1.一言既出,驷马难追 2.海内存知己,天涯若比邻 3.千里之行,始于足下 4.王小二过年,一年不如一年 5.打开天窗说亮话
1.What is said cannot be unsaid
2.Long distance separates no bosom friends
3.A thousand-li journey is started by taking the first step.4.To be going from bad to worse 5.Frankly speaking
6.To be simply nothing compared to… 7.To paint the lily
8.(an area)flowing with milk and honey 二
9.施展两面手法 10.人人皆有得意之日 11.班门弄斧
12三个臭皮匠,赛过诸葛亮 13.有钱能使鬼推磨
14.一朝被蛇咬,十年怕井绳 15.一寸光阴一寸金 16.天网恢恢,疏而不漏 17.你可不能食言啊 18.说到曹操,曹操就到 19.少壮不努力,老大徒伤悲 20.远亲不如近邻 21.换汤不换药 22.搬起石头砸自己脚 23.情人眼里出西施 24.醉翁之意不在酒
9.to carry fire in one hand and water in the other 10.every dog has its day
11.to teach your grandma to suck eggs;to offer to teach fish to swim 12.two heads are better than one
13.money makes the mare go;money talks 14.once bitten, twice shy 15.time is money 16.justice has long arms
17.you can’t break your promise
18.speak of the wolf, and you will see his tail 19.a young idler, an old beggar
20.neighbours are dearer than distant relatives.21.the same old stuff with a different label;a change in form but not in essence 22.to tread on one’s own tail
23.love sees no fault.Beauty lies in the lover’s eyes.24.many kiss the baby for the nurse’s sake 三
25.血浓于水,落叶归根 26.你在开玩笑 27.他过着非人的生活 28.八仙过海,各显神通 29.每逢佳节倍思亲 30.酒逢知己千杯少
31.常言道:近朱者赤,近墨者黑 32.冰冻三尺,非一日之寒
25.blood is thicker than water, the falling leaves settle on the roots 26.you are pulling my leg 27.he is leading a dog’s life
28.like the Eight Fairies crossing the sea, each displaying his own talent
29.on festive occasion, more often than ever, we think of our dear ones far away.30.among bosom friends, a thousand cups pf wine are not too many.31.as the saying goes, ”what’s near cinnabar goes red, and what’s nest to ink turns back.”
32.it takes more than a day to freeze three feet of ice.Rome was not built a day.四
33.now or never
34.much cry and little wool
35.a small leak will sink a great ship 36.behind the mountains there are people to be found.37.nothing succeeds like success 38.enough is as good as a feast
39.little thieves are hanged, but great ones escaped 40.like attracts like
41.speech is silver, silence is gold.33.机不可失,失不再来34.雷声大雨点小 35.千里之堤,溃于蚁穴 36.山外有山,天外有天 37.一事成功,事事顺利
38.知足常乐39.窃钩者诛,窃国者侯 40.物以类聚,人以群分 41.雄辩是银,沉默是金 五
1.滴水石穿 2.破釜沉舟 3.隔墙有耳 4.积少成多 5.三思而后行 6.无风不起浪 7.一箭双雕
1.constant dripping wears the stone 2.to burn one’s boats3.walls have ears 4.many a little makes a mickle 5.look before you leap
6.there is no smoke without fire 7.to kill two birds with one stone 8.as you sow, so will you reap.六
10.the burnt child dreads the fire
11.better be the head of a dog than the tail of lion 12.where there is a will, there is a way 13.to kill the goose that lays golden eggs 14.strike while the iron is hot 15.to fish in the air
16.don’t wash your dirty linen in public 17.all good things must come to an end 18.a fall into the pit, a gain in your wit 19.hungry dogs will eat dirty puddings 20.易如反掌 21.鼠目寸光
23.留得青山在,不怕没柴烧 24.千里送鹅毛,礼轻情意重 25.坦白从宽,抗拒从严 26.削足适履
28.良药苦口利于病,忠言逆耳利于行 29.兼听则明,偏听则暗 30.to show one’s cards 31.to be armed to teeth
32.to head a wolf into the house 33.as sly as a fox
34.an eye for an eye,a tooth for a tooth
9.man proposes, god disposes 10.一朝被蛇咬,十年怕见草绳 11.宁为鸡头,勿为牛后 12.有志者,事竟成 13.杀鸡取卵 14.趁热打铁 15.缘木求鱼
17.天下无不散之筵席 18.吃一堑,长一智 19.饥不择食
20.as easy as turning over one’s hand 21.see no farther than one’s nose
22.a gentleman uses his tongue, not his fists 23.while there is life, there is hope
24.the gift itself may be as light as a feather,but sent from afar, it conveys deep feelings.25.leniency to those who confess, and punishment to those who resist.26.to cut the feet to fit the shoes
27.distant water cannot put out a nearby fire
28.good medicine is bitter in the mouth,but good for the disease.29.listen to both sides and you will be enlightened;heed only one side and you will be benighted.30.摊牌31.武装到牙齿32.引狼入室33.像狐狸一样狡猾 34.以牙还牙,以眼还眼 七
35.god helps those who help themselves.36.碰一鼻子灰
37.木已成舟,只好如此了 38.不管三七二十一
39.十五个吊桶大水一七上八下 40.a fly on the wheel 41.a bull in a china shop 42.by hook or crook 43.杀鸡给猴看 44.既往不咎
45.the spirit is willing but the flesh is weak 46.birds of a feather flock together 47.a stitch in time saves nine
49.give him an inch and he will take an ell 50.有眼不识泰山
51.a horse stumbles that has four legs
52.to lock the stable door after the hore has been stolen 53.i am dead-beat today.54.己所不欲,勿施于人 55.坚韧不拔 56.呕心沥血 57.绚丽多彩 58.弄巧成拙 59.忘乎所以 60.亦步亦趋
35.自助者天助 36.to be rejected
37.what is done is done
38.regardless of the consequences 39.in a turmoil;to be extremely upset 40.自以为有天大本事的人 41.肆意捣乱 42.不择手段
43.to punish somebody as a warning to others 44.let bygones be bygones 45.心有余而力不足
46.物以类聚,人以群分 47.小洞不补,大洞吃苦
48.the unexpected always happens 49.得寸进尺
50.to entertain an angel unawares 51.人非圣贤,孰能无过 52.贼去关门
54.do as you would be done by 55.staunch and unyielding 56.to work one’s heart out 57.gorgeous
58.to outsmart oneself 59.to get swollen-headed
60.to dance to sb’s music;to follow sb.to the heel 八
61.胆小如鼠 62.丧心病狂 1.别有用心 2.出尔反尔 3.称王称霸 4.背信弃义 5.狂妄自大 6.狼狈为奸 7.礼尚往来 8.众志成城 9.利令智昏
62.as mad as a March hare 1.with malicious intent
2.to go back on one’s word 3.to lord it over 4.to act in bad faith
5.self-important;false pride 6.to work hand in glove with 7.courtesy demands reciprocity 8.unity is strength
9.to bend one’s principles to one’s interest
10.自食其果 11.忠言逆耳 12.自取灭亡 13.倒行逆施 14.变本加厉 15.有目共睹 16.一如既往 17.危言耸听 18.说三道四 19.丧权辱国 20.后患无穷 21.义愤填膺 22.大势所趋 23.背道而驰 24.一意孤行
10.to eat one’s own bitter fruit
11.honest advice is unpleasant to the ear 12.to cut one’s throat 13.to set back and clock
14.to intensify one’s efforts to do sth 15.as clear as day 16.as always 17.alarmist talk
18.to make irresponsible remarks
19.to humiliate the nation by forfeiting its sovereignty 20.endless troubles will follow 21.to be filled with indignation 22.the trend of time 23.to run counter to… 24.to act wilfully
V.Exercises 1.Interpret the following Chinese idioms and quotations into English.(1)别有用心have ulterior motives(2)出尔反尔go back on one's word(3)称王称霸rulers seek hegemony(4)背信弃义break faith with somebody(5)狂妄自大arrogant and conceited(6)狼狈为奸work in collusion with each other(7)礼尚往来courtesy demands reciprocity(8)众志成城unity is strength / The united will of the masses is like a fortress(9)利令智昏blinded by one’s gains;to bend one’s principles to one’s interests(10)自食其果to face the consequences of one’s own action(11)忠言逆耳truth seldom sounds pleasant(12)自取灭亡court or invite self-destruction(13)倒行逆施go against the tide of history(14)变本加厉(behavior, conduct etc.)go from bad to worse(15)有目共睹To be obvious to all;as clear as day(16)一如既往啊as always(17)危言耸听To exaggerate just to scare/frighten people(18)说三道四To make irresponsible remarks/criticisms(19)丧权辱国To surrender a country’s sovereign rights under humiliating terms(20)引狼入室bring in a troublemaker(21)后患无穷with no end of troubles in sight(22)义愤填膺feel indignant at the injustice(23)大势所趋the trend of the times(24)背道而驰run in the opposite direction / To run counter to(25)一意孤行insist on doing things in one's own way(26)坐收渔人之利profit reaped by a third party(27)远亲不如近邻。a relative far off is less help than a neighbor close by(28)换汤不换药。a change in form but not in content or essence(29)搬起石头砸自己的脚。lift a rock only to drop it on one's own feet(30)冒天下之大不韪risk everyone's condemnation 31)情人眼里出西施。Beauty is the eyes of the beholder(32)醉翁之意不在酒。Many kiss the baby for the nurse’s sake
(33)只许州官放火,不许百姓点灯。The magistrates are free to burn down houses, while the common people are forbidden even to light lamps./ One may steal a horse while another may not look over a hedge.(34)住在狼窝边,小心不为过。Live in den edge, be careful enough(35)天地万物;莫贵于人。Of all the living things nurtured between heaven and earth, the most valuable is the human beings.(36)又要马儿好,又要马儿不吃草。to expect a horse to run fast and yet won't feed it(37)天有不测风云,人有旦夕祸福。In nature there are unexpected storms and in life unpredictable vicissitudes(38)人不可貌相,海水不可斗量。A person cannot be judged by his appearance, just like sea cannot be measured by a bucket.(39)人无干日好,花无百日红。Man cannot be always fortunate;flowers do not last forever(40)血浓于水,叶落归根。Blood is thicker than water, the falling leaves settle on the roots(41)满招损,谦受益。Pride hurts modesty benefits(42)居移气,养移体。Yang-gas shift, the shift-home(43)刚者至柔,柔者至刚。Nothing is so strong as gentleness;Nothing is so gentle as strength.(44)八仙过海,各显神通。each one showing his or her special prowess(45)每逢佳节倍思亲。On festive occasions more than ever one thinks of one's dear ones far away.(46)酒逢知已干杯少Thousand cups seem still less when friends drink together(47)常言道:近朱者赤,近墨者黑。As the saying goes, “What’s near cinnabar goes red, and what’s next to ink turns black.”(48)有缘千里来相会,无缘对面不相逢。As decreed by providence you have met him, otherwise you might have failed although you traveled a thousand li(49)凡事预则立,不预则废。Preparedness ensures success and unpreparedness spells 第2 / 4页
failure.Forewarned, forearmed.(50)棒头出孝子Spare the rod and spoil the child(51)饱汉不知饿汉饥。The well-fed simply has no idea of how the starving suffers(52)伴君如伴虎。being close to the emperor is like being close to a tiger/ Nearest the king, nearest the gallows(53)天行健,君子以自强不息。As Heaven's movement is ever vigorous, so must a gentleman ceaselessly strive along(54)冰冻三尺,非一日之寒。it takes more than one cold day for the river to freeze three chi deep(55)宝剑锋从磨砺出,梅花香自苦寒来。Sharp Edge of a Sword Comes out from Grinding, and Plum Blossom's Fragrance Comes from the Bitter Cold 2,Interpret the following English idioms into Chinese.
