商务英语 短语词组&句子翻译 期末复习总结!!必考!(共5篇)

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第一篇:商务英语 短语词组&句子翻译 期末复习总结!!必考!


Chapter 1 Management control 经营管理Management by objective 目标管理

Management competence 经营才干

management inventory form 管理人才储备表 Management of trades 行业管理

management principle 经营方针 Management function 管理职能

resolve conflicts 解决矛盾

Set a goal 建立目标

motivate subordinates 激励下属 Formulate plans 设立计划

previously set goals 预定的目标 Controlling function 控制职能

communication channel 沟通渠道

Chapter 2 Job hunter 求职人员

job hopper 频繁变换工作的人

Job orientation 岗位性质

job responsibility system 岗位责任制 Job search 职业选择

job vacancy 职位空缺 Job recruiting 招工

human resource 人力资源

Current assessment 现状评估human resource inventory 人力资源状况表 Job analysis 工作分析

job description 工作说明 Job specification 工作规范

jobholder 在职者 Potential candidates 潜在求职者

Chapter 3 Financial plan 财务计划

cash inflows 现金流入 Cash outflows 现金流出

financial control 财务控制

Cash outlays 现金支出

cash over and short account 现金盈亏账户 Cash management service 现金管理服务

cash liquidity 现金流动情况 Financial manager 财务经理

credit rating 信用评价 Checking account 活期账户

annual sales 年销售额 Cash management 现金管理

payroll taxes 工薪税 Bank account 银行账户

excess funds 超额资金

Lock boxes银行存款箱

controlled disbursement account 控制支付账号 Interest-free loan 无息贷款

cost of goods sold 销售产品成本 Work in process inventory 线上盘点

materials inventory 材料盘点

Finished goods available for sale 可销售成品


Chapter 4 Production and operation management(P/OM)生产经营管理

Product and service quality 产品和服务质量

product quality assurance 产品质量保证 Product quality control 产品质量管理

product quality standard 产品质量标准 Product quality variance 产品质量差异

quality auditing system 质量检验制度 Quality certificate 品质证明书

quality checks 质量检验

Total quality management 全面质量管理

competitive pressure 竞争压力

Quality improvement 质量改进

product promotion activities 产品促销活动 R&D processes研制和开发过程

quality audit 质量审核

Employee training 员工培训

group brainstorming 集思广益 Top management 高级管理层

work flow 工作流程

Chapter 5 Marketing network 营销网

marketing operating 营销活动 Marketing agencies 销售部门

marketing research 营销调查

Marketing price 营销价格

marketing intermediaries 销售媒介 Marketing products 适销产品

marketing variance 营销预测差异 Marketing strategies 营销策略

sales volume 销售量

Prospective customers 潜在顾客

potential profitability 潜在利益性 Target market 目标市场

total revenue 总收入 Personalized service 个性化服务

traffic flow 客流量

International market 国际市场

promotion strategies 促销策略

Chapter 6 Central bank 中央银行

investment bank 投资银行

Commercial bank 商业银行

correspondent bank 代理行,通知行 Bank acceptance 银行承兑汇票

bank clearing 银行票据交换 Bank copy 银行对账单

current account 活期存款账户 Deposit account 定期存款账户

electric banking 电子银行业务 Information processing system 信息处理系统

financial service 金融服务 Account balance 账户结余

retail customer 小额客户 Wire transfer 电汇

on-line service 在线服务 Accounting system 记账系统

personal computer 个人电脑 Transaction history 交易记录

Chapter 7 Claim for damage 损失赔偿要求

insurance certificate 保险凭证 Loss ratio 赔付率

insurance clause 保险条款 Insurance agent 保险代理人

insurance indemnities 保险赔偿 Insurable risks 可保风险

the insured 投保人 Insurer 承保人

premium 保费 Policy 保单

coverage 险种

Claim 索赔

policyholder 保单持有人 The deductible 绝对免赔额

Chapter 8 Blue chip 蓝筹股(热门股)

stockbroker 股票经纪人 Growth share 增长股

defensive stock 防卫性股 Stock management 股份经营

joint-stock system 股份制度 Public company 股票公开上市公司

share worth 股票值 Equity finance 增股筹资

debt finance 举债筹资 Stock exchange 股票交易所

stock index 股票指数 Financial difficulty 财政困难

expected profitability 预期效益 The Standard & Poor’s 500 Index 标准普尔500种股票价格综合指数 Dow Jones Industrial Average 道琼斯工业股票价格平均指数


