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Unit 5 Overcoming Obstacles Teaching Plan(6 periods)1.教学目标及基本要求:

Objectives: Students will be able to: 1)Grasp the main idea(dreaming and hard work helped Michael Stone on his way to success)and the structure of the text(narration with a flashback);2)Appreciate the narrative skills(using details to bring out a character;a surprising ending;use of puns);3)Master the key language points and grammatical structures in the text;4)Conduct a series of reading, listening and writing activities related to the theme of the unit.2.教学内容及学时分配:

Time allotment: 1st period: pre-reading;text organization 2nd period: while-reading 3rd period: post-reading activities 4th period: reading practice 5th period: speaking 6th period: writing 3.教学重点及难点:

Important language points in the text: Language Study(60 minutes)A.Words

1.sweat: vi/n.drops of a liquid similar to water that come through the skin when one is hot, ill, afraid.etc.出汗/汗水

E.g.She swept the sweat from her face.2.grace: n.quality of being smooth and elegant, esp.in movement or structure.优美,优雅 E.g.The trained dancer has an extraordinary grace of movement.3.mere: a.nothing more than 仅仅,只不过

E.g.It’s a mere 300 meters from my house to the college.4.fantasy: n.imagination, esp.when it has no connection at all with reality 幻想

E.g.I still have the fantasy that one day I will win the National lottery.5.numerous: a.very many 许多,无数的E.g.He has been late on numerous occasions.6.passion: n.strong feeling, esp.of live 热情

E.g.He is a man of violent passion.He argued his case with considerable passion.7.details: n.1)small, particular fact or item 细节,琐碎的事

E.g.No details of the negotiation between the two countries have been revealed.I can still recall every detail of my Graduation Day..2)sth.Which is unimportant and doesn’t affect the main issue

E.g.The salary is a detail;the main thing is to find a job.In detail: fully or thoroughly

E.g.She told them in detail what they were going to day at the meeting.8.recur: vi.come or happen again 再来,再发生

E.g.This theme recurs several times through the book.9.coincide: vi.1)happen at the dame time(followed by with)同时发生,一致

E.g.His arrival coincides with our departure.2)be in agreement(with)

E.g.Her story coincided exactly with her brother’s.10.core: n.the most important part 核心

E.g.The core of the problem is their objection to the policy.11.alternate: a.every other or second;happening by turns 交替的,轮流的 E.g.It has been a week of alternate rain and sunshine.12.relax: v.make or become less tense, worried or nervous 放松

E.g.When I get home from work I like to relax with a glass of wine.I will relax when I know you are safe.13.vain: a.too pleased with one’s own abilities or looks 虚荣的,自负的 E.g.Too much praise can make a person vain.She is too vain to wear glasses.14.emotion: n.a strong feeling of any kind 情感,感情

E.g.He lost control of his emotion.They expressed mixed emotions at the news.15.preparation: n.the act or process of preparing 准备

E.g.Preparation for the party started early.Careful preparation for the exam is essential..16.startle: vt.give a sudden shock or surprise to 使大吃一惊

E.g.I didn’t mean to startle you.The explosion startled the horse.17.intensity: n.the state of being intense 强烈,紧张

E.g.The storm resumed with even greater intensity.In order to finish the job, we have to work with greater intensity.18.anxiety: n.a feeling of worry or fear 忧虑,担心

E.g.Some patients experience high level of anxiety.You’d better share your anxieties with doctor.19.tension: n..worry or nervousness 紧张,不安

E.g.We laughed and that helps ease the tension.20.tense: feeling worried or nervous;making people worried or nervous 紧张的。令人紧张的E.g.Facing so many teachers, John got very tense and made several mistakes in his speech.He is a very tense man.21.breeze: a.微风

E.g.The flowers were gently swaying in the breeze.22.deaf: a.unable to hear at all or to hear well 耳聋的E.g.He was born deaf.B.Phrases

1.bear out: prove that(sth..)is true 证实

E.g.The other people will bear me out.2.coincide with:(of two or more events)to take place at the same time.与…同时发生

E.g.The strike was timed to coincide with the party conference.3.work out: go through a physical exercise session 体育锻炼,训练

E.g.I work out regularly to keep fit.4.dedicate sb to sth: to give a lot of your time and effort to a particular activity or purpose because you think it is important 把…奉献给

E.g.She dedicates herself to her work.5.on one/two/several occasion(s): 有一(两,几)次

E.g.On one occasion, she called me in the middle of the night.6.be ashamed of: feeling foolish or uncomfortable because of(sth)因…感到难为情

E.g.She was so ashamed of cheating in the test.She was ashamed of her behavior at the party.7.stretch out: hold a part of your body straight out in front of you.伸展

E.g.He stretched himself out on the bed and fell asleep.8.along with: together with 连同

E.g.She lost her job when the factory closed, along with hundreds of others.9.bring(sb.)back to earth: 使回到现实中

E.g.He id daydreaming and my voice brought him back to earth.10.in one’s mind’s eye: in one’s imagination;in one’s memory 在想象中

E.g.In my mind’s eye, he is still a little boy.4.教学内容的深化及拓宽:

Students conduct a series of reading, listening, speaking and writing practice to deepen their understanding of the points taught in class.1)Pre-reading tasks(30 minutes)1)T asks Ss the following questions on the song Coming out of Dark:(5minutes)

----Consider the title of the song, what does “Dark” refer to?(near death;loss of consciousness after the car accident;slow and painful recovery;despair)

-----How is the song related to the theme of the unit?(To get over despair after injury is also a form of overcoming obstacles.)

-----What happened to the singer?

