新版牛津9A Unit 2 Colours 短语及句型教学案

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第一篇:新版牛津9A Unit 2 Colours 短语及句型教学案

9A Unit 2 教 学 案



1.女孩穿的颜色a girl’s colour 2.影响我们influence us

3.做个有关颜色的专题研究do a project on colours 4.他们选择穿的颜色the colours they choose to wear 5.向窗外望look out of the window 6.阵雨过后after a rain shower 7.写下颜色的名称write the names of the colours 8.与她谈论彩虹talk with her about the rainbow 9.看到天空中有道彩虹see a rainbow in the sky 10.影响我们的心情influence our moods 11.被粉刷成蓝色be painted blue 12.一种冷色a calm colour 13.给我们的身心带来平静bring peace to our mind and body 14.代表悲伤represent sadness 15.纯洁的颜色the colour of purity 16.在他们结婚那天喜欢穿白色like to wear white on their wedding day 17.使你感到暖和make you feel warm 18.生活在寒冷地区的人们people in cold areas 19.更喜欢暖和的颜色prefer warm colours 20.创造一种温暖而舒适的感觉create a warm and comfortable feeling 21.代表快乐represent joy 22.令你振作起来cheer you up 23.太阳的颜色the colour of the sun 24.使你想起温暖、阳光明媚的一天remind you of a warm sunny day 25.智慧的颜色the colour of wisdom 26.希望成功hope for success 27.感觉劳累或身体虚弱feel tired or weak 28.妒忌的颜色the colour of envy 29.需要力量require strength 30.在身心方面in either body or mind 31.热情奔放的颜色the colour of heat 32.代表强烈的感情represent strong feelings 33.一些单词的含义the meanings of some words 34.帮助他平静下来help him calm down 35.(Reading)与你的性格特征相匹配match your characteristics 36.给她带来好运bring her good luck 37.颜色和心情的关系a relationship between colours

and moods

38.影响我们的日常生活influence our everyday lives 39.在许多方面in many ways 40.浅色light colour 41.深色dark colour

42.使房间显得更大make rooms seem larger 43.他们的餐厅their dining rooms

44.取决于个人的品味depend on personal taste 45.运动包a sports bag 46.棉制品be made of cotton

47.注意你身边的颜色notice the colours around you 48.代表其它什么represent something else 49.被用于庆祝活动be used for celebrations 50.尽快回信write back soon

51.统治者的颜色the colour of the rulers 52.在中国古代in ancient China

53.古代欧洲统治者the rulers in ancient Europe 54.穿白色制服wear white uniforms 55.一则广告an advertisement 56.发现某事discover something 57.颜色的力量the power of colours 58.改善你的生活质量improve your life 59.半小时half an hour

60.两个半小时(2种)two hours and a half = two and a

half hours

61.允诺某人某事(2种)promise sb.sth.= promise sth.to sb.62.实施颜色疗法practise colour therapy 63.来自古印度come from ancient India 64.感到足够自信feel confident enough

65.为一家时尚杂志工作work for a fashion magazine 66.给他们的衣服着色colour their clothes

67.给不同人建议不同的衣服suggest different clothes

to different people 68.想到太阳think of the sun

69.去参加一个朋友的生日聚会go to a friend’s

birthday party

70.穿橙色看起来很精神look smart in orange 71.一则欧洲故事a European story 72.身穿蓝色be dressed in blue 73.对他们很重要be important to them 74.健康食物的颜色the colours of healthy food 9A Unit 2 教 学 案


75.被古老的故事所影响be influenced by old stories 76.据信---it is believed that 77.得到保护be protected 78.力量和信任power and trustt 79.一双白鞋子a pair of white shoes


1.你想穿哪一件?Which one do you want to wear? 2.粉红色没什么不好。There is nothing wrong with pink.80.使她自己看上去更有力量make herself look more


81.感到有点压力feel a little bit stressed 82.平衡平静的白色balance the calm white 83.想先做些笔记/笔录want to make some notes first3.我不确定你穿蓝色是否好看。I’m not sure if blue looks good on you.4.你知道彩虹有多少种颜色吗?Do you know how many colours there are in a rainbow? 5.哪一种是你最喜欢的颜色?Which is your favourtie colour? 6.找出不同的颜色代表什么以及他们如何影响我们的。Find out what the different colours represent and how they influence us.7.事实上,颜色能改变我们的心情,使我们感到高兴或悲伤,精力充沛或昏昏欲睡。In fact, colours can change our moods and make us feel happy or sad, energetic or sleepy.8.本文阐明了颜色能起什么作用以及他们代表什么样的性格特征。This article explains what colours can do and what characteristics they represent.9.你曾经走进一个房间并感到轻松吗?Have you ever walked into a room and felt relaxed? 10.你应该穿像绿色一样有活力的颜色,绿色给你带来活力,因为它是大自然的颜色而且代表着新的生命。You should wear energetic colours like green.Green can give you energy, as it is the colour of nature and represents new life.11.红色可能会给你带来一些帮助。Red may be some help to you.12.穿红色也更容易采取行动。Wearing red can also make it easier to take action.13.当你犹豫不决的时候,红色有助于你采取行动。Red may help when you are having difficulty making a decision.14.我学跳舞挺费劲。I have difficulty(in)learning dancing.15.(Reading)在英国开车你遇到什么问题?What problems do you have driving in England? 16.我妈妈说蓝色适合卧室。My mother says blue is suitable for bedrooms.17.我们应该选择让我们感觉舒服的颜色。We should choose the colour which makes us feel comfortable.18.丹尼尔经常思考他是否应该待在家里而不是和同学一起购物。Daniel often wonders whether he should stay at home instead of going shopping with his classmates.19.你对颜色了解多少?How much do you know about colours? 20.我们保证这种疗法能帮助你改变情绪,否则全额退款。We promise that this therapy can help you change your moods, or you’ll get your money back.21.努力学习,否则考试你过不了。Study hard, or you’ll fail the exam.22.你更喜欢哪件衬衫,红色的还是橙色的?Which shirt do you prefer, the red one or the orange one? 23.我宁愿穿橙色。(2种)I’d rather wear orange.= I prefer to wear orange.24.红与白是个不错的搭配。Red and white are a good match.25.黄油面包是我最喜爱的早餐。Bread and butter is my favourite breakfast.2


