《牛津小学英语》4A Unit4 I like…(A) 教学设计

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《牛津小学英语》4A Unit4 I like…(A)教学设计


《牛津小学英语4A》Unit4 I like… Part A(read and say)



(1)、能听懂、会说、会读单词 puppet, kite, puzzle, doll(2)、能听懂、会说、会读句型What’s this/ that in English? It’s a….Do you like …? Yes, I do./ No, I don’t.(3)、初步了解名词的单复数的基本形式。


(1)、能初步运用句型What’s this/ that in English? It’s a….Do you like …? Yes, I do./ No, I don’t.向周围人询问。

(2)、能听懂、会说、会读日常交际用语I like puzzles.Me, too.I love dolls.Thank you very much.(3)、比较流畅地朗读本课对话,并能在掌握本课对话内容的基础上用比较正确的读音、语调、表情和动作表演对话。



1、能初步运用句型What’s this/ that in English? It’s a….Do you like …? Yes, I do./ No, I don’t.向周围人询问。

2、正确朗读单词 puppet, puzzle.3、初步了解名词的单复数,能在运用句型 Do you like …? Yes, I do.No, I don’t.时准确运用名词的单复数。




多媒体课件,单词卡片,puppet, kite, puzzle, doll等玩具实物,学生自带的玩具。

六、教学过程: Step1.Warm up


2、Free talk.(1)、T:(手指学生们所带的玩具)Today we have many toys here.Do you like toys? Ss: Yes, I do.T: Oh,Me, too.I like toys, too.Ss:(learn: Me too.)T: Look, what’s this in English? S: It’s a toy rabbit.T: Yes.It’s a rabbit.How lovely!I like it very much.Ss:(learn: very much.)T: I like this rabbit very much.Do you like this rabbit? S: Yes, I do.T: Good.Here’s a rabbit for you.S: Thank you very much.T: Not at all.T&Ss(用这样的句型结构再操练两组)(2)、T: Look, what’s this in English?


Ss: Puppet.T: Good.It’s a puppet.Now let’s read together.Ss:(learn: puppet.)T: Do you like this puzzle? Ss: Yes, I do.T: Me too.I like this puzzle.And I like that puppet,too.(手指另一木偶)So I like puppets.T:(通过手中的不同玩具替换练习,让学生了解like后面运用名词复数。)Step2.Presentation and practice

1、T: We talked about what toys we like just now.How about the two girls? What do they like?(出示课文图片)Look, who are they? And where are they? Ss: Yang Ling and Nancy.They are in the sitting room.T:.Yang Ling and Nancy are in the sitting room.What are they talking about?

Please listen to the tape and answer the questions: Q1: How many things(几样东西)does Yang Ling like? Q2: Does Nancy love puzzles? T: Do you have the answers now?

Ss:The first answer: Three.Yang Ling likes three things.T: The second question : Does Nancy love puzzles? Ss:(learn: love, puzzle)The answer is : Yes.Nancy loves puzzles.2、T: We know, Yang Ling likes three things, but what are they?Open your books,read after the tapethen answer.Ss: Read and answer: kites, puzzles and dolls.Ss:(learn: kite, puzzle doll)

3、Ss: Read together, and then read in roles.4、请同学分别表演1、2图,3、4图,1234图。Step3、Consolidation

1、周末就要到了,妈妈准备带你和你的弟弟一起去商场买玩具,你和弟弟在商店里想挑选一些自己喜欢的玩具,请你用下面的句型, 二人一组编对话

A:Do you like … ?

B: Yes, I do./ No, I don’t.A:Here’s a … for you.B: Thank you very much.A: Not at all.2、Do a summary 根据所提供的情景,写出英文句子。

(1)如果你想询问别人某物用英语怎样说:(2)如果你想询问某人是否喜欢某物应该怎样说:(3)如果你想说我喜欢某物该怎么说: Step4、Homework

1、Listen and read Part A.2、Make dialogues like Part A after class.板书设计

Unit4 I like…(A)

A: What’s this /that in English?

B: It’s a….A:Do you like… ?

B:Yes, I do./No, I don’t.A:Here’s a … for you.B:Thank you very much.简评:





本单元通过教学What’s this /that in English ?It’s a „使学生在学习的过程中能运用这些话语向周围的老师,同学和朋友请教,从而促进学生的英语学习。除此之外,还要求学生能用Do you like„?Yes ,I do /NO ,I don’t.的句式了解对方对某物是否喜欢。




1、能听懂、会说、会读和会写单词a car ,a bike ,a bus和a kite.2、能听懂、会说和会读日常交际用语I like puzzles /Me ,too.I love dolls.Thank you very much.Look at my kite.It’s nice.Let’s „

3、能听懂、会说、会读和会写句型What’s this/that in English ?It’s a„Do you like „? Yes ,I do /No ,I don’t.4、初步了解名词的单复数。


6、能诵读歌谣Fly ,fly my kite.教学理念:




1、能听懂、会说、会读和会写单词a car ,a bike ,a bus和a kite.2、能听懂、会说、会读和会写句型What’s this/that in English ?It’s a „Do you„? Yes /No.教学难点:

能听懂、会说、会读和会写句型What’s this/that in English ?It’s a „Do you„? Yes /No.教具准备:



教学内容:A Read and say.教学目标:

1.能正确地听、说、读词语in English ,do ,you ,like ,don’t.love ,a puppet ,a puzzle ,a kite和a doll.2.能正确地运用对话中的日常交际What’s this /that in English ?It’s a puppet.Do you like puppets ?及其它回答Yes ,I do /No ,I don’t.3.初步认识名词单、复数的基本形式。


一、Warm up

1.Greetings.2.Sing a song 《Perhaps 》

3.Free talk.可以让学生利用前几单元句型连锁进行对话练说。

二、Presentation and practice.A.介绍生词a puppet ,a puzzle ,a kite和a doll.1.拿出实物,指着实物说It’s a puppet ,Say “a puppet”,学生跟读单词数遍。

2.同法教授单词a puzzle ,a kite和a doll.把课前准备的玩具逐一展示给学生。

B介绍句型What’s this /that in English ?It’s „

1.复习this和that的用法。指着自己的玩具说This is a „示范数遍后请学生介绍他们所带的玩具This is a „,此时教师模拟玩偶的声音指着学生的玩具说That is a „

2.教师指着自己的玩具,问What’s this in English ?模拟玩具的声音回答It’s a „ 替换不同的物品,示范问答。

3.请学生用自己的玩具问What’s this in English ? 其他的人回答It’s a„

4.同法教授句型What’s this in English ?It’s „并板书。

CHave a rest.Listen : a rhyme《Fly ,fly my kite 》

三、Read and say.A出示本文挂图,请学生看图并留意听对话录音,学生听录音两遍后,告诉他们接下来会听到一些跟课文内容有关的句子,要他们正确判断这些句子是否与对话内容相符。

1.YangLing is in Nancy’s home.2.YangLing and Nancy like puppets.3.They like kites.4.YangLing and Nancy like puzzles.5.They don’t love dolls.B让学生听对话录音,然后模仿跟读。

四、Consolidation.教师将单个小玩具或文具用品放在手中或包中,与玩偶示范表演对话: T:What’s this „?P: It’s a „(猜)


T: Do you like this„?

P: Yes ,I do.I love„

T: Here’s a „for you.P: Thank you very much.一、Assign homework.A.听录音,朗读和表演对话。



Unit 4I like„

a puppet

a puzzleWhat’s this /that in English ?

a kiteIt’s a puppet.a dollDo you like puppets ?

loveYes ,I do /NO ,I don’t.课后笔记:



教学内容:BLook,read and learn.CWork in pairs.G3 Say a rhyme.教学目标:

2.能正确听、说、读、写单词a car ,a bus ,a bike ,a kite.3.能正确听、说、读单词a balloon

4.能正确听、说、读、写句子What’s this /that in English ?及其回答It’s a„

5.能诵读歌谣Fly ,fly my kite.教学过程:

一、Warm up


2.Sing a song 《Perhaps》

3.Free talk.利用图片、玩具等让学生运用第一课时所学句型进行练说

二、Presentation.1.新授单词a balloon.T师出示实物: Look,What’s this in English ?Oh ,It’s a balloon.It’s my balloon.It’s red.It’s a nice balloon.Do you like balloons ? Ss:Yes.T: Now read the word “balloon”after me(twice)

2.T:(出示一张小汽车的图片)Look at the picture.What’s this in English ? S:It’s a car.T:(出示词卡)Now let’s read and spell the word “car”Ss: CarC-A-R ,car.T: Very good(让学生读读,写写a car两遍)

3.同法教词a bike ,a bus ,a kite.4.Play a game: What’s missing ?利用图片进行游戏,进行单词的巩固。

三、Work in pairs.1.(学生看黑板上的挂图)T:What can you see in the picture ?Ss: I can see a key(a desk ,two chairs ,a purse „)

2.T: Where’s the key ?

S: It’s on the box?

T: Where’s the box ?„

3.T: Now work in pairs ,please.先放手让学生同桌对照图自由练说,随后再指名几组板前操练。

四、Say a rhyme.T: Now open your books.Look at Part G: Fun house.Let’s say a rhyme:Fly ,fly my kite.1.听录音,欣赏歌谣。


五、Assign homework.1.抄写要求四会的单词和句子。



Unit 4I like

What’s this /that in English ?

It’s a „„

a puppeta puzzle

a dolla balloon

a cara bus

a bikea kite


教学内容:G Fun house.1.Look and read.教学目标:


2、进一步掌握句型Do you like„?及答语。


一、Warm up


2.Say a rhyme

3.Free talk.让学生充分利用本单元单词、句型进行练说,交际,培养学生口语交际能力。


T:Now let’s review some words and sentences.What’s this in English ? S:It’s a pen.T:Do you likethis pen ?

S:Yes ,I do.T:Me ,too.T:What’s that on the desk?

S:It’s a book.T:May I have a look ?

S:Yes ,here you are.T:Thank you.T:(用同法依次练习、复习a bike , a bus, a puppet , a balloon.a kite ,a doll等)可以变换复习方式,如“Touch and guess ”等形式。避免形式单调而不充分激发学生兴趣。

三、Look and read1、仔细观察画面,并结合全文了解趣味故事大意,体会其中的幽默含义。


四、Assign homework.1、默写本单元所学的单词。

2、用Do you like„?去了解老师及同学及其周围朋友对某种物品是否喜爱。


Unit 4 I like

Do you like„?

Yes ,I do /No ,I don’t.第四课时

教学内容:ERead and act;FListen and repeat;GFun house2.Play a game.教学目标:




一、Warm up

1.Greetings.2.Say a rhyme《Fly ,fly my kite》

3.Free talk.利用本单元句型进行问答操练,要注意给学生以引导,注意语句要贴切,适合于语境。

二、Read and act.1.出示风筝图片,引出对话。在对话引出时,可利用人物头饰进行角色区别。



三、Listen and repeat.1.出示一些含有字母j和k的词,以便学生能更好地了解这两个字母在单词中的发音。如:

jacket ,jogging ,kite.2.学生听录音跟读单词及句子。

四、Play a game.1、先介绍游戏规则,然后老师与学生做示范。请六位学生上台,在这里教师不必拘于书上只备有颜色的牌子,而可以随意准备动物、文具类单词,从而扩大练说面,全面进行单词的复习。由老师先发令说I like red挂红色牌子的同学就将牌子交给教师,然后由这位学生接着发令I like „听懂的学生就将自己的颜色牌子给发令员。如果发令员说了句子,学生没有反应,该生便失败了,大家就说You are out.请另一学生代替失败的学生。


3、失败的学生朗诵Fly ,fly my kite.五、Assign homework.1.抄写本单元所学的单词和句型并能默写。

2.背诵并表演Read and act.3.创设情景自编对话。


Unit 4I like „

What’s this in English ?

It’s a kite.Do you like it ?

