《Lesson 11》教学设计(范文大全)

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第一篇:《Lesson 11》教学设计

Lesson 11 I.Teaching aims: 1.To improve the skills of listening, speaking, reading and writing: nine, ten;To improve the skills of listening, speaking and reading: nineteen, twenty.2.To learn and practice the sentences: Wake up.What’s the time? It’s….Oh,no,I’m late.Have some….No, thanks.3.To make the students be polite to others.II.Important and difficult points: To make the students be able to talk about something with the words and sentences.III.Teaching tools: tape-recorder, cards, small blackboard, clock and some food.Ⅳ.Teaching times: For one class.Ⅴ.Teaching procedures: Step1.Warm up To sing an English song: Number song.Step2: Presentation.1.To lead the students do addition games.2.To lead the students to learn the words: nine, ten.3.To ask the students spell the words with the letter cards, and show out.4.To lead the students to learn and practice the words: nineteen, twenty.5.To lead the students to listen to the tape and answer the question.6.To lead the students to listen to the tape and read after it.7.To ask the students to read and practice the dialogues in groups.Step3: Practice.1.To ask the students to act the dialogues out.2.To sing an English song: Wake up, wake up.Step 4: Summary.Today we learned the words: nine, ten, nineteen, twenty and some sentences.We should practice the words and sentences more, and be able to talk about something with them.Ⅵ.Homework.1.To practice the words after class.2.To practice the dialogues in groups.Ⅶ.The words on the blackboard.Lesson 11 nine

nineteen ten


《Lesson 11》教学设计


单位:白涧镇五百户中小 年级:四年级 学科:英语 姓名:张晓娜 时间:2011年11月

第二篇:Lesson 13-14 教学设计

Lesson 13-14 教学设计






1.能够灵活掌握句型:______ works in a ______.2.能根据所学的形容词描述天气状况。



二、教学重点 1.掌握新单词: 有关场所的英文名称: mall grocery store 十二个月份的英文名称:

January February March April May June July

August September October November December 和天气有关的形容词:

cold snowy warm rainy hot sunny windy cloudy 2.掌握下面的句型:

A(clerk)works in a(store).(雇员)在(商店)里工作。



四、教学过程 1.导入

1)师生齐唱歌曲“As I was going down the street”,边唱边做动作。2)教师通过动作模仿某一职业,让学生说出其英文职业名称。2.呈现新课 1)通过精美的图片学习表示场所的单词“mall” “grocery store”。把表示职业的图片和表示场所的图片放在一起来学习句子,比如:A waiter works in a restaurant.2)播放有关十二个月份和描述天气状况的课件。在讲述表达天气状况的形容词时,教师配以动作和面部表情。让学生来描述一下今天的天气状况。


1)让学生画出一个职业人物形象及所工作的场所,然后说一个句子给全班听。例如:A clerk works in a store.2)学生自制日历,标注月份的英文名称。说说自己的生日。







第三篇:Lesson 106 多媒体教学设计

Lesson 106 多媒体教学设计




录音机, 多媒体课件unit27 lesson106


T: 1)Whats the time? 2)Whats Jim doing? 3)Where is he going? 4)What day is it today? 5)Is Jim late or early? 6)What time do you get up/have breakfast/leave home/begin school on weekdays? 7)What time do you get up/ have breakfast on Sundays? 教师也可以问及有关本班学生活动情况时,一人回答之后,教师可问全班:T: What time does he/she get up/leave home…on weekdays?


。两人一组用书上所给的问题进行问答练习。在教学过程中,教师对课文中出现的重要知识点进行讲解如:have breakfast/have lunch/ have supper;usually/ often/ sometimes/ right now。教师根据动画中人物活动提问学生:what time does he get up/ wash face/ have breakfast…?学生通过观察动画中出现的时钟进行回答,教师指导学生一问一答的方式进行口语训练。反复操练后可让学生进行课堂演示。

教师根据学生个人情况,提问学生when do you usually get up/ have breakfast/ go to school/ have lunch/ have sports/got home..? 让学生根据自己的情况回答问题,教师可以先问学生A: what time do you get up?,当学生A:回答完后,让学生B用拨动时钟表示出学生A所表达的时间来。通过此次操练,加深学生对时间的印



教师可根据班级的具体教学情况, 给学生播放与本课文相关的英语歌谣。





录音机, 多媒体动画课件what time do you get up。


T: Now Look at the pictures of Lesson 109.1)Whats the time? 2)Whats Jim doing? 3)Where is he going? 4)What day is it today? 5)Is Jim late or early? 6)What time do you get up/have breakfast/leave home/begin school on weekdays? 7)What time do you get up/ have breakfast on Sundays?