Where there is a will, there is a way.有 志 者 事 竟 成。8B Unit 6教 学 案Name



1.训练成为一名志愿者train to be a volunteer 8.聋哑人deaf people

2.志愿帮助穷人volunteer to help the poor 9.无家可归的人a homeless person

3.支持我support me 10.给他们食物和衣服give them food and clothes

4.需要帮助的人们people who need help 11.给当地政府写信write to the local government

5.一名残疾人a disabled person 12.提供特别居所给无家可归的人。(2种)

provide special places for homeless people = 6.一名盲人a blind person

provide homeless people with special places7.一名老人an elderly person


13.一份志愿者经历的报告 21.做这些工作do the tasks

a report on the experience of a volunteer 22.一名运动员an athlete

14.期待他做一名工程师expect him to be an engineer 23.一名游泳教练a swimming coach

15.为奥运会志愿服务volunteer for the Olympics 24.感到更加自信feel more confident

16.他生命中最令人惊喜的经历 25.把人们团结在一起bring people together

the most amazing experience of his life 26.他对这项赛事的感受his feelings about the event

17.有智障的成人adults with intellectual disabilities 27.获得一等奖/第一名win(the)first prize

18.与---相似be similar to 28.获得第四名finish(the)fourth

19.放弃他们的业余时间give up their spare time 29.使他们梦想成真make their dreams come true

20.接受训练receive training 30.帮助他们实现梦想help them realize their dreamsP84—88

31.给老人让座give seats to the elderly 40.一个志愿者项目a volunteer project

32.帮助盲人过马路 41.一项训练计划a training plan

help blind people(to)cross the road 42.通过写邮件相互联系

keep in touch with each by writing emails 33.捐钱给慈善机构donate money to charities

34.种植更多的树plant more trees 43.教他们中文teach them Chinese

35.许多组织机构many organizations 44.在我们的日常生活中in our daily lives

36.在山区工作work in a mountain area 45.节省零花钱save one’s pocket money

37.一名大学生a college student 46.在社区中心做志愿者工作

work as volunteers at community centre38.一位小学老师a primary school teacher

39.中国西北North-west China


their help 47.由---组成be made up of

48.用不同的方式in different ways 52.在二中at No.2 Middle School

49.我家乡的变化changes in my hometown 53.患了严重的血液病have a serious blood disease

50.青少年们的课外活动 54.贫困地区的人们people in poor areas

teenagers’ after-school activities 55.失去双亲的儿童children without parents

51.向人们求助ask for people’s help = ask people for 56.地震幸存者们earthquake survivors


1.为奥运会做些事情很有意义。It’s meaningful to do something for the Olympics.2.我想要你帮我。I want you to help me.3.我需要更多的一些食物在工作时吃。I need some more food to eat at work.4.我们应该尽力去帮助他们。We should try our best to help them.5.无家可归的人没有他们自己居住的地方。Homeless people don’t have their own places to live.6.有些其它的办法帮助他们吗?Are there any other ways to help them?

7.第12届特奥会于2007年在上海成功举办。The 12th Special Olympic World Games were successfully held in

Shanghai in 2007.= The 12th Special Olympic World Games took place successfully in Shanghai in 2007.8.作为志愿者工作真的很精彩。It’s fantastic to work as a volunteer.9.特奥会给有智力缺陷的孩子及成人向世界展示能力的机会。The Special Olympic World Games give children

and adults with intellectual disabilities a chance to show their skills to the world.Where there is a will, there is a way.有 志 者 事 竟 成。8B Unit 6教 学 案Name


They include many events similar to those in the Olympics, such as basketball, football and swimming.11.在这些志愿者行使职责之前,接受训练是必须的。

It was necessary for the volunteers to receive training before doing the tasks.12.他们为运动员们提供支持,协助使本届赛事获得巨大成功。

They provided support for the athletes and helped(to)make the event a great success.13.他生下来就有智力缺陷。He was born with intellectual disabilities.14.参加这项比赛,他真的十分勇敢。It was very brave of him to join /take part in the competition.15.对李海来说,最重要的事不是赢得金牌或银牌,而是参与。

To Li Hai, the most important thing is not to win a gold or a silver, but to take part.16.李海尽了最大努力并获得第四名。Li Hai tried his best and finished fourth.17.来自不同背景的运动员和志愿者感觉像大家庭的一部分。

Athletes and volunteers from different backgrounds feel like part of one big family.18.对于我们来说能和这些特殊运动员们密切合作真的很棒。你有机会帮助他们实现梦想。

It’s great for us to work closely with these special athletes.You get to help them achieve their dreams.19.你听说过比尔盖茨吗?Have you heard of Bill Gates?

20.你一定能获得游泳比赛的胜利。You’re sure to win the swimming competition.21.特奥会包括哪些项目?What events are included in the Special Olympics World Games?


Being a volunteer for such an event is often an amazing experience.23.照料失踪的宠物是正确的行为。It’s proper to take care of a lost pet.24.对于人们来说,学习良好的礼仪很重要。(2种)

It’s important for people to learn good manners.= It’s important that people learn good manners.25.对于他们来说没有志愿者的帮助,做一对一的工作几乎不可能。

It’s impossible for them to do their work one-to-one without the help of volunteers.26.与智障的人交谈你遇到麻烦吗?Do you have any trouble talking to people with intellectual disabilities?


We need to be more patient.However, it’s very easy for people to make friends with them.28.到处乱扔垃圾,这些人的行为是错误的。It’s wrong of the people to drop litter everywhere.29.这名年轻人很善良,他献血给需要的人。It’s kind of the young man to donate blood to people in need.30.用这种方式,他们能帮助当地人改善他们的生活。In this way, they can help the local people improve their lives.31.天空不如以前那么蓝。The sky is not as blue as before.32.我们需要采取行动保护环境。We need to take action to protect the environment.33.他从上个月一直生病住院。He has been ill in hospital since last month.34.手术可能会挽救他,但要花费30多万元。An operation may save him, but it will cost over 300,000 yuan.35.然而对他来说尽快做这个手术很重要,否则,他可能会失去生命。

However, it’s important for him to have the operation as soon as possible.Otherwise, he may lose his life.36.如果我们都能伸出援助之手,他不久就可能恢复健康。

If all of us can give a helping hand, he may get well again soon.37.多谢你们的帮助!Thanks a lot for your help!

38.我们必须采取措施来帮助。We must do something to help.



in good spirits 心情好 spirits 心境,情绪,兴致 in low(bad)spirits心情不好 in high spirits情绪高涨

keep sb’s spirits up使某人保持心情开朗

⑴当我们心情好地去参加考试,我们就有可能得到一个较高的分数。________________________________________________________.⑵听到下星期我们将于两天的假期,我们大伙都很高兴。____________________________________________________.⑶我们兴高采烈地踏上旅途。We started our journey ___________________.⑷来杯咖啡提提神吧。Have a glass of coffee to_________________.adaptable adj.能适应的 adaptation n.适应 adapt for 使适合于;为。。改编(改写)adapt from根据。。改写(改编)

adapt oneself to使自己适应或习惯于某事 adapt sth.to使某事物适应或适合

人应该使自己适应变化的情况。______________________________.这部电影是由小说改编的。____________________________________.这本小说已经改编成电影剧本。__________________________________.1.head for 朝。。方向行进,前往 head for 面临,即将。。;会招致(常用进行时)head north/south/east/west向北/南/东/西走 head sb.off拦截某人

head sth.off阻止/防止某事发生 head up担任。。的领导/主管


⑴The police acted quickly and _____________a violent matter.⑵You will work with the team_______________by Sam.⑶It appears that the rebels are______________victory.2.obey vt./vi.服从,听从,顺从

disobey vt./vi.违抗,违反,不服从

They make me feel like I’m a bad son when I don’t obey them and focus on what they think is best for me.中文:_________________________________________________.⑴一些新司机不习惯于遵守交通规则。______________________________________.⑵如果你继续违反规则,你将受到惩罚。_____________________________________.⑶军人必须服从命令。_______________________________________________。⑷人人都必须遵守法律。_____________________________________.3.talent n.天资,天赋;天才

have the talent/gift to do sth.有做某事的天赋 have a talent for=have a gift for 有。。天赋 talented=gifted adj.有天赋的,有才干的


