四年级英语上册 Unit 5 I like those shoes(Lesson 25)教案 人教精通版

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第一篇:四年级英语上册 Unit 5 I like those shoes(Lesson 25)教案 人教精通版

lesson 25 教学目标:






能够表达穿衣建议的句子结构Put on your...并把词汇融入句子中进行学习巩固。教学准备:






1、播放22课歌曲We are happy to play.2、师生就当天的天气进行交流,并讨论今天的天气适合做什么。如:

T: How’s the weather today?

T:But where’s the sun? I can’t find it.T: Wow, what a big and bright sun!Is today hot or cold? T: So today is sunny and hot.What shall we do?




1、教师将T-shirt 以热身的形式呈现,板书该单词。

2、教师变展示自己漂亮的T-shirt边说I like my T-shirt.It’s new.教师问一位同学:Do you have a new T-shirt?教师追问:where’s your new T-shirt?教师指着讲桌上的衣服说:Oh,it’s here.3、教师展示cap和hat,并板书

4、边展示自己的new cap和new hat边说:It’s sunny today.I’ll put on my cap/hat教师戴上自己的帽子,然后问学生:Do you have a new cap/hat? Where’s your new cap/hat?教师将帽子递给学生并建议说:Oh, your cap/hat is so nice.Put on your cap/hat,please.5、带领学生一起朗读课文。


Chain game.教师对以为同学发出指令:It’s sunny.Put on a cap.或 It’s cold.Put on your hat.板书设计: lesson 25 It’s sunny today.Put on your cap ,please.T-shirt 课后反思:

课题:《 lesson 26 》(共 8 课时)(第 2 课时)总序号:37 授课时间: 年 月 日 所采用教学模式:任务驱动,文本辅学 教学目标:


2、学习目标语言:What’s in the box? It’s a dress.重点:

1、要求学生能够听、说、读、写四会单词hat和dress.2、要求学生能够听、说、读blouse 难点:

学习有关物品的提问及回答的句子结构What’s in...?It’s a...并把词汇融入句子中学习巩固。教学准备:






3、教师对前一环节稍作总结并引出本课主题活动,Oh, you have so many pretty clothes.How pretty they are!And I have sth.nice too.It‘s in the bag.What is it? Look!教师从包里拿出盒子,同时播放生日歌


1、在歌声中,教师告诉同学们Today is my birthday.2、教师展示自己的漂亮礼物盒子,带着疑问的表情问大家:What’s in the box? Guess!(在情境中呈现句子What’s in the box? It’s a...)、盒子中到底有什么Let’s open it and see.3、老师为他打开一点

4、教师展示盒子里的东西,有大小不一的dress, hat, blouse各两件,并板书单词。


6、通过试穿和征求同学的意见,合适又漂亮的衣服教师打算留下来,说:This is for me.不合适的衣服送给学生This hat is so small.Li Yan this is for you.三、趣味练习(Practice)

1、传话游戏:教师将课前准备好的一些有关衣物的图片或单词卡片放进盒子里,教师发出指令:What’s in the box? Open it and see.2、Guessing game: S1:What’s in the pencil-box? S2: It’s a T-shirt.S3:Open it and see.S2:Look.It’s a T-shirt.I’m right.This is for me.S3:Yes.This is for you.板书设计: Lesson 26 What’s in the box? It’s a dress.Blouse hat 课后反思:

课题:《 lesson 27 》(共 8 课时)(第 3 课时)总序号:38 授课时间: 年 月 日 所采用教学模式:任务驱动,文本辅学 教学目标:




2、掌握礼貌用语Can I help you? Please show me that...难点:

在真实场景中合理运用Can I help you? Please show me that...教学准备:




1、听做游戏:教师发令,如:Show me your hat.Show me your pen.等



1、模拟商场,教师扮演售货员:Welcome!Can I help you?在模拟购物情境中呈现句子Can I help you?

