Module 1精品教案
课程名称:Unit1 I like the ABC song.教学目标: 1.通过学习字母歌,重点认读26个字母。
2.听懂句子 I like the ABC song.It’s my favourite song.3.了解字母在字母表中的顺序。
I like the ABC song.It’s my favourite song.2.会说唱本单元的英语童谣《ABC》
2.培养学生用英语思维的能力,及大胆用英语交流的能力。教学过程: Step 1.Warming-up 1.教师热情地和学生打招呼,师生或学生之间相互问好。教师和学生就爱好用I like…I don’t like… Step2.Presentation 在师生互相介绍自己喜好的基础上,教师适时呈现本课任务:你们知道我们的好朋友Daming最喜爱的活动是什么吗?他最爱的活动是唱歌。你们想知道是什么歌吗?学习完本单元之后,你就知道了!Step3.Practice 开展“字母顺序接力赛”活动:把两套有字母大小写的卡片分别打乱次序贴在黑板两侧,然后将全班分成男女两组。游戏开始后,各组依次上来一个学生,以接力的方式,一人移动一个字母,按字母表的顺序重新排列,看哪组最快最准确。Step 4.Summary 教师和学生一起总结本单元的教学重点。Step 5.Homework 1.课后和同学、家长谈一谈字母表的用处,例如它在字母排序和查字典等方面的作用。
I like football.教学过程:
Step1 Warming up 1)Greeting: Hello!How are you ? I am fine.Thank you.And you? I am fine, too.Thank you.2)Let’s chant, ok? Chant and do the actions :
One finger one finger, turn turn turn, turn to a knife, cut cut cut Two fingers two fingers, turn turn turn, turn to a rabbit, jump jump jump Three fingers three fingers, turn turn turn, turn to a fork, dig dig dig Four fingers four fingers, turn turn turn, turn to a cat, miao miao miao Five fingers five fingers, turn turn turn, turn to a tiger, growl growl growl Step 2: Lead in 1)Do you remember the ABC song? Let's sing the song!“ABCDEFG…
2)And the teapot song, let's sing and do the actions together!“ I am a little teapot short and stout, here's my handle here's my spout, when the water's boiling hear me shout, tip me over and pour me out!”
3)The ABC song is my favourite song.My favourite song is the ABC song.What's your favourite song? 运用此句型询问学生,要求学生用所学过的My favourite song is …来回答
4)My favourite song is the ABC song, that means I like the ABC song.Do you know “like”?呈现此新单词并教学生其正确发音。询问学生 What song do you like? 引导学生用I like …来回答。操练该句型。
5)出示两张图片,一张是可爱的女孩,另一张是淘气的男孩,告诉学生:女孩是可爱的,我喜欢。男孩是淘气的,我不喜欢。I like the girl, I don’t like the boy.授予学生 I don’t like …这个句型,然后请学生根据自己的喜好来谈谈这两张图片,by using “I like…” and “I don’t like…”
6)出示两个球,一个是笑脸球,另一个是哭脸球,告诉学生笑脸球表示的是I like…, 而哭脸球代表的是I don’t like…,请学生跟着老师边念I like…和I don’t like…,边做相应的笑脸或是哭脸。
7)出示已学过的动物单词卡片,在复习这些单词时,要求学生用刚学的新句型来表达对某种动物的喜好 Eg: I like monkey, I don’t like tiger.8)出示已学过的颜色单词卡片,在复习颜色单词的过程中,也要求学生用I like…和I don’t like…,来表达对某种颜色的喜好 Eg: I like blue, I don’t like black.Step 3: Teaching 1)2008,the Olympic Games will hold in Beijing.There are so many sports will make conpatitions.Do you know “sports”? I will shou you something about it.画个圆圈在黑板上让学生猜猜是什么,然后再补画出完整的足球,教学生football这个新词,再依法画出basketball, table tennis, morning exercise,呈现了今天所要接触到的有关运动的新单词,并出示足球,篮球,乒乓球的实物进行实物教学,带读:足球足球football, football football football.篮球篮球basketball, basketball basketball , 乒乓乒乓table tennis, table tennis table tennis,早操早操morning exercise, morning exercise morning exercise 2)请学生运用“I like…” and “I don’t like…”来谈谈对这些运动项目的喜好
3)现在呢我们要听一段录音,里面的Panpan是我们每个人的缩影,有时候做事常常会半途而废,所以在听完录音之后,我们要找出自己喜欢的运动项目,现在就请大家扮演好Panpan 这个角色,找出你自己喜欢的和不喜欢的运动项目。
4)谈论自己喜欢的和不喜欢的运动项目,by using “I like…” and “I don’t like…”
5)Game: 请两名学生上来抽球,抽中笑脸球的要用“I like…”造句,而抽中哭脸球的则要用“I don’t like…”造句,比比谁的反应快,造句准确及声音响亮,则奖励漂亮的小贴纸。Step 4 Conclusion and homework 教学反思:
课程名称:I don’t like ginger.(精品教案)
1.使学生能够用“I don’t like…”来表达自己的喜好。
1.I don’t like…这一句型 2.Ginger、onion的发音 教学过程:
将所有的有关食物的小卡片放在一个盒子中,请一个学生到前面来取出一张卡片后用“I like…”或“I don’t like…”来表达自己的喜好.Review the words例如:学生取出单词卡“apple”或“I don’t like apples.”
卡片中有“onion”与“ginger”当学生取出“onion”时,教授新单词“onion”,并对学生说:“I don’t like onions.What about you?”同样的方法学习“ginger、ice-cream”.(每个新单词卡片3张,以确保学生能拿到新单词。)
出示SBUnit 2活动1的挂图,让学生听录音,试着理解课文。听之前教师将对话中出现的食物卡片贴在黑板上,让学生听录音,在Sam喜欢的图片下打“P”,不喜欢的则打“×”。检查学生的听力情况。
请学生依次看清每一幅图后根据自己的喜好在图的右下角画“P”或“×”,要求学生在做的同时,自己在心中说:“I like…/I don’t like…”待所有学生都做完后,请几个学生到讲台向全班汇报自己的答案。
四、提高教学质量的措施 1.创造良好的学习气氛。
第一周 Module 1
Greetings 第二周 Module 2
Introductions 第三周 Module 3
Classroom 第四周 Module 4
第五周 Module 5
Numbers 1-12
第六周 Rest 第七周 Module 6
第八周 Middle Review
第九周 Middle Review 第十周 Mid-term examination 第十一周 Module 7
第十二周 Module 8
Friends 第十三周 Module 9
Family 第十四周 Module 10
Body 第十五周 Story Time 第十六周 Review Module
第十七周 Final examination
M1 U1 I’m Sam.教学目标:
1.基本能听懂会说:“Hello, Hi, Goodbye, bye-bye” 2.学会运用句型“I’m„”进行自我介绍。
3.通过运用Hello, Hi, Goodbye, Bye-bye进行打招呼,并运用I’m„的句型进行自我介绍等情景让学生在感知、模仿、学习、体验的基础上逐步达到自然交流与真实运用语言的目的。4.培养学生初学英语的兴趣。通过大量的游戏活动让学生充分体会学习英语的乐趣所在。同时教育学生要有礼貌的与人交际,主动与他人沟通,并逐渐建立深厚友谊。教学重点:
1.学会并运用Hello,Hi进行相互间问好打招呼。2.引导学生使用I’m „句型进行自我介绍。教学难点:
(1)课前播放学生熟悉的英文儿歌Hello 或字母歌渲染课堂学习的活跃气氛。(2)教师可以在课前收集一些常用的英文单词或缩略语如:WTO TV,CD,KFC,Best Food让学生了解一些身边的英语,同时也请同学们说一说他们所知道的生活中的英语,这样有助于强化他们亲身经历英语的真实感受。
启发学生当他们在新学期初次见面的时候,他们是如何相互间有礼貌的打招呼问好的呢?当他们在彼此陌生的情况下,是如何相互作自我介绍,互相交流的呢?教师用语:新学期开始了,老师首先欢迎各位新同学的到来,虽然同学们都来自不同的地方,但现在我们就是一家人,那你愿意用自己最友好的方式相互问候和作自我介绍吗? 3.呈现:(12分钟)
(1)教师首先以自然的方式配以恰当的手势动作和不同的语调来向学生问好Hello , Hi。同时也引导学生向教师说Hello , Hi。然后让学生相互间用Hello, Hi 练习问好。(注:教师解释并让学生了解
Hello , Hi 的区别与联系。一般在正式的场合用Hello 为引起对方的注意而问好;而Hi一般是用于对自己亲密的人打招呼。操练时注意避免重复使用。
(2)教师胸前佩带英文的名字卡片进行自我介绍:Hello,I’m Cindy,借助手势让学生理解句子含义。并通过儿童喜爱的任务头饰或面具等作自我介绍,让学生更进一步感知I’m 的含义。(注:教师要注意学生I’m的发音,防止丢音现象。)
(3)邀请几位同学到讲台上来,分别戴上他们喜欢的人物头饰并自我介绍说Hello I’m „然后请同学作真实的自我介绍。(4)介绍班上要来二名新的小朋友,Sam、Amy教师用语:今天,我们Lingling,Daming是怎样来欢迎他们的呢?你们想认识这两位外国小朋友吗?(注:教师多次强调Sam, Amy的发音,以便于学生记住这两个名字。)(5)教师播放动画片,此时不要求学生跟读也不看书,边看边观察动画片中哪两个是Sam,Amy。(注:学生看完动画片后回答问题:动画片中哪两个小朋友是Sam 和Amy?)
(3)帮助学生理解I’m „,并用I’m „向全班同学做自我介绍。(4)根据课本内容结合实际情况编演小短剧。
传声筒游戏。游戏规则:将全班分成四组,教师从每组第一名学生开始悄悄说一句问候语Hello或者Hi或者Good bye或者Bye-bye,游戏开始第一名同学将问候语悄声传给第二名同学„„,依次下去,哪一组先传完问候语,哪一组就是获胜组并给予加分奖励。(注:此运用任务操练学生对语言点的熟练程度和准确把握程度。)运用任务2:
学生面向全班同学做真实的自我介绍,运用“亲密接触”的游戏来调动学生主动参与的积极性。游戏规则:教师手拿一个toy并做自我介绍Hello,I ’m Cindy,然后闭上眼睛将toy扔向学生,拿到toy的同学做自我介绍,然后闭眼将toy扔向其他的同学,依次下去。要求学生地做自我介绍。
(3)鼓励学生在课下遇到老师、家长、同学时用Hello或者Hi打招呼,分手时用Good bye或者Bye-bye道别,自我介绍时用I’m句型。
七、板书设计: Unit1
I’m Sam.Hello
Good bye再见
Daming大明 Lingling玲玲
M1 U2 How are you?
1、基本能听懂并说出句型How are you及其回答I’m fine,thank you.2、基本能唱出英文歌曲I’m fine,thank you
3、听懂并说出上一节课所学的问候语hello /hi/ Goodbye。句型I’m„„
基本能听懂并说出句型How are you及其回答I’m fine,thank you 基本能唱出英文歌曲I’m fine,thank you 教学难点:
活动1:师生一起做TPR swim swim swim swim like a fish教师双手作出鱼摆动状 jump jump jump jump like a rabbit两手放于头顶 fly fly fly fly like a bird两臂飞翔向鸟儿状 sit sit sit sit like a dog
活动2:师生相互问候,教师可用hello,(hi)boys and girls向学生问好,教师拿出一玩具熊扔向学生,老师与学生会话:
T:hello, I’m Annie.what’s your name? S:I’m„„
T: Nice to meet you…… S:Nice to meet you 此时学生将熊扔出,学生与学生之间作对话。
2、导入(5分钟)教师教学语言:有一天大清早Annie遇到了比卡丘(请上节课扮演比卡丘的学和下场),大家想知道发生了什么故事吗?(教师与学生分加紧从两处出场,教师揉眼睛,刚睡醒的样子),并问候比卡丘“Hello Bikaqu.Good morning.” S:“Hello Good morning.”
