2012年秋七年级英语上册 Unit 3 Is this your pencil教案 人教新目标版

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第一篇:2012年秋七年级英语上册 Unit 3 Is this your pencil教案 人教新目标版

Unit 3 – Is this your pencil?

Learning Objectives In this unit, students will learn to identify ownership of personal belongings.They will also be able to spell the name of the object for confirmation.一、Topics(话题): Things in the classroom

二、Functions(功能)Identify ownership


Possessive pronouns mine, yours, his, hers Yes/no questions and short answers Lost and found

四、Target Language(目标语言)Is this your pencil? Yes, it is.It’s mine.Are these your books? No, they aren’t.They’re hers.五、Vocabulary(词汇)

Pencil, pencil box, schoolbag, book, easer, notebook, dictionary, bag, baseball, computer game, ID card, watch, ring, mine, your, his, hers Thank you for..., ask...for..., a set of

六、Skills(技能)Listening and read for specific information

七、Recycling(复习巩固)What’s this? It’s...How do you spell it?


本单元以school things为话题,主题是“确认物品的所有权”,物品主要围绕着教室





与其他单元一样,本单元共六页(6 pages),其中包括Section A,Section B和Self check。

Section A(Pages13&15)学会询问物品的所属。提供了本单元教学的基本词汇和语言结构,为本单元的目标句型提供示例和指导性练习,通过简单的语言活动进行操练和巩固;Page13,14有听、说、读。

1a, 1b, 1c 重点学习一些表示学习用具的词,学会询问物品的所属。

2a, 2b, 2c,2d继续学习表示学习用具的词。重点学习运用询问物品所属的句型。3a, 3b, 3c 学会用英语询问物品的名称,进一步巩固询问物品所属的句型。

Section B(Pages16&17)学会写招领启事和寻物启事。在已有的基础上开展的,Grammar focus, Page3是语言运用。许多知识点都是以旧带新,但学习任务的难度在逐渐递升,口头训练也过度到笔头训练,通过这部分的学习,使学生能够对已学过的目标句型运用自如。

1a, 1b, 1c, 1d, 1e学会判断物品的所属。2a, 2b, 2c学会写招领启事和寻物启事。

Self check 检测本单元所学词汇知识,学会询问物品的所属,学会询问物品的名称。课后自我检测和评价,包括对本单元所学词汇的检测,词汇扩展训练,以及语言运用能力的检测和评价。通过这部分内容的训练,使学生对本单元的语言目标的掌握程度有较为明确的认识。




3)思维能力: 该年龄段的学生有很强的记忆力和模仿能力,有待培养知识的扩展和运用的能力。





Period 1(Section A:1a-2d)Listening Period 2(Section A:Grammar focus, 3a, 3b, 3c)Listening and speaking(I)Period 3(SectionB:1a, 1b, 1c, 1d, 1e)Listening and speaking(II)Period 4(SectionB:2a, 3b, 2c)Reading, speaking and writing Period 5(Self Check)Revision and testing

The 1st period of class: Section A(1a –2d)Teaching aims(教学目标)

1.本单元我们将学习物品的所属者是谁? 2.根据场景询问英语中对应的表达法。Language points(语言点)


(1)What’s this/that(in English)? It’s a/an„

(2)Is this your pencil? Yes, it is.It’s my pencil./No, it isn’t.It’s his.2.要求掌握以下词汇: Pencil, pencil box, schoolbag, book, easer, notebook, dictionary, mine, your, his, hers Difficulties(难点): How to identify ownership Teaching steps(教学步骤)

Step 1: Warming up and Presentation(1a: P13)Good morning, everyone!Last week, we finished Unit 1.Today we are going to learn a new unit, Unit 2.Prepare a box of school things before class and ask the students to learn to demonstrate things.Let’s look at the title of Unit 2.Is this your pencil? What is the unit about? T:(Take out a box filled with school things and pick out a pencil.T can put some pencils, some pencil-cases, and some rulers and so on in the box.)A pencil, a pencil, this is a pencil.(Stress “this” and “pencil”.)What’s this in English?(Write the sentence on the blackboard and stress “this”.)




