外研版Book3Module 3 课文教案

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第一篇:外研版Book3Module 3 课文教案

外研版Book3Module 3 课文教案 The First and Second Period Words and Phrases 1.experience v 经历,体验;n(1)经验,体验。不可数名词(2)经历,体会。是可数名词。experienced adj 有经验的,老练的词组:be experienced in ____________;full of experience_______________ 翻译: 1.Have you ever experienced real hunger? ______________________

2.He has much experience in teaching.__________________________

3.Reaching the top of the Mountain Tai was an unforgettable


4.He’d like an experienced doctor to treat him.__________________________________________________________ 2.cause v 引起,造成,使发生,给人带来……,后常接双宾语。常见搭配:cause sb trouble=cause trouble to sb 给某人惹麻烦

cause sb to do sth 使某人干某事 翻译:(1)这辆车给我带来许多麻烦。(两种表达)



n(1)原因,起因,常与of 连用


for 连用。


你没有理由抱怨。________________________________________ 3.furniture 家具,不可数名词。一件家具要说:a piece of furniture.4.occur vi 发生

常见搭配:occur to(主意或想法突然)浮现于脑中,被想起。

It occurs to sb that… 某人想起….翻译:That accident occurred yesterday。___________________________

An idea occurred to me._____________________________________

It occurred to me that I could invite her to dinner。

______________________________________________________________ 5.ruin vt 毁灭,毁坏;n 毁灭,废墟(常用复数)


We visited the ruins of a Norman castle.________________________ 6.previous adj 先前的,以往的(只能做定语)

短语:previous to 在….之前。Previously adv 先前,以前

翻译:He has referred to that topic in a previous topic。

这以前,她身体一向很好。__________________________________ 7.terrifying adj 令人恐惧的 terrified adj 吓坏的,受到惊吓的 terrify v 使害怕,使吓坏


鬼故事使他害怕。________________________________________ 8.active adj 积极的,活跃的。activity n 活动,活跃。

常见搭配:be active in 在…方面活跃/积极

take an active part in 积极参加


他在班里表现十分活跃。___________________________________ 9.damage v 损害,危害。词组:do/cause damage to 使…受到损害 翻译:这一事故使汽车受到了一些损害。______________________________ Introduction do activity 1 and 2 Homework

1.remember all the new words and phrases 2.Do: 《三维设计》P46单词拼写题

3.(1)Some of the passengers told the reporters about their_____ in the burning train.A: details

B: trips

C: events

D: experiences(2)I remember you mentioned the same thing on a _____ occasion.A: late B: previous C: precious D: future 4.Seeing the_____ scene, the _____ child held the mother’s arm tightly.A: terrifying;terrifying

B: terrified, terrified C: terrifying;terrified

D: terrified, terrifying 5.The clock has just ____ five.All the students should get up and do morning exercises.A: hit

B: beaten

C: struck

D: knocked

The Third and FourthPeriod Teaching Aims


Step one Revision 1. violent→______(n)


4.terrifying→_____(v)5.luckily→_____(近义词)6.active→____(n)Step two: Pre-reading Reading and finish P22 part 1,2 and 3.Step three: Careful reading and learn some language points 1.The most violent have winds of more than 400 kilometers Per hour(1)translation:___________________________________________(2)形容词前加定冠词the 表示一类人或一类事物。

e.g.The wounded are taken good care of in hospital.__________________________________________________________(3)of(表示性质,特征)拥有…的性质[特征]的.e.g.(1)a woman of ability_______(2)a man of poverty______ 2.Tornadoes can pick up cars, trains and even houses and put them down in the next street---or even in the next town.(1)translation:______________________________________________(2)pick up:(1)拾起,捡起;(2)开车接某人;(3)无意中学会 Try to translate:(1)I just pick up Greek when I lived in Greece。________________________________________

(2)I’ll pick you up at the gate of the hotel.____________________________________________ 3.They can take the fur off the back of a cat and the feathers off a chicken.(1)translation:______________________________________________(2)take off:(1)起飞,出发;(2)脱掉;(3)事业腾飞;(4)取下来。

4.They can destroy houses,but leave the furniture inside exactly where it was。

(1)Translation:_____________________________________________(2)leave v.让...继续处于某种状态。leave + 宾语 + 宾语补足语,宾语补足语可以由形容词,副词,分词,介词短语充当。Try to translate:(1)昨天晚上,谁使门开着。

_________________________________________(2)不要让他在外面的雨中等待。_________________________________________ 5.On average, there are 800 tornadoes in the US each year, causing about 80 deaths and 1,500 injures.(1)Translation:____________________________________________(2)词组:on average:平均,另两种形式:above/ below average。

Try to translate:1.On average,20 percent of senior students are nearsighted。___________________________________________ 2.His quality is above average.______________(3)causing about 80 deaths and 1,500 injures.causing为v-ing形式作状语,表示结果。

