
时间:2019-05-15 06:06:36下载本文作者:会员上传


《大学英语》二级课程教学大纲(College English Band 2)


参照国家教育部制订的《大学英语课程教学要求》, 同时根据我校教学资源、学生入学水平以及所面临的社会需求等实际情况, 特制订本《大学英语教学大纲》,作为我校组织非英语专业本科、专升本学生英语教学的主要依据, 用于指导本校的大学英语教学。大学英语课程教学包括听、说、读、写四个部分。







2.口语能力要求:能在学习过程中用英语交流,并能就某一主题进行讨论,能就日常话题和英语国家的人士进行交谈,能就所熟悉的话题经准备后作简短发言,表达比较清楚,语音、语调基本正确。能在交谈中使用基本的会话策略。3.阅读能力要求: 能基本读懂一般性题材的英文文章,阅读速度达到每分钟60词。在阅读篇幅较长、难度略低的材料时,阅读速度达到每分钟90词。能基本读懂国内英文报刊,掌握中心意思,理解主要事实和有关细节。能读懂工作、生活中常见的应用文体的材料。能在阅读中使用有效的阅读方法。4.写作能力要求:能完成一般性写作任务,能描述个人经历、观感、情感和发生的事件等,能写常见的应用文,能就一般性话题或提纲在半小时内写出90词的短文,内容基本完整,用词恰当,语意连贯。能掌握基本的写作技能。





四、授课教材及主要参考书目: 1.《全新版大学英语》(综合教程)第二册 2.《全新版大学英语》(综合教程教师用书)第二册 3.《大学体验英语听说教程》第二册 4.《大学体验英语快速阅读教程》第二册




(一)《新视野大学英语读写教程》第二册 本学期计划完成7个单元,每单元5-6学时。


2—06 Clerk: Can I help you? Lin Fei: Yes.I want to send a registered air-mail letter to China.Clerk: OK.That'll be 60p for postage and 20p for registration.That comes to 80p, please.Lin Fei: Here is 1 pound.Clerk: Here is your change.Please wait for your receipt....Here is your receipt.Lin Fei: Thank you!

Clerk: Anything else? Lin Fei: Yes, 20 postcards, 5 air-mail stamps and one roll of 50 10-pence stamps, please.Clerk: That'll be 11.20 pounds please.Lin Fei: Here is 12 pounds.Clerk: Here is your change.Anything else? Lin Fei: No.Oh yes, could you tell me where I can mail this letter? Clerk: Just drop it in the mail box at the corner.Lin Fei: Thank you very much.Clerk: You're welcome.Clerk: Can I help you? Lin Fei: I want to pick up my package.This is the notice I received.Clerk: Let me see...Hmm...Just a minute....Here it is.We need your signature or I.D.on this note.Lin Fei: All right.Can I mail this parcel to China? Clerk: What's in it? Lin Fei: Two books.Please insure them for 20 pounds.Clerk: No problem, sir.Lin Fei: Can I have this money order cashed, please? Clerk: Yes sir.But you'll have to endorse it first.Lin Fei: Oh, yes.Clerk: Can I see your I.D.card? Lin Fei: Sure.Clerk: Yes, that's fine.Here you are.1000 pounds.Lin Fei: Thanks.Clerk: You're welcome.2—07 Clerk: Good morning.Can I help you? Lin Fei: Yes, Miss.I'd like to open an account here.Clerk: We have both checking and savings accounts.Which do you want? Lin Fei: What's the difference between them? Clerk: With a checking account, you can write checks to pay your bills.The minimum amount for opening a checking account is 500 pounds.Lin Fei: How about a savings account? Clerk: The most common savings account is called a pass book savings account and there is no minimum for the first deposit.Lin Fei: I think I'll open a savings account.Clerk: By all means.Clerk: Can I help you, sir? Lin Fei: I want to withdraw 200 pounds from my account.Clerk: How would you like it? Lin Fei: Five-pound notes, please.Clerk: Anything else? Lin Fei: Yes, could you tell me my balance? Clerk: Yes, sir.Your balance is 1,678 pounds.Lin Fei: Thank you.Clerk: You're welcome.Clerk: Can I help you? Lin Fei: Yes.May I exchange these pounds into US dollars? Clerk: Sure, sir.How do you want it? Lin Fei: It's all the same to me.By the way, could you tell me the exchange rate today? Clerk: It's 100 to 138, sir.Here is your money, sir.Lin Fei: Many thanks.Clerk: My pleasure.Lin Fei: Hello, Miss.I've got a problem.Clerk: What is it?