S:(repeat)A pencil.T: Yes, it is a pencil.What’s this in English?(Stress “this”.)S: A pencil.T: Do you have a pencil?(Hold the pencil up and point to it.)S: Yes.T: Show it to me, OK?(Show the pose of “OK” do it as T.)OK?(Stress “OK”.)

S: OK.T: Now, hold your pencil up(Stress “pencil”)and say after me “What’s this in English”?

S: What’s this in English?

T: This is a pencil.(Write “This is„” on the blackboard.)S: This is a pencil.T: It is a pencil.(Write “It is„” on the blackboard.)S: It is a pencil.T: Good.What’s that in English?(Point to S1’s pencil and write the word “that” under the word “this” on the blackboard and stress it.)

S: A pencil.T: What’s that in English?(Point to S2’s pencil and stress “that”.)S: A pencil.T: Good.Point to your friend’s pencil and say after me “What’s that in English?”(Stress “that”.)

S: What’s that in English?

T: That’s a pencil.(Write “That is „”.)S: That’s a pencil.T: It is a pencil.S: It is a pencil.T:(Put the pencil aside and pick out a pen.)A pen, a pen, what’s this in English?




and try to lead the Ss to

S: A pen.T: This is a pen.(Point to “This is „” on the blackboard.)S: This is a pen.T: It is a pen.(Point to “It is„” on the blackboard.)S: It is a pen.【教学设计说明】用实物引出新单词、新句型,分层次处理新单词。

In this way, the teacher takes all the school things out of the box and teaches the students how to say school things in English.Let one or two students, if time permits, let more to come to the front to put the school things into the box or pick them out of the box and say the names of the things.If the students don’t make any mistakes, T can give some small gifts to them.Step 2: Section A 1a OK, let’s have today’s new unit.Please open your books at page 13 and look at activity 1a.1.Look and find Please look at the picture in activity 1a.What can you find? 2.Match and discuss a.Would you please match the words with the things in the picture? b.How many words do you know? Can you share the words you know with your partners? c.Please discuss with your partners and check whether your answers are the same.3.Check the answers Let’s check the answers together.4.Read a.Please read the words after me.Pencil...b.I would like you to read the words together and one word twice.Pencil one two...c.Who would like to read the words in class? d.Let’s read the words one by one.用心




采用Using contest guessing和Role playing的学习策略,利用教学图片或制作多媒体课件来展开课堂Pair work, Group work的口语交际活动,识别物品的所属,体会指示代词、一般疑问句的用法。

Step 3: Section A 1b 1.Listen and number a.Listen to the tape for the first time.b.Number the conversations from 1 to 3 while you listen to them for the second time.2.Check the answers Let’s check the answers.Answers: 3 2 1 3.Read a.I would like you to read the conversations together.b.Would you please read them in pairs? c.Who would like to read in class? 4.Translate and explain a.Let’s translate the conversations into Chinese.Would you please work in pairs? b.Let’s translate the conversations together now.c.When do you ask the questions like: Is this your...? or Is that your...? Can you tell me? 【教学设计说明】制作la部分的插图和人物对话的课件,人物以动画片的形式呈现,将听力部分的内容插入,使学生学会询问物品的主人的基本句型;同时复习单词pencil pen book eraser ruler pencil case,学习词汇backpack pencil sharpener dictionary.Step 3: Section A 1c 1.Practice a.Would you please practice the conversation with the things you and your partner have? b.I will give you an example first.用心



Example: T: Mary, is this your pen? S: No, it isn’t.It’s her pen.c.Please practice in class.Who would like to have a try? 【教学设计说明】


Step 4: Section A 2a 1.Listen and check a.Let’s move to activity 2a now.There are six things in the picture.Let’s look at them.Can you tell me what they are? b.Yes.OK.Let’s listen to the tape for the first time.c.Are you ready to do the activity 2a? Please check them while listening.2.Check the answers Have you got your answers? Who would like to tell us the answers? What have you checked? Answers: The things that are checked: pencil case;eraser;book;pencil;ruler 【教学设计说明】

1.利用插图或实物卡片,让学生将单词与实物相连复习一些单词、学一些生词。然后教师引导学习询问物品的主人的基本句型“Is this/that your/her/his pencil? Yes, it is.No, it isn’t.”。

