口译教程UNIT 3 第三单元教案

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第一篇:口译教程UNIT 3 第三单元教案

UNIT 3 第三单元教案

来源: 口译-学院精品课程 作者:Jay J Yang

Speech Performance


Unit Objective(单元目标)

After reading this unit you should

☆ understand the nature of interpreting speech.☆ know how to prepare for interpretation

☆ master the best performance as an interpretor.Warm-up(准备)

1.Two students are requested to sit at the Interpreting Desk or Booth, acting as interpretors of the class.Their performance is evaluated and graded by instructor.2.One or Two students are asked to present a piece of news or a weather forecast of the week.Theory of Interpretation III(口译理论三)

口译员的演讲技巧: 熟悉讲话场所;



Memoria Technica(记忆法)

Listen to the following sentences, and try to catch the key words and details, then repeat as accurately as possible:

1.The farmers in South China have enough food and clothing, and have been building new houses of more than three stories.Quite a few of them are leading a comfortable life.2.Nearly everybody agrees that money does not buy as much as it used to be.The purchase power is declining because of the inflation.3.All credit card organization charge interest on a monthly basis, which may work out as high as 25% a year.4.The rural industries in China have been developing rapidly, and employed more and more workers who were peasants for generations before 1978.5.We have prepared some souvenir for you, which are had-made by our own staff.We hope you will like them and we do hope you will be able to visit us again in the near future.6.Many foreign businessmen came to invest in the countryside in the forms of joint venture, cooperative, or wholely foreign-owned enterprises.7.Among the most popular books being written today are those that are usually classified as science fiction.8.If we can work together to our mutual benefit, arrangements will be made for one of representatives to make a trip to USA and discuss with you in person.Retell a piece of News: Americans and their Legs

Cultural Salon or Seminar(文化沙龙或研讨会)

In the last 20 minutes will be a cultural salon or seminar.Two or three students who have been asked to prepare a speech in advance on a given topic.Students in the booth will do the oral interpretation.Topic: Environment

Homework Assignments(课后作业)

Retell the following articles with the help of your study partners:

No.1: 广东省


No.2: 北京市


No.3: Beijing to receive nearly 5 million overseas visitors in 2008

Beijing, as the venue of the 29th Olympic Games, will receive 4.6 to 4.8 million visitors from overseas in 2008.The overseas visitors are expected to bring Beijing 4.8 to 4.9 billion U.S.dollars of tourism revenue.During the period of the summer Olympics in 2008, the number of overseas audience and visitors to Beijing is estimated at 500,000 to 550,000.Currently, Beijing has 4,761 hotels which are equipped with a total of 572,500 beds, according to the official.By the end of July, Beijing has received 2.113 million overseas visitors who spent at least one night in the city, up 7.1 percent compared with the corresponding period of last year.While the figure stood at 3.629 million last year, up 15 percent year-on-year


Guangzhou, located in the center of the Guangdong Province and on the northern fringe of Pearl River Delta, is the capital of Guangdong and the center of the provincial politics, economy, science and technology, education and culture, and administrates ten districts as Yuexiu, Dongshan, Haizhu, Liwan, Tianhe, Baiyun Huangpu, Fangcun, Huadu and Panyu, and two county-level cities as Conghua and Zengcheng.Guangzhou covers an area of 7,434.4 square kilometers and its population is 7,006,900.Guangzhou is a hub of transportation and communications, and a trade port.Guangzhou, always with name of the “Southern Gate of China”, has been an important gateway for China's foreign connections, and the starting point of the Silk Road on the sea.Guangzhou, with a history of than 2,200 years, is one of the first historical and cultural cities promulgated by the State Council.Guangzhou was originally named Chuting, and later the Ram City, the Sui City(Sui means the ears of grain in Chinese), for it is a legend that in the ancient times five celestial beings befell onto Chuting on five colored rams with ears of grain in their mouths, and presented them to the local husbandmen and wished the place abundant harvests of all crops and out of famine Guangzhou is the cradle of the modern Chinese revolution, for the famous historic events such as SanVuanli Anti-British Struggle, Huanghuagang Uprising and Guangzhou Uprising took Place in Guanzhou.Guangzhou, reputed as “Floral City” with trees and other plants evergreen and everblooming is a key tourist city of our country, and has a great number of historical sites and over 12O units with historical relics Drotected by the state, the province and the city respectively, and among them the Southern Yue King Tomb, Guangxiao Temple, the Six-Banyan Temple and Huaisheng Temple are more than 1,000 years old.Additionally, there are many more as South Sea Hieron built in Sui Dynasty Five-Celestial Taoist Temple built in Ming Dynasty Zhenhai Tower, Lotus Tower, the Chen Clan Temple constructed in Qing Dynasty Yuying Hill House and such modem revolutionary and historical commemorative places as Huangpu Military Academy established by Dr Sun Yat-sefy the site of National Institute of Peasant Movement presided by Mao Zedong, the Cemetery of Guangzhou Uprising Martyrs, the Graveyard of 72 Huanghuagang Martyrs and Sun Yat-sen Memorial Hall.Guangzhou has witnessed the fine and continuously fast development in national economy since the reform and open-up poliCy was imPlemented, and has apace been one of the most advanced metropolitans in economic aspects over the country The suburbs have developed all-roundly and formed an industrial structtire with fresh and live farming and sideline products as a main factor in the course of the transformation from the traditional agriculture to a modern one.Guided by the product markets, the industry has increased fast and has gradually formed a basically outward industrial system with light industry as the dominant factor, heavy industry as the definite base, capacity to provide auxiliary items and respectively advanced technologic equipment.The service industry, including business trade, finance, tourism and information industry has developed very quickly and the proportion covering the GDP has increased remarkably.A market system network has been formed with complete types, an extensive coverage and a high open-up degree, as the economic system has been transforming into the market economy.The opening-up to the outside world has produced an omnibearing, multilevel and wide-range setup, and the outward economy has developed into a new phase.The urban planning and construction have quickened and the municipal visages have renewed with each passing day with the objectives of “a minor change in a year, a medium change in three years, and an immense change in 2010”, the urban construction and management have advanced to standardization and legalization, and the city image and environment have improved greatly.Guangzhou, as the nuclear city of South China, has borne more attraction, wider coverage and continuously enforced comprehensive service function-It is not only an energetic city with vitality but brings along the industrialization development and the rise of city group in Pearl River Delta as well.广 州 市




