T = Tutor
M = Mark
S = Susan
T: OK, everybody, good morning!It’s Mark’s turn to talk to us today so
Mark, I’ll ask you to get straight down to business.M: Right!
T: Now following on from what we were discussing last week in Susan’s tutorial
on approaches to marketing, you were going to give us a quick run down on
a new strategy for pricing which is now being used by many large companies Q24
known as “revenue management” „ before we go on to your actual tutorial paper on Sales Targets.Is that correct?
M: Yeah, OK, well „
T: So what exactly is revenue management?
M: Well, it’s a way of managing your pricing by treating things like airline
tickets and hotel rooms rather more as if they were perishable goods.S: Yeah, I just tried to book a ticket yesterday for Perth and would you believe
there are three different prices for the flight?
M: Right!And what was the rationale for that?
S: Well „ the travel agent said it depended on when you book and the length
of the stay, like it’s cheap if you stay away for a Saturday night, presumably
because this isn’t business travel and even cheaper if you buy a ticket where Q25
you can’t get a refund if you have to cancel;in that case the ticket costs about half the price.You wouldn’t think it would make that much
difference, would you?
M: Well it does, and that’s basically because the airlines are now treating their
seats like a commodity.You see — if you want a seat today, then you pay far
more for it than if you want it in three weeks’ time.S: That seems rather unfair.M: Well „ not really „ when you think about it, that’s just common sense isn t Q26
S: I suppose so.T: What this actually means is that in the same row of seats on the same flight
you could have three people who have all paid a different price for their
tickets.S: And is this just happening in Australia?
M: No, no it’s the same all over the world.Airlines are able to “market” a seat as
a perishable product, with different values at different stages of its life.S: Well like mangoes or apples at the market.M: Yeah, it’s exactly like that.The fact is that the companies are not actually
interested in selling you a cheap flight!They’re interested in selling the seats Q27
and flying aeroplanes that are full.T: Mark why do you think revenue management has come about?
M: Well, as far as I can see there are two basic reasons: firstly because the law
has been changed to allow the companies to do this.You see in the past they Q28
didn’t have the right to keep changing the prices of the tickets, and secondly
we now have very powerful computer programs to do the calculations and so Q29
the prices can be changed at a moment’s notice.S: So you mean ten minutes could be critical when you’re buying a plane ticket?
M: Absolutely!
T: That’s right!
M: And I understand we have almost reached the stage where these computer
programs that the airlines are using will eventually be available to consumers
to find the best deals for their travel plans from their home computer Q30
S: Heavens!What a thought!So the travel agent could easily become a thing of
the past if you could book your airline tickets from home.Are there any
other industries using this system, or is it restricted to the airline business?
M: Many of the big hotel groups are doing it now.That’s why the price of a bed Q31
in a hotel can also vary so much „ depending on when and where you book
T: It’s all a bit of a gamble really.M: Yes, and hire car companies are also using revenue management to set their Q32
tariffs, because they are also dealing with a “commodity” if you like „ so the
cost of hiring a car will depend on demand.T: Well, thank you, Mark, for that overview „ that was well researched.Now
let’s get on with your main topic for today„