2.让学生听对话,练习并模仿对话。识别物品的所属。Step 5: Section A 2b 1.Listen and complete Listen to the conversations again and complete the conversation with the words in the box.2.Check the answers Finished? Let’s check them.Answers: 1.pencil 2.eraser 3.ruler 4.book 5.pencil case




3.Read the conversation a.Let’s read the conversations together.b.I would like you to read them in groups.c.Who would like to read them in class? 【教学设计说明】

1.播放2a部分的录音让学生听,引导学生通过听录音熟悉物品名称”pencil pen book eraser ruler pencil case”,完成2a,2b部分的教学任务。

2.引导学生重复他们所听到的,模仿对话,识别物品的所属,完成2c部分的教学任务(Is this/that your/her/his pencil? Yes, it is.No, it isn't.)。

Step 6: Section A 2c 1.Read Let’s move to the activity 2c.Shall we read the conversation together? 2.Practice a.Now, class, we can see some things in the picture on the right.Let’s practice the conversations in pairs with them.Then make the students’ conversations using the things in the classroom.b.Who would like to practice in class? Step 7: Section A 2d Role-play the conversation.分角色表演对话。采用Role playing的学习策略,利用教学图片来展开课堂Pair work的口语交际活动,使学生学会询问物品的主人的基本句型,体会一般疑问句的用法。

Step 8: Summarize Let’s summarize what we learnt in this period.Show the following on the blackboard.用心



Writing on the blackboard(1)What’s this in English?(2)Is this your / my„? that that This /That / It is„ Yes, it is.No, it isn’t.形容词性物主代词

我的 你的/您的




他们 / 她们 / 它们的

my your

his, her, its



their Step 9: Homework 1.Copy the words in activity 1a and the sentences in grammar box.2.Read the tape script of activity 2a and 2b.The 2nd period of class: Section A(Grammar focus – 3c)Teaching aims(教学目标)

1. 语言知识目标:

A)词汇:pencil, pen, book, eraser, ruler, pencil case, dictionary, backpack, baseball, watch, key, computer game, notebook, ring.B)句型:Is this your„? Yes, it is./ No, it isn’t.What’s this in English? It’s a„ How do you spell it? P-E-N.2. 语言技能目标:通过各种活动,培养学生灵活运用语言知识和创新的能力。3. 情感目标:









D)调控策略:在学习的过程中,通过自我评价和反思,不断调整自己的学习方法。Language points(语言点)

1.词汇: pencil, pen, book, eraser, ruler, pencil case, dictionary, backpack, baseball, watch, key, computer game, notebook, ring.2.语言结构:指示代词this & that, What questions, Yes/No questions and short answers, How do you spell it? 3.语言功能:询问物品属性What’s this/that„?和辨别物品所有者 Is this your/her/his„?” Difficulties(难点): 词汇的教和学,多种语言结构的综合运用。

Teaching steps(教学步骤)

Lead in: Yesterday we got to know how to ask the owner of the things.Do you still remember how to say that? OK.Let’s review it first.Step 1: Revision 1.Ask and answer a.Would you please make some conversations with “Is this / that...? ” b.Who would like to have a try in class? 2.Dictation Read the sentences in grammar box.2.Point out the notes 物主代词的用法;this 与 that 的区别;Is this / that...? 的答语用it is。【教学设计说明】

用游戏的形式复习上一节课的新单词和句型。将所要复习的单词物品放入一个布袋子中,让学生伸手进去摸,由一个学生或全班学生发问,该学生猜。使用的句型是:What's this




in English? It’s a...How do you spell that? Is this your pencil? 值得注意的是: 假如学生在小学没有学习过这些英语单词,他们将根据什么来完成老师布置的这一任务?我们可以让学生分析以下他们的思考过程,进而加以归纳,对有贡献的学生加以鼓励及表扬。我想这就是对学生学习方法或策略的指导,学生定会非常喜欢。

Section A 3a 1.Explain a.Let’s go into activity 3 on page 15.How many things are there? b.Yes.There are five things.And can you tell me what they are? c.Very good!All the things here are school things.That means we use them to study.2.Read a.Let’s read the conversation in the box together.b.Please translate it into Chinese by yourselves.3.Practice a.I would like you to practice the conversation with the five things in the picture.b.Who would like to have a try in class? c.Very good!Now this time, I would like you to practice the conversation with the things on the screen.d.First, please work in pairs.e.Now, let’s invite some pairs of you to make the conversation in class.【教学设计说明】

