
时间:2019-05-15 03:12:55下载本文作者:会员上传



As the old saying goes, to people, food is all-important.2.食品安全问题似乎从来没有离开过人们的视线,从“瘦肉精”到“塑化剂”,从“致癌净水器”到“黑心地沟油”。

Food safety scandals never fade out of our sight, such as “lean meat powder”, “industrial plasticizer“, ”carcinogenic water purifiers“ and ”recycled cooking oil“.3.全国人大常委会通过了新的食品安全法,旨在加强对生产企业的监管,加大对生产问题产品的企业的处罚力度。

Chinese lawmakers passed new food-safety legislation meant to tighten supervision of manufacturers and impose tougher penalties on those who make bad products.4.中国“杂乱无章”的方法和依靠多个地方和中央政府机构来监管食品供应的做法是造成食品安全问题的原因之一。

China's “disjointed” approach and reliance on a patchwork of various local and national government agencies to police the food supply had contributed to troubles.5.食品安全危机背后最大的一个问题在于某些不法 商人受利益的驱使而不择手段地赚钱。

One of the biggest issues is the drive to make a buck at any cost.6.中国在国际市场的信誉因美国对中国食品安全的恐慌而岌岌可危。China's credibility in international markets had been threatened by a spate of health scares in the U.S.about Chinese food products.7.卫生计生委是食品安全问题的主要监管机构,但国家工商行政管理总局、国家食品药品监督管理局和农业部也参与监管。机构繁多,体制复杂,就容易形成尾大不掉的局面。

National Health and Family Planning Commission is the lead agency on food safety issues, but the State Administration for Industry and Commerce is also involved, as are the State Food and Drug Administration and the Ministry of Agriculture The bureaucratic system is 100 big to function.8.我们面临着很多体制上的不足,如技术不足、检测不足、人员不足等等。

We’re confronted by many inadequacies in our system, such as inadequate technologies, inadequate inspection practices and inadequate staffing.9.经过多年的起草和修订,全国人大常委会通过了新的食品安全法,建立了问题产品召回机制,并批准从允许使用的添加剂到营养成分的标识等各方面执行全国统一标准。

The new food-safety legislation approved by the standing committee of the National People's Congress after years of drafting and revision sets up a system to recall problem products and authorizes the enforcement of uniform nationwide standards for everything from allowable additives to nutritional labeling.10.在未来,食品药品监督局在处理食品安全问题上将有一个新的转变,那就是从被动应对食品安全突发事件到从源头主动防止食品污染。There will be a fundamental shift in the FDA's approach to food safety, from reacting to foodborne illness outbreak to preventing contamination in the first place.11.Fonterra finds traces of a harmful bacterium in some products, 恒天然在一些产品中发现有害细菌。12.Chinese health officials ordered a recall of some milk shipments from Fonterra.中国卫生部官员下令召回部分恒天然出口到中国的奶粉。

13.A series of food scares has left Chinese consumers sensitive over food safety.一系列的食品恐慌让中国消费者对食品安全非常敏感。

14.Foreign food groups cannot afford to have their reputations tainted in China.外国食品公司无法承受其企业声誉在中国受损。15.A poultry safety scare came to light last December.鸡肉安全问题去年12月被曝光。

16.We know that major illness outbreaks and contamination incidents damage consumer confidence in a particular commodity or sector.我们知道重大的疾病爆发以及食品污染事件会损害消费者对某一一特定产品或产业领域的信心。

17.Breakdowns of preventive controls are inevitable.预防控制措施的失灵是不可避免的。

18.We should detect the problem early, minimize its scope, and act swiftly to protect consumers.必须尽早发现问题,将其规模最小化,并迅速采取行动以保护消费者。19.We should set the standards that define acceptable levels of food safety performance and create a level playing field for industry.“我们应该设立标准,为食品产业创造一个公平竞争的环境。20.A breakdown at any point on the farm-to-table chain can introduce a hazard, allow a pathogen to grow, or miss an opportunity to eliminate or reduce the hazard.从农场到餐桌这链条上的任意一个环节出问题,滋生病原体,或是错过消除或减弱危险的机会。



Unit 2 Passage 1 英国女王2009 圣诞致词

过去每年似乎都各具特点。一些年份让我们心满意足,一些年份则最好忘却。2009 年对很多人来说都是艰难的一年,尤其是那些深受经济衰退之苦的人们。

我相信,我们所有人都受到阿富汗战事影响,为英军士兵伤亡感到悲伤。我们向这些 士兵的家人和朋友表示慰问,他们面对巨大个人损失表现得无比高尚。


大、澳大利亚、新西兰和新加坡在内的英联邦国家眼下共有超过1.3 万名士兵在阿富汗服 役。我们对这些年轻士兵以及先前在阿富汗服役过的士兵表示深深感激。

今年是英联邦成立60 周年,今天其成员国25 岁以下人口超过10 亿,为它保持长 久的强大和实力提供了力量源泉。


人是多么重要。新的通讯技术使他们能够接触到更广阔的世界,分享他们的经验和观点。对于许多人来说,英联邦的实际援助与网络可以提供技能,给予意见和鼓励进取。令人鼓舞的是,我了解到一些年轻人正在做着一些事情,他们面对挑战,富于创造力 和创新精神。

对关系到我们所有人的问题保持讨论很重要,它让我们的大家庭产生更大的价值。在 英联邦成立以来的大部分时间里,我都同它联系紧密。


英联邦并非只是一个具有某种使命的组织,更是一个让各国人民合作、解决实际困难 的平台。在涉及我们生活的许多方面,不论是体育、环境、商业或文化,英联邦国家之间 的联系生动活泼而且丰富多彩。在很多方面这展现未来的前景。随着不断的支持和贡献,我相信多元化的英联邦国家之间能加强超越政治、宗教、种族和经济环境的凝聚力。众所周知,圣诞节是欢庆与家人团聚的时候,但我们也可以借这个时机反思那些国内 外不幸者面临的困境。

基督徒接受的教义是要爱他们的邻居,有同情心,乐于慈善和志愿工作,以减轻贫困 和弱势者的负担。

我们自己会面临一连串的困难和挑战,这些困难和挑战会令我们感到困惑,但我们绝 不能停下脚步,而应该继续努力,为自己和他人创造更美好的未来。不论你们现时身在何处,我都祝愿你们圣诞快乐!Passage 2 美国第一夫人米歇尔· 奥巴马在英国伦敦伊斯灵顿伊丽莎白· 安德森女校的演讲(节选)这是我的第一次出访,作为第一夫人的第一次外事出访。你们能相信吗?虽然这不是 我第一次来英国,但我得说很高兴我的首次官方访问是来英国。美国和英国之间的特殊关 系,不只是基于政府间的关系,还基于我们有共同的语言和价值观。看见你们大家就使我 想到这一点。在访问期间我特别荣幸地会见了英国一些最出色的女性,她们在为你们所有 女孩子铺路。

