'not the 'book he ‚ wants.(fall-rise tone: implying ‗some other book‘)

What is overgeneralization? 答案:

Overgeneralization is the use of previously available strategies in new situations, which results in mistakes, e.g.The girl is in a blue ski jacket.The girl is dressed in a blue ski jacket.* The girl is worn in a blue ski jacket.What are inflectional morphemes? 答案:

Inflectional morphemes are morphemes(such as ‗-s‘, ‗-es‘, ‗-ed‘ and ‗-ing‘)that are bound to other morphemes or words without changing their syntactic category.What are causes of language change? 答案:

Language change can be attributed to a variety of factors.Some language changes may be easy to explain, but others may be difficult to account for.For instance, it is clear to us that the rapid development of science and technology has led to the creation of many new words(such as ‗telecom‘, ‗fax‘).In addition, social and political changes and political needs have supplied the English

vocabulary with a great quantity of new words and expressions(such as ‗hot line‘, ‗shuttle diplomacy‘).What is more, as more and more women have taken up activities formerly reserved for men, more neutral job titles(such as ‗chairperson‘, ‗police officer‘)have been created.Furthermore, the way acquire the language also provides a basic cause of change.Still another source of change which can be regarded as ‗economy of memory‘ results in grammar simplification(such as

‗agendum—agenda/agendums‘).It is true that there is no single cause of language change.When we account for language change, we may find it quite a complicated phenomenon.What are derivational morphemes? 答案:

Derivational morphemes refer to morphemes(such as ‗-ic‘ and ‗-ism‘)that can be conjoined to other morphemes or words to derive a new word.What is predication analysis? 答案:

It is a way proposed by the British linguist G.Leech to analyze sentence meaning, by which the basic unit of a sentence called predication consists of argument(s)and predicate, e.g.The predication of ―Tom is smoking.‖ is: TOM(SMOKE).What is Spoonerism? 答案:

Spoonerism is a kind of humorous slips of tongue, named after the Victorian cleric and teacher, W.A.Spooner, who was infamous for blundering through many lectures or sermons with humorous speech errors such as below:

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What he intended: You have wasted the whole term.What he said: You have tasted the whole worm.What are langue and parole, and how are they different? 答案: Langue refers to the abstract linguistic system shared by all the members of a speech community.It is the set of conventions and rules which language users all have to abide by.Whereas parole refers to the realization of langue in actual use.It is the concrete use of the conventions and the application of the rules, or the naturally occurring language events.Langue is the abstract linguistic system whereas parole is concrete and is the realization of langue in actual use.Langue is relatively stable, while parole varies from person to person and from situation to situation.What is the difference between prescriptive and descriptive linguistics? 答案: The difference between prescriptive and descriptive linguistics is that prescriptive linguistics is to lay down rules for language users, whereas descriptive linguistics is to describe the language phenomena as they are.Therefore, the former is subjective, while the latter is objective and more scientific

What is over-extension? 答案: Over-extension refers to the phenomenon of a child taking a property of an object and generalizing it inappropriately, e.g.‗apple‘ for ‗all fruit‘ or ‗anything round‘.What is componential analysis? 答案: It is a way proposed by the structural semanticists to analyze word meaning into semantic features, using such labels as ‗+HUMAN‘, ‗+ADULT‘, ‗+ANIMATE‘, ‗+MALE‘, and so on.Componential analysis makes it possible to show how the words analyzed are related in meaning.What is the difference between general linguistics and applied linguistics? 答案: General linguistics studies the basic concepts, theories, descriptions, models and methods applicable in any linguistic study, in contrast to those branches of study which relate linguistics to the research of other areas.But applied linguistics refers to the study of the application of findings in linguistic studies to the solution of such practical problems as the recovery of speech ability;in a narrow sense applied linguistics refers to the application of linguistic theories and principles to language teaching, especially the teaching of foreign and second languages.What is the behaviourist view of language acquisition? 答案: The behaviourist view of language acquisition is that language is behavior and that language learning is simply a matter of imitation and habit formation.What is telegraphic speech? 答案: Telegraphic speech refers to content words which give us the information and which lack the function elements.What are the three social variables of register? 答案:

The three social variables of register are field of discourse, tenor of discourse, and mode of discourse.Field of discourse refers to what is going on: the area of operation of the

language activity.It answers the questions of ‗why‘ and ‗about what‘ communication takes place.Tenor of discourse refers to the role of relationship in the situation in question: who the participants in the communication groups are and in what relationship they stand to each other.It answers the question of ‗to whom‘ the speaker is communicating.Mode of discourse mainly refers to the means of communication.It is concerned with ‗how‘ communication is carried out.What is the interactionist view of language acquisition? 答案:

The interactionist view of language acquisition is that language develops as a result of the complex interplay between the human characteristics of the child and the environment in which the child develops.What is motherese? 答案:

Motherese is a ―special‖ speech adults use in talking to little children with slow rate of speech, high pitch, rich intonation, shorter and simpler sentence structures, frequent repetition, paraphrasing and limited vocabulary.It is also termed ‗caretaker talk‘ or child directed speech.Phonetics looks at speech sounds from three perspectives.What are they? 答案:

