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1.桌子上有一本书和两支钢笔。There _____ a book and two pens on the desk.2.钱包里有些钱。There ____ some money in the picture.3.在吉姆的书包里有一些卡片。____ _____ some cards in Jim’s bag.4.里面还有其他的东西吗?_____ _____ anything else in it? 5.我们学校有许多班。There _____ many _____ in our school.6.树上没有鸟。There _____ ______ birds in the tree.二.选择填空:

1.Are there any maps on the wall? ___

A.There are some.B.Yes, there is.C.Yes, there is one.D.No, there are.2.How many ____ are there in the picture?

A.woman B.women D.milk 3.There aren’t ___ trees near the house.There is only one.A.any B.some C.many D.much 4.There ___ two bowls of rice on the B.have C.has D.are 5.Are there ___ houses near the river? Yes, there are___.A.some, some

B.any, some

C.any, any

D.some, any 6.There isn’t _____water in the glass.Let’s go and get some.A.many B.lots C.any D.some 7.There ___a lot of news about Zhang Ziyi on TV last night.A.was B.had D.were 8.There ____ many changes in the village B.are C.have been be 9.---There _______a lot of meat on the plate.Would you like some?---Just a little,

B.are 10.There _______ some books, a ballpen and a ruler on the



D.has 11.There _______ a ballpen, a ruler and some books on the




一、写出下列动词的过去式 isam________fly_______ play_______ go_______



________drink_________ make________does________ ask_____taste_________ eat________

dance_______ worry_______ draw________ put ______

throw________ kick_________ pass_______ do ________


1、He _________(live)in Wuxi two years ago.2、The cat ________(eat)a bird last night.3、We _______(have)a party last Halloween.4、Nancy ________(pick)up oranges on the farm last week.5、I ________(make)a model ship with Mike yesterday.6、They ________(play)chess in the classroom last PE lesson.7、My mother _______(cook)a nice food last Spring Festival.8、The girls ________(sing)and _______(dance)at the party.9、It ______(be)Ben’s birthday last Friday.10、We all ______(have)a good time last night.二、句型转换 1.It was exciting.否定句:________________________________________________


肯、否定回答:__________________________________________ 2.All the students were very excited.否定句:________________________________________________


肯、否定回答:__________________________________________ 3.They were in his pocket.否定句:________________________________________________



4.There was a car in front of the house just now.否定句:________________________________________________

一般疑问句:____________________________________________ 肯、否定回答:__________________________________________ 5.Su Hai took some photos at the Sports day.否定句:________________________________________________






一:Teaching aims

1、knowledge aims:

a)get students to master and review some new and relative words,:computer, dictionary, television, picture.b)、master sentence pattern „There be‟.2、Ability and skill aims:

a)、Enable students to understand and reading some brief dialogues and short essay about their school which include sentence pattern „there be‟.b)、make sure that students can use the words and sentence pattern „there be‟ to introduce their own class or school.3、Moral culture aims: cultivate students to love their school and homeland.二、analysis of the textbook The main lesson learning is sentence pattern „there be‟, focus on listening, vocabulary and oral English training.Let the students can use there be to describe the structure of things in the classroom and the school.The topic close to student's life.At the same time, I made the courseware, and the purpose is to let students can easy to understand and use the sentence pattern “There be” to describe locations.What‟s more, inspire them to love their classes and schools.三、Teaching important points: 1.get students to master words:computer, dictionary, television, picture and some words about classrooms and schools.2.Enable students to understand dialogues and use “there be” to describe schools and classrooms.四、Teaching difficulty points:

Understand the sentence pattern “there be” and use it‟s various sentence types correctly.五、Teaching aids

Computer , PPt , picture , Communicative teaching method,blackboard.And Through the teacher-student interaction, student student interaction, group cooperative learning, to guide students to use the knowledge of the language to describe the places.六、Teaching Procedures

Step1.Warm-up 1.Greetings: The teacher greets the students.2.making dialogues with students: ask students which buildings or beautiful things they like best in the school and where they are.Step2.Lead-in 1.the teacher shows some pictures about the schools beautiful things.2.Review words about some things in the classroom.T:Do you know these things? What‟s this in English? S:It‟s a/an„