改革开放以来,广州市国民经济持续快速健康发展,一跃成为全国经济最发达的特大城市之一。农村经济全面发展,在从传统农业向现代农业转化中形成了以生产鲜活农副产品为重点的城郊型格局;工业经济快速增长,以市场为导向,逐步形成了一个以轻加工工业为主,重工业有一定基础,配套能力较强,技术设备较为先进,外向型经济初具规模的工业生产体系;商贸、金融、旅游、信息等第三产业发展迅速,占国内生产总值的比重明显提高。经济体制向市场经济转变加快,初步构筑起类型齐全、辐射面广、开放程度高的市场体系框架。对外开放形成全方位、多层次、宽领域格局;外向型经济发展进入新阶段。城市建设步伐不断加快,市容市貌日新月异。围绕城市建设“一年一小变; 三年一中变,2010年一大变”的目标,城市建设和管理向规范化、法制化推进;城市形象和环境有巨大改观。



Yungang Grottoes

The grottoes are located at the foot of Wuzhou Mountain 16km west of Datong.Hewn out of cliff sides in a honeycomb pattern, they were built some 1,500 years ago during the Northern Wei Dynasty when Buddhism was thriving.They stretch for a whole kilometer from east to west.Within four decades, a thousand grottoes and some one hundred thousand Buddhist statutes were completed together with large numbers of niches and colorful decorations.Today 51,000 statutes remain, the largest 17 meters high and the smallest two centimeters.Mount Wutai

Wutai, as its name indicates, consists of five platform-shaped peaks.Called the East, West, South, North and Central Platforms, they stand at altitudes of over 2,500 meters above sea level.The mountain contains as many as 48 temples, which began to be built there during the years 25-220 AD.Hundreds of monks can be seen performing active duties in the temples.It is a tourist area combining natural landscape, historical relics, ancient architecture, arts, Buddhist culture and folk customs, making it an ideal summer resort.Hanging Temple

Built on the cliff of the Golden Dragon Canyon at the foot of Mt.Heng, the temple has a history of more than 1,400 years.The only one of its kind and with the features of singularity, exquisiteness and being breathtaking, it heads the list of China’s ancient buildings.Xu Xiake, the famous traveler of the Ming Dynasty, described it as the most magnificent sight under heaven.No.6 天坛




The Temple of Heaven

a place where the earthly ruler talks to the heavenly emperor

About 2km southeast of the Forbidden City towers Tian Tan, or the Temple of Heaven, where dynastic rulers in China used to worship the heaven.The temple plus subsidiary buildings and a surrounding garden covers an area five times the size of the Forbidden City.As Chinese emperors called themselves Tianzi, or the son of heaven, they had to cede supremacy to the heaven in terms of abiding.Chinese emperors had many other gods to worship apart from the god of heaven, including the gods of earth, water and war.They also worshipped their ancestors.As a result, religious activities were an important part of their busy work schedule.Temples of various kinds are scattered in Beijing.The best-known are the Temple of Heaven in the south, the Temple of Earth in the north, the Temple of Sun in the east, and the Temple of the Moon in the west.The Temple of Heaven is the grandest of them all.Guide to Dr.Sun Yat-sen's Memorial Hall

Dr.Sun Yat-sen's Memorial Hall, a national major cultural relic of Guangdong Province, was designed by Mr.Lu Yanzhi, a reputable Chinese architect, and sponsored by the local people of Guangzhou and overseas Chinese to commemorate Dr.Sun Yat-sen, the great forerunner of Chinese revolution.The Hall saw its const-ruction started in 1929 and completed in 1931 at where the Presidential Pa-lace had been.Dr.Sun Yat-sen's Memorial Hall, an octagonal building with grand presence, features a strong Chinese style.The 52m-high main hall accounts for 12000m2 out of the total 6.3 hectares of the whole complex.It spans as wide as 71 meters in the absence of a single pillar, thanks to the designer's ingenious application of the architectural mechanics and structural combination of steel framework and ferroconcrete.The main hall holds a 15m-wide, 20m-deep stage and 3238 seats.Dr.Sun Yat-sen Memorial Hall is one of most symbolic buildings of Guangzhou, and it is also a major site for great convention and performance, a tourist attraction to visitors from home and abroad.宝墨园







Baomo Garden is situated in Zini Village, Shawan Town, Panyu City,With an area of 5mus ,it was built at the end of the Qing Dynasty.but destroyed in the fifties of the 20th century.It took the people 6 years to rebuild Baomo Garden since 1995 and,now it is expanded to more than one hundred mus,Baomo Garden consists of the culture of an upright official Baozheng,ancient buildings in SouthChina,traditional gardening arts of South China,and Waterside scenery in the Pearl River Delta.The buildings, the gardens.the hills ,the water and the bridges are distributed reasonably and naturally ,and they make all the grand sights.The stone archways at the entrance are an imitation of ancient buildings, It is a wonderful workmanship that looks grand and lofty.In the garden, there are numerous pottery carvings.porcelain carvings, brick carvings, clay carvings.stone carvings and wood carvings.Among them there are the porcelain sculpture “Riverside Scene of Qingming Festival ”which has bee listed in the Guinness Book of Records and the large refined artistic brick sculpture“Wall of Blooming Flowers With Singing Birds”,The gallery in the Litchi Island is resplendent and magnificent, Teere is the statue of ancient Chinese sage Confucius who is knwn as the teacher of human for the people to worship.with Baomo Treasure Hall, Long tu Hall, Baomo Hall.Ju Bao Hall,Zhaotailai Gallery.all these galleries collect the ancient and moderm famous pictures, calligraphy, pottery , porcelain, bronze and jade articles etc.which show the long history of the culture in China and form the special humane attractions ,It is realy a gardening gallery.The view of the water in the garden is unique.Such a Litchi View Bay.Qingping Lake and Baomo Lake are connected with more than one thousand meter running river, and the water are as clear as mirrors,make the fascinating inverted image of the whole garden.over 30bridges have been built acrodd the limpid rivers and lakes.If you sail a small boat freely ,you may feel like being in a fairyland.The Zidong pleasure boat on the Qingping Lake is Like a Palace of Art over the water.The Zidai Bridge is like a rainbow over the lake, the green willows are like the mist around the lake.You may enjoy watching the colourful carps moving about forming red waves and people having smiles o their faces.The Bamboo Garden is especially for the children to wade the small brook.to view and admire the fish ,It is a paradise of the children.With perennial greenery and various blosoming flowers,the garden poddesses so many different scenes that one can hardly take them all in ,wherever you go.youwill get quite a different view.Such as “the litchis 'ripe scene on the Litchi Island ”,willow dike, thousand year old podocarpus, banyan on both sides of the road, and camellias etc.all these are worth appreciation much more times.The colorful Rose Garden, the refreshing Lotus pool.the quiet and graceful Orchid Garden, the breezing Banboo Garden, bll these please both the eye and the mind.And they are especially nice for summer.The Viewing Tower,the Local restaurants, the Purple Bamboo House etc.provide the people with Panyu cuisine in flavors, such as the well known shawan Town ginger milk Zini Village fish skinned dumpling, Liwan boat porridge and a series of hometown cuisine.Coming to Baomo Garden ,you'll fully enjoy the beautiful scenery of the gardening in South China,you 'll be relaxed and happy so much as to forget to gohome and finally be led