(1)as blind as a bat 有眼无珠(2)as cool as a cucumber泰然自若(3)as easy as rolling off a log 易如反掌
(4)a bed of roses称心如意的境遇,安乐窝(5)between the devil and the blue sea 进退维谷(6)to call a spade a spade 直言不讳(7)now or never 机不可失
(8)to pull one’s leg和别人开玩笑(9)with tongue in cheek 言不由衷
(10)much cry and little wool 雷神大雨点小
(11)to wear one’s heart on ones ’sleeve过于心直口快;过于直率(12)The leopard cannot change its spots.江山易改,本性难移(13)A small leak will sink a great ship.千里之堤,溃于蚁穴
(14)He that sups with the devil must have a long spoon.与坏人交往必须谨慎(15)As the touchstone tries gold,so gold tries men.烈火显真金,逆境识英雄(16)Behind the mountains there are people to be found.山外有山,天外有天(17)The proof of pudding is in the eating.实践得真知
(18)One cannot make a silk purse out of a sow’s ear.朽木不可雕 第3 / 4页
(19)Nothing succeeds like success.一顺百顺(20)Enough is as good as a feast.适可而止
(21)Do not count your chickens before they are hatched.不要过早打如意算盘。(22)Many hands make light work.人多好办事
(23)The mills of God grind slowly.天网恢恢疏而不漏(24)He laughs best who laughs last.笑在最后笑得最好(25)Marry in haste and repent at leisure.草率结婚后悔多
(26)Courtesy on one side lasts not long.单方面礼貌不会长久,来而不往非礼也
(27)Little thieves are hanged,but great ones escaped.窃钩者诛,窃国者侯(28)Like attracts like.物以类聚,人以群分
(29)Everyone for himself, the devil take the hindmost.人不为己,天诛地灭(30)Speak of the wolf,and you will see his tail.说曹操,曹操到(3 1)It’s no use crying over spilt milk.覆水难收,后悔无益(32)Fish begins to stink at the head.上梁不正下梁歪
(33)Nothing venture,nothing gain/have.不入虎穴,焉得虎子(34)Time and tide wait for no man.时不我待,岁月不饶人
(35)The life of the wolf is the death of the lamb豺狼活,则羔羊死/狼的生就是羔羊的死(36)Speech is silver,silence is gold.雄辩是银,沉默是金(37)Short accounts make long friends.好朋友勤算账(38)There is no rose without a thorn.朵朵玻瑰皆有刺(39)Better late than never.亡羊补牢
(40)Many a good cow hath a bad calf.虎父生犬子
一、即席演讲(Impromptu Speech)口译是口头地将信息从一种语言形式转换成另一种语言形式表达出来的交际活动。译员服务的对象是发言人和听众,自己既是听众又是讲话者,所以从发声、英汉语言篇章、灵活应变的角度熟悉并应用公共演讲的技能应该在口译培训的初始阶段就得以强化。首先让学生观摩典型的汉、英语演讲,了解口译工作的现场,然后让学生以“我最喜欢的颜色”和“我省/市的自然资源”为题分别做英、汉语即席讲话,让其他同学练习接续传译(consecutive interpreting),练习时应注意:
二、传递意义(Interpreting the Meaning of the Utterance)口译与笔译除了形式上的差别外,最突出的特点在于口译的即时性(real-time),发言人话音一落,译员就必须把刚听到的长达3~5分钟的讲话(100~120个词/分钟)完整地在相应时间内(通常为3/4时间)转述出来。很多人能完整地复述
(Memory Exercise: Improving Active Listening)
1、注意力不够集中。译员不是普通的凭兴趣听取信息的听众,而是必须注意力高度集中地听取并记忆愿与所有意思的特殊听众; 高等教育出版社《英语口译教程》口译技能总结
(Memory Exercise: Making Use of Memory Aids)
五、记数字(Remembering Numbers)高等教育出版社《英语口译教程》口译技能总结
三位数以内的数字对口译不会构成困难,而三位数以上的数字,尤其是五位数以上的数字,则成了口译的一大难关。为了便于记录和口译,我们不妨可以用“点三杠四”书写法,即用逗号(,)表示三位数,便于英语表达,用斜杠(/)表示四位数,便于汉语表达: 1)727
Seven hundred twenty-seven(in AmE);
Seven hundred and twenty-seven(in BrE);2)2,003
Two thousand three(in AmE);
Two thousand and three(in BrE);3)1,97/4,727
One million, nine hundred(and)seventy-four thousand seven hundred(and)twenty-seven 高等教育出版社《英语口译教程》口译技能总结
One billion, one hundred seventy-five million(in AmE)5)45,0/00,00/0,000
Forty-five billion 序数表达
1)第一:the first 2)第三:the third 3)第十:the tenth 4)第十五:the fifteenth 5)第二十二:the twenty-second 分数表达
1)二分之一:a half 2)五分之一:one-fifth 3)四分之三:three quarters 4)七分之四:four-seventh 5)五又三分之二:five and two-thirds 小数表达 1)12.89
十二点八九:twelve point eight nine
零点三二三:point three two three;zero/naught point three two three
六、记笔记:常用符号和缩略语(Note-taking: Useful Signs and Acronyms)口译理解的过程就像黑匣子神秘难懂,无法把任何一个步骤孤立地来讨论,听取信息的同时,理解、记忆甚至转换代码也一并进行。译员除了主要靠高度集中注意力强记原语信息外,还借用通用符号和缩略词语把一些表示信息简要记录下来,减轻大脑记忆的压力、合理分配精力以便继续摄取更多信息。
1、以下是一些常用笔记符号: 信息意义
符号 增加;补充
+ 减少;删除
— 和;与;共同 & 上升;提高;增强 ↑ 下降;下沉;降低 ↓ 上扬;渐渐好转 ↗ 下挫;不断亏损 ↘ 去;向前;发展
→ 回顾;从前;倒退 ← 不等于;并不意味着 ≠ 高等教育出版社《英语口译教程》口译技能总结
属于 ↔ 总和;合力 ∑ 商标 TM 英镑 £ 美元 $ 人民币 ¥ 重要;惊讶!小于;不足 < 超过 > 认为;主张;相信 : 以„„为中心;圆桌会谈 ⊙ 因为 ∵ 所以 ∴ 国家 □ 问题;疑惑 ? 正确;认同 √ 高兴
2、以下是常用的英文字母缩写和汉字所代表的信息: 信息意义 缩略语 联合国计划开发署 UNDP 联合国教科文组织
ROI 外国直接投资
FDI 外商独资企业
WoFE 汇丰银行
HsBC 并购
M&A 虚拟专用网
VPN 超文本标记语言
HTML By the way
BTW As soon as possible
七、复述训练(Repetition Training)
训练原语复述可以检验记忆、加深理解,对一个语篇进行两到三次复述可以帮助我们摆脱原语字眼的束缚,专注于要传递的“意义”,接着用译入语进行复述,进一步巩固理解并储存的 “意义”,这时不必深究译语的完美,只强调意思的完整和逻辑的连贯。
八、减少母语干扰(Reducing Mother Tongue Interference)英语属于印欧语系,而汉语则属于汉藏语系。因为地理位置、历史成因等多方面影响,英汉两种语言及文化有着不少差别。英语重形和,结构整?严谨,逻辑性强;而汉语重意合,常出现无主语或主语隐蔽、短语嵌套句子等现象,句法上关联词成对使用是中国译员在转换代码时往往难以摆脱的母语干扰。下面就几个汉译英例句的处理作一些说明。高等教育出版社《英语口译教程》口译技能总结
例1 中国历史上产生了许多杰出的哲学家、思想家、政治家、军事家、科学家和文学艺术家,留下的文化典籍汗牛充栋。
China produced in its history many outstanding philosophers, thinkers, statesmen, strategists, writers and artists and left us numerous volumes of literature.例2 近几十年的实践已充分证明,我们进行改革开放的方向是正确的,信念是坚定的,步骤是稳妥的,方式是渐进的,取得的成就是巨大的。
The practice in recent decades has eloquently proved that we are right in direction, firm in conviction, steady in our steps and gradual in our approach when carrying out the reform and opening up and have achieved tremendous successes.例1汉语中作主语的是介词短语“(在)中国历史上”,口译成英语时必须用China作主语;例2从句中主语有“方向、信念、步骤、方式、成就”,口译时如果不统一主语为“我们”就会显得很凌乱,不符合英语习惯。
九、解读图表(Interpreting Charts, Tables and Figures)发言人越来越喜欢使用各种现代技术和直观的表现手法使演讲更具说服力和感染力,因此议员也需要掌握所用仪器的名称以及读图方法和技巧才能准确地传递出讲演者及其数据蕴涵的信息。圆形百分比图相关词汇: 高等教育出版社《英语口译教程》口译技能总结
扇形 wedge/slice 投影片 overhead transparencies 圆形百分比图 pie graph 柱状图相关词汇: 柱状图 bar chart X轴 X axis Y轴 Y axis 坐标 point 曲线图相关词汇: 曲线图 line chart 实线 solid line 虚线 broken line 点划线 dotted line 面积图相关词汇: 色调的搭配 color scheme 阴影部分 shaded area 以下是发言人描述图例所蕴涵意义时常用词汇: An upturn
回升、好转趋势 An upward trend
上升、好转趋势 Pick up/recover
好转/复苏/回升 Rise slowly/gradually
慢慢地/逐渐地上升 高等教育出版社《英语口译教程》口译技能总结
骤升 Leap
Spiral upwards
陡升、持续不断地上升 Sustain an increase
Reach a peak
到达最高点 Decline/decrease
Downward trend
下降的趋势 A slump
暴跌、萧条 Drop slightly/gradually 轻微/逐渐下跌 Spiral downward
剧降/持续不断地下降 Plunge/dive
急降/突降 A significant reduction 显著的减幅 Fluctuate
Remain constant/stable 保持不变/稳定 Bottom out/level out
十、记笔记:篇章笔记法(Note-taking: Textual Form)大量的篇章笔记练习有助于我们体验重要信息、次要信息和非重要信息的特点,以免“芝麻西瓜齐抓共管,胡子眉毛尽数拔光”。记笔记时最好用一本上下可翻用的笔记本,注意在笔记页的上、下、左、右都留出一定的空间用来记录后置的信息,所记的每一条信息应自占一行,所用的各项笔记符号要清晰,以免翻译时因潦草难辨而误译。高等教育出版社《英语口译教程》口译技能总结
译文:So long as these enterprises operate in accordance with law, pay taxes in accordance with regulation;so long as these enterprises meet the safety environmental standards, and safeguard the legitimate rights and interests of the employees, the government would support and actually encourage their growth because their development will be very important for the creation of more job opportunities.高等教育出版社《英语口译教程》口译技能总结
