Good morning, appraises committee members and schoolmates.I come from class 08951, and I am Yu Lianfei.Today, the title of my paper is On the Network Novels.In recent years, the network literature is developing rapidly.Network novel is one of the fast of them.In the middle schools, high schools and even universities, there is no lack of network novels' addicts.For the above facts, I select the subject of “on the network novels” as the title of my paper.Then, I will show it to you.In the main part of this paper, I divide it into four parts, as the concept of network novels, the classification of their authors, the development of network novels and the prospects of that.The first part, the definition.Its concept can be divided into the generalized and the narrow.And it can also be divided into boys’ and girls’ in another way.The second part, the classification of their authors.Generally speaking, there are four kinds of authors.The first kind is some people who have favor of literature, they are writing but not for fame.Then, there is some one has favor for literature and also be for fame.The third kind is some people who have explicit goals at the beginning of his writing.And the last kind are some people who just want to express their view, their viewpoint and their feeling with no desire of being published.They take up the most of the authors.The third part, the development.The network novels’ development can not separate form the development of the net and the literature websites.Its developing process may be divided into three stages approximately.The first stage is from 1996 to 2000.This time's literary work often did not strive for(were also not aware of)the fame and fortune, and moreover received the control of tradition.The second stage is beginning of 21st century, mainly contains 2001 and 2002.In this period, the whole network presented the situation of “chaos”.The third stage is from May, 2003 and continues until now.In this period, many schools come into the world, and when a school became a hit there must be many people mimic it.The last part, the forecast.Looking from the internal strength pattern, the outstanding writers in our country mainly hold one kind of critique and the pessimistic manner to the network novels at present.If each big literature website enlarges their own supervision, delete the vulgar works, the pornography and bad works like those things, meanwhile hanker for new person’s new article as well as depth ones, the network novels can be accepted by more people.Not a low-level novel but a kind of enjoyment.Good morning, all appraises committee members.I am MoLin and my supervisor is Wang Yan.With her constant encouragement and guidance, I have finished my paper.Now, it is the show time.I will present my efforts to you and welcome any correction.The title of my paper is Differences Between Chinese and Western Values Viewed From The Advertising Language.With the developing globalization and the increase international trade, different culture values affect everything we do.As a media for communication , language, especially AD language has proved to be influential with regards to transmission of culture values.Studying the differences embodied in Chinese and Western advertising language would be helpful to cross-cultural understanding and it’s also a good advance to our future if we can learn and integrate the different cultural values.For the above facts, I select the subject of “ Differences Between Chinese and Western Values Viewed From The Advertising Language” as the title of my paper.I hope by studying this topic we can help to avoid cross-cultural misunderstanding, promote cross-cultural communication and have benefits to foreign language learning.Then, I will show it to you.In the main part of this paper, I divide it into five parts, as the introduction, overview of the advertising language, overview of cultural values, differences between Chinese and western values in the advertising language and the conclusion..Part one presents an introduction to the basic concepts and the studying purpose.Part two presents the definition of The Advertising Language and its functions on culture.(generally speaking, there are 3 functions on culture, embodiment of culture ,communion of culture and dissemination of culture)
Part three,overview of the Chinese and the western values.It gives five dominant Chinese values.They are basically good, harmony with nature, past orientation collectivism and being activity orientation.Meanwhile, the dominant western values are basically evil, master over nature, future orientation, individualism and doing activity orientation.Part four emphasize the Differences between Chinese and western values in the advertisting language Through contrast analysis of well-known Chinese and western advertising languages, proved the differences of cultural value.They also are divided into 5 parts, collectivism vs.individualism, the relationship of humankind with nature, past orientation vs.future orientation.Masculinity vs.femininity and the last one is being vs.doing.Part five draws some conclusions that knowing the differences between Eastern and Western is helpful to cross-culture and it’s necessary for a better understanding of international promotional communication.Ok, that is all.Thank you.Please ask questions.