他有学外语的天赋。________________________________./___________________________.________________________________./___________________________.4.quit vt./vi.quit/quit


quitting 停止;放弃;离开 quit doing sth.停止干某事

quit sth.放弃某事

你愈早戒烟愈好。_______________________________________.不给我加薪我就辞职。______________________________________.The examinations are around the corner.Some football fans in our class are persuaded to__________football to focus on their studies.A.quit to play

B.stop to play

C.quit playing

D.to be quitted playing 5.at that point 在那时,在那个阶段 at this point在这时 to the point of到。。阶段(程度,地步)to the point切题的,中肯的

off the point离题的,偏离要点的

be on the point of doing sth.正要做某事

⑴在人生的那个阶段,我本可以做任何事,成为任何人。_____________________________________.⑵就在那个时候我看见他走了。(用强调句型)______________________________________.⑶这篇文章开宗明义。This article comes straight _____________________.⑷我正要离开,这时电话响了。____________________________________.⑸_________________________(在那时)I realized who he was.⑹It’s a pity that_______________________________________(你的作文离题了)。

⑺_______________________________________(即将踏入社会), she felt excited and worried.6.in a rush 匆忙地,急切地 do sth.in a rush匆忙做某事

the rush hour(上下班的)高峰时间,交通拥挤时间 the gold rush淘金热潮

the Christmas rush圣诞节购物热潮 make a rush for冲向。。

rush to do sth.抢着做某事,赶紧做某事 rush sb.into doing sth.催促某人做某事 rush to/into 冲向。。/仓促做,急忙做

⑴她总是很匆忙。____________________________________.她急急忙忙地说话。___________________________________.⑵请勿轻易作结论。___________________________________________________(3种表达).⑶Many residents rushed to buy a great deal of salt, causing a rush for salt.中文:_________________________________________________.一句多译:

贸然结婚是不对的。____________________________________________________。(3种表达)7.predict vt.预言,预告,预报

predict+从句/sth.predictable adj.可预言的,可预告的prediction n.预言,预告,被预言的事 ⑴这个专家预测不久的将来那个地区将有一次地震。____________________________________.⑵我无法预测什么时候会再见到她。

⑶我预言将会有新的技术让人们寿命更长、更健康。_______________________________________.8.handy adj.易使用的,便利的 handily adv.方便地,便利地

be handy for对。。有用/方便;离。。很近

be handy to do sth.便于做某事

be handy with擅长。。

come in handy 迟早有用

⑴他的公寓离商店很近。____________________________________.⑵她擅长操作缝纫机。_______________________________________.⑶这本词典方便快速查询。The dictionary______________________quick reference.⑷有两三块备用的电池是很方便的。___________________to have a couple of spare batteries.⑸我知道这件夹克总有一天会用得上。I knew this jacket would________________one day.9.assist vt.帮助,协助

assist sb.with sth.帮助某人做某事

assist sb.in doing sth.帮助某人做某事

assist sb.do do sth.帮助某人做某事

assistance n.(u.)帮助,协助,援助

with the assistance of在。。的帮助下

come to sb.’s assistance 帮助某人

⑴我来帮你拿这些包裹好吗?_________________________________? ⑵他请我们帮他盖房子。_________________________________.⑶我耐心地等着希望有人来帮我。_____________________________.⑷She employed a woman to assist her__________the housework.⑸They asked us to__________them in carrying out their plan.重点短语和句子: 1.be surrounded by被。。包围、围绕

2.mean doing sth.意味着做某事

mean to do sth.打算做某事 3.achieve success取得成功 4.in case 以防

5.apart from 远离,和。。不在一起;除了

tell…apart区分,分辨 take…apart 把。。拆开

fall apart 崩溃;破裂 6.devote oneself to sth./doing sth.投身于,献身于

devote one’s energy/life/time to sth./doing sth.把精力,生命,时间用在。。be devoted to sth./doing sth.专心于,致力于,献身于。。7.cheer up(使)高兴起来,(使)振作起来

8.in good spirits 心情好

in high spirits 情绪高涨

in low/poor spirits 情绪低落

raise one’s spirits 鼓舞某人的情绪 9.focus on集中精力于

10.adapt to适应

adapt a to b 使a适应b adapt a for b 把a改编为b

be adapted from b 由。。改编 11.go after 追求,谋求

12.on one’s own 独自,单独;独立地

of one’s own属于某人自己的 13.head for 朝。。方向行进,前往 14.feel caught between 在。。之间感到左右为难

I felt caught between ___________________________________.我在继续深造和找工作之间左右为难。15.ahead of 在。。的前面;比。。先进

She spent all night thinking about the future ________________________.她整夜都在思考他的未来。

She was always _________________the rest of the class.她在班上总是遥遥领先。16.at that point 在那时,在那个阶段 17.in a rush 急忙地,急切地

18.at that instant 当时,那一刻

for an instant 一会儿,片刻

in an instant一会儿之后,一会儿工夫

the instant/the moment/the minute一。。就。。=as soon as instantly adv.立即,马上

conj.=directly/immediately一。。就。。=as soon as 19.allocate sb.sth.=allocate sth.to sb.分配给某人某物

20.have the talent to do sth.=have the gift to do sth.有做某事的天赋 have a talent for=have a gift for…有。。天赋 21.accompany sb.to sp.陪某人到某地 accompany sb.at/on sth.用。。给某人伴奏 be accompanied by由。。陪伴,由。。伴奏

companion n.(c.)同伴,同行者

company n.(u.)做伴,陪伴 keep company with sb.与某人亲密交往 keep sb.company=accompany sb.陪伴某人 in company with sb.和某人一起

in sb.’s company=in the company of sb.与某人在一起 22.have/show one’s appreciation for 对。。表示感谢

have/show appreciation of 对。。有鉴赏力、有评级、了解(认识)

in appreciation of 因感激。。而,因赞赏。。而

I would appreciate it if….如果。。我将不胜感激

I really appreciate having time to relax.我真的很喜欢有时间休息。23.be junior to sb.比某人年少,比某人职位低

be senior to sb.比某人年长,比某人职位高

be…years sb.’s junior=be sb.’s junior by …years 比某人小。。岁

24.I don’t like ____________________ in public.我不喜欢在公共场合被人嘲笑。25.in ancient/modern times在古代、现代