“依法经营,照章纳税,维护职工的合法权益”和“符合安全和环保的要求”口译时所需时间相对来说稍长,为了方便听众理解这里增加了 so long as。
译文:We should ensure a leveled play field, in that leveled play field the individually-owned pr private-owned enterprises will get the same treatment when it comes to market access, taxation, loan equitation, import and export businesses.译员一开始就强调了“平等”,重复leveled play field可以帮助译员争取时间更好地整理信息。
译文:With China’s reform and opening up and socialist modernization drive at the critical stage, it is of extremely great significance for us to have convened such a congress that builds on the past and prepares for the future.汉语讲究重复、对仗和韵律;英语则讲究简洁,避免用词重复、语义重叠。“承前启后”与“继往开来”在语义上差别不大,口译时只需高等教育出版社《英语口译教程》口译技能总结
译出其中之一,而不用啰嗦地译出inherits the past and ushers in the future, and builds on the past and prepares for the future.4、直译法
译文:Now with regard to the situation in Iraq, the arrow has already been placed on the bow, it is a touch-and-go situation.However, so long as there is a piece of hope, we will not give up our effort for a peaceful political settlement.5、意译法
译文:Time is very limited, so I will be very brief.6、反译法
译文:Only when the public are asked to supervise the government, the government cannot afford to slacken its efforts, and only when every person assumes his or her responsibility, can we ensure the vigor and vitality of government.有时原文直译出来给人的感觉不好,这时反过来译会取得意想不到的效果。高等教育出版社《英语口译教程》口译技能总结
译文:You once said that China would definitely be able to break the vicious cycle of the law of Huang Zongxi, which means, in history, tax reforms aimed at reducing the farmer’s burden always ended up exacerbating their burden.I wonder how can we break the vicious cycle? 口译时要根据听众对话题的了解适当增补背景资料,方便听众理解。
十二、长句处理(Dealing with Long Sentences)
原文:至于人民币的完全可自由兑换,也就是说在资本市场上面也自由兑换,这个按照我们预定的改革进程是要往后,需要一定的时间。译文:With regard to when the full convertibility of RMB can be realized, that is to say, the convertibility of RMB also under the capital account, according to our set schedule, that would take some time.高等教育出版社《英语口译教程》口译技能总结
汉语中有不少以“对于”、“关于”、“至于”等分流词引导出的结构,英语也有分流引导词,如With regard to…, With reference to…, As for…, On the question of…,等等。
原文:If you have a lot of personal freedom, some people may abuse it.But if you are so afraid of personal freedom because of the abuse, that you limit people’s freedom too much, that you pay, I believe, an even greater price in a world where the whole economy is based on ideas and information and exchange and debate and children everywhere dreams and feeling they can live their dreams out.译文:假如可以拥有太多个人自由,有些人也许会滥用这些自由。但是如果因为太过于担忧自由被滥用就对个人自由心怀恐惧,那么人类的自由就会被限制太多,付出的代价会更大,因为现在的这个世界,整个经济发展是建立在思想、信息、交流、辩论的基础上;在这个世界里,孩子们都心怀梦想,而且相信梦想都会实现。
原文:So today, I want to talk to you about what I believe has to be the agenda of a leader of any enterprise—business ,government agency, university, hospital, bank anywhere in the world—the agenda regarding this technology.译文:所以,今天我想和各位谈一谈信息技术,我认为它必定已列入高等教育出版社《英语口译教程》口译技能总结
原文:We have to choose between a global market driven only by calculations of short-term profit, and one which has a human face;between a world which condemns a quarter of the human face to starvation and squalor, and one which offers everyone at least a free-for-all in which we ignore the fate of losers, and a future in which the strong and successful accept their responsibilities, showing global vision and leadership.译文: 我们是要一个由短期利润估算来驱动的全球市场,还是要一个富有人情味的全球市场?我们是要一个使世界四分之一的人口处于饥饿境地和恶劣环境,还是要一个为每个人提供致富机会和健康环境?我们是愿意现在陷于一场无视失败者命运的自私的混战之中,还是在未来成为高瞻远瞩、具领袖风范、勇于承担责任的强者和成功者?这一切都需要我们做出抉择。
原文: In recent history, China, as a nation, and we, as a people, have been through days of glory and times of despair.We have lived through days of hope, prosperity and glory.We have lived through days of despair, humiliation and hopelessness.The 高等教育出版社《英语口译教程》口译技能总结
lesson is clear: the most precious possession of any nation or any people is the ability to chart one’s own future, to be the master of one’s destiny.译文: 中华民族的近代历史经历了荣辱兴衰,这里的教训是明确的:一个国家一个民族最可贵的是能够规划自己的未来,掌握自己的命运。
原文:第二点,我们在香港回归以后,一直希望香港能早日走向繁荣。现在香港已经受到东南亚金融危机影响了。这样,港元在维持联系汇率。人民币贬值,对港元联系汇率将是很不利的,香港能顶得住吗?如果香港再下来以后,那么对我们整个大陆的经济又将发生什么影响呢?所以为了香港的经济稳定,人民币不能贬值,这是第二个影响。译文:Second, we have always hoped that Hong Kong will move towards prosperity as quickly as possible after its return.Now Hong Kong is hit by the financial crisis and it is trying to maintain a pegged exchange rate.The devaluation of RMB is very unfavorable to the pegging.If Hong Kong collapses, the impact on the economy of the mainland areas will be huge.Therefore, RMB should not be devalued for the stability of Hong Kong.十三、熟语和引语(Idioms and Quotations)
口译时常碰到发言人颇有文采地(或为融洽宾主关系)引用对方国家高等教育出版社《英语口译教程》口译技能总结 的古典诗词和经典佳句。此时如果译员平时不注意提高自己的文学素养就可能陷入困境。所以培训时要在不断提升双语水平的同时,学习一些常用熟语和引语的同时,培养根据上下文语境进行准确而灵活的、解释性翻译的能力。熟语翻译
心照不宣:Give it an understanding but no tongue.画蛇添足:to paint the lily 好高骛远:to aim at the moon 捡了芝麻,丢了西瓜:Penny wise, pound foolish 塞翁失马,焉知非福:a blessing in disguise 一个不成熟的想法:a green thought 引语翻译
有朋自远方来,不亦乐乎:It is such a delight to have friends coming from afar.生于忧患,死于安乐:(As the ancient motto goes,)one prospers in worries and hardship, and perishes in ease and comfort.在我当总理以来,我心里总默念着林则徐的两句诗:“苟利国家生死以,岂因祸福避趋之”: I will do whatever to serve my country at the cost of my life regardless of fortune and misfortune.说起台湾,我就很动情,不由得想起了一位辛亥革命的老人、国民党元老于右任在他临终前写过的一首哀歌:“葬我于山上兮,望我大陆,高等教育出版社《英语口译教程》口译技能总结
大陆不见兮,只有痛哭。葬我于山上兮,望我故乡,故乡不可见兮,永不能忘。山苍苍,野茫茫。山之上,国有殇。”:When Taiwan is mentioned, lots of feelings well up.I can’t help thinking of the late Mr.Yu Youren, a founding member of Guo Ming Dang, and participant of the revolution of 1911.He wrote a poem to express his grief over national division.He wrote such a poem: bury me on the highest mountain top so that I can get a sight of my mainland, mainland I see none, tears of sorrow cascade;bury me on the highest mountain top so I can get a glimpse of my hometown, hometown I see none, but it lived forever in my mind.The lofty sky is deeply blue, the vast openness not seen through, oh, boundless universe, would you hear me, and this elegy of this nation?