我也很荣幸见到你们这些英国和世界未来的领导者,尽管我们的生活背景好像相差很 远,我是作为美国第一夫人站在这里,而你们还正在上学。


预示我会作为美利坚合众国的第一位非洲裔第一夫人站在这里。我的资历里没有什么东西 能使我站在这个位置上。我不是被财富和资源养大的,也谈不上有什么社会地位。我生长 在芝加哥市的南部,那个地方是真正的芝加哥。我出身于工人阶级。父亲一辈子是个市政 工人,母亲是个家庭妇女。她待在家里照顾我和我哥哥。我父母都没上过大学。我爸爸正 值壮年的时候被诊断患有多种硬化症。但就在他难以行走,而且早上难以穿衣的时候—— 我看着他挣扎得越来越厉害——我父亲却从来没有抱怨过他的困难。他对于自己拥有的一 切心存感激。他只是起得更早一点,工作得更努力一点。哥哥和我在成长过程中得到了人 生真正需要的一切:爱,强有力的价值观:以及一个信念:就是靠着良好的教育,还有大 量的辛勤工作,没有什么是我们做不到的。

我个人的例子表明女孩子能创造奇迹,只要她们从生命最开始的时候,就受到周围人 的爱护和教养。非凡的女性围绕着我的生活:祖母,老师,姨妈,表姐妹,邻居,她们教 会我沉默的力量和尊严。还有我母亲,她是我生命中最重要的榜样,她和我们住在白宫帮 着照顾我们的两个小女儿,玛丽娅和萨莎。她在孩子们和我的生活中都很活跃,并正在给 她们灌输那些她曾教给我和我哥哥的价值观:同情心、正直、自信和坚定。所有这些都包 含在无条件的爱之中,那是只有一个祖母才能给予的爱。


父。我生命中的男人们也教会我一些重要的东西。他们教会我互相尊重的男女关系应该是 什么样子的。拥有一个牢固的婚姻是什么感觉:那是建立在信念和承诺之上,以及对彼此 独特天赋的赞赏。他们教我怎样为人父母、养育家人;不仅要关注自己的家庭也要伸手去 帮助养育更广泛的社区里的孩子。

我也在自己的丈夫身上寻找到同样的品质,他就是巴拉克· 奥巴马。在我们最初相识 的时候,我记得,他带我出去约会,而约会内容是和他一起去开一个社区会议。是啊,够 浪漫的吧。我们相识的时候,巴拉克是一个社区组织者。他的工作是帮助人家找工作,以 及努力把资源带给有困难的邻里。当他同那个社区中心里的居民交谈的时候他谈到两个概 念:“现实世界”和“理想世界”。我在竞选的整个过程中也谈到这些。他说,我们常常接 受了这两种观念之间的差距;有的时侯我们满足于现实世界,即使它没有反映我们的价值 14 观和愿望。但是那天巴拉克提醒了我们,包括在那间屋子里的所有人,我们都知道世界应 该是什么样子的。我们都知道公平、正义和机会是什么样子的,我们全都知道。他敦促到 会的人们,那个社区里的人们,使他们献身于缩小那两种观念之间的差距,一起努力把现 实世界变成和理想世界一样。

我今天想起这些是因为我确信,在这所学校里,你们所有人都是缩小这差距非常重要 的因素。你们是要建立理想世界的女性。你们将写出历史的下一个篇章,不只是为你们自 己,而且是为你们这一代人以及未来的几代人。这就是为什么得到良好的教育是这么的重 要。这就是为什么你们正在这经历的所有这一切—— 一切的成功与失败,所有的老师,无 论你喜欢与否——都很重要,因为社区和国家,还有归根结底这个世界,它们的强大取决 于其中女性的健康。记住这一点很重要。我们知道你们能做到。我们爱你们。谢谢大家。Passage 3 在“2009 金融与重庆可持续发展研讨会”上的开幕致词 伦敦金融城市长陆毅安先生


今天很高兴跟各位一道启动“2009 金融与重庆可持续发展研讨会”。非常感谢重庆 市金融办和诺实公司的曹平先生对本次研讨会的赞助!

几周前,我与全国人大外事委员会的几位委员进行了会晤,并聆听了全国人大环资委 的资深委员杨庚宇先生讲述中国正在采取的节能减排措施。在实现可持续的低碳复苏方 面,我们一致认为经济滑坡给了我们大家投资绿色技术并出台相应政策的机会,同时,我 还要指出,这次机遇也肯定会给中国和英国创造大量的就业。将这一切变为现实的诸多政策已经到位。这些政策包括: ●“英中可持续城市行动计划”,该计划是去年温家宝总理访问英国的时候签订的; ● 2009 年英中峰会达成的在气候变化、低碳示范区和气候变化技术转让方面的协议; ● 中国“十二五”规划中的环境目标;

● 最近英国政府和重庆市政府签署的备忘录;

● 同时,英国政府还致力于跟中国政府紧密合作,解决任何突出的知识产权问题。因此,我们非常希望利用这个契机让重庆成为21 世纪世界版图上致力于环保的中心 城市。

我们知道,一个重视提高能效和推广可再生技术的绿色财政刺激方案,在全球愈发 认识到我们必须走向绿色的时候,肯定能有效地推动就业、刺激经济,并带来竞争优势。正如英国外务大臣几周前指出的一样:“绿色不再是议事日程上的一项议题,它就是整个 议程。”

虽然接下来要采取的措施需要这次研讨会讨论决定,但这里我想说,英国非常愿意尽 可能地为重庆提供必要的融资和技术上的支持,并且已经在这么做了。渣打银行与亚洲开 发银行的能效提升计划就是诸多例子之一。另一个案例则是诺实公司力推的极富想象力的“两河技术产业园”项目。根据其企划

案,该项目在吸引高科技企业入园的同时,将帮助重庆实现在最近双方签署的“重庆-英 国可持续城市备忘录”中提出的城乡协调发展的目标。当然,“两河技术产业园”项目还需要重庆市政府的最终批准,而且,我们很高兴看 到该项目迅速得到了重视。这是好消息!

女士们,先生们,我们任重而道远!双方的良好意愿已经以备忘录和政策的形式得以 体现,现在需要的就是具体落实!谢谢大家!

