第一篇:城市社会学笔记 完整精简版
一、What is urban sociology?
Urban sociology is a sub-discipline(sociological study and knowledge about)to examine the nature of city life and urban social issues, how they are interrelated, and how a sociological approach helps us understand both the roots of these urban ―problems‖ and the consequences for individuals, communities and societies.You will learn the historical experiences, theoretical explanations and solutions devised concerning today’s urban problems.The ability to critically assess current and future urban policies in comparative perspective is essential in our increasingly interdependent, global urban world.二、Sociological perspective on urbanism
1、The City as Social Organization They emphasized the functions cities perform and their types of organization.n
Max Weber(1864-1920)
The city performs economic, legal, and protective functions.We can use formal organization, power and authority to analyse urban governments and formal structures).n
Durkheim(1858 –1917)
Division of Labor created a mutual independence among various segments of the population so that organic solidarity holds people together.Mechanical solidarity is the basis of the social organization.n
Maine(1822-1888)(Textbook P5)
Social agreement or contract
Ascribed status & achieved status(Ralph Linton1893-1953)
2、The City as Evil n
Oswald Spengler(1880-1936)
Lose of the natural based ―soul‖ n
Georg Simmel(1858~1918)
City as an agent of social and psychological change
Urban life is full of inconsistencies
3、The City as a Way of Life: Urbanism
Wirth, Louis(1897-1952)
a.Urbanism was a function of population density, size and heterogeneity.b.A term used by Louis Wirth to denote distinctive characteristics of urban social life, such as its impersonality.Urbanism as a characteristic mode of life may be approached empirically from three interrelated perspectives:(1)as a physical structure comprising a population base, a technology, and an ecological order;(2)as a system of social organization involving a characteristic social structure, a series of social institutions, and a typical pattern of social relationships;and(3)as a set of attitudes and ideas, and a constellation of personalities engaging in typical forms of collective behavior and subject to characteristic mechanisms of social control.第一章
一、Urbanization is synonym as Urban Development to certain extent.Urbanization: the concentration of humanity into cities.Urbanization is a population process through which percentages of people shift their residences from rural to urban areas.二、City-state(城邦)An independent political unit consisting of a city and surrounding countryside.城邦或称城市国家,是在一定历史条件下由原始公社演化而来的一种公民集体。一般情况下,一个城邦包括城市和乡村两部分。很大一批城邦是由原有城邦派出的移民建立的。
1.Social structure or characteristics
a.domination of religion;
b.division of labors;
c.formation of classes;
d.dwelling separation of different classes;
e.economic and cultural functions.Physical
a.a wall
b.a grid road system consisted with major blocks and alleys
c.a citadel or large raised square,(which was about fifty feet high)
d.public buildings including a bathhouse, temple, and a building probably for study.e.a central square containing religious and governmental buildings Pre-industrial European Cities(Cities in ancient and Medieval Europe)早期欧洲国家中的―城邦‖是由城市及其周边地区构成的独立政治单位。它对现代(后来)西方城市政治体制(市政体)以及―市民社会‖结构产生深远的影响。the origin of municipality and civil society
三、City-state(城邦)An independent political unit consisting of a city and surrounding countryside.Urban nation
By 1920s, more Americans live in cities than outside them ,we had become an urban nation.第二章
一、What kind of trends of urban growth are described and explained by Burgess's Concentric Zone Hypothesis •
The city has a tendency, when growing, to push outward from its center;
As distance from center city increases, there is a tendency for the size of the parcels of land to increase and density of occupancy to decrease;•
Movement from the CBD to Zone V involves certain time/cost tradeoffs.二、Three major models
The Sector Theory Homer Hoyt suggested that urban growth tends to occur in a complex manner involving both concentric zones and sectors rather than a simple concentric zone pattern.In cities, industry tends to locate near water,along railroad lines,and at the periphery.• Primarily concerned residential neighborhoods.Residential neighborhoods viewed as wedge-shaped sectors surrounding CBD.Principles of the Sector Theory(可作参考)
Group in social order tend to segregated into areas according to socio-econ.•