十四、技术性话题(Interpreting Technical Speeches)译员常被戏称为“万金油”,意指什么领域都懂一点,但又不是专家。这也表明了译员必须涉猎广泛,在很短的三五天里通过上网搜索、阅读相关材料从而达到相当于演讲者的知识水平。其实,译员并没有什么天才基因,可以在短时间内掌握“863”计划顶尖技术或三聚氢胺的分子构成,只不过他们知道发言人和听众都是“心有灵犀”的业内人士,需要的只是一些连接术语的逻辑关系而已,这样译员在了解相关背景知识以及工作程序后,也能很好地起到桥梁作用。当然,应该高等教育出版社《英语口译教程》口译技能总结
鼓励学生最好尽量熟悉话题,有条件的还应该选择一个方向作深入研究获推荐有专业背景的人来做这一话题。例如: 原文:
2、We were aboard two US Air Force craft that flew at night from the United Kingdom to Israel, then back through the Azores to Florida.The path allowed us to observe the meteors—some no bigger than a grain of sand—from an altitude of 11-and-a-half kilometers.Images of the meteors were fed through infrared spectrographic-instruments that can detect the unique chemical fingerprints of complex organic molecules of the type that may have seeded life on earth.译文:
1、The TCM science maintains that yin and yang,(the two opposing and complementary principles in nature,)exist in human body, mutually functional and dependent.According to the philosophical view of TCM, the two aspects of yin and yang are mutually promoting, proportionally changing with the decrease 高等教育出版社《英语口译教程》口译技能总结
of one resulting in, or from, the increase of the other, and mutually transformational.The balance of yin and yang is essential for the maintenance of good health.And if the balance is upset, health will be hurt and illness will develop.Therefore, TCM pays close attention to the effort of regulating yin and yang and maintaining an appropriate balance between the two.2、我们乘坐两架美国空军的飞机,晚上从英国飞往以色列,然后经过亚速尔群岛,飞回佛罗里达,这条航线使我们能够从11500米的高度观察流星雨,有些流星微小如沙。流星颗粒被摄入红外线摄谱仪,它能探测到那种可能在地球上播种生命的复杂有机分子的独特化学痕迹。
十五、顺译(Interpreting Similar Word Orders)
1、There are still 10 minutes/ before we call it a day.还有10分钟,我们就下课。高等教育出版社《英语口译教程》口译技能总结
2、My visit to China comes on an important anniversary, as the Vice President mentioned.我对中国的访问,正逢一个重要的周年纪念,这正如副主席刚才说的那样。
3、The conference will resume/ at 6 p.m./ after the board has met privately.会议六点继续进行,董事会在此之前先要碰个头。
4、Prof.Smith asked us not to be afraid of mistakes/ in practicing interpreting.史密斯教授叫我们不要害怕出错,尤其是在练习口译的时候。
Whatever the foreign media call me, either “China’s Gorbachev” or “economic czar”, or anything else, I am not happy about that.6、Please allow me to say something/ on behalf of/ my colleagues of ABC Organization.请允许我说几句话,来代表我们ABC组织的同事们表达我们的心意。
7、The answer to the question of/ whether we should continue to hold the meeting as planned depends in part on when the epidemic disease is curbed.问题的答案在于,我们是否可以继续按计划举行会议,部分地取决于高等教育出版社《英语口译教程》口译技能总结
十六、视译(Sight Interpretation)在正式场合,发言人谨慎起见进行念稿发言,因为事先准备的讲稿语言华美,逻辑严密,不像即席发言那么容易理解和记忆,再加上速度较快,译员很难跟上发言人的速度、准确无误地传递原语意思。这时一般要求译员作视译,也就是译员一边看着发言人手中同样的发言稿,一边快速地翻译。译员除了灵活运用上一课讲述的顺译技巧外,好要注意发言人的速度,最好做到发言人话音刚落,翻译的声音也随即停止。翻译时还要留神发言人是否临时插入讲解或例子,届时还需作无稿翻译。
十七、灵活应变(Dealing with Unexpected Situations)
翻译时,最怕遇到听不懂的词。克服这一障碍的唯一办法是口译人员应培养自己的猜测和预测能力。当然,事先充分了解必要的背景材料和知识是十分重要的。这样做,译员就能心中有数,知道讲话人要谈到什么方面的内容。译员在这个基础上进行翻译,即使遇到个别不会的词,根据上下文,根据对整个讲话精神的体会,也可以将全句内容猜测出来。千万不能被一个词卡住,而不能将翻译任务继续下去。遇到生词例子: 高等教育出版社《英语口译教程》口译技能总结
原文:Another terrible environmental event took place in the United States in 1993.400,000people in Milwaukee, Wisconsin, became sick from the drinking water.More than fifty people died.An organism in the water called cryptosporidium was to blame.译文:另一次可怕的环境污染事件发生在1993年。美国威斯康星州弭尔沃基市40万人因饮用水污染生病,50多人死亡。水中一种有机物是罪魁祸首。
原文:In terms of the question of what to do to prevent you from becoming infected by the SARS virus, I notice that many people wearing masks outside.高等教育出版社《英语口译教程》口译技能总结
原文:I’d like to add one thing to the question about whether SARS can be avoided in Shanghai.I think it’s really an important question.I think obviously the only way to really avoid it is to build a wall around Shanghai from anybody into Shanghai.译文:刚才有记者提到是否上海可以避免这个SARS,我想要做的评论是上海已经开始一场战争,而这场战争现在还没有结束。在座的记者们纷纷指正,译员立即道歉道:Excuse me, I didn’t catch you.于是发言人理解地重述刚才的讲话The only way to avoid SARS , truly ensure that no SARS coming into Shanghai, is to build a wall around Shanghai from anybody coming into Shanghai.重译:如果上海想彻底避免SARS的话只能建一堵墙把所有人挡在外面。漏译后的补充
译文:Just now you mentioned the progress that has been made in the first quarter of this year, in terms of the growth rate of industrial production.3、碰到发言人讲话速度过快怎么办? 高等教育出版社《英语口译教程》口译技能总结
十八、熟能生巧(Practice Makes an Interpreter)
另外i,有条件的学校还可以渐渐地安排学生跟着职业译员到口译现场去感受真实的工作环境,这种真实的体验和经验积累是课堂培训最好的补充。学生们在同时体验译员和听众双重身份后,更容易吸收培训的理念,更积极地投入到紧张有序的自我训练中去,从而打破“译员是天生的,而不可能后天培养出来的(Interpreters are born, not made)”的神话。总而言之,“冰冻三尺,非一日之寒”,对口译训练也不例外,熟能生巧,只要我们勤学苦练,就定能攻破口译难关。
一、即席演讲(Impromptu Speech)口译是口头地将信息从一种语言形式转换成另一种语言形式表达出来的交际活动。译员服务的对象是发言人和听众,自己既是听众又是讲话者,所以从发声、英汉语言篇章、灵活应变的角度熟悉并应用公共演讲的技能应该在口译培训的初始阶段就得以强化。首先让学生观摩典型的汉、英语演讲,了解口译工作的现场,然后让学生以“我最喜欢的颜色”和“我省/市的自然资源”为题分别做英、汉语即席讲话,让其他同学练习接续传译(consecutive interpreting),练习时应注意:
二、传递意义(Interpreting the Meaning of the Utterance)口译与笔译除了形式上的差别外,最突出的特点在于口译的即时性(real-time),发言人话音一落,译员就必须把刚听到的长达3~5分钟的讲话(100~120个词/分钟)完整地在相应时间内(通常为3/4时间)转述出来。很多人能完整地复述
(Memory Exercise: Improving Active Listening)
(Memory Exercise: Making Use of Memory Aids)
五、记数字(Remembering Numbers)
三位数以内的数字对口译不会构成困难,而三位数以上的数字,尤其是五位数以上的数字,则成了口译的一大难关。为了便于记录和口译,我们不妨可以用“点三杠四”书写法,即用逗号(,)表示三位数,便于英语表达,用斜杠(/)表示四位数,便于汉语表达: 1)727
Seven hundred twenty-seven(in AmE);
Seven hundred and twenty-seven(in BrE);2)2,003
Two thousand three(in AmE);
Two thousand and three(in BrE);3)1,97/4,727
One million, nine hundred(and)seventy-four thousand seven hundred(and)twenty-seven 4)1,1/75,00/0,000
One billion, one hundred seventy-five million(in AmE)5)45,0/00,00/0,000
Forty-five billion 序数表达
1)第一:the first 2)第三:the third 3)第十:the tenth 4)第十五:the fifteenth 5)第二十二:the twenty-second 分数表达
1)二分之一:a half 2)五分之一:one-fifth 3)四分之三:three quarters 4)七分之四:four-seventh 5)五又三分之二:five and two-thirds 小数表达 1)12.89
十二点八九:twelve point eight nine 2)0.323
零点三二三:point three two three;zero/naught point three two three
(Note-taking: Useful Signs and Acronyms)口译理解的过程就像黑匣子神秘难懂,无法把任何一个步骤孤立地来讨论,听取信息的同时,理解、记忆甚至转换代码也一并进行。译员除了主要靠高度集中注意力强记原语信息外,还借用通用符号和缩略词语把一些表示信息简要记录下来,减轻大脑记忆的压力、合理分配精力以便继续摄取更多信息。
1、以下是一些常用笔记符号: 信息意义
符号 增加;补充
+ 减少;删除
— 和;与;共同 & 上升;提高;增强 ↑ 下降;下沉;降低 ↓ 上扬;渐渐好转 ↗ 下挫;不断亏损 ↘ 去;向前;发展
→ 回顾;从前;倒退 ← 不等于;并不意味着 ≠ 属于 ↔ 总和;合力 ∑ 商标 TM 英镑 £
美元 $ 人民币 ¥ 重要;惊讶!小于;不足 < 超过 > 认为;主张;相信 : 以„„为中心;圆桌会谈 ⊙ 因为 ∵ 所以 ∴ 国家 □ 问题;疑惑 ? 正确;认同 √ 高兴
2、以下是常用的英文字母缩写和汉字所代表的信息: 信息意义 缩略语 联合国计划开发署 UNDP 联合国教科文组织
SH、沪 国民生产总值
GNP 国内生产总值
GDP 五年计划
5y计 中华人民共和国
PRC 中国共产党
HTML By the way
BTW As soon as possible
七、复述训练(Repetition Training)
训练原语复述可以检验记忆、加深理解,对一个语篇进行两到三次复述可以帮助我们摆脱原语字眼的束缚,专注于要传递的“意义”,接着用译入语进行复述,进一步巩固理解并储存的 “意义”,这时不必深究译语的完美,只强调意思的完整和逻辑的连贯。
八、减少母语干扰(Reducing Mother Tongue Interference)英语属于印欧语系,而汉语则属于汉藏语系。因为地理位置、历史成因等多方面影响,英汉两种语言及文化有着不少差别。英语重形和,结构整?严谨,逻辑性强;而汉语重意合,常出现无主语或主语隐蔽、短语嵌套句子等现象,句法上关联词成对使用是中国译员在转换代码时往往难以摆脱的母语干扰。下面就几个汉译英例句的处理作一些说明。
例1 中国历史上产生了许多杰出的哲学家、思想家、政治家、军事家、科学家和文学艺术家,留下的文化典籍汗牛充栋。
China produced in its history many outstanding philosophers, thinkers, statesmen, strategists, writers and artists and left us numerous volumes of literature.例2 近几十年的实践已充分证明,我们进行改革开放的方向是正确的,信念是坚定的,步骤是稳妥的,方式是渐进的,取得的成就是巨
The practice in recent decades has eloquently proved that we are right in direction, firm in conviction, steady in our steps and gradual in our approach when carrying out the reform and opening up and have achieved tremendous successes.例1汉语中作主语的是介词短语“(在)中国历史上”,口译成英语时必须用China作主语;例2从句中主语有“方向、信念、步骤、方式、成就”,口译时如果不统一主语为“我们”就会显得很凌乱,不符合英语习惯。
