
时间:2019-05-15 03:03:50下载本文作者:会员上传


School English




Going to school

P1 校车歌

School bus song


Morning greetings

P2 收拾

Clean up 朗读



Start a class 上课朗诗

Starting time rhyme 结束课程

End a class 下课朗诗

Ending time rhyme

午餐及点心时间 Lunch and snack time 吃饭朗诗

Eating rhyme


Food names 午休时间

Nap time


Sleeping rhyme


Getting up 游戏时间

Play time


Outside play 室内活动

Inside play 调解纠纷

Stopping a fight


Classroom rules







P9 1

School English 角落教学 corner English

美术课Art class


体能课PE(physical education)class


数学区Math center

P12 科学区Science center 图角区Library center

看录影带Video time

其他 others

广播Make an announcement 吃药Taking medicine


回家Going home

回家朗诗Going home rhyme


P14 P15

P16 2

School English

上学去Going to school.娃娃车来了——The school bus is here.让我们上学去——Let’s go to school.上学的时间到了和妈妈爸爸爷爷奶奶叔叔说再见—— Say goodbye to Mommy/Daddy/Grandpa/Grandma/Uncle/Aunt.上娃娃车——Get on the bus.赶快坐下——Climb into the bus.请坐下来——Quickly, sit down.向大家问好——Say good morning to everyone.你好吗?——How are you? 我很好,谢谢——I am fine, thank you.校车歌School bus song I am a little school bus on my way.Here is a student, hip, hip, hooray!First I stop and open the door.Give mom a kiss, then one thing more.Say good morning to everyone!Wave goodbyes, then we are done.School English

1.早上问候语Morning greetings 早安——Good morning 老师/园长早——Good morning teacher/principle 嗨——Hello!Hi!我爱睏——I’m sleep.我病了——I’m sick.你快乐吗?——Are you happy? 我很快乐——I am happy.把鞋子脱下来——Take off your shoes.把外套脱下来——Change your shoes.把鞋子换下来——Put your school bag away.把书包放下来——Did you eaten your breakfast? 你吃过早餐了吗?——Have your eaten your breakfast yet? 你肚子饿了吗?——Are you hungry? 吃点早餐——Go eat some breakfast 你现在可以去玩了——Now you can play 安静的玩——Play quietly 收拾干净——Clean up 该收玩具——Time to clean up 每个人都帮忙收——Everybody, help clean up 把书捡起来——Pick up the book

School English ★玩具toy ★铅笔pencil ★蜡笔crayon ★卡片card ★积木block 2.School English 收拾朗诗Clean up rhyme Pick up here, pick up there.Clean up the toys, everywhere!You and I , you and I.Clean up the toys, everywhere!

开始上课Start a class 上课时间到了——Time for class 放好东西并坐下——Put everything away and sit down 请保持安静——Sit down and be quiet 嘘——SHHHH 闭上小嘴巴用耳朵听——Close your mouth and listen 拿起你的书——Take your book 拿一根蜡笔——Get a crayon 把给捡起来——Pink up the paper 把你的玩具收拾——Put away your toy 把书放回去——Put the book back 把卡片入下——Put down the card 举起手——Hands up 放下手——Hands down 开灯——Turn on the light 开电风扇——Turn on the fan

3.School English 开电视——Turn on the TV 开冷气——Turn on the air conditioner 开电脑——Turn on the computer 开录音机——Turn on the cassette player 关起来——Turn it off

上课朗诗Starting time rhyme Ring, ring, ring the bell.Time for class and Please sit still.结束课程End a class 该下课了——Time to stop 停滞不前下来把书本合起来——Stop and close your books 停下来收拾——Stop and clean up

下课朗诗Ending time rhyme Ring, ring, ring the bell.Time to stop and Please go out.4.School English 午餐及点心时间Lunch and snack time 吃饭时间到了——Time to eat 吃中餐的时间到了——Time for lunch 午餐时间——Lunch time 点心时间——Snack time 你今天胃口很好——You have a good appetite today 请把盘内的食物吃完——Please finish your plate 还要吗?——More? 请再多给一点——More, please

食物名称Food names 饭—— rice

肉类——meat 稀饭——water rice

猪肉——pork 面条——noodles

蔬菜——vegetable 蛋——egg

菠菜——spinach 鱼——fish

洋葱——onion 牛肉—— beef

葱——green onion 红萝卜——carrot

水饺——dumplings 土豆——potato

香蕉——banana 炒饭——fried r

苹果——apple 面包——bread

杨桃——star fruit 菠箩——pineapple


5.School English 草莓—— strawberry

果汁——Juice 果冻——Jell-O

布丁——pudding 雪糕——ice cream

饼干——cookie 苏打饼干——cracker

碗——bowl 蛋糕——cake

拖盘——tray 汤——soup

水果—— fruit





吃饭朗诗Eating rhyme Eat, eat, eat my food.Everything is good.Eat, eat, eat my food.Now, I feel so full.(Apples)is /are good.(Apples)is /are Yummy.Into the mouth Down to the tummy.Mmmmm I like food.Yummy, Yummy, food.叉子——fork 餐巾纸——napkin 盘子——plate 汤匙——spoon 刀子——knife

6.School English 午休时间 Nap time 睡觉的时间到了——Time to sleep 午休的时间到了——Time for a nap 让我们去睡觉——Let’s go to sleep!去拿自己的毯子——Get your blandet 躺下——Lay down 闭上眼睛——Close your eyes 躺着不动就会睡着——Be still and go to sleep

睡觉朗诗Sleeping rhyme Sleep, sleep!I am so sleep!Pick up my blanket and lay on my bed Cover myself from toe to head.Sleep, sleep, I am so sleep!