Step3.Leading new words: dictionary、television、picture etc, and learning it‟s plural forms.2.Show out a picture of a classroom, beside the picture ,there are some words

they have learned just now.lead the Ss to make dialogues like this: A: What can you see in the classroom? B:I can see a television.A: How many desks are there in it? B:There is /are...A:Is/Are there(any)„in the classroom? B:Yes,there is /are.or No, there isn‟t/ aren‟t.(设计意图:通过图片和单词的呈现,引导学生进行对话,引出there be 句型,让学生初步感知句型。)Step4.Point to some real things in the classroom and ask the students to practise

the sentence with “there be”.T:How many desks in our classroom? S:There is /are„in our classroom.Step5.Show out these sentences on the screen.Ask S to read over the sentences

together then work in pairs to find out the sentence structure:  There is a computer on the desk. There are some computers on the desks. There isn’t a football in the classroom. There aren’t any footballs in the classroom. Is there a desk in our classroom?  Yes,there is.No,there isn’t. Are there any desks in our classroom?  Yes,there are.No,there aren’t.Step6.In order to strengthen the understanding of the syntax There be pattern, show a few slides or picture, drawing students to answer questions, using the pictures to answer.T:How many„„ are there in our classroom? S:There are....T:Are ther our classroom? S:Yes,there are /No,there arent.T:Are there any computers on the desks? S:No,there aren’t.T:Are there any computers on the desk? S:Yes,there are.T:ls there a computer on the teachers desk? S:No there isnt.(设计意图:采用直观的教学法,在学生掌握单词的基础上,通过反复的操练句型,并让学生通过阅读含有there be的句子,讨论并归纳这一语法结构以加深理解并掌握这个句型。)Step7.Lintening 1.Show the pictures in the textbook.Picture 1

1.There are nine _________ in the classroom.2.There are seven __________ in the classroom.3.There is a ___________ on the teacher’s desk.4.There are some _________ on the students’ desks.Picture 2 1.There are ________ desks in the classroom.2.There are ________ chairs in it.3.There are two __________

on the desks.4.There is a ____________ on the wall.g to the pictures.3.Check the answers together.Step8.Do some exercise 1.Ask S to choose the correct answers.1.There

(is/are)water in the glass.2.(Is/Are)there two books and a pen on the desk? 3.There aren’t

(some/ any)chairs for me.4.There are two

(library/libraries)in our school.2.true or false.2.Ask the s to look at the pictures then complete the sentences accordin1.There is some photos on my desk.()

2.Are there any foreign teacher in your school?()

3.How many boys and girls is there in your class?()

4.Where are

my basketball?()

5.I have two Chinese-English dictionary.()

Step9.Share a pithy formula about sentence pattern “there be”

表示存在用There be,句型特殊要牢记。先说“有”来后“某物”,“介词短语”“在某地”。三个部分紧相连,“疑”“否”“数”“列”都看be。某物名词若可数,单用单来复用复。不可数时用is,时态变化在于be。列举事物看首词,单单复复不须急。一般疑问be提前,否定not跟着be。英语汉语不相同,位置千万别错译 Step9.Homework.2.using sentence pattern “there be” to describe their imagine room and share with classmates next class.(设计意图:作业设计有适当的开放性,鼓励学生大胆的进行描述自己的理想房间,扩展他们的思维空间,并能寓教于乐。)Step10.summary:Important and difficult points.1.dictionary 复数 dictionaries 3.picture 同义词 photo 4.there be 句型表示某地有某物.structure: There is/are +某物/人(主语)+ 地点

七、The design of the blackboard: 板书:there be 表示某地有某人/物(用is还是用are由后面的名词决定,即“就近原则”)a).肯定句:There is /are„ b).否定句:There isn’t/aren’t„

c).一般疑问句:Is/Are there(any)„及简略回答:Yes,there is/are.No,there isn’t/aren’t.d)some和any的区别:Some和any都是“一些,几个”的意思。some用于陈述句或肯定句;any用于否定句和疑问句,两者后都能接可数名词复数或不可数名词。Teaching reflection:


There be句型的多种形式及用法和练习题、答案 2007-12-02 09:06:25| 分类: There be结构 | 标

签: |字号大中小 订阅

There be句型是常见的特殊句型,用以表示某物某事存在或不存在。句中的there只起引导作用,并无实际意义,句子的真正主语是谓语动词be后面的名词。There be句型有多种表现形式,可以用来表达多种复