九、解读图表(Interpreting Charts, Tables and Figures)发言人越来越喜欢使用各种现代技术和直观的表现手法使演讲更具说服力和感染力,因此议员也需要掌握所用仪器的名称以及读图方法和技巧才能准确地传递出讲演者及其数据蕴涵的信息。圆形百分比图相关词汇: 扇形 wedge/slice 投影片 overhead transparencies 圆形百分比图 pie graph 柱状图相关词汇: 柱状图 bar chart X轴 X axis Y轴 Y axis 坐标 point
曲线图相关词汇: 曲线图 line chart 实线 solid line 虚线 broken line 点划线 dotted line 面积图相关词汇: 色调的搭配 color scheme 阴影部分 shaded area 以下是发言人描述图例所蕴涵意义时常用词汇: An upturn
回升、好转趋势 An upward trend
上升、好转趋势 Pick up/recover
好转/复苏/回升 Rise slowly/gradually
慢慢地/逐渐地上升 Rocket/soar
骤升 Leap
Spiral upwards
陡升、持续不断地上升 Sustain an increase
Reach a peak
到达最高点 Decline/decrease
Downward trend
下降的趋势 A slump
暴跌、萧条 Drop slightly/gradually 轻微/逐渐下跌
Spiral downward
剧降/持续不断地下降 Plunge/dive
急降/突降 A significant reduction 显著的减幅 Fluctuate
Remain constant/stable 保持不变/稳定 Bottom out/level out
十、记笔记:篇章笔记法(Note-taking: Textual Form)大量的篇章笔记练习有助于我们体验重要信息、次要信息和非重要信息的特点,以免“芝麻西瓜齐抓共管,胡子眉毛尽数拔光”。记笔记时最好用一本上下可翻用的笔记本,注意在笔记页的上、下、左、右都留出一定的空间用来记录后置的信息,所记的每一条信息应自占一行,所用的各项笔记符号要清晰,以免翻译时因潦草难辨而误译。篇章笔记的训练可采用以下步骤:
译文:So long as these enterprises operate in accordance with law, pay taxes in accordance with regulation;so long as these enterprises meet the safety environmental standards, and safeguard the legitimate rights and interests of the employees, the government would support and actually encourage their growth because their development will be very important for the creation of more job opportunities.“依法经营,照章纳税,维护职工的合法权益”和“符合安全和环保的要求”口译时所需时间相对来说稍长,为了方便听众理解这里增加了 so long as。
译文:We should ensure a leveled play field, in that leveled play field the individually-owned pr private-owned enterprises will get the same treatment when it comes to market access, taxation, loan equitation, import and export businesses.高等教育出版社《英语口译教程》口译技能总结
译员一开始就强调了“平等”,重复leveled play field可以帮助译员争取时间更好地整理信息。
译文:With China’s reform and opening up and socialist modernization drive at the critical stage, it is of extremely great significance for us to have convened such a congress that builds on the past and prepares for the future.汉语讲究重复、对仗和韵律;英语则讲究简洁,避免用词重复、语义重叠。“承前启后”与“继往开来”在语义上差别不大,口译时只需译出其中之一,而不用啰嗦地译出inherits the past and ushers in the future, and builds on the past and prepares for the future.4、直译法
译文:Now with regard to the situation in Iraq, the arrow has already been placed on the bow, it is a touch-and-go situation.However, so long as there is a piece of hope, we will not give up our effort for a peaceful political settlement.5、意译法
译文:Time is very limited, so I will be very brief.6、反译法
译文:Only when the public are asked to supervise the government, the government cannot afford to slacken its efforts, and only when every person assumes his or her responsibility, can we ensure the vigor and vitality of government.有时原文直译出来给人的感觉不好,这时反过来译会取得意想不到的效果。
译文:You once said that China would definitely be able to break the vicious cycle of the law of Huang Zongxi, which means, in history, tax reforms aimed at reducing the farmer’s burden always ended up exacerbating their burden.I wonder how can we break the vicious cycle? 口译时要根据听众对话题的了解适当增补背景资料,方便听众理解。
十二、长句处理(Dealing with Long Sentences)
原文:至于人民币的完全可自由兑换,也就是说在资本市场上面也自由兑换,这个按照我们预定的改革进程是要往后,需要一定的时间。译文:With regard to when the full convertibility of RMB can be realized, that is to say, the convertibility of RMB also under the capital account, according to our set schedule, that would take some time.汉语中有不少以“对于”、“关于”、“至于”等分流词引导出的结构,英语也有分流引导词,如With regard to…, With reference to…, As for…, On the question of…,等等。
原文:If you have a lot of personal freedom, some people may abuse it.But if you are so afraid of personal freedom because of the abuse, that you limit people’s freedom too much, that you pay, I believe, an even greater price in a world where the whole economy is based on ideas and information and exchange and debate and children everywhere dreams and feeling they can live their dreams out.译文:假如可以拥有太多个人自由,有些人也许会滥用这些自由。但是如果因为太过于担忧自由被滥用就对个人自由心怀恐惧,那么人类
高等教育出版社《英语口译教程》口译技能总结 的自由就会被限制太多,付出的代价会更大,因为现在的这个世界,整个经济发展是建立在思想、信息、交流、辩论的基础上;在这个世界里,孩子们都心怀梦想,而且相信梦想都会实现。
原文:So today, I want to talk to you about what I believe has to be the agenda of a leader of any enterprise—business ,government agency, university, hospital, bank anywhere in the world—the agenda regarding this technology.译文:所以,今天我想和各位谈一谈信息技术,我认为它必定已列入世界各地企事业机关领导人的议事日程,不管是企业、政府部门、大学、医院还是银行。
原文:We have to choose between a global market driven only by calculations of short-term profit, and one which has a human face;between a world which condemns a quarter of the human face to starvation and squalor, and one which offers everyone at least a free-for-all in which we ignore the fate of losers, and a future in which the strong and successful accept their responsibilities, showing global vision and leadership.译文: 我们是要一个由短期利润估算来驱动的全球市场,还是要一个富有人情味的全球市场?我们是要一个使世界四分之一的人口处于饥饿境地和恶劣环境,还是要一个为每个人提供致富机会和健康环
原文: In recent history, China, as a nation, and we, as a people, have been through days of glory and times of despair.We have lived through days of hope, prosperity and glory.We have lived through days of despair, humiliation and hopelessness.The lesson is clear: the most precious possession of any nation or any people is the ability to chart one’s own future, to be the master of one’s destiny.译文: 中华民族的近代历史经历了荣辱兴衰,这里的教训是明确的:一个国家一个民族最可贵的是能够规划自己的未来,掌握自己的命运。
原文:第二点,我们在香港回归以后,一直希望香港能早日走向繁荣。现在香港已经受到东南亚金融危机影响了。这样,港元在维持联系汇率。人民币贬值,对港元联系汇率将是很不利的,香港能顶得住吗?如果香港再下来以后,那么对我们整个大陆的经济又将发生什么影响呢?所以为了香港的经济稳定,人民币不能贬值,这是第二个影响。译文:Second, we have always hoped that Hong Kong will move towards prosperity as quickly as possible after its return.Now
Hong Kong is hit by the financial crisis and it is trying to maintain a pegged exchange rate.The devaluation of RMB is very unfavorable to the pegging.If Hong Kong collapses, the impact on the economy of the mainland areas will be huge.Therefore, RMB should not be devalued for the stability of Hong Kong.十三、熟语和引语(Idioms and Quotations)
心照不宣:Give it an understanding but no tongue.画蛇添足:to paint the lily 好高骛远:to aim at the moon 捡了芝麻,丢了西瓜:Penny wise, pound foolish 塞翁失马,焉知非福:a blessing in disguise 一个不成熟的想法:a green thought 引语翻译
有朋自远方来,不亦乐乎:It is such a delight to have friends coming from afar.生于忧患,死于安乐:(As the ancient motto goes,)one prospers
in worries and hardship, and perishes in ease and comfort.在我当总理以来,我心里总默念着林则徐的两句诗:“苟利国家生死以,岂因祸福避趋之”: I will do whatever to serve my country at the cost of my life regardless of fortune and misfortune.说起台湾,我就很动情,不由得想起了一位辛亥革命的老人、国民党元老于右任在他临终前写过的一首哀歌:“葬我于山上兮,望我大陆,大陆不见兮,只有痛哭。葬我于山上兮,望我故乡,故乡不可见兮,永不能忘。山苍苍,野茫茫。山之上,国有殇。”:When Taiwan is mentioned, lots of feelings well up.I can’t help thinking of the late Mr.Yu Youren, a founding member of Guo Ming Dang, and participant of the revolution of 1911.He wrote a poem to express his grief over national division.He wrote such a poem: bury me on the highest mountain top so that I can get a sight of my mainland, mainland I see none, tears of sorrow cascade;bury me on the highest mountain top so I can get a glimpse of my hometown, hometown I see none, but it lived forever in my mind.The lofty sky is deeply blue, the vast openness not seen through, oh, boundless universe, would you hear me, and this elegy of this nation?