2、教师展示柜台上摆放的衣物:We have caps, hats, T-shirts, blouses, dresses...将本课单词sweater, raincoat, jacket, skirt最后呈现。板书单词教师拿一件夹克展示给学生Let me show that jacket to you.It’s so cool.Try it on, please.3、教师边说边帮学生试穿。教师挑选的夹克穿在学生身上有些大,引导学生自己来挑教师递给学生说:Here you are.4、教师引导学生试穿自己挑选的衣物,教师说: You can try it on.引导学生说:Can I try it on?回答:sure.5、教师对前面选衣服情况稍作总结,决定将刚刚大家选的,试穿,认为漂亮的衣服送给家庭困难的小朋友。


1、Match game:将本课和前面学的表示衣物的单词卡片或图片贴在黑板上,将学生分为男、女两组,每次各叫每组的一位同学,由教师或一位同学说天气

2、Choosing game: 两个同学一组,利用手中的卡片进行挑选卡片游戏,使用本课目标语言进行对话。板书设计:

Lesson 27 Can I help you? Sweater Please show me that...Skirt Jacket Raincoat 课后反思:

课题:《 lesson 28 》(共 8 课时)(第 4 课时)总序号:39 授课时间: 年 月 日 所采用教学模式:任务驱动,文本辅学 教学目标:


2、掌握目标语言Can we look at the blue shorts? Here you are.重点:

1、能够听、说、读、写四会单词shirt, shorts;能够听、说、认读jeans

2、掌握礼貌用语Can we look at the blue shots? Here you are.难点:

在真实场景中合理运用Can we look at the blue shots? Here you are.教学准备:




1、Word game:第一个人说单词种类,如:Fruit, numbers, clothes等,后面的同学依据第一个人所说的单词种类说出一个此类的单词,每个人都需要重复前面的人说的单词,然后再加上一个新的单词。

2、师生就学过的衣物单词、句子进行简单的交流,如:Do you have a jacket? What color is it? Dou you like the color? Can I look at it? Wow, so pretty!So cool!

3、教师交代本课主题是Shopping(夜市)大声叫卖:Come here!Come here!Come here and look at my clothes.They’re really cool.Look at the sweater.Look at the dress...二、新课导入(Presentation)

1、拿出一件新的shirt向大家展示:Look at this new shirt.It’s so cool.I like it.Do you like it? 板书单词并带领学生进行拼读,教师拿出blouse和shirt图片进行比较

2、教师继续推销自己的货品:Look at the blue shorts.Do you like them? Do you want to have a look?


3、鼓励学生购买商品。看到学生举手。T: Welcome!Can I help you? 再次拿出刚展示的衣物,反复说Look at the shorts.They’re really cool!强调shorts应用They,而不是it.三、趣味练习(Practice)

1、Listening practice

2、Group racing game: 以小组形式进行比赛。教师或学生到前面来说出自己感兴趣的衣服如:Can I look at the orange vest and red skirt? 哪组图片的衣服和颜色与此匹配,并能马上找到送出Here you are.板书设计: Lesson 28 Can we look at the blue shorts, please? Here you are.jeans shirts 课后反思:

课题:《 lesson 29 》(共 8 课时)(第 5 课时)总序号:40 授课时间: 年 月 日 所采用教学模式:任务驱动,文本辅学 教学目标:


2、掌握目标语言May I thy the shoes on? Certainly.重点:

1、能够听、说、读、写四会单词socks, shoes,2、能够在购物时常用礼貌用语May I thy the shoes on? Certainly.难点:

把所学单词融入句子中进行学习巩固 教学准备:




1、课前播放本课歌曲Where is my hat?

2、教师拿出一个大盒子,教师不说答案,在师生间,生生间自然真是交流猜测中,最后教师Open it and see.哇,是一双破旧的鞋子和一双破旧的袜子。

3、教师交代今天的主题Shoes and socks.二、新课导入(Presentation)


2、教师将场景拉回课堂,问同学们Where are you shoes? Where are you socks?

3、教师拿出几双比较时尚的鞋子和儿童鞋作对比,向学生提问:Do you like those shoes or these shoes? 教师建议他:Come on!You can have a look at those shoes.4、教师建议过来看鞋子的同学试穿一下鞋子。给他一只,说:Try it on, please.立刻把另一只给他


1、Fast response: 教师或一位同学说句子:May I try it on? 提醒学生关键听them还是it,判断单数还是复数?