Yes ,I do.Let’s colour it.第五课时






一、Warm up

1.Sing a song 《Perhaps》

2.Say a rhyme《Fly ,fly my kite》

3.Free talk.对本单元的交际用语进行综合练说,培养学生的交际能力。





英语课程标准中指出:“建立能激励学生学习兴趣和自主学习能力发展的评价体系。” “在英语教学过程中应以形成性评价为主,注重培养和激发学生学习的积极性和自信心,无论是小组学习的形式还是个人学习,积极、及时的评价都在很大程度上激发他们学习的积极性,在教学中,采用小组比赛加分的形式,大大激发了学习的学习兴趣。鲁迅先生说过:“游戏是儿童的天使”,在本课的教学中,通过各种不同的游戏方式,使学生在游戏中巩固所学的知识,提高学英语的兴趣。


《牛津小学英语6B》Unit 3(A)教学设计





1、能听懂、会说、会读、会写单词way,get,along,street,take,stop,road和句型Can you tell me the way to …,please?。


3、能听懂、会说、会读日常交际用语和句型Go along this street,and then turn right at the third crossing.How far is it from here? It's about a kilometre away.You can take bus No.5.How many stops are there? How can I get to the shopping centre?













五、教学过程(Teaching procedure)Step 1 Revision 1.Have a word competition.T: Nice to meet you, boys and girls.Ss: Nice to meet you,too.T: Before we learn the new dialogue, let's have a word competition, ‘Quick response’between the boys and the girls.He/She who give the right word first is the winner.Ss: Great!T:(出示Part B的挂画)Shall we start? Ss:OK.设计意图:在上课一开始,让男生和女生作为对手进行竞赛,一方面,使学生争强好胜的竞争意识被充分激发和调动起来,营造热烈的学习氛围,使学生快速进入学习状态;另一方面,又让学生复习了表示处所的词组,为对话教学做好必要的准备。

Step 2 Presentation.1.Present the places in the classroom.T:Boys and girls, this is our classroom, but now it's the Garden City.Look, here is

Zhongshan Road(用手指我们教室的某一过道).And here is the shopping centre(将牌子放在桌上).Can you tell me more places which you can see in the city?

S1:Yes.I can see a post office.S2: I can see a shopping centre.T:(摆放a primary school/a train station/a middle school/a shopping center/…等标牌。)


2.Present the key sentences of asking the way.T:Well, some teachers will come to our city tomorrow,and they need some guides.Can you help them? Ss: Yes, we can.T: Let's try to be a good guide.(把一个导游证挂在自己脖子上)I want to be a guide first.Suppose you are one of the teachers.You can ask me the way now.S:Excuse me, where's the …? T:Let me see.Er… go along this street and then turn left/right at the … crossing.The … is On your left/right.(引导问路者走到目的地,然后板书)T: Who wants to have a try?(拿出若干导游证)S1:I want to have a try.T:Excuse me, can you tell me the way to the train station, please? S1: It's on Zhongshan Road.T:How can I get there? S1:Go along this street and then turn left at the first crossing.You can see it on the right/left.T:How far is it from here? How far?(伴手势)(板书并教学)S1: It's about a kilometre away.(板书并教学)T:How can I get there faster? Can I take a bus? S1:Yes, you can take bus NO.1(板书)T:How many stops are there?(板书)S1:There are three.(板书)

T:So I can take bus NO.1 and get off at the third stop.You are an excellent guide.Thank you very much.(板书get off)S1:Not at all.T:(Practice the dialogue with some other students as above.)3.Work in groups.T:Now you can ask the way in your groups.(在交流过程中,给表现踊跃、发言积极的学生发导游证)Step 3 Learn the dialogue 1.Listen and answer.(听引言部分,了解对话的背景)

T:(出示课件)Boys and girls, look at the screen.A visitor is visiting our city now.Please listen to the tape and answer my questions.Ss:(Listen to the tape.)

Q1:Who is new here ?

(He's Mr Smith.)

Q2:Where does he want to visit?(The History Museum.)

Q3:He doesn't know the way.Who can help him?(Yang Ling)

2.Listen and find the way.(听对话Part1部分,并在教室里找出the History Museum.)T:Yes.Mr Smith is asking Yang Ling the way.Let's listen to the dialogue and try to find out how he can get to the History Museum.Ss:(Listen to the tape.)T:Can you find the History Museum in our city? If not, please discuss it with your partners.Ss:(学生讨论,找出the History Museum的具体位置,将标牌放在相应的地点。)3.Listen and find the way.(听对话Part2部分,并在教室里找出the post office.)T:Mr Smith wants to go to the post office, too.Where's the post office? How can he get to the post office? Ss:(Listen to the tape.)Ss:(学生讨论,找出the post office的具体位置,将标牌放在相应的地点。)4.Listen to the whole dialogue.(听全文,整体理解课文。)T:Open the books and listen to the whole dialogue.设计意图:我采用整体理解对话的方式,让学生先听录音,然后带着问题再听录音找答案,发展学生选择信息、捕捉信息的能力,有效地指导学生提高听力水平。5.Read the dialogue.1)Listen and repeat.T:Next, Let's follow the tape.Ss: Read the dialogue after the tape.2)Role read the dialogue.T:Read the dialogue in groups.One is Mr Smith, the other is Yang Ling.(分角色朗读)3)Read and complete.(完成对话后的填空)

T:So much for these.Let's do some exercise on Page 23.You have two minutes to finish the blanks.…

T&Ss: Check the answers.Step 4 Consolidation

1.Review the key phrases and sentences.(梳理词组和句子)

T:Look at the blackboard.There are some important sentences and phrases on it.Read after me.设计意图:高年级A板块(对话)内容多、容量大,课堂上教师着重训练学生的听说技能,对语言知识关注较少。本节课增加了重点词组和句子的梳理这一环节,这样会让学生感到很充实:一节课下来,除了学会了对话,还记住了一些词组和句子。

2.Retell the dialogue.T:Let's try to retell the dialogue in a simple way.设计意图:这个环节,无疑是向学生提出了一个高难度的挑战,但是如果教师坚


Step 5 Production(拓展练习)


Step 6 Homework




Excuse me,can you tell me the way to …

Go along this street, and then turn … on the …crossing.The … is on your …


本课是Unit 3的第二课时,之所以放在第二课时,是因为本课的生词、句型较多,而且对话篇幅较长,学生在理解和学习课文的过程中有难度,所以我在B、C部分已经教完的基础上进行A部分的对话教学,这样降低了课文学习的难度,有利于学生的掌握。

















3B Unit 1 My school bag


一、教学要求 能正确地听、说、读、写单词a bag,a tape,a book.能听懂、会说新授的七个文具及玩具类单词a school bag,a crayon,a knife,a storybook,a copybook,a stapler及a toy train 能听懂、会说日常交际用语What’s this/that in/on the...?What’s this/that in English?It’s...Come here...并获得运用所学语言进行交际的能力。要求读音正确,语调自然。能正确理解、运用介词in和on.5 会唱歌曲ABC Song.二、重点: 能正确地听、说、读、写单词a bag,a tape,a book.能听懂、会说新授的七个文具及玩具类单词a school bag,a crayon,a knife,a storybook,a copybook,a stapler及a toy train


1 能正确地听、说、读、写单词a bag,a tape,a book.能听懂、会说新授的七个文具及玩具类单词a school bag,a crayon,a knife,a storybook,a copybook,a stapler及a toy train 能听懂、会说日常交际用语What’s this/that in/on the...?What’s this/that in English?It’s...Come here...并获得运用所学语言进行交际的能力。要求读音正确,语调自然。能正确理解、运用介词in和on.第一课时


1、能听懂、会说文具玩具类单词a school bag, a crayon, a tape, a knife.a storybook, a copybook, a stapler, a toy train.2、能听懂、会说日常交际用语What‘s this/ that in/on…? What‘s this/ that in English? It‘s… 并获得运用语言进行交际的能力,要求读音正确,语调自然。

3、能使用礼貌用语 Excuse me.4、能正确理解、运用介词in, on。


1、能听懂、会说文具玩具类单词a school bag, a crayon, a tape, a knife.a storybook, a copybook, a stapler, a toy train.2、能听懂、会说日常交际用语What‘s this/ that in/on…? What‘s this/ that in English? It‘s… 并获得运用语言进行交际的能力,要求读音正确,语调自然。

3、能正确理解、运用介词in, on。






Step 1 Free talk/ Revision 1.师生用Good morning/afternoon.How are you?互相问候。2.开火车问答:

A:Excuse me, what's this in English? B: It's a...Step 2 Presentation and practice

1、出示本课文具玩具类图片,同桌对话练习: A: Excuse me, what's this in English? B: It's a...A: Thank you./ Oh, I see.2、讲台上放一只书包

T: What's that on the desk? 出示词组on, on the desk并领读。

Make some phrases.T: What's in the school bag? S: It‘s a storybook.in, in the school bag 并领读 Make some phrases.T: What else are there in the school bag? Guess!T :操练新单词 a copybook, a stapler, a toy train

3、T:(指一位学生的铅笔盒)What's that in your pencil-box? T: What's that on the desk? T: Can you ask me?

4、T: Come here, xxx, what's that on the desk? S: It‘s a…… T: Thank you.出示 come here并领读

5、Show the toys, ask and answer.Step 3 Learn to say 1 Listen to the tape.2 Read and repeat the text.3 Act it.Step 4 Consolidation Play a guessing game: What‘s in my school bag? Sa: It's a...五、作业设计





Unit 1 A school bag(A)A: What‘s this/ that in/on…?

B: It‘s…




1、能听懂、会说文具玩具类单词a school bag, a crayon, a tape, a knife.a storybook, a copybook, a stapler, a toy train.2、能听懂、会说日常交际用语What‘s this/ that in English? It‘s… 并获得运用语言进行交际的能力,要求读音正确,语调自然。

3、能使用礼貌用语 Excuse me.二、教学重难点

1、能听懂、会说文具玩具类单词a school bag, a crayon, a tape, a knife.a storybook, a copybook, a stapler, a toy train.2、能听懂、会说日常交际用语What‘s this/ that in English? It‘s… 并获得运用语言进行交际 的能力,要求读音正确,语调自然。






四、教学过程 Step 1 Free talk: 1.Free talk: 1.师生用Good morning/afternoon.How are you?互相问候。2.引导学生用 What's your name?互问姓名,练习―what's‖。Step 2 Presentation and practice:


T: What's this? T: It's a school bag.出示单词 a school bag 并领读 spell: bag T: What's this in English? 出示词组 in English 并领读 T:What's this in English? 同法教其它文具类单词(a crayon, a tape, a knife),并板书

2、T:(放一支蜡笔在讲台上,走远一点)T: What's that in English? 帮助区分this, that 的用法。


T: Excuse me, xxx.What‘s that in English?

出示 excuse me 并领读, 解释其用法,表示打扰别人。重复对话,引出Oh, I see.4、出示本课所学的文具、玩具单词,师生问答练习。Ask and answer in pairs.S: 同桌操练句型。Step 3 Look and say:

1、第一幅图:小女孩指着自己手里订书机好奇地问男孩。A: What‘s this in English? B: It's a stapler.2、第三幅图,小女孩指着近处椅子上的一本故事书问男孩。A: What‘s this in English?/ What‘s this on the chair? B: It's a storybook.Practise P24 Practise in pairs.Step 4 Consolidation 1.Listen to the tape and repeat.2.Read and spell the new words.五、作业设计

1 Read and spell the new words.2 Copy the new words.六、板书设计

Unit 1 My school bag(BCD)

a school bag, a crayon, a tape,a knife a storybook,a copybook, a stapler,a toy train A:What‘s this/ that in/on…? What‘s this/ that in English?







