
时间:2019-05-15 09:25:31下载本文作者:会员上传



Forrest Gump who is unfortunately to be born with a lower IQ and the muscle problem, usually, people always think this kind of person can't be successful in doing anything.But, instead, this unlucky man has achieved lots of incredible success, he is a football star, a war hero, and later a millionaire!In the contention of the best picture of the 67th Oscar Award in 1995, film Have got six Grand Prixes , such as the best picture , the best actor , the best achievement in directing , adapting drama , the best achievement in film editing and the best visual effect bestly ,etc.at one blow.The film was passed to a intellectual disturbance person the description of life has reflected every aspect of U.S.A.'s life, important incident of social political life make and represent to these decades such as U.S.A.from one unique angle.阿甘是一个出生很不幸的人,通常人们总是认为这种人不能成功,在做任何事情过程中。但是,相反,这个不幸的人已经取得许多难以置信的成功,他是一个足球明星,一名战争英雄和一个百万富翁!1995年的第六十七届奥斯卡金像奖最佳影片的角逐中,影片《阿甘正传》一举获得了最佳影片、最佳男主角、最佳导演、最佳改编剧本、最佳剪辑和最佳视觉效果等六项大奖。影片通过对一个存在智力障碍者生活的描述反映了美国生活的方方面面,从一个独特的角度对美国几十年来社会政治生活中的重要事件作了展现。影片改编自温斯顿·格鲁姆的同名小说。只不过原著是一本充满了讽刺意味的荒诞小说,而影片则对故事进行了修饰和美化。摒弃了原著的荒诞和揭露讽刺意味,为影片增添了一种温情。这无疑使影片更合观众和评委的口味,但却牺牲了原著的叛逆斗争精神,使影片成为了一种理想化道德的象征。


Julia Roberts takes on the Robin Williams role in this engaging female variation on Dead Poets Society.Mona Lisa Smile is set in Wellesley, “the most conservative college in the nation” in the 1950's.The privileged students are taught invaluable rules of etiquette and propriety, like how to cross and uncross their legs, as a means to attract a suitable husband.Wellesley openly prepares its pupils not for careers but for lives of domesticity and subservience.Thrust into this staid arena, as Wellesley's new history of art teacher, is the freethinking and liberal Katherine Watson(Julia Roberts).Written by two men, Lawrence Konner and Mark Rosenthal, and directed by Mike Newell, best known for his hilarious depiction of upper class antics in Four Weddings And A Funeral, Mona Lisa Smile takes a pointed stance on the stifling morals and expectations imposed on the country's elite young women in mid-century America.朱丽娅·罗伯茨担当罗宾·威廉姆斯作用,在这迷人的女变化对已故诗人协会。蒙娜丽莎的微笑是设置在韦斯利,“最保守的大学在国家“1950年代。学生被教导无价的特权和礼仪规则的礼仪,像如何双腿交叉失,作为一个的方式来吸引一个好丈夫。韦斯利公开它的学生不为他们的事业做好充分的准备,但对生活和家庭生活的服务。插入这沉静,韦斯利的新舞台美术老师的历史,是freethinking和宽松的凯瑟琳·沃森(朱丽娅·罗伯茨)。



the movie “The Pursuit of Happiness”, Will Smith portrays Chris Gardner, a man pursuing a dream.Gardner is a salesman for a piece of medical equipment which is too expensive for what it is worth.After going months without any sales, his wife decides to start a better life, leaving him alone to raise their son, Christopher(Jaden Smith).After Gardner's wife leaves, he continues to try to sell the medical device.He then sees an opening to his future as a stock broker.The only problem is that, in order to be considered for the job, he must complete a highly competitive, six-month, unpaid internship.He does everything he can to prove to his boss, himself, and his son, that he can be a better man, even if this means living in hotels, homeless shelters, or even the bathroom of a subway station.While completing the internship, he continues to attempt to sell the equipment to make ends meet and pay for his son's day care.This is a classic story of a family living in poverty working their way up the social ladder towards happiness, and doing whatever it takes to reach the top.这部电影把“追求幸福”,威尔·史密斯,一个男人描绘克里斯·加德纳追求理想。加德纳是推销员一块医疗设备,太贵了,值得一看。经过几个月没有任何销售,他的妻子决定开始一个更好的生活,让他自己去提高他们的儿子,克里斯多佛(Jaden·史密斯)。加德纳的妻子离开后,他继续试图出售的医疗设备。然后他会出击他将来能成为一名股票经纪人。唯一的问题是,为了成为适合这份工作,他必须完成一个高度竞争的,六个月的,没有报酬的实习。他做每一件能证明给他的老板,他自己,和他的儿子,他能成为一个更好的男人,即使这意味着住在宾馆,无家可归者收容所的浴室,甚至一个地铁站。在完成实习,他会继续尝试出售设备让收支平衡和支付他儿子的托儿所。这是一个经典的故事,一个家庭生活在贫困工作的社会阶梯走向幸福,尽力达到顶峰。


