九年级英语下册Unit6 Topic 3 Section D教案(仁爱版)(精选五篇)

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第一篇:九年级英语下册Unit6 Topic 3 Section D教案(仁爱版)

九年级英语下册Unit6 Topic 3 Section




































































































第二篇:仁爱英语九年级 U2T3SA 教案

Unit2 Topic3 Section A精品学案

Learning aims: 1.掌握本课词汇和句型。


Key & difficult points: 1学习由连词,and,but,and和while连接的复合句。2复习与环保有关的词汇与表达自我的观点。

Teaching &Learning Method : revision, discussion, pair work, group work Teaching Procedures Step

1Lead in Do you know how these kinds of pollution affect our environment? What should we do to improve our environment? Step 2 Learn the new words 1.根据音标试读单词

2.Read after the teachers and students.3.Read in pairs and recite the words.4.Check the words.Step 3.Listen to 1a and answer the question:(1)Who is working for an organization that protects the environment? Step 4.Read 1a in different

ways 1.Read 1a after the teacher.2.Read 1a after students.3.Read 1a with your partner.4.Role-play.Show time Step5.Read1a again and fill in the blanks.Finnish 1band 1c.Then check the answers.Step6.key points(Make sentences with the phrases.)1.为一个组织工作 2.帮助传播信息 3.例如 4.减少人为的浪费 5.使用纸的两面 6.塑料袋/瓶 7.鼓励某人做某事 8.以便于 9.不用谢(5)10.环境保护 11.a few+__________,a little+__________ Step 7 阅读2中的每个小题的两个句子,根据句意判断其中的逻辑关系,并按要求用连词合并成一个句子。


1.I like singing_______my sister likes dancing 2.Work hard_______your dream will come true.3. Be careful,_______you'll break that vase(花瓶)4.At first he was a little shy,______now he acts more naturally.5.Almost two fifths of the students in the school are boys____the rest are boys.Step 8.Summary Step 9.Exercise 用括号中所给单词的适当形式填空。

1.My main job is__________(help)these children learn English well.2.You'd better give up__________(smoke).3.Tom nods his head to show his___________(agree)4.The students are having a class meeting to talk about the environment__________(protect)5.---Would you like to go on a picnic with us this Sunday?-----I’d love to, but I have to get my parents’_______first.A.agreement B.surprise C.offer D.share 6.---How______ Lisa deal with so many________?------She will ask the workers to recycle them.A cans;cans B can: cans C cans;can D can: can 7.My sister helps me a lot She often encourages me______English.A study B studying C to study D studies 8.ー I failed my driving test again.-----Don't______.Keep trying and you’ll pass it A put up B.give up C tidy up

D.look up Assignment Finish Section A in your workbook.












1): Units 5-6(in Grade 9)

Unit 5:Knowing aboutChina.(fifteen periods)

Exam:(two periods)

Unit 6:Entertainment and Friendship(fifteen periods)

Exam:(two periods)

2): Grade 8:(nine periods)

3): Grade 7:(two periods)

4):Review the sentence patterns and the main points what the students have

learnt.(the left time)











Topic 2 All these problems are very serious.Section A


The main activities are 1a and 2.本课重点活动是1a和2。

Ⅰ.Teaching aims and demands 教学目标

1.Learn a new word and some phrases:

as a result, behavior, in the beginning, day by day, die out

2.Learn some useful sentences:

(1)As a result, air pollution has become a serious problem.(2)Humans have come to realize the importance of protecting animals.3.Learn the indefinite pronoun and adverb:

(1)None of us likes pollution.(2)Don’t spit anywhere in public.(3)Everyone should care for wild animals and plant more trees.4.Learn the importance of protecting the environment.Ⅱ.Teaching aids 教具


Ⅲ.Five-finger Teaching Plan 五指教学方案

Step 1 Review 第一步




T: What kind of pollution is it?


It is noise pollution.T: What harm can it cause?


It can disturb others and make people feel uncomfortable and unpleasant.S2:

It does great harm to people’s hearing.It can even make people sick or deaf.T: Good.How should we solve this problem?


Don’t always listen to loud pop music.S4:

Don’t make a loud noise in public.…


Step 2 Presentation 第二步




T: It is too dirty and there is too much heavy smoke outside.I can’t stand it.1.(教师展示1a的图片,导入新课。)

T: Do you like the environment here?


No, we don’t.T: Why?


Because there is too much smoke.It’s a serious air pollution.T: Very good.We should stop burning coal.It is said that China has become the world’s largest producer and user of coal.As a result, air pollution has become a serious problem.