Opening Speech
Good afternoon, distinguished professors and everybody here, thank you for attending the oral defense.My name is **.I am really honored to be here to present my thesis to you all and I gratefully welcome any correction.The title of my paper is Fidelity or Treason: Exercise of the Translator’s Subjectivity in the English Version of Wolf Totem.I choose this as my topic due to the following reasons.Firstly, I am always interested in the translation and spreading of Chinese contemporary literature.As you all know, although Chinese culture has gradually attracted the world’s attention with China’s rapid development in recent years, the number of Chinese books translated and introduced to the western world is still low.Generally speaking, Chinese contemporary literature is not well accepted by western readers.But Wolf Totem is an exception.It was translated by Howard Goldbaltt in 2008 and has exhibited good market performance.So by this thesis, I want to find the reasons for why the translation of Wolf Totem has become a success, in an attempt to supply an answer to the translation and spreading of Chinese contemporary literature to the western world.Secondly, since the “cultural turn” in 1980s, the issue of the translator’s subjectivity has gradually become a hot research topic.Scholars both at home and abroad have demonstrated an obvious tendency to enhance the translators’ status and highlight their subjectivity.Well, this is a welcome change in translation study.However, many are fond of stressing the importance of unbridled play of the translator’s subjectivity, so much so that they pay little attention to the restrictive factors which always greatly influence the exercise the translator’s subjectivity.Thus, how to appropriately exercise the translator’s subjectivity remains to be a controversial issue.So it is also one of my major concerns to find a proper way to judge whether the translator appropriately exercises his subjectivity or not.Thirdly, the translator Howard Goldbaltt holds a set of translation thoughts that fit the very subject of this thesis.On the one hand, he pays due respect to the author, and try to be faithful to the original text, and on the other hand, he agrees that every translation is a betrayal and deems translation as an activity of rewriting to some extent.And his translation thoughts are
embodied in his translation works, including Wolf Totem.In Wolf Totem, efforts to try to strike a balance between “treason” and “fidelity” can be easily detected.These are the major reasons for why I choose this topic.And now, I will present my thesis to you.Here is an outline of my presentation.This thesis is composed of six parts.Chapter one is an introduction that primarily states the research background, the research significance and the structure of the thesis.Chapter Two is an overview of studies on translator’s subjectivity.It goes over the traditional views on translator’s subjectivity and then the latest studies on this issue since the “cultural turn” both at home and abroad.Chapter Three mainly deals with the issue of translator’s subjectivity.It explains the concepts of subject and subjectivity, expounds the connotation and characteristics of translator’s subjectivity, and discusses its manifestation and restrictive factors during translation.On the basis of these analyses, this thesis avoids the traditional “faithfulness” criterion.Instead, it suggests that the exercise of the translator’s subjectivity can be judged from the following aspects: Firstly, to what extent does the translator convey the elements(like word diction, cultural elements, literary style, major theme and so on)embodied in the original? Secondly, how well is the translated version accepted by the target readers? Thirdly, does the translator