教师转向全班学生Good morning 并引导学生回答Good morning Annie,此时比卡丘也转向学生Good morning,学生回答Good morning比卡丘。
教师出向卡片Good morning附有汉语“早上好”开火车检查学生发音。教师转向比卡丘,how are you!教师出示卡片提示你好!
比卡丘不作答,教师出示卡片,引导比卡丘回答I’m fine thank you 附有汉语 教学转向全班学生how are you boys and girls引导学生回答:I’m fine thank you 教师转向比卡丘,比卡丘先生,你也向大家问声好吗? 比卡丘:How are you!学生回答:I’m fine thank you.3、操练与指导(10分钟)
活动1:教师将全班分为大组,将句型编成儿歌:“见面问声How are you!你好!我很好谢谢I’m fine thank you.”(一组说上半部分,边拍手边说,另一组说下半部分,双手交叉拍肩膀来回答。)活动2:“快乐转转转”教师将男女生分开,围成2个圈,内圈和外圈,教师播放音乐歌曲,I’m fine thank you 学生开时顺时针走,音乐停止站在内圈的学生与外圈的学生相互问候How are you!活动3:教师教学语言:刚才,大家庭在“快乐转转转”中找到了许多布蒙上眼睛,在座的同学向他打招呼How are you此同学通过仔细聆听推测是谁在向他打招呼,并回答:I’m fine thank you进行3-4组。
M2 U1 I'm Ms Smart.教学目标:
1、基本能听懂、会说、会读How are you ?I’m fine ,thank you.And how are you ?I’m fine ,too.Thank you.的语言结构。
2、能听懂并会说、会读Good afternoon 和What’s your name? I’m x x的句型。能听懂并会说、会读词汇 your, name, afternoon.3、能在不同时间段,正确地向他人问好。(上午:Good morning!下午:Good afternoon!)能用What’s your name?来询问他人姓名。
4、使孩子在英语交流中能理解并尊重他人,做到有礼貌;使学生知道Mr.不仅可以指男教师,还可以表示对男士的尊称; Ms.不仅可以指女教师,还可以表示对女士的尊称。通过歌曲的学习培养孩子的乐感与美感,增强学科间的融合。教学重点:
1、熟练说出句型Hello,I ’m „及学过的简单问候语如How are you ?I’m fine , thank you.2、name 中的 /m/ 与 afternoon中 /n/的发音。
3、能听懂并会说会读Good afternoon!What’s your name? I’m„及词汇your ,name, afternoon.教学难点:
1、使学生初步了解和感知 too 的用法。
2、初步了解感知词汇boys and girls。
3、词汇的girls Ms Smart的发音。
4、了解 Mr.与Ms.的区别。教学课时:1课时
向学生问候Hello , Good morning,I ’m „并握手以示礼貌,学生不必对早上好的问候作出回应,只需初步感知,为下面的内容做铺垫,学生可用第一模块所学的知识进行自我介绍。活动3.游戏
以大组为单位,用Hello Hi I’m „的自我介绍进行传话,哪一组先完成,哪一组获胜,并以示奖励。
以复习第一模块第三单元的游戏的方式,选出四位同学,用手帕蒙住一位同学的眼睛,大家向他问How are you?,让他猜测是谁说的,并回应说I ’m fine ,thank you.How are you ?这时候原先说话的同学跳出来说I ‘m fine ,thank you.这时教师要求加入游戏,当学生猜错后,教师作出回应,并反问说And how are you ?让学生作出回答,重复两到三次,让学生感知。教师指出自己的性别I’m a girl,再指一个男生说He’s a boy。然后示意全体女生并说Now girls stand up,please.!以同样的方法示意男生。重复此项活动两至三次。比一比,赛一赛,看谁反应快。教师女生问候How are you ,girls ? I’m fine ,thank you.And how are you ? I ‘m fine ,too.Thank you.,再是男生回答,最后男女生互问互答.与小伙伴互问,检查有没有错误。3.呈现(5分钟)
告诉学生,我们的新朋友Sam Amy Daming Lingling他们也刚开学,让我们来看一看他们开学是怎样的,并且找出和我们相似的地方。将找出的句型How are you ? I ‘m fine ,thank you.And how are you ? I’m fine ,too.Thank you.读出,比一比谁读的又好又对,表扬同学并给予奖励。再次听音、看读,此时学生不跟读。4.操练与指导(4分钟)
游戏“机灵豆”教师喊口令“Girls stand up!Or Boys stand up!”表扬做对的同学,做错的学生依次坐下,看谁是“最机灵的孩子” 7.完成运用任务2(6分钟)
教师对学生的上述活动做以评价,表扬好的学生并鼓励部分学生大胆展现自我,告诉学生还有一轮新的比赛,看谁是最后的胜利。接下来的环节是一个需要全体成员合作共同完成的游戏——找朋友,让学生在班上自由结合,根据今天所学句型,结合自己课外所学的知识,如:What’s your name ? How old are you ?等一些简单日常用语,在最短的时间里找到自己的朋友。比一比,练一练,看谁的朋友最多,谁的对话最有意思。8.复习总结(2分钟)
教师通过提问的方式,来引导学生总结本单元内容 跟读录音,复习课文。
M2 U2 What's your name?
(1)能听懂并会说、会读Good afternoon 和What’s your name? I’m x x的句型。(2)能听懂并会说、会读词汇 your, name, afternoon.(3)能利用所学的对话进行语言交流。如:Good morning!/ Hello!/ How are you? I’m fine.And how are you?I’m fine ,too.Thank you.2、运用能力目标:
能在不同时间段,正确地向他人问好。(上午:Good morning!下午:Good afternoon!)能用What’s your name?来询问他人姓名。并可以用I’m x x.对他人的提问进行回答。教学重点:
能听懂并会说会读Good afternoon!What’s your name? I’m„ 及词汇your ,name, afternoon 教学难点: name 中的 /m/ 与 afternoon中 /n/的发音。教学课时:1课时 1.启动
“Good morning!I’m …” “How are you? I’m fine.And how are you? I’m fine ,too.Thank you.”
OK!boys and girls you’ve done a good job.Look老师左右手各持一手偶,通过变换音调来演一段对话,引出本课重点:What’s your name ? 手偶1:Hi, I’m Ms.Li.What’s your name? 手偶2: Hello, I’m Sam.(此活动可进行遍。)3.呈现(2分钟)
Mr.Li: Hello!Good morning.Ss: Good morning.Mr.Li: what’s your name? Ss: I’m x x.(老师提醒)4.操作指导
放一遍录音,要求学生听录音指图片。再次播放对话,要求学生跟读2—3遍; 老师纠正学生的发音。
让学生以小组为单位开始朗读对话内容,并对个体学生进行抽查; 5.完成任务1 传话游戏
同学们大家在班里男女生之间要用礼貌的语言互相问候,下面这个游戏就是看男生与女生谁的礼貌用语说的最好。向学生解释当老师说:“Good morning.”时女孩向男孩问好:“Good morning, boys.”男孩回答说:“Good morning, girls.” 用“Good afternoon”做同样的练习。
老师:Girls whisper.女孩:(耳语)Good morning, boys.老师:Boys low.男孩:(低声说)Good morning, girls.用“Good afternoon”做同样的游戏。6.完成任务2 游戏:你是谁?(5分钟)老师站在教室中间说:“I’m Miss Yu.What’s your name? ”,学生集体拍手说“I’m x x.what’s your name?”,老师走到其中一位同学面前问:“what’s your
name?”,学生回答“I’m xx.”如果他/她回答对了,老师就坐在这个学生位子上当学生,这位学生做老师刚才做的活动。
7.完成任务3 歌曲“Good morning!”(5分钟)
同学们今天我们要学习一首好听的英文歌曲“Good morning”。学完后让学生四人小组把歌词进行改可将“Good morning!”改为“Good afternoon”。由四人小组向大家表演改编后的歌曲,评出优秀小组。8.复习总结(4分钟)
让学生将今天所学的新语言进行总结让学生在早起时用英语跟他们的父母问候,比如:“Good morning.”如果他们在下午看见父母,他们应说:“Good afternoon.”恰当地运用“What’s your name?”来向他人询问姓名,并且可以用I’m xx”回答别人的问语。
M3 U1 Point to the door.教学目标:
①学习单词the, door, please ,window, blackboard.②掌握句型 Point to the„
2.能说Stand up, please;Sit down, please.;Point to the„please.并正确指认。教学重点:(1)学习并掌握单词the, door, please ,window, blackboard.;词组:stand up, sit down.(2)掌握句型 Point to the 教学难点:正确认读和区分stand up,sit down.教学课时:1课时 1.导入新课
1)Guess 将事先准备好的“door,window,blackboard”等物品的小图只露出一部分。
T:What’s this? 引导学生猜测图片上的物品。学生可以使用中文回答,教师相机教授英文单词,并引导学生用大小声游戏重复练习。
(1)Point ang say.T: Do you know “point”?(板书Point to the并揭示课题。)let’s point and say.I say “Point to the „”, and you repeat the sentence and point to this thing.(设计意图:三年级的孩子喜欢游戏,保持学生的有意注意。通过从说单词,到边做动作边说句子,将游戏难度渐渐增加,保持学生的挑战欲望。)
T: Let’s say the chant.Door, door, door, Point to the door.Window,window,window, Point to the window.Blackboard,blackboard, Point to the blackboard.(设计意图:Chant巩固,加深学生对词句的印象,避免机械重复的枯燥。)
(3)Do and say 1)T: Do you know“Stand up”? Let’s do and say.Now let’s “sit down”.(通过动作示范,帮助孩子理解“Stand up”和“sit down”。)2)请个别学生上前当小老师,带领全班练习“Stand up”和“sit down”。全班学生跟着小老师重复句子,同时执行指令。
(1)Listen and think T: Now, let’s listen to the tape, and think: What can you see from the picture?
(2)Listen and repeat T: Read after the tape.Let’s imitate.比一比,哪个组模仿声音最像。
(3)Work in group
游戏:“Simon says”.要求:请五位学生上台,根据指令做动作。如果指令带有“Simon says”,五位学生迅速做出动作;如果指令没有“Simon says”,则不能做动作。做错的淘汰下台。
M3 U2 Point to the desk
②认读句子:基本能听懂、会说、会读,并运用Sit down!Stand up!Point to the„等语句
教学重点:学习chair、desk两个单词和Sit down/Stand up/Point to三个指令性短语。
教学难点:使学生能够透彻理解Sit down/Stand up/Point to三个指令性短语的意思,听懂他人指令并做出正确的反应。教学课时:1课时
Step1: Warm up(5mins)
1、Sing a song.《Good morning,Sam》
1.stand up 和 sit down
2.door、window、blackboard、Point to the„
3.Listen and do
Step 4: Presentation(新知呈现)
1、Learn two new words “desk” “chair”
2.Read after me(desk,chair,window,door,blackboard)
4.游戏“Simon says”操练“Point to the„”的句型。
5.Listen to the text and emphasize important sentences.“Point to…”
6.Read after the text one sentence by one sentence.7.Students read the text loudly by themselves.8.Read a chant.Step 5 Practice
1.Listen and circle on page18 2.Listen and match
3.Look and tick.Step6 Conclusion(今天我们学了什么?)
今天我们学习了两个新单词“desk”“chair”还有关于“Point to„”的句型。我们在下面的歌曲中来巩固这些句型。
Sing the song “Please stand up”
Step7: Homework
M4 U1 It's red!
