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Unit 4 Listening & Speaking &New words in Text A

Learning focus : 1.Get a general idea about the cultural differences

between the east and the west.2.Talk about some cultural differences in your daily life.3.Know something about Chinese traditional culture.4.Learn how to use the grammar of inversion correctly.Teaching Steps I.Listening.A. Listen to the following sentences twice and fill in the missing words

B. Listen to the following short conversations and choose the best answer to each question.C. Listen to the short passage three times and fill in the blanks with the missing words..II.Speaking.Make a dialogue in pairs according to the instructions given in Cue Card A & B.Cue Card A Situation: You two are talking about Chinese tea and western coffee.Speaker A: You think drinking Chinese tea is very healthy and it is a traditional habit.Tips for speaking List some famous categories of Chinese tea.Talk about your own favorite Chinese tea and why.Cue Card B Situation: You two are talking about Chinese tea and western coffee.Speaker B: You think drinking western coffee is very fashionable.Tips for speaking List some popular western coffee.Talk about your own favorite western coffee and why.Sample Dialogue A:Which kind of beverage do you prefer to drink, tea or coffee? B: Coffee, of course.It’s our tradition to drink coffee.What about you? A:I prefer tea.Chinese tea is part of Chinese culture.It is very healthy and is a traditional habit.B: Can you introduce some famous categories of Chinese tea to me? I know little about it.A:Of course.There are six kinds of tea, namely Green tea, Black tea, Yellow tea, White tea, Oolong tea, Flower tea and Puer tea.B: So many.Which kind do you prefer? And why? A:Green tea.Because drinking green tea can reduce the risk of heart attack and cancers.It can also help me lose weight.You see, I am a lady, so I want to be in good shape.B: Oh, I see.A:Can you tell me some popular western coffee? I seldom drink it.B: Of course.Coffee mocha(摩卡咖啡), latte(拿铁咖啡), cappuccino(卡布奇诺), Americano(美式咖啡), espresso(浓缩咖啡)and so on.A:Which one is your favorite? B: Coffee mocha.It is very sweet and full of cream and chocolate syrup(巧克力酱).Maybe some day you should have a try.Nowadays, drinking coffee is very fashionable.III. New Words in Text A

The students read the words by themselves ,then the teacher correct their pronunciations.And at last the students are required to finish the ex1 in the VOCABULARY AND STRUCTURE.Text A

Teaching Steps : I Guide.A discussion :Do you know any cultural difference between Eastern and Western countries ?What are they ? II.Fast reading.Questions

1.1.How do the Chinese people usually greet each other when they meet? 2.Can you point out some other cultural differences between the western and the eastern countries?

3.How many cultural differences does the author mention in the text? 4.What will a Chinese person say if he or she has received some help from his or her family member? 5.What should we do in order to communicate with the foreigners in a proper way? III.Language points

1.divide into

split or break into parts, separate

They decided to divide the large house into flats.to a large extent

to some/what/an/a certain extent You are correct to some extent.To what extent can he be believed? 2.distinguish v.区分,辨别

distinguish(between)A from B

distinguish A between B

People who cannot distinguish between colors are said to be color-blind.Speech distinguishes human beings from the animals.3.the former...the latter...前者……后者……

If I had to choose between fish and chicken, I’d prefer the former one.4.not only...but also...不仅……而且……(连接两个并列部分)Not only Mr.Lin but also his son joined the Party two years ago.(连接两个主语)

I not only play tennis but also practice shooting.(连接两个谓语动词)

He plays not only the piano but also the violin.(连接两个宾语)

They speak English not only in class but also in the dormitory.(连接两个地点状语)

5.greet:give a conventional sign or word of welcome or pleasure when meeting sb.or receiving a guest

6.greet sb.with sth./greet sth.with sth.对某事作出反应

greeting n.招呼,问候,欢迎

He greeted me in the street with a friendly wave of the hand.7.case instance or example of the occurrence of sth.实例,情形

in any case 无论如何,总之 in no case 无论如何都不 in this case在这种情况下

in case of sth.若发生某事,假如

8.tend to

be likely to behave in a certain way or to have a certain characteristic or influence Women tend to live longer than men.女人多比男人长寿。