Stephen king writers, Tim Robbins and Morgan freeman starring, frank dala bunter directed the first screen works.It now seem to be all the big names, these people in the film opened in 1994, the most famous perhaps only Stephen king and Morgan freeman.In that year, the film is shot by that same year's Oscar forrest gump may also is not so strange.This is a very light slow movie.I like the film that explain the tone of the atmosphere and the rhythm.This feeling only seems to in a great works to see;For example said before the to forrest gump.The best film in rhythm seems to have only two, similar to the light of the fast or slow to create tension of good.史蒂芬·金编剧、蒂姆·罗宾斯和摩根·弗里曼主演、弗兰克·达拉邦特执导的第一部银幕作品。在现在看来似乎都是鼎鼎大名的这些人们,在这部电影公映的1994年的时候,最著名的也许只有史蒂芬·金和摩根·弗里曼。在当年来说,这部电影不敌同年问鼎奥斯卡的《阿甘正传》也许也就不那么奇怪了。



The workplace, women in many cases more make less than fair treatment, from the start, the female job career is considered setting with layers of barriers: workplace first step, “better to be wu3 da4 lang2, don't MuGuiYing”, a lot of unit of choose and employ persons is when women don't resume at recruitment, have more very person in the recruitment of conditions expressly stated as long as the boy, I admit that contact of men have a lot, but there are women elite, this kind “as long as the boys” but the provisions of their isolation away forever.And when women and men

can occasionally to stand in the same professional business, more opportunities and benefits to the men it is.Stay to resign, women and the early were forcibly retired......Such a thing is endless, with the gender perspective to observe the society, will find many look be like common phenomenon but hidden problems, in fact probably “with the view of social gender” itself is a problem, if everyone can use uniform standard to look at, to think about all the things around them, not to wear the man and woman's perspective, then those who don't just mirror the phenomenon perhaps won't staged, society will be a more harmonious development.在职场上,女人在很多情况下更使得不到公平的待遇,从求职开始,女性的职业生涯就被认为的设置了一层层的壁垒:职场第一步,“宁要武大郎,不要穆桂英”,很多用人单位招聘时根本不看女性简历,更有甚者在招聘条件中明确规定只要男生,我承认接触的男性有很多,但女性中也不乏精英,这种“只要男生”的规定却把她们永远的隔离开外。而当女性偶尔有幸能与男性站在同一职场上公事时,更多的机会和待遇却又是给了男性。待到退职时,女性又是早早的被强行退休„„这样的事情不胜枚举,用性别的视角观察这个社会,会发现许多看似平常的现象却隐藏着种种问题,其实或许“用性别的视角观察社会”本身就是一个问题,如果每个人都能用统一标准去看待、去思考周围的事物,而不是先戴上男人和女人的透视镜,那么那些不公正的现象或许就不会上演,社会也会更和谐的发展。


Though it is a little bit incredible ,it is a good life story.For I am a optimistic person, I like a story with happy ending.Annie and Hallie are the most successful actresses in this film.i viewed that they are real twins at the beginning until others told me that they was acted by the same person.she is so lovely and well done on performing two different characters.One is a gentle girl with good education but lives without father ,another is a spicy girl ,crude and always comes up with strange ideas.both of them are excellent ,however I still prefer they are two ,for that will be more perfect I admire her for her skillful act as a little girl, you know not everyone could do that.虽然这是个有点难以置信,这是一个良好的生活故事。因为我是一个乐观的人,我喜欢和一个故事,快乐的结局。



Want to enjoy a vision of the classic that go to see “s 3”, had better give up the idea.Like a plate of just hot, brush the three layers of liquid, the layer 3 of chilli sauce flavor of the hot chicken wings, you don't want to in Bach piano of background noise, with silver knives and thin broken it, then use a pattern of full fork carved pieces of fork good, very carefully into his mouth, for fear that the oil the mouth, so little wang mouth and the smell of chewing it must be will sell at a discount greatly, not to mention other we looked at you feel tired.You that how to eat is to eat “dinner”.Eat chicken wings is to skill take iron, a mouth gather together up to enterprise, was the ZhaoZhaoShiShi to it a, outside the nun, oil in coke or sauce or the ceng ran, spicy or on hot or time tooth mouth straight XiLiu, bright face but, don't forget the drum drum bag bag of mouth say: “good, too ~ ~ ~ exciting.”