起床Getting up 起床的时间到了——Time to get up 醒来——Wake up 把睡袋折叠——Fold your sleeping bag and put it away 上洗手间——Go to the bathroom,7.School English 游戏时间Play time 现在是游戏时间——Time to play 让我们去玩——Let’s go play!现在你们可以去玩——You can play now

户外活动Outside play 今天是好天气让我们到外面玩——It’s sunny today.Let’s go outside to play.让我们到外面的游戏区——Let’s go to the playground ★ 跷跷板——See-saw ★ 秋千——swing ★ 攀爬玩具——jungle gym ★ 滑滑梯——slide ★ 车子——car ★ 球——ball ★ 球池——ball pool

室内活动Inside play 喔!真不巧今天下雨/天气很冷,让我们在里面玩——Oh no,It’s raining/cold today!Let’s play inside today.去楼上/楼下玩——Go upstairs/downstairs to play 我们去游戏间玩吧——Let’s go to the playroom!

8.School English 在教室中安静的玩——Play quietly in the classroom ★娃娃家——play house ★玩具汽车——toy car ★洋娃娃——dolls ★看书——Look at books ★积木——building blocks ★涂色——coloring ★画画——drawing

调解纠纷Stopping a fight 住手——Stop!不准打架——Do not fight!当个小可爱——Be nice 跟别人分享受——Share 轮流——Take turns 怎么了?——What is wrong? 说对不起——Say I am sorry 握握手——Shake hands 去玩——Go play!

教室规定Classroom rules


School English 看——Look 看着我——Look at me 看这个——Look at the … 停止游戏——Stop playing 停止说话——Stop talking 做你的工作——Do your work 画一条线——Draw a line 把…圈起来——Circle the … 写出答案——‘write the answer 告诉我答案——Tell me the answer 举起手——Raise your hand 你们做完了吗?——Are you finished? 把东西做完——Finish up!快完成——Quickly finish

美术课Art class 颜色—— color

铅笔——pencil 彩色笔——felt pen

水彩笔——paint brush 画画——draw

纸——paper 剪刀——scissors

线绳——string 胶水——glue


红色—— red


10.School English 白色——white

蓝色——blue 咖啡色——brown

黄色——yellow 黑色——black

紫色——purple 绿色——green

粘土——clay 搓揉——roll

拉——stretch 三角型——triangle




体能课程PE(physical education)站起来——Stand up

来这里——come here






数学区Math center 数字——numbers

星星型——star 压——press 正方型——square 长方型——rectangular 摇——shake 拍手——clap 接住——catch 爬行——crawl

请你跟我——Do it like me 坐下来——sit down


11.School English 加法——addition

不同的——different 减法——subtraction

形状——shapes 加——plus

相同的——same 减——mi

把不同圈出来——please circle the different

科学区Science Center 大的—— big

亮的——shiny 小的——small

柔软——soft 长的——long

杯子——cup 短的——short

沙——sand 重的——heavy

羽毛——feather 比较大——bigger

粗糙——rough 比较小——smaller

硬的——hard 比较长——longer

水——water 比较短——shorter

木头——wood 轻的——light


图书角Library center 今天是借书日——Today is library day.去图书馆的时间到了——Time to go to the library.12.School English 看书的时间到了——Time to look at books.让我们来看书——Let’s look at books.我要读一个故事——I want to read a story.说故事时间——It’s story time.让我们听一个故事——Let’s listen to a story.坐下来听——Sit down and listen.别说话——Do not talk.看看这张图片——Look at the picture.这是个好笑的故事——This is a funny story.这是个有趣的故事——This is an interesting story.这是个美丽的故事——This is a beautiful story.这是一个很长的故事——This is a long story.这是一个很短的故事——This is a short story.结束了——The end.你喜欢这个故事吗?——Do you like it?

看录影带Video time 今天是看录影的日子——Today is video day.看录影的时间到了——Time to watch a video.让我们来看录影——Let’s watch a video.开始——Let’s start.13.School English 要开演了,安静——The video is starting.Be quiet.按放映键——Push play.按停止键——Push stop.按倒带键——Push rewind.按快转键——Push forward.演完了——It’s finished.让我们看这里——Let’s stop here.今天不能再看下回再看——No more today, next time.广播Make an announcement 大家请注意——Your attentions please.…妈妈来接你了——…(name),your mommy is here.…请到办公室——…(name),come to the office.…有您的电话——…(name),your have a phone call.吃药Taking medicine 来这里吃药——come here and take your medicine.吃药时间到——Time to take your medicine.吃药——Take your medicine.吞下去——Swallow it.14.School English 假日Holidays 周末休息——Long weekend 复活节——Easter 母亲节——Mother’s day 端午节——Dragon boat festive 父亲节——Father’s day 中秋节——Moon festival 教师节——Teacher’s day 万圣节——Halloween 感恩节——Thanksgiving 圣诞节——Christmas 新年——New year 家历新年——Chinese new year

回家Going home 回家时间——Time to go home.让我们回家吧——Let’s go home.今天到此为止——We are finished.准备回家——Get ready to go home.拿起书包和外套——Get your school bag and jackets.穿上外套——Put on your jacket.15.School English 穿上鞋——Put on your shoes.别忘了你的作品——Do not forget your art work.戴上安全帽——Wear your helmet.拿你的雨伞——Take your umbrella.排好队——Line up.排成一排——Make a line.去娃娃车——Go to the school bus.上娃娃车——Get in the school bus.老师再见——Good-bye , teacher.明天见——See you tomorrow.回家朗诗Going home rhyme Good bye teacher, Good bye teacher.Good bye teacher.So——long I am happy, School was fun.See you again tomorrow.教室礼貌用语:


老师早——Good morning!老师我来了——I’m here.我很好——I’m fine.请帮我忙——Please help me.School English 谢谢老师——Thank you.对不起——I’m sorry.我下次会做得更好——I’ll be better next time.我要回家了——I’m going home.老师再见——Bye-bye!明天见——See you tomorrow.教室课堂用语1: IN THE CLASS 老师,要上课了吗?——Is class starting now? 我们今天要上什么课?——What lesson are we on today? 我要坐在哪里?——Where do I sit? 我想坐在这里——I want to sit here.我想和他一起坐行吗?——May I sit by him? 我想和她一起坐行吗?——May I sit by her? 我可不可以坐在这里?——May I sit here? 老师,我想要坐到你旁边——May I sit next to you? 我把课本带来了——I have the books.要翻到第几页?——What page are we on? 我的作业做好了——I’m done with my homework.我的课本呢?——Where’s my book? 我的课本不见了——I can’t find my book.我忘记带课本了——I forgot my book.School English 我忘记带联系本——I forgot myto bring my assignment book.我忘记带作业了——I forgot go bring the homework.我忘记要交通知单的回条——I forgot to bring the permission slip.我放在家里了——I left it at home.我忘记要缴费——I forgot to bring the money.可不可以明天再缴费?——May I bring it tomorrow?

教室课堂用语2: IN THE CLASS 老师,我听不懂——I don’t understand.老师,我看不到——I can’t see 老师,你挡着我了——you are blocking me.老师,他挡着我了——He is blocking me.老师,她挡着我了——She is blocking me.老师,他不让我看——He won’t let me look.老师,那是什么?——What is that? 我以前有看到这个——I’ve seen it before.老师,我知道——I know.我知道那是什么——I know that.我觉得好难过——This is so hard.我完全懂了——I totally understand now.我会背——I memorized it.我知道答案——I know the answer.School English 请给我提示——Please give me a hint.请再给我多点提示——Please give me some more hints.我懂了——I’ve got it.好简单——I can do it.我会了——I can do it.我会写——I know how to write it.我会画——I know how to draw it.教室课堂用语3: IN THE CLASS 我会说——I know how to say it.我会唱——I know how to sing it.我会念——I know how to read it.老师,你看——Look!你看我——Look at me.老师,你看我做的——Look what I did.老师,你看我做的好不好?——Did I do this well? 你看我做的对不对?——Did I do this right? 老师,我不会做——I don’t know how.我不知道——I don’t know.我不知道要怎么做——I don’t know how to do this.你看我有没有很棒——Look, I can do it well.老师,我会跟你一样——I’m going to do what you do.School English 我想看书——I want to read.我想听故事——Read me a story.我还要再听一次——Ione more time.老师,再讲一个好不好?——Can you read another one? 我想再看一次——Let me see it one more time.我想玩宾果——I want to play bingo.我宾果了——Bingo.老师,我有——I have it

教室课堂用语4: IN THE CLASS 老师,我没有——I don’t have it.可不可以再玩一次?——May we play one more time? 我能不能上洗手间?——May I go to the bathroom? 我能不能喝水?——May I have a cup of water? 我好渴——I’m thirsty.我书包整理好了——I finished packing my backpack.我作业抄好了——I finished writing down my homework.我已经知道作业是什么了——I know what the homework is.我会准时交作业——I will turn in the homework on time.老师,下课了吗?——Is class over now? 老师,我可以走了吗?——May I leave now?

School English 学校生活1:

SCHOOL LIFE 我的名字是……——My name is…… 我今年……岁——I am…… years old.……3岁——……three(years old)……4岁——……four(years old)……5岁——……five(years old)……6岁——……six(years old)……7岁——……seven(years old)……8岁——……eight(years old)……9岁——……nine(years old)……10岁——……ten(years old)……11岁——……eleven(years old)……12岁——……twelve(years old)我要去上学了——I’m going to school.我念幼儿园——I am in kindergarten.我上小学——I go to elementary school.我读一年级——I am in first grade.我读二年级——I am in second grade.我读三年级——I am in third grade.我读四年级——I am in fourth grade.我读五年级——I am in fifth grade.我读六年级——I am in sixth grade.School English 学校生活2:

SCHOOL LIFE 我要去教室上课了——I’m going to class.我要去上英语课了——I’m, toing to English class.我要去上音乐课了——I’m, toing to msuic class.我要去上体育课了——I’m, toing to P.E class.我要去上美术课了——I’m, toing to art class.我要去上语文课了——I’m, toing to Chinese class.我要去上数学课了——I’m, toing to math class.我要去上自然课了——I’m, toing to science class.我要去上社会课了——I’m, toing to social studies.我最喜欢上英语课——I like English class best.我最喜欢音乐课——I like music class best.我今天要去交游——I’m going on a field trip today.我们要去哪里进行校外教学——Where are we going on the field trip? 我们今天要去哪里?——Where are we going today? 我有带帽子——I brought my hat.我有带钱——I brought my money 我有准备水壶和零食——I have my water bottle and snacks.我有准备午餐——I brought a lunch.妈妈帮我准备的——My mom prepared this for me.这个请你吃——This is for you.今天好好玩——Today is a lot of fun.School English 学校生活3:

SCHOOL LIFE 今天我玩得很开心——I had a good time today.我要回家了——I have to go home.我可以回家了吗?——May I go home? 放学了吗?——Is school out now? 我要拿回家给妈妈看——I want to take this home to show my mom.我回家会做作业——I’ll do my homework at home.我会把作业完成——I’ll finish my homework this evening.我爸爸会来接我——My daddy will come to pick me up.我妈妈会来接我——My mommy will come to pick me up.我爸爸来接我了——My daddy is here to pick me up.我妈妈来接我了——My mommy is here to pick me up.我爸爸妈妈一起来接我了——My daddy and mommy are here to pick

me up.我爸爸怎么还没来接我?——Why hasn’t my daddy come to pick me

up yet? 我妈妈怎么还没来接我?——Why hasn’t my mommy come to pick me

up yet? 我昨天生病了所以没有来——I was sick yesterday, so I didn’t come.我明天不能来上学——I can’t come to school tomorrow.新年快乐——Happy New Year!教师节快乐——Happy Teachers’ Day!

