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词汇课课型 试 讲 教 案

Unit 1 “My first day at senior high”


Third Period, language points I.Teaching Objectives

1.Language Objectives

(1)Help students know the collocation and meanings of the following words and phrases: embarrassed, instruction, far from, nothing like, looking forward to etc.(2)Help students acquire the use of adjective ending –ing and –ed.(3)Help students know the use of present continuous tense 2.Ability Objectives

(1)Enable students to use these new words correctly in speaking and writing.(2)Enable students to use adjective ending –ing and –ed correctly in daily life to describe sth.II.Important Points 1.Master some phrase, and some new words 2.Master the use of adjective ending –ing and-ed III.Difficult Points Analyze components of a sentence IV.Teaching Methods 1.Practice, discover, Asking and Answering, Explaining 2.Teaching Aids: text book V.Teaching Procedures

Step I

Reading(1 minute)T: Good morning, boys and girls.First let’s read the new words and new phrases, please turn to page 113 and read the new words from enthusiastic to amazed, go(enthusiastic, amazing, information, website, brilliant, comprehension, instruction , embarrassed, description, amazed)OK.Very good!Step II Lead-in(1 minute)T: Everybody, after we have studied this passage(My first day at senior high), we all know that the writer had a wonderful experience of his first day in senior high school.In this class let’s study some useful words and phrases.Phrases(look forward to, far from, nothing like)and words(bored/boring tired/tiring excited/exciting surprising/surprised interesting/interested embarrassed /embarrassing)Step III Careful analyzing(8 minutes)(此处挑两个讲即可)

Teaching Plan for Module 1(SEFC Book 1)词汇课课型 试讲教案

OK.Well done!Now let’s look at some of the difficult points in the text!The first one: 1.the classrooms in li kang’s school are amazing/ some students were embarrassed at first.Fellows we have already learned the adjective ending –ing and –ed in our junior high school, so let’s turn to page 7 and complete the sentences.Two minutes.(then the teacher check the answers), then let us look at grammar 2 the 2nd one choose the correct explanation according to the exerxise we have done in page 7.ok it seems that you have a clear mind of the 2 kinds of endings, so let us find more examples in our text.(2nd paragraph, the classrooms are amazing, the3rd I don’t think I will be bored in Ms Shen’s class, the 4th paragraph some students were embarrassed at first)

The next one.2…and Ms Shen’s method of teaching is nothing like that of the teachers at my Junior High school.(the sentence under the picture)Nothing like means,“丝毫不象”in chinese。

Eg: Math class is nothing like Chinese class, because the former is focus on logic thinking, the latter is main tell us how to think in a different way.The third.3.I'm looking forward to doing it!

look forward to sth./doing sth.In this structure to is used as a preposition

I look forward to hearing from you as early as possible.(do you remember some other this kind of phrases)

There are some other preposition phrases :(ask students the same kind of words they have learned in their junior school:do you remember some other this kind of phrases

look forward to 盼望……

turn to 求助于;转向;翻到……pay attention to 注意…… stick to 坚持get down to 开始认真干……object to 反对point to 指向see to 处理,料理devote…to… 贡献……给…

Pay attention to ____(walk)along this risky bridge.There is not much time , lets get down to ___(walk)on this research.Teachers’whole life is devoted to_____(teach)We should object to ___(tell)lies.Step V Summary(1mins)T: In this class we have learned some useful phrases and words.do you still remember their meaning ?(nothing like , look forward to)and now are you clear how to use the adjective ending –ed and –ing.Step VI Homework Assignment(1 mins)T: After class, let’s have a revision of the present tense and preview listening and vocabulary, then do the exercises in text book.So much for this class, bye!VI.Blackboard Design

Lesson 3, Unit 1

My first day at Senior high

Important words and phrases: Homework: 1.preview look forward to sth./doing sth, 2.exercise in the text book nothing like etc.


语法课课型 四色笔 实战模板 以人教版必修三UNIT3为例

红色字体为板书内容 蓝色字体为设计目的 黑色字体为口述内容 绿色字体为提示内容


教学目标:准确理解相关语法的基本概念,结构,运用。重点:相关语法的基本概念和结构 难点:以学促考,灵活运用。

Part 1: Independent reading Ex 1:自主阅读Ex 1 部分, 了解名词性从句的用法

T: Good morning/afternoon, boys and girls.Today, we’ll learn a new grammar style名词性从句Noun clauses.Now please open your book, turn to page 21,book 3 and look at Ex 1.Read the play, which are mainly about this kind of grammar? Try to find the sentences.(pause)

T: Ok.Stop here!Can you say one sentence? Now, who want to share your works? Ok, Tom, please.(手势语:平伸右手,手掌朝上,示意学生回答。做边听状,边板书第一个句子,这个要提前备课,就是您早就准备好的句子!)