T: What time does he/she get up/leave home…on weekdays?


,教师讲解、领读本课生词usually, right now, sometimes, take off, after school。教师指导学生学习课文第一部分中的句子:

T: Now, look at Picture 1.What can you see in the picture? How many people can you see/are there in the picture? Where are they? Whats the time? What are they doing? What do they do in the morning? 利用每一张画,使学生得到充分练习。教师放课文录音,学生跟读两遍。两人一组用书上所给的问题进行问答练习。在教学过程中,教师对课文中出现的重要知识点进行讲解如:have breakfast/have lunch/ have supper;usually/ often/ sometimes/ right now。

2.教师可以利用多媒体动画课件what time do you get up中read 让学生观看动画中的情景,跟读课文。教师根据动画中人物活动提问学生:what time does he get up/ wash face/ have breakfast…?学生通过观察动画中出现的时钟进行回答,教师指导学生一问一答的方式进行口语训练。反复操练后可让学生进行课堂演示。

教师根据学生个人情况,提问学生when do you usually get up/ have breakfast/ go to shool/ have lunch/ have sports/got home..? 让学生根据自己的情况回答问题,教师可以先问学生A: what time do you get up?,当学生A:回答完后,让学生B用拨动时钟表示出学生A所表达的时间来。通过此次操练,加深学生对时间的印象。



Kate _______ supper at school.A.has not B.doesn’t has C.doesn’t have D.don’t has

It’s time ______ now.A.to get up B.for get up C.get up D.at get up

Your shoes are dirty.Please __________.A.take off them B.take them off C.put them on

—_______ do you leave home on weekdays?

—At about seven thirty.A.How B.What time C.What D.How much time


1.Now he’s having lunch.他现在正吃中饭。


Uncle John is having his breakfast.约翰叔叔在吃早餐。

We’re having our English class.我们在上英语课。

The students are having sports.学生们在进行体育活动。

2.He is taking off his clothes and going to bed.他正在脱衣服准备睡觉。take off是“脱下、摘下”的意思,后面常接表示衣物鞋帽的名词。其反义词是put on 例如:

Take off your old clothes and put on the new ones.脱掉你的旧衣服,穿上这些新的。

第四篇:Lesson 9 At the Zoo教学设计

Lesson 9 At the Zoo教学设计



1.能听懂,会说,认读并拼写下列词汇:zoo,panda,monkey 2.能听懂,会并口头运用下列英语和句子: Let’s go to the zoo.Great!hooray!Look!I see a panda.It’s fat.It’s ____.(fat/thin/tall/short)3.情感目标:培养学生热爱动物,热爱大自然的美好情感。二.教学重难点

能听懂,会说,认读并拼写zoo,panda,monkey,.能运用英语句子Let’s go to the zoo.It’s ____.(fat/thin/tall/short)三.教具准备


Step1 Class Opening and Review 1, greeting How are you? Nice to meet you.2,sing a song

3.play a game Can a ___ ___?教师将学生分成3组,拿出事先准备好的3个动物的单词卡片,每组派两名同学到前面,一个学生做动作或模仿声音,另一个同学猜单词,猜对的奖励一颗小星星。(意图:教师手拿学生学过的动物卡片,同学一起快速说出动物的名字,这个过程应快节奏、学生人数全部参与到旧的动物词汇的复习。在教授新词之前,任务型的教学方式来复习词汇,学生是很感兴趣的,也为最后四种农场上的动物的出现铺路。)

Step 2.new concepts 1.What is it?