1、知识与能力目标:学生能听懂、会说、会读:red、blue、yellow、green、black、chameleon、panda等词汇,并能运用句型“It is „”.来准确介绍事物的颜色。
教学重点:能听懂、会说、会读五种颜色red、blue、yellow、green、black.教学难点:运用It’s+颜色的语句结构介绍事物的颜色。教学课时:1课时 Step 1 warming up
T: Good afternoon, boys and girls.Ss: Good afternoon,Ms Huang.T: How are you? Ss: I’m fine.thank you.And you ? T: I’m fine too.Now, let’sing a song.多媒体呈现歌曲,“Please stand up.” Step2 Presentation and practice 1.老师拿出一些彩纸。
T: Boys and girls ,look at these papers.What colour is it? S;Green/绿色
T: Right.It’s green.(出示单词卡片)Ok, read after me :green green green T: Yes, very good.What colour is it? S;Red/红色
T: Right.It’s red.(出示单词卡片)Ok, read after me : red red red Learn yellow blueand black.(方法同上)
2.T: Ok, boys and girls.Now, I need a student to take out a card, and say out what colour is it.Who can try? S:(学生抽出卡片,并说出此物,然后老师顺着说: Very good, and what colour is it? S:
T: OK, boys and girls.Now, I have five colour cards.I will show them , and you should read the colour quickly.T: Now, let’s say a chant.Follow me : Red , red , the apple is red.Green, green the bag is green.Yellow , yellow, the banana is yellow.Blue ,blue ,the pencil is blue.Black, black, the hat is black.)5.进入课文
T: Today, I’ll introduce two new friends to you.One friend can change five colours.Do you know what it is? S:变色龙
T: You are right.we can call him “chameleon”(出示卡片,教单词)Please say hello to chameleon.S:
T: Another friend is panda.Her name is Panpan.(出示panda卡片,教单词)Say hello to panda.(2)学习课文
T: Now , let’s have a look what happened between panpan and chameleon? Please look here.First, listen carefully.Second, listen to and find out how did the chameleon change the colours.Third, read them.Step 3 consolidation and extension 1.play a game “looking for things” T: Now ,let’s play a game.2.Now let’s do exersice one(课件)3.Listen and say
OK.Now let’s do exersice two(课件)4.Read the new words(课件).Step 4 homework
① Read the colour words。
② Find out the colour of the things as many as you can.Step 5 Handwriting on blackboard Module 4 colours Unit 1 It’s red.It’s red.green.yellow.blue.black.M4U2 It is a black dog
(1)能听懂、会说、会本课的重点单词dog , cat ,cap;
(2)会运用本课的重点句型:It’s a +(表示颜色的单词)+(表示物品的单词).教学重点:能用所学的句型描述身边物品的颜色。教学难点:激发学习英语的兴趣;通过小组活动培养学生合作学习的意识。教学课时:1课时 Step 1:Warming-up
(教师课前播放歌曲《How are you?》,师生一起边唱边做相应的动作。)
1、Greetings.T:Hello,boys and girls.S:Hello,Ms Liu.T:How are you ? S:I’m fine,thank you.And how are you? T:I’m fine ,too.Thank you.Today we are going to study here.(教师用手指多媒体大教室)Are you happy S:Yes.T: Let’s make effert together, Ok!
师生一起拍手用“Hei,Hei,I'm wonderful!”为自己加油。
3、Guess game.教师在手指上分别戴上红、黄、蓝、绿、黑五种颜色的小帽,教师边戴边说:It’s redyellowbluegreenblack.然后教师脱掉手指上的小帽,用一只手的手指戴上其中的一顶颜色小帽,并用另一只手挡住,向学生提问: what colour is it?,学生猜颜色,猜对的教师送他该颜色的小帽。
教师把全班分成“red”、“yellow”、“blue”、“green”四个大组,并用相应颜色的圆形磁铁代表本组的笑脸贴在黑板上,表现好的一组可以获得一根头发,比一比哪组获得的头发多。Step 2:Presentation
2、教学单词dog及句型It’s a black dog.1)继续点击课件,出现一只汪汪叫的黑色小狗的图片。
T:What’s this?
T:Yes,it’s a dog.课件播放flash动画,教学单词dog,在黑板上画小狗的简笔画,并在四线格上板书单词dog。2)用多种方式操练dog.如:开火车读、分组读、大小声读等。3)小歌谣:Dog,dog,dog.Act like a dog.(师生一起把双手叠在胸前扮演小狗边做边说。)4)(点击课件回到小狗画面)T:What colour is it? S:It’s black.T:Yes.It’s a black dog.教师边说边课件出示句子。板书课题,齐读课题两次。
T:Look.This is a cap.cap,cap,cap.教师把帽子戴在一学生的头上,带领全班同学指着帽子跟读.教师画帽子简笔画,并在四线格中板书单词cap.教师用嘴型和动作演示cap与cat的读音区别。2)T:Is it a blue cap? S:No.It’s a red cap.6、操练记忆单词。
Dog,dog,dog,.act like a dog Cat,cat,cat,act like a cat.Cap,cap,cap,act like a cap.师生一起边说歌谣边做相应的动作。Step 3:Learn the text
T:今天魔术师Panpan有一根魔术棒,他会变出什么呢?Let’s look at the screen.1、教师播放课文动画,并隐藏英语,学生看图听录音。
2、教师呈现句子,学生用笔在书本上圈出新单词dogcat cap。
4、学生齐读课文。Step 4:Practise
教师把红黄蓝黑四种颜色的帽子分发给四个组的第一位同学,然后背对学生击鼓,学生快速往后传帽子,鼓声停止时帽子传到的一桌两个同学同时站起来,用It’s a „„描述帽子的颜色,交换帽子继续进行游戏。
T:Now,look!It’s an orange dog.His name is Bob.教师出示一橘黄色小狗玩具,教学单词“orange”。播放歌谣动画,师生一起跟着动画诵唱歌谣: Bob,Bob,Bob is an orange dog.3、Listen exercise.大屏幕出示动画练习题:Listen and colour.学生听录音,按顺序给图片选择颜色。Step 5:Development
1、Group work:
课件呈现九幅不同颜色的小狗、小猫、帽子的图片。学生四人一组用“It’s a „(颜色)„(物品).”进行描述。也可以描述教室里或自己身边物品的颜色。比一比哪组说的句子最多。奖励说句子最多的一组和个人。
2、播放动画歌曲《A rainbow》,学生在歌声中结束本节课的学习。Step 6:Homework
Draw and say
画一样自己喜欢的动物或物品,然后用学过的颜色加以涂色,并用It's a „„.的句式向家人或朋友介绍。
Module 4 Unit 1
It’s a black dog.(简笔画)
Module.5 Unit.1 How many
1.能口头运用How many?询问物品的数量并用8以内的数字进行回答。
教学重点:能口头运用How many?询问物品的数量并用8以内的数字进行回答,识别单词1-8。
一、Warm up
2、Review(教师出示彩色卡片,让学生说是什么颜色,for example:it is a red dog.)
1、Now,look at my hand,How many?(师生共数)
2、Now,let’s play a game.Please,look at my right hand,and say how many in my left hand.then ask:how many?
三、New course
1、学习How many
(1)认识How many(板书:how many?多少)。
(2)讲解How many、认识单词many。(板书:many许多)。
2、学习数字one----eight 1)诱导学生进入学习英文数字的情境中。(出示装有硬币的瓶子,猜:how many)2)数,教读,逐个单词认读。四:Practice
2、游戏:find out the cards and ask:how many?
3、小组活动:(show the fingers and ask:how many?)
2、listen to the recorder three times.1、)listen and point
2、)listen and read
3、)listen and repeat
M 6 U 1 Happy birthday!
教学重点:birthday ,birthday cake
candles, birthday presents, birthday party 教学难点:理解第一部分的对话内容。以及单词birthday ,birthday cake and candles, birthday presents, birthday party 教学课时:1课时
一、What is it?
1、Greeting and sing
T:“Hi!How are you today? Let us sing the song ”I love you, you love me.“OK?”(Students do actions as they say.)1.Show pictures of a birthday cake(with candles),presents and a party.2.Write the word on the blackboard and ask individual students in Chinese,then in English.“What day is your birthday?”
“Do you have birthday cake,birthday presents ,a party?”
“How do you feel in your birthday?” 3..Practice and act.二、.Today is my birthday 1: look at the picture.listen to the radio
2、Ask some questions.T:What are they doing? S:They are talking.T:Is Jenny happy?
S:Yes.T:Why? Why is Jenny happy? Because is Jenny’s…… S:Birthday.T: How old is Jenny? S: Ten.3、Practice in pairs
One students pretends to be Jenny ,the other pretends to be LiMing.三、Sing “Happy birthday!”song.四、Activity book :L29 N2
五、Class closing.课后习题:
birthday cake and candles
生日礼物 birthday presents
birthday party
生日蛋糕和蜡烛 课后反思:
M6 U2 How old are you?
1、能听、说、读句型:How old are you? I’m „
教学重点:会听、说句型How old are you? I’m„,即学会询问对方年龄的日常交际用语。教学难点:How old are you?的正确发音和正确运用.教学课时:1课时 I、Warm-UP
1、Greeting T: Class begins.Ss: Stand up, please!T: Good morning, boys and girls.Ss: Good morning, ,Miss Chen.T : sit down ,please.2、Chant T:(Stand up)Let’s chant, pen and pencil
T:Wonderful!Thank you!Sit down, please.3、Revision(有层次复习数字,由浅入深)1)
T: Now, take out your fingers.Let’s count.(师生一起数数,从0到10,再从10到0)
2)T: Now, count,(教师拍手),how many?
3)T: Now , I say , you clap hands?
4)T: Next, let’s look at the pictures..T: What’s this? /How many boys?
(1 boy , 3 girls, 5 pencils, 4 apples, 8 books)
教师通过呈现数字1 到10 中的任意一笔,让学生猜是哪个数字。
如:画竖,学生可以猜成1,5,7,T:Do you know , what’s this?
T: Hello, everyone!
Ss: Hello, Sam.T: Today is my birthday.Let’s sing a song.(师生一起拍手跟唱一遍)
T: Thank you!Now , look.This is my birthday cake.(这是我的生日蛋糕)
I have birthday candles.How many candles? Let’s count ,OK?(师生一起数蜡烛,复习数字)
T: Seven candles.Yes, I’m nine.(板书I’m seven.)
T: Together, I’m seven.(跟读这个句子,齐读,男女生读)
2、How old are you
T: Look, I’m Sam.Do you know how old is Sam?(你知道Sam几岁了吗?你该怎么问他呢?)
T: Let me tell you.How old are you?(贴”How old are you? 你几
T: Follow me ,how old are you?(通过和How are you的比较来认识)领读——卡片领读——组读——开火车读
T: Who can ask Sam? How old are you , Sam?
S1: How old are you , Sam?
T: I’m six
T: Together, I’m six.(跟读这个句子,齐读,男女生读)
3、work in pair T: Hello, **,how old are you? Ss: Hello, I’m seven.How old are you?
T: Clever.Now , let’s talk in pairs.(同桌小朋友互相问)„„.T: Which pair? Hands up!(抽几组进行对话操练,进行评价)
T: How old are you?
S2: I’m seven.T: Thank you.Now , who is seven, too? Stand up!
(教师让所有站着的同学说“I’m seven, too.“)Ⅲ、consideration
1、I’m a doctor
T: Hello, I am a doctor now.Open your mouth, please.Let me see.Ah, what’s your name? S1: I’m **.T: How old are you? S1: I’m 8
T: I think you are right.Thank you.S1: You’re welcome.(教师模仿医生,在学生中进行对话练习)
2、Make a interview T: Boys and girls, let’s make a interview.接下来让我们来做一个现场采访。Look, I have a paper.(教师画表格)
T: Now, I want to interview XXX。XXX,stand up!
T: Hello, what’s your name?
S: My name’s XXX。
T: OK.Now , I’ll write down the name.然后把名字写在这里。
T: How old are you?
S: I’m eight.T: Thank you.Sit down.然后在年龄这一栏写上她的年龄。
T: Do you understand? 明白了吗?现在请大家去采访你周围的三个同学,并把调查表填好。
(帮助学生上台进行汇报,引导学生用***is ***来进行汇报。)
3、Expand T:Look , this is a big tree.(Tree 跟读黑板上画树)Do you know how old is the tree?谁来问问Tree,你几岁了?
