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英语学习之家 2018-02-28 15:53:08








all by oneself 独立,单独

above all 首先,特别是,最重要的是

after all 到底,毕竟

first of all 首先

in all 总共

most of all 最最

all at once 突然,同时,马上

all of a sudden 突然

all right 好吧,行,情况不错

all sorts of 各种各样的all kinds of 各种各样的all the best 万事如意

all the more 更加

all the same 尽管如此,仍旧(照样)

all the year round 一年到头

AS(conj.,adv.& pron.)


as a matter of fact 事实上

as a rule 通常

as a result 结果

as a whole 总的来说

as if(as though)好象

as follows 如下

as for 就。。。而言

as(so)long as 只要

as soon as 一。。。就

as soon as possible 尽快

as usual 像往常一样

as well 也,还

as well as 同……一样

might(may)as well 不妨

so as to 以便


at a time 一次,每次

at breakfast 早餐时,正在吃早饭

at first 最初

at home 在家

at last最后,终于

at least 至少


at one time 以前,曾经

at once 立刻,马上

at night 在夜里,在晚上

at midnight 在半夜

at present 目前,现在at times有时候

at sea在大海上,在航行

at one’s own expense 自费

at the bottom 在底端

at the end(of)最后,尽头

at the latest 最迟

at the mercy of 在……的支配下

at the head of 在……的前头

at the moment 此刻

at the same time 同时

at work 在工作

laugh at 嘲笑

throw at向……扔去

work hard at 努力工作(学习)


by accident偶然地

by air(sea,bus…)乘飞机(乘船,乘公共汽车……)

by chance 碰巧,偶然地

by day(night)在白天(夜晚)

day by day 一天天地

by and by 不久

by far得多,最最

learn(know)by heart 记熟,背诵

by mistake 错误地,由于疏忽所致

by oneself 独自地

one by one 一个一个地

by the way 顺便说(问)

by turns 轮流

side by side 肩并肩,并排,一起

by the side of 在……附近


break away from 摆(逃)脱,脱离,改掉,破除

break down(机器、车辆等)坏了,(身体)垮了,中断,压倒,分解

break forth 迸发,突然

break in 强行进入,插嘴,打岔,使驯服,使习惯

break into破门而入,打断,占用

break off突然停止(中断),打断,折断

break out爆发,突然发生

break through 突破,打破

break up 散会,驱散,停课,腐蚀


bring about 引起,实现,使发生

bring down 使倒下,使下降,击落,推翻

bring forth 引起,使产生

bring in 收(庄稼),提出,(使)得到(收入),引入,增加,把。。。扯起来

bring on 使发生,引起

bring out 说明,阐明,出版

bring to an end 结束

bring up 提出,抚养,培养,呕吐


call at(a place)访问(某地)

call back 回电话

call for 来找(某人),喜欢来取(某物),想要,要求,需要有

call in 来访,顺路到……,召来,召集,请来,收回

call on(upon)拜访,看望,号召,要求

call up 给……打电话,征召(入伍),叫……起床,使想起(往事)


come about 发生,造成

come across(无意中)碰到,找到,想到,越过

come along 跟去,一道去,赶快,进行,进展

come down 下降,下落,传下来

come into power(office)执政,就职

come out 出来,出版,发行

come into being 产生,建立

come to 来到(某地),共计,来参加(活动),谈到,恢复知觉

come to a conclusion


come to an end 结束

come to nothing(no good)没有结果(没有好处)


do a good deed 干得好,搞好工作

do away with 消灭,清除,取消,破除

do good 有好处,有用处,做好事

do harm 有害处,不利

do one a favour 帮个忙

do one good 对某人有好处

do one’s best 尽力,竭力

do the deed 付诸行动,生效

do one’s duty 履行职责

do up 收拾,整理,修理,打扮,包,捆,系

do with 处理,需要,想,将就用

do wonders 创造奇迹

do wrong(right)做错(对)

have sth(nothing)to do with和……有(无)关


bring down 使倒下,击落

break down 分解

burn down 把……烧成平地,烧光

get down tp 开始认真(做某事)

hand down 把……传下来

put down 记下,镇压

tear down 拆毁,拆除

turn down 关小,调低


for a while 暂时,一时

for ever 永远

for free免费

for the moment暂时

be famous for因……而著名

have a gift for 对……有天赋

make a plan for 为……作计划

stand for 代表,象征

in(one’s)search for 寻找(求)

as for 至于,说到

care for 喜欢,想要

change… for用……换

fix a date for 约定……的日期


give a talk 作报告,作演讲

give birth to 生,产生

give in 让步,屈服,妥协,投降,交上来

give off(散)发出

give one’s life 献出自己的生命

give sb a hand 帮某人忙

give one’s regards(greetings)to向。。。问好

give out 散发,分发

give up 放弃,献出,交出,投降,认输,泄气


get about(消息)传开,到处走动

get along 进行,过活,相处,走开

get away 逃掉,逃跑

get away from 避免,摆脱,离开

get back 回来,收回

get close to 接近

get down 记下来,打下来,落下

get down on one’s knees 屈膝下跪

get down to 开始认真(做某事)

get into the habit of 染上。。。的习惯

get hold of 拿到,找到,抓住

get in 进站,进去,回来,收进去,请来

get off 起飞,(动身)离开,脱下(衣服等)

get on(某方面)进行情况,相处,上车,继续进行,顺利发展

get on well with 与。。。相处融洽

get over 克服,忍受,摆脱(疾病等)

get rid of 消灭,摆脱,除掉

get round 传开,绕过,回避

get through 做完,结束,通过(电话)接通

get together 聚会,联欢

get up 起床,站起来,举办


go after 追求,设法得到

go away 走开,离开

go against 违反

go ahead 进行,进展,干吧,说吧,先走

go all out 全力以赴

go bad(食物等)变坏,坏掉

go by 走过,经过

go in for 从事(某种事业或活动)

go on 发生,进行,进展,继续下去

go off 走开

go out 熄灭,过时

go over 审阅,检查,研究

go through审阅,检查,学习,练习,经历,经过

go up上涨,上升


in a flash 一刹那间

in a word总之,简言之

in a hurry 匆忙地,很快地

in(actual)fact 事实上

in a sense 从某种意义上说

in a short while 不久,一会而后

in all 总共,总的来说

in any case不管怎样

in battle 在战斗中

in case如果,以防(有某种情况)

in chains 上着镣铐,在囚禁中

in charge of 主管,负责

in common 共同,共用

in danger 在危险中

in debt 负债,欠帐

in front 前方,正面对

in front of在……前面

in full 全文地,全部地

in general 一般地说

in honour of 为了纪念……,为向……表示敬意

in modern time 现代,近代

in one’s opinion 据(某人的)看法

in order to(that)为了

in other words 换句话说

in peace平静地,安宁地

in public 在公众面前,公开地

in search of 寻找

in(one’s)search for 寻找,寻求

in return 作为报答

in silence 沉默地,无声地

in short(=in a word)总之

in space 在宇宙空间

in spite of 尽管

in that 因为,原因是

in that case 假如那样的话

in the air 在空中

in the charge 有……掌管

in the course of 在……过程中

in the day在白天

in the day time在白天

in the future 将来,以后

in the end 最后

in the meantime 与此同时

in the middle(of)在……中间

in time 及时地

in turn 轮流

believe in 相信,信任

bring in 引进,引来,吸收

call in 召来,召集

hand in 上交,递交

hand in hand 并进,联合,手牵手

drop in 顺便走访

join in 参加,加入

once in a while 偶尔,间或

play a part in 在……起作用

stand in line 站在队里

succeed in(干……)成功

take part in参加


keep a promise 遵守诺言

keep a secret 守秘密

keep watch 注意,警惕,提防

keep back 扣下,隐瞒,忍住(眼泪)

keep body and soul together 维持生活

keep in mind 记住,想着

keep off 避开,挡住,不接近

keep one’s balance 保持平衡

keep on继续(干)

keep out 遮挡,使不入内

keep silence 保持沉默(安静)

keep sb﹍ from doing sth阻止某人做某事

keep up 保持,维持,继续(某活动)

keep up with 不落在后面,跟上,及时了解(情况)


look after 照顾,照管

look as if 看起来似乎

look back(upon)回想,回顾

look down on(upon)看不起

look for 寻找

look forward to 盼望

look into 研究,调查,了解

look like 看起来像

look on(upon)…as 把……看作

look out 查出 找出

look out(for)注意,当心,提防

look the same 看起来很像

look through 翻阅,看一遍

look over(仔细)检查

look up 查找,上涨,好转,向上看 Make(v)

make clear 说明,弄(讲)清楚

make a decision 作出决定

make a promise 答应,允诺

make a plan for 为……作计划

make a record 录制唱片

make friends(with)(和…)交朋友

make faces 做鬼脸

make fun of 和 开玩笑

make a noise 吵闹

make it a rule 总是……

make one’s way to(out of)向… 走去(从…走出)