出示课件,并问学生,What is it?出示单词卡片panda,引导学生自己发音,比较pen,依次学习monkey(比较donkey)giraffe,deer.教师领读,学生跟读,使用教学光盘让学生模仿发音。播放教学光盘,让学生到前面用键盘默写zoo,panda,monkey.写对的奖励小星星。


2.Let’s go to the zoo!引导学生观察书上的图片,并进行小组讨论,例如: Who are they? How do they feel? Are they happy? Do you know why they are happy? 告诉学生因为他们要去动物园,那么Jenny时怎么建议的呢?导出并呈现句子Let’s go to the zoo!告诉学生建议一起做某事时,可以说:Let’s....如Let’s sing a song.Let’s play a game.带领学生读句子,并找个别学生用Let’s....说句子。


学生拿卡片到前面搭配图片,看第二幅图,与学生讨论对话,尽可能多使用英语,Where are they?What can they see in the zoo? 播放教学光盘,学生跟读。五,巩固练习

学生拿出自己准备的动物玩具,分组摆成动物园,让学生编对话: Let’s go to the zoo!Great!What can you see? I can see a monkey...学生表演对话



数一数哪一组得到的奖品最多,哪一组时获得了胜利。(设计意图:评价是英语课重要的组成部分,终结性评价使学生体会到评价的意义和小组合作的意义,让学生有了集体荣誉感。)结束课堂教学 作业



Lesson 9

At The Zoo




It’fat/thin/tall/short.giraffe deer

第五篇:Lesson 9 At the Zoo 教学设计

Lesson 9 At the Zoo 教学设计 课时1 教学目标: 知识与技能:本课要求学生能掌握单词:zoo,panda,monkey和deer 句型:I see__________ 2 能力目标:能把所学单词,句型运用到日常口语交流当中.3 情感态度价值观:通过游戏,歌曲等多种活动,激发和培养学生学习英语的兴趣,调动学生的积极性,使学生在不断体验成功的快乐的同时,增强英语学习的信心.教学重点和难点:本课重点单词,句型.教具准备:磁带,单词卡片


Class Opening and Review 1.GREETING 2.SING “OLD MACDONALD HAD A FARM” 3.PLAY A SENTENCE GAME Write Can a on the blackboard.Ask the students to call out the names of five animals and five actions in English.Make separate lists of these words on the blackboard and number each form one to five.Ask the students to call out numbers, in English, for the first blank and then the second blank.Ask the class to answer each question it makes up.二.New Concepts 1.SUTDENT BOOK: What is it? In Chinese, discuss the photograph at the beginning of this unit.a.What does the photograph show b.Who has visited a zoo 教学设计

c.What animals did you see there

Write zoo on the blackboard and say it a few times with the students.Explain that this unit is about zoo animals and that the students will learn four animals in this lesson.Point to each picture in Number1 as teacher and the students say zoo,panda,monkey和deer a few times.Point to each picture and say A has.Say each sentence with the students a few times.Play the audiotape as the students follow in their books.2.STUDENT BOOK: Let’s go to the zoo.对比学习thin,fat,tall和short.What do you see? I see a panda.I see__________.It is____________.3.DRILL T: Does a tiger have fur ? C: Yes, it does.T: Does a tiger have a trunk ? C: No, it does not.T: What has a truck ? C: An elephant has a trunk.三.Class Closing.板书设计:

Lesson 9 At the Zoo zoo panda monkey deer I see________________________.Lesson 10 Tigers and Elephants 教学设计

一、教学目标: 1.知识目标:


(2)掌握句子及其答语。Does a tiger have a hump?What has a hump? 2.能力目标:1)能够听说读写单词tiger,camel,elephant,kangaroo,stripes,hump,trunk,pouch。





录音机;写着“Animals at the Zoo”的“门牌”;tiger、camel、elephant 和kangaroo的卡片,并用纸覆盖上。自己画的hump驼峰、stripes斑纹、trunk象鼻、pouch育儿袋的图片。

四、教学过程: Step1:问候及复习

(1)教师指着自己的nose和学生做问答练习: T: Boys and girls, What' this ?(问单个学生)S1:It's a nose.T:A nose? Is this a nose ?(用怀疑的表情问全体学生)Ss: Yes , it's a nose.T: Yes, very good.it's a nose.Do you have a nose?(指着一名学生的鼻子问。)S2:Yes, I have a nose 接下来可以让同伴一组用相同的形式用eyes、ears 和mouth做替换联系

T:(教师用手指着自己的五官教学生说儿歌)Now, let's say a chant.I have eyes ,I have nose, I have ears and mouth, too.(这个儿歌可以加深动词“have”在孩子们心目中的印象,而且琅琅上口的儿歌定会激起学生的兴趣。)接下来,教师指着旁边一个男生或女生向同学们问:What does he/she have?这时引导同学们说(以一个男生为例):He has eyes,he has nose, he has ears and mouth, too.(把动词“have”变换为“has”,让学生明白如果主语为第三人称单数时谓语动词的变化。但在课堂上我们并不这样告诉孩子,但可以教他们这样一个顺口溜:动词have真奇怪,遇到he、she变has.)Step2:新授

T:同学们你们喜不喜欢去动物园? Ss:喜欢!