-----what helped her pull through all the hardship she suffered? 2)T dictates the following proverbs to Ss:(15 minutes)1)Where there is a will, there is a way.(有志者事竟成)2)Rome wasn’t built in a day.(伟业非一日之功)3)God helps those who help themselves.(自助者天助之)4)Constant dripping wears away the stone.(锲而不舍,金石可镂)2)Cultural notes(1)Olympics: the Olympic Games are the most important international sports event in the world held every four years.The ancient Olympic Games were held in Olympia every four years from 776 B.C.to 392 A.D.the modern Game s were first held in 1896 in Greece and, with the exception of three games not held because of the two world wars, have been held in various cities of the world art regular 4 year intervals.Since 1924, a separate program of winter sports has been added to the Game.In 2008 Beijing will host the 29th Olympic Games.(2)The Olympic symbol------five interlocking red, blue, yellow, black, and green circles on a white field-----represents the continents of the world joined in friendship.(3)The Olympic motto is Citius-Altius-Fortius.These words mean “Swifter, Higher, Stronger”.Suggested words: strong-willed, persevering, intelligent, open-minded, resourceful, talented, gifted, smart, confident, humorous, far-sighted, self-esteem, stubborn, diligent, industrious, ambitious, committed, devoted, eloquent, aggressive, dominant, arrogant, charitable, generous, extravagant, frugal, stingy, kind-hearted, warm-hearted, modest, unpretentious, proud, humble, pretentious, self-important, conceited, worldly, sophisticated, tactful, considerate, selfish, easy-going, disagreeable, skeptical, moral integrity, individual attraction(appearance, dress, words and behavior)3)While-reading tasks(75 minutes)1)Text organization

i.Listen to the tape, then T guides Ss through the directions for Text Organization Exercise 1, so that they know the text consists of four parts.ii.Ss scan the first sentence of Paras1—6, and get ready to answer the following questions:-----Which first sentence switches from past tense to past perfect tense?(the first sentence of Para 3)(T may as well as tell Ss this: a story is usually narrated in the simple past tense.When a past event is recalled, the past perfect tense will be used as a signal.Afterwards the flashback is also narrated in the simple past tense.)

-----Which first sentence shows that the flashback is over and the narration returns to the National Junior Olympics(the first sentence of paras6)

------By now, do you know how to divide the text into four parts? Write down your answers in the blanks provided in Text Organization Exercise 1)2)T explains language points and gives Ss practice(see language study).when they comes to the end of a part, Ss will sum up its main idea in the blanks provided in Text Organization Exercise 1)

3)Ss answer these questions(see Text Analysis):-----Without the last sentence, would you still admire Michael Stone’s achievement?

-----Who would you admire better, a Michael Stone with a sound body or a blind Michael Stone?------Why does the author keep the secret about Michael’ blindness until the last sentence? 4)Finding out details

i.T introduces the activity by saying: A child usually inherits characteristics from both his/her mother and father.So does Michael Stone.Michael’s mother is romantic and passionate, while his father is a hard-core realist.Work with a partner;find out those details about Michael Stone that shows him to be his mother’s boy or his father’s son.ii.Some pairs report to the class their findings.iii.T asks Ss this question: Dreaming and hard work, which is more important to Michael’s success? Why? 5)Text analysis

Those who have read this story will probably agree that its most striking feature is the closing line.As we read on, our admiration for Michael is building up until we believe that, when Michael broke both national and international records, we have reached the climax.However, the real climax is in the last sentence.When we find that out, what a great impact it has on us.The text plays on words on more than one occasion.The text title, True Height, itself has more than one meaning.We may understand it as the new bar heights that Michael cleared one after another, or we may view it as the tremendous obstacles Michael had overcome in attaining his goal.As mentioned in the Suggested Teaching plan, the word “hot” in the first paragraph also plays on two different meanings, one literal, the other figurative.5.教学方式及在教学中应注意的问题:

A combination of traditional teaching methods with the communicative approach will be adopted.Special attention should be paid to classroom interaction.Give students time to adapt to the new teaching mode in the university that are quite different from the one they were used to in the middle school.More encouragement is needed and more guidance will be given to them in their extracurricular study.6.主要参考书目:

季佩英,吴晓真,姚燕瑾,2002,《全新版大学英语综合教程2-教师用书》。上海:上海外语教育出版社。7.思考题和习题: 1)《全新版大学英语综合教程2》第一单元Text A后的习题。(45 minutes)Vocabulary I.1(P.142-143)III.Word s with Multiple Meanings(P.145-146)

The verb “work”

1.do an activity which needs physical or mental effort

2.engage in physical exercise or training

3.have the desired effect

4.be calculated at

5.(cause to)more gradually or with difficulty into another position

6.(cause to)operate I.Cloze(P.146-147)II.Translation(P.148)(1)“it is...that…”(强调句型)Model: What brought him back to earth?

It was either the eruption of the people in the stands or the thump of his landing that brought him back to earth.1)What made it possible for a blind boy to set a world record in pole vault?


2)When did you begin to learn English?


3)Who has ever exerted the greatest influence on you?


Model: What he did not know was that his dad was hugging his wife and crying.1)Obviously _________(这位发言人想要强调的是)the impact of these findings rather than the process that led to these findings.2)It seems that he is never bothered about __________________(别人是土和看待他的行为的)2)Speaking and Writing Practice(60 minutes)(1)Writing strategy

How to write a personal description(2)

In Unit Four, Book One, we briefly discussed two aspects in the description of an individual: Focus on Characteristic Features and Supporting Facts.What will be dealt with today are: Writer’s Tone

To bring home the point the writer wants to convey to the reader, his /her tone----whether it is angry, sympathetic, amused, or admiring about the subject------plays an important role in a personal description, as in the two texts we’ve just studied the authors’ voices can be heard now and then, directly and indirectly.Opening/Closing Device

To arouse the reader’s interest or achieve better results, the writer usually designs the opening and closing paragraphs skillfully.As we can see, in Text A the writer keeps the most important fact about Michael Stone until the last word, and in Text B the author begins his essay with reference to a common saying.(2)Homework

Try to describe one of your friends or your teachers 1 His/Her physical condition;2 His/Her character traits.