9.not at all 根本不……

He didn’t know how to speak French at all.他根本不会说法语。We didn’t go there at all.10.in some formal situations

under /on the present situations在目前形式下

in an embarrassing situation 处于尴尬境地

go into/ out of a difficult situation The company is in a poor financial situation.11.fetch go for and bring back sb./sth.接来,取来

fetch sth.for sb.Fetch a doctor at once.快去请医生来。

Should I fetch your coat for you from the next room? 12.treat...as 对待,看待,把……看作 Do not treat this serious matter as a joke.She treated me all right.13.lack vt.(通常不用于被动语态)缺少,没有 I don’t seem to lack anything.我好像什么也不缺。vi.缺少;不足;没有(+for)They lacked for nothing.他们什么都不缺少。n.欠缺;不足;没有(of)He can not buy it because of his lack of money.4)n.缺少的东西;需要的东西

Water is a lack in this region.这个地区缺水。14.doing 现在分词做后置定语

There is a girl standing at the door.门口站着一个女孩。The baby sleeping now is her child.Who is the boy singing there?

15.neither 否定意义的词在句首, 句子半倒装(参看本单元语法部分)He seldom tells others his secrets, neither does his sister.16.be aware 知道的,察觉的(+of)(+that)(+wh-)I am well aware that this is a tough job.She was not aware of having done wrong.Are you aware of the danger?

17.go(消息等)被传递,流传(+that)The story goes that the Prime Minister will resign.There is a rumor going round that Sue and David are having an affair.18.while doing...用来做状语

Please be careful while doing your homework.He always feels nervous while speaking with strangers.IV.Exercises.V.H.W.Reading.Text B,练习册讲解

I.Warm-up Skimming for specific information: 1)How many kinds of personal names do both Western and Chinese people have? 2)In a formal situation,what do we address men as ? 3)From the viewpoint of sociolinguistics, what can forms of addressing serve as in the society? 4)What shouldn’t we do when we meet a foreigner for the first time? II.Detailed Reading.1.in...situation 在…情况/状态下

In a formal situation, we address men as “Mister”(abbreviated as “Mr.”), married women as “Mistress”(abbreviated as “Mrs.”), and unmarried women as “Miss”.In such a difficult situation, we should try our best to help him out.He is in a desperate situation.他处于绝望的状态之中。

2.abbreviate shorten(a word, phrase, ect), esp by omitting letters缩短(字、词组等,尤指省略字母);缩写

In writing, the title “Doctor” is abbreviated to “Dr.” 在书写时,Doctor头衔的缩写是Dr.3.prefer(更)喜欢

These days many women prefer to be addressed using the abbreviations “Ms.” or “Madam.” prefer + to + verb She prefers to take a nap after a big meal.prefer + noun 宁愿选择,更喜爱

She prefers cheese, if you have some.如果你们有的话,她更喜欢奶酪。(连接名词)prefer + verb-ing She prefers running to walking.比起走路,她更喜欢跑步。(连接动名词)

4.occasionally adv.now and then;from time to time;not regular He visits me occasionally.他偶尔来看我。


1)(an instance of)leaving out or excluding;person or thing that is not included除外;例外;不包括在内的人或物 The children did well, the only exception being Jo, who failed.All students without exception must take the English examination 2)不合规则的事物an exception to a rule of grammar语法规则的一项例外


1)place or rank in relation to others(相对于他们的)地位,等级 a high/ low position in society 高的/低的社会地位

What is his position in class? He’s third from the top.他在班上得第几名? 第三名。

2)place where sb./sth.is 位置;方位

From his position on the cliff top, he had a good view of the harbor.We are sitting in a position near the door.我们坐在靠门边的地方。


1)(Brit)(title of the)head of certain university colleges(大学中某些学院的)院长(的称号)

2)(US)senior administrator in certain universities(某些大学的)教务长


Unless they tell you otherwise, faculty should be addressed by their title and last name(e.g., “Professor Smith”).otherwise

adv.in other or different respects;apart from that 在其他方面;除此之外 The rent is high,(but)otherwise the house is fine.租金贵是贵,(但)房子倒很好。conj.If conditions were different;if no 不然;否则

We must run, otherwise we’ll be late.我们得跑着去,要不就晚了。

Do as you’re told, otherwise you’ll be in trouble.照你被告之的去做,否则会有麻烦。Put the cap back on the bottle, otherwise the juice will spill.You should study hard from now on, otherwise you will fail to pass the coming exam.Button up your coat, otherwise you will catch cold.扣上外衣扣,不然你会感冒的。