The highest income groups live in houses that command highest prices.•
The lower socio economic groups live in houses that demand lower prices.•
Generally lower socio economic areas are located near business, and industrial areas.•
The principle growth of American Cities has taken place by new building at the periphery rather than by rebuilding of older areas.•
Some cities beginning to resemble a hollow shell.•
Demand sometimes by-passes areas thus limiting development.Multiple nuclei model • Certain activities require specialized facilities.• Certain like activities group together because they profit from cohesion •Certain unlike activities are detrimental to each other.• Certain activities are unable to afford the high rents of the most desirable sites.三、There are 7 ecological processes:
(1)Concentration is the tendency for an increased number of people or institution to locate within a given area.(2)Dispersion is the opposition of the concentration.(3)Centralization is the tendency for land-use functions to come together at a pivotal point in a city.(4)Decentralization is the tendency of people or functions to move away from a point of axis.(5)Segregation is the tendency for people or institution to agglomerate in certain areas.(6)Invasion is the process of a group moving into another territory and occupied by another.(7)Succession is the second group taking over the area.第三章
一、How do Neo-orthodox ecological studies analyze spatial distance and social distance(residential distribution, occupational status and social stratification)Ø Spatial distances between occupational group are closely related to their social distances;Ø The most segregated occupation groups are at the extremes of the socio-economic scale(The rich);Ø Concentration of residence in low-rent areas is inversely related to social-economic status(The poor);Ø Centralization of residence is likewise related to social-economic status.二、重要概念:
1、Duncan’s study
What is Ecological Complex
Population, Organization, Environment, Technology can be used to identify clusters of relationships in ecosystem processes.2、Inspirations from Duncan’s study
• Spatial Distance and Social Distance ecological approach as one of the sociological perspective.• Conceptual Tools
Useful and significant sociological approach and theoretical invention(―Ecosystem‖, ―Ecological Complex‖, ―P.E.O.T Variables‖)
3、What is Ecosystem Ø ecosystem: the interacting environmental and biotic system exchange between the living and non-living, human communities and their habitats.Ø ''Ecosystem: is not just a metaphor for human organization.It is human organization.4.Major ideas of the social-cultural ecologys
Ø Social-cultural ecology emphasizes the importance of the culture in determining human behavior.Ø Social-culturalists take the position that human beings in interaction with others and their environment create and modify culture.Ø Cultural variables ,not just physical subsocial ones ,need to be considered an a systematic part of ecological theory.Ø Not all spatial changes could be viewed as economically advantageous and, therefore ,ecologically sound.Ø Noneconomic cultural values are of great importance in determining urban land use.5、Social Area Analysis •Changes in distribution of skillsarrangements holding people together result from mutual usefulness or coercion(law)四/ What is community power structure? œ The community power structure is the network of influences among the individuals and organizations involved in a given community's decision-making process.œ Formal power structureœ
The formal power structure consists of elected or appointed officials who supervise and execute the will of the community through the formal political structure of civic organizations.Formal power structure
œ Informal power structure
The informal power structure consists of those who wield influence in an informal or social manner.(4)Types of power structure œ Four Types of Power Structure
Mass Participation: Wide-open system of equal access to decision-making.Ø
Monolithic Power Structure: one small group of elites holds most of the power in the community.Ø
Polylithic Power Structure: A system of two or more ―power cliques‖ , which share power in the community.Ø
Pluralistic Power Structure: A system with multiple groups sharing power.五/ Decisional Approach: assumes that the power to make decisions comes from strong participation in the decision making process.Community Power Structure:A study of decision makers(1953)œ