Lin Fei: I lost my passbook this morning.What shall I do?

Clerk: I'm sorry to hear that.Please write down your name and your passbook number so that I can check it for you.Lin Fei: Yes, certainly.Clerk: Please wait here for a few minutes....It's all right.Your account is OK.Lin Fei: Oh, thank God!

Clerk: Now complete this form and we'll give you a new account with a fresh number.Lin Fei: Thank you so much.Clerk: Not at all.Take care of it this time.Lin Fei: Yes, I certainly will.2—08

Bob: Come on in and make yourself at home.Lin Fei: Thank you.Bob: Let me introduce my wife, Betty.Lin Fei: Nice to meet you, Mrs Harris?

Betty: Nice to meet you, too.Please call me Betty.Lin Fei: Okay.Betty.Bob: And this is my daughter, Karen.Lin Fei: Hello, Karen.Karen: Hi.Bob: Let me take your coat.Lin Fei: Thank you.By the way, this is for you.Bob: Wine!How nice!Thank you very much.Lin Fei: Don't mention it.Bob: Would you care for anything to drink? Lin Fei: Yes, please.What do you have?

Bob: Well, we have tea, beer, wine, orange juice.Lin Fei: I'll have some orange juice, please...You have a lovely house here.Bob: Thank you.We really like it, too.Lin Fei: How long have you lived here?

Bob: Let me see, about two years.Would you like me to show you around? Lin Fei: Ah, great!

Bob: This way, please.Lin Fei: You are an excellent cook, Betty.Betty: Thank you.Would you like some more food? Lin Fei: Well, I'll have some steak, please.Betty: Here you are.Lin Fei: Thank you.Mmmm, this is really very good.Betty: I'm glad you like it.Lin Fei: That was a wonderful meal.Betty: Well, I'm glad you enjoyed it.Now, how about some dessert? Lin Fei: That would be great.Lin Fei: Well, Betty, dinner was delicious.Thank you very much.Betty: Thank you, Lin Fei.Lin Fei: It's getting very late, I think I should be going.Bob: So soon?

Lin Fei: Yes, I'm afraid so.Thanks for inviting me.Bob: It's my pleasure.Hope to see you again soon.Lin Fei: Well, goodbye.Bob and Betty: Goodbye.2—09

Waitress: This is Britannia Fish Restaurant.What Can I do for you, sir? Lin Fei: I'd like to reserve a table for three on Saturday evening this week, And I'd like to have a table near the window facing the Thames.Would that be OK?

Waitress: Certainly, sir.May I have your name, please? Lin Fei: Yes.My name is Lin Fei.Waitress: Okay, Mr.Lin...a table for three...Saturday evening.At what time, sir?

Lin Fei: 7:30.OK? Waitress: Yes.Thank you for calling, sir.See you then.Lin Fei: Good evening.I reserved a table the other day and my name is Lin Fei.Waitress: This way, please.Here is the menu, sir.Lin Fei: Thank you.Waitress: Would you care for a drink? Lin Fei: Yes.Betty? Betty: Orange Juice, please.Lin Fei: How about you, Mr.Harris? Bob: Tea, please.Lin Fei: Same here.Waitress: All right.Just a moment, please.Waitress: Here are your drinks.May I take your order now, Madam? Betty: Thank you.What's today's special? Waitress: Crabmeat Newburg, Lobster Thermidor, and Fried Fish Steak.Betty: Lobster Thermidor, please.Bob: Fish Steak, medium, please.Lin Fei: Fish Steak too, but well-done, please.Waitress: Any drink to go with that? Lin Fei: How about a bottle of red wine, Mr and Mrs.Harris? Bob and Betty: Red wine is good.Lin Fei: Waitress, bill please.Waitress: Yes, sir.I hope you enjoyed your dinner.Bob and Betty: Yes, we did.Betty: The food here is really special and always delicious.Lin Fei: This is for you, Miss.Waitress: Thank you very much, sir.Bob: It's been a wonderful evening.Thank you for inviting us.Lin Fei: It's my greatest pleasure to have you.Betty: I'm afraid we must be going, Mr.Lin.Thank you!Lin Fei: Thank you!Goodbye, Bob and Betty.Bob and Betty: Goodbye.2—10 Lin Fei: Excuse me.I was told to transfer to the No.11 around the Park.Could you do me a favor and tell me when to get off? Bus-Driver: Sure.Fifty pence, please.Lin Fei: Do I have to pay the fare with the exact change? Bus-Driver: Not necessary in London.I can break any notes for you.Lin Fei: Here's one pound.Bus-Driver: Here's your change.Step back and take a seat, please....Hyde Park!Hyde Park!Lin Fei: Thank you!Bus-Driver: Cheerio!