Chapter 1 1.Generally speaking, managers perform four basic management functions.(一般来说管理者应履行四项基本职能)2.Organizations exist to achieve some purpose.(组织存在是为了实现某一项目标)3.The textbook on management is organized around management functions.(管理类教科书是按管理的职能编排的)4.Management should be responsible for defining organization’s goals and establishing an overall strategy.(管理负责拟定机构的目标,制定全面策略)5.The leading function involves motivating subordinates, resolving conflicts among members and directing their actions.(领导职能包括激励下属,解决员工间的纠纷,指挥他们的行动)6.The actual performance of the organization must be compared with the previously set goals.(组织的计划实施情况必须与预先设定的目标进行比较)7.Once there are significant deviations, management should correct the organization’s performance.(如果一旦出现重大的偏差,管理者必须立即纠正机构的行为)8.The controlling function is performed to ensure everything goes well in the organization.(履行控制职能以确保机构内一切正常运行)Chapter 2 1.The information derived from a report provided by personnel department.(这个信息来自人事部提供的一份报告)2.Management is able to estimate shortage —— both in number and in type after it assessed the current status and future needs.(在对现状和将来的需求进行评估后管理可以估算在数量和类型上计算出缺少)3.A job specification is concerned with the knowledge skills and abilities needed to do a certain 4.5.job.(工作规范书关于做某项工作所需的知识、技术和能力)Management keeps its attention on human resource planning.(管理主要把注意力集中在人力资源计划上)By keeping an inventory of an organization’s human resource, management will know what talents and skills resource are available in the firm.(通过保持组织的人力资源状况表,管理者将会知道现在公司有什么样的人才和技术资源)Employees can be interviewed individually or in a group.(员工可以单独或集体接受面试)A job description and job specification assist managers in determining whether the candidates are qualified or not.(工作说明书和工作规范书协助管理者决定求职者是否合格)One of the methods for analyzing a job is to have employees record their daily activities in a diary or notebook.(分析工作其中一个方法是让员工在日志或记录本上记下他们的日常活动)6.7.8.Chapter 3 1.The salaries of the employees are paid in the form of cash.(员工的薪水是以现金形式支付的)2.One of the duties of financial management is to minimize the amount of cash.(财务经理的其中一项职责是使现金数量减少到最低限额)3.Some amount of funds must be available to make interest payments due on loans.(一些资金一定要用以支付到期的贷款利息)4.Whether cash management is efficient or not makes a great difference between making money or losing it for the company.(现金管理是否有效率给公司的盈亏带来很大的差异)5.Desktop computers give financial managers access to balance on bank account.(桌面电脑为财务经理了解银行账户的收支情况提供了渠道