在Section1中答案的信息主要由一方提供。比如剑5 Test2 Section1题目(如图一)。该题是典型的图书馆场景。考生在审题时,必须要意识到答案的大部分信息是由图书管理员(librarian)提供的。所以在听题的时候必须把主要精力放在信息的提供者身上,在这一题中就是图书管理员。但是在Section3中我们就不能这样来处理题目了。Section3如前文所说是属于讨论的范畴,所以讨论的双方都不具备直接决定答案信息的条件。这时候我们就要仔细听清楚最后讨论的结果,是哪一方说服了哪一方。如图二(剑4 Test4 Section3)两个学生在讨论如何为当地的小学生准备两个科学实验。在他们挑选了几个实验之后,对实验1-5进行筛选。Sue和Mike分别对五个实验提出了自己的意见,其中有4个被Sue否定掉了,一个被Mike否定掉了。从上面的两个例子中我们可以看出,Section1对话的问和答的对象都是相对固定的,但是讨论的问和答的对象却时时更换。这就需要考生看清卷面的题目,以免听错对象做错题。
我们通过和Section1的比较清楚了两者在形式上的差异性。但这两个部分更为明显的差异应该是在体现在它们的内容上。Section1注重是生存英语。比如求职、旅游和住房都是这部分高频的场景。而Section3中所侧重的是课前和课后的学术场景(before & after class context)。
这部分最常见的场景之一是作业(assignment),仔细研究机经发现,雅思听力中的作业一般以调查某种现象或者是写论文为主。如essay、report、paper、dissertation、thesis、group work、project都是常见的作业形式。考试中除了会出现相对比较容易理解的内容,比如说business、marketing这种与我们的生活比较接近的话题。还会出现大家不是那么熟悉的话题比如地理(Geography)、生物(Biology)这种专业性较强的话题。
根据做作业的过程,可以分为作业前的准备,作业中的讨论以及作业后的反馈。作业前的准备是经常出现的场景,如上文提到的剑4 Test4 Section3就是一个典型的作业前的准备。根据具体的要求学生第一个步骤往往是收集资料比如journal、literature、reference books都是高频词汇。除了资料的准备更重要的是数据的收集(data/material)。所以伴随而来的是调查(research/survey/study)以及几种常见的调查方式(interview,observation,case study,questionnaire)。收集完信息还要进行数据的分析(data analysis)。这时候会涉及到作业中的讨论,学生可能会遇到各种问题。讨论不仅仅局限在学生之间也可能是学生和教授的讨论。例如剑桥六Test2 Section3考察的是老师对学生论文的辅导。一方面,老师对学生的既定写作目标进行确认,并指出应该修改的方面。另一方面,对于下一步需要完成的任务老师也给了具体的建议。
与作业一样出现频率很高的场景就是选课场景。选课涉及的对象不仅仅有在校的大学生而且还有在职人员咨询各种辅导班,或者回校学习。经常涉及到的对象有咨询师(counselor)、课程顾问(course advisor/convener)、教学秘书(teaching secretary)、助教(teaching assistant)或者自己的辅导老师(tutor)。
课程可以从很多角度去划分。比如国内的大学生也不会陌生的选修课(selective/optional/ elective course),必修课(required/ compulsory course),专业课(specialized course),公共课(general course)。或者从课程的等级去划分,如基础课程(primary/ elementary/ basic/ Introduction/ introductory/ fundamental course)中级课程(intermediate course)以及高级课程(advanced course)。学生还会参加一些讨论会(seminar/workshop/tutorial course),而在职人士一般会咨询的课程更多地偏向能拿文凭或者证书的课程(diploma /certificate course)。
List 1
presentation 演讲;介绍;陈述
presentation skills 演讲技巧
knowledge sharing 知识分享
reference 参考文献
whiteboard 白板
content summary 内容简介
management of change 变更管理
action plan 行动计划
video camera 摄像机
postgraduate 研究生
software 软件
newspaper 报纸
internet 因特网
publication 出版;出版物;发行
tutor 助教,指导教师
bibliography 参考书目
research 研究;调查
secondary school 中等学校
group discussion 小组讨论
extra workload 额外的工作量
fieldwork 实地考察
laboratory report 试验报告
poster design 海报设计
tutorial 个别指导;由一个指导老师给的课
diploma 毕业文凭
microbiology 微生物学
practical work 社会实践
checklist 核对用的清单
booklet 小册子
data research 数据研究
first section 第一部分
interaction 交流
worksheet 作表;工作单
drawing 图画
blue folder 蓝色文件夹
university 大学
subject 题目,科目
senior advisor 高级顾问
student service 学生服务
lecture 演讲
List 2
Economic History 经济史
Politics 政治学
Philosophy 哲学,原理
Secretary 秘书
Computer Centre 电脑中心
class representative 班代表
administration 管理;行政
academic record 学习成绩
Economics 经济学
compulsory courses 必修课程
catalogue 目录,总目
journal 日记,日报
the British Library 大英图书馆
photocopy 影印件;复印件
departmental libraries 院系图书馆
main library 总图书馆
CD-ROM CD光盘只读存储器
microfilm library 缩微胶片库
card index 卡片索引
Methodology 方法学;方法论
Healthcare 医疗保健
Law Department 法律系
Modern Languages 现代语言
multimedia materials 多媒体材料
email address 邮箱地址
global listening 整体意思的听(在听力训练中经常使用的听力策略)
stop the tape 停止录音
dictation 听写
note-taking skills 笔记技能
subtitle 副题
microchip 微芯
lab 实验室,研究室
teaching staff 教育工作者
seminar 研究会,讨论发表会
global access 全球接触
computer skills 计算机技能
chat rooms 聊天室
teamwork 联合作业,协力
participation 参与
computer office 计算机办公室
List 3
sample 样品,标本
software 软件
observation 观察
survey 调查
photo statistics 光子统计学
application form 申请表
interview 采访
title 标题,名称
approach 方法
magazine 杂志
assessment 估价;评价
equipment 装备
survey methods 调查方法
summarize 作总结,作概括
reception staff 接待人员
career department 职业发展部
essay 评论,短文
part-time course 兼读课程
academic writing 学术写作
summer school 暑期班;暑期学校
study skills 学习技能
handout 传单;讲课提纲
college 学院;大学
internet connection 网络联接
computer science 计算机科学
reading materials 阅读材料
CD collection CD收藏
timetable 时刻表;课程表
challenge 挑战
outline 提纲,要点
feedback 反应;反馈
text structure 文本结构
Power Point 软体
electronic 电子的
self-access lab 自进入实验室
club 俱乐部
student union 学生会
medical centre 医疗中心
IT training IT技能训练
deadline 截止期限
List 4
management of time 时间管理
assignment 功课,作业
tutorial class 个别指导,由一个指导老师给的课
theoretical approach 理论研究法
