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牛津英语2A 期中测试卷 听力材料








二、听音,选出你所听到的字母或单词,把序号写在括号内。8% 1.DH 2.CCD 3.cook 4.desk 5.doctor 6.clean 7.ferry 8.juice


1.I like to write 2.I like to sleep 3.I like pizzas 4.It's a ferry 5.It's a butterfly 6.I like to dance


(A)1.biscuit 2.train





2.van 3.taxi

4.ferry 5.water


1.A.Good morning.2.B.Happy New Year!3.A.Clean the desk, please.4.B.Have some soup.5.B.We go to the park by bus.6.B.What colour do you like?


1.Where do you live?

2.What colour do you like?

3.Do you like noodles?

4.How old are you?

5.What do you like to do?

6.What can you see?


(Text 1)天气

M: Are you going out? It’s a perfect day for staying inside.W: This rain hasn’t stopped for 2 days.I’m going crazy.(Text 2)Sally品质

M: Just ten more minutes.Sally said she would come on time.Do you believe she will? W: Don’t worry.Sally is as good as her word.27(Text 3)城乡生活

M: I’d like to live in the city instead of going to work by train.W: But the rush hour traffic is terrible, and the country is beautiful in spring.M: My wife has the same opinion.She prefers to live out here in the beauty of nature.48(Text 4)做客

M: Thanks a lot for inviting me over!All the dishes are delicious!That’s the best dinner I’ve ever had!W: It’s very nice of you to say so.More dessert?

M: Yeah…Thanks.Mmm…Wonderful!You are really a good cook.W: I’m so glad you enjoyed it.47(Text 5)相约去看首映

W: Hey, would you like to join me for a movie tonight? I have two tickets.M: I’d love to.Thanks for thinking of me.When will it start?

W: It starts at 7:00, but we need to get to the cinema half an hour early.M: OK.Let’s meet at 5:30 at the school gate.56

(Text 6)租房

M: Hello, Mary.Where are you? W: Oh, Mike, I’m so sorry.I completely forgot our tennis appointment.I am helping Susan move out of her old apartment now.M: Susan is moving out? A friend of mine needs a place right away.How big is it? W: It’s a one-bedroom apartment with a small kitchen and a bathroom.M: Nice.I’m sure he’ll like it.How much did she pay every month?

W: Only $1,000 a month, but it might go up a little.Why don’t you call your friend and come to see it yourselves? It’s on 1213 Rose Avenue.M: Good idea.105(Text 7)商量会面

W: Hello, Mary Smith.M: Hello, Mary, this is John.I’m calling to ask if you got my e-mail about the meeting.W: Yeah, I did.I’m sorry I didn’t write back.I have been busy the whole morning.M: That’s OK.But you know I am leaving for Beijing tomorrow and we need to meet before I leave.Are you free this afternoon? W: Sorry, I have an appointment with another business partner of mine at 2 pm.M: All right.How about lunch time? I will be in my office.W: Well, that’s fine for me.I will go over to your office then.M: Thank you, Mary.See you then.W: See you.116(Text 8)酒店

M: Good morning.I’m Mr.Green from Greece.My room number is 727.Would you mind showing me to my room? W: Sure.This way please.It’s on the seventh floor.Are you in Hainan on holiday? M: No.I’m here for the computer exhibition.W: Mr.Green, here is your room.M: But I reserved a single room.I don’t like sharing a room with someone else.What’s more, this room is rather small and dark.Could you possibly find me a larger and brighter single room? W: I’m so sorry, sir, but this is the high season.We don’t have any spare rooms at the moment.M: But my company booked a room for me ages ago!W: Mr.Green, I’m so sorry.I’ll call my manager right away.131(Text 9)面试