School English 学校生活4:

SCHOOL LIFE 情人节快乐——Happy Valentine’s Day!圣诞节快乐——Merry Christmas!生日快乐——Happy Birthday!今天我生日请大家吃蛋糕——It’s my birthday today,This cake are for

everybody.今天我生日请大家吃糖果——It’s my birthday today.These candies are

for everybody.这个卡片是送给你——This card is for you.这个礼物送给你——This present is for you.这是我自己做的——I made this for you.非常谢谢你——Thank you very much.不客气——You’re welcome.我觉得好高兴——I’m so happy.我今天放假了——Today’s a holiday.我放寒假了——I have winter vacation now.我放春假了——I have spring vacation now.我放暑假了——I have summer vacation now.我要升一年级——I’m going into the first grade.我要升二年级——I’m going into the second grade.我要升三年级——I’m going into the third grade.我要升四年级——I’m going into the fourth grade.School English 学校生活5:

SCHOOL LIFE 我要升五年级——I’m going into the fifth grade.我要升六年级——I’m going into the sixth grade.我越来越大了——I am getting older!

School English 激励自己的话1: ENCOURAGEMENT 我很特别——I’m special!我是独一无二的——I’m unique!我是最棒的——I’m the best!我很聪明——I’m very smart!我可以做得到——I can do it!我一定可以把它学会——I can learn it!我会做得很好——I will do it well!我会尽全力去做——I will do my best!爸爸妈妈很爱我——My mommy and daddy love me!爸爸妈妈支持我——My mommy and daddy support me!老师说我是最棒的——My teacher says I’m the best!我要好好努力——I’ll work very hard!我不会放弃——I won’t give up!我不怕重来——I’m not afraid to try again.让我再试一次——Let me try again.我会不断的去尝试——I’ll keep trying.加油——Go!我做得很好——I’m doing well.我做到了——I made it!我完成了——I’m done!我想通了——I got it!

School English 激励自己的话2: ENCOURAGEMENT 我懂了——I understand.我会了——I know how.原来这是这么简单——I didn’t know it was so easy.这并不会很难——This isn’t too hard.只要我努力就可以做到——If I work hard, I can do it.School English 写字画画美工1: WRITING.DRAWING.DOING ART 老师,我可以开始写了吗?——May I start writing now? 我可以开始写了吗?——May I start drawing now? 我可以开始了吗?——May I start now? 我们今天要做什么?——What are we doing today? 我们今天要写什么?——What are we writing today? 我们今天要画什么?——What are we drawing today? 要写在哪里?——Where should I write? 要画在哪里?——Where should I draw? 我要画画——I want to draw.我要写字——I want to write.我最喜欢画画——I like drawing best.我最喜欢写字——I like writing best.我最喜欢做美工——I like doing art best.我不会写——I don’t know how to write it.我不会画——I don’t know how to draw it.我不会做——I don’t know how to do it.老师请给我——Please give it to me.请给我一张纸——Will you please give me a piece of paper? 老师,可以再给我一张纸吗?——May I have another piece of paper? 请给我色纸——Will you please give me the colored paper? 请给我材料——Will you please give me the materials?

School English 写字画画美工2: WRITING.DRAWING.DOING ART 请给我剪刀——Will you please give me the scissors? 请给我胶水——Will you please give me the glue? 请给我胶带——Will you please give me the tape? 请给我订书机——Will you please give me the stapler? 请给我工具——Will you please give me the tools? 我想用铅笔——I need a pencil.我想要用蜡笔——I need a crayon.我想要用彩色笔——I need a colored pen.我想要用水彩笔——I need a water colors.我想要用彩色铅笔——I need a colored pencil.我的笔心断了——The lead broke.请给我橡皮擦——Will you give me the eraser? 老师,我没有——I don’t have it.老师,我的呢?——Where’s mine? 老师,你忘记发给我了——You forgot to give it to me.我没有红色的笔——I don’t have a red pen.橙色——Orange 黄色——Yellow 绿色——Green 蓝色——Blue 紫色——purple

School English 写字画画美工3: WRITING.DRAWING.DOING ART 白色——White 灰色——Gray 黑色——Black 粉红色——Pink 萤光色——Florescent 我要红色的笔——I want a red pen.我要橙色的笔——I want a orange pen.我要黄色的笔——I want a yellow pen.我要绿色的笔——I want a green pen.我要蓝色的笔——I want a blue pen.我要紫色的笔——I want a purple pen.我要粉红色的笔——I want a pink pen.我要萤光色的笔——I want a florescent.老师,请问这个要写几遍——How many times do I have to write this? 这个要怎么写?——How do I write it? 这个要怎么画?——How do I draw it? 这个要怎么做?——How do I do it? 你写给我看好吗?——Will you show me how to write it? 你画给我看好吗?——Will you show me how to draw it? 你能不能做给我看——Will you show me how to do it? 你写得好漂亮——Your writing is so pretty.33