Reputational Approach: assumes that power is present in all social relationships and that the power to affect community decisions is a result of individuals’ reputations.œ
Elitist Model 六/ Social Mobility œ Definition: Upward or downward movement within a stratification system.œ Two forms of mobility:
Ø INTERGENERATIONAL mobility compares parents levels to that of their children.Ø INTRAGENERATIONAL mobility plots career shifts within a persons lifetime.七 Social Mobility Ø
Closed system: u
ascribed statuses u
lack of mobility;inflexible u
• begins to breakdown
with modernization u
• Modern slavery(still exists, human rights violations)Ø
Open system: u
ownership and control of resources and type of work u
achievement(some ascription)u
flexible;social mobility is higher 八Community Structure and Stratification
Stratification is a very important component of community structure;œ
Other aspects of community, such as the way in which production is organized(industrial versus nonindustrial), can have a major impact on community stratification;œ
Stratification is related to life-style, interaction patterns, life chances, residential locations and the like.œ
Within any given stratification system, the rate of change among statuses may be high, but extreme dislocations are rare.第八章
一/“Metropolitan type”: v Individuality v Rationality v Lack of emotionalism v Specialization v Compartmentalization 二/Merton's idea about anomie and the crutique
Anomie occurs ―when there is an acute disjunction between the cultural norms and goals, and the socially structured capacities of members of the group who act in accord with them‖(from Social Theory and Social Structure, 1968)...anomie is discontinuity between cultural goals and the legitimate means for achieving them.....leads to deviance
vThe five ways in which people can respond to the social situation: v acceptance
接受(conformity)v ritualism
形式主义 v retreatism
退缩 v rebellion
反叛 v innovation
vDeviant behavior will occur most frequently in groups that are most systematically excluded from the reward structure.2.Criticism of Merton’s Anomie Hypotheses vMarshall Clinard(1964)v It is unlikely that any one dominant set of value exists.Contemporary urban society is typified by normative and value diversification and cultural pluralism.v Delinquent behaviors occur with almost equal frequency among all social classes.It is the type of crime—and not the incidence—that varies by class.v Most acts labeled as ―deviant‖ are actually
group-oriented activities.v The anomie thesis is seen as ignoring the roles
of the individual actor as a member of many
primary group.三/ Personal Space: Microsocial Territories vHow small spaces are perceived and defined? vPersonal space —can be defined as that area surrounding an individual that is perceived by that individual as belonging to him/her.vPersonal space is a kind of invisible circle that people draw around themselves to define personal territory.vPersonal spaces vary in size and function from culture to culture and between subcultures.vEdward Hall(1966, 1969, 1977)vFor Americans, there are four major categories of space: v(1)intimate distance(18 inches)v(2)personal distance(18 in.-4 feet)v(3)social distance(4-12 feet)v(4)public distance(12-30 or more feet)
vPerception of the spaces and the territories within which we live is dependent upon our culture and subculture.vThere may be an underlying biological predisposition to territoriality, but the culture-specific variations are such that no single pattern emerges.V.Social Psychology and Migration vSocial psychology of geographical mobility v1.The Decision to Migrate v2.Postmigration Adjustment
一/The consequences of suburban growth ØEven distribution of population and industry ØMassive problems in the old central cities ØUrban renewal ØResidential segregation 二/Suburbanites manifest certain significant differences from their urban counterparts.§Life-style;tendency;incomes;attitudes et al
Urban/Suburban Differences Variable
Suburban Areas
Central Cities =============== Place of work
Work outside of a city
Work in a city Income
Higher income and
more increase
Lower and less
Martial status
More married persons
Fewer married persons Race
Lower percentage nonwhite
Higher percentage nonwhite
Household head More male headed
Predominantly male headedbut more single
and female heads
Higher birth rates
Lower birth rates
Consumption patterns
Children centered
Conspicuous consumption Organization or
More involved
More anonymous community involve
More college educated
Bi-modal distribution of college
educated and high school dropout