Feedback and Comments(反馈与评论)

Aims of this Unit:

Student’s Feedback:

Teacher’s Comments:

The candidate has met the standard, knowledge and skill requirements.Candidate:________

Date: _________ Assessor: _________ Date: __________


1.一言既出,驷马难追 2.海内存知己,天涯若比邻 3.千里之行,始于足下 4.王小二过年,一年不如一年 5.打开天窗说亮话



1.What is said cannot be unsaid

2.Long distance separates no bosom friends

3.A thousand-li journey is started by taking the first step.4.To be going from bad to worse 5.Frankly speaking

6.To be simply nothing compared to… 7.To paint the lily

8.(an area)flowing with milk and honey 二

9.施展两面手法 10.人人皆有得意之日 11.班门弄斧

12三个臭皮匠,赛过诸葛亮 13.有钱能使鬼推磨

14.一朝被蛇咬,十年怕井绳 15.一寸光阴一寸金 16.天网恢恢,疏而不漏 17.你可不能食言啊 18.说到曹操,曹操就到 19.少壮不努力,老大徒伤悲 20.远亲不如近邻 21.换汤不换药 22.搬起石头砸自己脚 23.情人眼里出西施 24.醉翁之意不在酒

9.to carry fire in one hand and water in the other 10.every dog has its day

11.to teach your grandma to suck eggs;to offer to teach fish to swim 12.two heads are better than one

13.money makes the mare go;money talks 14.once bitten, twice shy 15.time is money 16.justice has long arms

17.you can’t break your promise

18.speak of the wolf, and you will see his tail 19.a young idler, an old beggar

20.neighbours are dearer than distant relatives.21.the same old stuff with a different label;a change in form but not in essence 22.to tread on one’s own tail

23.love sees no fault.Beauty lies in the lover’s eyes.24.many kiss the baby for the nurse’s sake 三

25.血浓于水,落叶归根 26.你在开玩笑 27.他过着非人的生活 28.八仙过海,各显神通 29.每逢佳节倍思亲 30.酒逢知己千杯少

31.常言道:近朱者赤,近墨者黑 32.冰冻三尺,非一日之寒

25.blood is thicker than water, the falling leaves settle on the roots 26.you are pulling my leg 27.he is leading a dog’s life

28.like the Eight Fairies crossing the sea, each displaying his own talent

29.on festive occasion, more often than ever, we think of our dear ones far away.30.among bosom friends, a thousand cups pf wine are not too many.31.as the saying goes, ”what’s near cinnabar goes red, and what’s nest to ink turns back.”

32.it takes more than a day to freeze three feet of ice.Rome was not built a day.四

33.now or never

34.much cry and little wool

35.a small leak will sink a great ship 36.behind the mountains there are people to be found.37.nothing succeeds like success 38.enough is as good as a feast

39.little thieves are hanged, but great ones escaped 40.like attracts like

41.speech is silver, silence is gold.33.机不可失,失不再来34.雷声大雨点小 35.千里之堤,溃于蚁穴 36.山外有山,天外有天 37.一事成功,事事顺利

38.知足常乐39.窃钩者诛,窃国者侯 40.物以类聚,人以群分 41.雄辩是银,沉默是金 五

1.滴水石穿 2.破釜沉舟 3.隔墙有耳 4.积少成多 5.三思而后行 6.无风不起浪 7.一箭双雕


1.constant dripping wears the stone 2.to burn one’s boats3.walls have ears 4.many a little makes a mickle 5.look before you leap

6.there is no smoke without fire 7.to kill two birds with one stone 8.as you sow, so will you reap.六


10.the burnt child dreads the fire

11.better be the head of a dog than the tail of lion 12.where there is a will, there is a way 13.to kill the goose that lays golden eggs 14.strike while the iron is hot 15.to fish in the air

16.don’t wash your dirty linen in public 17.all good things must come to an end 18.a fall into the pit, a gain in your wit 19.hungry dogs will eat dirty puddings 20.易如反掌 21.鼠目寸光


23.留得青山在,不怕没柴烧 24.千里送鹅毛,礼轻情意重 25.坦白从宽,抗拒从严 26.削足适履


28.良药苦口利于病,忠言逆耳利于行 29.兼听则明,偏听则暗 30.to show one’s cards 31.to be armed to teeth

32.to head a wolf into the house 33.as sly as a fox

34.an eye for an eye,a tooth for a tooth

9.man proposes, god disposes 10.一朝被蛇咬,十年怕见草绳 11.宁为鸡头,勿为牛后 12.有志者,事竟成 13.杀鸡取卵 14.趁热打铁 15.缘木求鱼


17.天下无不散之筵席 18.吃一堑,长一智 19.饥不择食

20.as easy as turning over one’s hand 21.see no farther than one’s nose

22.a gentleman uses his tongue, not his fists 23.while there is life, there is hope

24.the gift itself may be as light as a feather,but sent from afar, it conveys deep feelings.25.leniency to those who confess, and punishment to those who resist.26.to cut the feet to fit the shoes

27.distant water cannot put out a nearby fire

28.good medicine is bitter in the mouth,but good for the disease.29.listen to both sides and you will be enlightened;heed only one side and you will be benighted.30.摊牌31.武装到牙齿32.引狼入室33.像狐狸一样狡猾 34.以牙还牙,以眼还眼 七

35.god helps those who help themselves.36.碰一鼻子灰

37.木已成舟,只好如此了 38.不管三七二十一

39.十五个吊桶大水一七上八下 40.a fly on the wheel 41.a bull in a china shop 42.by hook or crook 43.杀鸡给猴看 44.既往不咎

45.the spirit is willing but the flesh is weak 46.birds of a feather flock together 47.a stitch in time saves nine


49.give him an inch and he will take an ell 50.有眼不识泰山

51.a horse stumbles that has four legs

52.to lock the stable door after the hore has been stolen 53.i am dead-beat today.54.己所不欲,勿施于人 55.坚韧不拔 56.呕心沥血 57.绚丽多彩 58.弄巧成拙 59.忘乎所以 60.亦步亦趋

