UNIT 5: Fit and well 保持健康
剑桥国际少儿英语2第5课Fit and well 执教者:Sally Lin 对象:少儿 教学目标:
1.学习关于身体部分的单词; 2.学习相关疾病的表达
2.学习询问身体状况的句型表达; 3.孩子扮演相关角色,进行简单对话;
教学重难点: 重点:单词
(cold, cough, stomach-ache, headache, temperature, toothache, back,backache, earache;)重点句型:
①What’s the matter with you /him/her/them? I’ve got a cold.He’s got a cold.She’s got a cold.They’ve got a cold.②must/mustn’t
拍手打节奏:What’s the matter?You look terrible.I have a headache,I have a running nose.What’s the matter?You look terrible.I have a stomachache,I have a cold.课前准备:多媒体 单词卡 录音机 抽签袋
教法与学法:提问法、对话法、表演法 教学课时:二课时 教学过程
Step1 warm up(热身)
1、Greetings ,show the DVDs to let them pay attention.2、show the picture of body part;
3.Do the exercise to let Ss review the body parts and lead in new words; Step2 Lead in(导入)Use picture lead in words
(cold, cough, stomach-ache, headache, temperature, toothache, back,backache, earache;)
T: Boys and girls , can you guess,what’s the matter with me?(point at the nose)S1: cough.……………………….Step 3 presentation and practice(呈现与操练)
1.listen to the song,and do the according actions.Ss imitate to do.2.Game Time(抽签让一位学生上台进行表演,让其他学生猜单词)
3.Set up some situations to ask Ss how to deal with some problem...Step4 Consolidation(复习巩固)
1.Listen to the tape,and do the according action to practice new
Words and sentence again;
2.ASK TIME.再次提问各小组学生,看谁回答的又准确又好;
Step5Home work(作业)
1.学生回家后参访家长或家人,假设询问他们身体状况,并制作5句以上对话; 2.Step6 Blackboard design(板书设计)
Unit 5 Fit and well
Tom Jenny kevin Amy 10
《剑桥少儿英语》Unit4 Free Time
1、Understand and use:swim/play table tennis/play football/play the piano/ride a horse/stand on your head/roller blade.2、Say the sentences:I can(swim/......)
I can‘t(stand on your head/......)
3、Can you(ski)?Yes,I can./No,I can‘t.4、Sing the song:My sister,my brother and me5、Write about the children.(NO.12)
Difficult:Aims 1、2、3、4
Focus : 5
Teaching Aids : Cards、CAI、Radio、Tape.Teaching steps:
Class begins.T:: Hello,boys and girls.Ss : Hello,Miss Bao.S : Sit down,please.T: Introduce yourself.Who can try?please come to the front.Step 1:warm-up.1、T:Let‘swarm-up.Sing a song:Welcome,welcome,welcome back.T:Are you ready?
Ss:Yes.Step 2 : Guess.1、T:Now let‘s go on to learn the new lesson: Free Time.Together.Read it.2、T:(CAI)Look,listen,read and act.S...,S...,S...,........3、T:(CAI)Play:Guess the next one.(Music)
S...,S...,S...,.........4、T:Let‘splay:“Miss Bao says”.If I say:Miss Bao says,You can say and act.If I don‘t say :Miss Bao says,You can‘t say and act.If you wrong or slowly,please sit down.Do you know?
Ss:Yes.Ss:Winner,Winner,You are winner.Step 3: Sing the song:My sister,My brother and me.1、T,Ss:(Act and sing the song...)
2、T:Let‘s play:If you agree,please sit down.T:Can you play football?.....Ss:Yes,I can.No,I can’t.3、S:I can...,...,...,and.....S:I can‘t...,...,and......Step 4 Interview with me..1、T:You ask,I answer.Ss:Miss Bao,can you swim/play the piano/.....?