第二篇:全新版大学英语第二册(第二版)Unit 2 Values教案

Text A, A Life Full of Riches Unit 2, Book 2

XuWen & LiHui Teaching Objectives: 1.grasp the main idea and structure of the text;2.appreciate the wording(“riches”)in the title of the text;3.grasp the key language points in Text A and learn how to use them in context;4.understand the cultural background related to the content.Teaching Procedures I.Pre-reading Tasks 1.Lead-in:

1)Proverb dictation and dictation: 1.That man is richest whose pleasures are cheapest.2.The value of a man resides in what he gives and not in what he is capable of receiving.P40 2)Have Ss interpret the title of Text A “A Life Full of Riches” and find the meaning of “riches”.Based on the proverbs, students are supposed to discuss the following question: Do you think a poor person can have a life full of riches? How?

2.Cultural Notes: 1)Salvation Army

2)The Red Kettle Christmas Campaign

3)1040 Forms II.In-class Reading 1.General Understanding of Text A

1)Play the listening recording of text A and ask Ss to scan the first sentence of each paragraph to see where there is a change in tense.(past tense in Paras.1-2, 8-9;present tense in the rest)(10’)

2)Draw Ss’ attention to the beginning of the text(starting an essay with an anecdote)see “writing strategy” on P56 3)Comprehension questions on P37 2.Group work: Ss are divided into 2 groups, one searching for the evidence showing that the author is not “rich” and the other searching for the evidence showing that the author is “rich”.3.Text Organization Part one 1-2:An encounter

Part two 3-12: An answer

Part three 13: Understanding Main idea: One can live a life full of riches without being rich financially.4.Language study: set sb.doing sth.;despite;nonetheless, be confronted with;donation;neatly dressed, stammer;wear and tear;modest;meet needs, cherish;fabricate;tickles;insights;vital;well off;feel out of place;abrupt;jolting;in contrast to;stuff;consequence;feel natural to sb.;affluent;genuine;sense of belonging;rough;feel connected to;lingering;tangible;intangible 5.Difficult sentences:

Para 1: It was early December 2003, my first season as a Salvation Army bell ringer, when I was confronted with the question.1.What does a Salvation Army bell ringer do? To ring the bell and ask people to donate money to help the poor.2.Translate this sentence into Chinese.首次面对这个问题,是在2003年12月初我第一次为救世军摇铃募捐的时候。

Para 1: I can still see the confusion and curiosity in his eyes as he asked, “Are you poor?” 1.Why did the boy ask such a question?

——Because he was confused and curious.2.How much did the boy know about the Salvation Army bell ringer?

——Obviously he knew nothing about that.Para 2: “Well,” I stammered, trying to think, “I have more than some people, but not as much as other.” 1.How did the author think of the question?

——He thought it was difficult to answer.2.What does the author’s answer mean?

——This means he is neither poor nor rich.Para 2: His mother scolded him for the social no-no...1.What is “social no-no”?

——Something that is socially inappropriate.2.Why did the mother scold her son? Because the author looked poor, the question was socially inappropriate to ask.Para 4: Yet I feel nothing more than a passing whim to attain the material things so many other people have.1.What do many other people have?

——The material things.2.Please paraphrase this sentence.However, I have only occasionally felt the urge to go after the material things so many other people have.Para 5: And I love the “can do” attitude that follows.1.What is the “can do” attitude?

——That is self confidence.2.How do you understand this sentence?

——And I love the feeling of self confidence brought by brisk exercises.Para 8:

Shortly after her visit, our relationship went straight south.1.What was their relationship after her visit? Their relationship went sour.That is to say, they were no longer boyfriend and girlfriend.2.Why there was such a change in their relationship? Because the girl actually paid much attention to material things although she claimed that she was interested in what was on the inside, and after she went to the author’s apartment, she found he was really poor.Para 10: There is a commercial on the radio that begins, “Everybody wants a high-end TV …” The pressure to purchase is real.It may be true that everybody wants a high-end TV.After all, nobody wants to be a nobody.1.What is “a high-end TV”?

——A TV that is expensive and of high quality.2.What can be inferred from this part about what role commercials can play in society? Commercials can put people under pressure to purchase more than is really necessary.Para 9:

December is the time of year I feel wealthiest.Why does the author think so? Because December is the time for him to work for the Salvation Army as a bell ringer, which gives him a genuine sense of belonging and brings him happiness in helping others.Para 12: Over the past four years, I’ve grown to understand more about myself because of a single question from a curious child.1.How has the boy’s question affected the author? The boy’s question has helped him realize that, despite his lack of expensive possessions, he is rich in many other ways and should be thankful for that.)2.Translate this sentence into Chinese.由于一个好奇的孩子提了一个简单问题,我在过去的四年中对自己的了解进了一步。III: After-reading tasks 1.Do the exercise 2.Essay writing 2

第三篇:Unit4 全新版大学进阶第二册英语教案


江西科技师范大学理工学院 教学对象(Teaching Subjects)2017级大学英语本科 教学内容(Lesson Content)

Unit 4 Festivals

周 次 第6-7 周 授课时间 4月9日many from other countries.F: Now what about Tomatina? It's a big food fight, right? M: Yeah.People throw tomatoes at each other for an hour.F: So the festival is only an hour long? That seems kind of short.th

th 3 教学教案

江西科技师范大学理工学院 M: Oh, no.The main eventis only one part of the festival.There's also a cooking contest and a parade.There are also fireworks at the end.Thousands of people come from all over the world to enjoy the fun.Lesson B / Listening 1 SCRIPT Track 4-3

Festival in the desert

General Information:

For three days every January or February, people of the Sahara desert come together for this festival of traditional culture.They meet and celebrate with song, dance, poetry, and other cultural traditions.Don't Miss: During the day:

The camel races(The fastest and most beautiful win prizes.)sword fighting and other contests

the arts shows and presentations by local people At night: performances by local and global musicians What to Bring:

There are no hotels, so you’ll need a sleeping bag, tent, food, and water.It is very hot in the daytime so bring lightweight clothes.However, it can be cold at night, so bring a sweater or warm jacket for the evening.Getting There:

You'll need a truck or camel to get to the festival.It's about two hours from the town of Timbuktu, Mali.It is also a good idea to use a local guide.This person can drive to the festival and help you during your stay.Listening 2 SCRIPT

Track 4-4 1:

A: Hi.This is Aya.Leave a message and I’ll call you back.Thanks.B: Hi Aya.This is Maria from English 102.You know the festivals project we’re working on together? I have an idea.How about doing our project on the Festival in the Desert? We can interview our classmate Moussa;he’s from Mali and he knows about this festival.What do you think?