School English 写字画画美工4: WRITING.DRAWING.DOING ART 你画得好漂亮——Your drawing is so pretty.我想跟你写的一样好——I want to write it just like yours.我想和你画的一样好——I want to drawing it just like yours.我想跟你做的一样好——I want to do it just like yours.老师,这样子可以吗?——Is this okay? 老师,你看这是我写的——Look!I wrote it!这是我写的——Look!I drew it!你看这是我做的——Look!I did it!你看我写的好不好?——Will you see it my writing is good? 你看我画的好不好?——Will you see it my drawing is good? 你看我做的好不好?——Will you see it what I did was good? 老师,那我呢?我的怎么样?——How about mine? 我还要再画一张——I want to draw another one.老师,我做好了——I’m done!我已经写好了——I’m finished writing.我已经画好了——I’m finished drawing.我已经做好了——I’m finished doing it.34

School English 游戏活动用语1:

PLAY GAME ACTIVITY 我可以玩了吗?——May I play now? 我们可以开始了吗?——May we start now? 我们今天要玩什么?——What are we play ing today? 我想要去玩——I want to go play.我可不可以去玩玩具——May I go play with the toys? 我可不可以玩这个?——May I play with this? 这是我带来的玩具——I brought my own toy.我想要玩玩具——I want to play with the toys.我们一起——Let’s play together.我想要和他一起玩——I want to play with him.我想要和她一起玩——I want to play with her.我可不可以和他一起玩?——May I play with him? 我可不可以和她一起玩?——May I play with her? 我想要和他做朋友——I want to be friends with him.我想要和她做朋友——I want to be friends with her.他不给我玩——He won’t let me play.她不给我玩——She won’t let me play.他不给我玩那个玩具——He won’t let me play with that toy.她不给我玩那个玩具——She won’t let me play with that toy.让我们轮流玩——Let’s take turns playing with this.35

School English 游戏活动用语2:

PLAY GAME ACTIVITY 他抢我的玩具——He took away my toys.她抢我的玩具——She took away my toys.这是我先玩的——I was playing with this first.是我先找到的——I found it first.是我先看到的——I saw it first.他用玩具打我——He hit me with the toy.她用玩具打我——She hit me with the toy.他把玩具弄坏了——He broke the toy.她把玩具弄坏了——She broke the toy.我不小心把玩具弄坏了——I broke the toy.我不是故意的——I didn’t mean to.我不会玩这个——I don’t know how to play this.这个我打不开——I can’t open it.我不会开——I don’t know how to open it.能不能帮我把这个打开——Will you help me open it? 请帮我把这个打开——Please help me open it.这个太紧了——This is too tight.这个好好玩——This is fun!我还想要玩——I want to play some more.可不可以再玩一会儿——May I play more? 老师,时间到了吗?——Is time up?

School English 游戏活动用语3:

PLAY GAME ACTIVITY 我会收玩具——I can put the toys away.可不可以玩积木?——May I play with the blocks? 可不可以玩乐高?——May I play with the legos? 我想要玩拼图——I want to play with the puzzle.我可不可以到外面玩?——May I go play outside? 我想出去玩——I want to go play outside.我准备好了——I’m ready.老师,我会跟你一样——I’ll be like you.老师,我可以牵你的手吗?——May I hold your hand? 他不和我牵手——He doesn’t want to hold hands with me.她不各我牵手——She doesn’t want to hold hands with me.我跑不动了——I can’t run anymore.我想要休息一会儿——I want to rest.我想看卡通——I want to watch cartoons.我想看录影带——I want to watch a videotape.老师,今天要看什么卡通?——Which cartoon are we watching today? 今天我们看什么录影带?——Which videotape are we watching today? 我要唱歌——I want to sing.我要跳舞——I want to dance.我喜欢唱歌——I like to sing.我喜欢跳舞——I like to dance.37

School English 游戏活动用语4:

PLAY GAME ACTIVITY 我会唱——I can sing.我会跳舞——I can dance.我唱给你听——Let me sing for you.我跳给你看——Let me dance for you.你觉得我做得怎么样?——How am I doing? 那我呢?我做得怎么样?——What about me? 我赢了——I won!我第一名——I am the first.我第二名——I am the second.我第三名——I am the third.我第四名——I am the fourth.我第五名——I am the fifth.38

School English 生活&常规1:

LIVES & RULES 请你陪我——Please stay with me.请抱我——Please hold me.请教我——Please teach me.请帮我——Please help me.我帮你——Let me help you.我自己做——Let me do it by myself.请告诉我——Please tell me.你看——Look!请让一让——Excuse me.你要去哪里?——Excuse me , please.这是什么?——What’s this? 哪是什么?——What’s that? 你在做什么?——What are you doing? 什么事?——What? 我会——I can do it.我要——I want it.我也要——I want it ,too.请给我——Please give it to me.这个给我好吗?——May I have this? 给我一点好吗?——May I have some of these? 我可以拿一个吗?——May I take one?

School English 生活&常规2:

LIVES & RULES 我们一人一半好不好?——Can we split it? 麻烦了——Please!我有——I have it.我也有——I have it , too.我知道——I know.这送给你——This is for you.这给你看——This is for you to see.换我了——It’s my turn.该你了——It’s your turn.换他了——It’s his turn.轮到她了——It’s her turn.这是我的——This is mine.这是你的——This is yours.这是他的——This is his.这是她的——This is hers.那不是我的——That is not mine.这不是我的——This is not mine.我找不到——I can’t find it.这个要放在那里?——Where should I put this? 可不可以放在这里?——May I put this here? 我们要去哪里上课?——Where are we going to have class?