vocabulary 词汇,词表
grammar 语法
draft 草稿
relevant materials 有关资料
sentence 句子
purpose 目的
conference reports 会议报告
lecturer 演讲者;讲师
slide presentation 幻灯演示
catering facilities 饮食设施
healthcare services 医疗保健服务
video recording 录像
diary 日记
behavior of pupils 学生行为
examination 测验,考试
professional learning 专业学习
presenting result 呈现结果
midterm test 期中考
class size 班级规模
evaluation 估价;评价
data analysis 数据分析
interview questions 面谈问题
case study 个案研究;案例分析
creativity 创造力;创造
communication 沟通,交通;通信
laptop 手提式电脑
research 研究;调查,探究
chemistry 化学
engineering 工程
finance department 财会部
attachment 与电子邮件同时发送的文件,附件
undergraduate 大学生
lack of confidence 缺乏自信
project 事业,方案
dropout rate 辍学率
qualification 资格
List 5
supervisor 监督人,检查员,管理人
share ideas 交流想法
resit the exam 重考考试
advanced course 高级课程
workshop 研讨会
beginning course 入门教程
intermediate course 中级课程
journalism 新闻业
work placement 工作实习
gender subjects 性别课题
visual aids 视觉教具
general English practice 一般的英语练习
public skills 公共技能
accommodation 膳宿
failure rate 不及格率
marketing 市场学
reading habits 阅读习惯
learning styles 学习方式
motivation 积极性;干劲
scientific approach 科学方法
intensive course 强化课
curriculum vitae 履历;简历
oral exam 口语考试
study aids 学习辅助
parental teaching 家长的教育
average ability 一般的才能,平均能力
investigation 调查;研究
book loan 借书
biology 生物学;生物
medical science 医学
mathematics 数学
applied science 应用科学
experimental facilities 实验装置
reading strategy 阅读策略
reference book 参考书
media room 媒体室
resources room 资源教室
double spacing 两倍行距
heading 标题,方向
italic 斜体字
List 6
editor 编辑;编者
zoology 动物学
student loan 学生贷款
English level 英语水平
textbook 教科书;课本
media studies 媒体研究
activity 活动;行动
objective 目的
distance learning 远程教育
mature students 成人学生
research techniques 研究方法,研究方法
literature 文学;著作
Master’s Degree 硕士学位
Business 商业
explain the experiment 解释实验
chemistry lab 化学实验室
communication skills 沟通技巧
exam preparation 考试准备
education officer 教育官员
student debt 学生贷款
financial goals 财政目标
money diary 理财日记
seminar group 研讨会小组
project outline 工程概要,项目概述
a clear argument 明确论据
first year student 大一新生
photocopy office 影印办公室
abbreviation 缩写;缩写词
printed list 打印清单
psychology 心理学
poor oral Chinese 不良的汉语口语
general science 基础科学
cassette 卡带
A plus A加
Information desk 服务台
summary 摘要,概要
essay plans 论文计划
website 因特网
subtopic 副主题
dissertation 论文
virtual learning 虚拟学习
http://m.meten.com/test/quwen.aspx?tid=16-73675-0 看看剑桥雅思英语听力都有什么可以给我们看的。下面是学习啦小编给大家整理的剑桥雅思英语听力的相关知识,供大家参阅!
Hi, Joanna, good to meet you.你好,Joanna,很高兴见到你。
Now, before we discuss your new research project,在我们讨论你的新研究项目之前,I'd like to hear something about the psychology study you did last year for your Master'sdegree.我想听一听你去年读硕士的时候做过的心理学研究。
So how did you choose your subjects for that?
Well, I had six subjects, all professional musicians, and all female.我有六个研究对象,全都是专业的音乐家,而且都是女性。
Three were violinists and there was also a cello player and a pianist and a flute player.其中三位是小提琴家,还有一位大提琴演奏家,一位钢琴家和一位长笛演奏家。
They were all very highly regarded in the music world and they'd done quite
extensive tours indifferent continents,她们在音乐界声望都很高,而且在不同大洲还做过大量的巡回演出,and quite a few had won prizes and competitions as well.她们中不少还赢过一些奖项和比赛。
And they were quite young, weren't they?
Yes, between 25 and 29 — the mean was 27.8.是的,都在25-29岁之间,平均年龄是27.8。
I wasn't specifically looking for artists who'd produced recordings
我本来并没有一定要找出过专辑的艺术家,but this is something that's just taken for granted these days and they all had.但是最近这件事直接被当成理所当然的了,而且她们全都出过专辑。
Right.Now you collected your data through telephone interviews, didn't you?
Yes.I realised if I was going to interview leading musicians it'd only be possible over the phonebecause they're so busy.是的,我知道如果要采访这些重要的音乐家的话,就只能通过电话才有可能了,因为她们都特别忙。
I recorded them using a telephone recording adaptor.我用一个电话录音转接器把跟她们的谈话内容录了下来。
I'd been worried about the quality, but it worked out all right.我之前一直担心录音的音质,不过结果发现还不错。
I managed at least a 30-minute interview with each subject, sometimes longer.我设法和每位研究对象进行了一段至少30分钟的采访,有的时间更长。
Did doing it on the phone make it more stressful?