9.in doubt 不能肯定的,不能确定的

When in doubt, use the formal manner of addressing.当你不能确定时,应该使用正式的称呼方式。

The outcome of the election was in doubt.选举结果还不能确定。

Whether he will come or not is still in doubt.他是否会来还不能肯定。

III.Exercises Unit 4 Practical Writing I. Warm –up.Microsoft,Inc.Interoffice Memorandum To: Peter Clark,Rachel White From: Linda Larson Date: September 16,2004 Subject: Scheduling the project meeting As you know,we are having the project meeting next week in the projection room.Since the room holds only fifty people comfortably without overcrowding.I suggest we hold the meeting to the forty-one people in the Assembly Section on Thursday at 2:00 p.m.and to the remaining forty-three from the other sections on Friday at the same time.If there‘s any problem about this arrangement,please let me know.II. Memo(备忘录)

Writing Tips : 备忘录其实也是广义的信函中的一种,主要用于公司内部对公司的职员、部分通报信息,如会议安排、情况报告、问题处理等等。在英语中称之为interoffice memorandum,其复数为memoranda,简称memo.除了可以采用书面形式之外,备忘录也可以通过e-mail 发出。



需要指出的是,在备忘录的末尾不需要签名。但是,如果备忘录还发给了收笺人以外的其他人,须在末尾cc: 之后写上其姓名。

III. 练习答案:To: All students From: Zhongshan Subject: Journalist Position Available for the Summer Semester Date: May 10, 2008

The student newspaper is currently looking for a journalist for the summer semester.Applicants should currently be studying at the university, and should preferably have at least two years’ writing experience.The successful applicant will be expected to write two articles every week on happenings in the city and on campus.The position will commence at the end of May and will last through to the end of August.The salary for the position is negotiable and will be based on experience.If you are interested, please send your resume to the campus newspaper office.




主备人: 段雪芳


Unit 4 Where’s my schoolbag?(The first period)

2.Learn the names of some furniture and some personal things of students.3.Grasp the prepositions: on, under, in.4.Learn to write a note of taking or bringing things.教学目标:1.Learn to ask and answer questions about where things are.重点难点:where’s = where is

It’s = It is They’re = They are the prepositions: on, in, under---where’s the bag?---I don’t know.Is it on the desk?---Please take these things to your sister.---Can you bring some things to school? 教学资源:Radio

PPT 授课类型: 新授课


教学过程: Step1:Review

Review the words in page 19.page20.Step2:Teaching aims:

1.Learn to ask and answer questions about where things are.2.Learn the names of some furniture and some personal things of students.3.Grasp the prepositions: on, under, in.4.Learn to write a note of taking or bringing things.Step3:New lessons 1.lead-in

T: Zhang Chenglong can’t find his backpack.So where is his backpack? Can you help him?

T: What can you see in Tommy’s room?


(1).Learn the new words on the first page of Unit 4.(2).Show the pictures/things on the screen with no words.Get students to speak out their names.3.Remember these words quickly.4.Ask and answer(important expressions)

T: Where is the my schoolbag ? 育英学校集体备课教案


主备人: 段雪芳


S: It’s ___________

T: Where are the my schoolbag ? S: They’re ___________


(1).Get the students to look at the balls in my hands.Learn the new sentences.Where is the ball? It’s on the desk.Where is the ball? It’s under the desk..Where is the ball? It’s in thedesk.(2).Practice: Look at some pictures and practice the similar conversations.(3).Look at more pictures and learn new conversations: Where are the…?

