江苏省徐州市睢宁县某知名学校九年级英语下册 Unit 3 Asia教案(打包7套) 牛津版_2

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第一篇:江苏省徐州市睢宁县某知名学校九年级英语下册 Unit 3 Asia教案(打包7套) 牛津版_2


Integrated skills Teaching aims: 1.Practice listening skills by listening to an article about The trip to Japan.2.Complete an article according to the information about The trip to Japan.Teaching steps: Step 1 Revision Translation 1.我认为和朋友打网球很有意思。

I think it interesting to play tennis with friends.2.外面正在下雨,带把伞。

It is raining outside.Take an umbrella!3.对学生来说,上课认真听讲非常重要。

It is very important for students to listen carefully in class.4.门铃响了,可能是你爸爸。

The door bell rings.It may be your father.Step 2 Lead-in 1.Ask the students to think about: Have you ever travelled abroad? Which foreign country would you like to visit? 2.Show the pictures of interesting places around the world and ask the following questions.(1).Have you ever been to Japan?(2).What would you like to see in Japan?(3).What would you like to eat in Japan? Step 3 Listen and complete 1.The exchange students are going to Japan after visiting Shanghai.Listen to Millie introducing their itinerary.Match the days on the left with their activities on the right.A tour of Japan Day 1 leave Japan for another Asian country Day 2 visit Kyoto, an ancient city of culture Day 3 take a tour of Tokyo, the capital city Day 4 visit Mount Fuji, Japan’s highest mountain 2.Check the answers.Day 1 take a tour of Tokyo, the capital city Day 2 visit Mount Fuji, Japan’s highest mountain Day 3 visit Kyoto, an ancient city of culture Day 4 2.Miss Thompson is telling the exchange students about their trip to Japan.Kevin is making notes.Listen carefully and help Kevin complete his notes.• leave Shanghai at __________________ on ____________ • arrive in _________ around ________

• see the main _______ and go ________ visit the Tokyo _______________ to see some Japanese ________________ • travel to ___________ by ______ on the second day;can go _______ there • visit the ancient city Kyoto on the third day and learn about Japanese __________ • try all kinds of Japanese _______ during our stay in Japan 3.Check the answers.9:00 in the morning, 25th, February, Tokyo, noon, sites, shopping, National museum, works of art, Mount Fuji, coach, skiing, culture, food.4.Kevin is writing about the exchange students' trip to Japan.Help him complete it.Use the information in Parts A1 and A2 to help you.We are leaving for Japan soon.Japan is the second country we are going to visit in Asia.Our flight will be(1)________ on 25 February, and we plan to stay there for(2)______________.First, we are going to visit(3)_______.It is Japan‘s capital city.We can see the main(4)___________ and go(5)_________ there.Our teacher, Miss Thompson, is also going to take us to the(6)_____________________ to see some Japanese(7)_______________.On the second day, we are going to take a(8)__________ to(9)___________.It is Japan’s(10)________ mountain.We can go(11)___________ there.On the third day, we are going to visit an ancient city called(12)________ and learn about Japanese(13)________.During our stay in Japan, we can also try all kinds of Japanese(14)_______.I hope we will have a very nice trip.5.Check the answers.Leaving, four days, Tokyo, sites, shopping, Tokyo National museum, works of art, coach, Mount Fuji, highest, skiing, Kyoto, culture, food Step 4 Language points 1.leave Japan for another Asian country 离开日本去另一个亚洲国家

leave sp.for sp.离开(出发地)去(目的地)

leave for sp.离开去(目的地)e.g.他昨天离开上海去北京了。

He left Shanghai for Beijing yesterday.他昨天离开去北京了。

He left for Beijing yesterday.2.take a tour of Tokyo 参观一下东京


Can I take a tour of your house? 3.during our stay in Japan 在我们在东京逗留期间

saty n.停留,逗留(时间);做客



His aunt called and told him to extend his stay for a few days.请你给我一个正确答案好让我选择离开还是留下。

Please give me a correct answer so that I choose to leave or to stay.Step 5 Exercises 翻译句子:

1.我父亲很快就要离开去法国了,我们会想他的。My father ______________France soon.We'll miss him.2.他什么时候离开上海去美国的?