I'd thought it might...it was all quite informal though and in fact they seemed very keen totalk.我本来以为会这样没错......但是这些采访都没有那么正式,而且她们事实上似乎都很愿意谈话。
And I don't think using the phone meant I got less rich data rather the opposite in fact.我觉得用电话采访并不意味着我收集到的资料就没有那么多,实际上正好相反。
Interesting.And you were looking at how performers dress for concert performances?
That's right.My research investigated the way players see their role as a musician
没错,我研究调查了演奏者将她们自己定位成音乐家的方式,and how this is linked to the type of clothing they decide to wear.以及这和她们决定穿哪种服装有什么联系。
But that focus didn't emerge immediately.但我并不是马上就想到了这一点。
When I started I was more interested in trying to investigate the impact of what
was worn onthose listening,在研究最开始的时候,我对试着调查听众对她们穿的衣服的效果更加感兴趣,and also whether someone like a violinist might adopt a different style of clothing from saysomeone playing the flute or the trumpet.以及比如一位小提琴家是否会穿得跟长笛或者喇叭演奏者不同。
It's interesting that the choice of dress is up to the individual, isn't it?
Yes, you'd expect there to be rules about it in orchestras, but that's quite rare.是的,我们原本以为管弦乐队对服装会有规定,但是这一现象非常少。
第四篇:剑桥11 TEXT 1 听力原文及翻译
剑桥11 TEXT 1 听力原文
SECTION 1 Hello?
Oh, hello.I wanted to enquire about hiring a room in the Village Hall, for the evening of September 1st.您好,我想问一下租用村务大厅的一间公共会议室的事宜,九月一日晚上要用。
Let me just see...Yes, we have both rooms available that evening.我看看......那天晚上我们的两个会议室都可以用。
There's our Main Hall-that's got seating for 200 people.Or there's the Charlton Room...一个是主厅,里面可容纳200个人。另一间是Charlton会议室......The main hall seats 200, so 200 has been written in the space.主厅可容纳200个人,所以空白处应该填写200。
Now we shall begin.You should answer the questions as you listen because you will not hear the recording a second time.Listen carefully and answer questions 1 to 6.现在考试正式开始。你需要在听的过程中回答问题,因为录音只播放一次。请仔细听并回答问题1-6。
Oh, hello.I wanted to enquire about hiring a room in the Village Hall, for the evening of September the first.您好,我想问一下租用村务大厅的一间公共会议室的事宜,九月一日晚上要用。
Let me just see...Yes, we have both rooms available that evening.我看看......那天晚上我们的两个会议室都可以用。
There's our Main Hall-that's got seating for 200 people.Or there's the Charlton Room...一个是主厅,里面可容纳200个人。另一间是Charlton会议室......Sorry?
The Charlton Roomcash, credit card, cheque...实际租金随便怎么支付都可以,现金、刷卡、支票......都没问题。
Oh, well I suppose that's OK.So does the charge include use of tables and chairs and so on?
Oh, yes.we always advise people to do that.这里的地面坑坑洼洼的,如果你们穿着凉鞋过来的话可能会摔倒。我很高兴看见你们都穿了鞋子过来,我们一般都建议大家这么做。
Now, children of all ages are very welcome here, and usually even very young children love the ducks and lambs, so do bring them along next time you come.我们欢迎所有年龄段的孩子来参观,而且即使特别小的孩子通常也很喜欢这里的鸭子和小羊,所以下次你们过来的时候可以带他们一起过来。
I don't think any of you have brought dogs with you, but in case you have, I'm afraid they'll have to stay in the car park, unless they're guide dogs.我想你们应该没人带了狗过来吧,不过以防有人带了我还是说一下吧,恐怕你们得把狗留在停车场了,除非它们是导盲犬。
I'm sure you'll understand that they could cause a lot of problems on a farm.我相信你们一定会理解的,因为它们可能会在农场造成很多麻烦。
......Before you hear the rest of the talk, you have some time to look at questions 15 to 20.在播放剩下的录音之前,你有一些时间阅读问题15-20。
......Now listen and answer questions 15 to 20.现在请听录音并回答问题15-20。......Now let me give you some idea of the layout of the farm.现在我给你们介绍一下农场的布局。
The building where you bought your tickets is the New Barn, immediately to your right, and we're now at the beginning of the main path to the farmland — and of course the car park is on your left.你们刚才买票的那栋楼是New Barn,就在你们右边;现在我们在去农场的主道的入口处,还有,当然啦,停车场在你们左边。
The scarecrow you can see in the car park in the corner beside the main path, is a traditional figure for keeping the birds away from crops, but our scarecrow is a permanent sculpture.你们在停车场看见的那个放在主干道旁边角落里的稻草人,是个防止鸟儿靠近庄稼的传统特色,不过我们的稻草人是个固定的雕塑。
It's taller than a human being, so you can see it from quite a distance.它比真人还要高,所以你们从很远的地方就能看见它。
If you look ahead of you you'll see a maze.It's opposite the New Barn beside the side path that branches off to the right just over there.往前看的话会看到一个迷宫。就在New Barn对面,那里右边的分岔路旁边。
The maze is made out of hedges which are too tall for young children to see over them, but it's quite small, so you can't get lost in it!