35.自助者天助 36.to be rejected

37.what is done is done

38.regardless of the consequences 39.in a turmoil;to be extremely upset 40.自以为有天大本事的人 41.肆意捣乱 42.不择手段

43.to punish somebody as a warning to others 44.let bygones be bygones 45.心有余而力不足

46.物以类聚,人以群分 47.小洞不补,大洞吃苦

48.the unexpected always happens 49.得寸进尺

50.to entertain an angel unawares 51.人非圣贤,孰能无过 52.贼去关门


54.do as you would be done by 55.staunch and unyielding 56.to work one’s heart out 57.gorgeous

58.to outsmart oneself 59.to get swollen-headed

60.to dance to sb’s music;to follow sb.to the heel 八

61.胆小如鼠 62.丧心病狂 1.别有用心 2.出尔反尔 3.称王称霸 4.背信弃义 5.狂妄自大 6.狼狈为奸 7.礼尚往来 8.众志成城 9.利令智昏


62.as mad as a March hare 1.with malicious intent

2.to go back on one’s word 3.to lord it over 4.to act in bad faith

5.self-important;false pride 6.to work hand in glove with 7.courtesy demands reciprocity 8.unity is strength

9.to bend one’s principles to one’s interest

10.自食其果 11.忠言逆耳 12.自取灭亡 13.倒行逆施 14.变本加厉 15.有目共睹 16.一如既往 17.危言耸听 18.说三道四 19.丧权辱国 20.后患无穷 21.义愤填膺 22.大势所趋 23.背道而驰 24.一意孤行

10.to eat one’s own bitter fruit

11.honest advice is unpleasant to the ear 12.to cut one’s throat 13.to set back and clock

14.to intensify one’s efforts to do sth 15.as clear as day 16.as always 17.alarmist talk

18.to make irresponsible remarks

19.to humiliate the nation by forfeiting its sovereignty 20.endless troubles will follow 21.to be filled with indignation 22.the trend of time 23.to run counter to… 24.to act wilfully

V.Exercises 1.Interpret the following Chinese idioms and quotations into English.(1)别有用心have ulterior motives(2)出尔反尔go back on one's word(3)称王称霸rulers seek hegemony(4)背信弃义break faith with somebody(5)狂妄自大arrogant and conceited(6)狼狈为奸work in collusion with each other(7)礼尚往来courtesy demands reciprocity(8)众志成城unity is strength / The united will of the masses is like a fortress(9)利令智昏blinded by one’s gains;to bend one’s principles to one’s interests(10)自食其果to face the consequences of one’s own action(11)忠言逆耳truth seldom sounds pleasant(12)自取灭亡court or invite self-destruction(13)倒行逆施go against the tide of history(14)变本加厉(behavior, conduct etc.)go from bad to worse(15)有目共睹To be obvious to all;as clear as day(16)一如既往啊as always(17)危言耸听To exaggerate just to scare/frighten people(18)说三道四To make irresponsible remarks/criticisms(19)丧权辱国To surrender a country’s sovereign rights under humiliating terms(20)引狼入室bring in a troublemaker(21)后患无穷with no end of troubles in sight(22)义愤填膺feel indignant at the injustice(23)大势所趋the trend of the times(24)背道而驰run in the opposite direction / To run counter to(25)一意孤行insist on doing things in one's own way(26)坐收渔人之利profit reaped by a third party(27)远亲不如近邻。a relative far off is less help than a neighbor close by(28)换汤不换药。a change in form but not in content or essence(29)搬起石头砸自己的脚。lift a rock only to drop it on one's own feet(30)冒天下之大不韪risk everyone's condemnation 31)情人眼里出西施。Beauty is the eyes of the beholder(32)醉翁之意不在酒。Many kiss the baby for the nurse’s sake

(33)只许州官放火,不许百姓点灯。The magistrates are free to burn down houses, while the common people are forbidden even to light lamps./ One may steal a horse while another may not look over a hedge.(34)住在狼窝边,小心不为过。Live in den edge, be careful enough(35)天地万物;莫贵于人。Of all the living things nurtured between heaven and earth, the most valuable is the human beings.(36)又要马儿好,又要马儿不吃草。to expect a horse to run fast and yet won't feed it(37)天有不测风云,人有旦夕祸福。In nature there are unexpected storms and in life unpredictable vicissitudes(38)人不可貌相,海水不可斗量。A person cannot be judged by his appearance, just like sea cannot be measured by a bucket.(39)人无干日好,花无百日红。Man cannot be always fortunate;flowers do not last forever(40)血浓于水,叶落归根。Blood is thicker than water, the falling leaves settle on the roots(41)满招损,谦受益。Pride hurts modesty benefits(42)居移气,养移体。Yang-gas shift, the shift-home(43)刚者至柔,柔者至刚。Nothing is so strong as gentleness;Nothing is so gentle as strength.(44)八仙过海,各显神通。each one showing his or her special prowess(45)每逢佳节倍思亲。On festive occasions more than ever one thinks of one's dear ones far away.(46)酒逢知已干杯少Thousand cups seem still less when friends drink together(47)常言道:近朱者赤,近墨者黑。As the saying goes, “What’s near cinnabar goes red, and what’s next to ink turns black.”(48)有缘千里来相会,无缘对面不相逢。As decreed by providence you have met him, otherwise you might have failed although you traveled a thousand li(49)凡事预则立,不预则废。Preparedness ensures success and unpreparedness spells 第2 / 4页

failure.Forewarned, forearmed.(50)棒头出孝子Spare the rod and spoil the child(51)饱汉不知饿汉饥。The well-fed simply has no idea of how the starving suffers(52)伴君如伴虎。being close to the emperor is like being close to a tiger/ Nearest the king, nearest the gallows(53)天行健,君子以自强不息。As Heaven's movement is ever vigorous, so must a gentleman ceaselessly strive along(54)冰冻三尺,非一日之寒。it takes more than one cold day for the river to freeze three chi deep(55)宝剑锋从磨砺出,梅花香自苦寒来。Sharp Edge of a Sword Comes out from Grinding, and Plum Blossom's Fragrance Comes from the Bitter Cold 2,Interpret the following English idioms into Chinese.