Lin Fei: Which train would get me to York by 16:30? Clerk: If you caught the 11:35, you'd be there at 16:14.Lin Fei: One first-class single to York, please.Clerk: 12 pounds and 20 pence, please.Lin Fei: Here you are.Clerk: Here is your change and ticket.11:35, Platform 4.Lin Fei: Need I change trains? Clerk: No.It's a through train.Lin Fei: Taxi!York Gallery, please.I have to be there before 5 o'clock.Driver: Don't worry.We have plenty of time....Here we are, sir.You've still got a quarter to spare.One pound and forty pence, please.Lin Fei: Thank you very much indeed.Here is 2 pounds.Give me 40p, please.Lin Fei: Excuse me, but I'm trying to get to Queensway.Pedestrian: Take the District to Notting Hill and then get the Central.Lin Fei: Where do I go now? Pedestrian: Take the escalator on your right.Lin Fei: Thank you very much.Pedestrian: My pleasure.2—11

David: Lin Fei, this is Susan.Lin Fei: I'm very glad to meet you Susan.Susan: It's a pleasure to meet you.How do you like London so far? Lin Fei: Well, I can't get over how different the weather is here.Susan: Oh, you'll get used to it soon.Friend: Well, hello, stranger!Have you moved or something? Lin Fei: No.I went to York for a few weeks.Friend: Oh, really? For what?

Lin Fei: I went to the York Gallery to collect some materials for my paper.How are you doing?

Friend: Can't complain, you know.Why not come for a drink this weekend? Lin Fei: I'd love to, but I'm hunting for a job these days.Friend: All right.Good luck to you, then.Lin Fei: Thank you.Goodbye!Friend: Bye-bye!

Lin Fei: Happy Birthday, Susan!

Susan: Thank you!Do come in, please!Lin Fei: And this is for you!

Susan: How nice it is!Oh, Lin, Thank you ever so much!Lin Fei: Sure!

David: Many happy returns of the day.Susan: Oh, David, thank you.David: Look what I've brought!

Susan: What a big birthday cake!Oh, David, you're so sweet!

Lin Fei: Merry Christmas, Professor Smith.Smith: The same to you!

Lin Fei: Are you doing anything special?

Smith: Yes.My parents and daughter are all here to join a big celebration.Would you join us?

Lin Fei: Sorry.All the overseas students are having a party tonight.And my parents are coming to visit me to celebrate New Year's Day.So I will not be able to join you.Thank you all the same.Smith: Happy new year to you and your parents.Lin Fei: Thank you.The same to you!


David: Good morning, Lin Fei.You look pale.Are you all right? Lin Fei: Morning, David.I'm afraid not.David: What's wrong with you?

Lin Fei: I've had a temperature for two days.David: Why not go and see the doctor?

Lin Fei: I've been busy writing the term paper.David: Don't be silly.Nothing is above health!The sooner, the better!Lin Fei: Thank you.I'll follow your advice.David: Take care!Hope you'll be better

Doctor: Hello, this is Doctor Hall's office.May I help you?

Lin Fei: I would like to make an appointment to see the doctor.Doctor: Would 4 o'clock this afternoon be convenient?