When did he __________________________? 3.我希望我们会有一次愉快的旅行。

I hope ____________________________.3.我仍然记得去香港的旅行。

I still remember ________________________.4.让他留下和我们共进晚餐是不合适的。

It's out of place to ask him ___________________________.5.我们在日本停留期间,遇到了很多著名的歌手。

______________________,we met many famous singers.6.第三天,我们的老师带我们去游览了富士山。

_______________, our teacher ______________Mount Fuji.Keys: is leaving for,leave Shanghai for America, we will have a nice trip, to stay with us for dinner, During our stay in Japan, On the third day took us to visit Step 6 Speaking Read Annie and Simon’s conversation on P16 first, then work in pairs and talk about an Asian country.Use their conversation as a model.A: Where is...? B: It’s in...A: How many people are there in...? B: There are about...people there.A: What languages do they speak? B: They speak...Step 7 Homework 1.Remember the words and expressions in this lesson.2.Preview Speak up and Study skills.3

第二篇:江苏省金湖县实验中学九年级英语上册《Unit 2 Colour Vocabulary》教案 牛津版

《Unit 2 Colour Vocabulary》教案

教学内容:Vocabulary课时:Period4 设计者:审核:









b.自己复习Unit 1有关单词的反义词。




luckygood luckpowerfulwarm




white _________orange_________

3)1.He is very kind to us all.(同义句)He is very ______ to us all.2.Thank you for asking me to your birthday party.(同义句)

Thank you for ______ me to your birthday party.II.教学内容组织和教学设计环节



2)Do some exercises


1)导入 教师告诉学生同义词和反义词的英文表达:

Antonyms are words that have the opposite meanings of each other.(反义词是意思相反的词)

Synonyms are words that mean the same or nearly the same thing.(同义词是意思相同和相近的词)


big________small________fast________happy_______ seldom________cheap________wrong_______smart________






a.Play a word game

b.More exercises



a.influence 的词性及结构influence sb.to do sth.b.require 结构












1.The news requires ______(report)at once.2.I am _________(unhappiness)with what he did.3.My father influenced me _________(make)my decision.4.You should look after my ________(feel).5.The synonym of calm is _______(relax).(三).写出下列词的同义词。

common ,dangerous, lucky, powerful, right ,sure , true 教后反思及补救措施


He’s _______.He’s a student.(学习新单词student)

(2)Who’s this girl?(Who’s that girl?)

She’s _________.She’s a student.5、Do you know these men and women?(出示 Miss Li, Miss Gao Miss King , Mr Green, Mrs Green 的照片)

(1)Who’s this man?(Who’s that man?)

He’s _________.He’s a teacher.(学习新单词teacher)

(2)Who’s this woman?(Who’s that woman)

She’s __________.She’s a nurse.(学习新单词nurse?)

(三)Play a game(通过游戏复习并学习新的日常交际用语)


(1)A: Who’s that ______?

B: He’s(She’s)________.A: He’s(She’s)a _________.B: You’re right.(You’re wrong)

(2)A: Excuse me.Are you _______?

B:: No, I’m not.A: Are you _________?

B:Yes , I am.2、让一学生戴上Ben 的头饰让另一学生猜

T:Who’s this boy?

S:He’s ________.T:No, you’re wrong.S:Are you ________?

B:No, I’m not.S:Are you _________?

B:No, I’m Ben.(四)Work in pairs1、Ben与老师对话:

A: Hello, I’m Ben.I’m new here.B: Hello, I’m Miss Li.Nice to meet you.Welcome to our school.

第四篇:江苏省永丰初级中学九年级英语上册《Unit 2 Colour》课文问答 牛津版

《Unit 2 Colour》课文问答

【实例】 Green can give you energy, as it is the colour of nature and represents new life and growth.【疑问】 请问,这句话中的as是表示“作为”的意思吗? 【解答】 不是。分析句子结构,我们可判断


Lucy is worried because she hasn’t heard from her mother for a long time.露西很焦虑,因为她很久没有收到妈妈的来信了。

—Why doesn’t he come here with you?


—Because his father is ill in hospital.因为他爸爸生病住院了。

As it is raining outside, you’d better take a taxi there.由于外面正在下雨,所以你最好乘出租车去那儿。As all the seats were full, he had to stand there.由于所有座位都满了,所以他不得不站在那。

第五篇:牛津上海版九年级英语下册教案:Unit 5 A story by Mark Twain







⑴ 通过多元化教学方式,增强学生学习英语的兴趣,提高其学习参与积极性。⑵ 感受文学作品的魅力。2学情分析



教学重点: ⑴ 学生能够读懂和理解文章,在阅读过程中巩固和提高学生的预测、略读和扫读及精读的阅读技巧和策略,完成教学任务。⑵ 发现和体会文学作品的魅力。教学难点: ⑴ 培养学生灵活有效地运用预测、略读和扫读及精读的阅读技巧和策略。⑵ 培养学生阅读文学作品的方法。4教学过程