Passage 4 斐济总理沃雷恩盖· 姆拜尼马拉马上海世博会电视致词 致2010 年中国上海世博会:

很高兴斐济可以和其他太平洋国家一同参加2010 年上海世博会。2010 年上海世界 贸易博览会是一个极好的机会,它将227 个参加这次世界文化盛会的国家聚集在一起,探索并分享各国的宝贵创新与经验。毫无疑问,今天世界正见证着一个巨大的成功,一个 至少会吸引全球七千多万访客的盛大博览活动,一个以视觉、嗅觉、味觉、听觉、感觉来 呈现各国文化魅力的展示平台。


组织的带领指导下,奉献、担当与勤勉的精神。在此,我谨代表斐济,向为此次盛会成功 筹备和举办而付出了不懈努力的中华人民共和国表示感谢与祝贺,代表我们代表团,向中 国政府世博会的主办机构及辛勤努力的工作人员,表示最诚挚的感谢,感谢你们的帮助和 奉献。我要祝贺你们团队,并保证太平洋国家馆将会尽展我们的祝愿和我们这个地区的独 特之处,而斐济展台更将是一份独特的体验。我还想感谢中国主办机构提供的财政帮助。这是一个让世界了解中国的有利时机,是发展并加强与各参展国之间合作关系的绝佳契 机,斐济非常荣幸可以成为其中的一员。

这次博览会为我们提供的跨文化对话的创新和互动,集中体现了今年的主题“城市,让生活更美好”。这一主题体现了我们要改善身处其中的社会环境的追求,而科学技术的 发展以及此次博览会的质量则反映了这一主题,并且提醒我们在提供人类基本需求的同时 还应改善和丰富城市人民的生活。

能够参加2010 年上海世博会是斐济以及其他太平洋岛国的骄傲,我们觉得我们也为

此次博览会的成功作出了贡献。我相信2010 上海世博会必将长久地留存于我们的记忆。预祝博览会圆满成功,谢谢你们。

Passage 5 奥巴马总统在欢迎胡锦涛主席访美仪式上的致词

各位早上好!胡主席、中国代表团的各位成员:我谨代表米歇尔,并以我个人的名 义,欢迎你们光临白宫。我还要代表美国人民,欢迎你们访问美国。年前,也是在一月的一天,另外一位美国总统曾经站在这里,欢迎另外一位中国 16 领导人,共同庆祝美国和中华人民共和国关系正常化这一历史事件。那一天,邓小平在讲 话中谈到了我们两国展开合作的伟大前景。

如今回首1979 年的那个冬日,就可以明显地看出,在那之前的30 年里,我们两国 彼此隔绝疏远;而其后的30 年,是我们不断交流和理解增长的年代;这次访问可以为今 后30 年打下基础。


真理的时机,那就是,对方的成功,对我们本方的利益是事关重大的。在一个相互关联 的世界里,在全球经济中,各个国家,包括我们两国在内,齐心协力就会更加繁荣、更 加安全。

美国欢迎中国作为国际社会强大、繁荣和成功的一员而崛起。的确,中国的成功给我 们两国人民都带来了经济实惠,而我们在一系列问题上的合作也推进了亚太地区乃至世界 的稳定。


享有的普世的权利得到维护时,社会就会更加和谐,国家就会更加成功,世界就会更加 公正。

主席先生,我们可以向我们的人民学习,中国和美国的学生和教育家、企业界人士、游客、研究人员和科学家,包括今天在场的华裔美国人,每天都在并肩合作,共同努力。他们知道,即使我们两国在某些领域彼此竞争,我们还可以在许多其他领域本着相互尊重 的精神,为了我们共同的利益进行合作。


胡主席,中国代表团的成员,让我们共同抓住这些可能性吧。欢迎来到美利坚合众国。欢迎!Passage 6 Minister Cheng Deming’s Opening Address at the 6th China-ASEAN Expo Your Excellency Vice Premier Li Keqiang, Ladies and gentlemen, Today, we are gathered in the beautiful city of Naning to welcome a magnificent exposition, to enjoy the fruits of our partnerships and envision a promising common future.On behalf of the Ministry of Commerce of China, I would like to extend a warm welcome and heartfelt gratitude to the many old and new friends who have been supporting and participating in the 6th China-ASEAN Expo.China and the ASEAN are good friends, good neighbors and good partners.Recent years have seen our bilateral economic and trade ties breaking successive new grounds.We have worked together to build this 17 platform of the China-ASEAN Expo, bringing benefits of investment and trade facilitation to the enterprises and people of this region and accelerating construction of the China-ASEAN Free Trade Area.We shall be very happy to see the launching of the China-ASEAN Free Trade Area as scheduled in the beginning of next year.This FTA, as one of the largest of its kind in the world and benefiting 1.9 billion people, will push the China-ASEAN partnership to new heights.This year’s Expo, taking advantage of this strategic timing, will be more pragmatic in contents, more in-depth in cooperation and more wide-ranging in communication.It will surely contribute to the efforts of all parties to deal with the international financial crisis, promote investment and trade facilitation, tide over current difficulties and achieve mutual win-wins.I wish the 6th China-ASEAN Expo a full success and thank you all very much!Passage 7 Governor Jiang Jufeng’s Remarks at the Welcoming Banquet for the South Asia-Sichuan Regional Business Promotion Seminar Your Excellency Vice Chairman Yu Ping of CCPIT, Your Excellency President Annisul Huq of SAARC Chamber of Commerce, Ladies and gentlemen, Good evening!The Sichuan Provincial People’s government is hosting a reception banquet here tonight to welcome the distinguished leaders and guests attending the South Asia-Sichuan Regional Business Promotion Seminar.As a major province in West China, we in Sichuan will spare no efforts in promoting the friendly exchanges and common development between Sichuan and South Asian countries.I am convinced that the ever more wideranging and sincere and mutually beneficial cooperation between our two sides will be conducive to the regional common development, bringing more rewards to the people in Sichuan and South Asia.Presented at tonight’s welcoming banquet are leaders of the chambers of