Try to translate:Her mother died in 1969,leaving her with four younger brothers and sisters。__________________________________ 6.Winds of 200 kilometers per hour and five-meter high waves hit the city.(1)translation: _____________________________________________(2)hit 用法:1.袭击,击中,使遭受。

Try to translate:一次强烈的地震袭击了这个小城镇。

____________________________________________________________ 7.The cemetery where Coghlan was buried was destroyed by the hurricane and Coghlan’s coffin ended up in the sea.(1)Try to translate:__________________________________________(2)end up 以…结束(后面可接形容词,名词或v.-ing形式)end up in: 以……结束,但in后跟的是结果

end up with: 以……结束,但with后跟的是方式.Try to translate: 1.他的第一次实验以失败而告终.2.We were going to go out, but ended up watching videos._______________________________________________________________

Homework 1.此刻他的事业腾飞了.2.我们每天平均收到5封来信.3.While working in the countryside, the students______ a great deal of knowledge on plant life A: looked up B: picked up C: put up D: called up 4.Liu Xiang got a gold medal in men’s 110m hurdles at the Athens Olympic Games,_____ himself a hero of the whole country overnight.A: making B: to make C: having made D: and makes 5.他做了很多坏事,最终进了监狱。


Module 1 Lost and found Unit 1 Whose bag is this? Ms Li: Welcome back to school everyone!First of all, come and look in the lost and found box!There are a lot of things in it.Whose bag is this? Lingling: Oh sorry!It’s mine.Are my crayons there too? Ms Li: Are these crayons yours?

Lingling: Yes, they are and this eraser too.Thank you.Ms Li: Ms Li: Tony:

Ms Li: Daming: Ms Li: Daming: Whose tapes are these? Daming: They’re mine.Here’s a purple wallet!

It’s mine.Look!Here’s my name ―Tony‖!Thank you.You’re welcome!Look at this nice watch.Is it yours too, Daming? No, it isn’t.I think it’s Betty’s.Lingling: Yes, it’s hers.Everyone, please be careful with your things from now on.Here are some nice gloves.Whose gloves are they? Ms Li: Let me see...Oh, they’re mine!Thank you!

Unit2 Are they yours? The Lost and Found Office in New York City Welcome to the New York City Lost and Found Office.People often lose things when they’re travelling or when they’re in a hurry.They leave things on planes, on trains, on buses and in taxis.That’s why there are lost and found offices at airports and stations.The New York City Lost and Found Office is very big.Hundreds of people come here every day.They are looking for their phones, cameras, watches, computers and many other things.We usually have about two thousand mobile phones and one thousand cameras.At the moment, there are also some strange things at the New York City Lost and Found Office.There are about a hundred bikes and a large boat.There are also a lot of animals.This week, there are three dogs, two ducks and a pig!Whose are they? Are they yours? We don’t know!Are you looking for fifteen kilos of sausages? They’re here too!

Module 2 What can you do? Unit 1 I can play the piano.Daming: Look!The new clubs for this term are on the board.I’d like to join the Music Club because I can play the piano.What about you, Betty?

Betty: I like cooking, so I can join the Food and Drink Club.Can you cook, Daming ? Daming: No, I can’t.Well, I can cook eggs, but that’s all.What about Lingling? Which club can she join?

Betty: I think she’d like to join the Dancing Club because she can dance really well.Tony , how about you?


Daming: I’d like to join the Chinese Club.I can’t speak Chinese very well.Don’t worry about Chinese.We can teach you Chinese!So choose your favourite club.Tony: OK then..I play table tennis, so I choose the Table Tennis Club.That’s my favourite!Unit2 I can run really fast.It’s the start of the new term and we’re choosing our new monitors.I’d like to be the class monitor.I get on well with everyone, classmates and teachers.I work very hard, and I do well at school.I’m kind and I’m always ready to help others.I can even help teachers too.Choose me as your class monitor and I promise to help YOU!I want to be the PE monitor.I enjoy sport, and I can run really fast.I’m really fit and healthy.Just watch me in the playground between lessons!I play most ball games well.But I’m really good at football, and I play basketball in the school team.I usually get the best score in every match.Choose me for the PE monitor and you can get the best score too!I’d like to be the cleaning monitor.I often help my mother do cleaning at home and I like a clean and tidy house.I’m sure everybody would like a clean classroom, just like home.Choose me and we can make our classroom beautiful.Module 3 Making plans Unit 1What are you going to do at the weekend? Betty:

Daming: What are you going to do at the weekend, Daming?

On Saturday morning, I’m going to check my email and do my homework.Then I’m going to help with the housework.What are you going to do, Betty? Betty:

Daming: Betty: I’m going to see a movie in the afternoon.You can come too.Sure!Who else is going to be there?

