三年级英语下册 Unit2 教案 人教PEP(5篇范文)

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第一篇:三年级英语下册 Unit2 教案 人教PEP

【课题】Unit 2 My family



【教具准备】 本课生词的单词卡片 配套的教学课件 相配套的教学录音带 学生的小英语练习本 大字母卡片,每组一套的小字母卡片


热身/复习(Warm-up/Revision)Let’s chant

学生一起说唱A部分的字母歌谣,边说边演 抢答字母

教师出示字母的大小写,孩子快速抢答 找朋友




让孩子说说都学过了那些字母,读一读。找一找,今天我们该掌握哪些字母了。让孩子先试着说出字母“Hh Ii”.教师注意指导孩子两个字母的发音。



小组开火车认读大小写字母Hh Ii 教师分别出示大小写Hh,让孩子想想大小写的字母分别想什么,用语言描述或是用动作表示。

参考:H is a ladder, h is a house.教师可以边说边画出梯子和小房子,让孩子观察自形)教师分别出示大小写Ii让孩子想想大小写的字母分别想什么,由语言描述或是用动作表示。

参考:像一根骨头/像一个海豚顶球(教师画图,孩子观察。)教师出示B Let’s say 动画

问孩子“What can you see?”鼓励认识单词的孩子自己说出词


教师问学生:“What do you like?”S:“I like hamburger/ice„” 字母和单词,体会字母在单词中的读音




孩子自己读新授的单词,根据读音分成两组。找出共同的首字母。Guessing game


孩子小组猜字母 Let’s do

出示B Let’s do 动画,学习过程同前。部分学生说指令,其余学生做动作。学生上台表演,教师对表演好的给予奖励。




第二篇:PEP英语三年级下册Unit2 My family教案

PEP英语三年级下册Unit2 My family教案

教学内容:Part A Let’s talk,Let’s learn 教学目标:



2、能够听、说、认读句型:Who’s that man/woman? He/She is my „

3、能够运用句型:“Who’s that man/woman? He/She is my „”进行简单的会话与交流。

4、理解并学会唱歌曲:Father and Mother











1、知道人称代词he和she 的意义与区别。






1、2、词汇:father(dad)、man、mother(mum)、woman 句型:Who’s that man(boy)? He’s my „/Who’s that woman(girl)? She’s my„ 教学难点:

1、2、he 和 she 的意义区分及发音。

用句型“Who’s that man?He’s my father.Hi Dad„”在具体的语境中灵活运用。



1、2、教师和学生一起唱Unit1的歌曲Boy and girl.教师出示自己的一张家庭照片说:This is my family.Do you know who they ?引起学生的注意力。教师指着图片说He’s my father.并重复单词father;指着另一张图片说She’s my mother.并重复单词mother.教师再次用dad,mum代替father,mother.并向学生指出dad 和 mum 更多地用于日常口语中。

二、课程导入(Leading in)

1、教师假扮一位新朋友:My name is May.I am from China.问一个女生:What’s your name?引导这个学生回答:My name is(Hong).教师对其他学生说:She’s(Hong).并示意学生跟着重复这句话。

2、教师指着离自己稍远的女生问:“Who’s that girl?”引导学生回答:She’s„

3、用同样的步骤问一个男生,用he 代替she.三、新课呈现(Presentation)

1、教师呈现Mr Jones,问Who’s he?引导学生答;He’s Mr Jones.教师说Mr Jones is a man.并重复单词man.又呈现Miss White的图片,问Who’s she? 引导学生答;She’s Miss White.教师说Miss White is a woman.并重复单词woman.2、教师向学生出示几张明星的照片或图片,让学生做:Who’s that man/woman? He/She is my „的问答操练。3、4、5、6、让学生观看教学课件或VCD展示Part A Let’s talk的内容。让学生看书听录音,跟读课文对话。让学生分组表演课文并展示。

教师用画笔在自己的拇指上画出自己的家庭成员,向学生介绍说:This is my family and I have a small family.Who’s that man? He’s my father.He is tall.I love my father.Who’s that woman?She’s my mother,she’s not so tall.I love my mother too.And this is me.What about your family?


