
时间:2019-05-15 10:28:39下载本文作者:会员上传


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1. Some kids, playing near a pool, saw many Frogs in the water and began to throw stones to them.They killed several of them, when one of the Frogs, lifting his head out of the water, cried out: “Please stop, my boys: what is fun to you, is death to us.”

2. I was born in a quite small village with no long rivers or high mountains;Sky is always blue, air is fresh all the time, we could see all kinds of plants and wild animals everywhere.All the people are very friendly and nice to each other.They make their living on farming on the poor land which could not make them rich but enough to raise families.I went away from my home village 10 years ago, I miss my village a lot.3. One day, the tiger and the fox are talking.The fox says, “Do you believe that all the animals in the forest are scared of me not you?” The tiger doesn’t believe and follows the fox to the forest.All the animals are very frightened when they see the tiger and run away.The tiger is shocked and thinks that the animals are scared of the fox.The fox is very happy because in fact it depends on the terror of the tiger to frighten the animals

4. One day, a little horse is going to see his grandpa, on the way to grandpa’s house, he needs to cross a river.He has no idea how deep the water is, so he stays by the river waiting for help.Later, one rabbit comes, and warns him not to try because one of his friends was drown right here.Little horse is scared by the words of the rabbit.After the leaving of the rabbit, an elephant arrives and tells the little horse to cross it right now, as there is no any danger at all, he crosses the river several times each day.Little horse is so confused;finally he decides to have a try by putting one of his front legs into the river.It is not deep for him at all, he arrives the other shore safely.5. A boy, returning alone from the pasture, was pursued by a Wolf.Seeing he could not escape, he turned round, and said: ”I know, friend wolf, that I must be your lunch, but before I die I would ask of you one favor, you will sing a song for me to which I may dance.“ The Wolf agreed, and while he was singing the Kid was dancing, some hunting dogs hearing the sound ran up and began chasing the Wolf.Turning to the Kid, he said, ”It is just what I deserve;for I, who am only a butcher, should not sing songs to please you.“

6. A cat and a monkey live in the same house.They are very close friends.One day, they sit by the fire.They are watching some chestnuts on the fire.They want to get them.“I am happy to get them,” says the monkey.“But you are much better at such things than I am.Take them out and both of us can eat them.” The cat is happy with the words.She tries many times and takes all the chestnuts out.But her paw is injured.They eat the chestnuts up.Then a man comes in and finds all the chestnuts are gone.He finds the cat’s paw is injured.So he thinks the cat eats all the chestnuts.He is angry with the cat and drives her away

7. Tom put his hand into a pot full of candies.He grasped as many as he could possibly hold, but when he tried to pull out his hand, he was prevented from doing so by the neck of the pot.Unwilling to lose his candies, and yet unable to withdraw his hand, he burst into tears.A bystander said to him, ”Be satisfied with half the quantity, and you will readily draw out your hand.“

8. A dog and a cock being great friends, agreed to travel together.At nightfall they took shelter in a thick wood.The Cock flying up, perched himself on the branches of a tree, while the dog found a bed beneath in the hollow trunk.When the morning dawned, the Cock, as usual, crowed very loudly several times.A Fox heard the sound wishing to make a breakfast on him, came and stood under the branches, saying how earnestly he desired to make the acquaintance of the owner of so magnificent a voice.The Cock, suspecting his civilities, said: ”Sir, I wish you would do me the favor of going around to the hollow trunk below me, and waking my porter, so that he may open the door and let you in.“ When the Fox approached the tree, the Dog sprang out and caught him, and tore him into pieces

9. A pair of oxen were drawing a heavily loaded wagon along a miry country road.They had to use all their strength to pull the wagon, but they did not complain.The wheels of the wagon were of a different sort.Though the task they had to do was very light compared with that of the oxen, they creaked and groaned at every turn.The poor oxen, pulling with all their might to draw the wagon through the deep mud, had their ears filled with the loud complaining of the wheels.And this, you may well know, made their work so much the harder to endure.“Silence!” the oxen cried at last, out of patience,“What have you wheels to complain about so loudly?