A: Hi.This is Erik.Please leave me a message, and I’ll get back to you.B: Hey Erik;it’s Manny.We talked about driving to the North Beach Festival tomorrow, but the festival is going to be crowded.What about taking the bus instead? Let me know.3: 教学教案

江西科技师范大学理工学院 A: Hello, this is Kira.Leave me a message after the beep.Thanks.B: Kira, it’s Lisa.I’m leaving for the Outside Lands Music Festival in ten minutes.Let’s meet at the main entrance of the festival at 12:30, okay? See you there.SCRIPT

Track 4–5 1.B: Hi, you’ve reached Maria.Leave a message after the beep.A: Hi Maria;it’s Aya.I got your message.I think doing the project on the Festival in the Desert is a great idea.We can talk more tomorrow in class.See you then.2.B: This is Manny, but I’m not here at the moment.Please leave a message after the beep.A: Manny, it’s Erik.Taking the bus tomorrow sounds good.See you at eleven o’clock.3.B: You’ve reached Lisa.Please leave a message and I’ll get back to you as soon as I can.A: Hey Lisa;it’s Kira.You want to meet at 12:30? Sorry, but I won’t be able to meet you then.I won’t arrive until after 2 o’clock.Part Two Oral Practice 1.The important language(Making and responding to suggestions)(See page 40)2.Discussion You and your partner are going to make a discussion about going to the Festival in the Desert.Using important sentences we have just learned.3.Work in pairs to pactice leaving phone messages.Part Four Listening Skills 1.Work in pairs to elicit the time expressions for sequence of event e.g.to begin with, five years ago, back then, later on, until then, etc.2.Learn the skill of payint atention to the words that express the sequence of events(see page 41)SCRIPT Track 4–6

In the English-speaking world, it is customary to sing the song “Happy Birthday to You” to the birthday person.Do you know that it was originally written as a song to greet students in the morning? Two American kindergarten teachers, Mildred Hill and her sister Patty Hill wrote the song.In 1893, Mildred, who studied music, came up with the melody and Patty added some lyric to it and the song became “Good Morning to All”, which they sang every morning to their students.And the lyrics ran like this: “Good morning to you.Good morning to you.Good morning, dear children.Good morning to all.” 教学教案

江西科技师范大学理工学院 Later the title of the song was known as “Good Morning to You” when it was used for children to sing to their teacher.And the third and fourth lines became “Good morning, dear teacher.Good morning to you.”

In 1924, the song appeared in a book of music edited by Robert Coleman.And a second verse, “Happy Birthday to You,” was added to it.But it is unclear who supplied the words to the second verse.This second verse quickly became more popular than the first, and within a short time of the book’s publication, the song was known to all as “Happy Birthday to You.” And by mid-1930s it was used frequently in movies, radio shows, and Broadway musicals without the Hill family’s permission.A third sister, Jessica Hill, decided to act on behalf of her elder sisters.She filed a suit to prove that “Happy Birthday to You” was their song with different lyrics.She won in 1934, and now every time “Happy Birthday to You” is sung publicly, the Hill family gets paid.Step Three Watch and Discussion 1.Watch a video concerning the Diwali celebaration in India 1)Look at the pictures on Page 42, tell us what can you see? 2)Learning the new words and expressions, then make predictions based on the background knowledge we have just menetioned.3)Watch the video twice, then finish the exerccises on Page 43.SCRIPT


India is a land known for its beauty and color.In late fall, the temperature cools down, and, for 5 days, Hindus in India and all over the world celebrate the victory of good over evil, light over darkness.They call this time Diwali, the festival of lights.For many, the holiday begins before sunrise, at the flower market.Here, flower sellers sell beautiful jasmine flowers.The lovely smells fill the air.People will use these flowers to decorate their homes.But they must go early because by sunrise, all the flowers will be sold out.Another traditional Diwali decoration is the Rangoli.These beautiful shapes are drawn on the floor using colored sand, and surrounded by candles.The sand takes the shape of a lotus flower, which means “welcome!”

Diwali is also all about sharing.Neighbors bring each other plates of tasty holiday snacks.Later in the day, families come together to visit the temples.They wear colorful, new clothes.In the evening, the cities come alive.Shops are open on Diwali.Many go to town to buy new clothes made from colorful Indian silks.Diwali Participant:

“So, this is an occasion for all of us to rejoice and be with the family and enjoy all the good things in life.So we buy good clothes and make good food.”

Narrator: 教学教案

江西科技师范大学理工学院 And outside the stores, the city is filled with lights.Today, during Diwali, modern lights of every color, shape, and size shine all over India.Some cities also have amazing fireworks shows, like this one in Delhi.The fireworks fun continues in the home, late into the night.For this year, the Diwali celebrations are coming to an end.And they’re going out with a bang.Watch a video concerning Diwali, a traditional Indian celebration carefully and tell your friends about the festival.4)Think of a festtival you know and share with your classmates

Step Five Expansion activity

1.Learn to make an advertisement to tell people about a festival;2.Let's talk about the photo,.First look and guess what do you see from the photo, then role-play with your partners.Imagine you are shopping at the open air market, talk about what you are going to buy.Step Six Review Review of Unit 3 and Unit4 and finish the exercises on Page 48.