Nobody.Lingling is going to have a piano lesson, so she can’t come with us, but on Sunday afternoon, Lingling and I are going to have a picnic.Would you like to join us?

Daming: Betty:




Betty: Yes, I’d love to.Are we going to meet here?

No, we aren’t.We are going to meet in the park at one o’clock.Hi, everyone!

Hi, Tony.What are your plans for the weekend? Nothing.I’m going to stay at home alone.Don’t be silly!You’re going to come with us.It’s going to be a fantastic weekend!Unit 2 We are going to cheer the players

What are you going to do? A

I’m looking forward to the football match tomorrow.My friends and I are going to watch our favourite team.We’re going to meet other fans, and make some new friends.We’re all going to wear the team shirt, and we’re going to cheer the players.I hope they win the match!

-------Martin B

I’m going to enjoy myself during the May Day holiday.On the morning of 1st May, I’m going to get up late and then read a book.In the afternoon I’m going out with my family and friends.We’re going to take a walk in the country or go swimming.And on 2st May we’re going to collect litter in the park near my friend’s house.It’s going to be a great holiday------busy but good fun!

------Zhang Sijia C

Usually I spend the Summer holiday at home, but this year is going to be very different because I’m going on a summer camp in Sydney, Australia.I’m going to stay with an Australian family and speak English.We’re also going sightseeing and going to have a picnic on the beach.-------Lucy Module 4 Life in the future Unit 1 Everyone will study at home.Ms Li: Daming: Ms Li: Daming: Will schools be different in the future, Daming? Yes, there will!In twenty years time, maybe there won’t be any schools!How will students learn then? Everyone will study at home.Students will use computers and get information on the Internet.They can ask their teachers by Internet, telephone or email.Betty: Well, I’m not sure.Yes, students will use computers, but school is good fun, and you can make friends there.And teachers can check the students’ level and will help them.Computers won’t do that.Tony: Yes.Teachers won’t use on a blackboard and students won’t use pens and paper, or erasers any more!

Lingling: Great!Will students have a lot of homework to do? Tony:

Daming: No, they won’t.They’ll have a lot of free time!That’ll be great!

Unit 2 Every family will have a small plane.What will life be like in the future? How will things change? Here are some ideas.Which ones will come true? A In the future, a change of weather won’t mean a change of clothes.We’ll wear a new kind of clothes.They’ll be warm when we’re cold, and cool when we’re hot.B There’ll be no more light rain and cold wind in spring.The weather will be quite warm or even hot all year, with heavy rain and wind.The sea level will rise as well.C We won’t travel by bus or bike any more.Every family will have a small plane.No more expensive cars-it’ll be cheap to travel everywhere by plane, not only over land, but also over the sea or even into space.Maybe there’ll be traffic jams in the air.D Do you like long holidays? Well, you’re going to like the future because

machines and robots will do all the heavy and difficult jobs, and we’ll only do light and easy work.Working hours will be short so people will have long holidays.Module 5 Shopping

UNIT 1 What can I do for you?(In the shop)Shop Worker: Lingling: What can I do for you? I'd like to buy a T-shirt for my mum.What colour does she like? Purple.All right.What size does she take ? Small.What about this one ? May I try it on? Certainly.Look at the price.It's 198 yuan.That's too much.But wait a minute!There's a sale on today.Everything is half price.OK!I'll take it.Shop worker: Lingling;

Shop worker: Lingling:

Shop worker: Lingling:

Shop worker: Lingling:

Shop worker: Lingling:

(In the market)Lingling: I've got some food to buy too.Market worker : Can I help you ? Lingling: Yes.I'd like some sausages.How much are they ? Market worker : Thirty-eight yuan a kilo.How much would you like? Lingling: Half a kilo.Market worker: OK.What else would you like ? Lingling: A kilo of beans and two lemons.Market worker : That'll be 30 yuan.Betty: Oh ,the strawberries look fresh.How much are they ? Market worker : Ten yuan a kilo.Betty: One kilo please.Here's fifty-nine yuan.Unit 2 You can buy everything on the Internet.Online shopping There are many new ways of shopping, and online shopping is one of them.You can buy almost everything on the Internet.and it's very easy.First ,you choose something-clothes, tickets, a mobile phone, even a new computer-and pay for it.Then you receive it a few days later by post.Online shopping has several advantages.First, you can shop at any time.The shops are always open.Second, shopping usually takes a lot of time.But to shop on the Internet you only need a computer and a mouse!You can also compare the prices of the same product and spend a lot...or save money.But many people like going out and shopping with friends.They don't like shopping on the Internet because they can't see the product or try the clothes on.Also paying over the Internet isn't always safe.Online shopping is changing our way of life.One day no one will go to the shops any more ,because you'll be able to buy anything on the Internet ,and you will be able to receive it anywhere in the world at any time!