3、学习歌曲―ABC song‖,以激发学生学习英语的兴趣。










Step 1 Free talk/ Revision 1.师生用Good morning/afternoon.How are you? 互相问候。2.Ask and answer: A:Excuse me, what's this in English? B: It's a...A: What's this in English? C: It's a...Step 2 Presentation and practice 1: 出示含有介词词组的投影片,同桌对话练习: A: Excuse me, what's that on the book? B: It's a tape.A: Thank you./ Oh, I see.2: T: Come here, ….What's this in English? T: Thank you.… , what's that on the...? T: Oh, I see.Make some dialogues like this.Step 3 Fun house 1.Listen and circle Do the exercise.2.Play a game: Touch and guess 3.Listen to the song ―ABC song‖, then sing the song.五、作业设计 1 Review Unit 1.2 Do some exercises.六、板书设计

Unit 1 A school bag A: What‘s this/ that in/on…?

What‘s this/ that in English?

B: It‘s …






3B Unit 2 Yes or no



1四会单词:a watch , a radio, a camera, a key, a clock, a computer.2四会日常交际用语: 学生能熟练运用一般疑问句Is this /that …?并能进行肯定和否定的回答 Yes,it is.No, it isn‘t.3、学生能正确地使用Can I have a look?及应答Sure,here you are.4、歌谣:<< It‘s his key>>


本单元在What‘s this/that? 的基础上,进一步引导学生运用一般疑问句Is this/that? 去确认周围的常见事物。为配合―认物‖这一项功能项目的展开,本单元所教词汇也可以日常生活中的一些常见物品为主。应注意的是,问句中的this 或 在回答时要用that 替代,以避免重复。教过May I come in? 后,教师可要求学生在每次进入教师办公室或上英语课迟到时,坚持用May I come in? 代替汉语的―报告‖。教师也应用Come in, please.回答。

Unit 2(第一课时)


B Look and learn & C Look and say D Look, read and write.二、教学目标

1、能听懂、会说生活用品类单词:a watch , a radio, a camera, a key, a clock, a computer.2、能听懂、会说日常交际用语学生能熟练运用一般疑问句Is this /that …?并能进行肯定和否定的回答 Yes,it is.No, it isn‘t.3、学生能正确地使用Can I have a look?及应答Sure,here you are.同时获得运用语言进行交际的能力,要求读音正确,语调自然。


1、能听懂、会说生活用品类单词:a watch , a radio, a camera, a key, a clock, a computer.2、能听懂、会说日常交际用语学生能熟练运用一般疑问句Is this /that …?并能进行肯定和否定的回答 Yes,it is.No, it isn‘t.3、学生能正确地使用Can I have a look?及应答Sure,here you are.四、教学难点

1、能听懂、会说生活用品类单词:a watch , a radio, a camera, a key, a clock, a computer.2、能听懂、会说日常交际用语学生能熟练运用一般疑问句Is this /that …?并能进行肯定和否定的回答 Yes,it is.No, it isn‘t.3、学生能正确地使用Can I have a look?及应答Sure,here you are.五、教学准备





六、教学过程 Step 1 Free talk: 1.Free talk: 1.师生用Good morning/afternoon.How are you?互相问候。2.开火车问答游戏:

A:Excuse me, what's this in English? B: It's a...A: What's this in English? C: It's a...Step 2 Presentation and practice: 复习句型后.由一般疑问句引出这节课要教学的新单词和句型: T: May I come in? T: Good morning everyone.T: Is this a key? T: What is it? T: Is that a computer?(教师出示照相机)T: It‘s a camera.(出示并领读单词camera)每一组都用camera造句。A: Is this a camera? B: Look at my camera.C: What‘s this? It‘s a camera.T: Look!Is this a TV?(出示收音机的图片)T: You are right.It‘s a radio.(出示并领读单词radio)T: Is that a radio?(教师指着学生的文具盒)T: What a nice pencil box!T: Can I have a look?(教师用体态语表示要看一下)(用Yes or No 提示。)

T:Oh,what a nice pencil box!T: Here you are.(教师把物品还给学生)T: Now show me your beautiful presents.Is this a toy car? T: What a nice toy car!Can I have a look? T: Sure, here you are.(教师帮助学生应答)(在学生明确其意的基础上出示并领读句型Can I have a look? 及应答 Sure, here you are.)b、同法学习其他几个单词a watch , a key, a clock, :在教师指定的两件物品中,学生可任意选择一个画在练习本上,然后同桌间进行问答。S1: Is this a…

S2: Yes, it is./No, it isn‘t.S1:Can I have a look? S2: Sure, here you are.Step 3 Look and say:

1、第一幅图:David 看见地上的照相机好奇地问Gao Shan。David : Is this your camera? Gao Shan: Yes, it is David : Can I have a look? Gao Shan: Sure, here you are.David: How nice!

2、第二幅图,Yang Ling 在院子里和小朋友围绕一件短裙展开对话。

Girl: Is that her skirt? Yang Ling: No, it isn‘t.3、第三幅图,在Wang Bing 的家里,Liu Tao 远远地指着桌上的电脑问Wang Bing,那是否是Wang Bing的电脑。

Liu Tao: Is that your computer?

Wang Bing: Yes, it is.Liu Tao: How nice/pretty!/What a nice computer!

4、第四幅图,Helen一手指着近处的收音机,一手指着另一位男同学问Liu Tao,这收音机是否是那位同学的。Helen: Is this his radio? Liu Tao: No, it isn‘t.学生分小组操练新句型。Step 4 Consolidation 1.Listen to the tape and repeat the new words.2.Play a game: “ Magic ears‖





Unit 2 Yes or no(B, C&D)a watch ,a radio, a camera,a key, a clock,a computer.A: Is this /that …? B: Yes,it is.No, it isn‘t.A: Can I have a look? B: Sure,here you are.教后记


一、教学内容A Learn to say


1、能听懂、会说生活用品类单词:a watch , a radio, a camera, a key, a clock, a computer.2、能听懂、会说日常交际用语学生能熟练运用一般疑问句Is this /that …?并能进行肯定和否定的回答 Yes,it is.No, it isn‘t.3、学生能正确地使用Can I have a look?及应答Sure,here you are.同时获得运用语言进行交际的能力,要求读音正确,语调自然。


1、能听懂、会说生活用品类单词:a watch , a radio, a camera, a key, a clock, a computer.2、能听懂、会说日常交际用语学生能熟练运用一般疑问句Is this /that …?并能进行肯定和否定的回答 Yes,it is.No, it isn‘t.3、学生能正确地使用Can I have a look?及应答Sure,here you are.四、教学难点

1、能听懂、会说生活用品类单词:a watch , a radio, a camera, a key, a clock, a computer.2、能听懂、会说日常交际用语学生能熟练运用一般疑问句Is this /that …?并能进行肯定和否定的回答 Yes,it is.No, it isn‘t.3、学生能正确地使用Can I have a look?及应答Sure,here you are.五、教学准备






Step 1 Free talk/ Revision 1.Free talk :

1.师生用Good morning/afternoon.How are you?互相问候。2.开火车问答游戏: A : Is this your camera? B: Yes, it is A : Can I have a look? B: Sure, here you are.A: How nice!Step 2 Presentation and practice(一名学生稍晚进教室 教师课前指导学生完成)T: Come in, please.Sit down, please.T: Come in, please.(教师引导学生应答)

教师创设情境让学生在情境中复习和明确May I come in? Come in,please.的意思。在此基础上,教师与学生表演对话

T:xxx,come here.教师与学生耳语后,该生走出教室敲门进来。S:May I come in?

学生集体应答 Come in,please.操练句型 May I come in? Come in, please.操练句型Is this a ……? Yes, it is./ No, it isn‘t.)

Look and guess 教师呈现出一些物品的局部图片,让学生看图猜测这个游戏的目的在于 巩固一般疑问句.T: Yes, it is.No, it isn‘t.T: Yes , it is.Look at my toy cat.T: Thank you.Now boys and girls, show me your beautiful presents T: How nice./ What a nice ….两种评价同时穿插使用让学生在情境中明白意思是一致的(出示并领读句型What a nice…)

T: There are many beautiful things in my schoolbag.Touch this.Is this a …? Step 3 Learn to say







7、戴头饰上台表演对话 Step 4 Consolidation 集体游戏

教师拿出一个大盒子,里面有许多图片.一位同学上台 从里面拿出一张,另一学生背朝学生进行猜测:Is this…? 下面学生进行应答。背朝学生的学生猜对了就可得到该图片,教师总结活动结果。

七、作业设计 1: 操练新句型。2:熟读新单词。



Unit 2 Yes or no(A)A: Is this /that …? B: Yes,it is.No, it isn‘t.A: Can I have a look?

B: Sure,here you are.教后记

Unit 2(第三课时)

一、教学内容 E Fun house


1、能听懂、会说生活用品类单词:a watch , a radio, a camera, a key, a clock, a computer.2、能听懂、会说日常交际用语学生能熟练运用一般疑问句Is this /that …?并能进行肯定和否定的回答 Yes,it is.No, it isn‘t.3、学生能正确地使用Can I have a look?及应答Sure,here you are.同时获得运用语言进行交际的能力,要求读音正确,语调自然。4能背诵歌谣It‘s his key.三、教学重点

1、能听懂、会说生活用品类单词:a watch , a radio, a camera, a key, a clock, a computer.2、能听懂、会说日常交际用语学生能熟练运用一般疑问句Is this /that …?并能进行肯定和否定的回答 Yes,it is.No, it isn‘t.3、学生能正确地使用Can I have a look?及应答Sure,here you are.四、教学难点

1、能听懂、会说生活用品类单词:a watch , a radio, a camera, a key, a clock, a computer.2、能听懂、会说日常交际用语学生能熟练运用一般疑问句Is this /that …?并能进行肯定和 否定的回答 Yes,it is.No, it isn‘t.3、学生能正确地使用Can I have a look?及应答Sure,here you are.五、教学准备






Step 1 Free talk/ Revision Free talk :

1.师生用Good morning/afternoon.How are you?互相问候。2.开火车问答游戏: A : Is this your camera? B: Yes, it is A : Can I have a look? B: Sure, here you are.A: How nice!Step 2 Presentation and practice

1、Play a game ―Guessing game‖

教师出示一些 ―radio, watch, computer, camera, key‖等实物图片的反面,引导学生运用所学句型进行猜测。

T: Yes it is./No, it isn‘t.2、游戏―失物招领‖

把学生分成4小组,每组设有一个失物招领处,教师把在课前预先搜集的每组学生的书包,铅笔盒等物品做―失物‖,让要认领―失物‖的学生排队前去认领。Step 3 Fun house 1.Listen and judge a.先利用这8幅进行问答。T: What‘s this? T: Is this a radio? T: What a nice radio!b,听录音,判断正误。(完成课文P16页上的练习)2.Think and guess.a.Play a game ― draw and guess‖

教师在黑板上画一个未成型的物品,让学生以提问的形式进行猜测,引导学生用―Is this/that a/an …说出自己的想象物,教师添加几笔后再继续问,直到所画物品明确为止。b.利用课本上6幅未完成的画进行猜测问答游戏,鼓励创新思维。A: Is it a crayon? B: No, it isn't.A: Is it a camera? B: Yes, it is.2.Say a rhyme:<< It‘s his key>> 1.教师利用实物做动作,让学生边听录音边理解诗歌的含义,必要时可做适当的解释。2.边跟录音读边打节奏,让学生体会句子的重音和语调。3.随录音一起有感情地背诵诗歌。






Unit 2 Yes or no(E)A:Is this /that …? B:Yes,it is.No, it isn‘t.A:Can I have a look?