Useful Expressions in Unit 3,Book 2(by Mr.Hu)

1.“Father knows better.” or “Father, you know better than

that.” literally means Father was wise enough not to do something.Actually it does not have this meaning.It means Father was not wise when he meddled with his children’s affairs.This sentence occurs six times in the text.The children said it satirically to show their disapproval of Father’s meddling with their affairs.2.location: n.a place or position This is a suitable location for a camp.目击者向警察指出事故发生的确切地点。Witnesses showed the police the exact location of the accident.3.know better: behave in a more sensible and acceptable way 4.He is old enough to know better.5.他很明事理,不至于以貌取人。He knows better than to judge by appearances.Pattern: know better than sb.know better than to do sth.7.embarrass: vt.make(sb.)feel awkward or ashamed 8.It embarrassed him that he had to give a talk in front of a lot of people.9.I don’t like making speeches in public.It’s so embarrassing.10.I was really embarrassed when I couldn’t answer the teacher’s question.11.dumb: adj.1)foolish eg.He was so dumb that he left his keys at home again.2)unable to speak eg.The terrible news struck us all dumb.他生来不能说话,但是他设法找到一个好工作。He was born dumb, but he has still managed to get a good job.14.in unison: acting in the same way at the same time eg.国际社会准备一致反对恐怖主义。The international community is ready to work in unison against terrorism.16.consist of: be made up of eg.The city of New York consists of five boroughs.18.cf.consist in 等于;在于

19.consist, compose, comprise & constitute 这几个词都是动词,都有“组成”的意思。

consist 是个不及物动词,与介词of一起连用,不可用于被动语态。consist的主语表示事物的整体,of后的宾语表示事物的组成部分。例如:Water consists of hydrogen and oxygen.水由氢和氧组成。North America consists of the United States, Canada, and Mexico.compose 的主语表示事物的组成部分,宾语表示事物的整体。但在被动语态中正好相反。例如:The United States, Canada, and Mexico compose North America.Water is composed of hydrogen and oxygen.comprise 用作及物动词,有两种用法:传统规则认为其主语应当为事物的整体,宾语应当为事物的组成部分,词义为“由„„组成,由„„构成”;另一种趋势是用comprise表达“组成,构成”的意思,此时其主语为事物的组成部分,宾语为事物的整体。

eg.North America comprises the United States, Canada, and Mexico.constitute的主语表示事物的组成部分,宾语表示事物的整体。例如:The United States, Canada, and Mexico constitute North America.Seven days constitute a week.七天为一周。

20.a man-to-man talk: A talk that takes place between two men, especially two men who need to discuss a serious personal matter.开诚布公地谈一谈

21.meddle with his children’s affairs 22.interfere with their affairs 23.fade: vi.1)lose color or brightness eg.The wallpaper has faded.2)disappear slowly

eg.随着天气越来越冷,她早锻炼的热情逐渐消失了。Her enthusiasm for early-morning exercises faded as the weather was getting colder and colder.24.fade away 逐渐消失

25.fade out 逐渐消失;淡出

26.overall: 1)adv.in general eg.Overall, I like her, despite her faults.2)adj.total(only before noun)

eg.The overall length of the fish is 3 feet 5 inches.28.trade for: exchange(sth.)for(sth.else)29.农民用农产品换工具和钱.The farmers traded farm produce for tools and money.30.keep in suspense: delay telling(sb.)what they are eager to know 31.eg.We’ve been kept in suspense waiting for the examination results.32.观众的悬念一直持续到剧终。The audience is kept in suspense to the very end of the play.33.break the suspense 消除悬念

34.hold sb.in suspense 使某人处于悬念之中 35.be in suspense over 对„„悬疑不安

36.interrupt: v.stop(sb.)from continuing what they are saying or doing eg.My daughter kept interrupting me when I spoke.38.bet: 1)vi.be sure 39.I bet it will snow tomorrow.40.I bet she was late for the meeting on purpose.41.2).v.risk(money)on the result of a future event 42.I bet you $5 that they will win the next election.43.I bet on the wrong horse.It lost the race.44.distract: vt.take(sb.’s attention)away from sth.esp.for a short time 45.Don’t distract me from working.46.She was distracted by the noise outside.47.玩电脑游戏有时让他写作业分心。Playing computer games sometimes distracts him from his homework.48.Pattern: distract sb./sth./ distract sb./sth.from 49.glorious: adj.wonderful 50.It seems a pity to be indoors on such a glorious day.51.hand down: give or leave to people who are younger or come later 52.她有一些珠宝,是从她祖母那儿传下来的。She had some jewelry, which had been handed down from her grandmother.53.hand in 上交;交给

54.hand on 传递;依次传下去 55.hand out 分给;分发 56.hand over 交出;移交

57.community: n.the people living in one place, district, or country, considered as a whole 58.The job of a policeman is to serve the community.59.College students have learned a lot in community service.60.narrow down: make(a list of things)smaller 一百多位申请者将会被减少成仅仅五位候选人。Over a hundred applicants will be narrowed down to a short list of five candidates.62.at any rate: whatever may happen;in any case 63.At any rate, you survived the car accident.64.birth rate 出生率 65.first-rate 一流的

66.at this / that rate 这样/那样的话;照这样/那样的情形 67.rate of exchange 汇率

68.speed, rate & pace 这几个词都是名词,都有“速度”的意思。

speed一般指单位时间内所运动的距离。例如:He drove at a speed of 70 miles per hour.We can’t go any faster.We’re already at top speed.我们不能再快了。我们已经全速前进了。

rate指比率、率,如速度、出生率、入学率等。指速度时可与speed换用。例如:She can read at the rate of 100 words a minute.He must pay at the rate of 10 percent.他必须按照百分之十的比率付款。

pace主要指行走、跑步等的步速,也可指生活、生长、进展等方面的速度、进度等。例如:If you advance one pace, I will shoot you.你再向前走一步,我就开枪了。