8、9、播放Let’s chant,让学生跟着唱。

播放歌曲“Father and Mother”的视频文件,学生反复学唱。


1、Listen and Choose.教师请一个学生读出黑板上的单词,另一个学生要根据所听到的从黑板上拿下该单词卡,直到黑板上只剩下图片为止;又请另一组学生,这一组的一个学生要根据黑板上的图片读出单词,另一个学生则根据所听到的把该单词卡贴回去。

2、Guessing Game.收集学生的家庭成员的照片,让学生猜一猜:Who’s that man/woman?是谁的爸爸、妈妈,谁就快速回答:He/She is my father/mother.谁回答的越准确越快,谁就获得小卡片越多。

3、写上字母“f,a,b,r,o,h,m,t,n,d,d,e,r,u,m,”制成15张卡片,随意分给学生。然后教师说出“mother,mum,father,dad,man,woman”每说一个单词,该单词构成的字母同学举着卡片站起来来到讲台前面按顺序排好,反应慢的那组同学要模仿该单词的那个人,比如说是father就说father,father,tall,tall,tall.是mother就说mother,mother,not so tall.反应快的那组每个人将获得2张小卡片

五、总结(Summing up)


2、本课的三会句子:Who’s that man/woman? He/She is my „

六、作业(Homework).1、操写三会单词,each five times.2、向父母介绍如何把自已的家庭成员介绍给别人。板书设计:

Unit2.My family Who’s that man / woman?

He is my father(Dad).She is my mother(mum).


教案:Unit 2My Family



主题:My familyA Let’s talk



设 计 者:马燕菊





这是本单元第二课时。三年级上册学习过句型:This is….Nice to meet you。本节课教学内容重点句型:Who’s that man? He’s my father,学生要学会描述人物,以对话形式描述人物。其中What’s that man?的表达可能是口语交际中的障碍。


1.借助录音,能听懂、会说A部分的对话,重点掌握“Who’s that woman? Who’s that man? She’s….He’s….2.借助本课时的主句型, 能询问他人是谁及做出正确回答。





Step IRevision

1.播放英语歌谣A let’s chant。



1.学习句型Who’s that man?

→接着刚才的环节教师继续和学生对话,课件出示人物图片,学生问Who’s that man/woman?之后学生2-4人进行操练,熟练运用句型。



→Who’s that man?

→Who’s that girl?




→美读指导。学习难点句型Who’s that man?的语音语调,并跟读多遍。













根据Point and say 部分的提示创设情境:两名学生互相描述自己画的人物。






第四篇:(人教PEP)三年级英语上册教案 Unit2 第三课时

Unit 2 Look at me 第三课时 教学设计


本课时主要学习Let's draw和Let's sing两部分,活动性较强,使学生在玩玩唱唱中复习和巩固所学的词汇。首先教师通过播放歌曲 《Head, Shoulders, Knees and Toes》引入head, eye, face , ear, nose, mouth 等单词的复习。再利用第二课时的教学课件,学生再次练习单词。Let’s draw部分的教学,教师主要起一个引导作用,学生根据录音和课件自己画画。然后游戏“Simon says”为学习歌曲《Teddy Bear》扫清障碍。条件许可的话,教师可将学生带到操场在唱一唱,玩一玩中学习此歌。同时,教师充分发挥学生的潜能,鼓励学生自编歌曲,将上一节课的指令代换到歌曲中演唱。最后设置的游戏“真假难辨”教师自己可根据具体情况觉得做不做。



会唱歌曲Teddy Bear,并能根据歌词做相应的动作。






重点: 实际生活中的语言运用能力的培养。

难点:eye, face ,mouth 三个词发音的再次强调。歌曲中的短语掌握较难,在此教师让学生了解含义即可。


1.教师准备一根跳绳和六个Teddy Bear的头饰。2.教师准备头部各个部位的图片和单词卡片。3.查阅万圣节资料,制作“杰克灯”,准备一些treats。

五、教学过程 1.导入

教师戴上Teddy Bear的头饰与学生打招呼:

Hello!/Good morning.My name is Teddy Bear.What’s your name? Nice to meet you.将学生分为两组,每组派一个代表上讲台,教师给学生发指令,如Touch your head.谁的动作又快又准谁就是胜利者,待熟悉后可选一位学生代替教师。



做Let’s draw部分的练习。让学生听录音,并画出头部的各个部位,然后将所画的图与单词连线。教师还可发给学生一张白纸,让学生自己画并起好名字如:Teddy Bear , Jim Bear等。

3)出示Let’s draw部分课件,根据出现的单词点击图片上相应的部位,正确显示笑脸,反之出现哭脸,让学生做练习。

4)教师说:Turn around,同时做两遍动作。教师重复指令,让学生和教师一起做动作。教师用同样的方法介绍Touch the ground.请学生跟读Turn around.Touch the ground.5)游戏:Simon says 教师发出指令,学生执行指令。规则是:如果指令前有Simon says, 学生执行指令,否则被罚下,如:

T: Simon says, touch the ground 学生摸摸地。如教师只说:Touch the ground.学生则不做任何动作。



万圣节是西方的传统节日(出示HAPPY HELLOWEEN)。万圣节前夜,即每年的10月31日夜晚,是儿童们纵情玩乐的好时候。当夜幕降临,孩子们便迫不及待地穿上五颜六色的化装服,戴上千奇百怪。(出示挂图)他们有的披上漆黑的长衫,骑着“魔帚”,扮作女巫(witch);有的裹上白床单装鬼(ghost);有的戴上画有骷髅旗的帽子扮成海盗(pirate)。一群群装扮成妖魔鬼怪的孩子手提杰克灯(jack-o’-lantern)在月光照耀下来到邻居家门前,威吓般地喊着:Trick or treat.如果某个人不用糖果、零钱款待他们,那些调皮的孩子就说到做到:好,你不款待,我就捉弄你。他们有时把人家门上的拉手涂上肥皂;有时把别人的猫涂成颜色。这些小恶作剧常令人啼笑皆非。当然,大多数人家都是非常乐于款待这些小客人。所以当夜色消逝时,孩子们总是肚子塞得饱饱的、口袋装得满满的回到家里。万圣节前夜有些学校要为学生组织丰富多彩的晚会和娱乐活动。孩子们自己动手布置会场,装饰环境,然后表演各种节目或做游戏。万圣节最流行的游戏是咬苹果(bob for apples)。游戏时,人们让苹果漂浮在装满水的盆里,让孩子们在不用手的条件下用嘴去咬苹果,谁先咬到,谁就是优胜者。

(2)教学: Happy Halloween!a.T: Hello,***.Happy Halloween!S1: Happy Halloween!T: Thank you.教师与全班及个别学生问好。b.Pair practise.(3)教学Chant: Trick or treat.Trick or treat!Trick or treat!Give me something good to eat!Trick or treat!I’m a ghost.Trick or treat!Give me toast.3.趣味操练(Practice)将学生带到操场

(1)让学生听 Let’s sing 部分的录音,边听边拍手,在节奏的感知下初步学唱歌曲。

(2)再次听Let’s sing 部分的录音,边听边做动作,并要求学生大声演唱歌曲。鼓励学生要有自信心。





回家后将Teddy bear唱给爸爸妈妈听。

第五篇:PEP小学英语三年级下册Unit2 My Family 教案

Unit2 My Family

1A Let’s talk Let’s practice & C Culture Teaching aims: 1.The students will be able to listen, understand and say the sentences: Who’s that man/woman? He’s/ She’s my ….And use he, she correctly.2.The students will be able to use the dialogue in daily life.I.P:The students will be able to listen, understand and say the sentences: Who’s that man/woman? He’s/ She’s my ….And use he, she correctly.D.P:The students will be able to use the dialogue in daily life.Teaching aids: cards, picture, tape.Teaching procedures: Step1.Warm-up 1.Revise the words learned last class.2.Free talk.Ask and answer using the sentences: I’m … I’m from ….Where are you from? This is ….Nice to meet you!Step2.Presentation Let’s practice