M: Good morning, Jane Green.W: Good morning, sir.M: First, please tell me something about your education.W: I’m a graduate of Wuhan University, with a major in international business.M: Do you like your major? W: Of course, and I did very well at college.Here are the results of my examinations.M: Mm, you were indeed a good student.And I can see your spoken English is excellent, too.W: Thanks.I can easily talk with English speakers.When I was at college, I often took part in English corners, and I often talked to English teachers from abroad.M: That’s good.Well, let me tell you a little about this job.You should be good at computers, of course.You will earn about 360 dollars a month at the beginning.If you do well, you will get a raise in three months’ time.W: That’s great.What are the work hours every day? M: Seven hours every day and two days off each week.W: Do you offer housing to your employees? M: Not at the present.My assistant will tell you more if you are interested.W: OK.192(Text 10)(W)天才

Nicholas McMahon is a 4-year-old child.He is studying at college because he is too clever for school.Nicholas has computer lessons at the West London Institute.He spoke well before he was one year old.At 18 months old, he took telephone messages for his parents.At the age of two he began to learn French.The strange thing about Nicholas is that he taught himself to read before he could speak.His father said, “We knew immediately that he could read.When he could speak, he corrected my spelling.” When Nicholas went to school, his teachers just gave him pictures to color and toys to play with and didn’t have time to prepare special lessons for him.Then his parents decided that he couldn’t stay at an ordinary school.Nicholas now spends more time in the West London Institute, and he also studies at home.He reads newspapers every day, and he can play the violin well.158



班级________________ 姓名___________ 成绩_____________










()9.A.make a model plane

B.makemodel planes

C.make a puppet

()10.A.play the piano.B.play the guitar.C.play the violin


()1.A.No, thank you.B.Yes, please.C.Some pumpkins.()2.A.No, he doesn’t.B.Yes, she does.C.Yes, he does.()3.A.She’s fifty-four.B.They’re forty-five yuan.C.It’s fifty-four yuan.()4.A.I’m hungry.B.He likes reading.C.She likes skating.()5.A.I can dance.B.No, she can’tC.Yes, she can.二、英汉互译。(共20分)


3.一张世界地图_____________ 4.一些面具____________

5.听音乐____________6.sing and dance______________

7.a pumpkin lantern______________8.have a Music lesson_________

9.ride a bike__________10.live in a new house_________


()1.There aren’t _______ flowers in the room.A.anyB.aC.some

()2.– Are there any computer rooms?–__________.A.Yes, there is.B.No, there are.C.Yes, there are.()3.--What would you like?--____________.A.I like some pears.B.I’ll like some dolls.C.I’d like some pictures.()4._____ can _____ do? She can play the piano.A.WhatheB.WhatsheC.What’sshe

()5.They are _____a Music lesson.A.hasB.haveC.having()6.--What_____ you like?--Ilike_____.A.do, swim B.do, swimmingC.do ,swimming

()7.---____ on the table?----There are many masks.A.Where’sB.Who’sC.What’s

()8.Is there a park ______ your house?A.nearB.onC.in

()9.I can see ___ umbrella behind the door.It’s _____ yellow umbrella.A.a, anB.an, aC.an, an

()10._____Sundays, we can watch TV ______ the evening.A.In ,onB.On, inC.At, in


()1.What can you do?A.There are twenty-four.()2.Shall we go and play in the park?B.I need some chocolate

()3.How many classrooms are there?C.Eighty-seven yuan.()4.Can you put a book on your head?D.He is under the desk.()5.Where’s Ben?E.No , I can’t.()6.Do you like flowers ?F.Thank you.()7.Can I help you?G.Yes , I do.()8.Here you are.H.Some masks, please.()9.How much is it ?I.I can play the violin.()10.What do you need?J.Sure.五、句型转换。(共10分)

1.There are some swings in the garden.(改为一般疑问句)

_______ _______ _______ swings in the garden.2.She can sing and dance.(改为特殊疑问句)

_______ _______ she _______?

3.We need a vase and some flowers.(改为特殊疑问句)

_________ _______ we_______?

4.--_______ you _______ animals?

--No, I don’t like animals.5.这儿有一些给你的台灯。


Ben is a student.He is nine years old.He can play the guitar and he likes playing basketball very much.But he doesn’t like grapes.Look,this is Ben’s new bedroom.There’s a big bed in it.There’s a desk and achair near the bed.On the desk, there are some books.On the wall, there is a map of China(中国地图).How beautiful is the new bedroom!