B:Sure,here you are.九、教后记:





3B Unit 3 Family members



1、能听懂、会说单词:grandfather, grandmother, father, mother, aunt, uncle, brother, sister, son, daughter, a friend和a family photo.2、能听懂、会说日常交际用语: Is this your …? He‘s/She‘s ….Yes, he /she is.No, he /she isn‘t.He/She is my ….Who‘s he /she? Nice to meet you.Nice to meet you, too.3、能正确听说读写单词:a boy, a girl, a man。



6、会唱歌曲Family song.二、单元教材分析:

本单元的教学内容是―认人‖,与第二单元的―认物‖有相似之处,只是将确认物品转化为认识的朋友的家庭成员,结构上仍然围绕一般疑问句展开。词汇在Book 3A第三单元的基础上增加了七个:grandfather, grandmother, aunt, uncle, brother, sister, son, daughter, a friend.新授 13 内容较少。


三、课时安排:三课时 第一课时: A Learn to say.第二课时: B Look and learn & C Look and say 第三课时: D Look, read and write & E Fun house

Unit 3(第一课时)

一、教学内容A Learn to say


1、听懂、会说单词:grandfather, grandmother, father, mother, aunt和词组a family photo.2、能听懂、会说日常交际用语: Is this your …? This is your …, I think.Yes, he/she is.No, he/she isn‘t.3、能正确区别he 和she,并能熟练运用。


1、能听懂、会说单词:grandfather, grandmother, father, mother, aunt和词组a family photo.2、能听懂、会说日常交际用语: Is this your …? This is your …, I think.Yes, he/she is.No, he/she isn‘t.3、能正确区别he 和she,并能熟练运用。


1、能正确区别he 和she,并能熟练运用。



1、教具准备: 1)家庭成员照片。




Step 1 Free talk and revision 1.师生之间用Good morning/afternoon.How are you?问候。

2.指着室内物品用What‘s this/that in/on…? It‘s ….与学生进行问答。Step 2 Presentation

1、T:(show a family photo to the students)Look, this is my family photo.Is it nice? S: Yes, it‘s nice.T:(show one student‘s family photo to the students)Look, this is his/her family photo.S: How nice!(引出family photo 家庭照)

2、S1: Look, this is my family photo.T : It‘s nice.Is this your father? Yes or No? S1: Yes.T: Yes, he is.(引导完整回答)(ask several students)(引出Is this …? Yes, he is./Yes, she is.)

3、T:(show a photo to the students)Guess: Who is she? S1: Is this your mother? T: No, she isn‘t.She‘s my aunt.Teach ―aunt‖(告诉学生aunt不仅可以指阿姨,也指姑母,伯母,婶母,舅母)(引出Is this …? No, she isn‘t./No, he isn‘t.)

4、T:(ask one student)This is your aunt, I think.S1: No, she isn‘t.She‘s my mother.(引出I think我想,我认为)Step 3 Learn to say 出示课文图片 T: What‘s this?

Ss: It‘s a family photo.T: Who are they? What are they saying? Let‘s watch the cartoon carefully.2.After watching, T ask some questions(让学生从文中找出相应答案)Q1: Is this Helen‘s father? –Yes, he is.Q2: Is this Helen‘s mother?-No, she isn‘t.She‘s my aunt, Mrs.Black.Q3: Who is the old man?-He is my grandfather.(解释Grandfather is father‘s father.Grandmother is father‘s mother.)Q4: Is this Helen‘s grandmother?-Yes, she is.3.Read after the tape.(注意新单词和句型的发音)4.分角色朗读 5.小组表演对话 Step 4 Consolidation 情景对话:你在公园里遇见了同学的一家人,你们展开了一段与课文内容有关的对话。1、自由组合对话。2、上台表演。





Unit 3 Family members(A)A: Is this your …? / This is …, I think.B: Yes, he /she is.No, he /she isn‘t.He /She is my ….A: Who‘s he /she? B: He‘s/She‘s ….教后记

Unit 3(第二课时)

一、教学内容B Look and learn & C Look and say


1、能听懂、会说单词:grandfather, grandmother, father, mother, aunt和词组a family photo.2、能听懂、会说日常交际用语: Is this your …? This is your …, I think.Yes, he/she is.No, he/she isn‘t.3、能正确区别he 和she,并能熟练运用。


1、能听懂、会说单词:grandfather, grandmother, father, mother, aunt和词组a family photo.2、能听懂、会说日常交际用语: Is this your …? This is your …, I think.Yes, he/she is.No, he/she isn‘t.3、能正确区别he 和she,并能熟练运用。


1、能听懂、会说日常交际用语:Is this your …? He‘s/She‘s ….Yes, he/she is.No, he/she isn‘t.He /She is my ….Who‘s he /she? Nice to meet you.Nice to meet you, too.2、能准确运用所学句型在适当情景中对话。







Step 1 Free talk/ Revision T: Hi, boys and girls.How are you? Ss: Fine, thank you.And you? T: Me, too.Hi ,….Who‘s she? / Is this your …? Li : She‘s ……/ Yes ,she is / No ,she isn‘t.She‘s ….师生之间,学生与学生之间用上节课所学句型对话。Step 2 Presentation and practice 1.T: Who‘s he/she?(指一学生的全家照)S: He‘s my father/mother.Please introduce your family members to others.S:(走到其他同学面前介绍)Look, this is my father.教师指着一位学生手中的照片: This is your mother, I think.S:Yes, she is /No, she isn‘t.2.Practice in pairs.S1: This is your mother /father /brother /sister /…, I think.S2: Yes, she / he is.No, she /he isn‘t.She‘s/He‘s my….3、Learn: daughter The way:(show a photo of the teacher)①T:(show Nancy‘s photo)Who is she? S1: She‘s Nancy.T: Yes.She‘s Mr.Black‘s daughter.(引出daughter)②read: daughter

4、Learn: son the same way as the above

5、Learn: friend 1)T: Nancy is Mr Black‘s daughter.David is Mr Black‘s son.Yang Ling is their friend.2)friend(小组/开火车/个别)

6、Listen to the tape and read the new words.Step 3 Look and say

1、第一幅图:在家门口,Mr Black与同事相遇,那位同事指着远处的Nancy问Mr Black: A: Who‘s she?

B: She‘s my daughter, Nancy

2、第二幅图,游玩途中,Helen向同学介绍自己的哥哥Mike.A: Is he your brother?

B: Yes, he is Mike.A: Nice to meet you.B: Nice to meet you, too.3、第三幅图,Mike的朋友不认识年轻的Mr Black,Mike高兴的向自己的朋友介绍自己的叔叔。

A: Who‘s he?

B: He‘s my uncle, Mr Black.4、第四幅图,海滨沙滩上,朋友误将Helen当成了David的姐姐,David予以否认。A: Is she your sister?

B: No, she isn‘t.She‘s my friend, Helen.学生分小组操练新句型。(教师不统一标准答案,只要学生所编对话符合情景即可,鼓励他们用不同句式来说,越多越好。)Step 4 Consolidation 1.Play a game: ” Magic ears‖


2、Guessing game:投影几位学生把自己带的照片,运用所学句型,请其他学生上去指着猜是谁。

Ex: S1:Who is he?

S2:He‘s my grandfather.S1: Is this your brother?

S2: No, he isn‘t.It‘s me.S1: She is your aunt, I think.S2: Yes, she is.…






Unit 3 Family members(B & C)

A: Is this your …?

B: Yes, he /she is.No, he /she isn‘t.He /She is my ….A: Who‘s he /she?

B: He‘s/She‘s ….A: Nice to meet you.C: Nice to meet you, too.教后记

Unit 3(第三课时)


D Look, read and write & E Fun house


1、能听懂、会说单词:grandfather, grandmother, father, mother, aunt, uncle, brother, sister, son, daughter, a friend和a family photo.2、能听懂、会说日常交际用语: Is this your …? He‘s/She‘s ….Yes, he /she is.No, he /she isn‘t.He/She is my ….Who‘s he /she? Nice to meet you.Nice to meet you, too.3、能正确区别he和she,并能熟练运用。

4、能正确地听、说、读、写单词:a boy, a girl, a man。

5、会唱歌曲 Family song.三、教学重点

1、能听懂、会说日常交际用语: Is this your …? He‘s/She‘s ….Yes, he /she is.No, he /she isn‘t.He/She is my ….Who‘s he /she? Nice to meet you.Nice to meet you, too.2、能正确区别he和she,并能熟练运用。

3、能正确地听、说、读、写单词:a boy, a girl, a man。










Step 1 Free talk/ Revision

1、Think and guess(Review the words of family members: grandfather, grandmother…)T: Father‘s father.S1: Grandfather.T: Father‘s brother.S2: …

2、Listen and number.(做书上第22页的听力练习)

本部分的听力练习是利用This is my ….将本单元六个单词集中进行了操练。要求学生既熟悉新单词,又要熟悉新句型。

3、Free talk.T:(出示老师的全家福照片)Look, this is my family photo.(指着照片上的小女孩问)Who‘s the girl? Guess!S: Is this your sister? T: No, it‘s me.指照片上男人问:Who‘s he? S: Is this your father? T: Yes, he is.指照片上一妇女,引导学生用This is …..,I think.S: This is your mother, I think.T: Yes, this is my mother.拿出一张学生的全家福。

T: Is this your photo?

S: Yes.T:指着照片上一位老人问Who‘s he?

S: He‘s my grandfather.T: 指另一位老人问She‘s your grandmother, I think.S: Yes, she is.T: 指一位妇女问 Is this your aunt? S: No, she isn‘t.She‘s my mother ….让学生小组自由谈论各自全家福照片上的人物: A: Is this your …?

B: …… A: Who‘s he/she?

B: …..A: This is …., I think.B: Yes/ No, ….Step 2 Practice

1、投影C版块的四张图片要求学生看图,运用以下句型进行问答操练。Is he/she your …? He‘s/She‘s my ….Yes, he/she is.Who‘s he/she?

No, he/she isn‘t.Nice to meet you.Nice to meet you, too.2、可采用不同的形式,如师生问答,同桌操练,四人一组操练等。

3、Look, read and write 1)T: Well done, boys and girls!Let‘s look at this photo.Who is he? S: He is ….T: Yes, he is a boy.Can you spell ‗boy‘? 2)教师带领学生拼读三个单词


5)上练习本上,三个单词各写一行,教师巡视指导 Step 3 Fun house

1、Make an album.本部分由五幅图组成,呈现了制作影集的五个步骤,教师在辅导学生制作的过程中,应注意培养学生的创造力和将所学英语知识运用于生活的能力。引导学生边贴照片边用英语互相介绍自己的家庭成员。

1)让学生根据图片猜测中文意思 2)教师带读步骤 3)作为家业布置

2、Sing a song :<> 1)教唱英文歌曲,旨在激发兴趣,培养语感。教唱时教师不要强求一步到位,注意教学的反复性和趣味性。








Unit 3 Family members(D & E)A: Is this your …?

B: Yes, he /she is.No, he /she isn‘t.He /She is my ….A: Who‘s he /she?

B: He‘s/She‘s ….A: Nice to meet you.C: Nice to meet you, too.九、教后记





3B Unit 4 Time



1、能正确地听、说、读,写数词one, two及three。

2、能听懂、会说数词1-12。应特别注意正确掌握数词 3,7,11和12 的发音。

3、能听懂、会说以下交际用语 ―What‘s the time ? It‘s ….,Shall we watch TV? It's time to …,You can …‖并能灵活自如的运用于实际生活中去。4、能背诵歌谣Jack has a clock.二、单元教材简析

本单元围绕―询问时间‖这一功能项目按照时间顺序创设了一个真实自然的场景,并由此展开了数词1-12的教学。本单元除要求学生比较熟练地掌握时刻表达法What‘s the time? It's …o‘ clock以及数词1-12外,还出现了常用句型Shall we …? It‘s time to …,You can …再加上Let‘s …的复现,知识点较多,任务较重。在教学中教师应尽量利用情景帮助学生整体理解课文,把重点放在培养学生实际运用语言的能力上,而不要过多地讲解语言知识。

3B Unit 4(第一课时)

一、教学内容: A Learn to say


1、能听懂、会说数字seven, twelve, four, eight.2、听懂、会说日常交际用语What‘s the time? It‘s … Shall we …? It‘s time to … You can …



使学生在熟练掌握本课词汇和句型的基础上正确理解课文并熟练朗读课文。使学生理解Shall we…? It‘s time to… You can…的区别。





1、Warming up 1.Greeting 2.Sing a song: Family song.Step2、Presentation.1.T: First, let‘s play a game.OK? Please look and guess what number is missing?(可以用英文或中文猜)2.Teach: four, seven, eight, twelve 3.T: Now, do you know what it is? Yes, it‘ s a clock.Teach: clock.T: It can tell us the time.Today, we will talk about the time.(Teach: time)Read: Unit 4 Time 4.T: Now look: What‘s the time, please?(反复,然后带读)T/S: Oh, it‘s four.T: We can also say ―It‘s four o‘clock‖.(Read the dialogue.)