老师将学生的一些物品收集上来,放在一个箱子里,请一个学生上前来,蒙上眼睛,从箱子里取出一样物品,全班学生一同发问,“What's this in English?”,这名学生猜,使用句型为“Is it a/an...?”猜到之后,可以回座位,每位学生有两次机会猜,否则就视为失败。

Step 3: Section A 3b a.Let’s have a game now.In this unit, we learnt to ask the owner of the things.Now let’s play a game.用心



b.We play the game in groups.Every group member put one school thing into a box.c.After that, please take out one thing from the box and ask your group members “Is this your...?” If he / she answers “Yes, it is.” that means you win.If he / she answers “No, it isn’t.” that means you fail and have another try.Remember you just have two guesses!d.Are you clear about the rule of the game? Let’s start the game!【教学设计说明】

1.以小组为单位,做 Section B-1b 的对话练习。2.口头检查学生所练的对话。Step 4: Play games Put some things into the teacher’s box.Then take one thing out of the box and find the owner.You only have two guesses!【教学设计说明】

老师收集一些学生的学习用品,请学生到前边来发问,找到用具的主人,给两次机会。Let’s summarize what we learnt in this period.Step 5: Homework Try to memorize the conversation in 3.【教学设计说明】





The 3rd period of class: Section B(1a-1f)




Teaching aims(教学目标)

1.学习Section B的新单词;

2.进一步巩固Is this your pencil? Yes, it is.It’s my pencil./No, it isn’t.It’s his.句型。

Language points(语言点)


Is this your pencil? Yes, it is.It’s my pencil./No, it isn’t.It’s his.2.要求掌握以下词汇: baseball, ID card, ring, dictionary, watch, key, computer game, notebook.Difficulties(难点): How to identify ownership Teaching steps(教学步骤)

Lead in: Good morning, boys and girls.Shall we continue our lessons? Could you please tell me what we learnt in section A? Yes.We learnt to find the owner of the things.Step 1: Revision 1.Review some school things a.I will show you some pictures, can you answer my questions? Questions: 1.What’s this in English?

2.What’s that in English?

3.How do you spell it? b.I would like some of you to ask the questions and the others answer them according to the pictures.2.Review the way of asking the owner Can you make conversations with the things you and your friends have? Example: Is this your...? Yes, / No,...It’s...Is that your...? Yes, / No,...It’s...用心



Step 2: Section B 1a 1.Look and match a.Open your books at page 10.Would you please look at the picture in activity 1a? b.There are some things in it.Can you match the words with the things in the picture? OK.Let’s have a try.2.Check the answers Finished, everyone? Let’s check the answers now.Answers: 1.baseball a 2.watch d

3.computer game c

4.ID card b 5.key f 6.notebook h 7.ring g 8.pen e 3.Introduce them to your friends Could you please introduce the things to your friends with the sentence like: This is a...Example: This is a ring.This is an ID card....【教学设计说明】


Step 3: Section B 1b 1.Read a.Please look at the conversation in 1b.b.Shall we read it together? c.Very good.Let’s read it again.But this time, boys read as A and girls read as B.OK.Begin!2.Ask and answer a.Just now we read the conversation twice.I want you to ask and answer the




questions about the things in the picture in 1a.b.Who would like to have a try in class? 【教学设计说明】


Step 4: Section B 1c 1.Listen and circle a.Let’s move to activity 2a now.It is a listening exercise.For the first time, I would like you to listen only.b.Now, for the second time, please listen to it again and circle the things in the picture in 1a.2.Check the answers I think most of you have finished it.Let’s check them together.Answers: circled items: watch, ID card, pen, baseball 【教学设计说明】


Step 5: Section B 1d 1.Listen Listen to the conversations for the first time.2.Listen and fill the chart a.Listen to the conversations for the second time and write the things in the chart.b.Listen to the conversations for the third time and check them by yourselves.3.Check the answers Let’s check the answers together.Answers:




Kelsey: watch, ID card Mike: pen, baseball 4.Read the tape script a.Let’s read the tape script together.b.Would you please read the tape script in pairs? c.Who would like to read in class? Step 6: Section B 1e Task-Whose are they? 【教学设计说明】下面我们来完成一个任务。任务是两人一组来进行。请A同学翻开书第81页,B同学翻开书第82页。同学们都看各自的那一页,书上有三样东西,但你们不知道这三样东西属于Sally还是Tony。请用上面的对话来询问这三样东西的所属人是谁。同学们再看每页下面还有一个表格,表格中显示的是另一个同学询问你的物品的所属者是谁,请根据表格内容告诉对方他(她)的询问正确与否。例如:请同学们看同学A和我做的示范。

Example: A: Is this her pencil case? T: No.It’s his pencil case.下面请同学们开始完成这个任务。Step 7: Summarize Let’s summarize what we learnt in this period.Step 8: Homework Copy the conversation in section B 1b.The 4th period of class: Section B(2a-2c)Teaching aims(教学目标)

灵活使用Is this your pencil? Yes, it is.It’s my pencil./No, it isn’t.It’s his.Language points(语言点)


(1)What’s this/that(in English)? It’s a/an„




(2)Is this your pencil? Yes, it is.It’s my pencil./No, it isn’t.It’s his.2.要求会写“失物招领或寻物启示”。Difficulties(难点): 会写“失物招领或寻物启示”。

Teaching steps(教学步骤)

Lead in: We have finished most part of Unit 2.And in this period, we will continue to finish section B.But before that, I would like you to review what we learnt before.Step 1: Revision 1.Make conversations a.Can you make conversations with the school things? Example: Is this his / your...? Yes, it is./ No, it isn’t.b.I would like you to make another conversation with his / her? Example: Is this / that his / her...? Yes, it is./ No, it isn’t.2.Dictation Let’s have a dictation.Step 2: Section B 2a 1.Write the things you lose easily a.Let’s go into activity 2a on page 11.First let’s look at the title please.b.Do you know what the word notices mean in Chinese? Just guess.c.Yes.Notices means “通知”。2.Read a.Read the notices by yourselves.b.Let’s read them together now.用心



c.I would like four of you to read in class.3.Circle a.Circle the words from activity 1a.b.Check the answers.Answers: Circle these words: watch, computer game, notebook, ID card c.Please read the words you circled together.4.Explain a.请同学们看这些通知,它们都是失物招领启事。请同学们观察,失物招领启事有什么特点?


老师给每一组学生一张碎字条(这些碎片是老师提前写好的“失物招领”“寻物启示”,让学生以小组为单位拼好,并能够理解纸条上的意思,然后将字条粘好并张贴在黑板上,看哪一组拼得快,快者为胜)老师在黑板上字条的上方写上“失物招领” 或“寻物启示”。小组活动,合作探究,充分体现“做中学”的原则。

Step 3: Section B 2b 1.Put these pieces in order to make a message.a.Let’s move to the activity 3b.b.Would you please write numbers in the boxes? 2.Check the answers a.Finished, everyone? Would you please check the answers with your partners? b.Let’s check them together.Answer: Found: A set of keys.Please call David at 529-6403.3.Read a.Let’s read the message together.b.Who would like to read it in class?





情景编演剧 “Lost and Found”,该任务需要学生综合运用本单元语言知识,需要小组做出尽快反应,能提高学生的合作意识,反应能力和发散思维,培养学生拾金不昧,助人为乐的优良品质。培养学生自主学习能力和探究精神。

请学生派出代表讲解所拼出的告示之意思,有不明白的地方学生们已经在小组范围内分析。然后将注解中中的各种告示,在理解的基础上,圈出 P17-2b 中的物品。(学生只要明白该告示的意思,可以仿照写,不需朗读。)

Step 4: Section B 2c 1.Write a.Would you please write a message on your notebooks? b.Please follow the examples in 3a and 3b.2.Read a.I think most of you have finished the message.Would you please read it to your partner? b.I would invite some of you to read your messages in class.Who would like to have a try? 【教学设计说明】请学生仿照写“失物招领”或“寻物启示”,老师巡视,抽查出有代表性的作品进行全班范围内订正普遍性的错误。课后让学生将自己的作品进行更改。