Lin Fei: I'm afraid I've got a temperature.So I would like an appointment as soon as possible.Doctor: Let me see, 1 p.m., OK? Lin Fei: That's fine.Doctor: Could you give me your full name, address and phone number? Lin Fei: OK.Doctor: Now, what seems to be the trouble?

Lin Fei: I have had a sore throat for a few days.And I'm feeling chills and a fever now.Doctor: Let me take your temperature.Would you put the thermometer under your arm? Lin Fei: OK.Doctor: You do have a temperature.Now, let me look at your throat.Mm...Inflammation of the tonsils.Lin Fei: Is it serious?

Doctor: Oh, no.I'll give you an injection to bring your temperature down, and prescribe some medicine for you.Lin Fei: What should I do to get better soon? Doctor: Drink plenty of water and rest as much as possible.Lin Fei: Thank you.Lin Fei: Excuse me.Can I have these prescriptions filled, please? Assistant: Certainly, I'll have them filled for you if you just wait a few minutes.Lin Fei: Thank you.Assistant: Here's your medicine.Lin Fei: Can you tell me how to take the medicine? Assistant: Yes.Take two of these pills three times a day after meals and 2 Employer: What qualifications or experience do you have? Lin Fei: I'm almost straight from school.Employer: Do you think a cleaning job could appeal to you? Lin Fei: A cleaning job is OK with me.How much can I earn?

Employer: 50 pounds a week, 3 hours a day from Monday to Friday.Lin Fei: That sounds good.I'll take it.Lin Fei: Hi, David.I've found a job doing cleaning in a company.David: Good news!How much did they offer you? Lin Fei: 50 pounds a week, 3 hours a day.David: A nice job, I should say.tablespoons of the syrup every 2 hours.Lin Fei: Thank you for your hel

2—13 Assistant: Anything I can do for you? Lin Fei: Yes.I'm looking for a present for my wife, but I haven't made up my mind.Assistant: How about perfumes? The perfumes here are very famous.Lin Fei: What a good idea!May I have a look.Assistant: Please.Lin Fei: Well, the smell is nice.I'll take this brand.Assistant: Would you like anything else, sir? Lin Fei: No, thanks.Just the bill.Assistant: Yes.Here you are.Lin Fei: Thank you.Do you accept checks? Assistant: Sorry, sir.We only accept cash.Lin Fei: OK.Will you wrap it up for me? Assistant: Sure.Lin Fei: Here is 80 pounds.Assistant: Thank you, sir.Lin Fei: Can I have a tax-refund form, please? Assistant: Of course.Lin Fei: By the way, where can I get back the duty paid? Assistant: You can get it back when you go through the Customs.Lin Fei: Oh, I see.Thanks a lot.Lin Fei: Excuse me.Is this the place where I can get back the duty paid? Assistant: Yes, it is.May I see your tax-refund form, please? Lin Fei: Yes, here you are.Assistant: Do you want to get pounds or American dollars? Lin Fei: Pounds, please.2—14 Lin Fei: David, Could you tell me something about the study here? David: Sure.Lin Fei: What are the general requirements for undergraduate study? David: As far as I know, you can receive a Bachelor degree if you successfully complete at least 120 units of the necessary courses.Lin Fei: How about testing and grading? David: To obtain credit for each course, you must attend all required classes, finish all assignments and take all the necessary tests and exams.The maximum grade is 100;the lowest pass rank is 65 percent.Lin Fei: Thank you very much.David: Any time.Lin Fei: David, are you on a part-time job? David: I work as an assistant in our college library.Lin Fei: How can I get an on-campus job too? David: You may apply to the Student Employment Service for a vacancy.Lin Fei: How about off-campus jobs? David: Off-campus work requires permission from the Immigration Office.Lin Fei: Oh, I see.Thank you very much.David: You're welcome.Lin Fei: Do you have any job for a part-timer? Employer: What sort of job do you have in mind? Lin Fei: Frankly speaking, I have nothing particular in mind, sir.Lin Fei: I think so.How are you doing? David: I'm between two jobs now.Lin Fei: Oh, bad luck.David: Don't worry about me.I guess I can find a new job soon.Lin Fei: I hope so.Good luck.David: Thanks.Bye-bye!