We are drawing all the weight, not you, and we are keeping still about it besides”

10. Lion was awakened from sleep by a Mouse running over his face.Rising up in anger, he caught him and was about to kill him, when the Mouse piteously entreated, saying: ”If you would only spare my life, I would be sure to repay your kindness.“ The Lion laughed and let him go.It happened shortly after this that the Lion was caught by some hunters, who bound him by strong ropes to the ground.The Mouse, recognizing his roar, came up, and gnawed the rope with his teeth, and setting him free, exclaimed: ”You ridiculed the idea of my ever being able to help you, not expecting to receive from me any repayment of your favor;but now you know that it is possible for even a Mouse to confer benefits on a Lion.强化训练

1. Eight cyclists have been killed in southern Italy after a car collided with them on a two-lane road.Reports from the scene say the driver apparently lost control of his car while trying to overtake another vehicle, and collided head-on with cyclists.Seven died instantly and the eighth died while in medical care.Several others were injured.The driver of the car, a Moroccan national, was arrested.Police are quoted as saying he tested positive for marijuana.The accident took place near the city of Lamezia Terme, near Italy's southern tip

2. XUZHOU, Jiangsuwhich is desperately short of energy to fuel its booming economy.France is the world's second largest producer of nuclear energy after the United States.It hopes to be at the forefront of an international revival of the industry which analysts say will benefit from worries about global warming and soaring energy prices.India has 22 nuclear reactors and is seeking to expand its nuclear energy sector, opening up a market estimated at £90bn($142bn)over 15 years.The countryhas a population of 1.1 billion.It gets only a tiny fraction of its electricity from nuclear power.Supporters of the deal say that having more nuclear plants in India could help reduce global demand for oil and gas while at the same time significantly reducing the country's pollution levels.8. Eurozone retail sales returned to growth in October, following two months of falls, figures have shown.Sales in October were up by 0.5% from September, and 1.8% higher than a year ago, Eurostat said.The increase was bigger than analysts' forecasts for a 0.2% rise, however there were big variations between different eurozone countries.German retail sales jumped by 2.3% in October, whereas in France sales were down by 0.1%.Eurostat said that eurozone sales of food, drink and tobacco rose by 1% in October, whereas non-food sales increased by just 0.1%.For the European Union as a whole, retail sales were up by 0.4% in October, and also showed a 1.8% annual increase.Howard Archer, chief UK and European Economist at IHS Global Insight, said: “It must be borne in mind that the fundamentals are still not that great for consumer spending given that the eurozone unemployment rate is currently at a 12-year high of 10.1%, wage growth is muted, and tighter fiscal policy will increasingly kick in across the region over the coming months.”The suspicion is therefore that eurozone consumers will remain pretty cautious in their spending."






Job A:manager B:candidates A:will you tell me something about yourself? B:ok,my name is Limingqiang ,I graduate form bit , my major is Computer science and technology ,I am at good at communicate with different person.I like singing ,playing basketball ,reading book and so on.A:what do you think are your strengths and weaknesses? B:I think I have positive opinions to work and life ,I can work hard without any complain.but ,I know I still have many weakness ,such as careless.A:how long do you think you'd stay with us if you were appointed? B:sorry I don't know exactly ,I think I will stay as long as possible.A:which is more important to you :status or money? B:status,status is more important than money ,when you have good status ,you will have money.A:why do you want to leave your present job? B: because the workplace have long way to my house.I should spend 2 hours in the way.A:which do you think are good working conditions? B:A good office environment A:what is your best quality? B:loyal(effort)

A:what are your long-range goals? B:I want to be a good engineer.A:OK,you wait for notice B:thanks