26.By the time he realized his view was wrong, he ____________________ his essay.到他意识到自己的观点是错误的时候,他已经差不多写完论文了

By the end of next week, they ____________________300 trees.到下周末,他们将已经种植了300棵树。27.You _____________________________ in the quiz.You made too many mistakes.你本可以在考试中更仔细的。你犯了太多的错误。

28.His rude behavior _______________________-.他的粗鲁行为让他付出了失业的代价。

29.The coach spoke to the team and told them they __________________.教练跟队员谈话,告诉他们必须打起精神。

30.hot under the collar愤怒的 fly off the handle 勃然大怒 31.down in the dumps 气馁,沮丧

feel blue心情不好,闷闷不乐 32.over the moon 欣喜若狂

on cloud nine狂喜

33.What I hope to do now ________________________________.现在我想要做的就是回家好好休息一下。

34.The speaker raised his voice in order to _____________________ by the audience in the back.演讲者提高了声音,以便让后面的观众听到他讲话。

35.He ___________________ within three minutes.He was really outstanding.他只用了不到三分钟就解决了问题。他确实了不起。

36.It’s a pleasant evening ____________________________________.这是一个愉快的夜晚,有家人和朋友的陪伴。37.arrange for sb.to do sth.安排某人做某事 难句分析:

1.Well, in case some of our viewers don’t know her story, can you tell us a little bit about Sang Lan and who she is? in case以防,免得(用作从属连词,引导目的状语从句); in case如果,万一(引导条件状语从句);

in case以防万一(在句中充当状语,常位于句末)

⑴I bought the car at once_____________________________.我马上买下了那辆汽车,以免他变卦。⑵_______________________________, ask him about it.如果你见着他,问问他这事。⑶你做好带些钱,以防万一。___________________________________.He had his camera ready__________he saw something that would make a good picture.A.even if

B.if only

C.in case

D.so that 2.I have received letters from so many people, all expressing their concern.句中all expressing their concern是一个由“逻辑主语+现在分词”构成的短语,叫作独立主格结构,作该句 的非限制性定语,相当于定语从句all of whom expressed their concern, 补充说明先行词people.⑴ ____________________________(相当于一个时间状语从句When everyone was ready), the teacher began his class.每个人都准备好后,老师开始上课。

⑵ ____________________________(相当于一个原因状语从句Because the boy led the way), we had no trouble finding the strange cave.由于那个男孩带路,我们毫不费力地找到了那个奇怪的洞。


独立主格结构的作用:多作状语,可表示时间,原因,条件,伴随等情况,相当于一个状语从句或并列句 也可作定语,相当于一个非限制性定语从句。


⑴_____________________________(=because her glasses were broken), she couldn’t see the words on the blackboard.由于眼镜摔坏了,她看不见黑板上的字。

⑵____________________________(=As the ground is muddy), we should be careful.地面泥泞,我们应该小心。

⑶_____________________(=After class was over), we all went out to play.下课后,我们都出去玩。⑷She asked what she could do for us, _________________________(=and a smile was on her face).她面带微笑问可以为我们做什么。

⑸___________________________(=If time permits), we will go for an outing tomorrow.如果时间允许的话,我们明天去郊游。

⑹_______________________________(=As a house will be built), we must save every cent.由于要建一座房子,我们必须节省每一分钱。

Bats are surprisingly long-lived creatures, some_________a life span of around 20 years.A.having



D.to have 3.Whichever way I look at it, I’ll never be really good at anything unless I quit doing everything else.无论从哪个方面看,我将永远不能做好任何事,除非我放弃所有其他的一切。⑴_______________________________,this is dangerous news for shipping industry.无论你怎么看,对航运业而言,这都是骇人听闻的消息。

⑵You can have______________________________.你可以拿你最喜欢的任何一个。⑶We’ll eat at___________________________.哪个饭馆有空桌我们就在哪儿吃吧。Whatever, whoever, whomever, however, whenever, wherever在引导让步状语从句时可换用“no matter+疑问词”结构,但在名词性从句中只能用whatever, whoever, whomever, whichever等。________team wins on Saturday will go through to the National Championships.A.No matter which

B.No matter what


D.Whatever 4.It feels like allocating adequate time for each is just not practical.要给每件事分配足够的时间,似乎是不切实际的。It feels like “似乎,感觉好像。。”。句中like后接一个宾语从句,allocating…为动名词短语充当从句的 主语。

We just met a couple of days ago, but_______________________.我们几天前才认识,但感觉好像认识很久了。feel like ①想要做。。,意欲做。。②觉得好像;摸起来像 ③好像是要。。④=feel as if。。我想喝杯茶。_______________________________.她穿上那件衣服后,感觉自己像是个公主。_______________________________.好像要下雨了。_____________________________.她觉得仿佛漂浮在空中。_________________________________.Lydia doesn’t feel like________abroad.Her parents are old.A.study



D.to study 练习:

1.The lecture they attended yesterday was_______, but the film after it was_______.A.boring, great fun

B.bored, great fun

C.boring, great funny

D.bored, great funny 2._______I admit there are differences between us, I don’t think they can separate us.A.When



D.As 3.The key to the success of any film is finding a capable and qualified artistic director, _______I always hope to be.A.who



D.that 4.-----May I look at the menu for a little while?-----Of course, _________sir.A.don’t worry

B.take your time

C.enjoy yourself

D.it doesn’t matter 5.Nobody else in the company has_______the club.A.participated in

B.joined in


D.joined 6.The children were left_______of a neighbour when they were on holiday.A.in charge

B.in the charge

C.under charge

D.at charge 7.John, rather than his roommates, is to________.A.charge



D.accuse 8.The secretary has a lot of things to_______in the office sine she has been away for quite a few days.A.take up

B.make up

C.work out

D.carry out 9.Who do you suggest_______to do the work? A.send

B.be sent

C.to send

D.sending 10.The audience were_______by his _______performance on the stage.A.aumused, amused

B.amusing, amusing

C.amusing, amused

D.amused, amusing 11.The director thought I was referring to her, _______in fact, I was referring to the man on duty.A.when



D.while 12.She is dear to us.We have been prepared to do_______it takes to save her life.A.whichever



D.whoever 13.The World Cup in France was the biggest_______football match in the world for the first time ever.A.alive



D.living 14.In Britain today woman _______44% of the workforce, and nearly half the mothers with children are in paid work.A.build up

B.stand for

C.make up

D.look up 15.Carol and I used to play on the school volleyball team.That’s _______we got to know each other.A.when



D.what 16.He failed in the exam, _______he had not prepared for it very well.A.at all

B.above all

C.after all

D.in all 17.I would appreciate _______, to be frank, if the films could be developed as soon as possible.A.you



D.that 18.Speaking of all the songs he has written, I think this is probably his_______one.A.better-known



D.most-known 19.I shall give the toy to________behaves well.A.whoever


C.no matter who

D.anyone 20.It is impolite to make________of stangers.A.fun



D.jokes 21.Mr.Brown is_______more workers to help harvest the wheat at harvest time this year.A.taking to

B.taking over

C.taking on

D.taking up 22.There is no ______girl as Cheng Fei who likes gymnastics so much.A.such

B.such a


D.so a

23.He _____his hand and _____to report his answers when asked to.A.rose, raised

B.raised, raised

C.raised, rose

D.rose, rose 23.The monkey looked ______at the hunter, ________to say” Don’t kill me.”