Phonetics looks at speech sounds from three distinct but related perspectives: the speaker, the hearer, and the way sound travel.This gives rise to three branches of phonetics: articulatory phonetics;auditory phonetics;acoustic phonetics.Articulatory phonetics is a study of sounds from the speaker‘s point of view, i.e., how a speaker uses his speech organs to articulate the sounds.Auditory phonetics is a study of sounds from the hearer‘s point of view, i.e., how the sounds are

perceived by the hearer.Acoustic phonetics is a study of how sounds travel by looking at the sound waves, the physical means by which sounds are transmitted through the air from one person to another.What is under-extension? 答案:

Under-extension refers to the phenomenon of a child denying some fact due to his lack of adequate knowledge, e.g.a child may say that birds are not animals.How are sentence meaning and utterance meaning different from each other? 答案:

Sentence meaning is the abstract, intrinsic property of the sentence itself in terms of predication.Whereas utterance meaning is the realization of the abstract meaning of a

sentence in a real situation of communication, or in a context.So the difference between sentence meaning and utterance meaning is that the former is abstract and decontextualized, while the latter is concrete and context-dependent.What is sense? 答案:

Sense is concerned with the inherent meaning of the linguistic form.It is the collection of all the features of the linguistic form;it is abstract and de-contextualized.It is the aspect of meaning dictionary compilers are interested in, like the definition of ‗dog‘ as ‗a domesticated canine mammal,occurring in many breeds that show a great variety in size and form‘

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What is the Input Hypothesis? 答案: According to Krashen, the only way learners can acquire language is by receiving comprehensible input, which is defined as ‗i+1‘, where ‗i‘ represents learners‘ current state of knowledge, and the next stage is an ‗i+1‘.That is, learners have to receive input that is just beyond their competence but not beyond their understanding.This is termed the Input Hypothesis.However, this hypothesis was later modified so that comprehensible input was a necessary but not sufficient condition for acquisition.Learners have to also have the right environment and circumstances to allow comprehensible input to work.A learner's affective filter has to be low;they have to be free of stress and motivated.What is the difference between sense and reference?

答案: The difference between sense and reference is that sense is concerned with the inherent meaning of the linguistic form, whereas reference deals with what a linguistic form refers to in the real, physical world.what is the relationship between pragmatics and semantics? 答案: The relation between pragmatics and semantics is that both are linguistic studies of meaning.But they differ in that semantics traditionally studies meanings of words, meanings of sentences in isolation from language use, whereas pragmatics studies meanings in the context of language use.What is the innatist view of language acquisition? 答案: The innatist view of language acquisition is that human beings are biologically programmed for language and that the language develops in the child just as other biological functions such as walking.This innate ability is first referred to as Language Acquisition Device(LAD), and later as Universal Grammar(UG).Chomsky holds that if children are pre-equipped with UG, then what they have to learn is the ways in which their own language makes use of these principles and the variations on those principles which may exist in the particular language they are learning.What is context? 答案: Context is generally considered as constituted by the knowledge shared by the speaker and the hearer(e.g.knowledge of the language they use, knowledge of what has been said before, knowledge about the world in general, knowledge about the specific situation in which linguistic communication is taking place, and knowledge about each other).What are free morphemes? 答案: Free morphemes are morphemes(such as ‗boy‘ and ‗play‘)that can occur independently and freely.What is conversational implicature? 答案: Conversational implicature is a nonconventional implicature based on an addressee‘s assumption that the speaker is following the conversational maxims or at least the cooperative principle.It occurs when any of the four maxims is violated.What are the recent trends of the English language?


The recent trends of the English language include moving

towards greater informality, the influence of American English, and the influence of science and technology.How do broad and narrow transcription differ from each other? 答案:

Broad transcription is the transcription with letter-symbols only.While narrow transcription is the transcription with diacritics.For instance, the sound [l] is transcribed as dark or clear

sound in different contexts.Narrow transcription is widely used in today‘s textbooks and dictionaries.What are usually the differences between English and Chinese in response to compliments? 答案:

The native English speakers tend to accept compliments more directly and frankly than the native Chinese speakers.The westerners usually express their ‗thanks‘ positively to those who offer compliments, whereas the Chinese often feel embarrassed when they hear compliments like ‗You speak excellent English‘, and show their modesty by saying something like ‗no, no‘.what are the differences between traditional grammar and modern linguistics?


The first difference: modern linguistics is descriptive rather than prescriptive.That is linguists try to make statements which are testable, and take language as it is rather than say how it should be.The second difference: modern linguistics regards spoken rather than written language as primary.Traditional grammar tends to emphasize the importance of written language and the writings.The third difference:

modern linguistics does not force languages into a Latin-based framework.In the past, Latin was considered the language that provided a universal grammar for all languages.Here is a form I found from the internet and it can show the differences between traditional grammar and modern linguistics simply.16 / 16



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