2、Let’s sing:以多种形式来进行歌曲演唱

板书设计: Lesson 29

May I try the shoes on?

Certainly.socks 课后反思:

课题:《 lesson 30 》(共 8 课时)(第 6 课时)总序号:41 授课时间: 年 月 日 所采用教学模式:任务驱动,文本辅学 教学目标:

1、复习巩固本单元目标语言,并在真实语境中运用Where’s my...? Here it is.Where are my...? Here they are.I can’t walk.You look funny.进行语言交流



理解fun story 的内容;并在真实场景中进行对话的创编。教学准备:




1、师生同唱第29课歌曲Where is my hat?


1、教师出示Fun story最后一张小猫穿了很多衣服的滑稽照片,问大家为什么小猫表情会这样呢?What’s she wearing?

2、教师再问:小猫穿了这么多衣服,会怎么样呢?What is going to happen?



1、Story show: 两人一组,带着头饰,分角色表演Fun story.2、Listen and do.听老师或同学发出指令,其他同学快速做动作。

T: Show me your cap, please.Put on your socks.3、根据录音内容完成Listen and number.板书设计: Lesson 30 课后反思:

课题:《 单元检测 总序号: 42 教学目标: 重点: 难点: 教学准备:

Where’s my...? Here it is.Where’re my...? Here they are.》(共 8 课时)(第 7 课时)授课时间: 年 月 日 12 教学过程: 板书设计: 课后反思:

课题:《 单元分析 》(共 8 课时)(第 8 课时)总序号:43 授课时间: 年 月 日 教学目标: 重点: 难点: 教学准备: 教学过程: 板书设计: 课后反思:



Lesson 2


1、能够在真实的情景中理解、说出句子Where are you fome ? I`m from Singapore/ Canada / 并能在现实生活中初步运用.2、能够听、说、读、写字母:Ff Gg Hh Ii Jj.3、能够听、说、读单词:Singapore Canada friends.二、教学重难点 理解并运用句子 :

Where are you fome ? I`m from„„



2、准备字母卡片Ff----Jj 以及包含字母Ff----Jj的单词图片。

3、准备单词卡片Singapore Canada friends.四、教学过程

1、Warm-up(1)T:出示已学的三个国家的国旗图片,学生以“开火车”的形式练习:Where are you from ? I'm from„(2)复习所学字母Aa—Ee





:Hi!Xxx.This one is for you.Hi!Xxx.This one is for you.

(2)T:(教师示范)Hi,I'm Miss Li.I'm from„然后向五个手拿国旗的学生问:Where are you from? I'm from„ 让他们分别根据手拿的国旗回答。

(3)学习单词。认读Singapore,Canada,friends三个单词。注意friends的发音:ds发一个音/dz/要求学生两人一组握手说:We're good friends.

(4)学习字母:fruit一Ff grape—Gg hamburger—Hh ice cream—Ii juice—Jj。T:呈现字母卡,学生发挥想象说说字母像身边的什么东西。如:h像一把椅子。3.Practice(1)游戏:看谁跑得快!学生制作某个国家的国旗并贴在黑板上。将全班分成两队,教师发指令Run to China!每队的第一个学生跑向China国旗图片并触摸一下它。谁的行动准确迅速就为该组赢得一分。教师也可用指令:Point to„

(2)学唱歌曲: Where are you from? 4.Assessment(1)完成活动手册的内容。


(3)先请一些学生给全班演唱本课的英文歌曲,然后大家拍手齐唱Where are you from? 板书设计:

Lesson 2 Where are you fome ? I`m from„„ Singapore Canada friends Ff Ii Jj


Lesson 5





字母 uniform___Uu vest___Vv watch___Ww box____Xx yacht____Yy zebro——Zz

3、能够听、说、认读三个有关职业的名词:doctor nurse driver.二、教学重难点

使用What`s your mother/What’s does your mother do? 询问职业,并作简单问答。



2、字母卡片Uu----Zz 以及包含字母Uu----Zz的单词图片。

3、准备单词卡片:doctor nurse driver.四、教学过程

1、Warm-up(1)复习第4课对话内容。学生表演自己编好的对话。(2)Slow Motion。教师慢慢拿出字母卡片或职业图片,让学生看卡片或图的一小部分。让学生说出字母或单词。