S:Tree, tree, how old are you?
TREE: Hello, boys and girls!I’m a tree.Do you know how to count to my age?你们知道怎么来数我们大树的年龄吗? Look,1„2„3„How old am I ?”
(,树的年轮, 提醒学生保护环境。)
T: 小朋友们,现在你们知道怎么来数大树的年龄了吧,每一棵大树都是由小树苗慢慢慢慢才长大的,他们也有年龄,所以小朋友们应该好好保护树木,使他们不受到破坏,保护我们的大自然,你们说,对吗?
回家后,跟父母亲进行对话,运用how old are you ?
M7 U1 What's this?
1.能听懂会说本课会话:What's this ?
2.能较好地掌握本课句型What's this ? It's a desk.并能用Let's practise.的词做替换练习。
3.能听说读写单词desk ,chair和句子What's this ? 4.学唱英文歌曲What's that ? What's this? 教学重点:this,that和It's的发音.教学难点:this 和 that的不同的指代用法。教学课时:1课时 一 问候。
T: Glad to meet you , again./ How are you ?
T: Please say “Glad to meet you” to the teachers.3.师生自由对话:How are you ? /What's your name ?(出示头饰机器猫让学生这样回答 :My name is Mr / Miss Cat.)
1.复习句型 :Is that a---? What's that ? 及有关交通工具的单词 boat , ship , bike , bus ,car, jeep , plane(以上是四会单词), taxi , yacht
T: Look , Mr / Miss Cat.What's that ? S1 :It's a ship.T: Can you spell the word “ship” ?
S1: Yes.S-H-I-P, ship.T: Is that a ship , too ?
S1: No , it isn't.It's a boat.T: Oh!It's a boat.Can you spell it please? S1 :Yes.B-O-A-T, boat.(让部分学生扮演机器猫,操练plane ,bike , bus , car, jeep)T: Is that a jeep , too ?
Ss: No, it isn't.It's a taxi.T: Now , let's chant.“What's this ? What's this ? ” one , two start.绕口令:What's this ? What's this ?What is this ? It's a taxi.It's a taxi.It's a red taxi.(此时将What's this?卡片粘贴在黑板上)
T: What's this?
Ss: It's a desk.T: Now , let's chant.“What's this ? What's this ? ” one , two start.绕口令:What's this ? What's this ?What is this? It's a desk.It's a desk.It's a white desk.III.新授
1.呈现句型What's ?
T: And what's this in English ?
Ss: It's a desk.跟读单词desk:
T: Desk , desk , desk.D-E-S-K, desk..(二遍并将卡片粘在黑板上)
T: And what's this in English ?
Ss: It's a chair.跟读单词chair:
T: Chair ,chair , chair.C-H-A-I-R, chair.(二遍并将卡片粘在黑板上)(此时将What's this in English ?卡片粘贴在黑板上)
T: Look, what's this ?
Ss: It's a door / clock.(实物)
T: And what's this ?
Ss: It's a picture.(投影片)2.巩固操练句型What's this ?
1)T: Let's look at the picture.(放幻灯)What's this ?
Ss: It's a---.T: Now , please talk like this.(让学生根据幻灯上的内容直接进行操练。)
2)T: Let's play a game.You please come here.(指示他面朝黑板)
What's this in English ?
(让另一位学生举起手中的卡片,其他的学生真真假假地回答。如S: It's a ship / bus.等,最后让第一位学生猜猜到底是什么。)
3.听音, 跟读
(将有书, 钟 的两张卡片反贴在黑板上)T: What's that ?
Ss: Is that a---? T: And what's this ?
Ss: Is this a---?
T: Sorry , I don't know.Please listen to the tape.(放录音)(第一遍回答上面问题,第二遍跟读)4.学说英语
T: Please read inpairs.(男女对读;A,B分角色朗读.)IV.巩固操练
T:Now you talk together like this.(让最后一组学生用zoo编说对话。)
T: Great!Let's go to the zoo.Ss: All right.T: What's this ?
Ss: It's a panda.(头饰,让部分学生扮演各种动物)
T: What's that ?
Ss: It's a deer.T: Now please make similar dialogues.(让学生准备二分钟后,进行表演,最后一组以It's a door.结尾。)
M7 U2 What's that?
1、能掌握新单词flag,听懂、会说单词circle, rectangle, square, triangle;
3、能认读what’s that和It’s a„的句型,会运用所学知识组织对话。教学重点:学习图形的单词以及句型运用。教学难点:正确认读新单词并进行句型拓展。教学课时:1课时
Step 1 Warming up1、师生问候。T: Good morning, boys and girls.Ss: Good morning,Miss yuan.T: How are you, today? Ss: I am fine, thanks, what about you? T: Oh, I’m fine too, thank you!
2、唱英语歌曲“Hello song”
Step 2 Presentation and drill教师通过给学生设计魔法学校的情境,把学生带入魔法世界,直接吸引了学生的好奇心。
Today, I will take you to a magic school, there is very beautiful and very funny.Do you want to go there?...OK!let’s go!Part one:Magic hands!教师用魔术手比划着各种图形,边比划边用惊奇的语气像在施魔法一样,吸引学生的注意力,让学生边看边认读新单词,并做着同样的手势。T: What’s this? S: It’s circle.T: What’s this? S: It’s a...在魔术手的过程中学习各种图形的单词拼写并带读。然后通过做High & low voice以及转手指游戏操练单词,并分组读单词。
Part two: Magic cord,展示CAI课件,让学生看到屏幕显示的图形,通过魔术绳子的变化,教师引出句型what’s that? 带读,同时让学生看图片回答It’s a„,并再一次巩固新学单词。T: What’s that? S: It’s a circle.T: What’s that? S: It’ a square.T: What’s that? S: It’s a rectangle.T: What’s that? S: It’s a triangle.帮助学生回答,并带读。在魔法绳子环节让学生运用道具绳一起做出各种图形。
Step 3 PracticePart three: Magic words.CAI课件演示,让学生认读What’s that?和It’s„的句型
T:What’s that? S: It’s a triangle...T: Guess, how many triangles are there? S1:...S2:...T: what’s that? S: It’s a ball.T: The ball is a circle Ss:...Step 4 ConsolidationT: What shapes can you see in the classroom? 情景:启发学生从周边熟悉的环境中寻找各种图形的物体,认读,并用英文说出那是什么,同时进行回答。
Step 5 ExpandingPart four: Magic picture
M8 U1 Is it a monster?
(1)能听、说、读词汇:or, no, know, kite, new, monster, help.(2)能听懂、能实际运用句型: Is it a...?的语言结构,并会用Yes, it is./ No, it isn't.来进行回答。
1、掌握以下单词:or, no, know, kite, new, monster, help
2、运用Is it a...?来猜测不确定的物品,并用Yes, it is./ No, it isn't.来回答。教学难点:
1、Warming up(5min)
1、Sing a song: please stand up.2、Free talk
T: All of you can sing it very well.So I want to give you a present.Look, there are 2 presents.Can you tell me what’s the difference between the 2 presents?(guide the students to say one is new, and the other is old.)T:(show the word card“new”)new,n-n-new.(T makes the students read one by one.)T:Listen carefully and guess, what's in the present?(T plays the sound of cat.)Ss: cat...T:You are so clever!It is a cat!Miao miao miao~~ Can you guess how many cats are there in the box? Ss: 2...3...T: Let's count together.1,2,3...There are 4 cats.OK, now I will divide you into 4 groups, and each cat stands for a group.Let's have a match to see which group can eat the fish, OK? Step
T: As we know, on Sam’s birthday party, Sam receives so many presents!Look!So many presents.(T shows presents on the PPT)Do you want to know what’s in the box? If we don’t know, we can say “ I don’t know”.(T shows the card “I don’t know”)OK!Now let’s guess.What’s in the box? Before we guess, let’s learn it together ”Is it a…?”(T writes it on the blackboard, and prctices this sentence pattern by reading in indivisual, by pair, by groups.)T: You read it so loudly.Look, this present is from Daming, can yuou guess what’s in the box? Is it a pencil? Is it a …?(guide the Ss to use “Is it a…?” to ask.)S1: Is it a pen? T: Yes, it is.(T writes “Yes, it is” on the blackboard.)
(T makes Ss guess Daming and Ms Smart’s presents.This is easy for them.)T: This present is from Amy, Can you guess?(This is a little difficult for them to guess)T:OK.Let's see together.Wow, it's a kite!(T shows the word card and teach the word)
T:Look, so many kites, dog kite, cat kite, bird kite and…Look, this is a monster kite,(T teaches “monster”)if we see a monster, we should cry”help!” T:Now, Let’s play a game:magic eyes!Whose has got a magic eyes? Read the word you see, but if you see a monster, you should cry “help!”, clear? T:All of you have a magic eyes!Today Sam takes his kite to the park, and an interesting thing happened,let’s go to have a look!
(T plays the CD-ROM for the first time.)T: Now, listen again, find”Is it…? and underline”… How many “Is it a…?” can you find? Ss:3 T: Good!Can you read it? T:Now show me your finger, listen and point, and read after the CD-ROM.Pay attention to the pronunciation.Step
T:(show the box)Look, Is it a pen?....Now I put them in the box, I want to ask one student to come here and choose one to guess, using “Is it a…?” and the whole class help him to guess out by answering “Yes, it is/ No, it isn’t”, clear? Step4、Consolidation(2min)T: Let's see what we have learned today.Step5、Homework Play guessing game with your friends, using the sentences pattern: Is it a...? Yes, it is./No, it isn't.Blackboard writing:
Module 8
unit 1 Is it a monster?
Is it a...?
Yes, it is.√
No, it isn't.x
M8 U2 Where's the cat?
掌握表示方位介词in的用法及Where句型。教学难点:如何在实际中灵活运用本课句型。教学课时:1课时 Step 1: Warm up and revision 1)Greeting with students T : Hello, boys and girls.S: Hello, Miss cai.T : How are you?
S: I’m fine.Thank you.T: You are welcome.T: What’s your name?
S1: My name is ×× T: How old are you?
S2: I’m ×
[适当的问候语,及时巩固所学的知识,提高语言的使用率,并创设融洽的氛围。] 2)Sing a song:
《What’s this?》 3)Chant : 《pen and pencil》
[唱歌能使学生感到松弛、愉快、满足,产生兴奋情绪。活跃课堂气氛,调动学生情绪,激发学习兴趣,创造学习英语的轻松环境。Chant让学生在愉悦的氛围中复习了本节课所要用的单词。] 4)revision: T:(出示一个blue bag书包)what’s this? S: It’s a bag.T: What color is it? S: It’s blue.It’s a blue bag.T: 今天老师给大家带来了许多present,I put them in it.你们知道是什么吗? Do you know? What’s in the blue bag? S: I don’t know.T:不知道你们可以猜一猜。现在我们就来猜一猜,比一比,看谁的运气最好,猜得最准。不过在猜的时候我们可要用上这个句子来表示自己的猜测和疑问。(板书:Is it a „„)S: Is it a pen?(Is it a pencil?)T: No, it isn’t.(Yes, it is.)
[结合实物复习上节课的Is it a pen? Yes, it is./ No, it isn’t句型,让学生在轻松愉快的氛围中复习了大量的词汇,有利于学生掌握本课内容,为下一步学习做好铺垫。]
Step2: Presentation 1)、Teach the new word :bag(袋子)
T:(出示一个实物yellow bag)What’s this?(板书bag)Bag可以翻译成书包,也可翻译成袋子。
朗读bag bag 袋子
[让学生边朗读边用手打节奏再加上背袋子的动作,学生手、脑、口并用,有利于更好记忆单词,并且不会觉得单调。] 2)、play a game : look and say(课件依次出现yellow bag green bag red bag blue bag)
T: What’s this?