Now can you see the bridge crossing the fish pool further up the main path?
If you want to go to the cafe go towards the bridge and turn right just before it.如果你们想去餐厅的话,就朝着那座桥走,在桥前面右转。
Walk along the side path and the cafe's on the first bend you come to.沿着分岔路一直走,餐厅就在你们看到的第一个拐弯的地方。
The building was originally the schoolhouse, and it's well over a hundred years old.那栋建筑原本是个校舍,现在已经屹立在那儿一百多年了。
As you may know, we run skills workshops here, where you can learn traditional crafts like woodwork and basket-making.你们也许知道,我们这儿还开了个技能学习班,在这里可以学到像木工和编篮子这样的传统手工技能。
You can see examples of the work, and talk to someone about the courses, in the Black Barn.你们可以去Black Barn看看样品,找相关人员聊聊这些课程。
If you take the side path to the right here just by the New Barn you'll come to the Black Barn just where the path first bends.从New Barn右边的这条岔路一直走,在第一个拐弯的地方就能找到Black Barn。
Now I mustn't forget to tell you about picnicking, as I can see some of you have brought your lunch with you.现在我要跟你们说一下野餐的事情,因为我看见你们有些人已经带了午餐过来。
You can picnic in the field, though do clear up behind you, of course.你们可以在田里野餐,不过记得吃完要收拾干净。
Or if you'd prefer a covered picnic area there's one near the farm yard: just after you cross the bridge there's a covered picnics spot on the right.或者,如果你们不喜欢露天用餐的话,可以去农场院子附近,过了桥就能看见右边有个带屋顶的野餐场所。
And the last thing to mention is Fiddy House itself.From here you can cross the bridge then walk along the foot path through the field to the left of the farm yard.最后要提的一个地方就是Fiddy House,你们可以从这里过桥,然后沿着步行小径一直走,穿过田野之后,走到农场院子左边。
That goes to the house, and it'll give you a lovely view of it.这么走就能到达Fiddy House,而且一路上的风景也很漂亮。
It's certainly worth a few photographs, but as it's a private home, I'm afraid you can't go inside.这座房子绝对适合拍几张照片,不过由于这是私人住宅,你们不能进去参观。
Right.Well, if you're all ready, we'll set off on our tour of the farm.好了,如果你们都准备好了,那我们就出发去参观农场吧。
SECTION 3 OK, Greg, so I finally managed to read the article you mentioned — the one about the study on gender in physics.Greg,我终于看完了你提到过的那篇文章,就是那篇关于研究物理学系的性别差异的文章。
About the study of college students done by Akira Miyake and his team?
那篇Akira Miyake的团队研究大学生的文章?
Yeah.I was interested that the researchers were actually a mix of psychologists and physicists.这些研究人员中实际上既有心理学家又有物理学家,这一点让我很感兴趣。
That's an unusual combination.这种组合可不常见。
Yeah.I got a little confused at first about which students the study was based on.对,我一开始还有点弄不清楚,这项研究是针对哪些学生进行的。
They weren't actually majoring in physics —they were majoring in what's known as the STEM disciplines.他们并不真的都是物理学专业的学生,他们的专业被称为STEM学科。
That's science, technology, engineering and...-...and math.Yes, but they were all doing physics courses as part of their studies.里面包含了科学、技术、工程和.....数学。对,但是他们的一部分专业课都包括了物理学的课程。
That's correct.So as I understood it, Miyake and co started from the fact that women are underrepresented in introductory physics courses at college, and also that on average, the women who do enrol on these courses perform more poorly than the men.没错。从我理解的来看,Miyake团队是以女学生在物理入门课程中出席率不足这一事实作为切入点的,而且那些选择了物理课程的女学生平均成绩也要比男学生差一些。
No one really knows why this is the case.没人知道为什么会出现这种情况。
Yeah.But what the researchers wanted to find out was basically what they could do about the relatively low level of the women's results.对,但是这些研究人员基本上只是想要弄清楚他们能做些什么,来改善这种女生成绩相对较低的情况。
But in order to find a solution they needed to find out more about the nature of the problem.但是为了找到解决方法,他们需要更深入地探究这一问题的本质。
Right.Now let's see if I can remember...it was that in the physics class, the female students thought the male students all assumed that women weren't any good at physics...was that it?