make ends meet 应付开支,量入为出

make room 让地方

make sense 讲得通,很有意义

make sure(certain)一定要,确保,核实,弄清楚

make …to one’s own measure 依照某人的尺寸做……

make up 构成,占,编造,弥补

make up one’s mind 决心,利用

make use of 利用


a bit of 少量的,一点

a bottle of 一瓶

a glass of 一(玻璃)杯

a great deal of 很多

a handful of 少量的a(large)number of 许多

a lot of 许多,大量的lots of 许许多多的a piece of 一片(张,块)

a place of interest 名胜

a pair of 一双,一对

a waste of 浪费

all kinds of 各种各样的all sorts of各种各样的at the head of 在……的前头

at the mercy of 在……的支配下

because of 因为

be made up of 由……组成be proud of 为……而自豪

be fond of 爱好,喜欢

be tired of 厌烦

die of 死于

dream of 向往,渴望,梦想

get rid of 处理,去掉

in charge of 主管,负责

in the charge of 由……掌管

in honour of 为了纪念,为向……表示敬意

instead of 代替

in the hope of 怀着……的期望

in spite of 尽管

knock out of 从……中敲出来

make fun of 取笑某人

make sure of 确定,弄清楚

make use of 利用

masses of 大多数

packs of 大量的,大部分

play the role of 扮演……角色

out of 从……向(往)外

on the point of 正要……的时候

plenty of 充足的,相当多的remind sb of 使某人想起

run out of 用完

scores of 许多,大量

take the place ot 代替,取代

talk of 谈论,议论

think of 认为,想到,想起

take possession of占有,拥有


on average平均

on board 在船上

on fire 着火

on foot 走路,步行

on holiday 休假,度假

on one’s way to 在……的途中

on one’s own 独立地,独自地

on the air(用无线电,电视)播送

on the radio 通过收音机,通过广播

on the point of 正要……的时候

on watch 值班,守望

bring on 使前进,使发生,引起

carry on 继续下去

come on 来吧,赶快

congratulate …on 祝贺

depend on 依靠,相信

from then(now)on 从那时(现在)起


have an effect on 对……产生作用

live on 以……为主食

look down on(upon)轻视,看不起

keep on(doing sth)继续(做某事)

move on 继续前进,pass on 传递,转移到

play a joke on 戏弄(某人)


break out 爆发,突然发生

carry out 开展,执行,实现

check out 查明,结帐

die out 消失,灭亡

find out 找出,查出

give out 分发,散发,用完

hand out分发

help…out 帮某人从困境中解脱

hold out 伸出

look out 留神,当心

pick out 挑出

point out 指出

put out 扑灭,关熄

run out of 用完

send out 发出,派遣

set out发出,开始

show…out 领……出去

try out 实验

work out 算出,解决,制定出

out of 从……向(往)外

out of breath 上气不接下气

out of work 失业,没工作

out of one’s reach 够不着


put away 存起来,收拾起来

put back 推迟,放回(原处),拨回(时钟)

put down 写下来,镇压

put forward 提出,提前

put in order 整理

put into practice 实行

put off 推迟,延期,关上(开关等)

put on 穿(戴)上,上演,打开(开关等)

put on weight 增加体重

put out 熄灭,生产,出版

put up 举(架)起,修建,张贴,留宿


set about 开始(着手)做

set an example 作出榜样

set down 放下,写(记)下

set fire to=set…on fire 放火,烧着

set off 使爆炸,引起,起程

set out 出发,动身,开始,着手,列举,详述

set sail 起航

set to work(使)开始做……

set up 立(支)起来,成(建)立


take a(one’s)seat 就座,坐下

take a look at 看一下

take a photograph(of)照一张(…的)相

take aim 瞄准

take an action 采取行动

take an interest in 对……感兴趣

take along 随身带着

take away拿走,拿开,使离开,把……打发走

take back 收回,让退(货)

take…by surprise 使…吃惊,出奇兵攻占

take care 注意,当心

take care of 照顾,负责

take charge of 负责

take exercise 做运动

take…for granted 视为当然,想必是

take hold of 抓住,握住

take in 订阅,使上当,收留

take…in one’s arm(拥)抱

take it easy 别紧张,放松些

take note(notice)of 注意,理会

take notes 记录,作笔记

take off 脱掉,起飞,减(去)掉

take(a day)off 休假(一天)

take office 就职,上任

take on 雇用,招收,具有(……的意思),呈现……面貌,开始从事

take one’s defeat(things)lying down甘心失败

take(an active)part in(积极)参加

take one’s place 坐某人的座位,代替某人的职务

take place 发生,举行

take possession of 占有,拥有

take pride in 为……感到骄傲

take the place of 代替,取代

take truns 轮流

take up 开始学习,开始(某活动,空间)

take up arms 拿起武器


turn a deaf ear(blind eye)to不听(不理睬)

turn down 拒不采纳,开小点

turn in 上交,交进去,上床睡觉

turn on(off)打开(关)

turn out 结果,原来(情况是),产生,制造

turn over 移交,打翻,翻耕,翻阅,考虑

turn to 求助于,翻到,转到

turn up 出席,出现,开大点,查找


break up 分解,腐蚀

bing up 教育,培养,提出,呕吐

build up 逐步实现

clear up 整理,弄清,晴(开)朗起来

come up 抬头,上来,上升

cut up 切碎,齐根切断

divide up 分配

eat up 吃完,吃光

fix up 安顿,修理好

give up 放弃,投降,献出

go up 上涨,上升

grow up 生长,长大

hold up 抬起,阻挡,使停顿

join up 连接(联合)起来

make up 编出,构成,弥补

open up 开创,开辟

pick up 接收,拾起,捡起

put up 举(架)起,张贴,留宿

round up 赶拢,使集拢

speed up 加快速度

set up 建立,创立

stay up 不睡,挺住,站立

take up 占去,占据

throw up 呕吐,吐出

turn up 到达,出现

wake up 醒来


all the way 全程,一直地

ask the way 问路

by the way 顺便说(问)

by way of 取道,经由

have a long way to go 还有很长的路

in a(one)way 在某种程度上

in a bad way 身体状况不好,情况不妙

in any way 在任何(哪)方面

in every way 在各方面,以各种方式

in many ways 在很多方面

in no way 怎样也不,一点也不

in the(a)family way 怀孕了

in the way of,in one’s way 碍事,妨碍

lead the way 带路

make one’s way to 向……走去

lose one’s way 迷路

make way for 给……让路

on the way(to)在(去)……路上


be angry with 对……发脾气

be busy with 忙于

be fed up with 厌倦

catch up with 赶上

deal with 处理,对付

be in love with 与……相爱

get on well with 与……相处融洽

keep in touch with 与……保持联系


break one’s word不信守诺言,失信

eat one’s words 承认说错了,收回自己的话

have a word(a few words)with 和……说句(几句)话

have a word in one’s ear 给某人说悄悄话

have word 得到信息

接不定式或动名词做宾语意思相同的12 个动词

like to do sth/like doing sth喜欢做某事

love to do sth/love doing sth 喜欢做某事

hate to do sth/hate doing sth憎恨做某事

prefer to do sth/ prefer doing sth 宁可做某事

begin to do sth/ begin doing sth开始做某事

start to do sth/ start doing sth 开始做某事

continue to do sth/ continue doing sth 继续做某事

can’t bear to do sth/can’t bear doing sth不能忍受做某事

bother to do sth/ bother doing sth 麻烦做某事

intend to do sth/ intend doing sth 想要做某事

attempt to do sth/ attempt doing sth试图做某事

cause to do sth/ cause doing sth停止做某事

接不定式或动名词做宾语意思不同的7 个动词

(1)rember to do sth记住要做某事

rember doing sth记得曾做过某事

(2)forget to do sth忘记要做某事

forget doing sth忘记曾做过某事

(3)regret to do sth后悔(遗憾)要做某事

regret doing sth后悔(遗憾)做过某事

(4)try to do sth设法要做某事

try doing sth做某事试试看看有何效果

(5)mean to do sth打算做某事

mean doing sth意味着做某事

(6)can’t help to do sth不能帮助做某事

can’t help doing sth忍不住做某事

(7)go on to do sth做完某事后接着做另一事

go on doing sth继续做一直在做的事

可用于“动词+sb+of sth”的 8 个常见动词

accuse sb of sth控告某人犯某事(罪),指责某人做某事

cheat sb of sth骗取某人某物

cure sb of sth治好某人的病,改掉某人的习惯

inform sb of sth通知某人某事

remind sb of sth使某人想起某情况

rid sb of sth使某人摆脱某物

rob sb of sth抢劫某人的某东西

warn sb of sth警告某人有某情况


be anxious for 渴望

be bad for 对……有害,对……不行

be bound for 前往

be celebrated for 以……出名

be convenient for 对……方便,在……附近

be eager for 渴望

be famous for 因……闻名

be fit for 合适,适合be good at 对……有益(方便)

be grateful for 感谢

be hungry for 渴望得到

be late for 迟到

be necessary for 对……有必要

be ready for 为……准备好

be sorry for 因……抱歉

be suitable for 对……合适(适合)

be thandful for 因……而感激

be well-known for 以……出名

动名词前省略介词 in 的18 个常用结构

be careful(in)doing sth做某事时很小心

be busy(in)doing sth忙于做某事

be fortunate(in)doing sth很幸运做某事

be late(in)doing sth做某事做晚了或做迟了

have luck(in)doing sth做某事时有运气(走运)

