
时间:2019-05-15 09:40:29下载本文作者:会员上传




谚语丰富多彩,生动隽永,反映了每个民族追崇的重要而独特的文化价值观。谚语简单通俗,精辟凝练,尤其以朗朗的口语形态承传沿用,渐渐成为民族主流文化不可缺少的一部分。本文通过浅析英语谚语的起源、特征及修辞,力求使读者能够了解谚语在生活当中的基本应用以及重要作用,并使人们 达到熟练使用的效果。关键字

英语谚语、起源、特征、修辞 综述

英语谚语(English proverbs)以生动形象、通俗简洁的语言总结和概括了广大英语国家人民的经验和智慧而有广泛流传于群众中间,是英语语言的精辟。正如英国伟大的哲学家、作家培根所言:一个民族的天才、智慧和精神寓于它的谚语之中。

谚语的内容是十分广泛的。它是我们了解英语民族国家社会、地理、风俗、历史、文化的一把不可多得的钥匙。下面这则简短的对话中包含了七、八个谚语(如:My dogs are barking.[我的脚走的都痛了];point the town red[狂欢];out of blue[出其不意];a piece of cake[小菜一碟];face the music[负责任] 等),对于一个英语不大熟悉的人来说,恐怕就很难理解了。

A:Hi,B.There you.My dogs are barking.I want to tell you a good news.B: Is it that we will point the town red? A: Yes, I would have told you of blue.We know you have green fingers, so we want you to look after some flowers.B: It’s a piece of cake.I will face the music.一、英语谚语的来源




英语谚语中有大量关于农业生产、气象、渔牧、狩猎的谚语,如:气象谚语、节令谚语、农事要诀等,通常称为 “农谚”。如:Evening red and morning grey are the signs of a fineday.(晚霞红、晨雾蒙、天会晴)。还有反映气象常识的,如冷热的交替,都是从事农业生产的先民长期经验的积累形成的对天气的认识。如:Better at home than a mile away from it.(在家万般好,出门事事难)。早期的人类势单力薄,无论是农耕或狩猎,都以群体出动、集体协作为主,有些英语谚语正是反映集思广益、共同协作这方面的。如:So mand heads so many wits.(三个臭皮匠赛过诸葛亮)。由于英语属于印欧语系,印欧语系的原创性文化传承于古希腊文化。而古希腊所处的地理位置正居于尼罗河、两河、小亚细亚和南欧之 “要冲”,生活在希腊半岛和爱琴海主导的先民从海中取食、靠海吃海,久而久之形成了海洋性文化的特点。如:In a calm sea, every man is a pilot.(在平静的海上,人人都是领航员)。



流传于民间口语的谚语,伴随着文字的产生,开始出现在各种文学作品和文化典籍中。英语谚语有一部分来自书面文献,主要出自希腊罗马神话、寓言故事、莎士比亚戏剧以及一些名家作品中。这些源自文化典籍的言语,有些是在民间口语说法的基础上提炼打磨而成,而有些则属独创,有着鲜明的文化色彩、语言特色和教育作用。如:There were brave men before Agemenmnon.(阿伽门农之前也有勇士);Don’t kill the goose that laid the golden eggs.(不要杀死下金蛋的鹅);All cats love fish but fear to wet their paws.(所有的猫都爱鱼,但又怕湿了猫爪)。



基督教在其悠久的发展过程中已经超出了狭隘的宗教意义,形成了一种对西方人的生活方式、价值观念和伦理原则产生巨大影响的文化现象。基督教教典《圣经》,是西方文化的另一个源头,对英语的影响堪比莎士比亚的著作,对英语谚语的丰富和发展起了很大作用。如:The love of money is the root of all evil.(贪财是万恶之源)。




⑴头韵(alliteration)如:Waste not, want not.(不浪费就不匮乏)⑵元韵(assonance)如:Little strokes fell great oaks.(水滴石穿)⑶尾韵(end rhyme)如:Birds of a feather flock together.(物以类聚人以群分)⑷头韵兼尾韵(alliteration and end rhyme)如:Well fed, well bred.(吃得饱,懂礼貌)2)语法结构。英语谚语是一种口头语言形式,它的句式结构较一般文语音。许多英语谚语读起来音调和谐,节奏感强,主要采用下列押字来说,具备自己独特的特征,具有结构紧凑、间断、多使用完全陈述句、省略句、多使用平行对照举行的特点。如:

⑴It做形式主语。如:It is easier to fall than rise.(学坏容易学好难)⑵比较级。如:What greater crime than loss of time?(有什么更大的罪恶能比上浪费时间呢?)⑶其实局表示劝告、祈求、命令或禁止。如:Give him an inch, and he will take an ell.(得寸进尺)⑷定语从句后置。如:They must hunger in frost that will not work in heat.(少壮不努力老大徒伤悲)⑸省略句式。如:One man(is meant)no man.(个人是渺小的)⑹平行对照句式。如:A lazy youth, a lousy age.(少来懒惰老来苦)⑺古英语句式。如:Who shows mercy to an enemy denies it to himself.(对敌人的仁慈就是对自己的残忍)




⑴明喻(simile):英语谚语中明喻用的很广泛,指把一种事物用另一种性质不同的事物来比拟,常见的比喻词有“as”, “like”.如:Time flies like an arrow.(光阴似箭)⑵隐喻(metaphor):隐喻不用比喻词,而通常用动词to be 把文体直接说成是喻体。如:Union is strength.(团结就是力量)⑶借喻(analogy):借喻根本说不出本体,或不在本句说出来,而是把喻体直接用在本体应该出现的地方。如:Speak of the devil, and he appears.(说魔鬼,魔鬼到)⑷换喻(metonymy):换喻是借与某事物密切相关的东西来表示该事物,因此亦称之为“借代”。如:Even Homer nods.(智者千虑必有一失)⑸拟人(personification):拟人实际也是一种比喻,是把无生命的食物或者抽象概念等当做人来描写,给语言增添生动感。如:Lies have short legs.(谎言总是站不住脚的)⑹夸张(hyperbole):为了表达上的需要,故意言过其实,对客观的人,事物尽力做扩大或缩小的描述,这种辞格叫做夸张。如:One single slip brings eternal regret.(一失足成千古恨)2)结构修辞

⑴排比(parallels):英语谚语也用结构相同或相近的句子成分排列在一起的修辞手段来加强语义。如:Work while work;play while play.⑵倒装(inversion):倒装是利用语序的颠倒来颠倒来去的修辞效果。如:A colt you may break, but a horse you never can.(小驹可驯,老马难教)结束语


赵荣辉,普通语言学[M],上海:上海外语教育出版社,2005年 王德春,汉英谚语与文化[M],上海:上海外语教育出版社,2003年

平洪、张国扬,英语习语与英美文化,北京:外语教学与研究出版社,2000年 张复星,英语典故成语用法译法举隅,西安:陕西人民出版社,1986年 汪榕培、卢晓娟, 英语词汇学教程[M], 上海:上海外语教育出版社,1997年 陆国强,现代英语词汇学[M],上海:上海外语教育出版社,1999年



来源:英语专业论文 http://www.xiexiebang.com/





恩格斯在《自然辩证法:劳动在从猿到人转变过程中的作用》中指出:“语言是从劳动当中并和劳动一起产生出来的⋯⋯”[1 ]语言是一种社会存在物,是随着人类的实践而形成发展起来的交流系统,是人类社会实践的共同创造物。作为日常口语的一部分,谚语的起源十分悠久。其源头是人类先民的生产劳动,他们的实践、感知和经验,经过漫长的历史进程,不断积累、概括和提炼,并随着社会的发展和人们活动范围的扩大,传播开来。始于民间口语的英语谚语,在传流的过程中,伴随文字的出现,逐渐进入到书面文献中。文化典籍中的“雅谚”有些可追溯到民间流传的“俗谚”,有些已不可考,但萌生于民间口语或是由某些大众化说法提炼而来应是不争的事实。本文主要从民间口语、文化典籍、宗教文献3 个方面对英语谚语的起源进行探讨,旨在揭示谚语所反映的人类生产、生活历程和超越时空的价值和意义。


谚语是在群众中流传的固定语句,用简单通俗的话反映出深刻的道理。英语谚语绝大多数来自民间,是人民群众生活经验的总结,凝结着人民大众的智慧。英语谚语中有大量关于农业生产、气象、渔牧、狩猎的谚语,如气象谚语、节令谚语、农事要诀等,通常称为“农谚”。Evening red and morning grey are the signs of a fineday.(晚霞红,晨雾蒙,天会晴。)A red sky at night is the shepherds’delight.(向晚天发红,羊倌喜盈盈。)Rain from the east;wet two days at the least.(风雨东方起,至少两天雨。)这几个谚语反映的都是气象常识,如热冷的交替,晚霞、晨雾主晴等,都是从事农业生产的先民长期的经验积累形成的对天气的认识。