2、Presentation(1)T: What will you be when you grow up? S:(学生用英语回答已学过的职业。)(2)学习单词doctor,nurse与driver。Eg: 教学“ doctor” T:I'm not very well today.走到一桌前坐下来,教师扮医生做出给病人把脉、写处方单等动作,然后说:Have two pills each time,twice a day. You'll be OK.做完后问学生:What am I?

(3)看插图听录音,学习本课对话。模仿语音语调,让学生体验英语单词的正确读音。(4)Group work:

SA:Look,this is my uncle. SB:He’s cool!What's he? SA:He's a driver.(5)学习字母Uu—Zz,注意字母读音 Uu/ju:/,Vv/vi:/,Ww/'dablju:/,Xx/eks/Yy/wai/,Zz/zed/





Lesson 5 What`s your mother/What does your mother do?

doctor nurse driver Uu Vv Ww Xx Yy Zz





1、Please _________ your pencils away now.A.put



2、---Does your brother like juice?---Yes.He _________ orange juice every day.A.has



3、I live _________ 40 Hainan Road.A.over



4、Whose _________ are those? A.watch B.a watch


5、I come from ________.A.English B.New Zealand C.Chinese()

6、— ________ is he? —He’s ten.A.How old B.How many C.How much()

7、My sister is ________ actress.A.an B.a C./()

8、— ________ sun cap is this? —It’s her sun cap.A.Who B.Who’s C.Whose()

9、—________ that man? — He’s my uncle.A.Who B.Who’s C.Whose


1、A doctor works in a h________.2、Mary has small eyes and a small n________.3、My r________ and pencil are long.4、—Is ________(这,这个)your crayon? —Yes, it is.5、My father’s brother is my ________.6、An e________ has a long nose and two big ears.7、—Who’s that w________?

—She is my aunt.8、I love my f________ and mother.9、Hi, my n________ is Lisa.10、—What does your brother do?

—He’s a ________.(警察)

三、给下列句子选择正确的答语。(10分)A.It’s Peter’s.B.He works at the Bank of China.C.Yes, it is.D.I live in the Sunny City.E.She is a policewoman.(_____________)(1)Where do you live?

(_____________)(2)Where does your brother work?(_____________)(3)What’s your mother’s job?(_____________)(4)Is that your elephant?(_____________)(5)Whose pen is this?


1、He ________(come)from New Zealand.2、My sister ________(like sing).3、Where ________(do)your father work?

4、I want ________(be)a doctor like my dad.五、根据所给信息回答问题。(10分)Name: Emma Age: 19 From: France Job: dancer Family: father(singer)mother(dancer)Favourite drink and fruit: milk and pears

1、How old is Emma?

2、Where is she from?

3、What does her father do?

4、What’s her mother’s job?

5、Does she like pears?


Look at this picture of my family.This is my father, Danny.He is a taxi driver.He is very handsome.This is my mother, Julia.She is a good tailor(做缝).She is very smart.Who are those boys? One is my brother, Timmy and the other is me, Jimmy.Timmy is tall and I am short.He is quiet and I am active.I like fruit and juice and he likes beef and rice.We have the same schoolbags.I want to be a singer.He wants to be a doctor.We love each other and we are a happy family.1、My name is _____________.I am short and _____________.I like _____________ and _____________.2、_____________ is my mother.She is a _____________.She is _____________.3、Timmy is my _____________.He is tall.He wants to be a _____________.4、Danny is a taxi _____________.七、阅读短文,选择正确的答案。(10分)

Lucy is a student.She’s eleven years old.She comes from Britain.There are four people in her family.They are her father, her mother, her sister and her.Her father is an engineer(工程师).He’s forty years old.He works very hard(努力地).Sometimes he works on Saturdays and Sunday.She’s a good nurse.Lily is her sister.She is a student, too.Lucy and Lily go to school together every day.They are twins.Lucy likes sing.Lily likes drawing.Lucy likes strawberries.Lily likes lychees.()

