
时间:2019-05-15 06:17:42下载本文作者:会员上传


.教学环节中的指令和用语(Directions while teaching)(1)Ready?/Are you ready?准备好了吗?

(2)Do you understand?Understand? Can you follow me? Is that clear?听懂了吗?清楚了吗?

(3)I’ll ask some students to answer the questions / write the words on the blaxkboard / come to the front to play the game / to sing this song.Who would like to answer the question? Any volunteers?我要叫几个学生回答问题/把单词写到黑板上/来前面做游戏/唱这首歌。谁想回答这个问题?有自愿的吗?

(4)----It’s your turn, Tom.Whose turn is it? Can you have a try, Tom? Who wants to have a try? You / Tom / Next one, please?汤姆,轮到你了。轮到谁了?汤姆,你能试一下吗?谁想试一试?你/汤姆/下一个试一试?----OK, let me have a try.好的,我试一下。

(5)Do you know what to do?Think it over and try again.Try / Do your best.你知道怎么做吗?仔细想想再试一次。尽力做。

(6)Don’t be shy / afraid / nervous.Take it easy.别害羞/怕/紧张。放松。

(6)Be quiet,please.May I have your attention, please? Attention, please.请安静。请注意。

(7)Listen, please.Listen to me carefully, please.Listen to the tape recorder/the recording.请听。请仔细听我说。请听录音。

(8)Look carefully,please.Look over here.Look this way.Watch carefully.Are your watching?请仔细看。看这里。朝这边看。仔细观察。你在认真看吗?

(9)Please look at the black-board/picture/map.请看黑板/图画/地图。

(10)Pay attention to your spelling/pronunciation / handwriting.请注意你的拼写/发音/书法。

(11)Start.Start now.Ready? Begin.One, Two, Three, begin / start.开始。预备,开始。一、二、三,开始。(12)Everybody together.All together now, please.Now all the boys / girls, please.Just the boys / girls./大家一起(说或读)。请所有男生/女生(说或读)。

(13)Practise / Work in a group.Practise in groups.In groups,please.In pairs,please.进行小组训练。请两个两个地练习。

(14)I’ll get / divide you into three groups.我要把你们分成三组。(15)Everybody find a partner/friend.大家都要找一个合作者/同学。(16)One at a time.Let’s do it one by one.一次一个。我们一个一个地做。(17)Next,please.Now you do the same,please.请下一个。请你做同样的。(18)Let’s act.Let’s act out/do the dialogue.我们表演对话吧。

(19)Who wants to be A?Can you be A? Now Tom will be A,and the other will be B.谁想当A?你可以当A吗?汤姆当A,另一个当B。

(20)Practise the dialogue / text / sentences,please.请练习对话/课文/句子。

(21)Please take / play the part of the teacher / soldier / grandpa / elephant.请扮演老师/战士/大象的角色。(22)Say/Read after me,please.Follow me,please.Repeat,please.Repeat after me.请跟我读。(23)Once more / again, please.One more time, please.请再说一遍。

(24)Put up your hands, please.Raise your hand, please./ Hands up, please.请举手。(25)Put your hands down, please.Hands down,please.请放下手。

(26)Come here,please.Please come to the front.Come up and write it on the blackboard.请过来。请到前面来。过来写到黑板上。

(27)Please go back to your seat.Back to your seat, please.请回到你的座位上去。

(28)In English,please.Say/Write it in Chinese/English.请用英语。用汉语或英语说或写。(29)I say it in Chinese and you say it in English.我说汉语你说英语。

(30)Listen and repeat.Look and listen.Look at the picture and talk about it.听然后跟读。看图说话。

(31)Stop talking.No talking, please.Stop talking now,please.Don’t talk.Everybody, be quiet,please.Don’t make any noise.不要讲话。大家请保持安静。别吵闹。

(32)Fast.Quickly!Be quick,please.Hurry!Hurry up,please.快一点。

(33)Slow down,please.Slowly.Please speak a little more slowly and clearly.请慢一些。请说的慢一些、清楚一些。(34)Come on, Tom.Don’t worry about it.Give it a try.I am sure you can do it well.加油,汤姆。别担心。试一试。我相信你能行。

(35)Let’s clap hands for Tom.Let’s cheer for Tom.我们为汤姆拍手(祝贺)。我们为汤姆加油。

(36)Who can talk about the picture? Who can draw some pictures about the words?谁能看图说话?谁能根据这些词画图画?