S: It’s a yellow bag.(并板书yellow green)
[及时对所学的单词进行巩固,扩展,加深,为下面的学习做好铺垫。] 3)、Teach the new word : “in” T:(出示一个实物green bag)what’s this? S:It’s a green bag.T: What’s in the green bag?(板书:in the)你们知道in 是什么意思吗?Do you know? S:I don’t know.朗读in in 在里面(配上节奏和动作)朗读in the yellow bag
in the green bag T: What’s in the green bag? Please guess!S: Is it a cat?(Is it a dog?)T: No, It isn’t.还有谁要来猜?(Yes, It is.)[用学生喜闻乐见的guessing game引出新单词”in”,让学生在真实的情境中理解新单词的意思,并理解它的用法。] 4)、Teach the new word:” Where” and the new sentences: “Is it in the yellow bag?” T:good job!Now I have two bags in different colors and a toy cat.Close your eyes
(put the toy cat in the green bag.)T: Look , the cat is missing.where’s the cat?(板书课题)你们知道Where 是什么意思吗?Do you know? S: I don’t know.朗读Where Where 在哪里(边读边配上相应的动作)。Where’s the cat?又是什么意思呢?(板书:猫在哪里)齐读:where’s the cat? 要猜where’s the cat? 要用上这个句子Is it in the yellow bag?(板书Is it)
齐读新句型:Is it in the yellow/green/red/black bag?
T: Where’s the cat? S: Is it in the yellow bag? T: No, it isn’t.Yes, it is.(It’s in the green bag.)
5)、play a guessing game.T: What’s this?
S: It’s a dog.T: Please close your eyes,(师把dog放在其中一个袋子里。)Who can ask? S1: Where’s the dog? T: Who can answer? S2: Is it in the yellow bag?
No, it isn’t.Yes,it is.(It’s in the yellow bag.)
Step3: practice 1)、Do pair work 请同学利用手中的pen pencil book和yellow bag green bag和黑板上的句型同桌两个作对话。
[结合实物,让学生同桌两个进行语言的操练。学生在完成成任务的过程中不知不 觉熟练掌握和运用新句型] 2)、对口令 T : Let’s do an activity.listen to my orders.(Stand up ,sit down , hands up ,hands down, put your book in the desk, put your pencil in the desk,put your pen in the yellow bag., put your book in the green bag.)
[结合本节课所学的知识,进行有趣的活动,活跃气氛,使课堂进入另一个高潮] 3)、Ask and answer 课件显示书本32页的图: S1:Where’s the book? S2: It’s in the red bag.4)、听录音,读课文
Step 4: Assignment 1)Listen to the tape of Module8 Unit2 three times and repeat.2)Play the guessing game with your parents.板书:
Where’s the cat?
Yellow bag?
Is it in the
Green bag?
Yes , it is./No, it isn’t.It’s in the green bag.M9 U1 This is my mother.教学目标:
1.能听懂会说单词:father/mother/grandpa/grandma/brother/sister.2.能听懂会说This is my „.及答句。3.对学生进行爱家人的教育。教学重点:
运用句型:This is my „ 向别人介绍自己的家庭成员.教学难点:
2、出示Smart一家的图片,指着各个人物向学生提问,引导学生识别出Smart一家的成员;边贴 Sam的家庭成员头像边出示相应的单词(形成family tree)。老师扮演Tom给大家介绍自己的全家福,边说、边出示版书: This is my …….She/He is a …….(设计意图:用Smart家的照片导入,不仅能帮学生理解其故事内容,识别Smart家的家庭成员),还用了真实语言情景再现,引出了主句型,呈现了句型的运用渠道)。
第二遍:学生带着问题“How many people are there in Sam’s family?”听→抽生回答问题。
(设计意图:Module 6已经学习过This is my„„.句型,我们给出了版书做辅助,单词也已练会,这时可以让小组互动去自由练习,给学生自主发挥的权力,给上台说的学生发奖品,可以激起其他学生表现的欲望)。
5.做一个猜一猜的游戏:老师随便拿过一张孩子的照片,用“Is this your „?”来提问,引导学生用“Yes 或No” 来回答。学生之间互相练习。
M9 U2 He's a doctor.教学目标:
1学生能掌握新单词:doctor, driver, policeman, nurse, farmer, teacher并了解其含义。2能熟练表达句型:He’ s a„/ She’ s a„, 能运用新句型介绍他人的职业。教学重点:
能区分使用He’ s与She’ s。教学课时:1课时
T: Good morning boys, How are you? Good morning girls, How are you? Boys: I’m fine , thank you.Girls: I’m fine, thank you.Ss together: And how are you?
T: I’m fine too, thank you..2、Chant:
Sister, sister, This is my sister.Brother, brother, This is my brother.Mother, mother, This is my mother.Father, father ,This is my father.Grandma, grandma, This is my grandma.Grandpa, grandpa, This is my grandpa.(二)导入及新课教授:
1、(1)T: Show the picture of Part 3 in page 52, and say: Who’ s him?...Who wants to be Sam to introduce your family members?...(找两个学生来说进行小组评价,之后全班说一遍。)
(2)T: Good job!Do you know what does Sam’s mother do?
Ss: Teacher.教读teacher,n+1法操练。
2、听警车的声音,T ask: What can you hear? What ‘s the job?
Ss: Policeman.教读,拍手读单词(师生同拍同读,师停生停)操练。
3、Teacher describe the job, Let Ss to guess what’s the job?
T: A person who works in hospital, we go to see him when we are sick.Ss: Doctor.教读doctor, 两两读操练。
4、PPT show a picture, T ask: What does she do?
Ss: Nurse.教读nurse,大小声操练。
5、T do action and say: Look, what’s the job?
Ss: Driver.教读driver, 左右手男女生读操练。
6、图片出示锄子,让学生猜,T: Guess, what does he do?
Ss: Farmer.教读farmer, 接龙操练。
(2)游戏What’ s missing?
(3)单词、图片配对比赛。(4)Page54, 听音标号。
8、PPT 看图引入句型:He’s a„ She’s a„
9、Page 53, Listen, answer and read.Q1: What does Daming’ s father do?
Q2: What does Daming’ s mother do? 找生领读,之后齐读。
1、T: When I was a child, I want to be a doctor, Everyone has a dream? What do you want to be?(师问个别生)
T: Let’s do a survey, ask your partner: What do you want to be? 两分钟后叫小组展示对话。
Each kind of job is necessary for society.板书设计:Module 9 Unit 2 He’ s a doctor.He’ s a teacher.policeman doctor
She’ s a nurse.M10 U1 This is his head.教学目标:
1、会认会读 head,arm, hand, leg, foot, his等单词。
2、会用This ishis(my)...这一句型熟练描述自己或他人的身体部位。教学重点:
会认会读head, arm, hand, leg, foot, his等单词,会用This is his(my)...这一句型描述自己或他人的身体部位。教学难点:
(一)Warming up1、Greetings:
T: Good morning,boysand girls.S: Good morning,teacher.T: Sit down,please.2、Sing a song: Please stand up(齐唱这首英文歌)T:利用 Point to 这一句型说一句话
(二)Lead in and Presentation:
1、T: What’s this?(出示几张动物图片)Ss:It’s a...复习就知识引入新课
T: Today Daming goes to the zoo.What animal doesDaming see? Let’s have a look,ok?Ss:Ok.2.T:(1)Whatdoes Daming see?(大明看到了什么?)(2)What’shis name?(他的名字叫什么?)T: let us listen carefully.Ss:Answer小组合作讨论(1)A panda T: Yes,Daming sees a panda.His name is Panpan.(2)Head(T:领读这个单词.)T: Today we’ll learn M10 Body U1 This is hishead.(板书课题)
3、Teach the words.T: Look at this word.板书单词:his领读这个单词.Ss:his –hisT: his(教师读两遍,学生跟读)T: This is my book.This is his book,This is „(拿学生的铅笔等继续练习his,从而熟悉这个单词)T: Head——head.(做点头动作,领读)
Ss:齐读这个单词T: head head, my head.(指向自己)T:Look!How to read this word? T: arm--arm(伸胳膊,领读)Ss:齐读这个单词T: Look!Can you read this word? 出示handHand--hand(伸出手领读)Ss:...T: This is his leg.Leg--leg(领读次单词)Ss:...T: This is my foot.Foot--foot(跺脚,领读)Ss:...T: Look, this is a panda.This is his body.Body—body(晃动身体,领读)Ss:...开火车练习这几个单词。
5、PracticeLook!This is a panda.(让学生指向熊猫的身体部位练习)This is his„从而练习各个身体部位的单词。(三)跟读录音,感受地道的英语。认真领会录音的语音和语调。1.T: You learnt very well.Now Listen and repeat twice.2.Let’s act.通过跟读录音熟悉单词及句型。练习。老师指着盼盼的身体各部位说:This is his head„练习这个句型,然后俩人一组,分别指着身体部位练习这个句型。(四)
1、Game:利用游戏轻松学习英语。避免课堂的枯燥单一,让学生在乐中学,在学中乐。A:Point to your „教师说,学生指。B: This is my „看谁指的又快又好。
你认为下列衣服应该穿在身体哪一部位? 2.功夫熊猫 出示“腿/胳膊/身体”,看图既快又准的指出功夫熊猫的身体部位。
M10 U2 Point to her nose.教学目标:
1.能听懂会说读单词eye, ear, mouth, nose, her;学习目标语句Point to her nose.2.能熟练运用句型Point to her nose.并能根据指令指出正确部位。3.培养学习英语的乐趣。教学重点:
单词eye, ear, mouth, nose, her目标语句Point to her nose.教学难点:
mouth,ear 的发音,物主代词his, her的正确使用 教学课时:1课时 1.Warm-up and review Greet to students.用”Hi”“ How are you?” 开火车的形式问候
Review Activity: Body chant “head, head, this is my head;arm, arm, this is my arm;„”边唱边指
2.Presentation and Practice
将眼耳口鼻的图片贴在黑板上,让学生辨认,同时将相应英文写在下面,并解释“This is a nose.” “This is a mouth.” “This is an eye.” “This is an ear.”学生会其意后,让学生Look and Listen注意观察教师口型,然后,Listen and Say.尤其是 “mouth” “ear”的发音,要求学生认真观察教师口型,仔细听,多练习。Activity 1: I point, you say 首先让一名学生指部位,老师说出英文,然后老师指,大家说。最后,同桌互相练习,找几组上台表演,评出最佳拍档。教师拿出男女布偶,saying “This is a boy.This is his nose.This is his mouth.Look, this is a girl.This is her nose.This is her mouth.his nose, his mouth, his ears, his eyes;her nose, her mouth, her ears, her eyes.” 边说边指,让学生领会 “his” “her” 的不同涵义。带领同学们一起 “Point to his nose.Point to her nose.…”
Activity 2: Listen to the tape and repeat Activity 3: “Point to” Game
3.Learn “Head and shoulders” of the textbook: sing and do the actions.4.Summary and homework Boys and girls, what have you learnt today?选几名学生总结,师生评价。将今天学习的这首歌练熟练,唱给爸爸妈妈听。