Ill weeds grow fast.(杂草长得快。)Out of old field comes new corn.(老田出新谷。)A year of snow , a year of plenty.(瑞雪兆丰年。)After a rainy winter follows fruitful spring.(今冬雨水足,来春果满枝。)



East or west , home is best.(东好西好,家里最好。)There is no place like home.(没有什么地方能像家里一样。)Better at home than a mile away from it.(在家万般好,出门时时难。)Every one seeks his own house.(家是自己的好


Hunger drives the wolf out of the woods.(饥饿引狼出森林。)Great fish are caught in great waters.(要抓大鱼,就下大海。)The fish will soon be caught that nibbles at the everybait.(爱咬钩的鱼逃不掉。)A bird in hand is worth two in the bush.(一鸟在手胜过二鸟在林。)An old fox is not easily snared.(老狐狸难上圈套。)Two dogs will kill a lion.(两狗可杀一狮。)If you run after two hares , you will catch neither.(一人追二兔,难免两手空。)人类早期的生产劳动,由于生产工具原始,完全靠体力,靠长时间的辛苦劳作,翻土、播种、收割都有时间、季节限制,耽误不得,正所谓“农时不可误”;又由于渐渐意识到生命无常,生命短暂,因而感叹时光短促、劝人珍惜时间的英语谚语不少。All time is no time when it is gone.(光阴一去不复返。)Time is money.(时间就是金钱。)Time flies.(时光如梭。)早期的人类势单力薄,无论是农耕或狩猎,都以群体出动、集体协作为主,有些英谚正是反映集思广益、共同协作这方面生活的。So many heads so many wits.(三个臭皮匠,抵个诸葛亮。)Many hands make light work.(人手多,好办事。)Two eyes see more than one.(两只眼睛比一只眼睛看得清。)Drop by drop the oceans are filled;stone by stonethe walls are built.(涓滴之水汇成海;一石一石筑成墙。)英语属于印欧语系,印欧语系的原创型文化滥觞于古希腊文化。古希腊所处的地理位置正居于尼罗河、两河、小亚细亚和南欧之“要冲”,生活在希腊半岛和爱琴海诸岛的先民从海中取食,靠海吃海,久而久之,便形成了海洋型文化特点。后来的英伦三岛又为大海环抱,受之于古希腊的海洋文化因子得以传承、光大。英语谚语中有大量涉及海上航行、经风受雨、捕鱼捉蟹的内容,这正是英语民族,以及整个西语民族地理位置和海洋型文化的反映。In a calm sea , every man is a pilot.(在平静的海上,人人都是领航员。)The good seaman is known in bad weather.(坏天气才能识出好水手。)A great ship asks deep water.(大船行深水。)In the deepest water is the best fishing.(最深的水里好捕鱼。)Hoist sail when the wind is fair.(趁着风好扬起帆。)He that would sail without danger , must never comeon the main sea.(谁在航行时不冒险,就永远不要来到大海上。)The great fish eat up the small.(大鱼吃小鱼。)The sea refuses no river.(江海不拒细流。)这些谚语是濒海居民或水手的经验之谈,有些已超出了航海的经验范围,而具有更为深广的含义,如The sea efuses no river.就有“聚沙成塔,集腋成裘”的内涵。源于民间口语的谚语,除反应人民群众生产劳动中的经验外,还表现了他们在社会斗争中的经验和道德、伦理、是非等观念。If you would not be cheated , ask the price at threeshops.(货比三家不吃亏。)There is a black sheep in every flock.(害群之马到处有。)Pride goes before a fall.(骄兵必败。)这几条谚语都是人们实际生活斗争经验教训的总结。