1、There’ sa desk, a chair and a bed in Ben’s bedroom.()

2、He can’ t play the guitar, but he likes playing basketball.()

3、There are some pictures on the desk.()

4、The new bedroom is beautiful.()

5、On the wall, there is a cap.





()1.A.water B.watch C.wallet()2.A.your B.yours C.you()3.A.March B.match C.mean()4.A.carrot B.camp C.calculator()5.A.13 B.30 C.33()6.A.cartoon B.costumes C.candle()7.A.at weekend B.at the camp C at Christmas()8.A.May Day B.Children’s Day C.Sports Day()9.A.inthe mountains B.in the morning C.mobile phone()10.A.my skateboard B.his skateboard C.her mirror



三、听录音,选择正确的应答。(5分)()1.A.Yes, I’d like to.B.Yes, please.C.Yes, I’d like.()2.A.It’s Monday.B.It’s sunny.C.It’s the 22nd of July.()3.A.This is a sign.B.Yes, it does.C.It means “Danger”.()4.A.I watched the moon.B.No, I can’t.C.Yes, I did.()5.A.Helen’s.B.Helen.C.They are Helen’s.四、听录音,判断下列句子,正确的写T,错误的写F。(10分)()1.Mike is an Australian boy.()2.Mike’s parents were in New York two years ago.()3.Mike’s mother is a teacher in China now.()4.Mike’s grandparents are in China now.()5.Mary will come to China soon.笔试部分(70分)


1.元旦节 6.Sports Day 2.散步 7.watch the running race 3.在我的前面 8.Japanese Cartoons 4.四月二日 9.dress up in costumes 5.在农场 10.Let’s wait and see.二、选择填空。(10分)

()1.-----What is it today?-----Tuesday.A.day B.date C.time()2.Did you a big lunch last Spring Festival? A.had B.has C.have()3.My father to work from Monday to Friday.nice apple tree.A.goes B.go C.went()4.There a pen and two books in my school bag a moment ago.A.was B.were C.is()5 Saturday morning, Mr.Black walked to the park.A.In B.At C.On()6.This is my bike.is over there.A.His B.Her C.She()7.Oh,my glasses are on the ground.Please for me.A.pick it up B.pick up it C.pick them up()8.Do you like playing volleyball? A./ B.the C.a()9.It time lunch.A.have B.for C.to()10.Where you two days ago? I in Beijing.A.was, was B.was, were C.were, was


1.This sign means “No ”.(smoke)2.Today is the(twelve)of March.3.I’d like(be)your good friend.4.Listen, the children(play)the guitar now.5.Show(we)the stamps.6.Liu Tao and Wang Bing(go)to the park yesterday.7.Su Hai can(make)pumpkin lanterns.8.All the people are very(excite)now.9.My mother often(do)housework.10.How many(child)are there in your family?

四、找出下列句中的错误,并将正确答案写在横线上。(10分)1.()What do people usually do on Halloween? A B C 2.()We are from same country.A B C 3.()Do you have any breads? A B C 4.()My sister have a lot of beautiful dolls.A B C 5.()My grandfather likes go swim at the weekends.A B C


1.Nancy, race, a, and, Mike, running, watching, are(连词成句)Nancy and Mike a running race.2.There are some apple trees on the farm.(改为一般疑问句)there apple trees on the farm? 3.My mother’s birthday is in July.(对划线部分提问)Mother’s birthday? 4.I did my homework last Sunday.(改为否定句)I my homework last Sunday.5.I’d like to buy some cards.(改为同义句)I buy some cards.六、阅读理解.(20分)


A: It’s half past five, I want to go home.I can’t find Lily.Where is she? B: She’s in her classroom.A: But she isn’t there now.B: She was there a moment ago.A: Where’s she? B: Is she in the teachers’ office? Let me see.Oh, she isn’t there A: Is she in the playground? B: Yes, she is.A: Thank you very much.B: You’re welcome.()1.It’s five thirty now.()2.Lily is in her classroom.()3.Lily is in the teachers’ office.()4.Lily was in the playground a moment ago.()5.Lily is in the playground now.B、阅读下面的短文,选择正确的答案。(10分)