(37)Let’s have dictation.Please get ready for dictation.我们要听写。准备听写。

(38)What is the English for书包?What is the Chinese for book?What does the word mean? What is the meaning of the word?书包英语怎么说?book汉语怎么说?这个单词什么意思?

(39)What is the difference between the two words / desk and table?这两个单词/desk和table有什么区别?(40)Draw a circle around the right answer.Tick the correct answer.圈出正确答案。勾出正确答案。

(41)How can / do you spell / read / the word? Do you knnow how to spell the word? Can you make a sentence with the word?如何拼/读这个单词?你知道如何拼这个单词吗?你能用这个词造句吗? 7.请求(Request)

(1)Will / Would you please say it again?请再说一遍好吗?(2)Can you come to the blackboard?你能到黑板这里吗?(3)Could you please try it again?你能否再试一试?

(4)Would you like to help me put up the map on the blackboard?请帮我把地图挂在黑板上好吗? 8.评价

(1)Good.God job.Good work.Nice work.Well done.You have done a good job.好。做得好。(2)Very good.Excellent.Great.Wonderful.Excellent.Perfect.很好。好极了。(3)You are so clever / smart.你太聪明了。

(4)Right.That’s right.Quite right.That’s a good answer.That’s it.Yes, you’ve got it.对。不错的答案。你说对了。(5)Sorry, I don’t think so.对不起,我认为不对。

(6)Not exactly.That’s not quite right.Any other answers?Can anyone help him/her? That’s(much)better.That’s almost right.不完全对。还有别的回答吗?有人能帮着他或她回答吗?答得好多了。差不多了。(7)Don’t worry about It.No problem.别担心。没问题。

(8)You are making progress evry day.You are getting better every day.You are learning fast.Keep it up.Keep on trying!你每天进步很大。你学得很快。保持下去!继续努力!

(9)You read quite well.You speak English very well.I am pleased with your spoken English.你读得很好。你的英语说得不错。我对你的口语很满意。

(10)Congratulations!You are always the best.祝贺你!你总是最棒的!(11)Wow, a good try!哇哦,做得好!9.布置作业(Setting homework)

(1)For today’s homework…今天作业是…。

(2)Practise after class.Practise at home.课后练习。在家练习。(3)Read it aloud, before you write it down.记下之前先朗读。(4)Copy/Write each word twice.每个词抄写两遍。

(5)Remember(Memorize)these words/sentences.记住这些词/句子。

(6)Learn these words/these sentences/this text by heart.把这些词/句子/课文背过。10.下课(Dismissing the class)

(1)Hand in your workbooks, please.请把练习本交上。(2)Time is up.Let’s stop here / now.时间到了,我们就此停下。(3)That’s all for today./ So much for today’s class.今天的课就上到这里。

(4)Class is over.Good bye.Bye.See you next time / tomorrow.下课,再见。明天/下次见


















To begin a day.晨间入园

1.Good morning.Morning!早上好!(幼儿:Good morning!)2.How are you? 你好吗?(幼儿:I am fine.Thank you.)3.Nice to see you.见到你很高兴。Nice to see you, too.4.Hello, Jim!

你好,吉姆。5.Hi, Jim!你好,吉姆。

6.I miss you very much.我真想你们呀。7.How polite you are!你真有礼貌!8.Come in, please!请进!

9.Are you happy today?

你今天高兴吗? 10.Where did you go yesterday?

你昨天去哪了? 11.How was you weekend? 你周末过的怎么样? 12.Why are you looking unhappy? 你怎么不开心? 13.Are you OK? 你还好吗?

14.Let me take your temperature.我来量一下你的体温。

15.What is my temperature?


16.Say bye-bye to your MummyDaddy.和妈妈爸爸说再见。17.Please take off your coat.请把外套脱掉。

18.Take a chair and sit there.搬把椅子坐在那里。19.Play with the toys, do you? 玩会儿玩具,好吗? 20.Read the book, do you?

看看书,好吗? 21.Please water the flowers.请浇浇花。

22.Please help me clean the table.请帮我擦擦桌子。

23.What a pretty dress you are wearing.你的衣服真漂亮。24.Who bought it for you?