have difficulty(in)doing sth做某事有困难

habe trouble(in)doing sth做某事有困难

have bother(in)doing sth做某事费劲

have a problem(in)doing sth做某事有困难

have a good time(in)doing sth做某事很开心

have a hard time(in)doing sth做某事很辛苦

find diffuculty(in)doing sth做某事发现有困难

lose no time(in)doing sth马上做某事

spend money(time)(in)doing sth花钱(时间)做某事

waste money(time)(in)doing sth浪费钱(时间)做某事

There is no difficulty(in)doing sth做某事没有困难

There is no use(in)doing sth做某事没有用

There is no point(in)doing sth做某事没有意义


in advance of在……前面

in behalf of为了,为了……的利益

in celebration of 庆祝

in commemoration of纪念,庆祝

in explanation of 解释

in favour of 赞成,主张

in honor of 纪念,祝贺,欢迎

in need of 需要

in possession of 拥有

in respect of 关于,就……而言

in sight of 看得见,在看见……的地方

in support of 为了支持(拥护)……

in aid of 帮助

in case of 如果,万一,以防

in charge of 负责,管理

in defence of 保卫

in face of 面对

in front of 在……前面

in memory of 纪念

in place of代替

in praise of称赞

in search of 寻找,搜寻

in spite of 尽管,虽然

in view of 鉴于,考虑到


in exchange for 作为对……的交换

in return for 作为……的报答

in addition to 加之,除……之外

in contrast to(with)与……形成对比

in reply to作为对……的回报(答复)

in(with)reference to关于

in preparation for为……作准备

in reward for 作为……的报酬

in answer to回答,响应

in opposition to 与……相反,反对

in response to 回答,响应

in(with)regard to 关于





I will pay the bill this time because last time you did it.这次我来买单,因为上次是你。


We all passed the bill on yesterday's board meeting.在昨天的董事会上我们全票通过该提案。


Here's a 10-dollar bill.Give me two tickets for tonight's show please.这是一张10美元的纸币,请给我两张今晚演出的票,谢谢。



apply for(申请),这是工作的第一步;既然要申请,必然需要递交 letter of application(求职信),只要你足够 confident about yourself,就有可能获得job interview(工作面试)的机会。是否能够 give a good impression(留个好印象)给主管,那就得看你个人造化了。

有些工作岗位会require much traveling,(要求经常出差)还有些工作,做不了多久就会希望find a way out(找到出路)。


3.as well 也

If the weather is this hot tomorrow, we may as well give up the idea of playing tennis outside.如果明天温度还是这么高,我们也可能放弃到户外进行比赛的主意。

4.as soon as 一……就,尽快

I will do that for you as soon as I have fixed the machine.一修好机器我就会尽快为你完成那个工作。



awfully nervous 相当紧张;awfully cold 相当冷;awfully sorry 十分抱歉

Tom looks awfully nervous.汤姆看上去相当紧张。

I am awfully sorry.I didn't mean to hurt you.十分抱歉。我不想伤害你的。

6.be bound to


The movie starts in 5 minutes and there's bound to be a long line.电影还有5分钟就开始了在那里肯定排着长队。

7.be tired of

厌烦。当一个人感到厌烦的时候,也是最容易lose one's temper(生气)的时候。

I'm tired of movies about romantic stories.我已经彻底厌烦了电影中的浪漫故事。

8.be worn out


I'm usually worn out at the end of the day.在一天快结束时我时常觉得很累。


My soles were worn out after a long time trip.经过长时间的旅行,我的鞋底已经破旧不堪。


(1)'d better 最好是

I'd better read one of the articles for the class.我最好还是为上课读篇文章准备一下。

I think you'd better find another partner.我想你最好还是另找一个搭档吧。

(2)make it better 让……更好

I'd rewrite the last two paragraphs to make it better.我已经重写了最后两段以使它更好。

(3)be better 更好些

I told you it would be better for you if you took fewer courses during the first semester.我告诉过你如果你在第一个学期少选一些课程会比较好一些。



(2)预定,订购。be booked up 被预定空了;booking office 售票处

All the morning flights have been booked up.所有明早的飞机票都预定光了。


(1)简介。会议之前,总要有一个项目叫做 Give a briefing.Mrs.Lung's briefing seems to go on forever.朗女士的简报似乎没完没了。

(2)news / press briefing 新闻发布会



I'd love to see a different type of movie for a change.我想换换口味,看场不同类型的电影。

I'll have to get my ticket changed.我必须得更改我的票。


Two tickets and here's a dollar forty cents change.这是两张票以及一美元四十美分的找零。

Jane, do you have some change? I have to make a call on the payphone.Jane,你有零钱吗?我想在公用电话亭打个电话。


(1)检查。基本意思。check our baggage 检查行李

Could you check for me who borrowed it?


Did you check the power plug and press the play button?


(2)登机台。check-in counter

Is this the check-in counter for Flight 914 to Los Angeles?


(3)询问。check on it 问问看

Maybe I should call to check on it.也许我应该打个电话问问看。

(4)支票。Sign the check.签这张支票。


中学英语高频精华短语总结 Suitable for a new need)改编, consider good, 出生

说明:所总结的734 组词组来自改写(以适应新的需 right)赞成, approve vt.批准 77.blame sb.for sth.因„责高中英语教材,和新概念英语四要)49.arise from(=be caused by)备某人.blame sth.on sb.把„册中易混淆的词组,部分来自历22.in addition(=besides)此由„引起.推在某

年来各省模拟试卷中,都是英语外, 又, 加之 50.arrange for sb./sth.to do 人身上

中的最核心词组。标红字的部分23.in addition to(=as well as, sth.安排„做„ 78.in blossom 开花(指树木)为尚未接触过的,可自己查字典besides, other than)除„外 51.arrive on 到达;arrive at be in blossom 开花(强调状态)解决。只要您细心体会,牢牢记24.adhere to(=abide by, 到达某地(小地方);得出,作出;come into blossom 开 住,英语定会有很大进步的^-conform to, comply with, cling arrive in 到达某地(大 花(强调动作)

^。to, insist on, persist 地方);79.on board 到船上, 在船上,1.be absent from„.缺席,不in, observe, opinion, belief)52.be ashamed of(=feel shame, 上火车或飞机

在 粘附;坚持, 遵循 guilt or sorrow because of sth.80.boast of(or about)吹嘘

2.absence of mind(=being 25.adjacent(=next to, close done)以„ 81.out of breath 喘不过气来 absent-minded)心不在焉 to)毗邻的, 临近的 为羞耻 82.in brief(=in as few words

3.absorb(=take up the 26.adjust..(to)(=change 53.assure sb.of sth.(=try to as possible)简言之

attention of)吸引„的注意力slightly)调节;适应;cause to believe or trust in 83.in bulk 成批地,不散装的(被动语态):be absorbed in 27.admit of(=be capable of, sth.)向„保证, 使„ 84.take the floor 起立发言 全神贯注于„近:be engrossed leave room for)„的可能,留确信.54.attach(to)(=to fix, 85.on business 出差办事.in;be lost in;be rapt in;be 有„的余地.fasten;join)缚, 系,结 86.be busy with sth.忙于某事concentrated on;28.in advance(before in time)55.make an attempt at doing be busy doing sth.be focused on;be centered on 预告, 事先.29.to advantage sth.(to do sth.)试图做„ 忙于做某事

4.(be)abundant in(be rich in;有利的,使优点更加突出地.30.56.attend to(=give one’s 87.last but one 倒数第二.be well supplied with)富于,have an advantage over 胜过.attention, care and thought)88.last but not least 最后一富有 have the advantage of 由于„注意, 照顾;attend 点但也是最重要的一点

5.access(to)(不可数名词)能处于有利条件 on(upon)(=wait upon, serve, 89.but for(=without)要不是.接近,进入,了解 have the advantage of sb.知道look after)侍候,照料 表示假设

6.by accident(=by chance, 某人所不知道的事 57.attitude to/ toward „90.buy sth.for„money 用多accidentally)偶然地,意外.31.take advantage of(=make 对„的态度.看法 少钱买

Without accident(=safely)the best of, utilize, make use 58.attribute„to„(=to 91.be capable of 能够, 有能安全地, of, profit from, believe sth.to be the result 力

7.of one’s own harness)利用.of„)把..归因于.., 认为..是..be capable of being +过去分词:accord(=without being asked;32.agree with 赞同(某人意见)的结果59.on the average(=on 是能够被„的willingly;freely)自愿地,主agree to 同意 average, on an average)平均 92.in any case(=for love or 动地 33.in agreement(with)同意, 60.(be)aware of(=be money, at any rate, at any

8.in accord with 与„一致.一致 conscious of , having price, at any cost,out of one’s accord with 同„.34.ahead of 在„之前, 超knowledge or consciousness)whatever happens;anyhow)无论不一致 过„;„„„„„.ahead of 意 如何

9.with one accord(=with time 提前.识到,知道.93.in case(=for fear that)everybody agreeing)一致地 35.in the air 1)不肯定, 不具61.at the back of(=behind)万一;