commerce of the eight South Asian countries, diplomats from your embassies and consulates and representatives of the business communities.May I wish you all pleasant conversations and new friendships at the banquet, and a wonderful stay in our beautiful province!18 To conclude, may I wish the South Asia-Sichuan Regional Business Promotion Seminar a great success, and all the guests here great health and good appetite!Thank you!Passage 8 Chief Executive Ho Hau Wah’s Toast at the Dinner Marking the 10th Anniversary of the Establishment of the Macao SAR Your Excellency President Hu Jintao and Madame Liu Yongqing, Distinguished guests, friends, Ladies and gentlemen, On the eve of the 10th anniversary of the Macao Special Administrative Region of the People’s Republic of China, I am honoured to welcome again our leader President Hu Jintao to Macao and join us here tonight.First of all, on behalf of the Government and the citizens of the Macao Special Administrative Region, I would like to extend our warmest welcome and highest respect to President Hu and Madame Liu, as well as all leaders from the Central Government’s delegation.At the same time, let me extend our cordial greetings and heartfelt gratitude to all guests and friends present.In the past ten years, under the leadership and support of the Central Government, and with the coordinated efforts of our citizens, the Macao SAR Government rigorously upheld the Basic Law of Macao in the course of our governance, and was fully committed to the implementation of the principle of “one country, two systems”.Today, the stability of our society in Macao is ensured.Overall strength of our city is raised.The livelihood of our residents continues to improve.The building of our institution is gradually enhanced.The tradition of patriotism is passed on through generations.The successful implementation of “one country, two systems”, “Macao people governing Macao” and a high degree of autonomy has achieved early results.This has demonstrated the objective correctness and ample vitality of these principles.Dear guests, ladies and gentlemen, On the occasion of the 10th anniversary of the Macao Special Administrative Region, we deeply feel the wisdom and bold vision of Mr.Deng Xiaoping who founded the great cause of “one country, two systems”.We also remember the encouragement entrusted to us by President Jiang Zemin on the first anniversary of Macao’s return to our Motherland.We will also never forget the arrival to Macao of President Hu Jintao on the fifth 19 anniversary of the Macao SAR and his important four-point suggestion which has been giving us fundamental guidance.The ten-year course of development of the Macao SAR vividly shows that the successful implementation of “one country, two systems” in Macao relies on the unswerving concern and support from the Central Government and people all over the country.Here, I would like to extend our profound appreciation to President Hu Jintao, the Central Government and all Chinese people.I would also like to take this opportunity to thank President Hu and the Central Government for the trust and support bestowed on me.At the same time, allow me to extend my heartfelt gratitude to all citizens and civil servants in Macao for their understanding and support.The history of the Macao SAR will turn a new page tomorrow.I truly believe that under the leadership and support of the Central Government, our third term Chief Executive, Mr.Chui Sai On, will lead the new administration and the people in Macao to uphold the Basic Law and strive in unity in order to create a new wave of prosperity and harmony in Macao, and to bring the successful implementation of “one country, two systems” to the next new level.Ladies and gentlemen, May I now propose a toast, to the health of President Hu and Madame Liu, to the health of all guests and friends, to the prosperity of our motherland and the bright future of Macao.Cheers!Passage 9 President Xie Heping’s Introductory Speech Before Pakistan

Prime Minister Aziz’s Talk at Sichuan University

Your Excellency Prime Minister Aziz of the Islamic Republic of Pakistan, Your Excellency Vice Governor Huang Xiaoxiang of the Sichuan Provincial People’s Government,Your Excellency Mr.Luo Zhaohui, ambassador of the People’s Republic of China to the Islamic Republic of Pakistan, Faculties, students, Ladies and gentlemen, Today, we are extremely honored to have with us His Excellency Mr.Shaukat Aziz, Prime Minister of Pakistan and an old friend of the Chinese people.On behalf of Sichuan University, I would like to extend our most 20 sincere gratitude and warmest welcome to Prime Minister Aziz and the other distinguished guests presenting here.Mr.Shaukat Aziz is a legend in both political and financial circles.He spent over 30 years in banking and finance in a number of countries including Jordan, the Phillipines, Malaysia, the United States and the UK.Since 1992 he served as Vice President of Citibank of America for 7 years.He was appointed as Pakistan’s Minister of Finance and in 2004, he became the Prime Minister of Pakistan.His rich experience and great wisdom in handling complicated problems have played a critical and profound role in promoting Pakistan’s social and economic development.During his tenure of office, Pakistan has enjoyed basic social stability.Pakistan’s industrial growth soared from 3.8 percent in 2001 to 14 percent in 2004.With an unprecedented annual economic growth rate of 8.4 percent, Pakistan ranks second in Asia, next only to China.With the new strategy of “open and moderate development” implemented in recent years, the Pakistani government has also made significant contributions to the international anti-terrorist campaign, world peace and stability and regional economic advancement.China-Pakistan friendship dates far back and runs a long course.The two countries have been treating each other with all sincerity and cooperating in a mutually beneficial manner, and this has set a good example to the stateto-state relations in the world.We are proud of our friendship, and cherish every moment of the communication and cooperation between the two countries.I believe Mr.Aziz’s speech today will open our eyes and broaden our minds, and will be of great significance to promoting our opening-up and regional social and economic cooperation.Now ladies and gentlemen, please join me in welcoming our honorable guest, His Excellency Prime Minister Aziz.Passage 10 Remarks by President Hu Jintao at the White House at the Official Arrival Ceremony Mr.President, Mrs.Obama, ladies and gentlemen, dear friends, it gives me great pleasure to come to Washington and pay a state visit to the United States at the beginning of the new year, at the invitation of President Obama.At this point in time, let me extend, on behalf of the 1.3 billion Chinese people, sincere greetings and best wishes to the people of the United States.I have come to the United States to increase mutual trust, enhance 21 friendship, deepen cooperation, and push forward the positive, cooperative, and comprehensive China-U.S.relationship for the 21st century.Over the past 32 years, since the establishment of diplomatic ties, the China-U.S.relationship has grown into one with strategic significance and global influence.Since President Obama took office, with concerted efforts of the two sides, our cooperation in various fields has produced fruitful results and our relations have achieved new progress.This has brought real benefits to our two peoples, and contributed greatly to world peace and development.As we enter the second decade of the 21st century, the people of both China and the United States want to see further progress in our relations and people around the globe want to see greater prosperity in the world.Under the new circumstances, and in the face of new challenges, China and the United States share broad common interests and important common responsibilities.We should adopt a long-term perspective, seek common ground while resolving differences, and work together to achieve sustained, sound, and steady development of our relations.I hope that through this visit, our two countries will advance the positive, cooperative, and comprehensive relationship, and open a new chapter in our cooperation as partners.Ladies and gent lemen, our wor ld today is undergoing major development, major changes and major adjustments.To pursue peace, development and cooperation is the irresistible trend of our time.Let us seize the opportunity to forge ahead, hand in hand, and work together to enhance cooperation as partners, and let us work with all other countries to build a harmonious world of lasting peace and common prosperity.Thank you once again, Mr.President, for your warm welcome.22


1.我们具有丰富的经营纺织品的经验。 2.我们的进口商品少于出口商品。

3.大多数设备都是我们公司从国外进口的。 4.我们应该借鉴贵公司在海外市场的经验。 5.我们诚挚欢迎国内外朋友前来与我们接洽。

6.Our company specializes in the production of telecommunication facilities.7.We always put quality as the first consideration 8.All products have to pass strict inspection before they go out.9.We always believe that quality is the soul of an enterprise.10.Now let me make a brief introduction to my company.1.We have had much experience in handling textiles.2.Our imports fall short of exports.3.Most of our equipment is imported from foreign countries.4.We should learn from your business abroad profitably.5.We sincerely welcome friends at home and abroad to connect with us.6.我们公司主要生产电信设备。 7.我们总是首先考虑质量。