Step 5: Games Guessing game-What is it? 下面我们做一个游戏。两人一组,一个同学在纸上画一个我们学过的物品的画,另一个同学猜它是什么?猜出来,换角色。同学们做这个游戏用的语言是:What’s this? Is this a watch?...Example: A: What is this? B: Is this a watch? A: No, it isn’t.B: Is this a ring? A: Yes, it is.Step 6: Summarize Let’s summarize what we did in this period.用心



Step 7: Homework Copy the messages in 3a.The 5th period of class: Section B(3a-Self Check)Teaching aims(教学目标)

熟练掌握并灵活使用本单元所学知识。Language points(语言点)


(1)What’s this/that(in English)? It’s a/an„

(2)Is this your pencil? Yes, it is.It’s my pencil./No, it isn’t.It’s his.2.要求会写“失物招领或寻物启示”。Difficulties(难点): 会写“失物招领或寻物启示”。

Teaching steps(教学步骤)

Lead in: We have spent four periods on Unit 3.This is the last period of Unit 3.In this period, we will do some exercises and make sure you learn this unit well.Step 1: Complete the notice with words or phone number in the box.1.Check the words and the phrases you know Open your books and look at 3a.If you know the words and the phrases well, please check them.2.Read I would like all of you to read the words and the phrases together.Step 2: Write your own lost or found notice your name and phone number.a.Do you have any other words you don’t know? Please write them in your notebook.b.Please ask your friends for help.c.Looking up the dictionary is also a good way to study English.I hope you can get more from dictionaries.Step 3: Self-check-1 Write the school things you know.用心



Step 4: Self-check-3 Complete the chant with pronouns.用代词填空。Step 5: Self-check-3 1.Write Write the conversations with the things in the picture in self-check-3.2.Read Read the conversations to your partners.【教学设计说明】



Step 6: Some extra exercise Fill in the blanks with the phrases from the box.Step 7: Summarize Let’s summarize what we did in this period.Step 8: Homework 1.Do the exercises on the students’ book and the textbook.2.Review Unit 2.3.Watch the pictures in “Just for fun” on page 12.用心




第五节 七选五


Hi,I'm Simon.Look!1 They are a computer,a telephone,a baseball and a pencil box.2 Yes,it is.It's black.I like black.The telephone is not mine.3 His phone number is 362­1823.4 I can play it very well.5 It's my sister's.It's red.In it,you can see two pencils,an eraser and a ruler.1.__________ 2.__________ 3.__________ 4.__________ 5.__________


1.E 解析:根据后句的“They are a computer,a telephone,a baseball and a pencil box.”可知前面应该是问这些是什么?故选E。

2.G 解析:根据上句的“They are a computer,a telephone,a baseball and a pencil box.”可知介绍的第一件东西应该是电脑。故选G。

3.A 解析:根据上下句可知,电话应该是爸爸的。故选A。

4.C 解析:根据第四句“They are a computer,a telephone,a baseball and a pencil box.”可知介绍的第三件东西应该是baseball。故选C。

5.F 解析:根据后面的内容“It's my sisters.In it,you can see two pencils,an eraser and a ruler.”可知应该是介绍铅笔盒。故选F。


Starter Unit 2 What’s this in English

Step 1 Warming up and revision 1.Greet the Ss.2.Greet each other.3.Let Ss sing the letter song.Step 2 Game: A guessing game

The teacher shows a letter and asks, “What's this?”.Get Ss to answer the question like this:

T: What's this?

Ss: It's A/B/C…

Step 3 Presentation Work on 1a.1.Tell Ss to look at the picture in 1a.Read the words and sentences carefully.2.Look for the small letters in the picture for these big letters.Check(√)the ones you find.Then check the answers.3.Let Ss learn new words.Show some real things to the class, such as ruler, pen, key, orange, map…

Learn the sentences:

—What's this/that in English? —It's a ruler/pen/key/map…

Tell the differences between “this” and “that”. Step 4 Listening Work on 1b.Ss listen and repeat after the recording.Step 5 Pair work Work on 1c.Practice the conversation in the picture with your partner.Then make your own conversations.Step 6 Listening Work on 2a & 2b.Step 7 Writing