They are …

(4).Practice the conversations with a picture or your own things.(5).Guessing game

Show a picture of a room with some furniture, and some flashing pictures with different things one by one.Guess: where is …? It’s… / Where are …? They are…


(1)Listen and do 1b..(2)Check the answers.(3)Listen for the last time and repeat.Step4: Exercises in class.Step5: Homework.1.Recite the first conversation of Section A, 1c.教学反思:




主备人: 段雪芳


Unit 4 Where’s my schoolbag?(The second period)

教学目标:1.Learn to ask and answer questions about where things are.2.Learn the names of some furniture and some personal things of students.重点难点:New words: keys, baseball, computer game Sentences: Is the baseball on the sofa? No, it isn’t.It’s under the chair.教学资源:Radio PPT 授课类型: 对话课

教学方法: 任务型教学、分级评价法、直观教学法、模仿示范法、情景教学和合作学习法

教学过程: Step1:Review

Review the words in page 19.page20.Review the expressions in page 19.page20.Step2:Teaching aims:

1.Learn to ask and answer questions about where things are.2.Learn the names of some furniture and some personal things of students.Step3:New lessons 1.lead-in(Warming-up)Do some exercises: Choose the correct answers.Look at some furniture and a flashing backpack, and ask the sentence pattern:

Where’s…? It’s…

Look at some furniture and a set of flashing keys, and review the sentence pattern:

Where are…? They’re…


(1).Learn the new words on the third page of Unit 4.(2).Show the pictures/things on the screen with no words.Get students to speak out their names.3.Remember these words and phrases quickly.4.Ask and answer(important expressions)

T: Where is the my schoolbag ? S: It’s ___________ T: Is it on your desk? S: No.___________ 育英学校集体备课教案


主备人: 段雪芳


5.Conversations(Pairwork)(Groupwork)(1).Practice: Look at some pictures and practice the similar conversations.(2).Look at more pictures and learn new conversations: Where are the…?

They are … Are they in /on/under…? No.…


(1)Listen and do 2a..(2)Check the answers.(3)Listen for the last time and repeat 2b 7.Game: Find the difference(1)Look at the pictures on Page 21 and Page 19, get students to find the difference.(2).Show 2 pictures of rooms with some furniture: They look similar.Get students to find the difference.Step4: Exercises in class.Step5: Homework.1.Recite the conversation of Section A,3a.2.Write down the Chinese meaning of the new words and key sentences, then translate them into English.教学反思:




主备人: 段雪芳


Unit 4 Where’s my schoolbag?(The third period)



1)进一步掌握一些表示家具的名词以及学习用品的单词; 2)进一步熟练运用方位介词表述物品所在的位置。


—Where's…? —It's in/on/under… ②

—Where're…? —They're in/on/under…

③ —Is the …in/on/under…? —Yes, it is./ No, it isn't.④ —Are the …in/on/under…? —Yes, they are./No, they aren't.4)总结归纳询问事物位置的句型及回答语。2.情感态度价值观目标:


二、教学重难点 1.教学重点:






Ⅰ.Warming-up and revision 1.Sing “Where is Tom?” song(like “Two tigers”)Where is Tom? Where is Tom? It’s in the case.It’s in the case.Where is Tom? Where is Tom? It’s on the case.It’s on the case.2.Ask and answer the school things around them.(Put S1's pencil box on the desk)T: Where is your pencil box? S1: It's on the desk.(Then put it in his desk)



主备人: 段雪芳


T: Is your pencil box on the desk now? S1: No, it isn't.It's in the desk.(Put it under the desk)T: Is your pencil box in the desk? S1: No, it isn't.It's under the desk.3.Let Ss ask and answer in the same way.Ⅱ.Grammar Focus.1.阅读指导:


Where is…? It's in/on/under…(句子的主语为名词单数)

Where are…? They're in/on/under…(句子的主语为名词复数)2.Let Ss read the sentences and fill in the blanks below.① 地图在哪里?_________ the map? ② 它在你爷爷奶奶的房间里。It’s ___ your ______________ room.③ 我的书在哪里?_______ _____ my books?

④ 它们在沙发上。They’re _____the _______.⑤ 他的铅笔在哪里? ______ _____ pencil box? 3.Check the answers with the class.Ⅲ.Practice

1.(Make a conversation with a student.)T: Look at Picture 1 in 3a.Where is the baseball? S1:(help S1 answer)I don’t know.T:(Teach Ss the expression “I don't know.” with a body language.for example shook your head.)2.Now look at the pictures and read the conversation below and fill in the blanks.3.指导:① 注意句中事物的单复数形式,正确运用句型Where is…? Where are…?。

② 认真看图画,看清物品的位置,正确运用介词in, on, under来表达。4.Check the answers.Ⅴ.Practice

1.T: When we ask about the place of something.We often use the sentence structure below: —Where is + 单数事物? —It's in/on/under… 育英学校集体备课教案


主备人: 段雪芳


—Where are + 复数事物? —They're in/on/under… —Is the …in/on/under…?