1、There are __________ people in Lucy’s family.A.three B.four C.five()

2、Lucy and Lily are __________.A.friends B.brothers C.sisters()

3、__________ is an engineer.A.Lily

B.Lily’s father

C.Lily’s mother


4、Lucy and Lily __________ together every day.A.go to work

B.go to school C.help people


5、Lily likes __________.A.drawing

B.singing C.drawing and singing



二、ospital ose uler this uncle lephant oman ather ame policeman



2、likes singing


4、to be


六、1 Jimmy active fruit juice 2 This tailor smart 3 brother doctor 4 driver





Unit 1 I go to school at 8:00 重点单词:

lunch 午餐

dinner 晚餐

walk 走;步行 every 每一个

morning 早上

afternoon 下午 evening 晚上



easy 容易 difficult困难


1.daily life 日常生活

2.get up 起床 3.in the morning 在早晨上午

4.in the afternoon 在下午 5.in the evening 在晚上

6.have breakfast 吃早餐 7.have lunch 吃午餐

8.have dinner 吃晚餐 9.go to school 去上学

10.go home 回家 11.watch TV 看电视

12.do some reading 阅读 13.go to bed 睡觉

14.cook breakfast 做早餐 15.take a walk 散步

16.teach English 教英语 17.read stories 读故事

18.every morning 每天早晨 19.on Saturdays 在星期六

20.on Sundays 在星期日 21.see a film 看电影

22.have piano lessons 上钢琴课 23.play the piano 弹钢琴

24.at home 在家 25.help sb.to do the housework 帮助某人做家务

26.clean the door 擦门

27.clean the window 擦窗户 28.clean the floor 擦地板

重点句型 :

1.I don’t have breakfast at 7:00 in the morning.我不是在早上七点钟吃早餐。

2.She gets up at 6:00 in the morning.她在早上六点钟起床。3.She doesn’t get up at 6:30 in the morning.她不是在早上6:30起床。4.What does Kate do on Saturdays? 凯特在周六做什么? 5.She usually plays the piano.她通常弹钢琴。6.I have breakfast at 7:30.我在7:30吃早饭。7.I have lunch at 12:00.我在12:00吃午饭。8.I have dinner at 6:00.我在6:00吃晚餐。9.What do you do on Saturdays? 你在周六干什么? 10.I often go and see a film.我经常去看电影。


Unit 2 What's your hobby? 重点单词:



collect收集 map地图


colour颜色 dad爸爸


plant 植物;种植 flower 花


tea茶 take 拿;取


kid小孩 baby婴儿

hungry饿的 cry哭

重点词组: 1.a new toy car 一辆新的玩具汽车

2.have a look 看一看 3.collect toy cars 收集玩具汽车

4.collect stamps 收集邮票 5.collect maps收集地图

6.collect picture cards 收集卡片 7.look at 看

8.plant flowers 种花

9.drink Chinese tea 喝中国茶

10.go fishing 去钓鱼

11.cook meals 做饭

12.be interested in… 对……感兴趣

13.make dolls 做布娃娃

14.play computer games 玩电脑游戏

15.take photos 照相

16.take good care of 照顾好

17.talk about 谈论

18.play basketball 打篮球

19.look for 寻找

20.from…to… 从……到…… 21.at night 在夜间

重点句型 :

1.What’s your grandpa’s hobby? 你爷爷的爱好是什么? 2.His hobby is fishing.他的爱好是钓鱼。3.What are you interested in? 你对什么感兴趣? 4.I’m interested in taking photos.我对拍照感兴趣。5.What’s your hobby? 你的爱好是什么?