1.T: Now let's learn how to write these letters.First, look at the picture carefully in 2c.Then tell us how to write these English letters.2.Ss read and find out the writing rules of the letters Ii~Rr.S1: 大写字母都是占上两格。

S2: 字母m、n、o、r占中间的一格。S3: 字母k、l占上两格。S4: 字母p、q占下两格。S5: 字母j占三格。

3.Ss try to copy the letters by themselves.1 4.Let some Ss come to the front, and write the letters on the blackboard.Check with the whole class.Step 8 Practice

1.Tell Ss to look at the picture in 2d.First, read the letters aloud.Then let some Ss read the letters to the class aloud.2.Let Ss try to write down the missing letters.Check the answers with your partner.Step 9 Read and Talk

1.Let Ss look at the pictures in 2e.Let some Ss read the letters below each picture.2.Let some Ss talk about the meaning of each picture.Step 10 Explanation(详见PPT)Step 11 Exercises(详见PPT)Step 12 Homework



Step 1 Warming up and revision

1.Greet the Ss.Check the homework.2.Review the letters Ii~Rr.Let some Ss recite the letters.Then let some Ss come to the front and write them on the blackboard.3.Put some real objects(eg.:orange, ruler, pen, key, jacket, cup…)on the teacher's desk.Ask Ss to answer the questions: T: What's this in English? Ss: It's an orange.…

4.Let Ss ask and answer about these objects in pairs.Step 2 Listening Work on 3a.Listen to the recording and number the pictures [1—8].Work on 3b.Listen to the recording again.And complete the words under the pictures in 3a.Step 3 Pair work Work on 3c.1.Listen to the conversation.2.Practice the conversation with your partner.Then exchange the roles.And practice it again.(Ss exchange the roles and practice the conversation again.)3.Let some Ss act out the conversation.Step 4 Listening Work on 3d.2 1.Tell Ss to look at the box in 3d.Then let some Ss read the words aloud.Make sure they know the meaning of each word.2.Listen to the conversations and number the words you hear [1—4]. Step 5 Pair work Work on 3e.T: Look at the picture in 3e.Now work with your partner.Ask and answer about the objects in Helen's room.Step 6 Writing Work on 4a.T: Look at the chart.Read the chart first and then fill in the blanks.(Ss write the missing letters.Then check the answers with their partners.)Work on 4b.First, let Ss read the words in the box.Then, ask some Ss to read the words in the box aloud to the whole class.At last, number all the words in alphabetical order [1—15].

Step 7 Listen and repeat Work on 4c.1.告诉学生们这是有关元音字母a、e、i、o在单词中读音规则的总结,学生们认真听,看能否听清左右两个方框中发音的不同。


3.Play the tape again for the Ss to listen and repeat.Step 8 Practice Work on 4d.1.Let Ss read the words and letters in column 1.2.Look at the new words in column 2.3.Let some Ss try to read the new words.Correct their pronunciation.Step 9 Explanation Step 10 Exercises Step 11 Homework

1.Write the letters Aa~Rr several times.2.Write three conversations about the objects in your room.


Unit 3 Is this your pencil 掌握本单元的重点词汇;

pencil, book, eraser, box, pencil case, schoolbag, dictionary,mine,yours, game, bag, some, ask, classroom, help„.按要求完成下列各题。

The blue cup is his.(变一般疑问句)____________________________________ This is my book..(改为同义句)______________________________________(3)These are erasers.(变单数句)_________ is _______eraser.(4)Bob is my good friend.(变一般疑问句并作肯定回答)Is Bob _________ good friend? ________,____________.(5)The girl is Jim’s sister.(对划线部分提问)_________ _______ the girl? Step2.课堂呈现