A.sad, as if

B.sadly, as if

C.sadly, even if

D.sad, even if 24.Luck was__________Li Yuchun when she won the first place in the singing competiton “Super Girls”Voice.A.laughing at

B.laughing head off

C.smiling on

D.smiling to 25.-----Oh, where is my watch? Maybe I left it in the dining room.-----You__________things behind!A.always leaving

B.were leaving

C.had left

D.are always leaving 27.Liu Jin________in her parents’ footsteps and became a famous gymnast.A.followed



D.put 28.The student of Class Six have debated for an hour________Liu Xiang’s quitting the 110-metre hurdle race.A.have reference to

B.in reference to

C.for reference to

D.make reference to 29.Don’t be discouraged, son.________things as they are and you will enjoy every day of your life.A.Taking

B.To take


D.Taken 30.It is very strange to us that the animal found on the lonely island can_______the colors of its background.A.take on

B.turn on

C.look on

D.act on 31.Take two or three fish home, John.I have caught ________big fish today.A.such a

B.such all

C.many such

D.no such 32.Sofia has had a good idea of how to deal with the piano, which________much of the room.A.turns up

B.puts up

C.makes up

D.takes up 33.We arrived there in late April because it took us a whole week to _______one of the great forests.A.go over

B.go into

C.go through

D.go along 34.To stay healthy, Mr.Johnson planned to_______cycling as a regular form of exercise after he retired.A.make for

B.catch on

C.carry on

D.take up 35.Finally the forest police found the cause of the fire-----the campfire that had not been______completely.A.turned down

B.put out

C.put away

D.turned over 36.What shall we use for power when all the oil in the world has________? A.given out

B.put out

C.held up

D.used up 37.He climbed up the tree by_______of a ladder.A.manner



D.means 38.The water in the river near the paper factory ______black due to the serious pollution.A.has taken on

B.has looked on

C.has turned on

D.has come on 39.Though_______money, his parents managed to send him abroad for further study.A.lacked

B.lacking of


D.lacked in 40.T he film actress from the United States often referred _______arrived this morning and is leaving for Japan tomorrow.A.to has

B.to having


D.having 41.The journalist immediately________to obtain these important facts, but it took him a long time to send them to the newspaper office.A.set about

B.set out

C.set up

D.set in 42.I don’t think it makes any ______whether we leave at 9:00 or at 10:00.A.sense



D.time 43.Daniel left his office for a better job, but his position in the company remains______.A.blank



D.hollow 44.The thieves broke into their house, took everything valuable and left the house in_________.A.mess



D.chaos 45.Toby is really in danger, so I am afraid we have to _______a doctor or rush him to hospital at once.A.take



D.fetch 46.More and more people in the city rely on bicycles as their main________of transportation.A.approaches



D.measures 47.He brought up the problem _______at the meeting for further discussion.A.faced him

B.faced with

C.he was faced with

D.facing with him 48.T he manager was late this morning because his car broke_______on the way to the company.A.down



D.out 49.----Are you putting on weight these days?----Yes, the doctor_______the amount of fat in my diet.A.recommended for limiting

B.recommended me to limit C.recommended limit

D.recommended to limit 50.The host said at the beginning of the contest that all speeches were limited ______about the same topic: Deep love for motherland.A.talking

B.by talking

C.to talk

D.to talking 51.I need a copy of today’s newspaper badly, only wondering where I can_______one.A.get tired of

B.get hold of

C.get away from

D.get lots of 52.When I passed by the grand building, ________back of where I had seen it, I remember a British church.A.looking



D.dating 53.This cinema is not the place______to children below 15 because the films shown here are not suitable for them.A.accessible



D.suit 54._______studying, Jack also takes an active part in sports and is involved in after-class activities.A.Besides


C.Apart from

D.A or C 55.I’m worried about Mr.Jones.He’s ________too much work.He looks awful.A.taking on

B.taking up

C.taking to

D.taking over 56.The little boy_______hold of the blind man and led him ______the bridge.A.got, through

B.took, cross

C.got, across

D.caught, through 57.They were told that the thief referred ______sent to prison.A.to be

B.to being

C.to had been

D.to have been 58.The article was intended to______the public’s attention to the situation in Wuhan.A.put



D.fix 59.Linda, you should take more vegetables of this kind.They are rich in Vitamin C.You know______Vitamin C can cause a variety of illnesses.A.lacking of


C.for lack of

D.lack of 60.The book is__________$500.It’s really _______of being read for you youth.A.worth, worth

B.worthy, worth

C.worthy, worthy

D.worth, worthy 61.The old pictures________me of the days________I spend with my granny in the village.A.reminded, when

B.told, that

C.reminded, which

D.told, when




1.ensure vt.保证,担保,确保

ensure=en-(使成为)+sure(确定的)ensure one’s doing sth.保证某人做某事=ensure that sb.+谓语

ensure sb.sth.保证某人某事

ensure sb.against 保护某人免于。。①我不能保证他能准时。(两种表达)___________________________________________.②这药将保证你一晚睡眠良好。_____________________________________________.③难道你认为哪些国家真的想确保利比亚平民的安全吗?_______________________________? Every few years, the coal workers have their lungs X-rayed to_________their health.A.endure



D.encourage 2.congratulate vt.向(某人)道贺,祝贺 congratulate sb.on/upon sth.就某事祝贺某人 congratulations n.祝贺,贺词

Congratulations(on sth.)!祝贺(某事)offer one’s congratulations 向。。表示某人的祝贺

①我祝贺你的成功。__________________________________ ②祝贺你们喜结良缘。_____________________________________

③我们得给那对幸福的新婚夫妇打个电话表示祝贺。___________________________________ ④请让我们对你的成功表示祝贺。_________________________________________ 辨析:congratulate

celebrate congratulate 指以向他人祝贺为目的,希望他人幸福或走运。后跟人作宾语,且介词on后跟表示成功,成就,幸运,生日等。

celebrate 通常指举行盛大隆重的仪式庆祝或纪念有意义的日子或某件事情,多暗示节日般的欢乐场面。后跟表示节日或某件事情的名词作宾语。

We went to the church to ______________Christmas Eve.The two sportsmen ___________each other _______winning the match by shaking hands.3.permit vt./vi.允许,准许

n.许可证 permit(doing)sth.允许(做)某事

permit sb.to do sth.允许某人做某事

be permitted to do sth.被允许做某事(用法同allow/advise/forbid)permission n.允许,准许,许可

time/weather permitting 如果时间、天气许可

①此处不许吸烟。___________________________________.②我们不许在池子里游泳。______________________________.③我们不许孩子们在池子里游泳。____________________________________.④我们被禁止在这个池子里游泳。______________________________________.⑤如果时间允许的话,我开完会就来。______________________________________.⑥如果天气许可,咱们去野营如何?______________________________________.⑦你没有工作许可证就不能在这里工作。_________________________________.⑧如果你想早走的话,必须得到允许。________________________________.Passengers are permitted ______only one piece of hand luggage onto the plane.A.to carry