Lin Fei: I've come to say goodbye, Bob.Bob: When are you off?

Lin Fei: I'm flying home on Friday afternoon.Bob: Well, goodbye.See you soon.Lin Fei: Please don't forget to say goodbye to Betty and Karen for me.Bob: I will.Have a good journey.Lin Fei: Thank you.Goodbye, Bob

Lin Fei: Mr.Wilson.I'm calling to say goodbye.Wilson: When do you leave?

Lin Fei: My flight is on Saturday afternoon.Wilson: Take care of yourself, Lin, and don't forget to write to me.Lin Fei: All right.Thank you very much for everything you've done for me.Wilson: It was a pleasure to have you.Goodbye.Lin Fei: Goodbye.Smith: How time flies!I still remember the first day you came to my class.Lin Fei: Yes.I can never thank you enough for all your kind help and advice.Smith: You have helped me a lot too.I'll miss you.Lin Fei: I'll miss you too.We'll keep in touch through the Internet.Smith: Sure.Please remember me to your parents and Professor Wang.Lin Fei: Thank you.I will.Classmate A: Oh, Lin, how very much I'll miss you!...David: Let's put your bags in the backI thought you might like to have a look at it on the plane.Lin Fei: Thank you very much.Look, it's about time to check in, so there's no need for you to hang around.David: Well, I do hope you have a good journey.Please tell my parents and friends I'm OK here.Lin Fei: Thank you.I'll certainly do that for you.David: Goodbye, Lin Fei and all the best!Susan: Bon Voyage!










3.阅读理解能力:能阅读并正确理解语言难度中等的一般题材的文章,掌握中心大意,了解说明中心大意的事实和细节,能根据所读材料进行一定的分析、推理和判断,了解作者的观点和态度,阅读速度达到每分钟70词。在阅读篇幅较长、难度略低、生词不超过总词数3%的材料时,能正确理解中心大意,抓住主 1

要事实和有关细节,阅读速度达每分钟100-120词。能较快阅读21st Century, China Daily等报纸。领会式掌握单词5000—6000词,复用式掌握单词3000词及其常用短语。












Unit 4 Forget the Peeking Order at Work 教学内容:

一、Way of learning :掌握简单句和复合句的转换

二、TEXT: Forget the Peeking Order at Work

三、Way of sentence making:simple sentence, compound sentence

四、Thinking & expressing time

五、Let the words fly

六、Focus on news

七、Knowledge in action: Running a Marketing Company

八、Sweet ancient culture

九、Project time 教学方法:







教学重点: 1.简单句,复合句和从句的构成及他们之间的转换;2.重点词汇短语:measure, count, relevance, dominate, sensitivity, empathy, score, diverse, confront, quantity, cater, outperform, motivate, reliance, emerge, confuse, contribution;

3.培养学生协调人际关系的能力; 教学难点: 1.掌握英语简单句,复合句,从句的构成及其转换规则;


Unit 5 Cooperation Marks the Path to Industry 4.0 教学内容:

一、Way of learning :掌握从句的构成

二、TEXT: Cooperation Marks the Path to Industry 4.0

三、Way of sentence making:while-clause, as-clause and appositive

四、Thinking & expressing time

五、Let the words fly

六、Focus on news

七、Knowledge in action: Cooperation

八、Sweet ancient culture

九、Project time 教学方法:





3.掌握定语从句的构成; 4.具备围绕“合作”话题进行深度思考与讨论的口语表达能力和思辨能力,以及用本单元所学的日常英语、流行英语和俚语进行口语交流的能力;具备听懂和理解英语新闻,并对新闻材料的深层思考的能力;通过在提示下对相关项目的独立思考、小组讨论和结果展示,逐步具备良好的合作能力、交流能力、思辨能力、解决问题能力和跨文化语言运用能力;

教学重点: 1.时间状语从句和定语从句的构成;2.重点词汇短语:cooperation, upgrade, partner, electronics, sector, automation, machinery, phase, residence, innovation, pillar, summit, yield, boost, invest, intesify, optimism, utilize;

3.培养学生共同合作的工作学习能力。教学难点: 1.掌握时间状语从句和定语从句的构成;


Unit 6 Death of a Ringtone: The Rise and Fall of Nokia 教学内容:

一、Way of learning :掌握分词短语,定语从句,状语从句

二、TEXT: Death of a Ringtone: The Rise and Fall of Nokia

三、Way of sentence making:adverbial clause, attributive clause and participial phrase

四、Thinking & expressing time

五、Let the words fly

六、Focus on news

七、Knowledge in action: Adaptability

八、Sweet ancient culture

九、Project time 教学方法: 运用任务式体验教学、合作式体验教学,PBL教学法以达到师生互动交流,学生积极讨论的教学效果,设计丰富多彩的课堂活动和轻松愉快的学习气氛,激发学生学习动机,通过体验让学生来发现、使用和内化语言规则;在教学方法上,采用多媒体教学手段和传统教学手段相结合,发挥现代教育和传统教育的各自优势,从而提高课堂效率,达到教学目的和要求。






教学重点: 1.定语从句,状语从句,分词短语的构成和使用;

2.重点词汇短语:handset, revolution, bankruptcy, dominate, manufacture, nightmare, specification, continent, commercial, infrastructure, profound, adopt, champion, peak, aesthetic, profile, disrupt, execution, formula, outlook, embrace

3.培养学生的创新能力和适应环境的能力。教学难点: 1.掌握定语从句,状语从句,分词短语的构成和使用;




1.Passage Retelling




1.Should We Help Strangers?有人认为帮助陌生人是一种美德有人却认为帮助陌生人会给自己带来危害我认为…

Helping strangers has always been considered as a treasured virtue of human kind.We need help from others throughout our life, whenever we travel to other places or stay at home.On the other hand, helping others can make us happy.We feel great joy when we are trusted, needed and able to give a hand.However ,some people are cautious when it comes to helping strangers.They say that helping others involves risks of getting hurt or cheated.Lending a hand to a stranger often puts us in a vulnerable position for it means trusting a hand to a stranger often puts us in a vulnerable position for it means trusting someone we do not even know.Moreover ,there are times when we have physical limitations-e.g.we can’t swim but a girl is drowning.If we are blind to that limitation ,giving a hand would conversely take our life.In my opinion, we should still offer what we can do to help needed strangers.Meanwhile, we should beware of getting cheated and use common sense to tell whether the strangers are real needed people or just professional cheats.Detecting anything unusual, we should defend ourselves or turn to the police.2.Restrict Mobile Phone in Library现在有不少人在图书馆的阅览区里使用手机这一现象可能带来的影响我的看法

As the number of students who have mobile phones increases, problems which are caused by its popularity on campus also rise.One of the problems that have aroused people’s attention is the use of mobile phone in library’s reading room.And this phenomenon becomes so common that you can see someone using it whenever you go to the library.There is no doubt that this behavior will have no good effect.On the one hand ,students who use it can not concentrate on their own studies when they constantly send or receive messages.On the other hand ,with the ringing of the phones and people’s talking ,students around them can be distracted from their reading as well.Therefore, the proper way of using mobile phones in the library must be emphasized.First, use phone’s silent of vibration setting to avoid the disturbance of other students.Second, if you do need to make a call or send messages, you’d better go out of the room or at least try to reduce the volume of your sound and your phone’s sound.3.The Real-name Train Ticket System Launched1、有些地方开始实行火车票实名制,目的是…



In some southern cities, railway station offices and authorized agencies have begun selling name-based railway tickets.Requiring a valid form of identification, the real-name system is said to be effective in curbing scalping, especially during the Chinese New Year travel peak.Though the aim of introducing real-name train ticket is fully justified, it has brought about some problems.One problem is the leaking of personal information.Buyers’ names and ID numbers printed on the tickets may be used to make false certificates or for other purpose once the tickets fall into the wrong hands.Another is that the complicated system and check-in process add to the already heavy workload of the railway workers.In my view, the name-based train ticket system is bold try to ensure passengers’ security and an effective weapon against notorious scalping, Since it is new-born and needs time to perfect itself, we should treat fairly the current problems it brings.I believe that with people’s awareness of privacy protection enhanced, and with the development of technology, the problem will soon be things of the past.4.Spam Massage1、目前垃圾短信泛滥