5.T: Look at these three clocks.Can you talk about the time like this? Please ask and answer in pairs.(最后出示7点)6.T: Oh, it‘s seven o‘clock.Let‘s go to school.S: OK.T: Shall we go to school?(出示并有中文意思)S: All right.T: It‘s time to go to school.(出示并有中文意思)S: OK.Read: Shall we go to school?

It‘s time to go to school.Step 3: A Learn to say: 1.T: Su Hai and Su Yang are twins.Look, this is Su Hai.This is Su Yang.现在,我们去看一看苏海和苏阳的一天吧!Watch the cartoon.2.T: Everyday, Su Hai and Su Yang go to school, go home, watch TV, have lunch.(边出示图片或中文,边让学生复习前三个词组,并教have lunch).And they are the time(Read the time)T: What time do they go to schoolhave lunch? Let‘s watch again!Line the answer.Read picture 1 and 2.3.T: What time do they go home /watch TV? Go on watching!Line the next answers.4.T: When Miss Li asks Su Yang go home, she says: You can go home now.(出示中文意思及用法.)Read: You can go home now.Practice: You can go home now!OK, Miss Li.5.Read the whole dialogue.6.Choose one of the picture.Practice to act it.Step 4 Summary 1.T: 今天我们学习了第4单元 Time A部分.学习了四个新句型,也复习了一个旧句型.请思考 并回答以下问题:(1)如何用英语询问时间并正确回答?(2)提醒别人做某事,意思是‖该干……了‖、―是干……的时候了‖,可以说:(3)表示征询对方意见,可以说:(4)允许对方做某事,可以说:(5)邀请别人一起干某事,可以说: 2.Read the sentences.七.Homework 1.熟读A部分课文。2.预习B,C部分 八.板书设计

Unit 4 Time(A)A: What‘s the time, please?

B: It‘s … o‘clock.A: Let‘s ……..It‘s time to …….B: All right./ OK./ Great!

Shall we …….You can …….B: All right./ OK.教后记

3B Unit 4(第二课时)

一.教学内容: Part B&C 二.教学目标


2、能熟练地运用本课句型What‘s the time, please? It‘s … Time to… It‘s time to… You can… Shall we…?进行交流。




2、seven, eleven, twelve的辨别

五.教学准备:多媒体,金太阳光盘,挂图 六. 教学过程 Step 1 Greeting.Step 2: Revision for Part A T: Now let‘s listen and read the dialogue.T: Here are four pictures.Please try to choose one picture to act.Step 3:B Look and learn 1.T: Now, we know four, seven, eight and twelve.Do you know the other numbers on the clock? Let‘s study them together.2.Teach: one, two, three, five, six, seven, nine, ten, eleven(带读单词,强调:注意口形,跟读模仿)3.Listen and read the numbers.4.T: Can you read all the numbers? 你会用英语说这些数字了吗?请你自己试一试吧!T: Now, would you like to read all the numbers after me? 5.Play games 1)Guessing game : Guess, what number/time is it?

2)Magic eyes(PPT 快速出现数字或时间,要求学生仔细观察,说出英语)

Step 4: Practice C 1.T: 同学们,刚才我们一起学习的本单元的新词,现在我们来看看这个单元的重点句型。首先,我们来做一个热身游戏。这是一个猜时间的游戏,请你根据提示猜猜现在是几点。1)Time to get up.2)Let‘s go to school.3)It‘s time to go to bed.4)Shall we watch TV? 5)You can go home now.(1)Read the sentences.(2)Guess: What time is it?.2.小结句型:What‘s the time? It‘s …/It‘s … o‘clock.Time to … It‘s time to… Let‘s … Shall we… You can … 3.Look and say The students talk in pairs.4.Check the answer 5.Choose one or two pictures to act.(提醒学生注意使用曾经学过的句型。)6.Step 5: Summary 1.T: 今天我们学习了数字1-12,以及相应时间的读法。老师指学生读。

2.T:我们也巩固练习了上节课学习的四个句型,请你们读一读并讨论他们的用法: 1)Time to … / It‘s time to… 2)Let‘s … 3)Shall we … 4)You can … 七Homework 1.抄写单词1-12,三英一中。2.背诵A部分课文。八.板书设计 Unit 4 Time(A)A: What‘s the time, please? B: It‘s … o‘clock.1(one)2(two)3(three)A: Let‘s ……..4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10 It‘s time to …….B: All right./ OK./ Great!

Shall we …….You can …….B: All right./ OK.教后记

3B Unit 4第三课时

一、教学内容:Part D&E 23


1.复习、巩固本单元的词汇和句型,使学生能熟练掌握并灵活运用。2.能熟练拼写one, two, three 3.会说儿歌Jack has a clock

三、教学重难点:能熟练拼写one, two, three 四.教学准备:录音机、磁带 五.教学过程 Step one Greeting Step two Revision 1 T: Hello, boys and girls.Can you say the numbers from 1-12? Let‘s say together.OK?

2.T: Now, shall we play a game? I‘ll show some numbers with my fingers.Please say them in English.3.Listen and say the next number 4.Listen and say the number before 5.Listen and write the numbers(听并写所听到的阿拉伯数字)6.T: Now, you can say the numbers very well.But do you know how to spell them? Look, who can spell(one,two, three)? Spell and read : one, two, three 7.T: Now, let‘s recite Part A Step Three E Fun house(一)Listen and draw 1.T: Now let‘s do an exercise: Listen and draw 2 Listen and draw the time.3.Check the answer(以问答形式)T: What‘s the time? S: It‘s …

4.Make dialogues(让学生选择一个钟面时间根据本单元所学内容编一个小对话)(二)Say a rhyme 1.T: These clocks are very nice.Right? Jack has a clock, too.Look, this is Jack.Jack has a clock.(带读)He sits on a rock and looks at the clock.(带读)There‘s a chick.(带读chick)It goes tick-tock, tick-tock.(带读)2.我们先来欣赏一下这首儿歌 ―Jack has a clock.‖ 3.Read after the tape.4.Read after the teacher.5.T: Let‘s say it together.(三)Make and play 1.T: Clocks are very useful.Do you want to make a clock? Let‘s watch how to make a clock.Read the sentences after the teacher.六.Homework 1.背诵小诗:Jack has a clock.2.自己做一面钟。

3.复习Unit 4。并预习Unit 5.七.板书设计

Unit 4 Time(A)

A: What‘s the time, please?

B: It‘s … o‘clock.1(one)2(two)3(three)






3B Unit 5 Plus and minus



1、能正确的听、说、读、写字母Ii, Jj, Kk。


3、能熟练掌握 What's …plus /minus…? 及其回答It's… 并能用That's right./Sorry , you are wrong./ Oh, no.等作出评价。

4、会唱歌曲Twenty green bottles。



本单元教学内容是在第四单元的基础上,进一步复习以学数词,并学习数词13-20。Learn to say和Look and learn是围绕数词展开的,教学内容仅涉及数词。在Look and say中,教材出现了新句型How many… can you see?并复现了八个名词复数。对于句型How many… can you see?要求学生理解,并能用以配合数词操练即可,教师不应作过高要求。

Unit 5(第一课时)

一、教学内容A.Learn to say



2、听懂、会说日常交际用语 What's … plus /minus …? It's … That's right/Sorry, you are wrong.3、能熟练使用数字表达:时间(半小时以内)和加减法。


能听懂、会说日常交际用语 What's …plus /minus…? It's… That's right/Sorry , you are wrong.四、教学难点

1、能听懂、会说日常交际用语 What's …plus /minus…? It's… That's right/Sorry , you are wrong.2、能正确理解运用plus ,minus 进行加减法的运算


1、教具准备 课前准备数字卡片,加减法的符号 “+ -”



六、教学过程 Step1.Free talk:



3、花样数数:如隔5就说:It's me!接龙数:说前一个数或后一个数


正点:What's the time now?

It's … o'clock.Is it time to …?

Yes, let's / No , it's time to …

半小时以内:What's the time ?

It's(9:10)nine ten

It's(8:15)eight fifteen.Work in pairs : 3:11 4:25 5:16 7:18 8:29 11:05 Step2.Presentation and practice


T: What's ten plus ten?

S: It's twenty.T: That's right.What's five plus five?

S: It's ten.T: That's right.* plus 加

板书:What's … plus ….? It's….√ That's right.Work in groups

2、学习减法的运算 板书: 100-80= ? minus 减

板书:What's … minus …? It's ….3、看卡片,问答

T: What's _____ plus / minus _____?

S: It's ______.T: That's / You're right.Work in pairs Step 3.Learn to say


2、尝试100以内的加减法 Step 4.Consolidation

1、复习数字: Can you count from … to … ?

2、游戏:将学生分成两大组,相互出题,答对多者为赢 Step 5.Homework



Unit 5 Plus and minus What's … plus … ? It's ….√ That's right.10+10=? 5+5= ?

What's … minus … ? It's ….╳ Sorry , you are wrong.100-80=?


Unit 5(第二课时)


B.Look and learn & C.Look and say



2、能听懂、会说日常交际用语What‘s … plus/minus …?及其回答It‘s…并能用That‘s right./Sorry, you‘re wrong./Oh, no.三、教学重点




2、能用That‘s right./Sorry, you‘re wrong./Oh, no.并获得运用语言进行交际的能力,要求读音正确,语调自然。





c.Right /Wrong的标志卡片及磁带录音机。



六、教学过程 Step1.Free talk: 1.T: How are you?/Good afternoon./What‘s the time?/Are you …?/What‘s your telephone number?/How many …can you see?/I can see….【分析】: 复习日常对话,以便为以后的学习打下基础。Step2.Presentation and practice

T: Look, let‘s sing a song《Twenty green bottles》/《Ten little Indian boys》

T: Let‘s play a game.Guess T: Show the pictures(17, 15, 18,19,20,11,12..)Ss: Guessing.T: That‘s right./ Sorry, you‘re wrong.T: I think spring is coming.All the birds are coming now.Look!Ss: Look at the TV.T: How many birds can you see? S: I can see five.T: How many birds can you see? S: I can see eight.T: What‘s five plus eight?(two times)

S: It‘s thirteen.T: plus Ss: Read together;one by one.T: What‘s five plus eight? Ss:….T: It‘s thirteen.Ss:….S1: What‘s five plus eight? S2: It‘s thirteen.T: Look at the pictures.T: What‘s …plus…?

S: It‘s…

Ss: Do the excises.T:让学生自己出题目做。

T: Say a rhyme.【分析】:通过课件中春天来了,小鸟飞来了,先飞来五只,接着飞来八只,让学生有一个加的印象,为教单词plus创设了一个情境。符合小学生的好奇心理,学生很感兴趣。T: Do you like apples? S: Yes.T: Look at this lovely apple tree.T: How many apples can you? S: I can see twelve.T: How many apples can you see? S: I can see twelve T: What‘s twenty minus twelve?

S: It‘s eight.T: minus S: Read the words.T: What‘s twenty minus twelve?