(1)Is that/this„?意为“那是/这是„„吗?”,读时用升调。它是在陈述句“That/this is„”的基础上,把be动词is 提到句首得来的。


this和that都是指示代词。this表示“这,这个”,用来指代较近处的人或事物;that表示“那,那个”,用来指代较远的人或事物。肯定回答:Yes, it is.否定回答: No, it isn’t.(2)no 和not 的区别:

no作形容词时表示“不,没有”置于名词前。eg.I have no sister.作副词时表示“不”。用于回答一般疑问句。可单独使用,它的反义词是yes.-----Are you Jack?----No, I’m not.not是副词,表示“不”。常用于be动词.助动词.情态动词之后,帮助构成否定句,不恩能够单独使用。eg She is not a teacher.(3)Excuse me 意为“对不起,打扰一下”,是英语国家的人常在口边的话,可用于很多场合,如指原谅一个人的过失,或提出不同的意见时的客气语。在美国,它常常用于与陌生人开始谈话或打扰别人时表示礼貌的用语。

eg.Excuse me, could you tell me where the nearest bus stop is? I’m sorry 和Excuse me 的区别:

I’m sorry 用于对已经发生过的事情感到抱歉,难过。eg.I’m sorry, I’m late.Excuse me用于麻烦或打扰别人时,主要用于提醒别人,或唤起他人的注意。eg.Excuse me, where is the menu?(4)thank you for„意为“为„„而感谢”是用于表示感谢的表达方式。后面接for短语,是说明感谢的原因。

eg.Thank you for your pencil.=Thanks for your pencil.Step3.随堂练习


This is _____(我的)pen.That pen is____(她的).--Is this _____(你的)pencil?--Yes, it’s _______(我的).(3)This book isn’t ______(他的).That is ________(他的)book.(4)______(我)am your teacher.You can call________(我)Miss Wang.(5)What are these? They’re _________(手表).Section B 一.教学步骤: Step1.课前预习句子翻译。

这是你的手表吗?_____________________________ 这是我的身份证。_____________________________ 你的电话号码是多少?_____________________________ 这是海伦的文具盒。_____________________________ 字典怎么拼写?_____________________________ Step 2 课堂呈现


eg, What’s her QQ number?


句型为“特殊疑问词+be(am, is ,are)+主语”或“特殊疑问句+do+主语+动词原形” 特殊疑问词包括who, what, when, where, why和how 用助动词帮助提问,构成问句时,主语后的谓语动词必须是实义动词。

当主语是he, she, it时,则应该用助动词dose帮助提问。特殊疑问句应读降调。How is your brother? Ask the teacher for it.该句使用了ask sb.For sth.句型,意为“向某人要某物”,介词for后面跟名词或代词。

eg.Tony asks his dad for a digital camera.(3)E-mail me at„用的是“E-mail+人+at+电子邮件地址”,意为“用电子邮件联系某人。”句中at为介词,引导短语说明联系方式。

eg This is his E-mail address.Please E-mail him at May Yahoo.com.cn.(4)I must find it.句中must是情态动词,意为“一定,必须”,它后面必须跟动词原形。I must keep it secret.I must do it today.句中find意为“发现,找到“是及物动词,后面要跟(找到或发现的)”物品、人。I find my pen.Step3.随堂练习



Is _______ your ________ __________?(2).今天晚上你能给我打电话吗?

Can you _______ ________ this ________?(3).把你的笔记本放在你的背包里。

Put your _________ _________ your backpack.(4).你的棒球在书桌里吗?

________ your _________ __________ the desk?(5).让我们一起去玩电脑游戏吧。

________ go and play _________ __________











2.指示代词、人称代词、物主代词 3.名词复数的变化; 4.方位介词;

5.特殊疑问句的构成、回答和对划线部分提问 6.实义动词的第三人称单数及变化;







1、用英语教英语(Teach English in English);


2、用英语想英语(Think English in English);用英语想,也就是用英语思考。学英语而不用英语思考,一定学不好。用英语思考就是在用英语进行表达和理解时,没有本族语思考的介入,或者说本族语思考的介入被压缩到了极不明显的程度。这是真正流利、熟练的境界和标志。

3、背诵和多种练习结合 实事求是的说,大量背诵课文与大量多种练习的结合,乃是对于一切各不相同条件下的英语教学的普遍有效的方法。














六、本学期将进行的复习: 本学期的时间虽然较紧,但是我打算在元月初进入复习阶段,在最后的几个星期里,我将从课本入手,以课本为基础整理本学期所学的知识点,在整理的基础上进行归纳和总结,尽量让学生理解本学期所学的内容,让学生做到心中有数。

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