Job A:hello,long time no see,what do you do recently? B:I work in lenovo as a assistant.A:do you like this job? B:it is hard to say ,the salary is enough for me.but, in the long time , it isn't benifit fo my career,I think I will change my job if I find the most suitable position for myself.A:I think you should change this job as soon as possible ,although it is hard at the very beginning,the ending will change if you have enough courage and confident.B:you are right ,I will think carefully to your advice.and do you satisficed with you job? A:you know,my dream is to be a layer,when I graduate from my college,I worked in a law firm as a paralegals for 1 year,and now I can deal with a case all by myself ,but I am under great pressure on the this job.B:yes ,everything has two side,life is hard to satisfied for everyone's dream.so,we should think more optimistic about our life,everything will change if your attitude is right.A:yeh,tomorrow is another day,we will have a bright future.B:I firmly believe that too.Culture A:I heard you stay in American 2 years,can you tell me something about the difference between American and our country? B:Most Chinese families like to cook the meals at home.The family members sit around the table and share the dishes on the table together.Even when they are having their meals in restaurants, they eat in the same way too.But in America, just part of the Americans have their meal at home with their family members.A:can you give me a example? B:for example,when you leave.for American people, they just said “goodbye” and go back to do other work.while,in china,they will say “Go slowly.” Not farewell or Godspeed, but “go slowly”.To the Chinese it means “Take care.” or “Watch your step.” Or some such caution, but translated literally it means “Go slow.”

A:It is very interesting.and what is the most distinctive difference between American culture and Chinese culture?

B:I think is the Chinese take pride in “modesty”;the Americans in “straight forwardness”.That modesty has left many a Chinese hungry at an American table, for Chinese politeness calls for three refusals before one accepts an offer, and the American hosts take a “no” to mean “no”, whether it’s the first, second, or third time.I heard you received Korea University's offer,why do you choose korea to go to graduate shool? A:I like the culture of korea ,Compared to modern China, South Korea retains the essence of traditional Chinese culture part, and I like to watch Korean dramas, so I choose to go to Korea to study.I will have the opportunity to meet my favorite stars.B:Have you ever to south korea ? A:sorry ,I never to ,all the knowledge about korea are from dramas.B:I think you the dramas may have great difference from the fact ,when you live there for a short of time ,all the definition of korea will have a new understanding.A:yes you are right ,see you next year.B:good luck ,bye.Entertainment A:how did you spend you Leisure time? B:I like watch movie direct by fengxiaogang.A:which movie do you like best? B: A:what is the movie about? B:it is a love story about qinfen and xiaoxiao.qinfen has date with different women.when he date with xiaoxiao ,he konw she is his destiny.A:is a very interesting film,I will see it.B:do you often see feng xiao gang 's movie? A:very little,I like reading books,such as science fiction,cartoon.B:whose cartoon do you like best? A:Hayao Miyazaki B:His cartoon was made in to a movie,do you like it ? A:yes ,you can see B:good idea

有关entertainment的情景对话【原创】英语口语考试作业 ——What do you do for recreation? Do you have a hobby? ——I have been doing yoga recently.I think yoga is suitable for me.——But I t think yoga is not so easy.And how do you feel when you practice yoga.?

——Oh I think is very tired and sweat a lot.——But it will help you keep fit,buid you body and make you more healthy.——Sure.But more importantly ,Ican have peace of mind.and yoga can improve my flexibility.——I think so.——And what about you?

——I like football,badminton,running,and swimming most.But I never have enough time.——Donnot find an excuse for your lazy.——Oh,I think so too.I perfer staying at student`s hostel than going out.want to lose the weight.But I donot have a willing heart.——That`s too terrible.I like cycling.——It is a good exercise.Besides beijing is a good place for cycling.——Not long ago,I bought a new bycle,and I always ride a bike from our school to Tiananmen.This feel is wonderful.And would you like go to cinema?