6.My hobby is collecting maps.我的爱好是收集地图。6.What’s your dad’s hobby? 你爸爸的爱好是什么? 7.His hobby is planting flowers.他的爱好是种花。第三单元 Unit 3 Would you like to come to my birthday party? 重点单词:



after在……后 then那时

me 我(I的宾格)

bye再见 kind种类


light点燃 ice cream冰激凌



1.birthday party 生日聚会

2.after school 放学后 3.invitation card 邀请卡

4.invite your friends to your party 邀请朋友参加聚会 5.celebrate your birthday with your friends 与朋友庆祝生日 6.give a birthday card to your friend 向朋友赠送生日贺卡

7.star-shaped cake 星形蛋糕

8.heart-shaped cake 心形蛋糕 9.fruit pie 水果派水果馅饼

10.light the candles 点蜡烛 11.sing the birthday song 唱生日歌

12.make a wish 许愿 13.blow out the candles 吹蜡烛

14.cut the cake 切蛋糕 15.eat the cake 吃蛋糕

16.a piece of cake 一块蛋糕

重点句型 :

1.What kind of cake would you like? 你想要什么种类的蛋糕? 2.I’d like a heart-shaped cake.我想要一个心形的蛋糕。3.How do they celebrate the birthday? 他们怎么庆祝生日的? 4.First, they light the candles and then 首先,他们点燃蜡烛,然后……

5.Would you like to come to my birthday party? 你愿意来我的生日晚会吗?

6.Sure.I’d love to.当然,我愿意。7.Good bye!/Bye-bye!/Bye!再见。

8.Can I have some ice cream ? 我能吃些冰激凌吗? 9.Here’s a birthday cake for you.这个生日蛋糕是送给你的。10.invite your friends to your party 邀请你的朋友到你的晚会 11.celebrate your birthday with your friends 和你的朋友一起庆祝你的生日

12.give a birthday card to your friend 把这个生日卡片给你朋友

第四单元 Unit 4 January is the first month 重点单词:



February二月 Back回原处;后面

their他(她、它)们的 March三月 April 四月

tree 树;树木

grass草;草地 Stop(使)停止


May五月 June 六月


1.the first month of the year 一年里的第一个月 2.the second month of the year一年里的第二个月

3.New Year’s Day 新年

4.Spring Festival 春节 5.Tree Planting Day 植树节

6.Labor Day May Day 劳动节 7.Mother’s Day 母亲节

8.Children’s Day 儿童节 9.Father’s Day 父亲节

10.plant trees 植树 11.the third month of the year 一年里的第三个月 12.the fourth month of the year 一年里的第四个月 13.the fifth month of the year 一年里的第五个月 14.the sixth month of the year 一年里的第六个月

15.go back home 回家

16.in the south of China 在中国南方 17.all the day 一整天

18.in March 在三月 19.take a photo 照相

20.go on a trip 旅行

重点句型 :

1.January is the first month of the year.一月份是一年中的第一个月。2.February is the second month of the year.二月份是一年中的第二个月。

3.March is the third month of the year.三月份是一年中的第三个月。4.April is the fourth month of the year.四月份是一年中的第四个月。5.May is the fifth month of the year.五月份是一年中的第五个月。6.June is the sixth month of the year.六月份是一年中的第六个月。

第五单元 Unit 5 July is the seventh month 重点单词:



August八月 Month月

year 年

September九月 October 十月




1.the seventh month of the year 一年里的第七个月 2.July 1st 七月一日

3.the Communist Party of China 中国共产党 4.Party members 党员

5.the eighth month of the year一年里的第八个月

6.Amy Day 建军节

7.National Day 国庆节 8.Teachers’ Day 教师节

9.Thanksgiving Day 感恩节 10.on August 1st 在八月一日

11.in August 在八月

12.summer holidays暑假

13.the party’s birthday 党的生日 14.the ninth month of the year 一年里的第九个月

15.go back to school 回到学校

16.Santa Claus 圣诞老人 17.the tenth month of the year 一年里的第十个月 18.the eleventh month of the year一年里的第十一个月 19.the twelfth month of the year 一年里的第十二个月

重点句型 : 1.July is the seventh month of the year.七月是一年中的第七个月。2.August is the eighth month of the year.八月是一年中的第八个月。3.September is the ninth month of the year.九月份是一年中的第九个月。