一 Urban Renewal vUrban renewal refers to process or program through which deteriorated neighborhoods are upgraded through clearance and redevelopment(building, infrastructure, and public amenities).vOne of the largest and grandest efforts directed at the urban crisis.vIn American urban renewal officially began with passage of the Housing Act of 1949.vUrban renewal had a very modest success.cost vThe damage done by urban renewal seems to greatly outweigh its successes.vHerbert J.Gans:cost Ø
(1)Relocation is often ruthlessly handled, poor people’s economic and cultural deprivation are magnified.Ø
(2)Neighborhood are destroyed, since the relocation was based on individual family and large cohesive areas were cleared all at once.Ø
(3)The supply of cheap housing decreases, only about one sixth the number of homes were built as were destroyed.Ø
(4)Benefits for the poor are also slow in coming, business has tended to make a great deal of profit at the expense of the poor.vDavid Caputo:
Ø The unanticipated consequences of urban planning are ignored by government.vScott Greer: Ø(1)Urban Renewal ignores the fact of changing urban
ecological structure.Ø(2)It is difficult for effective large-scale planning on the base of existing political subdivision within urban areas.Ø(3)Slum clearance merely accentuates the lack of cheap housing.二/ Zoning Social goals v Zoning usually consists of rules and regulations that govern land-use within areas of the city, density of land-use, and the quality of structures.v Zoning first developed as a means of controlling neighborhood nuisances and to promote public health and welfare.v Zoning is also a major tool through which planners attempt to create a rationally ordered distribution of land-use functions within an urban area.vFour categories of zoning: n
(1)residential district(single family and multiple family
(2)commercial district n
(3)industrial district n
(4)public district vEach of these broad categories is usually divided into two or more subcategories.vProblems in Zoning n
(1)underzoning and overzoning n
(2)Wealthy, influential landowner are granted variances or rezoning that may be detrimental to public well being.n
(3)Rejection or incompatibility in adjoining areas.n
(4)Restriction on settlement of poor and minorities in areas inhabited by white and the rich.n
(5)Zoning tends to be an ineffectual tool for promoting public good.第十章 一
I.What is Town Planning v Town planning is an applied study of urban design.v Using the tools of architecture, economics, and lately, the behavioral sciences, planners have attempted to rationally redevelop our cities, expand small town, or redevelop new sites as ―new towns.‖
v The basic idea behind town planning is that the planner is attempting, through rational alteration and control of the environment, to affect the future.II.Theoretical Background vTown planning theory Ø1.Ebenezer Howard and the Garden City Ø2.Lewis Mumford’s Theory of Planning
1.Ebenezer Howard and the Garden City v In response to the conditions in industrial cities, Howard proposed in 1898 the garden city.v Howard believed that the way to cure major social problems was to move people back to a relatively small, open, economically and socially balanced community.vGarden cities have six key characteristics: n
(1)population was to be strictly limited to roughly
30,000, n
(2)open green spaces are easily accessible and
interspersed throughout the city, n
(3)a green belt surrounds the city, n
(4)industry was to be diversified, n
(5)the city’s design had to fit the land,n
(6)all lands were to be held by the development corporation.City Development Phases
v(1)Garden Suburbs Ø ―Garden City‖ movement in the United States Ø Henry Wright and Clarence Stein(1920s)Ø ―superblock‖ model/ ―Radburn Idea‖ v(2)Columbia Ø James W.Rouse v(3)Federal New Communities Policies
IV.The Physical-Ecological Determinists versus The Social-Culturalists v The Physical-Ecological Determinists see a direct cause-and-effect relationship between physical environmental variables and social consequences.v According to their position, to modify human behavior position, one modifies physical settings.v While the dominant perspective in town planning is Physical-Ecological Determinism, there are other stances.The most important of these other perspectives is the Socio-Culturalist.v Socio-Culturalist generally argue that the manner in which a given physical setting affects its inhabitants will depend on their culture, and social organization.v It is necessary to understand the culture(values, beliefs, interaction patterns, and ways of life)and social organization of the group who will be subject to the plan.v The environment can be divided into three components: Ø