T:老师今天就带你们去动物园,高兴吗? Ss:高兴!

T: Now, Let's go to the zoo!Read after me Boys and girls!Let's go to the zoo!Ss: Let's go to the zoo!在讲桌上摆放着写着“Animals at the zoo”的“门牌”,并带领学生读这个牌子,让学生明白animals是动物的含义,动物园就是提前在黑板上画的围栏,里面的动物就是tiger、lion、elephant和kangaroo的卡片,但要用白纸掩盖上。

T:动物们见到这么多的小朋友有些害羞,所以藏了起来。要想看到他们就要正确的猜出他们,这是第一个动物的特征(课前把写着四个动物们的信息的纸条放在每个卡片的下面,用的时候就取出来。)⑴I'm very big.I am the king of the forest, I have fur、paws tail and sharp teeth.I like to eat meat.I have a strips.Do you know who I am?(遇到学生听不同的句子教师可以运用体态语言或直接翻译一遍)Ss:是老虎!(当学生猜出是老虎时,教师要撕掉掩盖动物的纸。)T: Yes, this is a tiger.Read after me: tiger!Ss: Tiger.T: What does a tiger have? Ss:学生会像刚才老师一样说出老虎的一些特征。然后教师拿下老虎的斑纹问学生What's this?(当学生回答不出时我们可以告诉他们是斑纹,读作:stripe 然后利用各种方式领读。)练习:T: What has a stripe?(指着老虎)Ss: A tiger has a stripe.T: A tiger has a stripe.接下来,可以让学生以小组形式讨论他们喜欢的动物,然后表演。

(2)T:The next animal is very special.只说一句话看那个同学能猜出它是谁:I have a long nose!(利用手势形容长鼻子)Ss: 大象!

T: Yes, it's an elephant.Read after me: elephant!Ss: Elephant.T:我们把大象的长鼻子叫做:trunk.Read after me: trunk.Ss: Trunk!

T: Does a lion have a trunk? Ss: No.T: What has a trunk? Ss: An elephant has a trunk.(也可以拿着象鼻放在任何一名学生鼻子上问学生:Does_____ have a trunk?)设计意图:幽默——英语教学的得力助手,适当运用可以缓解课堂气氛,让学生感到英语学习的快乐。接下来可以用前面两种动物让学生做练习,如:

S1: Does a tiger have a trunk ? S2: No.S1: What has a trunk? S2: An elephant has a trunk.(3)在介绍袋鼠时,可以这样说:I have a bag on my stomach.My baby lives in it.(虽然bag这个词用的可能不太恰当,但只要能让学生猜出是什么动物就行了,一会儿再告诉他们育儿袋是:pouch.)针对以上的教学可以叫学生一个歌谣: 动物园,动物多,小朋友,听我说,Tiger Tiger 是老虎,凶猛的老虎有斑纹,Stripes Stripes 是斑纹;

Camel Camel 是骆驼,金色的骆驼有驼峰,Hump Hump 是驼峰;

Elephant Elephant 是大象,可爱的大象鼻子长,Trunk Trunk 是象鼻;

Kangaroo Kangaroo 是袋鼠,育儿袋里装宝宝,Pouch Pouch 育儿袋;


Step 3:我们和四种动物都见了面并且知道了他们的特征下面谁能介绍一下你喜欢的动物。Step 4:录音跟读课文的第一部分 Step 5:游戏

大家都看过李咏《幸运52》这个节目,里面有一个环节是大屏幕上出现一个物体,当一个人看到后解释给背对这大屏幕的人,在一定时间内能否达到预定的数量。我们在这节课可以模仿这个游戏,教师站在讲台上拿着动物卡片,找一名同学背对着老师,比如当他看到老虎的图片:可以解释给这名同学,It has stripes.(学以致用,加深学生对新学句型的印象)Step 6:课本第二部分


S1:What's this? S2: This is a kangaroo.S1: Does a kangaroo have stripes? S2: No.S1: What has stripes? S2: A tiger has stripes.Step 7:结束课堂教学

T: Now, the animals are tired, they want to go to sleep.Let's say “goodbye”to them.Step 8:家庭作业 要求每位学生选一种他们喜欢的动物并画下来,在旁边用几句英文来描述它。板书设计:

Lesson 10 Tigers and Elephants What animal has humps? A tiger has stripes.A Kangaroo has a pouch.An elephant has a trunk.A camel has a humps.Lesson 11 Bears and Wolves 教学设计

一、教学目标: 1.知识目标:


能用What animal has fur? 3.情感目标:



重点:认识wolf,hippo,bear,ostrich 形成正确的语言语调。难点:正确拼读本课的重点单词。




Step 1:课前准备和导入:

首先听录音,唱英文歌曲(Old MacDonald had a farm,E-I-E-I-O)营造学生学习英语的氛围,吸引学生注意力,稳定学生的情绪,然后和学生进行口语练习,为新课学习做准备。

Greeting:Hello,everyone.How are you? I`m very happy to see you again.What day is it? Yes, Today is ….This class we study Lesson 11 Bears and Wolves First let`s review :教师拿动物图片和学生问答练习: What is it? It`s a chicken/cow/duck/pig/cat/dog/goat/sheep/bird/rabbit/donkey/mouse/horse/lion/tiger/elephant/kangaroo.Does a tiger have trunk?/…(复习所学的词语,引出新的单词)

教师拿出本课的四个动物图片,问学生:Do you like these animals?当学生回答Yes.后,教师说Ok.Let`s study new words.Step 2:New Concepts: 1.指图片介绍说:This is a wolf/hippo/bear/ostrich.板书四个单词,讲解读音后领读单词,待学生会说后,让学生拿出自己的小卡片,练习说单词。然后放录音,学生跟读单词。(让学生掌握单词)2.Let’s sing a song.3.What animal has fur? T: Does a hippo have fur? S: No.T: Does a wolf have fur? S: Yes.T: What esle has fur? S: A monkey,a kangaroo,a dog, a cat.3.课间活动:

放录音,让学生听家禽家畜的儿歌: 公鸡cock喔喔喔,cock,cock 是公鸡。母鸡hen咕咕哒,hen hen 是母鸡。……


熊猫的名字叫panda,panda ,panda, 老虎的名字叫tiger.tiger,tiger, ……(减少疲劳,激发兴趣)Step 3:Class Closing: 《练习册》是很重要的一个内容,应充分利用它检查学生对所学知识的掌握情况。(巩固知识)板书设计:

Lesson 11 Bears and Wolves wolf hippo bear ostrich What animal has fur? Lesson 12 The Forest 教学设计

一、教学目标: 1.知识目标:












What is this?

Is this a _______ or a _______? How many? 设计意图:这个环节主要用来复习前面学习到数字和动物名称,也为后面的学习做一定的准备。Step 2:新授单词。











Step 3:Show the students the pictures in the cards and ask the students to

(1)listen to the tape ,then repeat the words one by one.(学生模拟读音,“little teacher”领读。两排两排的读,男同学读,女同学读,“开火车”读单词……(板书))(2)Spell the words one by one.(3)Game:




Step 4:How many monkeys? 练习How many?

T:How many monkeys are there? S: There are ten monkeys!小组之间练习此对话。Step 5:Let’s sing a song Step 6:Class Closing 学生总结本课所学内容,布置课下作业。板书设计:

Lesson 12 The Forest river grass mountain leaves tree Lesson 13 What Do They Eat? 教学设计


1.知识目标:理解并能够用“What do they eat ? ___ eat ___.” 进行交流,学习chant。




用“What do they eat ? ___ eat ___.”进行交际会话。


录音机、磁带、录音机、磁带等。教学过程: Class Opening and Review 1.Greeting.2.PLAY “DRAW AND GUESS” 3.DRILL Review Where does a live In/On a.by writing this phrase on the blackboard and ask for volunteers to fill in the blanks.Ask the class to say the phrases.二.New Concepts 1.STUDENT BOOK: L30 N1 Discuss the pictures.T:(point to the cow.)What's this C: It's a cow.T: What is it doing C: It is eating.T: Very good!What is it eating C: It is eating grass.T: Very good!It is eating grass.Can a cow eat meat C: No.教学侧记