—Yes, it is./ No, it isn't.—Are the …in/on/under…? —Yes, they are./No, they aren't.T: Where is the computer? Is it in the bookcase? S1: No, it isn't.It's on the sofa.2.T: Work in pairs.Make a similar conversation like this.Ⅵ.Game(Find the differences)T: Student A looks at the picture on P19, student B looks at the picture on P21, 3c.Ask and answer questions to find the differences in pairs.Sample: SA: Where is the schoolbag? Is it under the table? SB: No, it isn’t.It’s on the table.SA: Where are the books? Are they on the sofa? SB: No, they aren’t.They are on the bed.教学反思:




主备人: 段雪芳


Unit 4 Where’s my schoolbag?(The fourth period)

教学目标:1.Grasp the prepositions: on, under, in.2.Learn to write a note of taking or bringing things.重点难点:New words: video tape, alarm clock, math book, hat Sentences: The math book is on the dresser.教学资源:Radio

PPT 授课类型: 巩固课

教学方法: 任务型教学、分级评价法、直观教学法、模仿示范法、情景教学和合作学习法

教学过程: Step1:Review

Review the words in page22 Step2:Teaching aims: 1.Grasp the prepositions: on, under, in.2.Learn to write a note of taking or bringing things.Step3:New lessons 1.lead-in

T: I can’t find my English book.So where is English book? Can you help me?


Look at the pictures of Tommy’s room and learn the new words: math book, 育英学校集体备课教案


主备人: 段雪芳


video tape, alarm clock, hat.And also review some words.a)Do 1a.b)Close your books and see: How many things can you remember? 3.Remember these words quickly.4.Ask and answer(important expressions)

T: Where are the schoolbags ? S: They’re ___________

5.Conversations(Pairwork)(Groupwork)Student A: ask questions.Student B: Keep your books closed.A;Where’s the notebook? B: It’s on the bed.A:Where are the schoolbags ? B:They’re ___________ 6.Listening

(1)Listen and do 1d.(2)Check the answers.(3)Listen and do 2b: Write sentences like this: The math book is on the dresser.Call attention to: The keys are…(plural form)(4).Listen for the last time and repeat.Step4: Exercises in class.Step5: Homework.1.Recite the first conversation of SectionB, 2b 教学反思:




主备人: 段雪芳


Unit 4 Where’s my schoolbag?(The fifth period)

教学目标:1.Grasp the prepositions: on, under, in.2.Learn to write a note of taking or bringing things.重点难点:Please take these things to your sister.Can you bring some things to school? I need my hat.教学资源:Radio

PPT 授课类型: 复习课

教学方法: 任务型教学、分级评价法、直观教学法、模仿示范法、情景教学和合作学习法

教学过程: Step1:Review

Review the words in page23.24 Step2:Teaching aims: 1.Grasp the prepositions: on, under, in.2.Learn to write a note of taking or bringing things.Step3:New lessons 1.words






Remember these words quickly.2.Presentation: Show a picture of Lily, a worried girl, and some pictures of her sister and grandma: T explains: Lily is unhappy.She needs some things at school, but they are at home.She calls grandma.But she’s going shopping.Her sister is playing in the park and she’s coming soon.So grandma leaves a note for her sister and asks her to take the things to Lily.Let’s read the note.3.finish 3a 3b Step4: Exercises in class.Step5: Homework.1.Recite the first conversation of SectionB, 2b 教学反思:



主备人: 段雪芳



第三篇:unit4 earthquake reading教案

Teaching Plan for Lesson 2, Unit 4, Book 1(Senior 1)Earthquakes

教学内容:Lesson 2 for unit 4 Earthquake 课 型:Reading 教学对象:51 students in class 9, senior 1 授课时间:40 minutes 授课教师:Zhou zhuoling