T:Yes,I can./No,I can‘t.2、Say the sentences:Miss Bao can...and...3、She can‘t...and.......4、P
14、T 12.Write about the children.A、Please do youself.B、In Groups.C、Check the answer.Step 5:The end:Sing the song,My sister,my brother and me.本课课件下载
这节课是Unit 4 Free time的最后一课时,是一节 练习课.这个单元是关于自由时间里的10种体育运动项目的学习.这节课的目标;1是要求学生懂得并运用这10种体育项目;2是会说I can....,和I can‘t...;3是对Can you(ski)?会回答Yes,I can./No,I can‘t.4是会唱,表演歌曲:My sister,my brother and me..5是完成第12题的练习.重点是目标1、2、3、4,难点是目标5.针对这些目标,我做了很多准备工作;10种体育项目的卡片,录好2个音乐磁带,做了精美的多媒体课件.在教学中,首先让几个同学用英语自我介绍,正式上课了,我和全班同学一起热身边唱边表演歌曲:Welcome back.下面通过几个英语游戏突出重点,出示多媒体课件,点学生看体育项目逐一读出单词,并做出相应动作,然后放节奏强劲的音乐让学生猜猜看下一个是什么项目,在课件里我设置了超链接,谁也不知道下一个到底是什么,这就不仅训练了学生的说,也训练了他们的快速敏捷的思维,极大的调动了他们的积极性,并且得到成功的惊喜,猜对了得一个奖品.接着做英语游戏“Miss Bao says...”,我发指令,学生做动作,如果我说了“Miss Bao says...”,学生就要说和做相应动作,师拍一下手就停止动作;如果我没说
“Miaa Bao says...”就不能说也不能做动作,这个游戏旨在巩固他们对10种体育项目的掌握,既让练习不单调也训练了学生的反应能力,最后决出优胜者,全班学生竖大拇指拍掌表扬他:Winner,winner,you‘re winner.为了突破难点,首先让学生起立在多媒体背景音乐中一起表演唱歌曲:My sister,my brother and me,旨在复习句型I can...,I can‘t...,he can...,she can...,然后通过游戏“If you agree,please sit down”,(假如你同意就请坐下),我说:Can you...?会的坐下并说Yes,I can,不会的站着后说No,I can’t,这个游戏在训练学生会用能懂10种项目,会说句型,接着让学生问,Can you...?我答Yes,I can/No,I can‘t.让学生对句子的问和答都进行了训练,对结果进行记载,让学生总结我会什么和不会什么,这就与第12题练习联系起来了,接着水到渠成让学生完成练习,看图写句子,先让他们自己做,再由小组长带头交流,再全班看课件里的正确答案读一读.最后用表演唱这节课的歌曲来结束这节课.在整节课里用多个英语游戏突出训练了重点,突破了难点,建立了灵动的教学课堂,以活动为主,师生互动,采用灵活多样的教学手段,把语言训练放在活动,游戏中,使之趣味化,使学生能在愉悦的氛围中学得愉快,动静结合,让学生在动中学,全方位调动学生的口,脑,耳,四肢,教师节奏快,使学生学得快,反应快,紧紧抓住学生的注意力,让他们既紧张又活泼,激励学生积极参与.这么多体育项目,学生都很感兴趣,原本准备创设真实运动场景,比赛等等,但受到授课地点地方不大的限制,有的体育项目比如滑雪,骑马,游泳,溜冰等无法准备,就无法创设真实情境,因此只真实的表演了打乒乓球.还有本来打算在课的结尾设计为2008年北京奥运会的情境,放《运动员进行曲》让学生会某个项目就代表中国参加奥运会,但在学校没找到这个磁带,就把结尾改为了表演唱英语歌曲.练习中有的比较慢,有的很快做完,这是一个值得探讨的问题,在小组活动就会受到影响,在开展小组活动中,小组长的能力还需培养.