I.Leading-in 导入

1.看电影片段See a section of the film:The adventure of Tom Sawyer 2.Question:What do you think of Tom? 3.作品与作者简介Introduction of the novel and the author


II.Fast-reading 快速阅读

看图片说话、学单词 Talk about the picture(教学意图: 看图片引起兴趣,帮助学习关键单词。)Look at the heading, the introduction and the picture.Then answer the questions.1.Where does the story come from? 2.Was the fence huge or small? 3.What is the name of the writer? 4.What did Tom get that day?(教学意图: 巩固预测、扫读、获取文章大意的微技能。)III.Detailed-reading细节阅读 任务一 判断对错

Read the story and decide whether the statements are T(True)or F(false).1.Tom asked Ben to help him.2.Aunt Polly asked Tom to paint the

fence because Tom was careful.3.When Tom gave Ben his brush, he was worried.4.Tom was happy to see other boys do it for him.5.Billy Fisher gave Tom a kite in order to paint the fence.任务二

Check your answers 1.We can tell from the second paragraph that Tom did not like _____.a.the fence

b.painting the fence 2.Tom’s wonderful idea was to _____.a paint the fence carefully

b get other boys to do the work

3.Tom gave Ben the brush with worry on his face because _____.a he was trying to fool Ben

b he did not want Ben to paint the fence

4.We can tell from the last paragraph that Tom _____.a told Aunt Polly that other boys helped him

b told a lie 任务三 填表格 Fill in the form Action and Tom’s feeling 1.He was asked to paint the fence.(1)______ 2.Other boys would come along and(2)__________him.worried 3.He had(3)__________________.happy 4.Ben offered to paint the fence.(4)__________ 5.Tom gained(5)______________.happy 6.Aunt Polly thought Tom(6)________________.happy/excited(教学意图: 熟悉课文,培养精读的技巧,找出细节。)IV.Post-reading读后任务

任务一:小组讨论 比较与欣赏 Group Work--Talking

Comparison & Appreciation(听读、模仿,从“Ben Rogers came by”到 “Started to eat Ben’s apple”)Which one is better? Why? 任务二:角色扮演 Pair work---Roleplay!

Act out the dialogue between Tom and Ben with your partner.任务三:复述故事(可做课后作业)Retell the story with the picture.(教学意图:通过表格的提纲,理清文章的思路;让学生明确本故事描写人物的特点:Action and Tom’s feeling;通过再次阅读体会主人公的情感。初步学习如何欣赏文学作品,品读朗读的感情与语音语调。再次阅读,检测学生理解能力)V.Homework 1.Retell the story with the tips.2.Workbook 教学活动

活动1【导入】Tom Sawyer paints the fence Do free talk about Ss’ free time Ss talk about what they usually do in their free time.To warm up and to elicit the story.活动2【讲授】Tom Sawyer paints the fence Pre-reading 1.Present something about Mark Twain.Ss get some basic information about the writer and ask some questions about the very story.2.Show some pictures about the story.3.Encourage students to ask some questions about the pictures.Students know about the background of the story.活动3【讲授】While-reading

1.Ask Ss to think about the type of the story.Ss read the name of the story and think about the type of it.To learn some basic information about the story.2.Ask Ss to read Para.1-3 carefully and underline the useful information according to the table as well as to guess the meanings of some key expressions.Ss skim Para.1-3, finish the table and guess the meanings of the given expressions according to the context.3.Ask Ss to read Para.4-12 and think about the questions by paying attention to the conversation between Tom and Ben.Ss think about the questions and focus on the conversation between Tom and Ben in order to better understand how Tom tricked Ben and how Ben’s feeling changed.To better understand Tom’s idea and how the effect of the idea.4.Ask Ss to find some useful expressions or sentences to understand Tom’s idea and how the idea worked.5.Ask Ss to scan Para.13-14 and answer some questions.Ss scan the last two paragraphs and think about the answers of the questions.To know the ending of the story.活动4【讲授】post-reading

1.Ask Ss to help Tom finish his diary.Ss fill in the blanks to finish the diary and think about the questions: Do you like Tom? Why or why not? 2.Ask Ss to think about whether they like Tom or not and tell why.活动5【练习】Tom Sawyer paints the fence 1.Read the text again and finish Ex C and D on P74 and P75.2.Read the story on page 73 and try to retell the story.3.Finish some extra exercise.

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