10.in accordance with(=in 体.2)在谣传中.在„后面 94.in case of(=in the event agreement with)依照,根据 36.above all(=especially, 62.in the back of 在„后部(里of)如果发生„万一

11.on one’s own account most important of all)尤其是, 面);on the back of 在„后部in the case of 至于„, 就„而

1)为了某人的缘故, 为了某人最重要的.(外面);be on one’s 言

自己的利益 37.in all(=counting everyone back(=be ill in bed)卧病不95.in no case 在任何情况下都

2)(=at one’s own risk)自行or everything, altogether)总起.不(放句首倒装句)

负责 共, 总计 63.at one’s back(=supporting 96.be cautious of 谨防

3)(=by oneself)依靠自己 38.after all 毕竟,到底;(not)or favoring sb.)支持,维护;97.center one’s attention on account 赊账;on account of at all 一点也不;have sb.at one’s on(=focus one’s attention on)因为;on no account 不论什么all at once(=suddenly)突然;back 有„支持, 有„作后台 把某人的注意力集中

原因也不;of once and for all 只此一次;64.turn one’s back on sb.在„上

„account 有„..重要性.above all 最重要的;first(=turn away from sb.in an 98.be certain of(=be sure of)

12.take„into of all 首先;all in all 大体impolite way)不理睬(某 有把握, 一定.99.for certain account(=consider)把...考虑上说;be all in 累极了;all 人),背弃,抛弃 of(=for sure)肯定地,有把握进去 but 几乎.65.behind one’s back 背着某地

13.give sb.an account of 说39.allow for(=take into 人(说坏话)100.by chance(=accidentally, 明, 解释(理由)consideration, take into 66.be based on / upon 基于 by accident)偶然

14.account for(=give an account)考虑到, 估计到.67.on the basis of 根据„, 101.for a change 换换环境(花explanation or reason for)解40.amount to(=to be equal to)在„基础上 样等)

释, 说明.总计, 等于.68.beat„at 在„运动项目上102.charge sb.with „控告某

15.on account of(=because of)41.answer for(undertake 打赢 人犯有„

由于,因为.responsibility for, be liable 69.begin with 以„开始.to 103.in charge of

16.on no account(=in no case, for, take charge for)对„ begin with(=first of all)首(=responsible for)负责(某for no reason)绝不要,无论如何负责.先, 第一(经常用于开始语)事)

不要(放句首时句子 42.answer to(=conform to)适70.on behalf of(=as the in the charge of „由„管 要倒装)合,符合.representative of)以„名义 104.take charge of(=to be or

17.accuse„of„(=charge„43.be anxious about 为„焦急71.believe in(=have faith or become responsible for)负责管with;blame sb.for sth.;不安;或anxious for trust in;consider sth./sb.to 理(照顾)

blame sth.on sb.;44.apologize to sb.for sth.be true)相信,依赖, 105.charge„for 因„索取(费complain about)指控,控告 为„向„道歉 信仰.用), charge sb.with sth.控

18.be acquainted with(=to 45.appeal to sb.for sth.为72.benefit(from)受益,得到告某人犯

have knowledge of)了解;(=to 某事向某人呼吁.appeal to sb.好处.有„

have met socially)对某人有吸引力 73.for the benefit of 为了„106.round the clock(=all day 熟悉 46.apply to sb.for sth.为„的利益(好处)and all night, usually without

19.act on 奉行,按照„行动;向„申请;apply for 申请;74.for the better 好转 stopping)昼夜不停

act as 扮演;act for 代理 apply to 适用.75.get the better of(=defeat 地

20.adapt oneself to(=adjust 47.apply to 与„有关;适用 sb.)打败, 胜过.76.by birth 107.comment on 评论

oneself to)使自己适应于 48.approve of(=consent to, 在出生上,论出身,按血统at 108.commit oneself to 使自己

21.adapt„(for)(=make sth.be in favor of, favor, agree to, birth 在出生时;give birth to 承担„ commit sb.to prison

把某人送进监狱;符合,遵照,遵守;1)obey 里;on(at)the comer of a 按„办 commit one’s idea to writing 服从;2)observe;3)comply street 在街道拐弯处;round 191.on a diet 吃某种特殊饮食, 把某人的想法写下来;commit a with 照„办;4)keep to 遵循;the comer 拐过弯;be in a 节食 matter to a 5)abide by 服从;6)stick tight corner 陷入困境 192.differ from„in 与„的区committee 把某事交给委员会讨to 按..做 162.correspond(with)别在于„ 论 134.be confronted with(=be(=exchange letters regularly)193.in difficulties„有困难,109.in common(和„)有共同之brought face to face with)面通信 处境困难, 处,共用.对, 面临 163.correspond to 相当于.194.discharge sb.(from)„be common to sb.是与某人所共135.congratulate sb.on 祝贺 correspond with 符合,一致 for(=dismiss sb.from a job 有的 136.in connection with(=with 164.at all costs 不惜任何代for)因„解雇, 开除 110.keep company with(=be regard to)关于, 价.at the cost of 以„为代价 195.fall back(=retreat, turn friendly and go out together)137.be conscious of(=be aware 165.a matter of course 理所back)撤退;和„要好.of)觉察,知道 当然的事 in disorder 慌乱地, 狼狈不堪 111.compare„with „ 把„138.consent to(=give 166.as a matter of course 当196.on display(=being shown 与„比较 agreement to permission)同意 然地, 自然地 publicly)陈列 112.compare„to„ 把„比139.in consequence(=as a 167.in(during)the course 197.dispose of(=get rid 作„ result)结果 在„过程中 of ,throw away)处理掉

113.by comparison 比较起来 140.in consequence of(=as a 168.in due course(=without 198.beyond dispute 不容争议114.in comparison with(=in consequence of)由于„的结果 too much delay)没经过太久, contrast to)和„比起来 141.under consideration 在考到一定时候 115.compensate for(=give sth.虑中 169.on credit 赊购;with to make up for)补偿, 赔偿,142.in consideration of(=in credit 以优异成绩;to one’s 弥补compensate return for, on account of, credit 使某人感到光荣;do sb.for sth.赔偿,弥补 because of)由于 sb.credit 使„感到光荣 116.complain of(or about)抱143.on no consideration(in no 170.be critical of 爱挑毛病怨;诉苦;控告;complain about case)无论如何也不 的,批评的 抱怨某人或事情;145.take„into consideration 171.cure sb.of+某种疾病治好complain to sb.about sth.(or(=take account of, take„into 某人的疾病 sb.)向某人抱怨„;complain account)考虑到, 把„ 172.a danger to 对„的危险;(抱怨);complement 考虑进去 be in danger(of)处于„危险中;(补充);compliment(恭维)146.considerate(=thoughtful be out of danger 脱 117.comply with(=act in of the needs)体贴的, 考虑他离危险 accordance with a demand, 人需要的, 173.to date(=so far, until order, rule etc.)遵守, considerable 相当大的,值得考now)到目前为止 依从 虑的 174.out of date 过时的;up to 118.conceive of(think of, 147.consist of(=be composed date 新式的,时兴的;date back imagine, consider)想象,设想 of)由„组成的.consist in 主to 可追溯到;date 119.concentrate on(or upon)要在于.consist with 符 from 从某时期开始(有)集中,专心 合,与„一致 175.deal with(=concern)论120.be concerned with(=about)148.be consistent with(=be in 及 与„有关 agreement with)与„一致.be 176.be in debt to sb.欠„的121.concern oneself about / consistent in 一贯 债 with 关心 的, 177.on the decline 在衰退中, 122.in conclusion(=as the 149.consult sb.on/ about sth.在减少中 last thing)最后一点;at the 向„征求„方面的意见, 就„in decline 下降;on the conclusion of 当„结束 向„请教 increase 在增加 时;123.condemn sb.to 判决 150.to one’s heart’s content 178.to one’s delight 令某人124.on condition that(=if)尽情地,痛痛快快 感到高兴 以„为条件, 假如.in that = 151.be content with(=be to one’s regret 遗憾;sorrow because 因为;satisfied with)满足于be 悲痛;relief 安心;distress now that = since 既然 content to do sth.愿意做某 苦恼;shame 羞愧;for all that = although 尽管 事 surprise 惊奇;astonishment 125.in / out of condition 152.contrary to(=in 惊奇;(=thoroughly healthy or fit / opposition to)与„相反 179.delight in(=take great not fit)健康状况好/不好 153.on the contrary 相反 pleasure in doing sth.)喜欢,.in good(bad)condition 处154.contrast„with 把„与„取乐 于良好(坏)状态 相对(对照)180.take(a)delight in 喜欢126.confess(to)(=admit a 155.in contrast to/with 和„干„, 以„为乐 fault, crime, or sth.wrong)形成对比 181.demand sth.of sb.向某承认, 供认;by contrast 对比之下 人要求(非物质的)东西.demand confess to a crime 承认罪行.156.contribute to 有助于 sth.from sb.向某 127.confide in(=to talk 157.under control(被)控制住人要求(物质的)东西 freely to sb.about one’s out of control 无法控制 182.in demand 有需求;on secret)对„讲真心话, 依赖 158.at one’s demand 受到要求时 128.in confidence 推心置腹convenience(=where and when 183.be dependent on 依靠 地;it suits one)在方便的时间或184.deprive sb.of sth.剥夺with confidence 满怀信心地;地点 某人某物 have confidence in 对„有信心.be convenient to / for 对„185.derive„from(=obtain„129.confidence in sb./ sth.方便 from)从„取得,由„来对„的信赖 159.convince sb.of(=cause 的.derive from(=come from)起 130.be confident of 有信心;sb.to believe or feel certain;源于 confidential 机密的 to persuade sb.)使 186.despair of(=lose all 131.confine„to„ 把„限制某人确信,try to persuade sb.hope of)绝望 在某范围内 to do sth.劝说某人做„ 187.in despair 绝望 132.confirm sb.in 使某人更160.cope with(=deal with, try 188.despite(=in spite of)不坚定(信念等)to find a solution to)应付, 处管, 尽管 133.conform to(=be in 理 189.in detail 详细地 agreement with, comply with)161.in the corner(of)在角落190.deviate from 偏离, 不的,无可争议 199.in dispute 在争议中 200.in the distance 在远处.make out 辩认出 201.(be)distinct from(= be different from)与„截然不同 202.distinguish between(=make or recognize differences)辨别 203.distinguish„from 把„与„区别开 204.do away with(=get rid of)除去,废除,取消;do away with(=kill)杀掉, 镇压 205.have„to do with 与„有关系 206.without doubt(=undoubtedly)无可置疑地207.in doubt(=in a condition of uncertainty)对„表示疑惑 208.be due to 是由于 209.come off duty 下班 210.go on duty 上班 211.be on duty 值班, 值日, 在上班时 212.be in duty bound to(do)(=be required by one’s job or esp.by conscience)有义务(做)213.be eager for 想得到, 盼望 214.by ear(=play music from memory without having seen it printed)凭记忆, 不看乐谱 215.have an ear for(=have keen recognition of sounds esp.in music and language)对..有鉴赏力 216.a word in one’s ear 私房话, 秘密话 217.on earth 究竟, 到底, 全然 218.with ease(= easily)容易, 不费力 219.at(one’s)ease(= without worry or nervousness)自在,不拘束 220.put sb.at his / her ease(=free sb.from worry or nervousness)使某人感 到无拘束 221.economize on(=save sth.instead of being wasteful)节省 222.have an effect on 对„有影响 223.be in effect(=be in operation)有效 224.go into effect 生效.(近:

come into effect;take effect;用)291.on faith 毫无怀疑地, 依集中在„上 be brought into 256.in the event of(=in case 赖地 focus sth.on 把„集中在„上 effect)of)万一,即使发生..时 292.faithful to(=loyal to)327.be fond of 喜欢 225.in effect(=in fact, 257.except 除„以外;besides 对„忠诚 328.(be)in force 有效, 实施 really)实际上 除„以外还有..293.fall into the habit(of)329.go into force 开始生效 226.give effect to(=carry 258.except(=but)除了。养成„习惯 330.by force 靠武力, 强行 out)实行,使„生效 259.except for(=apart from)294.fall short of(=fail to 331.force„on 把„强加给„ 227.to no effect 不起作用,除„以外 reach a desired result, 332.in the form of 以„形式 没有取得任何效果 260.(an)exception to „的例standard, etc.)没达到, 低于 333.be fortunate in 幸运,有228.(be)of no effect 外 295.familiar with 熟悉,了解 好运气(=useless)无效 261.with the exception of 296.have a fancy for(=like 334.free of charge 免费 229.to the effect that 大意(=except, apart from)除去„., sth.without the help of 335.be freed from 免受, 没是„,主要内容是„ 除„以外 reason)(没有道理地)喜欢,想有„ 230.to that effect 是那个意262.in excess of(=more than)要 336.in front of 在„前面 思的„ 超过 297.take a fancy to(=become in the front of 在„前部 231.emerge from(=appear, 263.exchange„for 以„交换 fond of)喜欢 337.furnish„with(=supply)become known)出现, 暴露(问264.exclusive of(=not taking 298.by far 远, 非常(与比较级向„提供 题.意见等)into account;without)不包括 或最高级连用)338.in general(=in most 232.place(or put, lay)an 265.in excuse of 作为„的借emphasis on 强调, 把重点放口 在„上 266.exert„on„ 对„施加„ 233.encourage sb.in 鼓励;267.exert oneself to do sth.encourage sb.in his/her work 努力,使劲 鼓励某人工作;268.come into existence encourage sb.in his/her(=begin to exist)开始存在;idleness 怂恿某人游手好闲 come into use 开始使用;234.encourage sb.in „with come into effect 开始运转;sth.用„鼓励某人做某事 come into fashion 开始时新;235.on end(=continuously)come into action 开始行 连续地 动;come into power 开始执政;236.(be)at an end(=finished)come into sight 进入视野;come 结束了 into blossom 开花;237.no end of(=very 269.(be)in existence 存在many/much)很多,大量238.in come into existence 出现 the end(=finally, eventually)270.expect„of 在„期望„ 最终239.at one’s wit’s end 271.at the expense of 在损(=not knowing what to do or to 害„情况下,以„为牺牲 say)无法可想, 智穷计尽 272.expose„to„使暴露于„, 240.end up with 以„而结束 使„受(危险,风险)273.be 241.come to and end(=finish)exposed to„ 面临„, 受到„.结束 274.beyond expression(=in a 242.end in 以„为结束 manner that cannot be 243.engage in 或be engaged expressed)无法形容, in 忙于,从事 说不出的275.give expression 244.enter for(=put the name to 表达, 表现find expression on a list for)报名参加 in 表现 245.enter into(=begin)开始276.to „extent 在„程度上(谈话, 谈判等)277.in the extreme(= 246.enter on / upon(=begin)extremely)极其 开始(一个时代.一种生涯.一278.look sb.in the eye 正视, 段任期等)打量(某人)247.be entitled to(=be given 279.close(shut)one’s eyes the right to do sth.)有权„,to 不理会,视而不见280.in 有资格„ one’s mind’s eye 在心目中, 在248.be equal to 等于 想象中281.in the twinkling 249.be/ feel equal to(=have of an eye 一眨眼,转眼间 enough strength, ability etc.)282.keep an eye on(=keep a(某人)能胜任,能应 watch on)照看,监视 付 283.in the eyes of /in one’on equal terms(=on and equal s eyes(= in the judgment of)footing)平等地 在某人看来, 在某人 250.be equipped with 装备有,眼里 装有 284.on the face of it 251.(be)equivalent(=judging by what one can see)to(=equal in value, amount, 表面看来 meaning)相等于, 相当于 285.in the face of 面对着(困252.in essence(=in its/one’难等情况)s nature)本质上 286.in one’s face 当着某人253.at all events(=in spite 的面;face to faced 面对面;of everything, in any case)不face up to 大胆面向 论怎样, 无论如何 287.fail in(=be unsuccessful 254.in any event(=whatever in)失败 happens in the future)无论如288.in good faith(=honestly, 何, 不管(将来)怎么 sincerely)真诚地 样 289.keep faith with 对„守信255.in the event that(=if)假用 如, 如果.in the event 结果, 290.lose faith in 对„失去信实际情况是(常与but 连 心 299.far from 远远不是 cases, usually)通常 300.far from 非但不„(而且)339.catch(or get)a glimpse 301.in fashion(=stylish, of 瞥见(强调结果)take a most modern)时兴,流行 glance(or look)at 看一眼 302.after the fashion(of)依(强调动作)照„ 340.be good for 对„有好处;303.find fault 对„有作用 with(=complain about;be good at 擅长于;be good to criticize)找毛病,对„吹毛求对„好 疵 341.in good time(=early)早早304.at fault(=in the wrong, 地(做完.到达等)blamable)有错305.in favour 342.for good(=for ever)永of 赞成 远地, 长期地 306.be in favour with 受宠, 343.take„for granted 受偏爱;(=assume to be true)out of favour with 失宠, 不受把„认为理所当然的.宠 344.be grateful to sb.for sth 307.in one’s favour(=to one’因„感谢某人 s advantage)对.有利 345.on the ground(s)fo 308.(be)favourable(=because of)由于„ to(=advantageous)有利的 346.fall to the ground(计划.309.fear for(=be afraid for 希望等)失败,落空 the safety of sb.or sth.)347.on one’s guard(against)为„担心 谨防, 警惕 310.for fear of(=in case of;(be)on guard 站岗 because of anxiety about)以348.guard against(=defend, 防, 由于怕 keep safe)警惕,防止guard„311.in fear of(=afraid for against 警卫„防止 the safety of)担心 349.guess at 猜, 估计 312.feed(sb.)on sth.靠吃„, 350.by guess 靠猜 用„喂养 351.be guilty of 犯有„罪或313.be fed up with(=be 过失 unhappy, tired about sth.dull)352.be in the habit of习惯厌烦, 腻了 于 314.feel like(=have a desire 353.break off(a habit)改掉for)想要(某种习惯)315.fill in 填写 354.break sb.of(a habit)316.fill out(=fill in)填使某人改掉(某习惯)写 355.get(fall)into the habit 317.set the world on fire=set of 养成了„的习惯 the flames on fire(=do sth.356.come to a halt(=stop)停remarkable)有突出 止;停住 成就 357.at hand 在手边, 眼前(附318.play with fire(=take近)great risks)干冒险事 358.by hand 用手工(做)319.set sth.on fire(=set 359.hand in glove(with)狼狈fire to sth.)使..着火,放火 为奸, 密切合作 320.at first sight(=when 360.in hand 1)在手边first seen)乍一看,一见 2)(=under control)控制住 321.for the first time 第一361.in the hands of 由„掌握, 次(作状语)控制, 负责 322.in the first place 首先, 362.live from hand to mouth 第一 勉强度日,现挣现吃 323.fit into 刚好放入 363.at the head of 在„的前324.fit in with(= suit , fall 头 into agreement)合适, 相配, 364.head for(=move towards)一致 向„方向前进 325.(be)fit for(=right and 365.hear of(=know about)听suitable for)适合 人说起, 听说过 326.focus on(=concentrate on)366.at heart(=in reality)内