谁给你买的? 25.Who has been to Beijing?

谁去过北京? 26.Who took you to Beijing?

谁带你去的? 27.Where else have you been? 你还去过哪? Breakfast(早餐)

1.It’s time for breakfast.该吃早饭了。2.Please wash hands.请洗手。

3.Please wash your hands before you eat.吃东西前请洗手。

4.Did you wash your hands? Let me have a look/check.你洗手了吗?让我看看。5.Please wash your hands with soap.打打肥皂。

6.Breakfast is ready.Please sit by the table.早餐好了,请坐到桌边来。

7.Today, we have milk and bread for our breakfast.今天的早餐是牛奶和面包。8.Please rinse your mouth after eating.吃完东西漱口。

Call the Roll(点名)

1.Let’s call the roll.我们点名吧。

2.Answer when your name is called.叫到你的名字时请答“到”。3.Is everyone here? 都到齐了吗? 4.Who is not here? 今天谁没到? 5.Who is absent? 谁没来?

6.Wang Lin ,please stand up and say“here”.王林,请喊“到”。7.Let’s count „“One, two, three.”我们数一下,1,2,3„„ 8.Who’s on duty today?今天谁值日? 9.You have done your duty very well.你的值日做的很好。10.Are you on duty? 是你值日吗?

11.Tom is on duty today.汤姆今天值曰。12.Louder, please.请大点声。Morning Exercises(早操)

1.It’s time to do morning exercises, please go out and line up.现在是早操时间,请出去排队。

2.Make one line/two lines.请排成一队/两队。3.Two lines, please.请排成两队。4.At ease.Attention.稍息!立正!5.Look forward!向前看。

6.Stamp your feet, right, left„原地踏步。一二一„„

7.Look at me, boys and girls.Place do as I do.请看着我,跟我做。8.Let’s go back to the classroom!我们回教室吧!9.One by one, please.一个接一个。10.No pushing, please.请不要推。11.Please don’t be crowded.不要挤。12.Make two lines, please.请排成两排。

13.Boys are here.(Boys line up here.)男孩子在这儿。14.Girls are there.(Girls line up there.)女孩子在那儿。

In classroom


1.Let’s begin.我们开始吧

2.Mary and Tom, please exchange your seats.请玛丽和汤姆交换一下座位。3.Listen carefully.注意听。4.Look at me.注意看我这里。5.Touch „

摸一摸 „„ 6.Point to „

指一指 „„

7.Let’s play a game.我们来做个游戏。

8.Let’s sing a song, together.我们一起来唱支歌。9.Follow me, please.请跟我学。10.Have a try, please.请试一试。

11.Let’s draw it.我们来画一画。

12.I am going to tell you a story.我要给你们讲个故事。13.Look, who are in the picture?

看,图片上都有什么人? 14.Who are they?

他们都是谁? 15.Where are they?


16.Guess what they are talking about?

猜猜他们在说什么? 17.Why is the little boy crying?

小弟弟为什么哭了? 18.What’s up with the little boy?


19.Who will retell the whole story?

谁能把故事完整的讲一遍? 20.Stand up, please.请站起来。21.Sit down, please.请坐下。22.Please raise you hand.请举手。23.Please come here.请过来。

24.Please go back to you seat.请回到你的座位上去。25.Listen to me.听我说。26.Are you clear?


27.Do you understand? 你明白了吗?

28.Please repeat it after me.请跟我重复。29.Think it over.再想一想。30.Good, very good.好,很好。

31.You are great!

你真棒!32.Good job.做的不错。33.Well done.干的好。34.Wonderful.Excellent..真好。35.Good idea.好注意。

36.You are so great /clever/ smart.你真聪明。37.I believe you.我相信你。

38.What a good memory.记的真好。39.Good boy /girl.好孩子。

40.The boy is so lively.这个男孩真活跃。41.You are right.对了。42.Clap your hands.拍拍手。

43.Let’s clap for „

让我们为 „„拍拍手 44.Just wait a moment.等一会。45.Please be quiet.请安静。

46.Please get your „ready.请把你们的„„准备好。47.Are you ready?

你准备好了吗? 48.Anything else?


49.Let’s count/read/dance/act.让我们来数一数/读一读/跳个舞/做个动作。50.Music, please.请,奏响音乐。

51.Who wants to play the big bad wolf?