——Yes,I`d love to.I like the atmosphere of the cinema.I always go to a fixed cinema.——Do you like singing? ——Yes ,I do.——What kind of music do you like? ——Pop music.——What?Pop music?I`d like too.——Which singer do you best love?

——Beyond.Although they already farewell to the stage,their songs still classic.I will support them forever.and what about you?

——My idol is JJ Lam.He comes from singerpore,and not long ago,he released his sixth album.My dream is seeing the concert about his own.——Oh ,It is too easy,I heard that he will make a concert in beijing.——It is too exciting.I an looking forward to seeing his concert.——I wish your dream come true early.——Thank you very much.有关part-time job的情景对话【原创】英语口语作业 2009-12-30 2:00 ——What is the arrangemengt for the weekend?

——I found a part time job at the national day as a attendant at Fotile.That was my first part time job.——How was the feel?

——Befoe going to the workplace,I feeled very exciting and a bit anxiety.But when I begain to work,I was standing in front of the building material market,passing out flyers to customers.At first,I am very shy,But gradually I was very natural.——It sounds very great.You must add to a lot of experiences.——Yes,I love this job.Though this experience,I understand many management conception.And when I get weg,I was very exciting,because this is my first time making money for myself.——I am so happy for you.You know more and more students have part time job during study at school.I want to find a part time job too.I also want to get some work experience.For college students to do a part-time job will exert a profound influence on their personality and life.——Right,we can be a little more independent from our parents as a reasult.——Is it possible to find a part-time job via the Internet?Of course.It is the most common way to find a job these days.——Oh,no.There is no need.There a lot of advertisement on the notices boards around campus ——Oh,right,I have not think of that.We can also find a lot of information for part-time jobs on our university's online message board.What kind of part time job are you interested in? ——Oh,let me see.I am planning to work as a private tutor at this winter vocation.My uncle ask for me to teach my cousin.——private tutor?How amazing!Which subject are you teaching?how old is the you cousin?

——I am teaching math to my cousin who is in the eighth grade.He is very naughty.and he doesnot want to study at all.I think I teach him will very hard

——Never mind,do not be in hurry.——I suppose it will have to do.——When the child was young,he was too fond of playing.——Yes,I think so too.I should have patience and confidengce,I should be able gradually to change his bad habits.and develop good study habits.——Ok,one more important tings,before you teach your cousin ,you should review the math.and finally wish you success.——Thank you very much.I will try to work hard

高阶英文对话:Communication on the Internet 高阶英文对话

Conversation Stacy: I am thrilled about the internet telephone technology, but I have to admit I know nothing about how it works.Sue: You mean how people can speak to other people using their computers? Stacy: Yeah.I guess that's what I am trying to say.I mean can I just dial a phone number on my computer and speak to somebody? Sue: Yes, you can if you have necessary communication software installed on your computer.Stacy: I am an average computer user.But, I have no idea what kind of program I would need to make calls from my computer to other people.Sue: First of all, you need a Voice-Over-Internet-Protocol communication program.Stacy: Wait!What's that again? Sue: Voice-Over-Internet-Protocol communication program.This program makes your regular telephone line communicate with the other person's computer or just regular telephone.Stacy: You mean a program makes my computer acts like a telephone? Sue: Yap.But, in order to use your computer for making telephone calls, you must first have a high-speed internet connection Stacy: Ok.I have high-speed internet connection Sue: That's good.Next, you can install Skype for free to make calls from your computer.You've heard of Skype before.Haven't you? Stacy: Yes, I've heared about it quite often, but I don't know exactly what it does.Sue: Skype is a VoIP communication program I just mentioned earlier.VoIP stands for Voice over Internet Protocol.VoIP transfers voice data to digital data first, and as soon as the digital data reaches the destination on the other the end of the line to the receiver, VoIP again translates it to speech so other person can hear you.Stacy: Wow!That's neat.Is that all I need? Just install Skype? Sue: No, you need little bit of more.You need, a microphone attached to your computer and a headphone.Stacy: I have a new computer and headphone.How can I check out if my computer has a microphone? Sue: It's very easy.Just do this: open the Programs from the Start Menu on your desktop.Click Control Panel.Then look for the Sound and Audio Devices icon in the control panel.If you have this icon in the control panel, then you have a computer microphone.Stacy: I see.Ok, I'll do that.If I run into a problem, I'll call you.So is it expensive to use VoIP? Sue: It can be quite costly, but it's free with Skype if both you and the person you call have Skype installed on your computers.Stacy: But, that's always not the case.Not everybody has a computer and Skype installed.If other person doesn't have a computer, can I still call that person using Skype from my computer? Sue: Yes, you can.That's the beauty of Skype.If you do so, you will be able to make calls even to those who have no computer