1.Point to a boy and say He’s a boy.Point to another boy and say He’s a boy.Point and have kids say: He’s a boy.Then have kids to practice the sentence.Point to a girl and teach She’s a girl in the same way.2.Have kids practice He’s a …/ She’s a … with other words like student, teacher.Practice He’s from …/ She’s from ….He’s/ She’s my friend.3.T shows a family picture and says: Look!This is my family.Have kids say family correctly.T: There are 4 people in my family.Who are they? T: She’s my….Have kids say mother.T: Yes, she’s my mom.Have kids say He’s my father/ dad/ grandfather/ grandpa.She’s my grandmother/ grandma.4.T points and says This is my family.Then ask: Who’s that man/ woman? Get kids to answer He’s/ She’s your father/ grandfather/ mother/ grandmother.Teach the new sentence patterns: Who’s that man/woman? He’s/She’s….5.Have several kids hold their pictures and come to the front.Say: This is my family.The other kids ask Who’s that man/ woman? Then practice asking and answering in groups of four.Let’s talk 1.Listen to the tape and answer: Where are Amy and Chen Jie? Who’s that man? 2.Get them to listen and repeat the dialogue.3.Have kids to act the dialogue.Step4.Add activities Talk about their family photos in pairs.Step 5 Homework 1.Listen and repeat the dialogue on page 14 for ten times.2.Try to make up a new dialogue.Blackboard design:

U2 My family

Who’s that man/woman/boy/girl?

She’s/He’s my _______.Teacher’s notes:

Exercise notes: A Let’s learn Let’schant Teaching aims: 1.The students will be able to listen, read say and use the words: father(dad), mother(mom), grandfather(grandpa), grandmother(grandma), man, woman.2.The students will learn the song: Father and Mother.I.P:The students will be able to listen, read say and use the words: father(dad), mother(mom), grandfather(grandpa), grandmother(grandma), man, woman.D.P:The pronunciation of father(dad), mother(mom), grandfather(grandpa), grandmother(grandma), man, woman.Teaching aids: cards, picture, tape Teaching procedures: Step1.Warm-up 1.Greet to kids randomly.2.Sing the song Ten Little Candles to revise the numbers.Step2.Presentation Let’s learn

1.Show a picture of a family.Point to the picture and ask: How many people are there? Help kids to remember what doeshow many means and get the answer 5.Then say: This is a family.(Have kids try to read family correctly.)Who are they? 2.Point to the father, say: father(repeat several times), but we usually call him dad.Show father’s picture and have kids to say father, dad.Tell kids that people usually use dad in daily life, also we can call papa.3.Teach mother, grandfather, grandpa, grandmother, grandma in the same way.Emphasize: She’s my mother.She’s….4.Have kids to listen and repeat the words.5.Game: Divide kids in groups of four.One is father, one is mother, one is grandfather and one is grandmother.T says: Father.All “fathers” stand up and say father.Then they must exchange their roles.6.Put all the pictures on the blackboard.Point to the pictures randomly and kids look and say correctly.7.Game: Have two kids come to the front.T says a word silently and the other kids say out the word.The two kids must pick out the right picture.The faster one will win the game.Let’s chant 1.T does the action and says: This is Sarah’ father.He is tall.Then teaches the word tall.T: But, Sarah’s mother is not so tall.2.T does the action and says: This is Sarah’s brother.He is small.Teaches the word small.3.Listen to the chant and teach it.Then asks them try to say the chant.Step3.Assessment 1.Revise Let’s learn.2.Take a family picture in the next class.Step 4 Homework 1.Listen and repeat page 15 for ten times.2.Talk about family menbers.Blackboard design:U2 My family

Who’s that man/woman/boy/girl?