build a harmonious relationship with his patrons during translation? Lastly, does the translated version conform to the dominant ideology and poetics in the target culture? Chapter Four briefly introduces the author Jiang Rong, the original text Lang Tuteng, the translator Howard Goldblatt and his translated version Wolf Totem.Chapter Five is the main body of the thesis which deals with Howard Goldblatt’s subjectivity in Wolf Totem translation.Adopting the judging method put forward in Chatper three,it firstly analyzes the factors influencing Goldblatt’s subjectivity in both deciding what to translate and selecting translating strategies, and then moves on to focus on examples taken from the translated version to see how Goldblatt exercises his subjectivity in translating the novel.Finally Chapter six, the concluding part, draws the conclusion that during the process of translation, Goldblatt followed advisable advices from his patrons, adapted the novel
to target readers’ tastes as well as the current ideology and poetics in western world,did a good job in conveying the elements of the original to the target readers and stroke a balance between “fidelity” and “treason”.All these efforts finally contributed to the success of the English version of Wolf Totem.This is about the main content of my thesis.Now I am ready for your questions.Thank you.
领导安排的工作,她从不挑肥拣瘦,对待各项工作都非常努力,且干得的有声有色,得到领导和群众的一致好评。在2005年的某一天,她又被镇领导叫去,让她担任xx镇劳动保障事务所所长。当时事务所的所有工作在全县排名倒数第一。她二话没说,接过重任,繁重的工作开始了„ „
学员要顺利通过答辩,并在答辩时真正发挥出自己的水平,除了在答辩前充分作好准备外,还需要了解和掌握答辩的要领和答辩的艺术.(一)携带必要的资料和用品:首先,学员参加答辩会,要携带论文的底稿和主要参考资料.在答辩会上,主答辩老师提出问题后,学员可以准备一定时间后再当面回答,在这种情况下,携带论文底稿和主要参考资料的必要性是不言自明的.其次,还应带上笔和笔记本,以便把主答辩老师所提出的问题和有价值的意见,见解记录下来.通过记录,不仅可以减缓紧张心理,而且还可以更好地吃透老师所提问的要害和实质是什么,同时还可以边记边思考,使思考的过程变得很自然.(二)要有自信心,不要紧张:在作了充分准备的基础上,大可不必紧张,要有自信心.树立信心,消除紧张慌乱心理很重要,因为过度的紧张会使本来可以回答出来的问题也答不上来.只有充满自信,沉着冷静,才会在答辩时有良好的表现.而自信心主要来自事先的充分准备.(三)听清问题后经过思考再作回答:主答辩老师在提问题时,学员要集中注意力认真聆听,并将问题回答略记在本子上,仔细推敲主答辩老师所提问题的要害和本质是什么 切忌未弄清题意就匆忙作答.如果对所提问题没有断清楚,可以请提问老师再说一遍.如果对问题中有些概念不太理解,可以请提问老师做些解释,或者把自己对问题的理解说出来,并问清是不是这个意思,等得到肯定的答复后再作回答.只有这样,才有可能避免答所非问.答到点子上.(四)回答问题要简明扼要,层次分明:在弄清了主答辩老师所提问题的确切涵义后,要在较短的时间内作出反应,要充满自信地以流畅的语言和肯定的语气把自己的想法讲述出来,不要犹犹豫豫.回答问题,一要抓住要害,简明扼要,不要东拉西扯,使人听后不得要领;二要力求客观,全面,辩证,留有余地,切忌把话说“死”;三要条分缕析,层次分明.此外还要注意吐词清晰,声音适中等等.(五)对回答不出的问题,不可强辩:有时答辩委员会的老师对答辩人所作的回答不太满意,还会进一步提出问题,以求了解论文作者是否切实搞清和掌握了这个问题.遇到这种情况,答辩人如果有把握讲清,就可以申明理由进行答辩;如果不太有把握,可以审慎地试着回答,能回答多少就回答多少,即使讲得不很确切也不要紧,只要是同问题有所关联,老师会引导和启发你切入正题;如果确是自己没有搞清的问题,就应该实事求是地讲明自己对这个问题还没有搞清楚,表示今后一定认真研究这个问题,切不可强词夺理,进行狡辩.因为,答辩委员会的老师对这个问题有可能有过专门研究,再高明的也不可能蒙骗他.这里我们应该明白:学员在答辩会上,某个问题被问住是不奇怪的,因为答辩委员会成员一般是本学科的专家.他们提出来的某个问题答不上来是很自然的.当然,所有问题都答不上来,一问三不知就不正常了.(六)当论文中的主要观点与主答辩老师的观点相左时,可以与之展开辩论:
答辩中,有时主答辩老师会提出与你的论文中基本观点不同的观点,然后请你谈谈看法,此时就应全力为自己观点辩护,反驳与自己观点相对立的思想.主答辩老师在提问的问题中,有的是基础知识性的问题,有的是学术探讨性的问题,对于前一类问题,是要你作出正确,全面地回答,不具有商讨性.而后一类问题,是非正误并未定论,持有不同观点的人可以互相切磋商讨.如果你所写的论文的基本观点是经过自己深思熟虑,又是言之有理,持之有据,能自圆其说的,就不要因为答辩委员会成员提出不同的见解,就随声附和,放弃自己的观点.否则,就等于是你自己否定了自己辛辛苦苦写成的论文.要知道,有的答辩老师提出的与你论文相左的观点,并不是他本人的观点,他提出来无非是想听听你对这种观点的评价和看法,或者是考考你的答辩能力或你对自己观点的坚定程度.退一步说,即使是提问老师自己的观点,你也应该抱着“吾爱吾师,吾更爱真理”的态度,据理力争,与之展开辩论.不过,与答辩老师展开辩论要注意分寸,运用适当的辩术.一般说,应以维护自己的观点为主,反驳对方的论点要尽可能采用委婉的语言,请教的口气,用旁说,暗说,绕着说的办法,不露痕迹地把自己的观点输入对方,让他们明理而诚服或暗服.让提问老师感受到虽接受你的意见,但自己的自尊并没受到伤害.譬如,在一次答辩会上,一位老师在说明垄断高额利润时,把垄断高额利润说成是高出平均利润以上的那部分利润.答辩的学员听出老师的解释错了.就用平和不解的语气说:“那么,垄断高额利润是垄断价格高于成本价格的话怎么理解呢 ”提问的老师听后一怔,隔了一会儿,高声说:“问得好!”从提问老师的喝彩声中,我们知道,他已心悦诚服地同意了你的观点.这样的辩论,答辩老师不仅不会为难你,相反会认为你有水平,基础扎实.(七)要讲文明礼貌:论文答辩的过程也是学术思想交流的过程.答辩人应把它看成是向答辩老师和专家学习,请求指导,讨教问题的好机会.因此,在整个答辩过程中,答辩人应该尊重答辩委员会的老师,言行举止要讲文明,有礼貌,尤其是在主答辩老师提出的问题难以回答,或答辩老师的观点与自己的观点相左时,更应该注意如此.答辩结束,无论答辩情况如何,都要从容,有礼貌地退场.此外,毕业论文答辩之后,作者应该认真听取答辩委员会的评判,进一步分析,思考答辩老师提出的意见,总结论文写作的经验教训.一方面,要搞清楚通过这次毕业论文写作,自己学习和掌握了哪些科学研究的方法,在提出问题,分析问题,解决问题以及科研能力上得到了提高.还存在哪些不足,作为今后研究其他课题时的借鉴.另一方面,要认真思索论文答辩会上,答辩老师提出的问题和意见,修改自己的论文,加深研究,精心修改自己的论文,求得纵深发展,取得更大的战果.使自己在知识上,能力上有所提高.