1.There be与情态动词连用

There be句型中的谓语动词be可与各种情态动词连用,表示“一定有”、“可能有”、“应该有”等含义。例


He felt that there must be something wrong.他


There might be drinks if you wait a bit.如果你等一会儿,可能会有酒。

There can’t have been much traffic so late at night.这么晚了,街上的车辆不会太多。

There oughtn’t to be too great discrepancy in our views.我们的看法不应该有太大的分歧。

2.There be与含有情态意义的动词或短语连用 英语中有些动词或短语具有一定的情态含义,我们称之为半助动词。There be句型中的谓语动词be可与这些半助动词连用,表达更为复杂的意念。能用于There be句型中的这类词语主要有:happen to(碰巧),appear /seem to(似乎),be going to(将会),used to(曾经),have to(必须),be likely to(很可能),bebound to(必定)等。例如: There happened to be an old friend of mine in the club.在那个俱乐部碰巧有我的一个老朋友。There appear to be several reasons for changing our plans.看来改变我们的计划有几个理由。There used to be a cinema here before the war.战前这里曾有一个电影院。

Is there going to be a dancing party tonight?


There are bound to be obstacles for us to get over.一定会有障碍需要我们去克服。3.There be的非限定形式及用法

There be结构也可以以不定式(there to be)、动名词(there being)和现在分词(there being)的形式出现在句子中,作主语、宾语或状语。这种非限定形式中的there在形式上起着逻辑主语的作用,因此,不定式there to be前有时需加介词for,从形式上满足引出不定式逻辑主语的需要,而分词there being则具有独立主格结构的意味。例如: I don’t want there to be any more trouble.我不希望再有麻烦了。(不定式作宾语)I expect there to be no argument about this.我希望对此没有什么争论。(不定式作宾语)It was unusual for there to be so few people in the street.大街上人这么少,这不大正常。(不


What’s the chance of there being an election this year?今年举行大选的可能性有多大?(动名词作介词


There being a bus stop so near the house is a great advantage.离屋子这么近有一个汽车站,这太便利了。(动名词作主语)

There being nothing else to do,we went home.没有别的事可做,我们就回家了。(分词作状语)

4.由there be构成的固定句型 由there be构成的一些固定句型在英语中很活跃,需很好地掌握。常见的有:

There is no point in +v-ing:没道理,没用,没


There is no use(in)+v-ing:毫无用处 There is no sense in +v-ing:毫无道理 There is no need to +v:没有必要 There is no +v-ing:不可能,无法。


There is no use in hiding that fact from him .对他隐瞒那个事实没什么用。

There is no point in arguing further.再争下去


Is there any point in going on?有必要再继续下


There was no need for him to remain in Shanghai.他没有必要再留在上海。

There was no sense in making a child suffer like that.让一个孩子受那样的苦是毫无道理的。There was no mistaking his intentions this time.这回不可能看错他的意图。Once let this fellow start talking,there was no stopping him.一旦让这个家伙谈起来,就无法让他停下来了。5.there与其它动词连用

除动词be外,其它一些动词也可以与there连用。这些动词有两类:一类是表示存在概念的状态动词,如:exist,remain,live,lie,stand等;一类是表示某事发生或某人到达等概念的不及物动词,如:come,enter,arise,occur,follow,appear等。例如: There lies a river behind the house.屋后有一条


Then there came a knock at the door.然后听到敲


At a later stage there arose new problem swhich seemed insoluble.在后期出现了似乎无法解决的新问题。

There followed an uncomfortable silence.接着是



1.There _______ a bed and a big wardrobe with a


A.are B.were C.was

2.No one would have dreamed of such a good place

A.there is B.there to be C.there beingD.

there was

3.I should prefer ________ no discussion of my p

rivate affairs.

A.there to beB.there being C.there isD.

there are 4.It was too late ________ any buses.

A.for there to be B.there to be C.there beingD.for there being

5.There ________ a war between his heart and his


A.being B.appeared to be be D.were 6. ________in his im agination visions of a w

orld empire.

A.Rising B.Rose C.Rise D.There rose 7.If the police hadn’t reacted quickly,______ a bad accident. A.there were B.there will be C.there could have been D.there had to be

8.Uncle Jesse,why ________ poor people like those? A.are there have to be there have to be C.have there to be D.there have to be 9. ______ more difficulties than you thought.