Ss: Read the sentences.T: It‘s eight.Ss: Read it.T: Look at the pictures.(Ask and answer the questions.)T:让学生自己出题目做。

【分析】通过苹果树的展现,忽然吹来一阵风,吹走了苹果树树上的苹果由原来的12只剩下了八只,给学生一个减的概念,接着教minus单词时,相对而言容易理解些。Step2.Presentation and practice

1、a、2:00 14:00;3:00 15:00学习thirteen 13 fourteen 14,fifteen 15

教师帮助学生找到“teen ”的发音规律。b、学生做小老师,教学:sixteen, seventeen , eighteen , nineteen.其他学生跟读

c、教师教授:* twenty 20,* twenty-one,* twenty-two

学生推理:* twenty-three,* twenty-four


a、count from 1-24


c、游戏:“It's me”.学生依次数数,但是当数字是5,10,15,20的时候说“It's me”

反复评价: That's right!/Sorry , you're wrong.学生学说:* That's right/You're wrong.3、数字的运用

a、教师拿出自己的铅笔:I have ten pencils.How many do you have?

学生学说句子:I have ….(1-20之间)

教师拿出自己的钥匙,I have fourteen keys.How many do you have?



We have ….books(书)/pens(钢笔)

c、看Part C , 看图说话:What can you see in the picture?

I can see …

Where is it /are they?

On the …

How many …can you see?

I can see ….(提醒学生名词复数的用法,加s)


I can see …

That's right/ Sorry, you are wrong.Step3 Consolidation


desk chair door window boy girl

pencil pen book rubber ruler 其中涉及到几十的数字:教师朗读,学生要求能听懂,并区分十几和几十的发音特征:teen , ty


3、教师出示足球或篮球球员的照片,说说他们的衣服是几号 Step 4 Practise 游戏:Bingo

每人发一张纸,任写5个数字。教师朗读数字,相吻合的打钩,如果学生的数字全部被打上钩,即为赢,说“bingo”.教师准备小奖品。Step 5 Homework






Unit 5 Plus and minus How many …can you see ? thirteen fourteen fifteen sixteen I can see …

seventeen eighteen nineteen



Unit 5(第三课时)

一、教学内容E.Fun house


1、巩固数词类单词 13-20及拓展20以外的数词。

2、能听懂、会说日常交际用语 What‘s …minus…? It‘s… That‘s right/Sorry, you are wrong.3、能熟练使用数字表达:时间(半小时以内)和加减法


能听懂、会说日常交际用语What‘s … minus …? It‘s…That‘s right/Sorry, you are wrong.四、教学准备

1、数字卡片,加法的符号 ―+,-‖




五、教学过程 Step 1: Free talk

1、课前常规训练:Sing a song ―Twenty green bottles‖



b、―It‘s me‖每说到8或8的倍数就要说It‘s me c、说前一个数字,或后一个数字

3、说一说家庭成员的年龄 T: How old are you? S: I‘m.T: Guess, how old is Carrie? S:(提示学生用Are you …)Are you …? T: Yes, I am/ No, I‘m not.I‘m twenty-four.T:How old is your …?

S:(提示学生用He‘s /She‘s ….)He‘s /She‘s … 或者My ….is ….…

Step 2: Presentation and practise 1.Apple trees T在黑板上画一棵苹果树,上面总共有10只苹果。T:Oh, I‘m very thirsty.I want to eat 10 apples.S: Here you are.T: How many apples on the tree now? 板书:10-10=? Who can ask? S1: What‘s 10 minus 10? T: It‘s zero.3.Chant: Minus, minus, minus What‘s one minus one? It‘s zero.这里拓展一个数词:0。


a、数一数全班共有多少人,男生有多少人 b、女生共有几人

What‘s … minus … ?


T: What‘s … minus …?

S: It‘s ….T: You‘re right.Work in pairs Step3 Consolidation

1、复习加减法 a、填入―+ 或—‖

13_____ 7=6

20_____ 30=50 11_____4 =15

60_____15=45 7_____14=21

70_____10=60 b、抢答题:学生分成两大组,教师自由出题,累计得分 互答题:学生两大组之间互相出题,要求又快又准


bingo 学生每人发一张纸,任意写上5个1-20之间的数字,老师任意报出10以上的数字,相吻合的打钩,全部打上钩以后叫―Bingo‖,教师发奖品

2)(本题作为实验性听力练习,可以做一些尝试)将你听到的数字填在相应的物品的下面 Pineapples(菠箩)





文稿:Hello.My name is Helen.I‘m an English girl.I‘m from London.This is my bedroom.I have 10 crayons and 2 watches.I have 1 key.It‘s on the desk.I like pineapples.I can see two pineapples on the table.A copybook is on the table too.31 3)给听到的题编号




16—14=2()Check the answer

3、Fun house

a.Listen and say the next number.b.Listen and say the number before.c.Talk and colour.七、作业设计




Unit 5 Plus and minus

What‘s … miuns … ? It‘s ….100-80=?√

That‘s right.10-10=?

Sorry , you are wrong.十、教后记

Unit 5(第四课时)

一、教学内容D.Look, read and write.二、教学目标

1、能听说读写单词car, bus, bike

2、能较熟练地在情景中运用本单元所学的数字和日常交际用语。欣赏歌曲《Twenty green bottles》(由于本单元的歌曲对三年级学生有一定难度,故建议欣赏为主,另外选一首数字方面的歌曲学唱)



2、能正确听、说、读、写单词car, bus, bike


能听说读写单词car, bus, bike




六、教学过程 Step 1.Free talk: Step 2.Revision

1、Play a game

“Guessing game” 猜单词游戏:

游戏规则:教师提示数字的范围: It‘s from twenty to thirty , 学生猜是哪个数字:Is that … ? Yes, it is./No, it isn‘t.32


教师出示一个数字,如20,请同桌合作 … plus… is 20.(鼓励多种答案,训练面要广)教师再出示一个数字,如7,请同桌合作… minus … is 7.Step 3 A short break

1、Do a survey and fill in the box.(下面的制作成表格形式)What How many Colour

2、欣赏歌曲《Twenty green bottles》,建议学唱《Ten little Indian boys》

Step 4 Practise 完成练习册C部分








3B Unit 6 Review and check



1.能熟练地听、说、读、写所学的四会单词 2.能听懂、会说本册已学过的单词。



本单元是前五个单元的复习单元,着重归纳了这五个单元的词汇及日常交际用语。由于学生已有一些英语基础,教师可以在复习一至五单元的单词及语言点的同时,复现Book 3A中出现的有关词汇及习惯用语。教师应激发学生的学习兴趣帮助学生更好地掌握所学知识。

本册教材Look and learn板块中的单词部分是复现Book 3A的同类单词。复习前,教师可根据学生掌握情况加以区分归类,复习时力求做到要求明确,重点突出,以便学生牢固掌握单词。











五、教学过程 Step1 Warm up Sing songs: A B C song,Family song.Say a rhyme: It‘s his key. Step 2 Revision.1.Things for school: 复习文具类单词时,教师应充分利用学生桌面上的实物,以自由谈话的形式进行问答:What‘s this /that in /on …?

What‘s this /that in English? It‘s a /an …

2.Things in a room.Play a game: Think and guess.游戏规则:学生两人一组,一画一猜,要求能用简单的线条勾画出已学过的家用类物品的部分特征。

另一位学生猜一猜对方画的是什么。e.g S1: What‘s this? Guess, please.S2: Is this a copybook?

S1: No, it isn‘t.S2: Is this a storybook?(This is a storybook, I think)

S1: Yes, it is.交换练习。

3.Family members.让学生自由组合成―家庭‖,可借助头饰,让同学们介绍各位家庭成员: This is my grandfather/grandmother … 各个―家庭‖成员之间互相提问:

e.g Sa : Is this your grandfather?

Sb: Yes, he is.This is your uncle, I think.Sa: No, he isn‘t.He‘s my father.Who‘s she?

Sb: She‘s my aunt.Step 3 Have a rest.Play a game: 抛―魔盒‖

第一位学生边问Is this / that a … 抛出手中的―魔盒‖,接到盒子的学生根据盒面呈现的物品图象作出肯定或否定地回答,继续边问边抛,以此类推。Step 4 Practice.Listen to the tape and repeat.(From Unit 1 to Unit 3)Read the dialogue aloud.Look at the picture and try to act.(C Look and say)Practice the dialogue in groups.34 Step 5 Homework.默写一到三单元四会单词。

Listen to the tape four times, from Unit 1 to Unit 3.六、板书设计: Unit 6 Review and check A: May I come in?

B: Come in, please.A: What‘s this /that in /on the……? / What‘s this /that in English? B: It‘s ……

A: Is this /that ….B: Yes, it is./No, it isn‘t.It‘s …… A: Is this your …? / He‘s/She‘s … , I think.B: Yes, he /she is./ No, he /she isn‘t.Who‘s he /she?













Step 1 Free talk and motivation.Sing a song: Twenty green bottles.Free talk.教师以―Excuse me ‖展开对话,充分运用Unit 1, Unit 2, Unit 3, Unit 4, Unit 5中的不同句型、单词进行连锁操练。Step2, Revision.1.复习数字1—20。



e.g S1:What‘s one plus two?

S2: It‘s three./It‘s four.S1: That‘s right /Sorry, you‘re wrong.It‘s three.2.Have a rest.35

Play a game: 速记电话号码。

教师将学生分成几个小组,各组派代表到黑板前进行速记比赛。教师用英语报出电话号码,要求学生写出相应的阿拉伯数字,或快速说出相应的数字。Step 3 Practice.1.Look at the picture and try to act.(Unit 4 C Look and say)

学生以小组为单位自选其中任意一幅图,根据图意运用所学的日常交际用语(不要求局限于本课的句型)进行小品表演,鼓励学生充分展开想象自由发挥。2.教师收集学生的各类文具,自制的图片进行交际练习。e.g T: How many keys can you see ?

Ss: I can see five keys.也可采用学生问学生答的形式,练习时要注意名词复数的表现形式。3.Listen to the tape and repeat.(Unit 4, Unit 5)Step 4 Homework 默写四到五单元四会单词。

Listen to the tape four times, from Unit 1 to Unit 3.六、板书设计

Unit 6 Review and check A: What‘s the time?

B: It‘s …..A: Shall we watch TV? B: It's time to ….You can …

A: What‘s … plus /minus …?

B: It‘s …

A: That‘s right/Sorry, you are wrong /Oh, no.It‘s …











五、教学过程 Step1.Warm up Greetings.T: May I come in? Ss: Come in, please.T: Good morning /afternoon, boys and girls.Ss: …

Say a rhyme: Jack has a clock.36 Step 2 Revision.tape knife stapler copybook storybook crayon pencil storybook computer key radio bookcase fridge TV clock Step 3 Presentation Ask and answer 学生拿出各自准备好的小闹钟,教师报时间,学生根据听到的时间拨动闹钟上的指针。先集体练习,再指名到黑板前进行比赛。

问答练习。同位同学互相配合,一人拨动指针,提问: What‘s the time? 另一个回答:It‘s …

在Ask and answer的基础上完成练习A Listen and number.指导学生练习B Listen and answer.Check.Step 4 C Look and say Do you know who they are? Group work.Ss discuss: What are they talking? Check.Picture 1 Su Hai: May I come in, Mike? Mike: Come in, please.Picture 2 Su Yang: Is she your grandmother? Mike: Yes, she is /No, she isn‘t.She‘s my … Picture 3 Mike: This is my grandfather.Su Hai, Su Yang: Nice to meet you …

Try to act.(学生自由选择任意一幅图练习表演,不必拘泥于已学过的对话)。Step 5 Homework做补充练习题

六、板书设计: Unit 6 Review and check computer key radio bookcase fridge TV clock school bag room tape knife stapler

copybook storybook crayon pencil A: May I come in?

B: Come in, please.A: What‘s this /that in /on the……? /What‘s this /that in English? B: It‘s ……

A: Is this /that ….?

B: Yes, it is./No, it isn‘t.It‘s …… A: Is this your ……? / He‘s/She‘s …… , I think.B: Yes, he /she is./ No, he /she isn‘t.Who‘s he /she? A: What‘s the time?