(1)as blind as a bat 有眼无珠(2)as cool as a cucumber泰然自若(3)as easy as rolling off a log 易如反掌

(4)a bed of roses称心如意的境遇,安乐窝(5)between the devil and the blue sea 进退维谷(6)to call a spade a spade 直言不讳(7)now or never 机不可失

(8)to pull one’s leg和别人开玩笑(9)with tongue in cheek 言不由衷

(10)much cry and little wool 雷神大雨点小

(11)to wear one’s heart on ones ’sleeve过于心直口快;过于直率(12)The leopard cannot change its spots.江山易改,本性难移(13)A small leak will sink a great ship.千里之堤,溃于蚁穴

(14)He that sups with the devil must have a long spoon.与坏人交往必须谨慎(15)As the touchstone tries gold,so gold tries men.烈火显真金,逆境识英雄(16)Behind the mountains there are people to be found.山外有山,天外有天(17)The proof of pudding is in the eating.实践得真知

(18)One cannot make a silk purse out of a sow’s ear.朽木不可雕 第3 / 4页

(19)Nothing succeeds like success.一顺百顺(20)Enough is as good as a feast.适可而止

(21)Do not count your chickens before they are hatched.不要过早打如意算盘。(22)Many hands make light work.人多好办事

(23)The mills of God grind slowly.天网恢恢疏而不漏(24)He laughs best who laughs last.笑在最后笑得最好(25)Marry in haste and repent at leisure.草率结婚后悔多

(26)Courtesy on one side lasts not long.单方面礼貌不会长久,来而不往非礼也

(27)Little thieves are hanged,but great ones escaped.窃钩者诛,窃国者侯(28)Like attracts like.物以类聚,人以群分

(29)Everyone for himself, the devil take the hindmost.人不为己,天诛地灭(30)Speak of the wolf,and you will see his tail.说曹操,曹操到(3 1)It’s no use crying over spilt milk.覆水难收,后悔无益(32)Fish begins to stink at the head.上梁不正下梁歪

(33)Nothing venture,nothing gain/have.不入虎穴,焉得虎子(34)Time and tide wait for no man.时不我待,岁月不饶人

(35)The life of the wolf is the death of the lamb豺狼活,则羔羊死/狼的生就是羔羊的死(36)Speech is silver,silence is gold.雄辩是银,沉默是金(37)Short accounts make long friends.好朋友勤算账(38)There is no rose without a thorn.朵朵玻瑰皆有刺(39)Better late than never.亡羊补牢

(40)Many a good cow hath a bad calf.虎父生犬子


1.我们具有丰富的经营纺织品的经验。 2.我们的进口商品少于出口商品。

3.大多数设备都是我们公司从国外进口的。 4.我们应该借鉴贵公司在海外市场的经验。 5.我们诚挚欢迎国内外朋友前来与我们接洽。

6.Our company specializes in the production of telecommunication facilities.7.We always put quality as the first consideration 8.All products have to pass strict inspection before they go out.9.We always believe that quality is the soul of an enterprise.10.Now let me make a brief introduction to my company.1.We have had much experience in handling textiles.2.Our imports fall short of exports.3.Most of our equipment is imported from foreign countries.4.We should learn from your business abroad profitably.5.We sincerely welcome friends at home and abroad to connect with us.6.我们公司主要生产电信设备。 7.我们总是首先考虑质量。

8.所有的产品在出货前都必须经过严格的检验。 9.我们始终相信,质量是一个企业的灵魂。 10.下面我简单介绍一下我公司的基本情况。





5.有时候在大卖场购物是一个好主意,你可以省很多钱。 6.It’s our specialty.7.How do you like this one? 8.I’m very sorry we couldn’t help you, sir.9.If I ordered a jacket now, how long would it take before I get the delivery? 10.A “factory second” may be a shirt that has some problem, or a pair of pants that is ripped a little.Sometimes the fault is very small.So it’s a good deal to buy it.1.The gray one suits you well.2.Let me gift-wrap it for you.3.We give a 20% discount for cash.4.That includes an extra pair of shoelaces and a bottle of polish.5.It’s a good idea to shop in an outlet sometimes.You can save a lot of money.6.这是本店的特制品。

7.您觉得这件如何? 8.先生,很抱歉,我们帮不上什么忙。


10.“瑕疵品”可能是一件有缺陷的衬衫,或是一条有破洞的裤子。有时候瑕疪很小, 还是很值得买的。 1.这是这家餐馆的特色菜。 2.大家都吃饱了吗? 3.中国菜一般是最后喝汤,然后再上新鲜水果。 4.这是饺子,蘸着醋吃味道很好。

5.中国的烹调艺术有着几千年的历史,它是中国文明的一部分。 6.I want to make a toast to our host.7.I don’t care for sea-food.It doesn’t agree with my stomach.8.Thank you very much for this wonderful dinner.We really enjoyed it.9.I am not used to strong drinks.They go to my head.Do you have something mild? 10.There are marked differences in climate, geography and customs in different regions of China, and food is no exception 1.This is the specialty of this restaurant.2.Did you all enjoy your dinner﹖

3.A Chinese dinner always ends with soup and then followed by some fresh fruits.4.This is Jiaozi, and you can also call it dumpling.It goes well with vinegar.5.The art of preparing food in China dates back several thousand years and is an integral part of Chinese civilization.6.让我们为主人干一杯吧。



9.我喝不惯烈性酒,一喝就头疼,有没有度数低一点的酒? 10.在中国,不同的地区有着不同的气候、地理环境和风俗习惯,饮食也不例外。 1.我们的产品不仅在国内最畅销,而且行销海外许多地区。

2.这是我们最新研发的产品,我们的产品在国际市场上很有竞争力。 3.我们有很多式样和颜色可供选择。


5.我们在同一年内向市场投放这三种型号的汽车是为了全面占领市场。 6.Roughly speaking, there is an upward trend in the market.7.We expect sales will be roughly the same next year.8.Prices are boosted because of shortage of raw materials.9.We are sure the sales of C3456 will start to recover.10.Compared with those of our competitors, our products are of higher quality and lower prices.1.Our product is not only the best seller in domestic market but also sold overseas.2.This is our latest development, which is really competitive in the world market.3.We have a wide selection of designs and colors.4.Auto models A, B, C are respectively cheap, middle-of-the-range and top-of-the-range products.5.We launched the three models in the same year in order to capture the full range of the market.6.大致说来,市场行情有上升的趋势。

7.我们预计明年的销售量与今年大致相同。 8.因原材料短缺,价格有所提高。

9.我们确信C3456型产品的销售将渐渐恢复常态。 10.我们产品的质量比竞争对手的更好,价格也更低。

A: 你好,史密斯先生,欢迎来到我们公司。 Hello, Mr.Smith.Welcome to our company.B: Hi, Mr.Zhang.Nice to meet you again.I’m very excited to visit your company with the purpose of seeking possibility of cooperation with you.你好,张先生。很高兴再次见到你。能访问贵公司我很兴奋。此行目的在于深入了解贵公司以寻求合作可能性。