6.Excess funds which are not earning interest can be moved instantly to investment.(没有盈利的超额资金应该移出到投资处)7.The president began paying attention to managing the company’s cash.(经理开始留意管理公司的现金)8.The company with large annual sales only keeps 10,000 dollars in account.(有庞大年销售额的公司只留一万美元现金在账上)Chapter 4 1.TQM is adopted by a growing number of companies.(全面质量管理被越来越多的公司采用)2.Total quality management involves the organization in an all-out effort to improve quality.(全面质量管理包括组织用尽全力去提高质量)3.The objective of quality control is to provide products with higher and better quality for质量控制的目的是为顾客提供质量更好更高的产品)Management rewards employees for their contribution to meeting the quality standards.(管理会为员工对符合质量标准而做的贡献进行奖励)Some organizations encourage their employees to put their problem-solving techniques to practical work.(一些公司鼓励它们的员工把解决问题的能力应用于实际工作中)Representatives accepting training come from different divisions of the firm.(接受培训的代表们来自公司的各个部门)Every employee of the organization bears a major responsibility for quality improvement.(组织的每位员工对提高质量负有重大责任)Three principles should be followed to implement total quality management.(实施全面质量管理应遵循三条基本原则)Chapter 5 1.The policies and activities of a company should be directed toward satisfying customer needs.(公司的政策和活动应致力于满足客户需求)2.Successful marketing requires timely and relevant market information.(成功的营销要求及时和相关的市场资讯)3.It’s important to keep up with competitor’s market strategies and make adjustment to one’s own.(跟上竞争营销策略的步伐和调整自身的策略很重要)4.A good strategy helps a business focus on the target market it can serve best.(一个好的策略帮助企业专注于它所能最好服务的目标市场)5.Good salesmanship is very important for small business because of their limited ability to spend on advertisement.(好的推销技术对于小公司来说很重要因为其能用于广告的花费是有限的)6.Working through established distribution agents generally is easiest for manufacturers.(通过已有的经销商或代理商工作对制造厂来说是很简单的)7.Location is not so important for products which customers are willing to go out of their way to find.(地理位置对于产品来说不是那么重要因为顾客愿意费力寻找的)8.To make sure business is running healthy on track, entrepreneurs should audit their company’s performance at least quarterly each year.(为了确保企业在健康的轨道上运行,企业家们应当每个季度审核公司的运行情况)Chapter 6 1.Electronic banking refers to process by which a customer may perform banking transactions electronically without visiting a physical institution.(电子银行指的是顾客电子地处理金融交易而不是去实体机构的过程)2.Both large and small banking institutions are now offering a variety of Internet based financial service.(大小金融机构现在都有提供各种基于因特网的金融服务)3.Other organizations may choose to expand their customers base to wider only a geographic area by accepting on-line applications for loan and deposit products.(其他组织也许会通过接受在线贷款和储蓄的申请在更多的地区拓展客户)4.Only a very small number of banking organizations are focusing on the Internet as their primary delivery channel.(只有极少数的金融机构潜心于将因特网作为首要的交付途径来发展)These services specially include payroll, automated clearing and wire transfer.(这些服务专门包括的自动结算服务和电汇服务)Transactions initiated through this system are processed by a separate Internet banking application and periodically sent to the institution’s general ledger, deposit and loan accounting system.(交易启动后,由单独的网络金融机构程序进行处理并定时将结果传送至金融机构的总账、储蓄和贷款的记账系统中)Telephone banking generally allows customers to check account balances transactions and pay bills through voice response system.(电话银行业务允许客户通过语音应答系统查询账户结余)E-banking can improve a bank’s efficiency and competitiveness.(电子银行业务能提高银行的效率和竞争力) 7 1.Insurance companies must gather a great deal of information before setting premiums.(保险公司在设置保险金额前必须收集大量信息)2.The amount of the premium for a specific type of risk is mainly based on the possible losses that may occur in the future.(一个具体类型的风险所保的保险总额主要以将来可能出现的损失为依据)3.Insurers will decide which risks to insure.(投保人将决定保哪些险种)4.Insurance companies do not count on paying for a single policyholder’s losses out of the premium paid by that particular policyholder.(保险公司不会指望支付某个投保人由一个普通保单持有人所买下的超出保险金额的损失买单)5.Most insurance companies are not likely to consider issuing this sort of insurance.(大多数保险公司不可能考虑发行这种保险)6.Insurance companies are not willing to pay out on all policies at the same time.(保险公司不愿意同时赔付所有的保单)7.Unemployment threatens so many people, so unemployment insurance is wildly easy to come by.(失业威胁着许多人,所以失业保险被通常很容易获得)8.Losses resulting from deliberate actions of the insured are not covered in this policy.(因投保人的故意行为所造成的损失不在这项保单所保的范围之内)Chapter 8 1.Companies wishing to raise more money for expansion can issue more shares.(希望筹集更多资金的公司可以发行更多的股票)2.Stockholders trade shares on stock exchange.(股票持有人在股票交易所交易股票)3.The Dow Jones Industrial Average is based on the prices of the stocks of 30 major US companies.(道琼斯工业股票价格平均指数是以30个主要的美国公司的股票价格为基础的)The company has run into the financial difficulty for its poor management.(这个公司因为他们贫乏的管理而遇到了财政困难)The prices of shares on stock exchange are determined by the supply and demand in these companies.(股票交易所的股票价格是由这些公司的股票供求关系所决定的)Compared to bonds, stocks offer the holder higher risks and potentially higher return.(与证券相比,股票在提供高风险的同时也潜在地提供了高收益)The company sells bonds to finance the new project.(这个公司通过卖证券来自助这一新项目)When people expect that a company will have little profit, the price of the company’s stock will fall.(当人们预期到这个公司将会有很少的盈利时,该公司的股价就会下跌)简答