(1)physical environment Ø
(2)social organization Ø
v Those two approaches, the Physical-Ecological Determinists and the Social-Culturalists, represent extremes of the planning continuum.v The debate between them will probably continue far into the future.v According to the Socio-Culturalist position, physical dimensions of the environment gain importance largely because of their social and cultural implications.Thus, in planning, it is important to understand the social organization and culture of the specific groups involved.十四
一、Global City
A global city(also called world city or sometimes alpha city or world center)is a Specialized Citydeemed to be an important node point in the global economic system.Economic characteristics n
Corporate headquarters for multinational corporations, international financial institutions, law firms, conglomerates, and stock exchanges that have influence over the world economy.n
Significant financial capacity/output: city/regional GDP n
Stock market indices /market capitalisation n
Financial service provision;e.g., banks, accountancy n
Costs of living, personal wealth;e.g., number of billionaires
Political characteristics n
The Palace of Westminste n
Active influence on and participation in international events and world affairs;for example, Washington, London, Paris, Tokyo, Berlin, Rome, Moscow, or Beijing are major capitals of influential nations or unions.n
Hosting headquarters for international organizations(World Bank), NATO headquarters n
A large proper, population of the municipality(the centre of a metropolitan area, typically several million)or agglomeration n
Diverse demographic constituencies[12] based on various indicators:[13] population, habitat,[14] mobility,[15] and urbanisation[16] n
Quality of life standards[17] or city development[18] n
Expatriate communities Cultural characteristics The Louvre in Paris n
International, first-name familiarity.For example,Los Angeles is commonly referred to as just L.A.without knowing the actual name or if its in the United States.n
Renowned cultural institutions(often with high endowments), such as notable museums and galleries, notable opera, orchestras, notable film centres and theatre centres.A lively cultural scene, including film festivals(such as the Toronto International Film Festival), premieres, a thriving music scene, nightlife, an opera company, art galleries, street performers, and annual parades.n
Several influential media outlets with an international reach, such as the BBC, Reuters, The New York Times, or Agence France-Presse.n
A strong sporting community, including major sports facilities, home teams in major league sports, and the ability and historical experience to host international sporting events such as the Olympic Games, FIFA World Cup, or Grand Slam tennis events.[19] n
Educational institutions;e.g., universities,[20] international student attendance,[21] research facilities n
Sites of pilgrimage for world religions(for example, Mecca, Jerusalem or Rome)n
Cities containing World Heritage Sites of historical and cultural significance[22] n
Tourism throughout n
City as site or subject in Arts and Media, television, film, video games, music, literature, magazines, articles, documentary n
City as an often repeated historic reference, showcase, or symbolic actions
二、研究方法:实证研究,资料来源为调查所得,或为一手资料,或为二手资料。 资料获取方法:田野调查、文献研究。
4、课题:福州城市交通拥堵情况及治理对策 组长:林梦林
5、课题:福州如何做大做强省会中心城市? 组长:陈清华
9、课题:中国城市为何热衷于拆迁重建? 组长:梁阳林
10、课题:城镇建设与传统建筑文化保护 组长:罗牧原
12、课题:中国城市为何热衷于拆迁重建? 组长:钟建龙
13、课题:三坊七巷保护现状调查 组长:蒋晶晶
14、课题:榕城古街与福州城市发展 组长:黄瑞琪
早期城市社会学的代表人物之一,6.凯文 林奇
1977年美国社会学家万斯提出城市域模型,其主要观点有两个: 第一、远方城市核的独立。人口向郊外扩展,使城市的郊外中心(核)得以独立,使城市中心与郊区相互作用的等级和强度降低了。
发展轴理论由德国经济史学家沃纳 松巴特提出。其中心内容是随着连接各中心地的重要交通干线的建立,形成了新的有利区位,方便了人口的流动,降低了运输费用,从而降低了产品的成本,新的交通线对产业和劳动力具有新的吸引力,形成有利的投资环境,使产业和人口向交通线聚集并产生新的居民点。这种对地区开发具有促进作用的交通线被称为“发展轴”。
西方社会学家对社会分层的研究,大多继承了德国社会学家的社会分层理论。根据人们在职业分工、工资收入与身分声望等方面 的具体而细致的差别,把社会成员划分成连续排列的多个小层,即续谱。这种理论不承认在社会层次结构的续谱中存在客观明显的界限。
威廉 奥格本提出的文化堕距理论认为,在文化变迁的过程中,各个部分的变迁速度是不一致的,有的部分变化快,有的部分变化慢。一般而言,总是“物质文化”先于“非物质文化”发生变迁,而非物质文化中,往往制度文化首先发生变迁,其次才是风俗、民德变迁。因此,可以根据文化变迁层次的不同,将城市文化变迁分为物质层面的变迁、制度层面的变迁、观念层面的变迁。
30.成长三角理论 成长三角最早由新加坡前总理李光耀提出,指几个地理上比较接近的国家的部分地区组成的小范围的经济合作形式,它依靠各国为这个地区提供的特殊政策,充分发挥经济上的互补性和地域上的便利,建立起以吸引外资、扩展对外贸易为主的外向型的,包括生产、贸易、旅游、科技、交通运输、能源环保、通讯以及人力资源开发在内的综合性经济区。
3.城市地域结构理论的发展:增长极理论、发展轴、都市带、成长三角 4.城市地域运动:结节运动和均质运动 5.社会流动的概念。特点
6.城市发展水平的测度、未来城市的模型、城市规模 城市化测度的方法