The Lantern Festival is a popular festival in China.It is in February or March, fourteen days after the Spring Festival.People usually go to watch lanterns in the streets or in the parks.There are many lanterns.Children often hold little lanterns in their hands.They’re very excited.Sometimes, we can watch firework at night.They are so beautiful.At the festival people eat small dumpling halls.In China, people also call them Yuanxiao.It means family reunion(团圆)and happiness.()1.The Lantern Festival is a holiday.A.English B.Chinese C.American()2.When’s Lantern Festival?.A.Fourteen days after the Spring Festival.B.Fourteen days before the Spring Festival.C.In January or February.()3.People usually go to in the streets or in the parks at the festival.A.watch lanterns B.Buy things C.give presents()4.Sometimes, what can we watch at night? _.A.Dragon Boat races B.Moon cakes C.Firework()5.Yuanxiao means family.A.reunion B.happiness C.A and B.牛津小学英语6A期末试卷



1.wallet 2.yours 3.March 4.carrot 5.30 6.costumes 7.at Christmas 8.MayDay 9.in the mountains 10.his skateboard


1.When’s your birthday? My birthday is on the 25th of December.2.What does this sign mean? It means you shouldn’t eat or drink here.3.Teachers’ Day is coming.Let’s make a card for Miss Li.4.What do people usually do at Spring Festival? They usually visit their friends.5.Where are my glasses? They’re in your bag.三、听录音,选择正确的应答。(10分)

1.Would you like to come to my birthday party? 2.What date is it today? 3.Does this sign mean “Danger”? 4.Did you watch the moon last Mid-Autumn Festival? 5.Whose skateboard is it?


Hi, I am Mike.I am an American boy.I have a happy family.We were in New York two year ago.But now, my parents and I are in China.My father is a teacher in a Primary School.He teaches English.My mother is an office worker.I have a sister, Mary.She’s in New York with my grandparents now.She will come to China soon.牛津小学英语6A期末试卷答案



1.C 2.B 3.A 4.A 5.B 6.B 7.C 8.A 9.A 10.B



三、听录音,选择正确的应答。(10分)1.A 2.C 3.B 4.C 5.A

四、听录音,判断下列句子,正确的写T,错误的写F。(10分)1.F 2.T 3.F 4.F 5.T


一、英汉互译。(10分)1.New Year’s Day 2.talk a walk 3.just now 5.The second of April(the 2nd of April)6.运动日 7.观看赛跑 8.日本卡通片 9.用戏服装扮 10.让我们等着瞧。


1.A 2.C 3.A 4.A 5.C 6.A 7.C 8.A 9.B 10.C


1.smoking 2.twelfth 3.to be 4.are playing 5.us 6.went 7.make 8.excited 9.does 10.children

四、找出下列句中的错误,并将正确答案写在横线上。(10分)1.C at 2.B the same 3.C bread 4.A has 5.B swimming


1.are watching 2.Are any 3.When’s your 4.didn’t do 5.want to


A、判断正误,正确的写T,错误的写F。(10分)1.T 2.F 3.F 4.F 5.T B、阅读理解,选择正确的答案。(10分)

1.B 2.A 3.A 4.C 5.C





1.way2.walk3.more4.there5.at the second crossing


1.Which is heavier? The bear is?

2.How can I get to the park? You can take bus No.3.3.What do you usually do after school? We often play basketball.4.Excuse me, where ‘s the post office? It’s behind the bank.5.Is Su Yang taller than Ben? Yes, she is.三、根据所听内容,选择正确的应答。

1.How far is it from here?

2.How can I get to the zoo?

3.What time do you go to school?

4.Who is stronger, you or Mike?

5.What did you do last night?

四、听录音,完成下列句子。’A: How far is it from here?

B: Ti’A: Thank you very much.B: You’re welcome.



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