自然界的所有生物都有求生存的本能,作为有高级智慧的人更是如此。几千年来,丰衣足食、健康长寿一直是人们的追求与渴望。有关饮食、锻炼、健康、长寿方面的英语谚语非常丰富。Eat at leisure , drinkwithmeasure.(饭菜尽情吃,饮酒须节制。)Gluttony kills morthan thesword.(暴食杀人胜刀剑。)He that eats least eats more.(饮食有节可长寿。)Many dishes , many diseases.(猛吃猛喝,疾病必多。)这几则谚语强调饮食节制的重要性。Rest breeds rust.(人不活动,百病丛生。)Difficulties strengthen the mind , as labor does thebody.(劳动强身体,艰难励意志。)Dry feet , warm head , bring safe to bed.(脚干头暖,睡觉平安。)After lunch , rest;after supper , walk.(午饭后要休息,晚饭后要散步。)这几条谚语告诫人们要多运动,


Szechwan cuisine is one of eight famous regional cuisines in China.It has a reputation of“a dish of a style, 100 dishes SUBWAY ®”(一菜一格,百菜百味).The history of Sichuan Dish is quite long.According to historical record, the dish originated in Nation of Ba and Nation of Shu.During the period between Qin Dynasty and the Three Kingdoms, Chengdu has gradually become the political, economic and cultural center in Sichuan Region,stimulating great development of Sichuan Dish.Sichuan food is famous for its many flavors, and almost every dish has its own unique taste.Only inSichuan Province, you can taste the most traditional Sichuan Cuisine because many flavorings and seasonings are produced here.These include soy sauce from Zhongba, cooking vinegar from Baoning, chili sauce from Chongqing, well salt from Zigong and so on.The main feature is that the type of taste is diverse and spicy.Sichuan has high humidity and many rainy or overcast days.Hot pepper helps reduce internal dampness, so hot pepper was used frequently in dishes, and hot dishes became the norm in Sichuan cuisine.Red chili, Pepper, Garlic, ginger, scallions, bean sauce are the main condiments.Different proportions of the condiments result in all kinds of special tastes:spicy,hot,curried,oily,sweet sour and fish smell.According to the above tastes, Sichuan cuisine are mainly divided into six styles(派系).



n.破格文体;错格;句法不一致,说话时句子中途变更语型以致前后结构不一致名词(An abrupt change within a sentence from one syntactic structure to another)“I will have such revenges on you both, That all the world shall--I will do such things, What they are, yet I know not.”

2.Anadiplosis(联珠法)A rhetorical term for the repetition of the last word of one

line or clause to begin the next.“When I give I give myself.”

3.Analogy比拟;类推,类比Analogy is a form of comparison, but unlike simile or

metaphor, analogy draws a parallel between two unlike things that have several common qualities of points of resemblance.4.Anastrophe(倒置法)A rhetorical term for the inversion of conventional word

order“Intelligent she was not.In fact, she veered in the opposite direction.”

5.Anesis缓和A figure of addition that occurs when a concluding sentence,clause, or phrase is added to a statement which purposely diminishes the effect of what has been previously stated.“ Now Naaman, captain of the host of the king of Syria, was a great man with his master, and honorable, because by him the LORD had given deliverance unto Syria: he was also a mighty man in valor,6.Antithesis对照,对语juxtaposition(并列)of contrasting ideas in balanced

phrases or clauses.“Many are called, but few are chosen.”

7.archaism ['ɑ:keiizəm,-ki-]n.古语;拟古主义;古体is the use of a form of

speech or writing that is no longer current.“the odd man out”, which originally came from the phrase “to find the odd man out”, where the verb “to find out” has been split by its object “the odd man”, meaning the item which does not fit.8.Cacophony : n.刺耳的声音, 杂音is the demonstration of unpleasant



3.roar 表示机器的轰鸣声,尖锐刺耳的声音



6.nicker & whinny马嘶

7.grating 刺耳的(人因为音色而说话刺耳)

8.raspy 刺耳的(人因为生病而说话刺耳,9,chiasmus n.交错法in which the second half of an expression is balanced against the first with the parts reversed.“I flee who chases me, and chase who flees me.”

10,Climax 高潮 is one kind of expressive rhetorical devices. The proper use of it can not only strengthen the power of sentences,express the meaning more clearly,but also make the sentence pattern more orderly and more rhythmic,and thus it impresses the readers more deeply. 例子:I came,I saw,I conquered.(Julius Caesar)came,saw,conquered并列,词语之间在意义上由弱到强依次递升达到高潮。这是典型的层进辞格句。

11,Etymology词源学 A rhetorical term for repetition of a word or phrase for

emphasis, usually with no words in between.例子:“It's a twister!It's a twister!”(Zeke in The Wizard of Oz, 1939)“这是龙卷风!这是龙卷风!”(齐克在绿野仙踪,1939年)