A: 那么你们要逗留多长时间呢? So how long will you stay? B: About seven days.If necessary, we could stay longer, as we’d like to talk with

you as well as visit your factory.七天左右。如果需要的话,我们可以多停留几天。因为除了和你们会谈外,我们还希望能参观一下工厂。

A: 好的,不过这得提前通知工厂了。我们先开始谈判,您看怎么样? It’s OK.But we have to contact the factory in advance.Shall we negotiate the issue at first? B: Good idea.好吧。

A: 我们公司以生产日用陶瓷为主,现有员工500人,其中技术人员占40%。

We are specializing in daily ceramics production at present with about 500 employees, of whom 40% are technicians.B: You’ve really got a large number of technicians.技术人员占的比例还挺大的。 A: 是的,我们很重视技术的发展和产品的开发,所以我们能以独特的技艺和出众的

质量在海内外享有盛誉。That’s right.We value the development of technology and products.And thus our products enjoy a high reputation among domestic and overseas consumers for the peculiar techniques and outstanding quality B: How do you ensure quality control?你们是怎样保证产品质量的? A: 这个是质检部的工作。在发货前都会对产品做全面严格的质检。这就是我们的不

合格率这么低的原因。It’s done by Quality Control Department.All products have to pass thorough and strict inspection before they go out.That’s why the percentage of inferior goods is so low.B: That’s fantastic.那很好啊。

A: 此外,我们目前已与全球60多个国家和地区的公司建立了贸易关系。产品也远销 国外,如韩国、意大利、法国等。反馈回来的信息坚定了我们继续扩大海外市场的

信念。所以,我们衷心希望能与贵公司合作。What’s more, we have established business relations with companies in more than 60 countries and regions in the world.Our products are sold abroad like Korea, Italy, France, etc.And the feedbacks enhance confidence in expanding foreign market.That’s why we sincerely hope to cooperate with you.B: We also view the cooperation with you as a good chance我们也视与你们的合作为一个契机 A: 可以的话,我们今天下午安排您参观我们的厂房,您觉得这样的安排怎样? If possible, we’d like you to visit our factory this afternoon.What do you think of it? B: It’s great.那真是太好了。

A: 欢迎光临,能为您效劳吗?Welcome.What can I do for you? B: I’d like to buy some Olympic souvenirs.What’s your recommendation?

我想买些奥运纪念品,能给我些建议么? A: 我们有很多奥运纪念品,比如邮票、纪念币、T恤、玩具等。We have varieties of Olympic souvenirs, for example, stamps, coins, T-shirts, toys and so on.B: What are those over there? They look lovely摆在那边的是什么? 看起来很可爱的样子。 A: 那是我们北京2008奥运会的吉祥物。全套一共五个福娃,它们分别是贝贝、晶晶、欢欢、迎迎、妮妮,意思是“北京欢迎你”。Those are the mascots of Olympic Games in 2008.There are five “Fuwa” in a full range, named Beibei, Jingjing, Huanhuan, Yingying and Nini with the meaning of “Welcome to Beijing”.B: That sounds interesting.They look like animals.听起来真有意思。它们的造型很像动物 A: 您说得没错。这五个吉祥物的造型融入了鱼、大熊猫、藏羚羊、燕子以及奥林匹克圣火的形象,代表繁荣、人类与自然的和谐、奥林匹克精神、健康和幸运。You’re right.They embody the natural characteristics of the Fish, the Panda, the Tibetan Antelope, the Swallow and the Olympic Flame, and carry the massage of prosperity, harmony between man and nature, Olympic spirit, health and good luck.B: Well, they’re pretty good.How much are they?噢,太漂亮了。多少钱? A: 我们有好几种价格,175元到500元不等,您手上的这套250元。

We have several prices, ranging from 175 yuan to 500 yuan.The set in your hand costs 250 yuan.B: OK, I’ll take it.I’m also interested in your Olympic T-shirts.May I have a look? 好的,我要这套。我还对你们的奥运T恤感兴趣。能否看一下? A: 当然啦,请跟我来。我们这儿的奥运T恤款式新颖、颜色各异,上面印有奥运会徽章、福娃图案等。Of course, this way, please.Our Olympic T-shirts are novel in design, various in color with the logo of Olympics and the patterns of five “Fuwa” on them.B: I prefer those T-shirts with the Olympic logo on the back.How much is each? 我比较喜欢那些背上印有奥运会标志的T恤。多少钱一件呢? A: 您选中的这款每件108元。The ones you like cost 108 yuan each.B: OK, I’ll take two.What’s the total amount好吧,我要两件。一共多少钱?

A: 一套福娃玩偶250元,两件奥运T恤216元,一共是466元。请您到收银台付款后凭收据来领取商品。A full range of five “Fuwa” costs 250 yuan and two pieces of Olympic T-shirts cost 216 yuan.It’s 466 yuan in total.You can take them with the receipt after paying for them at the cashier’s.B: Excuse me, here’s the receipt.打扰了,这是收据。

A: 好的,这是您要的商品,一套福娃玩偶和两件奥运T恤。谢谢。欢迎下次光临。

That’s right.Here is what you want, a full range of five “Fuwa” and two pieces of Olympic T-shirts.Thank you.Hope to see you again.A: 晚上好!Good evening.B: Good evening.晚上好!A: 明天你就要走了,还有什么事情需要我们帮忙吗? You would be leaving tomorrow.Anything else we can help you? B: No, thank you.We have booked the return air tickets in New York.Everything is ready.不需要了,谢谢。我们在纽约买了回程机票。一切都已经办妥了。 A: 那太好了。请入席。咱们边吃边谈吧。

That’s quite good.Please have a seat.And let’s talk over dinner.B: Thank you very much for preparing such a splendid dinner for me.多谢你为我准备了这么丰盛的晚宴。

A: 在这段时间内,我们双方进行了紧张而卓有成效的谈判。不管怎样,我们还是顺利 地完成了任务。We have had intense yet effective negotiations these days.Anyhow, we’ve fulfilled our tasks.B: Many successes are attributable to you.You helped us a lot during our stay.Thank you for what you have done for us.在很多方面还是要归功于你们。在这段期间,贵方对我们的帮助很大。感谢你们为我们所做的一切。