1.Four basic management functions: planning organizing leading controlling.2.Current assessment includes: generating a human resource inventory and making a job analysis.3.The difference between job description and job specification: Job description describes job content, environment, and conditions of employment.It focuses on the job.Job specification focuses on the person.It defines the knowledge, skills and abilities needed to perform the job effectively.4.Five methods for analyzing a job: the observation method, interview, the use of questionnaire, the use of technical conference and daily activity recording.5.How can a financial manager minimize a firm’s needs? And to what extent? Pay bills as late as possible and collect money owed to the firm as quick as possible as long as they do not damage the firm’s credit rating or cost more than they save.6.The controlled disbursement account: refers to a system that lets a firm know how many checks and in what amounts will clear what banks at what time.7.Three principles of TQM: the objective of quality control is to achieve constant and continual improvement in quality;the focus of quality improvement is on every process in the organization;employees bear a major responsibility for quality improvement.8.Four elements in implementing TQM: communicating the need for quality, training employees in the skills and knowledge of quality, securing employee involvement in quality, rewarding for quality.9.What is the quality audit and why is it conducted? It refers to a careful study of every factor that affects quality in an activity or in process.It is conducted to identify quality problems and discover new ways to improve quality.10.Marketing works primarily on two principles: all company policies and strategies should be directed toward satisfying customer needs.Profitable sales volume is more important than maximum sales volume.11.The main functions of marketing research:(1)To uncover dissatisfaction or possible new products or services.(2)To identify trends that affect sales and profitability.(3)To identify problems and opportunities.(4)To keep up with competitor’s market strategies.12.Four components of marketing program: product and service, promotion, pricing and distribution.13.E-banking services comprise personal computer banking through traditional proprietary communication channels, retail and corporate Internet banking services, telephone banking, and potentially other forms of remote electronic access to banking services.14.Why do more and more financial institutions eager to adopt e-banking? Because e-banking can improve a bank’s efficiency and competitiveness, existing and potential customers can benefit from a greater degree of convenience in effecting transaction.This increased level of convenience, when combined with new services, can expand the bank’s target customers beyond those in traditional markets.15.The deductible: the insurance company will pay only that part of a loss greater than an amount stated in the policy.It represents small losses that the insured has agreed to absorb.16.Stock indexes reflect future economic conditions.17.When people become optimistic about a company’s future, the price of a share of the stock rises;when people come to expect a company to have little profit or even losses, the price of a share fails.




3被精美的展示出来be inferior or superior to stem from be beautifully displayed

4收集的热度和广度 记录下这些体验 6娱乐活动 7与

相符合 8耐性和个性 9投入时间和金钱 10学习的热情 11卷入陷入 12有趣的设施 13坚定的信仰 14从

中得到乐趣 15优势互补


而丰富 2导致成功 3恰当的例子

4实现目标 5学士学位 6工商管理 7全球市场 8互惠互利的 9主导力量


11将大量的精力集中在12激烈的争议 13制造产品 14管理结构


1从这个定义上而言 2被。。吸引 3视觉形象

4发现自己意识到 5亲密的语言

6掌握富有表达力的英语7生动的描述 8经验性的证据 9假装做。10研究的局限性 11担忧。

上the intensity and extensiveness of the collection capture these experiences 6 recreational activity 7 correspond to/with endurance and personality 9 invest time and money in 10 the enthusiasm to learn 11 involve in enjoyable facilities 13 unyielding conviction 14 derive enjoyment from 15 achieve a mutual advantage be enriched by 2 contribute to success 3 a case in point execute one’s objective 5 a bachielor degree bussiness administration 7 global market mutually beneficial 9 the dominant force 10 luxury and necessity 11 focus extensively on 12 intense controversy 13 manufacture products 14 management structure 15 despite the fact that by that definition 2 be fascinated by 3 visual image find myself conscious of 5 language of intimacy expressive command of English belies 7 vivid descreption 8 empirical evidence 9 pretend to do the limitations of research 11 be concerned about


13容忍更多的借口 14立即收到支票 15惊呆的经纪人

四 1网恋

2下决心做。3最浪漫的语言 4遥远而迷人的国度 5一封名为。。的邮件 6走出候机厅 7激动地握手

8我们简直无法看对方 9难以置信的情感

10把理智和情感联系起来11非盈利机构 12周年庆典 13期待订婚 14命中注定。15听到他人的评论

1深刻植根于 2 惹恼了众神 3特别

4惩罚全人类 5深吸一口气 6被。。迷住 7最终

8一个诱人的重要条件 9想不通 10发誓 11不再忍受

12没有财富的痕迹 13感到内疚

14一个迷糊的声音 15悲伤地呼唤

1惊叹于。之美 2创造巨大奇迹 3对。有最深远的影响 4面对、面临 calm down tolerate more excuses receive the check immediately 15 astonished stockbroker cyber love be determined to do the most romantic language the distant and charming country 5 an email entitled….6 walk out of the terminal 7 shake from nerves we could barely look at each other 9 incredible feeling connect mind with the heart 11 non-profit organization 12 anniversary celebration 13 await engagement 14 be destined to receive comments from others profoundly root in 2 upset gods 3 in particular punish the humenity 5 take a deep breath 6 be charmed by 7 eventually a tempting yet important condition 9 puzzle over 10 swear that stand it no longer 12 no sign of treasure 13 feel guilty an indistinct voice 15 miserably call marvel at the beauty 2 make powerful miracles have the most profound impact on 4 be confronted with