剑桥少儿英语考试(CYLE)是剑桥大学考试委员会(UCLES)特别为测试4-12岁少儿的英语水平而设计的一套测试系统。该考试分为三个级别,引进中国后,增加了预备级,分别为预备级、一级, 二级和三级。一级到三级的教材的新增单词量分别在682、1150和666。(一级到三级的单词量为累加过程,即学完剑桥少儿英语三级所掌握的词汇量为2500左右。)每级考试分为三个部分:读写、听力和口试。
剑桥少儿英语入门级,本册教材为整个剑桥少儿英语的引导和启蒙篇,从卡通26个英文字母学起,每个字母 都配有一个童谣和34个常用单词,并配有20首英文歌曲和一套字母操。结合简单口语交流,英语指令性动作、旨在开发孩子左右大脑,提高孩子综合素养,培养孩子的英语学习兴趣。
剑桥少儿英语二级 [课程简介]
语法点:一般将来时、一般现在时、一般过去时、现在进行时、人称或时态变换引起的动词变化、灵活判断时态、物主代词的灵活运用、THERE BE 句型、HOW句型、特殊疑问句、肯定句、否定句、反意疑问句、形容词的比较级和最高级、一般疑问句的变换,掌握941多个词汇,具体描述的主题和概念扩展到天气、健康、环境、动作、职责等。本级要求学生掌握每单元重点单词及词组的拼写,掌握书中日常用语、每课重点句型及用法,灵活运用本级涉及到的语法点,能听懂对话,能用简单句型描述一件事物,基本连贯的口语表达,能正确作出教 师发出的指令性动作,会变换句型。
Dog, elephant, fish and giraffe教案
1,教小朋友认识英文字母D,E, F,G, 以及一些以D,E, F,G,字母开头的简单动物单词 三,教学重点 1,英文字母DEFG 2,以DEFG字母开头的简单动物单词 四,教学难点 1,单词的记忆 五,教具准备 1,动物卡片 2,字母卡片 3,积分劵
六,教学过程 第一节课
1,花点时间温习一下上节课学习的内容,大家一起唱一下ABC儿歌 2,直接讲今天的DEFG四个英文字母。采用猜谜说字母游戏的方法来讲。游戏规则是:双峰倒影——W 山连着山——M 彩云追月——G 引蛇出动——Q
1减1不等于0——H 1加3不等于4——B 日偏食——C 独脚台——T 不倒翁——O 钓鱼钩——J 一把椅子——h 半个月亮——D 第二节课
2,教学动物英文单词,例如dog, elephant, fish等。给每个小朋友发一些小动物的卡片,每教一个就叫小朋友们快速找出那个对应的卡片。全部教学完毕后考考小朋友们的记忆力,老师说动物名称的英文名,小朋友们快速把对应的动物卡片拿出来 第三节课
剑桥少儿英语一级上Unit1 What’s your name? Teaching aims and demands: ●Can ask the name of others ●Can ask the age of others
●Can simply introduce the name of yourself and others ●Can count the number1~~10 Important and different point: ●交际句型:What's your name?