A: 唉呀,我们只顾了聊天,都忘了吃了。要知道中国菜必须趁热吃,否则味道就差了。别客气,请随便用。Well, we had better not keep talking.The Chinese food only tastes good before it gets cool.Please help yourself.B: I was told that in Chinese cuisine, special attention is given to color, aroma, taste and shape.Is that true?我听说中国菜讲究色、香、味、形。真的吗? A: 你说得没错。不仅如此,中国菜还因地域而异。具体到底有多少菜系还不确定。但 专家们都一致认为中国至少有八大菜系:四川菜、山东菜、广东菜、江苏菜、浙江菜、福建菜、湖南菜和安徽菜。You are right.What’s more, the Chinese cuisines are different in different areas.The precise number of regional cuisines in China is still under dispute, but experts agree on at least eight, Sichuan, Shandong, Guangdong, Jiangsu, Zhejiang, Fujian, Hunan and Anhui, the eight provinces in China.B: Ah, that accounts for it.啊,原来如此

A: 你要不要尝尝我们中国的国酒——茅台酒? 茅台酒最烈,但与其他酒不同的是,它不会上头。Would you like some Chinese liquor Moutai? It is said that Moutai is the strongest, but it doesn’t go to the head as some drinks do.B: OK, I’d like to have some...Well, it tastes good.好,那我来尝尝。„„嗯,口感真不错呀。 A: 感谢你们在洽谈中的合作。We’d appreciate your kind cooperation in the negotiation.B: I hope that we can keep the good cooperation between us in future.希望以后我们之间保持良好的合作。

A: 祝大家生意兴隆,愿我们的买卖越做越好。I wish a brisk business for you and a continued development in our business dealings A & B: 干杯!/ CheersCheers!/ 干杯!



2.很高兴见到您。.很高兴见到您。我们一直期待着您的到来。 3.我们一直期待着您的到来。



6.May I introduce you to our General Manager, Mr.Zhang? 7.It would be a great pleasure to make their acquaintance.8.I am John Smith from the Port Klang Authority 9.It is indeed my pleasure to have received your invitation to come to Nanning at this time.10.Port Klang is situated on the west coast of Peninsular Malaysia, about 40 kilometers away from the capital city, Kuala Lumpur.1.Is this your first visit to Guangxi? 2.Nice to meet you..Glad to see you.We’ve been expecting your coming.3.We’ve been expecting your coming.4.Over the past several years, great changes have taken place in Guangxi,.More and

more foreign businessmen began to invest in Nanning.5.More and more foreign investors have come to Nanning to invest.6.我可以把您介绍给我们的张经理吗? 7.很高兴能认识他们。


10.巴生港位于马来半岛西岸,距首都吉隆坡大约40公里。 1.这是一家五星级酒店,地理位置优越、交通方便。 2.希望你们对这里的住宿和服务感到满意。

3.所有费用由公司报销/负担。3.All the expenses will be borne by the company.4.如果您在这里遇到不便之处,或需要帮助,请立即与我联系。

5.Thank you for your considerate arrangements for me.谢谢你们的周到安排。

6.Would you please fill out this hotel registration form?您能填一下入住登记表吗?

7.What’s the rate for a deluxe suite?豪华套房的价格是多少? 8.I’d like a non-smoking room on the sunny side我想要一个朝阳的无烟房间。

1.This is a five-star hotel with an ideal location and convenient transportation.2.I hope you can find the accommodation and services here satisfactory.4.If any inconveniences occur or you need any help, please do not hesitate to

contact me.1.防城港位于广西南部北部湾北岸西端,是中国沿海24个主要港口之一。





5.The commercial environment of the port has been continuously liberalized.6.The port has trade connections with over 120 countries and dealings with more than 500 ports around the world.7.With a number of strategies persued since 1993, the facilities and services here are all the same with those of world-class ports.8.It is close to the commercial and industrial hub, which ensures that the port plays an important role in the economic development of the country.1.Fangcheng Port is situated at the west end to the north coast of the Beibu Gulf in south Guangxi.It is one of the 24 major ports in coastal China.2.The planned port line is 50.3 kilometers.More than 200 deep-water berths can be built along the line.3.The port was initially built on March 22, 1968 and was opened in July, 1983 with approval from the State Council.4.Located at the conjuncture of South China Economic Rim, Southwest China

Economic Rim and ASEAN Economic Rim, Fangcheng Port serves as the most convenient access of China’s mainland to ASEAN countries.5.港口的商业环境越来越自由化。





Excuse me, you must be Mr.Smith from Port Klang Authority of Malaysia, aren’t you?

A: Yes.I am John Smith from Port Klang Authority.I:

How do you do, Mr.Smith? I’m Liu Lingling, an interpreter from Fangcheng Port(Group)Company.A:

Nice to meet you.This is my assistant, Lora Brown.I:

Nice to meet you, Ms.Brown B:

Pleased to see you.Just call me Lora, please.I:

OK, Lora.Mr.Smith, may I introduce you to our General Manager, Mr.Zhang?

He has come to meet you.A:Oh, sure, of course.I:To Mr.Zhang 张总,这是马来西亚巴生港的业务总监史密斯先生。这位是史密斯

先生的助手,劳拉小姐。To Mr.Smith Mr.Smith, this is Mr.Zhang Qiang, General Manager of Fangcheng Port Company.C:欢迎你们到广西来!Mr.Zhang shakes hands with Mr.Smith and Ms.Lora Brown.Welcome to Guangxi!A:

Nice to see you.Thank you for coming to meet us in person 很高兴见到您。谢谢您专程来接我们。

C: 这是应该的,你们能来是我们的荣幸。我想向你们介绍一下另外几位来接你们的同事。

It’s my pleasure.We’re honored to have you here.I’d like to introduce some of my colleagues to you.They’ve also come to meet you.A: It would be a great pleasure to make their acquaintance.很高兴能认识他们。



This is Mr.Li, my colleague.Please give your luggage tags and passports to him.He will help you to go through Customs formalities and claim your luggage.We can take a seat here and have a rest.A: OK, thank you, Mr.Li.You are so kind.I think Lora can go with you for the luggage.She knows our luggage.那好,谢谢你,小李。你真是太好了。我想劳拉可以和你一起去取行李,她认识我们的行李。

B: Sure.Of course没问题,我当然认识。 C: 史密斯先生,您喝点什么?茶还是咖啡? Mr.Smith, what would you like to drink? Tea or coffee? A:

I’d like a cup of tea.Actually I like Chinese tea very much.我想喝杯茶。实际上我很喜欢中国的茶。

C: 很好。茶有提神的功效,而且对身体也很好。

That’s good.Tea is very refreshing, and it’s good for your health.A:

Yes, that’s why I like it.是的,所以我喜欢喝茶。 C: 今天辛苦了。因为飞机晚点,您今天一定很劳累。

How was your journey? You must have had a very long day today due to the delay of the flight.A: Actually I was very lucky.You know my flight was from Kuala Lumpur to

Guangzhou, but I could not land at the Guangzhou Airport due to the bad weather conditions there, so I had to fly to Haikou, and waited at the Haikou Airport for several hours.Then I flew to Guangzhou again from Haikou.Fortunately, the flight from Guangzhou to Nanning was also delayed, so I could catch it.You are still waiting for me so late at night, aren’t I lucky enough? 实际上我很幸运。您知道我的航班是从吉隆坡到广州,可是由于天气原因,飞机无法在广州机场降落,所以不得不飞到海口。我在海口等了好几个小时,然后又飞到广州。幸亏广州到南宁的航班也晚点了,我才能赶上。而且,这么晚了您还在这里等我,您说我还不算幸运吗?