谁想演大灰狼? 52.So much.可以了。53.Is that all?


54.That’s all for the activity.活动结束。

55.Turn over the picture.把这幅画翻过来。56.What a pity!


57.Act with the music.随着音乐做动作。

58.Group one first.Now group two.第一组先做。现在第二组做。59.Match two parts with a line.用线把相配的两部分连起来。60.Are you ready? 准备好了吗?

61.Boys and girls, listen to me now.孩子们,现在听我说。

62.Today we will listen to a story.The story’s name is „ 今天我们听第一个故事,故事的名字叫„

63.I’m going to tell you a story, the name is „我要给你们讲个故事,名字叫„

64.Now, let’s play another game.现在,我们玩另一个游戏.65.What’s the name of the song? 这首歌的名字叫什么? 66.What’s the name of the story? 故事的名字叫什么? 67.Let’s listen to a song;please clap your hands with the music.让我们来听首歌,请随着音乐拍手.68.Let’s sing the song together;you may dance with the music.我们一起唱歌,你们可以随着音乐跳舞。69.Let’s sing the song together;you may clap your hands with the music.我们一起唱歌,你们可以随着音乐拍手。70.Please follow me and sing the song.请跟我一起唱歌。71.Look at the picture.请看这幅图。72.Please tell me what you’ve heard in the story.请告诉我,你们在故事中听到了什么? 73.Who can tell me, what you’ve heard in the song/music? 谁能告诉我,你在歌曲(音乐)中听到了什么? 74.Good!好!Well done!很好!You did a good job!你做得好!You are so smart!你真聪明!You are clever!你真聪明!You can do it well.你能行。Excellent!/Great!Good boy!/ Good girl!非常棒!好极了!做得不错!75.Use your head.动动脑筋。76.This is a good try;please go back to your seat.不错,请回座位。77.Have you got it? 你明白了吗? 78.Please read after me.请跟我读。79.Please follow me.请跟我做(来)。80.Let’s read/ sing it together.我们一起来读(唱)。81.Who wants to try? 谁想来试一试? 82.Have a try!试一试!83.Try again!请再试一试!84.Who can try? 谁能试一试? 85.Now, try to answer.试着回答。86.Put down your hands, please.放下手。87.Don’t worry, think it over, you may tell me / us later.别着急,想一想,等一下告诉我/我们。88.Could you speak a little louder? 请大声点说。89.Go on.请继续。90.Please think about it.请想一想。91.Could you please try it again? 请再试一次。92.Don’t be shy!别害羞!93.Don’t be nervous!别紧张!94.Don’t be afraid!别害怕!95.Don’t be timid!别胆怯!96.Don’t give up.别放弃!97.Say it again.再说一遍。98.Don’t interrupt her/him.不要打断她(他)。99.Let her /him go on.让她(他)接着说。100.No talking, please.请不要讲话了。101.Stop talking, boys and girls.孩子们,别讲话了。102.Don’t talk anymore.别说话了。103.Show me your fingers.伸出你的手指。104.Let’s clap hands for„ 让我们为„鼓掌祝贺.105.That’s all the time we have.今天就到这儿。106.Class is over.下课。(今天就到这儿。)107.That’s all for today.今天就到这儿。

Wash One’s Hands and Having a Rest(盥洗与小憩)

1.Let’s have a rest.休息一会儿。2.Let’s have a break.休息一会儿。3.You may go to toilet.可以去盥洗室。4.Please go to the toilet.请去盥洗室。5.Please drink some water.去喝水吧。6.Please wash your hands before you come back from the toilet.从厕所出来要洗手。7.Remember to turn off the taps after washing your hands.洗完手,请记着关好水龙头。8.Don’t leave the taps running, please.请关好水龙头。9.Please save water.请节约用水。10.Turn off the tap.关好水龙头。11.It’s a good habit.这是个好习惯。12.Come here.过来。13.What’s wrong with you? 出了什么事? 14.Be careful.小心点。15.It’s not good to run so fast.不要跑得那么快。16.What’s the matter? 怎么了? 17.Oh, it’s nothing.哦,没什么。18.No pushing.不要挤。19.Don’t run around.不能乱跑。20.Hurry up.快点儿。21.Please go back to your seat.请回到座位上。22.You may go back to your seat.请回到座位上。23.Please speak in a low voice.Don’t shout.请小声点,不要喊。

Area corner


1.Please find your area.请选择你喜欢的活动去区。

2.Do you like the English corner area?