School English 生活&常规3:

LIVES & RULES 要去哪一间教室?——Which classroom are we going to? 要换教室了吗?——Are we changing classrooms? 他拿我的东西——He took my things.她拿我的东西——She took my things.请还给我——Please give it back to me.他不还给我——He isn’t giving it back.她不还给我——She isn’t giving it back.请借我看一会——Please let me see it.请借我玩一会——Please let me play with it.我找到了这个——I found this.这个不知道是谁的——I don’t know whose this is.我刚刚有看到他在这里——I just saw him here.我刚刚有看到她在这里——I just saw her here.我刚刚有看到这个东西在这里——I just saw it here.这本来就是放在这里的——It’s always been here.这是我带来的东西——I brought this from home.这是他给我的——He gave me this.这是她给我的——She gave me this.这是老师给我的——My teacher gave me this.我没有拿——I didn’t take it.我没有碰它——I didn’t touch it.41

School English 生活&常规4:

LIVES & RULES 是他拿走了——He took it.是她拿走了——She took it.我看见他拿走了——I saw him take it.我看见她拿走了——I saw her take it.是的,我确定——Yes, I’m sure.我忘记拿来了——I forgot to bring it.我拿来了——I brought it.你有没有拿来?——Did you bring it? 我忘记了——I forgot.我去问问老师——I’m going to ask the teacher.我要去跟老师说——I’m going to tell the teacher.你去问问老师——Why don’t you go ask the teacher? 我没有告诉别人——I didn’t tell anybody.我不敢告诉我妈妈——I’m afraid to tell my mom.我不敢告诉老师——I’m afraid to tell my teacher.为什么?——Why? 请你答应我——Please promise me.好不好?——OK? 好!我答应你——OK, I promise you.请你相信我——Please trust me.我相信你——I trust you.42

School English 生活&常规5:

LIVES & RULES 我没有骗你——I didn’t lie to you.我会收拾干净的——I’ll clean it up.我会自己收——I’ll clean it up myself.我收好了——I cleaned it up.我把椅子放进去——I put the chair back in.我排整齐了——I lined it up.我已经打扫干净了——I finished cleaning.我完成了——I’m done.那不是我弄的——I didn’t do it.这不是我弄坏的——I didn’t break it.这是我弄坏的——I broke it.我不是故意的——I didn’t mean to.请你不要生气——Please don’t get mad.是我先来的——I was here first.他抢我的位子——He’s in my seat.他插队——He cut in the line.她插队——She cut in the line.我排好队了——I am in line.他骂我—— He said something bad to me.她骂我——She said something bad to me.我没有骂他——I didn’t say anything bad to him.43

School English 生活&常规6:

LIVES & RULES 我没有骂她——I didn’t say anything bad to her.他笑我——He laughed at me.她笑我——She laughed at me.我没有笑他——I didn’t laugh at him.我没有笑她——I didn’t laugh at her.直的吗?——Really? 告诉我实话——Tell me the truth.他挤我——He shoved me.他推我——He pushed me.他打我——He hit me.他抓我——He scratched me.她捏我——She pinched me.她撞我——She bumped me.她踢我——She kicked me.她咬我——She bit me.他踩到我的脚了——He stepped on my foot.她踩到我的手了——She stepped on my hand.他踩到我的东西了——He stepped on my thing.他很用力打我——He hit me very hard.她很用力打我——She hit me very hard.他又打我了——He hit me again.44

School English 生活&常规7:

LIVES & RULES 她又打我了——She hit me again.他找我这里——He hit me here.他抓我这里——He scratched me here.她碰我这里——She touched me here.她踢我这里——She kicked me here.他抓住我的手——He grabbed my hand.她抓住我的手——She grabbed my hand.他没有跟我说对不起——He didn’t say sorry to me.她没有跟我说对不起——She didn’t say sorry to me.他不跟我做朋友了——He doesn’t want to be friends with me anymore.她不跟我做朋友了——She doesn’t want to be friends with me anymore.我们吵架了——We had a fight.他们在打架——They are fighting.他们刚刚在打架——They were fighting.他要跟我打架——He wants to fight.她要跟我打架——She wants to fight.他喜欢打架——He likes to fight.她喜欢打架——She likes to fight.我不喜欢打架——I don’t like fighting.你看,他坐在桌子上——Look,he’s sitting on the table.你看,她坐在桌子上——Look,She’s sitting on the table.45

School English 生活&常规8:

LIVES & RULES 你看,他在摇椅子——Look, he’s rocking the chair.你看,她在摇椅子——Look, she’s rocking the chair.你看,他们都没有听你的话——Look, they didn’t listen to you.我有听你的话——I listened to you.我可以离开了吗?——May I go ? 我走了!——I am leaving.46

School English 好孩子1:


我会很乖(男生)——I’ll be a good boy.我会很乖(女生)——I’ll be a good girl.我会听老师的话——I’ll listen to the teacher.我会听爸爸妈妈的话——I’ll listen to my daddy and mommy.我很有礼貌——I’ll be polite.我是一个好孩子——I’ll be a good kid.我是乖宝宝——I am a good kid.我不让老师生气——I won’t make my teacher angry.我不让爸爸妈妈生气——I won’t make my daddy and mommy angry.我会认真上课——I’ll pay attention in class.我会用功读书——I’ll study hard.我会帮老师忙——I’ll help the teacher.我会帮助别人——I’ll help others.我很可爱——I’m very cute.我爱整洁——I like being neat and clean.我很大方——I’m generous.我很勇敢——I’m brave.我好快乐——I’m happy.我常常笑咪咪——I’m smile a lot.我很懂事——I’m understanding.我很诚实——I’m honest.47

School English 好孩子2:

A GOOD KID 我不说慌——I don’t lie.我会保持教学整洁——I will keep the classroom neat and clean.我不会乱丢纸屑——I won’t litter.我会和同学分享——I share with my classmates.我不会随便拿别人的东西——I don’t take things from other people.这个借给你——I am lending this to you.你可以和我起用——You can use it with me.我没事,请不要担心——I’m OK.Don’t worry.没有关系——It’s OK.谢谢你帮助我——Thank you for helping me.你对我真好——You are nice to me.我喜欢你——I like you very much.我想和你做朋友——I would like to be your friend.你是我的好朋友——You are my good friend.你是我最好的朋友——You are my best friend.我想和你一起玩——I would like to play with you.我喜欢和你一起玩——I like playing with you.我记得老师教过的事情——I’ll remember what the teacher taught me.我不会忘记老师说的事情——I won’t forget what the teacher said.谢谢你请我吃东西——Thank you for treating me.谢谢你送我礼物——Thank you for your present.48

School English 好孩子3:

A GOOD KID 我是小老师——I’m the teacher’s helper.我是班长——I’m the clsaa leader.我是好学生——I’m a good student.我得第一名——I’m first.我得第二名——I’m second.我得第三名——I’m third.我得第四名——I’m fourth.我得第五名——I’m fifth.我得到奖状——I won the award.我是每周之星——I’m the student of the week.我是每月之星——I’m the student of the month.我毕业了——I graduated.49

School English 身体保健1:

HYGIENE 我的手脏了——My hands were dirty.我要去洗手——I want to go wash my hands.他在玩水——He’s playing with the water.她在玩水——She’s playing with the water.我流鼻涕——I have a runny nose.我流汗了——I’m sweating.请帮我换衣服——Please help me change my clothes.我会自己穿——I can put it on myself.我不会穿——I don’t know how to put it on.我好热——I’m hot.我好冷——I’m cold.我不舒服——I don’t feel well.我想回家——I want to go home.我可不可以回家?——May I go home? 我可不可以打电话回家?——May I call home? 我想吐——I want to throw up.我吐了——I threw up.他吐了——He threw up.她吐了——She threw up.我觉得头好晕——I feel dizzy.我的头好痛——My head aches.50




1、示范教学,让孩子理解句子意思。A、放碟 B、图片 C、助教





2、用其他素材扩展句型,如:教what’s your name?时,可分别指着Tony、Terry、Pad、Gogo 的图片提问作答;

3、让孩子practice with partner。










__到了幼儿园门口,你和妈妈是怎么告别的?老师会和你说什么? __我们去参观过幼儿园了,这些小朋友也去参观幼儿园,还记得食堂里有什么吗?和食堂的阿姨是怎么打招呼的?

__这些小朋友在玩什么玩具?你喜欢我们幼儿园的什么玩具呢? 教师和幼儿按照班级的一日活动流程,制作“班级一日活动作息”小火车。1.和幼儿一起回顾班级一日活动流程。








合:嗯? 怎么样? 甲:快乐成长每一天!




丁: 健康歌里唱得好,蹦蹦跳跳不会老。天天锻炼做早操,体格健壮精神好。要说我们那早操,内容丰富水平高。有一、二、三、四徒手操,还有那,啪啦啪啦的韵律操。天天来把身体练,争做奥运好宝宝!争做奥运好宝宝!



丙:下午活动更多采,幼儿园开设特色课。聘请外教来教学,三、四岁就会把英语说。Hello, hi, good morning, ok, sorry, thank you。连说加唱带表演。功能室里赏雅韵,图书室里闻书香,科探室里做中学,美工室里显身手。大型玩具淘气堡,自然角里最奇妙!最—奇—妙!





第五篇:There be 句型教学案例

There be 句型教学案例


1.面向学生:中学 2.学科:英语 3.课时:1 3.学生课前准备:①预习单词和句型.②完成课后习题.二、教学课题


a)、学习掌握词汇:英语数字13-19及20-90;computer,dictionary,library,television picture.b)、掌握There is/are„句型的肯定句、否定句、一般疑问句及简略回答。


a)、能听懂和阅读包含there be句型的有关学校介绍的简短对话和短文。b)、能运用所学词汇和there be 句型来介绍自己的班级和学校。



本课时主要学习there be句型及数字13-19及20-90这些数字,侧重听力,词汇和口语的相关训练。让学生能运用there be结构来描述教室内和学校内的事物,话题贴近学生的生活,新生对介绍学校也比较感兴趣。在设计本课时的同时,我制作了图片和课件,目的是让学生能直观,更容易理解和使用There be句型进行描述地点。激发他们热爱自己的班级和学校。教学重点:

(1)掌握词汇: computer ,library,dictionary,television,picture及有关教室和校内的单词。

(2)能听懂对话内容和运用There be句型描述学校及教室 教学难点:

there be 句型的理解和正确运用它的各种句式



1.Greetings:The teacher greets the students.2.Listen to the English song《 Number Song》.if they know how to sing the song, they can sing.Ask the students if they like the song.They may answer:Yes,I like it very much.(设计意图:通过歌曲创造轻松愉快的学习氛围,让学生在听歌过程中去感受英文数字。)Step2.Lead-in Show the English numbers one to twelve on the screen.Review the words.T:We have learn the English numbers one to twelve.Do you remember them? Ss may answer:Yes.T:Ok.Now let’s count the numbers together.T and Ss:one ,two,there„