1.How do you like shopping in a supermarket?

As far as I’m concerned, shopping in a supermarket is very convenient.Supermarket is a place where all kinds of things are sold, so you can find all that you want to buy.And the goods in the supermarket are highly quality, and you can buy anything with safety.Although the price is a little high, it can save our time.But the bad aspect is that we can’t change what we have bought if they are not suit for us.So we can see, shopping in a supermarket has its own advantages and disadvantages, whether you will go to the supermarket for shopping is up to yourself.2.What do you think of people who don’t keep their promises? In daily life, we meet various kinds of people.Sometimes we need a friend who is loyal to us.So can those who don’t keep their promises be trustworthy? Absolutely not.As I see it, those who don’t keep their promises are not deserved to get along with.Because he don’t take what he said seriously, which could trigger a lot of troubles if you cooperate with him.These people don’t take everything seriously, so they won’t make too much progress.To conclde, those who don’t keep their promises are not worthy making friends.Just let them be.3.How do you feel about students who are often late for class? In my opinion, we students should attend the class on time.Because we should be respectful for the teachers.And attending the class on time is an attitude with which we do our work in life.Those who are often late for class are not qualified students.What they have done is wrong.When they come into the classroom, they will disturb other students and teachers.Further more, when the teacher see the students who are late, they may feel very angry and it will affect the teacher to teach.So we should be on time for class, it is good for all the students and the teachers.4.Do you think one should always be ready to help others? In our life, we will face with all kinds of difficulties, so we may need someone to help us to solve the problems.But can we find the person to help us all the time? Of course not.Meanwhile, we should always be ready to help others, then we can help other people in order that they can help us when we need some help.What’s more, helping others is one of the traditional virtues of the Chinese nation.When you are ready to help others, you will make a lot of friends.With so many friends, you will find it easy to succeed in you life.So please be ready to help others, and make your life better.5.Do you think honesty is important in developing friendships? During our life, we must make a lot of friends to make our life better.The most important thing in developing friendships is honesty.If you are not honesty in developing friendships, you will not get a real friend.What’s worse, other people will not trust you and it will influence you life.Only you trust other people, can they be honesty to you.At last, the worst thing is that you will not have any friends.So honesty is very important in developing friendships.6.Say sth.about one of your travels.The first time I went to Nanjing was last summer.I have one friend in Nanjing, so I went there to see them and for touring.Before I went there, they had prepared for me, and I felt very happy.When I was in Nanjing, we had went to see the father of our nation----Sun zhongshan.I felt very respectful for him, and I was very sad for that he hadn’t make his dream come true.Then we went to Xuanwu Lake to boat, and the experience made us very happy.At last, we went to Nanjing University to feel the atmosphere there.What’s more, I took the subway for the first time in Nanjing.Only when I went to Nanjing, did I realize that we must to travel around the world to broaden our horizons.Then I determined to travel around the world in my future.In a word, the trip to Nanjing is very useful for me.7.Why all children should be given equal opportunity to get an education? As is known, everyone is equal.But in fact, some children are born to be unequal.They can’t get the same opportunity to get an education.But it’s not equal for them.The children are the hope of the country, so the country should give equal opportunity to the children.Only then, can the country become stronger.Meanwhile, the children are the fresh blood of the nation, and they can make great contributions to the county.Everyone has the right to get an education.That all children should be given equal opportunity to get an education is the right of the children.So they are deserve to be given equal opportunity to get an education.8.Why some students lack motivation for learning? Nowadays more and more lack motivation for learning, but what is due to the problem? Firstly, the society is having more and more things to attract students.Such as computer games, KTV, and other entertainments.Some students are too addicted to computer games to focus their attention to their study.Secondly, the concept has changed.Studying is not the only way to success.Some students don’t like studying and they may have other ideas to make their dreams come true.So they lack motivation for learning.What’s more, some students may feel boring in studying.Actually, if you don’t like something, you will lack motivation for it.So the reason why some students lack motivation for learning is complex.