And they thought that the men expected them to get poor results in their tests.而且她们还觉得男生指望她们在考试中取得不好的成绩。
That's what the women thought, and that made them nervous, so they did get poor results.这只是她们自己以为而已,不过这种想法使她们紧张不安,最终成绩不理想。
But actually they were wrong...No one was making an assumptions about the female students at all.但她们是错的,根本没人在对女学生做任何猜想。
Anyway, what Miyake's team did was quite simple — getting the students to do some writing before they went into the physics class.不管怎样,Miyake团队做的事情非常简单,他们让学生们在进入物理课教室之前,先写了一些东西。
What did they call it?
Values-affirmation —they had to write an essay focusing on things that were significant to them, not particularly to do with the subject they were studying, but more general things like music or people who mattered to them.价值观认定。学生们要以对他们来说很重要的事情为题写一篇文章,不用特地选择和他们所学科目相关的话题,更多的是像音乐或者对他们很重要的人这类更平常的话题。
Right.So the idea of doing the writing is that this gets the students thinking in a positive way.对的,写这篇文章的想法是让学生以一种积极的方式思考。
And putting these thoughts into words can relax them and help them overcome the psychological factors that lead to poor performance.Yeah.而且把这些想法转换成文字,会让他们放松并帮助他们克服导致成绩不佳的心理障碍。
But what the researchers in the study hadn't expected was that this one activity raised the women's physics grades from the C to the B range.但是让研究人员大感意外的是,这样一个简单的举动竟然使女生的物理成绩从C提高到了B。
A huge change.Pity it wasn't to an A, but still!No, but it does suggest that the women were seriously underperforming beforehand, in comparison with the men.成绩提高幅度很大啊。虽然很遗憾没有提高到A,但是也不错了!不过这确实证明女学生与男学生相比,在考试之前就严重表现不佳。
Yes.Mind you, Miyake's article left out a lot of details.对,提醒你一下,Miyake的文章中还省略了很多细节。
Like, did the students do the writing just once, or several times?
And had they been told why they were doing the writing? That might have affected the results.还有,他们有没有告诉过这些学生为什么要写这篇文章?这可能会影响考试成绩的。You mean, if they know the researchers thought it might help them to improve, then they'd just try to fulfil that expectation?
Before you hear the rest of the discussion, you have some time to look at questions 28-30.在播放剩下的录音之前,你有一些时间阅读问题28-30。
Now, listen and answer questions 28-30.现在请听录音并回答问题28-30。
So anyway, I thought for our project we could do a similar study, but investigate whether it really was the writing activity that had that result.总之,我觉得我们在自己的项目中也可以做个相似的研究,不过我们要调查的是,是否真的是这个写作环节导致的那个结果。
OK.So we could ask them to do a writing task about something completely different...something more factual?
Like a general knowledge topic.比如以常识为题。
Maybe...or we could have half the students doing a writing task and half doing something else, like an oral task.也许......我们可以让一半学生完成写作任务,另一半做点别的事情,比如口头任务。
Or even, half do the same writing task as in the original research and half do a factual writing task.再或者,我们可以让一半学生做和原本研究中同样的写作任务,剩下的一半以真实事情为题写一篇文章。Then we'd see if it really is the topic that made the difference, or something else.这样我们就能知道是否真的是那个话题导致的成绩差异,还是其他事情。
That's it.Good.So at our meeting with the supervisor on Monday we can tell him we've decided on our project.就是这样,太棒了。那我们星期一和导师见面的时候,就可以跟他说我们已经决定好做什么项目了。
We should have our aims ready by then.在那之前我们应该把目标确定好。
I suppose we need to read the original study — the article's just a summary.我想我们需要把原本的研究看一遍,那篇文章只是个总结。
And there was another article I read, by Smolinsky.It was about her research on how women and men perform in mixed teams in class, compared with single-sex teams and on their own.我还读到过另一篇文章,是Smolinsky写的。这篇文章研究的是,和在单一性别小组以及自己独自学习时的表现相比,女生和男生在班上的混合性别小组的表现有什么不同。
Let me guess...the women were better at teamwork.让我猜猜......女生在团队合作时表现更好。
That's what I expected, but actually the men and the women got the same results whether they were working in teams or on their own.我也是这么想的,但是事实是,男生和女生无论是在团队合作还是独自一人时,表现都是一样的。
But I guess it's not that relevant to us.不过我想这个和我们的项目没什么关系。
What worries me anyway is how we're going to get everything done in the time.我真正担心的是,要如何按时完成所有的事情。
We'll be OK now we know what we're doing.Though I'm not clear how we assess whether the students in our experiment actually make any progress or not...现在我们已经知道要做什么了就没问题了。不过我不是很清楚要怎么知道参与我们实验的学生是否真的取得了进步......No.We may need some advice on that.对啊,我们在这个问题上也许需要一些建议。
The main thing's to make sure we have the right size sample, not too big or too small.主要的事情是,我们要确保试样规模正确,不能太大,也不能太小。
That shouldn't be difficult.这应该不难。
Right, what do we need to do next?