B: It‘s …..37 A: Shall we watch TV/…?

B: It's time to ….You can … A: What‘s … plus /minus …?

B: It‘s …

A: That‘s right/Sorry, you are wrong /Oh, no.It‘s ….七、教后记





第六课时 期中自测

3BUnit 7 Where?



本单元的日常交际用语是围绕“询问地点”展开的,教材中learn to say提供了四个场景的图片。第一、三场景是询问某人在哪里,第二、四场景是询问某物在哪里。在回答问题时,可以用人称代词开头,也可以直接说出地点。本单元的单词教学以复习家具类和新授居室类单词为主,这些家具和居室是与学生生活密切相关的。


1.能听懂、会说表示居室的单词 a dining–room ,a bedroom , a bathroom, a sitting-room以及短语:in the study ,in the kitchen ,in the fridge.2.能听懂、会说日常交际用语I can’t find„„, where’s„„? He’s /She’s /It’s„„并能熟练运用日常交际用语进行问答。

3.能正确使用礼貌用语Excuse me和sorry.4.能背诵歌谣Where’s my broom?





七、教学时数: 4课时 1.A learn to say;B中的部分单词.2.B中的单词,E1 3.C、D、E. 4.E2,练习册。


教学目标 能听懂,会说日常交际用语 I can’t find„Where’s it/she/he?作出相应的回答:It’s„ 能听懂,会说表示居室的单词a kitchen, a bedroom, a dinning-room, 以及相应的短语in the kitchen, in the bedroom, in the dinning-room.教学重点 能听懂,会说日常交际用语 I can’t find„Where’s it/she/he?作出相应的回答:It’s „ 能听懂,会说表示居室的单词a kitchen, a bedroom, a dining-room, 以及相应的短语in the kitchen, in the bedroom, in the dining-room 教学难点

能听懂,会说日常交际用语 I can’t find„Where’s it/she/he?作出相应的回答:It’s/she’s/he’s„ 教具准备;图片a kitchen, a bedroom, a dining-room 2 旅游小包和本课C部分的图片 3 磁带及录音机 教学过程

Step1 Revision 说韵律儿歌3B “My bed is very cute”(P22)2 师生自由谈话:

a 热身运动(师生问好,谈论天气,心情,月份等)---Good morning/afternoon.How are you?

---What day is today? Is it sunny day? Do you like sunshine? b 日常问答

指着学生的文具用品问 T: Excuse me.S: Yes?

T: What’s this on/in the pencil box? S: It’s a ruler.T: Is this your ruler? S: Yes,it is.T: How nice!S: Thank you.Step2 Presentation and practice

a 出示挂图(红梅公园), 教师事先把旅游小包放在靠墙角的椅子上 T: Hello,S1.S: Hello,Miss Gu.T: Shall we go to Hongmei Park? S: Great!But how? T: By bus.S: Ok,let’s go.39 T: Wait!My bag!I can’t find my bag? Oh,where’s my bag?(教师焦急地问)S: It’s on the chair.(学生指着墙边椅子上的包)Here you are.T: Thank you.*where’s---Where’s my bag?(看老师嘴形,跟老师发音,开火车跟读)*---Where’s the book/pencil/„?(教师示范造句,学生造句)S: Where’s the book? T: It’s on /in the desk? Work in pairs and act b(教师把包藏在课桌里)

T: Excuse me,S1.I can’t find my bag.Where’s my bag? S: It’s in the desk.* find---can’t---I can’t find„(看老师嘴形,跟老师发音,开火车跟读)(教师把书放在椅子上)

T: I can’t find my book.Where’s the book? S: It’s on the chair.c(C Look and say)T: Excuse me.S: Yes?

T: I can’t find my pencil box.Where’s my pencil box?

S: It’s on the desk.T: I see.Thanks.(师生做示范,同桌练习,表演)d Short rest: sing a song

T:I have found my bag.Let’s go to Hongmei park now.S: Great!Let’s go.学生起立表演唱“Ride in my car”

T: How happy!But I am tired now.Let’s go to my home and have a rest.d 出示挂图(卧室)

T: Look at my bedroom.S: How nice!

T: Where’s my photo?

S: It’s on the table.T: What colour is my light?

S: It’s green.T: It’s a nice bedroom..* bedroom

T: Where’s my light?

S: It’s in the bedroom.e 出是示挂图(厨房/餐厅)T: Is this a bedroom?

S: No, it isn’t.T: This is a kitchen.* kitchen


T: What can you see in the kitchen?

S: I can see „.T: What’s this in the dining-room?

S: It’s a „

Step3 Consolidation 1.(A 部分第1第2副图)a 师生谈论图片

---Who are these girls?---Who’s the woman? b听录音,回答问题。---Where’s Mum?

---Where’s the cake?

2.听录音,朗读A 部分第1第2副图和B部分图片 Step4 学唱韵律儿歌3B“ Where are they?” 1.学生听录音,跟说儿歌



Where’s my pen? It’s in the pencil box.Where’s my bag? It’s in the desk.Where’s my key? It’s in my coat.Where’s my toy? It’s in my bedroom.Step5 Homework

听磁带,跟录音读对话 板书设计

Unit 7 Where? 图片

---I can’t find „? bedroom Where’s„? kitchen

---It’s/he’s/she’s„ dining-room



教学目标 能熟练运用日常交际用语 I can’t find„Where’s it/she/he?作出相应的回答:It’s/she’s/he’s„ 能听懂,会说表示居室的单词study,bathroom,sitting-room,以及相应的短语in the study, in the bathroom,in the sitting-room 教学重点

1 能熟练运用日常交际用语 I can’t find„Where’s it/she/he?作出相应的回答:It’s/she’s/he’s„ 能听懂,会说表示居室的单词a study, a bathroom, a sitting-room,以及相应的短语in the study, in the bathroom, in the sitting-room 教学难点

针对询问Where’s she/he/it? 在理解的基础上,能做出相应的回答She’s/he’s/it’s„要求读音正确,语调自然.课前准备

帮助学生扮演家庭成员,组成小小家庭 教具准备: 图片a study, a bathroom, a sitting-room 2 教师自带卧室照片一张 3 磁带及录音机 教学过程

Step1 Revision 说儿歌 Where are they? 2 日常问答

--Good morning/afternoon.How are you?

---What day is today? Do you know which month now? 3 学生表演对话(对话主题以上节课内容为主)a 根据对话内容,学生回答教师的问题 b 师生共同打分

(根据表演时语言的准确度、流畅性和情感投入程度,用10分制记团体分)Step2 Presentation a 教师的卧室照片

T: I have a nice picture.Look ,what’s this? S: It’s a bedroom.T: Whose bedroom ? Is this xx’s bedroom? S: No,it isn’t.T: Guess.Whose? S:„„

T: Yes,it’s my bedroom.b 图片(sitting-room)T: Is this a bedroom? S: No,it isn’t.T: It’s a sitting-room.*sitting-room 类似方法教学 *bathroom *study

c 小游戏:Which picture in my hand?

教师任取一张图片藏在身后,让学生猜 Is this/that a bedroom/„?

猜对的学生奖lucky apple Step3 Consolidation

1(A 部分第3第4副图),a 师生谈论图片

---Who’s the woman?---Where’s she? b听录音,回答问题---Where’s Dad?

---Where’s the camera?

c 听录音,跟读课文Unit 7 Where?两遍 d 分角色朗读

e 编对话,并进行表演

按课前学生编排组成的家庭,扮演角色,进行对话联系(选一组,师生先做示范)T: Good morning ,S1.S1: Good morning, Sherrie.Is this your sister?

T: Yes, she is.She’s S2.S1/S2: Nice to meet you.T: S1,your storybook is nice.Can I have a look?

S1: Sure.It’s in my home.Shall we go to my home?

T/S2: Great!Let’s go.S1:Mum, may I come in? S3: Come in, please.S1: Mum, this is my friend,Sherrie.T/S3: Nice to meet you.S1: Sit down, please.T/S2: Thank you.S1: Mum, I can’t find my storybook? Where’s my storybook?

S3: It’s in the study.S1: Oh, I see.Here you are.T: Thanks.S2: S1, where’s your father?

S1: He’s in the study.T: It’s 4:30.It’s time to go home now.See you.S1: See you.四人小组,以刚才的对话为模型,创编对话内容,然后进行对话展示.3 完成练习册A部分 Step4 Homework:


Unit 7 Where?


---I can’t find„ sitting-room

Where’s„? bathroom---It’s/she’s/he’s„ study



教学目标 能熟练运用本单元所学的日常交际用语以及表示居室的短语 2 能在情景中学会句型Let’s put „in„并做出回答.3 学说歌谣Where’s my broom? 教学重点

能熟练运用本单元所学的日常交际用语以及表示居室的短语 教学难点

能在情景中学会句型Let’s put „in„。课前准备

帮助学生扮演家庭成员,组成小小家庭 教具准备: 1 E部分图片 2 磁带及录音机 3 带各种水果道具 教学过程

Step1 Revision 1 师生自由谈话:

热身运动(师生问好,谈论天气,心情,月份等)---Good morning/afternoon.How are you?

---What day is today? Is it sunny day? Do you like sunshine? 2 学生表演对话

a 根据对话内容,学生回答教师的问题 b 师生共同打分 E部分图片,听录音,完成练习,校对答案 Step2 Presentation 1 教师出示一个大包

a T: Look at my big bag.S: It’s nice.Can I have a look?

T: Sure.Here you are.Let’s go to the park.S: Great!

T: Let’s put the apple/„ in the bag.S: OK.*put„in„(看老师嘴形,跟老师发音)*Let’s put„in„(教师示范,学生模仿)

S: Miss Gu,let’s put the pen/„ in the pencil box/„.T: Ok/All right.b Work in pairs and act 2 E(Think,talk and tick)a师生谈论图片

T: What can you see in the picture? S: I can see„

T: Where’s the pencil box? S: It’s on the bed.„„.b Finish the exercise

教师做示范后,同桌合作完成表格。2 学说歌谣Where’s my broom? a、听录音,了解歌谣 b、学说歌谣 c、边说边表演 Homework:

朗读课文Unit 7 Where?






Step1.Free talk:

1、小游戏:“司令官带小兵”(9复习单词)形式——It’s me / 接龙

2、.A game“ What's missing?”

游戏规则:教师扇形出示单词,快速抽去一张并问“what's missing?"学生抢答少了哪张。Step2 Presentation 1.Free talk

Where’s your /my„?

It’s in /on„ 2.S: Look and say 3.S: 自由编写对话

Step3 Practise 1 完成练习册D部分 2 听写

Step 4 Homework1. 抄写单词、日常交际用语 2. 用该句型编写对话





3B Unit 8 I’m hungry


本单元的日常交际用语主要是围绕―征询意见‖编排的。What would you like? I‘d like… What about…?是―……怎么样‖的意思,用于征求别人的意见。一般都是在一定的情景下才使用这个句子,如果离开了交际情景而直接说What about…?就会显得很唐突。教材分别提供了―饿—买热狗‖和―渴—买饮料‖两个场景供教师教学日常交际用语。在3A教材中已经出现过食物类单词:an egg, a cake, a hamburger, a cup of tea/coffee, a glass of milk/juice等,本单元的单词教学部分增加了 a hot dog, a sandwich, a pie, some bread, some rice, soft drinks, a bar of chocolate, a carton of milk教师可以通过旧知引出新知,并把两者都熟练运用到本单元的句型中。


第一教时:Learn to say 图1,2以及Look and learn的单词some bread, a sandwich , some rice, a pie ,a bar of chocolate.。

第二教时:Learn to say图3,4以及Look and learn的单词a carton of milk soft drinks。

第三教时:Look and say;Look, read and write.第四教时:Fun house并复习巩固整个单元内容。第五教时:单元练习《听读训练》


一、教学内容:牛津小学英语 3B第八单元第一教时

二、教学目标 能熟练运用日常交际用语I‘m hungry.What would you like? A hot dog? Sounds good.2 能听懂,会说表示食物的单词some bread, a sandwich, some rice, a pie, a bar of chocolate.三、教学重点: 能熟练运用日常交际用语I‘m hungry.What would you like? A hot dog? Sounds good.四、教学难点: 学生对于some 的正确理解和运用。

五、课前准备:板书:Unit 8 I‘m hungry

六、教具准备: 1 投影、磁带及录音机。准备与本课有关的食物和饮料极其相关图片。

七、教学过程 Step1 Revision

1、出示一张超市的投影 T: Let‘s go to the supermarket.S: OK.But how? T: By bus.S: Let‘s go.2、投影逐个显示超市中各种各样的食物和水果 T: Look, what‘s that?