12.Exemplum 例证figure of amplification using an example, brief or extended, real or fictitious, to illustrate an example;

The use of exemplum is similar to “for example”

13,hyperbaton 倒置法Hyperbaton is a figure of speech in which words that naturally belong together are separated from each other for emphasis or effect.例子 “Bloody thou art;bloody will be thy end”

14,Hyperbole(修辞的夸张法)is that describes something as better or worse than it really is.Hyperboles are exaggerations to create emphasis or effect.例子“Her wrinkles weigh more than she does!” Elizabeth(她的皱纹比她更重)15,The hysteron proteron词语的前后倒置,逆序法 is a rhetorical device in which the first key word of the idea refers to something that happens temporally later than the second key word.例子 “shoes and socks,” rather than socks and shoes,16,Metaphor 暗喻A metaphor is a figure of speech where comparison is implied.例子The years have slivered her hair.岁月已使她鬓发如霜

17,Metonymy借代 Metonymy is a figure of speech has to do with the substitution of the name of one thing for that of another.例子The White House supports the bill(using White House instead of President.The President is not like the White House, but there is contiguity between them).It uses closely related subjects。Oxymoron矛盾修辞法is a figure of speech which is formed by the conjoining

of two contrasting, contradictory terms to produce a special effect.An oxymoron is a compressed paradox.(用两种不相调和或截然相反的词语来形容某一事物, 在矛盾中寻求哲理, 这种修辞手法叫做矛盾修饰法。)noble lie 高尚的谎言 19 paradox(似非而可能正确的议论)a statement or expression so surprisingly

self‐contradictory as to provoke us into seeking another sense or context in which it would be true“I am lying,” for example, and we assume that his statement is true, it must be false.The paradox is that the statement “I am lying” is false if it is true.praeteritio(=paraleipsis)假省笔法(省略重要部分反而加强意义的方法或故意

省略重要部分而引人注意)suggesting by deliberately concise treatment that much of significance is omitted;pretended omission for rhetorical effect;e.g Let us make no judgment on the events of Chappaquiddick, since the facts are not yet all in.A political opponent of Senator Edward KennedySarcasm讽刺;嘲笑;挖苦is “a sharp, bitter, or cutting expression or remark;a

bitter jibe or taunt”, usually conveyed through irony or understatement.例子critical comments may be expressed in an ironic way, such as saying “don't work too hard” to a lazy worker.22.Syllepsis一语双叙法;兼用法;轭语法 use of a word to govern two or more

words though agreeing in number or case etc.with only one.例子“The sky—and my hopes—is falling.”

23,A transferred epithet“移就修饰”,亦称“转移修饰a figure of speech where an epithet(an adjective ordescriptive phrase)is transferred from the none it should rightly modify to another to which it does not really belong.例子 His story achieved nothing but cheap laughs.他的故事仅仅赚了点廉价的笑声。

24,trope 比喻,修辞,转译is the usage of figurative language in literature, or a figure of speech in which words are used in a sense different from their literal

meaning.例子The ship of state has sailed through rougher storms than the tempest of these lobbyists.“ 25,Zeugma [zewg‐mă], a figure of speech by which one word refers to two others in the same sentence.轭式修饰法 例子“Mr.Jones took his coat and his leave”26,Aporia 难点a rhetorically useful expression of doubt.Euphony 悦耳的声音Euphony is achieved through the use of vowel sounds in words of generally serene imagery例子The mild-eyed melancholy Lotos-eaters came.”

28,Hypophora设问in which the speaker poses a question and then answers the question.例子“Do you know the difference between education and experience? Education is when you read the fine print;experience is what you get when you don't.”

29,pun 双关语a humorous play on words eg1.例子 Seven days without water makes one weak.七天不进水,人就会虚弱。weak和week是同音异义词。因此这句话听起来可以理解为:Seven days without water makes one week.Litotes 间接肯定法(Litotes)是指用反对语的否定表达肯定的正面的意义的一种修辞手段。间接肯定法也称曲意法。间接肯定法与夸张法恰恰相反Understatement for rhetorical effect(especially when expressing an affirmative by negating its contrary)例子.This is no small all accomplishment.这可是一个不小的成就。(用no small表示great)

Scesis Onomaton 同意句重复 emphasizes an idea by expressing it in a string of generally synonymous phrases or statements.例子Wendy lay there, motionless in a peaceful slumber, very still in the arms of sleep.32 Epanalepsis(语句间隔反复)1.Our eyes saw it, but we could not believe our eyes.