T: Very good!A cow eats grass.What does a cow eat C: A cow eats grass.Play the audiotape as the students follow in their books.2.PRACTICE T: What does a cow eat C: Grass or A cow eats grass.T: What else eats grass What else eats grass C: horse/donkey/sheep/goat/elephant.T: Very good!A horse eats grass.A sheep and a goat eat grass.Does a tiger eat grass C: No.T: What does a tiger like C: Meat or A tiger likes meat.T: What else likes meat C: lion/wolf.3.PLAY THE CHANT Ask the students to listen to the chant.When the audiotape is finished, ask the students to call out words they recognized.4.STUDENT BOOK: L30 N2 Ask the students to look at the pictures and words for the chant.Ask them to find the words they heard in he chant.Play the audiotape again.Play it once more as the teacher and the students chant along.三.Class Closing 板书设计:

Lesson 13 What Do They Eat? What do they eat ? ___ eat ___.Lesson 14 Where Do They Live? 教学设计



(1)能对他们居住地进行问答: Where does a ____ live? In a _______.(2)能熟练运用所学知识,人人争做最佳导游员,对森林里的动物进行介绍。

3.情感目标:培养学生与他人合作的能力,共同努力完成任务,开展“动物拯救大行动” 通在游戏中培养学生的合作意识,在完成任务的过程中让他们体验学英语的成就感,在解救动物的游戏中培养他们热爱和保护动物的情感。

二、教学重难点: 重点:

(1)理解、掌握动物类单词:lion,panda,snake,zebra.(2)能对他们居住地进行问答:Where does a ____ live? In a _______.难点:

(1)能对他们居住地进行问答:Where does a ____ live? In a______.(2)能熟练运用所学知识,对森林里的动物进行介绍。


图片 录音机 flash课件。

四、教学过程: Step 1: Warming Up 1.Greeting 2.Sing the song “Old Macdonald had a farm”

Questions:What animals are on the farm? What does it have?(活跃课堂气氛,同时也复习了旧知。)Warming Up 1.Play a guessing game.大家都看过李咏《幸运52》这个节目,里面有一个环节是大屏幕上出现一个物体,当一个人看到后解释给背对这大屏幕的人,在一定时间内能否达到预定的数量。我们在这节课可以模仿这个游戏,教师站在讲台上拿着动物卡片,找一名同学背对着老师,比如当他看到老虎的图片:可以解释给这名同学,eg.it has stripes.(比赛的形式复习前一堂课所学的动物,为本课做好铺垫,将学生分为四组,那组完成的多即为获胜方)Step 2: New Concepts 1.Today we will go to the forest, ok? Tell me “What do you see?”Students watch the flash and answer: I see a mountain/rock/tree/river….Teacher asks: What animals do you see? What does it have? Students answer: elephant, An elephant has a trunk…(创设去大森林游玩的情境,复习上一课的内容,巧妙过渡到本课)2.in the forest, it has some other animals.first, it is white and black.It has two big eys, four legs.It lives in China.It likes to eat bamboos.What is it? Do you know?

Students guess and show the answer:熊猫.Yes, it is a panda.(以猜谜的形式呈现激发学生的学习兴趣)Ask students to spell the word.(采取个别学生读,小组读,男女读,分行读多种手段,给学生一个平等的舞台)

Where does a panda live? In China.In forest.Ask different students to answer this question, then make them ask and answer in pairs or make a chain-drill.(多种形式的操练,避免操练形式的单一会使学生产生厌倦的情绪)3.Do the same with other words-----lion, snake, zebra.Lion-----It is very big.It is the king of the forest,.It has fur、paws tail and sharp teeth.It likes to eat meat.It has stripes Snake-------It is very long.It has no feet.It can creep Zebra-------It is a horse, it has white and black stripes.It eats grass.(猜谜结束后播放动画验证同学们的猜测,让他们产生成就感,鼓励他们继续学习,继续努力)4.Everyone has a family.Animals also has their homes.Where does a pandabird/sanke/fish live? In a/forest river/tree/hole.(板书)(播放鱼在水里游,熊猫在森林里吃竹子,小鸟飞落到树上,蛇钻进洞里的动画,既让学生们知道了答案,还刺激了他们的感官,同时又练习了他们的说,为操练做了充分的准备)Step 3: Game 继续播放动画,屏幕中突然出现了许多被关在笼子里的动物,所以我们要进行“拯救动物大行动”,告诉同学们,有个偷猎者把很多捕获的野生动物关在笼子里,准备进行非法的买卖。我们的任务就是拯救这些动物,老师来做一个Judge,看那组以最短的时间救出全部动物,分别奖励你们勋章依次是:猎豹勋章、骏马勋章和青蛙勋章。游戏规则是每组派一名成员扮演偷猎者用阴森的口气问每个解救员:Where does a_____ live ? 解救员要正确说出该动物的居住地:A _____ lives in a hole每个解救员只能救一名动物。(大约14个人一组,选择14个学过的动物卡片贴在黑板上,就像都被关在牢笼里。通过这个游戏,无形中就培养了学生热爱野生动物、保护野生动物的情感.Step 4: Listening Practice Part two of this lesson.Students do the exercise below while they are listening to the tape.Exercise: Where does a fish live? In a forest.Where does a panda live? In a tree.Where does a bird live? In a hole.Where does a snake live? In a rive.Exercise② 左侧单词 右侧图片 Fish 森林的图片 Panda 小树的图片 Bird 小洞的图片 Snake 河流的图片