A.It is likelyB.It is likely to be C.There is likely D.There are likely to be 10. ________just twenty-eight pounds. A.vegetables B.fruit C.meat D.eggs首页 >>中考英语 >>系统复习

刘银超老师高考综合试题系列讲…吴世民老师高考综合试题系列讲…单项选择题综合讲练阅读理解综合训练题解析09高考短文改错高分策略系列讲…高考阅读理解综合训练(4)09高考短文改错高分策略系列讲…高考任务型阅读实例演练(2)信息匹配题的解题依据及技巧高…高考书面表达分类指导看图作文阅读理解分类题材讲解之短文故…信息匹配题的解题依据及技巧初… 刘银超老师高考综合试题系列讲…吴世民老师高考综合试题系列讲…单项选择题综合讲练阅读理解综合训练题解析09高考短文改错高分策略系列讲…高考阅读理解综合训练(4)09高考短文改错高分策略系列讲…高考任务型阅读实例演练(2)信息匹配题的解题依据及技巧高…高考书面表达分类指导看图作文阅读理解分类题材讲解之短文故…信息匹配题的解题依据及技巧初… 初中英语There be句型基本用法注意点

8.Look!There are some _____ on the floor.A.child B.water C.boxes D.girl 9.There were two _____ people at yesterday's meeting.A.hundreds B.hundreds of C.hundred 10.The letter from my uncle was short.There wasn't _____ news.A.many B.a few C.much D.few

参考答案:1—5 D B C B C 6—10 D A C C C



There be 句型专项练习


()1.— Where is the bird ? — ____ in the tree.A.Is

B.There are

C.There is

D.It is()2.— ____ the chair ____ four legs ? Of course.A.Do;have

B.Are;there C.Does;have

D.Is;there()3.Mother told me ____ an old mouse in my bedroom ?

A.there had

B.there have

C.there is

D.there was()4.— What’s under the chair ?

— _____ a white cat.A.There is

B.Yes , there is

C.There are

D.Yes , it’s()5.— Is there a dolphin in the wild animal zoo ?

— Yes , isn’t B.there is is

D.there isn’t()6.There ____ a football match next week.A.will is

B.will have

C.will be— How many computers in the room ? — ____ fifteen.A.There is

B.There are

C.They are

D.I have()8.— _____ a notebook on the teacher’s desk ?

— Yes , there is.A.There are

B.There is

C.Are there

D.Is there()9._____ have a lot of work to do today.A.They

B.There be

C.He()10.There ____ two pears and an apple on the plate.A.have


C.are ____ a hair clip and two pens on the table.A.have


C.are!There ____ nothing in the box.A.have


C.are ____ boxes on the floor.A.have


C.are _____ some money in the purse.A.have


C.are ___ a clock on the desk.A.have



D.There 能力提高型


1.The wall has three windows.(改为同义句)_____ ____ three windows ____ the wall.2.There are some pencils in the pencil case.(对划线部分提问)

______ _____ in the pencil case ? 3.There is a child in front of the piano.(改为复数句)

There ____ _____ _____ in front of the , the , playhouse , big , tree , a , there , in(连词成句)

_____ _____ a playhouse ______ ______ ______ _____.5.There are some boxes behind the door.(改为单数句)

There ___ _____ _____ behind the door.6.There is some water in the glass.(改为否定句)

There _____ ____ water in the glass.7.There is a lion in the forest.(改为一般疑问句)

______ _____ a lion in the forest ? 8.There are six cakes on the plate.(对划线部分提问)

_____ _____ cakes ____ ____ on the plate ?

一、单句改错:下面每处均有一处错误,指出并加以更正。()1.— There is what near the house ?

— There is a river and a hill.()2.There have some people and police in the station.()3.— Is there a new word in the dialogue ? — Yes , it is.()4.There are some soup in the bowl.()5.There are a singer and two players in the hall.二、选择填空

()1.There aren’t any books in my bag , _____ ?

A.aren’t they

B.are they C6rzC.aren’t there

D.are there

()2.There are many children ____ kites in the park.A.flew


C.flying many ____ in your family ? there is

B.bikes there are is there

D.bikes are there()4.There _____ always lots of people waiting for me when I was sleeping.A.was B.are

C.were ___ two baskets of grass at the door.A.have


C.has _____ under the tree.A.are a basket of apple a basket of apple a basket of apples

D.are a basket of apples()7.There ____ in the garden.A.are not dogs not dog

C.are not dog not any dog()8.Tony and Sandy ____ a new VCD.A.have


C.there are

D.there is()9.There ____ new in today’s newspaper.A.are nothing

B.are something nothing

D.isn’t something

()10.There ___ a football game in our school next going to have going to be




★ There be句型中的主谓一致(is / are)