C: 哈哈,史密斯先生真幽默!只有贵客才有这种幸运,这说明史密斯先生是我们的贵客

You’re really humorous, This kind of luck is only for our distinguished guests.That means you are our VIP.A:

Oh, it’s very kind of you to say so.哦,谢谢您这么说。/哪里,哪里。 C: 好,手续都办好了,行李也取了。咱们去宾馆吧? OK, all the formalities have been finished.Your luggage has been reclaimed.Shall we proceed to the hotel? A: OK, let’s go.好,咱们走吧。

C: 请这边走。This way, please.A: 晚上好!我能为您做点什么?Good evening!What can I do for you? B: I’d like to have a luxury suite for me and a single room for Lora.Both on the sunny side.我要个豪华套房,劳拉要个单间。两个房间都在朝阳面。

C: Excuse me, can I have a non-smoking room?对不起,我可以要个无烟房间吗? A: 好的,没问题。(向史密斯先生说)您呢?也要无烟房间吗? OK, no problem.How about you? A non-smoking room, too? B: It doesn’t matter.I think smoking room is OK in case I want to have a smoke.没关系。吸烟房间也可以,万一我想抽烟的话。 A: 好的。请你们登记一下好吗? OK.Would you please fill out the hotel registration forms? B&C: Here you are.给您。




Your room number is 1001 on the 10th floor.It’s a smoking room on the sunny side.(To Lora)Your room is 821, a non-smoking room.Both of you can have a very good view of the city.The elevator is at the end of the hallway.The luggage boy will send your luggage to your rooms soon.B: Thank you.By the way, where is the restaurant?谢谢。顺便问一下,餐厅在哪里? A: 在一楼。早餐从早上6点到上午10点。

It is on the first floor.Breakfast is from 6:00 to 10:00 a.m.B: I see.Thank you.明白了。谢谢你。

I: Mr.Smith, here is our tentative itinerary for you.We have a tight schedule for

your brief visit.I hope you don’t mind.B: Thank you for making such thoughtful arrangements for me.I: It’s my pleasure.Tomorrow morning at 9 o’clock, I will come to meet you at the

lobby.Our General Manager is expecting your visit to our company.B: Thank you for your hospitality.See you tomorrow.I: Good night.See you, Lora.C: See you.Good night.A: 早上好,史密斯先生!昨晚睡得好吗? Good morning, Mr.Smith!Did you sleep well last night? B: Morning, Mr.Zhang!Nice to see you again.I had a really sound sleep.早上好,张总!很高兴再见到您。昨晚睡得很好。

A: 那好。先来看看我们港口的整体规划吧。中间的绿色区域是港口目前的发展情况, 蓝色区域是我们未来10年的发展规划。

That’s good.Let’s look at the overall plan of our port.The green part in the middle is the status quo of the port and the blue part represents the plan of the future development in the next 10 years.B: That’s good.By the way, how many berths do you have at the moment? Do you

have any container wharfs? 不错。顺便问一下,目前你们有多少码头?有集装箱码头吗? A: 目前我们拥有泊位35个,其中深水泊位21个。年吞吐能力超过4000万吨,其中集装箱


At the moment, we have 35 berths, among which 21 are deep-water berths.The annual throughput has exceeded 40 million tons, among which the handling capacity of containers reaches 500,000 TEU B: Oh, what’s your major business?哦,你们的主要业务是什么? A: 目前,我们主要从事中转业务Currently, we’re mainly engaged in transit business.B: That’s marvelous!Shall we go to the port and have a look? I’m eager to see it

with my own eyes.太好了!我们能去看看港口吗?我急切地想亲眼看看。

B: The water is clean.You’ve maintained a very good environment.Where is the

deepest place? And how deep is it? 水很干净啊。你们的环境保护得很好。最深的地方是哪里?有多深? A: 最深处是21米,在那边。The deepest place is 21 meters.It’s over there.B: That’s a big project.The natural conditions here are pretty good.What we should

think about is how to expand its handling capacity to better utilize its strengths.这可是个大工程。这里的自然条件很好。我们要想的就是如何扩充港口的吞吐量,更好地发挥它的优势。

A: 您说得对,这也是我们希望能同你们建立业务联系的原因——希望能有机会学习你


You’re right.That’s why we want to enter business relations with you.We hope to have opportunity to learn advanced technologies and management experience from you, so that we can give fuller play to our development potential.B: I think we should go back and get down to specific technical issues.It’s always

better early than late.我想我们该回去坐下来谈谈具体的技术问题了。赶早不赶晚啊。 A: 好。会议室已经准备好了That’s right.The meeting room is ready.



一、填空题(每空1 分,共36分)












A、战国时期 B、明代 C、清代 D、解放后 2.2005年,贵州民族自治地方国内生产总值达到()亿元。A、392.94 B、561.89 C、981.96 D、2267.43 3.贵州土家族主要分布在()

A、安顺市 B、铜仁地区 C、六盘水市 D、黔东南州


A、苗族、布依族、侗族 B、苗族、侗族、仡佬族 C、苗族、布依族、瑶族 D、侗族、彝族、水族




1.贵州培养选拔少数民族干部的政策措施主要有:()A、举办各类少数民族干部培训; B、大力发展民族教育;

C、采取录、转、聘等倾斜政策,扩充少数民族干部队伍; D、在少数民族地区创办“三校一部”,培养少数民族干部。


A、《苗族古歌》 B、《西南彝志》 C、《水书》 D、《长恨歌》 3.贵州制定民族区域自治条例的目的是:()


B、是建立民族自治地方的主体民族更好地实行区域自治的需要; C、是巩固社会主义平等、团结、互助新型民族关系的重要措施;



A、鄂伦春族 B、瑶族 C、维吾尔族 D、满族 5.贵州彝族主要分布在()

A、毕节地区各县 B、六盘水市各县 C、铜仁地区各县 D、安顺市各县






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