C.to be carried

D.being carried 4.prohibit vt.(尤指以法令)禁止 prohibited prohibiting prohibition n.禁止,禁令


prohibit sb.from doing sth.禁止某人做某事 我们应该禁止出售盗版唱片。__________________________________.法律禁止烟贩向儿童出售香烟。____________________________________.The ______________against smoking on school grounds is strictly enforced.校园内严禁吸烟。It is reported that a city in Italy intends to ______women from wearing miniskirts.A.exhibit



D.convince 5.adjust vt./vi.适应,习惯;调整,调节

adjustment n.适应,调节,调整 adjust to 适应

adjust oneself to 适应


It’s quite funny watching the new foreign teachers trying to______________________________.②七十二岁的我能适应中国的生活吗?__________________________.③他很快适应了这个国家炎热的天气。___________________________________.④我的表快了,我得把它校准。____________________________.It took a few seconds for her eyes to ____________the darkness.A.attach to

B.adjust to

C.appeal to

D.object to 6.accustomed adj.习惯于,惯常的 accustom vt.使习惯

be/get accustomed to sth./doing sth.习惯于=be used to sth./doing sth.accustom oneself to 使自己习惯于

①许多外国人很难习惯它。_________________________________.②我已经习惯努力工作了。_________________________________.③你必须使自己习惯于早起。_________________________________.④我们习惯于在餐桌旁不讲话。___________________________________.It took us long to be accustomed _______the local food and customs.7.familiar adj.通晓;熟悉

be familiar with sth.熟悉,通晓,精通 be familiar to sb.被某人所熟悉

be on familiar terms with 和某人交情很好

This nursery rhythm ______________________.我对这首摇篮曲很熟悉。他通晓中国古代史。______________________________.我与银行经理交情很好。__________________________________.He talked of other cultures as if they were more ______him than his own.A.familiar to

B.familiar with

C.similar to

D.identical with 8.expectation n.期望,盼望 in(the)expectation of期望,预计

beyond one’s expectations 比预期的更好 live up to sb’s expectations 达到某人的期望

她午饭吃得很少,期待晚饭时饱餐一顿。She ate a light lunch __________________a good dinner.我知道他非常努力想满足你的期望。I know he will__________________.试验比我们预期的更加成功。______________________________________.他的父母对他的前途深寄厚望。____________________________________.Women who have high_______of marriage are often disappointed.A.expectations



D.civilizations 9.let alone更不用说

比较alone(adv./adj.)和lonely(adj.)let alone不打扰,不惊动=leave alone let down 使失望,放下,降低 let out 放出,泄露 let in 让。。进入

let sb.off sth.使某人免做某事


He could barely keep body and soul together, _________________________.别担心。我决不会让你失望的。________________________________.我单身一人但我从不孤独。_________________________________.He can not speak English,___________French.A.let alone

B.let out

C.leave out

D.let down 10.show sb.around 带领某人参观,游览 show in令(某人)进入

show sb.to the door送某人到门口 show off炫耀,卖弄 show up显露,路面

on show在展览中,陈列着

他带我参观工厂。____________________________ 她把我领进来。______________________________ 请你送他到门口好吗?______________________________ 那个男孩子满屋子跳舞,向大家炫耀一番。The child danced around the room, _______________________.十点钟时他终于露面了。It was ten o’clock when he finally ________________.11.take up占据(时间或空间);开始从事;继续;拿起

他是什么时候开始踢足球的?_____________________________? She took up the narrative where John had left off.中文:__________________________.take after(在外貌等方面)与(父、母)相像 take apart拆卸,拆开

take back收回(说错的话);使回忆起 take in接受,吸收;领会,理解;欺骗 take off脱下;起飞;请假;(经济、事业)迅速腾飞 take on开始雇佣;呈现;承担;具有 take over接收,接管

Let’s _______the radio _________and see what’s wrong with it.I _____________what I said.The plane________despite the fog.Her eyes ____________a hurt expression.-----You are playing so well!

-----I __________basketball since I was eight.A.took up

B.took out

C.took back

D.took off 12.account n.描述,叙述

accountant n.会记人员 account n.记述;账户;解释;理由

vt.认为 account for(在数量方面)占,说明(原因等),导致 on this account由于这个缘故 on account of 由于,因为

on one’s own account 为了自身,单独,独自

警察叙述了交通事故的经过。_________________________________.她想单独完成工作。____________________________________.我们因为孩子的缘故而结婚。__________________________________.由于这个缘故他生气了。____________________________________.他因为生病,所以才缺席。_________________________________.She gave the police a full_____of the incident.A.explanation

B image


D.account 13.have power over控制,支配 in power掌权的,执政的 come/rise to power掌权 the power of…。。的能力

have the power to do sth.有权利/力做某事 beyond sb.’s power 为某人能力所不及

我没有能力帮助你。__________________________________ 有些动物具有在黑暗中能看见东西的能力。____________________________________.他丧失了语言的能力。________________________________.这届政府已执政两年。_______________________________________.人们应该能支配影响他们生活的决定。_____________________________________.I am sorry it’s _______my power to make a final decision on the project.A.over B.above D.off D beyond 重点短语和句子: 1.adjust to适应。。

2.get /become/be accustomed to习惯于

3.be familiar with熟悉。。

4.get into trouble陷入困境,惹上麻烦

have trouble /difficulty doing sth.做某事有困难 ask for trouble 自找麻烦,自讨苦吃 5.dream of sth./doing sth.梦想,渴望,向往

6.let alone更不用说

let down 使失望,放下,降低

let out 放出,泄露 7.show sb.around带领某人参观,游览

show in令(某人)进入 show sb.to the door送某人到门口

show off炫耀,卖弄

show up显露,路面

on show在展览中,陈列着 8.take up占据(时间或空间);开始从事;继续;拿起

take over接收,接管 take after(在外貌等方面)与(父、母)相像

take apart拆卸,拆开 take back收回(说错的话);使回忆起

take in接受,吸收;领会,理解;欺骗 take off脱下;起飞;请假;(经济、事业)迅速腾飞

take on开始雇佣;呈现;承担;具有 9.have power over 控制,支配

10.be responsible for 负责(=take responsibility for);是。。的原因

11.drive away赶走

12.throughout the night整夜=all through the night 13.cause offence冒犯,使某人不悦

14.take place 发生,进行(无被动式)15.after all 毕竟,终究

16.make sense 讲得通,有意义 17.give out分发;用完,耗尽;公布,宣布;发出(气味,光和热等)