3.(Construction area/ performance area/ book area/ language area /discovery area /intelligence building area /dolly home/ clinic/ restaurant /McDonald’s/ KFC/ post office /hair-dresser’s shop /supermarket /music area/ chess area/ art area/ number area)(建构区、表演区、图书区、语言区、科学区、益智区、娃娃家、医院、餐馆、麦当劳、肯德基、邮局、美发店、商店、超市、音乐区、棋类区、美工区、计算区)

4.Please get your area card.请拿你的活动卡。5.Need me help?

需要我帮忙吗? 6.What’s this?

这是什么? 7.Guess.猜一猜

8.What’s inside?

里面有什么? 9.Let’s have a look.让我们看一看。

10.Let’s talk about „

让我们谈一谈 „„ 11.I agree with you.我同意你的想法。

12.What is your Mummy Daddy?

你的妈妈爸爸是做什么的? 13.This is for you.这是给你的。

14.Please put away your toys.请把玩具手好。15.Please take good care of toys.请爱护玩具。16.Color your picture.把你的图片涂上颜色。

17.Stick part 1 to part 2.把第一部分贴到第二部分上。18.Put up your artwork.把你的美工作品挂起来。

19.Show your artwork to your friends.把你的作品给小朋友看一看。

20.Let me write your name on your artwork.我来把你的名字写在你的作品上。21.Take your work home.把你的作品带回家。22.Pass it, one by one.一个一个往下传。Outside Activities(户外活动)

1.Two lines, please 请排成两队。2.Make two lines.请排成两队。

3.Let’s go out to play, shall we? 我们出去玩,好吗? 4.Ready? One, two, go!准备好了吗?齐步走!5.Let’s play a game.我们做个游戏。6.Turn left.向左转。Turn right.向右转。

7.Please, stand in a circle, hand in hand.请大家站成一个圈,手拉手。8.Make a big circle.站成一个大圈。9.Make a small circle.站成一个小圈。

10.One step backward everyone.向后退一步。11.One step forward everyone.向前进一步。12.Turn around, face me please.请转身面向我。13.Boys, jump on the circles.男孩子跳到 圈上。

14.Come on!加油!Be careful!当心!Safety first!安全第一!15.Are you tired? 你们累吗?

16.Please come close to each other, sit down.请靠拢坐下。17.Don’t push others.不要推别人。18.Brave boy!你真勇敢!

19.Don’t push others.别乱跑。

20.Let’s go back to our classroom.我们回教室吧。


1.Boys and girls, lunch time.孩子们,吃午饭了。2.Today, we have rice and vegetables.今天的午餐我们吃米饭和一些蔬菜。3.Vegetable is good for our health.蔬菜对身体有好处。4.We should have some vegetables for each meal.每餐都要吃一些蔬菜。5.Who wants more rice? 谁还要米饭? 6.Who’d like more vegetables?谁还要菜? 7.All kinds of vegetables are good for our health.多吃蔬菜有利我们身体健康 8.Who wants to add some soup? 谁想加点儿汤? 9.Please put the bones on the plate.请把骨头放在盘子里。10.Bean curd is delicious.豆腐是美味可口的。11.Please try to finish everything/ things in your bowls.请尽量把碗里的饭菜吃完。12.Please, do not spread the rice around.别把米粒撒得到处都是。13.Please clean your mouth with the napkin.请擦嘴。14.Please rinse your mouth.请漱口。15.Please put your bowl in the basin.请把你的碗放在盆子里。

Having a Nap(午休)

1.Go and wash your hands first.先去洗洗手。2.Go to the bedroom, please.请到寝室。

3.Please go to toilet before you go to bed.上床前,请上厕所。4.Please take off your clothes.请脱掉衣服。5.Please take off your shoes.请脱掉鞋子。6.Don’t stand on the bed.不要站在床上。

7.Please fold your clothes and put them beside your pillow.请把衣服叠好,放在枕边。

8.No speaking.别说话。

9.Please cover yourself with the quilt.请把被子盖好。10.Please close your eyes.请闭上眼睛。

11.Wish you had a good dream.做个好梦吧。12.Get up, everyone.起床了。

13.Wake up, please.小朋友们,醒醒啦。

14.Dress yourself quickly, please.请快穿上衣服。

15.Please wake the children beside you.把你身边的小朋友叫醒。16.Make the bed.整理一下床铺。17.Do you need help? 要我帮忙吗?