May we ask what you are doing in this country? T: Very good,sit down, please.Now, who want to say the next? Ok, Lily, please.(同上,写第二个句子!)

I didn’t know whether I could survive until morning.T: Very good,sit down, please.Now, who want to share the last one? Ok, Kate, please.(同上,写第三个句子!)

The fact is that I earned my passage by doing sth.(课本上的三个句子)

T: Very good,sit down, please.T: Now, we can see the Noun clause is a piece of cake, or we can say, it’s just so so.Are we right? Let’s look at the Ex 2 and try to finish the exercise of this part.If you can not solve the problem, first, lists problems of your own, then you can discuss in pairs;after discussion, you two can’t solve it, come to the blackboard and write it down.Part 2 comprehension 理解(写完板书,此时,就下去转一下,回来在黑板上写1-2个难句子,就当是学生写的)

Difficult point 1: What do you think of the bet the brothers have made?

Difficult point 2: What do you think will happen to Henry? Research 1: students’ comprehension to the grammar.T: Very good, just now two of our students wrote down two sentences, they think the sentences are much harder to understand.Can we help them to under the two sentences? T: Now, who want to try? Ok, Susan, please.(手势语:平伸右手,手掌朝上,示意学生回答。)Which sentence do you want to explain to them?(Pause)Ok, the first one.(Pause)Ok, Susan’s explanation is very good!

I must say that the bet is very interesting.sit down, please.T: Now, who can solve the second sentence?(Look around)Research 2: With the teacher’s help to understand the grammar.T: Nobody? Really? Ok, let me help you.You can use “I must say that_____________” Here.Here, can” that” be left out?(Pause)Right!It can not be left out.Does it have any meanings?(Pause)Right.It has no any meaning.(此处用汉语解释语法现象,在讲解时可以在原句上画点记号什么的,目的是帮助,不是全部解决)Now, who can have a try in volunteer? Ok, Linda, please!(Pause)Ok, Linda’s explanation is very good!

I must say that Henry will live a happy life.Sit down, please.T: Now, who can draw a conclusion to the grammar which we learnt in this text in volunteer? Nobody? Ok, let’s discuss in groups!

Part 3: The rule of the grammar(写完板书,此时,就下去转一下,回来看练习四,当堂测验)

T: Well, Tom, it’s you again!Please!(Pause)Very good!Thank you, sit down please.名词性从句:缺什么补什么,不缺什么用“that”.(简析语法现象)

And now let’s finish Ex 4, now I’ll ask some of you to finish two of them.The reason was ________________________.4 His concern is___________________________.T: Who will answer in volunteer? Bush and Black!OK!Come to the black board and finish them!(自己写上就OK了)The reason was that he met a strong wind.4 His concern is whether they can offer him a job.Very good!Quite right!Thank you, go back to your seat and sit down please.Part 4: Homework T: Ok, so much for this class.After class, please finish Ex 5 on page 21.That’s all for today, see you!




Part 1:lead-in(板书内容)

Step 1 Talk about the topic

Give students enough background of the topic.Also let them familiar with the difficult words, especially new words.了解背景熟悉主题

T: Good afternoon, my boys and girls.Welcome back to my class.I am so glad to see you again.Have you had a good weekend? Yeah!Then what did you do during the summer holiday? Sleep, watch TV, or travel with parents? I see.All of you had a wonderful weekend.Well, today I will introduce a new friend to you;let’s share what she did during the holiday.Now, listen to the tape carefully, and then I’ll ask you some questions.(教师说的内容,说完暂停!表示在进行听力,但不要太长,大约数1、2、3秒即可)

Hey, I’m your new friend Tiffany!Last Sunday, I went to the park with my friends for a picnic.We took several bread and some bottles of water with us for lunch.Of course we didn't forget to take some fruits and we even took some tomatoes and cucumbers.It took us thirty minutes to get there by bike.As it was a sunny day, there were lots of people in the park.Firstly, we climbed the mountain and went boating.Then it was the time for lunch, we took out the food and began to prepare our lunch.Though it was not cooked well, we ate happily.When we finished the picnic, we picked up the rubbish and threw it into the dustbin.We thought it was our duty to keep the good environment.We didn’t go home until it was dark.We all enjoyed ourselves.(听力录音材料)

T:Ok, do you understand the story?Yeah!Well, I will ask some you some questions.1.Why did Tiffany and her friends go to the park?What did they take to the park?what did they do after the picnic?