I'm..., You' re..., He's..., She's..., It's..., We're..., You're..., They’re… ●交际词汇:one, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine, ten
Teaching procedure: Step1 Greetings
Because it is the first class, so the teacher can introduce herself(himself),using the sentence pattern: “Hello, I’m JIQING, nice to meet you!” Ss should answer together: Nice to meet you ,too.Step2 Presentation
Teacher can prepare some name cards before class, write your name and some of your Ss names on the cards.When the class begins, invite a boy and a girl to the platform and give them their name cards, adhibit each card on the coat.Then begin from you.Point at your name card and say slowly and clearly, “I’m JI QING.”.Repeat it two or three times.Then turn to the boy and ask: “What’s your name?” Imply the boy answer the question like you.Then do the same way to the girl.Step3 Ask and answer.Let the Ss do the following activity: Ask each pupil to take out a piece of paper and a pen ,then go and ask his or her friend“ What’s your name ?”.Tell the pupils to write down the names of his or her friend in Pinyin.Check some Ss by asking their names and one or two of their friends’names.So Ss can know how to say “I’m…,He’s…,She’s…”
After doing this, the teacher will add something new.Let the Ss listen to you carefully.You say: “my name is JIQING, I’m 25 years old.” Meanwhile,write down the number 25 on the blackboard.Say again “I’m 25 years old.” Then ask one student “How old are you?Are you 7 or 8?” Write 7 and 8 on the blackboard.Ask more Ss the question like this.Step4 Chant Do Part5.We can clap while chanting.First chant together, then in part.Step5 Ask each other
Do the same activity as Step3.But the question is “How old are you?”.Ss will write down the numbers.Then check some Ss to see if they are right.Step6 Drill 1)Ask some student the questions:What’s your name?How old are you? Then let the Ss ask the questions in pairs.Act it out in front of the class.2)Ask a boy and a girl to the platform,and say: “He is Liu Tong.She is Wang Fang and I’m Ji Qing.Repeat this for some times.Then three Ss form a group ,practice like this:“I’m …,She’s …,He’s ….Act it out in front of the class.Step7 Count it and clap your hands
Teacher claps once while say “one”,then Ss follow.Claps twice while say “two”.Just do this way until you clap ten times while you say “ten ”.Homework
*Listen and read after the tape of Unit 1 *Ask each other the name and age after class.*Write your name in English on a piece of card and bring it to the class next time.剑桥少儿英语一级上Unit2 What’s this Teaching aims and demands:
●能熟读26个英语字母,会唱字母歌 ●能初步了解元音字母及其读音 ●能认读所给的全部缩写字母 Important and difficult points: ●交际句型:What’s this?
Who’s jumping? ●学习字母:Aa到Zz ●学习音素: 元音字母Aa, Ee, Ii, Oo, Uu Teaching procedure Step1 Warm up Review Unit1.Teacher can ask Ss: What’s your name ?How old are you ? What’s his name ? How old is he ? Step 2 Sing the song
Hang the alphabet picture on the blackboard ,teach the Ss sing the alphabetsong ,then teach the Ss to learn the letters.Step3 Jump and say
Prepare some
these words:BAG ,BEN ,KIM ,DOG, BUS),some small word cards before class.After Ss sing the song ,ask three Ss to the front ,each one hand a capital letter card and stand in a line.First,three Ss jump together ,then jump one by one ,and then jump together again.At the same time ,other Ss say “bag ,b-a-g,bag ”,then repeat.After this ,teacher find another six Ss to the front ,each one hand a word card including the letter “A”,such as “cat ,bag ,hand , lamp ,man ,mat.” Teacher first let the first student jump and say “Bag!Bag!bag ,bag ,bag ”.Other Ss repeat.Finish other word cards in this way.Next ,ask the Ss of group2(BEN)jump and say like what group1 just did.Step4 Presentation