十四、技术性话题(Interpreting Technical Speeches)译员常被戏称为“万金油”,意指什么领域都懂一点,但又不是专家。这也表明了译员必须涉猎广泛,在很短的三五天里通过上网搜索、阅
读相关材料从而达到相当于演讲者的知识水平。其实,译员并没有什么天才基因,可以在短时间内掌握“863”计划顶尖技术或三聚氢胺的分子构成,只不过他们知道发言人和听众都是“心有灵犀”的业内人士,需要的只是一些连接术语的逻辑关系而已,这样译员在了解相关背景知识以及工作程序后,也能很好地起到桥梁作用。当然,应该鼓励学生最好尽量熟悉话题,有条件的还应该选择一个方向作深入研究获推荐有专业背景的人来做这一话题。例如: 原文:
2、We were aboard two US Air Force craft that flew at night from the United Kingdom to Israel, then back through the Azores to Florida.The path allowed us to observe the meteors—some no bigger than a grain of sand—from an altitude of 11-and-a-half kilometers.Images of the meteors were fed through infrared spectrographic-instruments that can detect the unique chemical fingerprints of complex organic molecules of the type that may have seeded life on earth.译文:
1、The TCM science maintains that yin and yang,(the two opposing
and complementary principles in nature,)exist in human body, mutually functional and dependent.According to the philosophical view of TCM, the two aspects of yin and yang are mutually promoting, proportionally changing with the decrease of one resulting in, or from, the increase of the other, and mutually transformational.The balance of yin and yang is essential for the maintenance of good health.And if the balance is upset, health will be hurt and illness will develop.Therefore, TCM pays close attention to the effort of regulating yin and yang and maintaining an appropriate balance between the two.2、我们乘坐两架美国空军的飞机,晚上从英国飞往以色列,然后经过亚速尔群岛,飞回佛罗里达,这条航线使我们能够从11500米的高度观察流星雨,有些流星微小如沙。流星颗粒被摄入红外线摄谱仪,它能探测到那种可能在地球上播种生命的复杂有机分子的独特化学痕迹。
十五、顺译(Interpreting Similar Word Orders)
1、There are still 10 minutes/ before we call it a day.还有10分钟,我们就下课。
2、My visit to China comes on an important anniversary, as the Vice President mentioned.我对中国的访问,正逢一个重要的周年纪念,这正如副主席刚才说的那样。
3、The conference will resume/ at 6 p.m./ after the board has met privately.会议六点继续进行,董事会在此之前先要碰个头。
4、Prof.Smith asked us not to be afraid of mistakes/ in practicing interpreting.史密斯教授叫我们不要害怕出错,尤其是在练习口译的时候。
Whatever the foreign media call me, either “China’s Gorbachev” or “economic czar”, or anything else, I am not happy about that.6、Please allow me to say something/ on behalf of/ my colleagues of ABC Organization.请允许我说几句话,来代表我们ABC组织的同事们表达我们的心意。
7、The answer to the question of/ whether we should continue to hold the meeting as planned depends in part on when the epidemic disease is
十六、视译(Sight Interpretation)在正式场合,发言人谨慎起见进行念稿发言,因为事先准备的讲稿语言华美,逻辑严密,不像即席发言那么容易理解和记忆,再加上速度较快,译员很难跟上发言人的速度、准确无误地传递原语意思。这时一般要求译员作视译,也就是译员一边看着发言人手中同样的发言稿,一边快速地翻译。译员除了灵活运用上一课讲述的顺译技巧外,好要注意发言人的速度,最好做到发言人话音刚落,翻译的声音也随即停止。翻译时还要留神发言人是否临时插入讲解或例子,届时还需作无稿翻译。
十七、灵活应变(Dealing with Unexpected Situations)
原文:Another terrible environmental event took place in the United States in 1993.400,000people in Milwaukee, Wisconsin, became sick from the drinking water.More than fifty people died.An organism in the water called cryptosporidium was to blame.译文:另一次可怕的环境污染事件发生在1993年。美国威斯康星州弭尔沃基市40万人因饮用水污染生病,50多人死亡。水中一种有机物是罪魁祸首。
原文:In terms of the question of what to do to prevent you from becoming infected by the SARS virus, I notice that many people wearing
masks outside.译文:关于刚才提出的怎样预防感染SARS病毒的问题,我想说的是我注意到这个房间外面的人也是戴着口罩的。(许多人在户外也戴着口罩)承认错误
原文:I’d like to add one thing to the question about whether SARS can be avoided in Shanghai.I think it’s really an important question.I think obviously the only way to really avoid it is to build a wall around Shanghai from anybody into Shanghai.译文:刚才有记者提到是否上海可以避免这个SARS,我想要做的评论是上海已经开始一场战争,而这场战争现在还没有结束。在座的记者们纷纷指正,译员立即道歉道:Excuse me, I didn’t catch you.于是发言人理解地重述刚才的讲话The only way to avoid SARS , truly ensure that no SARS coming into Shanghai, is to build a wall around Shanghai from anybody coming into Shanghai.重译:如果上海想彻底避免SARS的话只能建一堵墙把所有人挡在外面。漏译后的补充
译文:Just now you mentioned the progress that has been made in the first quarter of this year, in terms of the growth rate of industrial production.3、碰到发言人讲话速度过快怎么办?
十八、熟能生巧(Practice Makes an Interpreter)
高级译员在大型国际会议上的又一表现不是一蹴而就的,每一次精彩的传译,每一次成功的谈判,都凝聚着译员平时将持不懈的训练和积累。口译工作之复杂,对译员的要求之高,也并非三言两语就可悉数,所以学员应该自觉地进行课后练习。就像飞机驾驶员在训练中必须有一定的“飞行小时”才可以正式上岗一样,译员也必须练够1000“磁带小时”才会有较大的提高。影子练习: 多观摩优秀译员的场上表现,如中国领导人的新闻发布会,听完发言人讲话后,试着跟译员一起做口译;平时看电视或听收音机时也可做跟读练习,训练各种话题的跟述和理解。磁带小时:
另外i,有条件的学校还可以渐渐地安排学生跟着职业译员到口译现场去感受真实的工作环境,这种真实的体验和经验积累是课堂培训最好的补充。学生们在同时体验译员和听众双重身份后,更容易吸收培训的理念,更积极地投入到紧张有序的自我训练中去,从而打破“译员是天生的,而不可能后天培养出来的(Interpreters are born, not made)”的神话。总而言之,“冰冻三尺,非一日之寒”,对口译训练也不例外,熟能生巧,只要我们勤学苦练,就定能攻破口译难关。
一、即席演讲(Impromptu Speech)口译是口头地将信息从一种语言形式转换成另一种语言形式表达出来的交际活动。译员服务的对象是发言人和听众,自己既是听众又是讲话者,所以从发声、英汉语言篇章、灵活应变的角度熟悉并应用公共演讲的技能应该在口译培训的初始阶段就得以强化。首先让学生观摩典型的汉、英语演讲,了解口译工作的现场,然后让学生以“我最喜欢的颜色”和“我省/市的自然资源”为题分别做英、汉语即席讲话,让其他同学练习接续传译(consecutive interpreting),练习时应注意:
二、传递意义(Interpreting the Meaning of the Utterance)口译与笔译除了形式上的差别外,最突出的特点在于口译的即时性(real-time),发言人话音一落,译员就必须把刚听到的长达3~5分钟的讲话(100~120个词/分钟)完整地在相应时间内(通常为3/4时间)转述出来。很多人能完整地复述
(Memory Exercise: Improving Active Listening)
(Memory Exercise: Making Use of Memory Aids)
五、记数字(Remembering Numbers)
三位数以内的数字对口译不会构成困难,而三位数以上的数字,尤其是五位数以上的数字,则成了口译的一大难关。为了便于记录和口译,我们不妨可以用“点三杠四”书写法,即用逗号(,)表示三位数,便于英语表达,用斜杠(/)表示四位数,便于汉语表达: 1)727
Seven hundred twenty-seven(in AmE);
Seven hundred and twenty-seven(in BrE);2)2,003
Two thousand three(in AmE);
Two thousand and three(in BrE);3)1,97/4,727
One million, nine hundred(and)seventy-four thousand seven hundred(and)twenty-seven 4)1,1/75,00/0,000
One billion, one hundred seventy-five million(in AmE)5)45,0/00,00/0,000
Forty-five billion 序数表达
1)第一:the first 2)第三:the third 3)第十:the tenth 4)第十五:the fifteenth 5)第二十二:the twenty-second 分数表达
1)二分之一:a half 2)五分之一:one-fifth 3)四分之三:three quarters 4)七分之四:four-seventh 5)五又三分之二:five and two-thirds 小数表达 1)12.89
十二点八九:twelve point eight nine 2)0.323
零点三二三:point three two three;zero/naught point three two three
六、记笔记:常用符号和缩略语(Note-taking: Useful Signs and Acronyms)口译理解的过程就像黑匣子神秘难懂,无法把任何一个步骤孤立地来
1、以下是一些常用笔记符号: 信息意义
符号 增加;补充
+ 减少;删除
— 和;与;共同 & 上升;提高;增强 ↑ 下降;下沉;降低 ↓ 上扬;渐渐好转 ↗ 下挫;不断亏损 ↘ 去;向前;发展
→ 回顾;从前;倒退 ← 不等于;并不意味着 ≠ 属于 ↔ 总和;合力 ∑ 商标 TM 英镑 £ 美元 $ 人民币 ¥ 重要;惊讶!小于;不足 < 超过 > 认为;主张;相信 : 以„„为中心;圆桌会谈 ⊙ 因为 ∵ 所以 ∴ 国家 □ 问题;疑惑 ? 正确;认同 √ 高兴
2、以下是常用的英文字母缩写和汉字所代表的信息: 信息意义 缩略语 联合国计划开发署 UNDP 联合国教科文组织
LA 上海
SH、沪 国民生产总值
GNP 国内生产总值
GDP 五年计划
5y计 中华人民共和国
PRC 中国共产党
CPC 人民代表大会
NPC 社会保障体系
By the way
As soon as possible
七、复述训练(Repetition Training)
训练原语复述可以检验记忆、加深理解,对一个语篇进行两到三次复述可以帮助我们摆脱原语字眼的束缚,专注于要传递的“意义”,接着用译入语进行复述,进一步巩固理解并储存的 “意义”,这时不必深究译语的完美,只强调意思的完整和逻辑的连贯。
八、减少母语干扰(Reducing Mother Tongue Interference)英语属于印欧语系,而汉语则属于汉藏语系。因为地理位置、历史成因等多方面影响,英汉两种语言及文化有着不少差别。英语重形和,结构整?严谨,逻辑性强;而汉语重意合,常出现无主语或主语隐蔽、短语嵌套句子等现象,句法上关联词成对使用是中国译员在转换代码时往往难以摆脱的母语干扰。下面就几个汉译英例句的处理作一些说明。
例1 中国历史上产生了许多杰出的哲学家、思想家、政治家、军事家、科学家和文学艺术家,留下的文化典籍汗牛充栋。
China produced in its history many outstanding philosophers, thinkers, statesmen, strategists, writers and artists and left us numerous volumes of literature.例2 近几十年的实践已充分证明,我们进行改革开放的方向是正确的,信念是坚定的,步骤是稳妥的,方式是渐进的,取得的成就是巨大的。
The practice in recent decades has eloquently proved that we are right in direction, firm in conviction, steady in our steps and gradual in our approach when carrying out the reform and opening up and have achieved tremendous successes.例1汉语中作主语的是介词短语“(在)中国历史上”,口译成英语时必须用China作主语;例2从句中主语有“方向、信念、步骤、方式、成就”,口译时如果不统一主语为“我们”就会显得很凌乱,不符合英语习惯。
九、解读图表(Interpreting Charts, Tables and Figures)发言人越来越喜欢使用各种现代技术和直观的表现手法使演讲更具说服力和感染力,因此议员也需要掌握所用仪器的名称以及读图方法和技巧才能准确地传递出讲演者及其数据蕴涵的信息。圆形百分比图相关词汇: 扇形 wedge/slice 投影片 overhead transparencies 圆形百分比图 pie graph 柱状图相关词汇: 柱状图 bar chart X轴 X axis Y轴 Y axis 坐标 point 曲线图相关词汇: 曲线图 line chart 实线 solid line 虚线 broken line 点划线 dotted line 面积图相关词汇: 色调的搭配 color scheme 阴影部分 shaded area 以下是发言人描述图例所蕴涵意义时常用词汇: An upturn
回升、好转趋势 An upward trend
上升、好转趋势 Pick up/recover
好转/复苏/回升 Rise slowly/gradually
慢慢地/逐渐地上升 Rocket/soar
骤升 Leap
Spiral upwards
陡升、持续不断地上升 Sustain an increase
Reach a peak
到达最高点 Decline/decrease
Downward trend
下降的趋势 A slump
暴跌、萧条 Drop slightly/gradually 轻微/逐渐下跌 Spiral downward
剧降/持续不断地下降 Plunge/dive
急降/突降 A significant reduction 显著的减幅 Fluctuate
Remain constant/stable 保持不变/稳定 Bottom out/level out
十、记笔记:篇章笔记法(Note-taking: Textual Form)大量的篇章笔记练习有助于我们体验重要信息、次要信息和非重要信息的特点,以免“芝麻西瓜齐抓共管,胡子眉毛尽数拔光”。记笔记时最好用一本上下可翻用的笔记本,注意在笔记页的上、下、左、右都留出一定的空间用来记录后置的信息,所记的每一条信息应自占一行,所用的各项笔记符号要清晰,以免翻译时因潦草难辨而误译。篇章笔记的训练可采用以下步骤:
译文:So long as these enterprises operate in accordance with law, pay taxes in accordance with regulation;so long as these enterprises meet the safety environmental standards, and safeguard the legitimate rights and interests of the employees, the government would support and actually encourage their growth because their development will be very important for the creation of more job opportunities.“依法经营,照章纳税,维护职工的合法权益”和“符合安全和环保的要求”口译时所需时间相对来说稍长,为了方便听众理解这里增加了 so long as。
译文:We should ensure a leveled play field, in that leveled play field the individually-owned pr private-owned enterprises will get the same treatment when it comes to market access, taxation, loan equitation, import and export businesses.译员一开始就强调了“平等”,重复leveled play field可以帮助译员争取时间更好地整理信息。
译文:With China’s reform and opening up and socialist modernization drive at the critical stage, it is of extremely great significance for us to have convened such a congress that builds on the past and prepares for the future.汉语讲究重复、对仗和韵律;英语则讲究简洁,避免用词重复、语义重叠。“承前启后”与“继往开来”在语义上差别不大,口译时只需译出其中之一,而不用啰嗦地译出inherits the past and ushers in the future, and builds on the past and prepares for the future.4、直译法