T: The first question, now who can answer the questions in volunteer? oh, Lily.(pause)(平伸右手,手掌朝上,示意学生回答)Good!Go for a picnic.T: The second question, who want to try? Tom, please.(pause)(平伸右手,手掌朝上,示意学生回答)Very good!(右手伸出大拇指,示意回答得很棒)bread, bottles of water , fruits, tomatoes, cucumbers.Very good

T: The third question, Can you find the answer? Ok, Susan.(pause)(平伸右手,手掌朝上,示意学生回答)yes, perfect.(双手伸出大拇指,示意回答得很棒)When we finished the picnic, we picked up the rubbish and threw it into the dustbin.Part 2 pre –listening(板书内容)

Guess the meaning of the following words(板书内容)猜测词意扫清障碍

Now, you have understood the story well.Let’s look at the details of the text.① phases

First of all, let’s look at the phrases in the text.Go for a picnic.Have food outdoorsBy bike it’s an important phrase.“By” plus transport is the meaning of taking transport.For example

By bike/train/bus/ship/airplane/foot, no, it is on foot, not by foot.pick uptake sth up

I picked up the money on the ground.Ok so much for the phrases.②important sentences

1.It took us thirty minutes to get there by bike.The sentence instruction is :It takes/took sb some time to do sth.And the question sentence of this instruction is:

How long does/did it take sb to sth.For example: How long does it take you to go home?

It usually takes me 20minutes to go home.Who can make a sentence?

T: Don’t be shy, just have a try.(环顾四周)Tom, do you want to have a try?(Pause)OK!

How long does it take you to go to school?

Yes, great!It takes me half an hour to go to school.Great, sit down please.2The next sentence is:

We didn’t go until it was dark.The sentence instruction is :

notuntil.what’s the meaning of the phrase?

直到...才。这句话的意思是,直到天黑我们才回家,而不是我们没回家直到天黑 I won’t go until you come back.直到你回来我才离去。

Who want to try?Yeah, Bob.I didn’t go to sleep until I finished my homework.Great.Sit down.Well, you have mastered the sentences.Part 3: Post-listening

Challenge yourself巩固提升复述材料挑战自我T: Now, who can tell us” What’s the passage mainly about?” Please give your answer in a complete sentence with “The passage tells us…………….”

T: Who will try? Don’t be shy!(环顾四周)Tom, do you want to have a try?(Pause)OK!(Pretend to be listening)

T: Very good!Your answer is wonderful!(右手伸出大拇指,示意回答得很棒)

T: Tom said” The passage tells us______________________________________________”

Part 4: Homework

Ok, time is limited, practices more after class.After learning the text, would you like to go for a picnic? Yes, then where do you want to go and what do you want to take? Make a plan after class, I’ll ask some students to share their plans next class.Ok, class is over.






proficiency 熟练程度;精通fluently 流利地,通畅地

carry on 进行qualification 资格

certificate 证书;证明书license 许可证,执照

programming 编程datebase 数据库

language competence 语言能力foreign language proficiency 外语水平

fluent spoken English 英语口语流利good written English 英语书面表达能力强

master English 精通英语good command of English 精通英语

Pass CET-4 通过大学英语四级Distincetion CET-4 大学英语四级优秀

pass CET-6 通过大学英语六级A/B/C Grade in CET Spoken Test 大学英语口试A等

Chinese copetence 中文表达能力writing ability 写作能力

able to operate computer 会使用计算机

know how to use various types of software 会使用各种常用软件

write articles on the computer 会在计算机上起草文件

able to surf the Internet 会上网

able to browse and check info on line 会利用网络查找信息

good at handling complicated interpersonal relations 善于处理复杂的人事关系

good at persuading others 擅长说服别人

capable of tolerating conflicting opinions 能够容忍不同意见

willingto cooperate 愿意与人合作

good at tapping the potentials of the co-workers 善于把合作人的潜力发挥出来

able to drive 会驾驶clean record 无违章纪录

management skills 管理能力organizational skills 组织能力

communication skills 沟通能力negotiating skills 谈判能力

persuasion skills 说服能力problem solving ability 解决问题的能力

programming ability 规划能力insight 洞察能力

foresight and sagacity 远见卓识practical work ability 实际工作能力

hard-working and tolerant of hardship吃苦耐劳aggressive 积极进取


A good understanding and working knowledge of computers.具电脑理解和应用知识。

Having experience in PC operation(Lotus, Wordperfect).有操作PC机(Lotus和Wordperfect)的经验。