18.belong to属于(无被动式无进行式)

19.believe in 信仰(God);相信,信任(=trust)20.作为新来者,彼得很难理解当地的风俗。As a newcomer, Peter________________________________.21.他很快习惯了早起学英语.He soon became____________________________________________.22.我要感谢使本次活动得以顺利进行的所有相关人士。

I’d like to thank everyone ___________for making the activity run so smoothly.23.我们见到她在努力地祷告,双眼紧闭,双手合十。We saw her praying hard, with eyes ________and hands_______together.24.我不喜欢我弟弟到处跟着我。I don’t like________when my younger brother follows me around.难句分析:

1.One reason why there were so many French words in English is that the French ruled England fro quite a number of years.英语里有如此多的法语词汇的原因是法国人统治英格兰很长时间。句型: The reason why…is that…, 表示“。。的原因是。。。”。在句型中why引导定语从句修饰the reason;that….为表语从句,说明the reason的内容。由于他的级别太低,因此他不能去那里。

The reason________he could not go there was _________his grades were too low.我迟到的原因是没赶上公共汽车。_________________________________.The reason why…is that

The reason for….is that

The reason(why)….is to do 她之所以缺席是因为她病了。The reason for_______________ was that she was ill.我打电话是想问问周六的计划。The reason I called was to ask about the plans for Saturday.That is because…那是由于。。That is why…那就是。。的原因 He is absent._______________________.由于生病,他缺席了。He is ill.___________________________.由于生病,他缺席了。

One reason for her preference for city life is ______she can have easy access to places like shops and restaurants.A.that



D.why 2.The same as in cities in China!和中国的城市一样!the same as…和。。一样

驾船和开车不一样。______________________________.她和我出生在同一天。____________________________.all the same 仍然,同样地

at the same time同时,然而,不过 the same with…也一样,也适合于。。

the same to you 彼此彼此(用于别人向自己祝福后,给别人同样的祝福)不管怎样,还是要感谢你。__________________________.一个人应该说话清楚,写作也一样。One should speak clearly and _____________________writing.----Happy Christmas!圣诞快乐!

----And ___________you!


当名词前有the same修饰,表示“同一个时”,后面的定语从句由that 引导;表示“和。。一样时”,后面的定语从句由as引导。

My hometown is no longer _____________it was.我的家乡再也不像过去一样了。

This is _________skirt__________she was wearing a year ago.这就是她一年前穿的那条裙子。Peter’s jacket looked just_______Jack’s, but it cost twice as much as his.A.the same like

B.the same as

.C the same to

D.the same with 3.In Thailand and other parts of South-East Asia, the normal greeting is a slight bow with the hands pressed together.在泰国和东南亚的其他一些地区,通常的打招呼方式是双手合十并微微鞠躬。

在句中with复合结构with the hands pressed together作定语,修饰名词bow。在with复合结构中动词-ed形式pressed作宾语the hands的补足语。

构成:with+名词或代词+形容词、副词、介词短语、动词不定式、动词-ing或动词的-ed形式。作用:在句中表状态或说明背景情况,常作伴随、方式、原因、条件等状语。也可以作定语。①任何一个头上长着眼睛的人都能看出它完全像一条绳子。Anyone_________________________can see it’s exactly like a rope.②需要的东西都买齐后,她高兴地回家了。

____________________________, she went home happily.③有那个小男孩领路,我们很容易地找到了那座房子。We found the house easily _____________________.④她离开房间,所有的等都亮着。She left the room_________________.⑤因为有那么多的工作要做,我没有时间度假。_____________________, I have no time for a holiday.⑥他习惯开着窗户睡觉。______________________________________.练习:

1.Children under six aren’t ______to the primary shool.A.allowed



D.admitted 2.He almost forgot about the appointment, with his attention______(fix)on the research.3.How could you _______then? You ought to have given a hand to them.A.stand out

B.stand up

C.stand for

D.stand by 4.The professor worked day and night, _________to his research.A.buried



D.absorbed 5._____such heavy pollution already, the river now is too late to clean up.A.Suffering

B.To suffer

.C Suffered

D.Having suffered 6.It rained continuously for a month, ___________lots of areas were flooded.A.as a result of that

B.as a result of which

C.result from which

D.result in which 7.-----How are you managing to do your work without an assistant?-----Well.I ________somehow.A.get along

B.come on

.C watch out

D.set off 8.Although we have failed many times, we______from achieving goal.A.never encourage

B.are never encouraged

C.are never discouraged D.are discouraging 9.If you can’t ______now, you’ll have do dial a moment later.A.go through

B.look through

.C come through

D.get through 10.The mother didn’t know who_______for broken glass.A.will blame

B.was to blame

.C blamed

D.blames 11.There is no doubt_______he’s an honest boy, so there is no doubt_______his honesty.A.whether, for

B.what, about

C.that, of

D.why, of 12.I can’t stand _____at by others in public.A.being laughed

B.to be laughed


D.to laugh 13.He_______us to have a rest.A.suggested



D.hoped 14.If you don’t go to the concert this weekend, _______I.A.so do

B.so will

C.nor do

D.neither shall 15.----What do you suppose made her so upset?-----her tennis match again.A.Lose


C.To lose

D.Losing 16.Readers can _______quite well without knowing the exact meaning of each word.A.get over

B.get in

C.get along

D.get through 17.______it is to have a picnic in the hills on such a nice day!A.What a fun

B How fun

C.What fun

D.How a fun 18.The boy wanted to play football in the street, but his parents told him______.A.not to

B.not to do

C.not do it

D.do not to 19.He_______to Shanghai, for I saw him a moment ago.A.must have gone

B.can’t have gone

C.mustn’t have gone

D.can’t have been 20.You must have gone to bed very late last night, _______you? A.haven’t



D.didn’t 21.----Is your brother a professional photographer?-----No, but he_______.A.hopes to

B.hopes to be


D.hopes is 22.The doctor hit his knee to check whether it could_______properly.A.respond



D.require 23.----Mary looks so excited and happy.-----________if you win the first prize.A.So will you

B.So do you

C.So would you

D.So did you 24.I won’t stand _______the video games like that.It’s a waste of time and energy.A.you to be absorbed in

B.your being absorbed in C.your absorbed in D.absorbing you on 25.He said it wasn’t his fault if he couldn’t play as well as me and______I shouldn’t have yelled at him.A./



D.that 26.-----My dear!He has got an A for his term paper this time.-----Great!He is not what he used to be.He______read widely and put a lot of effort into it.A.must


C.must have

D.should have 27.----I’ll be away on business trip.Would you mind looking after my cat?-----Not at all.___________.A.I’ve no time

B.I’d rather not

C.I’d like it

D.I’d be happy to 28.Much in the country remains_______after the war between the two countries has ended.A.done

B.to be done


D.to do 29.It was already past midnight and only three young men________in the teahouse.A.left