Module 6 Around town Unit 1 Could you tell me how to get to the National Stadium?(Betty and Lingling are standing in front of Tian'anmen Square.)Tourist: Betty: Excuse me!Can you tell me the way to WangfujingDajie?

Certainly.Go across Dong Chang’anJie, go along the street and turn left at the third street on the left.It’s near here, so you can walk there.Tourist: Great.And I’d like to buy a guidebook about Beijing.Is there a bookshop near here? Lingling: Yes, there is a big bookshop over there, just along Xi Chang’anJie, on the right, opposite the bank.Tourist: Right, OK!I also want to visit the National Stadium.How can I get there?

Lingling: Sorry, I’m not sure.Why not ask the policeman over there? Tourist: Thank you.You’re welcome.Betty and Lingling:

Tourist: Could you tell me how to get to the National Stadium?

Policeman: Sure!Go along the street and you’ll see an underground station.Take the Underground to the Olympic Sports Centre, or you can take a bus or a taxi.Tourist: Thanks a lot.Policeman: You’re welcome.Have a nice day!Unit2 The London Eye is on your right

Tour of London Welcome to this short tour of London.This square is Trafalgar Square and it is the middle of London.We’re standing opposite the National Gallery, a famous museum with lots of famous paintings.From here, we’ll walk along the red street to Buckingham Palace.The Queen lives there.Turn left and go to the Houses of Parliament and Big Ben.Opposite you can see the London Eye.It takes you 135 metres above the River Thames.You can see most of London on a clear day.When you are tired, the best way to see London is by boat.You can get the boat near Big Ben.As you go along the river, the London Eye is on your right.Get off the boat at Tower Bridge.Next to the bridge is the Tower of London.It’s over 900 years old.After visiting the Tower of London, take the boat back along the river to the railway station.When you get off the boat, go past the station and walk along the street.Turn left into King’s Street and go past a church.You’re now back at the square.And this is where we’ll finish our tour.Module 7 My past life

Unit1 I was born in a small village Tony:

Lingling: Tony: Hey, Lingling.Where were you born?

I was born in a small village in Shanxi Province.What was the name of the village?

Lingling: Xucun.Where were you born, Tony? Tony: I was born in Cambridge.It’s a small city in England.Lingling: What was the name of your first school? Tony: It was Darwin Primary School.Lingling: Who was your first teacher? Tony: My first teacher was Mrs Lane.She was strict but very nice.Who was your first teacher?

Lingling: Ms Yao.She was very friendly.Who were your first friends? What were they like?

Tony: Their names were Becky and Adam.Becky was very good in class but Adam wasn’t.He was quite difficult.Lingling: And what were you like? Were you difficult in class too? Tony: No, I wasn’t.I was very good!

Unit 2 I was born in Quincy

My life in Quincy

By Betty King I was born in Quincy, a town on the east coast of America, twelve years ago.There were lots of things to do in Quincy, with many stores, two movie theaters, football clubs and basketball teams too.I wasn’t bored in Quincy.I was very happy there.Two presidents of the US, John Adams and his son John Quincy Adams, were born in Quincy.You can visit their old family houses.Our house was big and comfortable.There was a big living room with a TV, a kitchen, a bathroom and three bedrooms.On my bedroom walls there were pictures of my favourite movie stars.Behind the house, there was a big garden with lots of trees and there was a small lake with fish in it.It was great to play there.There were lots of children in Quincy.Many of them were my friends.This was our last in the US and I was there for the last time in 2010.One day I’ll go back, and I’m looking forward to seeing my friends again

Module 8 Story time

Unit 1 Once upon a time… Tony:

Daming: Tony: All alone in the dark dark forest, Goldilocks picked some flowers.Oh, did she often go for a walk in the forest alone? No, she didn’t.And soon she was lost.Goldilocks looked around her.―Where am I? she asked.Then she noticed a little house, so she hurried towards it, and knocked on the door., Nobody answered, so she knocked again, and again, Finally, she pushed the door.It was open.There was nobody there.Daming: Tony: Oh!Didn’t anyone live in the house?

Just wait a moment, Daming!Goldilocks entered the house and look into a small room.On a table there were three bowls with some nice food in them.One bowl was small, one was big and one was very big.Goldilocks was very hungry.She picked up the very big bowl but she didn’t like it—it was very hot,.Then she picked up the big bowl, but she didn’t like it –it was cold.The little bowl was just right.She finished all the food in it.Unit2 Goldilocks hurried out of the house

Goldilocks and the Three Bears Goldilocks wanted to sit down because she was tired.First she tried the big chair, but wasn’t comfortable.Then she tried the middle chair.It was not comfortable either.Finally, she tried the small chair.It was nice and comfortable, but Goldilocks was very heavy and soon the chair was in pieces.She walked into the bedroom.There were three beds.She didn’t like the middle bed or the big bed.The small bed was very comfortable.Very soon she was asleep in it.The Three Bears returned.They looked at the bowls and the chairs.Baby Bear cried,‖ There’s nothing in my bowl and my chair is in pieces!‖ He wasn’t very happy!