系别:教育系 姓名:周丹丹 学号:2010210824 1 Never say die.永不言败 No cross ,no crown.不经历风雨,怎么见彩虹 3 Never wine in old bottles.旧瓶装新酒 Never garden without its weeds.没有不长草的园子 5 No living man all things can.世上没有万事通 6 No man can do two things at once.一心不可二用 7 No man is born wise or learned.没有生而知之者 8 No man is wise at all times.聪明一世,糊涂一世 9 None are so blind as those who won’t see.视而不见 10 Never too old to learn ,never too late to turn.亡羊补牢,为时不晚 None are so deaf as thoes who won’t hear.充耳不闻 12 No one can call back yesterday.昨日不会重现 13 No pleasure without pain.没有苦,就没有甜 14 No sweet without sweat.先苦后甜 15 Nothing brave,nothing have.不入虎穴,焉得虎子 Nothing in the world is difficult for one who sets his mind to it.世上无难事,只怕有心人 Nothing is to be get without pains but poverty.世上唯有贫穷可以不劳而获 Nothing seek,nothing find.没有追求就没有收获 Not to know what happened before one wan born is always to be a child.不懂世故,幼稚可笑 Obedience is the first duty of a solder.军人以服从命令为天职 Offense is the best defense.进攻时最好的防御。22 Old sin makes new shame.一失足成千古恨 23 Once a thief ,always a thief.偷窃一次,做贼一世 One boy is a boy ,two boys half a boy.three boys no boy.一个和尚挑水喝,三个和尚没水喝 One eyewitness is better than ten hearsays.百闻不如一见 26 One good turn deserves another.行善积德 27 One man’s fault is other man’s lesson.前车之鉴 28 One swallow does not make a summer.一燕不成夏 29 Out of debt,out of danger.无债一身轻 30 Out of sight,out of mind.眼不见,心为静 31 Penny wise ,pound foolish.贪小便宜吃大亏

Please the eye and plague the heart.贪图一时快活,必然 留下隐祸、33 Pour water into a sieve.竹篮打水一场空 34 Praise is not pudding.恭维话不能当饭吃 35 Prefer loss to unjust gain.宁可吃亏,不贪便宜

Pride goes before,and shame comes after.骄傲使人落后 37 Proverbs are the daughters of experience.谚语是日常经验的结晶

Put your shoulder to the wheel.鼎力相助

Reading is to mind while exercise to the body.读书健脑。运动强身

Rome is not built in a day.冰冻三尺,非一日之寒 41 Saying is one thing and doing another.言行不一 42 Seek the truth from facts.实事求是 43 Set a

theif to catch a theif.以贼捉贼 44 Something is better them nothing.聊胜于无 45 Soon ripe,soon rotten.熟得快,烂得快 46 Still water run deep.静水常深

Sucdess belongs to the persecering.坚持就是胜利 48 Take things as they come.既来之,则安之

Talk of the devil ande he will appear.说曹操,曹操就到 50 Health is better than wealth.健康胜过财富 51 Hear all parities.兼听则明

He is a fool that forgets himself.愚者忘乎所以 53 He is a wise man who speaks little.聪明不是挂在嘴上 54 He is not fit to cammand others that cannot command himeslef.正人先正己

He ia wise that is honest诚实者最明智 56 Love me ,love my dog.爱屋及乌

Worse off than some ,better off than many,to fall short of the best,but be better than the worst.比上不足,比下有余

Whiet night.不眠之夜

Spare no effort,go all out,do one’s best不遗余力 60 Rob perer to pay paul.拆东墙补西墙

Try first to make their mistake sound less serious and then to reduce it to nothing at all大事化小,小事化了 62 The country flounishes and people live please国泰民安 63 Everthing come to him who waits功夫不负有心人 64 One is never too old to learn活到老学到老

Gold can’t be pure and man can’t be perfect金无足赤,人无完人

Be too smart by half,cunning outwits itself弄巧成拙 67 Peace all year round岁岁平安 68 Misfortune may be actual blessing 69 Life begins at forty四十不惑 70 Time and tide wait for on man 71 Be ture to facts truth fuom facts实事求是