心里, 实际上 402.instruct„in(=teach)教.渴望,希望得到 反对 367.in one’s heart(of hearts)指导.训练某人„ 440.for long 很久,很长时间476.objection to(接动名词)内心深处,事实上 403.insure„for 把„保险(多(否定句.疑问句中)反对 368.by heart(=by memory)熟少钱);ensure 使安全;441.before long(=soon)不久, 477.on occasion(=now and then)记, 背(诵)assure„(of)使„确信,保证 过了不久以后.不时地,必要时 369.to one’s heart’s content 404.insure„against 保险„442.in the long run(=in the 478.by occasion of(=because 尽情地 以防 end)从长远来说,最后;in the of)由于 370.with all one’s heart 全405.intend„for 打算把„给 short term(从短期来 479.occupy oneself with(in)心全意地,真心实意 406.(be)intent on 专心致志, 说)忙于(某事)371.hinder„from(=stop„坚决 443.(be)at a loss 不知所措 480.it occurs to sb.that„ from)阻碍,使..不能做 407.in the interests of 符444.major in 主修(某课程)某人想到„ 372.be(go)on holiday 在(去)合„的利益 445.as a matter of fact 实际481.once and for all =once and 度假 be interested in 对„感兴趣 上, 事实是 forever 永远地 go on holiday = go for a 408.interfere in 干涉, 446.by all means(=at all all at once(=suddenly, now)holiday interfere with 打搅,干扰 costs)不惜一切.立即,马上 373.be(feel)at home(=to be 409.at intervals 每隔一会儿,(=certainly)当然行;by means once in a while(=occasionally)comfortable;not feel worried)每隔一段距离 of 用„;by no means 完全不, 偶尔 感觉合适,无拘 束,熟悉 374.be honest in 诚实 375.in one’s honour(or in honour of)祝贺,纪念 376.on one’s honour 以某人的名誉担保 377.hope for 希望(某事发生),希望有 378.to one’s horror 令某人感到恐惧的是 379.in a hurry(=hastily)匆忙地 380.be identical with(=exactly alike)和完全相同 381.be identified with 被视为与„等同 382.in ignorance of 不知道„ 383.be ignorant of(= lacking knowledge)对„不了解,不知道 384.(an)impact(on)对„的强烈影响 385.impose„on 把„强加给 386.impress„on 给„留下印象 387.make(leave)an impression on sb.=give sb.an impression 给„留下印象 388.under the impression that 有..的印象,认为 389.improve sth.(make sth.better)把原物改进 improve on(=produce or be sth.better than„)另做一物比原物更好 390.improve in(=get better)有改进, 好些 391.improvement in 表示原物有改进,好转 392.include„in 把„列在„里面 393.inclusive of 把„包括在内 394.independent of 独立的,不受约束的 395.indicative of 表明, 说明 396.be indifferent to(=not interested in)对„漠不关心, 冷淡, 不在乎 397.(be)inferior to(=less good in quality or value)比„差;superior to 比„好 398.inform sb.of sth.通知, 告诉 399.be innocent of 无罪的,无辜的 400.insist on(=order sth.to happen)坚持要 401.instead of(=in place of)代替,而不是„ 410.intervene in 干预 决不(just)for once 就这一次 411.invest in 投资 447.on memory of 为纪念„ 482.(all)by oneself 独自(没412.be involved in(=become 448.on the mend(=in the 有别人帮助)connected or concerned)卷入, process of recovering)好转, 483.operate on sb.给某人做参加 在康复中 手术 413.by itself(=alone, 449.mention sth.to sb.向某operation n.come/ go into without help)单独地,靠自己 人提起某事 operation 开始运转 414.in itself 本身;of itself 450.at the mercy of(=in the put/bring sth.into operation 自发,自然 power of)任„摆布, 在„支配使„投产,运转484.be of the 415.be jealous of 妒忌 下 opinion 持有„的看法 416.jump at(=to be eager to 451.be in a mess 乱七八糟, 处485.in one’s opinion 按某人accept)抢着接受, 境困难 的看法 417.jump on(=scold, tell of)make a mess of 弄乱, 打乱 486.be opposed to„ 反对„ 叱责 452.bear(or keep)„in 487.be opposite to 与„相反418.junior to sb.年纪较„轻, mind(=remember)牢记 的 职位较„低.453.bring(or call)to 488.(be)in 419.(be)keen on 喜爱, 渴望 mind(=remember)使回想起 order(=acceptable)合适的,恰420.keep a close watch on 454.by mistake(由于粗心,健忘当的(=keep a sharp lookout for)原因而)错误地 in order 井井有条,处于良好状密切注视 455.at the moment(=now)此态;out of order(=in bad 421.keep„to oneself(=keep 刻,现在 condition)出毛病,发生故 secret)不告诉别人 for the moment(=for the time 障 422.to(the best of)one’s being)暂时 489.made to order 定做的(衣knowledge 据„所知 just a moment 稍等片刻 服)423.at large(=at liberty, at the last moment 在最后一刻 490.originate in/from(=begin)free)在逃, 逍遥法外 456.in the mood for 有情绪去起源于,由..引起 at large(=in general)一般来做..,有心境做.491.on the outskirts(of)在说, 大体上 457.no more„than 和„一样都城郊 at large(=at full length;with 不„ 492.owe„to 把„归于„ details)详细地 458.for the most part 多半,493.on one’s own(=along, 424.lean against(背)靠着„ 大多数,一般来说 without help)单独 425.at least 至少;at most 至459.at(the)most 最多, 至多 494.of one’s own 某人自己的 多 460.make the most of 充分利495.keep pace with 跟„齐步426.(not)in the least 一点用 前进(也不), 丝毫(也不)461.be not much of(=not a good)496.go to great pains=take 427.at one’s leisure 在„有不是很好的„ pains 下功夫,努力 空的时候 be something of 有点„,像„ 497.part with(=give up, sell)428.lend itself/themselves 462.name after 用„的名字命舍弃,卖掉 to 适合于(某用途)名 498.participate in(=take 429.at length(=after a long 463.native to 所产的 part in)参加 time, at last)终于 464.by nature 天生的, 生来 499.(be)particular about 讲at length(=in detail, 465.in mature 本质上 究,挑剔(吃,穿)thoroughly)详细地 466.(be)in the nature of 500.in particular 430.go to any length 想一切属„性质(=especially)特别是,尤其 办法, 尽一切力量 467.none other that 不是别人,501.(a)passion for 对„的热431.be liable to(=be subject 正是„ 爱,热情 to)易于..的,应受(罚)468.above normal 高于正常(温502.be patient with 对„耐心 432.be liable for 对„应负责度)503.pay for 赔偿, 付款, 报偿, 任的 469.for nothing(=free, 处罚 433.lie in 在于 without payment)免费 504.pay„for 付„的钱 434.in life 一生中 470.nothing but 只有, 不过„505.(be)at peace with 与„435.for life 终身 而已 和睦相处 436.in the light of 471.to say nothing of(=not to in peace(=peacefully)安静,(=considering;taking into mention)更不用说„平安 account)考虑到, 根据 472.do sth.at short notice 506.peculiar to„ 特有的, 独437.throw light on(= make 只给很少时间准备 具的 clear, explain)使„更为清楚, 473.until further notice 在507.penalty for 对„的处罚,提供线索, 阐明 另行通知前 罚金 438.in line with(=in 474.take notice of(=pay 508.perform on the agreement with)符合,一致 attention)注意 piano(=play the piano)439.long for(=want very much)475.object to(=be opposed to)演奏钢琴509.persist in 坚持,固执 546.in public 公开地, 当众 评论 hopes of 为期待..;in pursuit 510.in person 亲自, 当面 547.on purpose(=by intention, 584.remedy for 对„治疗法, of 为追求..;in behalf of 为„511.in place(in right or deliberately)故意 补救, 药物 的利益;in favor of 为赞 proper place)放在应放的地方 548.to the purpose(=useful 585.remind sb.of 提醒某人„,成„;in support of 为支持„ 512.in place of(=instead of)for one’s purpose)得要领的, 使某人向想起 619.in season 旺季 代替 中肯的 586.in good repair(=in good 620.in secret 秘密地;in 513.take(a)pleasure in 喜欢549.be qualified in 在某种科condition)处于良好状态;be private 私下 做某事 目或学科上合格 under repair 在修理中 621.senior to 比„年长;514.be on the point of doing be qualified for 在某种职业上587.reply to 答复, 回答 junior to 比„轻;sth.(=be about to do sth.)刚合格 588.beyond reproach 不受责备superior to 比„更好;要去做 550.call„in question 对„表的;beyond(all)reason 毫无道inferior to 比„差 515.beside the point 不切正示怀疑 理;beyond question 622.in a sense 在某种意义上 题,无关紧要 551.beyond(all)question 毫无疑问;beyond belief 以相623.sensitive to 对„敏感;516.come to the point 谈主要(=without question)毫无疑问 信;beyond hope 绝望 sensible(of)觉察到的;问题 552.out of the question 589.resort to 诉诸于.., 求助sensational 耸人听闻的 517.there is no point in doing(=impossible)不可能的 于„ 624.in sequence 按顺序, 按先sth.没必要做某事 553.in question(=under resort to force 诉诸于武力 后次序 518.to the point 中肯, 切题 discussion)所谈及的;590.in/with respect to 625.share in(=have a share in)519.point at(=indicate, 554.without question 毫无疑(=concerning)有关,关于 分摊, 分担 direct attention)指着 问 591.respond to 对„反应, 响626.share sth.with 与„分享,point out(=indicate, show)555.be caught in the rain 被应, 对(药)有效 分担,分摊,共用 指出,指明 雨淋了 592.in response to(=as an 627.be shocked at / by 对„520.popular with/among 大众556.at random(=without aim answer to)回答,反应 感到震惊 所喜爱的,拥戴 or purpose)随便地, 任意地, 593.be responsible for 对„628.fall short of 达不到 521.in the position of 处在„胡乱地 负责, 是造成„原因 629.go short of(=be without 位置上 557.range over(=cove, 594.rest on/upon(=be enough of)缺乏 522.in practice 实际上(状语);include)范围包括 supported by)依靠,寄托 630.for short(in a short form)业务熟练(表语)558.range between 范围在..595.rest with(=be in hand of)为简便,简称 523.be(get)out of practice 与..之间不等 在„手中, 是„的责任;由„决631.in short(=in a few words, 荒疏,不熟练 559.at any rate(=at all 定;依靠 in brief)简称632.in short 524.bring(put)„into events)无论如何,总之 596.restrain„from(=hold supply 供应不足 practice 使„成为现实525.560.beyond the reach of 无法back from)抑制..不..633.be short of(=lacking prefer„to„(choose rather, 达到(得到,理解)597.restrict„to(=keep enough)缺乏,不够634.be shy like better)宁要, 更喜欢 561.out of reach of 无法够到.within limits)把..限制于..of 难为情, 不好意思 526.prepare for breakfast 准within reach of(or within 598.result in(=cause)导致 635.at the side of 与„相比 备吃早饭 one’s reach)够得到, 599.with the result that 其636.take the side of 站在„prepare breakfast 作早饭 能拿到 结果是 一边 527.in the presence of 在„562.react to 对„作出反应 600.in return(for)作为报答;637.catch the sight of(=see 在场的情况下 563.react on / upon 对„产生以报答(for)for a moment)瞥见 528.for the present(=for the 影响 601.get rid of 摆脱, 去掉, 638.at the sight of 一看见„ time being, for now)暂且,就现564.react against 作出反抗或除去 639.(be)in sight(=in view, 在来说;at present 反对反应 602.be in the right 正确的;in visible)看得见 现在,此刻 565.(be)ready for 准备好the wrong 错误的 out of sight 看不见 529.preside over / at 主持(会做„ 603.be within one’s rights(to 640.know sb.by sight 与„只议,业务等)566.in reality(=in fact, do)有权(做)面熟 530.prevail over 占优势, 压really)事实上 604.give rise to(=lead to)641.on the sly(=secretly)偷倒, 战胜 567.beyond all reason 没有道引起, 导致 偷地 531.prevent„from 使„不, 理的 605.at the risk of(=with 642.smell of 有„的气味 防止„做 568.by reason of(=because of)danger of)冒...的风险 643.be sorry about/for 懊悔532.previous to(=prior to)由于,因为 606.run(take)risk of(=do sth 的,后悔的,难过的 在„之前 569.it stands to reason dangerous)的风险 644.speak ill of 说„的坏话;533.take pride in(=pride that „理所当然 607.rule out(=exclude, speak well of 说„的好话 oneself on)以„自豪 570.reason with(=argue)劝eliminate)排除 645.specialize in 专门研究, 534.pride oneself on / upon 说 608.in safety 安全地 专攻 以„自豪 571.in the red 亏损,负债,赤609.for the sake of(=for the 646.in spite of(=despite)尽535.in principle(=only in 字 good or advantage of)为了„管 regard to the main idea)原则(be)get out of red 不再亏损 起见 647.on the pot(=at the place 上 572.refer to„as 把„称做„ 610.be for sale 待售 of the action)在现场, 在出事536.prior to(=before)在„573.refer„to„(=send, take)611.on sale(=offered to be 地点;或(=at once)之前 送交,呈交 sold)出售, 上市 立即 537.in private(=privately)574.with/in reference 612.be satisfied with 满意 648.take a stand against 采私下, 秘密地 to(=concerning, about)关于 613.on a large scale 大规模取某种立场反对 in public 公开地 575.with/in regard to 地 take a stand for 采取某种立场538.proceed from(=arise from,(=concerning)有关,关于 614.on schedule(=at the 支持„ result from)由„发出, 由„576.give one’s regards to sb.planned or exacted time)按时, 649.stare at 目不转睛地看, 引起(产生)向„问候 准时;ahead of 凝视, 盯着