I read “the history 3” is like in the vendor eat roast chicken wings, though not on jedaiah, it joy chef.想以那种欣赏经典的眼光去看《史3》的人,最好放弃这种念头。就像是一盘刚烤得的,刷了3层蜜汁,3层的辣酱的香喷喷的热鸡翅,您非要在巴赫的钢琴曲的背景音下,用银质的餐刀细细的碎了它,再用雕满花纹的餐叉一片片的叉好,小心翼翼的放进嘴里,生怕那油汪了嘴,于是小小口的嚼它,那味道想必是会大打折扣,不说别的我们看着您就觉得累。您那吃法是吃“大餐”的。吃鸡翅就是要一手拿着铁钎子,一张嘴凑上去,狠狠的着着实实的给它一口,外焦里嫩的,油也好酱也好蹭的腮帮子上都是,辣也好烫也好次牙咧嘴的直吸溜,脸上却灿烂着,嘴里鼓鼓囊囊的不忘了说句:“好吃,太~~~刺激了。”



No matter who you are, what's your political stand, or your social status, if any.You won't to turn the page or look away from the TV set if there is a piece of news concerning the royals, the British Royals in particular.I think it's human nature so there is nothing we can do about it.That's why it's amazing to realize that the Queen didn't quite understand that and how powerful and moving her surrendering to the fact.I don't know how to describe Helen Mirren's portrayal but I'm tempted to say already(I only saw the film last night)that is among the best I've ever seen.Riveting, totally fulfilling.The illusion is complete and without mockery or mimicry Helen Mirren gives us a full picture of someone who only exists in our minds as a title and in a series of constantly repeating imagesCongratulations to everyone concerned.A total triumph 想要享受经典的眼光去看《年代3”,最好放弃这个想法。像一盘就热,刷三层液、第三层的辣椒酱的味道辣鸡翅膀,你不想在巴赫钢琴背景噪音,用刀和瘦了,然后用一块雕刻图案的叉叉满的很好,非常小心地插入他的嘴,恐怕那油口,这么少的香气王口中咀嚼它必须将大打折扣,更不用说其他我们看,你会觉得有点累。你怎么吃是吃“晚餐”。吃鸡翅膀是一手拿着铁,一张嘴巴凑上去的企业,是ZhaoZhaoShiShi外,向这个修女,石油焦炭或酱或蹭跑的,辣的或热水和时间XiLiu牙咧嘴直,开朗的脸,但别忘了鼓鼓囊囊的嘴说:“太好了,太~ ~ ~激动人心。”



影评写法后续(2009-05-14 07:00:00)


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1回答者: zwymwy-初入江湖 二级

1-20 11:4



• 推荐几本和影评有关的好书吧!谢!

• 求佳片有约触不到的恋人的视频影评

• 电影《神枪手》的影评

•(悬赏)求一篇影评的翻译 不要网上的直译

• 我想找一篇电影的影评《盛夏在左,光年在右》,谢谢


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可能是因为我们的文艺评论传统长期受压制的缘故,我们对一些概念界定没有西方那么明晰,可是我们又非常喜欢条条框框。就说“影评”,什么叫“影评”?狭义地看就是英文中的Film review”。这类文章是写给看电影的人看的,不是给拍电影或研究电影的人看的,一般发表在主流媒体或影迷刊物。罗杰。艾伯特是惟一得过普利策奖的影评家,但他的文章非常浅显,直白到像是拉家常。他很高产,每周可以有五篇评论,但都比较短,翻译成中文大概就是700字。他的大众路线使得他成为读者最多的影评家,全美国有两百多家报纸授权转载,而且他每周还有一个电视栏目,每期半小时。跟他相反的如《纽约时报》的艾维斯。米切尔,喜欢卖弄辞藻,非把读者搞得云里雾里不罢休,不信大家可以看我翻他的《骇客帝国国2》评论。宝琳。凯尔可能是最有影响的美国影评家,她反电影评论提高到艺术的高度,从60年代到80年代未,她的评论是美国文化的一面旗帜。她的文笔有点像子君,有一种女性的优美,但观点非常尖锐,有时很刻薄。