18.Let me zip your skirt up.我来帮你拉拉链。

19.Let me help you do up your buttons.我帮你扣扣子吧。

20.Please put on your shoes, go to the toilet.穿上鞋子,去厕所吧。21.Girls, comb your hair.女孩子,把头发梳一梳。22.Boys, drink some water.男孩子,去喝水。

23.It’s time for snack, we will eat apples.该吃午点了,今天我们吃苹果。24.Today’s snack is cookie.今天的午点是饼干。25.Finished? 吃完了吗?


1.Don’t put away your toys and books by yourself.请你收回玩具和图书。2.Don’t forget your bag.别忘了你的书包。3.Put on your coat.穿上你是外套。4.Good-bye!再见!See you tomorrow!明天见。See you later.回头见。5.See you next week.下星期见。See you Monday.下周一见。


幼儿园英语日常用语和教学用语 To begin a day.晨间入园 1.Good morning.Morning!早上好!(幼儿:Good morning!)2.How are you? 你好吗?(幼儿:I am fine.Thank you.)3.Nice to see you.见到你很高兴。Nice to see you, too.4.Hello, Jim!你好,吉姆。5.Hi, Jim!你好,吉姆。6.I miss you very much.我真想你们呀。7.How polite you are!你真有礼貌!8.Come in, please!请进!9.Are you happy today? 你今天高兴吗? 10.Where did you go yesterday? 你昨天去哪了? 11.How was you weekend? 你周末过的怎么样? 12.Why are you looking unhappy? 你怎么不开心? 13.Are you OK? 你还好吗? 14.Let me take your temperature.我来量一下你的体温。15.What is my temperature? 我的体温有多高? 16.It is 36.7°C.(thirty-six point seven degree Celsius.)你的体温是三十六度七。17.Don’t worry.It will be OK right after applying some medicine.别担心,上点药就好了。18.It will be OK right after applying the bandage.贴上创可贴就好了。19.It will be OK right after giving an injection.打一针就好。20.Keep your wound dry when washing.洗手时别弄湿伤口。21.Say bye-bye to your MummyDaddy.和妈妈爸爸说再见。22.Please take off your coat.请把外套脱掉。23.Take a chair and sit there.搬把椅子坐在那里。24.Play with the toys, do you? 玩会儿玩具,好吗? 25.Read the book, do you? 看看书,好吗? 26.Please water the flowers.请浇浇花。27.Please help me clean the table.请帮我擦擦桌子。28.What a pretty dress you are wearing.你的衣服真漂亮。29.Who bought it for you? 谁给你买的? 30.Who has been to Beijing? 谁去过北京? 31.Who took you to Beijing? 谁带你去的? 32.Where else have you been? 你还去过哪? 33.Tom is on duty today.汤姆今天值日。34.Let’s call the roll.我们来点一下名。35.Louder, please.请大点声。l In classroom 教育活动 36.Let’s begin.我们开始吧 37.Mary and Tom, please exchange your seats.请玛丽和汤姆交换一下座位。38.Listen carefully.注意听。39.Look at me.注意看我这里。40.Touch … 摸一摸 …… 41.Point to … 指一指 …… 42.Let’s play a game.我们来做个游戏。43.Let’s sing a song, together.我们一起来唱支歌。44.Follow me, please.请跟我学。45.Have a try, please.请试一试。46.Let’s draw it.我们来画一画。47.I am going to tell you a story.我要给你们讲个故事。