Love your friends-teeth

You have teeth.I have teeth.We all have teeth.Teeth are our good friends.They are important.Healthy teeth can help us a lot.We can eat well and look nice.To have healthy teeth, you should do these things:

1.Eat foods that are good for your teeth.Some foods like fruit and vegetables are good for teeth;eat them much.Some foods like Coke, chocolate, candy and dessert are not good for teeth;don’t eat them much.2.Brush your teeth three times a day: in the morning, at noon and in the evening.3.Brush them well every time.4.Don’t brush too hard.5.Don’t eat very hard food.6.Only eat with teeth.Don’t do other things with teeth.We like sports

Hello!My name is Bob.I have three good friends.They are Linda, Kate and Frank.We like sports very much but we like different sports.My favorite sports is ping-pong.I think playing ping-pong is fun.But Linda and Kate think it’s boring to play it.Linda likes baseball best.She thinks it’s very interesting.She plays baseball every afternoon.Kate’s favorite sport is tennis.Frank likes soccer.He is good at playing it.He thinks it is relaxing for him to play soccer.Sports are good for us.Do you like sports? What’s your favorite sports?


All over the world people enjoy sports.Sports help people keep healthy and happy.Sports change with the seasons.Swimming is fun in summer, but skating is good in winter.Some sports are very interesting and people everywhere like them.For example, swimming is popular in those countries near the sea.Some sports have a long history, like running, jumping and Chinese martial art.But basketball and volleyball are new.Water skiing is one of the newest in the family of sports.People from different countries may not understand each other, but after a game together they often become good friends.The goat family

There are many goats in the goat village.They are like a big family.Slow Goat is old and kind.He is like a grandfather in the family.He is a good teacher, too.He teaches the little goats many things.Those little goats are like brothers and sisters.Pleasant Goat is the leader.He is clever and brave.He can run very fast.Pretty Goat is beautiful and cute.She likes cooking.Fit Goat is very Strong.He likes boxing.Lazy Goat is very lazy and he likes sleeping.The goats help each other and find lots of ways to beat Grey Wolf and Red Wolf.The goats live happily on Qingqing Grasslands.Hello, boys and girls!My name is Gina Smith.Gina is my fist name.Smith is my last name.I am an American girl.I am seven years old.There are for people in my family.They are my parents, my brother and I.I like sports very much.I have a great sports collection: I have 9 baseballs, 5 basketballs, 7 tennis balls and 2 volleyballs.I have some school things, too: I have 3 pencils, 4 erasers and a dictionary.Every morning, I go to school on foot.I eat lots of healthy food: I like vegetables and fruit, so I like vegetable and fruit salad.I think they are good for me.I don’t like watching TV at home.I think it’s boring.Do you like sports? Do you want to be my friend? Please call me.Hello, boys and girls!Welcome to Good Friend.You can buy your clothes at very good prices.We have red and white skirts for only $23.Do you like hats? Blue and black hats are only $15.How much are the jacket? The green jackets are $45 and the blue ones are $42.Do you need trousers? You can get them for only $40.Our T-shirts are on sale, too.You can buy them for $29.What color do you want? We have T-shirts in white, purple and green.How about these black and brown socks? Only $5 for two pairs.Come and see now.