Next, the Bears looked in their bedroom.They didn’t notice Goldilocks at first.Then Baby Bear pointed at the little girl in his bed and shouted, ―Look!There’s the bad girl!‖

Goldilocks opened her eyes.The Three Bears were all around her, so Goldilocks jumped out of bed and hurried out of the house without her basket.She didn’t go for a walk in the forest again.Module 9 Life history Unit1 He left school and began work at the age of 12.Betty:

Tony: What are you reading? Tom Sawyer, by the famous American writer, Mark Twain.I’m writing about him for my English class.Betty: I read Tom Sawyer.Very good!Hey, we can find out about him on the Internet.Tony: Yes!...OK.Look at this!His real name was Samuel Clemens and he was born in 1835 in Missouri.He left school and began work at the age of 12.Betty:





Tony: What did he do?

He wrote for a newspaper Later he got work on a boat..Did he stay in Missouri? No, he went to New York, and other cities.When did he begin his stories? I don’t know the exact date.But he took the name Mark Twain and became very famous in the 1860s.He went to Europe as well.But he didn’t come to China.Betty:

Tony: Yes, I knew that.Enjoy the book.Yes, it’s good.Unit 2 He decided to be an actor William Shakespeare was a famous English writer of plays and poems.He wrote 38 plays, 154 short poems and a few long poems in his life.Two of his famous plays are Hamlet and Romeo and Juliet.Shakespeare was born in 1564 in Stratford, England.Like many people four hundred years ago, Shakespeare’s parents didn’t learn to read or write.At school he liked plays, so he decided to be an actor when he finished school at 14.He married in 1582 and had three children.Shakespeare went to London and joined a theatre company in about 1592.He became a successful actor and began to write plays.Queen Elizabeth I enjoyed his works very much.In 1599 the company built the Globe Theatre on the River Thames in London.You can visit the theatre today, but it isn’t the same building.There was a fire in the old theatre.They built it again in 1614 and in the 1990s.William Shakespeare died at the age of 52.He was rich and successful.You can still see his plays in English and in many the languages.He’s famous around the world..Module10 A holiday journey Unit1 what did you do? Lingling: Tony:



Betty: Where are you going on holiday, Tony? To Los Angeles.Oh, really? You’ll love it!I went there two years ago and enjoyed it a lot.How long did it take to get there? Did you fly? Yes, we did, and that took about nine hours.Then our friends met us and drove us to their home.Lingling: Who was with you? Betty: My parents.Lingling: So what did you do? Betty: Well, first, we went to Disneyland, and guess what? I met Snow White and Mickey Mouse!I was so excited!Tony:

Betty: Wow!How long did you stay there? We stayed there for two days.And then we went to Hollywood.Lingling: Did you see any movie starts? Betty: No, but we swam in the Pacific Ocean at Santa Monica.It wasgreat!Lingling: Where are you going on holiday this year, Betty? Betty: Paris.Unit2 This morning we took a walk.Hi, Grandma!Here I m in Paris.Jenny and I arrived by plane the day before yesterday.Aunt Joan and Uncle Peter met us at the airport.We were tired so we relaxed at home and began our tour of the city yesterday.Yesterday we went to the Louvre Museum.It has many world-famous works of art, such as the Mona Lisa.In the evening we had dinner in a French restaurant.The food was delicious!

This morning we took a walk.There are shops, and restaurants everywhere, and I love the street and markets.They sell such good fruit and vegetables.We also did some shopping.I bought a present for you.I hope you’ll like it!

At about three o’clock, we took the Paris Underground to the Eiffel Tower.It is really high.There were lots of tourists, so first of all, we had to wait in line for an hour, and then we went to the top.We waited till all the lights were on.It was wonderful!Tomorrow we’re going to visit a famous palace and take a boat tour on the River Seine.I’ll write again.Love,Berry