The work progressed at a slow pace.工作进展很慢。

75.It is more likely to get this over with.还不如说,是把这份罪受完算了。76.exhaust: vt.1)make(sb.)very tired, either physically or mentally

e.g.What an exhausting day!77.Four hours’ work almost exhausted her.78.2)use up completely eg.They have exhausted the supply of oxygen.79.What will we do if we exhaust our reserves of oil? 80.tired, exhausted & worn out 这几个词都是形容词,都有“累、疲惫”的意思。

81.tired为常见词,但本身没有指明精力的削减程度。例如:He became tired from hours’ reading.82.exhausted 指体力、精力的完全损耗,难以恢复或需要较长时间才可恢复。例如:He returned at last, too exhausted to eat anything.83.worn out 指过度使用而失去价值或功效。例如:He divorced his wife because he was worn out from listening to her constant complaints.他因为听烦了妻子没完没了的抱怨而和她离了婚。84.repeatedly: adv.again and again 我们反复要求员工不允许在办公室吸烟。We have repeatedly requested that staff should not be allowed to smoke in the office.86.swallow: v.cause or allow(esp.food or drink)to go down the throat;hide or suppress a feeling 87.eg.Chew your food properly before swallowing it.88.frank: adj.showing one’s thoughts and feelings openly

89.If you want my frank opinion, I don’t think the plan will succeed.90.It is clear that my students have been frank with me.Pattern:

be frank with sb.be frank about sth.93.And it’s not just one of us who’ve felt the heavy hand of interference.Oh, no, all three of us live in constant dread knowing that at any time disaster can strike不止我一个人深受他横加干预之苦。哦,绝非我一个人。我们兄妹三个整天提心吊胆,知道倒霉的事随时可能来临

94.interference: n.unwanted or unnecessary involvement in sth.95.I wanted to do the thing on my own without outside interference.96.你干涉他的私人事务是没道理的。Your interference in his private affairs is unreasonable.Pattern:

interference in sth.interference with sb 99.constant: adj.1)without stopping 100.He was in constant pain.I have had a constant headache for three days.102.2)unchanging 产品的价格不是固定的,而是随供求的变化而变化。

The price of the product is not constant but varies with supply and demand.105.in charge of: having control(over)or responsibility(for)106.I am in charge of the department.107.He was left in charge of the shop while the manager was away.108.take charge of 负责

109.in one’s charge 由某人照管 110.on a charge of 以„„罪名

111.bring a charge against sb.指控某人 112.face a charge 面临控告 113.exceptional: adj.unusual 114.All her children are intelligent, but the youngest boy is really exceptional.115.He was an exceptional man with great business talents.116.fill out: complete(a document or form)by supplying required information 117.Please fill out the application form and signed it at the bottom.118.fill in 填入;填上 119.fill in for sb.临时代替 120.fill up 填满;装满 121.fill with 用„„填满

122.proof: n.evidence or facts that are sufficient to establish a thing as true or believable 123.美国研究人员发现证据证明,不吸烟的人与吸烟的人一起工作也能得癌症。Researchers in America have found proof that non-smokers can develop cancer by working with smokers.124.junior: adj.1)younger 125.Jane is several years junior to her husband.126.Do you want John Brown Senior or John Brown Junior, the father or the son? 127.Abbrs.: Jr.or jr., used after the name of a person who has the same name as his father, e.g.Tom Brown, Jr.128.2)lower in rank than others 129.He is a junior officer.130.他被提升为高级职员之前,做了三年低级职员。He had been a junior clerk for three years before he was promoted to senior clerk.131.be drenched to the bone 132.The wheel is still in spin.133.heed the call 听从召唤 134.The battle is raging.135.shake the windows and rattle the walls 136.beyond your command 137.draw a line 138.cast a curse 139.in one’s early twenties

140.many a young man= many young people 141.blame sb for all the ills of the world 142.welcome sth ←→ resist sth 143.Change is coming whether we like it or not, coming like a flood that no one can escape.144.comment on the news 145.predict what will happen next 146.The wheel of fortune is still spinning and those at the bottom of society may find themselves later rising up.147.protest songs 148.be aimed against injustice 149.warn sb not to stand in the way of sb 150.step aside 151.sit up

cf.stay up 152.take notice of 153.center around: be mainly about 154.somehow or other 155.end up doing 156.for the sake of: for the purpose of 157.carry things to extremes 作了极度夸张 158.As the lights come up,… 159.Down Right 舞台右前方

160.address the audience: speak to the audience 161.waiting tables: working as a waiter 162.figure: count 163.pull dumb things on sb: play stupid tricks on sb 164.in unison:

cf.in chorus 165.a couple of: several 166.squat behind sw 167.no problem: out of question

cf.out of the question: impossible 168.spread one’s hands, palms up, speaking to oneself

169.What did I do to deserve this? 我干了什么要受这份罪? 170.a typical teenager 171.lose interest in 172.assure sb that… 173.address a subject 174.help sb through life’s dangerous sea帮助他驶过人生的惊涛骇浪 175.(metaphor)compare life to an arduous sea voyage 176.I can’t imagine why.我真弄不明白。177.have a nice chat 178.(lights)fade to black 179.(lights)come up 180.a second or two later 181.once in a while: on occasion;occasionally 182.give sth more thought(before doing sth)183.sb be seated around the dining table 184.set a dish on the table 185.pull out one’s chair 186.have a surprise for sb 187.keep /leave sb in suspense 188.stage whisper to sb 189.simultaneously: at the same time;meanwhile 190.ask sb to the senior prom 191.clench one’s teeth

cf.clenched teeth 192.in a monotone 193.be evenly spaced 194.Well then.那就算了。195.become hysterical 196.not yet: so far not 197.give sb the respect(he/she deserves)198.roll one’s eyes 199.It’s my treat.200.be short with sb: speak briefly and rather rudely to sb because of impatience or anger 201.Do get on with it.快说吧。

202.glorious dessert: wonderful/delicious dessert 203.hand down an old recipe to me 204.at any rate: in any case 205.have a lot of the same interests: have a lot in common 206.community: the people living in one place as a whole 207.global peace 208.human welfare: happiness/good health/prosperity 209.breath hard: 喘着粗气

210.nod one’s head up and down 211.repeatedly: again and again 212.I owe you one.我记着你的情。cf.IOU 白条子 213.tell sb of sth: tell sb sth 214.What has come over you? 你怎么啦?