She’s/He’s my ________.Teacher’s notes:

Exercise notes: A Let’s spell Teaching aims: 1.The students will be able to master the pronunciation of the letter Ee.2.The students will be able to master the words with letter Ee on the book.3.The students will be able to write the words on the book correctly.I.P:The students will be able to master the pronunciation of the letter Ee.The students will be able to write the words on the book correctly.D.P: The students will be able to master the pronunciation of the letter Ee.Teaching aids: cards, picture, tape.Teaching procedures: Step1.Warm-up 1.Listen and say the chant on page 15.2.TPR activity.Have kids to imagine the actions of father, mother, grandfather, grandmother.When T says a word like father or mother, kids imitate and say This is my mom.3.Show the word cards and have kids to read them out.Step2.Presentation Let’s spell 1.T shows the four pictures about these four words: ten, pen, red and leg.And guide them to read the four words.T: Try to read out these words.Can you find the same things? 2.Have the kids to listen and follow the tape.Look and think: Which letter is the same? Yes, letter e.What is the sound? /e/.3.Look at the teacher’s mouth and imitate the pronunciation./t/-/e/-/n/, ten.Follow me, please.4.Guide them to spell the other three words like the teacher.5.Listen to the tape and read after it.Step3 Practice Let’s chant

Listen to the chant and try to follow it.Ten red pens.Ten red pens.Eight pens.Nine pens.Ten red pens.Read, listen and circle 1.Read the words first.2.Listen and circle the right words.Listen and write Listen to the tape and write the words correctly.Step4 Homework 1.Listen and repeat page 16 for ten times.2.Copy the four words on page 16 for four times each.Blackboard design:

U2 My family tenpen


red [e]

Teacher’s notes:

Exercise notes:

4B Let’s talk

Let’s play Teaching aims: 1.The students will be able to understand the dialogue and read the dialogue correctly.2.The students will be able to master and use the sentence patterns: Is she/he …? Yes, she/he is.No, she/he isn’t.I.P:The students will be able to understand the dialogue and read the dialogue correctly.D.P: The students will be able to master and use the sentence patterns: Is she/he …? Yes, she/he is.No, she/he isn’t.Teaching aids: cards, picture, tape.Teaching procedures: Step1.Warm-up 1.Revise the words: father, mother, sister, brother, grandfather(grandpa), grandmother(grandma).2.Free talk.Who’s this/that man/woman/boy/girl? He’s/She’s….Step2.Presentation Let’s talk

1.T collect some students’ family members’ photos.Then T puts the photos on the screen and asks: Who’s this man/boy/girl/women? The student will stand up and says: He’s/She’s my ….2.T goes on doing this activity.T chooses one student and asks: Is he/she your…? Guide the student to answer: Yes, he/she is.No, she/he isn’t.Teach the new sentence patters: Is she/he…? Yes, he/she is.No, he/she isn’t.3.T: Today Amy goes to Sarah’s home.(1)Listen, what are they talking about? They are talking about Sarah’s family members.(2)Is the boy Sarah’s brother? Yes, he is.Is the woman Sarah’s mother? Yes, she is.Is the man Sarah’s father? No, he isn’t.He is Sarah’s teacher.(3)Listen and repeat the dialogue.(4)Read the dialogue in pairs.Then act the dialogue.Step3 Practice Let’s play Practice in pairs: Who’s that man/woman? He’s/She’s….Let’s check 1.Listen and number: Listen to the tape and number the pictures.2.Look and tack: Look at the picture and tick the right sentence.Step4 Homework 1.Listen and repeat the dialogue on page 17 for ten times.2.Try to retell the dialogue.Blackboard design:

U2 My family Who’s that boy/girl? He’s/She’s my ____.Is she/he your _____? Yes, she/he is.No, she/he isn’t.Teacher’s notes:

Exercise notes: B Let’s learn Let’s chant Teaching aims: 1.The students will be able to master the words sister, brother, grandfather(grandpa)and grandmother(grandma).2.The students will be able to introduce his family members like this: Hi, I’m … This is my family.Look, this is my ….This is my … 3.The students will be able to listen and say the chant correctly.4.The students will get some knowledge about the different calling of the family members between the east and the west.I.P:1.The students will be able to master the words sister, brother, grandfather(grandpa)and grandmother(grandma).2.The students will be able to introduce his family members like this: Hi, I’m … This is my family.Look, this is my ….This is my …

3.The students will get some knowledge about the different calling of the family members between the east and the west.D.P: The students will be able to listen and say the chant correctly.Teaching aids: cards, picture, tape.Teaching procedures: Step1.Warm-up 1.T shows the word cards and asks them to read the words.2.Listen to the song I love my family, and guide them to do actions with the teacher.3.Show photos and pictures with different people in and ask Who’s that man? Have kids to guess.Step2.Presentation Let’s learn

1.Draw a family tree on the blackboard.T acts Mike.T: Look.I am Mike.This is my family tree.There are many people in my family.This is my father.This is my father’s father.He’s my grandfather.Also we can call him grandpa.Teach the new word grandfather and grandpa.2.T: This is my mother.This is my father’s mother.She’s my grandmother.Also we can call her grandma.Teach the new word grandmother and grandma.3.T: What do we call them in Chinese? –爷爷,奶奶。

4.T: Look at this old man.He is my mother’s father.We can call him grandfather(grandpa).5.T: This old woman is my mother’s mother.We call her grandmother(grandma).6.T: What do we call them in Chinese? –外公,外婆。或者姥姥,姥爷。7.Guide them to tell the difference between the east and the west.8.Add brother and sister to the family tree.T: Look, I have one brother and one sister.Teach the two words.9.Listen to the tape and repeat the words.10.T: These family members make up the family.Family= Father and mother, I love you.I love my family.Let’s chant

1.T: Look at the pictures.How many people can you see? Four.They are grandpa, grandma, brother and sister.They are planting flowers.Teach: Help each other.2.Listen to the chant and try to follow it.3.Listen to the tape and say the chant.Step3.Add activities 1.Listen to the song on page 20.2.Say the family members to parents.Step4 Homework 1.Listen and repeat [age 18 for ten times.2.Try to introduce your femily menbers.Blackboard design:

U2 My family I’m ____.This is my family.This is my ____.This is my ____.…

Teacher’s notes:

Exercise notes: B Start to read& C Story time Teaching aims: 1.The students will be able to revise the main sentence pattern: This is my ….2.The students will be able to understand the story to revise the main family members.I.P:The students will be able to revise the main sentence pattern: This is my ….D.P:The students will be able to read the story correctly.Teaching aids: cards, picture, tape.Teaching procedures: Step1.Warm-up 1.Revise the words like father, mother, sister, brother, grandfather(grandpa)and grandmother(grandma).2.Listen to the song on page20 and guide them to sing it.3.Listen to the chant on page 18 and guide them to say it.Step2.Presentation Start to read 1.T shows the pictures of Wu Yifan’s family members.T asks: Who’s this man/woman? Guide them to answer: This is Wu Yifan’s ….2.T asks some students to act Wu :Yifan and introduce the members: This is my ….3.Look at the books.Read the sentences and match the right pictures.4.T asks some students to act Wu: I’m Wu Yifan.This is my family.This is my ….This is my ….5.T asks them to do pair work.Story time 1.Guide the students to look the pictures and answer: Who are in the pictures? Zoom’s father and mother.2.Zoom’s mother is very beautiful.She is an actress.T shows more pictures about some actress, like Fan Bingbing, Li Xiaolu, Yang Mi and so on.That will help them to understand the word actress.3.Listen to the story and try to understand it.4.Listen again and repeat it.Step3 Homework

1.Listen to the story on page 21 for ten times.2.Revise unit 2 for two times.Blackboard design:

U2 My family Who’s that ____?

She’s/He’s ______.Teacher’s notes:

Exercise notes:

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