Module 11 Body language Unit 1 They touch noses!Lingling: We’re going to have some Russian teachers at school tomorrow, and I’m welcoming the visitors.How do I do that? Betty: Lingling, you know, in Russia, people usually kiss three times, left, right, left.Lingling: What!No, I didn’t know that.We Chinese often shake hands and smile when we meet visitors, and sometimes we nod our heads.But we never kiss.Only parents and children do that.Betty: That’s because people do different things in different countries.Lingling: So what do people in the US usually do when they meet? Betty: In the US some people shake hands, and some kiss or hug each other.In India people put their hands together and nod their heads.And do your know what Maori people in New Zealand do when they meet? Lingling: No, What do they do? Betty: They touch noses!Unit2 Here are some ways to welcome them.Body language around the world

by Wang Lingling Our new foreign students are going to arrive very soon, and here are some ways to welcome them.How close do you stand when you talk to a friend? You can stand too close to people in the Middle East but don’t stand too close to North American!Give them more personal space.How about touching people? Chinese girls often walk arm in arm with their friends.South American sometimes hold your arm when they talk to you, so you can’t move away!But in Britain many people don’t like other people to touch them at all.Do you look at people when you talk? In some places, it isn’t polite to look at people when they talk, but in other countries it isn’t polite to look somewhere else.In Britain and the US, people usually look at each other when they talk.And how do you say goodbye? That’s easy, wave to say goodbye.But be careful!In Greece, it’s not at all polite!In fact, it’s very rude!

Module 12 Western music Unit 1 It’s so beautiful!

(The Blue Danube)Daming: Hmm, this is Western music, isn’t it? Can you hear the violin and the piano? It’s so beautiful!Is this by Strauss or Mozart?

Lingling: I’m not sure… Betty: It’s by Strauss.I love his music!Do you know anything about him, Tony? Tony:

Betty: Was he German No, he was born in Vienna, the capital of Austria.What a beautiful city!This is called The Blue Danube.The Danube is a river in Europe.It goes through Vienna.Lingling: Do you like both.You listen to pop music, Betty? Betty: Well, I like both.You listen to pop music, Lingling ,don’t you?

Lingling: Yes, I do.I also like Beijing opera.Listen to this fantastic voice.Tony: Hmm, the sound is very … different, isn’t it? I’m a fan of rock music.Listen to this!Daming: Hey!Give us a break!Lingling: Rock music? Listen to those drums.Daming: Tony: It’s so noisy!And much too fast!

You don’t like rock music? I don’t believe it!

Unit 2 Vienna is the centre of European classical music.The city of music Vienna is a beautiful old city on the River Danube in the centre of Europe.It’s the capital city of Austria and the centre of European classical music.In the eighteenth century a lot of musicians came to study and work in Vienna.In the Strauss family, there were two composers called Johann Strauss: the father and the son.The father, Johann Strauss the elder, wrote and played music for traditional dances, called the waltz.His dance music made him famous all over Europe.The son, Johann Strauss the younger, was also very successful and popular.He wrote over 150 waltzes.In 1867 he wrote The Blue Danube waltz.Mozart was another very important composer.He was born in Austria in 1756.Before he was six, he played not only the piano but also the violin.His family took him around Europe and he gave concerts in many cities.He wrote hundreds of wonderful pieces of music.But he became very poor and died in 1791 when he was only 35.Like Johann Strauss, father and son, he was a great European musician, and many people still think his music is perfect.


嗨 玲玲,1,感谢您的最后一个消息,这是伟大的,从你的来信,我迫不及待地想见到你。






















第四篇:高中英语外研选修7课文翻译 西蒙


















Module 1 Unit 1



詹姆斯老师:这是一个好主意。别忘了将正确答案记在错误的旁边。还有什么建议? 玲玲:每天拼读并大声地朗读新单词也是一个好办法。詹姆斯老师:多谢玲玲。听英语广播你们觉得怎么样?



Unit 2



很多学生请我就如何提高英语水平给出建议。下面是他们提出的三个基本问题 第一个问题是关于如何理解英文电影和英文歌曲的。湖北的李浩写道:“我喜欢看 英文电影,听英文歌曲,但我听懂得不多。我该怎么办呢?”



你可以说:“嗨!你好!”“你喜欢中国吗?”这些都是发起话题的好方式。说话 之前,对她笑一笑。记住:别害羞,多尝试。

第三个问题是关于词汇的。安徽的张磊写道:“我把生词写下来,但是很快就忘记 了,我怎么才能记住这些生词呢?”


Module 2 Unit l

托尼:嗨,大明,周末过得怎样? 大明:挺不错!我去了深圳。托尼:深圳在哪儿?


大明:是的,深圳是个很新的城市。实际上,深圳到了20世纪80 年代才成为一个重要的






大明:那你可要记得去看看地王大厦。它比深圳的其他许多建筑都高。Unit 2




剑桥距离伦敦 80 公里。伦敦位于英格兰南部,泰晤士河畔,拥有约750万人口,所以它比剑桥更大、更繁华。伦敦拥有约2000 年的历史,因大本钟、白金汉宫和塔桥而闻名于世。



Module 3 Unit l







Unit 2






今年,我们的球迷俱乐部的人数少了。我们希望好好比赛,这样会有更多球迷来观赛。有球迷观赛是好事,他们会大声地给我们加油,我们才会更有信心赢得比赛。Module 4 Unit 1 贝蒂:今天我上学迟到了。妈妈:为什么?发生什么事了吗?