Learning Objectives: 1.Predict the possible contents of a text through the title.2.Skimming for main idea of the text.(From the whole text to each paragraph)3.Sum up the main idea of a paragraph by reading the topic sentences as well as key words or phrases.4.Scan for the detail information(when, where, what and result)by answering questions and filling in the blanks and chart.5.Understand the function of the data in reading.6.Be familiars with the key words and phrases: suffering, canal, burst, at an end, shock, rescue, million, mine, miner, shelter, useless, track, brick, extreme, survivor, trap, electricity, dig out.7.Understand the implied meaning of the text.(We can predict and prepare for the earthquake to reduce the loss, and we should never give up and be united when the disaster comes.)Teaching aids: PPT slides, blackboard Teaching Procedure Stage 1: Leading in(5 minutes)Step 1: Review last lesson.(2 minutes)(T: Class, what we have learned yesterday? T: Yesterday we have learned what may happen before an earthquake.What else? We learned how to protect ourselves in the earthquake.And we also learned what was happening during the earthquake.Step 2: Ss predict the content from the title.(3 minutes)(T: Let's turn to Page 26.Please look at the title of the reading, “ A night the earth didn’t sleep ” Why did the writer say so? What do you think of the title?

Step 3: T invites Ss to give their answers.(T: ** , what' s your understanding of the title.)

Step 4: T summarizes the Ss' opinions about their understanding of the title.(T: The earth didn't sleep in the night.That is to say, a big disaster may happen there.)(If Ss keep silent, T continues to say :)T: OK.It may be difficult to answer now.Please keep this question in mind.After we finish this lesson, I’d like you to give me your answers.)Stage 2: Fast reading.(8 minutes)Step 1: Skimming: Ss do fast reading to find out the main idea.(5 minutes)

(T: Now please read the text quickly, and find out the main idea of this reading.Please pay more attention to the first sentence in each paragraph and the time in the text.And then do the exercises on PPT.You have 3 minutes to go.Now begin.PPT: 1)What's the main idea of the text? The passage mainly talks about a(n)earthquake that happened in Tangshan in 1976.2)Match each paragraph with its main idea.Para.1 A.Damage caused by the earthquake.Para.2-3 B.Rescue after the earthquake.Para.4 C.Signs(迹象)before the earthquake.)Step 2: T checks Ss' answers and guides Ss to sum up the main idea of each paragraph by going through the topic sentences as well as the key words and phrase.(3 minutes)(T: This passage tells us an earthquake that happened in Tangshan in 1976.What's the topic sentence in Paragraph 1? What's the topic sentence in Paragraph 2? What's the topic sentence in Paragraph 3? What's the topic sentence in Paragraph 4?)Stage 3: Scanning(Careful reading).(21 minutes)Step 1: Ss read Para.1 and fill in the chart to show signs before the earthquake.(3 minutes)(T: Let's look at paragraph 1, what strange things happened before the earthquake? Read paragraph 1 quickly and fill in the blanks.You have 2 minutes to go.Now begin.)Chart: Time What happened?

People's reaction

Three days before the earthquakes

Well:_____ Nature walls:_____ crack:____

In the chicken & pig:__ countryside Animals mice:___ Fish: ____ People thought little of the quake and they were asleep as usual..At about 3:00 am July 28, 1976 See: _______ In the sky: Hear: _______

In the city: water pipes: ______)

Step 2: T checks Ss’ answers.(3 minutes)

(T: From which sentence can we know that the water rose and fell? What about walls? Where can we find the answer? What happened to the cracks? Read the sentence that tells us what happened to animals? T:.At about 3:00 am July 28, 1976, what can we see in the sky? What can hear in the sky? What happened to the water pipes? T: There were many strange things that happened before the earthquake.But did the people who lived in Tangshan pay more attention to it? How do you know?)

Step 3: Ss read Para.2-3 and fill in the blanks with data from the text.(3 minutes)(T: Let’s read the paragraph 2 and paragraph 3 quickly;try to find out the data in Para.2 and 3.You have 2 minutes.Let’s do it.)PPT: Para.2-3: Fill in the blanks with data(数据)from the text.² _1/3__ of the nation felt the earthquake.² A huge crack that was __8_ kilometers long and _30_ meters wide cut across houses.² In _15__terrible seconds a large city lay in ruins.² ___2/3__of the people died or were injured during the earthquake.² The number of the people who were killed or seriously injured reached more than _400,000_.² All the city's hospitals, _78%__ of its factories and buildings and _90%_ of its homes were gone.)