539.proceed with(=begin and 577.regardless of(=without schedule 提前;in advance 预650.in step 步伐一致;out of continue sth.)继续进行 worrying about, despite, in 先;behind schedule 落后于计step 步伐不齐 540.in progress(=in the state spite of)不顾,不考虑 划进度,晚于规定时间 651.stick sth.on 把„贴在„of be done)进行中 578.in/with relation to 关于, 615.be schedule for 定在某时上 541.prohibit„from(=forbid)有关(进行)652.stick to 粘着, 坚持 禁止, 阻止 579.relevant to 与„有关的 616.scrape through(in)勉强653.stick at(=continue to 542.in proportion to 与„成580.to one’s relief 令„感通过 work hard at)继续勤奋地致力比例 到放心的是 617.from scratch(=from the 于„;stick one’s work 坚 543.protect„from 阻止..不581.relieve„of„ 解除,解脱;beginning)从头开始 持工作;stick at one’s books 受,保护不受 帮助拿,辞退 618.in search of 寻找;in 勤奋读书 544.be proud of 为„自豪 582.rely on 依靠, 信赖 honor of 为了...表示敬意;in 654.stick to(=refuse to 545.provide for 为„做准备 583.remark on(upon)对„发表memory of 为纪念..;in leave or change)坚持;

stick to one’s promise 比喻不„ 有决心地 食言 in on time(=very quickly)立726.wish for 渴望某物;hope stick to one’s friend 忠于朋即,马上 for 想要某物 友 691.at times(=occasionally)727.“with+名词+分词” 构成655.in stock 有„.货 间或, 时常 复合结构,作状语 656.be strict with 对„严格at all times(=always)始终, 728.word for word(=literally)要求 总是 逐字地 657.be/go on strike 罢工 692.at a time 一次, 每次;同729.in a word 总之;in other 658.subject„to(=cause„to 时 words 换言之;have a word with experience)使受..到subject 693.on top of 在„上面 sb.谈一谈;have(adj.)to 易受到„的 694.in total(=all have been words with sb.争吵;have the 659.submit„to 提交 added up)总计 last word 有决定权 660.substitute„for 以„代695.be in touch with 与„有keep one’s word 遵守诺言 替„ 接触, 有联系 730.work out ideas 出主661.suffer from 患„病;受„be out of touch with 与„没有意;work out the amount of„计苦痛 联系或接触 算出„的数量;work out a 662.be suitable for(=fit)合696.be true of 适合于„的;be problem 解决问题;work out a 适„的 true to 忠于„ puzzle 解谜 663.in sum 大体上, 总之 697.to trust „to 把„委托给 731.at the thought of 一想664.supply sb.with sth 向某698.place(put, have)trust 到„worry about 担心 人提供某物 in 依赖 732.at(the)worst 在最糟的665.superior to 优于„, 比„699.in truth 事实上, 实在 情况下 好 700.by turns 轮换地 733.yield to 对„屈服,投降,666.in support of 以便支持 701.in turn(=successively;让步,顺从 667.be sure of(=have no doubt;in order)依次702.be typical 734.be worthy of(=be certain)确信的 of 是„的特点 deserving of)值得,够得上, 配668.for sure / certain 703.for use 以便使用 得上(certainly, definitely)肯定704.be in use(=be used)被使地.有把握地说 用;be out of use(=be on 669.make sure about 弄清, 弄longer used)不再被使 确实 用705.be used to+名词或动名670.be surprised at 对..惊词:习惯于 奇;take„by surprise 使„惊used to+动词原形: 过去常常奇;to one’s surprise 使某人(做)惊奇 706.be unprepared for 对„无671.suspect sb.of 疑心某犯准备的 有„ 707.in vain(=uselessly)徒672.be suspicious of(=not 劳 trusting)对„有疑心 708.be valid for 对„有效的 673.by sympathetic 709.in the vicinity 在附近;to/towards 对„同情,赞同 in close vicinity to 在靠近„674.sympathize with sb.or 的地方;in the vicinity of大sth.对„表示同情 约 675.be in sympathy with 赞同,710.with a view to +动名词同情(=in order to do sth.)以„为676.taste of 有„味道 目的 677.in good taste 大方,得711.in view(=in sight)看得体;(反意)in bad taste 见 678.to(one’s)taste 合„的712.in view of(=considering)口味, 中意 考虑到„