妈妈:那么玲玲呢? 贝蒂:她家离学校最近,所以她走路去。

妈妈:大明呢? 贝蒂:他也坐公交车,跟我一样。.但是车上太挤了,交通也拥堵 妈妈:好吧,你可以骑车上学,但是记住要时刻小心。

Unit 2


我正计划从伦敦去阿姆斯特丹旅行。这趟旅行大概要花多长时间呢?哪一种方式最好? 能否告知去那儿的火车或轮船的情况?信息越多越好!谢谢!最佳答案:有4种方式去阿姆斯特丹。




最后,你还可以坐飞机去。这是最快的方式,也是第二便宜的。但是你可能会因 为糟糕的天气而在机场等上几个小时!


Module 5 Unit 1 贝蒂:昨晚玲玲和我去了老舍茶馆。托尼:那儿怎么样?






玲玲:不是的。我之所以想带贝蒂去老舍茶馆,是因为它有名气。托尼:老舍是谁呀? 贝蒂:不知道,问玲玲吧。

玲玲:老舍是一位伟大的作家,他写的话剧《茶馆》让他极负盛名。Unit 2

《茶馆》是老舍最著名的剧作之一。该剧写于1957 年,整个剧本共有三幕,向观众展现了 19世纪末至20世纪中期中国普通老百姓的生活状况。剧本讲述了王利发和他的北京茶馆里的 顾客们的故事,描述了中国社会50多年的变迁。

老舍1899 年出生在北京。1913 年,母亲送他到一所师范学校读书。1918 年毕业之后,他成了一所小学的校长。1924 年老舍离家前往英国,在伦敦一所大学教中文,5年后回国。老舍写了许多关于群众生活的戏剧、小说和短篇故事,被誉为“人民艺术家”。老舍是20世纪 中国最伟大的作家之一。

现在,在老舍茶馆里,顾客们能喝茶,品尝美味的北京小吃。如果你喜欢凉剧、传统音乐或 魔术,你都能去老舍茶馆欣赏(表演)。老舍茶馆热忱欢迎来自世界各地的朋友。

Module 6 Unit 1






贝蒂:而且干净的水源也不够。我想大家都需要帮助动物,使它们在宁静中生存。看,这边有个告示。玲玲:上面说:“求助!我们要拯救濒危动物,我们需要您的帮助。” 贝蒂:但我们能做什么呢?


Unit 2

大熊猫是一种濒危动物。目前,野生大熊猫的数量只有1,600只左右。动物园和研究中心 照管着约340只大熊猫。大熊猫的生育率比较低,而且大熊猫幼崽经常夭折。大熊猫的生存形势 越来越严峻。科学家正在进行多项研究,以帮助大熊猫繁殖更多的后代,并帮助大熊猫幼崽生存下去。


为了保护野生大熊猫,政府正在建立自然公园并制定其他计划。自然公园占地面积大,会有 更多的竹子用于喂养大熊猫。在动物园里出生的大熊猫也可能回到自然公园里去生活。

世界自然基金会(WWF)旨在保护所有动物,该基金会选择了大熊猫作为其标志。我们人类 不想失去老虎、大象及其他任何动物,所以世界自然基金会在竭尽全力地挽救它们。

Module 7 Unit 1 托尼:嗨,玲玲!







托尼:它要去哪儿? 玲玲:去见红桃王后。爱丽丝跟在兔子的后面,从地洞里掉了进去。托尼:说对了!随后,她看见了柴郡猫,它正坐在树上,朝大家微笑呢。




托尼:看看你是否记得这个故事!哈哈„„ Unit 2 爱丽丝和姐姐坐在河边,姐姐在看书,她无所事事。爱丽丝偶尔看看姐姐的书,心想: “连插图和对话都没有的书有什么用呢?”突然,一只粉红色眼睛的白兔子从她身边跑了过去。


爱丽丝想都没想该怎么从里面再出来就一头跟着兔子跳下了洞。她发现自己正从一个很深很深的 洞里向下掉。周围太黑了,她什么也看不见。她往下掉了很长一段时间。在这个过程中,爱丽丝想起了 她的猫——黛娜。突然,她落在了一堆干叶子上。。。

Module 8 Unit 1 贝蒂:詹姆斯老师,早上好!您看上去脸色不太好,怎么了?







詹姆斯老师:所以骑车的时候,要警惕可能发生的事故!注意红灯亮时要停下,并且„„还有什么? 贝蒂:不要骑得太快。

大明:不要和你的朋友并排骑车。詹姆斯老师:还有呢? 所有学生:不要听音乐!