48.Look, who are in the picture? 看,图片上都有什么人? 49.Who are they? 他们都是谁? 50.Where are they? 他们在哪? 51.Guess what they are talking about? 猜猜他们在说什么? 52.Why is the little boy crying? 小弟弟为什么哭了? 53.What’s up with the little boy? 小弟弟怎么了? 54.Who will retell the whole story? 谁能把故事完整的讲一遍? 55.Stand up, please.请站起来。56.Sit down, please.请坐下。57.Please raise you hand.请举手。58.Please come here.请过来。59.Please go back to you seat.请回到你的座位上去。60.Listen to me.听我说。61.Are you clear? 明白吗? 62.Understand? 明白吗? 63.Please repeat it after me.请跟我重复。64.Think it over.再想一想。65.Good, very good.好,很好。66.You are great!你真棒!67.Good job.做的不错。68.Well done.干的好。69.Wonderful.Excellent.Terrific.Amazing.真好。70.Good idea.好注意。71.You are so great clever smart.你真聪明。72.I believe you.我相信你。73.What a good memory.记的真好。74.Good boy girl.好孩子。75.The boy is so lively.这个男孩真活跃。76.You are right.对了。77.Clap your hands.拍拍手。78.Let’s clap for … 让我们为 ……拍拍手 79.Just Wait a moment.等一会。80.Please be quiet.请安静。81.Please get your …ready.请把你们的……准备好。82.Are you ready? 你准备好了吗? 83.Anything else? 还有什么吗? 84.Let’s count read dance act.让我们来数一数读一读跳个舞做个动作。85.Music, please.请,奏响音乐。86.Who wants to play the big bad wolf? 谁想演大灰狼? 87.Face the class audience when speaking acting.说话表演时请面向大家观众。88.So much.可以了。89.Is that all? 结束了吗? 90.That’s all for the activity.活动结束。91.Turn over the picture.把这幅画翻过来。92.What a pity shame 多可惜啊!93.Act with the music.随着音乐做动作。94.Group one first.Now group two.第一组先做。现在第二组做。95.Match two parts with a line.用线把相配的两部分连起来。l Area corner 区域活动 96.Please find your area.请选择你喜欢的活动去区。(幼儿:I like the …OK? 我想去……,好吗?)97.Do you like the English corner area? 你喜欢英语角吗? 98.(Construction area performance area book area language area discovery area intelligence building area dolly home clinic restaurant McDonald’s KFC post office hair-dresser’s shop supermarket music area chess area art area number area)99.(建构区、表演区、图书区、语言区、科学区、益智区、娃娃家、医院、餐馆、麦当劳、肯德基、邮局、美发店、商店、超市、音乐区、棋类区、美工区、计算区)100.Please get your area card.请拿你的活动卡。101.Need me help? 需要我帮忙吗? 102.What’s this? 这是什么? 103.Guess.猜一猜 104.What’s inside? 里面有什么? 105.Let’s have a look.让我们看一看。106.Let’s talk about … 让我们谈一谈 …… 107.I agree with you.我同意你的想法。108.What is your Mummy Daddy? 你的妈妈爸爸是做什么的? 109.This is for you.这是给你的。110.Please put away your toys.请把玩具手好。111.Please take good care of toys.请爱护玩具。112.Color your picture.把你的图片涂上颜色。