criticism或Film theory。习惯于其中某一类的读者,往往会对其他类型看不惯——看惯随笔的会嫌其他的没有个性;看惯论文的自然会觉得没有大量专业术语和脚注就等于没有深度。在我所写的长篇评论中,《人工智能》和《公民凯恩》都超过一万字,但前者其实很感性,而后者本来就是一篇论文,只不过我竭力回避论文的风格。假设我把该用的术语全用上,并附上每句话的出处,估计某些学院派会心悦诚服,而该文则会丧失99%的读者。这是我的局限,媒体多半认为是长处,而大学和研究院则视为“你还嫩点,需要改进”之处。










2009-05-25 11:09









4、要实事实是地分析评价。鲁迅先生说过:评论作品“必须坏处说坏,好处说好”,还要“知入论世”。他说 “倘若论文,最好的是顾及全篇,非目顾及作者全人,以及他所处的社会状况,这有较为确凿。”对影片作实事来是的评价,要求我们用全面的观点,不是顾其一点,而是观照全片。顾及编导的意图、表演的全部以及当时的社会环境、历史背景等等,作恰如其分的分析与评价。不能强导演、演员、片中人物所难,求全责备。同的,我们在写影评时,也不能人云亦云,如评《情深深雨濛濛》时,有一位同学冷静地指出编导将荧屏中的军阀(如萍、依萍的父亲)形象拔高了——他遇见美丽的女子就抢来作为姨太太,可原因居然是她们像自己的初恋情人。



Forrest Gump review

Forrest Gump describes a story happened on an idiot called Forrest Gump from the 1950’s to the 1980’s in America.As developed America, as Forrest Gump grew up.Ferrost experienced lots of things of importance in the history of America such as the assassinate of kennnedy, the Vietnam War, the Pingpong Diplomacy

and so on.He became a football star, a war hero, a business boss, and a millionnaire.In our view, he is almost a superman, but he did not notice that.As we all know, the film has received a lot of prizes in the Oscar and the other film festivals.I think it deserves it.Some people think this film is a comedy, but I don’t think so.I consider this film as a rony film.The rony occurred in details and was hidden in humor.I will give an example.Do you think an idiot

could be a war hero? I think it should be impossible.But in Vietnam War, it is.In the other way, if the war was started by the fool, the idiot

deserves the hero.From this point, we can see the against attitude of the public taken to this war.Forrest Gump is also a film that can motivate people.In this

film, Forrest take a special attitude different from almost of us to life.The life of Forrest is not very easy, but no matter what he is going to face next, he always accepted it easily, and try his best to accomplish it.Never in his life, he complain about the unfair of 命运 or lost confident of himself.What he did is just doing his best, which is very simple.In our real life, how many people struggled to get something, but in the end, nothing was left.Why not live as Forrest Gump? Doing best is just okey, but never stop our step forward.When it comes to the script, there is no reason not to say the famous words.‘Life was like a box of chocolates, you never know what you’re gonna get.’.It was passed to Forrest by his mother.What wise words it is.The beauty of life is just in the aspect that no one can know what is tommorow like.That is just why I like it.If we all knew what will happen in future, the life must be boring enough.The other fomous script is only one word ‘run’.I think in thisfilm The ‘run’ stand for change.Forrest changed from an idiot

into a success, but there is something that didn’t change.The woman bus driver who took Forrest to school also pick his son

up to school for the first time.I suppose this film deserves us watching it thousands of times.During the progress, we can enjoy the power of one person, the beauty of scenes, be moved by the plot, be influenced by the scripts.Thank you