Database programming and network knowledge.会数据库编程并具网络知识。

Have a technical degree and extensive experience in computers.具有工科学历和广泛的电脑知识。Good at computer operation of Windows.熟练操作Windows。

Computer operating skills.懂电脑操作技术。

Be skilled with computers.熟悉电脑运用。

I/C systems design experience background.具有1/C系统设计经验。

Sound knowledge and experience with computers.具有坚实的电脑知识和经验。

Some familiarity with personal computers.略为熟悉个人电脑。

Have experience in computer operation, proficiency in Microsoft Windows, Microsoft Word and Microsoft Excel.有电脑操作经验,熟悉Windows,word和Excel。

Knowledge of microcomputer and software programming.了解微电脑及软件编程。

Proficient in UNlX as well as DOS/WIN and Windows NT.熟悉UNIX和DOS/WIN及Windows NT。Strong knowledge of personal computer hardware.具有坚实的硬件知识。

Familiar with computer networking and office productivity software.熟悉电脑网络和办公室生产率软件。

Working knowledge of Novell Lan, NUIX, Foxpro, C++, relational detabase.熟悉Novell Lan,NUIX,Foxpro,C++ 联网数据库的应用。

High proficiency in computer operation.熟练操作电脑。

With experience in system development including system analysis and design.有系统开发经验,包括系统分析和设计。



1)How do you think of your English? 你认为你的英语水平如何?

2)How do you think of your proficiency in written and spoken English? 你认为你的书面英语和口语熟练程度如何?

4)What other foreign language do you speak? 你还能说什么其他外语吗?

6)Have you obtained any certificate of technical qualifications? 你获得过什么技术证书吗?

7)What special skills do you have, can you tell me? 你能告诉我你有什么特殊技能吗?

8)Have you gotten any special training in...? 你接受过……方面的特殊培训吗?


1)I can speak English/French/Spanish/German.我会讲英语/法语/西班牙语/德语。

I think my English is good enough to communicate with English speaking people.我认为我能用英语和说


2)I have received an Engineer's Qualification Certificate.我获得了工程师资格证书。

I have received an Accountant?s Qualification Certificate.我获得了会计师资格证书。

I have received a Computer Operation?s Qualification Certificate.我获得了计算机操作证书。I have received a Tourist Guide?s Qualification Certificate.我获得了导游证书。

3)I am accomplished in programming.我编程很熟练。

I am well up in programming.我精通编程。

I am proficient in programming.我精通编程。

I have a good command of programming.我精通编程。

在叙述个人技能时,如果用 be familiar with,无意中给人造成技术不过关的假象。这可能与东方人比较含蓄有关,面试时要避免这一情况。主考官如果问你是否熟悉C++,如果是熟悉的话,还应该恰到好处地回答你用C++做过什么,这是他们最感兴趣的。在回答做过哪些项目时,要讲清楚当时是担任什么职务、承担哪部分工作,用过哪些硬件、软件等。

4)I have experience in computer operation.我具有计算机操作经验。

I am experienced in computer operation.我对计算机操作很有经验。

I am skillful with computer operation.我的计算机操作技术很好。

5)I have a good command of 我精通……


(A=Applicant I=Interviewer)

【Dialogue 1】:

I: Our advertisement says English competence is a key requirement of this position.Then how do you think of your proficiency in written and spoken English?

A: I have learned English for 10 years, and I have passed College English Test Band 4 and

6.My spoken English is fairly good enough to express myself fluently.I: What other foreign language do you speak?A: I did self-study of Japanese in college,http:// and I can carry on some simple conversations in Japanese.I: 我们的招聘广告要求这个职位的应聘者应当具有相当好的英语水平,那么,你认为你的书面英语和口语能力如何呢?

A: 我已经学英语10年了,而且我通过了大学英语四级和六级。我能用英语口语把自己的想法流利地表达出来。

I: 你还能说其他别的外语吗?

A: 我在大学时自学过日语,我能用日语进行一些简单的对话。

【Dialogue 2】:

I: Have you obtained any certificate of technical qualifications or license?

A: Yes, I have received an Engineer?s Qualification Certificate and a driver?s license.I: How many years have you had the driver?s license?

A: I have two years driving experience.I: That?s good.What special skills do you have, can you tell me?

A: I have experience in computer operation,proficiency in Microsoft Windows,Microsoft Word and Microsoft Excel.

I: What computer languages have you learned?