5充当。角色 6与。构成鲜明对比 7因值班而彻夜未眠 8清晰记得

9本能的挪动身子 10小心翼翼地择路 11恢复体力 12感到放心的 13换言之

14给了我们这样的启示 15第一手的描述

JR serve as make a pleasant contrast with 7 end a sleepless night on duty 8 remember vividly 9 move indistinctively pick up one’s way cautiously 11 regain one’s strength 12 be reassured about sth 13 put it another way 14 give us a reminder that 15 first hand accounts of



Module 1 知识总结

重点短语: 1.behind the tree

2.on your left

3.on your right 4.live at

5.excuse me

6.No.2 Park Street 7.turn left

8.turn right

9.go straight on 重点句型:

1.Here’s a dog.2.It’s lost.3.What’s your name?

答语:I’m Sam.My name is Sam.4.Excuse me.Where’s No.2 Park Street, please? 答语:Turn left.Turn right.Go straight on.Where’s the train? 答语:It’s up the hill.(答语中必须含有at, in, on, under, behind, up down, near等方位介词)5.Thank you.Thank you very much!Thank you so much!答语:You’re welcome.6.It’s next to a supermarket.Module 2 知识总结

重点短语:1.play football

2.play basketball

3.play table tennis

4.look at 5.read a book

6.take pictures

7.watch TV

8.my little brother 9.play wiyh a toy train

10.fly a kite

11.ride a bike

12.listen to music 13.talk to my friend

14.read a book about China 重点句型:

1.I like playing football.2.Look at these pictures.3.This is my friend Maomao.4.She’s reading a book.7.The bus is near the park.10.next to a supermarket

11.beside the cinema 12.up the hill

13.down the hill

14.near the house 15.at the station 5.What are you doing?

答语:I’m listening to music.What’ s Tom doing? What’s he doing? 答语:He’s reading a book about China.What's Amy doing? What’s she doing?

答语:She’s taking pictures.语法总结:现在进行时:用来描述正在发生的动作 句子结构:主语 + be动词 + 现在分词(动词ing形式)



sing---singing 特殊情况:① 双写加ing 如,swim---swimming



用温暖的眼光去看待你所厌恶的事情,你会发现这个世界变了,你的心情也变了 1 ② 去e加ing 如,ride---riding

dance---dancing Module 3 知识总结


1.get on the bus

2.lots of interesting things

3.do taijiquan

4.in the park 5.on the lake

6.at the zoo

7.row a dragon boat

8.between the big trees

9.play chess

10.drink soya milk

11.draw pictures

12.Me too.13.these girls 重点句型:

Let’s get on the bus.Let’s go.We can see lots of interesting things.Look at the paeple in the park.What are they doing? 答语:They’re playing chess.What are they drinking?

答语:They’re drinking milk.What is it doing? What’s the elepahant doing?

答语:It’s drawing pictures.Module4知识点















1、noodles and rice面条和米饭

2、juice with ice加了冰块的果汁

3、very nice非常美味

4、Chinese fast food中国快餐

5、want some rice想要一些米饭

6、make noodlesLook at the men between the big trees.It’s twelve.= It’s twelve o’clock.I’m hungry.1、also(同义词)too








9、how much„多少钱

10、make dumpings包水饺

11、go to buy some eggs去买一些鸡蛋

12、of course当然


1、Juice with ice is also very nice.加了冰的果汁也非常美味。

2、Do you want some rice?你想要一些米饭吗?

Yes,please.是的,请。No, thank you..不,谢谢你。

3、Here are noodles with tomato and egg, and noodles with meat and potato.这里有西红柿鸡蛋面,和土豆烧肉面。

4、What do you want?你想要什么?

We want some eggs.我们想要一些鸡蛋。


7、noodles with tomato and egg西红柿鸡蛋面

8、noodles with meat and potato土豆烧肉面

13、six yuan for ten六元十个

14、here you are给你

15、make a cake做蛋糕

16、as fast as you can越快越好

5、How much is it?它多少钱? Ten yuan.十元。

6、I want it, please.我想要它。

7、The flower is ten yuan.这花是十块钱。

8、Can we help you?我们能帮你吗?

Can I help you?我能帮你吗?

Can you go to buy some eggs?你们能去买一些鸡蛋吗?

9、Of course.当然。

10、Put it in the pan.把它放在平底锅里。Module 5 知识总结

重点短语:1.run fast

2.jump high

3.jump far

4.ride fast 重点句型:

Can you run fast?