(二)1.Stick part 1 to part 2.把第一部分贴到第二部分上。2.Put up your artwork.把你的美工作品挂起来。3.Show your artwork to your friends.把你的作品给小朋友看一看。4.Let me write your name on your artwork.我来把你的名字写在你的作品上。5.Take your work home.把你的作品带回家。6.Pass it, one by one.一个一个往下传。l Outdoor 户外活动 7.Downstairs.下楼。8.No hurry.We are waiting.别着急,我们在等你。9.Line up, please.请站队。10.Please make a circle.站成一个圈。11.Hand in hand.手拉手。12.At ease 稍息。13.Attention.立正。14.Quick time, march.齐步走。15.Halt.立定。16.Turn left right.向左右转。17.Let’s run around the circle.围着这个圈跑。18.Let’s run in a circle.让我们跑成一个圈。19.Turn round.转身。20.Be careful!小心!21.Come on.加油。22.Let’s go.开始吧。23.One, two, three.Go!一、二、三。开始!24.Touch …and come back.摸摸……再回来。25.Be brave!勇敢点。26.No pushing.别推人。27.No cutting in.别插队。28.What’s wrong with you? 你怎么了? 29.What’s the matter with you? 你怎么了? 30.What happened? 发生了什么事? 31.Don’t be afraid.别害怕。32.Try it again.再试一次。33.Once more.One more time 再来一次。34.Let’s form 2 teams.让我们组成两个队。35.Let’s have a match.让我们来比赛吧。36.You are the winner.你赢了。37.Who is the first? 谁得了第一? 38.Sorry.对不起。39.It’s OK.没关系。40.Hands up.举手 41.Hands down.手放下 42.Arms out.两臂外伸 43.Arms in.两臂放下。44.Move forth.向前走 45.Move back.向后推 46.Turn round.转身 47.Bend your body.弯腰 48.Kick your leg.踢腿 49.Step your feet.踏步 50.Squat down.蹲下 51.Run walk jump hop crawl to …向…跑 走 跳 单脚跳 爬.52.Bend your knees.曲膝。53.Shake your body.摇动身体。54.Buckle tie your shoes.扣好系好鞋带。55.Go there.到那边去。56.Come here.到这边来。57.Let’s play together.我们一起玩吧。58.Let’s play with the ball hopper.我们一起来玩球羊角球吧。59.Let’s walk on stilts.我们一起走高跷吧。60.Let’s play on the seesaw junglegym rocker swing merry-go-around slide.我们一起玩跷跷板 攀登梯 摇床 秋千 转椅 滑梯吧。61.Let’s play in the sand pool water area.我们到沙池 水区去玩吧。62.No throwing the sand up!不要扬沙。63.Be carefully!Keep your eyes away from the sand.小心!别让沙子进到眼里。64.No splashing.不要互相撩水。65.Keep your clothes dry.保持衣服干爽。66.Sands got in my eyes.我迷眼了。67.Let’s go to see the doctor.我们去看医生吧。68.Shake sand off your clothes and get sand out of your shoes.抖抖衣服,把鞋里的沙子倒出来。69.Jump up.向上跳。70.Bounce the ball when it goes high.皮球跳起来你再拍。71.Back to our classroom.回教室了。72.Take care, please.请小心。73.Go on.继续吧。74.Are you tired? 你们累了吗? 75.Join us, come on.和我们一起来玩吧,来啊。l Have a break 休息 76.Let’s have a break rest.让我们休息一下。77.Go there come here with your chair.拿着椅子到那里去 到这里来。78.Pass me… 把…递给我。79.You are lovely.你真可爱。80.Who wants washroom? 谁想上厕所。81.Let’s drink some water.我们喝点水吧。82.Drink more, children.孩子们多喝点水。83.Wash your hands.洗洗手。84.Take down the towel and wipe your hands.摘下毛巾擦擦手。85.Shake your hands three times over the sink after washing.洗完手甩三下。86.Palm, finger, rub, rub, rub.Back, wrist, rub, rub, rub.手心、手指、搓搓搓。手背、手腕、搓搓搓。87.Save water, please.请节约用水。88.Soap your hands down.在手上抹肥皂。89.Put up your towel.把你的手巾挂好。90.Please use hand cream.请涂护手霜。91.Put your cup on the shelf.把漱口杯放到架子上。92.Turn on the tap, please.请打开水龙 头。93.Turn off the tap tight.关紧水龙头。94.Speak in a low voice.小声点说话。95.Go to the toilet.Go pee pee Go poo poo.上厕所 去小便 去大便。96.Get some paper for… 给…拿点纸来。l Take a nap 午睡 97.It’s time to take a nap.睡午觉的时间到了。98.Take off your shoes.脱鞋。99.Take off your clothes.脱衣服。100.Fold your clothes quilt up.把衣服 被子叠好。101.Put your shoes in order.把鞋子放好。102.Cover yourself with the quilt.盖好被子。103.Cover your tummy with the coverlet.用被单盖好肚子。104.No nibbling nails.别吃手。105.No biting the quilt.别咬被子。106.Close your eyes.闭上眼睛。107.Sweet dreams.做个好梦。108.Wake up, please.请醒醒。109.Get up.起床。110.Dress yourself, please.请自己穿好衣服。111.Put on your shoes.穿上鞋。112.Wake up the children beside you.把旁边的孩子叫醒。113.Do you need help? 需要帮助吗? l Eat 用餐 114.Are you hungry? 饿了吧? 115.It’s time for breakfast lunch dinner supper snack.该吃早饭 午饭 晚饭 午点了。116.Clean the table, please.请擦桌子。117.Give out the tableware bowls chopsticks plates spoons, please.请发餐具 碗 筷子 盘子 勺。










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