By Wei Qilin


2, Forrest Gump: Review

From http://movies.tvguide.com/forrest-gump/review/129960



班级:12通信2班 学号:112263030211


《Forrest Gump》

Life is like a box of chocolates.You never know what youre gonna get.Forrest gump mother's this understanding to illustrate: each person's life is, and it is unique.Forrest gump, is listening to such teachings, one step a footprint on out their own the miracle of life.From IQ only 75 points, to go to special schools, the football athletes, to the Vietnam war hero, to the shrimp boat captain, to around the United States, forrest gump with birth defects of body, reached many intelligent people maybe a lifetime also highly difficult to achieve.At the beginning and end of the film you will see in the vast blue sky, a root is lightsome and white feathers from the sky, slowly landed in forrest gump feet.This is actually films in hint: this world, if someone see life like a feather pure, simple and beautiful, so, this person must be forrest gump.Young forrest gump leg disability, forrest gump's mother, son have to put on a heavy iron frame, walking to assist.After school, his companions laugh at him, on the way to play with him, chasing throw stones.The female classmate Jenny shouted: “forrest, run.” Forrest gump panic, started to run, fell struggled to climb up.Gradually, iron frame is not bound him, he run such as fly.Men not overtake him, helpless.This is forrest gump life the first miracle.The miracle is for other miracle was kicked off in the future.Run with amazing speed, forrest gump into the rugby team, later again into the university and eventually graduate.Thought his life here has been very perfect, I didn't think his life's wonderful fragment has just ended.Very soon, he took part in the Vietnam war.The battlefield in Vietnam, forrest gump troops in the ambush, a evacuation order, forrest gump remember Jenny's charge: “hit and run.” The content to be turned and ran.He ran out of the forest, smoothly arrived in a safe place, but he thought of his comrades, he returned to the battlefield, his comrades back one back.After returning, forrest gump is met President for battle achievement is remarkable.Gump became a spokesperson for table tennis, and get a part of money, he bought a shrimp boat, only do yourself is not familiar with the shrimp industry

Thought he would be so comfortable, but he was the only one who love, Jenny came back, Jane began to give him bring happiness and joy, and then Jenny and quietly left.Forrest gump began to fell into chaos, he is going to start running.Someone said he seemed to be thinking in the running, but I think he won't, because forrest gump is a focus on people, if he were running, that he must be in the running, don't want to other things in our mind.What's more, he is a person always live in their own world.Later, he ran for a long time, and have a lot of followers, finally one day, he didn't want to run, and Jenny is back on his world, and of course their son-little forrest gump.Whose end is perfect.Lieutenant Dan is also a perfect ending.Forrest gump's persistent rescued Jenny and lieutenant Dan, or at least to save their souls.Forrest gump's life appeared a lot of miracle, but not the miracle, also will never lead you to envy him, you can only appreciate and forrest gump together those years, life and history, taste the bitter sweet, in order to “across defects, perfect life”.Life is like a feather, who also don't know where next moment want to gone with the wind, insists he wants to is good, but a lot of people like Jenny, in order to pursue and pursue, ignore the side Fine, only the angrily moment in mind, or as lt.Dan to make pain became the pain of forever.There is no one in the film of forrest gump said thank you, but I believe that all those who have seen the film will sincerely say: thank you, forrest gump.






这部电影教会我们很多东西。我们应该多陪陪自己的父母,让他们消除对年老的惧怕。同时可以加强两代人之间的理解。作为一个子女,我们要学会换位思考问题,多想想自己的父母.《On Golden Pond》 Film critics 《On Golden Pond》describes that a retired elderly professor and his wife were on holidays in New England Lake , and he faced many aging crisis in the quite days.His daughter had just got divorced and she was in a wandering mind.There was always a poor relationship between both father and daughter.As the proverb” Blood is thicker than water.”They united their knot finally because the 13-year old grandchildren lived together with grandparents for some time.The movie discusses the ageing problem and the generation gap.First , the ageing problem.He did not want to face the fact that he had been old, because he had a stronger personality as he was young.First, he went to pick strawberries in the woods and he behaved very panicked when he lost.Second, when his grandson asked his age, he would be angry and fight back.Third, he did not acknowledged that he was old even in front of his wife.He was afraid of death.Finally, when a heart attack, he saw his wife's nervous.Though life to death , he had an open heart.Second ,the generation gap between father and daughter.The father and daughter were in fact very painful.They wanted to get good well each other.But they did not take the first step.In fact, in the parents ' hearts, sons and daughters were the most important.The lacking of communication led to the estrangement between the two generations.This movie teaches us many things.As the proverb “The true value of life lies in not getting but giving.”We should spend more time with our parents, making them to eliminate the fear of old.At the same time ,We need to strengthen the communication with our parents.As a child, we must learn the transposition thinking, thinking more of our parents.The true value of life lies in not getting but giving.Blood is thicker than water.Every heart has its own sorrow.Fact speak louder than words.



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