译文:Now with regard to the situation in Iraq, the arrow has already been placed on the bow, it is a touch-and-go situation.However, so long as there is a piece of hope, we will not give up our effort for a peaceful political settlement.5、意译法
译文:Time is very limited, so I will be very brief.6、反译法 原文:只有让人民监督政府,政府才不会懈怠。只有人人负起责任来,才不会人亡政息。
译文:Only when the public are asked to supervise the government, the government cannot afford to slacken its efforts, and only when every person assumes his or her responsibility, can we ensure the vigor and vitality of government.有时原文直译出来给人的感觉不好,这时反过来译会取得意想不到的效果。
译文:You once said that China would definitely be able to break the vicious cycle of the law of Huang Zongxi, which means, in history, tax reforms aimed at reducing the farmer’s burden always ended up exacerbating their burden.I wonder how can we break the vicious cycle? 口译时要根据听众对话题的了解适当增补背景资料,方便听众理解。
十二、长句处理(Dealing with Long Sentences)
原文:至于人民币的完全可自由兑换,也就是说在资本市场上面也自由兑换,这个按照我们预定的改革进程是要往后,需要一定的时间。译文:With regard to when the full convertibility of RMB can be realized, that is to say, the convertibility of RMB also under the capital account, according to our set schedule, that would take some time.汉语中有不少以“对于”、“关于”、“至于”等分流词引导出的结构,英语也有分流引导词,如With regard to…, With reference to…, As for…, On the question of…,等等。
原文:If you have a lot of personal freedom, some people may abuse it.But if you are so afraid of personal freedom because of the abuse, that you limit people’s freedom too much, that you pay, I believe, an even greater price in a world where the whole economy is based on ideas and information and exchange and debate and children everywhere dreams and feeling they can live their dreams out.译文:假如可以拥有太多个人自由,有些人也许会滥用这些自由。但是如果因为太过于担忧自由被滥用就对个人自由心怀恐惧,那么人类的自由就会被限制太多,付出的代价会更大,因为现在的这个世界,整个经济发展是建立在思想、信息、交流、辩论的基础上;在这个世界里,孩子们都心怀梦想,而且相信梦想都会实现。
原文:So today, I want to talk to you about what I believe has to be the agenda of a leader of any enterprise—business ,government agency, university, hospital, bank anywhere in the world—the agenda regarding this technology.译文:所以,今天我想和各位谈一谈信息技术,我认为它必定已列入世界各地企事业机关领导人的议事日程,不管是企业、政府部门、大学、医院还是银行。
原文:We have to choose between a global market driven only by calculations of short-term profit, and one which has a human face;between a world which condemns a quarter of the human face to starvation and squalor, and one which offers everyone at least a free-for-all in which we ignore the fate of losers, and a future in which the strong and successful accept their responsibilities, showing global vision and leadership.译文: 我们是要一个由短期利润估算来驱动的全球市场,还是要一个富有人情味的全球市场?我们是要一个使世界四分之一的人口处于饥饿境地和恶劣环境,还是要一个为每个人提供致富机会和健康环境?我们是愿意现在陷于一场无视失败者命运的自私的混战之中,还是在未来成为高瞻远瞩、具领袖风范、勇于承担责任的强者和成功者?这一切都需要我们做出抉择。
原文: In recent history, China, as a nation, and we, as a people, have been through days of glory and times of despair.We have lived through days of hope, prosperity and glory.We have lived through days of despair, humiliation and hopelessness.The lesson is clear: the most precious possession of any nation or any people is the ability to chart one’s own future, to be the master of one’s destiny.译文: 中华民族的近代历史经历了荣辱兴衰,这里的教训是明确的:一个国家一个民族最可贵的是能够规划自己的未来,掌握自己的命运。
原文:第二点,我们在香港回归以后,一直希望香港能早日走向繁荣。现在香港已经受到东南亚金融危机影响了。这样,港元在维持联系汇率。人民币贬值,对港元联系汇率将是很不利的,香港能顶得住吗?如果香港再下来以后,那么对我们整个大陆的经济又将发生什么影响呢?所以为了香港的经济稳定,人民币不能贬值,这是第二个影响。译文:Second, we have always hoped that Hong Kong will move towards prosperity as quickly as possible after its return.Now Hong Kong is hit by the financial crisis and it is trying to maintain a pegged exchange rate.The devaluation of RMB is very unfavorable to the pegging.If Hong Kong collapses, the impact on the economy of the mainland areas will be huge.Therefore, RMB should not be devalued for the stability of Hong Kong.十三、熟语和引语(Idioms and Quotations)
心照不宣:Give it an understanding but no tongue.画蛇添足:to paint the lily 好高骛远:to aim at the moon 捡了芝麻,丢了西瓜:Penny wise, pound foolish 塞翁失马,焉知非福:a blessing in disguise 一个不成熟的想法:a green thought 引语翻译
有朋自远方来,不亦乐乎:It is such a delight to have friends coming from afar.生于忧患,死于安乐:(As the ancient motto goes,)one prospers in worries and hardship, and perishes in ease and comfort.在我当总理以来,我心里总默念着林则徐的两句诗:“苟利国家生死以,岂因祸福避趋之”: I will do whatever to serve my country at the cost of my life regardless of fortune and misfortune.说起台湾,我就很动情,不由得想起了一位辛亥革命的老人、国民党元老于右任在他临终前写过的一首哀歌:“葬我于山上兮,望我大陆,大陆不见兮,只有痛哭。葬我于山上兮,望我故乡,故乡不可见兮,永不能忘。山苍苍,野茫茫。山之上,国有殇。”:When Taiwan is mentioned, lots of feelings well up.I can’t help thinking of the late Mr.Yu Youren, a founding member of Guo Ming Dang, and participant of the revolution of 1911.He wrote a poem to express his grief over national division.He wrote such a poem: bury me on the highest mountain top so that I can get a sight of my mainland, mainland I see none, tears of sorrow cascade;bury me on the highest mountain top so I can get a glimpse of my hometown, hometown I see none, but it lived forever in my mind.The lofty sky is deeply blue, the vast openness not seen through, oh, boundless universe, would you hear me, and this elegy of this nation?
十四、技术性话题(Interpreting Technical Speeches)译员常被戏称为“万金油”,意指什么领域都懂一点,但又不是专家。这也表明了译员必须涉猎广泛,在很短的三五天里通过上网搜索、阅读相关材料从而达到相当于演讲者的知识水平。其实,译员并没有什么天才基因,可以在短时间内掌握“863”计划顶尖技术或三聚氢胺的分子构成,只不过他们知道发言人和听众都是“心有灵犀”的业内人士,需要的只是一些连接术语的逻辑关系而已,这样译员在了解相关背景知识以及工作程序后,也能很好地起到桥梁作用。当然,应该鼓励学生最好尽量熟悉话题,有条件的还应该选择一个方向作深入研究获推荐有专业背景的人来做这一话题。例如: 原文:
2、We were aboard two US Air Force craft that flew at night from the United Kingdom to Israel, then back through the Azores to Florida.The path allowed us to observe the meteors—some no bigger than a grain of sand—from an altitude of 11-and-a-half kilometers.Images of the meteors were fed through infrared spectrographic-instruments that can detect the unique chemical fingerprints of complex organic molecules of the type that may have seeded life on earth.译文:
1、The TCM science maintains that yin and yang,(the two opposing and complementary principles in nature,)exist in human body, mutually functional and dependent.According to the philosophical view of TCM, the two aspects of yin and yang are mutually promoting, proportionally changing with the decrease of one resulting in, or from, the increase of the other, and mutually transformational.The balance of yin and yang is essential for the maintenance of good health.And if the balance is upset, health will be hurt and illness will develop.Therefore, TCM pays close attention to the effort of regulating yin and yang and maintaining an appropriate balance between the two.2、我们乘坐两架美国空军的飞机,晚上从英国飞往以色列,然后经过亚速尔群岛,飞回佛罗里达,这条航线使我们能够从11500米的高度观察流星雨,有些流星微小如沙。流星颗粒被摄入红外线摄谱仪,它能探测到那种可能在地球上播种生命的复杂有机分子的独特化学痕迹。
十五、顺译(Interpreting Similar Word Orders)
1、There are still 10 minutes/ before we call it a day.还有10分钟,我们就下课。
2、My visit to China comes on an important anniversary, as the Vice President mentioned.我对中国的访问,正逢一个重要的周年纪念,这正如副主席刚才说的那样。
3、The conference will resume/ at 6 p.m./ after the board has met privately.会议六点继续进行,董事会在此之前先要碰个头。
4、Prof.Smith asked us not to be afraid of mistakes/ in practicing interpreting.史密斯教授叫我们不要害怕出错,尤其是在练习口译的时候。
Whatever the foreign media call me, either “China’s Gorbachev” or “economic czar”, or anything else, I am not happy about that.6、Please allow me to say something/ on behalf of/ my colleagues of ABC Organization.请允许我说几句话,来代表我们ABC组织的同事们表达我们的心意。
7、The answer to the question of/ whether we should continue to hold the meeting as planned depends in part on when the epidemic disease is curbed.问题的答案在于,我们是否可以继续按计划举行会议,部分地取决于什么时候那种传染病会得到控制。
十六、视译(Sight Interpretation)在正式场合,发言人谨慎起见进行念稿发言,因为事先准备的讲稿语言华美,逻辑严密,不像即席发言那么容易理解和记忆,再加上速度较快,译员很难跟上发言人的速度、准确无误地传递原语意思。这时一般要求译员作视译,也就是译员一边看着发言人手中同样的发言稿,一边快速地翻译。译员除了灵活运用上一课讲述的顺译技巧外,好要注意发言人的速度,最好做到发言人话音刚落,翻译的声音也随即停止。翻译时还要留神发言人是否临时插入讲解或例子,届时还需作无稿翻译。
十七、灵活应变(Dealing with Unexpected Situations)
原文:Another terrible environmental event took place in the United States in 1993.400,000people in Milwaukee, Wisconsin, became sick from the drinking water.More than fifty people died.An organism in the water called cryptosporidium was to blame.译文:另一次可怕的环境污染事件发生在1993年。美国威斯康星州弭尔沃基市40万人因饮用水污染生病,50多人死亡。水中一种有机物是罪魁祸首。
原文:In terms of the question of what to do to prevent you from becoming infected by the SARS virus, I notice that many people wearing masks outside.译文:关于刚才提出的怎样预防感染SARS病毒的问题,我想说的是我注意到这个房间外面的人也是戴着口罩的。(许多人在户外也戴着口罩)承认错误
原文:I’d like to add one thing to the question about whether SARS can be avoided in Shanghai.I think it’s really an important question.I think obviously the only way to really avoid it is to build a wall around Shanghai from anybody into Shanghai.译文:刚才有记者提到是否上海可以避免这个SARS,我想要做的评论是上海已经开始一场战争,而这场战争现在还没有结束。在座的记者们纷纷指正,译员立即道歉道:Excuse me, I didn’t catch you.于是发言人理解地重述刚才的讲话The only way to avoid SARS , truly ensure that no SARS coming into Shanghai, is to build a wall around Shanghai from anybody coming into Shanghai.重译:如果上海想彻底避免SARS的话只能建一堵墙把所有人挡在外面。漏译后的补充
译文:Just now you mentioned the progress that has been made in the first quarter of this year, in terms of the growth rate of industrial production.3、碰到发言人讲话速度过快怎么办?