8.所有的产品在出货前都必须经过严格的检验。 9.我们始终相信,质量是一个企业的灵魂。 10.下面我简单介绍一下我公司的基本情况。





5.有时候在大卖场购物是一个好主意,你可以省很多钱。 6.It’s our specialty.7.How do you like this one? 8.I’m very sorry we couldn’t help you, sir.9.If I ordered a jacket now, how long would it take before I get the delivery? 10.A “factory second” may be a shirt that has some problem, or a pair of pants that is ripped a little.Sometimes the fault is very small.So it’s a good deal to buy it.1.The gray one suits you well.2.Let me gift-wrap it for you.3.We give a 20% discount for cash.4.That includes an extra pair of shoelaces and a bottle of polish.5.It’s a good idea to shop in an outlet sometimes.You can save a lot of money.6.这是本店的特制品。

7.您觉得这件如何? 8.先生,很抱歉,我们帮不上什么忙。


10.“瑕疵品”可能是一件有缺陷的衬衫,或是一条有破洞的裤子。有时候瑕疪很小, 还是很值得买的。 1.这是这家餐馆的特色菜。 2.大家都吃饱了吗? 3.中国菜一般是最后喝汤,然后再上新鲜水果。 4.这是饺子,蘸着醋吃味道很好。

5.中国的烹调艺术有着几千年的历史,它是中国文明的一部分。 6.I want to make a toast to our host.7.I don’t care for sea-food.It doesn’t agree with my stomach.8.Thank you very much for this wonderful dinner.We really enjoyed it.9.I am not used to strong drinks.They go to my head.Do you have something mild? 10.There are marked differences in climate, geography and customs in different regions of China, and food is no exception 1.This is the specialty of this restaurant.2.Did you all enjoy your dinner﹖

3.A Chinese dinner always ends with soup and then followed by some fresh fruits.4.This is Jiaozi, and you can also call it dumpling.It goes well with vinegar.5.The art of preparing food in China dates back several thousand years and is an integral part of Chinese civilization.6.让我们为主人干一杯吧。



9.我喝不惯烈性酒,一喝就头疼,有没有度数低一点的酒? 10.在中国,不同的地区有着不同的气候、地理环境和风俗习惯,饮食也不例外。 1.我们的产品不仅在国内最畅销,而且行销海外许多地区。

2.这是我们最新研发的产品,我们的产品在国际市场上很有竞争力。 3.我们有很多式样和颜色可供选择。


5.我们在同一年内向市场投放这三种型号的汽车是为了全面占领市场。 6.Roughly speaking, there is an upward trend in the market.7.We expect sales will be roughly the same next year.8.Prices are boosted because of shortage of raw materials.9.We are sure the sales of C3456 will start to recover.10.Compared with those of our competitors, our products are of higher quality and lower prices.1.Our product is not only the best seller in domestic market but also sold overseas.2.This is our latest development, which is really competitive in the world market.3.We have a wide selection of designs and colors.4.Auto models A, B, C are respectively cheap, middle-of-the-range and top-of-the-range products.5.We launched the three models in the same year in order to capture the full range of the market.6.大致说来,市场行情有上升的趋势。

7.我们预计明年的销售量与今年大致相同。 8.因原材料短缺,价格有所提高。

9.我们确信C3456型产品的销售将渐渐恢复常态。 10.我们产品的质量比竞争对手的更好,价格也更低。

A: 你好,史密斯先生,欢迎来到我们公司。 Hello, Mr.Smith.Welcome to our company.B: Hi, Mr.Zhang.Nice to meet you again.I’m very excited to visit your company with the purpose of seeking possibility of cooperation with you.你好,张先生。很高兴再次见到你。能访问贵公司我很兴奋。此行目的在于深入了解贵公司以寻求合作可能性。

A: 那么你们要逗留多长时间呢? So how long will you stay? B: About seven days.If necessary, we could stay longer, as we’d like to talk with

you as well as visit your factory.七天左右。如果需要的话,我们可以多停留几天。因为除了和你们会谈外,我们还希望能参观一下工厂。

A: 好的,不过这得提前通知工厂了。我们先开始谈判,您看怎么样? It’s OK.But we have to contact the factory in advance.Shall we negotiate the issue at first? B: Good idea.好吧。

A: 我们公司以生产日用陶瓷为主,现有员工500人,其中技术人员占40%。

We are specializing in daily ceramics production at present with about 500 employees, of whom 40% are technicians.B: You’ve really got a large number of technicians.技术人员占的比例还挺大的。 A: 是的,我们很重视技术的发展和产品的开发,所以我们能以独特的技艺和出众的

质量在海内外享有盛誉。That’s right.We value the development of technology and products.And thus our products enjoy a high reputation among domestic and overseas consumers for the peculiar techniques and outstanding quality B: How do you ensure quality control?你们是怎样保证产品质量的? A: 这个是质检部的工作。在发货前都会对产品做全面严格的质检。这就是我们的不

合格率这么低的原因。It’s done by Quality Control Department.All products have to pass thorough and strict inspection before they go out.That’s why the percentage of inferior goods is so low.B: That’s fantastic.那很好啊。

A: 此外,我们目前已与全球60多个国家和地区的公司建立了贸易关系。产品也远销 国外,如韩国、意大利、法国等。反馈回来的信息坚定了我们继续扩大海外市场的

信念。所以,我们衷心希望能与贵公司合作。What’s more, we have established business relations with companies in more than 60 countries and regions in the world.Our products are sold abroad like Korea, Italy, France, etc.And the feedbacks enhance confidence in expanding foreign market.That’s why we sincerely hope to cooperate with you.B: We also view the cooperation with you as a good chance我们也视与你们的合作为一个契机 A: 可以的话,我们今天下午安排您参观我们的厂房,您觉得这样的安排怎样? If possible, we’d like you to visit our factory this afternoon.What do you think of it? B: It’s great.那真是太好了。

A: 欢迎光临,能为您效劳吗?Welcome.What can I do for you? B: I’d like to buy some Olympic souvenirs.What’s your recommendation?