肯定回答:Yes, I can.否定回答:No, I can’t.Can Sam play football? Can he play football? 肯定回答:Yes, he can.否定回答:No, he can’t.Can Lingling ride fast? 肯定回答:Yes, she can.否定回答:No, she can’t.You can’t jump high.He’s strong.She’s tall.I’m the winner.You’re the winner.tall---short


big---small I’m fraid I can’t.She is our star.






they I’m






they’re my






their M5U1检测








五、单项选择,你一定行。()1.Can ____ swim? Yes, she can.A.he


C.she()2.Sam and Daming can____.A.swim B.swimming C.to swim()3.I’m ____winner.A./ B.an C.the Module 6 知识总结

重点短语:1.come here

2.come in

3.turn on the light

4.trick or treat 重点句型:

1.Can I have some soup? 肯定回答:Yes, you can.否定回答:Sorry, you can’t.(名词分为可数名词和不可数名词

可数名词有单复数的变化,如,sweet, a sweet, sweets apple, an apple, apples 用温暖的眼光去看待你所厌恶的事情,你会发现这个世界变了,你的心情也变了

C.winner 3

不可数名词不能变复数,如soup, bread, meat, milk,fish等)2.I can’t see.It’s very dark.3.Happy Halloween!

答语:Happy Halloween!4.Give me a sweet.5.Can I come in?

答语:Yes, of course.6.Can I have some sweets? Module 7 知识总结

重点短语:1.ride the horse

2.some nice photos

3.have a look

4.in this photo 5.eat vegetables

6.climb a tree

7.under the tree

8.watch the cat

9.eat fruit

10.on the bike 语法总结:there be 句型:There is + 单数

There are + 复数


1.There are some nice photos here.2.Let’s have a look.3.There is a horse in this photo.4.There is a girl under the tree.5.That’s my cat.三、用所给单词的正确形式填空 1.There_______________(be)a girl.2.She is______________(ride)a horse.四、补全句子

1.There is ________ boy on the bike.2.There ___________ three boys on the bike.6、There

_____________ a pencil in the pencil box.7、There____________________some flowers on the desk.6.Who’s that girl? 7.I can’t see her face.8.There are three chickens in the photo.9.There are twelve boys on the bike.3.It’s _______________(run)fast.4.It’s_______

___(climb)a tree.9、There________________ a picture and two maps on the wall.5、A: Is there a cat under the tree?

B: Yes,there ______________

8、There _____________four people in my family.Module 8 知识总结

重点短语:1.visit Hainan

2.go with you

3.by plane

4.get up at 5 o’clock

6.swim in the sea

7.visit my grandpa

8.Xiaoyong’s swimsuit

9.play in the park

10.take some pictures

11.visit the lions 12.on Sunday(on Monday, on Tuesday, on Saturday)

13.at the zoo 语法总结:一般将来时:be going to 打算,将要

用温暖的眼光去看待你所厌恶的事情,你会发现这个世界变了,你的心情也变了 句子结构:主语 + be going to + 动词原形 重点句型: 1.Time for bed.2.We’re going to visit Hainan tomorrow.3.We’re going to get up at 5 o’clock.4.We’re going by plane.8.This is Xiaoyong’s bag.this(反义词)--that

this(复数)---these 9.It’s going to fish.10.We’re going to play in the park tomorrow.12.Daming is going to take some pictures.14.Lingling is going to row a boat.15.We’re going to visit the zoo on Sunday.13.Sam is going to ride a horse.16.We’re going to take pictures at the zoo.11.Amy is going to fly a kite.5.I’m going to swim in the sea.6.I’m going to visit my grandpa.7.I’m from the UK.I’m from China.阅读。There are three people in my family.My father is a worker.He often plays basketball with me, He hopes(希望)me to be “YAO MING”.My mum is a teacher.She often does housework(家务).I often help her.I am very happy with my mum and my father.So, that's my happy family.()1.What does my father do ?A.A teacher

B.A worker

C.A Student

()2.What does my father like playing ?A.basketball



()3.Who does my father hope me to be ? A.He

B.Yao Ming

C.Liu Xiang

()4.Is my mother a teacher ? A.Yes ,I am

B.Yes ,she is

C.Yes ,he is

()5.Who helps my mother do housework ?A.My father

B.Yao Ming

C.I Module 9知识总结

重点短语:1.on ports day

2.run the 100 metres

3.every day

4.every month

5.every year

6.good luck

7.come on 8.do the high jump

9.do the long jump 10.run the 200 etres and 400 metres

11.my favourite subject 重点句型:

17.We’re going to have a sports day this month.18.Are you going to run on sports day?