We could have a look at the time table for the science classes...or perhaps we should just make an appointment to see one of the science professors.That'd be better.我们可以看看科学系班级的课程表,或者我们也许应该跟一位科学系教授约个时间见一面。这样也许更好。
Great.And we could even get to observe one of the classes.很好,这样也许还有机会观察其中一个班级。
What for?
Well...OK maybe let's just go with your idea.Right, well...嗯......好吧,也许我们还是直接按照你的想法来吧。SECTION 4 I've been looking at ocean biodiversity, that's the diversity of species that live in the world's oceans.我最近一直在关注海洋生物多样性,也就是生活在世界海洋中的生物的多样性。
About 20 years ago biologists developed the idea of what they called 'biodiversity hotspots'.大约20年前,生物学家提出了他们称为“生物多样性热点地区”的概念。
These are the areas which have the greatest mixture of species, so one example is Madagascar.这些地区拥有最大的混合物种群体,其中一个例子就是马达加斯加。
These hotspots are significant because they allow us to locate key areas for focusing efforts at conservation.这些热点地区至关重要,因为它们给了我们锁定关键地区集中力量进行生物保护的机会。
Biologists can identify hotspots on land, fairly easily, but until recently, very little was known about species distribution and diversity in the oceans, and no one even knew if hotspots existed there.生物学家们能够相当轻易地辨认出陆地上的热点地区,但是直到最近之前,人们对海洋中的生物分布和多样性都知之甚少,甚至没人知道海洋中是否存在这样的热点地区。
Then a Canadian biologist called Boris Worm did some research in 2005 on data on ocean species that he got from the fishing industry.接着在2005年,一个叫Boris Worm的加拿大生物学家从捕鱼业中获得了关于海洋物种的数据,并对其进行了研究。
Worm located five hotspots for large ocean predators like sharks, and looked at what they had in common.Worm锁定了海洋中像鲨鱼这样的大型食肉动物生活的五个热点地区,然后研究了它们的共同点。
The main thing he'd expected to find was that they had very high concentrations of food but to his surprise that was only true for four of the hotspots — the remaining hotspot was quite badly off in that regard.他预计会出现的主要共同点是,在这些地区都有高度集中的食物来源,但是令他感到意外的是,这一观点只适用于其中四个热点地区,剩下的那个地区在这方面境况十分不佳。
But what he did find was that in all cases, the water at the surface of the ocean had relatively high temperatures even when it was cool at greater depths, so this seemed to be a factor in supporting a diverse range of these large predators.不过他在所有案例中都发现了的一件事是,即使那些海域深处的水温较低,但它们表层水温都相对较高。这一点似乎能够成为支持大型海洋食肉动物多样化分布的因素。
However, this wasn't enough on its own, because he also found that the water needed to have enough oxygen in it— so these two factors seemed necessary to support the high metabolic rate of these large fish.但是只有这一点还远远不够,因为他还发现海水中需要饱含足够的氧气,于是这两个因素一起便足够证明这些大型鱼类的高代谢率观点了。
A couple of years later, in 2007, a researcher called Lisa Ballance, who was working in California, also started looking for ocean hotspots, but not for fish —what she was interested in was marine mammals things like seals.两年之后,在2007年,一位在加利福尼亚州工作的研究人员,Lisa Ballance也开始寻找海洋热点地区。不过她感兴趣的不是鱼类,而是海洋哺乳动物,比如海豹。
And she found three places in the oceans which were hotspots, and what these had in common was that these hotspots were all located at boundaries between ocean currents, and this seems to be the sort of place that has lots of the plankton that some of these species feed on.她在海洋中找到了三个热点地区,它们的共同之处在于,所有的这些热点地区都位于洋流的交界处。这些海域中似乎拥有大量的浮游生物可供海洋哺乳动物食用。
So now people who want to protect the species that are endangered need to get as much information as possible.如今人们想要保护濒危物种的话,就要尽可能多地获取相关信息。
For example, there's an international project called the Census of Marine Life.举个例子来说,有一个国际工程叫做Census of Marine Life。
They've been surveying oceans all over the world, including the Arctic.他们调查了世界上所有的海洋,包括北极地区的海洋。
One thing they found there which stunned other researchers was that there were large numbers of species which live below the ice — sometimes under a layer up to 20 meters thick.他们在那儿发现了令其他研究人员瞠目结舌的一件事,那就是冰层之下生活着大量的生物物种,有些甚至生活在20米厚的冰层之下。
Some of these species had never been seen before.这些物种中有些人们之前从未见过。
They've even found species of octopus living in these conditions.他们甚至还发现一种章鱼也生活在这种环境中。
And other scientists working on the same project, but researching very different habitats on the ocean floor, have found large numbers of species congregating around volcanoes, attracted to them by the warmth and nutrients there.其他科学家也从事同样的研究,但他们研究的是海底的一些非常与众不同的栖息地。他们发现有大量生物聚集在海底火山周围,吸引它们过来的是那里温暖的海水和丰富的营养物质。
......However, biologists still don't know how serious the threat to their survival is for each individual species.但是,生物学家仍不知道每种生物的生存受到的威胁有多么严重。
So a body called the Global Marine Species Assessment is now creating a list of endangered species on land.于是现在一个名叫Global Marine Species Assessment 的组织正在编写一份陆地上濒危物种的名单。
So they consider things like the size of the population — how many members of one species there are in a particular place — and then they look at their distribution in geographical terms.他们考虑的是像族群规模(特定地区内某一生物的数量有多少)这样的因素,然后,他们便着眼于这些生物在地理上的分布。
Although this is quite difficult when you're looking at fish, because they're so mobile, and then thirdly the calculate the rate at which the decline of the species is happening.不过这一点在观察鱼类的时候相当困难,因为它们流动性太大了。第三步是计算这种生物数量减少的比率。
So far only 1, 500 species have been assessed, but they want to increase this figure to 20, 000.到目前为止,他们只评估了1500种生物,不过他们希望将这一数字增加到20000。
For each one they assess, they use the data they collect on that species to produce a map showing its distribution.他们在评估每一种生物时,都会用他们收集到的关于这种生物的数据来绘制一幅地图,显示它们的分布。
Ultimately they will be able to use these to figure out not only where most species are located but also where they are most threatened.最终,他们将不仅可以通过这些地图发现大部分生物生活的地点,还能弄清楚它们在哪里受到的威胁最大。
So finally, what can be done to retain the diversity of species in the world's oceans?