Step 3: Discussion: What are the functions(功能, 作用)of these data listed in the text?(2 minutes)(T: We can see that the author uses so many data in Para.2 and Para.3.Why does the author use these data? What is the function of these data listed in the text? Discuss with your classmates.PPT: What are the functions(功能, 作用)of these data listed in the text?)Step 4: T invites Ss to share their opinions.(2 minutes)Step 5: T summarizes Ss’ answers.(1 minute)

(T: From the data, we can see that the earthquake happened suddenly and it caused a great damage.)Step 5: T guides Ss to pay more attention to the damage of the second earthquake.(2 minutes)(T: Was there only one earthquake in Tangshan? When did the second quake hit the city? What was the result of that? Where can you find the answer?)

Step 5: T guides Ss to know more about the rescue after the earthquake.(4 minutes)(T: Great damage caused by the earthquake, Tangshan really suffered a lot from it.Was all hope lost? Which sentence tells us?)(T: Who came to help Tangshan first? Please read last paragraph as quickly as you can and do the exercises on the PPT.You have 2 minutes to do it.One , two, begin.)PPT: Q 1: What did the army do? ² The army sent _______ to Tangshan to help _______.² They organized teams to _____ those who were______.² They also rescued ____ from the coal mines there.Q 2: What did the rescue workers do? ² They built ____ for survivors whose homes had been destroyed.)Q 3: What other help did the survivors get? ² ____ was taken to the city by train and plane.Step 6: T checks Ss’ answers.(1 minute)

Stage 4: Post reading: Summary and homework(6 minutes)Step 1: Free talk: What should we do when we face the disaster?(5 minutes)(T: Class, when we face the disaster, what should we do? T: We should be united, we should never give up, we should help each other, we should challenge ourselves.)

Step 2: Homework:(1 minute)1.Retell the story according to the time.2.Underline the difficult phrases and sentences.




教学重点:在口语交流中运用情态动词can, must, have to表达许可和禁止;祈使句的否定形式;语音语调和意群停顿。教学难点:不同情态动词表达的意义区别;can和can’t的重弱读变化。

1.导入对话情境。教师创设情境:When you go to a new school, you want to be a good student so you may want to know about school rules.John is at a new school.Let’s see what rules his new school has.2.理解对话大意。让学生读对话,或听对话,回答几个问题。

1)What are John and Alice talking about? 2)How many rules does Alice mention? 4 3. 理解对话细节。让学生再读一遍对话,提一个关键的细节问题:What rules does the school have? 请几个学生问答,再将完整的祈使句板书在黑板上,分成两栏。


Don’ts Wear the school uniform.Don’t be late for school.Be quiet in the library.Don’t bring music players to school.4. 语言探究及学习。让学生找出对话中所有的情态动词并画线,与同伴核实自己的判断并讨论这些情态动词的意思。5.让学生听对话跟读,模仿语音语调和意群停顿。



本课时选择的是UNIT4,B部分2a-2c 的内容。

主题部分是Molly写过Dr.Know的求助信和Dr.Know给Molly 的回信

1,读前热身讨论,让师友讨论几个问题 快速阅读,找家规。这是本节活动的重点。将两封书信分开阅读。




1)书信称呼中所共有的词汇Dear 2)称呼后用逗号,不用冒号


4)信件结束前一般会有明确求助的句子,即What can I do? 4.师友共同解决 文章中常用的短语,再全班讨论,体会意义和用法。


6.拓展讨论。让学生回顾molly的家规和校规并思考问题: Which rules do you think are fair? Which rules do you think are unfair? If you were Dr.Know, what would you say to Molly?



Unit 6 Don’t eat in class.Section B(2a—2c)(阅读课)







借学习校规家规之机对学生进行一次思想教育。虽然有一节课知识方面的内容很少,但我觉得很有意义,比多讲些知识更值得。SectionB第二课时2b的两封信。期中第一封信是小姑娘Molly写给万事通博士的求救信。在信中,Molly 描述了自己的生活中的烦恼,主要是来自父母和学校的规定让她苦恼不已,不知该如何处理。第二封信是万事通博士的回信。信中博士首先表达了对小姑娘的理解。这在心理学中表达的是一种共情。然后顺势疏导。说你看啊,从你的描述中我知道你还有很多可做的事情呢。而且,最重要的一点你必须明白,他们制定规定都是为我们好,所以我们要遵守。【教学过程】