With the increasing use of cell phones, spam message has become a heated issue.According to a survey, on average, people receive about 40 pieces of spam message per month.Spam message may disturb, confuse, or even threaten people at any time.Generally, there are two reasons for the spam epidemic.On one hand, due to the fact that text message is a comparatively cheap channel, many companies take advantage of it to advertise their products or services.Whether people are willing to receive the message is neglected.On the other hand, operators holding lots of information on cell phone users sell the information and make money out of it.To solve the problem of spam message, relative authorities and professionals should make joint efforts.The government should set up laws to severely punish the illegal advertisers and those who disclose users’ information.Cell phone researchers and developers should upgrade the products and enable them to delete the spam automatically.Should people act together, they will be free from the spam message.5.Celebtities as Products’ Spokespersons1、现在明星为产品代言的现象很普遍



In the contemporary society, it is very common for celebrities, or the so-called superstars, to be spokespersons for a wide variety of products.On the Internet, television, newspapers, magazines and even on the walls of some buildings, you may find celebrities in the advertising posters.There are some problems existing in celebrities’ in celebrities’ endorsing endorsing products.Firstly, some stars may know nothing about the products but still accept the invitation as their spokesmen.To these stars, “look before leap” is just a saying.Secondly, for the sake of money,some stars advertise for items with low quality, even for fake commodities.They never care about consumers' interests.In my view, as spokespersons, celebrities represent the products.They should understand that the products they are endorsing concern their images and consumers' interests.Therefore, before endorsing products, they should learn about the products as much as possible.Only by doing so can they be trusted by their fans and protect the safety and legal rights of general public.6.TV Talent Show1、有人赞成电视选秀节目



An army of people today are fond of the TV talent show.they believe that show.They believe that the TV talent show can change their fate.At least, they say, the program office the opportunity to show and develop one's talents.On the contrary, a number of people hold negative attitude to TV talent shows.They maintain that the TV talent show today is like a river that has risen to its flood level.It misleads the youth and makes them believe that they can make a fortune or become famous overnight.As a result, a great many students can't calm down to study during the show's season.For my party, I believe that the TV talent show is like a double-edged sword and it is import for us to face it properly.For one thing, the TV studios are supposed to offer more stimulating and favorable shows.For another, the media ought to give people proper guidance and refrain from exaggerating the effects of the show.7.On Professional Ethics of Doctors1、目前许多医生的职业道德遭到人们的质疑



Recently professional ethics of many doctors have been questioned.According to a survey on professional ethics violating, doctors were ranked first.Many doctors are reported to treat patients lightly and take bribes from patients or medicine manufacturers.There are two factors contributing to this phenomenon.One factor is how doctors are paid.Since most doctors are paid according to the quantities rather than qualities of medical services they perform, many of them tend to see more patients at the expense of quality.The other factor is how people see doctors’ taking bribes.Doctors’ performances concern patients’ health and life, and most patients or their families assume that doctors would try their best in the medical treatment if they take bribes, so many doctors take bribes for granted.How should we solve these problems? First, I think it is necessary to carry out reforms in the playing system and encourage doctors to perform high-quality medical services.Second, we should change the attitudes of both patients and doctors and make it very clear that treating and saving people are doctors’ duty instead of privilege.Low-carbon Lifestyle1、目前低碳生活成为一种流行



Every since, the World Climate Conference was held in Copenhagen, the term “low-carbon lifestyle” has become a buzzword in our daily life.Everyone ,old or young ,is taking about it and

exerting himself to achieve the low-carbon goal of low-carbon lifestyle.What on earth is low-carbon lifestyle? Low-carbon lifestyle means to lower the emission of carbon, especially carbon dioxide, by reducing the energy we use in our daily life.For common people like us, this is an attitude rather than a capacity.Low-carbon lifestyle calls for the active participation of all the people in the process of saving electricity and gas, as well as recycling the useful materials.As collage students, we should contribute to the revolution of low-carbon lifestyle by all means.Firstly, we should avoid using disposable products to reduce the emission of carbon dioxide.Secondly, taking public transport rather than driving is another effective way.Last but not least, both we and the earth will benefit enormously if we eat green food instead of junk food.



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