215.It’s more likely to get this over with.还不如说是快把这份罪受完算了。216.little scheme 小计策 217.swallow hard尽力忍住

218.She had to swallow hard in her position as a housemaid.219.swallow: 1.allow(sth)to go down the throat 2.hide or suppress a feeling 220.jut out one’s chin at sb 冲着sb撅起下巴 221.jerk one’s head around to face sb 扭头面对sb 222.Being the sort of man he is,„以他的为人。。223.frank: showing one’s feelings openly 224.be frank with sb/about sth 225.To be frank with you, I think you’re making a mistake.226.be humiliated 227.an honor student 228.a class president: monitor 229.He is a dear.他挺可爱的

230.an executive-type desk and chair 办公桌椅 231.admit new students to sw 232.be more than willing to do: be very willing to do 233.exceptional: unusual 出类拔萃的 234.fill out =fill in 235.I don’t know where she got her brains: I don’t know why she is so bright 236.lose one’s patience: become impatient

237.have proof of sth: have evidence of 证据、证明(u.n.)238.carry on with his line of thought 沿着自己的思路讲下去 239.talented: gifted 240.twist one’s hands 搓拧着手

241.place/finish/come first in the annual spelling bee/contest 242.be eager for knowledge 243.be that as it may: 不过。。244.dining room

cf.canteen 245.capital tragedy 主要的悲剧

246.a blunder n.大错, 失误

cf.glaring errors大错误;明显的错误 247.be dumb with astonishment at their beauty 248.establish welfare systems to provide a safety net 249.through the ages 经过漫长的岁月 250.face extinction 251.his junior year in high school 252.beat about/around the bush 253.honk one’s horns

254.Security Council联合国安全理事会 255.The hotel overlooks the lake.256.tire sb out: make sb exhausted 257.sth be worth a fortune 258.look out for talented college graduates 259.be adequate/anxious/certain/sure/content/crazy/likely/liable/fortunate/lucky/keen/eager to do sth 260.be admitted to sw 被允许进入;被录取 261.Whatever does that mean? 262.Whatever it is that you like,… 263.be worried to death 264.be scared to death 265.along with=together with=coupled with 266.a simple matter 267.pose for the picture 268.(hair)be dyed bright red 269.consider one’s feeling upon seeing sth 270.develop the pictures 冲洗照片 271.smooth out sth 消除, 使平滑 272.smooth down

消除, 变平静 273.respectably : decently


275.from one’s point of view: from one’s viewpoint: form one’s perspective 276.This does not always come easy.277.prizefighter n.职业拳击手 278.be knocked out 279.the heavyweight champion of the world 280.in the face of 281.to the contrary 282.hold the crown 拥有荣耀 283.the ring 职业拳击界 284.step for step: step by step 285.be conscious of sth: be aware of 286.ball park: 棒球场 287.gravely郑重其事地 288.go to the bathroom 289.be overwhelmed by 惊喜万分

290.fire strike after strike 投出一个又一个好球 291.hit a home run击出一个本垒打 292.direct ancestors of :

。。的前身 293.走到阳光下emerge into the sun 294.on the right-field side of the park 在右外场侧面 295.batting practice击球练习296.a carrot stick胡萝卜条 297.polish off sth一扫而光

298.in a rotten mood情绪糟透了 299.take the field 上场(击球)300.不很情愿地without much grace 301.the troubled look on his face不安的神情 302.shake my mood摆脱心境

303.on Storrow Drive: on Storrow Street 304.have sth/sw to oneself 305.exhibition hall 306.acknowledge to myself that…

307.don’t measure up to my expectations辜负了我的期望

308.be out of line(with sth)1.(与„)没有并列的2.不一致、不协调地309.a battle of wills 两种意志的对峙 310.stand up for

v.支持 311.life-sized 312.space capsule n.太空舱, 太空船 313.hold out for 坚持不放弃 314.let go of放弃 315.in a couple years

←→ be in line with


Unit 1 Ways of Learning

 Pair Work

1.What were the author and his wife doing in Nanjing in the spring of 1987? They were studying arts education in Chinese kindergartens and elementary schools in Nanjing.2.What was their son Benjamin fond of doing during their stay at the Jinling Hotel? Their 18-month-old son Benjamin was fond of trying to place the key into the slot of the key box during their stay at the Jinling Hotel.3.How would Chinese staff members of the hotel respond to Benjamin’s attempt to the key into the slot?

They would come over to watch Benjamin and then try to teach him how to do it properly.4.Why did the author decide to work the key-slot anecdote into his discussions with Chinese educators?

Because he realized that this anecdote was directly relevant to their assigned tasks in China: to investigate early childhood education and to throw light on Chinese attitudes toward creativity.5.What did his Chinese collegues think of the key-slot incident?

Most of them displayed the same attitude as the staff at the Jinling Hotel.6.What did the author emphasize in presenting his views about the incident?

He emphasized that the most important thing is to teach the child that on can solve a problem effectively by oneself.7.What does the author emphasize in presenting his views about the incident?

He means that this incident pointed to important differences in educational and artistic practices between China and the USA.8.In what way does the author associate the key-slot incident with “teaching by holding his hand”?

The manner in which the Chinese staff saw the need to teach the child by guiding his hand in the characteristic of a broader attitude to education, one that stands in contrast to the Western preference for leaving the child to explore and learn unaided.9.What examples does the author give to illustrate childhood education in the arts in China?