Step 1: 复习本单元表示规则的句型: * Don’t watch TV after school.* Don’t go out on school nights.* Do your homework after school!* Practice your guitar every day.* Be quiet when you’re in the library.Step 2:Talk about your home rules.(思考、谈论你的家规)。

根据section A 所学内容引导、启发学生跟自己的同桌谈谈自己的家规。* Get up at 6 every morning.* Don’t talk loudly.* Do your homework after school!* Practice your guitar every day.* Don’t watch TV after school.* Don’t go out on school nights.Step 3:第一封信:寻读:划出Molly 的家规。小组交流,代表发言。例如:Get up at 6 every morning.Don’t leave the dirty dishes in the kitchen.Don’t be noisy.…


如:Molly has to get up at 6 every morning.Molly can’t leave the dirty dishes in the kitchen.…

Step 4: 完成2c.(Read the letters again and complete the sentences with have to/ must, can or can’t.Step 5: 阅读→迁移(文化差异)。



同学们热火朝天讨论的时候我注意到有个同学低着头。这个同学曾离家出走过。我灵机一动,怕敲侧击一下吧。于是我对全班说:“同学们都很聪明,解决问题的办法有很多。找到适合自己的哪一种很重要。但也有的人想不开,和父母老师同学有了矛盾总会用一种极端的方法去解决,尤其是和父母意见不和时,用离家出走当成解决问题的办法。其实那真的很痛苦。我有一个亲戚现在在青岛,24岁了。从他15岁离家出走开始算,已经9年的时间了。想当初,15岁的他给奶奶要了5块钱,搭着他们村拉面粉的车去青岛。以为自己很英勇。发誓不混个人样不回家。离家后,三年都没有跟家里联系过。家人找遍了能找的地方,也没有任何音讯。三年后来了一个电话,也不说自己在哪儿。只是给他爹说我给你寄500块钱吧。他爹说儿啊,你回来吧。我们不用你的钱。结果钱也没寄来,人也又失踪一般。后来到了2008年的时候,终于跟家里说他人在青岛。说是在车站给人带个路什么的,也能养活自己。那年我和老公去青岛,找到了他。聊了很久,他把刚到青岛时的遭遇说了一遍,就像在讲别人的故事一样的平静。说‘我那时人又瘦又小,又没有文化,单凭一股劲干活不惜力,说好一个月300块钱,到头来就给一半,换,我又帮人烤羊肉串,管吃,不管住,但老板给我介绍了一个住的地儿,一个月后,不给工资说他给我提供住的地方了,哪有的事儿,我自己付的钱他只是介绍介绍。很气人。后来我看到人家有的人在火车站举个牌子给人带路,每天也能养活自己。我也那样干,结果不行,有人说我抢了他的生意,把我一顿痛揍。之后,我大哥找到我,说可以罩着我,我每天要给他分一部分。他也把他手头的生意介绍给我做,挺好。’我当时就觉得不对劲,什么大哥,他说得轻松,很多话我没有听到,大概讲他的光荣史,生活还挺滋润。但我总有一种担心,给老公说了。他说每个人都有自己的选择,都有自己的活法。我也不好说什么了。结果不出我所料,那之后的第二年,也就2009年的时候,他所谓的大哥带领他们的团伙持枪抢劫被抓了,那大哥把主要责任推到他的身上,判死刑,全家人慌了,托关系找熟人,保住了他的一条命。真的同学们,千万别跟自己过不去,听父母老师的话可以让我们少走很多弯路。就算我们有不同意见,要主动和他们交流,沟通,把你的想法告诉他们,理解万岁!” 说完这些话,当然大部分孩子只当是听故事,我看到那个曾离家出走的孩子若有所思,真的,我觉得这些话没有白说。

思想教育真的比知识传授更重要。教书育人该育人在前,教书在后。这一节课让我自己都觉得受益匪浅,重视育人迫在眉睫。反思: 任务型课程的设计要自始至终体现任务的要求与特点,尤其要确保任务的设计与完成是从简单重复逐步过渡到真实或接近真实。基于这一要求与特点,本课的五个任务先以谈论有关家规为话题,从阅读中延伸出去,解决生活中的实际问题。通过完成这一系列任务,既使学生学会了如何描述规章制度,又渗透了对学生的情感教育。



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