(学生边听边连线,看谁能把动物和他们的居住地连起来。设计简单的问题,让学生带着目的的听,这样不仅培养了学生听的能力,更加集中学生的注意力,调动了学生的积极性,而且与此同时,也发展了学生的思维,开发了学生的智力。)Step 5: Read the books.Step 6:Consolidation①


I see a----It has-----It lives in a-----(学英语的重要目标就是学以致用,把课本知识还原到现实生活)Consolidation 经过了这次惊险的旅行,同学们一定又学到了很多的知识,正巧学校委托我进行一次招聘活动,学校要招聘一批森林小导游员,要求热情大方,微笑服务,能用英文较流利地对森林里的景色、动物及其特征、饮食、居住环境等进行讲解。不知道大家有没有兴趣?

(这是一个开放性的话题,涉及到的内容多而不确定,对学生的应用能力是一个考验)Step 7: Homework

我们今天进行了一次惊险的旅行,那就请同学们把你今天的所见画出来!我们要在下堂课进行展览,看谁画的好? 板书设计:

Lesson 14 Where Do They Live? lion,panda,snake,zebra Where does a ____ live? In a _______.Lesson 15 The Monkey Judge教学设计

一、教材分析:爱听故事是孩子的特点,相信本课的故事 The Monkey Judge学生一定感兴趣,那我们就要充分利用好课本和故事书,在学故事中掌握语言知识。



知识目标:掌握词汇river、grass、flowers 和leaves,能够借助图片读懂故事。过程方法:讲故事、小组讨论、听录音。


四、教具准备:river、grass、flowers 和leaves的词卡。



Class Opening and Review 1.Greeting.2.DRILL Review positions and elephant, kangaroo, lion, tiger, monkey, wolf.Hold up vocabulary cards and ask questions.a.What's this b.Is this a or a

c.Does this animal have fur/feathers

Hold up two cards in different positions and ask questions.a.Where is the b.Is the in front of the New Concepts



3、讨论故事:如What happened to the wolf? Why did the sheep agree to help the wolf?等一系列问题。还可以让学生讨论这个故事教育了我们什么,它和《东郭先生和狼》有什么相同点和不同点。Class Closing Lesson 16 Again, Please!教学设计 教学目标: 知识目标:



Does it have feathers? No.It has a long tail.Where does it live? In a forest.What does it eat? Meat.能力目标:能熟练区分各类动词以及名词的单复数形式。

情感目标:通过交流,培养孩子的参与意识,合作意识,重复发挥其想象力。教学重点:学生能运用本单元学习的句子在设置的情境中进行交流。教学难点:在复习交际活动中,使学生的语言能力得到一定的发展。教具:动物图片 教学设计:

Step 1: Warming up 师生一起表演Chant <>。

设计意图:师生一起表演,可以拉近师生间的距离,活跃课堂气氛。Chant复习了大量的动物类单词,也区分了名词的单复数形式。Step 2: Presentation 游戏:What’s the next? Step 3: New teaching 活动一:复习动物类单词


Where does it live? In a forest.What does it eat? Meat.1、猜谜语: a.They eat bananas.What are they? b.They eat grass.We can get milk fron them.What are they? c.They eat meat.They have stripes.What are they? d.Where does it live?In a river.And cats like to eat.What is it?


设计意图:通过猜谜语、出谜语,将知识融入到谜语中,能充分调动学生的积极性,有效地复习了句型,对复习起到了事半功倍的效果。活动三: Listen and number 听力练习加强记忆 Step 4:Homework 记忆本单元的单词和重点句型

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