One example is of children at the age of 5 or 6 painting flowers, fish and animals skillfully and confidently;in a second example, calligraphers 9 and 10 years old were producing works;and in a third, young artists work on perfecting their craft for several hours a day.10.How do Americans and Chinese differ in their attitudes to creativity?

Americans think that unless creativity has been acquired early, it may never emerge, and skills can be picked up later.Chinese think that if skills are not acquired early, they may never be acquired, and there is no hurry to promote creativity.11.What makes them take different positions on the question of creativity? This is mainly due to the difference in their way of thinking.12.What suggestion goes the author make about seeking a better approach to fostering skills and creativity?

The author makes the suggestion that we should strike a better balance between the poles of creativity and basic skills. Vocabulary1、To use the machine, first the correct coins, then select the drink you want and press the button.如何使用这种自动售货机,首先要真确插入硬币,然后选则你要的饮料,最后按下按钮。

2、Professor Smith translated not only from the French but also, , from the Polish.Smith教授不仅仅翻译法语,有时候,他也会翻译波兰语。

3、Food chemists willthe health food on sale to see if it really does give the benefits claimed.食物学家们将要调查研究市面上出售的保健视频,来看看是否他们真正含有他们宣传所宣称拥有的营养。

4、, it was the wrong time to open a new data processing center in this city.回顾往昔,在那个时候在这个城市创立一个新的数据处理中心是个错误的时机。

5、Myreaction to the news was relief, but as I thought more about it I began to feel angry.听到这则消息,我起初的反应是放松,不过当我再去想它时,我开始感到气愤了。

6、A full understanding of mathematics is sufficient to explain a wide variety of natural.充分掌握数学,就可以充分解释各种各样的自然界的现象。

7、Make sure the label is firmly to the parcel before you mail it.当你要寄包裹时,一定要确保标签已经牢牢地粘在包裹上了。

8、My boyfriend bought me dinner to being late the day before.我男朋友为我买了一顿晚餐,来弥补昨天的迟到。

9、The committeea decision from the head office before it takes any action.这个委员会在采取行动前,正在等待首席办公室的决定。

10、The little girl did seem to be frightened of being left by herself in the house.这个小女孩至少看上去不像怕被一个人留在家里。

11、The WTO is intended totrade among its member states.世贸组织意图促进各成员国见的贸易。

12、When the moonfrom behind the clouds I made out a figure moving in the distance.当月亮从云彩后面出现时,我辨认出了远处那个移动的人地身影。

1、Chinese isn’t a subject that can in a month.Youyour goal of mastering the language unless you work at it for years.It sounds as if I the difficulties, but the fact is I’m only telling the truth.中文并不是一门可以在一个月内学会的学科。除非你多年学习,否则你不可能在短时期内掌握它。听上去好像我夸大了中文的难度,但是事实上我阐述的都是事实。

2、The principal is disappointed withof the children,From what she has gathered, some of the teaching stafftheir pupils.She has just announced that strict work regulations have been made and that both Chinese and overseas teachers.校长对孩子们的表现不太满意,她对一些教员对学生的忽视不满。她宣称严格的工作规定制度不仅仅适用于中国老师也适用于海外老师。

3、The teacher-directed and the child-directed approaches to teaching art represent two extremes of opinion.Too many teacher-directed activities cannot be expected to effectivelychildren in learning because of the rigid structure.,too many child-directed activities may see a curriculum that is totally unstructured and out of control.Therereasons to believe a teacher-guided approach would beway to guide children’s development.This approach combines some form of structure with the child leading the direction.指导老师和孩子定向方法教学艺术代表两个极端的意见。不能指望太多老师指导活动有效地协助儿童因为刚性结构的学习。另一方面,太多的针对儿童的活动可能会看到一种课程,是完全非结构化和控制。有充分的理由相信一个老师指导的方法将是一种高级的方法来指导儿童发展。这种方法结合儿童主导方向的某种形式的结构。

 Cloze

Is there a between learning styles in China and the West?While we should be careful to avoid the differences, they do appear to exist.In China, for example, greateris given to developing skills at an early age.The Americans,place more emphasis oncreativity in young children, leaving them toskills later.American parents tend to avoid rushing in to their children as they try toa task, thinking it better that children should learn to solve problems by themselves.Such an approach can, ,be mistaken for one’s parental duties by those more used to “teaching by holding the hand,”Both approaches have their disadvantages as well as advantages, and it may well beto search for a method that would combine the best of both worlds.中国与西方的学习方式有什么区别吗?尽管我们试图去避免夸大他们之间的不同时,但是不同还是存在的。例如,在中国,人们优先考虑的是在早年进行技艺的学习。另一方面,美国人更加注重小孩子的创造力的发展,然后才是技艺的学习。但孩子们在完成某件事情时,美国的父母认为孩子们应该学会自己解决问题,他们会尽量避免早早地向孩子们提供帮助。有时,这个方法会让那些经常“手把手教育”的父母误会这些父母在消极怠工。这两种方法都有他们的可取之处和不好的地方,也许,找到一个将二者合二为一的办法能更好。

 Ttanslation1、背离传统需要极大的勇气。(departure,enormous)

It takes an enormous amount of courage to make a departure from the tradition.2、汤姆过去很腼腆,但这次却非常勇敢能在大庭广众面前上台表演了。(performance,bold)

Tom used to be very shy, but this time he was bold enough to give a performance in front of a large audience.3、很多教育家认为从小培养孩子的创新精神是很可取的。(creative,desirable)

Many educators think it desirable to foster the creative spirit in the child at an early age.4、假设(assume)那幅画确实是名作(masterpiece),你觉得值得购买吗?(worthwhile)

Assuming that this painting really is a masterpiece, do you think it’s worthwhile to buy it?

5、如果这些数据统计是站得住脚的,那它将会帮助我们认识正在调查的问题。(throw light on,investigate valid)

If the data is statistically valid, it will throw light on the problem we are investigating.



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