4.October is the tenth month of the year.十月份是一年中的第十个月。

5.November is the eleventh month of the year.十一月份是一年中的第十一个月。

6.December is the twelfth month of the year.十二月份是一年中的第十二个月。

11.Christmas 圣诞节

21.December is the last.十二月份是最后一个。22.month of the year 一年中的月份

第六单元 Unit 6 There are four seasons in a year



spring 春天

little小的 Green绿色(的)

bird 鸟

fly飞 Begin开始

close 关;关闭

summer夏天 Weather天气






winter 冬天

snowman 雪人 重点词组:

1.a lot of 许多,大量

2.wake up 醒来

3.farm the land 耕地

4.go on spring outings 去春游 5.fly kites 放风筝

6.go on a trip 去旅游 7.go to a summer camp 去夏令营

8.have summer holidays 过暑假

9.go swimming 去游泳

10.pick apples 摘苹果 11.cut rice 割稻子

12.make a snowman 堆雪人 13.sweep the snow 扫雪

14.climb a tree 爬树 15.have fun 玩得高兴

16.think of 思考 17.celebrate Spring Festival 庆祝春节

18.play in the park 在公园里玩

19.go to the zoo 去动物园

重点句型 :

1.What’s spring like? 春天是什么样的?

2.What do people do in spring? 人们在春天做什么? 3.Trees have new green leaves.树木长着新的绿叶。

4.There are a lot of flowers on the peach trees.在桃树上有许多花。5.Birds sing to welcome the spring.鸟儿唱着歌迎接春天的到来。6.What do students do on summer holidays? 学生们在暑假做什么? 7.What do people do in autumn and winter? 人们在秋天和冬天做什么?

8.Spring is the first season.春天是第一个季节。




①日期【the 号(序数词)of 月】the 8th of July七月八号 ②【第几…】the 15th| fifteenth第十五号 ③【名次】 the fifteenth第十五名



be动词过去式(was| were)I am was He/she/it is was We/you/they are were


①in+月、年the morning/afternoon/evening/a week 表示时间

②on+具体某一天(几月几日)/某个假期(…Day)③at+具体某点时间、某个假期(…Festival)/the weekend ①in…street 表示方位 ②on…road/left/right ③at the…crossing/stop/某个具体的地点

①in the tree(不是树上长出来的),比如:Bird in the tree ②on the tree(树上原来自己长出来的)比如:Apple on the tree 表示时间:① ago(……以前)later(……以后)② before(在……以前)after(在 ……以后)


1.不可数名词:bread, juice, tea, coffee, water, chocolate, rice, paper(不可数名词相对应的be动词永远都是is/was)


(1).一般情况下,直接加-s,如:book-books, bag-bags, cat-cats, bed-beds(2).以s.x.sh.ch结尾,加-es,如:bus-buses, box-boxes, brush-brushes, watch-watches(3).以“辅音字母+y”结尾,变y为i, 再加-es,如:family-families, strawberry-strawberries(4).以“f或fe”结尾,变f或fe为v, 再加-es,如:knife-knives(5)不规则名词复数:

man---men, woman---women, policeman---policemen, policewoman---policewomen, mouse---mice child---children foot---feet,.tooth---teeth fish---fish, people---people, Chinese---Chinese, Japanese---Japanese 1.主格一般用在句中作为主语,一般用在动词前(除疑问句)2.宾格多用于动词介词后面。




2.副词比较级 基本句式为:(A)主格+动词|+副词比较级+than+B(宾格)。

3.比较级的用法:①一般+er ②双写最后一个字母+er,如

thin—thinner,big—bigger,fat—fatter,hot—hotter, ③不规则的比较级:

good/well—better,many/much—more,far—farther/further 4.一样的情况用as…as,句式为:as 原级 as 5.注意:too,very+原级