llef---llaf thguob---yub erew---era tnew---og 3(deirrac---yrrac 2(depmub---pmub deneppah---neppah 1(pmub yrrac nolem retaw ytsriht neht edir neppah :sdraC.ekib sih fo llef m aS 1 tinU tnediccA o1 eludoM draobkcalb eht fo sngiseD.llew txet eht daer ot syaw fo sdnik lla esu ot stneduts ksA da e R.4 rewsna dna IAC eht ta kool ot stneduts ksA(?…… neht dnA :T.yadretsey edir ekib a rof tnew yehT :1S IAC eht ta kool ot stneduts ksA ?yad retsey od gnim aD dna maS did tahW :rewsna dna niag a epat eht ot netsil woN :T ?raelc uoy erA.ti taeper dna niag a epat eht ot netsil woN :T.sdrow wen eht hcaeT sd row wen fo sdrac eht wohS(.sd row wen eht enilrednu dn a epat eht ot netsiL.ekib sih fo llef m aS 1 tinU stnediccA 01 eludoM.skoob ruoy ta kool ,woN :T : yrots eht lleT.3.gnim aD dna m aS tuoba y rots eht lleT.txet eht weiveR krowemoH „„.nolemretaw a thguob yehT :3S �„„ neht dnA: 2S.ytsriht dna yrgnuh erew yehT :1S ?……neht dnA :T.yadretsey edir elib a rof tnew gnim aD dna m aS :T :elpmaxe roF.yrots eht llet dn a IAC eht ta kool ot stneduts ksA yrots eht lleT.5.siht ekil stneduts rehto eht lareves ksa nehT.yad retsey llabteksab deyalp ehS/eH :bS ?y adretsey od aS did tahW :T.y adretsey llabteksab deyalp
I :aS?A ,yadretsey od uoy did tahW :T ?yadretsey did uoy ohw em llet nac oh W.yad retsey sgniht yn am did eW :T rewsna dna ksA.2 deirrac-----yrrac depmub-----pmub deneppah----nepp ah :hcaet nehT.smrof esnet tsap rieht dna sbrev wen eht nrael ll‘eW ,yadoT :T llef-----llaf thguob---yub erew---era tnew---og :selpmaxE.sbrev ralugerri emos fo sm rof esnet tsap dna tneserp eht etirw ,sdrac eht nO pu gnimraW.1 � spets gnihcaeT :stpecnoc weN、C.yad retsey…… did I :klat eerF、B.syadiloh evol ew ,hO :sgnoS、A : serudecorp gnihcaeT noitcejorp IAC redrocer-epat erutcip sdrac :seitreporp gnihcaeT llef-----llaf thguob------yub erew---era tnew---og deirrac---yrrac depmub---pmub deneppah---neppah :sbrev eht fo mrof tsaP.3 ?…… neht dnA.y adretsey edir ekib a rof tnew I dna m aS :secnetneS.2 pmub yrrac nolem retaw ytsriht neht edir nepp ah :sesarhp dna sdroW.1 :sevitcejbo gnihcaeT.ekib sih ffo llef maS 1 tinUstnediccA 01 eludoM.ekib sih ffo llef m aS 1 tinU 01 eludoM :tnetnoc gnihcaeT eta ,dah :sdrow eseht ta kooL :T.gnilgniL dn a ymA ,gnilgniL ,m aS ot deneppah tahw em llet dna niaga epat eht ot netsil woN :T.ehcahcamots a tog s‘eh yadot oS.y adretsey stiucsib etalocohc fo stol d ah m aS draobkcalb eht no secnetnes eseht setirw rehcaet ehT(?raelc uoy erA.ti taeper dna epat eht ot netsil woN :T sdrac ‘sdrow wen eht hcaeT(.sdrow wen eht enilrednu dna epat eht ot netsil ,tsriF.stiucsib etalocohc fo stol dah m aS 2 tinU 01 eludoM nrael ot gniog era ew ssalc siht ,woN :T gnihcaeT txeT 3 petS :snoitseuq eseht rewsna ,4 traP ta kooL :T gninraeL txeT 5 petS.no os dna ,ti ebircsed srehto dna ,ehcahcamots a gnivah neht dna stiucsib etalocohc gn itae gnim aD sm rofrep tneduts eno ,ssalc eht fo tnorf eht ot emoc ot stneduts ruof ksa ll‘I.‖y as uoy od I ― yalp s‘teL :T.kO :sS ?ko ,em ag a yalp s‘teL :T gnillifluF-ksaT 4 petS.secnetnes owt eht tcennoc ot ‖dna ― dna ‖ot ― esu ot stneduts eht d aeL ?gnilgniL dna ymA ,m aS ,gnim aD ot deneppah tahW.draobkcalb eht no ‖yadot ― drow eht setirw rehcaet ehT snoitca eht od stneduts owt eht ,y rots eht ebircsed srehto ,‖maS ― dna ‖gnimaD ― fo selor ni y alp stneduts owT(.kO :sS ?ko ,y rots siht yalp s‘teL :T.depmub saw daeh s‘gnimaD :sS.tinU tsal ni gnim aD ot neppah tahw em llet nac ohW :T gnidael dna noitatneserP 2 petS �spets gnihcaeT.ehcahcamots a tog s‘eh y adot oS.yadretsey
stiucsib etalocohc fo stol d ah m aS :secnetneS、B.ffo llef ,ffo llaf ,revef ,ehcadaeh ,dloc ,ehcahc amots :sesarhp dna sdroW、A :serudecorp gnihcaeT redrocer-epaT ,serutcip ,sdrac :seitreporp gnihcaeT.sessenlli tuoba gniklaT :rammarG.3.ehcahcamots a tog s‘eh yadot oS.y adretsey stiucsib etalocohc fo stol dah m aS :secnetneS.2.ffo llef ,ffo llaf ,revef ,ehcad aeh ,dloc ,ehcahcamots :sesarhp dna sdroW.1:sevitcejbo gnihcaeT yadretsey did yeht tahw ecudo rtni sS ?kO ,‖yadretsey did I tahW ― klaT eerF a evah s‘tel woN.slrig dna syob revelc era uoY :T gnos eht gnis sS(.…nwod gnillaf si egdirB nodnoL!kO :T.kO :sS ?ko ,gnos a gnis s‘teL :T.slrig dna syob ,iH :T pu-mraW 1 petS.stiucsib etalocohc fo stol dah maS2tinU stnediccA01 eludoM.ehcahc amots a tog s‘eh yadot oS.y ad retsey stiucsib etalocohc fo stol dah m aS stiucsib etalocohc fo stol dah m aS 2 tinU draobkcalb eht fo sngiseD.secnetnes eseht etirW krowemoH.kO :sS ?ko ,snoitca eht od dna rehtegot meop eht daer s‘teL :T.ti taeper dna ep at eht ot netsiL :T ?neB elttiL htiw gnorw s‘tahW.3 ?gnilgniL elttiL htiw gnorw s‘tahW.2 ?ymmoT elttiL htiw gnorw si tahW.1
Unit 4 Part A Let’s learn 1.词汇(要求四会)
sweep the floor 扫地 cook the meal 做饭/ / / / / / / / water the flowers empty the trash 倒垃圾 / / / / / / / / clean the bedroom helpful / / / / / / helpful-__________(名词/动词)ful 是形容词后缀,类似的词有: hope-hopeful thank-________ 2.重要句型:
1..can 是情态动词,没有人称和数的变化,后接动词原形。变一般疑问句时将can放在句首,变否定句在can后加not,即can’t。Eg: He can sweep the floor.(T)He cans sweep the floor(F)He can sweeps the floor.(F)我会扫地:I _____ ______ ______ _______ 她会倒垃圾:She _____ _____ _____ ______ 2.变一般疑问句时将can放在句首,肯定回答:Yes, 主语+ do/ 否定回答:No, 主语+ don’t.变否定句在can后加not,即can’t。
Eg: He can count insects(数昆虫).(改为一般疑问句)_____ ______ ______ ________ ? 肯定回答:_______________ They can clean the livingroom.(改为否定句)_______ _______ clean the livingroom 练习:
(1)I can(do)the dishes菜.(2)He can(play)football..(3)We can cook the meals饭.(改一般疑问句,并作肯定回答))________(4)She can water the flowers.(改否定句)__________ Let’s talk
1.短语:在家 _____________ 2.你在家能干吗?(翻译)___________________________________________ 他的弟弟在家能干吗?(翻译)___________________________________________ 3.课文链接:I can cook the meals meals是名词,意为“ 一餐”。
Eg: We _______ three _______ a day.我们一日吃三餐。
二、重要句型: 询问某人会做什么? What can + 主语 + do ? Eg: 你在家会做什么?
______ ______ you ________ at home ? 练习:
1.His brother can cook the meal(划线提问)_________________________________________ 2.My friend can water the flowers(划线提问)_________________________________________ 3.你的表弟会做什么?(翻译)
__________________________________________ Read and write 1.词汇 ill just / / / / ill 的名词:____________ 2.知识要点 ill 与 sick ill只作表语,而sick 既可作表语也可作定语 Eg: He is _______/ ______ 他生病了 I smell a _______ smell.我闻到了一股令人恶心的气味 4.操练有关can的句型 Unit 4 Part B Let’s learn 1词汇
wash the clothes set the table 摆桌子/ / / / / / / make the bed 铺床 do the dishes 做菜(洗碗)/ / / / put away the clothes 收拾衣服 do housework / / / / / /
Let’s talk
would like意为 “想要”,等于want ,没有人称和数的变化,后接名词或动词不定式。I’d like = I ______ ______ Eg: 我想要去上学
I’d like _______ ________ ________ ________ 你想喝杯茶吗?
________ ________ _______ a cup of tea ? 注意:Would you like…?句型虽是疑问结构,但因表示委婉的建议或请求,故常用some 表示“一些”,而不用any.如:I’d like some apples.(改一般疑问句)._______ ________ _________ ________ apples ? 练习:
(1)I’d like _______ _______ _______ ________.(整 理床铺)(2)He’d like _______ _________ __________ _______(倒垃圾)(3)I’d like some juice.(改为一般疑问句)________________________________________________(4)We would like to do the dishes.(改为一般疑问句)_________________________________________________ 2.have a try 试一试
eg: They would like _______ ________ ________ _______ 3.复习can 的用法(肯定句和一般疑问句)Read and write 1.知识要点:
sorry 与 excuse me 都表示歉意,但用法不同。sorry常用于某种过失而给他人造成麻烦。Sorry,I broke your pen.excuse me 常用于客气地打断某人的话,或请求他人帮助时。____________.Where is the post office 邮局? 2.复习句型: 询问某人会做什么? What can + 主语 + do ? Pronunciation发音 1.掌握元音: 2.掌握辅音:
练习:找出与其他三个单词发音不一样的单词。(1).A.play B.place C.pray D.plate板()(2).A tall B.fork 叉 C.hall大厅 D.small()(3).A.horse 马 B.doctor C.storm 暴风雨 D.short 短()(4).A.pride骄傲 自豪 B.plane平面;飞机 C.pretty D.prince()Good to know 1词汇(会读与认)
remember switch 开关 转换 gas 气体 pick 选择 / / / / / / / / battery 电池 rinse 冲洗 detergent 洗涤剂 separate 单独 分开 / / / / / / / / 熟读句子 Storytime 1词汇
tasty 美味的 throw 把 丢 抛 silly / / / / / / 课文链接: Here comes my tasty food.以here 开头得倒装句
(1)在倒装句中当主语为名词时,谓语要放在主语之前。EG: The teacher comes here.老师来了 — Here __________ the teacher(2)当主语为人称代词时,主语与谓语位置不变 Eg : He comes here.他来了 — Here he _______ 拨通教育2013年秋季
PEP小 小学英语五年级内部讲义
Unit 5 Part A Let’s learn 1.词汇(要求四会)
curtain 窗帘 closet 壁橱 mirror / bin 箱子 end table 茶几 air-conditioner 空调/ / / / / trash bin / // / 2.重要句型
(一)课文链接:Is this your bedroom ? 这是你的卧室吗?