1.当动词be后所接的名词是单数可数名词或不可数名词时,be用单数is;当其后所接的名词是复数的可数名词时,be用复数are。There's a man at the door.门口有个人。

There is some apple juice in the bottle.瓶子里有些苹果汁。

There are some strangers in the street.大街上有一些陌生人。

There are some toy cars on the shelf.在架子上有一些玩具车。

2.如果There be后面是几个并列名词做主语时,动词be的形式和最靠近它的那个名词保持数的一致。

There is an ashtray and two bottles on the shelf.架子上有一只烟灰缸和两个瓶子。There are two bottles and an ashtray on the shelf.架子上有两个瓶子和一个烟灰缸。练习:

1)There_____(is/are)some apple trees in my grandmother’s garden.2)There_____(is/are)some apple juice in the fridge.3)There_____(is/are)a cat under the bed.4)There_____(is/are)a tall man and a slim woman over there.5)There_____(is/are)a statue between the school building and the playground.6)There_____(is/are)two chickens, two rabbits and a cow on my uncle’s farm.7)There_____(is/are)a tape recorder and some books on the shelf.8)There_____(is/are)two Australian girls and one German boy in my class.9)There_____(is/are)one kitchen, one living room, three bedrooms and two bathrooms in Janet’s house.10)There_____(is/are)two apples and one banana on the table.11)There_____(is/are)one dictionary and two exercise books on the desk.12)There_____(is/are)some books and a pencil case in his bag.13)There_____(is/are)some orange juice in the fridge.14)There_____(is/are)some water on the floor.15)There_____(is/are)some sheep and a horse on my grandfather’s farm.★

There be 句型的否定句

There be 句型的否定句有两种构成方式: 1.一种是将否定副词not放在be 之后,如:

There isn't a box in the room.房间里没有盒子。

There aren't any pens on the desk.课桌上没有钢笔。


There is no water in the bottle.瓶子里没有水。There are no pictures on the wall.墙上没有图画。练习:

1)There_____(isn’t/aren’t)any flowers on the flowerbed.2)There_____(isn’t/aren’t)a dictionary on the shelf.3)There_____(isn’t/aren’t)any water in the swimming pool.4)There_____(isn’t/aren’t)any fish in the fridge.5)There_____(isn’t/aren’t)any rabbits on the farm.6)There_____(isn’t/aren’t)a dog in the garden.7)There_____(isn’t/aren’t)any children in the classroom.8)There_____(isn’t/aren’t)any teachers in the office.9)There_____(isn’t/aren’t)any pets in my house.10)There_____(isn’t/aren’t)any books in my sister’s bedroom.11)There_____(isn’t/aren’t)any English children in our class.12)There_____(isn’t/aren’t)any swimming pool in that building.13)There_____(isn’t/aren’t)any juice in the fridge.★

There be 句型的一般疑问句

There be 句型的一般疑问句是将be 放在there 之前,回答时用yes或no,后接简单答语。如: Is there a cake on the table?


Yes, there is./ No, there isn't.是的,有。/ 不,没有。

Are there any books on the shelf?


Yes, there are./ No, there aren't.是的,有。/ 不,没有。


1)Is there a book under your bed?

Yes, ____________.No, _______________.No, ___________.Yes, ___________.2)Are there any pictures on the wall in your bedroom? 3)Are there any pigs on grandmother’s farm? 4)Is there a horse on your grandfather’s farm? 5)Is there any orange juice in the kitchen?

Yes, ___________.★

There be 句型的特殊疑问句

There be 句型的特殊疑问句主要有两种情况: 1.用 How many 做引导词:

How many + 复数可数名词 + are there + 其它?

How many students are there in your school?

你们学校有多少学生? How many books are there on the desk?


2.用 How much 做引导词:

How much + 不可数名词 + is there + 其它?

How much money is there in your pocket?

你口袋里有多少钱? How much milk is there in the fridge?

冰箱里有多少牛奶? 练习:

1)How many children ________(is/are)there in your family?

There ________(is/are)two.2)How many children ________(is/are)there in your class? There ________(is/are)____________.3)How many dictionaries ________(is/are)there on the bookshelf? There ________(is/are)one.4)How much apple juice ________(is/are)there in the fridge? There ________(is/are)three bottles.5)How many classrooms ________(is/are)there in this school building? There ________(is/are)thirty.



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