Firstly, we need to set up more reserves in our oceans, places where marine species are protected.首先,我们要在海洋中设置更多自然保护区,在保护区内海洋生物可以受到保护。
We have some, but not enough.目前海洋中已经有了一些保护区,但是还远远不够。
In addition, to preserve species such as leatherback turtles, which live out in the high seas but have their nesting sites on the American coast, we need to create corridors for migration, so they can get from one area to another safely.另外,还有一些生物比如棱皮龟,它们生活在外海中,但是筑巢点却在美国海岸,为了保护它们,我们需要建立一些迁徙廊道,这样它们就能从一个地区安全地到达另一个地区了。
As well as this, action needs to be taken to lower the levels of fishing quotas to prevent overfishing of endangered species.除此之外,我们还需要采取行动降低捕鱼限额,以防止濒危物种被过度捕捞。
And finally, there's the problem of 'by-catch'.最后,还存在“副渔获”的问题。
This refers to the catching of unwanted fish by fishing boats — they're returned to the sea, but they're often dead or dying.“副渔获”指的是渔船会捕捞到不想要的鱼类,他们通常会把这些鱼放回大海,但是放生时这些鱼一般已经死了或者命不久矣。If these commercial fishing boats used equipment which was more selective, so that only the fish wanted for consumption were caught, this problem could be overcome.如果这些商业捕渔船能够使用挑选更加仔细的设备,以便只捕捞想要消费的鱼类,那么这个问题就能得以解决了。
OK.So does anyone have any questions...好了,有人想要问我问题吗......
突破班和精高班的学员因为有了一定的单词量做起题来相对要轻松一些,但有时反而基础词汇掌握的不是太牢。其实雅思听力也不是全考很难很专业的词汇,像brakes wheels之类的基础单词,有很多学员也反应不过来,会把brakes写成breaks,或wheels写成wills wells 等等。对于突破班和精高班的学员,课后训练建议是:
雅思的真题是不公布的,考生在市面上买不到真题。剑桥大学出版社出版了剑桥雅思系列教材1-7其中剑桥4全部是以往的真题,剑桥5包含60%以上的近几年的真题,剑桥大学ESOL Examinations就是现在雅思真题的研发机构,也是剑桥雅思系列教材的出题机构,这7本教材和雅思真题一模一样,是考前训练的好教材。
第四、收集同义词和同义词组的替换 注意主动与被动的替换
如stress pressure,disadvantage 和 drawback ,due to –credit to because of
Deal with –cope with ,handle。主动与被动说法的替换,如把 Population shift has caused this pressure.换成This pressure has been caused by population shift.第五、在做选择题的时候一定要认真审题,留意WH QUESTION(who, when, what, where, why, how等然后在勾出考点词。
个人认为,听力是最考验实力的科目之一。想要提高,当然也得付出不少的努力了。听力水平的提高非一朝一夕可以达到,需要长期积累的过程。每个人存在的问题并不都一样,所以要解决,就必须对症下药。在雅思听力中,词汇是最重要的基本功。如果想考听力单项7分,需要的词汇量是5000个。而这5000个词一定是听觉词汇,也就是一听能立刻反应 出意思的词。并且,在这5000词当中,有几百个词是在填空题中经常出现的,属于听力核心词汇。这些核心词汇必须完全掌握拼写,坚决不允许拼错。
第一、提高单词量。每天必须背一些雅思常考词汇,可以分场景来记(house renting at the librarytravelling)等。
此外学生还应该量力而行,做好思想准备,对自己的成绩做好评估与测试,因为需要一个长时间积累过程才能更好地提高英语水平。Enjoy learning, learning English should be fun.