我想买些奥运纪念品,能给我些建议么? A: 我们有很多奥运纪念品,比如邮票、纪念币、T恤、玩具等。We have varieties of Olympic souvenirs, for example, stamps, coins, T-shirts, toys and so on.B: What are those over there? They look lovely摆在那边的是什么? 看起来很可爱的样子。 A: 那是我们北京2008奥运会的吉祥物。全套一共五个福娃,它们分别是贝贝、晶晶、欢欢、迎迎、妮妮,意思是“北京欢迎你”。Those are the mascots of Olympic Games in 2008.There are five “Fuwa” in a full range, named Beibei, Jingjing, Huanhuan, Yingying and Nini with the meaning of “Welcome to Beijing”.B: That sounds interesting.They look like animals.听起来真有意思。它们的造型很像动物 A: 您说得没错。这五个吉祥物的造型融入了鱼、大熊猫、藏羚羊、燕子以及奥林匹克圣火的形象,代表繁荣、人类与自然的和谐、奥林匹克精神、健康和幸运。You’re right.They embody the natural characteristics of the Fish, the Panda, the Tibetan Antelope, the Swallow and the Olympic Flame, and carry the massage of prosperity, harmony between man and nature, Olympic spirit, health and good luck.B: Well, they’re pretty good.How much are they?噢,太漂亮了。多少钱? A: 我们有好几种价格,175元到500元不等,您手上的这套250元。

We have several prices, ranging from 175 yuan to 500 yuan.The set in your hand costs 250 yuan.B: OK, I’ll take it.I’m also interested in your Olympic T-shirts.May I have a look? 好的,我要这套。我还对你们的奥运T恤感兴趣。能否看一下? A: 当然啦,请跟我来。我们这儿的奥运T恤款式新颖、颜色各异,上面印有奥运会徽章、福娃图案等。Of course, this way, please.Our Olympic T-shirts are novel in design, various in color with the logo of Olympics and the patterns of five “Fuwa” on them.B: I prefer those T-shirts with the Olympic logo on the back.How much is each? 我比较喜欢那些背上印有奥运会标志的T恤。多少钱一件呢? A: 您选中的这款每件108元。The ones you like cost 108 yuan each.B: OK, I’ll take two.What’s the total amount好吧,我要两件。一共多少钱?

A: 一套福娃玩偶250元,两件奥运T恤216元,一共是466元。请您到收银台付款后凭收据来领取商品。A full range of five “Fuwa” costs 250 yuan and two pieces of Olympic T-shirts cost 216 yuan.It’s 466 yuan in total.You can take them with the receipt after paying for them at the cashier’s.B: Excuse me, here’s the receipt.打扰了,这是收据。

A: 好的,这是您要的商品,一套福娃玩偶和两件奥运T恤。谢谢。欢迎下次光临。

That’s right.Here is what you want, a full range of five “Fuwa” and two pieces of Olympic T-shirts.Thank you.Hope to see you again.A: 晚上好!Good evening.B: Good evening.晚上好!A: 明天你就要走了,还有什么事情需要我们帮忙吗? You would be leaving tomorrow.Anything else we can help you? B: No, thank you.We have booked the return air tickets in New York.Everything is ready.不需要了,谢谢。我们在纽约买了回程机票。一切都已经办妥了。 A: 那太好了。请入席。咱们边吃边谈吧。

That’s quite good.Please have a seat.And let’s talk over dinner.B: Thank you very much for preparing such a splendid dinner for me.多谢你为我准备了这么丰盛的晚宴。

A: 在这段时间内,我们双方进行了紧张而卓有成效的谈判。不管怎样,我们还是顺利 地完成了任务。We have had intense yet effective negotiations these days.Anyhow, we’ve fulfilled our tasks.B: Many successes are attributable to you.You helped us a lot during our stay.Thank you for what you have done for us.在很多方面还是要归功于你们。在这段期间,贵方对我们的帮助很大。感谢你们为我们所做的一切。

A: 唉呀,我们只顾了聊天,都忘了吃了。要知道中国菜必须趁热吃,否则味道就差了。别客气,请随便用。Well, we had better not keep talking.The Chinese food only tastes good before it gets cool.Please help yourself.B: I was told that in Chinese cuisine, special attention is given to color, aroma, taste and shape.Is that true?我听说中国菜讲究色、香、味、形。真的吗? A: 你说得没错。不仅如此,中国菜还因地域而异。具体到底有多少菜系还不确定。但 专家们都一致认为中国至少有八大菜系:四川菜、山东菜、广东菜、江苏菜、浙江菜、福建菜、湖南菜和安徽菜。You are right.What’s more, the Chinese cuisines are different in different areas.The precise number of regional cuisines in China is still under dispute, but experts agree on at least eight, Sichuan, Shandong, Guangdong, Jiangsu, Zhejiang, Fujian, Hunan and Anhui, the eight provinces in China.B: Ah, that accounts for it.啊,原来如此

A: 你要不要尝尝我们中国的国酒——茅台酒? 茅台酒最烈,但与其他酒不同的是,它不会上头。Would you like some Chinese liquor Moutai? It is said that Moutai is the strongest, but it doesn’t go to the head as some drinks do.B: OK, I’d like to have some...Well, it tastes good.好,那我来尝尝。„„嗯,口感真不错呀。 A: 感谢你们在洽谈中的合作。We’d appreciate your kind cooperation in the negotiation.B: I hope that we can keep the good cooperation between us in future.希望以后我们之间保持良好的合作。

A: 祝大家生意兴隆,愿我们的买卖越做越好。I wish a brisk business for you and a continued development in our business dealings A & B: 干杯!/ CheersCheers!/ 干杯!



2.很高兴见到您。.很高兴见到您。我们一直期待着您的到来。 3.我们一直期待着您的到来。



6.May I introduce you to our General Manager, Mr.Zhang? 7.It would be a great pleasure to make their acquaintance.8.I am John Smith from the Port Klang Authority 9.It is indeed my pleasure to have received your invitation to come to Nanning at this time.10.Port Klang is situated on the west coast of Peninsular Malaysia, about 40 kilometers away from the capital city, Kuala Lumpur.1.Is this your first visit to Guangxi? 2.Nice to meet you..Glad to see you.We’ve been expecting your coming.3.We’ve been expecting your coming.4.Over the past several years, great changes have taken place in Guangxi,.More and

more foreign businessmen began to invest in Nanning.5.More and more foreign investors have come to Nanning to invest.6.我可以把您介绍给我们的张经理吗? 7.很高兴能认识他们。


10.巴生港位于马来半岛西岸,距首都吉隆坡大约40公里。 1.这是一家五星级酒店,地理位置优越、交通方便。 2.希望你们对这里的住宿和服务感到满意。

3.所有费用由公司报销/负担。3.All the expenses will be borne by the company.4.如果您在这里遇到不便之处,或需要帮助,请立即与我联系。

5.Thank you for your considerate arrangements for me.谢谢你们的周到安排。

6.Would you please fill out this hotel registration form?您能填一下入住登记表吗?