We all know that exercise is good for your health.But some kinds of exercise may be better than others.Running, for example, may help to protect against heart disease and other health problems.Running may also help you live longer.Researchers say it is not important how far you run.It also does not matter how fast or even how often you run.As advertisements for the running shoe Nike say, “just do it.”

[参考译文] 我们都知道运动对健康有益。但有些运动可能比其它运动效果更好。例如跑步可以帮助防止心脏病和其它疾病。跑步还可能有助于长寿。研究人员表示,跑多远并不重要。甚至跑多快或跑多频繁都没关系。正如耐克跑鞋的广告所言:“只管去做。”


Every interviewer, whether directly or indirectly, will expect you to be able to answer questions like: Why do you want a position in this company? What can you do for my company? There are a few of the more popular interview questions.Take some time to think about the answers, and you'll be much more prepared to make a great impression.At a job interview, your employers will probably ask the following: ·What jobs have you liked the most? The least? ·Can you tell me about your present job?

·What do you expect to be doing five years from now? ·Why do you want to work for our company? ·What are your strengths? Your weaknesses? ·What do you know about our company? ·Can you give me a reason to hire you? ·What was your best subject in school? Your worst? ·What makes you qualified for this job? ·Can you tell me about the best day you've ever spent on a job? Your worst? ·How do you define success? ·Are you able to travel? Relocate? ·Can you tell me about your skills? ·Are you able to use a computer? ·Can you describe your ideal supervisor? ·Why did you apply for this job? ·How do you use this specific computer application to solve a job-related program? ·Do you have any samples of your work?(This is where that portfolio comes in handy!)

And you're supposed to dress properly.A suit, dress shirt and tie are usually required for men.Women should wear either a suit or a dress with a complementary jacket.They are ALWAYS acceptable.Those men with more limited wardrobes should wear a nice sports coat with coordinated slacks and shirt.Women should wear a nice jacket with coordinated skirt or slacks.You should always avoid wearing sneakers to interviews.3、双十一引爆的全球最大网购节

What's the biggest online shopping day in the world? Not Valentine's Day.Not Cyber Monday or Black Friday.They are the days that follow Thanksgiving in the US and usher in the start of the holiday shopping season.The winner is China's Singles' Day, celebrated November 11, or 11.11.Singles' Day began as a day for unmarried or uncoupled people to celebrate their lives.Single students, looking for an excuse to buy themselves presents, started it on November 11, 1993, reported The Guardian.It is symbolized by the four number ones in the date of November 11 ? 11.11— and is also called Double Eleven, in reference to the day it was started, said the BBC.[参考译文] 全球最大的网购日是什么时候? 不是情人节。



据《卫报》(The Guardian)报道,一些寻找借口给自己买礼物的单身学生从1993年11月11日开始过光棍节。



China's fertility industry could benefit now that the Chinese government has relaxed its one child policy.China eased the country's one child per couple policy at the end of October.All married couples are permitted to have two children.The world's fertility clinics should see an increase in business.Couples face problems when trying to conceive through clinics in China.Some couples prefer to select the gender of their child.The government does not permit gender selection, or advanced fertility methods.Middle class Chinese couples travel to Australia, Thailand or the United States for fertility treatments.These foreign markets could benefit from an increased demand for fertility services.[参考译文] 中国政府已经放松了独生子女政策,中国的生育行业可能会从中受益。中国在十月底放宽了该国每对夫妇只生育一个孩子的政策。所有已婚夫妇被允许生育两个孩子。全球的生育诊所应当可以看到业务的增长。夫妇们在试图通过中国的诊所受孕时遇到了麻烦。一些夫妇希望选择自己孩子的性别。




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