679.tell„from(=recognize)in the view of 按„的意思 辨别.认出 713.by/in virtue of(=as a 680.in terms of(=with regard result of, by means of)由于„;to;respectively)按照, 根据, 依靠„力量 在„方面 714.a warning against 告诫„681.be on good/bad terms with 不要 关系好(不好)a warning of 警告„存在„ 682.thank sb.for sth.因„715.(be)on the watch for 不感谢某人 断监视看有没有..683.think of(=have the idea(be)on the watch against 不of)想到;(=consider)考虑;断监视为防范„(=remember)想起 716.be in the way

684.on second thoughts 经再(=obstructive)碍事, 阻碍三考虑之后 717.(be)under way(=moving 685.be through with(=finish forward)正进行718.by way of with)做好,完成(=by going through)经由,取道686.at one time 过去一度, 以719.by the way(=in addition)前曾经 顺带地(转移话题)

687.behind the times(思想,720.in no way 无论怎样也不„ 看法)落后于时代 721.in the way 对„方式 behind time(=late)迟到, 晚722.in a way 从某种程度上说 点 723.as a whole(=in general)688.for the time being 就整体而论(=temporarily)暂时689.in 724.on the whole(=generally, time(for)(=early or soon for the most part)大体上说 enough)及时 725.against one’s will 违心on time(=punctually)准时 地, 违背意愿地 690.at no time 无论何时也at will 随心所欲;with a will




I will pay the bill this time because last time you did it.这次我来买单,因为上次是你。


We all passed the bill on yesterday’s board meeting.在昨天的董事会上我们全票通过该提案。


Here’s a 10-dollar bill.Give me two tickets for tonight’s show please.这是一张10美元的纸币,请给我两张今晚演出的票,谢谢。



apply for(申请),这是工作的第一步;既然要申请,必然需要递交letter of applicatio n(求职信),只要你足够confident about yourself,就有可能获得job interview(工作面试)的机会。是否能够give a good impression(留个好印象)给主管,那就得看你个人犄造化了。

有些工作岗位会require much traveling,(要求经常出差)还有些工作,做不了多久就会希望find a way out(找到出路)。


(4)as well 也

If the weather is this hot tomorrow, we may as well give up the idea of playing tennis outside.如果明天温度还是这么高,我们也可能放弃到户外进行比赛的主意。

(1)as soon as 一……就,尽快

I will do that for you as soon as I have fixed the machine.一修好机器我就会尽快为你完成那个工作。



awfully nervous 相当紧张;awfully cold 相当冷;awfully sorry 十分抱歉

Tom looks awfully nervous.汤姆看上去相当紧张。

I am awfully sorry.I didn’t mean to hurt you.十分抱歉。我不想伤害你的。

7、be bound to


The movie starts in 5 minutes and there’s bound to be a long line.电影还有5分钟就开始了﬌现在那里肯定排着长队。

8、be tired of

厌烦。当一个人感到厌烦的时候,也是最容易lose one’s temper(生气)的时候。

I’m tired of movies about romantic stories.我已经彻底厌烦了电影中的浪漫故事。

9、be worn out


I’m usually worn out at the end of the day.在一天快结束时我时常觉得很累。


My soles were worn out after a long time trip.经过长时间的旅行,我的鞋底已经破旧不堪。


(1)’d better 最好是

I’d better read one of the articles for the class.我最好还是为上课读篇文章准备一下。

I think you’d better find another partner.我想你最好还是另找一个搭档吧。

(2)make it better 让……更好

I’d rewrite the last two paragraphs to make it better.我已经重写了最后两段以使它更好。

(3)be better 更好些

I told you it would be better for you if you took fewer courses during the first semester.我告诉过你如果你在第一个学期少选一些课程会比较好一些。



(2)预定,订购。be booked up 被预定空了;booking office 售票处

All the morning flights have been booked up.所有明早的飞机票都预定光了。


(1)简介。会议之前,总要有一个项目叫做Give a briefing.Mrs.Lung’s briefing seems to go on forever.Lung女士的简报似乎没完没了。

(2)news / press briefing 新闻发布会



I’d love to see a different type of movie for a change.我想换换口味,看场不同类型的电影。

I’ll have to get my ticket changed.我必须得更改我的票。


Two tickets and here’s a dollar forty cents change.这是两张票以及一美元四十美分的找零。

Jane, do you have some change? I have to make a call on the pay phone.Jane,你有零钱吗?我想在公用电话亭打个电话。


(1)检查。基本意思。check our baggage 检查行李

Could you check for me who borrowed it?


Did you check the power plug and press the play button?


(2)登机台。check-in counter

Is this the check-in counter for Flight 914 to Los Angeles?


(3)询问。check on it 问问看

Maybe I should call to check on it.也许我应该打个电话问问看。


Sign the check.签这张支票。


(1)一本,一份。a copy of 口语中经常使用。

I’d like to buy a copy of Professor Franklin’s book On American Culture.我想买本富兰克林教授写的关于美国文化的书。

Would you like a copy of professor Smith’s article?



Could you copy this article for me?




She is counting the days.她每天都在数着日子。

(2)指望。count on 依赖

We’ll have to count on good weather.我们不得不指望一个好天气。


(1)封面。hard cover 精装书,与hard back book同意。另外,每个娱乐杂志的封面都免不了会有一位漂亮时尚的cover figure(封面人物)。

The hard cover is on sale for the same price as the paperback this week in the bookshop.在书店,这些精装本与平装本价格相同。


I think we’ve covered everything.我认为我们完成所有事情了。

I just covered a few chapters which interested me most.我只读完了自己最感兴趣的几章。

19、crossword puzzle

纵横字谜,一种填字游戏。既可以entertain oneself(自我娱乐),也是一种不错的智力训练。

This is not a game.It’s only a crossword puzzle that helps increase my vocabulary.这不是游戏。这只是可以帮助我提高单词量的一种纵横字谜。


戏剧。这是一种西方的艺术形式。四级听力中曾经多次出现。其他的艺术形式还有TV play(电视剧),soap opera(肥皂剧),concert(音乐会)……

Some people just can’t seem to appreciate real-life drama.有些人似乎不愿意欣赏真实生活的戏剧表演。


(1)拜访。drop by

I wonder if you can drop by tomorrow evening.我想知道你能否在明晚过来。


I’m going home, but I can drop you at the supermarke t.我要回家,但我可以载你到超市。

(2)忘掉,放弃。drop it

We can drop it this time.But don’t do it again.这次我们可以算了,但下次不要再犯。

I have to drop it this time.我这次不得不放弃。

22、drunk driving

酒后驾驶。在四级听力中出现,一般都是作为traffic accident(交通事故)的主要原因之一。

I think it’s high time we turned our attention to the danger of drunk driving now.我认为这是我们必须重视酒后驾驶的危险性的时候了。



Nobody expects you to be a superstar.没有人指望你会成为超级明星。


The lecture was much more difficult to follow than I had expected.这个演讲比我预期的要难懂多了。

Mr.Smith is expecting you at 3 o’clock.史密斯先生等待着你三点钟到来。


使用频率非常高,不亚于very,这个东西extremely expensive。

The speech the blind girl gave this evening was extremely moving.今晚那个盲的女孩的演讲非常感人。




ran out of film 胶卷用完;a roll of film 一卷胶卷;develop the film冲洗胶卷,说成wash就完蛋了。


film the river bank


26、gains and losses


Think about the gains and losses before you make the decision.在你做出决定之前,一定要好好想想得与失。


(1)give sb a ride 请某人搭便车

Could you give me a ride to school tomorrow?


(2)give sb a hand 帮助某人

Can you give me a hand, Mike?


(3)give sb a ring 打电话给某人

I need to give Mum a ring and tell her I will not be back for dinner.我要给妈妈打电话告诉她不回去吃晚饭了。


(1)go broke 破产;身无分文

(2)go for a ride 乘车外出

My sister wanted to go for a ride around town.我的姐姐想乘车去镇上转一转。

(3)go Dutch 各付各的(4)go ahead 向前进;继续下去

Go ahead, please.请继续向前进。

(5)go on forever 永远继续下去

Mrs.Lung’s briefing seems to go on forever.郎女士的演说似乎没完没了。

(6)go against 不顺心

Oh, yes, but not a thing to go against me.哦,是啊,没有什么不顺心的事情发生在我身上。

(7)go over 复习,温习

I’ve have to go over my notes for tomorrow’s midterm



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