7.What’s the rate for a deluxe suite?豪华套房的价格是多少? 8.I’d like a non-smoking room on the sunny side我想要一个朝阳的无烟房间。

1.This is a five-star hotel with an ideal location and convenient transportation.2.I hope you can find the accommodation and services here satisfactory.4.If any inconveniences occur or you need any help, please do not hesitate to

contact me.1.防城港位于广西南部北部湾北岸西端,是中国沿海24个主要港口之一。





5.The commercial environment of the port has been continuously liberalized.6.The port has trade connections with over 120 countries and dealings with more than 500 ports around the world.7.With a number of strategies persued since 1993, the facilities and services here are all the same with those of world-class ports.8.It is close to the commercial and industrial hub, which ensures that the port plays an important role in the economic development of the country.1.Fangcheng Port is situated at the west end to the north coast of the Beibu Gulf in south Guangxi.It is one of the 24 major ports in coastal China.2.The planned port line is 50.3 kilometers.More than 200 deep-water berths can be built along the line.3.The port was initially built on March 22, 1968 and was opened in July, 1983 with approval from the State Council.4.Located at the conjuncture of South China Economic Rim, Southwest China

Economic Rim and ASEAN Economic Rim, Fangcheng Port serves as the most convenient access of China’s mainland to ASEAN countries.5.港口的商业环境越来越自由化。





Excuse me, you must be Mr.Smith from Port Klang Authority of Malaysia, aren’t you?

A: Yes.I am John Smith from Port Klang Authority.I:

How do you do, Mr.Smith? I’m Liu Lingling, an interpreter from Fangcheng Port(Group)Company.A:

Nice to meet you.This is my assistant, Lora Brown.I:

Nice to meet you, Ms.Brown B:

Pleased to see you.Just call me Lora, please.I:

OK, Lora.Mr.Smith, may I introduce you to our General Manager, Mr.Zhang?

He has come to meet you.A:Oh, sure, of course.I:To Mr.Zhang 张总,这是马来西亚巴生港的业务总监史密斯先生。这位是史密斯

先生的助手,劳拉小姐。To Mr.Smith Mr.Smith, this is Mr.Zhang Qiang, General Manager of Fangcheng Port Company.C:欢迎你们到广西来!Mr.Zhang shakes hands with Mr.Smith and Ms.Lora Brown.Welcome to Guangxi!A:

Nice to see you.Thank you for coming to meet us in person 很高兴见到您。谢谢您专程来接我们。

C: 这是应该的,你们能来是我们的荣幸。我想向你们介绍一下另外几位来接你们的同事。

It’s my pleasure.We’re honored to have you here.I’d like to introduce some of my colleagues to you.They’ve also come to meet you.A: It would be a great pleasure to make their acquaintance.很高兴能认识他们。



This is Mr.Li, my colleague.Please give your luggage tags and passports to him.He will help you to go through Customs formalities and claim your luggage.We can take a seat here and have a rest.A: OK, thank you, Mr.Li.You are so kind.I think Lora can go with you for the luggage.She knows our luggage.那好,谢谢你,小李。你真是太好了。我想劳拉可以和你一起去取行李,她认识我们的行李。

B: Sure.Of course没问题,我当然认识。 C: 史密斯先生,您喝点什么?茶还是咖啡? Mr.Smith, what would you like to drink? Tea or coffee? A:

I’d like a cup of tea.Actually I like Chinese tea very much.我想喝杯茶。实际上我很喜欢中国的茶。

C: 很好。茶有提神的功效,而且对身体也很好。

That’s good.Tea is very refreshing, and it’s good for your health.A:

Yes, that’s why I like it.是的,所以我喜欢喝茶。 C: 今天辛苦了。因为飞机晚点,您今天一定很劳累。

How was your journey? You must have had a very long day today due to the delay of the flight.A: Actually I was very lucky.You know my flight was from Kuala Lumpur to

Guangzhou, but I could not land at the Guangzhou Airport due to the bad weather conditions there, so I had to fly to Haikou, and waited at the Haikou Airport for several hours.Then I flew to Guangzhou again from Haikou.Fortunately, the flight from Guangzhou to Nanning was also delayed, so I could catch it.You are still waiting for me so late at night, aren’t I lucky enough? 实际上我很幸运。您知道我的航班是从吉隆坡到广州,可是由于天气原因,飞机无法在广州机场降落,所以不得不飞到海口。我在海口等了好几个小时,然后又飞到广州。幸亏广州到南宁的航班也晚点了,我才能赶上。而且,这么晚了您还在这里等我,您说我还不算幸运吗?

C: 哈哈,史密斯先生真幽默!只有贵客才有这种幸运,这说明史密斯先生是我们的贵客

You’re really humorous, This kind of luck is only for our distinguished guests.That means you are our VIP.A:

Oh, it’s very kind of you to say so.哦,谢谢您这么说。/哪里,哪里。 C: 好,手续都办好了,行李也取了。咱们去宾馆吧? OK, all the formalities have been finished.Your luggage has been reclaimed.Shall we proceed to the hotel? A: OK, let’s go.好,咱们走吧。

C: 请这边走。This way, please.A: 晚上好!我能为您做点什么?Good evening!What can I do for you? B: I’d like to have a luxury suite for me and a single room for Lora.Both on the sunny side.我要个豪华套房,劳拉要个单间。两个房间都在朝阳面。

C: Excuse me, can I have a non-smoking room?对不起,我可以要个无烟房间吗? A: 好的,没问题。(向史密斯先生说)您呢?也要无烟房间吗? OK, no problem.How about you? A non-smoking room, too? B: It doesn’t matter.I think smoking room is OK in case I want to have a smoke.没关系。吸烟房间也可以,万一我想抽烟的话。 A: 好的。请你们登记一下好吗? OK.Would you please fill out the hotel registration forms? B&C: Here you are.给您。




Your room number is 1001 on the 10th floor.It’s a smoking room on the sunny side.(To Lora)Your room is 821, a non-smoking room.Both of you can have a very good view of the city.The elevator is at the end of the hallway.The luggage boy will send your luggage to your rooms soon.B: Thank you.By the way, where is the restaurant?谢谢。顺便问一下,餐厅在哪里? A: 在一楼。早餐从早上6点到上午10点。

It is on the first floor.Breakfast is from 6:00 to 10:00 a.m.B: I see.Thank you.明白了。谢谢你。

I: Mr.Smith, here is our tentative itinerary for you.We have a tight schedule for

your brief visit.I hope you don’t mind.B: Thank you for making such thoughtful arrangements for me.I: It’s my pleasure.Tomorrow morning at 9 o’clock, I will come to meet you at the

lobby.Our General Manager is expecting your visit to our company.B: Thank you for your hospitality.See you tomorrow.I: Good night.See you, Lora.C: See you.Good night.A: 早上好,史密斯先生!昨晚睡得好吗? Good morning, Mr.Smith!Did you sleep well last night? B: Morning, Mr.Zhang!Nice to see you again.I had a really sound sleep.早上好,张总!很高兴再见到您。昨晚睡得很好。