S: It‘s a cake.T: What‘s in the bag? S: Apples/oranges…

3、师生对话 T: Hello, Ss.Ss: Hello, Miss Gu.T: Shall we go to the supermarket? Ss: Great!But how? T: By bus.Ss: Ok, let‘s go.(Act)T: A hamburger?(to S1)S1: Yes, please.T: An egg?(to S2)S2:No, thank you.T:A glass of juice? S: Yes, please.4、Ask students to work in pairs like this.Step 2: Presentation S: An egg? T: No, I‘d like a hamburger.S: Here you are.T: Thank you.Repeat this with several students.出示:I‘d like… 并教学 Ask students to work in pairs like this: A: I‘d like a … B: Here you are.A: Thank you.3 T: What would you like? S: I‘d like a …

T: Here you are.S: Thank you.出示:What would you like? 并教学 T:(to S1)I‘m hungry.(acting)I‘d like a hamburger.Are you hungry? S: Yes.T: What would you like? S: I‘d like a…


I‘m hungry.并教学

5、Ask students to make a dialogue like this: S1: I‘m hungry.S2: What would you like? S1: I‘d like a…

S2: Here you are.47 S1: Thank you.6、T: I‘d like a hot dog.(Point to it.)

Show a hot dog to the students.hot dog 6 Show a bar of chocolate.T:(Let S1 to taste it)Guess, what‘s this? S:巧克力。

T: Do you like it? S: Yes.同样的方法教学pie, sandwich并板书 make a dialogue 7 T:(to S1)What would you like? A pie? S: Yes, please.T: Sounds good.板书:rice Sounds good.Show some rice.教学―some rice‖并板书。

8、Ask students to make a dialogue like this.A: I‘m hungry.What would you like? Some rice? B: Sounds good.A: Here you are.B: Thank you.Step 3: Listen to the tape and read after the tape.Step 4:Practice: 1 Do a model with S1.(Provide two situations :at home/at the supermarket)T: S1, Let‘s go to the supermarket.S1: All right.(May I come in?)

(Come in, please.)

I‘m hungry.What would you like? A hot dog? Sounds good.Here you are.Thank you.Ask students to work in pairs like this.Step 5:Homework: 听录音,跟读图1,2和五个词组:some bread, a sandwich , some rice, a pie ,a bar of chocolate..板书:

Unit 8 I‘m hungry I‘m hungry.What would you like? a hot dog./a sandwich

I‘d like

some rice / some bread

a bar of chocolate.教后记


一 教学内容:牛津小学英语 3B第八单元第二课时 二 教学目标 能熟练运用日常交际用语I‘m thirsty.What about…? 2 能听懂,会说表示单词a carton of milk soft drinks 三 教学重点 能熟练运用日常交际用语I‘m thirsty.What about…? 2 能听懂,会说表示单词a carton of milk soft drinks 四 教学难点

学生对于soft drinks的正确理解和运用。五 课前准备

板书:Unit 8 I‘m hungry

六、教学准备 1 磁带及录音机。准备与本课有关的食物和饮料极其相关图片。3 让学生各自带杯子。

七、教学过程 Step1 Revision T: Let‘s go to the supermarket.S: Great.T: I‘m hungry.What would you like? S: I‘d like a hot dog.T: Here you are.S: Thank you.(Work in pairs.)Step 2 Presentation 1(教师吃下热狗做出很渴的表情)T : I‘m thirsty.(喝些水)I‘m OK now.Are you thirsty? A glass of juice? 如学生回答Yes 老师就往学生的杯子里倒些橘子汁。板书:thirsty

I‘m thirsty.用表情和动作辅助教学。T: I‘m thirsty.What would you like? S: I‘d like a glass of juice.T: Here you are.S: Thank you.(work in pairs)2 S: I‘m thirsty.T: S1, what about a glass of juice? S1: Yes, please.T: What about a cup of tea? S1: No, I‘d like a…

板书:What about…? 并教学 Work in pairs like this.S1: What about…?

S2: Yes./No.I‘d like…


3、Show them a soft drink.T(让一学生尝)Is this orange juice? S1: No.T: This is a soft drink.指向:cola.板书:a soft drink.教学(向学生说明soft drink是指不含酒精的饮料。)T: Do you like a soft drink? S: Yes, I‘d like a soft drink.4 Make a dialogue like this.T: Let‘s go to the supermarket.S: Great.T: I‘m thirsty.S: What about some juice? T: No,I‘d like a soft drink.S: Here you are.T: Thank you.(Work in pairs)

同法教学a carton of milk 6 Play a game.Show the picture of Page 48 教师任意指出图中的饮料和食物,让学生看图说出英文单词。看哪个学生反应最快,给予奖励。

Step3: Consolidation 1 出示挂图(A 部分3、4副图),a 师生谈论图片

b 听录音,跟读课文两遍 c 分角色朗读

d 编对话,并进行表演

1(师生先做示范)T: Let‘s go to the supermarket.S: Great.T: I‘m hungry.S: What about a sandwich? : T: Sounds good.S: Here you are.T: Thank you.S: I‘m thirsty.T: What would you like? A glass of juice? T: I‘d like a soft drink.(Work in groups)3 完成《补充习题》相应练习。

八、Homework 50


Unit4 Buying fruit.兴化市第二实验小学 王卉 225700


本课是牛津小学英语4B Unit 4 Buying fruit.的第一课时(A Read and say)。这节课的教学任务是,如何通过认物到购物,真正达到学以致用。


本课主要学习单词,如buy,some等。日常交际用语:I’d like some „,please.及句型:What’s are these/those? They’re„ How many kilos? „ kilos, please.三、目标预设:

1.能听懂、会说单词buy, some。

2.能听懂、会说、会读句型I’d like some „, please.What are these/those? They’re „ How many kilos? „ kilos, please.并获得运用所学语言进行交际的能力。要求读音正确,语调自然。


能正确理解运用句型What are these/those? They’re „ How many kilos? „ kilos, please.五、设计理念

学生们在Book 4A中已经学习了What’s this/that? It’s „句型。此外,在Book 3A第三单元中学习了部分水果单词并掌握的非常好,这为本单元的教学内容提供了有利的基础。



七、教学过程 Step 1 Warm up 1.Greetings T: Good morning, boys and girls.Ss: Good morning, Miss Wang.T: How are you? Ss: I’m fine, and you? T: I’m fine, too.2.Sing a song T:Boy and girls, are you happy? Ss: Yes, we are.T: OK.Let’s sing a song.They sing happily.(放音乐,老师与学生一起唱歌,做相应的动作。)Sit down, please.(设计意图:同学们通过和老师一起唱英文歌曲,得到了很好的热身,同时也营造了宽松和谐的英语学习氛围。)3.Free talk T: What’s your name? S1: I’m „

T: Nice to meet you.S1: Nice to meet you, too.T: How old are you? S2: I’m „ T: What’s your job? S2: I’m a„

T: Do you like fruit, boys and girls? Ss: Yes, I do./ No, I don’t.(设计意图:Free talk环节,能使学生自然进入学习状态,拉近师生之间的距离,并为新授内容作铺垫。)

Step 2 Presentation and practice 1.Guessing game T: OK.Most of us like fruits, today Miss Wang takes some fruit for you.I have a magic bag, there are some fruit in it, let’s play a guessing game.Guess what’s this?(大屏幕呈现一个魔法袋)S1: It’s a banana.T: I’m sorry.S2: It’s a pear.T: Oh, I’m sorry.S3: It’s an apple.(CAI presents “an apple”)

T: Great!Now let’s go on, you can come here, touch and guess.Who wants to have a try? S4: It’s also an apple.(一学生来到讲台前点击一下鼠标)T: You are very clever.What is this?(教师点击一苹果问)Ss: It’s an apple.T: What is this?(教师点击另一个苹果问)Ss: It’s an apple.T: What are these?(教师点击两个放在一起的苹果问)Ss: „

(设计意图:教师利用Guessing game,调动学生的学习积极性,复习了句型What is this? 为学习新知作铺垫。)

2.Teach “What are these/those?”(大屏幕呈现新句型)T: Read after CAI.What are these? 提示学生回答“They’re apples.”

T: What are these?(教师点击出屏幕上的水果问。)Ss: They’re„ T: Little train.Ss: Go go go.(教师和学生一起玩火车接力的游戏。)T: Who can ask me? S1: What are these? S2: What are these? S3: „

T: What’s that?(教师手指着课前贴在墙上的一张水果图片)Ss: It’s a pear.T: What are those?(教师手指着课前贴在墙上的另一张水果图片)

示意学生回答:They are„(用操练What are these?同样的方法操练What are those?)3.Consolidation T: Boys and girls, you’re all excellent, I’m very happy, let’s sing a song, OK?(CAI放歌曲)

Ss: OK.What are these? What are these? They’re apples.They’re apples.What are those? What are those? They’re pears.They’re pears.What are these? What are these? They’re„What are those? What are those? They’re„(用歌曲《两只老虎》的旋律)Ss sing happily.(设计意图:教师利用歌曲的形式巩固所学句型,形式新颖独特,让学生在快乐中不知不觉学习巩固了新知识。)

4.Present the title and teach: I’d like some „, please.T: Boys and girls, apples, pears and grapes are all fruit.(教师指着大屏幕上水果卡片。)They’re good for our health.We can buy them in the shop, in the fruit garden„.Today, we are going to learn the way of buying fruit.Ok, this lesson, we’ll learn Unit4 Buying fruit.(CAI呈现课题,并教授。)T: Do you want to buy fruit? Ss: Yes.T: Let’s go to a fruit garden.(教师将课前准备好的果树图片贴在黑板上。)Ss: Yeah.(设计意图:教师努力为学生创设情境,让学生身临其境,激发学习热情。)T: What’s he?(教师手拿一果农头饰)Ss: He’s a farmer.T: Yes.He sells many kinds of fruit.(教师将水果卡片贴在黑板上。)What would you like? 提示学生回答:I’d like some „,please.S1: I’d like some „, please.S2: I’d like some „, please.S3: I’d like some „, please.5.Ss work in groups(设计意图:小组合作,巩固所学句型。)6.Teach “How many kilos? „ kilos, please” T: What’s this?(教师手拿课前制作好的秤)Ss: It’s a„

T: How many kilos?(教师拨动秤的指针问)提示学生回答:„kilos.教师拨动指针,与学生进行对话练习。让表现棒的学生到讲桌前拨动指针并进行提问。

Step 4 Read and say 1.Ss watch the cartoon and answer the questions on the screen.T: Who’s she? Ss: She’s Miss Li.T: Miss Li is also in the fruit garden.What fruit does she want to buy? Let’s watch the cartoon and answer this question.(评出最佳演员给予奖励。)

Ss watch the cartoon and answer my question on the screen.(设计意图:让学生带着问题看动画,听录音时更显得认真,体现了任务型教学理念,训练了学生的听力。)

2.Listen and repeat after the tape.(设计意图:听、读训练,培养学生的语感。)

3.Ss read the dialogue in roles,make a dialogue and try to act out the dialogue.(设计意图:让学生自编表演对话,充分发挥学生的主动性,创造性)Step 6 Homework 同学之间角色扮演来进行对话。

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