(设计意图:通过复习简单的数字入手,让学生在轻松愉快而且有节奏的数数中,体验学习的快乐,也为进一步学习数字打下基础。)Step3.Learn the English numbers 13-19 and 20-90.1.Show the English numbers 13-19 on the screen.T:Now let’s continue to learn the English numbers.Do you know these numbers? S:Yes.T:Let’s listen to the tape and read after it.T and S:thirteen fourteen fifteen„(repeat)T:We must pay attention to thirteen ,fifteen, eighteen.(T explain if there is necessary.)Now discuss:what rulescan you find from the numbers? S:Work in pairs 2.Ask some students to say out the rules.And then show the rules on the screen.3.Learn the numbers 20-90 in the same way.(同时强调英语几十几的表达法,并给出 example)4.Exercise:Match the words and the numbers.(设计意图:通过看单词并跟读,使学生对数字单词有初步的认识后又通过讨论寻找规律,加深印象,同时也培养了学生的合作探究能力。)Step4.Vocbulary and listening 1.教师出示几张幻灯片或图片,复习巩固有关教室内物品的单词。T:Do you know these thing? What’s this in English? S:It’s a/an„

引出新单词 dictionary、library、picture 等板书并教读单词,并学习他们的复数形式。

2.Show out a picture of a classroom,beside the picture ,there are some words they have learned just now.lead the Ss to make dialogues like this: A: What can you see in the classroom? B:I can see a television.A: How many desks are there in it? B:There is /are...A:Is/Are there(any)„in the classroom? B:Yes,there is /are.or No,there isn’t/aren’t.(设计意图:通过图片和单词的呈现,引导学生进行对话,引出there be 句型,让学生初步感知句型。)3.Point to some real things in the classroom and ask the students to practise the sentence with “there be”.T:How many desks in our classroom? S:There is /are„in our classroom.4.Show out these sentences on the screen.Ask S to read over the sentences together then work in pairs to find out the sentence structure: There is a computer on the desk.There are some computers on the desks.There isn’t a football in the classroom.There aren’t any footballs in the classroom.Is there a desk in our classroom? Yes,there is.No,there isn’t.Are there any desks in our classroom? Yes,there are.No,there aren’t.板书:there be 表示某地有某人/物(用is还是用are由后面的名词决定,即“就近原则”)a).肯定句:There is /are„ b).否定句:There isn’t/aren’t„

c).一般疑问句:Is/Are there(any)„及简略回答:Yes,there is/are.No,there isn’t/aren’t.d)some和any的区别:Some和any都是“一些,几个”的意思。some用于陈述句或肯定句;any用于否定句和疑问句,两者后都能接可数名词复数或不可数名词。(让学生做笔记。)5.为了加强理解语法Therebe句型,出示几张幻灯片或图片,抽学生提问,运用图片旁边的提示单词来问答: T:How many„„ are there in our classroom? S:There are....T:Are ther any...in our classroom? S:Yes,there are /No,there arent.T:Are there any computers on the desks? S:No,there aren’t.T:Are there any computers on the desk? S:Yes,there are.T:ls there a computer on the teachers desk? S:No there isnt.(设计意图:采用直观的教学法,在学生掌握单词的基础上,通过反复的操练句型,并让学生通过阅读含有there be的句子,讨论并归纳这一语法结构以加深理解并掌握这个句型。)Step5.Lintening 1.Show the pictures in the textbook.Picture 1 1.There are nine _________ in the classroom.2.There are seven __________ in the classroom.3.There is a ___________ on the teacher’s desk.4.There are some _________ on the students’ desks.Picture 2 1.There are ________ desks in the classroom.2.There are ________ chairs in it.3.There are two __________ on the desks.4.There is a ____________ on the wall.Picture 3 1.There are six ___________ on the desks.2.There are four in the classroom.2.Ask the s to look at the pictures then complete the sentences according to the pictures.3.Check the answers together.4.Listen and choose the correct picture.(设计意图:在这个环节里,通过结合图片设计一些含有there be句型的题目,让学生观察图片后完成句子,在对图片已经了解的情况下再进行听力练习,这样学生就不会觉得太难理解而放弃,同时既是对前面所学的知识的回顾,也是对后面的part8 and part9练习打下伏笔。)Step6.Listening and reading 1.Pre-listening Ask the students to read over the sentences in Activity4.Make sure the students get the meaning of them.2.While-listening.Students choose the correct answers.3.Listen again and check the answers.教师抽查学生听的情况,核对Activity4的答案。小组或班级评选谁是听力王,对学生听的表现及时评价。4.Listen and repeat.a.Students read after the tape then underline the sentences that with “there be”

b.Read over the sentences together.5.pair-work.Finish part8-9.Use “there be ”to make sentences or dialogue.(设计意图:在这个环节,侧重培养学生的听力能力和阅读能力,在听之前,先解释part 4的题目,这样学生就有侧重点的去听,提高听力效果。在理解短文内容的基础上,让学生学以致用,结合实际造句或编对话,激发学生学习的兴趣,并体验成功的喜悦。)Step7 Do some exercise 1.Ask S to choose the correct answers.1.There(is/are)water in the glass.2.(Is/Are)there two books and a pen on the desk? 3.There aren’t(some/ any)chairs for me.4.There are two(library/libraries)in our school.2.Correct the sentences.1.There is some photos on my desk.()A B C 2.Are there any foreign teacher in your school?()A B C 3.How many boys and girls is there in your class?()A B C 4.Where are my basketball?()A B C 5.I have two Chinese-English dictionary.()A B 再一次强调There be(is/are)句型,用is/are与挨着的名词保持一致,也就是“就近原则。


2.用there be句型来描述自己理想的房间


Step9.小结:Important and diffiult points.1.dictionary 复数 dictionaries 2.Library 复数 libraries 3.picture 同义词 photo 4.there be 句型表示某地有某物.结构: There is/are +某物/人(主语)+ 地点 Step10板书设计:(制成幻灯片)Important and diffiult points.1.dictionary 复数 dictionaries 2.Library 复数 libraries 3.picture 同义词 photo 4.there be 句型表示某地有某物.结构: There is/are +某物/人+ 地点




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