D.deserted 30.He was busy writing a story, only______once in a while to smoke a cigarette.A.to stop


C.to have stopped

D.having stopping 31.----They are quiet, aren’t they?-----Yes.They are accustomed _______at meals.A.to talk

B.to not talk

C.to talking

D.to not talking 32.You can take the book away______you remember to return it after you finish reading it.A.as well as

B.as much as

C.as far as

D.as long as 33.Let’s start ahead of time because the traffic doesn’t _____well at this time every day.A.follow



D.deal 34._______the temperature might drop, heavy clothes were prepared for everyone working here.A To consider



D.To be considered 35.All work______, the professor decided to have a holiday in a beach park.A.were done

B.having been done

C.had been done

D.have been done 36.Every spring the flowers_____sweet in the garden attract the visitors to the beauty of nature.A.to smell



D.to be smelt 37.We hope the huge bridge_______will be completed as soon as possible because a lot of citizens are complaining about the noises.A.to be built


C.being built

D.building 38.I couldn’t settle down to my homework with that noise _______outside of our buildings.A.going on

B.goes on

C.went on

D.to go on 39.Mr Warren rushed out of his office, ______into his car and started it hurriedly, ______to get there as soon as possible.A.got, hoped

B.getting, and hoped C.got, hoping

D.getting, hoped 40.The speech______, a heated discussion started among the experts present at the meeting.A.being made

B.was made

C.be made

D.having been made 41.If I catch the salesman______anyone next time, I’ll report to the police and stop buying things here.A.cheating


C.to cheat

D.to be cheating 42.Our teacher Mr.Lee, _______it clear to us that he didn’t agree with us left the classroom.A.who has made

B.having made


D.was making 43.To tell you the truth, I really can’t understand _______your wife in that way.A.you treat

B.you to treat

.C why treat

D.you treating 44.Without facts, we cannot form a worthwhile opinion, for we must have factual knowledge _______our thinking.A.which to be based on

B.upon which to base

C.which to base upon D.to which to be based 45.They had to return from the hiking in the desert, for their food and water almost_______.A.ran out of

B.ran out

C.give out

D.used up 46.Sincerely, I ________Which of the following is WRONG? A.would appreciate it if you could help me

B.appreciate your helping me C.am in appreciation of your help

D.appreciate to you for your help 47._____with so much trouble, we failed to complete the task on time.A.Faced



D.To face 48.Faced with a bill for $10,000, ___________.A.John has taken an extra job

B.the boss has given John an extra job C.an extra job has been taken

D.an extra job has been given to John.49._____English can be difficult to learn, it is a very useful tool for communication.A.When



D.That 50.The more attention you focus ______your studies, the better you will do.A.in



D.about 51.A new high building will be set up in_______used to be a market in the street.A.what



D.where 52.Rather than _____________on a crowded bus, I always prefer___________a bicycle to and from work.A.ride, ride

B.riding, ride

C.ride, to ride

D.to ride, riding 53.I was very disappointed to see the computer I had_________not work properly again.A.it repaired

B.it repair


D.to be repaired 54.In my family we eat________vegetables per person today as we used to several years ago.A.more than

B.as twice as many

C.twice as many as

D.more than twice as many 55.To his disappointment, his efforts in the experiment finally______failure.A.ended up

B.ended for

C.ended in

D.ended by 56.The boy sat still under the tree, with his hands______behind his head.A.across

B.to cross


D.crossing 57._______in her new skirt, the model girl attracted everyone’s eyes in the hall.A.Dressing



D.Worn 58.The fruits________fresh in his fruit store sell much better than those in other stores of the street.A.looking



D.to be looked 59.I seated myself in the front row so as to make myself_______the speaker.A.understand



D.to understand 60.That disease will result in liver failure if _______untreated.A.left

B.being left

C.it were left

D.leaving 61.The doctor said, “_______on time, this medicine will be quite effective.” A.taken


C.Being taken

D.Having taken 62.You should keep silent over the matter when________.A.speaking to

B.spoken to

C.be spoken

D.spoken 63.-----Will you go to the party?

------Of course not, even if_______.A.invited

B.being invited

C.was invited

D.were invited


姓名:__________牛津4A Module3+Module4 单词短语句型归纳测试


练习本____________绳子_____________呼啦圈______________长方形_____________十一 ______________ 十二______________十三_____________十四________________十五_______________十六_______________ 十七______________十八_____________十九________________二十 ______________大的_______________ 包________________瓶_______________果汁________________水_________________松脆饼干___________一些______________面包_____________黄油________________白糖_______________水果_______________ 牛奶______________巧克力___________面粉________________超市_______________书店_______________ 写生簿____________双;副___________ 太阳镜_______________鸟舍_______________暖房_______________ 池塘______________喷泉_____________喂养________________走 ________________草地 ______________ 摘 _______________爬_______________农场________________到处_______________奶牛_______________ 绵羊______________马_______________干草_________________谷物_______________丢下_______________ 垃圾______________扔_______________石头_________________追赶_______________青蛙_______________ 圆木______________蛾_______________树干_________________茎_________________面具 ______________回答 _____________问题 ____________获胜_________________ 游戏________________


踢足球________________多少___________________一包饼干_________________一瓶果汁__________________ 一副太阳镜____________摘花___________________在教室里_________________在超市____________________在书店________________多钱___________________丢垃圾___________________扔石头____________________跳到池塘里____________它的茎 ________________回答问题 ________________做游戏 ___________________失去一次机会__________在池塘里_______________在农场___________________在秋千上__________________


有十七把椅子。_______________________________ 有多少个男孩?__________________________________________ 它是一个长方形。______________________ 它是蓝色的。_____________________它是什么? ____________________ 请来一小包糖。________________________________给你。____________________它是多少钱?___________________ 你有什么?____________________我有一些面包。____________________把卡片放在桌子上。____________________Kitty 包里有什么?____________________________她有一包薯片。__________________________________________ 那个滑梯在哪里?_____________________________它在操场上。____________________________________________ 那些鸭子在哪里? ___________________________ 它们在池塘里。____________________________________________ Peter在哪里?_______________________________他在鸟舍里。____________________________________________ 不要喂鸟。________________________不要摘花。_______________________不要爬树____________________________ 不要在草地上走。___________________________ 不要在池塘里玩。____________________________________________ 关大门。___________________________ 开房门。______________________ 这是一些干草。_______________________ 母鸡们喜欢什么? _______________________________它们喜欢谷物。_________________________________________ 不要丢垃圾。_____________________不要扔石头。____________________不要追赶母鸡。______________________ 我很抱歉。_________________没关系。_______________________________ 那是一棵树。_______________________ 它有一个大的树干吗?__________________________是的,它有。_________________ 不,它没有。________________ 它是一株植物吗?______________________________是的,它是。________________ 不,它不是。________________ 它是谁的滑板?___________________________________它是我的滑板。________________________________________ 不要在教室里踢足球。_____________________________数椅子。__________________________________________

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