Unit 2



几天前,这条蛇被装在一箱香蕉里从亚洲运到了这家餐馆。它从箱子里爬出来躲了起来。“我正想过去抓住它,又被咬了一口。我把蛇扔向厨房的另一边,它掉在了一张桌子上。” 蛇躺在桌上的时候,亨利迅速拿起手机,给蛇拍了张照片。随后蛇就藏到了冰箱后面。当亨利试图找出这条蛇时,他的手开始剧烈地疼痛起来。他立刻赶往医院。医生在给他做检查 的时候,他的手疼得更厉害了。由于医生不知道咬伤他的是哪类蛇,所以他们也束手无策。

当亨利疼痛难忍地躺在那里,突然想起了那张照片。医生把照片发送给了动物园。当他们了解到 咬伤亨利的蛇的类型时,马上给亨利开出了对症的药物。第二天亨利就出院了。

亨利建议道:“如果被蛇咬了,拿出你的手机或相机拍下蛇的照片给医生看。但是你知道的,拍照时蛇可不会冲你笑!” Module 9 Unit 1 贝蒂:你在于什么呢?



贝蒂:不仅北京是这样,人口增长在许多国家都是一个大问题。你知道世界上每分钟有多少个婴儿出生吗? 托尼:不知道!你能告诉我吗?

贝蒂: 250多个!也就是说每年会有131,400,000多个婴儿出生。玲玲:真不敢相信!


贝蒂:但是,将来中国的人口就不会增长这么快了,因为家庭规模在缩小。玲玲:你怎么知道这些的? 贝蒂:我昨天写了报告!


Unit 2


乔 1 5岁,住在帕克维尔。乔的祖父母刚到帕克维尔时,它还是一个静谧的村庄。他们有一栋紧邻田野和山丘的小房子。

帕克维尔靠近阿恩威克。阿恩威克是一座拥有20万人口的城市。帕克维尔的人们搬到阿恩威克 去找工作,需要在那住下来。然而,住在阿恩威克市中心很贵,所以阿恩威克市政府决定在城市周边 修建公寓。很快,帕克维尔就成了阿恩威克的一部分,阿恩威克则成了一座人口超过100万的城市。乔一家人就住在其中一套公寓里。公寓非常拥挤,垃圾处理也是一个问题。


显然,阿恩威克需要更多的学校、公交车和医院,还需要新鲜的空气,干净的水源以及更好的 公共服务。为了保护当地居民,阿恩威克也需要更多的警员。但是,要完成所有这些事情,阿恩威克还需要更多资金。


Module 10 Unit1 贝蒂:嗨,男同胞们,托尼:你好,贝蒂!你好,玲玲!你们要去哪儿? 贝蒂:我们要去公园滑冰。湖面上的冰可厚了。想和我们一起去吗?




托尼:不经常下,但今年经常下雪。12月份通常是潮湿多雨的。大明:贝蒂,美国冬天的天气如何? 贝蒂:美国冬冷夏热。纽约的冬天会下雪。



玲玲:好了,走吧!我们在公园里滑滑冰就暖和了。Unit 2








Module 11 Unit l






贝蒂:真高兴你喜欢这份礼物。托尼:我还发现了一个不一样的地方。在中国,你们用双手接礼物,但是在西方,我 们往往不会刻意这么做。


玲玲:还有好多呢。比如,在我的家乡,大家都说大年初一不能大扫除,也不能打碎 任何东西,不然不吉利!





Unit 2


去年我去了英国。我在那里度过了一段愉快的时光,并且还发现了英式生活的一些有趣之处。比如,初次与人见面时,你必须称呼对方“先生”或“女士”。等你们彼此熟悉了,或是对方 主动要求时,你才可以直呼其名。

一天,我们去拜访了几个朋友,并在一起喝了下午茶。下午茶不仅仅是喝茶,而是下午 4点 左右的一顿便餐。我们享用了三明治和一个很大的水果蛋糕。在英国,喝茶时通常要加牛奶。所以我也试着在茶里加了牛奶。


在公交站,你不能挤着上车,而要排队按顺序上车。有时候人们上车慢悠悠的。有一次,我注意到一位绅士碰了碰一个年轻人的肩膀,彬彬有礼地微笑着说:“对不起!你是在等这趟公交车吗?”他真的很有礼貌。Module 12 Unit



贝蒂:首先,弄清楚他到底怎么了。詹姆斯老师:我们怎么才能弄清楚呢? 贝蒂:直接问他。

詹姆斯老师:可以。但是他有可能听不见你的问话,或者没法回答。玲玲:喊人来帮忙?打 1207 詹姆斯老师:好主意,但是在救援到来之前,我们该怎么做? 托尼:让他感觉舒服些。.

詹姆斯老师:怎么才能让他感觉舒服呢? 托尼:把他抬起来,让他坐到椅子上?




Unit 2


地震总是突然发生,所以很难向人们发出预警。人们对于在地震中该做什么往往 知之甚少,甚至一无所知。所以这里给大家提供一些建议: 在室内:







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