Teacher can bring something to the class ,like a cup ,a brush ,an apple ,etc.Then the teacher hand a cup and ask a student “What’s this ?”and “What’s that ?” Step5 Say the vowel sounds
Ask the Ss of each group to stand in front of the blackboard ,just let the vowel sound jump, meanwhile ,teacher points at the sound and asks Ss “What’s this?Who is jumping ?” Step 6 Practise
See Part2 of this unit.Ss can read after the tape ,and then practise in pairs.Act it out in front of the class.Step7 Chant
Before doing this part ,teacher can give each student a letter card in disorder ,one letter can be written more than once on the cards.When chanting ,those Ss should stand up if they hear their letter in hand is chanted.Step8 Find the big and small letters
Give big letters to a part of Ss and small letters to the other part.Let the Ss with small letters run and find the big letters.If success, the big and small letters will stand together in front of the class.At last ,Ss will read these letters.Homework
*Listen to the tape of Unit2 and read the alphabet
*Make four simple dialogues using “What’s this ?” ,“What”s that ?” *Write down the 26 letters on your homework book.剑桥少儿英语一级上Unit3 What colour do you like The first class
Teaching aims and demands : ●能用英语说出10种常用的颜色 ●会用英语询问别人喜好的颜色 Important and different points: ●交际句型: What colour do you like? I like blue.Do you like black? Yes, I do./ No, I don’t.●学习颜色:black, gray, white, orange, purple, brow, yellow, blue, green ,red ,pink
●复习字母:从Aa到Zz Teaching procedure: Step1 Warm up
Review Unit2.Ss can sing the alphabet song together before class.Step2 presentation
Prepare some balloons, papers and pictures with different colours。The teacher can “blow the balloon and hang them up in front of the blackboard.Teacher can say: “Look here, I’ve got many ballons.What colours are they? They’re black, gray, white, orange, purple, brown, yellow,blue, green, red and pink.I like orange, green, and blue.” Teacher pointing at the balloon while saying this kind of colour。Teacher should says slowly and clearly, so that the Ss can understand well.This action can be repeated more than once.Then the teacher can ask the Ss: “ What colour do you like ?”Ss can say: “I like blue.” Teacher can ask Ss in another way : “Doyou like blue?” If Ss say,“Yes ,I do.” Teacher can give the student a balloon without blowing as a gift。Then repeat this action more than once.Step3 Drill
See part1.Let’s talk about the picture.Ss can read after the tape.Then practice in groups to discuss the colour you like.Step4 Practice 教师可以让穿各种衣服的学生站成一排,然后问某个学生What colour do you like ?如果学生说I like blue,老师就让这个学生站到穿blue 衣服的学生的后面.然后再让该学生问其他同学,以此类推。最后看哪个颜色后面站的学生多。Step5 Show colourful clothes
教师可让穿各种颜色衣服的学生站到前面来,站成一个圆圈,背朝里,然后让学生慢慢地转动。教师总是指着对着大家的那个颜色问What colour is it ? 学生们回答It’s white.或It’s black等。Step6 Drill of Part2 See Part2.Ss read after the tape ,then practice in pairs.Step7 Chant
Step8 Guess the right colour
See Part5.3个人一组,打开教材,其中一人当裁判,一人闭上眼睛,另一个人抓住闭眼睛学生的手,将其手放在一个颜色上问该学生,What colour is it ?如果闭眼睛的学生说,It’s red.猜中了,裁判记上一分.共猜5次,最后看谁猜的分数多.Homework: *Read after the tape of this unit twice.*Do the exercises of this unit.*Use five kinds of colour to copy one sentences and decide which colour you like best, second ,third ,fourth ,and fifth