19.Yes, I’m going to run the 100 metres.20.Are you going to school? 21.No, I’m going to run in the park 22.I’m going to run every day.23.Good luck!

答语:Thank you.用温暖的眼光去看待你所厌恶的事情,你会发现这个世界变了,你的心情也变了

24.What are you going to do on sports day? 25.答语:I’m going to do the high jump.26.I’m going to do the long jump.27.I’m going to run the 200 metres.28.How about you?

29.PE is my favourite subject.英语测试题(M9)

二 选择.()1.--Can I have some fish ?--

A.Yes, I can.B.No, I can’t.C.Sorry, you can’t.()2.It’s very dark.Turn

the light ,please.A in

B on

C off

()6--.Are you going to run in the park?--

.A.Yes, I can.B.Yes, I am.C.Yes, I do.三.选出不同类的单词。

()1.A.jump B run C metre()2.A.for


C you()3.---Good luck!---

.A.Good luck!

()3.A.China B.Hainan C.England B.You’re welcome.C.Thank you.()4.-Do you want some soup ?-

.A.Yes, please.B.Yes, you can.C.Sorry, you can’t()5.Can I have some

? A.sweets

B.a sweet

C.sweet 四.连词成句。

1.going I’m visit to grandpa my

.2.going high do the jump I’m to

.3.run 100 the I’m to going metres

4.have I some can soup

? 5.light

on turn the


sweets can fruit birthday)A: Happy , Amy!B:

you.A: Now you

have some , some

and some cake.B;Thank you.六.阅读短文,完成下列各题。

Hello!I’m Jim.We are going to have a Sports Day next week.I can run fast.I’m going to run the 200 metres.I’m going to run every day.I’m going to be the winner.My friend Amy can jump far.She is going to do the long jump.1.Jim can

.A.do the long jump B.do the hight jump C.run fast 2.Jim is going to run the

metres.A.100 B.200 C.400 3.Amy is going to do the

.A.long jump

B.high jump

C.run fast

()4.A.rice.B.cake C come()5.A.food B.bread


Module 10总结

重点短语:1.Chinese New Year

2.the Spring Festival

3.a book for you 4.about the Spring Festival

5.at the Spring Festival 用温暖的眼光去看待你所厌恶的事情,你会发现这个世界变了,你的心情也变了 7.I see.7.have peanuts and sweets

8.8.Merry Christmas!9.sing songs

10.a Christmas tree


30.Happy New Year!31.Happy Chinese New Year!

11.give presents

12.eat lots of food

13.at Christmas

14.draw a dragon

15.make a cake

32.Happy Spring Festival!33.Here’s a book for you.34.What’s it about?

It’s about the Spring Festival.35.What’s the Spring Festival?

It’s the Chinese New Year.36.At the Spring Festival, we have a big family dinner.We say, “Happy New Year!” 37.It’s not the Spring Festival now.38.Christmas is coming.39.What do you do at Christmas?()1.There are _______months in the year.A.twelve




()1.What do you have at Christmas?

A.Merry Christmas()2.I like peanuts and sweets

B.thank you()3.Merry Christmas

C.me too()4.Here’s your present

D.it’s about animals()5.What’s the book about?

E.We have a Christmas tree



2.run/you/can/fast 3.are/to/to/we/going/Hainan/go 4.you/are/do/to/what/going

5.sweets/have/I/some/can 24.写出下列单词的正确形式:

left(反义词)right right(同音词)write near(反义词)far run(ing形式)running


China(形容词)Chinese can(否定形式)can’t


people(复数)people men(单数)man too(同义词)also

dance(ing形式)dancing winner(动词)win family(复数)families

here(反义词)there up(反义词)down these(单数)this

swim(ing形式)swimming tomato(复数)tomatoes potato(复数)potatoes

let’s(完整形式)let us

get(ing形式)getting wash(第三人称单数)washes old(反义词)new fly(第三人称单数)flies



lots of(完全形式)a lot of


40.At Christmas, we have a Christmas tree.41.At Christmas, we give presents.疯狂造句:

用can造句5个,人称随便:用can’t造句5个,人称随便:用 I’m 造5个现在进行时态的句子,描述我在做什么:用 she’s 造5个现在进行时态的句子,描述她在做什么:用