Speak the plain truth;call a apade a spade实话实说 73 Sugar—coatde bullets糖衣炮弹 74 Unit is strength团结就是力量

Birds of a feather flock together物以类聚,人以群分 when

I first come to hexi university In my memories,I think university is very beautiful and wonderful.but when I arrived ,I feel very sad.Apart from its





advantages.however,I change the idea when somebody help me.the sister and brother help me go to apartment.and the theacher also kind hearted I find I like there,beause I love the people.athough it an not match to chongqing ,but it has itself advantages,I belive I will find it’s other advantages.I believe I can find it’s advantages.i”ll love hexi unverisity.My

dream In my primary,I want to be a tearvher.in my oppinion,theaching is the besr job.Bue in my middle school I want to do a psychology theacher.because I think it’s very wonderful,it can help people become bright and nomally.over the heart problems,make theyselves stronger.Athough,I feel it difficult.I wiill try my best to learn it,and I will come tured it.I believe I can do it.and also will make my dream come ture.Introduc myself My name is zhou dan dan ,I come from chongqing ,18,I’m a girl,and I want to da a girl with life.I like wirtting and I want to listening to music,I think I can’t far away from it.I like eat rice,I think I’m a kind—hearted girl.But sometimes I feel unhappy and sad,so I must learn to become with myself.So ,from today,I must learn adjust to the life,do myself.My family There are 6 people In my family.I like them very much There are my grandparents.My parents and my youger brother.My grandmother brought up me since I studied school.My father always make money for family,but I also feel him loving us.My mother is a nomal woman ,I think her chilhood is very hard.Her mother died when she was a child.But my mother very brave ,I also like her.My brother is very active,and very like eating snack.When I lefr them ,I find that I very miss them.My family is my favourite.My first love

I always think I’m a cold girl,but when I meet him,I fiind that I have my own feeling.I met him in an area.He helps me very much,he tolds me how to write,help me how to read.I feel he is a heart boy,He sometimes wakes a joy on me ,But I know,maybe we don’t get together ,our distance is very far.We come from differernt areas Finaly,I must go back to my family.And he doesn’t know I like him.So,I as it’s wrong feeling and go to forget it.I believe that we are college student,don’t mind to much,I like him ,Yes,I’m sure that.But the studing is the first in my school life.My classmates In senior,we have many friends.But in my

mind,they are best.They bring me happiness,warmly and sadness.I like

them.Beacuse I can say many things.We knou each other with talking.when I was in troubles,the helpde me and I didn’t say thinks,they give me too much care,so I can’t forget them.We study together and goo to restuant,one of them,she talks with me about movie,she always make me feel the wrolds is good.with her I feel very happy.But they make me feel sad.Beause they are far aways from there,we can’t see each other.I believe,they are luky dog!My pet It’s a lovely cat,it seems not fat,when he walks,I

will tell my grandmother.Never giving hiim drinks.Then we laughs.It’s seems too small,my brother sometimes play

with him.But many times,my brother will hit the cat.My brother says,the cat eat his snack,I feel very excitied,rhe cat as my brother,they are liking sanck,The cat ikes sleeping.In a day,I find that it get sleepl and it likes eating meat..Although it looks small,I also like it.Breakfast Every day I get up early,then ran to the playground,finaly come back to eat breafast.Breakfast is very important in our darily life.If

we have enough time to eat breakfasr,maybe we can get a good day.When if we are haven’t good breakfast,maybe we can feel lack of energy and can’t do something.If insist having a bad breakfast.We will don’t get our need.And,we are college students we must be have a good breakfast.It’s makes we strongs.Breakfast is so important.so we must eat it every

day.My younger sisiter

My sisiter is 15,in school ,she is a bright girl.We are growing up together.So ,our relation is

very good.She likes eating snack,and always bought it.we are eating ii happliy,.She likes listen to music,in fact,we are liking.We say our life too nomal..we want to go out.We want to get a good class.But her class isn’t good.shi always study by heart.I believe ,she can get succuss.Athough we don’t see each other immeditely,I

think we never leaving.Best wishe to her.My brave

I’m a nomal girl,I think I will do it always.but,I changed this in that day.you want to get success,you must become brave.I

try to take part in some activities,for example:school’s station,athough I defeat.I also insit in there,writing and studing.makes me more confident and can brave the life.I also try to join in some meeting.I know,I’m always changing.But there of my plan.I’ll try my best,make me braver.are short



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