A: Visual C++, C and Delphi.I: Have you gotten any special training in programming?

A: No, but I have database programming experience and network knowledge.I: 你获得过技术资格证书或者执照吗?

A: 是,我有工程师资格证书和驾照。

I: 你获得驾照多长时间了?

A: 我已经有两年的驾龄了。

I: 好,那你能告诉我你有什么特殊技能吗?

A: 我有电脑操作经验,熟悉微软Windows,Word和Excel。

I: 你学过哪种计算机语言?

A: Visual C++, C 和Delphi。

I: 你在编程方面受到过特殊培训吗?

A: 没有,但是我有数据库编程经验并具有网络知识。

由意臣工业设计 http://http://整理转载请注明出处



试 讲 教 案


Teaching Plan for Module _____(SEFC Book _____)

(抽到的标题:My first day at Senior high)

The______(First, Second, Third, Forth)Period, _________(Listening, Speaking, Reading, Writing, Grammar): “___________(课文标题)”

注:每个考场都有对应的教材,全新课本都摆在桌子上,抽到哪个签,就到对应的讲桌那里备课!)注:每个单元分为五至六个教学模块,即(Listening and Speaking,Reading, Grammar, Writing 等)考生会抽取到一个模块教学。

I.Teaching Objectives(教学目标)

注:Teaching Objectives的三个目标可以根据授课内容不同加以取舍。

1.Language Objectives(知识目标)



2.Ability Objectives(能力目标)

(1)Enable students to …



3.Moral Objectives(情感、态度及价值观目标)

(1)Help students to learn that…


II.Important Points(教学重点)

1.Master two important reading skills


III.Difficult Points(教学难点)

1.How to analyze the text and grasp the main idea of the text;


IV.Teaching Methods(教学方法)

1.Communicative Approach.........注:教学方法根据教学内容选择。

2.Teaching Aids: a tape recorder, a projector and a computer …

V.Teaching Procedures(教学过程)




Step ILead-in(1 mins)导入




㊣㊣㊣㊣㊣㊣㊣㊣㊣㊣㊣㊣㊣㊣㊣㊣㊣㊣㊣㊣㊣㊣㊣㊣㊣㊣㊣㊣㊣㊣㊣㊣㊣㊣㊣㊣㊣㊣㊣㊣㊣㊣ Step IIFast Reading(3 mins)新课学习

注:Reading是通过 skimming 或scanning等教学手段使学生对课文大意,或课文结构等有所了解。Step IIIImportant words and phrases:(3 mins)新课学习

Eg.1.apply for …(顶多讲两个!)



㊣㊣㊣㊣㊣㊣㊣㊣㊣㊣㊣㊣㊣㊣㊣㊣㊣㊣㊣㊣㊣㊣㊣㊣㊣㊣㊣㊣㊣㊣㊣㊣㊣㊣㊣㊣㊣㊣㊣㊣㊣㊣ Step IVCareful Reading(5 mins)(顶多讲两个!)

注:Careful Reading主要是处理课文中较难的单词,短语,句子结构,或课文篇章理解。如: Eg.1.The teacher is a very enthusiastic woman called Ms.Shen.called Ms.Shen 是过去分词短语作定语,与所修饰的词之间存在着逻辑上的被动关

系,相当于定语从句who/that was called Ms.Shen。如:

---We visited the new library built three weeks ago.---The first textbooks written for teaching English as a foreign language came out in the 18th century.---Most of the artists invited to the party were from South Africa.注:短语一般放在被修饰词之后,单个过去分词放在被修饰词之前.2.…

㊣㊣㊣㊣㊣㊣㊣㊣㊣㊣㊣㊣㊣㊣㊣㊣㊣㊣㊣㊣㊣㊣㊣㊣㊣㊣㊣㊣㊣㊣㊣㊣㊣㊣㊣㊣㊣㊣㊣㊣㊣㊣ Step VSummary(1 mins)(小结)

注:Summary 是总结讨论本节课的学习内容。如:

We have known the Likang’s life at Senior High, is your English classroom like Likang’s? Is your class the same size as his? Is the number of boys and girls the same? Are you looking forward to doing your English homework? Now please discuss with your partner and compare your school life with Likang’s.㊣㊣㊣㊣㊣㊣㊣㊣㊣㊣㊣㊣㊣㊣㊣㊣㊣㊣㊣㊣㊣㊣㊣㊣㊣㊣㊣㊣㊣㊣㊣㊣㊣㊣㊣㊣㊣㊣㊣㊣㊣㊣ Step VI Homework Assignment(1 mins)(作业布置)




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