班级同学人名+’s 造5个现在进行时态的句子,描述“某人”在做什么:用 They’re 造5个现在进行时态的句子,描述他们在做什么:用 I’m造5个一般将来时态的句子,描述我打算做某事:用 We’re 造5个一般将来时态的句子,描述我们打算做某事:用 He’s 造5个一般将来时态的句子,描述他打算做某事1.3.4.5.用 She’s 造5个一般将来时态的句子,描述她打算做某事:用 班级同学人名+’s 造5个一般将来时态的句子,描述“某人”打算做某事:1.用温暖的眼光去看待你所厌恶的事情,你会发现这个世界变了,你的心情也变了




Unit6 I’m watching TV.1.read a newspaper看报纸 2.talk on the phone 在打电话 3.listen to a CD 听CD 4.use the computer 使用电脑 5.make soup 做汤

6.wash/do the dishes洗餐具 7.exercise= play sports 做运动 8.go to the movies 去看电影 9.shop in the supermarket 在超市购物 10.study for a test 为考试而学习

11.What are you doing?-Not much.-你在干什么?-没什么事。

12.-Do you want to join me for dinner? – I’d love to.你想跟我一起吃晚餐吗?我愿意。13.eat out 外出吃饭

14.What are you doing?你在干什么?I’m swimming in the pool.我在泳池游泳。15.What’s she doing? 她在干什么?She’s washing her clothes.她在洗衣服。16.Are they using the computer? –Yes,they are./No,they aren’t.他们在使用电脑吗?是的,他们在用。/不,他们没在用。17.Is the man swimming in a river?

Yes, he is./ No, he isn’t.He’s swimming in a pool.那个男的在河里游泳吗? 是的,他是。/不,他不是。他在泳池游泳。18.He’s living with an American family in New York.他正在纽约和一个美国家庭住在一起。

19.Zhu Hui’朱辉的家人都在家。

20.Dragon Boat Festival 端午节 21.His dad and uncle are watching the boat races on TV.他的爸爸和叔叔正在电视上看赛龙舟。

22.the night before the festival节日前晚 23.It’s like any other night.它像任何其他的晚上一样。

24.The mother is reading a story to her young children.那个母亲正在给她年轻孩子的读故事。

25.He is talking on the phone to his cousin in Shenzhen.他正在跟深圳的表哥通电话。26.Zhu Hui misses his family and wishes to have his mom’s delicious zongzi.朱辉思念他的家人,并且想吃到他妈妈做的美味粽子。wish to do sth 希望做某事


28.There’s still “no place like home ”.千好万好不如自己家好。


1. 期末复习——《阿房宫赋》重点句子翻译练习


六国覆灭,天下统一。蜀地的山光秃了,阿房宫出现了。2. 长桥卧波,未云何龙?复道行空,不霁何虹? 那长桥卧在水面上(象蛟龙),(可是)没有一点云彩,怎么会有蛟龙飞腾?那楼阁之间的通道架在半空(象彩虹),(可是)并非雨过天晴,怎么会出现虹呢? 3. 辇来于秦,朝歌夜弦,为秦宫人。乘坐辇车来到秦国。(她们)早晚唱歌弹琴,成为秦皇的宫人。4. 明星荧荧,开妆镜也;

光如明星闪亮,是宫人打开梳妆的镜子。5. 辘辘远听,杳不知其所之也。


6. 一肌一容,尽态极妍,缦立远视,而望幸焉。每一处肌肤,每一种姿态,都极为娇媚动人。(她们)久久地伫立着,望着远方,希望被宠幸。7. 燕、赵之收藏,韩、魏之经营,齐、楚之精英,燕国赵国收藏的奇珍,韩国魏国聚敛的金银,齐国楚国保存的瑰宝 8. 鼎铛玉石,金块珠砾,弃掷逦迤,秦人视之,亦不甚惜。

把宝鼎看做铁锅,把美玉看做石头,把黄金看做土块,把珍珠看做石头,乱丢乱扔,连续不断到处都是,秦人看着,也不觉得可惜。9. 奈何取之尽锱铢,用之如泥沙?

为什么搜刮财宝时连一分一厘也不放过,挥霍起来却把它当作泥沙一样呢? 10. 使负栋之柱,多于南亩之农夫;

甚至使得(阿房宫)支承大梁的柱子,比田里的农夫还要多; 11. 戍卒叫,函谷举,楚人一炬,可怜焦土!

于是陈胜吴广揭竿而起,函谷关被攻破;楚人放了一把大火,可惜那豪华的宫殿就成为了焦土!12. 灭六国者六国也,非秦也。族秦者秦也,非天下也。


13. 秦人不暇自哀,而后人哀之;后人哀之而不鉴之,亦使后人而复哀后人也。


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