剑桥少儿英语一级上Unit4 How many ducks are there? 教学目的和要求:*使学生能够掌握和使用How many句型 *使学生能用数字回答所提的问题 *使学生进一步掌握名词的单、复数
交际句型:How many dogs are there? There are two.学习内容:名词的复数形式 学习音素:辅音字母组合ch和sh 具体教学方式:
先用最简单的方式说,Look, everyone.This is a book.A book.接着再拿起一本书说,two books, one book, two books.(pencil)„.教本单元的单词。用本单元句型问学生How many dogs are there? How many chicks are there?等。
在教单、复数时,应分2步。第一步直接用上述方法,并给以大量例子。Desk,desks;chair, chairs;table, tables;door, doors;light, lights;window, windows;pen, pens;pencil,pencils;book, books;bag, bags等.让学生感到英语是一件十分容易的事.第二步遇到不规则名词复数时,教师就说,This is different.You need to remember.但不要讲规则。因为规则很多, 有些规则所讲到的词是很难见到的.教学活动1 Let’s count!教师在讲数量时,可以说”1”时,让一个学生站起来;说”2”时, 让第2 个学生站起来以此类推.同时还可以让学生来数一下班级里的男学生或女学生.教学活动2 Simon says 教师对学生说,Please go to the window.Let’s see what things are outside.How many are things教师这时才可以问How many trees are there in the school? How many bikes are there on the playground? How many cars are there? How many people are there?等
教学活动3 Find the animals 关于主图的教学,教师可以先用简单的英语给学生讲这张图.比如,Now.Let’s look at the picture.There are many animals.Do you know what they are ? They’re bears, sheep, birds, butterflies, ducks, chicks, rabbits, mice and so on.Look, some children are watching the bears now.Ok, now, let’s see, how many sheep are there? How many mice are there?等.在教师做完示范之后, 让学生两人一组根据这张图进行Ask and answer练习, 并把数字写在相关名词的边框里.教学活动4
Follow the rhyme
在学习第二部分时,教师可以先把这段内容当作CHANT来完成, 然后再来学唱这首歌.教师边说边用手轻轻拍着桌子, 打着节奏.这样有利于学生记忆此部分的内容.教学活动5
Listen and write
在练习听力,做练习时, 教师可以先让学生把书合上听录音带.听了一两遍以后,教师再让学生打开 书, 边听边做练习.最后可以再让学生听一遍.即使有的学生不能完全听懂, 也不必去翻译每一句话.不如让学生多听几遍.补充内容: 单词 lion, koala, bear, panda, zebra 课后作业: 数一数班级里的学生,桌椅并把数字写下来.剑桥少儿英语一级上Unit5 Have you got any fish? 教学目的和要求
*使学生学会使用Have you got„句型 *使学生掌握生活中的一些常用词汇 *使学生能初步掌握一些字母组合的规律 交际句型:
Have you got any fish?Yes , I have.No , I haven’t.Let’s go bike-riding.Where is it?There!交际词汇:pen, desk, leg, pencil, egg, letter, bed, apple, map, bag, ruler, book, box, bookcase 具体教学方式:
可以先拿钢笔或铅笔问学生,Have you got a pen? Have you got a pencil? 之类的问题。当学生明白含义之后,可让学生互相问。把这个句型练习得比较熟练后,再转移到教学主图上.讲主图时, 因为内容和对话比较多,所以应注意引导学生.教学活动1
Talk about the picture.教师让学生看主图.因为主图的内容较多, 学生肯定会认真观看主图上的内容.教师先问学生,How many children are there in this picture? How many boys and how many girls? How many cats are there? How many fish are there?教师问完学生几个问题以后,就可以转移到具体的每幅图上.比如 Now , let’s look at this boy and this girl.(用手指着相应的画)They’re talking.The girl says, “Have you got a bike? Let’s go bike-riding.” The boy says, “I haven’t got a bike.Let’s go fishing.” Now I’ll ask you some questions.Please answer my questions.What are they doing? What dose the boy say? What does the girl say?然后再将学生的视线转移到中间,看看两只猫在做什么.教师继续问学生, What does the cat say? What does the boy answer?讲此课文时, 可不必按录音的顺序进行,吸引学生注意力为原则,引导他们看不容易注意到的东西。如鱼从烧热的桶里蹦出来,比萨饼上有什么等。
Learn the words
将课文中所需要的单词卡片准备好, 面朝下, 放在讲台上.将学生分成两组, 每组的学生先上来一个, 各翻开一张卡片, 并用英语说出该单词, 说对的组得1分.说完之后, 各组的第二个人上来继续做.最后, 看哪个组得分多.教学活动3
Say and point
在上述活动进行之后, 就可以用听音指认的方式来做课文中第4部分和练习第1题.教师说出一个单词,让学生迅速指出来.教学活动4
Talk in pairs
让学生两人一组进行对话练习.其中一个人问Have you got any pens? Have you got any books?另一个人回答,Yes, I have.No, I haven’t.然后对方再以同样的方法问一遍.看看谁问的问题多.课文中的其他教学活动可以按其要求进行.补充内容: a pair of jeans, a pair of gloves, a pair of shorts, a scarf Homework : Draw an interesting picture like anyone in this unit and write a dialogue for them.