十八、熟能生巧(Practice Makes an Interpreter)
高级译员在大型国际会议上的又一表现不是一蹴而就的,每一次精彩的传译,每一次成功的谈判,都凝聚着译员平时将持不懈的训练和积累。口译工作之复杂,对译员的要求之高,也并非三言两语就可悉数,所以学员应该自觉地进行课后练习。就像飞机驾驶员在训练中必须有一定的“飞行小时”才可以正式上岗一样,译员也必须练够1000“磁带小时”才会有较大的提高。影子练习: 多观摩优秀译员的场上表现,如中国领导人的新闻发布会,听完发言人讲话后,试着跟译员一起做口译;平时看电视或听收音机时也可做跟读练习,训练各种话题的跟述和理解。磁带小时:
另外i,有条件的学校还可以渐渐地安排学生跟着职业译员到口译现场去感受真实的工作环境,这种真实的体验和经验积累是课堂培训最好的补充。学生们在同时体验译员和听众双重身份后,更容易吸收培训的理念,更积极地投入到紧张有序的自我训练中去,从而打破“译员是天生的,而不可能后天培养出来的(Interpreters are born, not made)”的神话。总而言之,“冰冻三尺,非一日之寒”,对口译训练也不例外,熟能生巧,只要我们勤学苦练,就定能攻破口译难关。
4.The Civil Rights Movement: What Good Was It?
Alice Walker
TextWhen we are children, growing up in our parents’ care, we○
world.Sometimes our parents provide it—if we are lucky—sometimes it comes from another
source far from home.☆We sit, paralyzed, surrounded by our anxiety and dread, hoping we will not have to grow up into the narrow world and ways we see about us.☆face.2It was just six years ago that I began to be —for I am ○
now twenty-three—but I did not really know it.And I did not know it because nobody told me that I—a pensive, yearning, typical high-school senior, but Negro—existed in the minds of others as I existed in my own.☆Until that time my mind was locked apart from the outer contours and complexion of my body as if it and the body were strangers.The mind possessed both thought and spirit—I wanted to be an author or a scientist—which the color of the body denied.I had never seen myself and existed as a statistic exists, or as a phantom.In the white world I walked, less real to them than a shadow;and being young and well hidden among the slums, among people who also did not exist—either in books or in films or in the government of their own lives—I waited to be called to life.And, by a miracle, I was called.【在前两段中,What words does the author uses to describe her state of being in her early days? And what words to describe her state of mind at that time? 作者用了哪些词语描写她早期的生活状态?哪些词描写她当时的心理状态?】【What words have caught your eyes? What words touch your heart? 哪些词句引起了你的注意?你觉得哪些语句很有力量?】
【在第二段中,What notion is repetitively mentioned in this paragraph? What situation is described here?What is the author trying to say here? 这一段里不断重复的一个概念是什么?描写了一个什么样的状态?作者想说的是什么?】
3There was a commotion in our house that night in 1960.We had managed to buy our first ○
television set.It was battered and overpriced, but my mother had gotten used to watching the
afternoon soap operas at the house where she worked as maid, and nothing could satisfy her on days when she did not work but a continuation of her “stories.” So she pennies and bought a set.【Why did mother have a TV set and how did she get their it? 】
4I remained listless throughout her “stories,” tales of pregnancy, abortion, hypocrisy, infidelity, ○
and alcoholism.All these men and women were white and lived in houses with servants, long staircases that they floated down, patios where liquor was served four times a day to comfortable chair, watched each movement of the smartly coiffed women, heard each word, pounced upon each innuendo and inflection, and for the duration of these “stories” she saw herself as one of them.She placed herself in every scene she saw, with her braided hair turned blond, her two hundred pounds compressed into a sleek size-seven dress, her smooth and white.Her husband became “,” talented, witty, urbane, charming.And when she turned to look at my father sitting near her in his sweat shirt with his smelly feet raised on the bed to “air,” there was always a tragic look of surprise on her face.Then she would sigh and go out to the kitchen looking lost and unsure of herself.My mother, a truly great woman who raised eight children of her own and half a dozen of the neighbors’ without a single complaint, was convinced that she did not exist compared to “them.” She subordinated her soul to theirs and became a faithful and timid supporter of the “Beautiful White People.” ☆Once she asked me, in a moment of vicarious pride and despair, if I didn’t think that “they” were “jest naturally smarter, prettier, better.” My mother asked this: a woman who never got rid of any of her children, never cheated on my father, was never a hypocrite if she could help it, and never even tasted liquor.She could not even bring herself to blame “them” for making her believe what they wanted her to believe: that if she did not look like them, think like them, be sophisticated and corrupt-for-comfort’s-sake like them, she was a nobody.Black was not a color on my mother;it was a shield that made her invisible.【How much is the author interested in those TV programs? How much is the mother interested in them? What kind of TV programs these are? 】【What does Alice feel about her mother? What is the image of her mother in Alice's essay? 】
5Of course, the people who wrote the soap-opera scripts always made the Negro maids in ○
them steadfast, trusty, and wise in a home-remedial sort of way;but my mother, a maid for nearly forty years, never once identified herself with the scarcely glimpsed black servant’s face beneath the ruffled cap.Like everyone else, in her daydreams at least, she thought she was free.6Six years ago, after half-heartedly watching my mother’s soap operas and wondering whether ○
there wasn’t something more to be asked of life, the Civil Rights Movement came into my life.Like a good omen for the future, the face of Dr.Martin Luther King, Jr., was the first black face I saw on our new television screen.☆And, as in a fairy tale, my soul was stirred by the meaning for me of his mission—at the time he was being rather ignominiously dumped into a police van for having led a protest march in Alabama—and I fell in love with the sober and determined face of the Movement.The singing of “We Shall Overcome”——rang for the first time in my ears.☆The influence that my mother’s soap operas might have had on me became impossible.The life of Dr.King, seeming bigger and more miraculous than the man himself, because of all he had done and suffered, offered a pattern of strength and sincerity I felt I could trust.He had suffered much because of his simple belief in nonviolence, love, and brotherhood.☆Perhaps the majority of men could not be reached through these beliefs, but because Dr.King kept trying to reach them in spite of danger to himself and his family, I saw in him the hero for whom I had waited so long.【注意作者怎样描写她忽然从电视上看到马丁路德金,以及她的感受。】【注意哪些词句把这一段的内容和前文联系起来了。】
1.○7这一段句子很长,注意断句。What Dr.King promised was not a ranch-style house and an acre of manicured lawn for every black man, but jail and finally freedom.He did not promise two cars for every family, but the courage one day for all families everywhere to walk without shame and unafraid on their own feet.☆He did not say that one day it will be us chasing prospective buyers out of our prosperous well-kept neighborhoods, or in other ways exhibiting our snobbery and ignorance as all other ethnic groups before us have done;what he said was that we had a right to live anywhere in this country we chose, and a right to a meaningful well-paying job to provide us with the upkeep of our homes.He did not say we had to become carbon copies of the white American middle class;but he did say we had the right to become whatever we wanted to become.【What is the point that the author tries to make clear in this paragraph? How does Alice understand King's ideas?】
8Because of the Movement, because of an awakened faith in the newness and imagination of ○
the human spirit, because of “black and white together”—for the first time in our history in some human relationship on and off TV—because of the beatings, the arrests, the hell of battle during the past years, I have fought harder for my life and for a chance to be myself, to be something more than a shadow or a number, than I had ever done before in my life.Before, there had seemed to be no real reason for struggling beyond the effort for daily bread.Now there was a chance at that other than Jesus meant when He said we could not live by bread alone.【这句话怎么理解?】
9I have fought and kicked and fasted and prayed and cursed and cried myself to the point of ○
existing.It has been like being born again, literally.Just “ to me.Knowing has pushed me out into the world, into college, into places, into people.10Part of what existence means to me is knowing the difference between ○
being able to tell when I am being wronged and by whom.It means being awake to protect myself and the ones I love.It means being a part of the world community, and being alert to which part it is that I have joined, and knowing how to change to another part if that part does not suit me.To know is to exist: to exist is to be involved, to move about, to see the world with my own eyes.This, at least, the Movement has given me.【Does Alice Walker answer the question that she raises in the title of this article? To Alice, what good was civil rights movement? 】