Be 动词的一般疑问句,用来询问别人对所述问题得证实情况。回答时用:Yes, 主语+be 动词
No, 主语 + be 动词 Eg: I’m a student.— _________ __________ a student ? Yes, ________ _________ 练习:把下面句子改为一般疑问句(1)They are good teachers _________ _________ ________ ________ ? Yes,_______ _________(2)He is a doctor._________ ________ ________ _________ ? No, ________ __________
(二)look at “看……”
look 是不及物动词,它的后面不能直接跟宾语,如果要接宾语必须加上介词at ________ _______ that man 看那个人 Look ________ the blackboard.看黑板 Let’s play 1.词汇 room / / room 还可以作“空间”,此时的room 是不可数名词 eg: There are three ________(room)in my family There isn’t any _________(room)in the car.2.知识要点 课文连接:
In my room I have a trash bin, a mirror and an air-conditioner.“have” 表示“某人(物)拥有……”
当主语是第三人称单数时,我们要用“________” Eg: I ________ a car.我有一辆小汽车 He ________ a hat 他有一顶帽子
(1)They _______(have)some new friends(2)I _________(have)a beautiful room.(3)Her room ___________(have)a big closet and a new mirror.(4)He ______(have)some books.Let’s talk 1.词汇 own / / own 用作定语, 构成“物主代词+own +名词”的结构 eg: my own house 我自己的房子 练习:
(1)________(he)own book(2)_________(we)own room(3)________(they)own hats 2.重要句型:
(1)What’s …like ? ……是什么样子的?(在Unit 1 Part A我们已经学过)“like” 是介词,意为“像,如同”
EG: What’s Mary like ? 玛丽是个什么样的人? 练习:
______________headmaster___________________________ 2.他的姐姐长得怎样 ?
__________________________________________(2)There be 句型遵守“___________________” 原则
即be 动词由最近的名词决定用单数还是复数, 不可数名词要用“_______”.Eg: There _______(be)a book ,two pens in my bag.There ______(be)some water in the bottle.There ______(be)some children , a man and two women in the house.(3).there be句型的一般疑问句,将be(is/are)放于句首,句末用问号。肯定回答:Yes,there is/are.否定回答:No.there isn’t/aren’t。而改为否定句时直接在be动词后加not,(some在否定句和疑问句时 应改为___________)eg: There is some bread on the table._______ there _______ bread 面包 on the table ? Yes,________ __________ No, _________ _________ There are ten eggs in the basket 篮子.(改为否定句)There _______ ten eggs in the basket.练习:
1.There are some apples in the table.(一般疑问句,并作肯定回答)______________________________________________________________________________________________(否定句)________________________________________ 2.There is an orange and two pears梨 in the fridge(冰箱)(一般疑问句,并作否定回答)
_________________________________________________(否定句)_________________________________________ Read and write 1.词汇
flat平面平地 third 第三 small cool / / / / / / / / small的反义词()cool 反义词()third的基数词是()(了解即可)熟读课文以及复习There be 和 have/ has 的用法
Unit 5 Part B Let’s learn 1.词汇(要求四会)
near over 上面 in front of在…前面 / / / / / / in on under 下面 behind在…后面 / / / / / / / /(1)in反义词 ________ near反义词_________(2)over 与on在……上面,但位置关系不同。
“over”指在某物在另一物的正上方,两者直接触但强调垂直关系,其反义词是__________ 而“on” 是两者互相接触。
Eg: The air-conditioner is _________ the end table 空调在床头柜的上面
There is a book ________ the desk 书桌 桌子上有一本书
(3)in the front of 指某个物体内的前部 in front of 指某个物体之外的前面
eg: There is a blackboard ________________ the classroom.教室前面有一个黑板
The trash bin is __________________ the closet.垃圾箱在大衣橱的前面 Let’s find out 发现 词汇
more / / _________ 是many ,much 的比较级 EG: He has _________ fruit 他有更多的水果
Module1 Unit 1 She’s Very Nice 教案设计
1、知识与能力目标x k b 1.c o m 能够运用句型:This is „ He’s / She’s„.She’s very „ But she’s a bit„
能够掌握单词:nice , shy, clever, naughty, talkative, quiet, a bit.能够介绍人物,说出人物的特点。
四、教学过程 Step 1 Warm up 1 Greeting Hello, boys and girls.Nice to meet you.Step 2 Presentations and practice 1新授clever(1)由做算数题引出clever(2)进行发音教学 v /v/(3)引导学生不断用 I’m clever.进行自我评价以巩固此单词的学习。2 复习naughty(1)由卡通人物Jerry的一段录像引出单词naughty(2)用句子 He’s very naughty.练习单词。并板书句型This is „ He’s very „
(3)出示5幅卡通图片,请学生用新学句型进行描述。3 复习nice新授a bit(1)由 Snow White 引出nice(2)T: Who’s nice in our class? Ss show their opinins.eg Wang Hong is nice.etc T: Snow White is nice ,but she’s a bit shy.引出单词shy,两人进行操练。在此基础上进一步学习短语“bit shy”操练。(3)课件出示词组,引导学生自主练说a bit eg a bit shy , a bit nice , a bit clever, a bit naughty 4 新授talkative和quiet(1)运用句型She’s very „But she’s a bit„描述Snow White.(2)给出3幅卡通图片,小组运用所学句型练习描述卡通人物的性格特征。(3)出示影视人物的图片,学生自由谈论其特点,教师自然引出单词loud,(4)谈论影视人物引出单词quiet,并进行发音教学 qu /kw/ „ T: Who’s quiet in our class? S: XX is quiet.Step 3 Consolidation and extension 1 Game(1)课件出示6幅卡通人物的图片及性格特征,师领读,复习单词
(2)再此出示课件,一幅一幅图片出示,请学生根据记忆,说出卡通人物的特征以次练习描述人物的特征。2 Watch a dialogue(1)让学生看教学光盘对话并且教师提出一个问题: Panpan has got 3 friends.Who are they?(2)用单词卡片nice , shy, clever, naughty, talkative, quiet, a bit复习单词,同时给六个学生。
(3)再观看教学对话,并让学生将单词卡片放到相应的人物头像下面。(4)学生根据单词卡片的内容,描述每个人物的特点。(5)学生分组集体描述每个人物的特点。.通过这种方式,使学生学会怎样描述一个人物的特点。3 Introduce a friend(1)教师介绍自己的一个朋友做示范。(2)学生在小组内介绍自己的朋友。(3)反馈。
Step 4 Summary T: I’m very glad to be your teacher.Some of you are a bit quiet.Some of you are a bit naughty.Some of you are a bit talkative.Some of you are a bit shy.But all of you are very nice and clever.Step 5 Homework 1 Listen to the dialogue and try to read it.2 Finish the activity book on page 1 and page 2.Step 6 Blackboard design Module 1 People Unit 1 She’s nice This is „ He’s very „
She’s very „ But she’s a bit„ Maomao Xiaoyong Parrot nice clever loud a bit shy a bit quiet naughty Teaching Notes: Module1 Unit 2 I’m going to help her.教案设计
学会helpful, plus, twenty, more等词语,能够运用本课所学介绍自己,描述他人的性格。
三、课前准备 单词卡片、课件。
四、教学过程 Step 1 Warm up 1.Enjoy a poem P5.What are these children like? 2.Revision: Teacher do the actions and let the Ss say the words.(clever, nice shy, quiet„)x k b 1.c o m
Step 2 Presentation and practice 1.Describe a student in the class.Let the students guess who she is.Then let the students to describe their friend in the class.2.出示parrot T: What is parrot like? Ss: He’s loud and he’s very very naughty.T: What’s he like in our story? Let’s watch the video.引出课文。3.教授helpful Who is helpful in our class? 4.What’s the matter with the little girl, let’s watch again.Ss: Because this little girl can’t do her Maths.T: Yes, so parrot is going to help her.板书句子 I have some math problems.Who can answer.课件呈现数学题:
T:What is ten plus ten? What is 7 plus 7? And one more? 教授more.5.Let the students ask some math questions, and practice in pairs.6.Sum.Although parrot is loud and naughty, he is helpful.金无足赤,人无完人.7.Listen and repeat.Step 3 Consolidation and extension 1.Parrot is going to help other people.Who are they? Let’s take a look.Practice in pairs and then show the performance.2.Play a memory game First, teacher do a demo for children.Then let the students practice in groups.Step 4 Summary All of you are nice and help.所有的人既有不足,也有优点,用放大镜看别人的优点,用望远镜看别人的缺点,取人之长,补己之短。Step 5 Homework 1.Listen to the dialogue and try to read it.2.Finish the activity book on page 3 and page 4 Step 6 Blackboard design Unit 2 I’m going to help her.This little girl can’t do her Maths.I’m going to help her.helpful more Teaching Notes: Module2 Unit 1 It’s very long.教案设计
1、知识与能力目标 Describing things and places.重点学习一些形容词,如wide, old, high, new, round.学习用这些形容词来描述一些景物或场景如描述River Thames, Big Ben, London Eye等。
通过让学生使用形容词描述国外景物,学生不仅学习了如何使用形容词,更开阔了眼界,增长了知识。同时通过介绍英国重要景点如River Thames, Big Ben, London Eye等,让同学们对国外景物形成一
1、重点单词:wide, old, high, new, round
2、重点句型:This river is very wide.And it’s very long.This is Big Ben.It’s very long.3、难 点:有关英国重要景点如River Thames, Big Ben, London Eye等知识的了解。
四、教学过程(中英文相结合)Step 1 Warm up
1、教师热情地和学生打招呼,并带领全班做TRP活动“Say as I do, not as I say”。例如:教师说:“I’m tall.”同时俯身用手比着地面以上不高的位置。学生要迅速说出:“You’re not tall.You’re short.”
2、通过一些与形容词相关(如:电视塔、长城、)的图片及实物(如:新旧玩具、衣服)。带领学生回忆相关词语:big/ small, long/ short, tall/ short old/ new.Step 2 Presentation and practice 老师先问中国的首都是哪里?再来引出英国的首都。并向学生出示英国的地图,请学生观察英国和伦敦的位置关系。向学生讲述有关英国重要景点的大概知识。老师拿着喇叭并戴上遮阳帽,扮成导游的样子开始讲课。Good morning!Today we’re going to go to London.It’s the captial of England.请同学们跟随老师看一看伦敦重要的三个景点。1.The frist one is River Thames.(展示课间图片)。老师问:What can you see in the picture?学生可用I can see „句型回答。老师用肢体语言引导学生说出This river is very wide.And it’s very long.并教授wide这个单词。2.Amy和Lingling正在谈论接下来我们要去的两景点,快来听一听。听第一遍录音后,学生回答出Big Ben /London Eye 这两个景点。教师使用两个景点的课间讲授他们的特点:Big Ben /It’s very old clock.And it’s very tall.London Eye / It’s a big wheel.It’s very high ,round and new.同时讲授old /clock/high/wheel/round 3.打开书听第二遍录音,要求学生圈出录音中提及的景物名称和用于描述他们的形容词。之后,教师把学生的回答写在黑板上,把景物名称再次和相关的形容词关联起 来。4.播放第三遍录音,请同学们逐句模仿跟读。并让学生完成AB Unit1练习。之后,老师问“What is this house like? What is this river like? 等问题。提示学生用“tall ,old ,long , wide, new, round”来描述5.完成SB Unit1活动2。首先请学生两人一组看图说话,再请学生听录音,并对课本的这几个重点句子进行操练。6.完成SB Unit1活动3,请两人一组使用刚学过的重点句型说句子,描述书上图片。Step 3 Consolidation and extension 1.学生分脚色朗读课文。并请几组学生到教室前面表演课文。2.让学生观看有关英国重要景点的录像展示课件。
3.教师提供的图片(电视塔、长城),学生刚学的句型和形容词造句。Step 4 Summary 1.复习本课重点句型及单词。2.请学生在黑板上,将River Thames, Big Ben, London Eye及相应的形容词配对。
Step 5 Homework 1.听并读Module2 Unit1 课文三次。2.用P7第三部分的三个图造句子。3.做AB P7。
4.自愿完成 找一张自己游览过的景点照片,试着用学的句型单词向家人或同学描述。
Step 6 Blackboard design Module2 Unit 1 It’s very long.River Thames This river is very wide.And it’s very long.Big Ben It’s very old clock.And it’s very tall.London Eye It’s a big wheel.It’s very high , round and new.Teaching Notes: Unit 2 You’ll see Tower Bridge.教案设计
Talking about possible future actions.重点学习将来时,讲述将来可能发生的事情。
通过将来时的初步学习,使学生能用英文来描述可能发生的事情。这样可以拓宽学生说英语的范围,增强学习的兴趣。www.xiexiebang.computer)What will you see? I’ll see„(学生说出伦敦的著名城市景点 课件)Boys and girls, this weekend, I will go to the supermarket to buy lots of things.Could you tell us what you will do this weekend? S:I’ll go to „
T:What will you see at the zoo? T:I’ll see„(zoo)(板书)Step 2 Presentation and practice Boys and girls, Let look at the video:?“What will Amy, Sam and Daming do this weekend?”