第五篇:仁爱英语九年级Unit 6教案

Teaching Plan Unit 6 Entertainment and Friendship

Topic 1 Do you like watching TV Key words and phrases: alive, upon, hide, honest, compare, advertisement, raise, would rather…than…, fall in love, depend on, once upon a time Grammar focus: Review Attributive Clause Sentence patterns: 1.Could you teach me how to play? 2.It’s hard for me to learn to play Chinese chess.3.I hope someday I can take part in a quiz show and win a prize.4.— Which programs do you prefer, TV shows or sports shows? — I would rather watch TV shows than sports shows.5.They are kind and always ready to help others.6.However, sometimes you do not forgive others.7.The words about plants and animals are used in positive or negative ways in different cultures.8.Television has a huge influence on our lives.9.Television sometimes is like a baby-sitter.It spends more time with children than parents do.10.They spend less time playing soccer or walking in the park or playing games in the yard.Teaching Procedures: Section A Step 1 Ask and answer, according to some daily lives.Step 2 Introduce some kinds of TV programs.Students look at the screen and talk about them.Learn the dialog in Part 1a and answer the questions.Explain some language items in the dialog.Step 3 Students look at the screen and talk about the TV programs, using the sentence patterns: would rather… than…, prefer… to… , I like… best, my favorite TV programs is… etc.Step 4 Look at the screen and talk about each picture, then match the picture with its description in 1c.Check the answers.Step 5 Listening comprehension.Listen to the tape and choose the correct answers.Introduce the film Jane Eyre to the students in brief words.Step 6

Sum up the language points in this section.Step 7 Homework assignment.Section B Step 1 Ask students to talk about their favorite TV programs in pairs.Step 2 Introduce the twelve star signs to the students.And ask what star sign they are under.Step 3 Listen to the tape in 1a and answer the questions in 1b.Step 4 Talk about the story about Scorpio in 2a.Ask students to try to say more about it.Pick up some language points and explain them for the students.Step 5 Read the story again and discuss the questions in 2b.Step 6 Summary and homework.Ask students to search for more information about the star signs and talk about the characteristics of the people under the same star sign.Section C Step 1 Talk about the characteristics of people who under the same star sign with you.Work in pairs or groups.Then ask some of them to present it.Step 2 Look at the pictures in 1a and talk about each of them, three or more sentences for each.Then make dialogs about them, following the models in 1a.Step 3 Listen to the tape and number the pictures in 1a.Step 4 Read and understand.Read the passage in 2a, Different countries have different cultures.Explain the differences between western culture and Chinese culture.Ask the students to say more about it.Step 5 Students read the passage again and try to retell it in class.Step 6 Fill out the form in 2b, check the answers.Encourage the students to say more about the differences between western culture and Chinese culture.Step 7 Sum up the language points together with the students.Homework assignment.Section D Step 1 Talk about the sayings about “dog” and “cat” in Chinese and English.Say something more about the differences between Chinese culture and western culture.Step 2 Read the passage in 1a and find out its main idea.Pick up some language points.Step 3 Ask the students to show their own opinions about the TV.Then share their ideas together.The statement in 1b may help them.Step 4 Get students to sum up the useful expressions together.Step 5 Learn something about the debate.Show the students how to debate.Help them to find an interesting topic to have a try.Step 6 Ask students to review the whole section.Get ready for the test.Topic 2 The Monkey King is my favorite character.Key words and phrases: bee, keep on, get stuck, be known for Grammar:(1)Attributive clause(2)Adverbial clause(3)Object clause Sentence patterns:(1)It’s a pity that he died when he was very young.(2)If you work hard at painting, it won’t be difficult for you to succeed.(3)Well, that depends on what kind of paintings you want to learn.(4)While you are there, you can also learn about the lives of the artists.(5)What kind of art do you prefer, modern art or traditional art?(6)The way he shows things in the distance is different from the way Gu Kaizhi does.(7)Perhaps that is the reason why I prefer to paint landscapes.(8)Could you tell me something about the Monkey King?(9)One tree can’t make a forest.(10)During the journey they had an argument, ….(11)They kept on walking until they found a pond.(12)…, but luckily he was saved by his friend.After that, he carved on a stone, …(13)When someone hurts you, you should write it in the sand from which the wind can erase it easily.(14)Do you agree that it is good to forgive your friends when they hurt you?(15)But we like him for different reasons.Teaching procedures: Section A Step 1 Ask students to look at the screen and try to say something about the pictures — Vincent van Gogh and his most famous painting, Vase with twelve sunflowers.Introduce the new lessons.Step 2 Students listen to the tape and answer the questions.Explain “Dutch, painter, It’s a pity that …”.Step 3 Students discuss whether they want to be an artist.And show the reasons, with the help of the statements in 1b.Step 4 Group work.Students talk about their favorite artists and paintings.And ask some of them to present their opinions.Step 5 Look at the screen and talk about the paintings and their authors.Help students say more about them.And mention the background of each painting, help them to understand art better.Step 6 Make a survey about the classmates’ favorite kinds of paintings.Then fill our the forms according to the results of the survey.Step 7 Homework.Section B Step 1 Students talk about the pictures in 3a, Section A.Step 2 Introduce Gu Kaizhi, the father of landscape paintings in ancient China.And show his most famous painting — Luoshenfu.Ask students to say something about it.Step 3 Listen to the tape and answer the questions.Get students to make a comparative between the paintings by Gu Kaizhi and Vincent van Gogh.Step 4 Discuss and fill out the form in 1b.Ask students to show their ideas about the two painters.Step 5 Listen to the tape and number the pictures in the correct order.Then say something about the birth of the Monkey King.Step 6 Homework assignment.Section C Step 1 Students tell the story of Journey to the west.Step 2 Say something about the novel Journey to the west and Harry Potter.Talk about the main characters in both novels.Step 3 Listen to the tape and answer the questions.Explain some items for the students.Help them to say more about the novels.Step 4 Discuss and fill in the form in 1b.Check the answers.Step 5 Read and understand the passage in 2a.Sand and Stone.Get students to sum up the main idea of the passage.Make the students talk about the true friendship.Step 6 Look at the two pictures in 3, and choose one of them and describe it.Write a short story about it after class.Step 7 Summary and homework.Section D Step 1 Talk about the pictures in 3, Section C.Step 2 Listen to the tape and complete the passage with the correct words.Check the answers with the students.Get students to sum up some grammar focus in the passage themselves.Step 3 Talk about your favorite hero in literature in pair.Ask some of them to present their opinions.Step 4 Get students to sum up the useful expressions in this topic together.Step 5 Look at the screen, talk about these famous people and their works.Ask them to search for more information about them.Step 6 Class activities.Read and enjoy.Students read the poem A Fantasy loudly.Step 7 Homework assignment.Topic 3 I will never forget our friendship.Key words and phrases:

chalk, handwriting, dozen, cheap, package, smooth, pound, dollar, penny, hurry, head, awake, dozens of, to one’ joy, hurry up, at any time now, in the future Sentences patterns:(1)How time flies!(2)It’s a piece of cake.(3)We have worked so hard that we will be able to pass it easily.(4)Where there is a will, there is a way.(5)Although they are cheap, they are valuable to remember our friendship.(6)As the saying goes, It’s the thought than counts.(7)You don’t need to say sorry.(8)What I will remember are all the good times we’ve spent together.(9)I’ve learned a lot from you all, my dear teachers and my good friends.(10)To my great joy, I won the Excellent Student Award in my class.(11)Thanks to my teachers and friends, I’ve made so much progress.(12)After graduation, I will keep on working hard to realize my dreams.(13)The graduation ceremony is exciting because it marks the end of a period in a student’s school life.(14)She will miss her plane if she doesn’t hurry up.(15)I’m sad to be here watching you all head back home.(16)I’m sorry I have to go now.(17)Keep in touch.(18)Have a safe flight!

Teaching procedures: Section A Step 1 Students listen to the songs the sound of silence and Auld Lang Syne.Step 2 Listen and read the passage in 1a.Retell it.Fill in the blanks in 1b.Pick up some language points for students.Step 3 Group work.Talk about what you will do before leaving school and report to your class.Step 4 Listen , read and say in 3a.Ask some of the students to act out the dialog.Step 5 Make dialog about shopping for the coming graduation ceremony.Step 6 Listen comprehension.Listen and mark the statements T or F.Step 7 Get students to sum up the language items in this section.Step 8 Homework.Section B Step 1 Retell 1a in Section A.Step 2 Listen to the tape and answer the questions.Fill in the blanks in 1b.Check the answers.Explain some sentences.Step 3 Read and understand.Speeches during the Graduation Ceremony.Answer the questions on the screen.Explain some language points.Step 4 Read 2a again and choose similar meanings for the underline parts.Check the answers together.Step 5 Pair work.Discuss with your partner what you are going to say at the graduation ceremony.Then give a report.Step 6 Homework assignment.Section C Step 1 Give your own speech for the coming graduation ceremony in front of the class.Step 2 Introduce the new lessons, about graduation ceremony.Read and understand.Read the passage and answer the questions to help students to understand the passage well.Step 3 Get students to pick up some language points in the passage themselves.And then sum up.Step 4 Work alone.Fill in the form in 1c.Step 5 Choose the best answers to complete the dialog and then practice it with your partner.Step 6 Homework.What will you say to your old friends and how will you feel during graduation ceremony? Write a short passage about it.Section D Step 1 Students talk about the procedures at graduation ceremony.Step 2 Listen to the tape and answer the questions.Students pick up the language points themselves.Step 3 Read the dialog again and ask some students to act out the dialog.Step 4 Read the e-mail from Maria to Jane, and fill in the blanks in right forms of the words given.Check the answers.Step 5 Get students to sum up the useful expressions in this topic.Step 6 Ask students to try their best to finish the final project.Step 7 Review the whole topic and assign the homework.

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