A: 那好。先来看看我们港口的整体规划吧。中间的绿色区域是港口目前的发展情况, 蓝色区域是我们未来10年的发展规划。

That’s good.Let’s look at the overall plan of our port.The green part in the middle is the status quo of the port and the blue part represents the plan of the future development in the next 10 years.B: That’s good.By the way, how many berths do you have at the moment? Do you

have any container wharfs? 不错。顺便问一下,目前你们有多少码头?有集装箱码头吗? A: 目前我们拥有泊位35个,其中深水泊位21个。年吞吐能力超过4000万吨,其中集装箱


At the moment, we have 35 berths, among which 21 are deep-water berths.The annual throughput has exceeded 40 million tons, among which the handling capacity of containers reaches 500,000 TEU B: Oh, what’s your major business?哦,你们的主要业务是什么? A: 目前,我们主要从事中转业务Currently, we’re mainly engaged in transit business.B: That’s marvelous!Shall we go to the port and have a look? I’m eager to see it

with my own eyes.太好了!我们能去看看港口吗?我急切地想亲眼看看。

B: The water is clean.You’ve maintained a very good environment.Where is the

deepest place? And how deep is it? 水很干净啊。你们的环境保护得很好。最深的地方是哪里?有多深? A: 最深处是21米,在那边。The deepest place is 21 meters.It’s over there.B: That’s a big project.The natural conditions here are pretty good.What we should

think about is how to expand its handling capacity to better utilize its strengths.这可是个大工程。这里的自然条件很好。我们要想的就是如何扩充港口的吞吐量,更好地发挥它的优势。

A: 您说得对,这也是我们希望能同你们建立业务联系的原因——希望能有机会学习你


You’re right.That’s why we want to enter business relations with you.We hope to have opportunity to learn advanced technologies and management experience from you, so that we can give fuller play to our development potential.B: I think we should go back and get down to specific technical issues.It’s always

better early than late.我想我们该回去坐下来谈谈具体的技术问题了。赶早不赶晚啊。 A: 好。会议室已经准备好了That’s right.The meeting room is ready.

第五篇:人教版六年级上册第八单元 日积月累

雕梁画栋 diāo liáng huà dòng

【解释】梁: 支撑屋顶的横木;栋: 最大的梁。指房屋的华丽的彩绘装饰, 常用来形容建筑物富丽堂皇,也指有彩绘装饰的十分华丽的房屋。

【出处】元·王子一《误入桃源》第二折:“光闪闪贝阙珠宫,齐臻臻碧瓦朱甍,宽绰绰罗帏绣成栊,郁巍巍画梁雕栋。” 【近义词】:雕栏玉砌 富丽堂皇 金碧辉煌 琼楼玉宇 亭台楼阁 雕梁绣柱



拼音:qiǎo duó tiān gōng



近义 词:玲珑剔透、鬼斧神工

反 义 词:粗制滥造、粗枝大叶

独 具 匠 心 dú jù jiàng xīn

【解释】 独具:独自具有。匠心:巧匠的心思。


也作“别具匠心” 编辑本段出处

《诗刊》1978年第3期:“诗味的浓淡,与比兴之运用关系非常密切。李贺的诗歌在这方面是独具匠心的。” 近义词




引人入胜(yǐn rén rù shèng)

解 释 胜:优美的境界。引人进入佳境。现多用来指风景或文艺作品特别吸引人。

出 处 南朝·宋·刘义庆《世说新语·任诞》:“王卫军云,酒正自引人着胜地。”


发 音 gǔ sè gǔ xiāng

释 义 形容器物书画等富有古雅的色彩和情调。

出 处 宋·赵希鹄《洞天清录》:“古画色墨,或淡墨,则积尘所成,有一种古香可爱。”


拼音: yú yīn rào liáng

释义: 形容歌声优美,给人留下难忘的印象。

出 处 :《列子·汤问》:“昔,韩娥东之齐,匮粮,过雍门,鬻歌假食,既去而余音绕梁,三日不绝。”


发 音 bù luò kē jiù

释 义 比喻有独创风格,不落旧套。

出 处 明·胡应麟《诗薮·内编》四:“初学必从此入门,庶不落小家窠臼。”


发音 yǎ sú gòng shǎng

释义 形容某些文艺作品既优美,又通俗,各种文化程度的人都能够欣赏。

出处 明·孙人儒《东郭记·绵驹》:“闻得有绵驹善歌,雅俗共赏。”

美不胜收(měi bù shèng shōu)

解 释 胜:尽;收:接收,领略。形容美好的东西太多,一时欣赏不过来。

出 处 清·袁枚《随园诗话》第三卷:“见其鸿富,美不胜收。”

脍炙人口(kuài zhì rén kǒu)

解 释 炙是烤肉。脍和炙都是人们爱吃的食物。指美味人人爱吃。原指人人爱吃的美食,比喻好的诗文受到人们的称赞和传诵。

出 处 五代·王定宝《唐摭言·海叙不遇》:“如„水声常在耳,山色不离门‟,又„扫地树留影,拂床琴有声‟……皆脍炙人口。”

曲高和寡(qǔ gāo hè guǎ)

解 释 曲调高雅,能跟着唱的人就少。用来比喻知音难得。又被用来比喻说话、写文章不通俗,能理解的人很少。比喻言论或作品不通俗,难于为人接受。

出 处 战国·楚·宋玉《对楚王问》:“引商刻羽,杂以流征,国中属而和者不过数十人而已。是其曲弥高,其和弥寡。”

妙笔生花(shēng huā miào bǐ)



阳春白雪的典故来自《楚辞》中的《宋玉答楚王问》一文。楚襄王问宋玉,先生有什么隐藏的德行么?为何士民众庶不怎么称誉你啊?宋玉说,有歌者客于楚国郢中,起初吟唱“下里巴人”,国中和者有数千人。当歌者唱“阳阿薤露”时,国中和者只有数百人。当歌者唱“ 阳春白雪”时,国中和者不过数十人。当歌曲再增加一些高难度的技巧,即“引商刻羽,杂以流徵”的时候,国中和者不过三数人而已。宋玉的结论是,“是其曲弥高,其和弥寡。” “阳春白雪”等歌曲越高雅、越复杂,能唱和的人自然越来越少,即曲高和寡。


发 音 bǐ zǒu lóng shé

释 义 形容书法生动而有气势、风格洒脱,也指书法速度很快,形容书法笔势雄健活泼。

出 处 唐·李白《草书歌行》:“时时只见龙蛇走,左盘右蹙旭惊电。”

不同凡响 成语发音 bù tóng fán xiǎng 成语解释



鲁迅《坟·摩罗诗力说》:“自学之声发,每响必中于人心,清晰昭明,不同凡响。” 鲁迅《坟·摩罗诗力说》:“自学之声发,每响必中于人心,清晰昭明,不同凡响。”


发 音 bié jù yī gé

释 义 别:另外。另有一种独特的风格。

出 处 清·吕留良《与施愚山书》:“咏见赠诗,风力又别具一格。”









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