Now, watch the video,please.Then Think it over.(课件)1.What will Amy do this weekend?2.What will Amy see? 新 课 标第 一 网 Are you ready?Let’s see(go).(课件全课)(Watch TV)Headdress.The student will be Amy.Show a picture.(仅一屏)Hello„Amy.What will you do this weekend?(为什么用we’ll,请记住这个问题)。(Who wants to be Amy?)Listen carefully.S:I don’t know.S: Maybe I’ll(we’ll)go to the zoo.Let’s go on.What will you see? S: We’ll see lions and tigers.(板书)(为什么用we’ll?)(read the tiger)Look at the picture:(Listen)Who is he? Daming, how do you ask about Sam? S:Will ___go too?(板书)S: Yes,___will.(板书)(卡片)反复读,跟读,齐读。
Pay attention ,please.Amy and Sam are two children.what will you See? I’ll or We’ll?(头像Amy and Sam)S: We’ll see lions and tigers.(有节奏的读)Show the computer.T:Will Daming go too?(Listen carefully.)S:No, I won’t.(板书)(卡)(Read it one by one.)Now, Daming won’t go to the zoo.How does Amy ask? Please listen carefully.Who will be Amy?How do you ask? S:Will you go too,Daming?(板书)(卡)(Try to say.)S: No, I won’t.T:What will you do Daming? s:I will visit my grandpa in the countryside.(板书)countryside(读几遍)T: Will you see tigers/lions there? S:No.I won’t tigers/lions.T: What will you see?S: I’ll see ducks„lots of pigs.Boys and girls, please look at the blackboard.This weekend, Amy will go to the zoo.Sam will go too。Sam and Amy(They)will see lions and tigers.But Daming won’t go to the zoo.He will go to the countryside.He will visit his grandpa.He won’t see lions and tigers.But he will see lots of pigs.Now ,by this way please watch the video again.根据老师讲的再看一遍录像
Now open your book and turn to page 10.Let’s listen and say.O.k? Listen and say.Step 3 Consolidation and extension 1.Listen to the tape recorder then say.Boys and girls,please open your book,and turn to page 10.Listen and say.2.let’s do exercises to check up what you have learned.Now open the activity book.(Part 1)Have you finished?No.1 Who wants to tell us your answer? If you are all right, please raise your hands.3.Do you like games? Let’s play a guessing game.书P11 4.Boys and girls,what will you do this weekend? Let’s talk about it with your partner in your groups.Then come to the front and act out.Ok.(找2、3名学生演示)5.Boys and girls, Pay attention.Ms.Smart’s family will have a good weekend.Are you interesting in this story? I’ll give you some questions.Please find out the answer.(让学生听录音)
Questions: What will they do? What will they see? Step 4 Summary 同学们,今天我们学习了一般将来时态的句子的表达方法。如果我们要谈论将来发生的事情,比如:周末的打算、想法,我们就可以使用这种表达的方式。Step 5 Homework 1.Listen to the tape recorder then remember these new sentences.2.Free talk with your parents.What will you do this weekend? Step 6 Blackboard design Module3 Unit 1 Maybe we’ll go to the zoo.zoo We’ll see lions and tigers.countryside(图片)Will Sam go, too? lots of pigs tiger Yes, he will.lots of Will you go too, Daming?(单词卡)No, I won’t.Teaching Notes: Module3 Unit 2 Will you phone me? 教案设计
1、知识与能力目标 学会使用下列句子:
Will you play with me this weekend? Yes, I will./No, I won’t.能听说读下列句子△Will „ phone „? Yes,„will./No,„won’t.并能用学过的句子谈论将来发生的事情。
一般将来时态的一般疑问句的使用及回答:Will „? Yes,„will./No,„won’t.三、课前准备
四、教学过程 Step 1 Warm up Good morning, boys and girls.What will you do with your parents this weekend? Let’s free talk.Step 2 Presentation and practice Boys and girls, Daming will visit his grandpa in the countryside.Will Sam go to the countryside this weekend? Let look at the video:Now, watch the video,please.Are you ready? Let’s see.(课件全课)(Watch TV)Headdress.The student will be Sam and Daming.呈现SB Unit 2活动1。
教师一课件的形势向学生以下问题,帮助学生理解课文第一部分。Will Daming play with Sam? Will Daming phone Sam?(phone 一次教师可以通过打电话的动作演示缴获学生,重点注意ph的发音,可与elephone作比较,发音一样。)通过看课件,使学生找出答案。
给学生适当的提示,让两名学生一组根据答案表演这一部分。在给出另外一些问题,让学生带着问题再看课件并找出答案。Who will Daming visit? Where does Daming’s grandpa live ? Is there a phone there? 在学习的过程中,穿插复习有关助动词dodoes 的一些用法及特点。以及There be„句式的用法及特点。
因为上一课时已经学习过有关visit,countryside有关的句子,因此上述问题的答案学生基本上能后比较流利的表达。根据学生的学习情况播放几遍课文录音,请学生跟读。随后可以同位分角色表演。学习诗歌。可先让学生找出自己不理解或不会的部分,由教师或同学们讲解,然后播放录音让学生跟读。鼓励学生模仿动作,使学生情景交融,更有助于学生对诗歌的理解和掌握。Step 3 Consolidation and extension 1.Look and say about your weekend.Then talk about your friend.(书P13)通过学生的掌握情况,可以考虑是否增加同样形式的练习内容。
2.let’s do exercises to check up what you have learned.Now open the activity book.(Part 1)教师首先播放一遍录音,让学生完整的听一边对华录音。再次有间隔的播放录音,让学生有比较充足时间填写答案。可以让学生先互对一遍答案,在以实物投影或直接在课件上直接完成答案。3.语音教学
Step 4 Summary 同学们,今天我们学习了一般将来时态的句子的表达方法。如果我们要谈论将来发生的事情,比如:周末的打算、想法,我们就可以使用这种表达的方式。Step 5 Homework 1.Listen to the tape recorder.2.Let’s talk about what you will be.The teacher: I’m a teacher now.What will you be in the future? Let’s think.让学生想一想,自己将来希望从事的职业。从而复习teacher,doctor,nurse,pupil,driver等单词。还可拓展学习新的单词。
Step 6 Blackboard design Module3 Unit 2 Will you phone me? Will you play with me this weekend? No,I won’t.Will „phone„?
No,„won’t./Yes,„will.Teaching Notes: Module 4 Unit 1 Maybe I’ll be a writer.教案设计
学会writer, footballer, film star等职业单词,能用What will you be in the future?询问并作回答,谈论未来可能从事的职业。
四、教学过程 Step 1 Warm up 1.Sing a song about occupation.And find out the occupation in the song.2.Free talk.Talk about our parents’ jobs and their hobbies.Step 2 Presentation and practice 1.Ask a student that will you be a teacher in the future? Why? And what will you be in the future? 相机板书:What will you be in the future? 出示picture——future 指导学生自己拼读future一词,在领读句子。Ask 2-3 students to answer the question.3.Amy and Lingling are talking about the jobs.What will they be? Guess.4.Enjoy the story and find out what they will be in the future.学生通过听音看故事找到writer, film star, footballer, policeman等词。5.通过问题进一步巩固理解这些职业单词:
Let the students find more words like “write——writer” drive——driver, farm——farmer, work——worker Which film star do you know? Ss: Cheng Long is a film star.Zhang Ziyi is a film star.6.Watch the video again, and find out why Amy will be a writer and why Lingling will be a film star.Ss: Lingling likes writing.She loves books.She will be a writer.7.Why Sam ask them to come to the police station with him? Is he a policeman now? Sam isn’t a policeman, but one day he will be.Step 3 Consolidation and extension 1.Listen and repeat.2.Read and fill in the blanks.What will Lingling be in the future? Maybe she will be a ______.And Amy will be a ______.______ will be a footballer.And Sam will be a ______.3.According to the passage above, try to retell the story.4.Guessing game.What will he/ she be in the future? 出示人物照片,让学生猜职业。
(成龙小时候照片)What will he be in the future? He will be ______.(成龙照片)Now, he is a film star.5.Survey.What will you be in the future? Ask and answer in groups, and fill in the form.A: What will you be in the future? B: Maybe I’ll be _________.Name Will be 友情提示:
① writer ② film star ③ footballer ④ policeman ⑤ dancer ⑥ singer ⑦ doctor ⑧ nurse ⑨ businessman ⑩ engineer
Make a short dialog with partners.A: What will you be in the future? B: I will be a „.Step 4 Summary What kind of occupation is popular? Whatever we will be in the future, we should work hard from now on.Step 5 Homework Ask your friends, what they will be, and find out 5 the most popular occupation.Step 6 Blackboard design新 课 标第 一 网 Module 4 Unit 1 Maybe I’ll be a writer.What will you be in the future? Maybe I will be „.Amy film star Lingling writer love books Daming footballer Module 4 Unit 2 He’ll be an astronaut.教案设计
学会astronaut, spaceship, moon, fly a kite, fly a plane, fly an astronaut等词语,能够运用本课所学He/ She will be „.谈论他人将要从事的职业。
能用want to be和will be谈论将要从事的职业。
四、教学过程 Step 1 Warm up 1.Sing a song.I’ll be a pilot.2.Revision: a.Jobs.(play a bomb game)b.Perform the M4 u1 c.Free talk: What will you be? 板书I’ll be a „
Step 2 Presentation and practice 1.出示重点句。
T: Do you remember what will she be? S1: She’ll be a teacher.板书将I改成She.He.T: So this time you should say She’ll be a„or He’ll be a „ 2.引出课文。
T: Everyone has his dream.So does Xiaoyong.Do you remember him? What’s he like? S2: He’s very clever.But he’s a bit quiet.T: Yes.He’s got a great dream.What will he be in the future? Guess.3.Watch the video and answer the questions.4.学习生词astronaut.T: Who can tell me? What will he be? S3: He’ll be an astronaut.T: Great!Look.(出示pp)Who’s he? Ss: 杨利伟.T: What does he do? 学习astronaut.(强调 an astronaut)5.学习spaceship.T: What will astronaut fly? Will he fly a kite? No.He’ll fly a spaceship.(pp)Look.This is spaceship.学习spaceship.6.学习moon.T: Will the spaceship go to the moon? 学习moon.T: Yes, it can.But our Chinese people haven’t been to the moon by the spaceship.But I believe we will one day.7.Listen and repeat the text twice.8.Read it by yourself.9.Short summery.Look at the screen and answer the questions.Step 3 Consolidation and extension 1.Point and say P16 2.T: One asks: What will she/he be in the future? One answer: He/She’ll be a„ 2.A game: Who has good memory? 教师示范: S1: I’ll be teacher.S2: She’ll be teacher.I’ll be a doctor.S3: She’ll be a teacher.He’ll be a doctor.I’ll be a writer.„
3.Reading Time.Read the short passage and answer the questions below.Write them on the paper.Then check together.I’m Lingling.Jack, Lucy and Tom are my good friends.Jack will be a footballer in the future.He loves football.Lucy will be a film star.She likes films very much!Tom will be an astronaut.He wants to go to the moon.Maybe I’ll be a writer.I love books!
1.What will Jack be in the future? _________________________ 2.What will Lucy be? _____________________________ 3.What will Tom be? _____________________________ 4.Will Lingling be a teacher? ______________________ 4.Ask your partners what they will be in the future and tell Step 4 Summary What we have learned today? 新课标第 一网
当我们想表达将来想要从事的职业时,可以用want to be和will be来表达。Step 5 Homework 1.Read the text till fluently.2.Write a short passage about your friends dreams.格式: Hello.I’m„ I have 4 friends.A will be a „ B will be a„ Step 6 Blackboard design He’ll be an astronaut.What will she/ he be? She/He will be an astronaut.(wants to be)Sam policeman