七、动词时态: 一般现在时

Be型: I用am, you用are, is连着他她它;单数is,复数are.变否定,很简单,be动词后加not, 变疑问,更容易,动词往句首提.一二人称要互换,句末问号莫丢弃, 否定疑问任你变,句首大写莫忘记.Do型: 一般现在时很简单,主语总是加动原;除非主语是三单,三单动词有变化;变否定,找动词,动原前面加don’t;动词三单加doesn’t,后面动词改原形;变疑问,找动词,动原句首加上do;如果动词是三单,助动词does句首请;主语紧随在其后,动词改原形莫迟疑.动词第三人称单数变化: ①be的第一人称单数形式为am,第三人称单数形式为is, 其他人称形式为are.②have的三人称单数为has.③一般动词三人称单数形式是在动词原形后加s或es.加-es的动词规则(注意:名词变复数也是加s或es): ①在动词后加s ②以s、x、ch、sh结尾的词,若发咝音就加es ③以”辅音+o”结尾的词要加”es”,如goes, does, potatoes;以”元音+o”结尾的词,直接加s.④部分以f或fe结尾的名词变复数时要将f变v再加”es”,如knife(knives), wife(wives)一般过去时: 主语+动词过去式+表过去的时间 What did +do+过去时间? Did +主语+动词原形+过去时间? 动词过去式变化规则: 规则变化:

①一般在动词原形末尾加ed ②词尾e的动词加d ③末尾只有一个辅音字母的重读闭音节,先双写这个辅音字母,再加ed ④结尾是“辅音字母+y”的动词变y为I,再加ed,如studied.结尾是”元音+y”的动词直接加ed,如played.动词过去式+ed的读音:

①在浊辅音和元音后/d/ ②在清辅音后面/t/ ③在/t/ /d/ 的音后面发/id/ 一些不规则动词的变化: am, is(was);are(were);have, has(had);go(went);eat(ate)buy(bought);do(did);ski(skied);make(made)see(saw)leave(left)take(took)study(studied)swim(swam)sing(sang)一般过去时态如何将肯定句变成一般疑问句? ①一种是有be动词的,即有was或were,只要把was或 were 提到句首, 把句中第一人称转为第二人称,即I, we变you, my和our变 your,然后把句中剩下的单词依次抄下来. 如:

It was a windy day.--Was it a windy day? That was my bag.---Was that your bag? ②另一种是无be动词的句子,需要助动词来帮忙。把过去时态的 助动词did放在句首,把第一人称改为第二人称,然后把剩下的 句子依次抄下来,在抄的过程中,要把动词的过去时转变成原形。如I went fishing yesterday.---Did you go fishing yesterday? 例题:按要求改写下列句子 John washed the clothes last weekend.What did John do last weekend?(对划线部分提问)John didn’t wash the clothes last weekend.(否定句)Did John wash the clothes last weekend?(一般疑问句)Yes, he did.(肯定回答)No, he didn’t.(否定回答)一般将来时:

①主语+be going to+动词原形(或地点)+表将来的时间 ②shall, will表将来的句子

例句:You will like it.你将会喜欢它。I’m going to be an English teacher.(我想成为一名英语老师)例题练习:

I am going to visit my grandparents this weekend.对划线部分提问:When are you going to visit your grandparents ? 否定句: I am not going to visit my grandparents this weekend.一般疑问句:Are you going to visit your grandparents this weekend? 肯定回答:Yes, I am.否定回答:No, I am not.一般现在进行时:(指在某个时刻正在进行某个动作或从事某项活动)句式:主语+be+动词现在分词 例题练习:I’m drawing pictures with my friend.对划线部分提问What are you doing with your friend? 否定句:I’m not drawing pictures with my friend.一般疑问句Are you drawing pictures with your friend? 肯定回答:Yes, I am.否定回答:No, I am not.特殊疑问词: what 什么 where 哪里 who 谁 whose 谁的 when 什么时候 how 怎样 which 哪一个 why 为什么

what color 什么颜色

what day 星期几

what date 日期 what class 什么

what time 什么时候

what subject 什么科目 how many 多少

what season什么季节

what animal什么动物 how long 多长时间 how much 多少钱

how often 多经常 how heavy 多重

how old 多大

how tall 多高

下载四年级英语上册 Unit 5 I like those shoes(Lesson 25)教案 人教精通版word格式文档
下载四年级英语上册 Unit 5 I like those shoes(Lesson 25)教案 人教精通版.doc


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